Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    , H
Advertisements under this head. 10 centaper
* line for the nr t Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
tfuoquMit iniwrilon * iul 11.10 A line per month.
noadvertisement , taken for leM than ZiicvnU
for tli first Insertion. Seven words will be
co tin ted to the line ; they must run consecutively
and must bfi paid In Advance. All advertlse-
jnputB mu t be banded In before KM o'clock p.
Tn. , and tinder no circumstances vllt they b
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Fartle advertising In these columns and Imv
Ire the answers addressed In care of the flee
mil pleafo ask for a check to enuble them to
cct their letter * , as none n 111 be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to adrer
tlm-menta should b enclovd In envelopes
All advertisements In those columns are pub
llshed In both morning and evening editions ot
the. lice , the circulation of which aggregates
inorn ttmn 1H.OOO papers dally , and Rives the ad
vertisers the bent fit , not onfy of the city circu
lation of the llee , put also of Council HlnT ( ,
Lincoln and oilier rltloi and towns throughout -
out this eettlon of the country.
"WANTED Situation by n steady , competent
T i nud willing man , wages no object , noplng
to obtain n permanent place. Address O."J. lleo
OI1ICP. 4S7. 13
OOME respectable position wanted liy man 30 ;
f } teototHlor , good penman , knowledge of bonk-
koeplnn unrt cenenil clerical work ; security.
Address 010 , Bee. 47IM7 +
- Na 1 farmer
K5 and stock man ! can do any work or busl-
IICBS on a farm or ranch ; bent of rofcicnccs. Ad-
lion olllce. 4B-lii ( *
i : ! ) Situation for younz man. Any
kind oJ work lo learn trade , lutnilro 1811
C < V st. 441 17 $
\XrANTKD-SltiiaUon by a flr t-class bread
< , > baker , cither city or country. AppljtoWW
4ir. 17 *
Employment by a Meady and
< ompetcnttnan. Address Oil , Hen olllco.
A NEWSI'Al'JKllBolicltorforadvrrtlsemcjitsl. (
Jj lady or gentleman wanted. Address , with
T fcrcnco. V-HC ! Karnam Bt. Must have expe
rience ; cash salary paid.
\1TANTKD-A llrct class hread nnd cake
T > baker immediately. Address or call on
0. L. Jolmpon.KO'J Fourth nt. , Bloux City. In.
470 IK
" \\7ANTI3D-An energetic , reliable Catholic to
Tj reprcMrnt us In own nnd nelgborlngpnr-
s ; must be well recommended , llenzlgnr
3 > ros. , m and 33 Barclay St. . New York. 4 7-17t
3 7" ANTED Anelectrotyperroinpetent to run
. 'Ti attmall foundry. Permanent situation to
Tight pnrty. Marriml man preferred. Address
J. X. llrands , 8IS 1'carl St. , Himix City. Ja. 4U ! 17 *
BOOK Agents Houghton , Mllllln.V- . wish
to engage thb bervlces of a number ono
l > ook Bgent to solicit orders for their crc at work
ZTJje Itlvcrslde Natural Ulston1. Address or call
"tor two or three days. H. Holdowiiy , Taxton
liouso. 4S8-17 *
, ti
\\rANTRD-A travullng salesman : musthiivc
* TT Intluenco with dry goods tradu ; stnte
* where , how long , during what period nnd for
whom traveled. Jteferencew must bo named but
' . . 'spill not bo nsed until after interview unless per-
' Trtfsslou is given. Address P. O. box 013. Chicago ,
1 J1L 4JM-173 :
1 \\7ANTKD Gentleman possessing 11i > t clans
T T references as general agent In Omaha for
advertising special ! les. The rice l > etlT on
5 Heektimn St. , New York City. 493-17 *
t ' \\rANlT5D Good solicitors for onoof the l > cst
. , TI old line insurance , companies. S. K.1IO3-
tctter , 13 Vnttoraon A : Thomas block , Denver ,
Ort. 4CU IP ;
"t\7ANTED Immediately a boys and G men ;
J T T must bo good. Inquire at yard , So. : wth
mill II hts. 4bu 18
1\VAN'-1'r'n 4 llrsl clnss "Bents to take orders
TT for our now editions ol standard publlca-
-tions our country , family atlas , v oriels preat
watlons , cnlilunt of Irish literatim * , the itnest
" * family albums. P. A. Uaviii. IXi 1'aston block.
TJIXCLUSIVH right to allotted territory given
JLTJto experienced , specialty salesmen with full
' commission on all goods ent into that terri
tory. A rarooppoitunity for the right men to
Iraild up u pernmueut , paying business. Diamond
mend Star Blacking. 61b I'axton block. 4KI Ii *
* r\TANTED Blight olllco boy who has had ext -
, t T yenenco. Mrs. Brcga , UllJi South nth.
First-class pastry cook. WTj ; good
TT yard man , KUfrolorrdprelrrredCMfcond
icook. S-IiO ; ono Jil ; six farm hands ucarrlty. SW ;
hwusluTS. pan\vashei-s , etc. Mrs. lJnja ,
MiuthlStli. , _ 477-1 Ht
Ojl\7 ANTED Competent nnd relluble agents
. . . T T for Nebraska. Liberal terms , fall room
' U- . ji7 : 17 ?
'tf t UJtonk. _
) Thron perwihsto instruct In bofilT
TT kwiilng ; situ tods : lu July. L. I ) . Smith ,
expert accountant , room 51" , Hainge block.
J . 37M1 ?
' ' * t17ANTii : ) Bright boy of 15 or over to help
" T liiolllt ) . Apply \VcilUf6day ut U a. m. , at
101 B. ililL. Fred W. Gray. 4 5 17
\\7ANTED-A llt > t-class buwlng machine bules-
. T T man cn llnd bteaily employment and gooil
liay by addressing or calling on K. II. Duley ,
fconiiva , Nub. 4J ) 17t
WANTED-Cood barber , immediately w"
W. Dbcon. lllalr. Nob. 'Ml ait
" \\rANTKD Agents , nuile and fcmiilo to tuko
it TT orders for the Antorniitlr doorbell. Hal-
ary 870 und expenses per month to good work
ers. Send 3-ccnt t > tamp < for particulars. K.
' lloyt , loa Washington street , Itoom 15 , Chluugo.
; . _ ain-at
iTI77ANTEl ) Kuurgetic men and women evcry-
, TT whcru for a genteel uionpy-mitklng busl-
feces. SCOweekly profit guaranteed oaMiT than
JOOmontlily otherwise. Kxperlcncu absolutely
unuerj-ssury. 1'ennuncnt position aud exclusive
territory assured. t2.O ) samples free. "Write for
rrartlcufars. Address , with stomp , Merrill Mf'c
Qj. . BK1. Chicago. _ g7.1yl > t
* \\7 ANTED Salesmen everywhere to sell our
T T 4S silver door our new plan of
i > free iidvortlslug. Agents cli-arJliJ it day easy.
Vrlto forcitculars , N. V. Door 1'lutu CoM Al-
, > > any , N. y. _ TM1K
i-eliable men wanted to bolicit
for a largo luniiul arturing house : no capital
pefinlred ; reforcnca nuccssary. Address Hex
167. Uniulia , Neb. _ 10 J Jy7
* \ \ ' ANTKD C n'cntertodotlia ork on fi or
T t Nroum hou ! > e. uud tuku housn and lot in
t poutli Omaha as pay. Ajiply a C. Bpothwood ,
. ? y't H. ICth bt. Dif7
, \\7ANTKU-A' hey with a hoi-su te oiin-y a
TT louteim the I'.venlng llee in the noith part
of town. U'lieo. Williams , bet , J i ; i o'clock p. m.
t wa
* lf\r AKTJJD-ileli "for the west. Albright's
n , I * labor ugency. 11A ) Furnuui st. all
-"OOYb-Am. DLst. Tel. Co. , 1 ; > M Douglas.
_ . -d FlvntravfllliKKulesuie.u.
fj Salary nnd expensed. No experleuio no-
' ee < jin.ry. Address with etatnp. Palmer \ . Co
I'Wluiina , Minn. 24U J24
4.r _
' 'iTirANTKD Drcasmakers.WlS Howard. 402-lh *
' . . tVANTKD-Lady pastry cook. W ; r cooks for
' T luiarding liouse.s , * A ) ; 7 tor Srrlbner. f2U ;
lrU for Sioux City. Council iimnx Klkhorn
vollpy. .McCook ; nlca Ucnnau uumun to kwp
'liou f ounfanu nenrcitv ; 111 dining room girls
rfn and out of city , flrt to Wl , aud many nli-n fnm-
. lly iili\-i'.s ; ulsu neut. bright Kill quirk at figures
4 lUiit idt ) afraid of work to wait on counter , f. 0
iuiil lourd : tiny one wanting work can be
Viomptly iiipplitxl at theCunadi.m Ihnnloymiuit
> Iplllcti. .Mr * . HiTKn.U a. Ifitli. 4 lrlb'
' \ \ rANTK | > "Ijuy ) acentei to kell the Mine.
TT WIllluuiKou pvrfoct HttiiiB rorset. Jt is
jijnMly sold ; Ktvn gcxxl rvturua to cuuvu-.ors.
r , wthfamson l' rwBt i IJraco Co. , No. 18 B. Cth at. ,
UiuU. Ho.
ANTKO Flret-clnn remain pastry cook at
. \mulu hotel , 1213 DougUis st. 4 i 18'
t ANTED A gill for general at
! - st Mur M avenue , 4-.I17
A FIHBT class girl for housework
Jl- unit une to taxecharco of rulldri'n. Nona
bnt cxpoilenrednued npply. No Swedes. S31I
Douglas bt. | 417 17 *
EADir.iMall itobtiuup fur Instructions hotv
tueiilui1.'u your bunt , tlmply by using our
"KiiHim" bu&t duveloiwr : wiirmuti < droamotU-ii
nn billy , ba-si > humbupj ; nur& uuiiruntut-d or
pioney refunded , "l uum" Toilet lUzar. j
a'renumt fct. . Boston. 4W 17t
TVANTffD-Dlningrooin girls at Arcada
hotoL. U'15 Douglas au nt
\\rANTKD fllrli for nil kinds of housework
TT xud can atboliavu lodging hero uhllo wait
fog tT ft place. I'JUt Kuinamst. _ iLlil ! * . _
T AIV Amenta 110 aay. sure ; now rubber
undergarutunt. ilr H. F. Little. Chicago ,
111. H' .
vlrlx * iid 1 laundry
1004N.10tuat. itf ?
7AN'lEl > Lady ageut . "A" bklrt and bns-
i -i ' lie combined and B. hose biipportc-rs.
Jloth it i > . Big pruGta , t > ejiiro t \ \ iu * for r-prlug
trade. J ulltsrsuuply Co Wi W , Wtmbliurtoa
tt. , I'hlcaeu , KiJ-JylJ *
> tiravclii 3 girl. 1708 Douglas.
* ts
'jfAMAHA Kuip. Bureau , 119 N. ICth bt. oldest
1-7and most relluble otli.oo in city. If you need
volt ) call cr writ * . . T < 1 lii
4. T TimfMBnii iirff nnrriaiiiMfciii < iinii < imnB i
/CANADIAN Employment Offlce-Mnle nnd
\-/femal help necttonll part * If fwo la ad
vanced , Reference. Oroah * . National bank. Mrs ,
Hrega. 314" g. 16th. Tel SM. 7a. " > Jyl4'
T AD1E3 employment onico 1204 Farnam st ,
4 Jfront room second Iloor ; If you nodi help
iilcasecall or write , work eent to all p rt\
-rat so *
WANTED-Men and boys out of work to call
at the City Intellgencc odlce ( I'reighton
llkl roinur ISth and Douglas t * . 613
A FEW gentlemen can be nfcommodated \ \ Ith
Ilrnt-class table board. 2211 Fnrnam st.
4SU-10 *
ANTTD-Table boaixlcrs. IBIS Doilgo ,
VVTANTKI ) Hosponilble party lo hntidlo or
T T dLti > Heof territoij'of patented article.
Best thing on the market. Address O I" , ll o
onico. 41817 *
\\TANTED If you have nny lands , lots , or
TT houses and lots to sell or exchange for
other proixTty. call on me or write. lean llnd
you a customer. C. C. Spotswood , 30.VJ ? .
NGAGEMENTB to do drpssmnklus In faml-
Ue.s ( K > Ilclted. Mlsx Sturdy , BJ9 S.ftld st.
Wl Jy7
DKT1.CTIVKS Wo want n reliable man ill
every locality to net as hpeclnl private ilo-
t eel Iva under our instruction * . No iiicmberhlji
lee. Srnd7cln btiimps for particular * . Ad-
ilrcssMohawkDetcctlvo Bure-in , liock Box ll't ,
Wlrhlla. Kan.
\\TANTKD The public to make peed use of
T > 'lie Bee's message boxes throughout the
city. 103
WANTED To buy or trade lor a good build
ing that can be moved. Plnasa cult on
or address George J.Bternsdorff , room 0 , oppo
site P. O. H
WANTED By n gentleman , room In .
liouso where it la cool and quiet. Address
Oi8 : llee office. 4AS 17'
' > -StorcrooTn lxt. Dodge nnd Hnr-
ney and 13th nnd 10th sts. by August. Address -
dress OS. Bee olllce. ' 322 IB *
TOOH HKNT 22 room boarding house , comer
43 llth und Dodge tn. 47123'
TOOH BENT 7-room house on paved street , C
-13 blocks from court house. $ "il > per month. E.
F. Senver , room 40 , Barker block. 4'J'J
TOOK BALK Two iicw , 8-room houses In Or-
-13 chard Hill and Popplot.m Park. Will bell
cheap for cash , or Mill take good llrst or second
mortgage puper. Any reasonable terms to hon
est parties. 0. C. Spotbwood , 305HS. 10th. 445
_ H HENT 5-1 oem cottage. 10th nnd Hlck-
orv. Enquire 4th door uoi th of Hickory.
TOOH HENT 2 fine Hats ou south Tenth st ;
JL' cheapest rent In Omaha ; 1 4-room cottage on
south 1-th ; 13-room Hat on north Kth ht. Green
\ Williams. 1st Nut , bank building. 45117
TOOH HENT-3-room house. Enquire 1215 Chl-
43 cage bt. 412 IS *
TOOH HENT A house4 looms and a kitchen.
-13 1724 N. IPth st , bet Ijike and Ohio- Also
small barn. Inquire 1215 Chicago st. 413 ibt
POH BETCT-7room flat. ICO-l Howard.
Cochran Bros. , room 4S , Barker block. 457 1st
rnEN-HOOM brick house , siileudld locution , on
JL itth it O.furnlture fcUi-room ) ;
$ , "X ) . furniture JtKH ) : sn-room Hat. centiul locution ,
rent anil price of furniture reasonable ; 4 ten-
room houses , all in good location , and ninny
other Mnuller ones , rents und prices to suit ull ;
call nud get full particulars. Co-operutl\ Land
i : Lot Co , 205 N. llith st. 455 18
TOOH HENT fl 3-room Hats on N 17th st , on car
JL'line , ? 13 per month ; a G-rooin Hat on Sauu
ders st , S25 ; good location , city water , etc. B. S1
Brown , 312 S st. 374 111 *
POH H15NT 5-rooni house , also stable for 0
horses. 1012 S. 2Cth bt. , 2K blocks south of
I.cavenworth. Erick Johnson. : S3fl 20t
TOOH HENT-10 room house 17th St. . 8tiO ; ! > -
JL ? room house Sll , 8-room house Pi" ) , 7-room
hoin-e Si" > ; C-room house Ho Tird ht und other
houses. G. E. Tnompson. Slieeley block. 33 : )
HENT 8 good houses , ull veil located.
O. F. Davis Company , 1505 Faruam ST. 317 22
FOH KENT I B-room house and bam , 11I17
Webster bt. : I C-room house. 2Sth ave. and
Webster. Inquire Room OJ , " ) , I'axton block. P.
.1. Creedon. 2" > 7
JL' clieui ) or trade for Omalia property. Inquire
at 2827 Cass t. K i IHt
"ITIOU HEN1' Splendid cottagp.desinible nelgh-
JL1 borhood. at SW per montli , btovi > s. can > fts
and w luilow curtains for sale. IL C. Patterson ,
3)8 ) S. 13th st. KS
POH KENT Nlco four-room cottage S , 12. cor.
Wobiter and ItJil fits , npply L. L. Thomas , In
shoo department , Kelley , Stlgi-r A : Co.'s. H)2 )
T71OH HKNT 8 room house , gas. liath , city nnd
JLA soft water. 8" per mouth. 433 S 24thiu-o. _
TT'OH HENT 7 room cottage on S 0th su.bath
JL room , hot water , heating apparatus , 3 btull
barn , apply I ) . O. McKwan , 319 S ISth .st , iii"
171011 KENT A desirable nine-room house all
JL1 modern Impiovements. half block from
ruble line on v , est Dodge st. All Improvements ,
cheap to good tenant. F. J. llothwlck,221 S I4th.
THOH HENTroom ! modem Improved house.
JL ? Apply M. Elgutter. 1931 Farnam st. 543
TTIOH HENT Furnished housa , peed location ,
JL lor purtlculiirs call at the olllco of Thos.
Brennan & . Co. . room 3 , Chamber of Commerce.
TJ OH HENT 7 room flat 2nd Boor. IttH How-
JL ? aril street , or will rent 4 rooms arranged
for housekeeping. 'Ui3
III AYK a four-room house on Ifith sti-eet. two
blocks south of Ylnton , that 1 will rent to a
good tenant for $12 per month , everything in
good repair. George J. SternsdorlT , Hoom 0 ,
opposite P. O. -11
nve. InquirH 2d house east of premises or room
14 Omaha Natl bank bid. B. H. Hoblsou.
' small Ftorn room and
good barn , wlttl 4 ucies of luiid.Kttuittcd Vi
mile north of fort , $15.00. Apply 317 S llth st.
| < 1
TEN room house with yard , near Fanium und
24th bt. . fateam bent and all modern Im
provements. * G. > per month. Call 2J7 S. SHU st.
HENT Ail H room houso. with bath , ono
block from car llni > , KM per month. U.K.
Cole , room i ) . Continental block. 028
TjlOH HENT 8-room houso. North Siiunders
JO Bt. Enquire of C. W. Bcall & Co. . 319 8.
10th. 517
T7HK I1KNT Vlien you want to rent a house.
JL1 Mora of olllco go to H. E. Colo. C18-
FOH HKNT A neat 830 cottage. Apply at
outC. . F. Hurrisou. 418 8 llthst , 619
FOH HENT-2 furnished rooms withbuth , &
blocks from P. O. Inquire 02i ) S. 17th.
TOOH BENT Your choice of cool , furnished
JL' sleeping rooms , is month ; n eckly or month
ly ; uboKfor light housekeeping. MX ) Howard.
TjUH HKNT Sulto newly furnished rooms.
JL' also single room , nil modern conveniences ;
board if duslreil ; near S car Hues , i < 22 Georgia
nve (2ith ( ) bt. ) 735 21t
T7KJH HENT-Sultrt of thrco rooms on first
J3 Hoar. 2U22 Cumlng at.
\THS. BAH1IEH. nt 1S North 10th street , has
I'l one front ami alrovo ioomsilltabltt for
gentleman or man und wife ; also other nicely
f urnlshul i-ooiun , for respeUuhlo ] > eoplu only.
! 475-17t
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
il BENT Nlrely furnished front room ui > -
Mulrs , l n HartB-J-d. _ 461-Hlt
iJII MINlSllT'.lTroomB for rent , ftjU North 17tn
J.1 b UtJi-t. tU to S12 per inouh. 475-11) ) *
1UllN18HKD room 61. BW S. 2Jnd.
"ITIOlt urj 'T rurnUhed.oriiiifurnished.a suite
JL1 of rooms , bath. t < % Parties pleabu call bo-
txeuu IQand 12itt2214 Capilolavi ! , 42 IS
"IT'OK KENT Yery di-slruble front romn. mod-
JO ern convenienca ! " . 1722 Capitol nTe , 415 17 *
TTIOH HENT During Hummt-r furntsht-d cot-
-13 ut'u clicop , near curs. Apply 2dl7 Chicago bt ,
1I1UHNIBHKU and unfurnished rooms to rent.
JJ 003 N. 17th. iWlbl
T PU-Asant lurulaUea room ; south
front , ma Cms bt. _ iHIll *
"OOirilENT-Nlcely furniiusd room for gen-
-13 tK-nmn uncl wife \vUbcut clilldren.aUo biaull
room for gentleman , iuoija-u couvunltuc 3. 1817
furnUUud rooms , tt per -week or X50
NICELY CO ; . ' , ti&t and 600 S. Ibth bt. 4CB Jy 1 4t
"I7UMI.NISUUD rooms for routon fln > t tloor. en
43 suite wr slpgle : non'a voutllatlpu ; ue\r fur
niture uuil : i vr building ; price reasouable 317
H. lltth. SU2 17 *
_ _ _
fpOH HEST-Out ! pleasant south front room.
JL' alublo f jr cue seullamiu , S212 1'i.rr.aiu 6t.
IfllHST-fLA9S ! choice front room * , with or
without board. In privitto family ; plefcaaut
homo ; terms reasonable1 , Mi B. 3 th avo. .
FOR HE NT-Furnished room , 637 N 17lh st.
. ' 177 17 *
IJWIl HEXT-Lnrge , nlry , newly fnrnl.ihert
4J roonia nt C29B 17th ave , tonns from t2 n week.
870 311
_ _ _ _ _
LAHGK front room furnUheJ for 112 iwr
month , 1BI7 ChlcaSo st. ! M1 1st
HENT Furnished rooms wllli Imard ,
- 22M Hurt. 1 ! 21 *
T " 1C ELY fumtshod rooms , table lor two
L > gentlemen. 170-t Douglas xt. _ l l
HKNT-nirnlshcd rooms , 1810 Dodco ,
Wily 6
IHK | HUNT Itooms and front rooms ensiiltoi
al 1821 Fnrnnni st. , near court house. 0 7
T710H HUNT 2 nicely furnished room . SK
JL and (8 t > er month ; good location. 2101 Harney
ONE ulcflly furnished room on first floor , twn
unfurnished on becond , nun locality , 2C3I
Howard st. 312 itt
Ft'HNISHED rooms , nlnglo or in ( suite , boanl
If desired. 24tB Pleasant * tit. Mnry' uve ,
817 is *
171OH HENT Nicely furnished front room , 1M )
JL1 Harneynunext to the IlcniUl building.
-JJI 17 *
TTirHNlSlinn rooms Yerv pleogaat location.
JL f modern conveniences. No objection to lady
roomers , 2121 Sen-ard. 8 ' "tt
TWILL furnish most delightful rooms during
the summer to re pectuble panic- , and if desired -
sired supper and breaklast. ILK ) N. Ifth st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
" 1710H HENT Fiirnlsned rooms , slnglo or en
J3 miltp. at 111 8 , 2 th st. _ 111-1 ! ) *
LOVELY s. p. room , also suite of front rooms
and unfurnished rooms , high , summer lo-
otlou. HefprencR.1 g tUrnmnu
KOO.MS Including board lu the Voting Wo
men's liomo , lulO Doilgo st. References M-
quired. Ult )
TOOH BENT-Flncly furnished front room ; nil
Jw conveniences , gentlemen preferred ? with or
Without board. 'M 8S. ' > th avc. 452 17 *
TOOH HENT 1 0handsomely furnlMied par-
4J lors , modern convenience , location splen-
did. 170-Doilge. 42J 17 *
"VT1CELY furnished rooms , with or without
JL > board. Sin Douglas t. 431 jy 15t
OH HENT The parlor suite of 1S10 Chicago.
43U17 ?
n OUH pcntlenion can bo nccommoilated with
JL' anlcnsultn of rooms mid flrst-class board at
2VM ) et. Jlary's ave Graddy block. Wi5
PUHNISHEDrooms , with or without board ,
80.50 per week. COi So. 18th. 103 ! ! )
TT' 'OH ' HENT-1'urnishcd n > oms. 222 Hurt.
POH HKVT ninilahed room with board far 1
two gentlemen. 2U20 St. JIury's avc. W7'
T Alton nnd Bhiall room suitable for gpntle-
4-J man , with or without board , 1812 Dodge ,
I7WR HENT Furnished roomsmGronnlg blk
JL' cor. ith : ; and Dodge sts. Inquire of Ueo. H. .
Davis. Milliard hotel billiard mom. C20 ,
AVEKY desirable suit of rooms in private
family. ( Jentlemnu nnd wife preferred.
No. 0 Georgia ave. , S. SDth St. 730
Tj10H [ HENT A nicely furnished front loom ,
JU' suitable for two gentlemen. Enqulro at
Still , t-t. aiary'sBve. 411
F UHN1SHED rooms and lioard , ISM ?
sa j si ,
FOH HENT Furnished rooms , with or with
out board. 253 ! ) St. 3Iur } " ' ave.Graddy blk.
I/iUHNlSHED room for one or two gentlemen ,
JL1 Lcsllo & U'slle. IGth and Dodgu sts. 107
TJ1UIIN1SHKD rooms. H3 S20th. OM Jy3
"I5OOM to rent , all modern 'inprovemonts. 1709
4.V Dodge st. 773
"T71OH HENT 2 furnished rooms suitable for4
JL' qentlcmcn. Inquire Itoom C , 3d Iloor , 1302
Douglas. 3tg
HENT Hix > ms furnished nnd unfnr-
mshed , TTilCap. avo. K > 8
rilWO unfuniibheil basement rooms to family
4- without children , 1122 N. 17th t307
4KLEGANT unfurnished rooms , single or on
suite , new building , good locution , southern
cxpoiuro , Enquire Dr. Otterbourg , N. > 1 coruur
10th and Haruey. 300 IB *
_ It HENT Suite of tlireo rooms on Hrst
floor. 2fi22 Cumins M , S ) 17 *
"filour (4)rooms ( ) , 1702 Webster st iff , 00
JL1 Tour (4) ( ) rooms. 1702 Webster fit 2.1 . Oi )
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 415 S. Wlist 2000
Eight ( M rooms. 413S.llthst ! 43 01
Four (4) ( ) rooms , 17IH Webster st 23 00
Three (3) ( ) rooniH , 41 Sl thst 15 0) )
Tlireo ( J ) rooms. 1027 N.SOth st. 13 ( W
T\\o(3)roomh. ( ) 1M4 Howfuulnt . . - . BOO
Tlireo (3) ( ) rooms. 10'ilN. 21st st II 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1013 N 20th ht 13 Oil
Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1123 N.2Lst ft 11 fiO
Elnvcn ( IDroom house. ! * th and Dodge. . . . 73 0) )
Oho ( D room ill ) ! S. 15th at 750
Fonr(4)rooms ( ) houso.40SN llth st 10 00
Apply to Judge Hcntlug Agencv. Herald
building , S. W. corner of 15th nnd llarney st.
FOH HENT-Good basement , cheap. 2217 Chi
cage street. 47M7T
3TOHE for rent , filil N. Iflth. Inquire of
Henry OritholT , IBM California st , 43322
TOOK HUNT-NO. HS-lfithst. Wm. I-leraine ; &
4 ? Co. , 1501 Douglas , 40124 *
r\FFICES nnd stores in Sheely block. G. E.
WThompson , room 212 BUS
OFFICE For Hout Ground floor olTice. No.
320 S. 15th St. Apply room 411 , 1st nat.
bank building. 7C1
FOH HKNT Desirable store on Farnam , for
wholesaling , etc. Leavitt Blirnlmin , H. 1 ,
Crelghton block. < I7
POH HENT Brick store with buxement. No.
507 S. 13th St. ; 2 ollla-s cm second Iloor No.
130 ! ) Fnrnam bt. , by Paulson & Co. , mil l-'iinium
st. , room 8. . 431
TOOlTTtENT Storeroom , 10O Howard street ;
4 ? best locution lu city for groceiy or furiiituie.
FOH HENT Hctall business room on 15th Ht.
C. F. Harrison. 4IS ti. 15th st. 12H
I710H HENT Btoro room and cottage or 3
4J .rooms , good burn , etc. . with 4 acres land ,
situated H mile north of fort , $15 Apply 317 s.
llthBt. 000
TO lease for ono or more yearsf urnlshed or
unfurnished , with all modern Improve
ments. Mich as furnace , gas , bath , screen * , etc. ,
3 blocks from court house. Address F. II. S. ,
No. 1213 Lettvenworth bt. t'lB
TCTOH HENT One-half of basement on corner
4 ? of loth and Jackson , light und dry ; npply on
premises. 40'J
G , E. THOMPSON , Hoom 113 Sbeely block.
, > 337
T"F YOU want your houses rented place them
X with Buuawa ii Co. , lilli , oppo itu poatolllce.
rpHE Omaha Commercial college gfves gram-
1. mar , writing nnd spelling free to all Its
shorthand aud typewriting students , tuition
very low , situations furnisned when possible.
About 110 students now in uttendance , Writa
Hohrbougti Bros , for particulars. Visit the col
lege. 1114 Funuim.
OST Jupuneao Poclcetbook , % vlth * J2U in. uear
I Capitol uve. und i7th. or high school
KniunOa. Heturu to HWJ olllco and receive re-
vsard. 471-17 *
r. A gooa looklnB.youtig' ' gentle
JU man , ruct-utly from the eust. cugugud lu
DUHluess in Uie ilty , dmlres to corro4i > oud with
a respectable and Intelligent young lady. Ob
ject , pastime and 'auiuaintAuce. if ugreiuible.
Addruss O 21. Bca. _ 4'JS ' 17j " _
T ADIES 4th yeuroumiwtlt'n "Bang Gt > es "tl o
J-J Bang" by vlsithiB Prof. Hntchason. Hair
dresser and tuaalcuro. Hoom 633 , new I'axton
blk. 4i > -m i
_ s _
> KUBuNAL-42 will buy ono doten bolld
"JU'Xlcau silver" tea spoons ut Moody'g
China Btore. 303 N. 18th tit , 427 17
T5EH60NA lr-1t you buvo personal Item , or
JL any coniiunnlcjitlou , drop it in one of Tlio
B&e.'a ine4 ge bOxej. _ 100
"OKKSONAL Jjinicsnna geatl m a desiring
JL correspondent * , nddre s. Corrt > spondluK
Club , Kansas City. Mo , for iufonuutlou. ) u-
clObe stamp. J J M *
'l * EHJsOXAL iieetbobO hauidsomo dncorutoj
JL dinner beta of 101 pieces foe tll.Jll at
Moody's China btore , ? JS Sonh l th btreet.
427. .IT
IFyouvrantto buy.'nell. rent or exchange
cull ou or a'Jdi'oaj Goer J , gUiruwlora ,
roa'ia , Qi > no3lte 'P , Q. . , iUl
pBIlSONATi-A pa/fheYXvlth $1.000 capital to
JL invest in * . now RMfejnf- for Ilierotxl. Busi
ness legitimate. A 8teetthltig | "nil big profits.
Answer Wm. Heaven , yq zpni hotel. 4'.Mi *
" 1JAHN tobeujovecV Tliiven barn Ilia t will
4J nccommodato font horses and Is in good
repair that I will tradiforDelivery cheap. Ap
ply to G. Barth. proprietor Saunders street
market , between Cnld - < < U'4ml Hamilton. _
TOOH SALE Pony.cart aid harness , clienn , at
' 43 N.e. cor. 22d nnd nimfette. 40J-18 *
FOH SALE Elegant'jirl'sjnR ' horso. ncwl'liae-
1/ia and harness for siUu at a bargain. E. F.
Beaver , room 40 , Barker Irtock. 4W-21
irOB SALE A four -passenger , full leather
JL'top carrlnce , only lucil six months. Pilce
ta . Call nt 2.'I5 Webster .st. 48. ll )
IflOHSALE rjie furnlturo of n seven-room
' liouso : everything very nice nnd full ot pay
Itigbo.irrters ! tn taolrest locution of the city
for the business. Will sell cheap ns the Indy if
in poor health. O. 31) lleo ofllcc. 4012U *
OH SALK llftecn first-class driving nnd
woik horcesj sotuo good bargains , nt Omaha
Stables , cor 14th nnd Howard uts. Henry U
O ens , proprietor. 41022
fiT-OH BALK-Whlto Angorn rabbits , M.flO for
JU pair. JWW B Sil bt. ! RW 17 *
FOH SALE Hcglstered nnd pedigreed red
Irlshjjetter dog. 7 .months old , partly broken.
Addiras ] < ock Box42 , Atwoixl , Ivan. iVVJ 204
S' OJ1 151st mort. notes for bale , one nud two
yeni.s In small Minis , Address O2 , Bee ollle.
IjUH HA LE New Englund organ , nearly now.
JU costtioii. I'rlco $ .vr. Also extension ladders.
Cost W. Price 3. G. Wood , KTl S. Will bt ( In
llat ) . 2C)3 ) 18 *
IJIOH SALE Two setter dogs , well trnineil.
43 Inquire 2530 Dccattir. ' 212 17t
TOOH SALK A number ono pony nnd dog cart
43 inqulro ofF. D Jiooper.\Valuut _ hill. fi12
" " "
EUH"aALE-O"ne Hall's large" improved flro
iiroofsufc. Inqulro room 411 1st nat bank
building. 7wi
FOK SALE The fumlttiro. carpets , llxturoi
aud lease of n ploasanlly located , newly
furnished Jiouse. near horse nnd cable cars ,
house heated by steam , furniture , etc. , In USD
less than a year ; must bo Bold nt once. For nur-
ticuliirs apply to Hnrtmau& Gibson , 1C13 Fur-
namst. .113
TOOH S'ALI ? The lea o and furniture of tlio
J > 3 onlj- hotel in town ; for particulars npply
, Windsor hotel , Stromsburg , Neb. J. K. Crook.
TVTEW rainnnry Having purchased tho" latin-
-L > dry 11U1-U Cain si. , and tvjiiodclocl it so as to
do ! lr r-class work , we invite the public to gie
us aerial. Troy Steam Lauudry. 450 nt
" \7"OtT will lose money if you Imv furniture
X -without getting Soreuson A Wahlstrom'fi
prices , 171H St. Iaiy's uve. 3'JB 21
V7"Ol ) can llnd no cheaper way of buying your
JL home ot paying an incumbranco upon it ,
thuti by subset iblng for bhtircs In the eleventh
soilesof eliares in the Mutual Building and
Loan Association. Your loan -will cost ypn
about 5 per cent per annum anil ensv payments.
Office hours from 5 to Ii p. m. daily nt HID S. Kith
Bt , G. M. Nattingor. Seo'y. ' . ! 95 17
JEHSEYbtill for service , cor 31th nud Jnr.k-.ou
.street. 13l2t
THE banjo tatiffhtns an art by Geo. f. Gellon-
beck , fcOJ 1 lurnuy st. lliJ
OMEfor Destltuto Women and Clilldien ,
i'71SBurtM. . HID
ORSES nnd cat till tftVep 10 pastuic , npply
to Henry OathoH/l U Callforuia st. TimjyBt
WOMAN'S E\chnnie1617 ; Farnam st. Lunch
dallj * , cuppiu:8atu'rdny'nlghts. 1)10 )
OHFF&CO.,117jrinth n sell furniture nnd
stoves less than any other House in Oumlm.
O HIT & Co. . at 11T North 10th st. . pay the
hlghent prices lor furniture , carpets , books
nmlHioven. , , ,
GJ. S. STKHNSDOUyF.nxim fi , oppositopoit-
ollicewill tradA'jj-ou-agood lunu or city
propurtj-fora liorte. jiuBSiJ and hanieis. ] : t !
n HlJ Omaha nnknrlal Tlxclmnpe. Kobm l"i ,
JL Darker block , sduth-jrc-st comer o Kur-
nam and Ifith sts. t. . '
il likes a fyeclalty of ( t.hori-timo collateral and
real estate loans.
Money nlwayti on hand In sums of 100 and up
wards lo any ampuntr to ; loan on approved o-
curtty. : . ' 'J'iUf H--
Pecuicd notes bouK' ' < * Told or PXfhanjed.
Clear-real estate tmjlj ijisli to .oxcliango for
good llrst or suconil inortgugei.
lo. ins mudu upon land contracts. Mocks ,
bonds , trust deed * , llrst or wcond mortgage so-
ciuity. witlioutpiiblU Hy. deluy or redtujHs.
Financial buslflchs of upy kind -transacted
promptly , qnictlvnnd fairly. H6om 15. Marker
block , Corbet t , Manager. 62i :
"I71OH SALE A top mii gj' , nearly new.C olum
JO bus make , also good blugle harmisi A. II.
Comstock. Ql'i S. ISth st. _ 511
KN youlmvebarRttinslnieal i'.stnto pal
ouJ. F. Ilnminond , fi7 I'axton bnilding.
S78 .1 its
11 * von nave anything to trade cah on or address -
dress ( jeorgo J. Sternsdorlf , Itooin U , oppo
site poitolllca. 107
ANTKn A good horse , buggy and harness
in exchunge for South Omaha lots. ( leorga
J. Steinsdorff. room 0 , opp pn.stoinco. JJ
"TX7ANTI5D Anything or something to put in
the einpty btoro-rooiu QVIT ourjie o
\Te haV moru room than we need lathe
storage building lu Oin'ulm , fa we will
clieup , any valuable or personal property , from
a piano or Melcn down to a trunk or vallso.
Drop us postal curd undve will call for your
things. Klovator Jlfg Co. , 1118 HownriJ st.
287 Jyl2 1
niHACKAGE. storage , lowest ratoi. W. M
JL ItusluDHn , 1311 Laavcnwortlu iff *
, Atlentlon ! I want a sot of Iowa
J lloports , < ; cond hand : can irado 17. H.Dlgost
or pay cn li. AldrtM ( > I1' . S.J > imshee , t.07 Wnlniit
. . les Molnes , Iowa , 472-17 *
\X7ANTKr > An Al fiinii of from ono tn iwo
f hundred ocres. paitly or nil impru\cd\vitti
good buildings. State price. Addn s K , A. Hpb-
erts , 7B10 Penusylvuniu avi' . South St. l.ouls.Mo.
17ANTED To buy u bank or open one In
T borne live town. Address B , Harvard , Neb.
4-522 *
R1IOHT-TI5IE mortgage , 1st or 2d : vucunt
lots Bouth or the fort. Active Hetil Eitato
&r Property Exchange. 1321 Dodg bt. 3k 17
Some gwod mortgage notes , Kimball -
WANTED i , Hyuii , room fl , V. S. Nat. Bit.
Good nouso and lot in rtesirubla
WANTED tha city ; will glvoIlrstclass bar
gain to anyone if suited , iieo. j , D terns Jorll ,
Itoom 0. Fn-nzor blk. B18
"lAriLLbuy furnlturoofa housa or flat oon-
W tially located. Co-on , 1 * &L. Co IJ N. IBth
F yon Juive iinprovod business or lesiaeneo
propertythat vou wish to bell , cull nnd fee
me. , George J. bternsdorir , room a , opposite
postolllcu. - ! It
or hous s that run
SEVEHALstorebnllalngs good price if suited.
George J. Sternsdorir , I Mom tf , opposite post-
ollice. 9 ' < WI
from Cainoruu. Madame Winters
AHH1VKD dead trunce/riatrvoytuit uud iLslrol-
oglst ; can be consultedon % till affairs of life or
death ; rounlU ; the ei"-j > * rtt" l < causes luck and
HpeedynmrralsaM. showh plicto of future wife nr
husband , locates dlsenHtSi wnd cures them by
mutwuge and inagnetliiirealuient , has the cele
brated Hindoo charm tot ; Jock. All UIOSB in
trouble will do well toV * . ' ! " tui'1 Klrte'1 > >
give j on a correct Writfi a reading tnroiigh
mall for KflO , with lock-of luilr. Tue mudume
has taken purlorH ut 417-ttowh llth bt.,2iurfloor ,
Parlor 3 and 'J. 1 > 4S-J-17 ; ; V. Wu'rrcji. ' clairvoyant , iled-
leal , business and'-lest ' medium. Diagnosis
frea. Female diseases a specialty. 1)U N. Idtll
\/IONEYTorx / > un By Uio undersigned , who
IT J has the only pronurty organized loan agency
In Omaha. Loans of 110 to flUJmudu on Juriil-
tuve , pianos. orguinhor3ui , wagous.mavhluery.
etc. , without removal. No delays. All buslines
Btrlctly conildentlul. Loan * o-nude that any
purl can be paid ut any time , each payment re
ducing the cot pro ruta. Advances made on
Jinn wutcUos anil diamonds. Ftireoiu .should
carefully consider who they nro dealing with , as
many new concerns aid daily coming into exis
tence. SJiould you need money call uud see me
\V. H. Croft. Hoom 4. Withncll bulldinE.lMli and
llaniey. _ ' _ KC
M "ONKY Good coijimerflttl puper uud'short
time mortgages bought.-Heal estate loaiu
uueotiatcd. B , A , Sloman , 13tU tmd Faruam.
1DUHO1IABI ! money mortsugca bought ,
- LVr1gltt fc LH bur'iK S. 14th et. , up utalM.
. , W3
T OANS made in all the principal additions to
4JfuiaUa ut lov.CJt rate * . D. V. Slioles , room 1 ,
Barker block. . ' vit
OJIOICE city loins. Urge or small , nt very
lowratoj ; no\l layfl. Central Loan .V Trust
Co. . Ifill FJrnam st. 43120
UN money The Philadelphia Mort-
- guge jc Tmst To. otter unusual inducements
to good borrowers on Improved property , city
nnd country. Apply to Geo. W , P. Coates , Hep-
rcseutatlve 11 Chamber ( Tommerco , 8yiJJ4
MONEY loaned nn furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc. . low rates. J. J. Wltkln eli i ;
Co. ' 1417 Fi > rn ni. 638
IOANsYuado to parties do lrlng to build. D.
Jy. Sholes , rooml , Barker block. Vtt
SEBIlutTls HEA ; L Co. for loans , room 411
lstNnt Bunk. 230
MONEY to lonn on real estate ; mortgages
bought and sold. Wallace , Crclghton block.
MONEY to loan lu any amount , either for
btllldlngor otherwise , at lowest rates of In
terest and ou short notice. J ) . V. Sholes. room
I , Barker block. UN
HUGH PEHCY loans money on liors/'S , furni
ture audtother personal property or colla
teral at reasonable rates ; nil busings strictly
pontldentlal ; money on hand , no delay ; also
makes loans on city real ostnto. onico .421 niul
425.4th Iloor. Paxton building. 101 jil *
ONEYto loan. Jlortftiigi-s bought. KImbaU.
Chnmp .t Hyan , H. B , U. S. Nat. Bunk.
HONEY to lonn on chnttels , without removal
or tiling ; llunnclnl business of all klinlR
trniisuctcd without publlcltv ; money advanced
onjewolry , notes , etc. U win " - you tn HOO UK.
People's Financial Exchange. O. House-turn ,
manager , ILIMli Herkerblk.lutnnnd I rnrntimst-s
251 Jy lit
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. B.
Jacobs , room 410. First National bank building ,
cor. llltli and nirnaiii. 571
MONEY to loan. G. K. Thomi > soii , Sheely blk.
MONEYU > loun. lowest rates. No delay. J.
L. Hlco A : Co. , over Commercial Nnt'l bank.
_ _ _
MONEY to loan. Lone time. George J. Paul ,
lft Fornum st. 30 !
SHOHT tlmo loans made by 1) . E. Johnson ,
Into prcs't Bank of Mernn. Hefcroncos 1st
Nat , bank , Omaha. H. 535 , New Pnxton block
7G5 Jy2 *
MONIIY loaned at 0. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan
onioe , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
persona ! jirotwrty of nil kinds , and all ether
articles or vnlue without removal , 31 S. 13th.
A11 business strictly confidential , 540
MONEY to lonn on horses. , furniture , pianos ,
land contiacts , and other personal prop
erty. Business contldentlal , lloom 3 , Omaha
Nut'l bank. f > C2
MONEY1 lonn on fumlttiro wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
Business btrlctly conlldentlal. A. K. Greenwood
& Co , H 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson.
MONKYtoloan ; cashonhand ; no dolay. J ,
W. fc E. L. Squire. 1219 Fnrnam st , llrst
National bank building. 630
( lriuuuii ) to loan at il per cent , Llnahan i-Ma"
Phoney , Hoom 508. Puxton block. nn *
OANS ninde on Improved auilTmlinprovptl
city property nt lowest rates of interest ,
special rates on largo loans on Inside property.
Udell Bros , ic Co , 312 S. llith Bt , 403
T\TONEY to loan on city and farm property.
J-U-J. K. Hammond , room 517 1'axtonlild'R.
HB. IHKY JjOO.OiTO to lonn on city property
and improved farm land. Frenzer block.
MONEY to loan on horses , furniture and other
personal property or collateral. Hates mod
erate ; business ronndential. OtllcoS. W. cor
ner 1Mb nnd Douglas sts. Entrance on l ! > th st.
The Fuirknnk Investment Co. 5J4
MONEA * to loan on improved realeatate ; no
commission charged. Leavitt Buruham ,
room 1 , Crelghton block. CG5
TT OANS made on real estate and mortgages
JLJbought. I < enis S. Heed .VCo. , 13S1 Faruani.
MONEY to Loan Wo have money on hand to
loan on improved uud vacant propuityln
Omuha and South Omaha. Cull ana see us.
Wright A : Lasbury , SI 5 S. Jlth St. , up-Btalr.s.
TJT E. COLE loans money on improve it city or
J J farm property , lloom 0 , Continental block.
GI'Ell CENT money to loan , Patterson & ' Har-
unrd HI j S 1 Jill st. 609
_ _
M OSEY to loan. O. F Davis Co. , real estate
uud loan agents , istM Fariuun st. & 70
JA. WOODMAN Money to loan ou real es-
tate in sums to suit'J2J S 13th bf 572
I OANS made on real astute. Cash on hand.
J W. M , 11 arris , over 22) S 15th st. 0J
CJ50,10) ! to loan on Omaha city property nt 0
Tper-oent. G. W. Day so cor Ex. bid. 673
TI ONEY to loan on lurulture , hordes , wagons ,
J-T-I etc. , or on auv approved security. Low rates
3. W. Bobbins , lt)13 l-'arnnm. 574
"OU1LD1NG loans. Llnnhati & Mahouey. _
T\7 J-tllko pleasure lu bringing before the pub-
TT He thu Oiu.ih.i Itu&ineas Exclumgehlch
has been established for home time. 1 hey have
nothing tor salu but legltlmute business , or
partnership interests which will bear the closest
inspection. There nre a great many snaps or
money making schemes offered for biilo us liusl- iliuui-es. but this tlriu oilers nothing of the
kind , for every business they have for sale has
been thouroiighly estlguted uud guaranteeil
They furnish the best refun-nres from banks
aud merchant H and are reliable in oil their deal
ings. S. w. cor. luth aud Douglas , room 5.
"TlfANTED Stocks of merchandise in ox-
TT change for city property or farm land.
Johnston It Van Fatten , Council Bluffs , la. [ 0119
TOOK THADE Stock of clothing , a stock of
4j dry goods , a stock of boots and .shoes , a gro-
t-eryHtori _ * _ and other property. Co-opeiat"
i lith Ht. 4811U
IjlOH SALE Pfockof bootmuul shoes In < 1 ( 1-
43 rablo location , doing a paying business.
Omaha Business Exchange. K w corner Ifttti and
Douglas , room 5. 473
"ITTANTED A man of small capital to take
T T agency of the niter inudn. Omaha
Business Exchange , s w cor 1.1th and Douulas ,
room 5. 473
\ \ / K haven splendid opening loriimuu wltn
TT good references aud small capital. Omaha
llusiuMi Exchange , sw cor 15th and Doughus ,
room 0. 47.1
IJUiH SALE Nice clean paying drug stock.
43 Splendid locution , in city ; Invoice about
S2.500 ; half cash , balance trndo. Call on or ad
dress C. W. McVlrker. Hoom2 , Barker block.
FOH SALE -Pmnll business , fruits , ronfer-
tlonery. lemonades , etc. Apply K22N llith or
cor. IGth and Cans. 4iil 17 *
POH SALE A good paying restttiiraut and
lunch counter. For particulars apply to
Given i Williams. Ibt Nut. bunk bid. 451 17
" 171OH SALE Livery barn , clgtir store , commts-
43 nlon IiiiHlne.coiifcuiioiiery. . restaurants.
Kiorery Btort- , meat market , nurdwaiebtoro ,
fruit htnnd , feed fitore , saloon , bakery , shoe
store , dry goods More , Mock of clothing , hotel ,
foiuiiliy. furnished Huts and boarding houses.
Co-operative JJinil i ; Lot To. , 203 N. luth .st ,
4M 18
SMALL grorary and butcher outtlt , hu'rdware
stock , tt.OOO ; privnte boarding house cen
trally located : ice cream , confectionery nnd
cigar stand , on. Farnam t. Call on us If you
wish u biiblne-M opening. Actlvu Keul Iv.swto
t ! Property Exchuiige , 1621 Dodge Ht. 347 17
TOOH SALE Tne l > est loc-ati-d and best
4 ? equipped wholesale and retail bakery in the
city , including horses and wagons ; long lease ;
rniistlwsold. O 10 , llcuotltre. 3117'
BUSINESS CHANCE-J1.703 will buy u
I'Mablldhcd Insurance and reul ei-tato bust
iiet.ii in u pooil lotullty in CPU t ml Nebruko ,
worth t2CW ) or more per your , ntoa leaiiluiicu
und lota Ineluded in prluu. A tlnorliume for u
German , AddrerS O. H. Nelson , O'O H. 10th St. ,
lieailiUunrti | consolidated , Einstein Nebranka
hind UHcnclet ; . 371 * 17
rno Hose conbignment , for sale clu.ip , 6'Jbar-
JL u'ls englut ) oils , Jioirisoii tc I'.ly , 121.1 I uveu-
vorthat. 373 'M
TOOH SALE Lunch counter in aBaloou.dolng
43 good bu lne.-rf. U1U N loth st , 341 2T
iuu SALE A lint class dairy with good will.
Jlxturej and pa turu sold if desired , from w
to VM COWH. Inuulro J , F. Hotb , Omnlm P.O.
T7IOH SALE News and cigar store on prlucl-
43 pal street in Omaha. Bargain , f'.nO. Address
MW , Bee oflice. aa ) 1U
_ _
T3AHTNKlT anted with tS/OO cash ti ) take a
4. half mteruot lu . veil established bualnesi
of the highest character ; Additional cupiul re-
r xmry for legitimate extension ; u flr t plasi
Iniblneib limn wuutcd , AddritoS O. b , thU
olllcu. 8U3 1'J
TOOK SALE-Short order restaurant making
43 ' 0 per month , good reasons tor ttrlllng ; u-
M 4 ! , . Bee. J * 17 *
It SALE-Saloon nt W Douglas.
S31 19t
TOOK SALE-Fifteen shares of Stute National
43 bank block of one hundred (4100) ) dollurs
each , at WJ coins on the dollar. Kraus & . 1'oHer ,
Uootui. . CUuuibcr of Couiuicrco. yil 20
TOon SALR-Nlcsly furnlsheJ boanllng
43 houJIllBiirt st. 2V ( )
XTEW'SPAPEH Wanted.-A first daopen -
Jln for n good newspaper at Franklin ,
Irahkllticounty , Neb. Host townInthorountr.
About 1,0(0 ( Inhabitant * . Nothing In the way ,
Addn-es , Bank of Franklin. T. & Lamburn ,
Franklin , Nob. i IB
HOTEL for rcnt-Tho two story brink In No-
ola.lona ; built especially for hotel pur
poses , newly palntnt and papered , everything
convenient aud first class , city water in build *
Ing. Address with references. Drawer 8. Neoln-
lowa. gja i ;
"IJH1CKYAKD For SMs-'nio only brickyard
4J > in city of 42,1100 inhabitants , making a not
annual nrotlt of over l,0ooj will sell either part
or whole interest to right party. Address 7. 8.
Grand Island , Neb. , P. O. box 20. 000
WE have for sale a longtime lease of the best
location for fancy retail business in the
city. Fearon , Cole A Hobertson , 310 S. 15th st.
FOH BALEAt Kearney. Nob. , the furniture
and Inaseot Grand Central hotel. The second
end bcsthoti'o In thoclty , and the Iwst loontail ,
l > eliigopposite depots. Doing a paying busi
ness. Will on sola nta barguln. ImiulroT. n.
llrnhuifd , Midway hotel , Kearney , Nt b. ttTI
EXCEPTIONAL business opr-nliiR nt Gaylonl ,
Klin. Storeroom 22xffl feet , shelved for
dry poods , etc. , $ JO ner month ; only tnn other
dry ( toodfi stores In town. A line chance for the
richt man. Address V. H , Orcutt , Council
Hliiri.s. la. VM
MlJTO' marki-T ltest mjuTppcil market iifctty
for sain cheap If taken soon. Heiisons for
selling bad health. Addless O , ; 17 Hoe. 4K7 17 *
TF'YlHfhax on stork of'niorchandlsu to trade
write to Johnston tt Van Patten , Oonnrll
lllulTs , la. fOJ19
ntO JXCHANor.-TliH ! west half of blk 27.
4. So\ith Omaha ; will make nlnu Ilrst-cUss
lots : only two blocks from Summit depot. In-
cumbruncc. * 3,7W ; equity. Ki.idW.
Fi > ur lots in Hoyit .v Sharp's addition , Just
west of and ail joining Kwirt > immcivso poeklng
hou se , lucumbrauce only PiiOu ) ; owner's eimlty ,
Also , thrco nice lots In blk 11. Brown's park ,
only six blocks from packing houses. Inctim-
bi-.iuce. tsn each ; price , J70J each ; owner's eq
uity In the lots , H.J10.
1 ho above are all llret-class , gilt-edged lots
clrso to the business center of the city , und -will
yield , if Improved , from 15 to 30 per cent tier an
num btondy Income , owner wants good larm
bind. What hnvo you to offer ? Hicks room 40.
Barker block. 4'm-17
rpo THADE-A1 oil stock or good lot forefitilty
JL in house nud lot. Address O , 'M Bee olllro.
4CO 17 *
mo HXCHANOK-Clty lots forclear lands and
JLfamis. Paul. MUM Farnam. 434
"V\7HAT uavoyon to trade for n , 40 aero piece
T T of laud lu Hancock county. Iowa. Want
n clear lot or vtlll take some good oil stock.
Give fulf particulars. Address M 47 , Bee onico.
" \VrANTBD Horso. buggy , etix. ns first pay-
T T tucnt on lot In Wise & p. ndd , bal four nn-
nual payments. Paul , 10J9 Faniiim. Id
W ILL glvo you n good trade for nn eight or
tui room housa nud lot. George J.Sterns-
dorir. Hoom 0. ppposlte P. O. 231
"YX7HAT have you to oiler for 1.SSO acres of
T T Umber land in West Virginia , clear of in-
cumbrunce , perfect tltlo. George J. Stcrnsdoru" ,
Boom 0 , opposite 1' . O. 231
BHICK Vnnted-100,000 bricks in cxchaneo
for good inside Omaha property. S. A.
Slomau , room 22 und 23 Hellmau bid ? . 570
OH KXCHANOE-On u hotel in Neb. . 3'W
acres of Improved land In Webster Co. , Neb.
Address H. F. . iat Howard St. . Omaha. 255 18 ?
"VfEW 2 seated carriage and now single top
Jbnggv to trade for long tlmo real estate
mortgage. W. L. Selby 1521 Farnam st , 573
" "
TOOH EXCHANGE A "small. clean stoci of
JL ) general merchandise. One half taken In
good property. Balance cash. L JL Bell. York ,
Neb. 373-18
GJ. STBHNSiMJHFF. room 0. opposite post-
. olliee , has some good land In Holt county.
Neb. , to trade for Omaha property. Will assume
light inciimbrauco. 235
06xl3s. corner 2Hd and Douglas sts , to trade for
nn eight to ten-room liouwjuitl lot. Goo.J.
Sternsdortt room U. opposite P O. 233
I HAVE n well Improved S3 aero farm in liar-
lun county , Nflb. . about W miles north of Al
ma , county seat. Any ono wanting n good smull
farm will do well to let moknow.what they have
to oiler. George J. Sternsdortf. Hoom „ opp. P.
O _ " 231
" \ \7"HATliave yon to trade for 80 acres of land
T T nulncumberud in Jtinean county. Wis. ,
3 miles from county cuat. G. J.
0. opp Postolllco. 107
TOOH EXCHANGE House tind lot. Neb. farm
JL ? or South Omaha lot for vacant lot In Car
thage. Lincoln Place or "West Cum lug add. W.
L. Selby , 1. > 2I Fnniam st. - 018
TOOH EXCHANGE-Nfb. farm or two South
JL ? Omaha lots for span of mures or mules. W.
It. Selby. 15' . ' ! Fnrnam ht. 578
\ \ rANTEn Clear hinds for iusido rity
T T erty.l'aul. lCOi : i'arnam. l.M
' \\7If' ! ' trade first-class oil lands in Wyoming
T T for good mure ( used in a lumlly horse ) ,
phneton , single aud double harness and furni
ture. Phaeton , harness and turnltiiro must bu
as good us new. Address 0. 1 ! . Beo. 42217 *
GJ. STEHNSDOHFF. Hoom 0 , opposite P.
t O. . has some choice farm hind to trade
for city property. Will assume light Incuiii-
brunces. , ! il )
EIGHTY ( eO ) acres of hind adjoining Luke
Jluuawa. Council. Bluffs. la. This tract
will make 400 beautiful lots uud Is frea from
encumbrance. What have vou to olfcr ? George
J. Sternsdortl. room ( I , opp P. O. 1U7
rpHAOKS madejn real estate and personal
4. property. See exchange book. Co-on. I *
and L. Co. a N. ICth at. MO
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co , Ira's
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur-
ulshed. and titles to real estata xamlnod. pjr-
fecte d and cuarnnteud. 5l
. - Omaha -Eil. Jolmsun &
Co. , agents South Omaha Land Co. . liave
the only complete set of abstract books In
South Omalia , Complete ubjtr.uts fiirnUutnl
on short notice. Olllco oppojita depot. South
Onmlia. Si )
"OENSON&CAHMH3HAEL furnlsn complete
JJ and giiaruuteud abstracts of title to uny
real osuito in Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. Thn most coinnlnta set of abstract
booksln tha city. No. ISl'J Farnam st. 533
oil or t oiiio of the lluest residence lots
in Hiin.scom jilnco ; new puvi'iiiont and cable
line will make pioperty advance Hi per lent in
the next twelve mouthx ; cull und see the beau
tiful lotHl oiler and select one now while you
ran buy at bod-rock prices. Hicks , room 4'J ' ,
Barker block , 4M 17
CALL and see the bargains we olfur in Han-
hcom place property. Hicks , room 40 , Bur-
ker block. 448-17
I CAN oiler 11 beautiful residence corner on
1'opple.ton iiVL'jme , Hanscom pluce , at tltrurc-a
tliutmuke It U splendid bargain. Call and hue
it. Hick * , room 40 , Barker block. 417-17
TOOR SALE-Goodhouso and full lot in Meat
4J part of city , near car Hue. Binall r-axh pav-
iiinnt , balaucu mouthly. F. 1C. Darling. 1S21
Fanium. 4CU 18
TOOH real estate call on Geo. J. Paul , 1 W Furn
TOOH BALE-Bngt land In Nebraska at ull
JU prices und ull kinds of terms. O. H. Nelson ,
BOO ri. Ifltn St. , headquarter * uonjolldated. East-
eni Nebraska Land agencies. _ ! ftV 17
ON'TmUs tiiU-l ti ! > . Clarice's addition ,
Just north of Bt , Mary's avo. , fi4 foot front.
worth f < ) ,400. We will sell for a short time for
45.500. M. A. ITrton&Cp. UM
TOOH SALE House and barn , 4 yearn lease on
4 ; giound , will exchange for vwrunt lot in
1101 tli purl of town ; Inquire 2S20 Frunklln.
2J ) 19t
1710H BALF. or trade on easy term * . Lot 10 blk
41 33. AlbllKht'b choice. lx > ts 13 , IP. 17 blk 2 ,
Hoppe bub dlv , Albright's Oioico. lot"l > lkl ,
Kuumlen. A : Hlmebuugh'sudd. Uls 1 und 2 blk
. Brlgga place. Goo. H.Davis , Mlllard hot. '
billiard room. ! ! > bjyll
TOOK SALE- Beautiful past front lotlnAr-
4 ? cade pluce on Sith ht. , Ju t south of l.e.iven
woith. for ( I.7UO. Tills I * i" > 00 below actual value
and will be in the market u nhort time only ut
tlmprtco quoted. M. A. Upton & Co. _ _ 31
rIAVK5ever [ rcholce , InsiJo. full lots , upon
which I can build houses to HUH purchaser *
upon their own selection of plans , uud nn terms
to milt. This will pay to investigate. D _ . Y ,
iiholtrn , room 1 , Barker black. . _ 12j
for a few days a 10-room home ,
BAlUiAIN , good locality , liouso in perfwct
condition , ull modem improvement * ; pric
M , ( PO ; & .OCU rash , balance one. twa and three
years. U. L. Green. 310 B. lith it. _ ml
TOOK BALE-Conior 150x150 with | iou e and
43 barn , Popplnton und Virginia avenues ,
Honscom Place , Jn/julreat EOU7 WUw > > > f/'ut- ,
rpllUEK hundred and twenty acre * joining to
JL tliecitypf Grand lulanil : 40 acre * in city
for sale. A. B. IVrklnn. C rauJ laland. _ 31S W
O 111 GUI-Lots 8 and 9. block 5. Boyd'a ad-
dltion. one block off State trcet. only 8"WJ
for -both lota , 103xl& ) , termi axr , M. ' A , " I'l'tcU
ti Co. . a.0
FOK SALB-F.lPgant resldsntsa tot. ISOilM
feet , soulh and cast front , corner Fopplo
ton ave and nist st'cull : nnd got price. Georgn
N. Hicks. Barker block. 493 IT
Ii'AN otter for sale some of the finest resl
dmre lots In Hanscom place , and will bo
plen.sed to show this property to any ono look-
lim for n choice residence site ; rail nnd set )
them. Hicks , room 40 , lUrker block. 4TO 17
\\7l Mi sell yon a lot In 11. & M. Park addition
T T to Isouth Omaha by paying fi ) down , bal ,
anco JJ per nibiitti. Those wanting to make a
small Inroj-tme ut will nnd it to their advanUR
to purchase ono ot those lots at the present
prices , ( loorgo J , Sterns'dortf , Hoom 0 , oppo
MtoJ > O. ] ail
$1,000 buys a fulll ot nnd good 4-room roltaga
in n good location. D. V. Hliolos , room 1 , Buo
ker block POJ
L.1UCE.VSCO. , HoalKstato. 63U
GJ.RTEHNSDOHFF. room I ) oppoMto
otnce , will soli yon ngooil 1-room housa
on ir.tli street , S blocks nontli of car line , by pay-
lug &M custi , bulnnrn monthly payment * til
suit. This is n f plendld opportunity for any
one wanting n cheap homo. 831
TOOR 8ALE-A cosy little home. 8 rooms , nnj
JU barn , only seven minutes'ride ou cable to
city , modern Improvements , 8H.MJO , only II.50J
cash , bal to suit. lngulro of owner , 311 S. ICth.
A. I'PTON A CO. , 300 South Kill Street.
Opwislto Chnmber of Commerce ,
Will sell for n short tlmo the following !
Lots ii and 10 , block 0 , Sulpnur Springs ailiU.
tlon. HBfeot front ou Hherman nve , corner
? 0.tKW ; \ \ 111 bell comer , f > 2 feet , for K,1W ) )
Corner on Furnnm and J/owa nvcnue , MCOO
n. and o. front.
l.ot 8. block 4 , Kllby Place , C0xl" , east front ,
J3.WO ; casy terms.
I.ot7 , block H , Hanscom Place , flno cast front
lot , WlxlB. . , .1.100.
" 1. blocks , milaldeNo. 1 , south front.
HomobenuUfiilcouth front lota on California
street , In Hart's sub. , cheap.
Two 114-foot front lots In Clark's addition , just
north of St , Mary's ave , f or $ (1.000 ( each.
LolsB.H and 10block6 , E. VJSiulUi's Bdaition ,
00x140 each. Kl 0 each.
tiouth and cast front in Smith Park on Shot-
man avo. , corner Bilrdotto , f iftt ) per front foot.
Lots 1 and 2. block 1. Paddock Place , ou Sher
man ave. , $13 per front foot.
Good'bulldltur Mto.s in nil the insldo additions
to Omaha and South Omaha.
Oil , my I inyl but hero's a bargain a dandy
cast front , corner on IKthst. , between Leaven-
worth nnd Farnam. nt n prlco 2iper cent belovr
miything on the street. Tills snap wfln't "keep"
A lovnly little homo In Potter's odd. , liotween
Lenvenworth nnd Farnam , east front , 0-rooin ,
house , all kinds of fruit , etc. , etc. Wn can offer
this f or n few days nt n prlco much below Us
We have u number of neat cottage homes for
Do you want n beautiful and complete homo
ou Park avenue , north of Loavenworthf
Or perhaps you would like ono on Park two. ,
bouth of Leaveuw orth. Wo liuvo thorn both
wuyn. CD
Maybayou-aro looking for nn blegant boino
on California nt. , near lrelghton college. s
Or there might bo kuch a thing us your pre
ferring to go tn Bhull's Zil add. , where tnoro am
HO many pretty homes being built.
Or it's Just possible you may wish to RO on
Georgia nre.thnt beautiful residence thorough ,
Or you may want to avoid Uio hills and make
your residence among tlio fashionables at
Kountzo Place , where thcro Is nothing but olu-
gant nnd costly houses.
No matter where your preference is , we have
them' Wo have them ! Wo nave the houses
and lota. Wo have them in all kinds , style and
prlco. from 100 to J15.03H. But here lot us
gently whisper something in your oar. All yo
that an * wanting homes don't you wait any
longer , thinking that yoiiwillbuy cucupcrthou
you can to-day. Hculty in Omaha , i. o. such aa
wo soil is nt nod rock now. The city is growing
rapidly , and there will bo an advance before
there is a decline. Don't let this fact ascapa
your memory. You will make money by heoil-
lug this advice.
While real estate matters are qulot and tha
city is fast developing into n great metropolis
Is the time to pit k np a good business corner.
Wo have bargains to day that could not bo
touched for less than 25 per cxsnt more than ! j
now asked should there bo a little Hurry in ro-
uity. And this little Hurry is nearer than most
people think. Omaha is ripe for tinothcradvanco
another cable line , n f 1,00.1,000 hotel or some
thing of thu sort would stnrtspeculatlon Injiood
propel ty again. The "wild rut" is too doiul for
for uurtliinc ; , but Insldo Omaha property is bet
ter than H gold mine ns its resources uTe luex-
haustablo. .M. A. Upton & Co. , telephone &r > l.
375 17
FOH SALE-Or trade : BO acres , HarTan couu.
ly. Neb. . Imp.
40 aci-es , adjoining Ijxko Mnnawa.
Lots in 11. M. Park , South Omaha , clear.
2 lots. Slelrose Hill , encumbered , tsro.
1 lot. Kounl7.o Place , encumbered , S1,45'J.
I ! lots. Arnold Park , encumbered. 42,40 , ) .
1 lot. Orcliard Hill , encumbered , t IOJ.
l lot , Ciimlng st , cor. 31st. unencumbereil ,
i lot. Farnam nt , bet. 3Sth und Sirth , unencumbered -
bered , S2tM > .
1 acre , Solomon's add , encumbered , $350.
Fresh stock cigars , invoiro $2 , "iOO.
Spun , haniess und delivery wagon.
1 Hull's combination safe , nearly new.
Also business und nuldouce property In alt
parts ottliot-lty , iorsulo ortrado for btocksot
goods , good farm property or city property.
B. A. Sloman.
Htllman block. Omaha , Neb.
GJ. K1KHNSDOKFF Hoom n. Opp. P.O. .
will sell you n line residence lotln Waverly
addition forfiVi. small rush payment , balance
monthly to suit. Special inducements to thosa
Mho mil build. 4411 IB
TOOH SALE We oiler the following bargains.
JL' all on very easy terms :
Lot 12 , block o , iiorbnch's 2nd , fronting on
thu cable line , with two houses . $0,000
Lots 15 and Hl.lJlockn , .T.I. Hodlck's sub
division , with large ID-room house and
burn . 7.0M
Lot 14. block ! > , Bedford Place , south front 000
Lot 5 , block H , Lincoln Place . . . 760
Lot r > , block 5 , West Cuining . , - . . . . . .751)
Lots 21 and 2. " > . block 4 , Hawthorn. . . < . nXXI (
Lot 22. block 1 ! ' . Hanscom Place . 1.DJU
1/ot.s- and 7 , block JO , Hitchcock's 1st ndd. ,
eurh . . . . . . . wO
Lot 15 , block' ' , Mt. Pleasant . . 300 feet lu Spring Yulley , each . SOU
7 lots In Nortlillcld ub-dlvliiion ot 6olo-
mon'r , each . , 125
A few iicix'H in Spring Valley , very cheap ;
some choice lots In South Omaha at a bargain ,
Marshall A Loliock- ,
4a'J 20 Hoom I' ' , Chamber of Commotco.
' "
1 L KICK & CO. , Heal Estato. 681 ,
TOOH SALK 1'l.0il ' acres good farmlm ? land in
JL' Stunton , Franklin. Custer and Clieyemi'i '
counties , Neb. Gee , II. FcU-rfcOU. CIS 8. l.lth st.
_ _ _ [ _ B7PJy5
TOOH SALE-Lodkl Lookl dO foot iouth front
43 on llHrnnyjust west of2-tth st. Urooin house ,
all modern Improvemr nts.flno lot and home , nii
IIHVI' exclusive halo of tills and ran oiler it at a ,
prlco below its real \aluo. JL A. Upton& Co.
Q > ! io buys a full lot nnd good 4-rooui cottage ,
Pniisy teniis und good location , D V.fiboU
room 1 , Iliirkur block , . WJ
lf * "iio , Hual Estate. 6H
TOOHHALE.Fiinnson longtime. Co-Opera-
43 tlTo lailid uud I/itCo..20N.lUthPt. i 7
TOOH SALE-fhcup , house nnd lot in Omaha
43 Vlevt. must be r < old liuldu of u week ; a good
chance for ; i poor miyi. Oall 818 Pacific i.
ONLY u few lotx left in B. A ; > l. pnik addition
to Poutli Omuha. What have you toottei }
George J. Stcrnsdorll , Koomfl , opp..P. O , BSl
TOOH SALE BHveiul iiiiprovad 100 faims.wltU
4. ' or without IiullilingM , lu some of tha beat
counties lu Central Nebraska , l'rl ( us K2.X)0 ( ) to
M.IOJ. Ten yi'iiii , credit. They nrn bargains ,
Address O. It , NeUon. CJO B. 10th st. 37tf 17
J lh KICK * CO. . Heal Eitat * . ; H4
HOUSE and lot in Poutli Omaha forsalo only
JJO. srvll mall payininit , bal monthly , or
term * to si.U. . D. Sineaton , room 13 , Barker
lllOCK. _ liifi
IjiOH HALE-Or oxrliaiige. We have Borne
.1. gr/od Omulni ii'Hl nsiAto nnd Nebraska
farms , wlilrh w will boll rJicaii or- trade for
stuck of clothing , furnishing goodd , dry good ,
boots andHhoM * . gi-ooerlen or Imrdwaro , Sclilej-
Inger llrfH. . ( il .S. IQIli Bt. 803
TOOH HALE A nice east fiont lot in Windsor
4' nhicu , new bloom well , cistern , ce-
mcnto < l cellar , rto. A line home , only (3,70) ;
RiOO rush , { . ' ) ( i In one v-ar. but In three yean ; we
have the oxrliialve sale of this. M. A. Upton it
Co. W
TOOH SALE-TOXI40. south and cant front on
4. cor Bill unit Dorrus ; nn elegant lot with 8-
room hoube ( new ) for 15000 ; II.VX ) cash. Wo
hu ro exrlujli'e ttule of this. M. A. Upton & Co ,
TJils lot adjoinn Goodman's tine grouudg. m
T L. HICK & CO. , Heal Estate. Vt
"I7IOH SALE-Helected l nd In Kusteru anil
4 } Central Nebraska on 10 years' credit. Price *
17.00 to f 15.00 iwr acre. O. II. NelionC03 H.iuili n ,
UTO 17
BD. BM EATON , exclusively South Omaha
real est to. ' Bargalna ahvaya on hanJ.
Barker block , Omaha. _ 6J7 Jy I
Y ALEN'/TNB'lTThorrhatrdniniititnt * l thV
only practical , exclusive shorthand school ,
in the wmt. AH 1U graduates urn in good sit
uations und giving eutlre aatlif action. Htudunti
rsiii-iiK-r it any time. No viitnmer vacation.
tn > ) for or ulara to Yalentlue'n Bbort'iuua 1U