HE OMAHA DAILY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. SATURDAY , MOHNING , JUNE 10 , 1SSS , NUMBER 304 : EMPEROR FREDERICK IS DEAD The Grim Monster Again Visits the Court of the Teutons. PATIENT SUFPERINGS ENDED. The Nolile Gcrninn Monarch PJISSCH Into ICtornlty a Kcw Months Alter Ills Father Incidents at the Dcntli lied. , The Knlficr'H SiitTcrltiKN Ended. [ Cnpi/ri0ht tffa tin Jainrt ( luntnn llmnrtt. ] Brut iv , Juno 15. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun Hr.K.l Yrstcrdiiv's dispatch closed nt midnight with thoempcior slowly sinking nnd the sad watchers around him. Ho seemed to bo no better nor worse until dawn came. Then he began to show that ominous restlessness which physicians rccognlro as u mortal sign In extreme illness. Not that ho was In pain , or ho illd not evi dently suffer at all. Tha ominous restless ness Increased , nnd once more the room was peopled with his sad family. Next to her mother stood his daughter Sophia. She yet held in her hand the paper which he yes terday placed there on which ho had written with faint writing , "Remain ns noble and peed as-you hnvo been In the past. This Is the lust wish ot jour dilng father. " Now nnd then u stnllo flitted over the emperor's face which wore nn expression showing 111 ! WAS J.OT IN TAIN. The last nourishment ho took was an orange ; the last present ho received with n grateful smile was n basketful of water- lillles , such ns ho was wont to find in the Havel when ho bathed there every summer. Ono of the last slips of paper on which ho wrote wns addressed to Dr. Hovell , whom ho nskod how hlsjmlsc went and whether he wns satisfied. After thutthu breathing be came fainter until It wns scarcely percep tible. The emperor took the chancellor's hand aud ccntly taking the empress' trembling white hand laid it into that of the powerful minister. The preacher of the garrison ol Potsdam had been admitted nnd administered the last sacraments. Mattel s w cut sadly on , iho physicians watching sharply until 1C o'clock eamo when nnd what follows came to mo from nn oio witness. SlrMorrell Mackenzie stepped out , walked rapidly to Crown Prince William , who was waiting for htm , uild nfter n few hut rted words they went where mi ! RMpnnou WAS nur VTIIINO ins LAST , His head luised by largo pillows , Ijis wan hand on the white coverlet nervously twitch ing , thecmpiess ut the lower end of the bed knelt and remained In that position dm hip the last hour , watching the faint gasps oi breath. At the foot of the bed knelt his foui daughters , Prlnco Henry and his two daugh ters-in-law. Thu chaplain softly murmured the litany. Some white loses weio on the coverlet. At some distance wci c the mem bers of the household. Every flvo minute' Sir Morrcll and the other physicmns standIng - Ing behind him felt the emperor's pulse , ami iho expression on his face show cd it wnc growing weaker. The breathing grow slow and so faint that the phvslolnn was obliged to place his ear close to the etnpeior's lips. At II o'clock Sir Motrcll signed to the empiessvvho fervently kissed tbo hand ol the dying ompcior nnd it was ousotvcdhe drew it to him and kissed it , his last act. A1 11:13 Sir-Mori ell took out his watch and do- clai ed' i.n u inn t'AssMi i WAV. Thaeiown piinco and now empeioVgave Whispered ou'.cis. Two adjutants left the room and ut U-15 , while the silent thiotig * watched with bated bie.ith the impelia ! stundaid was lowered to half mast , n slgt ; which the lovcicnd ciowds out side acknowledged by bowing Iheii heads , many classing their band ; as if in ptiiyer. An hour afterwards Piiuco Histnurck spent tivo minutes in thu Ucatl ; chamber. Ho held an houi's conference With the new Empoior William. The second hour ho found the dead emperor dressed in 11 loose vvhito coat , a linnet wie.ith on hi' * bteiist just above the bunds , which are folded over a cavalry sword. Only the foichcud , oi os and nose uro visahlo , the mouth und chin being loveied up. Some details maj be added to the pnitlcu Jars of the hist hoius. Whenever conscious ness returned his hands nought that of the empties. Ho pressed tl cm softli and held them. Ho would not quit his hold until u til of coma oveicaino him. His eveiy looli showed ho was fully aw are of what wal passing mound. Indeed his incs had such un eloquent cxpiessiou bis veiy thoughts scemc-i' ' levented. Ho breached his lust QUIKrl.V A.N1) I'AIM I f-M.V , the Immediate cause of the death being pie nounced paralysis of the hums. Unfoitun ittely the douajjer cinpi ess , his mother , die Hot univu from linden. There vv ill not bo a post moi tent , mid it ! i not jet cei tain what the funcial coiemonj Will be , but it Is understood the ciupcior him hclf w ishcd It exioc'dliiBly simple It is piob nblo that after l.vlng in state for t > duy or twc in the guiiison church at Potsdum.vvhero 10 pose the remains of FicdciiU the Great , ho will bo laid in PricncnsMishe which stands within the pounds and eon tiilns the ashes of his two sons It. any iasc thoiu will bo no obsequies In HciUn or any thing like the funeral pomp which matl.ccl Iho passing away ot Kebcr Wil helm. Possibly the remains will bt laid out In state tomoirow li IhoMuIchlto hall of Filcdc-iiclislnon bofoti entombed In Fi Icdi-iiskin-hc. The deep affection of Hcilincrs for htn showed itself In many ways. Most of tin .hop * wcro shut or dt aped black utid sorrow row was visible on many faces. Many wcro filled with tears mid mourning Is i cvi-ri whcie to bo SIH-II. llinvc Just Icuinud from nn authoritative souice thatu I'ond-ienco of Emperor Wi ! Ham H with Hlsmnick today losultcd li drawing : up a progi-uuuno defining the In tcrnattonul policy of Gcimany This ii to remain w lihout change. H w III i-oiitltuu based on the it cat lea of the tiiplu alliunn und will aim to picsoivo genwal peace uni ehcilsh the union of the thieo ullled pow ers. ers.Tho The Bcrllncis did not fall to notlio that Uu old Emperor Ficdenvk ami his father died 01 uFHdny , and that Ut-0 Prince Fit-dei id Chnilcs also dfcd ut the sun-e C0'e ns Empcrui , Fredci Ick. f COMMENTS * OF TUB OLIIMVN 1'JIXSS , The seinl-om > ! al Post snjs the Kmpcroi Frcdi-i uk was n still gtc.Uor heio pn a blcl bed than on the Jmtlo lielJ , wucio | .e lookei most gallantly Into the e cs of death. Tuo semi oftlcial Nerd rjou'scher sais foi s - ( m until nation -r ktanauig ut , the - blvr of i high hearted ruler whose form Uluuiinatci by splendor the glorious history of our time Ho was truly princely nnd of hciotc mould. ThoKruzZcitungconchule-UUaUlclothus 'The people will never forget the favorite : ) rmec , L'nser rrltz. " The Vasslscho believes that the nation will bo llllcd with the spirit emanating from nil Lhe words nnd deeds of the deceased mon arch. Eugene Klchtor , In his rrehennlpo Ecltune , writes : "Tho Emperor Frederick Is dead , but only to live on ns Unser Frit ? forever. " The National Xcltung is the the only paper which strikes n discordant note , remarking tlmt the deceased definitely concludes ono epoch nnd that iv now era Is now about to continence. A siu.r STORY. It is likely some newspapers or correspond ents may rev ive the ehestnutty stones nbout the Influence of the Countess Wnlderso , once the morpnntlc vvlfo of tha septuagena rian Prlnco Frcdrlc of Schlesvvlg Holstcln , , grand uncle of the now empress. The countess will bo remembered by many old Now Yorkers ns Miss Mary Lee. It may be said she will now become the power behind the tin ono vv 1th the now emperor nnd empress , who , by the way , also becomes nn Empress Victoila. This Is well known In proper quui tcrs to he a great mistake and n silly story. Equally silly w Ijl bo any story of nil estrangement between the now emperor and his mother. Ho never wns n demonstrative child or man. His hauteur and coldness is constitutional. Almost tha sumo cause that inudo Lord liyroti peculiar made the present cinpetor ns a prince peculiar. In birth his left arm was Injured , nnd it 1ms nlwajs been practically paralyzed , so that he was obliged to almost wholly use his right arm. This defect more or less soured his disposition and In very early life , say Her- liners , parental or mutcrctml sympathetic In dulgence tended to make him headstrong nnd wilful , but ho Is as utTectlonato with his mother ns ho can bo with anybody , nnd there is no reason to suppose his dislike to Eng lish wujs taints his estimation of her or ever her motherly Influence. A CAVMU ) IinVIVIM ) . The Neue Fi clo Presso of Vienna , received hero to day , seemingly rev ivcs the stori that the throat affection was the result ol youthful Indiscictions. It publishes an old lotier from Prof iiillroth , dated March U7 , in which the eminent physician expresses hi ! conviction that In concealing the true nature of the emperor's malady Sir Morrlll Mnckcn 7io was actuated solely by motives of dell " cacy , policy and humanity. [ Frederick William Nicholas Charles Em pcror of Germany was the eldest son of tin late Emperor William , who died on the Oil of last March The Emperor rrcdctick wn- born at Potsdam on the anniversary of tin battle of Lcipsig , October 1 , ! * ' . Hi- father was the son of Ft edcnck William II ! nnd of Princess Louise of Mecklenberg Sttclitz and brother to the Into King o Prussia , bom March 21. , 1707. His mothci was the Princess Augusta of Snxe-WIomar His parents wcro married itf Ib29. HI1 mother has always been an outs'poken cnemj of Bismarck and bitterly opposed to hi1 policy. It issald that the relations betwcci liis father and mother wcro of the most un pleasant kind nnd thit of Into years theii only mccttnits wet oof the most formal ser nnd onlv occurred once in each twenty-foui hours , In the emperor's ' study. His military education was begun before he wns nine jeaisold At ten ho was made a sub-lieutenant and invested with the otdet of the lil.ick Eaglo. According to the tra ditlons of the nice of Hohcn ollerns he wa- taught two of the trades , that of hookbindci and carpenter being selected. His tutor vvai the eminent Dr. Curtlns. His boyhood wai chiefly spent at Hnbelsberg. near Potsdam the place of his birth and dentil. On the 7tl of November. 18411. ho entered the Unlvcr sity of Honn , for the purpose of completing his military education. In 1 50 ho lltst vis Itcd England. It was dut ing this visit thai ho fltst saw Victoila , pimccss lo.val o GicatHiitaln , whom ho nfterwat ds ( Janunrj 35 , 1S55) ) married. Ho returned to his native land nnd resumct his studies at Bonn , winch he completed ii 1W3. When ho had completed his militat : studies ho was commissioned ns captain it the Fust foot guaids. Ho passed tinongt vatlous grades and when the war bioko on between Prussia and Austria he held tin rank of gcnci.il. In that war he successfully led his army of l3.iMU ( ) men tlironirh 'hi passes of thoSudptic Hills amid pioat dlfnVu' ties and dangcts. Uynseticsof biillinn opointions his nnnv forced its way over tin mountains and through the passes , bcinj foiccd into severe actions nt Trailtevan Nachod. and vai ious other points. His objcc : \\astoforma junction with the nimy o Piinco Frederick Cluules , Uefoioholuu succeeded In doing this General Uotifdelc hat made ptejmratlons to attack the latter with i superior force. The battle of ICouIggintz .Tilly : ! , Ibtitf , was the icsult. The Empcioi Ficdeilck ( then the crown prince ) sur piiscd the Austrlans in the middle dlo of thci battle , struck tin heart of their position nnd decided tin fortunes of the day. An unlntetiuptct setes | of victories followed his inntch fton Miletln to IConlggrntnnd ( Irmlyostabllshci his imputation as an ahlo commander. Hi < achievements in the Franno Piusslan wai at o a conspicuous pait of the history of tha mcmoiablo conflict He was in command oi the third Got man aimy on thoHhinoftontlei in Jul.v of ISiO This nim.v consisted of some thing ovt'r two bundled thousand men nit [ about live hundred pieces ot mtillory. Will this force ha , on the -Hit of August , nttarKci the position of General Uonnv at Weisitcn- berg and captured It after u desperate nni : bloody struggle. Following up his victory ho , on the second day thcrsaftcr , made battle tlo with the combined fotcr-x of Gone i alt MacMnhon , Failly and Caurobert atWoeith and compelled the Fic-nch to abandon theii position. At the battle of Sedan , Septembe-i 1 , his tioops und those of Prinro FrcdciM Cttaileu were engaged n aiiist the gteater pait of Mao Mahnn'ffoites. . The Gei 111,1111 succeeded in rtosslng the liver Mouse. Thl1 oxticmely dlftlcult and dangerous oiicratiot wasetrectcd by Pjinco William with his PiuKslaus and Wurtembetgets , Puhhlng oi townulh Pans ho cntciod Vet sullies Scptcin beriOiind thiew udditionul tioops uioutu the Infested i-npltal andiemalnca In tuo vi cliilti until the conclusion of peace , On October 'J3 of that jcar ho vy.is made a mar blml of Prussia and on November is a llch nmishnl of Prussia. Ho Is the father o seven chlhlton , the oldest of which , Pied rtUl , William Victor Albeit ( born Januaij 37 , 1R3U ) becomes eirperor of Germany , To the dead empeior the uidfcal pcar < party , the ppiwacnts of lllsmarek. lookei with roger hope for icliof frciin adherence tt the systems of u ujvono ge , u sybteui that t'C\v ( loci thut thev luivo outgrowji and deslK tn cast oil a * a TV-'Un out trjinipnt. In him they hoped to find s } < adci who would Inuug-urato nii e.-a In which Uu coinpcser , the scientist , the ujthor and tin hU8lMndai u would tnkr i.in'su icilor to tin blatter of munk .rjtof cunuc n gjd ; oUifi * en gl iw of df > tttl ) . Htit they urofcuul to fuc < the uncertain future with a monarch whoir they assert is dcforn cdjn body und diseaset ' in u.lii'1 , vvUose chief cb'ara'ctci.&llu tccai t < be open Insubordination to his father nnd \lllnlr.ous nbuso of his mother Instead of being permitted to pursue the paths of peace and progress with their beloved "Unscr Fritz" who lies dead nt Potsdam ] Sorrow or Sister Nations. Lovnov , Juno IB. Much sorrow Is ex pressed at the death of the cmpcrijr of Ger many , who was very popular In this city. Flags mo flj Ing at half mast , nnd blinds In many houses are lowered. Queen Victoria telegraphed n mcs ago of sympathy and sorrow row to the Empress Victoria. Flags on the American nnd other delega tions mo at half mast In consequence of the death of Emi > eror Frederick. The bells on Westminster Abbey wcro tolled this after noon. When the news of the emperor's ' death wan rccclv ed nt the German embassy the blinds were drawn. The Prlnco of Wales will start for Uerlin to morrow evening. Gladstone and scores of other prominent persons called at the German embassy and left their cards. The lord chamberlain Is In communication with the court at Uulmornl upon mcasuics regarding the period ot public mourning. The period of mourning will ba prolonged for sotno time as ho wus the son-in-law of the queen. A number of publlu and private en tertainments have been stopped. VIKNVA , Juno 15.An orde.i ; has been Issued closing ttio ro > nl theaters on account of the death of Empeior Frederick. Tno emperor , Francis Joseph , telegraphed to the German embassy his . deep and heartfelt grief , Prlnco Hohcnlohc , ns chief chamber lain , called nt the embassy personally to ex press his condolence. PAHIS , Juno 15. The Paris newspapers , without exception , deplore the death of Em peror Frederick nnd ilny n tribute to his manly qualities and liberal ami peace-loving disposition. Picsident Carnet today tele graphed a message of sympathy to the now German empeior and the cabinet ministers left their caids nt the German embassy. ST. PI.TI iisnunei , Juno 15 The higher ofllcials of the foreign onice , leading diplo mats and members of the German colony visited the German embassy to-day nnd ex pressed sympathy for the German impciial family. WASHINGTON , Juno 15 Intelligence of the death of Empcior Frcderlclc was iccolvcd bv Sect-clary IJayard this morning by cable from the United States legation at Hcrlin. The secretary immediately informed the president and sent the following telegram to Pendleton , minister nt Berlin : "The presi dent desires j on to expi ess tin ough the fot- cigu olllco the respectful sympathy felt throughout the United States for the Gei- tnan nation in the loss of their cmpctor , who has nt last i ieldcd to death with such lofty counge and calm resignation to the divine decree. " New Youic , Juno 15 Flags of the city hall and departments were not placed at half- mnst to day when the news of the death of Empeior FredeitCk was iccelvcd. Major Hewitt said ho did not feel justified in order ing them up. THE KNIGHTS COXCIiAVIJ. Omaha Guarantees Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars For the Next , CINCISVATI , June 15. [ Special Telegram to THE Uri : . ] At the session of the grand lodge to-day a resolution to reduce the mini mum limit of ago of admission to the Pythias brothel hood from twenty-otto to eighteen was defeated. An amendment to the const ! tutlon passed providing that no grand lodge shall be established where the Jurisdiction inembcishtp is less than COO. Aiesolutlon to abolish the led collar was defeated. The supreme lodge adjourned over until Monday mot mug to give the committee who arc in vestigating the Pennsylvania tioubles time to piep.tro.i report , The investigating com mittee sit all day to-moriow. St. Louis pe titioned for the next conclave Omaha guarantees the eider ? 1UU,000 to meet the expenses of the conclave if that city is selected for the place of its meeting. At its meeting to-day the Ohio brigade redistributed the state , making ten legiments instead of seven. The thei mome tcr to day climbed into the nineties , but the drilling foi the pnzes con'lnucd Some of the knights appealed to sutler terribly.rlhe pri/o seems now to bo between the Ivokomo division of Kokomo , Ind , nnd the Dearborn division of C'hlcigo. Each feels confident of w inning. One of thosuprcmo icpresentatives said that this was the greatest event in the histoty of the Older. This was also the most successful conclave ever held and the most onjovable for all concerned To night a num ber of the bands fioni the outside contest for u pi 1/e of fliOO The concert was u grand af fair , All the Nebraska knights have not do- pal ted yet. They BIIV they anejoi ing them selves bo much that they hate to denial. t - - llU'Il CONGUCSS. House. Wt nixuTov , Juno 15. After n struggle , lasting half an hour , over thu aider of busi ness , Mr. Tow nshend's motion to consider the army appropriation bill was defeated , and tin ) house prooer-upd under tljo reijular oidtr hchig business on the piivato calen dar , Townshcnd gtv ing notice. thut he would call up the appiopriatiou bill to-morrow. Many hours wcro spent in consideration of pilxuto billi , hiivcial of which \\cio passed The house took n tecess till S p , m , when private pension bills were considered Mr. MeCteaiy of Kentuik ) obtained unan imous consent to inttouuco the following. . lMolved , That wo have Iteaid with pro found B.in . ii.it hof , tha death of the emperor Ho was u fricnillv advocate of a fiicndly and liberal policy in Germany , and we express our iosuitful ] Hvmpathy to the Germai ) na tion in the loss of their great and icnovvned ruler. Passed ummtmoiiHly At the evening session of the houto forty- nines puvati ) pension bills were passed and at 10. UO o'clock adjoumcd. I'oslnl Thief , Dak , Jiinu 15 [ Special Telo- gnim to THE Hi K ] William H Webber , aged twenty-two jcats , foimctly deputy postmaster nt Spcaiflsh. was ni rested in this city to day by J'ostofllto Inspector George H WiUctbury. V.'cbbei Is charged with having rifled live registered letters jmsslog through the Spcaiflsh odico and stealing their con- tentf , amounting to14 'Iho postolllco itc- paitmcut have been working at the ciiso for oviirura"iuid had an unbroken chain of evidence w hen the niiest was made The pijponer , who was mutuedonli a few dn s ago to un cstlmublo joung l.idy of Stuigis ( Jthus sicited u full confession miidu in y , riling und now languishes In juil in default of f 1,1X0 bonds. Sintcnco will bo passed ut thenppioaUilngtorm of the United States court , the punishment being fiom ono to ten icais foi each ojfcnco. Wcnttior liulicntioiiH. For Nebraska und Dakota : Light to fresh souther ! } winds , becoming westerly , cooler , fair weather , For Iowa- Light to fresh southerly winds , gtr.t U' icmjwrature , co.M ! ioiial light local rains , A Rah } Choki'd to Death. FIIFMONT , Neb , June 15 [ Special Tele gram to Ins Htn J The three-year-old dauuttrr of J. U. Scely , i iiscity , was choked -to death thU ufU-rnoTa by swallow lug a email sciuvvbich lodged luhcrtluoat. A DELUGE OF REPUBLICAN , Ohlcnero Already Packed With En thusiastic Politicians. IT'S EVERYBODY'S FIGHT SO FAR. Xlinrslon Tallied orstronjjly For the Temporary or Permanent Cimlr- inaiiRlilp Good rcclliiK He- fore Hie ( Jront Frny. ChlcnRO Crowded Already. CIIICAQO , Juuo 15. [ Special Telegram to Tim Ui.E.J If tlio waves which now nro beating upon the Chicago hotels nro only the forerunners of the surges of next week , the city thicntcns to bo engulfed with the com ing multitudes. Specials and excursion trains by the score have landed to-day thou sands of visitors and delegates to the conven tion. To-morrow will sea n still greater In flux , Including the eastern and southcin del egations , while Sunday nnd Monday will add many additional thousands to the number. And j et the city scorns already full. The hotel i otundas glvo bdrcly standing room tc the crowds. The sheets nro nllvo with bcrlbboned visitors and delegates resplendent with badges. Hacks , car riages , horse cars nnd cable lines nro doing double service with the multitude just beginning to arrive. No other city but Chicago could stand the strain nnd not stag ger under it , but Chicago seems equal to the emergency nnd promises ample room to all who are to follow. It is n genteel , quiet , bill earnest gathcting. The enthusiasm hns not jet broken out with brass bands mid ban ners , but it is none the less present , though surprcsscd. The most marked feature of the situation Is the friendly feeling between the followers of the various candidates nud the earnest pledges thut there will bo no soreheads heads whatever may be the result. The neatest appionch to apcrbity Is between the henchmen of Gicahum nnd Hariison , but this promises to wear away before the ballot ing begins. The St. Louis convention has put new hope Into republican hearts , and the news from Oregon , joined to the dulj in creasing reports of heavy democratic defec tions in ull the industrial districts , mo taken as presages of cei tnln victory in November. 1 he greatest activity to-day hus been mani fested nt the Gresham unu Alger headquar ters ' At the Hi st the reports as the day wore on wcro not as satisfactory as antici pated to the Greshara managers. Artivlng delegates , who found Chicago pressing in ad- vunco every advantage for Grcshum , ex pressed themselves emphatically In indignant protests That the undue zeal of the Gresham boomcis has injuicd the Judge's pruspccts is generally conceded , und there is u manifest disposition en the part of his friends to undo , if possible , the mischief. ' General Alger's canvass is showing greater strength than ex pected , especially among the Grand Army men , who seem to have very generally es poused bis cause It is backed with the largest barrel , the loudest shouters urul the best buttonholcts of thut of unv other candi date. And it seems to gain now impetus with each arrival. SenntorSliermnu's f n'enda to-nicht have lost none of their confidence"Woshall nominate the senator on the , third or fourth ballot , " said Hen ' ' 'and llutterwortliMlus'evenUig , wo shall do it because % ho republican party is determined to win wilt , their ablest man. " It is noticeable that General Sherman's sup porters look for un increasing vote fdr their candidate"Tho semttor will not start with less than 2sU aud not more thai. 3JO , " 10- mai kcd one of his managers this evening , "and he will gain steadily on every ballot until elected. " There seems to be nothing in the Depovv movement. The general Imptcssloti is that it is only a mask for a Hlaine stampede , which when sprung will not bo a sur prise. The remonstrance ot TUG Urn , which has been given a wide circulation , has not been without effect in opening thoejes of delegates to the anti-monopoly piotest vvliich the noi thvvcst would raise against such a po litical uluiidcr The auditorium bujldlnp- , which on its in terior looks b.uclymore than Deguu , has its great convention hall nearlcompleted. . The immense room is a mass of bunting , portraits traits , banners , and state and national em blems. Galleries completely encircle the plntfotm , nnd the floor , rising to live tiers opposite posito the Htago nud Unco in height behind iniid the piosccnium arch In its unfinished state the auditorium looks like an enormous house decked out for un approaching carni val. Seats will bo provided for 8MX ( ) people nnd cveriiword will bo distinctly audtblo in ovet v part of the house The Nebraska delegation and many mcm- beisot the icpublican club arrived today and are quartered ut the ne-wGoro house mid the Grand Pacific. The delegation announce that thin ate for power und ptestlge , and will look how the cat ciouches before assist- ngherto jump. They are in King John M. I Thuiston for temporary chaliman and Patrick Eagan for a place on the committee on resolutions- Their desire to draw nil ele ments to the support of their delegation ticket makes the delegation very non committal us to canttulnlcs Their point gained , thc.v may bo expected to bo more communicative. Senator Allison is liKoli to get u vote on at least ono ballot from tlio delegation , which Is'friendlv disposed to the senator ns u neighbor Senator Sherman looks for three or four and the Algcr men aroequallv hopeful. A. M. Henry , foimerly a hiwjer in Omaha and a broUici-in-law of Goncial Algei , Is woildng hind for the In forests of his relation , and so is Aichltcct Myci s , w hose poi tly foi m swnv s to nnd f t o in the con idois of the Grand Pacific. Tlio National Committee1. CIIICAOO , Juno 15 The republican na tional committee met to night. Hofoio taking up the regular business Mis Isabella Hcccher Hooker , "the well known woman sufTiugo advocate , was granlcd ten minutes , nt her request , to present her ciiuso to the committee , Shu uphko clearly nnd well , mousing enthusiasm by un offer that If tlio coinmltUM' would Insert a woman suffrage plank In the platform BIO vv ould guarantee women speakers In tha coming canvass who would put the icpubltuan party In power to stay. ' On motion of Conger of Ohio next Mon day was fixed UH the date when each stuto delegation should meet and select u chairman of tlio delegation und ono member to servo us vtco pietiiuent and ono each on the committeespu credentials , permanent oiguiilzatlon , ' uiles und order of business , plutfoimnnd resolutions and u member of the national republican ( ommltteo. Cotigci fro in the sub-iommittea appointed to ptepaio the roll of tlio convention , re ported thcto wrro a number of contcMtanth for scuts in whii h the papers indicated the icgnluntv of the set of delegates placed upon tha rolls presented Ho said that on thopnpcison IIlo aud statements made to the sub committee it was deemed utiwiso to dk'iido respecting the con test in the District of Columbia and tlio 8iibommittco iceommended that both delegations bo aduiitted to Feats on the floor und neither bo entitled to vote until the. light to seats hail been dcteimined bv tlio convention There weio no contests In the tli t and fouilh districts of Virginia. In the ionte t m the other eight distiicU the torn. mUtco recommended that both delegations be admitted until their rights wcro detci- inltied by tlio convention In regaid to the delegates at-lurgo from Virginia , tlio com UX' voted to recommend that thudelepctes bo admitted to seats as contestants. The Virginia contest became a matter of vigorous discussion , Ljucb of Mississippi , Hooker of VwmontanvJ othcis Uking part , After nn hour's debate , Evans of Kentucky moved as an amendment to the report of the sub committee that the cntlro Mahono dele gation lie placed on the roll. 'Iho motion was defeated bv n vote of IS to 12. Thu claim fiom Dakota for ten scats In stead of six in the convention then eamo up and cnnscd n lively debate. Tlio Idea was that Dakota is rightfully n stnto and entitled to full representation as such , The proposi tion did not involve any enlargement of Da kota's vote in the convention. It wns u mat ter of seats , not votes. The committee euvo the larger number , nnd thcrcfoio Its moral support to Dakota's claim to statehood. The report of the lommUteo to prepnro tlio convention roll wns then unanimously adopted , the only change bolng that in re gard to Dakota. Law son moved that the several state dele gations bo nuthorlrcd cnch to appoint n mes senger , except the stntcs of New York. Pennsylvania , Ohio and Illinois , which shall each npKlnt | two , nil to have the privileges of the floor and bo under charge of the sergeant-nt-arms. The motion was adopted. General Charles Fitzsimtnoiis , sorgeantrut- nrms of the convention , was then presented to the national committee by Mr. Clarkson nnd warmly received. Telegrams wcro lead from Creed Haj ward of California and M. D. Foley of Nevada , stating that the Pacific coast dele gates desired to present the name of Morris Esleeot California for tcmi > orary chairman , nnd requesting that action by the national committee bo suspended until the coast dele gation ui rived. The request met vv ith no ob jection , Adjournment wns then taken until 8 p. in. to morrow. . UTho success of the efforts to hnvo the ten delegates from Dakota put on the orilclal roll of the convention wns largely duo to the strong and effective light made for it by Air. Clarkson , the Iowa member of the commit tee. tee.It hns been decided that the convention will bo oixmed by singing the "Battle Hyniu of the Itepubllo" to the tune of "John llrown's Hody. " Miss Pauline Uommeiss , of the Chicago Third Prcsbv tenon church , will bo the soloist , nnd the whole convention will join in the choius. Gossip From tlio Chicago Gathering. CHIC \oo , Junoir > . The probability thai John M. Thurston of Nebraska would be made temporary chairman of the convention and Wurticr Miller of Now York pormanenl chairman , becnmo this evening almost n cer tainty. Those who were unacquainted wltli Thurston , had apparently settled upon Patrick Egan , ex-prcsideut of the Irish Na tional league und dclcguto fiom Nebraska , as the most available man. One of the na tional committccmen remarked that the se lection of Egun would be a stiokoof policj tlmt would be of good service to the party In the camp ilgn nnd boa well deserved honor te the position of trust ho hus held among his compatriots. Mr. Egan wiis seen this even ing and said while ho appreciated the honor sought to bo bestowed upon hint by his ft lends , the Nebraska delegation would be solid for Thui ston. At Generul Harrison's headquarters to day , it was emphatically denied that theie had been aeonloienco between the friends of Harrison and Gresham. John C. New said : "No confluence was held nnd none sought for by the iricmlsof either candidate , 'ihero is nothing to confer nbout. Wo arc making no light on Gresham , nnd so far as wo know' his friends are making none on Harrison. The business of the Indiana dele gation is to curry out the instructions of the republican state convention and do what we can to secure the nomination of Harrison , The impiession that Indiana has two candi dates is not a coricct ono. Gresham doubt less has many friends among the republican pai ty in Indiana , but tbo sentiment expressed at the county and state conventions and the instructions given arc for Hurrlson. Those instructions Indiana will earn , ' out. " Hon. T. C. Phut ot New York urrived to night. He was called upon by a rcpreseli'u- tiveoftho associated press with n view ol obtaining the temper of the Now York state delegation. Mr. Plntt said ho had no information mation for the public und ho meant thereby that nothing concerning his delegation could definitely bo told. "Is jour delegation practically united11 uskcd the reporter. "Yes , " said Mr. Platt , "I think so. The four delegates at-largo will confer on Mon day and if they are unanimous I have , nc doubt the entire delegation will join them. " "How many delegates has Dcpow now , do jou thinki" was nskcd. "I have no knowledge , " wns the answer. "Possiblj all of them. I think he can have1 the mnjonty if ho will accept the nomina tion " I'ho icportcr then turned his attention tc William Walter Phelps , of Now Jersey. Mr , Phelps believed the general situation strictly complicated and retailed that ho could throw no special light upon it. Delegate H. A. Phillips , fiom Itoscoe Conkling's district , said : "Yon ma v suv em phatically that Depcw will have sixtj of 0111 seventy-two votes. If Depew is not a candl date our choice will bo for the man who cm win. " A prominent ex Congressman ft om Now York ( who desired his name withheld ) said : "Tho second choice of our di'legutes is John Sherman , Hiscock and Platt are ut heart in favor of Algcr , but if Dcpow will ucccpt he will hnvo pincticullv a solid delegation. II Now York doesn't gt-t first place it will saj what western state shall. " The Nebraska delegation in point of pref erence is nn unknown quantity. Editor Itose- watcr , of THU Hi r , and ex-Senutor Saunders - ders are authority for the statement that the state will give Allison u complimentary vote , uftei which It will break nnd go no one know t \\heto. The fi lends of Sherman and Algei are positive thut the Nebraska delegation will bo divUled between the Ohio man and Michigan's ex-governor. Gieshinn's friends held another meeting al their lieadquaitcis to-night After tlio ad join nment two gentlemen , both i hiinimont of Hlaiiia and Greshum , who undcitook tc discuss the meiitB of thn candidates , eamo tc blows This w.us the outgiowth of the HHiliit talk which was indulged in to night. Them wcio inoro flguies shown than heictoforc giving the estimated stiength of thodlflciunt candidates , whlih nil seem to show that theiowus no solution to the situation but the magiu name of Hlalnc It was alwayt Insisted that Hlaino was not u candidate , could not bo owing to his letters , but this al most In efutahlo statement did not cem tc down the jilumed knight's ghost. Gresham being the lo < ai candidate , has the luigest number of hoomcis. Hairison an- poiirs to have the next bust following ii : point of numbers. Algol's headipmrtert was the Mecca of the evening , and piobublv more visltois fiom inoro states called there than ut any other place. Shcrman'e headquarters presented u somewhat cheer. less appearance , pilnclpully because it is lo cated on the thiid floor and but few of the Ohio delegates huvo arrived , iiH FOKIKUKY HUSK. Tlio ItctlicHdn Kpi'lu H CclrlmmlH Yell For AVfsconMn'H Governor. WAt'M'siu , Wis , , Juno in All the pnnci pv buildings hero wcro handsomely decorated to-day In hojioi of the twentieth anniversary of the discovery of the famous Wnukcsli i spiings by Colonel Hichurd Dunbar Sovciul thousan d people participated. Shortly iif tci 1o'clock a tiain from Madison hi ought Govcinoi Husk and other state ofllcials As vatGonor Husk appealed on the platform of tha car , Cuptain Elihu Enoi jumped upon a step and cillcd for tin eo cheers for old Jerri Husk. These were glv en and the vaptaln mounted the plat f oini nud called for three cheers for the next piosident of the United Stolen , meaning Governor Husk A train fiom Chicago cage was loaded with politicians , umong whom wore ex Goveinor Foster , Lieutenant Govctnoi Smith , of Illinois , Secictnryof State Gnrtln , of Indiana , CongiossmanTovn- bend , of Ohio , Soiutor Farwell , of Chicago , Colonel Fied Giant and Congressman Dick Gucnthcr A" procession was foi mod und mmched to Hetlicsua park where nddicssca w oio delivered bv D H Summer and 1' W. Haifht After the ceremonies at tha park there- was a banqjjet n the Fountain house , Ilrlcuatcs Kn Hontc' , PJTTSIIII.O , June 15 , The west n trains \veiocio\\dedtodaywith distinguished re publicans en route to Chicago. There was n disposition among eastern men to maintain n strict silence rcpnnilnK nil expression of opinion on their choice. Judge Pajson of Illinois , thought the only real strong candidates wcro Sherman and Greshnm. A number of others were to bo used ns foot stools until the proper time cnmo to vote for some lending candidate. DINVIH , Juno 15 The Colorado delega tion to the Chicago convention left heio this evening. The Colorado men nro for Hlntno llrst nnd last , but , said a delegate just before the train pulled out ! "If wo find It impossl- blo or unadvlsablo to nominate Hlaine , 1 am for Dcpew and 1 know that five of the dele gation aio Dcpow men. Unco. CIIICAOO , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram to Tun Urn. ] The city , is beginning to bo crowded and no hotels makes promises niter Monday for uccomtuodatloiiB not already re served. The best political prophet Is ull at sen as to the Impending result. That Sher man is far In thO'lcud ; that Gresham exhib its unlocked for sticngth ; thut Allison's friends show n confidence which seems to bo based on private information not known to ttio general public all these facts are admitted. It is also generally assumed that the choice of the convention will bo made on the floor of the convention nnd not In the hotel corridors or rooms of the delegations. It Is anybody's race nt this moment , with the over threatening possibility that a deadlock may cause n stampede to Ulalno and veto his letters of declination. Sherman nt present has the largest and most enthusiastic body of members. A score , of senate employes me already on the ground posting up his pie turcs and assui Int ; all comers of the certainty of his election on the third or fourth ballot. They hnvo been counting until within n few da.v son four votes from Nebiaskn , but now leave your state out of th i calculation which gives the Ohio statesman HIX ) votes on the first ballot. Senator Allison's friends con- fldcntly expect some Nebi nskn votes at the outset nnd so do the supportcis of Grosham. Egnn's announcement as published in the morning papcis that the majority of the No- biasku delegation were for Ulalno ilist , last and all the time , excites surprise. If the Nc braska delegation will present Egan's name for chairman he can Imvo the honor , and thiough him the hish-Amcricun republicans will receive n deceived recognition. U is said hero that Thuiston will bo the choice of the delegation lor chairman. Clinuncey Again. Si iiAct'sr , N. Y. , Juno Ti. [ Special Tele gram to TnuUu : . ] ChuuncoyM. Dcpow said to a reporter this morning that ho was u can- dtduto for the presidential nomination , but in case , on his airival at Chicago , ho found the granger element of the west too sti eng against his eaudidiicy ho would bo in favor of any candidate who stood the best chiinco of re ceiviug tbo united support of the republicans of the count i. v , no matter who ho was. Mr. Depew said tlio Intel ests of the paity weic more to him than these of himself , no matter what tbo sacrifices vvoio. Discourteous to Sir. Drake. Cmcioo , Juno 15 John U. Drake , of the Grand Pacific hotel , savs that the report that ho icfused to allow Blaino's picture to bo hung in his hotel misrepresented the fuels. Mr. Di ake bus n\jv \ oys been nnd is now a great friend of Hl.iine , and consequently ho could have no objection whatever to the hanging of his picture. The whole dlfllculty , Mr. Drake sajs , arose from the discotntcous way in which the request was preferred. DcHcrtcd lieKiBlutlon llnlfn. WASHINGTON , Juuo 15 There were many vacant scats on the republican side of the house to duy. It is estimated nbout cightv representatives have gone to Chicago or ure about maldng arrangements to do so. The attendance on the democraticsldo was not much better , and practically business could only bo done by unanimous consent , any mcinbci having it in his power to suspend proceedings by making * the point of no quorum. Such an incident happened at the very outset , when Townsend , sin.n ting under the defeat of his motion to take up the iirmv uppropi intlon bill , mudo the point. For half an hour lie resisted the appeals of ne.nlynll the members to withdraw his point , but fln- ull.\ yielded to the spe.ikci's plain intimation that nothing could ba done if he pcisistcd. The Trims-Continental Meeting. ST. PAUI , Juno 15. Some twenty repre sentatives of the Tians continental nssocia lion were hero this moiniiig when the ad journed meeting fiom San Francisco was called to order. No business was transacted and an adjouinment was taken until lOo'clock tomoriow , when the tialllo managcis will have the Hoot. The question of passenger business will probablj not bo taken up until the middle of next week. The most Im portnnt business to bo cousldcicd is the ruling of the Intel -state common o commis sion in the mutter of the Denver shlppeis , which involves u general icconstiuction of taiiffs and classifications. The Workiiieu'H Jiiullcc. ST. JOSEIMI , Mo , Juno 15 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hi K ] There were about lK > 0 strangers in St. Joseph to day to attend the Ancient Order of the United Workman jubi Ice , which was 11 pioiiouiiccd succens , The addiess of H. H. ICein of St. Louis this af ternoon Is particuhnly complimented In the pri/o drill the legion from Woberlv got lltst money , f5J , Atehison , Kan , si'ioml , In dependence , Mo. , thud , und Kansas City fourth. The legion from Hopkins , Mo , was ruled out on a toe hniculity. The day was HO warm thai the patudc was not what it would otherwisirhuvo been The theiinometer reg istered 07 above /era in tiio shade at" p. m , Klolo ii HOI-HO Hunch. Wit'liiTt , Kim , Junoj 15 [ Special Tele gram to Tut : HIH. ] Thieo deputy she-tiffs aru In this cltj fiom Honham county , Texas , looking fora gang of horse thieves. The thieves aio accused of stealing 2iKi ! ( hews fiom ono lanch In Honham countv The an imals were ull recovered I'xcopt nbout thirlj which were either stolen or stampeded In the chase which followed Theto were eitrht of the thieves , all of whom huvo been captured except two who wcio tracked to this city. Tito Convention Cut Kiom Ht. I'nul. Si. Pvui , , Juno 15. A meeting of the rep resentatives of the Chicago lines , except the Hutlingtoii , wns held this moiningto discuss the matter ol i educed lutes to the Chicago convention. The meeting resulted In u deci sion to stand by the i ate of SIO to Chicago nnd i etui n Geneial Passpngur Agent Ken- von said subsequently that the Huilint'toti will muintuln itsfl jato. Until Tried and Ono Biicocrdcd. LOIISVII I.B , Juno 15 , Jacob Dall , who has conducted a grocery business heto for fifteen years , shot himself dead to day in the pies- once of his wrfo. Both Imvo been In falling health fur some time. Mis Dall later tncd to kill herself with the s.uno pistol. Closed tlio Convention. ItANbAs Cirv , Juno 15 [ Special Telegram to Tnu HEETho ] stuto convention of the Woiiien's Clnibtian Tcmpotanco Union closed with the election of neio to-dai of ficers. Mrs. Clut.i Hoffman of Kansas City wns chosen president. Fatal Slot in In Oregon. POHTLANII , Oro. , Juno 15. A disastrous wind storm and cloud burst w as it-ported to day at Arlington , Oio. Seven buildings wcio wrecked nnd two or three llvoh lost. Tlio > Couldn't AKII'CI New Yoitu , Juno 13. The jur.v in the Dlss Debar reported this evening thut they wcio nabh to ngric , aud locked up for the night A DULL AND DESERTED CITY , Washington's Llfo Gooa Traveling Towards the Lnko Olty. WISE AND HIS ANTI-MAHONEITES lie Feels Certain of He-Mini ; His Iclc Ration Unllrond liuketH For Kvcnhody The Dark Horse Stnhlcs. "Washington nn Onsln. WASHINGTON' Himtuu TitnOvmu Uns , 1 MM FoUHThRNTII StTltKItT , > WASHINOIOV. D. C. , .luno 15.1 This was the dullest day In Washington since the convention of the Fiftieth congrcs- * In December. Tneio wns scarcely n stranger at the hotels , while the con Idors of the capItol - Itol wcro almost deserted Ex-Coiniri-Rsmnn John S. Wlso , of Ulchmond , nnd his nnti-Ma- hone delegates from Virginia wore the only men who gave llfo to an.v thing. Mr. Wl o gathered nbout him quite a crowd in the corridor rider to the main enttnnco of the house ot representatives as ho discussed the outlook in general , nnd In Virginia In particular. Wise Is joung , well educated , expcilencedf full of energy mm making it lively for the old leader of the republican natty in the state ImmCdliucly below Washington and across the Potomac. Ho expressed the fullest con- fldenco In ills ability to gain recognition for his delegates , most of whom are white and opposed to Sherman because Mnhono U for the Ohloaii , and vv ho will support Harrison. During the conversation , in which several republican congiessmcn took u pait , ono of the Wise men , a mun black ns midnight , said : "Captain Wlso Is sure to win. Wo will Ube bo admitted at Chicago. Wise has the best icpublliatt following in the state nt his back. Ho has most of the white men , vvlillo Mu- hone hns the niggers " v ui.-ii iiTPD IIOINH. . Ver.\ few lepiibllcan members from states having candidates before the Chicago con vention weio In their -scuts In the house to day. None of the Maine men wcro in their scats and none fiom Penns.vIviiula. Kcnncd.v and Honieis wcio the only Ohloans in sight. Faiquhar , Laidluw , linker , Savvjcr und Weber lepresenti-d the huge number of icpublicnn members fiom New Yoik , and it is undci stood thut ono or two of them will leave to-moi row. General Hiowne , General Havc-y and Cheadlo weio the only icpubll- cans from Indiana in their seats , the others hnvltiKgonc to work for Haiiison. Urowno and Chcadlo woio among the most enthusi astic Huirison men lu Washington nnd lira loft heio to look after this end of the lino. How ell was the only Illinois icpubllcan who showed up in the house and Huriovvs and O'Donnell rcpic-sented the p.nt.v fiom Michi gan. Four ic-iniblicuiis leiiuun f torn low a , Ionian , Holmes , Sliublcs und Conin'i , but it isundeistood thut ull of them will start to Chicago to morrow Theio were no promi nent uemociatsotiKhc floor t ITIIfcH H VVV 1 I.II OK VV O V8IS. About U o'clock Senator Savv.v or of Wis consin eamo over from the senate side. The senate was not in session to duj , and seating : himself on the lounge in the center of the republican lobln , smoked and tallied over the outlook. Ho was the onli relief from the monotony. Pihate bjlls wcrouiidcr con- sidciation und no intetcst attached to the ptoceedings , and ns not over one-third or one-fourth of the members wcro present moat of the time , no measure could be passed ax- , ccpt by unanimous consent ns the raising of ] the point of no quorum urcsent invariably , defeated whatever was under consideration. , Several bills were discussed , but when there was objc-i lions they wei o laid ov cr. The day was absolutely tin own away. ILUI.ltOAU TKKITH IV I'llOI t'SIOV. The feeling st ill prevails umong the re publicans , as well as the democrats , that unless - less the convention is on Us guard , and thcro is n combination or understanding to defeat it , a deadlock will arise which will call for Mr. Hlaine , and he- will bo presented with a vengeance Theic mo few icpublicnns in the city who di'slic this event , and it may bo that their mulct ) to averttlns action affords thu ieal basis for then repeated pic-dictions thut Mr. Hlaiuewill bo nominated ict. "Iso nebber seed so many free rinhoad tickets in ull mj 'fipcncnee , , " paid n < oloicd delcgato this mornitijr ns IIP mopped his blow ami picked up his grip for bin joining to the lailwuy station ' ! specks , " continued ho , "Dat nil ob do inllroud companies arc in ftivoi of all olj do candidates , way dey baud out do tickets for Chicago. " mi tmtiiiousR srMiii : Senator Cullom nnd n few othcis who ox- ped to leave to nlglit or In the morning for Chicago weio bus\ during the daj nrianglng' for their dcp.n tute , and as tlu-v flitted past one another they made brief obsei vat Ions as to tbo outlook. The piesldentiiil quantities who huvo not been mentioned us out-and out candidates believe thcto ate gu-at possibill- tics foi tlio Hold , anil these who aio manag ing the stables where the daik hoi sen ma kept mo inaiiufuitiirint ; us much electueity as possible to bo tin own on the convention when the moment arrives for thuotcitioa of lightning rods Goveinor Porter of Indiana , Govmnor Fomkr-i and Kc-presentutlvo McKitiley of Onto , Sena tor Hiscock of New York , William Walter Phrlps of New Je-rse.v , and again George W. Citilds ot Philadelphia rno being ; discussed as piomlHlng lolts who ate quar- tcie-d in the daik hoi HO stable leady to ba flushed onto the ttatk at the first moment. There Is quite a feeling for Senator Oullom. MIH. Logan , who is walking for General Algcr , Is lepoitcd to bo in favor of Senator1 Cullom In the cveijt her Hist choice cuimoti bo nominated , mid she believes she will bo nblo to cieato a stampede for the senior sen ator fiom Illii.oia If tlieto Is a deadlock. Pi 111:1 : S. HCATH. Nebraska and lima PonsloiiN , Wvsmsmov , .luno 1.1 fSpecinl TolcKram to TUB Ui'ii.JTho following pension * weio gianted Ncbraskaim to day Oi iginul invalid Johnathnn Giiinm , Tecumseh Inctcuso ( Spcdal net ) Wilson Molcn , Fallbuii ; Ed- wuid P MeCormick , Oukilulo , Alo\audcr Swallow , Hnivnrtl , Paul AnilcrHon , Hia/lo ! Mills , Alon/o Whcaton , Oi leans. Helssuo and Inciousa Edvvurd H II Mi Night , Glcn- dulo Oiiginal widows. otc.--Satah , mother of William Miller , Tecumseh ; Haiiiet , mothei of ( Jhailcs \Vosiott , Pluttumouth. Pc-iisions for lowansOiiginal invalid Willet P. U'ako , Monmouth IncreiiHe Em erson Benson , Alblu ; .fohn M Litton , Clin ton. Wllllnm Hlce , Muquokcta , William List , Moinoe : " " Gutnnnt , Hilghton. Koissiio mid Incicuso < AlrxntuliT H Cansell , Gat tier. .finiifH ( ) Cro'rr , Ljons , Isaao Novvlon , Mic'llsbiirgh , Julm 1. Eiiston , GiPcnfleld , . Oiiglmil widows , ute CSm-clol HdLoia ) E , , * willow of Hlchiiid Grnr , IJc tei' . Mexican widows Thciesa , widow of William Q. Cloaks , Lewis. Aimy WASIIINOTOS , Juno 1 5 [ Special Telegram toTunHr. ! ' . ] Ptivato William A Albrlcht company C , Sixth ininntiy , now Hjpposed to bo w ith his < oinpany , ! H dischui gcel the scr * vk o of thu United States This boldltr U en titled to tiuvel pay. Piivato John O'Shea , comoanv F , Flf. te-enth infantiy , no\v with his company at Foit Huford , Diikotu , i tiansfeirod to the hospital coip.s as u piiviito. AirhnlH. YOKK , Juno Ifi.- [ Special Telegram to Tin. Hri.l Aritvet ] The Germanic from Liveipool ; tl.u Polynasia f roui Humbutg ; the Hotteidam from Itotterdum ; the Snulo fiom Hicmcn , the bc.Mliia fiom Liveipool , No Change , WAsntXu704v , Juno 15. A bulletin issvied at 0 W fca.d t lu HI was no change to bs ootcd , in ( .oucr.il blicudau'B tondltiou. '