THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JTJNE'14 , 18881 SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements tinder thin head. 10 line for the first Insertion , ? cents for each * ub- neqtifnt tnncrjlon and flM R line per month , no advertisement , takdn for loss than Mcents for the first Insertion. Bet-en words will be counted to the line : they must run consecutively And must bfl J > ald in advance. All advertise ments must bo handed In before 12:30 o'clock p. tn. < and under no circumstance * will they ba taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In thf e columns Mid hav Ing the answers addressed In euro ot tne Hoc will tilrase ask for n check to rouble them to ret their letter * , as none * 111 be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to adver tlseinmts fthould bo enclosed in envelopes All advertisement * in these , columns are pub JIflhed In both morning nnd evenlnj ? editions ot Iho llee , the circulation of which nioro than 18,000 papers dally , nnd gives the nd- vertlxers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of the Dee , put also of Council IlHiITs , Lincoln and other cities and towns through out this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. _ columns will betaken , en the abova'condition * , at the following bus iness hotiKes , who are authorized agenU for Tint UKK special notices and will qnoto the same rates a * can be had at the main ofllca. r Street. HASP. A KDDY. Stationers andPilnters , 113 Bouth 16th Street. - H. FAUNSW011TII. Pharmacist,2115Cum- S- Ing Strtet. SG J st. , HUGHES , Pharmacist , 024 North 10th G HO. W. PAHU , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTED Situation as coachman ; best of city rclvreucos. Inriulro 2711 Farnam 288 13 * WANTKD Situation as bookkeeper , give good references. Address OB Uee. 300 U' WANTED A nltutlon iu n dross-maker's nil op ; have worked at tradn3 years. Ad dress Mary Nelson , N. W , cor. of SOtu and Izard. WANTKD Position by competent man as butter or cheese manufacturer. Address Freeman Foster , llellevue. Neb. 2gl 14 * WANTKD-Sltuations for 30 first-class Rlrls of all nationalities. My waiting rooms are filled with nice girls looking for situations. Call between n a. in. and 0 p. m. nnd cheese for your- reives. ' Mrs. llrega , Canadian Employment , onico. SKY s. liith. 2& m WANTEO-Steady work by a first class broommaker ; address M 37 Ileo oflleo. WANTED Situation In retail grocery store by man of family ; address M 39 line office. S18 13t WAN TED Situation in a bank by a com- Detent young man , A 1 references ; ad dress for ono w eek "Hank , " i301 ! Farnani stclty. 114 in WANTED-Bituntton 'as janitor In a church , by a steady man. Address il 22 , Hoe. lffi > 14t WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Teama and men for railroad work ; free faro. D. C. O'Keofo , 309 South Eleventh at. 335-14 * WANTED An Interview with , parties having a horse and light vehicle wishing to on- cage In n Very profitable bnslnegs throughout the country. Address M G2 , Bee ofllce. 23016 * WANTED--Canvassers to sell household ar- tides entirely now. Liberal commission Or salary to a proper llvo man. Call bot. 8 and 10 a. m. to-day at tha Arcade hotel. John Vaughn. aS4-13t WANTED Agents to handle tha new Chem ical Ink Era-sing Pencil , Greatest novelty over produced. Erases Ink in two seconds , no Abrasion ol paper. 200 to WO per cent profit. One agent's sales amounted to tea In nix days ; hnother J.B la two gours. Territory absolutely free. Salary to good men. No ladles need an- Bwcr. Sample 3fle. For terms nnd full particu lars , address the manufacturers , J. W. Skinner < b Co. , Onalaska , Wts. 302 ir > * ANTED-Good boy nt Samuel Motz' . HIS , 15th Ht. ; tii 13 _ WANTED 2 good men and wives for ranch- ep , WOaml WOulso" KOod laborer * $1.73 a n flay ; 3 < i cook , . ' 0 , Mrs. llrega , 3UH S 15tli. f 3H3 14 * _ _ _ WANTED A strong young man , must im- deratand packing of goods thoroughly ; Steady job for the right man. Ueo. lloyn , 110S f arnani st. , up stairs. 3J5 15 RANTED Canvassers to sell household ur- , T T ticlas , entirely now. Liberal commission to right party. Call botweuu b and 10 a. m , Colin Vaughn , Arcade hotel. 314 Li * ANTED A white barber : steady Job for right party. Cor. 2Uth and N. BIS , South Omaha. 111814 * * tVANTED A No. 1 white head waiter for T > hotel , utate experience and wages expected. Addreta O 4 , Dee oillce. SU 14 ? ANTED I good men to travel aud sell goods , lloom 8 , upstairs , 205 N. 10th. 32311 * * r\TAlrnn : Go ° o : sotond COOK , man , out of . ' T city , $50 , cue at * t5 ; cook for small hotel , HO ; dishwasher , M. Mr * . Mrega , 31115 S Ititli. . 374 13 * ter\TANTED Agents , male and fcmalo to take "TV orders for thu Automatic door bell. Sal- ftry J-70 and expenses per month to good work ers. Send S-runt Btampi for partle.ul.irs. P. lloyt , 1U6 WaslilustouBtiect , lloom U , ChlcaRo. m _ WANTED Balosiunn capable to nmnage a bruncn liotiHo for a Chicago concern , who r an put up liiX ) us security. KefereucoH r . ii iulrcd ; address Lock llorOiiu , Chicago. &H 13 * iitf tf ANTED Energetic men and women every- 'Ti vliero for u genteel money-making buul- Taess. t')0 ) weekly profit guaranteed onnler tliun 100 nioutlily otherwise. Experleuco absolutely unnecessary. Permanent position and uxclusl\e territory nsaureil. * ! .OUsamples free. Wrlt for EartlcularH. Addrets , with stump , Merrill Mf'g o. , II5J. Chicago. 237 JyUt AfJENTS Iloth Hexes coining money soiling "O. 1C. " potatoe peelers : nmples ami term f 0 cents , Ouicr goo an. F. ti ate , ,1'J Dey Bt. New Vork. 2.U 14t VlfANTEl SaleKmon rvorvhere to sell our VT 1 ! silver door platenby our new plan ot { ree/ndveriisltiff , AKonts cluur JlUa day easy. Vrlto for tlicuiaw. N. Y. Door Plato Co. . Al. 1. y. . ! i3ii iw . thoroughly competent nr- tljtocturaldriiftsmou. address Win. Cray tirclilt > ' < ! t. Lincoln. Nob. 138 14t , reliable men wanted to solicit for a largo manufacturiug bousu : uo capital rixinlrod ; rliloreaco iiecesa ry. Addrob& Itox r07. Oinalia. Keb. 10J Jy7 \\7 AN'TKD Canienttr to do the \ > ork ou 0 or ' > h-rooin lioui > e , and take house und lot In Pouth Omaha as pay. Apply C. 0. Spotswood , IlO..ii S. llilb t. ICJ7 "IXrANTED A boy with a liorsa to carry n TT routoiiii thu Kvenlng llee In the north part Ot town. Theo. Williams , bet. 3 * & o'clock p. in , wa ANTKll-ileiV tor the west. Albright's labor agency. US ) Farnam st. 614 OOYt-An ) . DlsU TuL Co , 1304 Douglas. ALKUMENWanted-FlvotravttllugEalesmi < n , Salary and ext < ensos. No experience no- coiuuiry. , Aildntti with slamii , 1'almvr & Co. , WlnortOlluii. 24it 4''l \\rANTKD-Jlan to take thorigency ( travel. ii ii or local ) otour eafest > < lro 2ixlSxlt inches ; weight WOlbs ; tetoll prlco tn ; otliei cites In proportion. A rum chanca nnd perma nent busluesM. Thebo safes inuot a ueinauO never before supplied by other safe companies usu ui u not Kovrrni'd by the Safe Pool. Al' Jiluo Biifo Co. , Cinclun.itl , O , 708 J151 WANThD-FEHlALE HEtP. ' ' ANTED-Gl'rl for general housework Ir small family , must be good cook ; refer ences required. Mrs. J F Coots , 1231 south lOtt fct , bet Pierce und \Mlllauis sta. SDint t \rANTKD-4 dliilagroom ctils city. 4 out 01 T T city , 15 week ; S dishwashers. 1 chamber maid , 2 laundry girls , Mu'or ! ! lots ot gooi jiUies. Girls wanting to go out of town comi imd leave their address. OuiHna Emp. Ilureau 119N. lUh. W ANTCDtllnlneroom girls und 1 laundrj tlrl. ; ICOt N. I61H st. 327 \\MNTKD-At211 8. 12th St. . six bawjue tin T > ishcrs nnd nve skirt makers , at Mr . liar Card's drp S3 abd cloak maktnx roouii' 285-lij "TirANTKD-Coiupetent fuwalo cook at Cltj hotel ; goodwasea. aT2-14t _ \\fANTED Girl for general huubeworkuiust T I be a good cook , references required. Cal ! tnormng b ture 10 o'clock at IWS l' rk avenue. \\rANTBD Head waitress In city. nswoitiaii ; TT cook , HO ; pastry cook , jj ; cooks for board ing houses. * 2i to KW ; 8 waltroues for the west. C for city , f li to lib : 2nd coots , dUhwashcra and WelrU for good prlvau faiulllraiu and out ol city , also ItumtrusJi , p&itry cook and dining room clrU tor Kearney. Jl.-a. llrega , UHH H IHh S75 Ut 'VATAN'l'ED Gt-rmanor American wximan tc T . cooi. wash ADI ! Iron ; nuut bring good tin , J. K UarrU , US ) S. UOth. < ul "V\TANTRT > Mangle elrls lit tha Model steam > V laundry , 1110 and 1113 Dodpj st. Apply ftt office. 8H-U A ( II Itt for freneral housework for two In the family , mutt be first class cook , washer and ironer. Iteferencr * required | tnquiiont B04N. SMhftt. German preferred. OCT "Wf ANT'ET > A KooiFgirl for Reneml ho5s YV work. g > Ki CiimlnB st. D43 13 * \\7ANTF.D Two Indies to travel together for onr house. None btit ladles or stability nnd business tw.t need apply. J. M. Trench * LV > . . Hoomfil81'anton lllK. Win \17ANTKn-L ilr njrents. "A" nklrt and bns- Vr tie combined and II. hose supporters. Uoth new. Ills profits. Secure towns for spring trade. Ladles' supply Co. , 2ST. W. Wrushlnnton St. . Chicago. KM-jyia * WANTED A mlddlo-ARed woman for gener al housework , Good wanes. Inquire at HclmrodACo'K. WO bouth IHth. 413 LA1)V Agents 110 n nay , sure : now rubber undergarment. Mra If. F. Little Chicago , 111. * , _ . girl for general housework , 1411 Cass at. 3)1 US - hand at Omaha Khlrt WANTKD-Msrhlna . 309 15 WANTED-lmmertlntely 2 apprentice Rlrls to learn dressmaking nt 1871 Sr ISth at. - nurse girl. 101 N. 18th. 210 13 * A clrl for general housework ; no WANTED . Airs. M A Wallace , 15101 low- nrdst , 207m EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. MAHA Emp. llureau , 119 N. ICth st , oldest and most reliable oillce In city. Ifyou need help call or write. Tel 1112. 331 ) jK /CANADIAN Emyloymcnt Olllco Male nnd fe- \J male help sent to all pans If faro is ad vanced , llefercuce , Omaha National bank. Mrs. liregn 314H 8.1Mb , Tel. 8.M. 7KiJ 14 Men and boys out of work to call WANTED Clty lntollgenco ofllco ( Crelghton blk ) corner lith and Douglas sta. 615 BOARDING. MIST-CLASS board , 1012 Harnoy. 189-10 * W 'ANTTD Table boarders , 1015 Dodge. 031 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Three persons to Instruct In book keeping ; situations In July. J. 11. Smith , export accountant , room M8 , Kaingo block. 378-U * . Newspaper Location A first WANTKD. class practical newspaper man of scTorul years experience , niarrietl , who has just sold his new spnpor in Iowa , wants to locnte In Homo llvo NebraHkn town. If you are in need of n good llvo newspaper for your town address J. W. II. , Dally Nonpareil oulce , Omaha. 1G413 to do dressmaking In fami lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , WJ 3. Ski st. U91 Jy7 * The public to make good use of WANTED ' message boxes throughout the city. 100 To buy or trade for a good build ing that can bo moved. 1'Ieasa call on or address ( Jeort'o J.Sternsdorff , room 0 , oppo- Bltc 1' . O. SU If you have any lands , lots , or WANTED and iota to sell or exchange for other property , call on mo or write. I can find you a customer. C. C. Spotswood , 303H S , lotn , 545 WANTED-TO RENT. ANTED Storeroom bet. Dodge nnd liar- ney und 13th and 10th sts. by August. Address - dress Q S. Uee ofllce. i K 19 * FOR. RENT-HOUSES. TJ10U HENT 10 room house 17th St. . 8009- ; JD room Uouso SW , 8-room honso ITi , 7-rooni house STi ; 0-room liouso llou-uril ut and other houses. G. K. Tnorapson. Sheeloy block. 333 KENT Cottage of 3 roomi , 9 per month , FOU tw o front rooms lurulshcd for house keeping. gftM Docatur. 307 I6f F RENT 8 good houses , all well located. iJ O. F. Davis Company , 1505 Farnam st. 317 22 TT'OR ' RENT 1 B-rooiu house and barn , 1917 JL1 Webster st. ; 1 5-room liouso , 2Mb avo. and Webster. Inquire Room 005 , Parton block. P. J. Cieodon. 257 TIIOR RENT 8-room cottage , suitable for JU small family. Persons wishing to keep boarders or lodgers need uotapply. Chn-s. Turner - ner , 15'ia Howard. 25a 15 * TJIOR RENT 21th and Locust sts. , 5-room JD lipuso , llrst door west of shot tower. 131II * "TTiOlt RENT 7 room house- blocks from court JL1 liouso on pavonient , $30 per month. E. F. Seaver , llarfcor block. 2:50 : U lilOR R13NT rqom liouso. cloet and pantry , JU call at 8.M S 23d at. 224 13t RENT 12-room house , bath gas and water , near street and cable cars , MitW Cap itol avo. Inquire A. Bplgle , 1110 Farnam. ; n _ _ KCJ 13 TilOlt RENT Nowfl-room house , 2 blocks west JL' of Lowe avenue on Cumlug st , Inqulro 117 N llth of M. W. 1'alno. SKU U * TJlOIl HENT mroom house , fui-ulturo for sale JL1 cheap or trade forOmulia property. InquhO at 2S.7 Ca"s st. 8UO 18t 318 S. 15th bt. ' KJ3 FOR RENT Nica four-room cottnce S. E. cor. Welxtor nnd 32d sts , apply L. L. Thomas , lu uhoo department. Kelley , Stigi-r & CO.'B. SttJ " 171011 RENT 8 room house , gas , bnth , city and JL1 soft water. J50 per month. US 8 Sltlijjro. 1T1O11 RENT 0-room fiat , central location , hot J1 und cold water , bath and ull modern conven iences , cheap rent. J. II. Farrotto , 1 ( < 08 Chicago. U91 15 T71OR RENT An elegant 8 room now house , X1 plate glass windows , hot and cold water porcelain celain bath tub , range , iilco yard , good neighbor hood , llraK'Iiisb barn. Hear cable und Bti eot cars. Apply to J. II. Purrptte , rental nconcy , ICO" ! Chicago cage st. "v , , C37 M FOR RENT 7 room cottage on 8 20th St.bath room , hot water , heating apparatus , 3 stall bam , apply 1) . O. McKwnu , 31 ! ) S Fitli st , 017 fjTOR RENT A desirable nine-room house all JL' modern liuiuovemeiils , halt block from cable line on w est Dodge st. All Improvements , cheap to good tenant. F. J. IJothw ickj l S llth. FOR RENT ' .i-rooan modern Improved house. Apply M. Elgntter , 1W1 ( Farnam Bt. 613 17 < 01l RUNT lurnlbhod house , ( rood location , JL' forpaitlcijUrn call nt the ollico of Tims , lirenuun to C6I , room 3 , Chamber of Commerce. 171011 RUNT 7 room list 2nd lioor. 1G03 How- JL' urd street , or.wiU , rent 4 loqms arranged for housekeeping . 3ld T 11 AVE iv four-room nouson IBth street. twc JL blocks south of VlDton. Umt I will rent to n Rood tenant for $12 pet nionth. everything in good repair. George 3. StornjMioril , Room B , opposite 1 * . O. - S31 T OR RRNJo-A-Cholco room Housef enced lot , JL' cas , city water , furnace , bath room , cistern , also large well equipped barn , being U Capitol ave. Innulro ZA lioxuu aaat ot promUus or room 14 Omaha Natl bank bid. 1) . H. Uoblson. _ _ f- _ Cjl / 1OlTAGBSroom , ii. small store 'room and \J good barn. % rkn 4 ncrea' of bind , bltuatiul K milo uorUi 01 rgrt. U5.W. Apply 2170 llth at. room house with > ard. uoar Farnnm and JL24th HtM bteam hoat. nod ull modurn lin- piovemcnu. IJCj per month. Call 3) ; S , 2tth st. 3fi IjlOR RENT An B rcomlious1. with bath , one JL' block from car line , .TO per inoptlu H. E. Cole , room C. Continental block. tUi TfUlU RENT 8-room bouse. North Saundori JL1 at. Enquire of C. W. Ueall&Co. . 319S. 10th. _ 617 TCOR RENT- When you want to itint a house , JU blora of omce go to 11. IX Col . 818- TT10R RKNT A n at VO cottaflte. Apply at JL1 OIICP. C. F. Harrison. 418 a 15th st. 61U > OR REMT ROOrVlS FURNTSHED 1J10R RENT A plea&aut room w 1th nil modern JL' convenience * , corner of St , Mary'auud 'th. ' orbrlck _ roHJeace. tfO 3.attli _ t. 301 "VT/ICKLY fufJilshe < l room * , table for two gentlemen , 170J Douirlas bt. _ lijj XT1CELY furuUhpd cast front bay window X > room to ono ot two yonns gentlemen with references. Hoard if desired , or hiuukfustaud tea and Sunday dinner. Call at 2&U Douglas. KJ115 _ ONE nicely f urnUlimt room 6u ttnt toor. two unfnruitued on bocond , line lacalltv. 2024 Howard at. 312 lit RENT Pleasant fiifnlshM room for b'cntleiuun , f'J per month. iXfi N ITtli ut. SO I5t _ TOR HENT Fuvnliibed front room. Also lady J- ' rooiu.-iu.ito wanU'd. luquLro lolS Cuss st. vn u * 'I/\OU RENT 3 nlcaly furnUlrai ) rooms , JU ! and li per mbijth ; good location , ! ioi Hartley TJVK RENT Rooms and front rooms en ult\ \ > . J-1 at ISU Farnam si. , new court house. W7 ROOMS Including board. In the Toting Wo- men' * home , 1910 Dodge st . - p' ' ° qnlred. _ _ _ _ _ IilOUIt gentlemen cnn be accommodated ifh JL1 a nice suite of rooms and first-class board nt .V St. Mary's ave. . Oraddy block. sta TJ1UIIN19IIKD rooms , single or In stilto. board JU It desired. 2402 Pleasant 4 , St. Mary's ave , 81713 * T/'OK ' HENT Suite newly furnished rooms , JL' also slnslo room , all modern conveniences ; boanl It desired ; near 3 car lines , (122 ( Georgia ave (2-Jtli ( t , ) 73S m TOH RKNT Nicely filrnlslml. plcaVnnt JL' roomc with every convenience , 161.1 wuclas. _ ZM 13 ? 77W > R RKNT-Nlcely furnished front room. 16OT JL ; Harney st. , next to the Herald building. J an IT * _ _ _ F PUNISHED rooms Very pleasant location , modern con vpnleiloes. > o objection to lady roomers. 2121 Sew ard. 3-S3 lit _ FOR RENT Rooms fnrnlshed and unfurn ished , ouo block from 1' O , lar e yard , shade treca. Terms reasonable. l < ta Dodge. 8U6 14 * jmURNISHED room $0,800 S.End. TT10R RENT Room with board In private fam- JL' lly ; gentleman and wife preferred , voo a ; th st. _ iur.15 * FOR RENT-Furnlshed slocplnff rooms by the * day. w wok or month. & 810 per month. , Two tor light housekeeping. 603 Howard , TT\OR \ HEN.T Furnished rooms , 1818 Dodge , -C 813 JyO _ T WILL furnish most delightful-rooms during Jl the summer to respectable partlm , and if do- strud supper nnd breakfast. 1430 N. lath l. T > OOMS nnd board at 1813 Chicago fit. JLV 95913 * _ TjTOR RRNT Furnished rooms , slnelo or on JU suite , at Ilia , auth st. _ 11 M * T OVELY s. e. room , also suite of front rooms J-J and unfurnished rooms , high , summer lo- catlon. Reference * . 3Tia I'nrnam. SSI JJO T7IOR RENT First class rooms , with bpard. JL1 Reference exchanged. 17U3 Dodcn nt. _ _ _ K3.1Bt EOR RRNT One plrnsant south front room , suitable for ono gentlemsn , 2212 Farnnm Bt , . _ 78 [ TliniNIBHKD rooms , with or without board , JU jQJJOper eek. 504 So. 18th. _ 103 10 > YERY pleasant largo furnished rooms ; all desired conveniences ; private house , board ; 1 block from post-offlco , 1013 and 1015 Capitol avo. "CTOH RENX One nicely furnished front room. JL1 Modern conveniences. 2101 Farnam. 170 11 * T710U HENT Furnished rooms , 1701 Cap ave. JU 147 nt "glOR KENT Furnished rooms. 223 turt. HW 19 * JJIUllNISHED rooms to rent , 227 Dodge st. 012 13 "I71OH HUNT Furnished room with board for JL' two gentlemen. 2CUO St. Mary's ave. 807 T-AllOU and small room suitable for penile- JUman. with board. 1812 Dodgo. 728 I71OR HENT Kurnlshed rooms In Grounlg blk JL' co 13th and Dodge sts. "Inquire of Oeo. K. . Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 5.M AVEKY deslrnblo suit ot rooms in private family. Gentleman nnd wife preferred. No. C3 > Georgia avo. , 3. 21)tli St , . TJO TTIOH HENT A nicely nu-nlshed front room. JL ? suitable for two gentlemen. Enqulro at 2811 , St Mary's aro. r , . 411 TmUHNlSIIKD rooms and board , 1IHJ3 raruaiu , - - JJ39 J 23 fjlOH KENT Furnished rooms , with or wlth- JL' out board. 2u3U St. Mary'H avo.Uraday blk. TTIUHNISHED room for one or two gentlemen , JL' Leslie 4 Leslie. Kith and Dodge sts. I'JT ' JjlDONISHED rooms. 113 S 20th. 020 Jy 3 KOOM to rent , all modcrnl mprd-vcmcuts. 1709 Dodge st. \ 775 OH HENT 3 furnished rooms suitable for 4 Gentlemen. Inquire Itoom C , 3d lloor , ' 1302 Douglas. E ! ° i&IOH HUNT Two nicely furnished " front JU rooms , with or without board , modern con veniences , $8 nnd } 0 per mouth. . 1S11 N. 1Mb st ; on-two car lines. 'I * . r 030 TTlOIt HENT Itooms furnished and unfur- JU nished. 1724Cap. avo. Ki8 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 4 ELEGANT unfurnished roomx , single or en suite , new building , good location , bouthern expoHuro , Enqulro Dr. Otturbourg , N. E. Coiner 10th and Harney. 3UU 1 OU HENT Suite of three rooms on tlrst floor. SB23 Ctimluu : st. ' S4U17 * ' TjVur (4) ( ) rooms , 1702 Webster . . . . . . . . . ' . . . $ 00 JC Four(4) ( ) rooms. 1702 WebstoriiJ ; ' : . _ ) > ) . . . . 2J 00 Tliree (3) ( ) rooms. 1116 S. 7th at 1100 Four (4) ( ) rooms. 415 8. llrth st 2000 Eight (8) ( ) rooms. 413 S.Wth st 41 TO Four (41 ( rooms , ITUI Webster at 2.1 00 Three pi ) rooms , 41W S IDth st..i .i.7lf. . . .il5 00 Tlireo ( J ) rooms. 1U27 N. 20th st , , , , . . . . . . 15 00 Two (2) ( ) rooms , 1 ( < 14 Honaad st. . . . ' . . . . . . . . 8 1)0 ) Tliree(3)rooms. ( ) 1024 N. 21st st.V . 'il./.M. ' . . II 00 Three < ; room , , 1021 N 20th st , . . . . , . . 13 OU Three W rooms , 1122 N. 21st st 11 00 Eleven (11) ( ) room house , Bth und Dodco. . . . 71 03 Two (2) ( ) oltlCHS , 31U S 15th st . . . . . . . . ' . . -.WOO Four (4) ( ) rooms house , 40i N llth st . . . . 1800 Apply to Judge Ht'litliw Agencv , Herald bulldlug , S. W corner ot 15th and Ilnrney st. 141 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. "IT1OR RKNT UTie Ktoro-rooiu undo7the'Wind- JL' Her hutel , cor. lOtti and Jackson sU. Apply at thu hotel oillce. 124 U FFlCia and stores In Sheely block. G. E. Tliompson , room 212 8U3 POR RENT Half store rootn , newly .decor ated ; excellent location. Jowulry business ] ) referrnd. The Gotham. 118 South lUeveuth st. , two donrs from O St. , Lincoln. Neb. tca-13J. FFICE For Rent U round lloor oillce. No. 320 S. 15tn St. Apply room 411 , 1st nat. bunk building. 761 T71OR RENT DesIraDlo store on Farnam , for JL1 wholesaling , etc , Leuvitt Uuruhnm , It. 1 , CrolRhton blotlt. JI7 "T710R RENT Ilrlck btore with basement. No. JO M7 S. J3th St. ; 2ollceii | on second tloor No. 1509 Famam St. , by PuuUeu & Co. , 1511 Furnam st. , room 8. 4.11 TJ10R RENT-Storeroora. 1H03 Howard street ; X' best location in city for grocery or furniture. 34H IilOR RENT Retail business room on 15th nt. 1 C. F. Harrison. 418 S. loth st , - 123 IT10R RKNT Store room and cottage or 3 JU' rooms , good barn , cto. , with 4 ncres land , situated Yt mile north of fort , JIB Apply 317 S , lllhst. BOO FOR RENT MI3CELANEOUS ! t > . T71OR LEASE A 2-story nnd hlgn basement JU brick building. 5ixlK fe t < A cpinor 1th track , ofllros nnd engine loom , lo wholesale district. Hultabla for wholesale waiehousoor factory. M ill l as for term of years. T. J , Hook , room 311 1'axton block. 318 15 TmOH RENT-New barn , 30x70. Enquire H7 N , JU lith rt. M.W. Paine WtlK _ "TJIOR RENT One-half of tiaxement ou corner X' of lath and Jackson , light and dry ; apply ou prumlses. _ 4 > J _ ' ' " RENTAL AGENCIES. G E.ailOMPSONllooin.ltJSbeely biock.W . IF YOU vrant your nousps rented place tliora with llenawa i. Co. , 15th , opposite postollko , rptlK Omulia Commi'rclnl college glvt gram- J innrYrlltni ; and spollluK free to all Itrf shorthand and typewriting students , tuition very low. situations fnrnlined when poaatldp. About 111 students now In attendance. Write Rulirbouirh Urns , for particulars. Vl lt the college - lege , UN Furnam. U73 jy7 PERSONAL. ANTKD A } ung lady from 15 to 18 years old to travel with family. For particulars cdditss or call , Family , 24 half Howaid or lock box 00. ai'J ' 14' _ T > ERSONAL Will S. L. Andrews , the expert J. accountant , late abstractor with Myron Hoed .t Co. . Jilcaie send his present addrtt&a to O tl , Itee ofllce. SM 13 _ PERSONAL Would like to mak the nc- J . qualntance ot a good looking lady ; object , traveling with a struct man ; a blunda pru- ferml. Address M 4 1. Ue olnce. _ 217 141 IDKRSONAILaaios ana gentlumen ilealrlng X correspondents , address. Corrrypondlng Club , Kunsad City , Mo , for information , lu- cloao stump. 32a J Si * TVTAUY DONOVAN Mill please call at 101 a JJl. ] 2th street aud get letter from Omaha S V' lnfJ bank. yon want to buy , sell , rent or exchange IF call on or address George J. Sternadortf , room o , opposite P , O. si TJKltSONAL Prtvat * home for ladiog dunu ? J ponnnemeut. strictly conQdentUL infanta , Address L' it , Uee ollico. IDERSONAti-II yonlmjaa personal Item.or X any communication , drop It In ono ofTlie lice's message boxeK- 100 SALE Fufnltnre almost new. Hll Howard st. Call Thursday. ail 14 * SALB Ths lesse jnd furniture of the JU only hotel In towiuclor particulars apply Windsor hotel , Stromsbury ; Neb , J , E. Crook , I710H SALK New r.ngKKtl organ , nearly new , JU costlHM. Price m Also extension ladders. Co"st $10. Prlca K. 0. Wood , Sil S. 24th st ( in nat ) . V aa is * T71OH SALK IS head T > f fresh milk rows nt JU Military Itrldee imrn , winning st , call morn- Ingorcvenlng. K. a. JO.'JOT. Z7B Lit OH SALE Family h fso and phaeton , perfectly - fectly sound. Inquire 4314 Nelson st..Wnlnut Illll. STg 15 * ( _ express team , wagon nnd harness GOOD don n. Call early. Co-op L. * L. Co. , 805 N. IMh Bt , 233 13 ijlOIl SALE Two setter dogs , well trained , JU Inquire 2.VW Deratur. 212 171 "TJlOH SALK A three months scholarship In a JU shorthand school , very cheap. For partic ulars addresti Ci U.S. , 151J Dodge St. , Omaha , | 183-10 * TT1OH SALE I wish to Bell my carriage horse JU nnd either single or double carriage nud har ness. Quarant-vcd the best family horse In the city : foriftyleor gentleness cannot bo beaten ; ago7years. D. V. Sholoa , roomJlarkerblock. TTIOR BALE A number one pony anil doc cart JU Inquire ot F. D. Cooper. Walnut hill. D13 TJ10K SALE-One Hall's large unproved flre JL' proof safe. Inquire room 4111st nat bank building. _ 7Efi tiHMl BALE A tine norrel marc , 4 years old. JU weight 12uO lln. , gentle , \\IU work Mingle or double. Inquire 017 N 10th st. D3B 13 to bo moved I have a barn that will accommodate four horses and Is In good repair that 1 win trade or sell very cheap. Ap ply to G. Harth. proprietor Ranndeiw street market , between Caldwell and Hamilton. QOME-lstmort. notes for * ale , ono and two VJyears In small sums. Address O 3 , Ileo ollle. snos TClOIl SALE The furniture , carpets , fixtures JU and lease of a pleasantly located , newly furnished house , near horse and cable cars , house heated by steam , furniture , etc. . In rise less than a year ; must bo sold at once. For par ticulars apply to-Hartman i Gibson , 1013 Par- nam st. 528 "TPOll SALE Some nrat class 2d mortgage JU paper at a discount. C. 0 , Bpotwood , .TUSH S. 18th. ki MISCELLANEOUS. HUSKY bull tor service , cor 31th and Jackson J street. ailjlSt take notice. The advertiser offers MUSICIANS fers you araro opportunity of securing n valuable Stincr violin built in year IKS. um bo seen by addressing M r > U , lice ollico. ao 13 * ISS M. M. SHEDD , of Chicago , has located in Omaha for the ptirpaso of giving in- Htiuctlons in volco culture und guitar. Terms : Voice culture , 20 lessons ' 33 Oultnr , 12 lessons 15 Preparatory lemons In volco culture to parties under 18 - . . 12 TheKe leasons are Riven to lay the foundation forcorro't pronunciation , puio. sweet slnelug nnd to Keep the volco uuiootli wlillo growing , nt a. continuous training to an immatured volco is useless expanse. If h.-irrles wlsnini ; to know quality niKUcompass of volco will drop a card , care Mux Meyer , stating number of residence , they will receive attention , at OUCH Informa tion as to above without cnarge. M. M. Shedd , liOl Dodge st. f.l. . 3B8-1JJ BEAUTIFUL brlght-eye'd glrL 4 months old , for adoption. E 4 ? . ifeti onieo. 87310 THE bane taught as an * art by Geo. If. Qellen- beck. gQi Harney t * 133 TTOME for Destitute Women and Children , .0-2718 Hurt st. "V 10 HOUSES and cnttlo tnkn to pastme. to Henry Ostholf , 1513'Callfomla st. 71 W O.MAN'S ! Exchange , K17 Fainnmst. Lunch dally , nuppor Saturday nights. UU ) O JIFF &CO..117Nlrth . sell furniture and stoves less than any other house in Omaha , nil 23d J 23 & . . at'in Nrffth IGth ct. . pay the highest pilccs for furniture , carpets , books and stoves. tjf 23il J23 _ _ J. S. STERNSDORFF , room C , opposite i > ost- olllcewlll trade you ngooil farm or city property for a home , buggy and harness. l.Ei Omaha Financial Kvchancc. lloom r > , JL Darker block , southwest corner of Far- nam aud . sts. Makes a specialty of short-time collateral and real e.state loans. Money always on hand In sums of 8100 nnd tip- w urds to any amount , to loan on approved se curity. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate und cash to exchange for good first or second mortgagen. Ixinns made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Flniinclnl business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly und fairly. Itoom ID , Darker block , Coibett , Manager. 5l.MJ FOR SALE A top ousgy , nearly nuw.C oliiiu bus make , also good single harness. A. II. Comstock. 3128. liithtft. 511 _ " \\niENyouhavobargalnslnical estate cal 1 > ou J. F. Hammond , 517 Faxtnn building , b78 J iB ? IF you nave anything to trade call on or nd- dreH * George 1. StorUidorff , Room 0 , oppo site postolHce. 107 WANTED A gooil horse , buggy nnd harnow In exclinngo for South Omaha lots. George .T.SteinsdoifT. room fl , opp po wlllce. 2w ; SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITIMC. yALENTINB-ETShortUaiid Iiis-tltutels the only practical , exclusive hhoitluind bchonl lu tint west. All its graduates aiolugood sit uations aud giving entlro satisfaction. Students cnn enter at any time. No summer vacation. Send for circulars to VnlnntliiH'fl Bliortlmna In utltute. New 1'uxton llulldlug , Omaha Nub. 4'JJj-M STORAGE. AV ANTED Anything or comethlng to put In TT the empty store-room over our new store. Wo liuvu nioio room than we need In the best storage building in Omaha , ta wo will htoio jheap ; , any valuable or personal pioperty , fmin a piano or sleigh down to n trunk or viillSo. .Drop us a twwtal card and w e w 111 cull for your thlugs. F.Ievwtor Mf'g Co. , 1118 Howard st. M)7 ) .ly2 ! 1 T RACK A OB , Rtorago. lowest rutoj. W. M Hushman , Kill I.oaveuwortlu 5U8 WANTEP-TO BUY. TXT"ANTED Foot pwcrsci-ew cuttlm ; lathe. T 211 N ICth bt. HUI 18 ? ANTKD Good liouso and lot in doslrabla part of the city ; will give first-class bur- pain to anyone if muted. Geo. j.Sternsdorir , RooinO , JYenzer blK. 818 buy furniture of a House or flat cen trally located. Co-op. L , & L. Co U5 N , ItttU rF you luue improvetl business or losloence proiiorty that jou wish to sell , call and see mo i. ( feorgo J. Bternsdorlt , room 0 , opposite postolll . . 231 SEVERAL store butldluB or houses that can bo moved. Will' pf'good pi Ice If Hulled. George J. BternaJorlT , rooTn U , oppoaltu post- oillce. tV isj CLAIHVOYANT. ARRIVED from CnllfoiWa - Mndumo Winters glttwl dead truncn rlalnoyant nud ustiol- oglst ; can be consulted qn'all aDalrs of life or floutli ; ruimltn.s tlitt nrpariU'il , CUUM luck and spcudy marralges , show a photo of future w if u or hiiEbunil , locates diseases ! ) Jiiid euros them by mussiiKii und magnetic treatment , has the * celu- biattxl Hindoo charm for hick. All those in trouble will do well to cat ] cm this Kitted seerNs ghejoua correct writtt'ji leading through mall for fi.lO , witli lock irf-hnlr. 'i'ou mndanio has taken parlors at 417 ifouth llth st.,2iurlloor , Parlor 2 and a. "J- J 'jl ' _ _ ! MADAM 1CCLP.S : , clniivbyant. Powers are niu > t rfiimrlcable as K Instilled by ull \ \ ho have mot her ; her reputation as n clairvoyant has IOIIK been eatublldhod , and aha Is ono of the best fortune tellers In theMorld. Itoom l.JKJ N. liith bt. 7ii : 15 DH. NANNIK V. Warren. clatrvovant7".Med. icul , business and tu-tt medlutn , lUgno U free. Female diseases a bpoclalty. ll N. 18ta i3 Tol.Ult. &U WOHEY TO LOAN. Tl5ONKYTo Loan lly the undesigned , > Nho li J has t no only propci ty orguiuzcd luan agency In Omaha. Loans of ilO to ilWinude on furni ture , pianos , organshors < ? 8 , wigoun.niacnlnery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All buslnua * strictly coulldi-ntlul. Jxiau * no nude that auy part cnn ba putd at anv time , each payment re ducing the cost jiro rata. Advances made on tine watches and diamonds. Peifconi fehould carefully consider % lib they are dealing w ith. iu many new concerns are daily coming Into exis tence. Should you need money call and fcee me. W. H. Croft , Itoom 4. Wlthnell bulldlng.lSth and Harney. KK ONEYto loan In any. amount , either for bulldlngor otherwlet- lowest rates of to ll-rest and ou short notico. li V. Slioles , room 1 , Darker block. 9Ji HPOlt PKRCV loans money on horses , furni ture and'other personal property or colla teral at reasonable rutns ; all business strictly confidential ! money on hand , no delay : also makes loans on city real estate. Office < -t and 4 i. 4th iloor. Paxton bulldlnR. 101 jai * M ONRV ( to loan. > tortp m s boiiKht. Klmball , Champ & Ityan , It. , U. S. Nat. llnnk. 3-J1 Jyl3 MONEY to loan on chattel * , without removal or tiling ; financial buslncna of all kinds transacted without publlclly ; money advanced ou jewelrv , notes , etc. H win pay you to see us. People's Financial Exchange. O. Houscaren , manager , It , 50JS llnrkerblkloth anil rnrnam sis Soijyiit LOANS mad to parties desiring to build. D. V. Sholea. room 1 , Harkor block. WS SEE Harris H E Ac L Co. for loans , rootn ill 1st Nat Hank. . * 30 TTUSTEllN money-Tho Philadelphia Mort- JLwgago * Trust Co. oiler unntnal Inducements to kood borrowers on Improved property , city anil country. Apply to Geo. W. P , Coutes , Itep- resentntlve 13 Chamber Commerce , CT 5J24 TVfONBY loaned ou furniture , pianos , organs , J.1 Lhorsei" , etc. , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson * : Co. ' U17 Partial ! ! . C38 DON'T Imrrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , until you have * eii C. H. Jacobs , room 410 , First National bank building , cor. 13tli and Farnam. 671 MONKV to loan on horses , furniture , pianos , land contracts , and other personal prop erty. Hnstness confidential. Hoom 3 , Omaha Nafl bank. 6fg MONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. , without removal or on collateral security. Huslness strictly confidential. A. K. ( Ireenwood & Co. , H1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson. SHOHT time loans mtulo by D. E , Johnson , late pros't Hank of Merna. lloferoncivs 1st Nat. bank , Omaha , 11. 03T > , New Faxton block 7U6 Jys * MONEY loaned at C. F. Heed fc Co.'s Loan ofllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , por.soiml property of all kinds , nnd all other articles of value without removal , SlflS. 13th. All business strictly confldontlnl , 510 "PURCHASE money mortgages bought , JL Wright & Lasbury. 215 8. llth St. , up stairs. 043 T OANS made in all the principal additions to JUOnmlm at lowest rates. D. V. Sholes , roam 1 , Harkcr block. 103 MONEY to loan. Lowest rates. No delay. .I. L. Hlce A : Co. , over Commercial Nat'l bauk. 539 MONUYto loan ; cashon hand ; no delay. J. W. & K. L. Squire , 1219 rnmain st. First National bank building. KW $ fiOUWOto loan at II per cent. Ltnahan & Mahoney - honey , Hoom 600 , Paxton block. 507 rOANS made on improved anrt unimproved 'City property at lowest rates of interest , special rates on largo loans on Inside property. Odell llros. & Co. . 312 B. ICth st , 40d TV TONEY to loan. G. K , Thompson , Shccly blk- ONEY to loan on city and farm property. " . F. Hammond , iooiu517 Paxtoubld'g. 87UJI8t H. IHEY IWB.OOO to loan on city property and lmproed farm laud. Frouzcr block. MONEY to loan on real estate ; mortgages bought and sold. Wallace , Crelghton block. 67 | ] \ TONEY to loan oiiborscs. furniture and other J-'lporsoiial property or collateral. Kates mod erate ; business confidential. OQico S. W. cor ner 15th and Douglas sts. Entrance on 1Mb bt. TlieFalrkank Investment Co. 614 MON'UY to louu on Improved real estate ; uo commission charged. Leavltt Uuruhum , room , 1 , Creighton block. 505 LOANS raado on real estate and mortgages bought. Lewis 8. Heed & Co. , 1521 Furnam. MONEY to Loan We hnvo money on hand to loan on improved nnd vacant property lu Onmha and fcouth Omaha. Cull luiilseens. Wright if Lasbury , 215 B. litb stM up-stairs. 644 HE. COLE loans mo-nay on Improved city or fnrm property. Itoom t ! , Continental block. 6PEU CENT money to loan , Patterson i : Ilar- nnrdJiUS 15th bt. Mi ' ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 150U Farnam st. 670 T A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real es- tl .tato in sums to suit , SW 8 13th bf 573 LOANS nuicleon real estate. Cash on hand. W. 41 , Harris , over SJJ S 15th st. 67a ( fcSOO.CO ) to loan on Omaha city property at 6 Pper cent. G. W. Day , so cor Ex. bid. 673 MONEY to-loan onlurnltiuo , uoraes. wagons , etc. , or on any uppi ov ed security. Low rates J. W. Houbliis , liilU Fftrnam. 574 BUILDING loans. Linahan & Mahoney. 575 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALJJfew3 and cigar stoio on princi pal street In Omaha. llart'Slu , riXW. Address Al 61 , lieu oillce. .yj li ) FOR SALI ! ruiit , coiirertlonery and ice iream Tiurlor. hplondld locution , cheap for cash. Sullluff ou acc't other bualuesa. Address O 1 , 110 olhco. 287 lot pARTNKIlwauted with J5.UOO cash to take a JL half intermit lu n well established builncss ot thn hlKlU'xt clinraeter ; additional capital t < o- ceipary fur legitimate ) extension ; a first Uuss business man wnnted. Addiesa O. , tills oillce. 29S 1'J TT1OH SALE-Short ordewrehtaurant matins JL1 ) U per month , good ieajom > lor bolllnK ; ud- diess > l41i , . lice. 2kl 17 * TJUIt ) SALE or Tiailo Grocery stock aud llx- JL' tuies. Inqiilro 1151 N. gfli 14 * TT10U SALU-Saloou at ttW Douglas. Si18t TT10R 8AUNlcely tnrnlbhed boarding JU honso. 2J ANY one \ \ ishlnst to buy a good nayliigbaloon orrentnurnnt should cull ou us ; vo have several fornnlo. Johansen & Pierce , 1WJ Far- nnm St. , Hoom 10. 254 Ki * "VTEWSPAPEll Wanted. A first clans opmi- J-s ing for n good nnwi < pnpor at IVankllii , Franklin county , Neb. llent ton n in UIH county. About l.CW ) luhabltniita. Nothing lu the way , Addiees , Hunk of FranUllu , T. S. Liilnbuiii , Franklin , Ni-b. ltj jo ITWIl SALE llrst-clnss strain laundry. Ad- JL' dress M 41 , llee oillce. 2u7 I4t OTEL for rent The two story biicklu No- .oln , Iowa ; built especially for hotel pur- posen , nanly palnttd nud papered , avrrythlnit toiiveiilmit and llivt clniM , city water lu build ing. Address with rufereuccs , Drawer c. Nc uln , Iowa. 2r."J 17t HICKYAKD For Sale The only TirJckynr < i in city of 12.0UO inhabltunw. making a nut annual profit of over * lou0j will soil either part or whole Interest to right party. Address / S. Uruud It > laud , Neb. . P. O. lx > x 20. WO TT7K Imvo for sale a longtime lease of the bust TT location for fancy retail business m tha city , Fearon , Cols Sc Robertson , 310 S. 15th nt. . _ i. . . , _ 577 TT1OR SALE A livery barn In a flourishing J-1 llttlti city. For terms address M "l.cate Hue , 1UUU 1'J * THIOR SALE At Kearney , Neb. , the furniture -L1 and lease of G mud ( Mitral hotel. Tim second end best house in tbocltv.aud the best louatud , Iritis opposite depots , llolnt : n paying biisl- nimsx \ \ 111 be sola at a Imrgaln , Inquire T. 0. llrolnafd-Midway hotel , Kearney , N b. 037 XCKPTIONAL business opening at Gaylord , JCan. Storeroom 'xKU foot , shrived for dry goods , etc. , WJ Dor mouth ; only two other dry good * btores In town. A line cliuncu for the light man. Addres-i r. 11. Oicntt. Countll llluira. la. yM FOR EXCHAHCb. \\7IIAT havejou to trade for n 40-aere ploco of land lu Hancock oounty , Iowa. Want n clear lot or Mill take Bnnio uood oil block. Glic full particulars. Address M 47 , llee oillce. . _ KXrHANjr.-On a hotel In Neb. , ffiW - acres of Improved Und in IS'eb'.ter Co. , Neb. Addrts * IL F. , ia ) Howard nt. . Omaha. S55 IB ? " \\7ANnJD-To tradu hcjuare Durham piano 'I for yoiimr buggy honiu ; miut bo H good ouo. S4I5 I'rnukUn , 8 10 J3 _ TTtOIt SAI.r.Mill. . I will f-e'.l or trade my 50- J barrel mill to parties who will put In u full iollerproctu > 3 and nmto the mill tt flrot-clusa one InoMirypartlcuUr , Am not a miller , uml ant moru luturexted in the town than the bu | . ness. 1' . M. Dlmnry , llcji\ur Croaolng. tiuward county , Kubra ka. _ l-13t "I \7ANTKU Horse , butrjv. etc. . as JlMt pay- i ? meiit on lot in Wlsu & . 1 * . add , bul four au- nual payments. l'ul , lurj ruraum. V" > " \\71IAT have you to pffer for 1.2 0 acres of timber land In West Virginia , cluar of In- cpinbrance , i > erfect title. Ucoiso J. attrasdortr , Itoom 0 , opposite. V. O. ai BRICK WantTd luOiaX ) brluks lo . exchange for good losld Omaha , property , S. A. Bloman , room Si aca 23 Uellm a bldff , PT9 TT10R E3TCHANOR-Ne\ ) . farm or two South A ! Omaha lots for * panof marcs or mnlen. W , L. Belby. 1&31 Farnam st. 573 < 67,000 stock of clothing , boot and " .hoes , hats J'and rnp , Incltmlnct bulldlnff , fixtures , etc , , on leased grounds. Rent 110 } vr mo. I ouif time lea e. Splendid bu .lne s location. Will ex- chance for land and cash. Cooperative Land A Lot Co. , SJJN.JClh st , g4 13 TTXtlt SALE A valuable Invention with state X ; right for Nebraska , or will trade for Rood property free ot Incmnbrnnco : anv cnprRMlc man can make money from this in a short v hllo , C. 11. Sloman. 304 S 15th st. 1117 10 GJ. STKUN9lKHFF , roomO. onpoMtc ixvit- olnce , hai some peed land In Holt county , Neb. , to trade for Oinana propojty. Will n ii llfihtlncumbranea. 3C5 ntxl3s , corner SM and DouRlwi sts , to trade for U an right to ten-room liounfl mid lot. ( Jeo.J , BternsdorlT room B , opposite 1' O. Z I HAVE n well improve < l SO aero farm In liar- Inn county , Nob. , about H miles north of Al ma , county seat. Any ouo wanting n good omall farm will do well to let me know what they hixvo to Oder. George J. Sternsdortr , Itooui c , cj > p. 1' . TvT'IAT ' have you to trade for 80 acres of land T t untncuintK-ro in Junean county. . ' .1 miles from county seat. O. J. StcrnsdorlT.rooin C , opp Poatofllco. 107 TJ1011 EXCHANGE House and lot. Neb. farm JU or South Omaha lot for vacant lot lu Car thage , Lincoln Place or West Cnmlng odd. W. L. Selby. 1MI Farnam at , 618 WILL clvo you n peed tradn for an eight or ten room house nnd lot. George J. Storns- doriT. Hoom n , opposite p. o. 231 GJ.STEUNSDOHFF , lloom 0 , opposite P. O. , 1ms some cliotco farm Innil to trade for city property. Will assuuio light incutn- brances. 231 EIGHTY ( EV ) acres of land adjoining Lake Munnwn. Council. Hlulls. la. Tills tract will make 400 beautiful lots nnd is tree from enirumbrancfl. What have vou to offer ? George J. SternsdorlT , room 0 , opp P. O. 107 NEW 3 seated carriage and now single top bugRY to trade for long time real estate mortgage. W. L. Solby 1\H Farnam st. C78 TIHADES made in rnal ustato aud personal property. See exchange book. Oo-on. L. nnd L. Co. gU. N. 10th st , 580 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1KB Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , and tttlos to real ostaU txaralnod. p r- f acted anil guaranteed. oil Abstracts South Omaha Ed. Johnson A Co. , ngcnta South Omaha Land Co. , have the only complete set of abstract book * iu South Omaha. Complete abstracts furnished on short notice. Olllco opposite depot , South Omaha. Ktl BNSON It CAUMICHABb furnlsn conipleto aud guarauteod abstracts of tltla to any real estate iu Omaha and Douglas county upon chort notice. The most comnloto setof abstract books lif the city. No. 1519 K-vrnara st. 533 gQR3 ALE-REAL EST ATE. "JTUMl SA L1C liouso and barn. 4 years lease on JL giound , will exchange for vacant lot In north part of town ; inquire 2020 Franklin. 2U ! litt T71OK BALE A nicot ) room house and lot on JU Uurdetto st Snnnders. beautiful homo , price 8J.GOO. Jonas &McLaln , N st. South Omaha gj3 Ilit T7Hll SALK Cheap House and lot. South JL' Omaha , Jotter's 1st add. , and lot and two houseH. 21th bot. Harney nnd Howard. Apply ,03 N 10th. 303 15T TnOK PALE or trade on easy terms Lot 10 blk JL1 3S. Albright's choice. Lots lu , Itt. 17 blk , Hoppe .sub dlv , Albright's choice. Lot7hlkl. Saundor * & Hlniobaugh's add. Lots 1 and 2 blk V , llrlggs place. Uoo. H. Davis , Mlllurd hotel billiard room. 238Jyll QJUMMEIl garden property for sale. KJ 1 can olfor for a few days ono of the llncst places Miit.iblo for summer garden nud lilculc purposes around the city. This land is Just outxido the city limits In west Omaha nearly opposite linger 8 hotel on Park St. ; smooth , level lawn , covered -\vlth splendid shade trees ilnd shunted ou two main streets. The M. 1' . Helt Line lly. runs through ono cor ner , the P E. .V M. V , 11. H. line ( to the stock yards runs w itliiu throe blocks nnd the Park St. car line Is within a short distance. This property is only 19 minutes rldo by rail from the business center of South Omaha und less than 'M minutes rldo from the business cen ter of this city. There is no liner place in the v. est for n Hummer garden nnd the right kind of n man can make a bushul of money out of it. Cnn oiler this property nt figures that makes it n splendid barcaiu nnd will be glad to have j ou cnlljuul see It nt once. George N. Hicks , liarkur block , room 40. 253 IT T710K SALE Beautiful east front lot In Ar- JU cade place on 3 < 1th st. , just south of Leavmi woi Hi. for.700. ] Thin Is KOO below actual value and will bo lu the market a short tlmo only at the price quoted. M. A. Upton & Co. 31 TJIOIt SALE Corner irjOxl.7) with house and JU barn. Poppleton and Virginia avenues , llanscom Place. Inquire nt 2007 CUBS street. 2BO-1S * rjlHREK hundred and twenty acres joining to JL the city of Grand Island ; 40 acres iu citv for sale. A. II.Perkins , Grand Island. 31220 * " \X7ILLaellthreanmall houses cheap to nnv V > one-who will move them off of lot nenr corner of Capitol avo. and Tenth street. Inquire Nuthcrtou Hall. 819 P. lUhat. 211 1J T WILL sell nt a bargain a prominent business -Lcorncr In tills rapidly Improving Hotithcru city , lot liixliO. address 11. T. JPouche , Itomc , On. 237 147 T L. 11ICB A : CO. , Heal lirt.ite < 5S1 BAHGAINfora few days-n 10-room house , corner lot , good locality , lioune lu peri out conilitlon , nil modern improvumonts ; price Sil.dOO ; K.OOO cash , balauco one , two nnd three yeuis. O. L. Gtoen , 310 S. 15th Bt. 'Ml ErflHAHLE residence for flalt > in Council Hlulls , U-room house , nuw , w 1th modern 1m- provoments , MM Mynster street , within 1 block of P. O. and opera lieu c. Inquire of S. Chase , U21 1/ousUs st. 81 * ) U * T 1' HICE & CO. , Heal . SALE 19.0O ) acres good farming land In Stanton. Franklin , ( muter and ( Jhoyenno counties , Nob. Uoo , 11. Peteison. 018 S. l.itli st. bTUJKi _ _ _ T710H SALE look ! Look ! u ) fooUouth liont J-f on Haiuoy jiibt west of 2 tb st. U room house , all modern Improvements , tine lot and home , wo have rxrhudvo wale of this aud ran offer It at u prlcu bulotv its real \ uluo. M , A. Upton iCe , 715 QJSOO buys a full lot and good 1-room cottage , Pcnsy terms and good location. J ) V.Sholo room 1. liarkur block. . wj J.L. . RICE A. CO. , Real Estate. 684 FOItBALE. Furmson loniftlnip. dOppiii. . tire Land and l t CoM 2Jli N. liith St. tJ7 ItAHE CHAKCE-Tno beautiful gr/ive and iroundH on Park ntieet. Ju.Ht outHldo tlio city limits iu West Omulia. aud nearly opporflt'i itiihur'H hotel , will beoflerml for salotlils week. This pioperty Is undoubtedly the best situated for suiumor irardnn and plcnlu purposes of any uiound thu city , und if properly handled , can bo made the great summer i-osort ground Omaha , and u llvo , nnteiprislngmau can mnUo a fortune out of It. This vnluablo property will IMS of. fercd for Mile by Hlck-i , thu real estate agent , room 4 , Harker block , und if you want to k' t hold of ono of the biggest chaucos for making mouoy ever olfeied we advise you to call and nee lillil. 2."iS-13 " J L. HICE Ic CO. , Heal Estate. 581 WlfY pay rent w/ien you ran buy a nice six. room lioiibe on eauy puyincntHi' Cousldorl Co-Operatlvo Lund .V lx > t Co. , ajj N. 10th t. ItTal Eslaco , 098 7Ull 8ALE-Acony"little iToine.S roums , nud JL' bam. ouly auveu mlnutoi' rtile ou cable to city , moiern linprovoinonts , * tl,5HO , only IIMl ) cash , bal to bUlt , luqulio of onuer , 311 H. lijth. 171 Ii'Oll SA LK Exchauga or luaso , bos.t stock 1 funu In Nib. , 2 mlles from Fieinout ; cut.s l.ouo tons of hay , splendid water , 2 houses , : i banih , fenced for cuttle and liogs. GHO. E. ( lib- son & Co. . Omaha. Thus. It , Gibson , Fremont. 719 J1E T7\OK \ B.\L15-Or trade : aiacius.-H.irlau touu- ' JU ly , Neb. , imp. 1W ) acres , Holt Co , Neb. , Imp. WO acrf.s , Knox Co , Neb , Imp. , US ) acruH , Greeley Co , Neb. 40 acres , adjoining Lake Manawa. LotK in II. & .M. Park , fk > UUi Omaha , clear , " lots. Mclrosellill , cncnmbuu-d. JAVj. 1 lot. Kountzo Place , fncumbcri-d , 11,49) , l > lots. Aniold Park , encumbered , IJ,4W. 1 lot. Orchard Hill , encumbered.10) . 1 lot , Cumins at , cor. 31bt. uueucutuberod , 1 lot , Farnam st , bet. OSth und 33th , unoncum- bercd.S2.OiO. 1 atre , Hulomon's add , encumbered , $330. Ft tub stock cigar * , tnvolco ( : .U J. hpun horses , harness mid delivery wagon. 1 llall'H combliic-Uou ufc . nearly now. Also busliieju and roaldunco pioperty In all parts of the city , for sale or trade for Blocks ot to-xls , good farm property or city property. B. A.Sfoinan. Hellman block. Omaha , Neb. _ _ * _ _ 807 \\ni.L tie ! ) you a lot li 11. & M , Park addition t to South Omaha by paying 830 down , bal , sue * U per inoatli. TUoso wanting to make ute to purchase on * oT these lots at tlio puseiit pilces. GoyrcoJ. Stcrjuiloril , Uoow C , oppo- tllCOO liiiyn a fulll ot 'and good 4-room rottaga Pin n good location. D. V. Sholes , room 1 , Dar ker blwk. W3 " J. STlHtN'SDOIlFF , room 0 opposite"post- onice. will cell you a good 4-room house on Ifith street , S blocks south of car line , by par- lug &DO rasn. bnlaucn monthly pajment-i to MilU This Is a splendid opportunity for any one wanting n cheap homo. 231 HOUSE and lot In South Omaha for sole only IW , small cash payment , bal monthly , or terms to suit. D , 1) . Smeaton , room 4.1 , Marker block. 600 I HAVK several choice. Inside , full lots , upon which I can build houses to suit purchasers upon their o\vn selection ot plans , and on terms to suit. Tills will pay to Investigate. D. V. Sholes , room 1 , Harkor block. 123 "lilOH SALE Or exchange * . We have some JU good Omaha nv\l estate and Nebraska farniH , which wo will sell cheap or trade for stock of clothing , furnishing poods , dry goods , boots audshoes , groceries or hardware , achles * Inger llros < U4 8. IQtli st. S03 "liTOH 8ALE-A nice es t front lot In Windsor JU place , new 8 room house well , cistern , c mented cellar , etc , A line home , only $3,700 ; MOO cash. MOO In ono year , bal In three years t wa havethe exclusive sale of this. M , A , U pton it Co. TOfl O NLY n few lots left In II. * M. park addition to South Omaha. What hare you to ortor ? Rooni 6 , 6ip.V. { O. TA D. SMliATON. exclusively South Omaha X/treal ostato. llargnlns always on hand. Darker block. Omaha. 0 > 7 Jr 1 TpOft 8AI.K 60x140 , south and east front on X' cor 8th aud Dorca-sj an elegant lot with Broom - room house ( now ) for M 5(0 ; $1,100 cash. Vie have exclusive sale of this. M , A. Upton * Co. This lot adjoins Goodman's line grounds. 777 DICSIHABLK HOMES. C. F. HARBISON , 418 South 15th Street. < fe7 nn/1 / IlUtWand place , Wort Kfirnira tr ot , S Jp I 5VA/U ruom benne , * nnd clt > water , Rood well , cloctricr.ill Minimi burular alarm to erorr door nni ) window , IIOUKO limited bf turnnce , Inundr/ rot * Inr , burn for two horneii and cow , with man's room In the burn , ureuirr , coal nnd earrlaa * hou e. Tomia " .mail cnnti ixrment. balnnrolninouthlTorrcarlrpnr- m iil or nil In monthly pnrnicnts. A bancala for Itis moat rnttklloiii. rnttklloiii.llttnicom llttnicom riiro Ilnuia 7 roomi. lot tOiVa ; lermi * 4UXcasb ) , btl&uoelana2 Tenrs. Clfi rfrSnnndentSUtot \ 40x110 ; hotioTrootm < ) UV7V7VJ'celliir , wetland cistern ) wrnujloosti ,3snd 3 jours 1 will trade for other proportf. < Sfi fCllnn pora Iliicc. tie 89 room . -woll , jrlVV-/V/clutoni , cant front , uiantcll Urmi vi < cnih , hnlnnco nrranRod for. StQ finn Pentrnl 1'arlci new hnn e of 1(1 ( rooms , ipO.UUU finUli front : troll nnd tllloroil cittern , ml * Inr , liiirn for 4 liorncn , litnie Uilrken homo. Term' , H.IDU c li , twUneo 1,3 and U 7 an. C ; /XA/1 I / South lOtli St. , corner lot 133 f eot on 10th 'p'J , 'JU\7 St. , tif W font Uoop. Two cottag > on lot UjQU ; room for a mnra cottnvra , s blocks ( rein ht , car line ; no Inoumbranu * . Terms. K.'M tutli , bnlnnco In 1 , 2 nnd 3 yonrsj a big bargain. CtQ QflA Wlnrtmr I'taco , c it front , lot eredod , jjpO.Ov/VJaliado tree" , nont 6 rtmm cottano , gooit well unit cistern , bouro milnlioil Inonk , bulll browner nnd ll i > In It , bnrn ou lot. Terras M cnab , balanoo to Plllt ] nirclin cr. Xf \ Walnut Hill , 5 room cottace , need wall ijOUL/cl'tflm und out lunifoi , all new , lot SO * . terms rnsy ; will trmto for property near lOtU atrcet Uopot. < 3 ; fTrHeeds \ l t AM. Now coliajo 8 rooms , ] l < JUUL/wi > llcl lenii ( n nlco liouio ) . TortnsJJ ml rash , balance 1 , 3 nnd 3 renra. ( JtO KfI'alrmount I'laco , nlco collnne B rooms , ipJ.JVJrV.ycl Uirn. well niutooul liouao. 1 tl abova crude ; east front. Turms tMJ to II.UOU c h | balauoa uaHy. ( & 1 fOnn 1'V. . Hraltha Add. Ix > t 70x143 , two- { pJLVJ'VJVjL/ liouno IS roonn , J onllani , batU room , B rlo nH , pniitrr , tin > wlndowbarn , abade anil 1 ral t troii.i. brtck aloro liouae , 2 wolla wlthwliid-mlll nnd piinii , : il ) bbl clMcrn , BUS and clly wutor lu luiu ( i : terms tlUO cash , balnnce In 1 , 2 ana & Tears. A blK burtialn. 3L1 CrrH.K. . Honors Add. N. 1C. cor. Utb and fflrj ) \/V/VJr DorcH sia , bcuso 6 rooms , clntcru , dtr vrntcrln tiomo. linl'Jl feet on l.'itti , and (7 teeton Dorenai tcnu'M \ cnsb , batnncu monthly parmonts of JKI. A bnrealii. < flq ; ZC\ ( \ South 15th Bt. . 8. K UnuorsAdd. Ka t tjp > , JV/V/ trout , liouko 7 roonn , cistern In kitchen ) anelCEnntliouau ; torius fi.dOOcuib , balauca our or will trnilo for lurm. Ll t your property with C. F. IIARKISON. 413 South ISthStrcot. _ THE RAILWAYT1HE TABLES , : KUUUHIJ.VN Runulngbetwpnn Council Illiitrs nml Albright , lu ndilltlou to the stations mentioned , trains Stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth street J , und at the Summit lu Omaha. Westward , . 1 Knstwnrd. , ( JOU.VUIIi ItljUI''l ' < . CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND U PACU'IO , Lea > e , Arrive , A No.l4 4:00p.m.D : | No.2 8M : n. m. II No. 2 ti.41 p. m , A Ni. 13 , . .lisa ) a , in. O No. 0 0:11 : a. m. ( J No.5 . . .5.45 p , in. A No. 4 . . . :40 : a , m.lA No.3 , . .6 ; J p , m. U Dds Molno4 Accommodation , C Dea Molnus Accommodation. CHICAGO NOHTHWK3TEHN. . ANo.B 0:40 : a.m. A No. . , . , . . . . : . a.m. A No.B 4tiOpm : , A'No.7 ll:80 .in. ANo,4 8:45 : ji , m. A , < JWp.iu. : KANSAS C1TV , S. JOB * COUNCIL UIMVVU , A No.2 9:2. : ' . . m.lA No.3 0 5 a.m. A No. 4 9:10 : p. mA | No. j . . . ,0JO ; p.m. BIOUX virv & PACIFIC. AH No. 10 7:01 a. m.lA No. U KM a m , A No.12 7OOj > .in.A | Ni . . , . . . . : > .tu. OMAHA 4 ; BT. LOUIS. A No.8 3:40 : p.m.A | No.T IhSla.ta , CHICAOO. llUULINaTON k QUINC/ . 1 0 No. 14 CM a.m. ANo. . 6 9tO a m. A No , 4 8J4S a.m. D No. 15 11:15 : am. A No.8 4:00 p.m. A No. 7. . . , . . < iOJ : A Nda 0:40. : p.m. A Nj.3 7:00 p.m. A dally ; n ( fjitSut : C dally except Su& . ; D except M.UO.I ; fat luail ; 'UailUil.