THE OMAHA DAILY BEE.MONDAY : , 11.JUNE 1888 , ' ' 8 LETTER LIST , Mil of Iclteri remaining uncalled for In the pott- Office for the week ending Jane 8,1S33. Noto-r rlloi calling for the e letters will plcafe for "AflTCrtdcd , " sltltiR the duto at the lieart of the lift , nn < lljiulr for woe at tha "i-adies1 Dellrery To Mrold mllae hare < nu uMI V n to rour Itreet and number. OK.VTLlMf S'8 LIST A , AmtlnR Athlcj J Ij Anrottt AlbrrpA Apee W AlllfOnWU AndcrtonC U ACU B. Itowman Bu ey M I < Harrtwell t ) ncdlmn W li Burke J A llpn echat A KrandA llurglio 11 J llrartlcyd JlranMifi A It Brennan .1 Hrown W imrtincr 0 Bennett N It Henn W IlcnrtcrS Bennett JK ItcllJ JlciiyerJlI Boechlan A Hums It Slere J II Unhewn N 1 * Hrown K IluckrncreT ) IrlFe H Jloyd 8 A II niiJ Benin A Hrown W Brand II ltruadoe J lltneoMO lllrney II Illncston A Hrown P Batter K llonner 11 ItevlnJW Iillnnrd lr 8 U llromle ? 1 II Brocks II llorlo M Ilronecumb 1 * A Ilrookos U B Baker A It C. fnrlMfln A Carroll T I ) Cornfield F niarch A Orowley V third J I ! One * .1 Croter 8 Creek J < TnwllT < r edyK Crawler J Children A li Croke 1s Croitn U A r no W Oronby J CronlnJ Chapman J Chr s.1 Chapman K B Tarter W A Clark M Clarko.lM Took It ColemnnljB Cook W 11 CunilnKl' CronlnM ,0111107 , ; Carlwnn 0 E Carpenter J K Or roll J M C'aKon.I CatitnenmcrW Oil , room SO , Dar Comlqun mangr r Ill-hop ker block Cnrtcr W J Cmft U CrnlB K M re J W Curry J Ciiimlmiham W II < 'uinnilnKV Oierryhomcs W Carter M Carl on 11 Cnrtcr FH OiliKiiwcll W Cole 11 H Collins K Corkcran J Corey H Curcy I ? C Crctr.l rullun .1 Crouch.I It Cnriientcrll W Cumin H W3 Curtis H . Curry T Clawla A CnlTrey T TO. O. DnvllJ Dengler V DcnncltJ IlnniroM Dill 0 A Dcpuyw Dennlson 0 Do Buns r Dcmpucy J Ij DclnneT I' Domorcil II Ik'lnj llonnoll K DcRnn.l llnuson Ilcv ON DnuronJ Dunham B Denny It Dcntuan A Denny It DcMick J Donnelly A Deohlshorr P DobcrMclnKA Doyle J I. DiiKnn.1 Dunn J II Deckers Dlco V i : Dlnceen.IO Douitlait A Co R DnvlnKT DnnleliiM DennyJ 1. Dcmerltt 1' w Dclnrbv A Dpnkor w Dinnu F lloiinl.M Dclenn M Day A B Dudley K K bcnnlfi.l N DenrdoU WO Dee JO Demon J Ho l.oiniuer li Duycr 1' DelbrldHO A Doud J IS ISE. E. KvnnsJ 11 Kboririln T I ! rnpllsh .1 Krlkrcn M Hmery J2 linker II A ICwcra F Kiliiorton J vr Klliworth M U Krlchson V D ICIvlnw A Klll on J N F. Frarao A . Klanty HO Kord O2 Fonlund I1 FollottC-2 Fcruuron P Korrt'st II Korctntin J KrulBCK A 11 Fci > ncr.l FlalierUIl Krnknlln A 12 Klorcn J W II KalknerK J Kniil II P Knrroll F Kolcy .1 F Konl li KowlorO I , FrlmllKcrF Fresh K II Flmllcy W1 ! Ferguson W C nrecn W B Onibb W A nrcnrhcd Q W ( Ircitor H K ( Illicit B W ( Irenory P ( llcn.l ( ionlon I. ( InrKlM ( Irmilwln J T lllamon TO ( llarlnS ( livens MO Olies U ( Inint.l P ( luthOO , ( ireenniiRh J I ! ( IrcenwultO ( IrniUlnKnky II ( Unlock , V Dunn ( lulnlcr K ( IciiRcrUH Uoedekoll UlnnubanJ W GuntbcrKO H HoRRland II W Horlon .1 W llonryJ W IliirplnW 1 Monti HelmerJ IT Ilnrnto li A llHrpcr .1 llotico I * Hector KB Jlowcrn3 llckoy W IlleseCF HlitbcoJ lliirtrunn A IlnrrlsWO Hundly G lloclunJ Iliikomb.l n HoylcnJ H HnweO Ilnlnllp.lN llurmcn U llanloy W Hill ( I W HlDClicr.l HutrAF Hens It . Hannah K I < llirloH IhirnAIr i Illmebnuiib F Hcrnld F Holllo Henry It lliimnifind Mr Harrison C HoiMio W 1C lliirtinan I ! lleDerua P HanmonOA Ilnrbuuiiu B K I. Irving W IrwInHK' lecn I J. Jackson K JuddJ II Johnson W Johnson A I ) JudklniJ Jnck on U Jcnnctil.M Johnvon (1 M Julmnsonl. Jones T B Joung It It ItK Rcndnll ( I Klnckcr.I KnyfcrM KcndullJ KenipnC W KnWrOK Knllthtr K-rmrncJ II KlrklnixlW KlmnerV KcpncrWO Kucera V KrnlTIi KlccknerJ D KlnK w A Kemp II KunnedyM Kennedy J KnlL-litO KountHll , KiipplnuJ Kelly l M Klncnld K Kerni'r F L. Ijtnlcr.1 JiOne K M LaKollottCE Ijimbornlilj LewlB It I.lnclo II I.nr5on O 1.1 tie KW LaumlKU w Lurkco.I J.ockwouil K l.uX.iC Levin M lt-l : I.lnilxuyJ II IjBtcrJ IiCdgurOIUco Levin M Me. McCormlck T McCluroJII McCnyJ McCoy U JUC'ormlckHT McKiiildcn M MKiliiKnn.l P MeCiilru.l T MqDunnw McDowell IIP &lclonuleh ) Mc'I'nylorJ w MclJuiKlilIn J w McVlflln II w McVco B McKlbbvn K Mc.MullonO I , McDonnld TUT Mcdroovy ! McDonnld w 11 MtUrcwTA MciunoFJ ( MtCoiubs T M. Murphy WJ Mnrcua A Marshall OO McyiTJ Myers JO Murk 1 , MarRCbner A MlllliolenB Miller H Mltchull 1- Mltchiill J Mullen M B Mullen TJ. Moore w MooruJ Moore M MoorerA W Morrow ( ! vr Moruan K N Morrlso P Muyehan P Mclln 0 K MendclBon M Miitthcnson w J MHCninfccrIC Mnnln A Miirtln It MnrnoltJ MntllsonO Muron B P Mttddun II Miilonc J M Miin > ncldOH-2 unnnlnc WH Murphy M J Murphy J uoshcrd U Murray B unifhnll n P llllls A J week & Sons JN. N. * Nichols K II Newman CO Nlolson A Now brush CO NllifonJ MlcboliJ NcwmnnOll Nerro ( I Kelson J Noble W M Nllsou K r O. Ovdcn KH O'Nell P Oweni 0 II ( j Dounell P PP. P. Jhiph F A Perry man A B Pclhlono A B Pnrkerll A Pnrtsll Perrl O 1'latnerO Pcubody J Pcterscn N j'urulo K Petcr vn IT Parker [ . S'alko A I , Pool 11 U 1'ettlfer FO 1'cnh W U UR. R. Iloblnson D Hobcrts Ir 11-2 Boblns O Ithondea W II llhodua A ItublnH Itowo (1 ItossJ F BledcIA Humus W UandallFII llnven croft W ItlthitrdsWII KyeJ idinly 11 Itollu WN ItyanU lltmil (1 ItliiKll Hllnnds IS Kllcy M KlgKSj N Itokenhuiis F NS. S. Pharpless O Shneldor W O Hhay M hhnrpJ Hmltlmon II A Hmlth II Hraltli It I ! Hmlth W 0 rverln F " Htuwart A WarkcrO tibarp"v Ktuwan J A HHIUKOII A W Huuli'M B SelburllnxJ K Kellertll Huilth K HnellJ J Bnecd J Hchroedcr P C HbcrmanOJ hhcpman J I ) hearlellJ Htclmtl A hUivennon U F hcottl. 11 HKiwnrtOS hcroufu 11 tluux Kullsaran < Scan A Hpaika II U Ite Co Btcrk W ribiirpTK FnmmursJ P HullcndcrO Hultcr O btani 0 HpratlcrH Kpidlo P femlth OJ BJootrf A T. Tonne 0II Todd A 11 llmbcrmnn K Ti'iiipson J Thlo. Prof C1 Thompson 0 K Thompson F Thompson II TtniqulstO Terry P Tcacunor O E 2 Tlmrp ( I A Tulctt W Tuilmer O THnburic O K-J J owner HH Trenbcrtli T Tuorton T V. VetlerB Van Wysiechl A Van Int F Vlatlck U Valker .V Co W Van Wert J W. WnrdJ Wllland W II Walborn W n Wenlbrook A T Whitney W II Wobloy II Wurren W O Walker W XVnrd 6 Warren IO WlllltAII Wlllson J WaKener W II Walker U WenlsJIl WlnrliMfirthJ Wvtiuoru M Weaver W Wulker&lx > ck' Wntnon Illl Warner ( i 1C wood Wlckvuiham J T Wilton P Z. TIIIHU AND rOUTII-CUSS MATTBIl. m. Martina W Machaitc mnA Mahoner Vf Mrnichkomrin n MafhoEO : Maxnell I ) MftcnlfmnK Mnlrnn H Mrrcunun T Mullen 0 MawrlticnrarsLMrret rarsU J WnnfttrrarsC K Mo. McKonnN Mcl-OfN McCncttc mraKJ McClcarr W UcUlhel A Mc < jaaid W N. N.P. P. PfrVlnsmrsR PesrsonmrsM Prehel A . riiimpsmrn K rcter > on B 1'ctterton II I'cttcrstn 11 M PoSI T TR. . Rome A nobcrtton A L Ilogcrs D lllce M Uutsell W I , S Ptoltenbere B PmllhS Ptonn Mike Himnct Madame rincctlio M 2 Hjdof A hpcllmanmriT Htcwartl ) BwcncjrursJ ChctbomU Sulllrnn M T. Tliomp on.I Tracy mri W Taylor mrs K ToblnmrslC Turner UJ V. VanBlarcommnuVlnynon mri K W , Weeks mm K 3 Williams mr * M XVoMeirrcn K Whitney KK Wat onmr 9 Waltori mr Is Wauon mra M \Vllllams mrs T Woodman B r Y. Tancytt V C. V.OATXAnnEll.t'ostmattcr. I'KODIICK M/VUKIiTS. Chicago. June 9. Following nro the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Steady ; winter wheat , In sacks , $3.7fi@3.S5 ; In barrels , $3.00(34.75 ( ; spring wheat , In sacks , fl.7o@4.r > 0 : In bitrrols. * 3.GO ( S4.90 ; rye , in sacks , $2.90@3.10 ; In bnrrcls , AVIicat Uulcd tolerably steady prior to the ccelptof the government report. Various onstructions placed upon It by operators auscd wide nnd rapid fluctuations. The uarkot closed 5f@j < c above yesterday , " "iwh , 83 15-lfic ; July , SII.YC ; August , SO MOc. Corn Fairly nctivo but unsettled nnd vcnkor. closing > ( % below ycstcraay ; ash , Gl 13-lc ( ! : , July , 52 0-lCc ; August , 53 > < c. Onta Quiet ; cash , 32 c ; July , 32Jfe ; Au gust , 2Sc. Uyo GOc. Barley 07@OSc. Prime Timothy ? 2.10@2.15. Flax-seed 91.30. > Whisky M.20. Pork Dull nnd cnsy ; cash , S18.P5@14.00 ; Illy. $14.02 } @ 14.0 : > ; August , $14.12 > 4@ 14.15. Lard Averaged lower early , but rallied nnd closed steady ; cash , SS.55 ; July , SS.OO ® . ( > 2H ; August. ? 3.fl74 ( < ? S.70. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. I0.00ilfl.25 ( ; hort clear , fS.10@8.15 ; short ribs , 47.55. Butter Firm ; creamery , 15@lSo ; dairy , Chceso Easier ; full cream cheddars , 7 © c ; liats , 7 ( jrl7 > < rcj younir Americas , 7J @ 8c. ERRS Firm at MtfQH c. Hides Unclmnged ; green hides 4J c ; icavygrccn salted , CJ e ; light green salted , OVc ; salted bull , 3Jfc ; dry Hint , Set dry calf , 80 ; deacons , 20o each ; dry salted , 0g ( . Tallow Weaker ; No. 1 , country , 4o ; No. 2,4ccakc ; , 4cperlu. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 14,000 20,000 Wheatbu 31,000 21,000 Corn , bu 354,000 325,000 Oats , bu 294,000 320,000 Ky&bu 5,000 1,000 Hurley , bbls 4,000 3,000 Now Vork , Juno 9. Wheat Receipts , 5)2,500 ) ; exports , 42,450 ; cash ilrm and quiet ; options advanced Jtf ( @ c up to noon , closing strong at best ; after regular close govern ment crop report came In , showing n de crease of about 0 per cent , shorts were wild and covered , advancing prices li @l c , but u more settled feeling prevailed when teport wus doubled , and prices lost improvement ; ungraded red , ODc ; No. 2 red , 9 ! @ 04Kc de livered ; 92Ko in store ; 03J.f f. o. b. ; July closing nt Uli c. Co'fti Heccipts , 104,000 ; exports , 10,400 ; cash , dull ; options } 6@c lower ; closing heavy ; ungraded , 5S@ < Uc ; 50 @COc , deliv ered ; July closing at 59c. Oats Receipts , 93,000 ; exports , 440,000 ; Hhado lower ; mixed western , 35jJ4Uc ( ; white western , 42 ( < 547c. Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio easy at $10.00op ; tions 30@ . MC points lowerfairly nctivcsales ; : 5"i,500bags ; June , * 13.80 ( ) 13.50 : July , $12.10 @ 12.35 ; August , fll.10@ll.35. Petroleum United closed weak at "SJi'c. Eegs Firm ; western , lC@10Kc. Pork Quiet but steady ; mess quoted a' ' J14.OOMll.50 for old ; $15.2"i@15.50 for new. I-iard Closcd lower ; western steam , spot , $8.7.5. Butter Quiet but firm ; western , 12 I'JMc. Cheese Quiet but firm ; Ohio flat , 7 < aSc. St. LoulH. June 9. Wheat Higher cash and June , 8' c. Corn Easy ; cash , 49K@49 c ; July , 49c. 49c.Oats Easy : cash , Sli c ; June , Pork-$14. 0. Whisky $1.14. Butter Eusy ; creamery 14 < < ? l7c ; dairy Oincliinatl , Juno9. Wheat Steady ; No 2 red , U4o. Corn Lower ; No. 2 mixed,53@53Xc. Oats Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 37c. Uyo Dull ; No2 , CC@07c. Pork Quiet at $14.50. , Lard Firm at $3.15. Whisky Firm at $1.14. MimicnpoliH , Juno 9. Wheat Ship ments ( i'J.OOO ; dull nnd slmdo lower ; closing- In store No. 1 hard cash , 8lJ ! c ; July , 8 ! } < c ; August , 85J < fc ; No. 1 northern , cash , | i < e ; July , 81 fof August , 82 ; on track.81@ S2c. S2c.Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship in sacks in car lots , $4.50@4,70 ; in barrels , S4.70 Milwaukee , Juno 9. Wheat Strong ; cash and July , 62 } < c ; August , b3 c. Corn Dull ; No. 8 , 50c. Oats Weaker ; No.2 white , 37c. Hyo Quiet ; No. 1 , 02c. Barley No. 2 , ( i2c. Provisions Steady ; pork , $14.00. KIIIIHIIH City , Juno 9. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 soft , cash , 82c ; No. 2 red winter , July and August , 77c asked. Com Lower ; No. a cash , 4 < yb'c naked ; July , 4 Kc asked , 40o bid. Oats No , 2 , 2lo bib , 22o asked. NowOrlcuns , , Tuno9. Corn Weak nnd lower ; mixed , 67@CSo ; yollow.CSSO'Jc ; white , 7172o. Oats Lower ; No. 2 , 43 } @ 44c. Corn Meal Unchanged : $3.10. Hog Products Unchanged ; pork , $15.00 ; Jura , rcllncd tierce , $7.87 . Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.50 ; long clear and clear rib , $7b7 ! { . hlvorpool , Jutio 8. Wheat quiet ; holders offer f reoly. Corn Dull and lower ; now mixed western , 4s 9d per cental. K STOCK. Ctitcneo , Juno 9 , The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipt * , 2,000 ; market steady ; beeves , $4.30 5.90 ; cows and mixed , $1.E5@ 3.40 : stackers and feeders , $2.40@4.10 ; Tcx- uns , $2C5@4.15. Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; market slow nnd 5c lower ; mixed. $5.40@5.70 ; henvy , .55 ® 5.75 ; light , $5.35@5.e5 ; pigs nnd culls , ,00 ( < $ 4.15. 4.15.Sliec Sliec | > Receipts , 5,000 ; market weak ; na tives , $4.0Kii5.40 ( ; Toxuns. $ J.OO@4.00 ; spring lambs , $1.50j4.50 ( pur huad. Niitloual Ktook Yarda , East St. IjonlH , Juno 9 , Cattle Receipts , 1,800 ; shipments. 900 ; market active ; choice heavy native steers , $ I(15(25.50 ( ( ; fair to good native steers , $4.25@4.60 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , $3.25 ( < f.4.30 ; stackers and feeders , fair to good. fj.40@3.50 ; rangers , ordinary to good , $2.28(34.20. Hogs , Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments , 900 : market strong : choice heavy and butchers' selections , r U,5u5.75j ; packing , medium to good , $5.45jJf. ( ' > .70 ; light grade * , C.30Q5.50 , KaiiHiiH City , Juno 9. Cattle Rcccljits , 1XX ) ; 8liliincnt | , none ; market steady ; good to cholts i-orn-fcd , $5.1005.50 common to medium , $3.253I.SO ; ; stockerB , $2.00 ® a.l > OS feeders. $3.5CK < tMW : ; cowb , * 2.003.50. Hogs Receipts , 10,300 ; shiments ! | , 1.209 ; market opened 5ffilOu ( lower ; common to chojce , $3.10(55.50 ( ; skips nd pigs , $ -.50S 4.75. OMAHA Ijl"vK STOCK. Cattle. Saturday , Juno 0,18SS. Seventy frush loads of cattle were on salu to-duy , which wits tiiu heaviest receipts of any day thU week. The murket wits hardly us brisk as ychterday , the bhippera. being a little afraid of the eastern markets , but the detnund on thu part of the , packers was good and the ottering * were all taken before the close. ' The t'tiicral market was almost steady , but ouo drove of * ixtctn loads of very choice cattle sold to .tho local packers at (5.C3. . There were 117 fresh load's nnd cloven stnlo on the market to-day ns against 151 on yes terday. The market wns fairly nct'ivo * nt a decline of fitfHOcj The decline was the heavi est on the heavy weights , ivhllo good light bogs were not much lower. Everything was sold before the close. Sheep. There were none hero to ma ko n market. IJvo Stock Sold. Showing the number of cattle , hess and sheep sold to packers and leading buyers on to-day's market. CATTLE. Swift & Co . . . 20T G. H. Hammond & Co . 88 Stevens , Hamilton & Co . 2i Omulm Packing Co . K A. Tnfuerman . ! ! Samuel Dreifuss. . . . . . 43 T. S. Tharp . 5 Pay no . 40 W. Burnsldo . 22 noas , Ilammond&Co . 562 Omaha P. Co . 1,191 Armour & C Packing Co . 2,505 J. P. Squires &Co 003 A. E. UCRBS 1,492 Halstead .te Co 015 Davis nnd Atwood 251 A. Spring. 135 J. M. Doud 307 Payne . . . 200 Pork Special reports to the Cfncinnatt Price Current show the number of ho s packed from March 1 to date and latest mull dates at the undermentioned places , compared with the corresponding time last year , as follows : OMAHA AVJlOLiSAIi : MAIIKKT. Produce , Krults , NutH , Etc. Saturday , Juno 0. T/ic / following ( /iiodidons urc wholesale mul iiot retail. Prices quoted on jtroilueo tire the rates utwhlch round lots nrcsotaon thx ( iiiiirJut. Fritlls or other lines of anvils rc < iulrli\u \ cilrn Itilior In ixtelilny eunnot < il- ways lie itijiplleii on outsltle orders nt the same prices < iuotcd for the locd trade , nates on Jlour and feed urc Jolliers' jirlccs , 1'rlccs on ( train nre those ] > ald by Omaha millers delivered , .slll quotation * on iner- chantllsctireobtalncdfromleading homes and art corrected dally , I'rlees on crackers , cahcsi , etc. , arc the > > c { jivcn by leading tiui/t- factiir crs. Trade was very fair to-day , but no special changes were noted , liuttur was easier and eggs n ahado higher. Vegetables cuma In freely , nnd berries were In better supply , but other articles ruled ns before. Wo n.uoto : UUTTUII Fancy creamery roll butter , 20 ® 21o ; with solid packed at 10@21u ; choice country butter. 13ril4c ( ; common grades , 11 ® 12c Koos Strictly fresh , 12J@13c. CIIKKHIBS Pcrcoso of 10 Ibs , f2.00@2.25. Southern cherries 13,50 per 24 quart case. STIUWHKIIIIIKS &l.60 ( < 4.00 per case. CIIEKSB Full cream , 13jil4c. ( IJlIETS DtlO | Kir ( lOZ. POTATODS Choice home grown , 75gS5o ( ; Utah and Colorado stock , 90 .950 ; low grades , M@C5o. POUI.TIIV No dreabcd fowl in the market ; live chickens , $3,00(33,25 ( per doz ; spring chickens , (3.00a3.25 ( ; small chickensf 1.50 ® S.OO It uisiir 1015e per dor. STUINO Heixs il.SOpcr bu. QIIKCS PEAS-l.5Hrf2.00 per bu. TOMATOES 13.00 per crate orl.r5@2.00 per bu. bu.PINE AiTLE8-3.25@2.50. llAKAtA8 { Common medium , $3.50Q3.00 per buncn ; choice , t3.00W8.50. Ti'KSllis California , 3V @ 3c per Ib. IJATKb Persian OK To per Ib. CIIIKK Clipico Michigan cider. fi.5 per bbl. $1 N ) per M > L Hnt nAirr : 2ra2Hc i > er Ib. ONIONS Native stock , * ! 25@1.50 ; Spanish , per box of 5 Ibs , tl.T5g3.00i ( CaUfornU on- ons , S'sf'Hc per Ib. Lr.Mo.vsWTS -M per box ; fancy , I1.50Q California TZIverRlle$3.T5@4.00 ; medium sweet Klversltles , fl.50 per box Messina , $5.50@7.00 ; Los Anselcs , $2.71 „ 3 00 ; Los Angeles Nnvals ; $4.00 ; Kivcrsido Nnvnls , $0.00. CAIIIIAOES 3S3J ( { < 3 per Ib , for Cnllfornln. UAUi.iri.ofl EH Uood stock , ? l.60@1.75 per doz , AsrAitAors 00@75o per dozen bunches. CucVMnutt * . 5Qe per d.oj for choice. LETTUCE 80@33fl per doz. Cr.LEUT California stock , f 1.50 per doz. POTCOIIN Cholco rico corn is quoted nt 3@ 4c per Ib. ; other kinds 2j @ 3c per Ib. CAUROTS New stock , 40t45c ( per doz. Bmxs-Good stock , $2.00(32.75 ( ; California beans , $ 'J.25@2.40. Fios In layers , 13@13o ; cake , Iflc per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , raw , OJ-j@7c ; Brazil nuts , I3o ; almonds , Tarrngonii , 22c ; English wal nuts , 15@lSc ; filberts , l&c ; Italian chestnuts , I5c ; pecans , 15c. HONEV 10@21c for 1 Ib frames ; canned loney , 10@12operlb. PAHSLEV Jill per doz. Gitr.F.x Os'ioxs 15(3200 ( per doz. PC HE Al.U't.r Sritur $1.25 per gal SALSIPV 25c per bunch. Grocer's Tjlst. ncriNr.ii LAUD Ticrco , 7J < 0 | 40 Ib square cans , 7k'o ; 50-lb round , 8c ; 20-lb round , H'i'c ' ; 10-lb palls , 8-tfc ; 5-lb palls , 8) ) 01 3-lb palls , 'Svut'rs Now Orleans molasses , porlibl. , 37it40c per gal. ; corn synip , 34c ; hnlf bbls. , 30c ; 4-Riil kegs , 1.55(31.55 ( : Borchutn , 3Sc. Hams , lO igll 'o ; breakfast bacon , lfli ( iZil0 c ; bacon sides , OiVZ'Jkc : dry salt , bacjsic ) ( ; ! ; shoulders , 7@7)4'o ) ; dried beef , 10@llc. CANNP. ! ) Goons Oysters , standard , per case , $ . ' 1.20(33.35 ( ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , f2.X2.70 ( ) ; raspberries , 2-U > , per case , S2.HO ® 2.70 ; California pears , per case , W.70@4.bO ; apricots , per Ciisu , Sl.25i4.35 ( ; peaches , per case , $ o.00i'i < 5.75 ; white cherries , per case , S5.SO(30.00 ( ; California plums , per case , ? l,50 ( < ? 4.ti ( ) ; blueberries , per casts , $2,00i < ( (2.10 ; epg plums , 2-lb. per case , f 2.50 ; pineapples. 2-lb , pcrcaso , S3.20 ( < M.75 ; 1-lbi salmon , per doren , Sfl.80@1.83 ; 2-Ui gooseberries , per. case. $2.SO @ 2.KI ( ; 2-lb string beans , per case , 81.75@ l.SO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , S1.00 ( < 1.05 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50ii2.GO ( : 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , S2.85 ; 3-1 u tomatoes , $2.i0@2.40 ! ; 2-lb corn , S..20@230 ; sardines. imported $4 $ , 12@l."c per box ; domestic J TSO'ic ; mustard , ! > J4OKc. SVOAII Granulatcu , Ok@7c ; conf. A , OKo whlto extra C , GXOtOKc ; extra C , 08c ; ' ; yellow C , 5J5Kc ; cut loaf , Sc ; powdured , 7 @bfc ; Now Orleans , 5@rifc. Cori'cn Ordinary grades , lG@l c ; fair. 7J18c ; prhnts , 18flU ( c ; fancy green and yellow , 22@2yc ; old government Java , 2S@ 30c ; Interior Java , 25@ Sc ; Mocha , 2SfiOc ! ; Arbucklo'a roasted , 21 } c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , aij c ; Dilworth's , 21c ; Hed Cross , 21c ; Alarotna , 21 c ; Gorman , SOJfe. \VooDi5SWAKU Two-hoop pails , per doz. , S1.40 ; three-hoop palls , $1.03 ; No. 1 tub , 57.00 ; No. 2 tub , $0.00 ; No. tubs , $5.00 ; washboards , electric , SI. 50 ; fancy Northern Queen washboards , J2.75 ; assorted bowls , J2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $3.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , 70c prr nest. TOIIACCO PLUO Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splendid , 4lc ; Mcchnitld's Delight , 44c ; Leggett - gett & Meyer's Star , 45V ; Cornerstone , 30o ; Drummond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 45o ; "Cut Hate , " 2'Ju ; "Oh , My , " 27c ; Piper'llf idsick , 04c. Toiucco SMOKlXOTT-Catlin's Meerschaum , 31c ; Catlin's Old St.vlo , 2.ic ; Sweet Tip Top , ; 32c ; U. N. O. , I7c ; Ued , White and 131ue , 18e. JELLIES 30-lb pans , 5il.25@l.KO. SALT Per bbl in carlond lots , $1.45. Iloi'i : Seven-sixteenths , 10@10/c. } CINIIV Mixed , Ofcllo ; stick , .K OKc. PICKI.CS Medium , in bbls , $13.00 ; do in half bbls , $3.50 ; small , in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls , ? I.OO ; gherkins , in bbls , SS.OO ; do in half bbls , $4.50. HoLiiixn llr.imixos CS@70c per keg. MAI-LI : SI'OAU Uriclts , 12 , ' o per Ib ; penny cakes , ISfe'Ho ' per Ib. ; pure maple syrup , $1.25 per gal. BHOOMS Extra , 4-tIej S2.GO ; parlor. 3-tio , painted handles , * 2.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable brooms , $4.00. SrAitcit Mirror gloss , 5o ; Graves' corn PowiiEit AND SHOT Shot , $1.30 ; buckshot , SI. 55 ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 : half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths. $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.35 , luses , 100 ft. , 45ffi75c. ( CitACKKHs , CAKIS , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowllako ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda candy , soda wafers ( in tins ) lOc ; soda zephyrs , be ; city oyster , ( % c ; excelsior , "c ; farmu oyster , 7c : gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oyster , Tc ; pearl oyster , 5o ; picnic , 5c ; biiow- drop oyster , 7c ; butter 5c ; Hoston , 8c ; Omaha butter , "c ; Ba tooth butter , OJfc ; cracker meal , 5 > c ; graham , 8c ; graham wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , 12J o ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , 7 c ; oat meal. Sc ; oat mcnl wafers , lOo ; oat meal wa fers in pound packages , 12' < jC ; animals 12c ; 13oliver gmgcrrounil,7o ( ) ; cream , 8cUornhill ; , lOc ; cracknplls , lOc ; trostcd cream SJ e ; ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 'Jo ; home made ginger snaps , in boxes , Klc ; homemade made ginger snaps , (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen , $2.50 ; lemon crcams.Sc ; prct7cls , ( hand mndo ) , llVijC ; assorted cakes and Jumbles , llj e ; as sorted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) , perbox , $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; butter jumbles , HK ° i Brunswick , 15c ; brandy snaps , 15e ; rhocohxto drops ( new ) IGc : choco late wafers , 15u ; Christmas lunch , ( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee cake , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , IIK" , cream puffs , 30c ; egg jumbles , Me ; ginger drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , llj c ; jelly lingers , 15c ; jelly wafers , 15c ; 1elly tart ( new ) . 15o ; lady ling ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vanilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers. 1 dozen packages in a box , per dozen , 2.50. All goods packed in cans lo per Ib advance except snowllake and wafer soda , which are packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb paper boxes , Kc per Ib advance ; all other goods Ic per Ib advance. Soda in 1-lb paper boxes , le per Ib advance. Tno 2-lb boxes are packed in cases holding 18 in a caso. The 13- Ib boxes arc packed in cases holding 13 in a case. The 1-lb boxes are packed In cases holding 'it ! in a caso. Onc-lb graham and oat meal wafers packed 2 doz in a case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods. 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $ .1.00 , not returnable. Cans for snowflake soda , (5.00 per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display the goods , 75o cnch. No charges for packages except for cans and returnable goods. Glass front tin cans and "snowllake" toda cans are returnable at prices charged. Dry Good * . PUINTS Sou i > COLOIIS Atlantic. Go ; Slater , 5.fc } ; Berlin 9) ) ! , O e ; Garner oil , C@ 7c. PISD AND HOIIKS Richmond , CJ < jo ; Al len , OKc ; Hivcr Point. 5c ; Strci Itlvcr , Oo ; Klchmond , Out Pacific , 0 > f c. Ixnino Hi.un Washington , GJ/o ; Century , digo blue prints , He ; American. i > Ko ; 'Arnold ' , ( iWc ( ; Arnold U , ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal,10 > ; c. Unites Charter Oak 5c ; Kamapo , 4Ku ; Lodi , 5c ; Allen , ( So ; Richmond , ( io ; windbor , O c ; Eddy stone. ( ij < c ; Pacific , 0c. BHOWN SIIUBTINU Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 Atluiitiu II , 4-4 , 74C } < Atlantic U , 4-1 , 7J o ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LLM , Oo ; Au ra C , 4-4 , 6c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7tfc ; Hoos- ler LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , KO ; Law rence LL , 4-4 , Gc ; Old Dominion , ? -4 , 5Kc ; Pepperell H , 4-41 76 ; Pcpperell O , 4-4 , tic ; Peppercll , 818Kc ; Peppcioll 'J-4 , 21c ; I'ep- perell 10-4 , 23c ; Utiea C , 4-4 , Cc ; WachUbCtt , 4-4 , 7J u ; Aurora B , 4-4 , GJ o ; Aurora H , 4-4 , BATTS Standard , ? o ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , 12Ke ; Bayonne , 14u ; U , cased , $0.50. CAWET WAKIBibb , wnitc. lOc ; col oeQ 22c. 22c.DUCK DUCK West Point , 29 in. Soz. , lo o ; Wrst Point , 29 in. 10 oz. . 12Ko ; Webt Point , 10 in. 12 oz. , 15o ; West Point , 50 in. 11 oz. , lOc. Checks-Caledonia X , t".c " ; Caledonia XX , lOjuc ; Economy , 'Jc ; OtK 'Je. KENTUCKY JHANI Memorial , 15c ; Conton , 2fc ; Durham , 27 } c ; Hcrculcb , Ifcc ; Leaming ton. 2JHo ; Cottsworld. 2r > ic. MibCBLLANCorti Table oil cloth , $2.85 ; plain Holland , b OJic ; Dado Holland , OVrfc. OVrfc.COMlOHTKIIS COMl-OHTKIIS | G.C > 0g35 ( 00. BI.IKCIIEI : > SIIIKTIKI : Hcrlccly cambric , No. GO , OHc ; Best Vet , 4-4 , 0c ; butter cloth , OO , 4M ; Cubot. 7Ho ; Farwcll , Sl c ; Truit of Loom , 0)40 ) ; Prcenu G , Go ; Hojio , 7Jfo sutta , lOc ; Valley Be. AM-PlunkoU checks , 7 } < c ; Written- ton , 7Hc ; Yorlt , irjti : Normnndl dress , 8 fo ; Calcutta dress. SJ c ; Whlttcndoa dress , Hchtrow dress , SVJX ia'-jc. TICKS Lewiston , 3 < Mn , ISJfc ; Lcwiston , 82-In. , 13 { c ; York. B3-ln. , 14o ; Swift river , 7Xo ; THorndvko , OO , 8 < o ; Thorndyko FF , S fc ; Thomdlko 120 , 9Kc ; Thornklko XX , iho ; Cordis , No. 5 , 9V c ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie. .DENIMS Amoskeag B , 9-oz. , lOc ; Everett , 7-07. , 13c ; Vork , 7-oz. , ISKc ; HaymarkctSKc ; Jaffroy XX. llj c : JafTroy XXX , 12Wc ; Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CO , lOc. FIANNBI.S Plaid Hnftsmnn , 20c : Gosccn , 82Vc ; Clear Lake , 32Kc ; Maple City , SOWc. WhltoG H No. 2 , jk 2lco C II No. 1 } ( , 80c ; QucchcoNo. 1 , J42 ; Quechco , No. a , Jfi 8tfc : Qucchco No. 4. JS'JJ e ; Annwan , 13k" ? WliMlsor.83J < c ; Kcd XC , 24-ln , 16' < o ; - ; . S4-lu , ISc II A F K24-in,21cGq. - ; , Jf. 2oOi J H F , ) { , 27o ; d , ? f , 85C. CKASII Stevens' B , Oc : bleached , Tcj Stdvens' A , 7KO- bleached , 8 > o ; Slovens' P , 8J < c ; blenched , 9J o ; Stevens' N , ( C' bleached , 10) 0 ; Stevens' S K. T , 12 > c. General MnrkctK. LrATiinu Oak soles , 35il37c ( ; hemlock slaughter sole , 21@39c ; hemlock dry sole , 13 ( fT25c ; hemlock kip , GOMOOc ; A. & B. runner kip , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , POcQf 1.00 : A. A. hemlock cnlf. "backs , " 75c ; hemlock upper , 10@24o ; English grain upper. 25c ) hemlock grain upper , 21@25c ; Tamplco B. L , Morocco , 29ft33c ( ; Tam | > lco pepplc , O. D. Mo. , 22@2'Jo ; Curocoa , B. G. Mo. . 80c : Simon O. D. Mo. , $2.75(33.00 ( ; Dangola kid , 80@35c ; X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid , 32c ; Gricsen kids , t.'i.00@ : > .76 ; French glazed kids , l2.fiOg2.7B ; French calf kids , 13.23 : oak kip sl < lns80c$1.00 ( ; oak calf skins , S1.00@1.55 ; French calf skins. $1.25@2.25 ; French kip skins , $ I.10@1.50 ; Hussitt linings. $0.00(30.50 ( per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50 ( 9.75 per doz. : colored toppings , $9.00 ( < ? 11.00. Diifds Acid Carbolic , crystal per Ib , 50c ; citric per Ib , GOc ; tnrtanc , pcMb , 60c ; sul- plmrlc , per Ib , 4c ; ammoniacarb , pcrlb , 15o ; nlum , per Ib , 5c ; alcohol. Id per cent , per gal , ? ' ,22 ; blue vitriol , per Ib , 8c ; borax rcllncd , pcrlb , lOc ; cnmpbor rctlncd , 32c ; cream tar tar , pure , per Ib. 42c : cream tartar , commer cial , per Ib , 20c ; cloves , per Ib , 33c ; cuttle fish bone , per Ib , 30c ; dextrine , per Ib , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , BOc ; hops , fresh , per Ib , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per Ib , 75c ; insect powder , per Ib , GOc ; morphine. P. & Av. , per oz. . $3.00 ; opium , per Ib , $3.75 ; quinine , P. & \V , , per oz. , 6Sc : quinine , German , pcroz. , ibc ; Kocliclle salts , per Ib , 35e ; saffron , American , pcrlb , 40e ; saffron , true Spanish , ] icr oz. , $1.00 ; salnpctre , pure per Ib. lOc ; Sulphur , Flowers' , per Ib. , 5c. ; soda , bl-car- bonatc , per Ib , 5c ; silver , nitrate , per Ib , $11.50 ; spermaceti ! , per Ib , 62@GOc ; strych nine , per oz , , $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib , 55c ; wax , yellow , pure , pcrlb , 85c. OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon , 150 degrees , 13c ; linseed boiled , GOc ; linseed , raw , 57c ; castor , No. 1 , S1.20 ; No. 2 , S.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water blcaolied , 85c ; fish , bank. 35c ; ncatsfoot , ex tra , G5c ; ncntsfoot. No. 1 , 50o ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , 35c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 21ard,50@55e ; W. A\7cio , 14c ; W. Va. ? cro , 14c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha , 1 degree. 14c ; head light , 150 degrees , 12o ; headlight. 175 de grees , 15c ; turpentine,45c ; castor , pure , $1.30 per gal. HIDES Green butchers , ' 4@4Xc ; green cured , 5@5J4c ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salt , Gc ; green salted calf , 0iC : damaged hides , 2c off ; dry salted deacons , . 25o each. Tallow- No. 1 , SJtfc ; No. a , 2J c. Grcalo Prime white , 4fc ! ; yellow , 3c ; brown. J2c. Sheep pelts 10c(3$1.00according ( to quality. Brand ed hides classified ns damaged. , Sri HITS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.14 ; do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.15 ; do 1SS proof , $1.13 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wino gallon , $2.13 ; redistilled whiskies , $1,25(0/1.50 ( / ; gin blended , $1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.W0.00 ) ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.0000.50 : Goklen Sheaf nnd rye whiskies , $ .50@3.00 ; brandies , imported , $5.0008.00 ; domestic , S1.30@3.00 , gins , imported , $500 ( 0.00 ; domestic , $1.25 © 8.0(1 ( ; champagnes , Imported , per case , $23.00 (333.00 ( ; American , per case , J10.00@17.00. Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMnEIl. "l5Cht 18ft. 20 ft. 22ft. 24ft. 2x4 .17 B ) 20 00 21 00 ! 00 \ 00 .n no as oo 21 0023 00 SI 00 .17 BO 20 00 21 00 2-4 00 ZJ 00 4x10 . .17 6021 ] 0021 00 si uo : H oj axis. . . . .1(1 ( ft ! 20 I21 00uu 24 00 SX4-HX8. .15 fUll | ! iVl2J | A023 OJ 23 00 J1OAUWS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s. . $15.50 No. 2 com , sis. . 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. . 13.50 No. 1 , 4&0inia& 14 ft , rough $19.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " 0 19.r No.2 , " 14 " U 16.5 No.2 , " " 10 " 018.0 sinixos. A , 12 , 13 & 10 ft.$21.50 j C , 12 , 14 & 10ft.$15.50 B , " " 20.50 f D , " " 12.50 CEIUXO AND TAIITIT1ON. 2d com % in White Pine ceiling $34.00 if K 11 ( I Og ( V Clear % in Normay " " * ' . ' . ! ' . ! ! ! ! lo'.Ot 2dcomin " " " 14.00 rLOOUINO. A 0 in White Pine $20.50 BOin " " 33.50 COin " " 30.00 DOin " " 21.50 EOin " " ( Sol. Fencing ) 19.90 0 in Drop feiding 5flc per M extra. BTOCIUIOAKDb. A12inchsl8 S15.50 B 12 " 39.20 C12 " 30.K ( D12 " 23.00 No. 1 com , 12 in s 1 8 12 ft 20.5C " " " 14 ft 19.0C " " 10ft 18.5C " " " 10 , 18 , 20ft 21.50 No.2 " " 19.00 " " " 12&14 ft 18.50 " " " 17 ft 17.50 12 in Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than 12 in Stock Boards sumo length. 10 in Grooved roofing same prlco as 12 In Stock Boards. SHIP I.AI- . 419.0C No.lPlaln 8nnd 10 in No.2 " " " 17.50 No. 1 , O G , Sin 19.51 IIATJENS. WEI.I , TUniNO , PICK1STS. OG Bntts , 2 in $ 70 " J x8,8l8 3T 3-ln well tubing , D cfcMnndbcv 23.0C Pickets , D& II flat 19.5C " " int6 ( ] riNisiiiNO. 1st nnd 2d , clear , 1 , l > f , ins28 . $ , r > 1.0 ( ' ' " 1 ,2 . 51.K ( 3d , clear , 1 In s 2 s . 44.0C " 1JIKinU . 40.0 ( A. select. I in s 2 s . 40.IK A , " lj , lK,2ins2s . 44.W B , " 1 ins 2s . 30 , ( K B , " W , lK,2ins2s . 37.0 ( B , select , all 10 ft , $1 extra. Ceiling Clear Finish , 1 and \\i Inch , s 2 s . 2G.5C Clear Finish , 1 > V and 2 inch , s 2 s . 80.0C Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 Inch . 24.5C Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 20,01 , EOUTIIUIIN YULLOW 1'INC. Star , 4 inch Flooring . $21.0C 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring . 23.0C CUmrXIncli Ceiling . 20.0C Clear % inch Partition . , . 24.0C Clear % Inch , Partition $2 above % inch ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE TERRE HAUTE , IND.-A SCHOOL OF [ NOINEBIIIQl \Vtll riidawril. well e < julrr-il iepirtmtntB of He rlianlc > lanil'ltll ( Knglnrerlnt , Kli-ctrlrlty , Cliemli nil llruwinif. Kxun lveMioi ianil I. Lor torin Cutalufuu , uJilH'ta T. C.ML.NUENIIALlu 1'rf * PEERLESS DYES Aroll > 0 nEhT' f , i : . TALMEIl , X. I' . IIICIIMAM. J , II , III.ANCIIAIIU PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchants , Otnce-IloomZI. Oppoillo Kxcbanin llulldluit , Union htotk Yardt , boutli Ouiulia , Neb. McCOY BROS. , Liye Stock -Commission Merchants , Market furnlnhed truu on application. Mockeri and feudura furnlitlifd en L't > od tenut Itv' ' ri'ncct' ( > inv ) > aa Nulloiml llank and boutb Oiuubu Nullciuai. Unlvu block V rdt , buutb UiuHlm , NORIMERAVESTERFIELP& MALEY Live Stock Commission , Itoom 15 , KxcLunco llulldlni ; , I'nlon Stock Tardt , boutb Uuiabu , Nub , ALE > TA N D E R & "FITCH , Commision Dealers in Live Sock , Seem ' . ' . ' , ( > pi > i ) > lie Ktchanire llulldlnit , Union Block , buuth Omabu , Kcb. UNON STOCK"YARDS co. , Of Omaha , Limited , PARKER , DealerinAgricnltnralImplementsfa , onsl Catrlagct and llufflrt. J IP Ftrctl , between Jth nnd _ 10th. Uruaha , NebraikK. LININQER & METUWLF CO. , AgriCultflrallmplements.Wasons.Carriages . . tc. wholttalg. Om hK , PARLIN. ORENDORF & MARTIN , Wnoletalo l > alprtln u , \ _ Kl ) , WO , KB and ten Jont Street , Omahiu _ P. P. MAST & C0 Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultltatom. liar Hakes. Cider Mills and I.utmn I'ul- Tf rlttrt. Cor. Uth and Nltbolat BtrccH. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Wagons SBnggics Comer Kth and Nlcbolan PtrfftK. OMAHA imANCH. J. F. SEIBERLING & CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. McMl. Manager. H13 LoitTcnworth > t. . Omaha. , M IllBURN&STODDARD Co AlnniifHcturcrsnndJobbert In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. Oth nnd racltlc Etrccti , Omnhft.Ncb. Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Ikmclts Street , Omaha , Nobratka. Boots nnd Shoos. K1RKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succestorsto Hccd.Jonet A Co. ) WholesalGManufacturersofBootsandShocs AKcntafor Iloiton Ilubrjcr Shoo Co. 1102,110 A1100 Hartley bt. , Omnba. Nobraaka. ' W. V. MORSE .V CO. . - Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,1103-1105 Douglas Bt. Omnlin .MunufuctotT , Sum- mar MIlcston. . Bookoollors and Stntlonora. H. M , & S. W. JONES , Successors to A. T. Kcnyon A. Co. , Wholesale A llctd.ll Booksellers and Stationers , Kino Wedding Stationery , Coramcrclnl BtatlonorT , Ka Douglas Street. Ouinlm , Kcb. CoMooa , SplOQ9 , CLARKE COFFEE CO. . Omnbn ColTco and Bplce Mllli. Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , .vas agg vgrVhi18-lh < - Crockery o ndCI _ oe8 war , . ' . L. WRIGHT. Aeent for the Mnnuf acturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , me. om ce. 317 8.13th at. , OninbB , Ncbracfcn. PERKINS. QATCH &LAUMAN. IruDortcrfe and Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Etc. 1514 Karnam St. , Now 1'axton Building. C o m m I BB I o n an d Ji t p ra BQ ; * " " RDD E.LC & RIDD"ELL" Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties Butter , .Kpgs , Cbccfe , I'oultry , Game , 1112 Hownrd Strcfit.IOniulm. GEO. SCHROEDER Sc CO. . Euccossors to McSbano & Rcbrocder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omabo. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FA1RBRASS. Wnolcsale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1014 Nortb ICtb btrcut.Ouinha , Neb. CoQlCokp OMAHA COALTCOKE & . LIMECO. , Joote of Hard and Soft Coal , 309 Soutb 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , , Manufacturers of Illinois. White Lime , Andthlpnars of Coal , Coke , Cement , 1'lnster. Lime , Drain Vllo , and Bcwer IMpe. Office , I'aiton Hotel. Fnrnam bt. , Omuha , Neb. Telepbono BU. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 214 South 13lb St. . Omaha. Neb. Dry Goods and Notions. Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1103 nnd 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth Bt. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jolioers in Dry GoodsNotions , Gents' Furnliblng Uoocls. Comer llth and Hiuuoy hts.Oniaba , Ncbratka. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Faruam Street. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omaha , Nebraska. Crocorlos. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 706,707,709 and 711 S. 10th Bt. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , J tb and I/eavcnworth Btrectt , Omaha , Nebraska. JjtmKyarp. LE ETC LA R K E.ANDRE ES E N H A R D- WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Mutuls , b'heet Iron , etc. Aleuts for Howe Scaleu , Miami Powder nnd Lyinuii llarlied wire , Omaha , Nebraska , HIMEBAUGH ft TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1405 Douglai btreet , Omaha , Nebraska. RECTOR. W1LHELMY ft CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lOUi and Ilarncr Bt § . , Omaha. Neb , Wettern Agent , lor Autlln I'onder Co. , JelTerton btcel Nails , Fairbanks ( Standard Hcalm. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , Wholesale Manufacturers of Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And leather. 140) , 14U5 and HOT Hurnejr Bt. , Omaha , Ncbraika. JNoaivy _ w. j. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stork , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. 130 ! and 1211 Uarnuj btreetImkba. W. L. PARROTTE Si CO. , Wholesale Hals , Caps anfl Slraw Goods , lltrr UarifBy Strcat. Omaha. Neb. _ _ _ Olco ( ( Fixtures. T1IK blMMONDS MANUKACTUUINQ CO. H HUlncturcr or Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle * . bld boarli. Ilook Tale I , Brug KUtur i.Wal ! Ca . ' . . Uocrand e 1'uitltloni Hailln K.Counter * Jtie ( k > luri.Mrroi | etc. ruciorr andunlce , liJUanil 1.J1 Koutti litb at.,0uiubo- l pUuu ll'H. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All Kinds of Building Material at WMesato ltj strut and Cnlon Pacl He TractOmaha. . LOUIS BRA'DFORD , ' Dealer in Lnmbor , Lath , Limo. SasH , Doors > . Ktc. TtMi-CYirapr Tih and Do lM Corni C. N. DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lite 13th and California Slrwets , Omaha , NcbruU "FHED W. ' Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , _ Cornfrtohand rxniclm SU. . Omaha. / . HARVEY LUMBEITCOTT To Dealers Only , Offlce.ltin Farnam Street , Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. Wholesale Luiuher , Etc , Imported and American I'ortlnml Cement , pull Agent for Xlllnnukpn llyilrnulle Cement ami Qulncr Whlto Mine. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpel * and Parquet Flooring Plli ami Do gln Notions- J. T. HOBINSON NOTION CO. . Wholesale Notions anH Furnishing Goods 403 and tOJScnth 10th St.Omaha. Olla. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , BolsalG Refined and Lubricating Oils , sia Grease , Klc. , Omaha. A. II. lllihop , Manngon V1NYARD Si SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1105 Harney Htroet. Omaha. Paints and Oils. CUMM1NGS & NEILSON , \Vholc nlc Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , HIS Fnrnnm Stroot. OinnhaNob. Pnpor. CARPENTER PAPER CC. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , tarry a nice itock of Printing , Wrapping and Writing P / r. Special attention itlvun to car loml order * . Materials. "WESTERN NEWSPAPE'R UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , . Haniifacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 911 Clothing and Leather UeHlnt. 1006 Farnnra Btratt. Stoarn Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRANG CO. . PuniDS , Pipes aud Engines , Jtoam < CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Itcam and Water Suppllp * . Headquarter * for Mutt , Foost A Co's Roods. 1111 Fanmm St. , Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , Ualllday Wind Mills. 019 nnd SO ) Farnam St. , Omaha. (1. F.lloiB , Acting Manager. BROWNELL & CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery Sheet Iron Work Steam Pump * . Hiw MIKa. 1213-12U Ixavenworth Htrert. Omaha. Sm ke Stacks , BollorsEto. _ _ _ H K. SAWYER Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacis , Ilrltcblnca , Tnnkn and ( Jeneral Holler Itopalrlntf. 131S Dodeo btrcot. Omaha. Neb Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Dll and 'Jin Jonr * Street Omaha. Btorogo , Forwordlng A. Commission ' ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Drancb housoof the llemiey lIUKicy Co. 11 u it ( Us at nbuleaale and rciull.l.liM IJlOnmi 1512 Itard Hi rent , Omaha. Telephone No.TW. BroworQ. STORZ & 1LER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1K1 North EliithtcentU Street ! Onutba.Nnb. Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter & eon , Prop's. Manufacturer * of all klndi Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet Iron f oft ' Works South Mth and II. i M. Crossing. PAXTON & VIRKMNQ WON WOItKH. Wrought and Cast Iron Building foft. Engines , llrass Work.General Foundry , Maohlno and lllackiiultti Work , uniru and SYnrks , U. P. Ity. and 17th Ktreot , Omuha. , DMAHA WlRE & IRON" WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Doik Ilnlls , Window Ou'nnln. Klowrr Rtandi , Wlr BlKns , Ktc. 123 Nortli K.tli . Btrcet , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vaults , Jail Work , Iron and Wlra fencing , Hliins. 1CU5. U. Andraun , Prop'r. Cor , llth and Jacksou Hti. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS' Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Pcrecni , for hanks , onires.stori'S. residences , pto * Iniprnvvd Awnlnus. I < orksiulth Mui'hlnory and lllucksiulih Works. llUrioulli llth Ht. IMEAGHER k LEACH. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , General Agent * for Dlobold Rafn A Ix > ck Co. ' * Tault * and Jail \Tork , 1(15 Farnara Street , Omaha. "Notions. I. OBERFELDER k CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notion aH. IlOaniUIJHmilh Dili Hlrcct I 4 CANFIELD MANUFACTUniNa COji ! Manufacturers of Oyeralls , Jesni Pints , Saint , ICtc. IKBand IIOI Uouglti Blrce Uuiabn , Htlj. Cornloo. EAQLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanizcfl Iron and Cornier } , Jolin Kpsostcr , I'mprlelor , WiJ Do.lse . and Nortb 1Mb mreet. Omalia. JOHN . Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Not. 1317 and 1319 Douglai Bt. , Oiuaba , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etc. . j - - - - - - - - - M. A. DISBROV/ . CO. , \VlioIo lu Manuf turer * of Sash , Doors , , Blinds and Moulfllu&s , llrancb UtBcu , Ulli and Itard tJlraot.Omaha. Ne . BOHN MANUFACTURINQ CO. J Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Wouldlnir * , Stair Work and Interior llant Wool Hat - t u. N , . Cornertlth and l aruDnrorlti fctrvut * , Uinabu , tjvti. OMAHA I'LAmNQ MILL CO. , Manafactnrers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , icJ IJIIudi , Turning. Btalr-MOrlc. llink abdOUU tlU - - yju , iod vyg\vi \ < tu Af cuuc *