Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    F , 1
An Infant KilloclUndor Peculiar Olr-
cumstancoa at. Lindsay.
Several People Injured nt ft Deino-
crntlo HatlflciUlou A Floater
Found Ncnr Brownvlllc
The University Fight ,
An Infant Victim.
LixtmT , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BK . ] A heavy storm pre
vailed hero last night. Lightning struck the
liouse of James Gillcsplc , a farmer living two
miles south of hero , nnd coming down the
chimney stnick the bed with Mr. and Mrs.
Glllcspio and two children sleeping In It. A
babe nine months old sleeping in the middle
was instantly killed. The others were not
seriously hurt.
A House Stritok ,
HOMDOI.DT , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special Tclo-
Bram to Title Ban. ] The house ofT. W.
Samuclson was struck by lightning during
th a rain storm this morning , but not ba dly
damaged. No ono was injured ,
Lightning Kills n Young Man.
f. OAKDAUI , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Special to Tnn
f.i" I ) Ku.J Charles Leo was killed by lightning
last night at Newman's Orore. Ho was 21
years of ago and on his way to Kansas from
this place. _
Struck by Lightning ,
JonrfatowN , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tclo
gram to TUB BEE. | Archer Carpenter , a
eon of George Carpenter , living four miles
north of here , was struck by lightning
to-day. Ho was milking a cow when struck.
The cow was killed instantly and fell on the
troy. Ho is still alive and may got well.
Lightning t Oakland.
OAKLAND , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun 'DEI ' : . ] Lightning struck F.
Wlllstcnd's residence near town last night ,
demolishing the roof. It also struck Swan
Nelson's barn , west of town , which caught
tire and was completely destroyed , together
with the contents , corn , hay , implements and
n cow. The probable loss Is $5,000.
HuHtlngs Electric Storm.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnj ? BKK. ] Thcro was a severe
cloctrlo storm last night. E. H. Heed's
house was struck , demolishing a chimney ,
Chattering studding , throwing plastering
nbout the rooms and over the servant girl in
tod. No ono was injured. Damage moder
ate. The wire for the street electric lights
Was severed nnd the city tiirown into dark
ness save for the startling flashes of light-
urn g. _
The Ktorm at Fremont ,
FREMONT , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Special to THE
JBEE. ] A terriftlo wind and thunder stonn
prevailed hero last night about midnight.
{ The tops of trocs wore twisted off , the elec
tric light-circuit cut off and some dwellings
damaged slightly from broken window glass
nnd crumbling chimneys. The largo frame
tarn belonging to a farmer named Han sen ,
living on the bluffs north of the city , was
Jilowu down. Eight horses were in it at the
time , but uono of them were seriously hurt.
The wind was accompaniod'with a deluge of
Broke His
HOMBOLDT , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele-
pram to THE BBE. ] Fred David had his leg
vrokcn last night by being thrown from a
jroad cart by a runaway horse.
Hcmpstcad Still Alive.
OAKLAND , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBB. ] Charles Hempstead still
lingers. He has taken no nourishment slnco
Jio was hurt. Hopes for his recovery are al-
jnogt abandoned.
Overcome By the Heat.
NEBRASKA Cirr , Neb. , June 18. [ Special
( Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The thermometer
to-day registered 103 in the shade in this
city and several cases of prostration from
the oxccssivo heat are reported.
A. Floater Found.
sBnowNvtu.n , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special
( Telegram to Tim BEK. ] A floater was found
in the river at this place to-day. From a
pawn ticket found on the body , his name is
upposcd to bo C. Kcanier , who had pawned
nn accordoon at King Bros , ' , Fremont , April
18 , for $2.50. Ho was buried near the river.
Depot Burned.
BLUE Srnixos , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special
ffolegram to THE Bnn. ] The Union
JPacitlo depot nt Holmesvillo was struck by
lightning this morning at 3 o'clock and
imrnod to the ground. Everything was
tout-nod books , papers and contents. There
Vvas no ono at the depot ut the tlino.
NEBRASKA CITT , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special
JtTolcgram to Tun BEK. ] Sheriff Willinan
to-day discharged Deputy Sheriff M. Dolan
ftnd Jailer Willmun for disobeying orders ,
thereby bolnc responsible for ttio escape of
Soinmors. Tlio hoc thief , 13udd , his com-
Canton , was taken to the pen to-day for four
To Begin Work To-Inv.
NETUIASK'A Cm" , Neb , , Juno 13. [ Spo-
fclal Telegram to THE BEE. ] The rep
resentatives of Corblu & Co. , of
Washington , who have the contract for com-
tilotlnprtho government building hero , ar
rived to-day and will begin work to-morrow ,
find expect to finish the handsome structure
Jjeforo winter. -
Grnrtufitca nt . '
a , Nob. , Juno 13. JSpociol Tele
gram to > TUB BiE.J The first graduating
class cf the Hastings Proabyterian collcgo
vras greeted by a largo nudtenco at tha opera
Jious'o to-night Tliore were six students
Upon wliom diplomas were conferred : Fran-
pis I. Cuouluglaui , Edith L. Huyncs , Carrie
L. Kiuibull , Allco P. Nowlun , Robert N.
JowornAlice T. Yocum , all of Hastings.
Tlio Wrong Tramps.
HDXnouir , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele-
Cram to TIIK BEK. ) Thnio trainpahuvo been
Arrested , cotli on suspicion of being the Daw-
eon rapist , mid taken before the Bulden girl
( tor Identification , None of them have
proved' bo the right ono. A reward of 350
S offered for the jrnpturo of the criminal ,
tvho Is described by the girl as being a dark-
pomplcxionod , smonth'fncod man with a scar
t > a his cheek. His height is said to bo about
Jlvo fecc tou Indies.
Badly Burnt hy Powder.
HOMDOLDT , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tale-
tram to THE Bun. ] Wnllo the democrats of
flurnboldt and vicinity were ratifying the
homlnution of Cleveland and Tlmrinan to-
plght by firing anvils , about 9 o'olook Tom
Puams wa6 terribly burned about the hoitd
bnd face by the premature explosion of n
Luckot of powder , It is thought ho will lese
JUU eyesight If the accident does uot result in
, tmytuing moro serious. Charles iCohn and a
nan by the name of Co Weld were also4 > adly
jWuca by the explosion ,
, ilcOool Junction KepnbllcniiH.
TitoCooL JUNCTION , Nob. , Juno 13 [ Special
' o THE BUB.J The republicans of this viciu-
ty wore greatly charglnod o vor the nnnouncc-
ncut ia Monday's BEE that a majority of
ho Nebraska republican dalogatos to the
lational convention would favor the nomina-
Ion of Cbuuncey Depew , Thp republicans in
his locality ere nlmostunanimous for " \Valtcr
j. Oresliam. nlthough a few uracnt support-
: r of Bhutto are undecided in choice since
/ tls final withdrawal. It Is the honest opinion
I jf your corrosponilont that if Dopow receives
, he nomination Nebraska can bo classed
pugng the doubtful states , The days of rall-
i _ a .
road'suprcmacy have pa scd.nnd the tlmo ho *
arrived when the rlfihls Of iho pcoplo shall
and must bo regarded. ,
AVlint tlioll. & 3I. Will Do.
GHANT , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEB. ] The report is given out by
persons who seem to know that the B. ft M.
will begin shortly to lay the track on the
Culbertson branch from Culbcrtson to Hoi-
yoke. Tills is the dump on which the Hock
Island road recently served nn Injunction ,
claiming prior survey. The people of Chase
county nro awaiting with Interest the result
of the Injunction.
Conimcncomcnt nt IVrit.
PERU , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tnr. BKE. ] The state normal commence
ment cxorclscf * took place to-day. Governor
Thayer nnd members of the school board
were present. There were eleven graduates
and forty received teacher's certificates.
iJovernor Thayer addressed the graduating
class , Ho was coniially received and rondo
nn able address full of good advice. Last
evening a grand reception to Governor
fhjiycr was given .hy Prof. Farn *
lam nnd Indy at which over eight
Itundrcd citizens of Nemaha nnd adjoining
counties were present. Later In the evening
the Rovernor was serenaded by the Peru cor
net band.
A Case lu Adultery.
LINCOLN , Juno 13. [ Special t to Tun Bsn. ]
There was to bo scon in the city Jail yes
terday n haudsorao woman of about twcnty-
thrco year * of age. She walked up and
down the long corridor and in her nervous
ness and excitement on two occasions
went into spasms. About a month ago she
cnmo to this city nnd since that time has
icon living in open adultery with a man
named Henry AVcthercld , who came to the
city with hnr and has been employed as a
switchman in the Burlington yards. The wo
man's name is Mrs.Bortha Robbins of Illinois.
The police were notified by wlro to arrest
thopnrtios nnd hold them until nn officer
could arrive from Illinois to take them back.
The deserted husband expects to como with
the ofllcor and It is stated that the woman
left two little children when she deserted
tier homo to share the meagre fortunes of
the man Wethoreld , with whom she was
found. The parties from Illinois are ox-
' train.
pccted on to-night's
Mnnntt Badly JMJxod.
LIKCOLX , Neb. , Juno 13. [ Special to TUB
URIC. ] In nn interview with Chancellor
Mnnntt of the university , he denied that ho
liad stated that Mrs. Lloyd was nn infidel.
Ho did not waut it printed. Tbo statement
that ho had accused the lady , who is a
chemist in the university , was corroborated
by two regents. It is not a confidential
matter that the light between Bill-
ugs and Manutt is purely pcr&onal.
It is predicted that the final
result will be the "firing" of both of thorn.
The resignation of Wing was the result of
TUB BEB'S recent investigation. It seems
that ho was ufrald that if the truth was told ,
concerning his past as superintendent , nn in
dignant people would demand his resigna
tion. The college farm , supported by the
state at an enormous expense , has always
been a failure. During the last year but
seven students attended nnd they all bore
witness , in a written statement , now in my
possession , that Wing was incompetent and
the farm a mistake. AL. FAIUDKOTUER.
A Council in Contempt.
Exnrcn , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special Tolo-
jram to Tnn BED. ! An order from Judge
Morris to appear at Crete nnd show cause
why a peremptory writ of mandamus should
not be Issued , was served on our city council
to-day by Sheriff Carson. The court or-
dcced the council some time since to meet
and revoke Iho license to sell liquors granted
to Hurrigan & Kinny. A meeting was called
but it was shown that the written evidence
tnkcu before the board and examined by
Judge Morris had not boon certified to by the
chairman of the board. A document was
also produced by the attorney for Harrigun
& Kinny , certified to by the clerk of the dis
trict court , stathig that the case had been or
dered expunged from the records by Judge
Morris , and as it "had been done , there was
no record on the docket shoxving that such
a case had been brought before the court.
No action was taken at that meeting , hence
this order to appear at Crete Juno 18,18S8.
The Rate Question.
LIXCOLS , June 18. [ Special to THE BEE ]
Thursday of this week is the day agreed
upon by the board of transportation for a
meeting to consider the local rate question.
Four of the five members have stated that
they favor the adoption of a lower schedule
for local rates , and a great deal of interest
and attention will bo given the meeting.
Secretary Mason has prepared a now sched
ule and will ask that it bo adopted. It is
largely after the Iowa rate in force and if
passed will place Nebraska nearly on n level
with Iowa on local rates , and yet will not , for
the Iowa commissioners have recently made
an order that largely reduces present rates in
thutstato ; however , if something near the
basis of present rates in Iowa is secured it
will bo a great victory nnd of much worth to
the people of the state. Against this propo
sition of Secretary Mason , Secretary Agcr
has placed himself on record as in favor of
leaving the present rates alone , arguing , after
the style of the railroad managers , that they
are low enough and that there is no demand
for lower rates by the people. Secretary
Munger has not yet expressed himself on the
question , nnd the discussion at the coming
meeting will naturally lead to nn endorsement
of the views of cither Mr. Mason or Mr.
Ager. It is n very general opinion among
people who have advocated nnd looked for
action on the part of the board of transporta
tion that thcrols no further grounds for put
ting the question off nnd delaying action , nnd
the uontlriuous 3elays will but intensify the
rumors that there nro mumbors of tlio board
who prefer soolug nothing dona until after
the republican Ktuta convention is licld , As
a prominent republican in the stiito said to
day , "Wo want to know the record that the
present board is willing to make on the rate
question , nnd to act accordingly. "
Officers of the Grand Lodge Elected
r Dondwood.
DEADWOOD , Dalf. , Juno 1H , [ Special Telegram
gram to Tim Bin.jTho Dakota grand lodgb
of Masons mot hero to-day and elected the
following officers : John T. A. Brudou , G.
M. , Aberdeen ; Georpo V. Vycrs , D. G. M. ,
Deadwood ; James W. Close , Y. S. W. ,
Jamestown ; Goorgq D. Kuuousc , G. J W. ,
Woousocket ; J. D. Halo , G. L. , Tilford ;
Charles F. McCoy , G , 8. , Aberdeen. Ap.
pointivo officers : Rev. S. G , Ofdyke , G. C. ,
Brookings ; P. C. Murphy , V. M. , Brook-
ings ; Abe Boynton.G. S. D. , Lunox ; Will
iam II. Gannor , G. J. D. , Aberdeen : Cyrus
J , Tyler , G , S. S. , Vermillion ; S. V. Gros-
beck , ( } , J. S. , Watortown ; A , P. Ronsvill ,
G , S. H. , Larumor ; Geortro A. Pottigrew , G.
P. , Aberdeen ; Daniel W. Yorkcy. G , T. ,
Grufton , Tim ofiluen ) were installed this
afternoon , Grand Muster Wheeler presiding ,
A grand ball was given to-night and 33'J ' per
sons were at the banquet table.
In Line \Vltlt tlin Buriinatnn.
CHICAGO , Juno 13. The Wisconsin Central
to-day swung into line with the roads that
huvo reduced rates between Chicago and St ,
Paul. Goooral Manager Miller , in n letter
to Chairman Falthorn , announces that ho
will at ouco nut into cfTui-t on his line the
tariffs adopted by the Chicago , Burlington &
Northern , both on through and local tr.\filc.
That is , through rates from seaboard points
to the twin uttius will bo reduced to a basis of
fl.Ol on first .class , while the local rate front
Chicago to St. Paul will bo made to conform
witlt the 40 cent schedule in effect on the
Burlington. But the Wisconsin Central ro-
fui > cs to make any change in its rates to ter
minal points , thereby Ignoring the long and
short haul provisions of the iuter-stato law.
A Brakciunii Killed.
Sioux CITV , la. , Juno 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] T. C. Howard , n brako-
uian on tbo Omaha road , was run over to-day
at Covington , Neb. , nnd killed. Howard's
homo is Bv City , Mich. , whither the ro-
inalns will be sent.
Omaha's Crippled Crack Team PlayIng -
Ing Very Yellow Ball.
O'Connelt nnit Shnnnon Oil Itio Sick
List , nrul the Catchers Taking
Turns On First Other West
ern Association Gntncs.
Western Association Standing. T
Below will bo found ilia standing of the
clubs , including yesterday's games !
PUiveil Won LostPrCt
DCS Molncs 29 17 13 .58(5 (
Kansas City 33 10 H.5SO
Milwaukee 30 17 13 * .GGO
St. Paul 3t 17 H .543
Omaha „ 33 18 15 .5-15
Chicago 30 13 17 .433
SULouis. ! H 14 20 .401
Minneapolis . .3d 13 23 .301
ftiunoa Scheduled for To-day.
St. Paul vs. Omaha at St. Paul.
Minneapolis va. Kansas City ut Minneap
Milwaukee vs St , Louts at Milwaukee.
Chicago vs. DCS Molnos at Chicago.
St. Paul O , Oninlin 1.
ST. PAUL , Juno 13. [ Special telegram to
Tins Bna.JThe crippled Omaha team mndo
Its first appearance in St. Paul to-day slnco
iho championship season began , and were
taken into camp by the homo team without
an effort. This was accomplished by the
surprising case with which Lorott's delivery
was sized by Iho St , Paul boys. However ,
Sis support was horrible , especially in the
Irst and ninth innings. Durycn. proved
another stumbling : block in the way of a vic
tory for Omnha. Ho hold the visitors down
io throe bona fide and two scratch hits , and
jut for Krommlor's muff of a thrown ball at
the plalo the Omaha boys would have been
shut out. Outsidd of the second inning not
an Omaha player reached third base , and
aut two got us far as"second. . Uinpiro
Hrcnuau's work was decidedly poor , but
St. P ul suffered as inucU thereby as Omaha.
The score :
Runs earned St. Paul 4. Two base bits-
Carroll (2) ( ) , Roilly. Homo run Pickett.
Double plays Coonoy , Miller aud Nogle ,
Lovett , Miller and Naglo , AnnisLovott and
Miller , Cooncy and Doran. Bases on balls-
Murphy. Struck out By Duryea 8 , Lovett
3. Passed balls Keuimlor. Wild pitch
Duryea. Left on bases St. Paul G , Omaha
3. First base on errors St. Paul 4 , Omaha 1.
Time 1:50. : Umpire Bronnan.
Chicago IU , DCS Moincs 7. t
CHICAGO , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to
Tim BEE. ! Tlio Maroons turned over -a new
leaf and gave the association leaders , such an
exhibition of clean powerful batting as is sel
dom seen on a ball field. Tbo Dbs Momes
men did pretty well in that line themselves ,
but could not keep up with tm ? fast gaite sot
them by Morton's gay youu t rs. Henglo
was conspicuous in the slaughter. Little
Wells had to submit to his two pjoan lipmo
run hits inside of the grounds..His first was
on a line hit that went over 01 $ short stop's
head like greased lightnlhc ( , iirball strik-
ug the ground midway boiw'ijw'i 'thfl center
and loft fielders whore neither hod any
chance to stop it and could" do rfotuing but
chase the fast Hying ball until it brought up
against the new club house. Henglo was
sitting on the bench when the ball reached
the diamond. His second homo run was a
duplicate of the first , except that tlio ball
was drove to right center. The fielding was
decidedly strong ou both sides iu the main.
The score :
Maroons . 8 0303100 4 13
Dos Moines . 1 10400100 7
Base hits Maroons 10 , Dos Moines 12. Er
rors Maroons 8 , DCS Moines 8. Pitchers
Sprague aud Wells. Umpire Powers.
Milwaukee 5 , St. Loulq 1.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , June 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THK Bcc.J St. Louis opened its
scries here to-day , and put Staloy , its great
pitcher , in the box. Horner occupied the
similar position for the Milwaukees. Staloy
was very effective until the fifth Inning ,
when the locals hit him three times safely ,
which , in addition to Nicholson's error ,
yielded thrco runs. The feature of the
gnino was the work of the two Titchors , The
score :
Milwaukee . 0 0003030 0 5
St. Louis . 0 0100000 0 1
Earned run Milwaukee 1. Bases on
balls Off Horner 2 , off Staley 2. . Struck
out Forstcr. Lowe (3) ( ) , Cusslck , Crooks ,
Hines. Dolan. Two-baso hits Staloy (2) ( ) .
Passed balls Coutz 1. UmpireHagan. .
Time 1:45. _
KansiiH City T , Minneapolis 3.
MINNEAPOLIS , Juno 7. [ Special 'Telegram
to Tun Bni ! . ] Kansas City bunched its h'its
lu the samp inning that Minneapolis did its
errors , thereby winning the game. The
features wcro the batting of Walsh and
Hassamaer and the steady work of the bat
teries. Tlio score :
Minneapolis. , . . 0 10000003 3
KnnsasCity..l 00420000 7
Runs earned Minneapolis 2 , Kansas City
3. Two huso hits MoCullom. Three base
hits Hassamaer. Double plays Walsh and
Broughton. Struck out By Wiukloman Ti ,
by Conwuy 4. Bases stolen By Walsh ,
Brostmn , Cartwrlfiht , Manning , Johnson ffl ) ,
Loft on bases Minneapolis 0 , Kansas. City
7. . First buso on errors Minuoaiwlhi ' 8 ,
Kansas City 7. Tluio-2:00. : Umpire
Febbondon. _
New York O , Detroit 8.
NKW Youic , Juno 13 The garno botwecn
New York and Detroit to-day resulted as
follows : ' , _ , ,
New York . 0 01000014 0
Detroit . 1 3 1 4 0. ,0 0 0 " * 8
Pitchers Titcomb and Cotiway. Base
hits Now York 7 , Detroit 0. Errors Now
York 9 , Detroit 10. Umpire Lynch.
Philadelphia 15 , ludinuuiiuiifi n.
PHILADELPHIA , Juno 13. The game between
Philadelphia uud Indianapolis to-day resulted
us follows ;
Philadelphia. . . . 3 0701050 0-15
Indianapolis . 0 5
Pitchers Bufiinton and Tyng for Phil
adelphia. Moffett and Denny for Indian
apolis. Base hits Philadelphia 15 , Indian
apolis 11 , Errors Philadelphia 0 , Indianap
olis 10. Umpire Daniels ,
Washington 4 , IMttHburg O.
WASHINGTON , Juno 1.3 Tlio game between
Washington and Pittsburg to-day resulted
us follows :
Washington . 0 0 3 0 0 O'l'O 0-4
Piltsburg . -.0,0 0 00 p 0 0 0-
Pitcliors WWtucy and Morris. Base lilts
Washington 0 , , Pittsburg 5. Errors
Washington 1 , PittsVurg B , umpire Kelly <
Athletics O.llrooklyn .
PmiAnm.ntu , .tilho 13. The gatno bo-
ween the Athletic * nud Brooklyns to-day ro-
suited as follows i -
Athletics O'O'l 030000 0
Brooklyn. 3 , 000 00000 3
St. I-oulsMj , I/oulftTlllo 2.
ST. Louis , .Tuno li } . The gftmo between
St. Loui and Louisvlllo to-day resulted
as follows : " '
St. Louis 0,0 0 3
Louisville 1 )0 ) 3
Council Bluffs n , PlnttBiuouth n.
PIATTSMOUTU , Neb , Juno 13. [ Special
Telegram to Tnn DKR. ] Tha different A. O.
U. W. ledge members of this city and their
families participated In a pksnfd at the grove
In the fair grounds lo-day. Several hundred
people were in attendance , nnd a grand time
was had. Tlio lodges Over the stale were
Invited , nnd quito n number attended. Several
oral hundred gathered at the ball grounds to
witness n match gfttno of base ball boUyoeu
the homo tilno and the Council Blnffft team ,
a member of the Omaha Commercial league.
The gatno was a cloao contest from be
ginning to end , nnd abounded In pretty plays
on both sides. Following is the score by
innings :
Plattsmouth .0 0100310000 0 8
Council Bluffs 0 1001300000 1 0
Base hits Council Bluffs lO.PlntUmouth 0.
Errors Council Bluffs 4n Plattsmouth 11.
Umpire Chambers ,
Lnfnycttes B , Ilnrtllnn 7.
Tito game between the Lafayottcs and tha
Hardins at the base ba l park yesterday re
sulted in a score of 8 to 7 in favor of the La-
fayettea. The batteries wcro King and Lan *
caster , Vassian and Hardin.
Club Shoots.
The following is the score niado at the last
shoot of the Lofovro gun club ou Monday
Salisbury..1001000001 1011011011 01011 13
Kotcham..1111111111 1111110111 Hill 24
Fitchctt OUlllllll 1101100111 11111 21
Perkins 0010011010 1010011100 01111 13
Townsciid..lUmHll 1010101110 01011 19
Fitch 0011001110 1100111110 10010 14
Miller Ollliunui 0111111010 01101 17
Johnnnas..1111111011 0111110101 10110 19
The metropolitan club mot yesterday and
the following is the scoro. Mr. Kelly won
the Hardin medal.
Webb 1110100110 1011110111 01001 16
Um'phorso'n.1011001000 1101100100 10000 10
Farrer 1010010110 0011000101 0100010
Finloy OllOOWWll 0101110101 01001 12
Pubst 1110010001 1000100010 01011 11
Barston 1001010110 0010101011 11110 14
Kelly 1100101111 OlOUUUl 01001 17
Homes 1001011001 0010100010 00101 10
ChristiansenOlOllllOOO 1101111111 10110 17
The Gate City gun club shot a match Tues
day afternoon with the following result :
Hobon 1110101101 1100111001 01100-15
ZcUer 1110110111 OOU1111110 11111-11) )
icken omnium ooiiiiiuo 11100 17
Knapp OinOlOllO 0111110111 11111-11) )
Haarman OOOHU'WIll 10111U1110 KOI 1 15
A. Johnson OllWlJlOOl 111101W10 11UU-15
Snyder OlWliyooi HOJOIOOIO 11101-12
S.Jonnson MOljimOO 0010010010 01101-10
Twenty-five blue ipeks.
After the repulaj ; jjshoot A. Christiansen
and William HartryKqfrtho Gate City's , shot
a match with C. Far/for and C. Christiansen ,
of the Metropolitan , for $10 a side. The
former won by a sco.cojof 80 to 20.
LONDON , Juno 13.This was the second
day of the Ascot H&atii meeting. The race
for the Ascol Derby .stakes was won by
Sheen. The race for the Fern Hill stakes
was won by Hozoljintch , and for the royal
hunt cup by Shcllngar.i.
The race for thoAscott ) biennial stakes
was won by Van Di mnn's Land.
A Prize Flsht.
1'iTTsnujio , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to
Tuts BEK. ] A prize fight took place iu a
room in the central part of ttio city between
Mike Coburn and Jack Hanlon , the New
York pugilist. The contest was under
Quoensberry rules with small gloves. The
fighting was terrific in the first two rounds ,
and Coburn had decidedly the best of it ;
but In the third round Hnnlon dealt him n
powerful blow in the iugular , knocking him
senseless. Ho was picked up , aud it was
fully four minutes before he recovered con-
Hnitlnii , the AMctor.
BniSDAiNK , Queensland , Juno 13. A match
race between Haitian and Trickott lor 500
n Hide , was rowed on Fitzey river to-day.
Hauluu beat his opponent by six lengths.
Sporting Notes.
Sunday the Hardins play nt South Oinnlm ,
the C. E. Maynes play ut Council Bluffs , and
open up the now grounds at Lake Mauawa.
A match game of ball was played yester
day between the Clark and Webster nines ,
resulting in favor of the Websters by a score
of 15 to 14.
The J. J. Hnrdin nnd Crane Bros , will play
at the league grounds Saturday , the iCth.
Game called at 30. : ! Giest and Swarts , and
McKelvy uud Millet will do the fireworks.
Admission to grounds uud grand stand , 25e ,
ladies free. The Hardins stand first and
Crane Bros , second for the city champion
ship. If you wish to get the worth of your
money go and see this gamo. TUB Bun Fri
day evening will print a list of the players.
Ktouownll .1/ickHoii's Monument.
FiinuKKicicsnuita , "Vn. , Jiino 13. At Chan-
ccllorsvillo the monument that marks the
spot where Stonewall Jackson received the
wound from which ho died was dedicated
to-day with imposing ceremonies. General
Fitzhuch Leo was the chairman of the meet
ing. Ho niado a brief speech , after which ho
introduced tlio Hon. John W. Daniel , orator
of the day , who Bpoko at length , reviewing
the lifo and character of Juclcson ,
The Flour Makers Moot.
BUFFALO , Juno 18. The second day of the
millers convention opened w't't a larger at
tendance to-day. State * * ' r read
n paper ou "Bags and H gging , " at tha oo n
elusion of which A. A. l > . . ' , . , . . u ,
read a very able paper on "J'nssnt. Abuses
in the Sales of Flour and the Regulations of
Sales and Production ) . " An effort was
niado to form u Hour trust , but no definite
action was taken , J ' " > '
U i I II
An AiiHplelouH OtbuluKor | the Festi
val ut Af.Louis. !
ST. Louis , Juno 18NJuo thousand people
assembled in the exposition building to-night
to listen to the welcomiiw concert given by
tne pcoplo of St. Lou& to the sacngor socie
ties from all parts of tye country. The scene
in tlio grout hull , brilliantly illuminated , was
superb , Tbo chorus of 1,700 voices , about
1,000 female , proseutoQ almost striking spec
tacle. Tlio concept * opened with an
overture to WUEIU.V * "Rieuzi" by
the Thomas orchfeU-a of SIX ) pieces.
Then came the scena auij aria from Wfsbcr's
"Oberon. " FollowiUKtis ] ) < : amoiin address
by tlio mayor of the cfty'theit the colors of
the North American saeuKorbund were for-
mully transferred by ox-President Henry M.
Mendel , of Milwaukee , to President Leopold
Methudy , of St. Louis. Tlio first concert of
the sacugorfest closed amid expressions of
entuBiasm , suuh as have boeu rarely heard ,
There will bo two iKsr-fonnuuees daily till the
close of the week.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wlion BabWM sick , ire garc her Cottoria.
Wbea the via a Child , he cried lor Caetoria ,
When the became Mlas , ( ho clung to Castoria ,
\Ylien the h d Children , she gave thun QutorU.
Burlington Burlington
( The Burlington takes the lead.
It was In advance of all lines in developing Nebraska ?
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
corvico between Missouri river points and Chicago ,
It was in advance of all lines In giving the people of1
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
.leave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.v
Depot on Tenth Street.
WASHINGTON , Juno 13 Mr.Shcrman report
ed a current resolution requesting the pres
ident to invite from Unto to time negotiations
with any government with which the United
States has diplomatic relations to the end
that any differences between the two govern
ments which can not "bo adjusted by diplo
matic agencies may bo referred to arbitra
tion uud peacefully adjusted by such means.
Placed on the calendar.
Mr. Halo called up Mr. Morgan's reso
lution us to tho-fishery treaty and addressed
the senate on the suttjoct. Ho declared that
the fishermen would agree to no surrender
in this ointtor , that their voices were against
the treaty. Not a vessel had
sailed from Provincetown , Gloucester ,
Marbluhead , Portland , Castino or
Booth's bay aittoo the treaty , whoso master
and crew had not sent back an execrating
protest against the treaty. Mr. Halo sjwko
of the enormous subsidies to the Canadian
Pacific railroad company , and said the course
of Gruat.Britain in mat'mat tor ought to be
xvotched with zealous scrutiny by every
Aniuricuu administration. That great road
had been built by government aid for two
purposest military and commercial. Every
thing involved , lit the Monroe doctrine was
involved in that question ; and yet no atten
tion was paid to it. In this connection Mr.
Halo critieisdd Iho action of the. treasury de
partment in 'giving "transaction In bond"
privileges to the Canadian Pacific and to the
steamship line between San Franulseo and
Vuncouvor.unctor which they carried freight ,
nino-tcnths of 'which would otherwise aud
naturally pa s fiver American lines.
Mr. Blair said lie .would like to have Mr.
Halo's views-upon tuo subject of the fortifi
cations befng-drectod'by the British govern
ment an the Pacific coast whether they were
being erected with a.view to future warlike
Mr. Halo replied thot ho did not believe
that any wise British statesman contem
plated with any feeling , oxeeut apprehension ,
armed conflict with the United States. Ho
beliovca the treaty would fail. Ho was not
ono of those who believed that the subject
matter , which had a growing importance
touching the relations between the United
States and Canada , would ultimately bo set
tled without further negotiation's. Ho could
not say why it was that the American ne
gotiators Hud accepted such a treaty. Ho
feared that American negotiators in the future -
turo would bo hampered nnd embarrassed by
the concessions made in the treaty.
At the close of Mr. Hulu's speech the reso
lution was postponed till Monday the 2.r > th.
The senate then resumed the consideration
of the District of Columbia appropriation bill
and it was passed.
The senate then took up the resolution of
fered by Mr. Stowurt calling for u statement
of the sale of lands since April , 18SS , the
question being on Mr. Cockroll's amendment
to add after the word "nautos" the words
"other than private bodies. "
After bouto discussion Mr. CockraU with
drew his motion ana u motion to refer to the
committee on finance wan rejected.
Tlio discussion then took a political turn ,
Mr. Saulsbury lauding the administration
for its honesty and purity.
Mr. Teller claimed that the financial policy
of the administration would not stand tlio
test of common sense mid statesmanship , and
yet the democrats were all ready to join in
thocry , " is Grover Cleveland the I , "
ho'who forced his own nomination against
tlio will of representative democrats and
fixed u platform for the democratic party.
The resolution was then adopted without
Mr. Blair moved to take up the senate bill
for the adjustment of tlio accounts of labor
ers , workmen and mechanics arising under
the eight-hour law.
Several votes were taken .without a quorum
nnd tjiopouato adjourned.
WAsniNOTOV , Juno 18. Mr. Payne of
Pennsylvania asked conbont for present con
sideration' a joint resolution granting to all
persons employed in the public ; service who
were present at the battle of Gettysburg ,
either in the union or confederate army ,
leave to attend the reunion to bo held in July
next ut Gettysburg.
A call for the regular order operated as an
The senate bill for the erection of a public
building at Fort Dodge , la. , was reported
favorably aud placed upon the calendar.
The houbothon wont mto committed of the
whole on the taritf bill.
Mr. Payuo moved to have stricken from
the free lis > t vegetable substances. Defeated.
Mr. Warner of Missouri moved to strike
from the froa list burlaps , not exceeding
sixty inches in width , of Ilax , Jute or hump.
Mr. McMillan moved to place upon the
free list bags of Jute for grain.
This motion led to a ion ? discussion of n
political nature between General tipluolu
and Mr. Nutting of New York.
The motion was then agreed to.
Reuuhingtho clause putting on the frco
libt machinery for the manufacture of notion
bagging , Mr. Lind of Minnesota offered un
uuiouduumt including machinery for making
twine of hemp or Jute butts.
This waa rejected us well as the motion to
strike out the paragraph.
Tlio next paragraph ( tin plate ) Mr. Dalzoll
of i'cnusylvuula moved to strike out , Ha
spoka iir.favor of the motion.
Mr. McMillan , of Tennessee held that the
gentleman hudconfcsfedhUwoaknois by ad
mitting that not , a pouud of tin plate was
tuade In this country , Everybody uod tin
plato , yet we are asked to keep on in the
effort to force somebody to make it.
Mr. Randall of Pennsylvania said we would
produce tin plate. Wo should lot the wage
earner of tlio United States produce what ho
could produce. Wo had long enough drained
the country of $10,000,000 , annually paid out
for tin plato.
Mr. Wilson of West Virginia , produced an
old record aud had read a colliloquy between
Senators Sherman and Ingoils iu which the
latter vigorously protested ntrainst protection
of the infant tin industry before the infant
was born.
The committee arose and the house ad
A. Big Minneapolis Dry Goods Firm in
Financial Straits.
MixNiMi'OLis , J'uno 13. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Ben. ] Shortwcll , Clerihew & Lath-
man , tbo Minneapolis wholesale dry goods
men , are financially ombarasseJ. The firm
suspended payment to-day aud a meeting of
the creditors has boon called. The firm bus
boon doing a very largo jobbing business.
So fur as is known it has always been con
sidered financially solid. Just what has
caused the present trouble' is rncro conjecture
to-day as the members at the firm who are
now in the city claim to bo ublo to make no
public statement us to thuir affairs. Tito
senior member , Mr. Shotwell , has boon in
the east for some time past. The firm's
financial affairs have boon entirely
under his supervision. It is said
that the first announcement of the
trouble came from him by telegraph
to Mr. Clerihew lust night nnd It was a thun
der clap to the members of the firm horo.
It is not yet known whether the firm will bo
forced to make an assignment nnd the
matter will not bo decided until Mr. Shot-
well's return.
About six weeks ago SOD of the machine
girls employed In the firm's factory went out
on n strike because of an alleged cut in
wages. Tlio factory remained practically
idle t'or three weeks. The Btriisors made
many overtures for a settlement of the dlfll-
culty. The firm refused to do auything except -
copt to take the strikers back upon the em
ployers' own terms. Then n move was made
to-havo the matter Bottled by arbitration.
The firm refused to arbitrate. Then the
labor organization took up the
girls' buttlo and a boycott was
ordered against the firm. This
bnyoott has now boon on for moro than three
weeks. Just what it 1ms had to do with the
firm's present situation is , of course , a mat
ter of conjecture. The factory 1ms been run
ning with u wliolo quota of employes dtiriug
the liibt wouk. The firm made the statement
yesterday that nearly all the striking em
ployes hud been taken back upon the linn's
terms. As iiuaras can ho learned the firm is
now carrying u stock of from $ " > 00OUO , to ? ! ,
OOJ.OOO , including the factory. Their liabili
ties uro not known. Tlio feollng among these
best acquainted with the house neons to bo
that the firm will pull through if the uastorn
creditors do not push things too hard.
Nolirnskn aud town J'oiiHlons.
WASHINGTON , Juno 16. [ Special Telegram
to Tim Bnn.J Thp following pensions were
granted Nobraskons to-day : Original in
valid William Miller , York ; Ferdinand
Schoibc , West Point ; Frederick Gartornicht ,
York ; John B. Foot , North Bead ; G. P Kil-
gore , Hastings. Increase R. S. Carey , Me-
Cook ; William Chapman , Nebraska City , J.
Vanhoozcn , Central City M. II. Southwlck ,
Wymoro ; George W , Smedloy , Howard ;
Samuel Strulan , Ulysses , Rolsstio and increase -
crease A. E. Evans , Damson ; A. J. Mo-
Knight , Donlphau. Original widows , etc. ,
( SiKjeial net ) Hannah , widow of J. M. Var-
quison , Long Pino.
Pensions for lowans : Original invalid
H. C. Carey , Cedar Falls ; E. Badger Chad-
tou ; D. Dcricksou , Rcddiug ; Solomon Knupp ,
Buffalo Grova ; Ira Airhoart , Turkey Kirvr ;
tuimva ; John Morrison , Hodrick ; Jonathan
Nelson , Lost Nation. luuroaso Henry C. ; , |
Pickel , Batavia ; J. B. Shea , Dos Moiuos ; T. < . !
W. Morgan , Maquokqta ; S. S. Sprague , Car- i J
roll City ; Augustus Willford , Montrosoj ; |
Benjamin F. Spofford , Mom ing Sun. Reissue -
sue Elijah Gardner , Bontonvillo. Original
widows , etc. Delia B. , widow of Benjamin
R. Ewult , ICnoxvillo. Mexican survivors-
John Aupcl , Kcokuk.
A Mlclniirlit inn That jm | Lindsay
Came Nenr Taking In.
Just before 12 o'clock last night M. J. Me-
Carty fired a revolver shot at Jim Lindsay
while standing in front of the Omaha Na
tional bank on Thirteenth street. Lindsay
says he throw up his arm and the ball passed
under it. A telegraph incsscuger who stood
nearby says the revolver was aimed at Lind
say's legs. McCarthy didn't remember how
ho pointed his gun , but says ho fired "inoro
to scare Lindsay than anything. "
McCarty is n sixscialty performer who formerly - "
merly played ut the Olympic. Ho returned
to Oiuaha with his wife about six weeks ago
and has been doing a turn ut the Edoit
Musee. Ho was on a circuit of tlio mu.soums
of the northwest. Lindsay is u would-bo
prize lighter who has been'hanging about the
Peoples theater of lato.
The meu had uu old feud. McCarty ac
cuses Lindsay of having told certain
of the museum pcoplo that ho
( MoCurty ) was a stool pigeon for tlio police.
They met last uight with u party of People's
theater people who were drinking nt the
Academy Exchange saloon on Douglas street.
The old quiu'rol was renewed and the two
tnuu left the saloon to "sottlo it. " They
passed around the corner and when In front
of the hank MeCarty drew his revolver and
firod. He says ho noticed Lindsay reach for
his hip pocket when in the s.iloon , uud he
didn't propose h > have the other follow got
the drop on him.
After firing tlio shot , which did no harm ,
McCarty throw his revolver down the urea
in front of the bunk and skipped back to the
Exuluu.go saloon. Lindsay got the revolver
and followed. MtCurty passed through the
saloon to the alley , and then down the alloy
to Thirteenth sti-oet , emerging very near the
place of shooting. Ho started ttoutb , but
was captured by Ofilccr Huvoy ut the corner
of Farnaui and Thirteenth streets. /
John Lindsay , n brother of Jim's , Is n incs- t
songer boy in tlio employ of the American >
District company , , aud soon after his " J
brother's experience began mauling his com-
panlons In tlio ofllee. Oillcer Huvoy being at
trnetod to the secno by the disturbance was
noticed by young Lindsay , who attempted to
csciipo. Tho'olllrcr gave pursuit , and .find
ing it necessary to gather in tlio young fol
low fired his revolver in the nir which
brought him to a standstill after a lively
chase. John was sent to the central btatiou.
Klcctinl Municipal Oillopro. „
HOIYOKE , Colo. , Juno 18. [ SpecialTclo -
gram to TIIK BEK. ] The towu of Holyolto
voted for town officers to-day. The follow
ing candidates were elected : B. A. Duskins
for mayor ; A. J. Baker and A. A. Tcmplo
trustocs for three years Uirra ; H Walsh and
J , F. Kenyon , two yearn turm ; H. Raymond
and A. E. Webb , ouo year term. There was
but ono ticket in the fluid , showing ttio uni
versal feeling in favor of the candidates.
I'ostnl ClinugoH.
WASHINGTON , Juno -fSpocial ( Telegram
to THIS BBC. ] The postolllco at Mlnorsvillo ,
Otoo county , Nob. , will be discontinued from
Juno 20.
( jivesaHavisblng
for the Face , NeeJf
Anna & Iliad *