Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Carrier in Any 1'nrtof the City at
Twenty Cent * Per Week. . . _
H.W.TH/roN. . . . . . . MANAOEU.
. . No. 43.
NIOIIT EDiTOM , No , 23.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
New spring Roods nt Keller's.
Six resident * of Sixth nvcnuo left Inst
evening on the 0 o'dock train for Chicago.
H. D. Knight filed a petition in the district
court yesterday morning asking that his son
Eddlo bo sent to the reform school.
The funeral of Clyde Shaw , Into of High
Innd Homo fnrm' ' occurred at So'clock yester
day afternoon. The remains were interred
in Kairview.
The ladles of the Hrondwny M. E. church
entertain n social this evening nt the parlors
of the church. All arc invited and a pleas
ant tlmo Is assured.
Messrs. Cole & Cole nro at work unon a
catamaran , which , when completed , they say
will outsail anything over seen on Lake
Mnnawn. The llycr will bo ready for a trial
trip In nbout ten days.
During the" storm Monday night lightning
killed a cow belonging to Mrs. Baucrketnpcr
who lives near the city. The lightning ap
parently run along n barbed wire fcneo near
which the cow wns lying.
C. J. Swim has fitted up a flrst-clnss
bakery at 213 Main street , and will open the
same on or about Juno 12th. The baker
who wns employed by the linn prior to dis
solution will continue in the employ of Mr.
Swan. Every effort will bo made to meet
the wants of the public.
The young republicans will meet at the
republican hcndnuni , tors to-night to perfect
nn organization which shall do active service
during the coming campaign. Young men
who will cu&t their first presidential vote
this fall are earnestly Invited to turn out and
organize. A llnmbeau nnd drill brigade will
bo features of tluj orga nization.
ThoManawa hotel was closed yesterday
owing to the discontinuance of trams on the
motor line , and all of the help was paid ort
nnd discharged. All attempts to continuo
business at the lake have boon abandoned ,
nnd everything is ns quiet thcro ns during
the winter. The worK of fitting tin the now
athletic park lias been stopped und Mnnawa
at the present time is literally dead. It has
all been brought about by the shortsighted
policy of the Milwaukee officials , nnd the
citizens announce their intention of p.aying
the road in its own coin in the future.
Motor Line Tlmo Table.
Until further notice the Manawa motor
line will leave the Kock Island tracks at 0 , 10
nnd 11 o'clock n. m. ; at 1 , 2. 3 , 4 and 5 o'clock
p. m. nnd at 7 , 8 , 0 and 10 o'clock p. in.
S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money.
Ex-ShcrliT Uccl was In the city yestetdny.
Thomas McOnw , a former resident of this
city , is visiting friends hero.
Dr. and Mrs. Patterson , of Sixth avenue ,
loft last evening for Chicago on a brief trip.
Miss Ella Pennlngton , of Detroit , Mich. , is
visiting her niece , Mrs. J. L. Smith , of this
F. P. Woodworth is absent on a short east
ern trip. He will visit Chicago and Cincin
nati before ho returns.
J. S. Stnndeford has returned from Texas ,
whore ho disposed of several carloads of the
Kuw company's paints.
Ed Kisser , bookkeeper for the Emklo
Hardware company , returned yesterday
morning from Mount 1'le.isuut.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Josselyu rejoice in the
arrival of u little daughter , who camu to
gladden their homo last Tuesday night.
Byron Schclmorhorn , of Hudson , Mich. , Is
stopping for a few days with his uncle , J. C.
Schetiuerhorn , of this city. He is en route
for Colorado.
Mr. F. Pike , of Oakland , was in the city
yesterday. He leaves to-day for u t\vo
months' visit with friends in Now York nnd
other eastern cities.
Henry Spctman , of the Kiel house , has
gone from St. Louis to Memphis , nnd will
probably Journey further southward before
turning his face homeward.
\V. L. Johnson , of the Maxwell Land com
pany Chicago , was in the city yesterday on
business with Mr. Judd , who has opened nn
office hero in the Interests of the company.
J. S. Blauchard has received the anpoint-
mcnt as freight agent of the Omaha & St.
Louis railway in this city. Ho is a popular
young man , well qualified for the place , and
his friends are glad to note his deserved pro
Union Abstract company , 23(5 ( Main street.
Owing to the inconvenience of get
ting to the train , the operation of the
Manawa motor line is hereby discon
tinued. All bills duo from btiid com
pany to bo presented to P. C. Reed at
The Unruly OUCH.
Two drunks , John Leahy nnd George
Slovens , were mulcted to the tune of $7.CO
each in police court yesterday morning. Will
Almy and John McAuloy were arraigned for
disturbing the peace , and their cases wcro
continued. Eight vags were gathered In
from the freight yards In the southern part
of Ihoclty. They had been making Ihelr
homo In n freight car on the "Y" between
the Wabash and Burlington tracks , and the
railroad officials complained of the nuisance.
As the patrol wagon approached one of the
number jumped from the car i nd made a
dash for liberty , but he was caught fast In n
barb wlro fence , and.beforo ho could extri
cate himself Officer Cuslck had him in the
tolls. Chief Lucas1 revolver was thrust into
the car , and the remaining seven tumbled
ever each other in their husto to get into the
"hoodlum carryall. "
They were stored away In the cooler , and
Will bo given an opportunity this morning to
rehearse their pedigrees and explain the cir
cumstances attending their visit to the pro
gressive city.
Aylcsworth At Henderson , houeo mov-
crs and raisers of all kinds , GI5 South
Eighth street , Council Bluifs.
Mrs Fannie Kellogg Backort will re
ceive a limited number of scholars in
vocal culture. Apply at Mueller Music
Cut ItutCH to Chicago.
The Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy
railroad will give cut rates to all who
desire to attend the republican con
vention at Chicago , ono faro for the
round trip. A special tram will run
fortholr accommodation , but the tickets
will bo good on regular trains on and
after Juno 10. Tickets will be on sale
on Juno 14 and from the Kith to 19th in
clusive. Good to return between the
20th and i-'oth. M. M. Marshall , general
Tipton has bargains in real esl.V.c.
City niul Oiunhn.
Commencing Juno 1 , 1SSS , the K. C. , St. Jo
& C. . B. K. U. Co. will run ttmir trains NOB ,
S und 4 between Kansas ( Jity nnd Omuha via
Council Bluffs ami the U. P. bridgo. They
will arrive nnd depart t lie sumo ns heretofore ,
M. M. Mtusiui.i. ,
Cicn'l Agent
The engineers strike for Durlin Bros.
for their groceries , 6SS Broadway , lid
Lloyd will take jour order. Tol. 290.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bcchtcle.
public are hnroliv notified that
the pnrtr.erRhip which has heretofore
existed between C. J. Swan and \V. S.
Robinson , proprietors of the Domestic
bakery at No. OOo Main St. , is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. C.S. Swatt
rollocts all bills and assumes all ! irm
inv.'rrvU since March 29.
C. J. SWAN ,
I- * *
Giving the Citizens a Ohanco to
Show Tholr Entorpriso.
lie AVlilps Ills DnxiRlitcr For Thinking
of SJnrrylnR A Ijlrcly Tussle
With n llurslnr Points
niul Personals.
Testing Men.
Yesterday two sets of committees wore
cnnvnsslnfj to secure the needed subscriptions
to firmly secure two of the most Important
enterprises which the city Is now arranging
for , one Vicing the grand $250,000 hotel , the
other the $100,000 Chautauqun assembly.
One who has not been engaged In the almost
thanltlcss task of Interest ! citizens in w.hat
is really for their Interests cnn not realize the
annoyances nnd discouragements attendant
upon such a cnnvnss. Some of those called
upon realize qulcl ly that this Is a critical
period In the history of Council Bluffs. They
appreciate the fact that unlcs * nil lift , nnd
lift together , and aqcordlng to their Indlvi
dual strength , two at least of the grandest
enterprises ever started In any city will bo
lost. Such realize that Council Bluffs by
gaining these two enterprises alone , In addi
tion to the other enterprises already secured.
Will enter at. orico upon such a growth and
prosperity as was not even dreamed a , few
months ago. Those thus realizing that this
is a vital turning point In the cltys history ,
nro doing their best to have the point tunica
in the direction of success. Such gladly
welcome the committees , nnd some even
hunt up the committees nnd hand in their
The aggravating and dtscoui aging feature
of the work is the inequality In irivlng. To
have a man who has thousands of dollars of
property hero twist nnd wltrglo , squirm and
beg off , and finally decide to think flic mat
ter over , or cls6 refuse outright to give any
thing on account of being hard up , or to at
last sign for ? 50 when ho ought to make it
WOO , is discouraging. Perhaps the next ono
Is some young man , with small Interests
hero , who , with n smile , puts down Sot ) , giv
ing it cheerfully , when In fact he sees no
such chance to get his money back as does
the man who has much real estate. There
are a goodly number of cltirons. who , when
they consider the property which will be ad
vanced by these enterprises , oupltt to hide
their faces In shnmo to have the subscription
lists looked over.
Then there are some who seem to forget
that these committees are putting in their
time , as well ns money , for the general good.
They act as though these gentlemen
wcro asking some personal favor. It
takes indeed a vnriet.v of people
to mnko a city , and the record is nn inter
esting one. If these enterprises nro crippled
or lost by reason of procrastination or stingi
ness of thos'o who are able to help but won't ,
they will perhaps sco their mistake when
they hug their possessions so closely , and
wonder why the city doesn't grow , why no
body wants to buy any of their property.
These subscription lists are moving along
so well that it seems both the hotel and Cliuu-
tauquu will bo secured. But little is now
lacking , and it is not to bo believed this
little will bo allowed to prevent the onward
movement If there is any such failure.which
is hardly deemed possible now , it will be duo
to the f.ict that those who could help have so
discouraged those otherwise willing as to pre
vent them frem giving the finish to enter
prises from wl ch all will reap great Benefit.
The hotgl matter will bo decided once and for
all to-day , nnd it is believed that the success
hoped for will be secured beyond any chance
for a defeat.
Didn't Want a Son-in-Iinw.
A young fellow of about twenty-two years
nppcared at police headquarters yesterday
morning and swore out a warrant lor the ar
rest of James Williams for heating and other
wise abusing and maltreating his daughter.
The story ho told was to the effect that the
daughter , Stella Williams , a girl of sixteen
summers , was engaged to. marry him. but
her father objected , as he wished the girl to
marry someone else and when she announced
her intention of marrying the man of her
choice , the stern parent picked up a "black-
snake" whip and belabored her over the head
and shoulders until her dress was cut in sev
eral places , and the blood llowcd from gashes
in her delicate skin. The girl showed n slit
in the arm of her dress and n cut upon her
fthouldcr , nnd a warrant was issued for the
arrest of the alleged brutal parent.
A BEE reporter , wishing to hear the other
side of the story , visited the homo ofjhe
girl at the corner of Broadway and Sixteenth
street , and asked Mr. Williams what he hud
to say in regard to the matter. The visitor
was asked to scat himself and the father
gave the following account of the affair , and
the circumstances that led to it :
"About a year ago a young man by the
name of Frank Henncss began to go with
my daughter Stella , who at that tlmo was
barely fifteen years of ago. Ho was not the
kind of n fellow to suit tno for a son-in-law ,
ns ho was In the hnblt of running bills that
ho could not pay , nnd was discharged by a
railroad company bccausq bis wages had to
bo garnishccd. My principal objections were
on account of the youth of the girl , as I did
not wish her to have any regular company
until she arrived at a suitable age. How
ever , she was bound to go with him and used
to meet him at the residence of a brother of
lloracss' ' , who lives at the corner of Sixth
avcnuo and Twenty-first street. Finally she
wanted to go there to do housework , but her
mother objected , as it would occasion un
favorable comment among the neighbors.
Seeing that she was deter mined in the mat
ter , I at length told her that if she must go
with the follow , she could have him come to
the house , ns a man ought to , and
not go running about the country after
him. That did not make any difference ,
as ho was probably nfrald to como here.
Things went on in this way until last Sun
day noon , when she told her mother she was
going to call on a young friend of hers , and
would bo back in the evening. She did not
como bock until Monday noon. Her mother
had been out to work , nnd I had to get dinner
for myself and the little ones , after doing my
forenoon's work. She was accompanied oy
Mrs. Ed Hcnness , and each was wheeling a
baby , which wan something she never would
do for her mother. Sbo said she was going
homo with Mrs. Honncss. and I told her she
should do nothing of the kind , and shut the
door and pushed her away from it. She
began to get ready , and I told her tnat she
was n big girl to have to bo punished , but if
she tried to go I should whip her. I pushed
her away from the door again , and
Bho struck at mo and called
to Mrs. Hcnness to como In and help her. I
insist that my children must mind me , and I
plukcdupn whip to punish her. I intended
to strike her around the corset to scare her
more than hurt her , out the lash struck her
on the arm and cut her a littlo. That was
something I did not mean to do and no one
could bo more sorry than 1 was. She loft
the house the next morning and has not been
back since. Honness got out a warrant for
mo and the officer served It , The trial comes
off to-morrow morning , "
The reporter suggested that the pair wcro
probably married , us they had announced
their Intention at the police station of going
to Omaha for that purpose in the afternoon ,
and the father suhl ho would rather have
them do so than live as they had been doing.
A Itattlo With n
Yesterday morning Uichurd Green , living
at 143 Park avcnuo , had a thrilling exper
ience with a burglar. About U o'clock ho
arose and passed into another room to ECO
what tlmo It was. Both rooms are situated
upon the second I'.oor ' , and when he was u | > -
proachlng the clock ho was startled to see a
mun standing near the head of the stairs.
Without Rtopi'ing to consider results he pur
sued the nocturnal visitor , who lied past him
down stairs. Hera Gu-en overtook his
visitor nnd throw him upon the lloor. In the
tusslti the pasolino stove was overturned and
the kin-hen utensils RiiaUere.l about the
roo-ji. The hurried cliasn ar.d fall of the
tlilot awoke tbo pl-l , but she. was slow in
lir.dlng inutcl.8 , and before the fellow could
bo tecurcd ho had slipped from Mr.
Groan's Hind * and lied through ace
co n vcn I out opi'ii window. Mr. Green
Instantly turned It ) u poliui alarm , to which
there W4 * aa Smaedlato response , but the
vl iJi trace I him Uid disappeared.
Ho loft abundant evidence of his visit ns the
following notl ' 0 from Mr. Green will shows
"I had a somewhat hurried interview with
n gentleman in my house about 3 o'clock
Wednesday morninp. During the course of
the rather animated exorcises that ensued ho
left his hat nnd a collar button which 1 shall
bo glad to return If ho will call nnd prove
proparty nnd pay for this notice. "
Hictiuin Gnp.ns ,
142 Park nvcmuc.
In the morning it developed that the house
of Mr. T. E. Cavln , situated near that of Mr.
Green had been entered during the night.
Every room , closet nnd possible hiding place
of valuables was ransacked , with no result
BJIVO general disorder , for nothing of value
taken ,
_ _
A Hnlky KnllronU.
The result of the pig headed obstinacy of
the Milwaukee officials Is now apparent , and
the citizens of Council Bluffs cnn swallow
their disappointment at the new turn affairs
have taken as best they can. Mr. Heed , the
owner of the motor line , has como to the
conclusion that he cnn no longer conduct his
business In the present mr.nner , and yester
day gave orders to discontinue nil trains.
over Jho
warrant the cxptnso 01 running it , TPTtho
majority of the citizens are opposed to walk
ing to the Milwaukee crossing to board the
motor ears. All of the other roads have
signed contracts to allow the road to cross ,
but the Milwaukee ofllrlals positively re
fused to sign such n contract nt the others
had signed , and that company alone is
responsible for the nction of Manager Kced.
It Is freely Intlnmtcd that a few scheming
citizens who desire to get possession of the
motor line arc at the bottom of the matter ,
and are endeavoring to secure that end
through the successful use of the railroad
company ns a eat's paw. Mr. Keed says ho
has lost money In trying to run the road
under the present circumstances , nnd will
not continue to do so. He is positive that the
line would pay if the cars could bo run to
E. II. Shcnfo loans money on chnttol
security oNjvcry description. PrSvnto
consulting : rooms. AH business strictly
confidential. Ol'lco 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , np-stivirs.
Buy mnntols , grates nnd hearth fur
nishings of the New York plumbing Co.
FIICRIUI Women Iluncliinc a Certain
AUC Arc llonstcd nnd Eaton.
Profs. Lee nnd Town send are both
more than ordinarily successful as nina-
tour photographers , suys the San Fran
cisco Examiner. They have brought
back a line collection of photographs of
interesting places , people ami situa
tions , some of which are reproduced
hero. By far the most interesting pic
tures are those taken off the coast of
Terra del Fucgo , the inhabitants of
which are next to the lowest typo of
the human race known.
Prof. Leo , by the way , ascribes a dif
ferent origin to the name of the land
than is given in the geographies that
wcro studied in the schools. These
text books said that the number of vol
canoes about gave the country its for
bidding name , but the professor says
that there are no volcanoes anywhere
about there. The natives of the country
live in long bark canoes , in the center
of which a fire is always burning.
When to kindloa fire meant to rub two
sticks together until thojs started to
burn , the savages wore careful not to
lot their iires go out , and the custom
survives. The name comes from the
ever-burning lircs.
The natives have learned the use of
matches and tobacco , and these commo
dities command a high price in Terra
del Fucgo , even though there is no
protective tariff there. A sheep or a
baby is considered a fair equivalent for
a plug of tobacco or a bunch of matches.
If the choice of the price is given the
native he will always give the baby , as
there is a much greater demand for
sheep than for young Fuogans.
It was reported that in one of the cop
per tanks , among the strange fislics , a
good specimen of the Fuegan baby was
comfortably tucked away in alcohol , but
the scientists would not admit this.
The Fuogans are not a warlike race ,
though they are very skilful with their
primitive bows and arrows. The arrows
are not featured , and the barb consists
of a triangular piece o glass ground
Though the Fuegans are very low in
the human scale , they are careful not
to ollend the eves of strangers. An ex
plorer approaching a boat sees only the
best-looking squaw of the party. She
handles a paddle at the stern and steers
the boat. Her less comely sister there
are always two families on a boat---is
hidden ignominiously under the scat.
There are no old women in Terra del
Fucgo. Lest this should cause an ex
odus from the civilized world , it would
perhaps bo best to explain why. When
a woman gets to the right ago , about
forty-five , she is considered to have
done her duty. With apprapriato cere
monies , therefore , she is either lanced
or strangled , and the family larder is
replenished with her roasted remains.
The women , when they see the time
of sacrifice approaching1 , hover attempt
to escape it. They regard it as about
almost as a settled fact that the wind
should blow , and never trouble them
selves about it.
The Fuccans nro not cannibals fur
ther than this. They never eat chil
dren , young women or men.
The Chinese Stage.
In the first place.says a writer in The
Chicago Herald , it is no easy matter to
determine who of these upon the stage
are supposed to bo visible and who are
not. There are men dressed like ordi
nary coolies whoso duty it is , flitting
hither and thither , to place chairs or
properties and to remove them , to
change the largo labels hanging on the
walls which announce "This is a wood"
or "This is a palace , " to arrange a sot
of curtains , wnon required , on bamboo
rods , which drop into bockcts at the
back of the chairs , whereby a window
is indicatedor a bed or doorway. These
servants are conventionally understood
to be invisible.
It being conceded that there is no attempt -
tempt at actual illusion and that a
heavy tax is to bo placed upon the im
aginative faculties , one is tempted to
wonder why special costumes bhould not
also bo dispensed with. Where are wo
to draw the lino'i1 If a label is to do in
stead of sccnorywhy should uota ticket
hanging from n button announce that
the wearer is a prince , minister or
simple citizen' {
The Chinese carry the principle of
convention bewilderingly far. A sot
code of attitudes and movements are un
derstood by a pigtailed audience to in
dicate certain things. Thus the raising
of ono log and a half turn ( vaguely bug-
gohting the act of getting into the sad
dle ) , implies that the character is on
homobaek ; a crescendo of gong beating
and a quick walk around the stage in
forms the spectators that the performers
have moved to another place what
place is told on the changed label on the
wall.As there is no curtan , consequently
there is no acta ; performers come in
and out of the two doors the thread of
the htory never broken until their work
is ( limited. There is no attempt at
grouping or artistic deposition of the
characters , for there are always many
on the stage that have nothing to do
with the play.
To a stranger it is 'difficult to tell
who ib engaged in the action and who
ia not. for the stage being low and un-
iiu-umbpred by scenery , the occupants
of the front seats arc constantly cliinb-
Largest Stock , 1 METCALF BROTHERS. Furnishing Goods ,
Lowest Prices , . Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto.\
F , RQHRER , 2S'Wllllrun ,
2S'WllllrunDuller . la < ffardtnan , Everett < 0 fisher
avumv. ca.3ift.crantjr REAL ESTATE
MUTUAUUFK IKfl. CO. N w Tom. Main SU Council . UKinV
1814 St. M r ' A 7.
Srx x
Largest Capital and Surplua CITIZENS STATE BANKf Your Patronage
of Any tionk in the city , * Is Solicited. ' "
ore'sm .Abstracts Title
Santa Rosai. *
No. 8. Pearl St
5 , - - - * , . . , sr , . . '
11 " TjMSih. 8t
ETC. h OBBEK.S OF j , . ICXJIjI'Xm .Ij Ilvdl 'IjB CEtTarS. '
- I H
Manufacturer of Fine Cariiagcs and Buggies.
I have always a full stock to select from.
Call and examine. Prices Low.
ing up and down , sauntering at the sides
or into the dressing room ,
conversing with actors or talk
ing with musicians , it is therefore
nccesbary , without interfering moro
than is needful with the freedom of the
promonaders , to place janitors at either
door to keep them clear for entrances
nnd xits. A casual buzz or talk does
not interfere with the performance , as
the performers always yell and shout.
There being no wings , it is not possi
ble for rows of lamps to bo concealed.
The Japanese , therefore , boldly accept
the drawback as inevitable , and since
there cnn be no illusion rather make
the most of it than otherwise.
Five or six ordinary kerosene lamps
hang a long.tho top where a proscenium
ought to bo , glimmering like lirollics
along the edges of the stage below are
two or three standards , and of station
ery illumination that is all.
The back cloth or scene is , ns a nat
ural consequence , in partial obscurity ,
and so would the'pojformurs ' bo were
they not specially provided. They
carry their lightswith them.
Just as the star actor is supplied with
light from the winus of Hies by means
of the lime lightb'o is the Chinese and
Japanese premier-subject followed by
a candle. Preposterous and funny a'n it
may seem , close to-tlio hero or heroine
there crouches on ! the boards , clad in
the ordinary dress of the streets ,
an attendant who grasps a red
lacquered stick ; some six feet
long , like a iishing rod , at the end of
which , stuck in sconce , is a candle and
a common every day candle at that ; an
evil smelling , guttering tiling with a
paper wick , which constantly needs
snulling , and supplies as much light as
a glow-worm.
This ho holds up to illuminate ( ? ) the
actor's features , and should the latter
stride rapidly across the fatago his "gas
man" follows at his heels holding the
candle at a convenient distance.
True to the Chinese custom this per
son is convcntinlly invisible ( or sup
posed to bo ) , and his presence and un
gainly movements in nowise shock the
audience. When the light of his
master's life expires the dutiful link
boy extinguishes his "illuminator" and
departs , as the business of both is over.
In a scene of great movement it is in
expressibly comic to hce four or five ex
cited personages strutting across the
stage in an excited manner , each fol
lowed by his "boy , llshing rod and can
dle , " and it is a common thing to see
them collide with one another and ex
tinguish "his" light. Nor is this all.
The actor's dresser likewise appears
with him ; invisible , of coin-be , and it
is his duty to rearrange the attire of the
actor should it become disarranged.
Mtinimiog Made to Order.
A gentleman who has just returned
from an extended foreign tour was
abked recently why ho had not brought
iiomo from Egypt , among other curios ,
a mummy. He said ttiero was a great
deal of fraud in the mummy business.
Persons purchasing niummiuH , of course ,
like to got them as well preserved and
natural-looking as nossiblc , and as those
found are generally in a moro or less
dilapidated condition , vendors have en
gaged in the business of manufacturing
bogus mummies. They bargain with
tramps , beggars and such people for
their defunct carcasses , paying tnerofor
a sum buliicient to make their remain
ing days short and sweet. These follows
are preserved and pickled nnd then
smoked till they are good imitations of
the genuine mummy. Whole rows of
thcbo articles can bo seen in smoke
houses at onco. When sufliciontly dry
they are wrapped in mummy cloth and
sold , to Americans chiolly , bringing a
high price.
, Pound ,
To Loan , For Bole. To Hent , Wants , Hoarding
etc. , will be innerted in thin column at the low
rate of T15N CENTS I'EU LINK for the first In
sertion and Five Cents 1'er Uno for each subse
quent Insertion , Leave advertisements at our
olllee , No , K I'carl Btrcet , near Uroadway , Coun
cil Hlulls
WANTED Apprentice nt dress making. No.
lit l > carl st.
"IJO'OMB for rent. 71tf Fourth street.
WAN'JT.O A place to euro for horses , milk
and do other work in private family , J.I- ,
Ilee ollice , Council llluirs.
HENT T o farms In Colfux Co. , Ni-b.
FOR land near railroad. Terms eahy. Ad-
Urt-bs Jolmiou If Van 1'ittten , Council HlulfH.
T7WH BALK A K ° ° (1 ( ! complete bakery. 71J
J3 HroadttoY. Fred AimerJa.
WILL buy Koodsecond-hand furniture , btoves
I und cur.ats ; will pay full cush value , A. J.
Mandel , IC3 Hroadway.
ANTUD-A ilrst-cluss cook at the Creston
W house.
T7\01l BALK At a bargain. 40 acres near block
J } yards , South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson Ic
Christian , Hoom IB , Chamber of Commerce ,
\JI7ANTED Htocks ot merchandise. I lav *
> > Omaha and Council Hlulls city property ,
alto western land to exchange for good * . C.UI
on or address Johnson & Christian , Jloom U5 ,
Chamber of Commerce. Omaha.
3xxc o : tsr E "sr
You can get It In any amount , on either bhort
or long tlmo , on chattel or real tttato security.
Has real estate of all kind * . Call on or addruss
L. U. Crafts , 03 Uroadway , Council UluBu ,
XOH. a7 to ! m Fourth Street.
Instructor of Music ,
No. 114 Statesman street , Council HlulTs , and
Mclnbcrg'H Music Store , Dodge street , Onmhu.
Rig lot of Yellow Jersey and Jinnsninonrt
Grower and Denier In
Vegetables , Vegetable Plants , Fruits , Etc ,
Council UtiilTs.
OGDEN - : - BOILER - : - WORKS ,
UAUTElt & SON , Prop's.
Mil Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work.
Orders by mail for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. lUth Avenue. Ad
dress Ogden Holler Works. Council liUiffs.Iowa.
M. B. SNYDEB , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of "Women and Children ,
3W llroafiway. Council Illulfa.
COODroadway Council Uluffs , Iowa. Established
The Morris Type Writer is a practical , well
made and finely hnlitlied machine , and combines
the perfect lettering , i-xatt ulllKninent , anil
rapid wrltlnK of a high priced writer. The I.UI-
KON MlMiOlHAl'II. : ( the best apparatus made
for manifolding autographic and typo writer
work ; a.UU copies can be taken. T Vl'K W ItlTKlt
supplies for sale , Bend for circulars. The Kx-
ceMor Co. , Council lllulis , la.
Mention this paper.
c o : E c
II. ( JKAUL , Manufacturer.
NO. 101 1) ) . llItOAUWAY.
D. H , McDANELD & CD , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
Returns ,
& ) and 22 Mala Street , Council I
I nlwiiys keen in stock a Inr-fro vnrioty of eastern
mtiko Cnrrinpes , whiclj 1 soil nta very low rato. I
I inn always rciulv to show poona.
M. MARCUS , 546 & 548 BROADWAY.
KTJSSBLZj < 35 CO. ,
SIZES FROM ij , J fmEspccla"y Adart ° a * "
25 TO 300 Ij MiMl ELECTRIC
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications nnd estimates furnished for complete steam plants. ItcjrnlaUon , Durability Guar
anteed. Can show letters from users where fuel Economy is oiunt with Corliss Non-Condensing.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Wrought and Cast I nilII IflUlH FOR
\BuiUUngs \ , Automatic f II fl I ILj I" O Highest Economy ,
Repairs. Ncw&Sdlland LilUlllLO Simplicity and Durability *
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council Bluffsja. Telephone 1 0.
Gall on HI. DKOIILICII , 5I8 ! Broadway , where you will receive
tlio HighCHt Cash Price.
1014 DOUGLAS Sr. , 04I/U1A , NED
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Uroadway , Council UlulTs , Upp. Dummy Depot
norecs and mules constantly on band , for
sale at ret/ill or In car load lots. . ,
Orders promptly tilled by contract on short
Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. BUHLUTBIl A IIOI.KV.
Opposite Dummy DepoV Council ItlutTs
1'I.UMUf K AND llEAI.fll IN
A Full Assortment of Harness ( loads Con *
Bluntly on Hand.
Impairing Ncntly and Promptly Done.
NO. 203 MAIN ST. ,
Main at. , Council JUtt/fa
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Eecap
and Electric Call Dells.
Accommodations First
Hates Always Reasonable
MAX MO f Iff , -
MOUNTS r < m (
r-IHI'AI.MIH I * ?
) TIIK CCLKfillitSUl .
NO. 211 imOAOWAY.