THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES. PART I. . PAGES. 1-8 / v * SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA SUNDAY. MORNING , JUNE 17 , 1888.-SIXTEEN PAGES , NUMBER 305 A POLICY OF PEACE. Bismarck the Barrier Between Will- lam and War. HIS LOVE FOR THE CHANCELLOR. A Restraining Influence Over the ImpotuouB Youth. THE GRANDSON OF A WARRIOR. His Illustrious Namesake Was a Disciple of Poaco. EXERCISE OF SELF-CONSTRAINT , Facts "Which Go to Hliow That the Ac- ccBfilon oT the Second "Wlllhim \VIII Cnrjy With It No Dis turbing Influences. AYIlllnin n Prince of Peace. . [ Co ) urtvlitlStS In Jama Unnlon llrnnctt. ] LONDON , Juno 10. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun BKE. ] Universal spec ulative talk on 'change and in the clubs nnd social circles is regarding the effect on the peace of Europe of the accession of the young twenty-nlne-ycnr-old emperor , I vis ited several officials , members of pn'rlinmcnt nnd representative commercial men to get their views , but found none would permit their names used , nnd without this use their opinions nro only blank cartridges. These views from the Times nnd Post , the only morning papers that touch the subject , seem to volco the opinions i heard : ' "Tho Emperor William II. Inherits the name of the great founder of the rcstorei empire ns well as the robust traditions of a long line of energetic and far-seeing rulers. Ho is assured from the outset of tno wurm interest of nil .Englishmen , who well remember the grandson of their queen. The good' un derstandlng based on tics of national kin ship ns well as on u community of interests which exists between Germany nnd this country mny bo moro'casily cemented undei the reign of Emperor William II. Not mucl nttentlon is to bo paid to the tempers which npuear to bo excited In Paris and elsewhere hy the accession of a sovereign who is repre scntcd ns being loss dovotcd to pcnco than his father. It is true the now emperor is moro decidedly , a soldier by temperamen nnd taste than was Frederick III , and whili his grandfather mid father still lived his ac 'cession to the throne seemed distant. Ho may have used language capable of miscon struction. It was shown recently that he lias an increased sense of the responsibility by his prqtcst against the charge or insinuation that ho was at enemy of Greece. The Emperor AVilliau was fully as'much n warrior prince as his grandson , yet those who know anything o European politics are aware that his inllu cnco was steadily exerted to avert wur , I Prince Bismarck obtains the ascendenc ; whicn it is expected will full to him in tin counsels of the new sovereign , it mny bo us sumed ho will keep in view us heretofore tin innintcnnnco of the status quo in Europe. Thl : is the object of his policy nnd wo anticipate no possibility of war as n means of restraining subversive and revolutionary disturbances. The Morning Post observes : "It will re main with the young successor on the impcr inl throne to commend himself to regard his subjects and Germany's allies by coutinuin ; , the expressed plans of his illustrious father The now emperor is understood to bo thor oufihly in accord with the views o the imperial chancellor , who become moro than ever the mainstay of the Gemini empire. With Bismarck und Von Moltko b , his side there should bo no fear of any break in the definite policy which has always char acterlzcd the empire since is unifaction Nevertheless tl'o new sovereign has yet his reputation to make. M , DolowiU presents these views in th circles where politics nro the chief topic "Sonio think that Prince Bismarck , owing to the almost passionate admiration pro fc sod by him for the new emperor , will nt least a mainstay for good with his uncon trolled master. Others again who watcl \\ltatlspassingln Eurouo with close nttcn tion and who profess to know th character of the now sovereign nro convinced that in spite of his admiration for Prince Bismarck , ho will not long submit to bo entirely ruled by him. They say wo must not nssumo that the em peror and Germany's master-mind will fol low In tha saino footsteps. According to them , in a short time , the young emperor will deslro to use his own wings , and his im- po uosity will dcrnngo the plans of his prlino minister. Others think In the present re- hihtanco which ho will encounter , in spite of his nrdcnt temperament , ho will bo promptly intulo to feel ho must eonsidur Germnn pub lic opinion nnd the views of German sover- CIKHS who uro jealous of any interference with the privileges that remain to thorn. Ho will thus bo led by force of circumstances to excrclso self constraint and con form to the desires of his allies , Again it is hold that even if the new emperor hod the desire to carry out a policy of his own , yet ho would heed the udvlco of Prince Bismarck , which he might question but which ho would not reject , and feeling the responsibility of his new l > ositioii , It will make him for some time nt least nn emperor us pacific ns Is compatible with his impetuous tepipornmcnt and military ardor , " l.V V1KN.VA. Epcelil'ttioii ' on tlio Fiif re Death nl'u Poll till Cciitnnnrian. H'wiit I'jkt tSSSby James ( Sonlon llciinftt. ] VIENNA , Juno Hl.-Ncw | York Herald Cubic Special to THE UnE. [ Hero on 'change and in political circles thcro is spec ulation with .repuil to the future in Gcr- many. That n now chnplcr In the history of JGuropo hni been opened Is n reflection which nrisca in nil minds hero. The Emperor Will iam nnd his son desired pence. As soldiers they hnd won glory enough In war nnd they thirsted for no more , but the new emperor has never been in notion , nnd being young nnd ardent may bo impatient to piny the part of n commnndcr of nrmles ; this is the apprehension commonly expressed cro and noted. Meanwhile the rcstorntlon f Prince Bismarck to n predominant posi- on ns the chief incident of the now political Uuatlon. Even In this connection there- must bo nn uncertainty if the young cm- icror will long submit his strong will to the guidance of another. His strong will Is the ) oint which many consider at least a doubt- ul form. Heemann & Sons. , bankers , not only failed 'or a largo sum but n heavy defalcation with alleged misappropriation of deposits arc an nounced , and one of the linn has been nr- restcd. A Polish ofllccr named Lublcz Kurkovskl ins JUst died at Mnkoff nt the ago of 110 /cars. Tliis is a case of cntcimrhinism authenticated beyond doubt. Born in 1727 lie fought as n private soldier under Ifos- cluszko , was an ofllccr in the Polish legion wlilch went with Napoleon to Moscow , and distinguished himself in the Polish insur rection of 1831. As the last survivor of n period when Poland was nn independent kingdom , Kurkovski's death attracted great attention and his funeral was nttendcd by Polish gentlemen from nil parts of Galicm. TfcRlUBLK KXPI.OSION. "Warehouse at Zancsvillc. Ohio , Bloxvn Up IJJSH of I/IIV ; . EANr.sviu.c , O. , Juno 10. A terrific ex plosion , succeeded by several smaller ones , at 11:20 : this morning startled the whole city. Those in the neighborhood saw the largo two-story brick warehouse of Bailey Bros. & Co. , in the rear of their building on Main street , between Fifth and Seventh , with several surrounding frame buildings , rise iu the air nnd fall with si crash in n heap. A team of horses which stood at tlio door of the warehouse was almost covered with debris , and n farmer was blown out of hia wagon while passing. The mangled body of Wil liam Miner , n drayman , thought' to bo dying , was recovered. Mort Balluy , son of onq&of the lirm , was in the building at the tiinu nnd his body is buried under the ruins. Grayson nnd Miner , who were taken from the ruins , cannot live. The loss will not reach 510.000. Several employes escaped with Injuries more or less , serious. At the time of the qxplosion 11 vo men were working iu or about the building. W. W. Miner , a drayman , and his assistant , John Swingle , wcro loading n dray at the rear door. George Morton Bailey , William Gray- son und Jesse Carter , the latter two , colored porters , wore in the building. Minor and his assistant wore buried beneath the ruins. The two men were recovered but ono is ser iously injured. Minor's injuries are consid ered dangerous. Grayson and Carter es caped badly bruised. The body of George M. Bailey was recovered. ONK IjAST tiETTEU. Pathetic Appeal ol Murderer Ilconck to Governor IMorolioiiso. ST. JOSEPH , Mor , Juuo 1(5. ( [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bci : . ] A letter was written to day by. Peter Heonelc , the wife murderer , to Governor Morehouso praying for a stay of execution for one week. Heonek has ex pected a letter from his father in Bohemia for u long time , and is worried over its non- nrrival. Ho is resigned to death , but feels that death would bo tenfold more terrible , knowing that n letter will come to him when ho can no longer read. Tlio letter is as fol lows : To His Excellency A. P. Morehouse , Gov ernor of Missouri : I hereby take the liberty to address your excellency in regard to the day of my execution. The day has been set on the il of June , und I am hero waiting for u farewell letter from my poor old father and mother living in Europe. , expecting to hear from them In a short time , und nm very anxious to receive their farewell letter be fore 1 uin executed. Being prepared to die for the crime for which I am to suffer , I most humbly beg and pray to your excel lency to grant mo n stay of execution for only ono week that I may bo sure of receiv ing a last farewell letter from my poor par ents. Your most humble and obedient ser vant , Pr.Tin : HCONUK. WYOMING Ano thcr Discovery of 1'reciotin Metal In the 3Iariils | DOIIIOI-H I/odi- . BUITAI.O , Wyo. , Juno 10. [ EJpocinl Tele gram to TUB Bm : . ] Another valuable dis covery of precious metal has been made in the Marquis Deinors lode , forty miles cast of Buffalo , on the north fork of the Powder river. The or'o has been"carcfully assayed and it yields $ S4 per ton in pure silver. Marquis Dcmors , who is backing the de velopment , will become a Wyoming million aire. If the discoveries continue in his district. Ho is a French gentleman nnd is well known in connection with hln catUo enterprises in the northwest dnrinj ; the pnst six years , General Hrisbin , who considers not only the north fork of the Powder river , but the whole basin very rich in precious mctnls , said to-duy if u parly of capitalists would make up a little company , with $ , ' .0,000 or So.-j.OOO , to carefully prospect this portion of Wyoming , especially the Big Horn basin , they would find millions upoil millions of gold nnd silver , " The Civil Appropriation Hill. WASHINGTON , Juno 1(5. ( The sundry civil appropriation bill , reported to thu house to- duy , appropriating f-'it.TU,70S , being ? 7S1,278 loss than the regular and special estimates and $ l'JOS5r more than current appropria tions. Among the appropriations nro the fol lowing items : The mtcr-stnto commerce commission , $750,000 ; military posts , U5- OW ) ; Hock Island dams , * l 0,000. Among the new features of the bill nro the fojlowlng : For the Mississippi river commission - mission , f25,000 ; for u public building ut Pcoriu , 111 , , * 12,000. Death of n Prominent ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BCK. ] Hobcrt S. Musscr , a prominent member of the Buchanan county bar , died at his homo in this city at a lute hour last night nftcr nn illness of three months , nged llfty-two years. His dUcnlo was the sumo ns Jiut which killed Senator Cankling und the sauio operations wcro per formed ujion him. Ho was a prominent worker in the school boards nnd stood high In public estimation. Ho will be buried by the. Masonic fraternity to-morrow. Fatal 11 illroad Accident. Cnic4co , June 16. A Chicago , Burlington & Quincy freight train was ucrallca ten miles out from the city this evening , killing outright two unknown men and seriously injuring four or nvo of thu crew. Grain and merchandise is piled up in a wreck twenty feet hifli. _ The Fire Hi-cord. VtiiMfixiuN , III , , Juno 10 , The business pact of the town was destroyed by flro this morning. Among the buildings burned were the Odd Fellows1' hull end , opera houso. VIOLETS AND BLACK. Frederick's Favorlto Flower the Emblem - blom of Gorman Sorrow. AN EMPEROR AT TWENTY-NINE. ? The Eyes of AH the Realm Turned On the Young Monarch. HE IS A SOLDIER AND A KING. A Glover American Crook Works a Berlin Bank. 4 BOUGHT DIAMONDS PROFUSELY. The Police Sure Ho Is n Yankee Bc- caiiRC He Is Such n Clever Kns- cnl A Wisconsin Murderer Under Arrest. In the City of Sorrow. [ Copi/rf0/il / ikkSl\i \ James Guidon HcmictM Br.nux , .Tune 10. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BRK. ] In ix pouring rain , with bells tolling , the troops took the oath of allegiance to William II. Everybody wears n violet. ICniser Frederick's fa vorite flower , encased in u little bluck lace covering. All eyes are turned on Kaiser William II who ascends the tin-one at twenty- nine , just one year older than did Frederick the Great , who Is the new emperor's , model and guide. Everything the kaiser docs is eagerly scrutinized to obtain a clue to corn ing events. The promptness with which ho ordered the infantry to a double quick and the hussars at n brisk trot to surround and and besiege Frcderickskron Jorty seconds after his father's death , was his first net as emperor , and shows him nbovo all a soldier and an apostle of decisive measures. He is the.idol of the army and of the Prussian.guardsmen. They eagerly follow him with the same fiery en thusiasm as the Russian soldiers followed Skobeloff or the Americans Sherman and Sheridan. Ho confers often with Count Her bert Bismarck , in whom ho has implicit trust and who eventually is to be to William II. what his father was to William I. TUo emperor's proclamation which ap peared after the funeral was of the most pa- cilie character. Special stress was laid on foreign relations being continued in exactly the same spirit as under William I. and ' Frederick. All the papers to-day publish full accounts of the life of the new emperor. The ICrcuz Zeitung , the organ of those nearest him , says in a leader to-day : "A boundless future is in store for our now kaiser , and all Germans feel our chancellor's words , 'Wir Deutschen fuerchten Gott und sonst nicmand auf dor Welt,1 have in ICaiscr Wilhelm II a , living impersonation. Every heart that is rittcrlich und deutch beats in union with our new sovereign. Wo hope to God all Unmans will help him light the battles of the nation's ' high est welfare Christianity and monarchy. Das walto Gott. " TUo radical Tagblatt recalls the fact that the now emperor takes the educated public school casscl check by jowl with the plebeian youngsters of his own age , and in n speech made to a deputation of citizens on the occa sion of his wedding festivities in 1SSO de clared the example of his father and grand father would over bo the guiding star Leitstern of his life. Tnpgblntt continues and concludes thus : " \Vhat the prine-3 prom ised the emperor ho will hold sacred , 'Gott schuctzo den Kaiser und das Ueieh' . " His addresses to the army and navy are selling in extras all over Herlih. These prompt appeals and the stirring language in which they are couched is regarded as indi cating ho will be indeed u soldier -and em peror. Americans have made quite a sensation In Berlin police annals thin week. One American swindler was American enough to pose as the secretary to the British em bassy here , did his posing at the discount bank where he notified the delighted chief clerk that because of Itsf security , etc. , etc. , the embassy had decided to open at the bank a largo running account. Ho then deposited checks on the London bank for 100,000 marks , all drawn to his order as Charles Scott , secretary to her Brittunnic majesty's embassy , Berlin , A real Mr. Scott it happens is secretary to the embassy but > vas ouo of the most surprised of men when half the diamond merchants in the city cnmo to him with unxious inquiries about goods they thought they had sold him , London is twenty-four hours tfom Berlin , but many easy going German bank ers take ten days to two weeks to ascertain the value of checks on London. The swind ler , therefore , had suflicient time in which to operate. Besides ho had prepared the way in advance by sending the various diamond merchants nn American woman whose broken German unil invariable refusals to purchase seemed indisputable proof of the highest re spectability. After making his deposit at the bank the supposed Scott went tlrst and bought 1,003 marks worth of imperial bonds which ho immediately resold through another broker. Ho then began a round of the jewelers. At each shop ho presented an oftlclal card and enquired lor certain specified diamonds which had been priced by a lady. In some shops ho had oven the check to declare tho. price asked too high , bnt afterwards in each case returned and carried oft the Jewelry , for which , ( of course ho paid in checks. Among other items was 10,000 marks for a pair of car Hugs , Finally ono Jeweler refusea to deliver the goods without in quiry , whereupon his customer blandly referred him to the bank. Ho at once left Berlin.Maanwhlla checks had been pouring into the hank , qnd contrary to their habit- had in many cases been paid before returns from tbe London checks came in. The sup posed Scott was elegantly dressed -and had diplomatic manners. Moreover ho brought with him two small children. What moro was needed to establish his Identity ! The rnm of checks induced Inquiry. As n result 100,000 mnrks nro offered nny ono inducing him to return to Berlin , For the benefit of his American friends wtio may not know him under the nom do fjucrro of Scott ho is described ns forty ycnrs old , tall nnd slender , sandy hair nnd mustache , with mutton-chop vhlskers nndjpnlo fnco. Among other proofs of h'ls American origin , the Berlin police bring the fact that ho speaks bad German nnd is such n clover rnscnl. Number two is n shoemaker , Albert Wett- ber , nrrcstctl for nttcmptcd murder , nnd wtio is supposed to bo n into resident of Water- town , Wis. , and responsible for waylaying nnd robbing a banker there of $13,000. Of the proceeds ho claims to hnvo given S9,000 to his brother , to have hurled ยง 4,000 and brought the rest to Germany. Ho is now held nt the disposal of the American author ities. Among the Amcrlcnns in Berlin nro Chnrles Wehrant nnd family , of New York ; Mr. George Schneider , president of the Na tional bank of Chicago ; Mr. Henry C. Gar- rctt , with his wife and daughter , Prof..M. D. Berlitz , Boston ; W. 1C.Butler nndC. H. But ler , Washington ; Mr. Ambaugh , Baltimore ; Mrs. Wollshofcr , New York , nnd Mr , Curt F. Tcltz , who is persuading Berlin capitalists to buy land in Mexico , near the United States frontier,1 in expoctntion of n raise in real cs talc consequent upon the expected annexa tion of that country by the United Stntcs , Professors Gncist ami Von Hoffman , the Berlin Pastcurs , had Invited Mr. Curl Sehurz and Henry Villard to a banquet ntthe zoological gardens on June 10 to meet the Germans who traveled over the Northern Pncitic railroad some .years ago. Mr. Vil lard arrived In Berlin Friday and is looking well. after his visit to C.irlcsbad , but the death of the emperor has postponed the af fair. Scenes nnd Sympathy. POTTSDA.M , Juno 1(5. ( At 10 o'clock this morning a ceaseless s'trlng of visitors has passed through Friederichskron palace for the purpose of viewing the mortuary cham ber and taking n lost look at the dead em peror. Von Werner to-dJy made sketch of the 'emperor's ' body. The features at the emperor are somewhat sharper and the check bones anil nose are much more prominent than theyjwero in life. The skin is of n yellowish hue and tie ) hands arc greatly emaciated. Many ladies and gentlemen watched the artist ut his work. Emperor William II has offered his firsl signature to u document permitting- Em peror Frederick's testament to bo opened The body lias been embalmed. A funeral service was held this evening. Court Chop lain Pcrsius delivered an oration and the cathedral choir sang. LONDON , Juno IGj The Prince of Wales and his family , Prinja Victor , Prince Chris tian and the Marsala of Lorno loft to night for Berlin , 'The English court will go into mourning for six week * thrco weeks full mourning nnd-thrce wesks semi-mourn- nsr. This period Of mourning i s two weeks longer than than thai adopted for the Into Emperor William LONDON , June 10. Dr. Mackenzie is ex hausted by his constant attendance uuon the Into emperor. He has held an interview with Emperor William nnd Prince Bismarck , who requested him to draw up a medical report of thffcasc. ATHENS , Juno 10. The court has been ordered to go into mourning for three weeks PAUIS. June 10. A leading journal says "It is not without uneasiness that Europe Witnesses the accession of William II. There is no guarantee Bismarck's policy will bo exactly what it was under William I. Let us , therefore , bo on our guard , with fear and without imprudence. " ST. PETnitiMifiui , Juno 10. The Journal d St. Petersburg says : "Hussia shares in the mourning of the Hohenzollerns nnd the Ger man nation. May Providence , who hns so sorely tried this dynasty , henceforth cover i with His benefits and permit our neighboring empire to enjoy long years of pence and pros perity under the sceptre of tie | young sever eign. " THE HAGUE , Juno 10. The king visited th German embassy yesterday to condole Emperor poror Frederick's death. Ho has ordered the court into mourning for n month , BKIISI : , Juno IU. The Swiss nntiona council to-day adopted n resolution of eon dolcnco witli the German people In their loss by the death of tho'empcror. Loaded "With Booty. Dis Moists , la. , Juno 1C. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Biu.j On receipt of n telegrau from tlio slicr'itl of Crawford county the po lice arrested two men in the caboose of n freight train nrriving on the Nortliwcbtcn road about noon. They wcro rouch looking characters. Ono man had a revolver am $1)21 ) , and tlio other had SW7. Botli had fin gold wutchCM , They are charged with rob blng n pasbcnger on a train near Sinter o $1,500. . Failed to Prove It. IOWA CITV , In. , Juno 10. The university investigation to-day devoted much time t tha case p smallpox that Hclnriehs ullcgci was a cnsu of maltreatment or ut least n case where thu state medical board and the uni vcrsity medical faculty had quarantined i town near hero for smallpox without jusi cause. Tha testimony failed to substantial ! the charge. Tlio Father's Anniversary , DAVJINPOIIT , la. , Juno 10. The two hun drcd and fifteenth anniversary of the discov ery of the upper Mississippi river by Mur quctto was celebrated this evening by the Davenport academy of natural sciences. An historical oratloil was delivered by J. L. Uc Armoud und appropriate papers read , Crops Around Mason City , MA&ON CITY , la. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The weather Is very warm nnd corn is making a rapid growth Should the warm weather coutinuo by Julj 4th it will bo ot the usual growth. Srnnl grains and all kinds of fruit look promising Business Troubles. LOUISVILLE , Ky , , Juno 10. The failure of the Kentucky Flour company , which has done a heavy baklpg business nnd which alsi dealt largely iu flour , was announced to-day with nominal assets of 00,000 and liabilities ttO.OOO. The cause of the fuiluro is inability to collect many small debts , The St , Louis Ha. tigerfc-st. ST. Louis , Juno 16. The last or f'Artist'b' concert of'the sacnpcrfcst proved to be the most successful'hi the series. The closing chorus , "The Hallelujah , " 'from Handel' ' Messiah , was sung by the festival chorus 6 1,700 mixed voices with spendld' ! To ' morrow the sluging societies' picnic Wil 'take place at the Juir grounds. ' ' THE HEW EMPEROR. His Policy a Subjoot of Anxious Conjecture. SELF-WILLED IN THE EXTREME. Ho Entertains Great Admiration For ' the Iron Chancellor BUT HAS IDEAS OF HIS OWN. His First tAddres3 to the Army and Navy. THE MANES OF HIS ANCESTORS. Xlio Young Klnif Says They AVntch Him From the Other World und Their Honor Thall Bo 1'rcservcd. Subjects In Siibpnnse. [ Cupl/rFi/hl / 18jS by ( lie A' . 1 * . AtsucMtd JYcss.l BEI'.UN , Juno 1(5. ( The first full declara tion of the new emperor's policy is now understood as taking the form of an address to the Prussian people which is expected to bo issued on Tuesday. The Reichstag will bo summoned to meet June ! 25 to receive the message and shortly afterwards the em peror will formally take the oath of the con stitution before the landtag. Officially nothing is known of the charaetcr of the emperor's address to the people. Prince Bismark held n conference to-day with the Prussian ministry and afterwards obtained an audience with Emperor 'Will iam II. The impression in ministerial circles is the address will bo explicit upon the emperor's desire to maintain peace , and guarded upon the subject of the relations be tween the crown and the people. The remains of Emperor Frederick wcro placed in the coflin to-night and carried to the catafalque which had been erected in the Jasper gallery. The funeral service was 'read in the Jasper gallery by Chnplaii Kocgel. All the members of the imncria ! family were present at the service. The transfer of-the remains to their iThal resting place will take place on Monday morning. Prince Bismarck has received a telegram from Signer Crispi , the Italian minister , ex pressing the deep sympathy of the Italian people and transmitting from the king ex pressions of his profound sorrow together with his ardent wishes for the prosperity of tUo new emperor's reign. The appearance of to-day's message to the army the first public act of the new cm pero'r has quickened public perception of the fact that Germany is entering upon a new regime. All the best informed military anil diplomatic authorities are aware that the now emperor's desire is to hasten the final outcome of the present political situation. As ttio crown prince , he freely expressed hi view that the condition of armed suspense in Europe for ovci two years ought to como to an end. His deep .and open admiration for Prince Bismarck is considered ns likely to bind him for some time to the chancellor policy , but witnin his own circle his charac ter as a resolute , self-willed and ambitious man , produces tbo belief that despite his friendship for and devotion to Bismarck ho will not wait long before seeming to give a decided impetus to Germany's foreign policy. The current ideas about the Emperor William are that ho is a half-cultured dril sergeant and as hating something not Ger man. Those nearest declare that ho is ah solutcly without national antipathies , but absolutely solutoly fond of having his own way. Every section concurs in hoping that his elevation will ameliorate the defects in his character , or that the fb > cc of circumstances will oblige him to follow the circumspect policy of his chancellor. "William II Addresses thn Navy. Bum.IN , Juno 10. The following order will bo issued to the navy , signed by Em peror William II : I have to Inform the navy , with a uceplj moved heart , that my beloved father , the Emperor of Germany und king of Prussia Frederick III , has departed this life peace fully In the Lord , and I , stepping into the place , assigned by God's will , have assumec the government of the land , falling to mo hi hereditary right , and therewith , also , the chief command of the navy , It is , indeed , profoundly grave period In Vhlch 1 address my first words to the navy , which has only just censed wearing the outward signs o mourning for my over to bo rcmemberci ; and beloved grandfather , Emperor William I. , who only last year , during his presence at Kiel , expressed in the warmest words llvolj satisfaction ut and appreciation of the dove ! opmcntof the navy under his glorious gov eminent , Flags are already lowered for my beloved tathor , who so greatly rejoiced a and took so strong an interest In the growth and progress of the navy. Yet a titno of Krio and sincere mourning chastizes and fortifies men's hearts. Thus wo shall look conil dcntly to the future , faithfully preserving in our hearts the memory of my grandfather and father , The navy knows tliat it no only gives mo great joy to belong to It by nn external bond , but since my earliest youtl a warm and lively Interest bus , in complete sympathy with my dear brother , Prince Henry , united tno with the navy , have learned to appreciate the high sense of honor und faithful fulfillment of duty prevail ing in the navy. I know that , every member of the navy is prepared Joyfully to give hi lifo lor the honor of the German flag whcr over ho may be. Thus in this sad hour I can say with all confidence wo shall stand to gethcr firmly and surely , In good nnd ovi days , in storm and in sunshine , ever re mem boring the glory of the German fatherlam and ever prepared to shed our hearts' blooi for the honor of the German flag , In this God's blessing will bo with us. AN OlIDL'lt TO TIIE AliMV. The troops at tbo garrison in this city liavo taken the oath of allo glance to the emperor , William 11. Emperor William II has issued the following onler to the army- : ' . While the army has cnl ? dUcwrd jd the outward sign of mourning for the emperor ving William I. my deeply beloved grand- hther , whoso memory will over live In all icarts , they have suffered n fresh nnd icnvy blow by tlio death of my dear nnd warmly loved father. This is ndccd n serious nnd sorrowful tlmo In which God's decree places mo nt the head of the nrmy. It is from n deeply moved heart I address my first words to my nrmy , but the confidence with which 1 step into the pluco to which God's will calls mo is immovably strong , for I know what sense of honor nnd duty my glorious ancestors hnvo implanted in tbo'nrmy , and I know In how great n measure this feeling has nt all times been manifested in the nrmy. A firm and inviolable attachment In the inheritance handed down from father to BOH , from generation to generation and in the same way I refer you to my grandfather , who stands fresh in nil your memories as the personification of n glorious and venerable war-lord such ns could not bo moro finely conceived. 1 refer you to my beloved father who , ns crown prince , had already won n place of honor In the nnimls of the nrmy nnd to my long line of glorious ancestors whoso nnmos shine brightly in history und hearts beat warmly for the nrmy , thus wo belong to each other I ntul the nrmy. Thus wo nro born for one another , nnd thus wo will stand together in indissoluble bonds in peace or storm , as God may will it. i'ou will now tnko to mo the oath of fidelity nnd obe dience , nnd I swenr over to remember that my nnccstors look down upon mo from the other world und Hint I shall ono day have to render nn account to them for the glory and honor of the army. FIFTIETH CONQ11ES9. J louse. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. Mr. Randall of Pennsylvania reported the sundry civil np proprintlon bill and gave notice ho would call it up for action at the earliest possible moment. It appropriates $23,874,1250. The house then went into committee of the whole on the nrmy appropriation bill. On motion of Mr. Howcll of Illinois an amend ment was adopted appropriating $300,000 for beginning the construction of a new military post near Chicago. Mr. Ford of Michigan moved nn nmend monl appropriating 30,000 for the purchase of powdert to fire morning nnd evening guns nt military posts. The amendment was "adopted. Mr. Trneey of New York , offered an amendment appropriating 5120,000 for the enlargement of the plant nt Wutcrvlict arsenal , New York , and $400,000 for the manufacture of cannon and carriages , projectiles for torpedo experi ments anil the expenses of ordnance officers. Messrs. Tracy and Spinola , of New York , set forth the public demand for adequate coast defenses. Mr. Uandall mailo a point of order against the amendment. He said that science had sc advanced that had the last fortification bill become n law the money would have been absolutely wasted. Chairman Springer sus tained the point of order und the unendmcirl was ruled out. On motion of Mr. Laird , of Nebraska , provision was added to the paragraph relat ing to post supplies , requiring them to bo purchased where they can bo purchasct cheapest , quality and cost of transportation considered. The committee then rose , the bill was1 passed and the house adjourned , Cleveland nnd His Cabinet. WASHINGTON. June 10. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Sonio comment has been created hero in political circles over the announcement mont that-three men prominently identified with the administration will not remain con nccted with President Cleveland at the close of the present term , even should they bo re elected. Secretaries Fairchiid and Vilas and Postmaster General Dickinson are al most certain to bo retained. Secretary Whit ney will , in all probability , , retire on his own volition , as ho spent a great deal of monej and time in good service for tlio party uni the country. ' Attorney General Garlam claims , it is said , that helms had enough o official life , and that ho wants to retire to the isolation of Hominy Hill. Whitney am' Garland can bo dispensed with as the presl dent will have little difficulty in finding two men fit to fill the positions which they now occupy , but there is one man who , it is said will retire , whoso loss will be keenly felt by the president in the event of his retention ii : office for another term of four years. Tliis is Daniel Lauiont , the ublc und 1iro ficicnt private secretary. It is not known that Colonel Lauiont has definitely deter mined to retire from official connection will tlio government , but some months ago it was announced semi-oflicially that the president's private secretary had had enough of glOry and that ho had derided that it was timotlui he should bo looking around for something butter qualified to keep the wolf from the door than tlm mere honor of his position The salary of the pi e.sident's private secretary tary is $ iDOO a year , and by the very nature of his position ho is compelled to enter into social engagements which require a grcu' deal of outside expenditures. Colonel Lauiont said , us long 'ago ns las' summer , that he ho/1 about made up his mini that it was time for him to be looking iirount for something moro profitable in u Jinancia way than political honors , and this doubtless gave rise to the assertion recently so widely disseminated , that ho proposed to rctlro fron ofilco with the close of the present presidcn tiiil term. If the president loses Daniel Lumont ho will huvo to look around for some moro Dan iels. The original tlirco will have left him Daniel N , Lockwood , who first brought him into prominence by nqmlnatiim him for every olllco which ho has yet lillcd , lias soured on the president , and has not been near the white house for moro than two years. Ho holds a position under the department of justice whk-h pays him a munificent salary about i2dOO u year net and ho has n private income estimated nt from ten to twenty thousum ] , so that ho Is not dependent upon official preferment. Ho will take no part in the present campaign. Unniel Man ning , who was the second of the trio , lias gone where politics ceases to bother ; and now , if Daniel Lament , the third and most effective of the llireo , should leave the presi dent ho would have to make other connec tions if his luck is to remain with him. Daniel Dougherty placed the president in nomination at St. Louis , und who Is the Dan iel to till the cabinet position , and which ono of all the Dans in the country js to become private secretary are conundrums which will give the politicians u great deal of think ing to do before they reach u satisfactory answer. Hoarded By IlohhcrH. MvsKoaiiK , I. T. , Juno 17. The south bound Missouri , Kansas & Texas express was boarded by seven masked men lust night at the Virdigris bridge. The train stopped at the bridge to put off eomo baggage , and had just started to pull out again when the engineer was covered with u revolver , and the express car was entered , but nothing of much value was taken. Several shots wcro fired. Colton , the mail agent , and a train boy were ouch shot through tlio arm nnd a passenger named Hen C. Tarvcr , from Koso- bud , Tex. , was shot iu the check , the ball passing backwards , breaking his neck and causing instant death. . Tlio deputy marshal and u m > se ard in pursuit. No effort was made to rob the passengers. . " " An Important Land Decision. Asiu.ixi ) , Wi . , Juno 1(5. ( The local laud officers to-day received a decision of the In terior department affecting the title to thou sands of acres of land within the Indemnity limits of the Wisconsin railroad In Ashland county , and upholding the decision of the Ashland oftlco. By order of Commissioner Sparks these lands wcro thrown open for settlement , subject to the rights of the com pany. The action , of Commissioner Sparks 111 this matter is one of the reasons which lo'd to Itia resignation , ' ! ' . WILL IT BRING WAR , The French People Whispering With Soiloua Faces. PARIS IS SUDDENLY SUQDUED ( 1 The Ministry Striving to Moot Pofll slblo Surprises. THEY FEAR TURBULENT TIME i A Week of Dull , Dreary and Dla < ' \ tasteful Weather. -3 THE SOCIAL SEASON IS ENDED , The Theaters Closing and the Favofi\ \ ito Promenades Deserted Move * incuts of American Visit * . ors In Paris. The Enipcror'H Heath In France. ICojij/rfu'it ' ISSSbu Jamt * Gordon Bcmictt.l I PJIIIIR , Juno 10. [ New York Hcrnld Cabl ( Special to Tun Ben. } The news fron Pottsdnm which shocked though hnrdlj Startled Europe yesterday produced a matt vellous effect upon French politicians. Th ( petty quarrels of Boulnngor and the Boulaq gcrists have censed to interest Pnrisj" an the people-arc going about with serious faced , whispering , "Will it bo war or pcaeo.X The gravity of tlw situation has sobered PdrJi as suddenly ns n soaking sobers a man wh ( has been drinking chnmpagnc. The poll * ticnl shadows which amused It have bcaf forgotten and a patriotic rcnlity hns bco i remembered. The partisan papers ar- preaching union nnd caution , nnd the mlw isters are straining every nerve to put thS- country beyond the reach of sui\ prises. Little fear is cntott' ' tnincd immediately hero. Wbatevcli turn events take thcro must a breathing time. No shots are likely to fired till the Germans huvo had tinio to mourn , i the loss of their kaiser and forgot his peace ! ' ful teachings , but in a couple of months things mny have changed. The autumn manoeuvres will bo beginning and hngq. masses of armed men will bo marching an $ countermarching. Then , indeed , the poif tion may grow critical. The weather since Sunday has been cop\ I and dull. Early in the week wo had n heavtf" thunder storm. Wraps and mantels luiva been brought out again , and the avenues o ( ' the Boise have been deserted. With thq. Grand. Prix and Lord Lytton'a fete ntth < ; British Embassy two nights ago the Ecnsoij ( proper may bo snid to have ended. 'Most of the theaters nro closed. Prntty mo ; } ? dames and deml-mondalncs are closing thjjj ) | , receptions. Crowds are again' bCKluuing { 3 throng the breezy terraces. Mrs. H. T. Allan , wlfo of Lieutenant Allan , has gone to Baileu Badcu. Admiral' and Mrs. Stcinbel have returned to Paris from Switzerland. Mr. Scott Wiusloia left for Germany. Mrs. Charles SVntrou is staying nt the Binda. Mr. and Mrs. Bucllv anan Winthrop have arrived at the St. Jamcsf As I was walking down the line do In Paia yesterday I saw Mr. ana Mrs. William 'oV Otliout issuing from the Wcstminstera Mrs. Brockholst Cutting is still in PariV but in a few dnys will bo Hitting to Haruf' burg. Mrs. Pcrcival L. Dayton nnd Attl. E. Ii. Bacon are stopping nt the Kh'inSr Mrs. Bainbridge Clark and Mrs. and Miscj Andcnrled are on their way to Alx lesf Balncs. Mr. Robert Hargons has vanished ? Londonwards. Nclirnskn and lown 1'ciiHlonn. WASHINGTON , June 10. [ Special Tclegrari' to Tin : BKH. ] The following pensions wm ; granted Ncbraskans to-day : Original invar- lid Samuel II. Stumbe , Falls City ; Georg i W. Todd , Detroit. Increase Ilceves Miles * , Davenport. Original widows , etc , Maria A. , mother of George M , Bubcock , Weeping Water. T Pensions for lowans : John H. Watsony Webster ; Benjamin K. Swurtz , McVeigh } Butler B. Dolnshmutt ( deceased ) , Eddyvlllej , George Uooth , Mnquokctn ; Daniel Luughoy } Washington. Increase Carydon H. Elsl berry , Dysurt ; Samuel Swift , Uassett ; Jamei L. Nemstock , Clinton ; Albert K. Colcgrovoi Ion ; llodncy A. lilce , Iim/Keno / ; Jamcs'Bi Boyd , Mlle ; Hailum ) A. Stewart , Bonaparte ; John Dolph , Kldonido ; Joseph W. Holinan , Ccnti-cvillo. HcisRiio Murk H. Morse , \yy * omlrig ; John M , Kilpntriuk , Mount Auburm Original widows , etc. Lcnora S. , widow ojj George Hunter. Alnsworth ; William , fnthoc of Isaac Keen , Baxter. Want i ho CUMHnnownd. . CHICAGO , Juno io.--A petition was llled in the United States circuit court to-day by tha defendants in the case of John J. Dickey and' other children of the lute Judge T. Lyla Dickey , against Abbio M. Baker , Annlo H. Stnnc nnd other heirs of the Into Mrs. Buchlnh C. * ) ickoy , asking for iv writ ot ccrtlorari to rcmoj-c.tho case from the sul parlor court to the federal court on thq ground of prejudice. Tlio writ was granted , The I'llnteiN Adjourn. KANSAS Crrv , Juno l--Tho ( ! International Typographical union completed iU work thla evening und uiijourncd , Tlio now constitu tion , wh'i'hv adopted , Increases the pen capita " - : ittu 10 cents to10 cents per month. KlllH u Couple. , N. J. , Juno 10.-A furlousl thunder storm , accompanied by hail passed over the town to-day. The house of Hurrl-l son Voorhccs , was struck by lightning und * 1 Voorliecs and his wife were instunly killed , ' 3 | Condition. WABIIINOTON , Juno 10. General Slierldnrt hns hud a fairly good day. His desire fob food and capacity for taking and assimilating it appears to boincrensinjr. Thcio havobocn occasional periods of mental inactivity. Stcninsliii | Arrivals ) . NEW YOUK , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram. to Tun HUB. I Arrived Tha City of Chester from Liverpool ; the Hhcatlu frum Hamburg. QUEEXsrowN. Juno 10. Arrived Klruif from New York for Liverpool. Woatliui- Indication * . For Nebraska und D.ukota ; Liuht to freth northerly winds , cooler , fulr weather. . .TojIowa ' : - Light tofresh sioutrorJy- winds , 'bOfomin ' northerly , . ' cooler , fair '