Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    SHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. JtfttE 11 ; I88a
Where Some of the Omaha Men
Were Sojourning Last Wook.
Qflio Toxfts Delegates Coming-Anec
dote * nnd Items or New * for
tlio Boys to Itciul no-
twccn Towns ,
Traveling fifon.
Every Monday TUB BRB devoid n portion
bt IU spnco to the Intercuts of tlio traveling
hicn. Many of them have shown npprccln-
tlon of our efforts In this line \iy \ sending us
personal notices , now * Items of Interest nnd
nnccdotci of members of tlio craft. They BCO
ntnclnnco thnt through no otliur medium
cnn they so readily nnd effectually put thorn-
Helves nnd their houfto * before the people.
In order to encourage them , and to continue
TUB DEB In popularity among the travelers ,
Wo hnvo placed Message Uoxcs at the princi
pal hotels In the city. Every trnvclliiK man
is Invited to contribute somothlng. Messages
Should In all cases ho slgnod , nlthouph the
authorship of them will bo held In conlldenco.
Among the Onmlia Men.
William S.Caldwoll was scon along the line
Of the li. ft M. last week soiling low-cut
slices for 7 . T. Ltlndsoy.
W. C. Wllou was among the itorekcopcrs
of northern Nebraska talking shoes for an
Omaha house.
T. W. Smith was In the eastern part of
Colorado last week taking good heavy orders
of Into summer and fall shoos for Z. T. Llnd-
T. V. Flaherty was selling Omaha shoes
among the Mormons last week.
1J. S.McCoy spent part of last week selling
Omaha shoes nloiifj the Northwestern road
in Iowa. Ho says ho dreads the summer In n
prohibition state.
James E. Bell was rustling 7. . T. LIndsey's
ehoos In western Iowa last week.
1) . I * Soitz was soiling calicos and other
dry Roods through eastern and northeastern
Nebraska lust week for his Omaha houso.
.T. M. Fleming was In the Hlaclc Hills
county , last week with his dry goods trunks.
O. A. Hamm had some Omaha dry goods
Bftinplo trunks along the line of tlio Union
1'aclflc last week.
E. W. Hiiwloy , of the Kilpntrlclr , Koch
Dry Goods company , was in the city over
Sunday. Ho will bo in the southern part of
the state this week.
G. H. Savage sold good orders of dry
Roods along the line of the 13. & M. in Ne
braska last week.
L. B. Tcrrlll was down near Kansas last
week selling dry goods to his country cus
, ti. A. Bowers was on his western No-
. brn.iku run last week. Ho sells Omaha dry
goods In three states.
J. C. Qloason soils dry goods In five states
nnd territories for a , Harnoy street firm. It
is hard to locate him , but ho gets his good
orders just the same.
G. Marty was selling muslin In southwest-
cm Iowa last week.
S. N. ICohn cnmo In from northwestern
Nnbr.asku last Friday to got some now sam
ples of dry goods. Ho goes out again the llrst
of the week.
Mr. G. Soulo , late with a Minneapolis
house , was In tlio city lost Thursday on his
way to Denver , where he will purchase an
interest in u wholesale dry goods house and
send out boys , rather than be a boy himself
nny longer. Ho is n gcuml Connecticut
"Yankee" who has learned to like the west.
Ills aiusolo Snvcd Him.
J. G. Caldwcll , a drummer for the house
of Coflln & Altomus , of Now York , lives In
Woodstdo , N. J. On Tuesday night ho vis
ited Arlington and started to walk back
ncrow the railroad bridge. Ho had got to
the center of the bridge when ho heard a
freight train approaching. Tlio bridge has
no footpath , and there was no room for Cald
wcll to stand In safety while the train was
passing. Kculizing his peril ho crawled to
tlio side of the bridge and seizing the und of
n tie swung himself clear , 100 feet above the
stream , holding on until the train passed ,
when ho managed to draw himself up on the
bridge. Ho was much exhausted. The re
mainder of the journey was made in safety.
Ho Lost IIIn Money.
T. P. Hose , acoiimerclal traveler , rep
resenting the Queen City Clothing company ,
of Cincinnati , lost a valise containing money
and valuables to the amount of $1,000 between
Cincinnati nnd Mobile n few nights ago. Ho
says ho had been out on a collecting tour and
had before his departure from Mobile placed
5850 , a gold watch and chain , a diamond pin
nnd several other articles of vnluo in a valise ,
which ho placed In the hat rack over his
head In the parlor coach in which ho was rid
ing. Ho did not leave tlio cur at nil , and only
his seat once at Montgomery , and Is confident
the valise was In place when ho loft that
city. He missed it Just before tlio train ar
rived In Cincinnati.
How ] ) r n minors Eat.
The proprietor of a country hotel In Pcnn-j
Bylvanin , in the Merchant Traveler , says
that it Is worth 25 cents more to feed n drum
mer than a farmer for several reasons.
First , a farmer may oat a great deal , but
lie takes plain food that costs but littlewhile
n drummer wades through the bill from one
end to the other , eating a little of each arti
cle. "It isn't .always what one cats , " re
marked this Boniface , "tho articles that are
wasted must always bo counted in. "
Secondly , a farmer requires no attendance ,
wlillo a jlrummer wants to keep at least ono
waiter constantly on the go ,
Thirdly , u farmer solaoin grumbles , but
devours what U sot before him ; n commer
cial man is an accomplished growler , mid
growls away moro than 23 cents worth of the
bonifaco's good humor.
Wo do not wish the nbovo to bo considered
ns our Hcutiments. Wo are neutral on the
ijucRtlon. The above Is only the opinion of
Uo landlord.
We should bo glad to hoar from the com
mercial men on the question.
Jlo IMnyoil in Imok.
When James Boyd , n di'ummcr for n Pitts-
fturg llrm , boarded a Cleveland fc Pittsburg
train at Newburg Wednesday afternoon , ho
discovered ho had lost his pocketbook , cons
iainlng 31,503. Ho Jumped from the train
and retracQd his steps up Broadway , search-
lug for his lost purse. He retraced his steps
in auurch of the wallet and on being united
by n stranger wlmVho was hunting , stated
that ho had lost his pockotbook. Ho do-
ecribcd it and its contents and the stranger
landed over the valuable book and all its
Delegates to Mlnncnpnlla.
Delegates to represent the Texas division
01 tlio national convention of the Travelers'
Protective association , to bo held in Minne
apolis on the 10th , 20th. and 21st of Junc.aro as
follows ; H. S. Brewer nnd H , A. 1'IUbury ,
of Dallas ; E. J. Auderaon nnd R. C. Stock
ton , of Fort Worth , and President Dan Mai-
voru , of Corslcana. The delegation will or
yfto lu Omaha about the 10th. There has
been bomo talk on tlio part of the local trav
eling men of giving the cowboys a grand re-
ccpUou when they reach thU city.
Preparing to Celabratc.
Tlio traveling men residing in Grand
Island have already begun making arrange
ments for a Fourth of July celebration
among themselves , and they hnvo Invited the
public to Join vritb them. They prfoposo to
entertain their moro unfortunate traveler
friends with a real home dinner cooked by
their own wives. They have issued tbo fol
lowing onlcUl invitation to the members of
their craft : ,
Urand Inland says come"eat , drink and bo
welcome. " The ttfty-two resident traveling
men of this beautiful little city , assisted by
it * generous and enterprising business mcu ,
will on the Fourth of July bo prepared to en
tertain 600 traveling-men and their ladies.
Come und cat a houio-jnade dinner with us
that will bo gotten up by traveling men's
real wives. All traveling men and their
ladies are invited aud wo ask as many as con
make it convenient to attend to kindly send
our secretary n card In advance , plrlng size
of hat you wear. We nlso request yon to
bring your dusters for the drummers' pa-
rwlo which will be at 1 o'clock.
N , N. COIIKJC , President.
W. 13. Disormf , Secretary.
The probable outcome of this great event
will be n number of marriages among the
men who have not known what n home-
cooked dinner Is llko for Ihcso ninny years.
No doubt about all the drummer * In Ne
braska will send In nn erncnso account the
first week niter the Fourth on. which will bo
'To Grand Inland and return , S . "
Tlio Chief Officers' .
The Minneapolis Tribune published In a
recent issue cuts of the president aud secre
tary of the Northwestern traveling tiicu's
association with the following :
Mr. James Q , Miller is widely known
among commercial travelers of the whole
country as president of the Northwestern
traveling men's association. Mr. Miller has
devoted much lime to tlio detail of the asso
ciation , and Its success is largely duo to his
Mr. Charles H. Hlnmnn , secretary nnd
treasurer of the Northwestern traveling
men's association , Is n Minnesota production ,
nnd No. 3 In the organization of which ho Is
secretary , and among all of the older travel
ers In the northwest ho Is well known. Ho
was one of the founders of thli mo t success
ful organization ; In fact. Is credited largely
with being tlio father of It , Ho that as It
in ay. ho Is popular with the membership , at
tentive to his duties nnd can't bo beat as a
good secretary.
A Jrunmicr'n r/oss of Check ,
Q. 1C. Murray , a drunnrjcr for a largo Chicago
cage house , tolls the following story of how
Gooriro H , Doll ; A drummer for n largo litho
graphing house in the same city , slashed off
his car and part of his cheek last Monday in
a cigar store in Chicago : " 1 met Boll on the
street and ho insisted upon my going down to
see his brother. I told him I was perfectly
willing to go nnd see his brother , but I would
talk to him alone , or if it was necessary I
would take n friend of mine and go and sea
him. As 1 got to the comer of Adams nnd
Dearborn directs I said I would got a friend
to come with me. as 1 did not care to go there
where there might possibly ue a half a dozen
of his friends nnd none of mlno. I said to
Hell If ho would stopnt the express company
building I would got my friend. Ho said :
'No ; you can't now. Come right along with
mo or I'll put a bullet through you. ' I said
I was not afraid of that , but
would go If ho wanted mo but not
alone. Ho wanted to know if this friend of
mlno was In the building , and I said I would
go up in the elevator and get him. He was
evidently afraid I would slip nway , but 1 had
no such intention. 1 went over to the cigar
stand and asked the boy if ho would give uio
a card to make a note on. He did so. aud I
turned round nnd commenced to write , and
before 1 had written three words Bell stepped
up behind mo crept up and cro I could
renll/o what had happened , my car was cut
off. I was so astonished 1 had no time to
solzo him. I then told the elevator boy to
get Mr. Judah , nnd when ho canio down I
was taken to his room , a doctor was called
and my ear bountt up , and I was afterward
taken to the doctor's ofilco. "
Mr. Boll accuses Mr. Murray of having
been criminally intlmato with his wifewhich
charges Murray denies.
Ho began prosecution proceedings against
hla assailant for mayhem.
A Ministerial Drummer.
Uov. Henry B. Cole is the subject of a
lengthy biography In a recent Issue of the
St. Paul Globe. The chief points of interest
In the article are the facts that Mr. Cole
was educated for the ministry nnd followed
his profession for some years , nnd finally
loft it to accept a position on the floor of H.
B. Clallln & Co.'s house In New York. Ho
Is" now developing the business of H. B.
Claflln on the Paclllo slope , and will have
headquarters at Tacoma. Last year he wus
In Washington territory , and satisfied him
self that there was a great future for thnt
country. Mr. Cole is spoken of as a man of
strong character and strong Intellect. Ho
spends a great many of his Sundays In the
pulpit yet ana endeavors to lead the boys in
the straight and narrow path. Ho will make
some heavy investments in Tacoma for him
self and his firm and will wove his family
there within the next year.
Pay by IictlRer Accounts.
A Minneapolis commercial traveler in ad
vocating the subject of llrms paying their
men on the basis of their ledger accounts
writes as follows to the Tribune of that city ;
A few weeks ago I tried to call out an ex
pression of the C. T.'s in relation to the twin
city Jobbers paying their traveling salesmen
ou the basis of the ledger accounts , but no
ono seems to give it enough thought or atten
tion to offer nny ideas on the subject. Cun
it bo that I am the only ono that is desirous
of receiving credit for sales made in the
house aud of which trade was drawn there
through my labor and influcu p In the coun-
tory ? The subject is called moro vividly to
mind , having this week made a forty-mile
team trip In the rain , and mud hub-deep , to
find thnt two of my customers ou the trip
had ] urt goim Into the house to buy. Several
Of the boys of late seem to quite awaken over
the mileage topic and write quite frequently
on the subject , but to mo it seems to bo of
much infnor importance as compared to the
above. If I am alone in this desire to bring
about the change , I shall have to endorse it ,
but otherwise let us hear from some of the
weekly contributors to the traveling men's
column , nnd by a union of ideas and action
we may be able to bring about valuable fruit.
Ho was a Mnslicr.
The following Joke Is told at the expense
of n St. Paul traveling man , who on this oc
casion assumed the mime of Graves. While
going down Xumbrota narrow gauge a few
weeks ago ho became enraptured with the
beauties of ono of our Xuuibro Falls fair
maidens who happened to bo on the train ,
and not content with the short and meager
acquaintance which was then afforded ho in
quired of the trainmen the lady's name , nnd
through seine misclilovousness thyy wrong
fully gave him the name of the lady tele
graph operator at the above iinmod place ,
and a few days ago she received a letter
from him containing the same old cupId's
stori. The operator holds the letter ready
for delivery to the proper owner upon tlio
party stepping forward and presenting his
IC.xocKslvo ISnKKiKo Hntos.
The subject of high and oven excessive
baggage rates for travelers occupied a great
dcul of the Iowa legislature's time last win
ter and the present conditions of rates is
worse than before tlio legislature convened.
Before the Interstate commerce law went
into effect every holder of a 1,000 mile ticket
was entitled to " 00 ixmuds of baggage free.
Well , to vent thcirsplccn , the roads advanced
the 1,1100 niilo tickets from 20 to ftJ3 , ami nt
the same time cut tlio excess baggage down
from : 0 IKDunits to 150 pounds. This means
lo a Jobber employing eight men that tlio
Jlfty iKrauds difference to every transfer is
S3 cents , thrvo transfer ! ) per day 75 cents ,
multiplied by eight is ft ) per day ; for the
year of SOU days Is ? 1SOU. Add to this amount
the difference in 100 mileage books , $500 ; this
ingle item U t2'M > . To cut the complaint
short and draw It mild , it is a severe tax uj.on
the best patrons of the roud.
Governor I.arabeo of Iowa , In reply to a
letter addressed him on this subject by one
of the leading Jobbers of the state of Minnesota -
seta , writes as follows :
Your favor of the 10th insl. at hand and
noted , I realize the injustice of the action on
the part of the railroad oQlcials In raising the
rate of 1,000 mile tickets from $ JO to fi5 and
at the SAIUU time increasing the cliaruo for
transporting commercial travelers. Any
rate in excess of that which was established
for j ears in this state for commercial travel-
era is , in niy opinion , extortion. Wo have a
statute agulnat extortion aud also have a
board of railway commissioners to JOOK after
violations of the law , and I advise you to look
to them for relief. Yours truly ,
WILUAM Laiuuee.
The Travelers' Friend.
The Northwestern Travelers' association
has been organized a little over thirteen
years , and during that time it has accomp
lished great good to Its members. The fol
lowing statistics will gjvo a faint idea of its
work : It has paid since its organization
over 11,000,00 , ) to the widows and orphans of
commeicial travelers. It has never cost to
exceed $35 per year for 13,000 insurance. The
average ago of the members Lo decreased
Instead of Increased. Since January I , this
year , It paid a total of tlM,003 ( , Every man
in the northwest under forty years of ope ,
Who Is eligible to membership , ought to become -
come n member. Lay aside the selfish Idea
that because you have no family of your own
dependent upon you that you do not heed it.
Moro Is this the reason why you should bo-
coma a member. You arc helping to sustain
an institution that is carrying sunshine nnd
consolation where otherwise would bo dark
ness and despair. It is the duty of every
single commercial men , as well as tboso with
families , to become members of the N. W.T.
M. A.
Ho WIXB Too FrcIi.
The following was tmbllsncd in last Mon
day's BEE as a special from Tobias , Nob. , and
fully explains Itself :
Fay E. Koborts , n drummer for a glove
house of Chicago , who had been on a spree
hero for the past week , yesterday Insulted ft
lady on the street and was pounded In a most
becoming manner by her justly indignant hus
band. _ _ _ _
Who Cnn Figure It OnU
Gnxxn ISIASD , Neb. , Juno 9. To the Ed
itor of TUB HI-.K : Please docldo tlio following
forthrco traveling men who are somewhat
mixed ever a mathematical proposition.
When visiting the Grand Island races Thurs
day three of the boys pooled their Usucs and
took Issue with the pool box to the amount of
$01.50. Of this amount A put in (37.CO , B
$1K , and C f } . They win & ! 5.'JO , or $3.40 each.
After deducting their winnings what do B
and C ewe A lo make good their third of tha
original amount , (01.501
Omaha's Sunday Oiiosts.
Yesterday brought a largo Influx of travel
ing men to the city nnd they wore royally en
tertained nt the two lending hotels ,
The following registered at the Mlllard :
T. A. Jeff , Buffalo , N. Y. } J. W. Coy , Cleveland -
land , O. ; H. M. Abbey , Cleveland , O.J. ; E.
Ludlow , St. Paul , Mln. ; W. H. McKlmlock ,
Chicago ; W. L. Condor , Now York ; G. E.
Wright , Now York ; J , H. Samuels , Now
York ; P. A. Coombs , New York ; S. M.
White , Now York : John Atnsfield , Cleve
land , O. ; J. B. Locke , Detroit , Mich. ; S. A.
Plumcr , Detroit ! A. Muller , New York ; U.
M. Coylo , St. Louis , Mo. ; A. A. Brown ,
Philadelphia , Pa. ; E. Stafford , Now York ;
J. N. Houbs , Springilold , Mass. ; O. W.Gran-
' " "
L. J. i
NOW _ . _ . .
C. Henderson , Kansas City ; Will Craig , Chicago
cage ; J. W. Ludwick , New York ; E. H.
Chase Toledo , O. ; O. J. Stowell , Kansas
City : F. B. Perry , Philadelphia ; A. E. How-
ley , Now York ; M. Ut Kavanngh , Now York ;
W. H. Turner , Chicago ; Harry Goold ,
Kochester , N. Y. ; Goorgp Spangonborg ,
Boston ; D , McLean , Now York ; A. C. Wat-
tcrmnn , Now York ; J T. Matthews , Denver ;
J. McCullough , Cliicago ; J. P. Clioyney ,
Philadelphia ; A. P. Vannecc.Syracuso.N. Y. ;
J. C. Pooro , DCS MoiuOs ; F. P. Davlson ,
Now York ; G. H. Bellows , New York ; W.
G. Ferguson , Chicago ; C. E. Vail , Kansas
City ; W. O. Everett , Milwaukee ; C. L.
Howe , St. Louis , Mo. ; G. W. Brown , St.
Louis , Mo. ; T. D. Edwards , Cleveland , O. ;
O. B. Morris , Philadelphia , Pa. : H. A.
Schlnner , Milwaukee , Wls. ; W. U. Moon ,
Chicago ; J. E. Sterns , Jackson , Mich ; J. D.
Stiles , Now York ; George A. Strong , Chicago
cage ; W. F. Albright , Chicago ; C. Doots ,
DCS Molncs , la. ; C. P. Jacobs , Chicago ; T ,
W. Johnson , Peoria , 111. ; P. F. Collins , St.
Louis , Mo. ; William Hood , Blnghamton ,
N. Y.C. ; Bresslau , New York ; W.T , Booth ,
Now York ; A. S. Whitney , San Francisco ,
The Paxton arrivals were : Alex Kempt
and wife , Chicago : J. C. Addington , St.
Louis ; Charles Wilson , New York ; A. H.
Hills , San Francisco ; James A. Boyd. Chicago
cage ; J. M. Walsh , Now York ; A. W.Elson ,
Boston : Frank L. Allen , Chicago ; W. P.
Cox , Chicago ; D. D. Flamcr , Merrill ;
Charles E. Burr , Columbus , O. ; L. F.
Oglesby , CMumbus , O. : Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Leathers. Now York ; J. T. Atchlson , Hast
ings , Neb. ; T. M. llust nnd wife , Chicago ;
G. U. Skinner , Chicago ; Max Salinger ,
Philadelphia ; G. W. Shodde , St. Paul ; I.
Meyer , Now York ; J. Cole , Chicago ; C. T.
Adams , Chicago ; G. Iba , Glen Hock ; John J.
Miller , New York ; Slg. Meyer , Chicago ; J.
E. Greenwood , New York ; John F. Lidden ,
Cincinnattl ; Charles Batty , Fort Scott ;
Dr. P. Patterson , Salem , N. Y. ; H. H. Cronen ,
Salem , N. Y. ; W. C. Mack. Now York ;
C. E. Canon , Columbus , O. ; H. V. Hocers ,
Chicago ; M. S. Marks , Now York ; W. L.
BIssell. Conuecticut ; C. II. Blssoll , Connect
icut ; E. F. Harrison , HartfordConn. ; H. J.
Nowan , Now York ; G. T. Seal. New York ;
O. D. Howland , Detroit ; C. D. Nash , Mil
waukee ; William Winter , Now York ; M.
Leibllch , New York ; J. B. Wentworth , Now
York ; C. S. Davis , Plttsburg ; A. Minster ,
New York ; M. Kinster , Chicago ; A. L.
Brockway , Now York ; A. M. Burns , New
York ; M. E. Erwin , Dubuque ; O. W. Aid-
rich , Colorado ; Matt H. BIngham , Chicago ;
George S. Artz , Columbus , O. ; N. W. Bald
win. Chicago ; H. N. Bolton , Now York ; C.
S : Mullen , Boston ; George A. Howloy , St.
Louis ; Georce Luckenstcln , New York ; C.
Louis ; Win. McLaren , Milwaukee ; H. C.
Chimblor , New York ; A , J. Englebort , Now
York ; Goo , Falrburn nnd wife , Fonda. la. ;
James Llllls , Kansas City ; K. H. Davidson ,
Fnyottovillo , Ark. : P. M. Adams , Tiflln , O. :
W. H. Steele , Dcadwood , Dak. ; F. H. Hol-
llngsworth , Cincinnati , O. ; A. A. Hewlett ,
New York ; A. F. Jones. Philadelphia ; P. A !
Morgan , New York ; John 1C. Kellogg , Chicago
cage ; David Ban-ie , Chicago ; J. Duen , Now
Georpo W. Summers , Cincinnati ; J. F.
Kcppy , Clinton ; T. J. Jackson , New York ;
E. C. DePutrose , Philadelphia : A. Lcwald ,
Chicago ; E , L. Reed , Weeping Water ; T. F.
Barnes , Lincoln ; H. S. Swlnd , Nebraska
The Stops ol'an Organ.
With such important functions nt the
liver , are of course productive of seri
ous bodily disturbance. Whom it re
laxes its secretive nnd distributive ac
tivity , bile Rota into the blood , and
tiiifjca the skin mid white of the oyea
with yellow , the bowels become consti
pated , tlio tongue coated , the breath
sour. Then come headaches , vertigo
anil congestion of the organ , nccotu-
painoa with pain in its vicinity or un-
# or the right shoulder blade. Shall
hluo pill bo the remedy sought':1 : No ,
for mercury in any form is pernicious.
What thouV Hxporioneo indicates
Uostotter'a Stomach Hitters as the true
remedy for inactivity of the livor. It
not only relaxes the bowels without
pain , hut has n direct stimulating olTect
upon the hepatic gland itsulf , tlio scat
and origin of the trouble. All mala
rial complaint involves disorder of the
liver , and of those the hitters is the
most pomilarcurative. It alee conquers
dyspepsia , nervousness , rheumatism
and kidney troubles.
They Viult KoYcrul PlacetFor IMuuUer
.Saturday Ni ht.
Burglars and'sneak thlovca had a harvest
Saturday night , committing a number of dop-
William Boyle's barber shop , at Twenty-
seventh and Lake streets , was entered by
prying open the back door with a chisel. The
plunderers secin to have carried off pretty
much all there was in the shop except the
chairs nnd the iloor , Their booty Included
twenty-one razors , hair clippers , inugs ,
towels , combs , brushes , strops , etc ,
Nisson , Alford & Co.'s hardware store , nt
813 North Sixteenth street , was plundered of
eight revolvers and forty pocket knives.
William Madden's room , at Tenth nnd
Pierce streets , wasrobbedof asuitof clothes.
Tlio thief entered through u window ,
Adolph Prasll has a room up stalrb at 022
South Thirteenth street. It was plundered
of f-0 and several small articles.
Nels Swanson , of lifcJi Jones street , re
ports that a man came into bis room about 3
o'clock In the morning , but was frightened
away before stealing anything.
' O. H. Savage , living seventeen miles in the
country wants the polk-o to look out for a
silver watch stolen from his house the night
of Juno 7.
Boils , pimples , hives , ringworms , teU
tor , und all other manifestations of im
pure blood uro cured by Hood's Sarpa-
A nttnftvrny Girt.
V , W. Cl&yon , of NVlsnor , Ncb.f wants his
daughter , Ida E. Clayton. Ha Is only fifteen
years old , and not up in the ways of this
wicked world , but she left homo to find out
about it and will probably succeed In a meas
ure. When Ida shook the dust of WIsnor
from her feet she was In the company of a
masher giving his nijmo ns William Peaso.
On her arrival In Omaha a week ago the girl
applied to White's "employment agency on
North Sixteenth street , and was sent to No.
1023 Capitol avenue to work In the kitchen.
She gave the name of Sibyl Vaughn. Notic
ing that she had but the ono dress she Were
on her arrival , her mistress questioned her.
The girl said she had left homo to como to
Omaha booauso she hod n beau hero. A trial
of three or four days proved her Incompetent
for her work and she waa roloascd. She re
turned to the employment agency nnd wai
sent to a restaurant on Thirteenth street.
The proprietor was not In , but a brother
asked to meet her at the postoQIco In the eve
ning , The employment agent urged her not
to do so , but to slop that night at nor Capitol
avcnuo place and report at the restaurant In
the morning , The girl's ' movements since
then are not known , but It looks very much
as though she were iu the maelstrom of city
SomcthliiR In It ,
An esteemed correspondent enquires :
"If there anything' ( u the Loisoltian
Memory System ? " wo would say there
is everything In it. Prof. Rlclmrd A.
Proctor , Hon. Win. W. Aster , Hon.
Judah P. Benjamin , Judge Gibson , nnd
innumerable others endorse it highly.
It is taught by correspondence by the
most famous nnd successful memory
specialist living , Prof. A. Lolsctto , 237
Fifth Avo. , N. Y.Vrito for prospec
tus. Ohio Ex.
The Jobbltiff Trade.
Thcro Is no class of business men In Coun
cil Bluffs who are inoro contented with their
location and moro hopeful of the future than
the Jobbers. The Hgurcs have lately been
gathered and footed , ' with the surprising
showing of JTO,000C03 as the total of the Job
bing business of Council Bluffs for 1887.
This year promises n great Increase. The
local facilities for the Jobbers are most excel
lent , and they are enabled to reach out ever
a very largo territory in every direction.
There are fully ! ! 00 traveling men who find
this a most convenient center , the roads
running out in every direction , so that they
can easily work from hero any desired terri
tory. The advantages of Council Bluffs as a
Jobbing center have been thoroughly tested ,
and the Increasing business IB the most satis
factory answer to the question , Is it a good
wholesale point I
Sunday Hall.
The J. J. Hardln ball team of Omaha came
ever for a little fun with the Bluffs boys and
had it for live Innings , At the end of that
time a change took place which rcsuttcd in
an ending that was wholly unexpected. The
score in the second Inning was 8 to 1 in favor
of tlio visitors , but the homo sluggers finally
got their second wind nnd piled up twelve
tallies in ono tuning. Six of them were on
homo runs. The scdro at the end of the
game was 13 to 20 in'favorof ' the Bluffites ,
and the announcement of the victory was
received with much Incredulity on the streets
by many who had left the grounds In dis
gust at an early stage of the gamo. Luck
made up for lack of , science. The players
were as much surprised as anybody.
The printers and S.cotswoods played on
the grounds near Gr6cii's packing house. It
was an exciting game all way through. Ten
innings were played. Score by innings :
Printers 2 10702224 8 23
Scotswoods. . ! - , 1 24
Sunday at Manatva.
Yesterday was the date of the opening of
the boating season at Lake Mannwa , and the
motor cars were taxed to their full capacity
during the entire day to carry the many vis
itors who wished to'tako ' a trip to the lake.
The steamers were h'eavlly loaded on every-
trip , and one was kept running through the
evening. The new steamer was taken to the
lake yesterday and will bo put together Im
mediately. The owners of row boats did o
thriving business , and the members of the
rowing club were well represented on the
water. The C. E. Mayno was laid up for
repairs , but the now screw will be placed in
position to day and will probably resume her
trips this evening. Harmon Bros , did it
thriving business at the hotel , and the sea
son nt tlio lake bids fair to bo very prosper
ous for them.
Crushed on the Rail.
A man while trying to board the Rock
Island train at about 8 o'clock fell and had
his right arm badly crushed the full length
and his head and shoulder badly hurt. The
accident will probably prove fatal. J , B.
Kontler is his name. Ho Is a collar maker
by trade and hulled from Omaha recently.
Ho has a brotncr In Galcsburg , 111. Ago
about forty-five .years. Was inebriated and
had forced a door on the side of a freight car
and was climbing in when ho full under
from a misstep on the osldo cable rod. Ho
was taken to St. Bernard's hospital for
"Tho host on earth" can truly bo
said of Grigg's Glycerine salvo , a speedy
euro for cuts , bruises , scalds , burns ,
sores , piles , tetter and all skin erup
tions. Try this wonder healer. 25
cents. Guaranteed. C. P. Goodman
Drug Co.
A Mysterious PoisonIIIR Cnso.
Saturday afternoon last Mrs. C. Ilncer and'
her daughter-in-law , living ou Avenue D ,
were taken suddenly ill. They hud eaten at
dinner of some dressed corned beef , which
waa the only thing outside of their usual
diet. After dinner Mrs. Hacer wont away
from homo to visit friends In another part of
the cityand there she now lies In a very crit
ical condition. Four physicians are con-
stantjy employed , two with each of the suf
ferers , aud ut this writing their recovery Is
hardly expected.
nWWZ3QTAsrc \ ofArHTp COUGfK
R immS ) . !
C-5 r Sold n
. l ' dtrkltlt3 > rftg- .
Santa : Abia : and : Oat-R-G'ure
For S.ilo by
. G-p okman Drug Co ,
During the past week we made several large purchases of Summer
Clothing at an immense loss to the manufacturers , who , through the
backward state of the season found themselves overstocked and pressed
for cash. Owing to this fact , we secured these lots at our own figures ,
and being determined to make a big advertisement with them , we have
marked them at such prices that this will be the most sensational sale of
the season.
As this collection of Summer Coats and Vests is larger and more
varied than has ever before been seen in any retail clothing house , and
the inducements greater than ever before presented , our patrons
will do well to avail themselves of this opportunity to secure seasonable
goods at an immense sacrifice.
Among tlio goods tlius offered and which are placed oil sale this weekwo nioiition tlio follow-
iiig :
About 1,000 good Seorsuokor Coats and Vests in. several elegant and neat patterns , at 75c
for the Coat and Vest. Those are the identical goods which are sold everywhere at
TOO Flannel Coats and Vests in the moat beautiful checks and stripes at 75c. This Coat and
Vest is worth fully $2.00.
4oO of the finest Mohair Coat and Vests , light colored , of stylish cut , and well made at $2.50.
The regular price for such goods is $4.OO.
Several other big lots of fine llannol aud Mohair Coats and Vests in attractive plain colors
at $2.95 and $3.25 ; goods for which other houses would ask $5.00 and $6.00.
In connection with tills glgntilic Coat nnd Vc t sale , wo ofTor tliU week sonic very big drives In I'unu.
Several hundred pairs of all woui , good looking nnd good wearing iMuil * , worth 82.5O ; nt 81.VS5 n
Another big lot ofnll wool IaaM nt 91.50 , Tor which other houses would nsK ( $3.
JJOO pair very line nil wool CuMlmoro 1'aiit * , ofu splendid pattern nnd maUo , which are orill-
narHy Mold for § 5 , we olFor till * week nt
It In not likely that we or tiny other hotmo will ever be able to oiler such positive bargain * a * wo
mention today.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Nebraska Clothin
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
Gilmore's Sent Sale.
The sale of seats for the two Gilmore Jubi
lee concerts to bo given by Gllmoro's band ,
with Llboratl , the great cornetist , live excel
lent vocal artists , an anvil brlgado and bat
tery of artillery , will open at the box ofilco
of the Grand opera house at 0 o'clock tomorrow
row morning. The Jubilees will take place
on Thursday next , afternoon and evening ,
when n carefully selected programme will bo
Ita superior excellence proven In millions of
hornet for more than a quarter of iv century. H
is used by tlie United States Government. En-
clor.sod by the heads of tlio great universities ns
the strongest , tmren nml most healthful. Dr.
1'ilco'B Cream liukinc Powlur docs not contain
ummonln , lime or alum. Bold only In cans.
Now York. Chicago. St. Louis.
The boat and craicat Itemed ? for Cure of
all diseases caused by tiny derangement of
Uio Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Boweb.
DyBpepola , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
BUloofl Complaints cud HalarlAOf all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It la pleasant to the taste , tonti np the
eyitera , restore * and preMirea health.
It la purely Vegetable , end cannot fall to
prove beneficial , both to old and youcg.
At ) a Blood Purifier It Is superior to all
other * . Sold everywhere at II.00 a bottle.
o tecl ; nt thu llnu-t lluvor. A Iicnrty
fur u strong appetite ; u ilcllcatmlrliiK
for the aensltl vo. Tliorrninhly tested ; mitrltlmiH ;
palatable ; unexcelled in purity ; no unpleasant
utter erf ecu. Doqulros no bolllnsr.
Marlon Harlunrt , Llirlntlno Terlmno Hrrick ,
Dcnn A , H. Thomas. Jf , Ipronounc It tliebest
of ull thepoweilfreildiocofateh. NoothcrommU
it In Hiivur.i'iirltyuucl
Solil by Grows. KtimpJe mallei ! for to
II. U. WIL.UUII . A : SO.\H ,
. I'A.
in A MONTH cun ba made work
IU | < u fur u > . Aconts preferred
who cun fnnilih tbrlr own hurtles und Hire thulr
whole tlma totlie bualueu. f | > are niumtmu maybe
profitably unipluytit ulio , A lint vuttinoles In tuwns
andUllei , II. ' Jmixsos & Co , 1WJ Jlulu tiU. Klib
uiond , Vn. Mention the OiuMia lluo.
' only ons la U > world ina tu > a
a continuous fttcMo if Uiynttfy
, M | . J.rulflc. FowirJul. Uuraile ,
'Comfprttbla aud Ktf olie. ( Avoid Irouda ,
OvvrtrooOour * * ! . 84.Oliiuuipfi > i pamiihleL
A1J.O KLKCtHIO 11EI.T * KOn jllHfcAH > X
Ha. HOHHE. IdVCHTOn. (01 ( WA8UH AVC. . CHIV/4.
rlnzfrom tha f.
i of youthful rr
, . , . , J row. uUt | . i. lent
_ ] . ? { . 1 trllT Miiua fala
rontalnlutr fall | > arUvular for .UWUM curr , zrr v (
'pfioV F/Et'FOWUEp , MoodUB , Conn.
Mornin Laxative
S *
Health is Wealth !
uio ormconoi or tooacco , wacaiumeas , Menial
Depression , Softening of the Brain , resulting In
Insanity , nml loading to misery , decay and
dootli. Premature Old ARC , Uarronncss , Loss of
Power In either aer. Inroluntury Loiias and
Bpormatorhcca caused by ovor-oxortlon of tha
over-lmlnluence. Knou box
brain , self-abuse or -
cont-alns ono month's treatment , (1.00 n box , or
nil boxes for KM , sent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with (6.00 , we
will-tend tha purchaser our written ffilnrantoe
to refund the money if the treatment docs not
effect a cure. Guarantors issued only by C.I' " .
GOODMAN. DrngHlst , Solo Agent , 1110 Farnam
Street. Omaha. Neb.
And Gitao
The only rend to take for DesMnlnes , Msrilmltown-
CedHr Httildi. Clinton , lUon , Chlcsui ) , Milwaukee
snd all polnti Ka t. To the ponplo it Nntirn ku. Colorado
rado , wyoralnf , Utuli , Idaho , NcradaOrciion.Ya li-
Ington and California , It ottart supurloradvantage !
not i > o > slblo hr any other line.
Among a fun of the numerous points of superiority
enjoy d by the patrons of thli road between Omsha
and rhltngo. are Its two trains u Uhy of DAY
COAC1IKS , which nro the flnnst tlmt hnamn art snd
ln > : eiinltr csn create. Ital'AI/ACKBIjKKriNO CAIIH ,
which nroinoilolsnf ciunlort and olnxuiice. IU I'AIU
I.OU DUAW1NU HOOM OAKS , iin urim < l byanf ,
nndltswIdrlrcelobratodl'Al.ATIAIi IH.VINC CAItB ,
the oqusl of which cnnnot b found olnnirhore. At
Council Ulutln , the trains of tlm Union 1'nclllo IUII-
way connect In union depot vrlth thoin nf thnClil-
CHIJO A Northweitern lly. In ChlcuKn tlin trains of
this line make close connection with tuoio of ull
other Kasteru limes.
For Outrnlt , Colnnihni. Indlnnspolli , Cincinnati.
NlHiiarit Kails , llntralo , ntuburx , Turniito , .Monirctil ,
llostnn. New York , rhlladolnlilu , Ilnltliuore , Wnih-
Intiton , audull points lu the Kail , Ask for ticket * vl
If you wlih the tieit Bmnmraodatlon. All ticket
KL-ciiU i'll tlrkols via this Una.
irnuoilrrT. K.I- . wu.-ov ,
Uun'l Manager. ( Jtm'l 1'ass r Agent ,
CIIICAno , 11,18.
W.N. I1AI1COCK. fJon'l Western Aitont ,
L ) , K. KIMllAI.l.'II.kit At'Pllt.
U , K WKsr , City I'uasoneer Ai'cut.
14011'urnutn tit. , Omatia , Neb.
t'l > iuMi and brautlfltu the hair ,
rrumotm a luxuriant growth.
Never Fslls lo Reilore Qrsy
Hair to Its Yeulhful Color ,
i Curl's scul
IVrlumts. io. U
niz O has given anlvtr-
ml satisfaction In tUs
cure ot aouerrucrs and
Ulcet. T prescribe it and
f col sale In rrcommtnd-
lug It to all Biiirerers.
Decilur , III.
rnicE,8i.oo ,
Bold by
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
IIomcBopatbic Specialist ,
Bpectftclei Accurate ! ? 1'reecrlbed.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner ittli atd liauiiUi til. OlUca
( U ; Itoaldcuco tvlepuoue , 5'ij.
Arn Mm HKftT.
WITH -rue oiooRArHTormi cowmir wiu
IU tunln lloea and branches Include OinOAQO.
and ucoroi of tntarmodlata cities. Choice oi
routes to and from the Paclflo Gout. All trnni *
fora In Union depots , rest trains of Fins Day
Ooachoe , elegant Dining ; Care , moffnlCccnt Pullman -
man Falaco Sleopen , and ( between Cnicaeo. Bt.
Joseph. Atchlson and Hflnoa * City ) Recllnln
Chair Cora , Boata Free , to bolder * of Uirougn
flnt-claas tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook Island Routo. "
Zztendi West and Southweet from Sanfw ) City
andBt. Josipb to NELSON , HORTON , , BELLE-
KUTOlilNBON , CALDWELL , and all polnti la
and beyond. Entlra pMBenccr equipment of tbt
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All infety ap *
pllancoa and modern Improvomcnlo.
The Famous Albert Lon Route
Is the favorite between Chlcifto , Rock Island ,
AtcliUon , Kansas City and Minneapolis andCt.
PauL Ita Watcrtown branch traversed the treat
of Northern Iowa , Oouthwuetorn MInnoooto , and
East Control Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Lake ,
Bloua Falls and many other towns and cities.
Tbo Bhort Line via ftaneca ami Kanknkoo ofTura
cuporior faculties to travel to and from Indian-
apolls , Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Ticket * , Maps , Fc'ldors. or desired Informa
tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Oifice or addreii
a cn'l Munacor. a n'l Tkt. & Pan * AgU
Certified Checks , Payable al Sight on thi
Pugct Sound National Bank Given as
Security for Money Invested.
To the o < lnslronsof hnylnir tironorlr on tlmp
oilc.7 the following Wu will a\lim \ from V inonlh ?
ln5 years'tlinn. nccornlriB to the Iniid you Jell ck
WoLhariioiieltliqr fin-mfum nor Interest iintiina
payments , and will fire you niirramy iieiu We
luivo lots at U50 anil Wlir. thnt are n I lli It n radliiS
of one and n hulf mlloi of the pon-uDIc o. W ri
qulruuiilyiu tier cent , us nn j'tnion iiioncy and no
wlllKl oc rtln d ihock fur lUu full uiuciunt of oath
sndovriry suh o.iinnt . imjrmom. 'I'linrhutklidrawo
by the 1'iiiiutHiMinilNatlonm Imnk niulli Ductepsy.
ableatsltflitand yoncnli draw your money nlany
tlmathoiiBhliyonilDlna you forfeit your rights to
piirilmi ; lniid. M ko your Incumr. nu nmlli rhow
sinull.narn wnuetlilnit. Trniiic'oiitlnentnl railroads
jiroliettdliiijforHottlUo , mid nmiiufuiiurlnul lkiur.
( "hliig Cloncntl dimmer l ln a t teuf iil > uin.
tlal prozrn ilon. 'ilin dally | tiei-s urn tllleil with
araiMintHiif now I'tiloriirlBut , fuliln ittrr suit linr
, . , , . . .
nim r > lr < 'li U.iu In Al.IA. a t\t\\tr v * t >
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Host Itoute from Onialm und Coiiucll
= = THE"EAST =
- E EAST- -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Crdiir Itapldj ,
Ilcck Island , I'rceport , lloekforil ,
Clinton , ] ) uliiMiio | , Davenport , .
Kl 'ln Mndlson
, , Jauesilllt ! ,
llcloll Wlnunu La
, , Croste ,
And all othir Important polutt East , Nortacatl and
For through tickets c.ll uatliq ticket sssntatlWI
Farnnni alfoet , lu llarkvr Illock , or si Union f'iiao
H.Slir.l.Klt , nonorsl Maniitsr.
J. r. TUCKeit , Ai.l.unt u n al Msnsxnr
A. V. U. CAUl-iCHTAB ,
Ticket Accnt. .
um. KURAFrOHI ) , AsiUtsat Oouerkl
and 'flckcl Aurnl.
J , T , CULU&.Usactkl Bujerlateu4eat.