Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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PmiT * t V1 PtATfP AP t VIM t T O
A Peculiar Fowl Which Carries a
A. Itoimmmnn Hpliler An Old. Klc-
Kxpcittlon Only n I'nlr
of Duck * How They
Caught tlicTnrtlc.
A Quiet Poj * lutlocd.
-Some time ago there was n dog show
hi'M in Sim Francisco , mid , among thu
various prizes offered , WIIH one for the
( juiciest dog. Upon tlu1 opening1 day n
Hranker ( entered the building , currying
u locked dog box , which ho carefully
deposited timoug the setter class. It
containi-d a queer looking specimen.Of.u
BcttuiVand the chief lharacU'ristlo of
the animal sconu'd to bo that it never
changed its bouillon , but sat up boldly
and rogurded the ajiectators with a nor
of stony glnro that wns apt to terrify the
more nervous portion of thorn. During
Ihp judging of the dogs the owner of
this strnngo animal objected to its be
ing takun out of the box for competi
tion. It WHS there , ho said , to try for
the prizes ns the quietest dog , and in
justice to himself , it would bo wrong to
expose the jwp to the excitement of
being judged with the rest of the class
in the ring. This demand was acceded
to by the judges , and sura enough , dur
ing the Whole three days of the show ,
Ibis ono dog was never known oven to
baric. Of course It obtained the special
pri/.o and the show "broke up. After
wards many dog fanciers came to the
successful exhibitor to ask by whht
menus he had got his animal so com-
cmnpletcly under control. Under
promise of secrecy ho divulged his plan.
"The pup , " said ho is always quiet , 'cos
why , ho t died two years ngo and is
stuffed. " S-m Francisco dog fanciers
nro unanimous in their opinion to bar
that exhibitor out of all subsequent
meetings of their association.
_ _ _ M *
A Konmnnlnn Spider.
"Tho habits of a running spider of
houthern Hurono tarantula narbonon-
Bis. Lutr. studied by llorr Bock , are
curl ous , " says Nature. "It tnnkes a
vertical round holn in the ground about
ten inchi'3 deep , and this , with a small
earth wall sometimes made round the
mouth , in lined with wob. A little way
down is a small InteraMiole , into which
the Hinder shrinks when an animal
falls into the tube ; when the animal
1ms reached the bottom the spider
poulu'os upon it. One can readily tell
wlion a tube Js tenanted by the bright ,
phosphorescent 03-03 of the spider
turned upward. In fight the spider
erects itself on its last pair of legs ,
htrilcing with the others. The bite is
not fatal to man , but. it causes largo
swellings. The children in Bucharest
angle for these spiders by means of an
egg-like bull of kneaded yellow wax
tied to a thread. This is lowered with
jerks into the hole , and the spider fab-
tons on to it and can bo pull.od out ;
whereupon another thread is jiassod
around ono of the logs , and the animal
is played with. "
An Klephnnt'.s Kxccution.
The Bombay Gazette says u novel
owitement was provided to the resi
dent1 ? of Mhow last week by the trans-
py.rt department. A huge mala ele-
pljant , aged , "according to official
ivMirds , ninoty-two yours , the property
of the government , win condemned to
death fora long and hardened course
of ininnlty. lie had been loner in a
chronic must state , and in thiscondi-
tftm had taken a human life sit Vooim
aboutii couple of years ago. Ho would
not work and wnsn source of apprehen
sion to all about him , and a perpetual
rnuw of anxious concern to the govorn-
inr nt. The Hat went forth that ho must
die. The Maharaja Uolkar and the
Knjnh of Dhnr each soparntply tole-
irraphcd to headquarters and tried for a
reprieve. Ono ollerod to buy the good
looking sinner for Us. 1,000 , and the
other offered so exchange a f omulo elephant -
phant gentle manners for the savage
brnto ; but the government ; of India was
determined on making the criminal
expiate his sins. Those otters were ro-
fu.itd , mid. a private notice was sent
. round thu station that/ the execution
would ttilco place on Thursday morning.
Several people , including volunteer
executioners , hurr.lod , to the spot indi
cated ouLsldo of Ciuitonuiynts whore
the malefactor was ulrondy chained'and
pcK'urud botwcon two death-plan trees.
Tho. volimtr-ur marksmen , iirmod with
twolvo.-boro express rifles , ' > woro' so-l
louted'tbi-arry out the execution.The. .
elephant was sitting , down when tlio
croyrtlbegin to asso'mble , but shortly ]
rni&od himgclt on his foro-log * who'n !
the Ijrst of Aho shots \vits IIrod , whir-hi
lit | him lowdown at tht bnso of the ;
trunk. The animal vouuhsnfcd no
oilier untie ? ) of this ami two 'other
equally inort'octivo shots , than to stand
up on all , four logri _ , shako hi& head and
winv with hiB ' trunk. At length Mr.
Dnwoll , of tlio Seventh native infantry ,
plated a bullet in the centre of his head
jiibt below the level of his eyes , and the
huge brute dropped cleud without a
i < pvnn. :
Only a I'nir of linden.
A small country town in the south-
oitbtorn part of this stale , says the 1503-
ton Traveller , is nt present enjoving as
lively n churoh quarrel as often 'falls to
the lot of towns of its fel/.o to have , and
it all has arisen over a pair of ducks.
It happened in this way : A clergy
man from n largo city in the state of
Now York wont to this Town to take
charge of ono of the local churches ,
and , as late ovonln proved , iio was not
Vroll voi > od in the ways of the country.
After ho had boon in his now location
for about two months , ono day ho was
walking along the street , when ho Raw
two duuks walking down the stroot. Ho
liked the looks of the so hirdsvcry much
indeed , and ho thought that they would
muko at least ono good meal far him.
Ko sooner had the thought struck him
than ho acted upon H.anu taking n duclc
under each arm ho btarted on his way
Arriving there , lie ohonnod the birds'
lieads on and had thum cookml for his
dinner. Ho ate and was happy , hut not
many dnys later a negro neighbor put
in un appearance and said the-chicks
vroro his , and wanted to know by what
fight the minister had taken possession
of thorn. The clergyman only
i > londail innocence , und o'llorod to pay
lor the birds ho had catun , Tlio
colored owner said that tliov worn
trained decoy ducks , ujid that no would
iiccopt 810 for the birds , but bemoaned
thoirlotis. The r.lorgyman , however ,
would or could not npjm-elnto thti value
pf decoys , and declared Iio would only
pivo the negro $2.60. The negro llnally
neeoptod this amount under protest.
. 'J'ho story , howovw , s > eon spread
.throughout the village and oauxid no
end of talk. Some of the minister's
'jwrishonors tnlKoil pretty loud , and one
vomun declared that It was a shame
'that nclorgyman should go through the
Vtroot and steal a poor uu nra dud.'s ,
und declared that Hie mtnUtcr w.-n no
, iuun if ho did not pay iho miin $10.
TlitM * word $ came to the olt-svman's
cars niid great was his wraili ,
. Ifu declared tiiat ui.l a the vvnan
took" back her words ftnd came and
npologi/od to him ho would expel her
from the churoh. But the woman's
temper \ftxfc up , and she reitorntcd her
statements concerning her spiritual ad-
vi 'r , ntul declared that lie hnd no
right to expel her from the church.
Thus it wont on until on l-'astor Sunday
ho declared at the morning service that
Mrs. - v.'na expelled f torn all further
rights nnd privileges in the church.
Slnco this tfmo some of the other cler
gymen have become interested in tile
trouble , and are now endeavoring to
heal the breach nnd quiet the disturbed
waters. How their efforts will succeed
remains loljo seen.
Hut it shows the tremendous power of
ducks nt times.
How They Canchr the ni Turtle.
Kccontly ncart containing three col
ored men and followed by n fourth
stopped in front of the Charleston hotel
snystho Chnrlcston News , nnd was at
on co surrounded by n crowd of people.
The great attraction lay in the bottom
of the curt. It was n soft shell turtle ,
weighing ! ! 05 pounds. Its hontl _ was scv- *
oral sizes largoy than i\n ordinary man's *
and fts mouth was enormous. It was
caught nt sea on Wednesday afternoon
by Captain Abe Turner , colored , of the
lishing boat Martha Turner , and his
crow of six men. Ono of Iho crow In
describing the capture to a reporter
sold : "Hookan' line an' net ain't no
good for. turtle lak dat. Wo dis ketch
um tru good luck. Wo cum 'cross do
turtlowonho.bin aslocp and driftin'
Tuttle drif. Wo haul do boat 'longsulo
'im easy , and , fo' mo grab ho logs at
onco. W'cn ho wako up , look like wo
gwi' hab a shipwreck bodout any htorm )
but wo hoi' to 'im an' Ian' 'im in do boat
nt last. " Tlio men droro to bcvcral llsh
dealers and tried to sell tlio turtle , but
at a late houc in the afternoon they ap
peared to bo having poor success. They
wanted $15 for Uipir capture1.
A Peculiar 'Fowl.
The Lander ( Wyo. Ty. ) correspond
ent of the St. Louis Olobc-Dcmoorat
hays of the pendulum birfl : This curious
specimen of the featherexl tribe ap
pears to belong to the quail variety.
with the exception of the ownership of
a long and pointed bill which seems to
proclaim a degree of atllnity tothesnipo
family. Tn size the pendulum bird
ncarl.v approaches the pheasant. In
color it is coal black , with the under
feathers of such soft and thick texture
as to almost deserve the name of down.
Its legs are sturdy and feathered almost
to the tips of the toes. In body it is
plump , as becomes aquail. Its snipe-
like bill is , however , ono of the most
important , us well as iho most peculiar
portion of the bird's anatomy. It gives
tlio pendulum bird of the wild mount
ains its name , for as a part and parcel
of that long bill appears the singu
lar natural mechanism which
marks the time at three different
periods of the day. and has made
the pendulum bird famous as the time
piece of the mountains. The bill of the
pedulum bird is about four inches in
length. Near the point of the bill , on
the under &ido. is a hard ball , measur
ing probably an inch in circumference.
Atsunrisont noon and at sunset the
bird seeks some high perch , usually tlio
topmost limb of a tree , and prepares for
business at onco. The hard ball on the
under side of the long bill slips easily
from its place and hangs suspended by
a stout , cord-like ligament , and then
backward and forward sways this nat
ural pendulum in regular and r.vthmical
movement , and on the mountain air
comes the tick I tick ! tick ! by which the
hour is measured olT.
While thus , engaged - the , . pendulum
bird , is blind and deaf to all other sights
and sounds , nnd may be a.pprdachbd and
killed with the greatest enso. The bird
breeds in every rosneet ns a. quail.
Tlio Animal Kingdom.
Ono of the lore animals ; \ boolc-worm.
It was a church inouao shot full of holes
that gave rise to tlio expression , "As porous
a church moUso. "
"Has a pig any use for a tall ? " asks an in
quisitive agricultural coutompirar.v. Wo
don't know , but wo should say the mun who
v.-unts to catch u pig lias ,
Five thousand elophnnts a year jro to innko
our piano keys , it la said. Isn't it wonilorful
the number of things thuso animals can bu
trained to do.
It is nil nonsense about a leopard not being
aulo to change his spots.Vo never know u
16o | > .ird to roniula fn ono spot moro thiin live
minutes. liistor\'Ls quite a specialty
with us. - ' -
KxcoutloiiH of . YOUTH Ago.
In the boventQen.thnnd eighteenth
eonturies our method' ' of execution was
moat brutal , bays -a wl-itcr in the Gontlo-
m'an's Magazine. Thbro was the long
ride of the criminal in an open curt ,
with , his coflli ) by / to Ty
burn or to Iho spot whore ho committed
"tho murder ; tlio cart was stopped under
tno gallows , tlfCTropowas fas.tenej } round
the eriminalVru'cek. the carman gave
the hortjo iv Intjl and the poor wretch
, wtia left swaying to and fro , . , kick
ing. If . ho had frjcnds they
.would try to sliocton his agony
by hanging on his , "logs and beat
ing 'his breast , u shocking sight.
But hanging was then , looked upon as a
holiday spectacle , in which wo llnd the
lower class took great interest and
evinced much sympathy with tlio de
ceased. I'or instuncQ , Glaudo Duvul ,
the celebrated highwayman , lay in
btato at thu Tangier tavern in St. ( Mies
in a room hung with black cloth , thu
bier covered with escutcheons , und with
eight wax candles burning around. Ho
was buried by torchlight , and was fol
lowed to Convent Garden church by a
numerous train of mourners , mostly
women. Mifriici ) , n French writer who
visited England in the reign of William
III. , says : ' 'Ho that is hnng'd or
otherwise executed Hrst takes euro
to got himself shav'd and linndMimoly
drost , oitlior in mourning or in the
dro&s of a bridegroom. This done , ho
sots his f rionds to work to get him leave
to bo buried und to carry hid ooflin with
him , which is uubily obtained. When
his suit of .clothes or nightgown , his
gloves , hut , porruvig , nosegay , cotlln ,
ilunnol drqxs for his corpse , and all
those things nro bought und prepared
the main point is taken care nt ) iin
mind is at peace and then ho thinks of
hid consclunco. CJonoruUy ho studios a
speech which ho pronounces under the
gallows und give * in writing to thti
fihoriir or the minister that uttdmls him
in his last moments , lU-Mring that it
may bo printed. .Sometimes the girU-
dross in white , with great t-illc eorvus ,
and carry basket * full of tlmrora and
oranges , scattering these lirun : > ul ! the
way tht-y go. But to represent things
a * tlioy realty urn I mn t own tliat if n
pretty many of these people dross tbur.
gaylyund goto it with such an n < r of
indltroroiiTO there arc many others that
go slovenly onougli and with vorv uis-
mul phii'/.u's. I romomhor ono oay'l e'uv
in the park a Immlsomo girl very vv U
dressed that wae then in mourning J > r
her fi'.thor , wlio had been hnngeil but a
month before ot Tyburn fgv fnUo coin-
ago. Ho ninny cirmtrSiss , o m ny fash
An AUinluio Cure.
ar.d l na jibiolut * cure ( or old loras. Imra *
wounds , starred hauls , nod U Ma ttrup-
tior.5. Will POJ llYely cur. ll fcndi ! of pllal
A'tJ ? r tb S J.NA.L AB'ET1NB ' OIST-
Mfc.NS' . by ( Jo
.SoM Juisn tire ? Co. at SS
( il : jisi" box Vj mall SO cants. , ' , '
The Advantages of Electric Fire
Klpctrlc Kite Ktiglnrs Hlcctrlc U'chl-
lugs ScwnRo by Mlcotrlctty
1'ilcctric MotorH I2tuc *
trio CiirrcntB.
Is Klpctrlclty DnnRorous ?
Ig electricity ( Inn oroua ? says the
r.lcptricitl World. This Question is ono
M-lth which the public nt Itirpo , ns well
ns eliM'trleluns , nro constantly brought
ftico to fitoq , nnd some events of the hist ,
few weeks in this city scorn to have
stirred up ngnin all the old controversy
with regard to this subject. If the tiei-i'-
dents which nrc recorded hnd come
singly * intend of happening within a
few dnys of each other ns they did , per-
Imps no general notice would have boon
taken of thorn ; but the ls = uo remains
the saino whether one or n do/.on acci
dents happen. In analyzing thcfco Into
occurrences , the question forces itself
upon the pbservor whether they can bo
termed "accidents" in the truc'sonso of
tlio term. Or , in other words , could
not these events have been foretold ? In
the one case wo have a dead telegraph
wire crossed by an electric light con
ductor hanirlng loosely within roach of
nassora by. In another case a luokless
fool makes n plaything of nn arc lamp
hung within convenient roach. And
in a third iiibtancaa Hucinan , knowing
that the line ho was sent to examine
wns grounded nnd "live , " takes
no precaution whatever ngninst placing
himself in the path of the current. No *
bettor object lesson could , wo think ,
have been no-vised to show "how not to
do it. " Tlio plea that the burial of all
wires could have prevented those unto
ward circumstance cannot bo hold valid
here , because the question involved is
not ono of methods but of inanngoment
and the application of precautions such
ns experience hns shown to bo neces
sary. The prime cause of the trouble
in all the cases cited is evidently bad
insulation ; in two cases that of the line
wires , nnd in the other that of both the
lumps nnd the lino. ' Without this pre
existing defect , none of the "accidents"
would have been possible. Next , wo
note the luck of proper inspection of
circuits , whioh permits a loose "dead"
telegraph wire to stay in contact with
the electric conductor ; nnd then again
is seen the bnQ practice of hanging
lamps so low that reckless pcrsqns can
touch them. Finally , and it is to this
perhaps that attention cannot bo too
strongly drawn , the managers of elec
tric light stations should insist upon
every precaution being taken by those
whoso duty requires them to handle the
wires.Ve are well aware that some of
the greatest laxity mot with in the en
forcement of the latter measure is on
the part of the men themselves , but
rigid compliance with such rules should
bo demanded in all rases.
KO liy Klcctrlcity.
Tlio recant experiments in Kngland
on the precipitation of sewage by elec
tricity are said to hav6 been very suc
cessful. The method is ingenious , nnd
if proved to ba successful on a largo
scale will clTocl a revolution in the
treatment of towage. As tlio current
passes through "the &owugo bubbles of
gases are evolved , and those become
entangled with the solids in suspension ,
raising them to the surface , whore Ihey
may bo skimmed olT. 'The current also
decomposes some of the solids in solu
tion , producing substances that nro wiid
to assist in coagulating the impurities
nnd K ) assist in their removal. The
sewage teen becomes clear and trans
parent , with a layer of solid mutter
floating on the surface. The clear
liquid ns drawn olT is free from odor.
No chemicals are added , and it is esti
mated that the eloclrjcal process will
co-it S2j.0i)0 ) a venr less for the city of
London than the process now in use.
The sludge obtained by this process will
bo in a much more concentrated form
and hence b'ottor ndapted for utili/a-
tion. The immense volume of London
sov.-ago may be appreciated when it is
Stated that the addition of ono grain of
chemicals in a gallon amounts to ten
tons per day. Th o process is worthy of
attention in this country where sewage
is so often allowed to mix with the
drinking water supply and the resulting
cases of death ascribed to nn inscrutable
providence rather than to simple of
ficial ignorance , stupidity or cupidity.
Electric Fire Engines.
The Now York Times nsks : "Why
can not lire engines bo worked by elec
tricity1 ! Hero is nn idea at all events.
Surely room can bo found on them for
the storage of Hulllciont power , or the
boxes of lightning might bo carried by
the hose carriages. In the event of the
consummation of the proposition , tlio
machines would not contribute as they
do- now , the greater volume of Binoko at
a lire. Thou calculate the saving in the
matter of fuel ! Jt has got to como to
this homo day , and the commissioners
might as well begin the suggestion.
Notification of the brciilting out of u
fire is given by electricity , nnd its ex
tinguishment might as well bo done by
tlio same ngonuy. Of course , the idea
will bo ) > ooh-poohed , but that'is no rea
son why it should not bo considered.
All improvomentH or proposed improve
ments have to ovorcoma opposition. A
hand engine to-day scorns n mockery.
It is a curiosity. Kloctric motors will
yet put the steamer beside thoold goose
neck lire engines. " This idea , wo may
say , is already being carried out.
Tlio Now York Klnotrlo
The Now York board of aldermen 1ms
actually refused \o \ allow the iiso of elec
tric win * using storage butteries on the
Fourth Avenue railway lino. This is a
nyHtoiu that pro&auti no objectionable
features whatever. There is no dis
turbance of the street surface , no poles
nro erected or overhead wires strung ;
there is no danger to anybody from the
current used ; the cars nro as free from
dangers of any kind us these profiled
by rabl'jH or by horses. Under the cir-
cumstuiu'On the refusal to allow storage
battery ca-s to bo run is voasonnbly attributed -
tributod to thu political inlluenuo of
ulablo moil or tlm wor o inlluonco of
rival syntemsof car propulsion.
„ New York Ilarlior.
A dispatch from Washington btates
that nrrangoinunts have now been por-
fi-i'ted by the lighthouse board for the
illumination of buoys in Now York har
bor , and that contracts for the work
will bo made at onco. There will bo six
buoys lighting the channel and fur
nished \vith current from the plant at
Sandy rtook light station. The plant is
to cost altogether about $20,000 , and the
rest , of the mnintnnnnco is put at about
CXiO ; ? ( a ycmr. Jt is bollovcd that when
the'oniC'iV ; have boon perfected
ehIps will bo aUo to como through
Oeunoy Channel us easily bv night as
Jttin I'jf ISIoolrlcIly.
Kluctncgo : Contrary to the general -
oral linprofciinn that thorq ibonly an
elciUrio ruUrwid her and there , nn ex
amination n' eloctrlc-ul railroad statis
tics slir.wg that Miarro Vn ulroady ISO
iii.'ita of oad-in cporatioiron this coiitl-
nent. Of RjjHnumbor 21 miles are in
operation injrcnnsrlvnnla , 1ft miles in
Now 'York. iwjrt Ohio , and 8S in New
Jorspy Mafylpjd , Colorado , Michigan
Missouri , rnllfornln , Altibftma.Vicglnin ,
Kansas , Delaware , Rhode Island and
Ontario , combined. Almost all of tilts
building \\i\9 \ Ueen done in the past year.
There are in couivo of construction , or
contracted fof 150 additional miles in
the states of Sew York , Massachusetts ,
Connecticut , KTonncMCO. Ohio , Califor
nia , Pcnnsylwfuiia , Nebraska , Kentucky
and Minnesota. On these various roads ,
constructed and constructing , in ( M ! dif
ferent towns ! itiU cities , the VnnDocpolo
sy.stcm is uvjd , or to bo used , in 17
ca es , the Dart' system in 15 ca c < ? , the
Sprngue systcW in 7 ciif.cs. the Hontley-
Knight , the Heart , the Henry , the
Julien nnd other system * in the remain
ing cases. The last-named system is to
bo used on the projected New York it
Harlem Fourth Avenue Electrical rail
road , while the Daft ayteiu is in use at
Los Angolcs , where the first electrical
railroad was opened for business in the
winter of 18Sl-87. |
Klcctrlis WclilltiK.
Electric wc'lding ' has now been put' '
on a commercial basis , buytun exchange.
A company hns boon formed mainly bv
Uoston capitalists with a capital slock
of half a million , which will turn out
welding machines. The machines will
bo sold , but the company has a royalty
on every weld made by their machines.
To innito this practical a meter is set
upon them all. This motor has upon it
three dials , resembling these on a gas
motor. Uy its peculiar construction , it ,
is claimed , it will not register unless a-
perfect weld is made. The now com- '
pony is backed by considerable capital , '
by which it is enabled to buy up all the ;
experimental electrical welding methods j
itrtho country. These machines will !
weld anything in the shape of metal , i
They do not require that both metals'
shall bo of the name nmtorial , as iron .
has been welded to brass in the oxperi- '
incuts tried. The machines as they are .
now built will weld an iron cable or a
watch spring with equal readiness.
Klfctrlo Motors.
Wo mayconfidently look to eco the
speedy introduction * of th6 olcctric motor - 1
tor ; for crowded local transportation ,
says the Now ( York Commercial Adver
tiser. The stale of the art has now
reached a point where nil may witness
the principal actually applied and work
ing satisfactorily under the ordinary
conditions of daily life. A number of
rival systems , ouch , no doubt , possessing
merits of its own , complete for recogni
tion Us the best ; but this nntngonism is ,
a sign of health. Very likely there will
always bo such" a competition , just ns we
find diircront makes of sewing machines
or of steam engines. But the main fact
is that the utility of electricity as a mo
tive .power for railway ' transportation
has now been demonstrated , and is
rapidly coming into use.
Klecj'rlc Current.
Experiments undertaken by Dr. O. E. Pell
of Uulfalo , wuotcnnino the feasibility of in-
illcting the dbath penalty by electricity es
tablish tlio , foll9win points. First Thnt
death produced by a sufficiently powerful
electric currcrnt is the most rapid anil hu-
inunc of thittiproilucod by any ngent at our
command , ecoptl The resuscitation after
the passage of such u current through the
body and functional centers of the brain is
impossible. < Thini That the apparatus to
be used should be. arranged to permit tbo
current to paM tlirotiRh the centers of func
tion and intelligence in the brain.
The light at > St. Catherine's , the most
southerly pohjt pn. tlio Isle of Wight , is now
tlio most powerful electric light In the world ,
anil the fog whritlb is a steam horn of great
power. < ) . ' '
Tlio smallest electric plant in the world Is
what is claimed for the one at tlio Morton
House , New York. It consists of a Corliss
engine , Edison dynamo , shafting , pulleys ,
incandescent lights , etc.It is inclosed in a
glass case a feet long , \yt feet wide ami 2
feet high.
A band , which includes wind instruments ,
has rcscntly. boon operated at the Liverpool
exhibition by Carlo IJozzn , an Italian , by
means of electricity. The band is now to betaken
taken to the Italian exhibition in London.
All tlio instruments , it is'said , are played
from a key-board , or switch board , about
twenty inches square. It is said that Ho a
has also iuvcntcil a now instrument , made of
porcelain , which is playable only by elec
Klcctrff rides are the latest , fnstead of
tlio ordinary percussion firing device , a dry
chloride of silver battery and a primary coil
will , so it was lately stated before tlio Amer
ican institute , lire tlio rifle 115,000 times with
out recharging.
The electric light is getting to play an im
nortant part in medical investigations. With
a little "pea-light" attached to the end of a
slender rod Sir Moreli Mackenzie examines
the tbroat of the German emperor. The lit
tle battery that supplies the electricity hangs
around the surgeon's neck. These little
olcctric lights are becoming daily of moro
practical use. I3y their aid the surgeon
pokes and pecks into places ho otherwise
would have to manipulate in "by the feel , "
and achieves results heretofore impossible.
Itccent experiments in Italy give some
facts which prove conclusively that n wo.Uc
but contiuumis current of electricity through
wine causes a deposit ot , albuminous sub.
stances , diminishes slightly the amount of
alcohol , which latter is accounted for by thu
Increase of acetic acid. It gives to tlio wuo
the bouquet which is only acquired by age ,
and without doubt aids in the keeping quali
ties of thu wine.
Underground cables nro now laid in thick-
frroovcd glass plates , in each groove of which
u single win ) is placed and cemented in place
with pitch , which is as perfect a uon-foiiiluc-
tor as glass and the only other insulator used.
This is claimed to bo a batisfartory solution
of the underground telegraph problem.
An olcctric railway , extending from the
Ansonia factories to the steamboat wharf at
IcrbyCoiin.a distance of three and onu-linlf
miles , Is in successful opporation. An over
head copper wire feeds tlio motor , and a speed
of from twelve to liftccn miles an hour is ol > <
tallied. Tills road has now been In operation
moro than a month and has liad no accidents.
Passengers prefer it to the hqrso car routes.
It is self sustaining and , through trains are
run every twenty minutes , the whole road is
operated with u little over ono ton of coal
per day.
H < > Hr < > . ( [ Acid I'liosnliato.
Ill Kflreta of Tobacco
Undue Familiarities IJeUvcea Men
' ahcl Wninon ,
Tlio signal deterioration of manners
that hns for sb'tno time boon gointr on in
what is called1'1 good bocioly is ovary
year becoinihgfl moro glaring and moro
deplorable , buy'i'J the London Standard.
The delicat6 nrtVT subtle deference which
every gentWiWfxn ubcd to pay every
woman because1' ' ho was a woman , null
for no othor'rofjtsoii whatever , ib nlrendy
old-fnsliiont'd ftud promises shortly to
become obsolete. No woman now thinks
of expecting" ( torn nny mini the polite
homage whioh'6nce on a time wfth the
nrivilego of ono bo.v und the
honor of the other. Men como into
a room full of ladies with as much
indltloronco and sans Ittcon us though
they were entering the morning room
of tnoir club , und quit it with precisely
the same want of ceremony and self re-
btruint. While in the society of women
they loll , lean , and almost lie at their
ease , us though they were in tlio bosom
of their own family indeed , with u
free and easy gnicelcssnoss that a gen
eration wgo no .gentleman would have
permitted himbolf among his most Inti-
mnto relatives. In the llrnt npproachps
of mombora of ono box to members of
the other thrro is no longer any suavity ,
any hesitation , any well-bred reserve ;
men and women wlio ecavcoly know
bach o'tuor uct ua though they vore hail
ByrJinglpA Burlinglon
The Burlington takes the load.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
leave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future. * *
Travel and ship via the Burlington. f
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 25Q.
Depot on Tenth Street.
" !
fellows well mot ; had been in the play
ground together , and hud been ac
quainted nil their lives.
Tlio demeanor of womennowadays , to
inon is on a par with the male behavior
wo have described. Far from resenting
unceremoniousness with which they are
treated by men who are in reality utter
strangers"to them , they go to moot it
half way and permit themselves to been
on a foot of familiarity as far as man
ner is concerned with tlio < irst comer ,
provided ho seems to bo ono of their
"own set , " that could not bo greater if
their acquaintance had existed for
years. The same "don't-enro-u-hang"
conduct is perceptible in tlio conduct of
visitors and guests to their lioat and
The notion that people urp to bo spec
ially honored in their own "houses lias
gone quito out of fashion. No one now
adays is bO antiquated in his ideas as to
suppose that hospitality is to bo re
garded as u favor conferred on the per
son to whom it is extended. On the
contrary , it is the guest who confers an
obligation by paying a call , accepting
an invitation to dinner , or .paying tv
country visit , and who has a perfect
right to indulge in frank and free cen
sure to his neighbors in case he does
not find everything to hii lilting in
the establishment lie condescends to
distinguish by his presence. In tv
word , guest nowadays treat hosts and
hostesses as men treat \yomcn ; that is
to say , as persons whom it is very good
and amiable of them to notice at nil.
And where people really know each
other intimately the behavior of men to
women , and vice versa , is such as would
have appalled the least ceremonious of
our fathers. Women call men by their
surname , without the prefix of Mr. , or
even by their Christian names , abbre
viated to suit the current taste forslang.
And it is not shop girls or grocers'
young men who do this , but ladies and
gentlemen in good society.
Gfares Bij
The bcit and irucit Remedy for Cure of
all diseases caoied by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidney * , Stomach and Dowels.
Dyspeptla , 8lck noidoene , Constipation ,
Billons Complaints and Kalariaof all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It U pleasant to the tast , tonti cp the
Bj tem , restores nnd prticrven health.
II la purely Vegetable , end cannot fall to
prove benefit ! * ! , both to old and young.
A * A Blood Purifier it la enperior to all
other * . Sold everywhere at $1.00 a hottJ * .
Omaha to the Front
Whofe pathless m thod In ilentiitry lira bo-
coictnu so nopulur In Omaliu. Head the
testimonial , one of inun > Htmilur.
To whom It may ronrem Till * Ss to uoUIfy
that Ita. llalk-'y vzjractort out ! llllud teeth for
inn absolutely without pain , by hU
method .In deutUtry. l.n/.ir.
racd-'I3 : Oewraituo
hm TUIFLKD away Ilia VIOOK of 1IODT ,
MIND and BIANBIOOD.emuini ; exbnuillni ;
drains upon the FOUNTAINM of LZFi : ,
HE,1I > A < IIE. DA.GKAC1IE , DreaJml
Dreftmi. WEAKNESS of Memnrr , HA81B.
FUJ.NESB la 8OCIETV. PI.tSl't.E.S upon
the FACE , and all the EFFECTS lemllmrto
E.V8U.T DE < ; A Y and perhaps COXSWMI' .
TION or INHANITT. ihonld consult at once
the KIKHJIATEI > Dr. Clarkn , Estnbllibed
1651. Dr. Clarke ban made JVKIIVOU.1 IF-
EIII.ITT. CBinoNIC and all Dfeeaees of
the aCNKTO SIKI.VAUY Ore fins a I.ifo
fttudy. It makai NO difference WHAT you
&nre tnken or Wlio hai failed to euro you.
* 3-FEMAkFJEUfreringfrorn < ilEea-rj pecu
liar to tbelr Bex enn coniult with the asaurnnco
t > l ipeedy relief and cure. Bend 2 ccnte rxut&go
for work ) on your diseases.
.as-Oend 4 cents postage for Colrbrntril
YTorUn on Chronic , Nervona und Doll-
onto Dueueo. Consullation , personHl'y or by
latter , ! * > > . Consult the old Oorlor.
TboaitnnUx cured. OQlcpn and parlors
prlvnto. * s-Thoso contemplating ilarrinuo
bond for Dr. ClarSie'i celebrated Kuidy
Kale and Female , each 15c. , both 25c.
( stampi ) . Before confiding your case , constiH
Cr. CIAIIKB. A friendly letter or cull may
! ave future cuflerinrand shame , nnd add golden
ycara to life. * 3-Book " I.lfp'n ( Secret ) Er-
ran , " { iOc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
font evarjwhere , secure from oxpokiirc.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
F. D. OLAB.KE , M. D.
J 86 SO , Ol&rfc St. . CHICAGO. ILL.
nE ran
Santa Abio : and : Cat-R-Guro
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Co ,
tn-u nr > uilirul rr
' -'ir .iiirlxifii. > . lc.l
> ulutliUi inall > f > i > r lMl )
containing full | urlK' > iUM for lioino urnfi"in i.f
" pROfF. Fo'FOWLER ' , Moodus. Conn.
lias obtained a reputation wherever in
troduced for "COKHKC'l STYtK"PKU-
VKfT FIT , " "CoMroiiT A > ri ) DincAiuti-
ITV. " Tlioy lm\c no superiors in Hand
Turns , Hand Welts , Ooodyenr Welts ,
and Machine Sewed. Toadies' , ask for the
' LUDI.OW' ' Sliou. Try thorn , and you
will buy no other.
To ( nu gow , Itclfast , Dnbliiuintl M > oruool
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cnliln pasxnRp J i > nnd WO , iiccorillus to location
of state room , r.xcurt/lou ST > to 3A ) . *
Steerage to nad from IJuroiw at Lowest ratss
AUSTIN IlAJjflK'IN A : ( X ) . ,
( lcn'1.Kcnti , Kl Ilroiulwny , New Vorc. !
JOHN IlIjKOMN' , licn'l Western -\Kont ,
1C1 Uaudoliib SI . fhlcngo. *
HAKHV 12 MOOUKS , AH ut. Omaha.
Reduced Cabin Hates to Glasgow Exhi
Cortirioato of Publication-
Ornuis ot1 Auniroii or I'UIII.IR AccotiM'S , )
KTATI : ( ) KiNiniurtKA : , ' V
I.INCOISN , rcbnury 1st , Jw ; )
It Is hereby certltloil tlmt Ui MlcUluun Mut-
mil l.lfo Insurance Uouipunr , of Detroit. ' In , tlio
Htsiloof Michltriin , IIIIH ( ompllod wltli tllo'lntnir-
uueu law of this htftto , nnil IH authorized .to
transact tlio biiiineii of life Iiismauco In ( Ills
bluto lor the current yniir. -
WIIUC.IH my hand and the .onl of the Auditor n (
I'libltc Accounts the day uiul uboro writ-
ton. ,
Uiui.l II. A. HAIICOCK , Auditor I' , A.
I'ollcli s Ipsucd by thlflcoinpnny liovn mlellnlto
cash value nt m < l of : rd und vncn ubjeuaat |
yi-ui. ' 1 ho company \\iii louii tlili cull vuluo.
tlu-roby rnulorlnc aailHtinct ) totho Imlilor nn ( [
nt the H.itnc tliiKtlci'itpliiK up tie Initiiranro. Hi ) '
liiii ( ucsturiKoinpnny loaning Hu f tnulsin Uio
\\o . It l iMinbli'il lo pay luiiri' dividend * .
Itiforf InKiirliiK Ki-o tinJlldilutin J
phiiiH. I'or lull Information oil ! < m or
O. 11. I' . I Inli' , Snp't , li i ontlnciitol Illnclc ,
Oninha. or.Innii-s Ilulo , ( ' . 1' . Murphy , , ( . Il.trfn.
lion , II. M. Ilulo , npui
Il < ! 'lNllllOIS \ '
H'i'clvosenlt'd bldn , for bulliUutf a
t'om i Mouse at dKiilallii , Knbrnhka. *
fotllilinioby ulvvn Unit Denied hld4 wilt bo
ri'cdiM'd nt Ihu olili'r of thu County t'lofK'.iit
( lyulnlhi. Nidi. , up to tlin hour of Itm. , on .liino
la. ISJ-H for thu tiitrposo of biilldlliu c < inrt , IUJUBO
lit Ogalullj , Kvllli fount y. Nub. I'liui.s nml.spo' .
clliciitlouH for tlic ronsiriii tlun of xnfiV < ; ourt
lioiiHo will bn tlU'd for ItHiin tlon at Ilioolllro ut
the County ClurK ut OgalHllii NL | > , , on iiud utter
tlio aith day of .May.
Thu boaid itifdn es the rlahl to rcject'nny 'and '
nil bids. - :
Dated May ! ' . 1WW >
.I.M. Snuiiiii.iN ( 'lull. , I V
' Co , Oom. ' '
W. ( > . .l ,
< \tti > 8t : I'lltNK I' .
JJ eJTJ Count yrCuvl
I" " * * Y IT * > fk T 1 nr" " * Tl *
r V Jl B.A 1 I. A * s / JL l.JLw
A magnificent display of everything useful .and
o\'namental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
DIAMOND ' 4FtlA.MP ( ) |