Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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THE OMAHA DAII/Y &EE : tffiUIJSDAt , JTOfiB 14. 188a
An Abundance of Bull N0.WS in tbo
Wheat Pit
Corn AVcnkcr Again Under Ilcnvy Ho-
cclpts Onts Quiet Hut Feature-
Jens Provision * Muro Aullyc
* * * " -lt °
Cattle Advance.
CHICAGO , Juno 13 [ Special Telegram to
Tun line. ] Absolutely nil the news nbout
wheat this morning was bullish nnd yet
under the Influence of n rumor that Jnck
Cudahy had sold out nil his wheat the crowd
proceeded to soil the market down c.
WKcn they undertook to realize their profits
they found they could not buy wheat nnd
uiulcr the bidding ot these shorts the market
regained nil It had lost nnd nearly as much
morp , but ngaln saggud slowly for n whllo
nnd more swiftly when Kqam bepan openly
to pound prices down , falling this time to
within ifc of the lowest price of the day.
Then the suspicion got abroad that Hcnm
was buying through brokers more than ho
sold nnd prices ndvuncod Jfc In short order
nnd the close was comfortably near the top.
The array of news was such as to please the
bullish heart. Knrly cables wcro stronper ,
export * Svcro larger , there was n big decrease
In the amount of wheat on passage , and
chinch bugs , smut and cheat wcro reported
from southern Indiana. The emperor of
Germany was likely to dlo soon nnd
English consols had fallen two points In
consequence , nnd as strong a point as any
was the news that Italian bugs wcro
devastating the wheat fields of France.
This fact was cabled to Jntno * E. Uoyil &
Uro. from Antwerp , and , although nothing
wns given as to the extent of the damage
done , it had ns much to do ns anything with
bringing In the shorts on the last up turn.
Now York dispatches said the Germans
were buying wheat in that market. This
may have been because of the emperor's
Illness or because of the Insect pest in
France. The market hero wns rather nar
row , and although there seemed to bo good
investment buying on. every break , yet it
was by n few houses , nnd chlclly those with
professional speculative clientage. Statisti
cian Dodge added n little more to the stock
of crop literatureby u telegram to Secretary
in the market , but there are a fair number
of people who think their credjbility for the
future will bo greatly strained by his
recent estimate of the probable yield
of spring wheat , mndo while the plant
Is so young that no merely Unite
power could presume to predict its harvest.
July wheat opened at 84ct declined to b3.J c ,
advanced to 84Jfe , fell to M&c , advanced to
nnd closed at S4c. August wheat , which
started in at X ° premium over July , had
fallen to > c premium at the close. Decem
ber wheat opened nt 80ljjc , sold down to
855fc , up to SO c and closed nt bOJf c asked.
The receipts of corn to-day were 53 cars
more than the estimate , and the llrst effect
of the circumstance was to weaken the mar
ket , the opening being \i@ \ ? c under yester
day's close. However , yesterday's upturn
had given the bulls fresh courage nnd they
were free buyers and the short sellers pres
ently took fright nnd began to buy their
grain hack. News of the clearance of 105,000
bushels of corn from Now York seemed to
spur them up and prices rose fully Ic very
quickly. With this demand from the shorts
satisfied the market sagged and declined
again almost to the starting point ,
but recovered part of the loss Just
before the close. The crowd of local
scalpers secnl to bo very bearish on corn and
keep the market in n condition to be suddenly
advanced at any time by shorts covering on
favorable news. July corn opened nt 5iYc : ,
advanced to 53c , declined to 52fe , ad
vanced to mid closed at 53Jtf@fl3ifc. Septcin *
ber corn kept at n premium of about lo over
The speculative oats market was quiet
without special feature. The greatest Hue-
tuution was in the July option , but u slight
chnnco in prices ns compared with yester
day's close was made by thouiorningtrading.
July oats opened at 32c , sold at ! ! j-t@32 ( ; ,
up to and closing at 3 (032X0 ( ; September
oats opened at He , BO lit up to and closed at
27.J/C , and June oats opened ut 32c , sold up to
and closed nt 32 > 4c.
The provision trade recovered n little of its
old-timed Interest under the influence of nd-
vices from the stock yards where hogs were
in better supply and lower. The bear clement
felt encouraged to hammer the market.
The morning's opening was com
paratively strong , but free selling
lurnod the tide and from the highest prices
touched pork declined 2CC2"Kc , lard SCgtfKc
and short ribs lOc. Later u considerable
portion of this break was regained and as
compared with last night's close the depreci
ation In pork at 1 o'clock was only ( & %
und In short ribs 5c. Lard closed unchanged
to 'Jifc lower.
AFTBKNOON SBSSIOX. Wheat easier ; Juno
clOHOd at nbout Mo ; July sold at $ ! ' c@4 > e ,
fell to K4c nnd closed at nbout b-e ) ; Au
gust closing ntb'5-ye. September closed at
about Bljfc , December closing at 80jfc. ;
Corn opened at MJ < ; c , July sold at 5'j > ' o and
cased off , closing at 53j @ 53 > 4C , August
closing nt Mc , Soptcmber closing nt M ! c.
Oats llrmcr ; June closed at 32 ] c bid , July
sold nt 3UK ( ' 33o und closed nt ICic. August
closed nt lS ! c , September closed nt " "ifo.
Pork was quiet und unchnngod. Lard wns
unchanged and short ribs closed unchanged.
CUICADO , Juno 13. ( Special Telegram to
THE Hiu.l CATTLE Cuttle wcro up. His
pretty html to estimate the advance in prices
during the past ten days , but it has been
equal to $ 1.25 and prices for good beeves uro
about (5.00 above the lowest price of the
ycnr. The market to-day was strong and
higher on good to choice beeves , but weak
und lower on common to fair kinds. Grassy
cattle generally sold unevenly lower than nt
the highest point of last week. Grassy cat
tle are not wanted and should bu held buck.
Good /at cattle sola well enough. ' Choice ,
{ 41.00(30.50 ( ; medium to good , ! Q.-IO(35.65 ( ;
grusEorfl , ft.25@5.00 ; cows and mixed , fl.65@
3.00 ; stackers and feeders , $ ' .M ) ( ' 4i ( ) ; slop
/cd steers. f5.30GjO.10j Toxuim , KUX'GiS.OO ,
Hoiis Huslnoss was slow at the opening
with n downturn of r. < V lOo , best heavy
making $ A.jO ( ( < i5. ( > 5 with here nnd there u
load or BO ot fancy at $5.70. Mixed sold
largely at $5.50@5,55 and light at * 5.60@S.55 ,
"You may say , " said a dealer who buys skips
nnd light-light , "that we can't get out } 13ll
prices so we are net In the market until
there Is an accumulation nnd lower prices , "
NKW YOIIK , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB lice. ] STOCKS The feeling In Wall
Btrect , although not NO excited us yesterday ,
was nervous. Room tradcru wcro conserva
tively bullish but commission houses uro
not trading to any extent , the market being
too wild for them , The opening was modiir-
otoly nctlvo but the trading wus confined tea
a few stocks to a greater extent than usual
of lute. Reading and St. Paul were leaders ,
with fair trading in half a dozen others.
The general list , however , was quiet and un
interesting. First prices were generally
strong , though somewhat Irregular , with ad
vances extending to } per cent over last
slight's figures. Further gains were mndo In
early dealings , under the lead of St. Paul ,
which rose ft per rent , but prices then rc >
acted and a general decline reaching over
the entire , list followed , which was accom
panied by a marked increase In activity.
Missouri Pacific yielded 1's ' , Manitoba , .
Paul and Louisville & Nuslivillo 1 per cent
mid others fractional amounts from the
highest figures. Cuinmack was a seller on
the market and the boars who covered their
linen yesterday and secured large proJits
were disposed to sell on rallies. The few bulls
around regarded prices too low to muko
e , but at the ssrne time .they
. .I.
manifested no disposition to purchase , hav
ing neither ncrvo nor money. Arbitrage
houses wcro sellers ot Lake Shore , Reading
and Union Pacific It was also nsid that
Chicago houses wcro heavy sellers of Lake
Shore. A great deal of the recent selling of
Atchlson , that wns supposed to be short
stock , has been discovered to bo long , par
ties Ucrrowlng stock to prevent It from
being known. Th < 3 cut rate made by the
Pennsylvania on pig Iron Is likely to b < 5 fol
lowed by a general reduction on all roads.
GOVEHSMCXJS government bonds wcro
very dull and rather heavy. * *
8. < srcRHtered.l2 < C.N.W .
n. . . JJJK dopre fsrred . 140
N.V. & ntral . 104
U.8 4U8 coupon. . .107 O.K. N . JO
. nn i' . T
Onrulu Southern. . 4T , ; 'Sfci8c Mall ; . KM
Oiitral reciKo . fel'.ilO. D.E . 17JR
Ciiirnpro Ac Alton. . .1W Pullman 1M ) > 4
C. , II. A Q . llOUtllendlnK . > K
I ) . . , I&W _ . 127Vi Hock island . lOT.
I ) . AH. 0. . . . . . . . . . . V , Bt. I * * 8. F O7I/
Krle . 2 ? donrnferrcd. . . . . KH !
ilo preferred . W > C. . M. fcSM'nui. . . ( II K
Illinois Central . 11BH ilo preferred . 10' )
I. , II. ft W . 10 St. I
K.&T . II ilo preferred . ICO
I/nkoShoro . . . . . " ? < Toxns rixclllc . 18U
N . . Union 1'n.clllc. . KX
Michigan Central. . ? i > IV. , St. t , . & V . 12i !
MlssourH'aclflc. . . C i do preferred. . . . 21
Mlssoiirll'aclnc. . . . 2t W. U. Telegraph. . 76X ?
do preferred .
MONEY o.v CAM , Easy ntl@lM percent ,
last loan 1 } per cent. Closed offered at 1)4 )
per cent.
ExciuNfln Active and firm at
for sixty day bills ; $4.S > & for de
mand ,
.luno 13. Following are the
20 : ! ! closing prices :
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , In sacks ,
$2.75@8.85 } In barrels , 3.00@-1.7G ( spring
wheat , in sacks , $1.75f < W.r > 0 ; in barrels. $3.00
@ 4.H ! ) ; rye , in sacks , fcJ.'JO&aiO ; in barrels ,
. . .
Wheat Moderately active and unsettled ;
opened easy , closing XGjiXc higher than yes
terday ; cash , 83 { o ; July , S4 ; ' c : August ,
Corn Fairly active and unsettled with
prices fluctuating frequently within n Ic
range , closing a shadb higher than yester
day ; cash , KJfc ; July , 53c ; August , f > 3J c.
Oats Opened weaker and closed irregular
at about the figures of yesterday ; cash ,
32 } c ; July. 33c ; August , 2Sc. .
Rye Dull at fiSe.
Barley Nominal ntV ( > @ 07c.
Prime Timothy 12. 10@-J. IB.
Flax-seed $1.10. ;
Pork Fairly active but lo cr ; cash ,
S13.70 ; July. § 13.77 ; August , ? 13.87 < .
short clear , * 3.10@8.0V short 'ribs , * 7. ! > i { .
lluttcr Steady ; creamery , 15@10c ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady : full cream Cheddars ,
J. c ; Hats , 7Jiife7fc ; young Americas ,
Eggs Fi
Hides Unchanged ; green hides
heavy green salted , S c ; light green Raited ,
5Jc ; salted bull , 3c ; dry flint , So , dry
calf , 80 ; deacons , 20e each ; dry salted , C ( < $
Tallow Weaker ; No. 1 , country , 4c ; No.
2 , 4Jfc ; cake , 4o per \\i. \
i.Hecoipts. . Shipments.
Flour , bbl } . 81,000 8,000 ,
Wheat bu . 30,000 13,000
Corn , OU . 023,000 833,000
Oats , bu. : . 38-1,000 209,000
Uyobu . 0,000 1'J.OOO '
Uurloy , bbls . 20,000 51,000
Now VTork , Juno 13. Wheat Receipts ,
1.10J . ; exports , 100,400 ; casli steady , options
irregular , opening } { c lower , later advanced
c on covering by shorts , subsequently
ercd , July closing at
Cora Receipts , 0,000 ; exports , 102,200 ;
options opened lower , but soon advanced J Cy )
Xc , only to weaken J 'lc , closing steady
and ? H@ ' < C above the bottom ; cash .firm and
quiet ; ungraded , BS@59ifc ; No. 2 , S8JfC5 c
in elevator , r > SJfVi5yo ( delivered , July closing
ut G'Jc.
Oats Receipts , 44,300 ; exports , 300 ;
mixed western , 3X231lc ( ; white western , 42 ®
4 c.
c.Coffco Spot , fair ; Rio , dull and nominal
at Slfi.OO ; options 15@25 points lower and
fairly active ; sales , 100,000 bags ; Juncfl2.30
@ 12.50 ; July , $10.1)5 ) ( 11.10 ; August , $10.40 ®
Petroleum United closed steady at 70) ) < c.
Eu'gs Dull aud weak ; western , I6 tiel c.
Pork Weak ; mess quoted at SU.OOUi'M.50 '
for old ; ? 15.2. > @ 15.50 for now.
Lard Shade lower and. dull ; western
steam spot was quoted at $7.85.
Butter Steady und in fair demand ; west
ern , 13@-OJ c.
Cliecso Unchanged ; Ohio flat , 7@Sc.
St. IjoulH. Juno 13. Wheat Steady ; cash ,
87ji ( < , S8o ; July , 84XC-
Corn-Unsettled ; cash , 4S@lSKc ; July ,
489 < fc.
Oats Firm : cash , 32c ; July ,
Pork $ I4.37J4.
Lard W.I 0.
Whisky 81. H.
Butter Firm ; creamery 14lGc ; dairy ,
Afternoon Board Wheat Irregular ; July ,
8-Utfc : August , 84 0. Corn Firm ; July ,
4S5c ; August , 40jfc. ! Oats Dull but linn ;
Juno , 32c bid ; July , 'JS c bid.
Cliicliiiiutl , Juno 13. Wheat Dull ; No.
! 3 red , Ult c.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 55c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 37c.
Kyo Nominal at We.
Provisions Unchanged.
Whisky Steady ut J1.14.
MiiinenpollH , Juno 13. Wheat Receipts
124 curs ; shipments OU curs ; sellers early put
up values , but were forced to make conces
sions to dispose of what little grain wits sold.
Closing1 In store No. 1 hardcash and Juno ,
S3c ; July , 83) ) 0 ; August , 83Kc ; No. 1
northern , cash , blo ; July , 8'Jo ; August , 83c ;
No. 2 northern , cash , 70e ; July , bOe. On truck
No. 1 hard , 84K'c ; No. 1 northern , 82 } < J ®
83Jo ; No. 2 northern , 80o.
Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship in
sacks In cur lots , W.50@4.70 ; in barrels , fl,70
Milwaukee , Juno 13. Wheat Quiet ;
cash ana July , bio ; August , SSJjfo seller.
Corn Light demand ; No. 3 , 48c.
Oats Moro active ; No. 3 white ,
Rye Sold at 01 , ' < u delivered.
Barlov Inactive : No. 2 , t2c. !
Provisions Steady ; pork , Juno , $14.00.
Liverpool , Juno 10. Wheat firm , with do-
inund improving ; holders offer moderately ;
California No. 1 , Os 8d@0s lOd per cental.
Corn Steady , with the demand fair ; now
mixed western , 4s Bf d pur cental.
City , * Juno 13. Wheat Receipts
(52 ( ; market steady : No. 2 soft , cash , no
bids nor offoriugs ; July , 7lc ! bid , 7 o asked ;
August , 7 Ku bid. 77o asked : No. 2 red , winter -
tor , July , 74Jo } bid , 75J < o usked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 4G3fobid , 40 > o
asked ; July , 4tiK bid , 47o asked ; No , i ! ,
white , cash , 40c asked.
Outs No , 2 , cash , 20 < c asked.
New OrluaiiH , Juno 13. Corn Dull and
.weak , with the miirKct lower ; mixed , 04 ®
( Ko ; yellow , O.K207u ; white , unsettled at 07 ®
Oats Dull and lower ; No. 2 , white , 42c.
Corn Mual Unchanged at i-i.lX ) .
Hug 1'i-oducts Unchanged ; pork , (15.00 ;
aru , e7.8'J.87jf. ' }
Hulk Meats Unchanged ; shoulders , $0.45 ;
loot" dew and clear rib , fT.'JU
ClilciiKd , Juno 13 , The Drovers' Journal !
reports us Jollowa :
Cattle Rcr ilpts , 0,000 ; strong for good ,
lower for common graspers ; good to choice ,
$5.40 ( 0.0 ; grasscrs , ? 4.2SQt.VOO ; cows and
mixed , ft > 5riUU ( ) ; btnekcrs and feeders ,
f2.5U ( 4.lO ;
, 5,000 ; weak ; native mut
tons , fUKfegS , ! . * ! ; Tcxans , e..SOyjy.iO ; stock
crs , 3 00&&UO ; western lecucrs , fj.l.V <
3.40 ; Texas fecdori , fJ.Wgl.35 ( ( ,
National SlooU Ynnls , East St.
I.oulti , Juno 13. Cuttle Receipts , 4.000 ;
bhipmont ! ) . 24uO , ; market higher ; choice
heavy natlvo stcor , $5.20fc0.iu ; fair to good
iirtlivo' steer * , fl.d.Xiti. ! * > ; butchers' steers.
medium to choice , M.5lj4.0i ( ( ( ; stockers and
feeders , fair to good , i2.4i'J3.00 ( : ranccrtf , or
dinary to fe'opdJ.3Ks(4.VU. ( ( .
HOE Receipts , l.OOaj sUipmtDtsSOOj
market easier : choice heavy anil butchers'
selections , $0.5 .5.75 ; packing , medium to
prime , f. > .85@5.50 ; light grades , ordinary to
best , 0.25(35.43. (
Knnsns City , Juno 13. Cattle Receipts.
4,000 ; shipments , 2,300 , ; market active" and
strong and r.$10c ( higher \ good to choice
corn-fed , $5.25(35.50 ( ; common to medium ,
l3.25Q4.tK ) ; stockcrs , * 3.00@2.00 ; feeding
steers , $3.XX(13.GO ( ; cows , $2.00(33.60. (
Hogs Receipts , 9,300 ; shipments , 3,400 }
good steady , common weak ; and 5c lower !
common to choice , fo.lO(25.GO ( ; skins and
pigs , $3.50(45.00. (
' Vvcdnesday , Juno 13 , 1SS9.
The receipts of cattle were the same to-day
ns on yesterday , thirty-eight fresh loads
being on sale. There was n good demand and
choice corn-fed steers wcro stronger , but
common and grassy stuff was slow and
easier. Ovo very nlco bunch of 1307-lb steers
sold at $0 , which was the highest price jia'u
slnco the yards wcro opened. Good butch
ers' stock Is wanted and good corn-fed cows
are selling well. Ono prime bunch of cows
brought $4.5' ' , ) to-day. The cattle wcro nbout
all sold before the close.
Another heavy run of hogs to-day , 117 fresh
loads being on sale. There was an active de
mand for light hogs which were not plenty
and a shade to fie higher. Heavy hogs were
not ns active and 5c lower than yesterday.
Good light hogs sold close up to heavy hogs.
Everything was sold before the close.
There was only one load hero. "
Cattle . SOO
Hogs . 8,200
Sheep . . . . . 200
Prevailing I'riua * .
Thofollowing is n tibloof pricas pild In
thismarKct for the grades of stock men
Prime steers. 1300 to 1503 Ibs. . $5.70 ( SO.fO
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 5.20 ( 5. 0
Fat little steers. UOO to 1050 Ibs. 4.75 ( S5.40
Common to good cows . 2.25 ( (01.01) )
Common to choice bulls . 2.25 @ 3.r > 0
Fair to choice light hogs . 5.20 ft5.30 (
Fair to choice heavy hops . 5.30
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.25 ® 5.30
Itcprescmntivo Sales.
No. Av. Pr.
Ibull 12SO 2.25
Ocows 1080 2.50
20cows 058 2.75
leow 1280 3.00
13 cows 1011 3.10
3 cows 10SO 3.50
lOyeurling heifers 627 3.50
1 cow 1000 8.05
1 stag 2100 4.00
&mjxcd J4CO 4.13
2cowsr. . . . . . ' . : 'r..11T V-W5 4.25
24 cows 1271 4 CO
2 oxen 8165 5.00
25 steers 10S8 5.20
31 steers 1210 5.25
Osteers 13'0 5.35
34steers 1123 5.85
.23 steers 000 5.40
3 steers 1370 5.50
Gl steers 1032 5.50
17stecrs 1500 5.70
27steers 1233 5.70
t27steers 12CO 5.70
20 steers 1330 5.75
43steers 1337 5.SO
10 steers 1245 5 > 0
50steers 1307 0.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
73. . .212 200 5.10 . .217 100 5.25
13. , . .2.SO 5.15 09. . .221 200 5.25
75. . .230 100 S.CO 74. . .233 100 5.25
00. . .223 120 5.20 04. ' . .234 SO 5.25
70. . .209 120 5.20 r.'j.ft . . .210 123 5.25
40. . .277 40 5.20 ft % . .201 80 5.25
84. . .203 120 5.20 C4. . .225 200 5.25
07. . .231 200 5.20 0(1. ( . .25S 80 5.25
17. . . . 221 120 5.20 03. . .217 2SO 5.25
04. . .2-15 400 5.20 03. . .231 5.25
73. , . .230 120 5.20 200. , .2 S 1000 5.25
70. . . .2 : > 5 3CO 6.20 ( U. . .217 240 5.25
42. , . .311 lf.O 5.20 71. . .212 240 5.25.
03. , . .I'M 320 5.22 } 40. . .208 120 5.25
74. . . .215 240 5.3 IV 35. . .274 2 < H ) 5.25
43. , . .101 5.25 80. , . .241 100 5.2. ' )
72. , . .200 230 5.2."i 07. , . .220 120 5.27 #
02. , . .220 40 5.25 CO. , . .203 60 5.S7&
S3. , . .183 100 5.25 72. , . .235 120 5.27K
257. , . .204 010 5.25 02. , . .304 2SO 5.30
84. . .li-0 120 5.25 05. , ' . .284 5.30
04. . .238 40 5.25 15S. , . .211 240 5.1 ! ( )
80. . .210 3 < HJ 5.25 07. , . .240 5.30
74. . .191 80 5.25 80. , . .193 40 5.30
59. . .237 100 5.25 02. 5.30 . . .223 200 5.25 18. ! ! 202 5.30
as. . .230 40 .123. . .234 120 5.30
80. . .189 100 525 ! 52. . .291 200 5.30
04. . .222 40 5.25 CO. , . .278 5.30
59. . . .200 120 5.25 72. . .203 80 5.30
79. . .212 80 5.25 no. . 290 2CO 5.30
SO. . .200 240 5.25 07. . .307 80 5.30
03. . . .217 280 5.25 04. . .225 60 5.30
S3. . . .207 200 5.25 03. . .227 120 5.30
07. . . .210 100 5.25 00. . .235 ICO 5.30
70. . . .230 80 5.25 70. . .231 120 5.30
74. . . .238 100 5.25 09. . 247 5.30
57. . . .218 120 5.25 01. . .178 80 5.30
73. O.M J > ( ) 5.25 01. . .275 4(1 ( 5.30
78. ! ; ; i88 120 5.2,1 04. , . .270 100 5.30
00. . . .211 200 5.25 . .2(13 ( 80
07. . . .200 280 5.25 , . .208 100 fiiltO
i72. . . .2-12 80 5.2.1) , . .253 220 5.30
DO ! ) . 5.25 63. , . .207 120 5.30
05. 5.25 55. ' ' 5.35
70. . . .25(1 ( 100 5.25 60. . .SMS 120 5.35
03. . . .209 60 5.25 52. . . .29S 80 5.35
03. . . .257 200 5.25 OS. . . .2S4 120 5.35
52. . . .27i ( 80 5.25 01' ' 297 120 5.35
5U , . . .220 100 5.25 47. . . .310 40 5.33
00. 5.2,1 no. . . .329 80 5.40
73. ! ! ! 24'J 40 01. . . .385 bO 5.40
. . .230 240 4'J. . . .355 120 5,40
Ijlvo Stock : Sold.
SliowinK the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep sold to the loading buyers on to-duy's
Swift & Co . 235
G. H. Hammond & Co . 231
A. Traucruiun . bO
Samuel Drotfuss . 99
A. Jackson . 20
G. II. Hammond & Co . 330
Omaha P. Co . 1,008
Armour & C Pocking Co . 2.6JXJ
J. P. Squires &Co . W
Klnpan &Co . 520
Hniliiard Uros . 134
J. R Saddler . . . 243
Chas. White & Co . 329
T. S. Tharp . 78(1 (
A.M. Plant . 244
J. M. Doud . . . . . . . . . , . 820
Ijtvo Block Notes.
Light hogs higher ,
Heavy hogs sell lower.
Good corn cattle stronger.
E. W. Bunks , Shclton , was a visitor at the
L. G. Todd , Union , was In and marketed
stock , also U. Ulrlch , Tobias.
Mr. Dlxon , of Dlxon & Co. , was In with a
load of uattlo and hogs from Dennett.
U. Baylor , Plum Hollow , la. , marketed
stock. Ills IIOKS brought (5.40 and his euttlo
John Pepper , well and favorably known nt
the yards , has been upiiointed u eeulc-muu by
the stoek yards company.
It W. King , Boone ; M. Jasper. Mmeola ;
H , L. Messncr. South Bend : William Junilo-
BOII , Weeping Water and II , Bloomer , Chalco ,
wcro among these who came in with hogs.
Among these who cuino In with cattle wcro
the following : E. Ullg , Brook ; N. B. Harj ? .
ijrecn , Wuhooj A. K. Uees , Hardy , A. H.
Kuirlne , Council Bluffs und W. Everett ,
The third sealo-houso was opened to-day
uiulcr T. C. Marsh , to accommodate the
heavy run of hogs. Mr. Marsh has been
connected with scule-houso No. 1 for u long
Hon. John Fitzgerald , Lincoln , marketed | .
three loads of eattlo from his feed lots ut
Greenwood ut ftl.OO. There were three cows
in the bunch , which brought the same price ,
Ho also marketed twenty-four head of cows
ut S4.50.
_ _ _ _ _ _
I'rotliico , KrultH , Nuts , Etc.
Wedncftdaj' , Juno 13.
T/ic folloit'lny ijuotatloni < irc u-holcunlo
mid not retail , ' Prices ijitoud on vrmluce
tire the rates at ic/Udi / round lots arc tout cen
this market. JYitlte or other lines of uooda
rc < ; iifr' ' (7 ( extra labor in packing etiiuiot always
ways le siivvllcd on out * ! de orders at the
same pricts quoted /or tlie local trade. !
Uatcs on flour amlfcfy arc Jobbers'1 pr/cw. /
Prices on nrain arc mow jwiM ; , y Omia
millers delivered. An flotations on , mer
chandise arc obtained from leading houtcs
and arc corrected dall < y Prices on cracker * ,
cukes , etc. , arc those yivcn by leadiny man-
factnrcrs.t Fancy crcatnOry roll butter. 20 ®
21c ; with solid packed at lKR21c ( ! choice
country butter , l3@Ue { common grades , 11 ®
fons-Strlctly frc.ib , 12K@13c.
CIIF.RKIES Pcrcnso ot 10 Ibs , S2.00Q2.25.
Southern cherries 13.60 per 24 quart caso.
STKAWHEiimr.s $3.50 ( < (4.0fl ( per case.
CiiEtsE Full cream , 13@t4e.
BEETS 50o per doz.
POTATOES Choice homo grown , 755JS5ci
Utah and Colorado stoek , TO35c ; low
grades , D5@G5e.
POOI.TIIT No drcflsod'fowl ' In the market ;
live chickens , S3.00@'J.25 per doz ; spring
chickens , $3.003.25 ; small chickens , tl.SX'V
ItADistins 10@IBo per doz.
STIMNO BnANS-1.50 per bu.
OHECN PBAS $1.50i2.00 per bu.
ToMATors S3.00 per crate or$1.75@2.00 per
B ArnBS ? 2.25 ( < ? 2.60.
BANANAS Common medium2.60(33.00 ( per
bunch ; choice , M.OOMS.&O.
Tunxirs California , 2) ) @ 3c per Ib.
DATKS Persian , OJi@7c per Ib.
CIUEK Choice Michigan elder , f4.50Q0.60
per bbl. of 32 pal.
Si'iNAcn ? 1.50 per bbl.
HnuiiAHii 2@2) ) < c per Ib.
ONIONS Native stock.Sl.25 1.50 ; Spanish ,
per box of 5 Ibs , $1.76@2.00 ; California on
ions , 3 ! ( < ? 4c per Ib.
LUMONS ? 3.75g4.50 ( per box ; fancy , $4.50 ®
5.50OiiANor.s California Hivorside$3.75@4.00 ;
medium sweet Ulversidcs , J4.50 per box ;
Messina , Ki.fiO@7.005 Los Angeles , $2.75 ®
8.00 ; Los Angeles Navals , ? 4.00 ; Uivcrsido
Navnls , ? 0.00.
CAiuiA < it:8 : 3@3 } c per Ib. for California.
CAUi.iri.owEK Good stock , $1.50@1.75 per
Asi'Aiuous C0@7fxj per dozen bunches.
CtJcf.Miiius : 50e per doz for choice.
LIITTUCI : 30W35c ( per doz.
Cni.EKY California stock , $1.50 per doz.
POWOHN Choice rice corn is quoted at 3 ®
4c perlb. ; other kinds 2' @ : ic pcrlb.
CAHIIOT3 New stock , 4t > < < cl5e per doz.
HHANS Good stock , ? 2.GO @ 2.75 ; California
beans , S2.25@2.40.
Fins- In layers , in@15c ; cake , lOc per Ib.
NUTS : Peanuts , raw , 0i7o ; ; Brazil nuts ,
13c almonds . ' 2-'c , . wul-
; , Tarragona , * - : \ English * .t-
nuts , 15@18c ; filberts , ISo ; Italian chestnuts ,
IBc ; pecans. 15c.
HONCV 10@21e for 1 Ib frames ; canned
honey , 10@12c per Hi.
PAUSLKV 30 per doz.
GnniN ONIONS 15@70c per doz.
Puiti : M.u'i.r. SYIIUI$1.25 per gal ,
SALSIPV 2oe per bunch.
Groccr'H List.
REFi.\in : LAUD Tierce , % c ; 40 Ib square
cans , 75jrc ; 50-lb round , Sc ; SO-lb round , SJfc ;
; g-lb pulls , Sc ; 5-lb pails , S e : 3-lb pails ,
fcjyiturs New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
37@40c per ( nil. ; corn syrup , 34c ; half bbls. ,
30c ; 4-gal kegs , $1.55@1.55 : sorehum , 3Sc.
PIIOVISIONS Hams , 10 ; @ll , ' < e ; brealcfust
bacon , 10)i@10 ) e ; bacon sides , OKdtfc : dry
salt , 8K@85fc ; shoulders , 7@7 c ; dried beef ,
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.20@3.35 : strawberries , 2-lb , per case ,
f2.00@2.70 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $2.00 ®
2.70 ; California pears , iper case , $4.70@4.80 ;
apricots , per case , $4.35g4.35 ( ; peaches , per
case , $5.00rti5.75 ; whll'cherries , per case ,
$5.SOSO.OO ( ; California'pjums ' , per case , $1.50
@ 4.00 blueberries , per cfaso , § 2.00t2.10 ( ; ; egg
plums , 2-lb. per case , $2:50 ; pineapples , 2-lb ,
-lb Lima beans , per case ,
imported } i , 12C < T > 15cpcr box ; domestic ,
mustard , ' .
SUOAH UranulatcdiOX@7c ; conf. A , 0 % @
OJ < c white extra C , OK&ikfc ; extra C , OK ®
6 % < : \ yellow C , 5W5c ; cut loaf , 7 ®
8c ; iiowdcred , 7I @S > ic ; New Orleans ,
5K 5c.
CoiTKK Ordinary grades. 10@17c ; fair.
7@16i3 ; prime , 1S1UXC ; fancy green and
yellow , 22@23c ; old government Java , 2S@
30c ; interior Java , 25@23c ; Mocha , 2S@30c ;
Arbucklo's roasted , -,2IJ e ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 21Ku : Dilworth's , 21o ; Red Cross.
21c ; Alaroma , 21J/c ; German , 20J e.
WOODENWAIII : Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub ,
$7.00 ; No. 3 tub , $0.00 ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ;
washboards , electric , 51.50 ; fancy Northern
Queen washboards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls ,
$2.75 ; No. 1 churns , ip.1.50 ; No. 2 churns ,
$8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ;
spruce , in nests , 70c pnr nest.
TOIIACCO PLUO Lorillard's Climax , 45o ;
Splendid , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , -4c ! ; Leg-
Kelt & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 39c ;
Drummond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ;
Sorg'B Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Rate , " 2 < Jo ;
"Oh , My , " 27e ; Piper Heidsick , 04c.
ToiiAcro SMOKINO Catlin's Meerschaum ,
31c ; Cutlin's Old Style , 2.c ) ; Sweet Tip
Top , 32c ; U. N. O. , 17e ; Red , White and
Blue , 18o.
JEI.LIIH 30-lb pans , $1.25@1.50.
SALT Per bbl in carload lots. $1.45.
KOIM : Seven-sixteenths , 10@10 c.
CANDY Mixed , 9 ( ( " llc ; stick , 'Jdi'J c.
PICKWW Medium" , in bbls , $0.00 ; do in half
bbls , S3.50 ; small , in bbls , S7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $1.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.00 ; do in
half bbls , $4.50.
MAI-LU SUOAU Bricks , 12 > < fopcrlb ; penny
cakes , 13@14e per Ib. ; pure maple syrup , $1.25
per gal.
BitooHB Extra , 4-tie , $2.00 ; parlor. 3-tie ,
painted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 ,
$1.75 ; heavy table brooms , $4.00.
STAHCII Mirror gloss , 5c ; Graves' corn
CKc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
THAU Japans , 39@55c ; Gunpowder , 20 ®
OOo : Young Hyson , 32@65c ; Oolong , 30@05c.
POWDEII AND SHOT Shot , $1.30 ; buckshot.
$1.65 ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 : half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths. $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.35 ,
fuses , 100 ft. , 4575c.
soda wafers ( in tins ) lOc ; soda zephyrs , be ;
city oyster , 0) c ; excelsior , 7o ; farina oyster ,
7o : gem oyster , 5c : monitor , 7c ; Omaha
oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5c ; snow
drop oyster , 7c ; butter 5o ; Boston , 80 ;
Omaha butter 7c ; sawtooth butter , OJfo ;
cracker meal , 5Kc ; graham , 8c ; graham
wafers , lOe ; graham wafers In i > ound pack
ages , 12Kc ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , 7 } c ; oat
meal. 8c ; oat meal wafers , 10c ; oat meal wa
fers in pound packages , liij u ; animals 12c ;
Bollvcr gmgcrround,7c ( ) ; crenm,6cCornhill ; ,
lOc ; craeknolls. ICc ; trostcd cream 8Uc ;
ginger Biiaps , 80 ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 9o ;
homo made ginger snaps. In boxes , I3c ; homu
made ginger snaps , ( Mb cans ) per dozen ,
$3.50 ; lemon creams.Sc ; pretzels , ( hand made ) ,
HHo ; assorted cakes and jumbles , llj o ; as
sorted fingers , 16o ; afternoon tea ( In tins ) ,
per box , $7.00 ; banana fingers , 14c ; butter
jumbles , ll c ; Brunswick , 16o : brandy
, 16c ; chocolate drops ( now ) lOc ; choco
late wafers , 15e ; Christmas lunch , ( in tins ) ,
per dozen , $4.60 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee
cake , 12o ; Cuba jumbles , llijO ; cream pulls ,
30o ; egg Jumbles , 14c ! , ginger drops , Ilo ;
honey jumbles , llj e ; jolly lingers , I5c ; jelly
wafers , 15o ; 1elly tart ( now ) , 15o ; lady lingers -
ers , ] 3c ; vunlllu bar , > 4o ; vanilla wafers , 14e ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box ,
per dozen , 2.50.
All goods packed In cans Ic per Ib advance
except snowllake nuil wafer soda , which are
packed only In cans. Soda in 2-lb nnd 3-lb
paper boxes , i c per Ib udvunco ; nil other
goods lo per Ib udvuneo. Soda In 1-lb paper
boxes , lo per Ib advance. The 2-lD boxes ore
packed in cases holding 18 In a case , The 3a
11) boxes are packed In cases holding 12 In a
case. The 1-lb boxes are packed In cases
holding 'M In u case. One-lb grahum and out-
meal wafers packed 2 doz in a case. itto
Show tops for boxes , with gluss opening to
show goods. 75e. Cans'foi wafer sodu , fl.OO ,
not returnable. Cans for snowtluko soda ,
J5.00 per doz. Tin cases with glass face to
display the goods , 75c each. No charges for
packages except for cans and returnable
goods. Gluss front tin cans and "snowlluko"
sodu cans are returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
Sluter , 5) ) 05 Berlin oil , i c ; Garner oil , 00
7c. PIND AND KoiiKii Richmond. 0' < o ; Al-
len.flitfc ; Kiver Point , 5o ; Steel Kiver , Oo ;
Hlchmond , Co ; Pacific , OK"INDIOO BI.UI :
Washington , llYo ; Century , dlgo blue prints : ,
Oc ; American , ( mo ; Arnold , OKc ; Arnold B ,
10J < o ; Arnold A , I2o ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJfo.
Dituss Charter Oak , 5c ; Kumaiw Wu ; LodI ,
5o ; Allen , Oo ; Ulchmond , Oo : Windsor , " '
Eddystone , } < o ; Pucillc , OJfc.
Huou'N biltUTlNO Atlantic A , 4-4 ,
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7'ie ; Atlantio D , 4- ,
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Au
rora C , 4-4. 60 ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7Kc ? ' H UW
icr LL , 4-4 , Oe ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7)fc ; Law-
renca LL-.1-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , i-4 , r > } c ;
Pcppercll n , 4-11 7c : Pcppcrell O , 4-4 , Co ;
Pcppcrell , 8-4,18J < e ; Pcppcrcll 0-4 , Sic ; Pep-
pcroll 1CM , C3c ; Utlen C. 4-4 , Oc ; Wnchusett ,
4-4. 7 0 } Aurora B , 4-4 , C&cj Aurora II , 4-4 ,
BATTS Standard , Oc ; Gem , lOe ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Bnyonne , 14c ; B , cased , $ O.W ) .
WAiir-Bfbb , wnltc , lOc ; col ocd
DOCK West Point , 29 In. Soz. , lO Cl West
Point , 20 In. 10 oz.,12Ko ; West Point , 10 in.
12 oz. , 15c ; West Point , BO In. 11 oz. , lOc.
Checks-Caledonia , iiUC5 Caledonia XX ,
lOJfo ; Eeononjy , PC ; Otis , PC.
KENTt'cvr JIHNS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
2c ; Durham , 27) < c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton. 22'tfc ' ; Cottsworld. 27J c.
MISCKI.LAXISOUP Table oil cloth , f2.ST ;
plain Holland , SJ iViOi c ; Dado Holland ,
COMFfltlTERS $ G.flO@35.00.
Bi.r.HciiEii Snrr.TiNo Berkcly cambric ,
No. CO , 9Kc : Best Yet , 4-4 , 05/c ; butter cloth ,
OO,4 > { c ; Cabot , 7Kc ; Farwell , SWc ; Fruit
of Loom. 9 , ' c ; Frccno G , Oc ; Hope , 7Jfo
King Philip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo , HMo ?
Loiisdalc , SJ/o ; Now York mills , lOKe ; Pcp
pcrell 42-ln. , lie ; Pepiwrcll , 4Vln. ( , I2c ; Pcp
pcrcll , 0-4 , lOc ; Pcppcrell , 8-4 , Sic : Pcppcrcll ,
0-4. 23c ; Pcpiiercil , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-4 ,
Canton , 4-4 , Kc ; Triumph , Oc ; Wain-
suttA , lOe ; Valley Be.
GINOHAH Plunkctt checks , 7Je ; Whlttcn-
ton , 7J o ; York , 7Kc : Normnndl dress , 8 ! < c ;
Calcutta dress , 8)0 ) ; Whlttcndoii dress , 8 > $ c ;
Hcnlrew dress , S tU'iaj ' o.
TICKS Lcwiston , IW-in , 12J c ; Lewiston ,
' 13) ) 0 ; York. 32-in. , 14e : Swift river ,
. ; , „ , Thorndyke , OO , SJtfc ; Thorndyko FF ,
8'tfc ; Thorndlko 120. Vt ) < e ; Thornklko XX ,
15c ; Cordls , No. 5 , llc : Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DuNiMb Amoskcag B , 9-oz. , Hie ; Everett ,
7-oz , % , 18e ; York , 7-oz. , I3j c ; BnytnnrkelSJtfu ;
Jnffrev XX. llj c ; Jnlfrey XXX , 13l2c ;
Beaver Creek AA , 12o ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie : Beaver Creek CO , lOc.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c : Gosecn ,
32J c ; Clear Lake , 32 < < c ; Maple City , 80 < < e.
U'hlte- H No. 2 , } { , 21co C H No. 1 / ,
30c ; QucchceNo. 1. J42 ; Qncchfci' , No. 2 ,
, , 0 ; bleached. 8 0 ;
bleached , UKci Stevens' N , OJfc ;
bleached , lO c ; Stevens' S R. T , 12 c.
General Markets.
LnATiicn Oak soles , 35r37c ; hemlock
slaughter solo , 21ttWc ( [ ; hemlock dry sole , 12
( 25o ; hemlock kii > , GOriPOo ( ; A. & B. runner
kip , 6D@75c ; A. hemlock calf , We@31.00 ) : A.
A. hemlock calf , "baclcs , " 75c ; hemlock
English grain upper , 23o ;
Gricsen kids , $3.0 ( > @ 3.75 ; French glazed kids ,
$2.50 ( ? < ' 2.75 ; French calf kids , $3.25 ; oak kip
skins'b'0c@1.00 ; oak calf skins , $1.00@1,55 ;
French euTf skins , $ l.25@2.25 ; French kip
skins , ? 1.11.50 ( ) ; Hussitt linings. 0.00 ( 0.50
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50
( a .75 per doz. ; colored toppings , S9.00@ll.00.
DIJUQH Acid Carbolic , crystal per Ib , 50c ;
citric per Ib. OOc ; tarlaric , pcrlb , We ; sul
phuric , per Ib , 4c ; ammoniacarb , perlb , 15c ;
alum , ixr Ib , Bo : alcohol. 95 percent , per gal ,
83.33 ; blue vitriol , per Ib , 8c ; borax refined ,
per Ib , lOe ; camphor refined , 32c ; cream tar
tar , pure , per Ib. 42e ; cream tartar , commer
cial , per Ib , 20c ; cloves , per Ib , 33c ; cuttle
fish bone , per Ib , 30e ; dextrine , per Ib , 12e ;
glycerine , pure , per Ib , 30c ; hops , fresh , per
Ib , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per Ib , 75c ; insect
powder , per Ib , OOc ; morphine , P.v. . , per
oz. , $3.00.ODium , per Ib , $3.75 ; quinine , P.
& AV. , pcroz. , BSe : quinine , German , pcroz. ,
4Sc ; Hochclle salts , per Ib , 35c ; saffron ,
American , perlb , 40c ; saffron , true Spanish ,
per oz. , * 1.00 ; salapctro , pure per Ib. lOc ;
Sulphur , Flowers' , per Ib. , 5a ; soda , bi-enr-
bonate , per Ib , 5c ; silver , nitrate , perlb ,
$11.50 ; spormncctti , per Ib , 52@COe ; strych
nine , per oz , , $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib ,
55e : wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , 35c.
On.s Carbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon ,
150 degrees , 13c ; linseed Dolled , OOc ;
linseed , raw , 57c ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ;
No. 2 , ? .12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water
bleaebcd , 85e ; fish , bank. 35e ; ncatsfoot , ex
tra , 05c ; neatsfoot , No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 75
pur gal.
HIDES Green butchers , ' 4@IJ < fc ; green
cured , 5@5 > c ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salt , Oc ;
green salted calf , CKc ; damaged hides , 2o
off ; dry salted deacons. 25c each. Tallow-
No. 1 , 3c ; No. 2 , 2J c. Grease Prime
white , 4Jfc ; yellow , 3o : brown. 2c. Sheep
pelts 10cS.$1.00according ( to quality. Brand
ed hides classified as damaged.
Si'iitiTS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.14 ; do
101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101
proof , 81.15 ; do 183 proof$1.13 : alcohol , 188
proof , per wino gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled
whiskies , $1.3501.50 ; gin blended , $1.50@2.00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , ? 2.UO@0.00 ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00a0.60 ( : Golden
Sheaf and rye whiskies , $ .50 ( 3.00 ; brandies ,
imported , $5.00 8.00 ; domestic , $1.30(39.00 ( ,
gins , imported , $5.00@0.00 ; domestic , $1.25 ®
3.00 ; champagnes , imported , per case , $28.00
@ 33,00 ; American , per case , $10.00@17.00.
. , .
15 ft. 18ft. 20 ft. 22ft. 21ft.
2X4 . .17 CO 30 00 21 00 ! 00 ! (10
2x8 17 CO 38 ( K ) 21 00 23 00 2:1 : oo
2x8 .1750200021 00 22 0(1 ( 23 00
4x10 .J7R02J 0021 U ) il 00 00oj 10a 10a
xlS .IB 2,120 0021 24 ( U
2x4 8x8 . .is no 19 Maj | MU3 | 00 23 UO )
No. 1 com , B 1 S..S18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s..f 15.M
No. 2 com , B 1 s. . 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. . 13.50
No. 1 , 4&0inl2& 14ft , rough ? ll.50 !
No. 1 " " 10 "
, 0 lll.fl
No. 2 , ' " 14 " 0 lO.n
No. 2 , " " 10 " 0 1S.O
A , 12,13 & 10 ft.21.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10ft.15.50
B , " " 20.501 D , " " 12.50
2d com % In White Pine ceiling $34.00 )
' ' " " 28.00 )
Clear % In Normay " " 10.00 )
2dcom < Si' in " " " 14.00 )
A 0 in White Pine $20.50
110 in " "
COin " " 30.00
DOin " " 31.60
EOin " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 10.90
0 in Drop biding C"e per M extra.
AlSlnchsls $15.50
B12 " 39.20
C12 " 30.00
D12 " 23.00
No. 1 com , 12 in si s 12 ft 20.60
" " 14 ft 19.00
" " " 10 ft 18.50
" ' " 10 , 18,20ft 21.50
No.2 " " 19.00
" " " 12&14 ft 18.50
11 ' " 17 ft 17.50
12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than 13
In Stock Board * same length.
10 In Grooved roofing saino price as 13 In
Stock Boards.
Star , 4 inch Flooring $21.00
1st und 2d clear 4 inch Flooring 23.00
ClearXinch Ceiling 20.00 ( )
Clear % inch Partition 24.00
Clear % inch , Partition $2 nbs vo & inch
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Offlce-Uoom 21. Opposite ) Kzclianeo llulldlni ; , Union
btctlL Vunl . HoutU Um li . Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
llnrkut f unilthtMl ( rue ( m application. Blockcri and
foeilori , lurntslied un irttod tvriuii , lU' urunc i , ' Ouja *
ha Nutlonal Hank anu KoutU Omaha National , Uul&n
fcluckYrili , buutl , Uiualm ,
Live Stock Commission ,
Itoom Ii , Kzctunue liulldlntt , Unlou Slock Tard ,
BoutU Oiu&Ua , Neti.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
. ' , UPI > O > | IB KicUanve llulldlny , Union Stock
YanU , SuulU Omatia , Keu.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Asrjpulturnl Implotnonts. " "
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriage * and HucElf" . Jip < StroftbetKCcnOlhftnd
10th , Urnaha , Nel < raika.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons.Carriages .
. Ktc. Wholctalt.
Wholciale Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
( Cl , HXt , Kfi and W7 Jone Street , Omaba.
P. P. MAST& CO. .
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultlrntorn , Hay Hnkon. cider Mill * and I.uban Pul-
vcrlier * . Cor. nth and Nicholas felreeU ,
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Comer llth nnd Klchola Streets.
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mead. Manager. 1213 LcixTonffOrth U Oini\liii.
MnnutnrturcrsmulJobbcrs In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Dili nil I IMcllIc street' , Umnhn , Neb.
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 DouKlns Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Boots nnd Shoos.
( SuceejsorB to llccd , Jonen A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
norton K' " 0 < * " ' "
W. V. MORSE > t CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , llltt-llUi Douglas St. , Onmhn Manulactory , Sum
mer St. . liiaton.
J3ool < s ojllora n cj S t atlo n oi rs.
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Kcnyon & Co , , Wholesale &ltctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine Wedding Stationery , Commercial Stationery ,
Ki'ii Douflm Street , omuha , Neb.
Coffees , Splcos , Etc.
Umatia Coffcu ntid Splco Mill * .
Teas CoffeesSpices.MingPowfler
, , , .
Agent for the Manufacturer * and Impnrteis of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. OBlce. 317 SjjJth St. , Omaha , Nebraska.
lanjorters nnd .lubbers of
Greenery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Ktc. 1MI Fanmm St. , Now 1'axton llullJlnif.
Commission a n d S tor a go- _
" " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Butter , KCRS , Chccfo , I'oultrr , Game ,
1112 Howard Strc t. ; Omaha.
Successors to McSlmnc A gchroeiler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
UiualiH , Nubraika.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Jlercbunt. Corrosponilcncnsollfllcil. 1011 North IClti
btrect.Uiniihn , Nub.
Coal , Colip
' ' '
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South 13tl > Street , Omaha , Ncbrntka.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And uhlrnors of Coal , Coke , Ccmi'nt , Plaster , 1.1 mo ,
Drain Tllu , and Scour Pipe. Ufllcu , 1'nxion Hotul ,
Farnam fct. , Ouiulm , Neb. Tulejibono bll.
Sliipners of Coal and CoKe ,
211 South nth St. . Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goods and Notions
"MTiFsMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1101 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Onmha.Ncb.
IfflDorters anil Jobbers in Dry Goods.Notions .
. Gents' FurnlsliliiK ( iool . Corner 11IU uiid HIUUUT
' "
S. , OuiutTa , NvtTrabk'iL.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Kunmiii Htrcvt. Oraatia. Nclira ka.
.Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
,06 , TOT , TOO nnil Til B. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 lli anil I-caveuwnrtli Btrecti , Oiuaua , Nebraika.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
lletnls , HlifPt Iron , etc. Agents Cor Howe Sculea'
Miami Powder und Lytnnn llaxbuil wiry ,
Umuha , Nebrasku ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tooli and Dutlalo Pcalci. IW6 lougl ;
BIMCt , Omaha , Nebranka.
Wholesale Hardware
lOtb and Ilarner Bt * . . rtinakm . VaH . Wcitern
lorAuitln powd erCo. , JuflLTfon Htet'l Nttlli ,
K lrbBDki atandanl tfcall's.
Wholesale .Manufacturer" of
Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardwan
And Leather ,' . nn-1 ItJT llumcy St. , Omaha ,
JH avy _ Klardwa ro
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bpringi , Wanon Hlork , Harilwaro. I.umlior , tc.
una 1211 lUrnoy Btruut , Omaba ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Uaruer Ktreft. Omaha. No > .
oyi oo
Xlanufait - i * " .
Bank , Office and Saloon rixtnres ,
iltntlei. FUcooarli. Inot OJifi. Dru ; r'lituroi.Will
t'ttiu . raitlUuni. HahHij.'flVjr.lcT . Il rranujno
Uuoler * . Mlrrori.elc. Kuciorr * n < l olllcu , 11/1 uaa litl
cevlti Htb t..Omulia. ' 1'vleybaao 1UI.
All Kinds of Building Material at fholesalf
1U Stroct nnil Union 1'iiclBc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumoer , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Ioo , ic. : YarOa-t'ornprlth and DoiwlMi Cornel
Mil ami DoiiRlaa.
C. N. DIET2 ,
Dealer In All Kinds of Lumber ,
latlinnd California Streets , Omaha , Nobra'lia.
Lnmber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
_ CornerfitU nd DonnlAi SU..Om h -
To Dealers Only ,
Omto.llitl Knrnnm Sired , Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported and American I'ortlnn.l ( ? omcnt. Rtatl
AKcntfurMllnaukpn llrdranlle Cement anil
OulncrVIHto Mine.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumoer ,
Wood Cnrpota and 1'nrnnot Hooting Pth and Dounlai
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4(0 ( nnd W. He nth 10th St.Oraahn.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle OrcHnc , Ktc. , Omaha. A. II. lllthop , Manager ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 Ilnrncr Struct , Omalin.
"PnfiTts nntl Oils.
Whole nlo Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Gin , Etc ,
1IH F.irnnm Street. OmahaNob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry i nlco itock of Printing. Wrapplnit and Writing
lh er. Sin'Clal attention given to cur load order * .
_ Pr lntora' Mcitprlnla.
" " ' " " "
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dvalcra In Tyre , Proves and I'rlntern' Supplies. CO ]
South mil Sireet. Omnha.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
911 Clothing nnd Leather BeltltiK. KKW Karnara Street.
Stoarn Fittings , Pumpo , Eto.
Pumps , Pines and Engines ,
Jtenra , Wntnr , llnilirfiy nnil Mining Supplies , Etc.
IOJ , v * > nnil Wl Fnrnnin btrcot , Omaha.
Wnolesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btcnm nnd Water Supplies , ncmlqunrtcr * for Moot ,
Fee t & Co' gooilB. 1111 Kiirnani St. , Omitlm.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Qalllday Wind Mlllx. 019 nnil 020 Fnrnam Bt. , Omaba.
( i. t' . Hess , Acllni ; .MuniiKcr.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron Work Htcnm Pump'.Srur MIKi. 1213-1215
1/onvcnworth Hrri'l. Omaha.
Smoke Staok8 _ ,
"H. k. SAWYER ,
Mannfacturing Dealer in Smoke "Slacks ,
DtltcblDga , Tiinkn nnd ( lencral llollcr Hcpnlriuit. 131&
IO < | KO Street. Oraahu , Nell.
Wholesale Farm Field and Garden Seeds
811unl'.il3Jmi'i , . lroit Omnha. '
Storage , Forwarding & Commlsalon "J1
Storage. Forwarding and Commission ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1521 Nortli ElKtlitcontli Btrect. Omiilia. Neb.
Iron Works.
Carter , V Fen , l'rfll > ' . Monufiicturors of nil klndi
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet Iron Work
Works South 'Allll mid II. i M. Crottlng.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bnilng Work ,
Enirlnes , Ilram Work. Goncrnl Konndrir.Maolilpo anil
i W"k. ofilco n < l Works , U. I' , lly.
and lllli street , Oiu.ilin ' , _ _ _ _
Mannfactnrers of f re-anil Iron Railings
Doik Italli , Wlnilow ( Jnnril . Flower Htniidn , Wlr
BtKiii , ICUs. lil Norlli Kill Blrtut.Oiuiibn.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vault * , Jail Work , Iron nd Wlro FunclnK. Kluni , Kto.
( i. Anaroun , I'rup'r , Cur. UUi nriil Jacknou Ht .
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
anil Bcrccm. for banks , uniio § , tori' . ratlilnncoA , oto.
Iinpri'VOit Awnlnua , Ixckniultli Mix hlnory null
IIIuckBinlih Works. 4Utr > uutli lull Ut.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
Ooneral ARenti for Dlcbold Hafo A I/ock Co. ' *
T ulls and Jull Woik , 1115 Koruuru Ktroct , Oiiikba.
MlUlnorj and Notjoris. . ,
Importers & Johliers in Millinery & Notions
Mannfaclnrers of Oyeralls ,
Jen > I'unti.dblrt * , Ktc , lllfiknil 1101 Duiiglat Slr et ,
Oiunliu , Neb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
. I'rniirlclur. ICO DoJcu Hrid 1U ( aud lU
Wyrtli lUth blrott , Uuiulia.
Pnpor Boxo6t _ _
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
KOI. UlT und 131'J Douglas St. , Oiualiu , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV.'f CO. ,
Wholcialo Manufacturer * ot
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Iranch lifflcc , ISlh and Itard titructiOmaha , Not
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouHliii.SlHlr Work anil Inlvrl'jr Hard Wood Hi
tin. U. U. Corner Ml , and Ix-avennbrth Btrpeti ,
Ouiaha * 2 > ul > *
Manafaclurers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And Ullndi. Turiilnp , Stair-work , Hank aud O21r 11V
Uui , 'AMi Md 1'vtiytetuu Aivuu * .