Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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Hops and Mishaps of the Matrimo
nial Market-
* -
tlio Drlilc Mcnnt Business--A Ilnwnl *
Inn Komnncc Hcpcntcil Finally
A Silent Ceremony
The Bachelor's Lament.
Lcnp year's ctmnco la swiftly Heeling ,
Still nlono nnd lorn nm I ;
Mnlilcns give me kindly gcctmp ,
Hut they nil have passed mo by.
LOVO'B dream now spcms but n bubble ,
Soon or late It's sure to burnt ;
What , I wonder , Is the ttouhlo ?
I would gladly know the worst.
I am you M H nnd fnlrly handsome ,
With a loynl , loving hcnrt ,
Educated , modest , und some
People think that I nm "smart. "
Still , nl < v l I'm ' eight ami-twenty ,
And no maiden lias proposed ;
Sweet girl friends I have In plenty ,
Hut to wed they're not disposed.
So I'm glad that leap year's going ,
Soon it will bo ended quite ;
Then I'll ' huvo n better showing ,
I'll ' propose on Now Year's ' night I
The IJrldo Meant Iluslncus.
The Now York Tirr.cs of a recent date
printed the followingWllUoslmrro , Pa. ,
uiepsitch : Tlila town htis boon the
tceno of the most novel elopement on
record. It was a business elopement
from the Btart. Chnrlps Scclev , a well
to do livery stable keeper of Albany , N.
V. , came to thlH city whore he mot and
was introduced to .Miss Sally Boyle , a
vdry pretty girl , iipeil only Seventeen
years. Seclcy was love struck at first
night and proposed marriage , but the
girl'n parents who arc respectable nnd
tolbriibly well to do people , refused to
hear of it as the girl was too young.
Bceloy returned to Albany much cast
down in npirits. On Thursday hist ho
made a second visit here and in the
evening ho and Miss Boyle wont out fern
n walk. This was the last scon of them.
They eloped , took a train for Philadel
phia , whore no lieeiibo is required and
Ucro united. The bride telegraphed to
her parents asking their forgiveness.
BoforeconBonting to elope Miss Boyle
made sure that Sooloy did not intend to
deceive her later on , t > o she compelled
him to assign over his property in Al
bany to her. Scoloy readily did this , as
he was willing to do anything to get the
A Peculiar Bridal Trip.
One day recently , at Hartford , says
the Now York Sun , a charcoal cart
drawn by a pair of meek-eyed oxen
drove up to a clergyman's residence
in this town , and the occupants alighted
nnd marched up to the front door. The
man was dressed in his working clothes
and his face wns covered with the dust
of the coal which ho had been peddling
all day. The woman wore the fashions
of I860 , and evidently was pinked out in
the linest she could alTord. They wore
ushered into the minister's study and
informed him they had como to got
married. On inquiring for the license
it found that this important docu
ment had been forgotten , and the groom
nnd his lady love proceeded to the
town clerk's oflleo to got it. The bride
was asked her ago , and after a bories of
giggles responded that she did not
know. "Oh , toll him you are forty , "
suggested the groom. "You know you
are that. " And forty was recorded.
Holding the document in his grimy
hand , the groom , followed by the bride ,
started for the clergyman's where they
werosoon married. Returning to their
cart after the ceremony the wife made
two or three unsuccessful attempts to
climb in over the front wheel. She had
to give it up , and her huhband load her
around to the rear of tiio cart , where ho
tenderly boosted her in , and helped her
to a seat by his side , her foot swinging
in the air. They started southward ,
apparently as happy as though they
were beginning their bridal trip in a
palace car.
A Slloiit
A pleasant-looking young man entered
tered Justice Lane's olliro in "Jjursoy
City the other day , says the Now York
Bun , nnd , taking from his pocket a pad.
wrote :
"Can you give mo a marriage li
cense'1" ;
"Can you speak ? " wrote the judgo.
"No , " wrote the visitor.
"Do you want to bo married ? "
"I do , you bet , " wrote the young
man , whoso face a moment afterward
brightened wonderfully when he read :
"No license is required hero. I'U marry
you now. "
Ho wrote in reply : "All right. I'll
bo buck at 4 o'clock with my girl , " and
loft the otllco. It was exactly o'clock
when the young man returned with a
pretty young woman. Tie took his pad
and pencil from his pocket and wrote :
"Iluro.ho id. "
The justice acknowledgou the intro
duction with a bow > and began to talk
to her. She stopped him by producing
a pad similar to nor lover s , She also
was a deaf mute. The young man de
scribed himself on paper UB 1 Ionium V.
Brown , 65U West Kifty-bi.xth Htreot , this
city , twenty-four years Jd. She wrote
that she was Alice Forbes , of the same
- place. The justice then told them to
Etand and wrolo the marringo service ,
while they responded on their pads.
Wlion it was over the justice wrote :
"I pronounce you man and wife. "
The couple road it , looked at each
other and in a moment , wore clasped in
each other's nrms. The bride wrote
.Hint her husband had furnihhod roouw
Fifty-fifth htrcot , mid they wore going
to hoiiFokeoping at oneo. She came
from Connecticut , slut wrote , und ho
from JMiibtachuf-etttf. They had lived at
the eiimo place for a long ttmo , and had
been in love with each other over since
they first mot.
"What is it worth ? " wrote the groom.
Justice Liino blushed and wrote :
"Whatever you think it is worth to
you. "
The groom dropped a fee on the ta
ble and Blurted with his wife for their
homo. Before they wont out the ju&tlro
wrote : "What Ib your occupation ? "
and the reply was ; "None , 1 live on
my income. " _ _ _ _ _
A Hawaiian Jtoniiutco.
The recent revolution at Honolulu
has brought to light a bit of personal
history that hits a touch ot ronuim'o in
it , says the Now York Mail and Ex
Some time in the early ViOa , an Amer
ican mcclmiiiu named Wile-ox drifted to
the islands , whore he married n native
woman of the lower order. A son was
the result of the union. Young Wil-
cox's early lifo was spout in a half-
gavago atmoephoro , but before ho was
thirty yean * old he was gent to the native
tivo fogUhituro at Honolulu. Here ho
became the uhampion of the king.
Biguor Morons , an Italian adventurer ,
who had won the favor ot Kalpkaua ,
Euggobtr.d that ho bhoulu send some of
the nntlvo vouugmon to Europe to ob
tain a military and naval education ,
and Wilcox wns placed in the military
school " ut Milan. . Wilcox graduated.
nnd" was appointed to a lieutenancy in
the Italian cavalry. Kalakaua con
ceived the idea that it would be a bril
liant stroke to appoint UB u.iui tcr
plenipotentiary to the court of St.
James a native-born Hawaiian , nnd
promised to pond Wilcox there as such
About this tjino Wilcox met _ , njyco
of the Prince Colona. who married Miss
Mackoy , daughter of Mackoyof Nevada ,
and they were married. A few months
after the marriage , and while the lieu
tenant was waiting for his credentials
to the English court , the revolution of
last summer broke out , nnd the king
was powerless to carry out his plan of
sending a minister to St. James. The
now government which came into power
at once , cut off the allowance that had
been granted the lieutenant nnd ordered
him-homo on the ground that ho wns a
useless and extravagant apucndago
abroad. Ho returned with his wife to
Honolulu during the present winter ,
hut his ensiles by Lake Como were gone.
In his extremity ho meditated a revolu
tion by the natives , but ho was quickly
discovered ami given tounderbtnnd that
another attempt of the kind would result
in his hanging. Early this year Mrs.
Wilcox became a mother and the whites
on the inland raised a purse for the un
fortunates and have soul thorn back to
Italy where Wilcox will probably enter
the army again.
lie llepentoil Finally.
Last week Uucklln , nged seven
teen , and Prlscllla .TclTrlcs , a buxom
gypsy lass of twenty-three , cloned at
XancHvillo , O. When Prisollla's father
found out the condition of ntTairs ho
was very angry , and taking a new and
gaudily-painted wagon , which ho had
purchased for his daughter a few days
ago at a cost of $275 , ho made a bon-llro
of it , adding to the Hamcsall her effects.
Then ho bold the running gear of the
wagon for $10. Priseilla and her lover
wore married all the same , and when
the repentant old man was informed of
the fact ho came to the city , hunted the
pair up and induced thorn to go back to
camp with him by promising to buy
them a now wagon bettor than the first.
A Hot Trot for Iiove's Sake.
A Louisville dispatch to the St. Louis
Post says : A buggy in which wore C.
W. Houclc , Miss Fanuio Houck and
Miss Annie Stansbcrry was observed to
drive rapidly into thc'city and stop at
the Farmer's Homo. The horses wore
covered with foam , while the vehicle
and its occupants wcro completely be
spattered with the red mud of the
country roads. Looking nervously
around the two alighted and entered
the hotel , and the panting steeds were
led to the stables. Mr. Houck hurriedly
explained that he and his sister wcro
from High Grove in Nelson
county , and that Miss Stans-
berry was from Cox's Crook , in the same
neighborhood. Ho and Miss Stans-
berry desired to bo married , and very
quickly , too ; that they had run away
from her opposing parents , leaving the
Stunsborry mansion , thirty-three miles
from the city , last night at 10 o'clock.
They had boon discovered by the old
folks nnd the father was in hot pursuit.
It had beou a race all the way. They
had caught a glimpse of the old man
several times as ho would rise over the
brow of a hill which they had passed ,
but just before reaching the city limits
they made extra speed and eluded their
Mr. Mi'Cormick , the night clerk ,
know the elopers personally. Ho
mounted a fresh horse and galloped
down town to secure the license and a
magistrate. A deputy clerk was sum
moned from his bed and while ho filled
out the marriage license McCormiclc
found Magistrate McCann , a jolly state
senator , who is the great matrimonial
knot-tier of Louisville , and in five min-
utus ho was up and droscod. In order
to lose no time ho mounted the same
horse with McCormlek and in this man
ner they returned to the hotel , lirst
stoppingTat they clerk's ollicc to got the
license. Too few early risers at the
hostlcry'woro summoned to the parlor
by Mr. Do wit , the proprietor , and in
his style Senator McCann placed two
loving hearts beyond the reach of pa
ternal interference and pronounced
them husband and wifo.
The only objection on thq part of the
bride's parents scorned to be that she is
a Catholic while the groom is a Protest
ant. The father arrived two hours
later and baid if they would bo married
by a priest all would forgotten. They
complied , and the party will return
home to-morrow.
Ho and She.
"if I were king , " ho said ,
"And you were just n lowly beggar maid ,
With my strong hand I'd lift you to my hide
And crown you queen ; nnd In the great king's
Men would not know ,
Or would forget the beggar nmid. "
"If I were queen , " she said ,
"And you a e.u oless , wandering minstrel ,
To my fair court ; I'd ' set you on the throne ;
And helug thoie , trie greatest king o'er
known ,
I would kneel down
And servo you as j our maid. "
A Tflxni ; Jlnir.ntiRi' .
Twelve miles west of Bonham ( Tox. )
save a dispatch to the Olobo-Domocrat ,
at the junction of the ToxaiPacillo and
Minsouri Pacilic % railways , 19 situated
the little village of Bolls. This town is
, no doubt the dullest , sleepiest hamlet
in all North Texas , and the event about
to bo related has furnished the inhabi
tants of that place a theme for discus
sion for many weeks to como.
A few weeks ago a haiultjomo young
lady of Bolls married a conductor on
the Texas Pacifio railway named Bailoy.
The married lifo of the conductor und
his bride was a happy one for the brief
period it lasted , which was only a few
months. Mr. Bailey dying. A bright-
eyed little girl was the fruit of the
A few months ago Mrs. Bailey wont
to Tenhcbseo , where she was born and
raibcd to visit old-time friends and rela
tives. While there she mot a young
doctor who was a sweetheart of her
chUdhc'bl days. They renewed their
pledges of love and an engagement fol
lowed. Mrs. Bailey having com
pleted her visit , returned to Boll ,
and for some time kept up
a correspondence with her doc
tor lover. Finally the lovo-froightcd
opiblles from * the Tonncfsoo M , IX
ceased to make their regular appear
ance at the Bells postolllco , and the
pretty little widow , thinking him untrue -
true , began to bestow her smiles on
other suitors. A woll-to-do young
farmer proved 'himself a successful
woonr , and after a short contest won
her hand. They were married and
three weeks passed away. A few days
ago she viritcd her mother , and while
there her lover from Tennessee visited
the house and asked to sco hor. The
request was at lirst refused , but finally
the lady consented to too ? him. A few
moments of explanations suHlcod to
caiico the old love to break forthwith
followed vigor. They canvasicd the
situation thoroughly , and then went to
gether to the houto ; of her newly ac
quired husband , when sho. frankly con-
fi'Sbed that who tljd not love htm and
married only to secure a homo. She
loved her old sweetheart , and could
not live happily with any other , The
hubband , though loving her with all
the vigor of his noul , roulUml the situa
tion , and resolved to give her up. fiho
wont to the Hnb'.nsou hotel , and her
lever loft for Toxarkana. Last Friday
the farmer husband accompanied his
wife , und yet uo hiu wife , to the depot ,
and , kissing her good-by with tears In
his eyes , saw her take the train to join
her lovor. Altogether it was one of
the strangest atTairs thai hns over oc
curred in this part of\Jio \ state.
A Georgia man has celebrated , his golden
wedding with his scpond wifo.
In marriage , one nnd one make ono ; in di
vorce , one from ono leaves two.
A Boston girl attended n cooking school
nnd became so lufutuated with the culinary
art tliat she married a supe.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox objects to the term
"weaker sex , " us applied to women. A great
many married men agree with her.
Puck : Actresses , as a class , marry to di
vorce nnd divorce to marry. As a paradox
Is a proposition seemingly absurd , this Is n
A woman at Urldgcport , Conn. , has n good
Joke on her hushand. Ho hated her poodle
and la trying to kick It down stairs lost his
balance und broke his neck.
The marriage wns recently announced of
Mr. E. Strange nnd Miss M/zIo Stratino.
This strange event will probably bo followed
by another , n Httlu stranger.
Mrs. Kmnm Tatnm , of Osborn , O. , mar
ried a liandsomo young husband Just four
weeks from the day she buried the old one ,
who left her a handsome foitunc.
The sultan of Xnnribar has n German wife ,
nnd by n singular coincidence Germany ob
tains valuable concessions for his majesty's
government denied to other poweis.
Society Item from Massachusetts : Two
American girls of New Bedford , ono twen
ty-three years old , the other nineteen , nio
to marry two Chlnunicn , Moy Sing nnU Moy
"In time of peace prepare for war. " For
get what great personage said that , but It
wns doubtless based on courtship just pi lor
to getting married pence before and war
"Judge" Dawson , of Unlontown , Pcnn. ,
seventy years old and worth iflOD.OlX ) , has
Just run away from himself to big Now
York city and married his housekeeper , aged
Country bride ( In tip-town hotel ) What's
the matter with the lettuce , John f Groom
( who has deluged it with oil nnd
sugar ) Suthln's wrong with the dinged vin
Somebody says that a pair of engaged
lovers want nothing so much ns to bo alone.
It frequently hap | > ens that , titter marriage ,
there is nothing the same pair wants so much
ns n loan.
"Why Is It that the groom always scorns
frightened at a wedding1' ! ' remarked a young
woman. "Humph ! tllo's got a right to be , "
was the rejoinder of un old married man
within hearing.
Near Muscntlne , In. , a young man , who be
lieves In leap-year privileges to the full , is
availing himself of them to sue for breach
of promise the young woman who has played
havoc with his young affections.
A needy nobleman had married a wealthy
dame whoso tlguro chiefly resembled u thir-
t.V-sIx-gallon barrel. "Ah , " remarked one
of his boon companions , "what a pity to see
n man of quality married to a woman of
quantity 1"
"I hearn you done git marrid again , Ur'er
Ilamfat. Am dat sol" "Fo1 a fact , Hr'er
Squab. Dis leap year business slipped my
tncinbrnnvc , an' do Wlctder Brown lope on
me so Huddint wid do purposal dat I hatter
s'runib. "
M. J. Flanncry , of Xenla. Ohio , nged
twunty-sovcn , has just married Mrs. Ann J.
Pierce , u widow with children older than
himself , nnd who , years ago , when ho was a
homeless lad , took him in and trained him in
the way he should go.
A day or two since n couple from Lykens
procured a marriage license. After the nec
essary papers wore In tueir possession the
woman remarked : ' -Happily for us , ouv par
ents are not here to object , and besides wo
arc of age. ' ' She was sixty-four and he six
Ypuiig Widow Do you know , Mr. Grev-
qulll , I am lo bo married next August to Al
gernon Blackleg * Mr. GrcyquiU ( an old
friend of the family ) I nm sure , my dear ,
that you have not chosen ns you might have.
Had your poor husband been alive 'ho would
never have let you make such a match.
At a wedding in Ajaccio , Corsica , the gen
eral hilarity was disturbed by the appear
ance of two gendarmes in the middle of a
dance. They came , they said , to arrest ono
of the dancers , n young lady , who tried to
escape ami finally drew u revolver on the
onieeis. But u musket shot disabled the
lady , who proved to be a noted bandit , dis
guised in a woman's clothes.
A law has been passed in Watdeck , Ger
many , forbidding the granting of a marriage
license to a person addicted to the liquor
habit. The Austrian government has intro
duced into the relchsrath a strong measure
for the prevention of drunkenness. The
reason alleged is the alarming deterioration
In the physique of young men carolled for
military service.
Sardou is dramatizing Blanche Roosevelt's
"Copper Queen" for the French stage.
Mile. Hliea closed her season last week in
Rochester , N. Y. , and sailed for Europe.
Christine Nilsson lately made her farewell
appearance in coitcert at the Albert hull , Lon
Gustavo Amberg has ajrain become lessee
of the Timlin theater , N. Y. , for live years at
$5,000 a year.
Minnie Mnddcrn Is an industrious seeker
after new plays. She will try two of thorn
next season.
Gilbert and Sullivan are ubaut completing
a now comlu opera. This is a great boon to
the Hand organ business.
The coming American tourN > f the London
Gaiety hurlcsquo company will cover a
period of twenty-three weeks.
Fanny Hieo will shortly replace Marie
Jan sen as Nadjy at the Now York Casino , us
Miss Janscn needs a month's rest.
] t Is reported that Mrs. Lnntry has taken
a shine to classic drapery , and the "hustles"
advertised under her name have become
W. A. Mcstajcr and Theresa Vnugh will
not act next season. Mr. Mcstayer will ,
however , have ono of his new farce comedies
Frank Frayno's performing hyena , called
Mrs. Langtry , escaped from his den at
Coney Island on Thursday and created a
great scare among the denizens of Norton's
J , U , Duff will place a No. U opera com
pany on the road next season , playing only
"A Trip to Africa. " Hurry Hilllard , J. H.
Hyloy , Madeline Lueetto and others huvo
already been engaged.
Bolossy Kirnlfy will shortly return from
his European tour in quest of novelties and
stage garniture lor the forthcoming produc
tion of his now dramatic spectacle , "Michael
Sandorf , " at Niblo Garden.
Frank Sarigcr has secured the American
rights U ) Mrs. Francis Hodgson-Burnott's
play , "Littlo Lord Fauntlcroy , " which is
now running ut Terry's theater , London ,
under the direction of Mrs. ICondall.
B'l'ho prlma donna of the Hussion Opera
company to vif it this country Is Mlt-s Offros-
slmow , the contralto is Miss Werioltim , the
tenor Is Mr. Sokolow und the basso Is Mr ,
Ljarow , all very pretty immcs to pronounce.
Osmond Tearlu , the actor , was once a drug
clerk , Kyrla Hollow WUH u sailor , und Otis
Skinner nailed up boxes in his youth in a
dry goods house- . Lawrence Barrett Is said
to have been u waiter in u restaurant at ono
Fred Yokes , well known hue ns the agile
principal of the Vokes Fuuiili in the "Belles
of the Kitchen , " died in London recently ,
Mr. Yokes leaves n widow , the wife or Pony
Moore , of Moore & Burgess1 minbtrcU , nnd
n ten year old 'daughter.
An alliance between Florence and Jeffer
son is among the possibilities. The public
would welcome such un arrangement if it
would result in retiring Mrs. Florence from
the stiigo ob un ohtruaivo feature of the
pluys in which her husband uppeara.
While n performance for the benefit of
Robert C. Hlllnrd was going on at Wnllnck's
theater In New York recently the box oftlce
receipts wcro attached on a judgment against
Mr. Hilllard for * . < 5J.4U held by Mark L.
Ilallcy. As not enough uioney had been
tukon at the window to p.iy oven the rent ,
the hhoriff's deputy did not gala anything by
his enterprise ,
The moat delicate conHtitution can
safely u o Dr. J. H , MoDi-an's Tar
Wino Lung Balm ; it is a sure rcincdy
for coughs , loss of voice , und all throat
uud lung Uiteaseu.
, , , /c-vj . | - \ Jntwe \ \ can tell You of the great superiority of our ' )
Grstnd Republic Buffos
They are UNQUESTIONABLY the finest article yet produced in the smoking line.
They are ABSOLUTELY LONG HAVANA FILLER ; clear , pure and aromatic as
anythingyou ever smoked. The success of the Buffos is UNPARALLELED in the
history of the weed , proving conclusively that the consumer knows a good artitlo
when ne tries it.
SMOKERSIt : is only after thirty years of experience , and a vast outlay of money
that we are enabled to place before you such meritorious goods as
Grand Republic Cicrarros 9
Ask your dealers for these goods. Every enterprising dealer can get them. We
guarantee the goods to be FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT.
GEO , P , LIES & CO. , Factory 200 , 3d Dist , New York.
Now is the time to reap the benefit of this advertising. Open the boxes and place
* on your case where your customers cannot miss them. The demand , is .increasing
daily ; do not delay mailing ns your orders. Every dealer ordering 1,000 of above
brands will have name and address put in this ad. Ask salesmen to show you
samples of Buffos and. Cigarros , or mail your order direct to us.
There has como to light at Leaven-
worth , Kan. , snys the Jewelers' Ko-
view , a case which ini&ht furnish an
excellent theme for the iidyolist. Thir
teen years ago , Lyman J. Ellsicr kept
a small jeweler's repairing shop in
Kansas City. Ellsler'n bubincbs prospered -
pored as the city grow , and on the day
ho received a consignment of1.500
worth of diamonds ho huilt rustics in
Spain from the increased pVofits which
must henceforth attend his business.
His stock of goods ho nightly locked in
a small safe , the combination of which
was known to himself and his young
clerk only. With , perhaps , a slight bit
of formality , pardonable in a man who
hnd that day received a heavier con
signment than any other merchant in
town , ho locked his safe that night ,
and bidding his clerk good night ,
went Koine to a happy wife and
joyous daughter , who soon expected to
become the bride of Ellslors's young as
sistant in business. When Ellslor ar
rived at his place of business next morn
ing , contrary to the general order of
things , the store was locked. The show
cases had not been filled for the day's
business. Opening the door , Ellhlcr
waited for the clerk , who soon arrived ,
Hushed when giving as an excuse for
his tardiness that ho had overslept him
self. The young man busied himself
with putting the store in order , while
Ellsk-r turned the combination of the
safe , preparatory to beginning business
for the day. Suddenly Ellslor gasped ,
foil backward , and tittering the one
word "Gone ! " fell into a dcud stupor.
The precious gems received the day before -
fore , and the chamois hag which con
tained them , were not in the safe. The
combination being found untampored
with and its workings being known butte
to himself mid his clerk , the latter was
accused of the robberywhich charge ho
stoutly denied. Surely burglars wcro
not the nocturnal visitors , else the array
of gold and silverware would alho have
dibappearod. The clerk was placed under
arrest , but as no dollnito testimony
could bo brought to bear against him
fto was ro'ciihud. Even after her
father's heavy loss , and when circum
stances pointed to her lever as the
guilty person , Ellblcr's daughter , Emily
would not believe him guilty , nnd inside -
side of two years , during which time
the young clerk hud boon employed in
St. Louis , thov were married , removing
lo St. Piiul , Minn.
A yoarpahsed , and with its departure
came a baby boy. Much against his
own wishog , but at the urgent request
of his wife. The husband sent news of
the happy event to Ellsicr and his
wifo. The answer was brief but
tourlblo : "You have given birth to the
t-on of a tliiof , " was all it said , but it
was enough to break the young mother's
heart , und she died in the course of n
week. Ellslor's business rapidly
dropped olT , and financial ditlicultics
following , ho was enabled to sell out
for enough money to purchase several
acres on the edge of this city and be
came ono of tlio man } * garden era who in
the early morning supply the market
with vegetables and' ' fruits. For
nine years ho has been en
gaged in this busmobB , during which
time ho and his wife ihave eon bluntly
mourned the unhappy priding of'thoir
daughter. The recentheavy rains and
bad roads have often prqvonted the old
man from making his accustomed trips
to the city market , and upon ono of
these occasions the famjly clock having
become out of order , lie dotermtned to
give a few hours to righting it. In eomo
way the pendulum , \yas accidcntly
broken during the job , and the old
clockmaker was about tp gjvetho job up
for the time being when ho bethought
himself of what might prove to bo a
substitute , which had hung motionless
Blnco the day ho had crossed the ocean
and landed , carrying in his arms the
big family clock which had timed the
hours of his boyhood days in Germany.
The family heirloom had hung on the
wall of his store in his more prosperous -
porous davs , but it was always silent
among the many ticking watches
nnd clocks. Wlien Ellslor , with the
nervousness which sometimes cotnns in
old ago , quickened by the bight of an
article which brought back to memory
father and mother , eibtor and brother ,
ouoned the old timepiece , ho certainly
haU no thought of what ho would linu
within. Closely ensconced behind the
pendulum was u small chamois tack ,
covered with dust , but its coutents as
brilliant as the day , twelve yours before ,
when they had como into Jowclor Klls-
ler's possession. The ohl man's feel
ings ut thu time of the discovery , are ,
of eourse , impossible to dcbcribe. Tears
coin-feed down his cheeks , und when his
wife found him with bowed head , hold
ing the lost treasure in his arms , diamonds
mends fulling to the floor with each
heave of his breast , she , in some unac
countable manner , surmised at u glance
what had taken place , nnd fell to the
Hoer fainting , calling upon her dead
daughter for forgiveness.
In conversation with a correspondent
Ellsler s-aid : "At lirst it seemed too
much like a dream to believe and at
least u do/en times a day I would run
the diamonds through my fingers in
order to convince myself that it was all
real. After awhile'it all came back tome
mo so plain. Before , locking up that
evening , I thought it would be bettor to
secure the diamonds in some out of the
way place , thin Icing that should the
safe bo blown open during the night 1
would lose nearly niy all , so just before
closing I secreted them in the old clock.
Being tired I slept heavily ; the next
morning my surprise1 ft.t not finding
them in the safe where T nightly depos
ited all my goods must have chased
away all recollection of where I had put
them the night previous , and in the ex
citement following my mind was turned.
My wife and I are growing old. Wo
have a small competence which onr gar
den brings us. Wo intend spending
our newly acquired wealth and "more in
for . How
searching our son-in-law.
'happy we would bo' ' and tear after
tear dropped from the dimmed eyes , "if
wo know if our grandchildren were
alive and if wo could see them before
wo die. "
The old man has disposed of his stand
on the public market , and has. in nil
probability begun the search for his
old clerk , whoso name is Francis Tc-
land , and whose parents formerly lived
in Somorvillc , Mass.
A monster frog swallowed n chicken ut
Oc'coiiec , Gu. , the other Uny , and seemed to
bo relishing the bit immensely when the
owner lulled him.
The four-legged clilekcn nt Allcntown is
discounted by one in Montgomery eounty ,
which hus two fully developed lieada , is two
weeks old und healthy.
A pig which was born last week In Athena ,
Gu. , is described us having u forefoot ro-
Bumbling u liuud , with "live perfect lingers. "
Tlio animal lived but a short lime.
A petrified tree , the si/o of a telegraph
pole , with well marked nark and roots , was
found the other day in un Ohio sandstone
quarry at least sixty feet below the present
earth level.
A Corinth ( Mo , ) farmer fastened a steel
trap to u long polo und tied it in a tree top so
Unit it stood a little hit-tier than the branches ,
uud at last accouiUH was three hawks , three
owls uud one crow the bettor for it.
Down In Tidewater , Vn. , a farmer took his
horses to water when the tldo was out , ami
to reach the stream had U ) BO so fur out In its
bed that the animals gut stuck in quicksilver
mud and narrowly escaped dro wning when
tlio water came in.
A lady living' In Castlno , Me. , has a cat
that sits up to the table with the family
cats from a pluto as decorously as any child ,
but If a stranger hnppajus to bo there und
laiiKhsat it , it will slip from the chulr and
cannot be coaxrd buck ,
Mahaffey. Pcnn , , reports a wild man who
made his lair in a deserted log hut , within a
hundred feet of a dcti of ruttlOHiialcos , uud
spends his whole time wandering about in
tlio mountain solitudes , avoiding his own
kind as ho would u plague ,
A horse ut Fltchburg that had worked for
many years In u coal team was sold , uml his
owner put him with another horne to draw
hand , but ho refused to work anywhere , and
had to uc returned to his former owner. As
boon as he was put in u coal team ull trouble
ended ,
The Dayton Journal relates that a petri
fied pignut has been found in u coal mine ,
near Wellston , O , It was taken from the
slate which covered u coal seam , A mass of
roen sixty feet in thickness rested upon the
slate , The nut was in the hull , und the pet
rifaction was complete.
Ono of the young lady clerks of Hadno
lias a rare curiosity iu thu shape of a live
buttorlly , and she became possessed of It In
u singular manner. Kho was walking upon
the lalo shore drive last Sunday. Returning
homo the butterfly was found upon her hat.
Close inspection of the lly revealed upon its
wings In various colors the ligures IbbS. It
is Indeed u singular freak of nature and
probably the only curiosity of the kind In ex
That Kansas clergyman who inherited a
fortune of (3,030,000 now asserts that the
story of Dives Is an "Interpolation0
A Philadelphia man owns a parrot that
prays. Parrots and men are very much
uliko. For every ono that prays about a
doien swear.
A Vermont minister has preached 121 fu-
The G I cry Crowned Giant of the Show World
Take Saumlcrt Sttcc t , Orci-n hlno or Jlltli Sir ct C.u- .
NOTE The arrange iiiuut-iuc tliu American Shiwnii'ii's 1'oolcU I.cugue111 precut any other
Circus from visiting omuha before September th a season.
Real Roman Hippodrome
And 5-Continent Menagerie. _
AH of Eaith'rt Illustrious Jlld-nir nnil Aicnlc Chi.mi > Ion9. 1'rnlilo Heroes , Hippodrome tclvbr'.Uos.
Marvelous Humnu 1 lienomcnu anil Itaro /"olog'cal Ti ensures Mcr td and
Mar.-huled in u Colona ! and Unpin nlteled Unity.
$3,500,000 , , IrtGfl for the Ffllic's ' Delectation ActnEl Daily Expenses , $4,200 , !
Human Imagination ( Joiifuiindctl by its .StupcndouH Magnitude !
intfiflifll Pmnhpfc nf
IdlUlldl uUlllUali ) 01
' IN MSA III A' 2,000 YKAKS.
CO English nml Kentucky'I'lmroiiKlilirodg In Foul HtlirJmt Htruwlo * for Bunu-nucy ! I'.nornious
KivcoTrack-KowT.mi'H Aiouml.OiKt.Mllel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NotaWy anil TrJuraphaTitly Hcliifoiccil this Season with the Ono Towoylnjf , Kingly Klgiuoof
Wiktuin Itomunce ,
Ca/pt. - . . H.
Clmmplon WlnK.Phot ot the World , ANI > HIS ( HFi'Kl ) HON.SI 1 * ' i 1
Only FulM-irouii I > aii of lEIood-SwcutiiiK II I n o | oliiinl on Kartlij 1 * i
: ioo i ni.votii\Ai : : : , AKHMC AKTISTSS DO DASMXIVC ; ACTS.
Scotch AtliU-tPK , Aialilan Meteors , .lui II-IPMI Mam-lsaml ft Gl nutlo imoicnnViinil : ] 'VlHe Combin
ation , In lUrinp and DajhliiK I rMriiiancuu un thu Huge Tlit-tio Mane.
Wo Sere and Yellow Inl1 Attiauiloim ! Not a ChcHtnut on tlio I'rogrnmnint
o or WIM KIASTS-A : umvor-ai or savage iVir t
Kctnod , lidilcn and ilriven by ouu man uml that mun ' 111H ( JitHAT O'OCM , )
( ircateht. ( lrundt. . Most I'anuniH uml IleJtTralnwl llvrd of I'.l-jpliuiitH on AinerlcHii Holl-lnclud-
liK" tVi5ah.'tlH.(1 < ) | 1s , iil. Allii\uihliailowlnaC.'iitnil MKUIH of his IK < : "WU , " Hie uliuoit
llumiin Clown iJluplmnt , uml tlio Only Italy Ulupliaut on Iho Cnutlueut. f
.Appearing on tile l'nbllu'1'lioroiig'ifa'oa at W o'clock Kvcry .Morning.
USUA1 < l'l'in ( < AU I'ltlClIS OK AimiSSlOX rcrfuriiimiccg ill ( 'iiMoiuiiry Hours
' TRfplEXCUlisidNS . " -
nrral sermons , with net returns of two bar
rels of apples and u silver dullur. It bccuis
that funi-rals don't pay.
Hoys , stop that game please ! The Hev.
Anna Show deolaits her firm convlrtion to
be that base ball is diilni ; moru to destroy the
nation's manhood than anything clfo.
Sunday School Teacher Yes , drar
children , with Cod ! nothing Is impossible. "
Tommy Thaddles ( nudging Willie \Valllcb )
1 don't believe ho could teach u boy to bite
his oun nose un. "
Krank , a liobton Sunday school boy of six
years , in reiily to his mother's expiesslon of
| > e , when she found him pounding "
mud turtle , with n stone , saidMiy : , I
was tryinp to crack UIQ hell so the poor lit
tie turtle conlil get out ! "
Country minister I am sorry , Mr. Wran
gle , but n I was driving from the parsonage
bcforo service I saw your little boy PH
bridge snaring for suckers. Mi
In that so , parson < Old you notloo
what luck ho was havln' <
A Tennessee preacher wns pleading with a
country mcichant to trust him for a half a
I inn nil of tea , when u lawyer rode up and
handed him papers fthowing tlu.t ho wan heir
to . UKHi. ( Then the preuehcr said ho KUCHKI d
hti'd ' also ask credit for soup und saleratus ,
too Hobby was at church , onJ was very much
diteicstvd in u member ol thu ( Xin rrcpatioa
who fieiiucntly'muttercd "iiinyi" In an audi
ble tone of voice during the delivery of the
hcrinon. "Ma. " ho whispered , turning to h
mother. "Shi Hobby , " she cautioned ,
"what U ill" "Is that man trying to make
the minister btop ! "
"I think. Mrs , Hcndricks , " said tlio minis
ter , KQod-huinorcdly , "that you tetter let
Hobby have another piuco of pic. He bo *
bet i , such n ( rood boy und wus very all * atho
in church this morning. What do you itty.
Hobby I" " 1 tuy 'arntn , " ' rtplltd
and of eourke.ho got Utt pto.