Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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You xtlil notice n large display ot towels on this
table ; there ore two upocUUles wtf cUslre to call
four ftttontloti to. viz : A < , on * with ( x
ferottr centre piece , boy and Rlrl swinging on n
Rate , only loc , Tlio xecontl specialty Is a wlilt *
ITnrklMi bntli , It measures 95x' > t Inehei without
Btretthlnp ; think It Is Bftfe to y that the above
nr worth 13e nn& We , re p ttvely , '
aitt\Tr : > e , ICe ntut Kc COKl'OIUTlON.lStfl I'ar-
niitn Btreot.
Center MoVe
Vo have placed n lot of fancy TurkUh Tidied ,
so much uted for room tlecornllon Ao. , * c. Wo
frankly Pity that some of those arolftr cr ntul
belter than other ? , whllo they arc nil ouo price !
Inittlicnlth jonr privilege to select : t.monR
them nre omo Scarf bureau covera , same price.
STOHi : 1'AINTKI ) Illil ) , Ju above lUh St.
Von will notice n large ilfopl&y of
find neckwcnrj most of these were designed and
manufactnred by New York's great artl t In
neckwear , ( leorgo JtoWqson , tiud are very wiper-
lor to the trashy good * you see advertised In
Timi'lN & CO. , Stores all over.
as ! ou Eotcr
Our great display ot Glassware commences.
We have put considerable clfort Into this de
partment hunting np manufacturer * so ah to
get the latest artistic design , but then this won't
Interest you unless the prices are low ; after nil
thnts the mnln point.well they are low that Isn't '
Strong enough , see will : y very low. Tlio
flnt section Is Bo ; the next IX1. nndsoonupto
JKc , nnd then wo stop. '
To-Ony the department may not Interest you
very much , for Us toys ; but theu you have
Children , ( possibly grand children ) ; nuyway ,
would'nt you lite to make some of these chil
dren happy , then select from thoJo two long
table * , mostly to atid ICc ,
GUI5AT Cc. lOo nnd S5o OOHI'OHATION , 1503
Furnam , Omaha ,
dome merchants make n mistake by putting'
all tholr strength lute the first nail of their utoro
and the back pnrt takes rare ot Haclf. ThN Is
not our plan. You will lliul t\\o long tables v.ltli
101 useful thlngi ; little tilings designed to save
labor , such ns Dhh mops. Can openers. ICulfe
sharpeners , Steve polish , Insect guns. Coat
hooks , Chimney cleaners. 1'otw , Chains , &c.&c. ,
mostly fie and IDc.
rh-ushes. such an assortment. Those Scrub
bing Ilruslios lOc , la the root also the old fash-
Cloned kind. Illacklng brushes lUc , 15c. 2oc. Hair
urnshea Iq probably n dozen kinds ; also paint ,
lute and shaving brushes , we have tried. Have
tried a dozen different brush makers and have
concluded that J. Flnloy Smltlimakes the best ;
wo keep his specialties.
Great 5c , IQc'and 25 GENT STORE ,
Store painted rod , ao thnt you may
readily find us. 1509 Furnnm , Oinnhn ,
< Nob.
1319 Farnam St.
Will Place on Sale
AT 8 A , M.
( Hamburg , Nainsook nnd Swiss
* * They come in assorted widths and
patterns , nnd contain a small pro
portion o colored goods similar to
the lot wo sold hist Benson thnt gave
fluch genwal .satisfaction , and ll oy
will Lo . 1 at the uniform price of
10 CENTS i > er yard for the lot.
This is u wonderful bargain ,
ninny of them lioing worth from
five to ton times the price aslc"l for
them. These who know ns und have
attended our salo.s need not ho lold
that we mean wlwfc wo say in such tin
offer as thu nbovo. If uny wish
further proof of. the genuineness o
this ) . > nvsn'Jii wo invite tlibm to look
into our cast window where n pnvt of
the lot is displayed. We would nd-
rvi3o tin * prompt attendance of those
who desire to secure the best bar-
1319 Farnam St. |
The Young Doctor Couldn't . .Vac
cinate Thorn.
Kttronenn Women Iliul for the
Hlonilcs Chlitcsn Women's Feet
An Kcccntrio Woman
Work orVlno. .
Hurt I-'or tr > < Hlomlc * .
Dr. Boflrtoo , of London , h responsible
for u slutomont which is at once novel
anil BurprishifT. Ho declares that the
chances of dark women obtaining hus-
bandK nro to tlioso of fair women In the
proportion of throe to twoand that this
( . oiiclimion is proved by statistics Cor-
tninlv this * is in opposition to the Ron-
oral idea , upon the subject. For every
dark heroine of a novel tlioro nro
twenty fnir ones ; while , although n few
pools may hnvo simp tlio praises of dark
beauties , those who hnvo celebrated the
chunns of fnir onoa nro vastly more
numerous. Among the lower classes of
Kngllsh , Indeed , there is n poneral
projudieo against dark hatred
women , it being- fixed idea -that
they possess infinitely worse tempers
than fair women. Were Dr. Buddoo's
theory correct , thnt tliroo brunettes
marry to two blondes , It would certainly
bo found that almost every unmarried
Indy past the ago of thirty belong to the
latter category ; which is certainly not
the case. At tlio same time , the fact
that the hair of the people of this-ishind
is becoming distinctly darker than it
was is one that cannot bo denied. Per
sona who ran look back half n century
will bo ready to admit the change in
this respect. For every red-haired per
son to be seen now , ton would hnvo been
mot with lifty years buck ; and if the
change continues at the.samp rate , in
another Imlf century rod-haired people
will hnvo become so uncommon thnt n
red-hnirod lady will bo one of the most
nttraclivo ligurcs in n country show.
ThcChlnnso Woman' ? Feet.
Chang Tae in the Philadelphia. Press :
The feet of Chinese women are made
small in u very simple manner. Tno
process begins at the ago of five or six
years. The foot is tightly bound , so
that the circulation of blood coaxes and
the lees are crushed together. The
bnndtigod foot is inserted in a short ,
narrow-pointed- , in the heels of
which n block of wood-is placed , so that
the girl appears to bo standing on her
toes. Sometimes bandages nro wound
around over the shoo. Tlio foot , of
course , grows smaller , but , in consequence
quence of the shrinking of the skin ,
seems round and plump. Stockings arc
not worn. If everything goes all right
the foot assumes the desired form in
two or three years , being gradually
shrivelled. up. The poor girls
often have to undergo great pain.
Spmctimes the skin und llcsh burst
under the terrible pressure , nnd occa-
sionnlly incurable injuries result. It is
dangerous to hasten the process , nnd
especially so when at the beginning of
the operations the girls nro beyond the
usual ago. Not infrequently the at
tempt is made with fifteen or sixteen-
year-old daughters. In such cases the ,
process is ditlluult , for the foot hns al
most reached its full growth , nnd the
pain is unbearable.
The solos of the shoes are from three
to four inches thick. The girl appears ,
therefore , to be tailor than she really
is. itnd walks with un uncertain and
affected gait.
This practice of deforming the feet
prevails only among the upper class-is
nnd tlioso who affect the manners and
customs of their superiors in rani ; .
Among the lower clasans. where the de
formity would unfit a girl for necessary
labor , the foot nro allowed to grow nnt-
urnlly. This ostnblishes n sort of caste
sign. The father of a tiny-footed
muidon will not permit her to marry a
man whoso mother or sisters have not
artificially diminutive feet. The writ
ten law * of the land do not refer to this
custom in anyway ; it would bo much as if
American legislation should deal with
tight lacing.
Tlio Peculiar Ways or Woman.
At n meeting of a dozen Indies the
other day to organize a lodge of the
King's Daughters , the utter unfamiliarity -
iarity of women with parliamentary
law , or oven with the general iden of
organization , WMSsomewhnthumorously
illustrated. After they had bat looking
at each other a trillo nervously for
awhile one of thorn said :
"Well , hero wo nro. What nra wo
going to do ? "
"O , dear , " haid another. "I don't
know , but let's do something. "
At last n young lady suggested they
might try not to say mean things about
other people until next meeting , any
way. Everybody thought that would bo
nice. Juntas they wore about adjourn
ing , two hourri later , n InUy exclaimed :
"O , I hupposo wo ought to have a
president. "
"Why , of C3urdJ wo ought , " said an
"I don't Hupposa nnyl'ody will object
to Mrs. Hrown for president , " said a
third , "lot's hnve.her. "
' All right , let's , " echoed the rest.
And nojjody objected to names proposed
for becrotary and treasurer , either.
A few days later the fnir secretary
consulted n guntlmnan acquaintance as
to how she should write up the minutes
of the mooting.
"Well , you ought to begin by saying
who was chairman of the meeting. "
" didn't chairman"
"Why , wo hnvonny
baid the girl.
"Who then put the motions before
the mooting ? " uskod the gentleman.
"Oh , wo didn't have uny motion.
Somebody would say she thought such n
thing would bo nice , nnd nil the others
would say they thought o too. That
was all. "
"If that was the case , " Inughod the
gentleman , "you would have to tot it
down in the minutes thnt bitch and
mich muuburos wore informally ap
proved. Rut you must btatc clearly
that the club was organized nnd write
out the name of your particular branch
or lodge and the constitution and by
laws , you adopted ; and then "
"JJut haven't " interrupted
wo got any numo ,
terrupted tlio girl'rnnd wo didn't adopt
any constitution and by-laws. What
was the iiso ? Wo all know what we wore
thiu-o for. Be&idcs , wo didn't think of
thut. "
An Knoentrlc Woman.
Miss Agnes Murray , of Bridgeport ,
Conn. . It n most eccentric woman. She
is posscbsod of n large fortune , and she
spends her ineoir.o in an extremely cur
ious way. For instance , n ynar ngo the
bought n house in Bridgeport for 435 , '
000 , nnd immediately closed it , allowing-
no one to live in it , though many desir
able tenants nrasonteil tlicinsolvos. She
is fond of lulling what n belle she \yus
in her youth , ami how iho danci'J with
the British minister atajtate bull in
Washington , she is in the hubit of
inviting her Irlandj to vUit her coun
try place , und pormittinir them to wain
four mile * from the slation. although
* ! has a stable full of horses and car
TIic Work of Wine.
Apropo * of the tsrrib'.e work of in torn *
poranro , says a writer In the Scranton
( Pa. ) Times , I hoard a pathetic , nnd at
the same time an interesting story , not
long Blnco , of how , by the acquired
habit of visiting fashionable restaurants
nnd slpjiing champagne ft handsome nnd
highly educated young woman became
a hopeless drunkard. The womnn in
question is now abandoned by her hus-
bancl and family nnrt she lives only for
the pleasure of prolonged periods of In
toxication. Lessthnn two years ago she
was beloved and respected by all who
know her nnd her devoted husband was
onlv hnppv when in her presence ; but
to-day no' is broken hearted , and goes
about his business in a way thnt incU-
ralcs thnt hii roaion is being gradually-
bnt surely dethroned. The young wlfo
who has caused FO much sorrow formed
tlio acquaintance of a female friend
soon nftor she wa mar
ried , who frequently took her
lo lunch nt apromlnontrcstaurantwhon
upon shopping expeditions. Her friend ,
in order to show her hospitality , invar
iably ordered wine. and. nt flr.t , the
young wife flatly refused lo taste itbut ,
when told it was fashionable to sip the
bovcrago at such places , she relented
nnd did as sire was iris.truclod. In a lit
tle while she had developed such a taste
for the sparkling liquor that her friend
became frightened , mil It was lee lato.
The young wife lintl acquired an appo-
.tito that could not bo controlled. In
vniiflior husband and parents pleaded
with her , hut her ears were dent to
their pathetic entreaties. They bore
with her sharno until they wore com
pelled to turn her from their luxurious
homo ; not , however , until every effort
hnd boon made to-induco her to reform.
The anguish of the young woman's par
ents beggars descriptionand only those
who have experienced shame nnd sorrow
row in their worst forms can begin to
understand tbo tribulallonsjof Iho sorrowing
rowing couple , The companion who
induced her lo lake the first draught is
a mental wreck from the Intense suffer
ings she has experienced in witnessing
the young wife's downfall.
The Young Doctor Coulcln'r Vaccinate
Maidenly modesty and female-nntty
lu\vo had a sharp . .struggle among the
young ladies in tnis'city , and especially
at the fashionable schools , since the
small-pox began , says the Philadelphia
Record. The young women dread the
disease , which , oven if not fatal , might
prove deadly to their physical charms ,
and vaccination w xs therefore welcomed
by all. But the difficulty was that low
of the young ladies , with visions of re
ceptions next winter before them when
they would appear in Iqw-cut corsage
and sleeveless bodices , cared lo have
the disfiguring marks placed upon their
arms. In consequence there has boon a
great demand , especially at the fash
ionable boarding schools in Iho city , for
elderly physicians to whoso care the
young lading could submit themselves
for vaccination.
As they would not be vaccinated upon
the arm and they did not care to have
the pimple on the end of the nose , it
has generally been decided by the fash
ionable female to have the delicate operation -
oration performed on the calf of the leg.
This required the services of the elderly
practitioners , as tholadicis wore loth to
submit to the gaze of the youthful doc
tors. A lady who manages a fashionable
boarding school near Broad nnd Locust
street ? hist week determined to have nil
of the young ladies in her charge vacci
nated. Those who wore boarders at Iho
school were to 1x > vaccinated by the
physician , an elderly and well-known
practitioner , who has usually been
called in to attend such ills as school
girls are heir to. The young
ladies all protested against the
marking of their arms ; and
it was determined , after solemn confer
ence , that each one should bo vaccin
ated upon the calf of the leg. This was
entirely salisfaclory unlil Iho day ap
pointed for the operation. Instead
of coming himself , the doctor
sent his assistant , a very young man
with a blonde mustache , whom the girls
declared looked "just too sweet. " There
was a hurried oonsultalion of the ladies :
"Never ! " "I'll take the small-pox
first ! " ' 'Ho shall not vaccinate mo ! "
Such wore the exclamations of the girls.
The young doctor was compelled to
retire , and the kindly old gentleman
who is his preceptor was soul for. The
girls Ihcn submit ! cdAvilhout a murmur.
A well known physician said yester
day : "I doubt if there is a woman
above fifteen in the city who will sub
mit to a vaccination on the arm. That ,
of course , is natural , and is feminine. "
Talt About the "Weaker" Sex.
Society women nowadays thoroughly
realize the importance of good health
in the inalrimonial market , and Now
York women are to-day much stronger
and hcallhior , as a rule , than the mo n
are , says Iho Now York Mail. A few
minutes on Broadway , between four
teenth street and Thirty-second , on tlio
weil side of Iho street , of a Saturday
afternoon , will demonstrate the truth
of Ibis assertion. The women , as a
rule , are fresh of face , creel of carriage ,
their heads are well poised and their
arms well rounded. Their figures are
'trim and they walk along with a strong
and regular stride. The men , on the
other hand , are too often hallow and
loose-jointed , flat chested and hollow-
eyed , and certainly but little else can
bo extracted when the late hours usually
kept by Ihcm are considered nnd it is
remembered how many dozen of cigar-
ollcs they smoke during Iho day and
how many deadly cocklaila are imbibed.
European Women.
In a bouquet of European women the
ViolmcHo can he at once distinguished ,
says Oscar Wild's ' Woman's World.
She has a charm , a distinction , all her
own. Lc s reserved in manner than
the average English woman , and less
artificial than the Parisian , she makes
an almost ideal hostess. Generally
pretty , always graceful , and drchsod
with a chic which she has herself in
vented , the Viennese is , perhaps ,
studied lo most advantage in her own
drawing room. Watch her as she moves
quietly about among her guests , charm
ing to all aliiv'o , forgetting no one , letting
ting no detail escape her watchful oye.
Snobbishness , the darling vice of the
Londoner , its unknown to the dweller in
the Austrian capital , unless the unpar
alleled oxclubivencitS of the court may
Iw counted under Uiln head. Many na
tionalities combine in the Viennese. In
her wo find the idealistic Hungarian ,
the sensuous Slav , the practical Ger
man , the imia : sionol : Italian nnd the
languid Oriental , for all thuso diverse
nationalilins are fused in tiie Austrian.
Theto antagonistic elements tire , how
ever , corrected by a training' and edu
cation 'more English than French in
character ; for the Austrian girl la no
, inffiMiue , no broad-nnd-bultor miss ,
I even in her early teen * . The public or
The nubile or high schools nro Mrst-rato
in Vienna , and the young Aiintrian lady
goes to and frp ur.ily from sohool to
home , unaccompanied by servants or
governess. Hur education being com
pleted , she is introduced to society at
about seventeen your a of ngo , when the
at oin'o averts a pretty independence of
manner. If chaperons are more of nn
ir.stltutlor. in Vienna than in London ,
thu Austrian pirlenjoye nearly as iniioh
IIburly in her ivnglUh prototype , far it
U a custom at a Vieunuie ball for thu
* to l > avi ; thtiir mothers , era
a , oil entering thu drtnoing-
rcoui , aii'l to congregate together , a
pretty , joyous band , nti ono end of the
room , whore they gbssip nnd mnko up
their programmes fof the night. In the
ballroom , indeed , the Viennese is seen
at her best. To the ranglo strains of
Strnuss1 immortal values you see her
floating nround , the spirit incnrnnto of
the dnnco. Light , Blight nnd lithe
for the Viancso hnvdtho smallest wnlsts
in Europe she is seen to perfection in
her clouds of tulle and gnuzo , moving
swlftty. but smoothly round , in the arms
of homo blonde nnd'mnrtlnl partner.
Come hither , ray Jane , soio , my picture is
hero ,
Do you lilto it , my love ! "Don't it strike
you ! "
"I can't siy It does nt present , my dear ,
IJut 1 dare say it will It's so llico you. "
A loose loop of silver wire Is qulto the pret
tiest or the now key rln s.
Pnnwols nro large , nnd the rlba more
arched than lor ycnra pnst.
Red nnil Its couilti gcrinnn terra colla , nro
much Hlcod for long seaside wraps.
Mnuvo veiling nnd whlto luolro is n sty
lish as well as favorite summer combina
A squnro opnl , with n diamond ni each corner -
nor , Is the setting cliosou for soaio very now
Golden glove fasteners , with pendant
Initials , are shown by some of the leading
Black ribbon , over a color slightly broader ,
is the preferred sash for wear with black
Inco gowfas.
Once inoro nshcs of roses com03 to the
front as n fuvorlto color for the best of one's
good gowns.
The most serviceable Jeweled novelty is a
silver parasol huaillo thnt opens nt the top to
disclose u fun.
The last sweet thlmj in perfumery is ' 'Oso-
swtct"uuil the small of It about otic-half tlio
size of Jockey Club.
The rage for silver is not on the obbthough
Its use ROCS as low as the gortor.whoso buck
les now appear In thnt mctal elthcr chased
or frosted.
The oddest pendant yet Is a mummy of
oxydizcd sllvor.owhich , however. Is almost
matched by n belt simulating odd old coins
connected by small rings.
A cherub of black onyx with pear eyes nnd
n brilliant set In either wing , is u brooch thnt
somehow suggests ghoulish horrors , yet is
withal quaintly attractive.
Any girl can bo dainty , event \ she can't
be pretty , and the chances are seven to ono
that the younij men of her acquaintance will
never know the dilTcrcnco.
It Is said that fashion's present undeniable
tendedcy to favor the points of painfully thin
women is u tribute and po slight one to
tbo world-conquering Uornnnrdt.
Ono ot tlio newest % 'csts is of shirred tusks ,
made by taking a length and a half of stuff ,
and alter tucking witli strong threads draw
ing them up to the proper shortness.
The chanqeablq or shot effect jn ribbon is
produced , not as in the cuso of dross fabrics ,
by warp of one shade und woof of another ,
but by dyeing ono hue ever the other.
Tulle , fully pleated , puffed or flounced over
silk , is the favorite gown for n youthful
bride , and silver nnd ] > eaii passementerie
are chosen for such wear hi the place of gold.
To smarten the sleeves of last summer's
afternoon gowns fasten" a breadth of narrow
piece lace under a bow at the shoulder , nnd
catch it on with two more at the elbow and
wriat. / ; ,
Bridesmaids wear bfton the soft China
silks , or oven surah , inW.hlto or palo colors ,
mudo with long , fully curved drn ] > erics , sim
ply bordctcd Avith inchwfdo ribbon , which
also edges the liardlysech pleating at foot
of the skirt. *
Delvu LockwoodL , sitiSo ffcr nomination for
the presidency , has bohglitf a stunning now
bonnet. A cunningly'"cohstructed ' artificial
boo is made to hover among the iiowcrs that
adorn its crown. - i
A lace pin thnt wasothcrwison cameo rose
bud of the loveliest pink 'and white , would
tempt any female human r creature with a
flno feeling for ornament into coveting her
neighbor's goods.
Tlio empire flower , set for wear at the
swellcst festivities , consfsts of a dire-lory
wreath , shoulder knot and bouquet , all of
the same blossoms and in tbncs that echo the
hues of the costume.
The blouse bodice , now so much to the fore
is not much but a yolto with n full nifilo
sewed upon it , the mule long enough to como
six inches below the belt in front , lour on
the hips nnd five behind.
A Now Vork paper tells of a Harlem
woman who has double rows of teeth , while
tier son has no teeth at nil. There mani
festly is buch n thing as carrying this
woman's rights matter too far.
The translucent Greuzo bonnets , for occa
sions of high fashion , are made up over in
visible frames of cither otamino , silk illu
sion or Spanish crepe , often heavily' om-
broidcre4with gold or silver thread.
Brides may now wear V necks back nnd
front , finished either with lace draped
around , but uot tilling the openfng , or clso
with many folds of the tulle , net or silk mull
that makes up the drapery of the whole
A silver cuff , satin finished and held to
gether with a big gold button , is u cigar
stand to ho commended to tlioso young
who , iu the discharge of leup-yoir obliga
tions , cast about for good gifts to lucre mor
tal man.
According to n cable dispatch three Amer
ican ladies were "presented to Queen Vic
toria" ono day last week. It is doubtful if
the queen appreciated such n "present. "
Wales , her son , would accept such presents
with thanks.
Very deep cnffs of the sheerest lawn , very
tightly embroidered ut the upper edge , nnil
turned back from the hand , uro worn with
house gowns of dark wool and require n
transparent Japanese sash us their proper
Ladies uownrol A Baltimore hello has
Just lost her dear doggie by the animal's at
tempt to cluibo a big sewer rnt in the course
of which he broke his ribbon , got out of his
depth nnd drowned us Igiiominiously us
though ho had never "worn silk. "
A now kind of strike occurred in n female
seminary in Nusnville , Tenn. , the other day ,
where a clas * of young ladies indignantly
struck ugatnst instruction from a text book
on history whicl.rocUed the old storyof Jefferson -
forson Davfs1 capture in female attire.
An Allentown , ( Pa. ) tailoring firm with a
keen eye to business , employs u young wo
man to collect from the swell customers who
nro inclined to shirk paying honest debts.
Just how the bchcmo works isn't mentioned ,
but it scorns nn admirable ono ut sight.
Corsage bouquets nro undergoing needed
reform , two or tliroo blossoms with very
long stems taking the plaoj of the llornl dm-
ner-pluto we ull know so well , nnd it Is no
end stylish to have the nplect few held in
place by n slender , , wicked-looking silver
Women wear high htits to the theatre because -
cause nearly every women looks better In n
high hat. As nearly every man looks better
iu a silk hat , mill u theatre is the pluuo for
dress , why shouldn't they wear 'em ) Then
nobody could see the stugo and all would bo
A now book is called "Hold Up Your
Heads , Girls. " It bo hopad the girls
will do nothing of the kind when they are in
u theatre. "Hold down"1 your heads , girls. "
would bo bettor ailvieo' to follow on such oc
casions. Hut the removal of their bonnets
would give still inoro satisfaction ,
Miss Winnie Davis , when she went to
Jackson , Miss. , to attclld tlio corner stone
laying of n confederate monument , was mot
nt the station by nearly thowbolo town , and
escorted to the house o a friend by cheerinj
multitudes. Her lather , JcfTe'rson Davis ,
was too ill to attend gnMtly to the disap
pointment of thu big crowd ussembled.
The greatest trouble experienced by young
lodios who teach in Chlneiio Sunday bchools
in this city is to keen the Chmumeu from
thinking they nro in love with them. They
are intensely vaiu as u rule , uud the ugliest
Mongolian that squirts rice water will iui-
usiuo that ho is admired on the slightest
pi o vocation.
A certain Hurrisburg ( I'a.j lady , well
known to the public for her good works In
charitable movements , was the possos&or of
B picture takeu twenty-five yeara ago , from
which > he wanted a uopy. Hustles were not
In style then , but the owner Informed thu
arlUi that to make the picture llfo-llke ho
"must aujiply the original ! " with that iudir.-
pcnsabla article. She left and tbo poor
photographer lias bucu racking his brain to
nnd out if the ' -bustle U to Up supplied" tot o
picture or the owner.
L. Andrews
27S dozen FRKXOtri'KXAXGantlGARXIiAlPRrRROAKtS SUIKTShi nioc , fine jaltfrni , beautiful
floods cverii shirt { food style tinilnol our nfthcm worth lest than ono dollar. Thli it one oftJir great buri/ainn
our bnver picked nn in AGIO lorami Just one-quarter of the real value will sell them , Monday onat '
590 590 590
We will start onr cut sale on the Republican and Democrat campaign plug hat for $2 , anil will offer thcttc
the season thronyh at this price ; then < " 'c oood smooth Hoods and alt the matter with them ig the. low Jitfcc.
.00 $ IOO $ IOO $1.00
S , L. Andrews & Company ,
S. W. Corner 15tli and Douglas Sts.
What Thaddous St&vons Did With
His Poker Winnings.
Tlie Great Zola IiiRorsoll's Phrases
Xuo Sultnii and the Ijlon Sena
tor Fryo nsa Fisherman
Jackson nnd Lincoln.
The Great Kola.
M. Zola , the novelist , has just com
pleted hts forty-eighth your. His father ,
an Italian by birth and nn onpineor by
profession , died when Emilo wns in his
eighth yonr. Kinilo becnine clerk to the
French publisher , Hnchotte , wrote
verses which nobody would print , nnd
wns at ono time so poor thnt ho lived
during tho- best pnrt of n winter on
broad nnd oil. His first prose work , n
collection of short tnlos , was published
nearly n quarter of a. century ngo. but
it wns the novel , "Thorefcn Rnquin , "
which first brought him into note. His
extraordinary Buries of "naturalistic"
romances begun to be published in 1871 ,
and almost from thnt date ho has been
the leadorof the school or fnmilyof nov
elists which ho considers Guatave Flau
bert to have founded. Ho is a tireless
worker , nmnsses ( as Flaubert did ) nn
extraordinary quantity of notes for
every book ho writes , nnd prefers rural
to urban surroundings while writing.
A Millionaire's Beginning.
A story wns published not Jong ago
that Congressman William L. Scott , of
Erie , was once n fish peddler. An old
nnd distinguished citizen of Mr. Scott's
town says It is not true. The democrat
ic boss of Pennsylvania , who smokes
cigars thnt cost only SI.40 apiece , began
his career as a page in the halls of con
gress. Afterward he became n ware
house clerk lor General Road of Eric ,
and in 18-r > 7 ho wont Into the warehouse
business himself. At thnt time railroad
stocks were low , nnd ho invested. It was
the beginning of his present colossal
fortune , estimated at 520,000,000. Mr.
Scott docs not dress like n rich num.but
wears nn ordinary cheap suit of salt and
pepper colored tweed. His hnt is n
Derby , not always carefully brushed ,
and worn rather low down on his fore
head. Ho walks somewhat stooped-
shouldercd nnd is palo'and consumptive
looking. Ho hnsthe uir of n man pre
occupied a look that Atlas might have
had after carrying the world around on
his shoulders n few days.
One OH Thaddous Stevens.
Boston Herald : Thaddcus Stevens
had two weaknesses , nn inconquornble
love for poker and n heart so tender
thnt ho would give his Inst cent to relieve
lievo distress. Ltotwocu the two ho wns
usunlly very fnr from "flush. " Ono
night ho had n run of luck at curds ,
cnine out winner to the amount of an
oven $100 , and when his checks were
cashed ho received n crisp now bill of
that denomination. Next morning he
went to the capitol nt the usual time ,
and was there waylaid by n soldier's
widow , who had n piteous tulo of sorrow
and suffering to relate. Stevens put
his hand in his pocket , found thu 31(10 (
bill it wns nil he had and handed it
to the astonished widow. A fellow-
member was standing by who had seen
the game the night before , and know
where the money came from. Stevens
caught his eye , Kiniled , and. by way of
explanation , haid : "God moves in a
mysterious way His wonders to per
form. "
Colonel Ingrraoll'ti Phrases.
Colonel Ingorsoll has become famous
for coining popular phrases nnd fram
ing cpigrammntic sentences. Hit * ref
erence to Mr. Ulnino as the "plumed
knight" when ho presented the numo of
the Mnino slntosnian to the national re
publican convention in 1870 , was at once
taken up by the party and became a
rallying cry for them when their favor
ite wns nominated four yeard later.
Colonel Ingoi'fcoll'o eulogy nX | > n Roscoe
Conkling shows that ho has lost none of
ills originality. One nf the gems of
thnt address IH the sentence : "lie had
the pride of n prince and the forfimo of
n peasant. " Another is the distinction
between pride nnd vanity. The orator
admitted that Conkling was proud , hnt
declared that ho wan not vain , Ho
continued : ' 'Vanity rests upon the
opinion of others pride on our own.
The source of vanity U from without
of pride from within. Vanity ia n vmno
that turns , a willow thut bends with
every hreo/.o jn-ido is the oak that de
fied the otorin. One is cloud the other
Ono is weakness the other strength. "
This \\orthy n plnco among the ut-
toruiiceo of the philoiophors. The dis
tinction U logically , clearly nnd pictur
esquely drawn.
/in Ancciloto of Wobstor.
Ono of the very best anecdotes of
Daniel Webster , in illustrative of that
exulted ai.d exalting character which
liis mind pre-eminently po&E > obttod , was
told by the late St. George Tucker
Campbell , of Philadelphia , himself n
lawyer of great and dcburved distinc
Mr. Campbell said thnt having been
retained in n somewhat famous case at
the time with Mr. Webster , who wns
dotatncd by his senatorial duties ut
Washington , the conduct of the cno
through the preliminaries devolved
unon him , it being agreed that Mr.
\Vebstor should uolivor the Closing ar-
gumcnt. "But , " snid Mr. Campbell ,
"day nftcr day went by without bring
ing the great expounder , until the very
Inst day before that on which the clos
ing argument wns to bo delivered , nnd I
wns in despair : I was sitting in my room
at the hotel debating with myself what
to do , when Mr. Webster was an
nounced. After tbo little civilities had
passed ho asked me to loll him about
the oneo.
'Why , Mr. Webber , ' said I , 'is it pos
sible you know nothing of the case ? '
'Nothing whatever , ' said ho. 'Toll me
about it. '
"I wns utterly dumbfounded , nnd
pointing lo a pile of testimony a foot
deep on the table , J snid : 'How am I to
convoy all that to you in the little time
that is left usV
"Ho snid : "Oh , never mind details.
Give mo the case generally and the
salient points. "
"Ho sat down at the table opposite mo
nnd I gnyo him a rapid synopsis of the
case , which took two hours and more.
Ono point I especially called his ntton-
tion to. The opposing counsel were
bent on securing a continuance of the
case , while our interests demanded nn
immeditilo decision. As a renson
against granting the continuance I
cited the fact that the other side had
protracted the cross examination
excessively , occupying six days in the
cose of ono witness.
"Mr. Webster bade mo good night
nftor I hnd concluded nnd went to bed.
The next morning bo came into court
ns aorono and majestic ns Jove himself ,
while I wna nervous nnd apprehensive
to the last degree. Ho began his ad
dress to the court with thnt slow , ponderous
derous gravity that was so character
istic of him in the outset of his forensic
efforts , then gradually warmed and
quiokenod. I listmiod spell-bound , for
in essence it wns nothing but what I had
pumped into him in the two hours and
a half tulle of the day before. But now
transmitted nnd transformed. To give
you un iden of the transformation I will
tnlvo the point to which 1 have alluded.
He rendered it thus :
"They ask for n continuance ! Why ,
may it please the court , they have taken
at this hearing ns much time in the
cross examination ns it took tlio
Almighty to create the univcr&o ! "
Thnt represents the difference be
tween his speech nnd my talk ; my .sim
ple six days grew to the colossal 'figure
1 have described under the magical
touch of his genius and this instance
was. characteristic of the whole.
The Snltnn nnd the Ijlon.
' Mulai Abdorh-
Murray's Magazine : -
mnn wns very fond of having wild an
imals kept loose iu the garden or court
yard of his place. On entering the
"Moshwa" or court yard of the palace n
lion would bo seen unfettered , crouch
ing , or , as it happened , two panthers
have passed near to mo , prowling about
the Shorilllan garden. Tlio master of
the house related to mo thut Mului
Aberahman , mounted on a magnificent
white charger , happened ono day to
pans through the court of the palace ,
when a lion which his majcbtv was ac
customed to stop and caress sprang up
the side of his horse and placed his
paws on the knees of the sultan. His
majesty reigned in his steed , which
snorted and reared. The sultan showed
no alarm , and did not , biiid the master
ol the house , change a muscle of his
comitonnm'o , but turning to the Icuiil
of the mcshwar , or chief officer of the
court , nnd putting his hand on the head
of'tlie lion tostroke it , inquired : "How
many pounds of meat nre given to the
lion per tiny ? " The olllcer staled the
quantity. ' 'Lot the lion have ten more
pounds , " said his majesty. The lion's
petition being granted it quiolly drop-
lied olT his majetity'dhorbO and lay down
quite nncificd. "These animals , " ob-
borvcil the miibtcl1 of the horse , "under
stand what in sKken ] , though they have
not the power of .spooch lo loll what
they want. "Mashulluh , " I gravely ru-
Senator Huwloy will bo Fourth of July
orator ut I'hiUili'lphu.
Senator Fair , despite reverses , is
tatd to bo worth SJO.OIHMKM
Robert Louis Stnvtmson ays Jamus out
ranks Hnwulls us HIM gututcst living Ameri
can novelist.
The late Vice President Whcotor guvo
away between $10,000 and 50OW during the
closing years of his life.
.lolui G , Whittler , the pool , luv > scat his
congratulations to Dom IVdm on his aboli
tion of Hluvcry in lintel ,
John C > . Whlttior. the pool , has ont his
congratulations to Dam I'udro on ah > aboli
tion of bluvcry In Israeli. Bhermun has lu < i n tussle with
rheumatism , but hopns soon to bo "bio to ru-
new his dinner engagements.
llev. William Slocum , of Haltimoro.has
iii'ccptcd the presidency of Colorado college ,
to which ho vrus recently elected.
Fred Douglass has a forluao of tOO,039und
thera nre suid to bo inoro limn 1UU u'lorrd
men in Washington who nro worth * 2" , UM or
Jair.os WuHcotnb Rlloy nys thut u part .ins
no right to ii.lliet vcwcs on a public which
do not null him. Docs Mr. Kiloy pracVkv
what he preaches.
Oliver Womlcll Holmes. Jr. , justice uf the
huiueuic court of M < wachubutts , Is visiting
OalifornUi.uiid will cloiuly utuJy thu Chinese
cheap Jjbor question.
f Joncral Bhermun commando ! tbo savairr
In the army of the Potomac just ono ycar.und
in tlinttnuo fought suventy.Mx battles and
captured ' . ' 05 battle flags and over liil ) tiold
piece * .
Blr Edward Haino U the oldest nctlvo
] ovirnali t in Kuropc. lie Is eight ; eight
jears old , Is editor of the Leeds Mercury ,
and began hu Journullstij career throe years
after the buttle of Waterloo.
General Lew Wallace Is | > t > .unstely fond
of thu gentle fiK | > rl which l/.iuk W.ilton in ail o
immortal. Hi was c'3wully active iu ttio
recent fly casting tournnmont , of the fisher *
men of the slate ot Indiana.
Mr. Henry Villaril wiles confirming the
settlement that ho is nbout to undertake an
expedition to the south polo. Dr. Koutnoycr
director of the Deutsche Seowurto of Ham
burg , will co-operate with him.
General Clinton B. Fiske , the prohibition
leader , Is very popular nmonp the Methodists
ol I ow Jersey. His good lady also Is par-
licularly conspicuous in the affairs of that
church. General F. is rich and liberal.
Roswell P. Flower , politically famous for
his barrel , began worlt at seventeen , "tend
ing store" In n northern Now York country
town for f5 n monlh and his board. Ho madq
his money in railroads and in land invest
Russell Sago is the dlroclorof three banks ,
nnd il is seldom that , ho misses n meeting.
Forcauh mooting that ho attends ho re
ceives $10. Mr. Sage , it Is said , calculated
that the money ho earns ns n bank director
will pay his butcher nnd vegetable bills ,
William E. Gladstone has been warmly
praised both in print and in speech the novel
"Uobort Klsmorc , " wrllen | by n well known
English women. Henry Labouchoro says ol
it : "A more tiresome book I hnvo seldom
come across , uor ono more thorougly dull
and dreary. "
Some very now hats have the brim lined
with small , stemlcss blossoms sowed thickly
in. or else single petals of largo llo\vers
slightly overlapping ono another , nnd the
effect is youthful nnd quaintly prolty.
A Few Pointers to Prudent -
dent Buyers.
The99 Cent Store
I2O9 Farnam St
Established over 12 years , is offering at
the present time some of the greatest
bargains in the history of their business
Stock now ! Assortment Largest ! Prices
the Lowestl
Strictly tirst clnsa in every particular.
Dippers , 6c , So , lOc.
Covered Buckets , 5c , lOc , 15o to 25c.
Ton Trays , 6c , lOc , loc , iJ5c to 45c.
Children's Trays , i > 5c , 48c , 75c.
Pudding Pans , Gc , 8c , lOc , 12c to 25o.
Milk Pans , oc , 5c , 8c , lOc , 12c , 25c.
Pie Pans , Jic each.
Perforated Pie Pans , 5c.
Dish Pans , lOc 15c. 20c.
Ie-tinned Rinsing Pans , 18c,23cto45
Bread Pans , 6c , lOc.
Dust Pans , 5c , tic.
Stew Pans. 5c , lOc , 15c lo 2oc.
Tea-kettles toOSc.
Colleo Pols , lOc , loc. 20e to 95c.
Dinner Buckets , 18o , 25c to 4Cc.
Tea and Codec Strainers , Sir nnd lOc.
Bowl Strainer * , 5c and lOc.
Wire Potato Mashers , 6c.
Vegetable Strainers , lOc.
Wire Broilers , 5c , lOc , ICc.
Wire Egg Beaters , 5c.
Rotary Action Egg Beaters , lOc ,
Spiral Wire "Easy" Egg Beatcrs.loc.
Wire Coffee Pot Stands , lOc.
Wire Sponge Racks , lOc.
Pot Cleaners , fie , lOc , loc.
Tack Hammers , 5c nnd lOc.
Tacks , best , 2c n parier.
Hatchets , good quality , lOc.
Screw Drivers , Cc nnd lOc.
Padlocks , lOc.
Shelf Brackets , Cc and lOc a pair.
Mincing Knives , 6c and lOc.
Table Knives and Forks , lOc a pair.
Bc.t Table Cutlery , BOc and 9'Je ' set.
Monitor Lamp Stove , ODc each.
Lemon Squeczeas , lOc.
Tracing Wheels , lOc.
Fr > ing Pans , lOc , 16c and 25c.
Ice Cream Frcezeis , $1.98 to 4.P5.
Thousands of articles in these deparlt
merit * that we have no space to mention.
Wood Spoons , fie.
Chopping Howls , JOc , ICc , 2-je.
Potato Mawhers , 5o.
Moiling Pins , / nnd lOo.
Wnsh Boards , lOo , ICe , to 26o ,
Knife Boxes , lOc.
Towel HnckB. lOo , lOc nnd2Cc.
ft-nrm Towel Racks , Co nnd lOc.
Suit Boxes , lOc.
Hat nnd Coat Hooks , fie nnd lOc.
Clotheb Horses , 48c , 74c to Wo.
Pails , 12c , ICc , IBcandtiSc.
Tubs , : ! ! o10o , OTo to 85e.
( Jutting Tables , llo ) ) each.
Lap Boardb UOo cnch.
Brooms , lOc , ICe to 3c.
Croquet , 7Ci' , H5c nnd We. .
Scrub Brushes , Cc nnd lOc.
Shoe Brushes , JOc , 15c nnd 25c.
\Vhihk Brooms , lOc , lOc , lOc , Me.
I''niit/.Baskets ' , fio.
Work Bnbkots , lOc , 16c , 20 to 09c.
Shopping Babkot , lUo , IQe , i0o ! to OOc ,
Lun oh Baskets , lUc , liiu , 20o to 49c.
Hampers , ! ) lc ) oach.
Clothe * Baskets , 40c , 76c.
Market Baskets , ! iCu , 4 o , 74c to 09o.
Plates , So , 5c , Ce.
CUJM nnd Saucers , 25c to 45o per set ,
Soaliop Dishes , lOo. ICe , Ib'c and 2-50.
Voffcttablo Dibhos , lOo , ICe , 18cnnd25o
Philters , lOc , IL'o , lllc , lOc to 45c.
Covered Dishes , 4flc , 74o.
' A full assortment of Discern ted Crock
ery in cuts or open stock , ntour low and
popular price * .
Imported Tuml-Jcra in colors , Cc each ,
Imported Pollen Dot Pitchers , 13u.
Ice Cream Dibhos , So , Cc , lOo.
Water Sou , lWo to $1.03.
Cream Pitchers , 6c nnd JOc.
Suynrd , Sponns. Ac. . Co0c \ , to25c ,
Flnti Goblcti ) , Ccand lOc.
Haiti und Poppers nt Co , lOo
Lamps , 250 , 35 to tl.'Jo.
It's admitted by all thut the
bargain house in Omaha Istlm
Zf. AAKDY t VOt J'ariuim. .