Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    r i
District Conrt ,
The ovldonco In Iho cnso of the slate against
bell , charged \vith murder In the second
fleffreo , was concluded yesterday morning
Shortly after th'e opening of court and the
arguments to the Juryvroro mndo during the
forenoon , Only four witnesses worn called ,
three of whom tvcro for the tiofcnso nnd one
Jn rebuttal by the state Mr. Pettircw , a
UEE reporter who visited the scene of the
shooting Iho next morning and who was
present at the preliminary hearing was called
to testify to the number of shots that wcro
prod. Dr. 12. L. Ernhottt , n South Omnlm
lYbyMcian , and T. W , llodson , a merchant of
that city , wore oaUed to testify to Hell's rep
utation In the community for peace and good
order. They cica testified strongly In favor
Cl the defendant aid liis good 1-cputntlon.
Offlcof Loon was recalled T.r the state , but
* va-j dismissed "without giving any evidence.
3D u ring the entire trial of the dUo Airs. Boll
IIOR occupied a scat in the court room nnd
their child a bright little cirl of about live has
upent her tlmo wlthlicr father nnd mother.
Ucll took an iinusiml amount of interest in
the ctitiro trial of the casu und examination
of the Avitncshcs nnd suggested many of the
ftuestlons to tlio witnesses to his attorney ,
jLJclUs a man of oducntlon and holds n Ul-
I > lomafrom Iho college of physicians mid
burgeons of Dublin.
At 4 lin o'clock the Jury Hont In word that
they had agreed on a verdict , nnd ten min
ute * later licll was declared n free nmn by
the twelve men who hod boon chosen to try
him. ilo received the news of his acquittal
With evidence of joy , and embraced his wife
Who remained In the court throughout the
rtlmo the jury wore doliberatiiie. . After
( limiting hands with the jury and friends.
Hell coupled arms with Mrs. BelUiud started
lor South Omaha.
Mrs. Dr. Dlnsmoro , Mrs. Clarlc , Mrs.
Worsen and Mrs. Joslyn appeared before
ludgo OrofT yesterday In the district
court to ask that Delia J rlckson bo scut to
the. reform school. The little girl is twelve
years old nnd is the daughter of a woman
who now lives -under the name of Mrs. Dun
can. The mother of the child was married
to Uricltson before she wus legally divorced
trom her husband Duncan. When this -was
imulo known she separated .from Erlckson.
The history of the young girl's HCo for the
past few months as told by MM. Dlnsmoro
nnd the grounds on wliich to send her to the
reform school are brielly as follows : Mrs.
Duncanlms boon an invalid for some time
with some Incurable disease. She wr.s not
nblo to care for the child anil govern her and
the support that she received lit the hands of
the county was not sufficient to koap the
child in a proper manner. Tho'chlld became
accustomed to the street anil street lifo. She
came under the observation of the ladies of
\V. C. T. U. nnd thpy secured a homo for her
in the family of Uov. Mr. K. A. Foglestrom ,
of the Swedish Lutheran church , whorbjdio
was jpdopted nnd well mired for. After
living there some time she pot possession oC
ttomo money that liad been deposited in the
bank for her and last month ran awuy , going
io Ghicago. The detectives in Chicago -were
notified that she was in that city and they
urrestcd lior. Mrs. Plcrsou went to Chicago
after the child , brought her homo
and returned her to her mother. After
JiuliiR at homo but a short time she went to
the members of the W. C. T. U. and told
them that who was going to run away as soon
us she procured some money. Knowing her
ust.rccord the ladles of that institution had
{ icr apprehended two wcclts ago and placed
in jail for safe Iteeiimpr. She has been there
Blnco that tlmo and will be given a hearing
this evening or to-morrow on the application
to have her sent to the reform school.
The ladles of the W. C. T. U. will inako .nil
application to huvo Mrs. Duncun , the mother
tof the little girl , taken to the hospital where
BUD will receive better treatment thaji she
can receive whcrosho Is , depending as she
HOBS on clmrily and count" support.
moil ! or WAT is DOCIIT.
Arguments were being heard yesterday by
JudgtsVatelqy \ in the application of the Motor
Kailway Company for a writ of injunction
ngninst the Omaha Horse und Street Hall
way comyany , and vice versa for the right of
way at the intersection of Lcavenworth and
Sixteenth streets. A year ape the .motor
company was given a temporary injunction
restraining the horse car company from
tearing up jts ties und trades at the intersec
tion of the streets inc'ntioned , and from in
terfering with the construction and comple
tion of the motor line. Uoth companies
claimed the right cf way , and accordingly
the liorbo car couip'any applied for an injunc
tion enjoining the motor people from in any
way interfering with the her o railway
tracks. The injunction was temporarily
granted and nuithur corporation could do
anything in the way of constructing tracks
until ono or tin : others injunction was
made perpcttml. The horse car com-
I'ompany claim the exclusive fran
chise for the running of cars on all the
streets of-tho city , while the motor company
claim thut that franchise belonged ton com
pany that has ceased to exist.
John A. Smiley yesterday petitioned .the
court for a writ of mandamus to compel the
license board to give him and thirty others u
aieunngnrhuriiby tlioy can protest Aguin&t the
issuing of a hocuso to Martin Alher.
Fred. C. Thomas applied for a divorce from
liis wife , Theresa , on the grounds that she
lias boon reckless of her innrriaso vowa
, U-'liey were mai ricd in this city February US
160. _
United states Court.
The case Irom Lancaster county of Grig :
nu'iunst Arnd that was heurd before Judge :
JJtvwer and Diindy the 25th of May on i
motion to remand it to tlio state court , ant
the motion pnHsed upon and tinstiiiiicd 1)J
ludgo Urowcr , was called up for a reliuariiij (
yesterday "before Justice Miller and Judgt
iiundy. . Af ttr hearing the statoinent of the
prounds held by the a'.toruoys why the cus (
phiiulil bo remanded , J untie ? Miller guvo i ]
'us his opinion that the case involves uicdrra
iiuostinn aud must ho tried In tills court
Tills reverses the decision made by Judgt
llrowornnd leaves the case open for a hear
Jug in the United States court. Tito case in
valves the title to some land in Laucastei
rjJuhtice Miller yesterday rendered i
jleclsion In the case of the Nebraska Stocl
Yurdft compuuy agidnstVillium H. Silber
bom that Is of upociaHmportnuco from th (
Jiict tiuit it Is the firkt ruling that linn eve ;
liouu made under Iho statute of March ! l
1837 , on which Uio iwitiou under aousidera
tion wax based. The motion was tt
miiiuitl the casu to the state court :
an tlio groufid that the amuuu
Involved was less than $2.XK ) . The ease wa
Ill-ought to this court on the ground of loca
prejudice , .luatico Miller hold that , owing t <
tlio clrcumstnnotts uudea- which tberaso wai
l > rought and to escape the prejudice of i
local court , that regardless of tuo amount in
volvoa the case would lie tried in this court
The motion in tlio ease of lion
ford nguuibt the Underwriters Ir
ktturuuro company to bet aslil
Ikw judgment was over ruled nnd intores
WIH ordered computed on tlio judgment fron
the date of the verdict.
In the cuso of Fairbanks .t Co. against th
city of llluir a verdict was given in favor o
the defendant and the amount fixed at $3CX (
County Court.
' SUED iiv A JUNK.
' Tlio Hank of Omaha yesterday brougl
suit against Messrs. Fleming & Ovorhalt 1
collect 5300 due on a promissory note ,
A petition was Hied yesterday for the a
jioiutment of licury I'undt as ndminiEtruti
cf Christian Suultor , deceased.
Everything wlileli belongs to pur
liciiltliy blood is imparted by Hood
Pnnniirllla. ] : A trinl will conviuuo yc
of its merits.
Till ! Stramleul Soldiers.
The Btoamer IJelonti with 4ts quota i
soldier passenger * resumed iu journey , lift
the accident to the General Terry , yestcrdi
morning. TUo soldiorb who were on the Ic
tor will go liy rail to Kansas City , whc
they will bo joined by the okliers en tl
Helena , who will reach that point in a fc
Thccco they willfravol together
An ofilecr and tiard have "boon K !
tinned over the gooda ttf the Midlers ur ,
the latter can be removed.
Tiio ut'c tof tbcboat WTlveil yeatord ,
aud were informed tlet they would by he
responsible for the shipment of the troops to
Kansas City , This will compel them to look
to the Union Pacific for damages.
The Stops of an Organ.
"With such important functions ns the
liver , nro of course productive of .seri
ous bodily disturbance. "When it relaxes -
laxos its socretlvo and distributive ac
tivity , bile pots into the blood , nnd
tinges the ekiti and white of the eyes
with yellow , the bowola become consti
pated , the tongue coatml , the breath
sour. Then come hcndachcs , vertigo
nnd congestion ol the orpan , nccoui-
painoa with pain in 4ts vicinity or un
der the right shonldor blndo. Shall
"blue pill be the remedy souphtV No ,
for mercury in any .form is pernicious.
What then ? . Jixporionco indicates
Hosteller's Stomnch Bitters ns the true
remedy for inactivity of the liver. It
not only relaxes the bowels without
pain , but lias n direct stimulating cfToet
upon the hepatic gland itself , the scat
and origin of the trouble. All mala
rial complaint involves disorder of the
liver , and of those the bitters is the
most popular curative. It also conquers
dyspepsia , nervousness , rheumatism-
and kidney troubles.
Ilogus noycottern ,
Throats of boycotts nnd pretended boy
cotts of business men have been recently
inado by parties in thin city who sail under
all sorts of names. The first attempt of the
Idnd was signed by the "Consolidated Trade
Unions of Omaha. " A circular issued "by
this bogus union , denouncing Tnu BF.K. as an
enemy of labor und demanding advertising
patrons to withhold their advertising , was
-not long ago scattered around. More re
cently similar boycott threats have boon
made against prominent brcwo'-s of this city
by parties stoning themselves "Bricklayers'
1'rotoctlvo nnd Heuovolent Union 2 < o. L"
State Labor -Commissioner Jenkins pro
nounces these so-called unions spurious. No
Bu'ch organizations have ever had a
legal existence. There never was such a
thing ns the "Consolidated Trade Union"
in Omaha , und the only trace of those who
assume to be Its members that could bo
found , is n "printer who was arrested two or
three years ago for setting lire to TIIR UIE
building. Ho called at the postofllco for let
ters directed to the "Consolidated Trade
Union. "
Mr. Mueller , a prominent piano dealer ,
who has business ouTjoih sides of the river ,
and who received ono of these threatening
letters , made a response to it. Ho was very
kindly informed in rcturti by "tlio commit
tee" without signature , that they would wait
until his advertising contract-vvith Tin : BII :
had run out , and thut they would not now
molest him.
The source of the threats against the
brewers is of course unknown , but presum
ably ilnds a similar origin with the others.
To err is hun\an , but you make no
mistake if you use Dr. Jones' Rod Clever
Tonic for dyspepsia , costiveness , bad
breath , piles , pimples , ague and ma
laria , poor appetite , .low spirits , or dis
ease of the kidneys , stomach and liver.
60 cents.
Ural Kstatc Transfers.
O W Morton to F Itoseberry , w d , 88x132 tt
mv ol no U-lS-in on Itrlstol .street . 2.200
Jas 1'npoz lUMlMlfo to A Trisha , w d , S3x
1 13 ft lot 2r. Kouutzo 2d ndil . 1.050
J3M JavislniUl husb to . ) N Jloyd. w il , w
BO ft lot II , blk 4. Konntzc & Hutli'a add. . 3.C25
1' Doilgo nnd husl ) to W H Morso. w d , lot
1 > . talks. Konntzo.'ia add . 4,500
J 12 Vunacrcook and liusb to i : A lllrd , w
il , o yt of no uud ni so mid hn of s\v nnd
H\V of BO 13 ana no of mv uud uw of no 13-
JO-lSe .
V Jxnyn and-wlfe to .Latey & Jlenson. w
fl. lots 21 , St. Sa nnd 28. blk 2 , und lots 14 ,
IB , lO.iKundJSI. blka.J'ruj-n'spark. . 4.WO
M nlvililll to John Bhclb v , w d , lot 17. blk
18 , llanscom place . . . 3,000
olin Saelby to J tlulvinni. w dlotanTlk
IS , HanHCom place . 3,000
iyron Ueod ctislto J L lloblnson , TT d , iot
11. blk 4-CanvpbBn's add . 1,000
H II Clurtc and husb to M F llqys.w de ! 5
of v i lot 13 , Hasp's add . ] , HX )
elm 1' Klnloy to M Wollstelu.w d , o25 t
of w filj tt lot 7 blk 7(1 ( , S Omaha . 5,103
A Knller to W J M Ilcnsmim. w a lots 7
und 8 blork 1 , Iltllhldo and No 2 . 8,000
umut.'l Montgomery to llIMaptnnls , w d
niid H of e Si ft of w 75 ft lot 8 blk 78 , S
Oniahu . 1.876
M Jleuslan olid wife toLJ' Prnj-ii. wd
lots 7 and U blk 1. Hillside add No 2 . 33,500
F I'alrcjUUl and wltetuljl' 1'ruj-n , w
d , lot ( i J'myn'B sub , lot 25 Mlllm-d i
( lildwcU's . 3,500
I' Pruyn \ wife to r. Hradford. w d lot 2
HiideM lot ! ! lilk20"H , Umaha . ! a,000
iiiiicH C MVeth to .1 A Snndprland , w d
mid ' , ; lot 15 blk U. Uauseom Place . 1,100
leury Uoodmim nndlfoto.lolin Hlluy ,
-iv d lotsZlnnd 2-1 blk 11 , Omaha View ,
and lot li blk SI , Omnlm Vl w extension 4,230
D JI Stowiirt to C C Hobbs , w d 8 lots blk
1. imd ti lots blk 2 , So KxcliuiiKO 1'luco. . . 1
5d I. Savro to O & 1' L and T Co. q c d lot
7 blk 30 , Hoi unco . I
Twenty transfers . . . J110.0 *
Buililiiij ; Permits.
The following building permits were Is-
ued yestcrdtiy by the superintendent of
buildings :
I. VronaaddlUon to dwelling , Fourteenth
naur Tierce . J 200
1. JltTrlnston , two-story Ji-ameliotol , 1'u-
clllc near Sixth . 7.000
O. W. Itninhtfy. two-story double brick
dwelling. Douglas near Twentieth . 10.000
1. C. IClrpatrlcc , cottage , Twenty-alxtli
near Franklin . 200
J. liouuer , cottugu , Twenty-llfth neurcaB-
Blous .
C.V. . ( ! . Helm , two-story brick ware
house , niRhtoonth near ClnrK . 15,00j
A. I , . Nlelds. two-star ) ' frame dvvelUng.
Tliirty-llrbt near 1'oppleton . 2.50C
n. I. llaydcu , cottage , Stovcn'B Place. . . MX
C. 1 * Jlorton , two-Htnry frnuie tuiituncut ,
Twenty-llftli near Howard. . . . 1. . . . fi.OOC
" , . 12. I'Vencli ' , two ttory frame dwelling ,
I'reiicli neur Uruud. v . -I.OOC
Ten permlta , agKrefiatlng . . . 8J2Uo (
The remains of Ashbel Patterson , whc
died hero in 1882 and was buried In Prospccl
Hill , were exhumed yesterday by Drexel &
Muul and forwarded to Mason City , la.
where they will bo placed beside those ofhii
wife who died recently. He was the futlici
of Ashbol who formerly Icept a jowelrj
store In Crcighton block in this city.
A Young Colored Crook.
Wade Boll was tried in police oourt yester
day nftcruoon on the charge of stealing i
shirt and a set of $10 cuff buttons from Jamci
Turel. Uoth were colored und employed at i
restaurant on Capitol avenue near Twolftl
syoot. Judge tJerka allowed the darkies 1i
argue the case with each other , and of eoursi
they told eonllietiug yams. Captain Greei
tebtllied thut tlio prisoner was a tough cast
who hud given the police n great deal o
trouble , and the judge concluded to keep tin
young man out of mischief for thirty day a b'
a vibit to the county jail.
Its superior excellence proven -In .millions i
baiuen for morn tUau IL qnartur of M century , :
iali&f'd'bf the Vulii'fl Staler ( jovtinuuiut. Ki
diirtuil l > r tun Luailh of tile c eafuiihvrHltles J
1liostrunteta. ; luiicst aiul must hcuUlitul. D
Igloo's ( -'ream iJatius Vo\\fli-.r iluii * nut couui
ammonlR. lliut ) ontlum. Sold nnlj-iii cans.
The Finest Piece of Soap in the World , Free !
\Vhat grantor pleasure llmu tlio unsparing use or soap , provided you arc cer
tain thut it contains only clean , wholesome material ! When
Tinds a permanent place in the household good-by to musty napkins , doubtful
towels , sticky llutniols , and cloudy luion.
Everything you touch rtiveals the tnlismnnic presence ; everything1 smells
sweet and fresh as the moraine air.
"What is so invigorating for the bath and toilet ! What iloats so lightly ! What
leaves the skin so soft and lair ns this
II you Lava not tried it , a revelation is in store for you !
J AS , S. KIRK CO. ,
Louisiana State Lottery Company , .
Incorporated by the legislature in 38(18 , for Kd-
ucntlonal nnd Charitable purposes , oud its frnn-
hlse made a part of the prenout State Constltu-
1011 , in 1STO. by an ovcnxliulniiiiR popular vote.
take place Seinl-Aimuallv , ( June and Decenibar )
nnil its ( JKAND SlNJii ( : Nl'JIliKK DHAW-
INS ( ! tab-place on each of the otherti'n months
In the year , and nra all drawn In public , at the
Academy of Music , New Orleans , J.a.
'We ' do hereby certify that -w-o supen-lse Ihe
nrraiiKements for all the Monthly and Seml-An-
nual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery
onipany , nnd In person nmnafpi and control
.he Urawings thBinselveh , and that the bamu
are conducted with honesty , fairness , and In
oed faith toward all Tmrtle.s , and we authorize ,
ho company to US3 this certificate , with fac
imiles of our signatures attached , In Its adver
tisements. "
We the underblRnod Jlanks and Bankers will
pay nil Prizes drawn in The LoulHiima State
l.otterleb which may be presented at our coum
11. M. WALMSLHV , Pres. Louisiana Nnt. Ilk.
1'IKUHK LA NATTX , Pres. Stnto Nafl Ilk.
A. HALDWIN , Pres. New Orleans Nnt'l Ilk.
CAUL ICOHN. Prcs. Union Nutlonal Uank.
In the Acniloiny or Munlc , New tr-
loaiis , TucBtlny. July IO , 1HSH.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each.
Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
1 PUI/.r. OF31UW.OUOiB . J300.C01
1 PHI7.E OF imiOJOlH . 1(10.000 (
1PK1XUOK 611,00018 . ) ,000
1 P1UZK OK SS.UWis . _ . S5.0JO
Sl'UIXUS OP l , UMare . yu , ( J
6 PJllXES OF fiOUO are . . iia.OX )
KSl'ltlZUSOK 1,000 ure. . . . . . 85,000
100 PH1XCS OF WW nre . W.OOJ
2UO IMtlZKd OF : m are . TO.OOi )
Al'l'IIOXiMATlO.V I'ltl/KS.
ICO Prizes of WHO are . W.000
iu ) do. aouare . W.OQ
101) ) Uo. SiJOure . , . KOUO )
' .t9 flo. loouro
UDU uo. loouto
3VII Prizes , ainouitfingto . , . ll.OTH.tO )
NOTEllckotn dnivlim Cniillul I'rltoi lire not en-
lllinl to termlaul I'rUus.
tifTnu CMIII HATKH , or any farther Jnfonnntlon
eiilruil , wrlle lusiuiy to tint umlarMtfiK'il , cniurly ntnt *
a your n ttdcjit , with Mute , County , btrret unil
Niimbrr. .Morn ranlil return mall [ lullvery Mill bn u .
uniil by your xinclusliiic un Jnveloi < ii bvuilnu your
fiillii(1ilru K.
t-einl IWTAL KO'l'KS , Kuirpaii Mwioy Or-lcm , of
Now Vurk Kvrliuiiiiii In onlinary loiter , Currency by
, . A. DAUrJUN.
Now UrlcuiK , La. ,
or Sl.A.llAUI'IIIN.
. G.
Address Registeredietters to
New Orleuu * , I.u.
\ . I7AT'P1T > Tlmttlie pnwnnrd officn-
mri\.T 1'jJM lrjlIT I llcaununnt mid Kur-
ly , who ure in Outrun ot Ibo OruwliivH , i a Kunriinteo
of ubnulute fulrni'HB unil tntrtKrtty , tliut ll clmntos
are all pqunl , and thut jut imu can puMtbly Ulvlne
lint number win ilruwf u 1'rliu ,
"UKMIUIIIKH , aUu. tbnl Ibe imrinont ot I > riu > > U
Now Uriuaui. and thu 'J'IckeU uru altniul by tbu 1'roal-
ilunt ill un IniUtutluu , whonu chnrteriid rlybu are
recotnUod In tlio bUliovt Courts ; thi'rufore , bewatu
ol mix luiltiitluu or ttiioitymuui nUivuiei. "
"Tiiu Overland Stoiile , "
The Sportsmen's , Touristfi' and Pleasure
Seeker 1 Line.
Send for the Neat Lit tie Sketch Book.
highly interesting and useful to tportsincn
It contains ttie American rales for trapping
and shooting adopted by the National Gun
AtEociiition , a.s well us the revised game
laws cf the Western Slates and Territories.
Coptss scat Tree upon application to
j. s.
Omaha , ftcb.
I till I1IUI UllLIt . .
wcalcneu. unnatural loose * . lack or trenittb.
vlsur r developuunt. caused br indlncreuaa ,
X1.BSM . Me. lulniiilf baal , rH ralH ) fin.
Heinaxkabla Jor powarful fympa-
thotlc tone , pliable action and ub-
Bolutc qurablllty. i years' record ,
the host guaranrge of tha
Icuco bf tnese Instrumental
Hos. 3O3-4O4-I VO-6O4.
During the past week we made several large purchases of Summer
Clothing at an immense loss to the manufacturers , who , through the
backward state of the season found themselves overstocked and presse'd
for cash. Owing to this fact'we secured these lots at our own figures
and being determined to make a big advertisement with them , we have
marked them at such prices that this will be the most sensational sale of
the season.
As this collection of Summer Coats and Vests is larger and more
varied than has ever before been seen in any retail clothing house , and
the inducements greater than ever before presented , our patrons
will do well to avail themselves of this opportunity to secure seasonable
goods at an immense sacrifice ,
Among the goods thus offered aud which are placed on sate this week , we mention the follow
ing :
Abont 1,000 good Seersucker Coats and \restg in several elegant and neat patterns , at 75c
for the Coat and Vest. These are the identical goods which are sold everywhere at
700 EJanuel Goats and Vests in the most beautiful checks and stripes at 75c. This Coat and
Vest is worth' fully $2.OO.
4oO of the finest Mohair Coat and Vests , light colored , of stylisli cut , and well made at $2.50.
The regular price for such goods is $4.OO.
Several other big lots of line flannel and Mohair Coats and Vests in attractive plain colors
at $2.95 and $3.25 ; goods for which other houses would ask $5.00 and $6.00.
In comicclinn willi thin { jlsimtie Coat nnil Veil sulc , AVC olfcr till * week Homo very Iilp drive * In I'mils ,
Several hundred imlrtiofull ivoai , good looking nnd good wearing Pnrits , worth 82,50 ; ut Sl.iSS u
Another blc lol of nil wool Pniit * nt 61.5O , for which other houses would mlc. 811.
80O pair very line all wool Cawiincro iiinlM , of i splendid pattern and best inalte , which are ordi
narily < old for 8S , we olfcr IhU week at 6i2. ! > O.
It Imioi liltt'ly thjit we or any other honic will ever be ublo to offer ch positive bargains us we
nu'iitloii today.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha , ,
Pnld Up t'npHiil $250,000
Surplus 50,000
11. W. YATKS , 1'rcsliltmt.
LKWisS. lliEi : > . Vice President.
A. 13. TOUZAI.IN , Still Vice President.
W. 1 ! S. H iron BS , Cashier.
Banking Olllco
Corner l-'th unit Fnrnani SH.
A Uuuerul
Issueil by
IC.H. towiiB and \Vatpr Cointianios , etc.
S 00 , , BANKERS ,
.1 SO Donrljorn St. '
inninc ?
If X - . jpi'fwrff * * A-Hui-fcrunu.uixiiniu uiib *
' * > 5i5ti5i'TriiM.oon ' blrud. UuarantctUtho
t St onJy ono In the world crcneratinB
kfcej S e continuous EleUric if JUaynr'.io
JC V-.T'currcnt. EoinlillcrovvcrJul , Dunxblo ,
"Ccmfortabto nnd Edectire. Aruid frauds.
OvvrO.OOO cure l. 5 > cj > d tnn p forpanipbltit.
'JE. ' INVENTOR. IG ! WABA3M AV . - nilfcAr.O-
To have your friends omno to
As Kiivtoni lines will soil tickets anil run
Union Pacific
"The Overland Bloutc. "
Until .Inly 1 , IBS1' ' , tickets sold for these excur
sions will bo goort thirty days for the round
trlji nnd < an bo useil ten ilaj-s KOing. When pur-
j rhuscrsj aru rcurty to return , thuso tickets will bo
good llvo days for thut purpose. If. purchasers
wish to Mop hort of destination on our lines ,
agents will stump tickets good to return from
surh point.
J.S. TUUHHT3 , Oen. I . &T. Agent.
K L. LOMAX. Ass't G. P. & 1. A.
rIj G hai g
isal Kitljtftction In the
euro u ! Ooncrrlicr.i anil
Gloct. 1 prescribe It and
feel sole In rrcuinmond *
Iiie It to all siiITererc.
Docitur , III.
Trr Sold by
Are I IIP 11EST.
MENT , a guaranteed spocltlo for Hysteria. Ulzel-
ness , Conrulslons. Ktts , Nerroni Neurnlgln ,
IIe.idncho. Nervous Prostration , caused oytho
use ot alcohol or tobacco. Walcaiulness , Mental
Depression , BoftcjilnR of the Drain , resulting In
Insanity , and loading to mlsory. decyr nnd
dcatli , 1'roinntiire Old Ac , IlarronniLis. 033 of
I'o cr In either uer. Involuntary Losses nnd
Bpcrmntorhrcix caused by over-exertion of tha
brain , Boirnbusa or over-indulgence. Each'boz
contains one month's treatment. 81.0J a box. or
Bix boxes Jor ti.OO. cent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for hlx boxes , accompanied with ti.OO. we
will send 1 ho purchaser our written puarnnteo
to refund the money It thr treatment does not
ellecr a euro Guarantee ) ) Is uer1 only by 0. F.
GOODMAN. DrusclBt , Solo AgauU IUO l''aruam
SU'oct , Omaha. I * eb.
r"'u ° r yauUiful er.
, < -c. wii alimblo Inatlsw lMalc < l >
K rull tmitlciiUra fur hutnu cure , frto of
. AiMli'-iiH ,
PROF. F. C. FOWLER , Moodue. Conn.
"We quote the above subject not for an argument , but for .1 business principle which has been our trade murk during our business career , and lias
helped materially to build up our vast trade.
"When n man purchases a Suit o Clothes with the understanding that satisfaction is guarantee 1
lie feels perfectly safe as to the quality and good service of the garment.
1119FARNAM STREET , 1110 is the only house in the city that has pursued i his honest business method , aud have therefore gained the
confidence of the public. AVe have lately received from prominent Merchant Tailors throughout the country an elegant assortment of
fine custom made clothing which we oflVr at the following
$ 9.50 buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $20.
11,50 buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22.
13.75 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28.
16.OO buys a. Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to order for $30.
2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $4O.
24.OO buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $5O.
28.5Obuys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was made to order for $60.
SO.OObuys a. Crepe Worsted , ( imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway.whichwas made to order for $65.
$18.00 Buys a Cassimere Prince Albert Suit which was made to order for $37.
$22.50 Buys a Cheviot Prince Albert Suit , which was made to order for $45.
$25.50 Buys a Corkscrew Prmce.Alfoart Suit , which was made to order for $5O.
$30.00 Buys a Nobby Pin Check , light color , which was made to order for $6O.
835.00 Buys an Imported Worsted , satin lined , which was made to order for $7O. 1
$1O.OO Biiys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was made to order for $80.
A Jfoltliami ) Complete line of J'antdlooiifififim $2,75 to $1O. All alteration * to Improve a ill iloncfrce of charge.
1119 FARNAM STREET. 1119.
Three Doors East of I2th Street
Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to.