Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    ; THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; jHOTt8DAY. ? JUNE 14 , 1883. 5
Bwlno of tlio State bio Under the
Doctor'o Proboscis.
trfiffclfAJty ftectfS nn
The Knllroftfl As 6 H-
neht top 1888Tho I'rtrSB
, j
1020 p y
LINCOLN , Juno 13. ]
$ hO boat-d of ftpehtS bf ln < J state unlvcr-
eily con 1 1 fnlcd their bfasincss session to-day.
Tfirj rrtcirntng hoofs were gtrori oVcf to lh&
j-oddltiR of reports that Were rbfcrlfeti td nl-
pr6ttrinU committees. To-tnortdvr th6y will
cottr ) before the Mount for action and some < } f
tlrcia will bo dlscilsSed In in fhlireitlngr
ihtmnor. The report of the building com-
inltteo on tlio now schrfoi building
\vt * cno that reflect * no credit on the Work
thus far ddno. It shorted that no cdihfitoto
plans Imd been receded AMI flotwltlistofidlrtg
tlila frtct worlt 6rt tfiO foundation had been
enfrlod on , hnd dafthlliig td thd report , dond
In a Vcfy poor ninnnor , somd ol it having to
bd pond dvm- mlmWai' of tiinos. Tlio report
from the agricultural farni wns such ns
might bo expcctrd froifi thnt dycsoro to" the
institution , The agricultural farm and the
work upon It has always Jiccn n great ox-
jicnso and no results of any character hnvo
been received. The present professor of
agriculture , after having flvo students for
the past year and none of thorn to gpoak a
good word forthofiu > nitha.t resigned. Several
thousand dollars expense might bo obliter
ated with no harm if the institu
tion Wa § discontinued. When the
report of the f nrm was being read ono of the
rcgenU leaned back wcurlly and said that ho
never took nny satisfaction In listening to a
report from the farm , Tlio report stated
that ouc-half the hogs on thaplnca had dlcU
Of the swine plague. Dr. Hillings recently
asked ono of the regents to secure him sev
eral hundred gophers with which ho could
oialio experiments. A gentleman remarked
When ho heard of it that ho thought n good
opening for < Dr. Uillings and his experiments
could bo found at a prairie dog town in tin :
far western part of Nebraska. If there Is to
bo an exception in the faculty , as has been
Oftlraos p rod Ic ted , it 1ms not yet come. As
prior meetings have demonstrated the
Creator part of ihe professors are after the
chancellor , impelled , it is said , with the idea
that each or nny of thorn could better fill the
tiositlon. It Is currently rumored , nnd THE
IKE has It from ono of the regents , that ono
or inoro of the professors influenced the sen
ior * in the school and grounded
them to remain away from the meeting when
the baccalaureate was delivered in order to
snub the chancellor. This , it is stated , will
"bo rigidly examined into. It is a fair oxom-
Slo of the methods some of the professors in-
ulgo In to show their spite work. It is also
Bald that Ucgcnt Ocro , in his animosity to
the chancellor , endorses thcso actions. Al
together the prospects are that the present
mission of the regents will bo illlcd with in
The state board of equalization thnt has
the work of assessing the railroads in the
state has completed its work. Tlio assess- ,
jucnt is very nearly tho.samo us last year ,
with Iho exception that the tnilcaga is
largely increased. The following M * the
statement , showing the number of miles , the
assessed valuation per tnllo , and tlio total
assessed valuation of railroads in the state
as determined by the board :
NAMR OP No. of
„ „
MlTo.Total -
31. & M ini .01 oo $2,2M.aoo oo
O.fcS. W 4(1.KJ ( 0,700 00 nil.CJl 00
Nebraska irt.40 : M4' > 00 742,69 } 00
ICY M3.ll fi.88T , 00 n,3llvn ! ; IK )
A. AN 1117.78 6.776 00 E2,4S BO
i&x. vr. . . . . . . . 73.0S 4.KO 00 : KO,78I 00
N. & c i'Kt.71 4.7RO ( W 2,045,872 SO
C. , N. &K B.1M 3WO 00 la HQ 00
u.r. 467.20 J1.440 00 r.34i'M 00
0.4H. V. 401is r > , ono oo 2oairoo oo
K.C.irO 4.100 00 7W.120 00
Xoii ) , ao 70
Kt. J.&O..R TsX ( 00 034.480 00
8.0.11 r > ,800 oo 1R8.310 00
P. , 13. 4M. V. . . . . . . 4,7W 00 4JS.\C17 ! 00
C. , St. P. . 31. & 0. . . 4,810 00 1,1(12,132 ( 40
C. 1C. &N 4.10000 6ST.7K ) OJ
31. V. . K. &S. W. . . s.iino oo oo 4,20)00 ] ,132S14 ( fW
O.A.-N. I' G.&U ) 00
l.ilJ. H 4.10000 671,212 00
31 A ; ] j i [ unoperat'd 3.000 00 CI.270 00
O. &K 3.BCOOO ao8.rar oo
Tactile Hall war 3,500 (10 ( 249.235 03
Total. 128,674.431 00
The midaumnicr rncoting of the Kobroska
Press association will bo hold tit the Crete
CliRUtauqua assembly grounds Thursday ,
July B , 1838 , nt the Press association buihl-
ing on the grounds. In the ufternoon nt 'J p.
in. it Is expected that Hon. J. S. Clurksou ,
editor of the DCS Moincs Register , will he
present and address the association. In the
evening : a business session will bo hold , com-
'monciuR at7p. m. Tbo ] iroTuinino for the
ovcnliiRsession will be :
Admission of members nnd miscellaneous
Election of flvo delegates to the National
Editorial association that meets at San An
tonio. Tax. , in November.
The committee appointed at the annual
mi-cling in January on legislation will report
und a plan of campaign -will be adopted ,
Tha report of the legislative committee will
bo us follows :
"Tlio Publication of State Laws , " by
P. Marvlu , of the IScatrlco Demo
vrut."The Publication of Commissioners' and
Supervisors' Proceedings uud the Proceed
ings of City Councils and Town Boards , " by
Ross it. Hammond , of the Fremont Tribune.
"Cinftslficntion and Uilllc\tlrm of Lofral
JtiitfH for PrintluK , " by Joiuca Kwing , of too
NVooil Kivor Gazotto.
Vivo mlnuto talks on the following : topics :
"AdvortisiuB Space nnd Its Worth,11 J. A.
MovMurphy , of the South Omaha Hoof and
"Cash In Advance , " J. II. UoUor , of the
( toward Rludo.
"Cut Throat Competitors , " T. II. Plckott ,
of the llloommpton Ouurd.
"IJt'-od Head AilvortiainiT , " Iloss L. Hum-
mend , of tuo Fremont Tribune.
"Foreign 'AdvortlslniV'E.'WliUcomb.of ' the
Frlond Tolccrnph.
"Tho Political Candidate and the Press , "
M. A. Hrown , of the Ueatrlco Kxprcss.
"Incrcashih' Subscriptions , " C. F. Koycoof
the Hustings Garotte-Journal.
The trains arrive at the assembly grounds
from all directions prior to 2 p. in , , and at
1 : ! ' . ( ) at night depart east , south and west. It
is desirous that a largo attendance bo se
cured us irajMirtunt pluns relative to needed
legislation will ho adopted and endorsed for
cumuaiirn worlc in the election of member * to
the IcKislaturo. No plaro for more enjoyment
iu the mldsuuimar days cun bo found than
thu Chuutauqua assembly grounds at Croto.
Lot us hnvo the largest guthurluu in the his
tory of the association.
Secretary. President.
Who Is tliero or great or wealthy ,
Huft of the tenth once wbltu and healthy
That would not exchange right gladly
Pelf for teeth ho nocd.i so sadly )
Use SOZOUONT in time , yo slnnora
If you'd umticato your dinners 1
Tlio Dauijlitor Denies tlio 8 tory of the
A young lady of very preix > ssoMing appearance
poaranco called at TUB UKE offlce ycsterdaj
and tatod that she was the ir.arriei
daughter of William Piukett who with a mat
named Quintan flgurcd ia a jwlica court trla
Tussduy , inontlou of which was madoii
TUB BBR , The young lady
stated that Iho difficulty gi-cw out of a row
between Qulnlnn and her mother relative to
some money which ho had paid for board , o
which amount a few dollar * was duo
him. She relates that her mother is n vcr >
rcspcctublo lady and is not wont to sit on
gentleman boarders' Inpj , ana that eho was
pn-teut In tha room durmg the time Qululan
and bor mother \vvro together. The didculty
jctwccn Pickctt nnd Outnlan , she says , wai
fiitroly the result of (4 orunkfcn quarrel oter
he board rnonoy mentioned. Regarding thft
estlmdny In the police court , the young
wttriftn s ld thftt Qillhlafi wa cither drunken
on the witness stand and did not know what
bo was talking abont , 6r maliciously lied.
LOST "I don't know wjicrc , I can't
icll whori , I don't sco how something
of Croat value to mo , nnd { of the return
> f which I shall bo truly thankful , viz. :
i fr'6od ajYpollloi"
FOUND "Health and strength , pure
jloo'd , An Kpp llto Hko thnt 01 a wolf ,
r'ogfulftr tlipcBtf6n all by taking Hmt
ropulaf And peculiar Tn6dictno , HoWd'a
JArmpArilU. I wAnt everybody to try
it this tfeitotfn. " It i * sold by All Mug-
Ono hundred doses ono dollar.
HIT IN Tiiro
A It , A At. EnRlncPr Strnok With ft
riccoorc ni
At9:5JTuMd'aJr : ( night , wnt\o \ M..G. tayloi1 ,
engineer on H. A ; i ! . locomotive 183 was rnn
nlng Ills engfno south of the Eleventh 4tr6ot
viaduct and paVdllcl to tlio tracks of the
Union Pacific , hd was struck by a plccb 6f
coal and a largo Sired stone whloa ho alleges
W&s thrown from UnloR Pacific onglno No.
1157 ( which wns standing on the track oppo
site at the time he wns passing. The piece
of coal hit Him In the ribs , inflicting a very
serious . .bruisevhllo the stone narrowly
missed hitting him on the head. Tlio case
will IMS reported at Union Paciflo hcadquar-
tcrs" .
Whether Iri the Pnlaco of Pure Do-
ilght described by the dastern romnu-
cor , they put flavor in their pies , jel
lied , puddings , custards , etc. , in not
stated. Probably they did. But neither
Iho Orient , Europe or the United States
Iwva over produced an tirtlelo fitly rivalIng -
Ing the delicacy of flavor and purity of
EXTRACTS the bottles of which con
tain more than others. Lotifir ago the
first In general estimation and deserv
edly so. Grocers everywhere sell
Ttnilrnnd News.
The train containing the California , Mon-
ana , Idaho aud Oregon delegates to the re-
mbllcan convention will arrive In Omaha on
Friday at 4 p. m. via the Union Paciflc ,
thence to Chicago via the Chicago , Burling
ton it Qulncy. The tram- will consist of
eight sleeping coaches , two dining cars and
a baggage cur , and is , in truth , a 13. & M.
train. A telegram received at the general
> as8engor agent's oillco of the B. & M. from
W. D. Snnborn , the C. , B. & Q. agent at San
Francisco , yesterday , stated that the
.rain was ono of the handsomest that ever
crossed the continent. Mr. Sanborn said
that they left Salt Lake City Tuesday night
and that as they had all bathed in the waters at
Garfleld Beach ho would guarantee the
j > arty for cleanliness.
When the train arrive * hare the B. & M.
oOlcials will.nt once proceed to decorate in a
most elaborate manner.
The B. & M. yesterday issued a circular
announcing a rate of QUO faro for the round
trip from points in Nebraska to Crete and
return on Juno 30th , at which tlrno Uov. T.
Do Witt Talmago will speak. It is stated
that on this occasion the amount of passenger
travel will at least bo doubled.
The Kansas-Nebraska association held a
meeting in General Ticket Agent Francis'
office yesterday. As is usual on such
occasions the doors were hermetically scaled
nnd'thc only knowledge of the proceedings is
a list of the gentlemen present. They are as
follows : Mr. Francis , of the B. & M. ;
Scott , Union Paciflc ; Milligon , St. Joseph &
Grand Island ; Briggs , Chicago , St.-Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha ; Culdwcll , Missouri
Pacillc , undDubach , of the Atchison , Topeka
& Santa Fe. The latter Li secretary of the
The Omaha flyer on the 13. & M. Tues
day , from the west , due hero at 3:30 : , did not
arrive until 7:45 and as a consequence
quence a largo number of east bound nasson-
gors wore delayed. It was stated tnat the
delay was occasioned by a washout , of a
bridge , but a Bp.n man learned from several
of the passengers that the delay was caused
by a bridge that had beou burned. It was a
small structure over Brush Creek , about
eighty-five miles this side of Denver.
The train reached the scene about midnight
and lay there until next morning at 5:15 :
o'clock , when the structure was rebuilt.
There seems to bo no doubt that the bridge
was burned with malicious intcntaud shortly
bi'foro the arrival of the Kansas
City "cannon ball , " which reached
the place before the Flyor. The bridge
was over a stream about sixteen feet wide ,
but was approached by a high and long , tres
tle , which was not In nny w.iy injured. The
lire could not have caught from an engine
coal , because no train had boon over the
track for some hours ; neither could it have
started from a prairie fire , because the grass
around was uninjurod. The miscreants who
committed the deed will bo huntotl for.
IIosfuMl'a Acid IMioanlmto.
Ill KfTcctn or Tobacco
relieved by Us use.
Public Works.
No Dids having been received for the old
curbing and guttering on Dodge street be
tween Sixteenth and Twentieth streets ,
Chairman Bulcoinbo has ordered the mate
rial to bo put away for future use. Nobody
seems to want It , and it is quite likely thnt it
will bo disposed of eventually for a song ,
like the Jefferson square fence , which cost
30 to bo torn down aud was then sold for
? 15.
The first contract of thoJJarbor Asphnltum
company with the city for the keeping of
Douglas street in repairs for live years has
] nst expired. The guarantee on the part of
the snmo company aud for the same purpose ,
ou Sixteenth street will expire on
the 18th of this month. The
amount of pavement on both those
streets is 37-iOO square yards. Hereafter
these streets must bo kept m repair at the
expense of the city. This may bo done by
the latter purchasing the plant of the Bar
ber company , establishing ono of its own or
paying for usphaltum at the rate of 10 cents
per yard. Some of the contracts on the
ether usphultum streets will expire every
year henceforth.
The contracts for repairing the ether pave
ments run for ouo year only ; those of them
expiring this year are as follows :
Fourteenth from Leavemvorth to Mnrcy ,
Juno 13 ; Loavenworth , Eighth to Tenth ,
May 3 ; Mason , Tenth tw Eleventh , July 3D ;
Tenth , Capitol avenue to Davenport , July
30 ; Tenth , Jackson to Pieroo , December- . ! .
The amount of paving in these streets is
20,00 .5 squuro yards.
Davenport , Eighteenth to Twenty-second ,
Juno 11 ; Tenth , Center to Martha , June B ;
Furnam , Twenty-ninth to Thirty-sixth , July
30 : Cumlng , Thirty-second to Tnirty-aixth ,
July' ) ; Sixteenth , Howard to Vinton , Sep
tember 80 ; Fifteenth , Davenport to Web
ster , December 23 ; Hartley , Fifteenth to
Sixteenth , October 'J4 ; Chicago , Sixteenth to
Twentieth , Juno 11 ; California. Sixteenth to
Twonty-souond , September 24 ; Cass , Six
teenth to Twenty-second , October 34. On
thcao ttrceU there are over 100,000 square
yards of pavement.
Dodge ( treot to-day was fairly alive wiUi
sidewalk builders , there being throe or four
gangs at work in every block. The rapidity
with which permanent walks are being laid
is unprecedented , and will cover the business
district before the close of the season. John
Grunt , the ilagolithin man , Is making a for
tune , having about sixty men at work.
MothorM Head.
The proprietors of SANTA ABIE
huvo authorized Goodman Drug Co. ,
to refund your money if , after giving
this California King of Cough Cures a
fair trial as directed , it fails to give sat
isfaction for the euro of Coughs , Croup ,
Whooping Cough nnd all throat and
Lung troubles. When the disease
utTocU the head , and assumes the form
of Catarrh , nothing is BO effective as
preparations are without equals as
household remedies. Sold at $1.00 n
package. Three for $2.50.
tinltcd States Cotirfc ,
Justice Miller yesterday passed upon
the motion argued eotttts dayd ftgo In the
tfnllc"d Stat6s cb'urf to remand the cases of
Culver , Green , Edwards , Sharkoy and
Knotto against ttto Chicago , Burlington fc
Qulncy rallrdad cotapanjr for personal Injury
to the state courts. Ho hold that the cases
must bo tried la this court , as they Involve
fedferal questions. The caSes were brought
( ot'hN court from Lanca'stcr county by the
defendants on the ground of local profu-
dido.Tho case of Cfh'aflcS P. KoHogf ? & do.
Rgainil Thdmns Mitchell and others that
Was on trtol Tuesday afternoon before Jadgo
Dnnay still occupied hls'attcntlon yesterdiiy.
The plalntifTs In the case are
wHdWsaro mdrchants of Chicago. The de-
fendanti worffinth'd m'cVcAntllo bufoTo < * s In
Tipton , Ia. | d'nd w6r6 customers of the CUI-
caoflrm. ( The suit 1 * brought to collect n
book account of f 1,625. ,
Thtfcaso waaRlVcrlto th'O Jury at 5 Idle
hour yesterday nft < frn'oo\i.
blatrlct Court.
The ladles of the Woman's Christian asso
ciation were ia court again yesterday dx-
IHJcimgtq figure In the application to have
llttlo Eddella Ericltson sent to the reform
school. Jndgo Grott was somewhat amazed
when a coarse-looking female walked up be
hind the bench and was about to address
him privately upon the disposition of the
girl. The court ordered the bailiff to take
the woman outsldo of the bar railing , and
sent the county attorney to see who she was
and what she wanted. Her name Is Nellie
Lawn , and aho stated \o Mr , Slmcral , as she
showed him the item in TUB BKB
about Eddclia , that she cfimo to court
in behalf , of Mrs. Duncan , mother
of the child , to enter her protest
against sending the child to tlio reform
school. Tlio girl is out at Mr. Vaudorcook's
farm now , and is getting along very nicely.
The court sent a deputy after her yesterday
to bring her into court , but she has been ill ,
and it was considered best to leave her there
for a few days. It is out of the regular or
der of proceoduro to allow any person await
ing trial to bo scat Into the country in this
way , but owing to the fact thnt she Is a child
only twelve years old , and there being no de
cent place to keep her in Jail , the court al
lowed her to be taken there for safe uud
healthful keeping. Ho Is disposed to leave
her there as long as she is well aud contented
rather than bring her buck to the city even
for trial. The court ordered the case con
tinued without Betting any time for a hearing
of it.
The ladles who nro prosecuting the case are
sincere in their work , and are following this they think , fortbo child's good.
They stiy that Airs. Duncan , hot mother , is
anxious ono day to have her sent to the re
form school , while the next day she opposes
it and wants her child returned to her. Some
very hard stories are told about the child ,
oven when she was in Jail with Dora Har
mon , who was sent to the reform school some
days ago. The ladles who have brought the
case to this point will do everything in their
power to prevent the child from being re
turned to her mother to become a companion
of Nellie Lawn.
John Evans , convicted of burglary , Joseph
Roberts , assault with intent to commit rape ,
Peter Burgo , stabbing with intent to kill ,
Charles Anderson , "horse stealing , and W. C.
Johnson , crime against nature , will be
brought before Judge Grofl this morning
and sentenced.
Judge Hopowell yesterday granted a re
straining order against the Union Pacific
railroad upon application of James Cassidy ,
preventing the company from paying out
M7.50 of his salary of $ SO garnisheed by J.
L. Andrews. The hearing in the case is set
for Monday noxt.
A number of legal cases docketed for yes
terday were continued by the consent of the
court and the warring parties.
John J. Stock yesterday secured a judg
ment in the sum of WOO ngainst W. H. Mot-
tor , nnd the action of J. Warren Allen
against the West Davenport Furniture com
pany was dismissed for want of prosecution.
The suit of George P. Bemis against P. E.
Her to settle the ownership of disputed land
in the southern part of the city is in progress
before Judge Hopowell.
County Court.
Sophia Louisa Clayes filed n petition yester
day morning to enter for probate the will of
George Clayes , her husuand. of Bedford ,
province of Quebec.
Henry Pundt has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Christian Sautlor , de
Thomas Leo began suit against James
R. Itarnaclo and George H. Jones ,
who have the contract for laying gas mains
on Lnko street , for $1,000 damages. Plaintiff
sots forth in his petition that they left
an open trench unguarded and that ho fell
into it , had throe ribs broken and sustained
other injuries for which he asks the above
A petition wns filed yesterday for the ap
pointment of Henry Pundt as administrator
of Christian Sautter , deceased.
Judge Shields yesterday rendered a Judg
ment ngainst Mrs. Elizabeth D.ivis , amount
ing to $37li.'J7 , in favor of the John Dirks
Manufacturing company.
A Pleasure Shared by Women Only.
Malhorbo , the gifted French author ,
declared that of all things man pos
sesses , women alone takes pleasure in
being possessed. This seems generally
true of the sweeter sex. Like the ivy
plant , she longs for an object to cling
to and love to look to for protection.
This being her prerogative , ought she
not to bo told that Dr. Piorce's Favor *
ito Prescription is the physical salva
tion of her BOX ? It banishes these dit -
tres3ing maladies thnt made her lifo a
'burden , curing all painful irregulari
ties , uterine disorders , inflammation
and ulcenition , prolapsus and kindred
weaknesses. As a norvino it euros ex
haustion , prostration , debility , relieves
mental anxiety nnd hypohondria , and
promotes refreshing sleep.
s puoonisss.
The AVork the Grlppcra are Doing for
the People.
The cable company have put In all their
crossngs , with the exception of that at
Twentieth and Cass streets , on which a
largo lorco of men was put at
work to-day. The old wheel which
is the termination of the Twentieth-
street line , will bavo to bo taken
out to allow the cable to be extended to
Lake street terminus. This cable ia 38,500
foot long , and has not yet arrived , though It
is expected every day. When it comes
the present cable will be taken out and
stored away In the cellar of the power house
to supply emergencies. Ihe removal of the
wheel and the extending ol the now cable
will require several days' work and necessi
tate the stopping for the time of the Dodge-
Twentieth streetcars.
Tlio company received a new cable a few
weeks ago , which It was thought was In
tended for Twentieth street , but it. will bo
plated on Hurney street when the rope on
that line , Which Is now m excellent condi
tion , wears out , *
The company own twenty trains which
they are ready to put on the track , but they
will not do so right away , although on
Twentieth street they will run
cars iu excess of the immediate
want of the peepla. The services
at present Is. excellent , the trains running
regularly and with gentlemanly and efficient
conductors and gnpinon.
Superintendent Tucker Is gradually im
proving the rough places on the line , and In
tends soon to overcome the violent Jerk
which is now experienced iu rounding
The cars to Lake street will hardly be
ready to run before tha cud of the mouth.
Continental Clothing House ,
To the Wholesale and Retail Trade of the West. The opportunity of a lifetime for cash buy
ers throughout the west. Extraordinary closing sale , Unapproachable' bargains to cldsd
1 the season in dverv department.
Our HmUcd space prevents us men
tioning but very f6to of the bargain lota
offered $ bat wo guarantc'o frdni now un
til July 4th , greater bargains in flrio
Rcady-Maao Clothing , Furnishing
G66ds , nats rind Caps , than were over
before fiudrlbd by any nrm in the cloth
ing bn8ln6ss in th6 w6st. N6 old goods
At any p'rlce" . The goods oiT6red to you
lit this sftld are nil now , mtulo upvithin
the last nindtjdays - .
It will amply ropfvy the expanses 6t ft
trip td Onmllnby any man , w6mah 6V
child itanUng.sift wortlt of clothing.
As specimens of the diffordnt bargain
lots comprised in this lot , wo mention a
foTT-as- . follows , with a guarantee that
the small number specially mentioned
are no moro attractive or desirable bar ?
gains than hundreds of others to bo
found in every donwtmont of our estab
lishment during this sale ,
Lot 4187. On Monday wo will place on
our counters 400 plain blnck pure nil
wool imported Whipcord Suits in full
weights , suitable for use in this climate
ton months of the year. These suite are
absolutely now , fresh from the work
shop , nnd never shown on our counters
boforo. Suits made up in the very lat
est style 4 button cutaway frock , which
we offer in all sixes from 35 to 44. Wo
shall oiler this frock suit at$15 per suit.
Wo have not another word to say about
this lot , excepting this , that wo have
sold precisely the snmo suit over since
our store wns opened for $22 , and never
less.Lot J1530. Wo ofTor 150 Metis' Double
Breasted Sack Suits , regular sizes from
35 to . ' 55of the celebrated Slater Flannel
all wool and guaranteed full indigo.
Goods made by the celebrated Slater
Woolen Co. , of Webster , Mass. Mndo
nnd trlrrtmcd in first class manner and
pot-loci fitting. Wo offer this 16fc to
eloso at the unheard of lirlco of $9.60.
Remember this lot is all in double
breasted Sack Suits.
L6t 5G56. Wo offer 100 suits , which
will f)6sillv61y bo tnd last of this lot of
Iho colobralod Snwyor1 Woolen Co'd
fooul of which WO hnvo sold hundreds
tiring iholnstuta months. Wo olTor
100 of the neatdfct slyles of thcso famous
poods to close nt the remarkably low
pric6 of $12. This suil is retailed by
ovorj- house In tile country at 818. Wo
hfWonovbi XlT6f&da fjtrgi\tii ; thai has
given such universal satisfaction as this
suit. All sizes nt the same price 312.
Lot 3. Wo olTor 600 pairs best fancy
Casslmero Pantaloons , goods that weeo
made to sell for 37.50 and $8 , this so anon.
Goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. ,
llock Manufacturing Co. , Hocknnum
Mill , Droadbrook Mills , and ovhor man
ufacturers of equal reputation. They
nro in regular sizes , and as nice styles
as wo have in our stock nt any prico.'Wo
find that we novo a surplus of thcso fine
goods and wo do not wish to carry them
over , and have consequently made the
uniform price of 85 per pair for the en
tire lino. Those goods are of the very
best workmanship , and equal to any $10
custom pantaloons. Price during this
closing sale will bo 85.
In our Boys' and Children's depart
ment wo offer an EXTRAORDINARY
line of bargain , particularly in Short
Pant Suits. Our space will not permit
of our enumerating the different bar
gains in this dcoiirtment , however , wo
will mention ono , a lot of " 50 Boys'
Sample suits of any of these lota will be sent 0. O. D. with the privilege of examination to any address in. Nebraska , Iowa
Colorado , Kansas , Wyoming , Dakota and Montana.
OMBOSATON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
Corner Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
A Curious Transaction.
Byron Clark , ono of the proprietors of tbo
Full Dress saloon.rocelVo < 1 an early call from
a policeman ycsterdaj/t'mornlng / ' , and was as-
tonlsbod when told that he was wanted on a
cbarge of larconv from the person. Accord-
inp to all accounts tbe1 complainant in the
case owed Mr. Clartfa bar bill of $20 , nnd
when asked to pay itlroprescnted that he had
no money and invitedhim to fro through his
pockets. This Mr. Chirk did , but found no
cash. However , ho 'ran across a watch ,
which the tardy creditor told him to Itoop as
security for the claml' Mr. Clark did so , and
it is evident the fellow regretted his propo
sition , as he left and swore out a warrant of
arrest. Judge Berka Admitted the saloon
keeper to bail and Pb6 will bo tried this
afternoon. *
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up in largo 'two ounce tin boxes ,
and is un absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hahis , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro nil kinds of piloi.
MENT. Sold by Good man Drue Co. at 33
cents per box by mall 30 cents.
Real Ktato Transfers.
A S Patrick to J II erbert w d to lot 0 blk
OlnAS t'ntilcfe'H add Jt.000
V Murpny to r F Colim' q c el to lot 4 blk
4 In Armstrong's : ? il add 1
Q K Barker to Hans 1'nulson w d to lot29
l > lk 8 orchard Hill COO
J T Holt to S J Wilkinson w d to lot 13 blk
1 C'loverdalo add 800
A P Tukoy to J S Wilkinson wd to lot 18
blkSUrainmercypark - , 750
A V Tukoy to J n Emmlnser w d to lot 15
blk 3 Graminercy park 750
M A Upton and wife to N J lo tiroir et at
n o d to w CO ft lota 13 and 11 blk 7V
South Omaha 1
W Mlllard to .1 Kotclnnnrk w d to w 1-3
lots 1 and 3 Wk f Denlse's add 0,000
Patrick Church to Convent of Meriiy d
to g 3-3 lots bit B so llogpr * ' add COO
F Hoienberry to S Heyn w 1 to lot 10 and
s 10 ft lot 11 BlK ! 1 sub J I Hedlch'B artd . . 5,000
I , H Allchnol to K1' Dcvrie * . lot It blk 6
Omaha View w d 2.RCO ,
Wm .7 Cartan to K antl I Colei. lots S und
OblkOl South Omaha wd 3.COO
J 15 Utley and wife to 8 Carroll , n ft o
lot 4 blk U S B Rogers' add w d 3.DOO
Wm (3 AlbrtKht ana wife to F A Hart , lot
(1 blk 1 lloppl's llonnnza , South Omaha
wd fiOO
Ooorca N Hicks and wife to W K Klnkele ,
lot 13 blk IS Westlntvn w d 4V )
Annual llurzon ct al to O I. Itedman , lot 3
Uurzon iVJohnson'ti sub w d 700
August llurzon et ill to C li Uediimu , lot 1
llurzon & Jotmsou'ssub wd C. 0
Charles W l.Tiuan and wife to M N
O'Toole. lot f blk 7 Lymau place w d. . . . COO
Win J WeUhnns and wife to A II Fitch ,
lot 1 ! ) Housel &Htebbing' sub wd 2"X
G W Btovnu and wife to V U Lantjy , q o
d. Iot4blk43 , Florence 1
J Stevens etu ! to J II HIalr'qed , lot I blk
BV , Florence 1
O H K * T Co to W A Oardner.w d , lots 13 ,
14,15. IU and 17 blk Hi , S.iunilora & lllmu-
baugh's Highland 1'ark 000
J S Holers nnd hnsbnwl to H .1 ItoanM. w
d , H III ft , lots li , 7 aud S bllr 6 , liogga &
Hitl-nadd 0,200
Win G Albright to J M Ilimdoo , w d , lotWJ
blk 3i , Albright's Choice 435
O M An her to Chaa Corlwtt , w d , Iota 1 to
IU ! Inc blk. % Aihloud I'ark , B Omaha. . . . 1
Tli Kurly , to J Kantitaliod. q c d , lots 1 to
3)lncblk8 ) , Ashland 1'urfc , SOninlm. . . 1
3 KnnaUher ana wife to Chns Corbcll. n c
d , IOLH l to 30 luc blk 3 , Ahhlaud 1'ark , S
Omaha 3,000
J I < Mulmet alto Chin Corbet ! , a c d , all
of blk3 , Abhlnnd I'ark 3.100
Twcuty-cigut transfers 42,631
Building Permits ,
The following permits to build were issued
yesterday by the superintendent of buildings ;
W. J. Doty , stable , Mercer near St. Law
rence 1100
Mar ) ' ( Jroscr , to remodel dwelling , 1451
South Fourtwntn street 800
Mrs.J.I'.Oroff , two-story frame dwelling
Sevt-nth near WllllailiH l.PO )
O/.ImiiH-rman , lu-lck barn , 1015 Pierce. . . 1,01X1
1) ) . V. Sliolea , cottaue , Cas > s near TUIrty-
second , 1,700
.Latu und llensontwotory block of dwell-
ln H , Mason near Twenty-sixth O.Cft )
J. Quintan cottage. 14311 South Sixteenth , 1.3UO
F , Schultz.'cottago , Hamilton near Thirty-
sixth . . . . , . , , . 800
A.L. NelUls. two- tory frame dwelling.
Mason'neur Thirtieth 3,750
Louis Iterku , cottage , Fourteenth near
Hickory 1.800
1' . 1 * . Myers , one-story brick gtoiv , Six
teenth near Davenport O.OOJ
F. Almqulst , cottage , Thlrty-nltth , near
Seward , . . , COO
J. McDonald , two two-story frame dwell
ings , Mount Pleasant near Park 4,000
P. T. Tuuder , truuva addition , JJcrt near
Twenty-seventh. , 300
Lawrence Nobc , addition to dwelling ,
Thlrty-gevtroth near Lake , . . . , , &CO
Fifteen penults aggregating KB.V30
The TiyonH Cnso.
W. T , Lyons , who was arrested on com
plaint of Charles H. Hates , u tenant bo was
trying to eject from bis premises , was tried
yesterday and discharged. Ho was accused
of stealing $10 from the room of Bates. The
latter tcititied that tlio money had bean ten
dered to Mr. Allen to apply upon the rent ,
and refused. The defendant said ho never
declined to'rccelvo money dub him Mrs.
Bates then took the money and * ccrcted jt
between the pillow and the pillow case on
her bed. She went down town aud on her
return found a transom opeu and u window
lot down. She says lie went to her bed and
found tbo money gono. The Batcses then
tried to fatten the theft upon Mr , Allen , bo-
cauie they knew of DO ono else about the
building having been in their rooms. The
complainant testified to a conversation which
the defendant denied in toto. There wan no
evidence that Mr. Allen had taken the
money. The charge was based on suspicion
and Ill-will.
Postponed. a >
LONDON' , Juiio 13. The hearing on the suit
of O'Donnoll against the London Times for
libel has been postponed to tbo 21st last.
TED , who In hla FOLI/a and IGNOEtAHCB
bu TRIFLED away fell VIGOSl of UOIJY ,
HIND and MANHOOD , caualng exhauitlog
drains upon the FOUNTAINS of LIFE ,
Dreams , WEAKNENW of Memory , I1AVII-
the FACE , and all the EFFECTS loading to
TION or INSANITY , should coruult at ones
Ihe CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Established
1851. Er. Clarke ha > made NEUTOI7H DE
BILITY. CHRONIC and all Dlceues of
the OENITO URINARY Orjnnt a Life
rttndy. It make * NO dlflferenco WHAT you
tave taken or WdO has ( ailed to cure you.
A7-FEUALE3 luflerlng from diseases pecu
liar to thtlriexcan consult with the asiuranco
of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 seats poitaga
for works on your diseases.
* J flen < l 4 cents postage for Celebrated
VTorUu on Cbronlc , Nervon * and Deli
cate Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
letter , free. Consult the old Darter.
Vbonannda en red. OCloci and parlor *
prlvnto. SrThose contemplating Marriage
fiend for Dr. Clnrke'a celebrated guide
Hale and Female , each l&c. , both 29e.
( stamps ) . Before confiding your case , consult
Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may
vo future Bufferingand shame , and add golden
years to life.Book "Life's (8 ( creO Error -
ror , " iOc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
font everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 tn 12. Address ,
F. D. OLABKB , M. D.
7 06 Sa , acrte St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
PARKER'S GINGER TOMIO without delay.
A rare meJ icinal uompouu Jtnut cure * whm nit else taILL
Ha * cured the woret rases of Cou liW < kLuit ( A Uuna.
Indirection , InirarcU'aiiis.Kxh&uetloti. We. atDru gldta.
The Bvfett. rjrcst nnd liot cure f or Coron. Bunlonn. < ta
Sto | * U | Un. Ennirm comfort to thqfcvt. Nertr rails
Uicure. UcunUallx-utnrUU. lUku > x < SC'oN. It.
"TJic Overland KoiKe. "
The Sportsmen's , Tourists' and Pleasure
Seekers' Line.
Send for the Neat Little Sketch Book.
highly interesting and useful to sportsmen
It contains the American rules for trapping
and shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association , as well as the icvised game
laws of the Western Stales and Territories.
Copies sent free upon application to
GenlP.&T. Agent
Omnhn. Not ) .
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I70-6O4.
" * - ° d mYi-rtfri. . M-M fc. . . . . wi if AB1XTIR
'UENIBiTItS liKMHS. | | T-
' < > . roili ioalblK ( currcuu et
i rougS til wctk
' aio ( mii. ! ct
J-f'liinHwtlrorVtforftltsjruaoC i
rmrauaTrr Tl olhrrbHu. Wor.i nVu
{ nEttunrcundlnlk'Mraaatbl. H < * 1 1 punfhUu. .
the Ssndsn Eleclnu Co. IC9 LsSsllosl. Ch
ADVJ5K rneu. now 70 ACT ,
rotturc ] ) cln0 | and Kunctlonat dltor *
dart car * * 'ffcou * Ktoauch Wtdlcto * ! .
rtAiiHieatrrTCcaartpiicaiian ,
'Tlio Overland ttoulo. "
Hat EO arranged its Family Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M.
J. Greevy , Passenger Agent , Council Blufls ,
Iowa. The reservations when made are
turned over to the train conductor * taking
out such cars , so that passengers can now
secure berths ordered , the earnc as a Pull
man berth is reserved and secured.
J. 8. TlJIlltirrtJ , B. It. IjOMAX.
Geu. I1. & T. Agbnt. A s't U. P. fc T. A.
Knee Pant Suits , ombr.ich ) tltrco dif
ferent styles , which wo have mnrkctl fit
the oXtrnorillnnrily low prlco 61 52,50 to
clo30. Sizes from 4 to 1-t years. Send
for snniplo suit. You will be bettor
jilcasdd with them tliun anytnlng 'wo
hnvo shown you nt this price boforo.
Lot 2841 nnd 2839. Bova' Lonff P xnt
Bulls. Wo offer in this lot which em
braces two Btjrlod. Boys' strlolly all
wool Oasslmors sack suits , coat , pants
nnd vest. In dark nnd medium colors
for boys from 10 to H ycixra ot ngo. ThU
Bull was mmlo to sell nt 910 but wo wish
to reduce our stock of them immediate
ly nnd ofTcr them nt this enlo to close
for only $0 per suit. Every parmont Is
warranted strictly nil wool now fresh
( foods. Remember the prlco $0.
In this department wo announce tha
Bale of 300 do/.on Gents' Fancy Shirts.
This entire lot wns manufactured ex
pressly for this season's trade , wo hnvo
n Inrpu stock of them on hand and offer
them at 60 per cent less than the over-
ngo price to close them out. All now
patto-ins , most desirable styles , fast
colors , perfect fitting and perfectly
made in every respect , regular prices ot
which were from $1 to $1.76. Thisontlro
lot in all sizes from 14 to 1G and i neok
wo offer at 75 cents each. Order for half
dozen lots no loss.
Parties at a distance ordering these
lots will please Rlvois slzo of collar
worn nnd tnis is all thnt is necessary in
order to cot a porfcol lit.
Men's Half IIoso 7G cents per pair. Wo
Offer 850 dor.ou ot Men's Fancy Half
IIoso at 75 cents per dozen to closo.
Regular Sl.fiO goods to bo sold only ia
dozen lots nt the remarkably low price
of 76 cents per dozen , in sizes from 0 to
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science
' Scientifically ( Made and Practically Applied.
Gentlemen's Belt t Stf til A _
with Kletlrie He4ifii { , DISEASES CUBED WITHOUT SEHBS.
Uo.t , U.b.urtW ; Kmbriau , A.tb .
Indication. Wcalntu * . ImpottnoT , O l I'llu. nmb Aone , VlabttM.
Blood pUoow. , nropw et . _ thr M.- ' ' *
, - - - - - - - -
toMy'port orih. boar : w , o"t > niTI'cJn ' WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS
we r tt It clMtrin'the blood na euro. WWMBii * nbe K , bOKi I lb. 7 *
Chto *
of th
and tBotiMinii * of otb n.
Blreiproduoca&contlnuoui current t oonT r § aUctrlelty throvffb the body on thonerrw. II
by nineratlnffaoontlnnoui current of electricity CIO or tabouraout of 4) throughout the human BT tcm ,
" irroatnoa iamedUUIr , and produclatr i w lroul tloa of the life ( oreoi thy blood , Im-
part , tron S , energy aut be Jtb , wKen alTother treatment > < M fillti Xfio meriu of thu ( Men'
line Unit &r * being ncoirnlied BDd Indoned br oniandi ; whom it hat oared. . . , . . . _ , .
RKFKREMCEfli Chlcatroi whatts&l * drueKlsts ,
RUPTURE , - - .
uNSOUurro WRrrrtN TCITIUONIAIS AND ovti FBCM LAD ) M w HO n vt utio
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
llCBUDOpathlc Specialist ,
Epectoclea Accurauly Prescribed.
Dn. B. O. West's Ncnvc AND nnAnt TAEAT-
HUNT , a KUnnuitenrt epoolUc for llyetorln , Ulizl-
DOSS. Coarulslonn , I'HB , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Hcada-vho , Nervous 1'rostratlon , mused liy Hie
uae of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental
Depremton , Softening of the Drain , reinltlnj ; In
ln anltT , and leading to inlsorr. decay and
denth. Premature Old Age. Harrennois , Loss of
I'owor In cither cez. Involuntary Losses and
Bi > cnnatorhn'R causea by over-exertion of the
brain. Bolf-alnue or over-tndulgenre. Each box
contains one month's treatment. (1.00 n box , or
ul j boxes for SJ.OO , sent by mull prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any caso. With each order received by
UK for Mix boxes , accompanied with tl.OOve
will pond the puroluiser our written guarantee
to refund the money If the treatmant does not
effect a euro. Guarantees Issued only byO , K.
UOOOMAN.DrusKlst , Sole Ageut , 1110 Farnam
Street. Omaha. Neb ,
or T11K
Milwaukee & S Paul '
Chicago , ) , R'y ,
Tlio Best Route from Omaha and Council
muffs to
= = THE EAST = = -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. i'nul , Jllnncaixilis , Cedar Ilupids ,
Hock Islaud , I-Vrcport , Horkford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Uarcnport ,
Klgln , Madison , Janmlllc ,
Uelolt , Wlnoun , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points East , Northesst aoA
Boultie t.
Korthrouab tlckoU call oa tb llckit spent t IMl , In barker JJlocfc , cr at Union 1'ucmc
1'ullman Bleepuri and Ibt Boeit Dlnlnz t' r Iu the
world urejuu on ibu mala Una ut itio C'jl'o , IJIl
waukr It y t. I'aul Ilallwajr , nod orurr "litutlonli
paid to puicBgers t > j courtouui employes cl Ut
U. \11LI.KR. ( ] Eoral Maasgor. . . .
i.r. TUCKKk AsslitanlOnatrsI Usnssor.
A. V. B. CXRPBNrBB , a n f l I'a snt r and
OBO. i : . lIliAKFOaD.jlultUnt Ceo rU Iu > l6 < t/
* J.T. Clt&t Of ceral auptrlateadcal.
To nave your friends coino teAs
As KixHtern lines will sell tlcketa and run
Union Pacific
"Tlio Overland Itoiitc. "
Until July 1,1883 , tickets ROM for thosa oxcur-
nlons will lie good thirty days for tha round
trip and can be used ton days going. When pur
chasers nro ready to return , thcso tickets will be
good live dayw for that purpose. If jmrclmners
wish to atop short of destination on our lines ,
ngontK will Btninii tickets good to return from
* '
jl8'PliIJllETS , OPH. I'&T. Agent.
Its mala lings and branches Include CHICAGO.
and scores of Intormedlata clUss. Choice of
routes to and from Uio FaclOo Alt trans-
ttn tn Union dspota. Vast trains of Fine Day
Coaches , elegant Dlnta ? Can. snairalfcoat Pull *
man Palace Slocpora , and ( between Chicago , at.
Joocpb , Atchison and Eansaa City ) Ilecllutag
Chair Cam , 0 nts Hree , to lioldera of througU
firot-closa tickets.
ChlcAgo , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Croat Rock Island Routo. "
ErUndaWeet and Oouthwest from Kansas City
acdOt. Joseph to NELBOM. HOUTON. . 2BU.E *
irUTOirXMDOtf. CALDWItUk etui all poluta la
and bejrond. Entire rjossenitcrorjulpmeut of the
celabrated Pullman manufacture. All ua/Jty ap *
pllaacta and modern Improvemeato.
The famous Albert LOB Route
Zs the favorite btvrein Chlcajrp , Hock Island ,
Atchison , Kansas City and Minneapolis and Bt.
Paul. IU WaUrtovra liranUi traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Wntortowii , lijilrlt Laki ,
Bloux 7alls and many other towns and cities.
The Short I4ue via U noca and Kuikslcoe offurs
BJptrlor facilltlea to travel to and fi-otn Indian-
epolls. Cincinnati and other Oouthern volnU.
i'cr TicktU , Maps , 7clder , or denlrud lafbrmo *
UOD , apply at any Ooup < ) n Ticaet OOlco or address