Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1888, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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A Great Manufacturing Firm Has
Faith in Omaha.
Still Anotlicr 1'roof of the Trite Say
ing Tlmt KncrKY nnil Fair Dcal-
IliK Will AVIti AKiiliiHt all
A treat many largo manufacturers
liavo established a great demand for
Vrtlrcs in the west , which has been of
mutual interest to both sections of the
country. Among them may bo promi-
Jiolitly mentioned the Union Manufac
turing company ol Toledo , O. About
three years ago this company opened a
Binall ofllco in Omaha. It was done
( Juicily and without ostentation. Know
ing the intrinsic merit of their ma
chines , nnd having faith that real
worth must win , they began operations.
Their business can truly bo said to
hAve had a phonominal growth. From a
little 10x12 ollico they have increased
Uhlll they now occupy two haud-
eOihb btpro rooms and a basement
all full to running over with handsome
ifinchincs or occupied by the olllccs and
tialeSrooms of the different departments.
Tllolr business extends nil over the
west. They employ flvo traveling men
Uilbn the road and have ton wagons ,
with as many men , operating in Omahti
alotle. Their city ollico and salesroom
iB located at 1009 Howard street. This
ruom is largo , airy and pleasant , and
fitted Ui ) in Urst-class style. The ban
ners , drapery and wall decorations
Which are elegant , are all done in the
blllco and upon the Union bowing ma
chines. The ladies will please bear
this in mind. They do not import any
thing , but positively make right hero
in Olnaha every article to bo
foilnd in their beautiful sales parlor
rttiVl art room. Mr. Smith the manager
intends making this department ono of
especial interest to the ladies. It is
pl-oslded over by a lady whoso duty it
Will bo to show visitors their machines
hhd bxplain the work. Any lady wait
ing for a car or at a loss to pass an hour
is welcome to call in and visit this de
partment whether she wishes to buy a
bctoing machine or not. They do all
kinds of chenille , arrasino and silk em
broidery and it is the intention to make
n permanent exhibit of worlc done in
tile blllco in this room. Mr. C. P.
Ilttllioy who for twenty years was con
nected with the Singer company , live
years of which ho was their city mnn-
nUbh of tholr Omaha ofllcu ,
him charge of the city de
partment. The general manager
MK G. S. Smith and Mr. Hoflly have
each cozy olliccs in the rear of the sales
parlor. The room 1C07 istho store , ad
justing and repairing room. This us
well as the largo basement is largely
Decupled with other largo stock of
machines for their wholesale and retail
trade. The adjusting department is in
Charge of Mr. Clarence Harmon , an ox-
hcrt , who can not only adjust a machine
but can make ono entire , having been
employed for years in the largest fact
ories in the United States , Ladies are
often at a loss to know whore to find
needles , oil , etc. , for their sowing ma
chines. You can find at the Union
ollico a complete variety suitable for
nny machine. Those things have
combining to secure the success of the
Union. The lirst of which is the real
merit of the machine itself , which has
more good points than any sowing ma
chine made , being the lightest running ,
the quietest and the simplest in con
struction o ! nny machine in oxistanco.
Third , they have positively the bcht
equipped ollico over opened in the west ,
ono which reflects credit upon the com
pany , the city and the management.
Tills ofllco is a company's ollico , run in
the interest of the manufacturers them
selves , who will not alkw the interest
in a machine to cease as soon as the sale
is mado. The Union Manufacturing
company guarantee their machines for
live years and this ofllco secures to all
western buyers , and especially those of
the city all that a positive guarantee
implies. Under this arrangement your
guarantee will be respected by this of
llco whether you bought your Union
sowing machine of this particular ollico
or not. This olllce is just as permanent
as the company. Everybody in Omaha
is cordially invited to call at their cozy
parlor , 1(109 ( Howard St. , and see their
beautiful display of lambrequins , ban
ners , children's dresses , etc. , all made
upon the Union sewing machine. It
will surprise you , please you , pay you.
Bronze anil gold frames at Hospes.
At Imimuiuol Hnptist church , 2409 Saun-
deVa utrcot , Hov. F. W. Foster's tlioino on
( Sunday morning Is , "Ministry of Flowers , "
truths and thought irathurccl from the prac-
tlco of carrying flowers to prisons and hos
pitals on Flower Mission Day. Evening
services at S o'clock.
At the Trinity cathedral 11 n. jn , ser-
vlc'O the Krownoll hall anniversary sermon
Will 1)0 preached by Canon JJohorty. At the
evening service Dean Gardner will preach on
"A Bccrot of AllHiovcrnmcnt , " from the
parable of Jotlmm , regarding the trec-sof the
forest choosing u king. All are wclcomoJ to
all the fccrvlccs. In Urn evening all seiUb arc
I'o-tnorrow U children's day at the Sou th
iTcnth street M. IS. church. Interesting
VcrvIcPB morning ami cvouing. Sunday
chool at 'I p. in.
llov. iohn Williamson , of the Central
united Presbyterian church will preach Sab
bath morning on "Following Christ , " und in
evening on "Temptation. "
Children's Sunday will bo observed In the
St. Mary's avenue Congregational church by
floral decorations , special musiu and oxer-
clses nhtl baptism of children in thtt morn-
Inc. In the evening a carol service , entitled
"Tho Child In the Temple , " by the choir ,
youhg people and Sunday school.
At the Hlllsldo Congregational church ,
Onmlm View , Hov. H , C. Crane , pastor , the
Hov. Dr. Key will give a free lucturo with
calcium lighten Saturday night. Also will
Bpcalt at the children's ) service Sunday morn-
in ? .
At the First HaptUt' ' church , corner Fif
teenth nnd Oavunport stream , the morning
Will bo dovctcd to CliiMron's dny exorcises
on behalf of a Uuptut publishing society.
Evening theme , "Were Adam and Kvo the
Only Pair Created ? "
At Calvary UantUt church thcro will bo
niornltig sorvlc-o only , beginning at 40:80.
BUnduy school at 11 , J5 ,
Sewanl M. 1 ? , CUuich Sabbath morning
Chlltlnw's dny will bo observed with the
bnpllsm of children nnd aiiprojirluta services ,
In the flvenlng the pasvor , Hev. Charles W.
tinvlilBC , will preach to the Young People's
society of Christian oijdeavor ,
At Plymouth Church , Kountzo IMaco-Chll-
droll's day service nt 111:80 : a. in. Flowers ,
luublo , Children's address by Chaplain
Nave of Fort Oniolm.
At Calvary church , on Raunders street ,
service at 7:30 : p. in. Preaching In "iVtsUU by
Hcv , D. L. Hughes , Wuyno ; In English by
the pastor , Ucv , W. Kr.lnml William * .
The subject of Hov. W. 1-1 Copeland's ser
mon nt Unity church to-morrow morning at
11 a. m. will be , "Out of Evil , Good. "
Hcv. John A. Henderson , of the Park Ave-
BUn Unit I'd I'rosbytcriiiu church , will i.roach
on "Hedomption" In the morning and "Tho
Full" Iu the evening.
To Contraulora.
For Bale 100 cubic feet Wnupacn
Granite some drcbsed ana seine un
dressed , inquire J. M. .Tackmnn , new
Bui ; building , 17th an > l Farimm.
- eCo
Co to Pries lake for family , club.and
cbool picnics.
J/cttlnir Down tno Prices.
20-in. morio silks at 39c yd.
24-in , surah silks at 55c yd.
22-ln brocaded silks at 3 < Jc.
2-1-in. brocaded silks at Goc.
127-in. black Lyons silks $1.00 , worth
2in black and colored grosgrain silk
atlc ) ! ) , worth $1.15.
UiMn black regatta silk at 09c , worth
22-in. black heavy silks atSSc to 52.50 ,
30 per cent less than former prices.
22-in. colored satins at 48c. worth 7Gc.
All dcsirablo shinies silk plush fi'Jc.
24-in black reversible Siberian suit
ings at 12Jc. worth 28c.
2t-in black serges at lOc a yard , worth
'SO-in black English cashmeres at 15o ,
worth 28c.
. ' ! 0-in black English cashmeres extra
fine at 25o , worth IWc.
'KMn black F F cashmeres at 20e ,
worth 4oc.
JJ8-in all wool French cashmeres at.
4c ! ) , worth 05c.
40-in all wool French cashmeres at
6c ! ) , worth 70c.
44-in all wool Henrietta at G9c , worth
8c. ! )
44-in all wool Henrietta at 70c , worth
O'Jc. '
44-in silk warp Henrietta at OSc ,
worth $1.2-5.
44-in all wool Henrietta from $1.10 to
81.H1) ) . worth from $1.45 to $1.75.
44-in silk warp Henrietta from $1.45
to $1.85 , worth from * 2.2" > to $2.75.
50-in Henrietta , nil now shades , $1.25 ,
worth D1.75.
50-in French Toulon suitings , all
shades , 78c , worth $ l.i5. !
42-in French fancy suitings.all shades ,
G5c , worth 8oc.
40-in French fancy suitings , all shades ,
45c to 48o , worth 05c to 75c.
38-in albatross , all shades. 39c.
30-in F. F. cashmere , all shades , 29c.
IM-in English cashmeres , all shades ,
34-in'English double twill , till shades ,
Gilbert's best all wool suitings , now
shades , 2Hc.
24-in French brocatel suitings , now
shades , 85 c.
bric 31 c , worth 8c.
For Monday in ladies' and gents' fur-
nighing goods. Ladies' silk lace mitts ,
only 12Jc. worth 25c. Ladies' pure silk
mitts , only Me , worth 50c. Ladies' lisle
gloves , only 15c , worth 25c. 100 dozen
gent's balbriggan half hose , only lOc ,
worth 25c. Gents' fancy percale ties , 2
for 5c , others ask lc ( ) each. Gents' linen
collars 8c each , others ask ISc. The
best 55c unlauiidried shirt nmdo. others
usk75c. Ladies line balbriggan hose , only
15c , worth 25c. Ladies' fast black hoso.
only 25c , worth 60c. Ladies' fine gauze
vests , Oonly 25c each , worth 40c.
Ladies fine jersey ribbed vests 33c ,
worth , OSc. Bargains in parasols for
Saturday. Satin parasols , lace trim
med , $ l.'oO , reduced from $3.00. Satin
parasols , lace trimmed , $2.00 , reduced
from $3.50. Satin parasols , lace trim
med , $2.50 , reduced from $ -1.00. Satin
parabols , lace trimmed , $3.50 , reduced
from $5.00. Children's elegant lace
caps 2-Tc , worth SOc. Beautiful lace
caps only lOc , worth 35c. Special pi-ices
iu corsets for Saturday. Ladies' corset
waists at } price on Saturday.
ICth btrcot , near Douglas.
Tlioir New Circus Combination Proves
a Veritable Mascot.
After an enormously successful tour of
the leading northern cities , Sells
Brothers whoso name as amusement
purveyors is ns wide as the continent
itself are now playing a limited season
in the M > uth , and are presenting their
celebrated tented aggregation , with all
its tla/.zling and sensational features ,
in the same complete form as been in
the north. Having but a few weeks to
devote to the southern circuit , only the
most important towns will bo visited.
The people hereabouts will bo delighted
to know that Omaha is to bo one of the
favored cities. , the date of the Sells ex
hibition hero being Tuesday , Juno 2i. (
The ICansas City Times , in the course
of a long and interesting article , con
tained the following :
"Ton thousand people cheered as they
never did before at Sells Brothers' cir
cus hibt night. The gtcat white tout
was packed to _ suffocation , and still a
crowd besieged the ticket
wagon , which the police ordered
cloned at a quarter of 8 , bo 'fear
ful wore they that a panic might occur.
The surpassing merit of the Sells show
was fully known hpro , and all Kansas
City was anxious to pay homage to a
management that has created such a
Btif throughout the country. Thofco
who were fortunate enough to gain ad-
mittnnco wore abundantly rewarded.
Blaso show-goers were dumbfounded to
( hid that it is htill possible to present
entirely now and thrilling circus acts.
The three rings and huge stage blazed
with marvelous and perilous feats dur
ing the circus proper. The shooting
exhibition by Cnpt. Bogardus and his
gifted sons , the twenty-throe horfco act
in the ellipbo , and the hippodrome
races , wrought the audience up to a de
lirium of excitement. * * * * * *
Sells Brother * scored an unmistakable
triumph hero yehterday. Never before
has n circus establishment given such
thorough Mitibftictlon in this city , and
for the lirst time has ono religiously ful-
Illlcd all its promises. "
The signs of the times point to an
overflowing business hero for the enter
prising Scllu Urothors.
Stewart bail josWashb'rnguitarsIIospo
If you haye a gasoline stoyo that docs
not work well have it repaired or ex
change it for one of our Perfect Penin
sula Gasoline stoves. Omaha Stove Re
pair Works , 810 N.JUth at.
E'lunob tuned at Hospo's 1513 Doug Bt.
Tlio Quickest Ilouto to Cincinnati
is via the .
Leave Omaha 3:15 : p. m. arrive Cin
cinnati 0:30 : p. in. next evening. The
only route running those elegant Pull
man bulTot sleeping cars through to St.
Louis without change. Round trip
tickets now on sale very cheap. Crtll
early tit thn Wabash ticket ollico , 1502
Farnam street , and secure your ticket
and olccping births.
Artist mutorlnlE , Ho po. 1513 Douglas.
Linen Thread
and Clark's O. N. T. cottons have be
come very popular iu Nobrauka. Deni
er * call for it.
The second annual picnic of the
Durant Hosu company will bo neld ut
FremoiiU'aUn''luy.Juno 10 , 1888. RomiO.
trip tickctb , $1 ; children , 50c. Train
leaves U , P. yard at 7:30 : a. m. an'5 the
depot ut 8:30 : a , : n.
Hullot-Duvis pianos , H.trap0).soio , , gt.
' Follow the rush
llnydcn Hro.'e.
Letting down the prices. There Is no
bottom , at least wo have not found nny ,
mid wo nro going still lower. Just ro-
cei veil a heavy shipment of embroidered
robes and combination suits. The com
bination suits are of the very best
clinmbrny gingham , worth $2.60 , our
price only $1.60 each. Tlio embroidered
robes are In pink , blue , brown , black
and white , in sateens , chambrays ,
batiste , scut-suckers and etc. , narrow
and wide embroidery and panel to cor
respond. You will find this the
handsomest line over shown in Omaha
and thn lowest prices over named on
embroidered robes. Two cases of extra
quality crinkled seersuckers at lOc per
yard ; one case of good seersucker at 6c
per yard. We have just opened another
now lot of French sateen in the new
shades , such as serpent , reseda , steel ,
nile green , two shades of blue ,
also blue and jet black. Look over our
rcmimnts of sateen you will 11 nil some
bargains among them. Our stock of
white dress goods is second to none in
this western country. Imported Welts
at 47c , COc and 76c , worth double their
money. Wo have the cheapest line of
white dress goods in this city at 6c , Oe ,
8c , lOc , lUJe , 15c , 20c , 25c and 5c poi-
yard. No bettor goods for the money
are shown than you will Hml at llayden
Bros. Two yards wide table damask at
69c per yard. On Monday wo will olTer
a big bargain in white bed spreads full
siv.o crochet spread , Marsollcs pattern
at 8oc each , worth $1.25. 100 pieces
apron checked gingham reduced to Hjc
a yard. The rush for wall paper still
intH and lolio Furnain Street.
Of white
For ladies ,
Misses and children.
A specialty.
$3.75 , $4.603.50 , $5.75 , 10.00 , etc. ,
Will buy a
Handsome , well made
DRESS with embroidery
For a lady ,
Miss or child.
MONDAY , JUNE 11 , 18SS ,
Of 850 pieces
In different widths'
And colors
At half prico.
1518 , 1520 Fiirnam st.
Grcnt Sacrifice Sale of Novelties In
$10.60 for $7.50.
$7.50 for $ -5.50.
$5.50 for { .75.
$3 75 for $2.75.
$2.75 for $1.76.
A lot of children's parasols for 15c.
Wo liayo just received another lot of
that 42-inch plat val lace at 75 cts. ,
worth $1.50.
Wo can bliow you bargains in Spanish
guipure , chantilly , and other lace
llouncings from $1.87 upwards.
wo will sell all our dollar corsets for 75
cents , including the best summer cor&et
that is made.
An imported French corset worth
$2.50 for $1.75.
A good child's waist at 38 cts.
Try our 50c royal fast dyes , and if not
perfectly satisfactory return them to us.
Cor. 15th and Harnoy , Jlamgo Block.
At Chicago Chicago & Northwestern
Tickets to Chicago and return for
$9.75 , round-trip from Council IBlulls ,
Juno 13th to 19th inclusive.
General Western Agent ,
1401 Farnani St. Telephone 501.
Etchings and engraving. A. Hospe
Railroad War JltiH Struck Omaha.
You can buy from J. G. Parker & Co. ,
805 south 10th st. , for the next three
days , tickets to Chicago for $8.00 , St.
Louis , for $7.00 ; Cincinnati for $10.00 ; In
dianapolis $10.00. and greatly reduced
rates to all eastern cities.
Kimball pianos and organs , IIospongt.
$1O to Chicago and Qctiirn. $1O.
Round trip tickets to Chicago account
of the national republican convention
at TEN DOLLARS , will be sold by the
Burlington Route Juno Kith to 19th.
Good to return until Juno 25th. The
Burlington is the only line running
solid trains out of its own depot in *
Omaha and other Nebraska points
direct to Chicago. H. L. HAM ; , Ticket
Agent , ollico 1223 Farnam street ,
Omaha. Telephone 250.
Smoke Soidonberg's Figaro and got
the best 6-cont cigar in the world. Max
Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot.
Pianos on monthly payments. Hospe.
Mechanics and Traders'
Capital , $250,000.
318 S. 15th st.
R. C. Pattorbon , President.
Frank Barnard , Cashier.
Deposits solicited.
General banking business done.
The message boxes of Tun BKI : are
proving a great convenience to the
public. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C. Leo Staub , Architect and Supt. ,
ofllco 1019 Howard 10 '
; years' experi
ence. Fine , stylish buildings a spec
Hardwood frames. Hospo,1613 Do ugla
The message boxes of TUB BKU are
proving a great convenience to the
public. *
Sh cot music at lowest prices , Hospo
"Follow the Rush to Utah. "
The round trip faro from Omaha to
Salt Lake and return is $47.50. There
is ono method by which it can * bo miulo
without cost. The Salt Lake Improve
ment company will give a rebate of 2 }
per cent on all amounts paid for realty
purchased on Terrace Heights the best
location in the prettiest and healthiest
city in the west Salt Lake. The sale
takes place June 20 and 21. Thainve&t-
mout isabbolutcly bafo. Make inquiries
and go.
Another Grout Success.
Dr. J. E. Gardner's famous company
gave another of their splendid enter
tainments at Eighteenth and Cuss
streets , The large audience-went per
fectly wild over the ludicrous features.
The programme will be repeated dnring
thci week.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Died on the Train.
Thp bndy of a man named Frank Hard-
man was prepared for shipment to Toronto ,
Canada , by Droxcl & Muul yesterday. Hurd-
iitm died of paralysis on a Union Pucitio
train while bound rust fraia Utah. The re-
mums were sent to liis father , John Hard-
ioun , of Toronto. Deceased was thirty-ono
yeur old.
I'nnlo nt StonKlilll'H.
Monday wo will open tvlolof bargains
bought for cash at a great Bherallco.
' 2,000yards of best calico i2c ! a yard.
Wo will take a hand in slaughtering
notions ourselves.
Thimbles io each.
Black nins lc box.
Needles le paper.
Corset steels 4c pair.
Dress stays 4c dozen.
Stay binding le roll.
Knitting cotton 2Jc ball.
Pins ! c paper.
Safety pins Uc paper.
Dress shields 6c.
Celluloid combs So each.
Fine dress buttons Ijctlozen.
Pearl buttons 2J c dozen.
25c pearl buttons , ! ) e per dozen.
Big lot of remnants of colored sateen
and embroidery , dirt cheap.
25 pieces of $1.00 dress goods , all wool ,
29c per yard.
$1.60 Henrietta , all colors , Oflc.
White goods ntSJc , worth 25c.
Big bargain in linen lacoft 2c a yard
for lace three inches wide. Terrible
slaugntor of all our laces.
Best outing llannel , 19c per yard.
13 yards of sateen for ! )9c. )
13 yards Lonsdalo muslin for 09o.
15 yards of 20c scrim for 99c.
Immense bargains all over the house.
Monday only. Our prices always lead.
STONEHILL , 1615 Douglas.
"Follow the rush to Utah. "
The Omaha Turnvcrin will give Us
annual excursion to Nebraska City Juno
17,1888. Train leaves Missouri Pacific
depot , corner Fifteenth and Webster , at
8:30 : a. in. Tickets , round trip , $1.60.
Excursions will bo run from Platts-
moulh to the same place. A good time
is a&sured. The prl/.o class of the so
ciety will engage in competitive exor
cises. Refreshments on the ground.
Brass and orchestrinl music. Tickets
may bo procured from the undersigned
or at the depot.L.
H. Roiir.r ,
"Follow the rush"o Utah. "
Mathematical instruments. Hospo.
[ Where nilMnkcs nro found below , rnilors nro re
quested to Kcrnl corrections. Any emissions noted
will bo cheerfully tiuppllcd.J
unity. Seventeenth nnd CUHH Itcv. W. K. Conclnnd.
Services morning nnd evening , bumlajr school at
Northwest corner Twenty-Unit nnil Chirk. Services
morning nnd evening. Niblmtti tchool at 12U : ) | > . in.
First , Twentieth nnd Capitol nvcmic Nov. Clmrlci
11. Newnun. Services morning and evening. Sun-
iluy school VM n. ni.
Gcnnnn Idai South Twentieth UCT. K. .1. Frecse. HunJity xchool nl 2. p. in.
I > ; \nlMi , South Tiventy-ncconil between Ixmvcn-
woitli nnd Mn on Uev. K. C. Bodlioldt. Services
morning mid evening.
Konntfc Memorial Kvnngcllcfll. Sixteenth nnd Ilnr-
ney Hcv. .1. s. Detweller. wirvlees inornlnK nnd
evening. Sundny school nt noon.
St. Murk'i KmniiPtlenl , corner of North Twenty-
flrsl nnd llunlutto Itor. ( ! . H. Srliunr. Services
morning nnil evening. Hundny mhoo ! ut INTO p. in.
Dilnlili , Poiith Twenty-second , between Ijpnvcn-
worth nnd Mii on-lluv. It. O. Bodholdt. bervlccs
morning und evening.
Iinnmimcl liuptlst church , formerly North Omiihn
ml pon. | Z4UI Niunder * street Korvlce sundny mornIng -
Ing nt 1U : . 'O.iinil evening nt ' .ft. Sunday nchool lit
l.l' : ) m.
First , Flltccntli nnd Dnvenport Itev. A. W. Ijinmr.
Services morning nnd evening. Kuml.iy ccboul nt
12 in.
South Omiilm IlnptUts meet nt the M. K. church
building for bund.iv pchool nt ! l p. m , und ptcuculng
nt 4 p. m. llev. K. W. Kotter.
Ciilvnry , Snunders near Cumins llev. A. W. CInrk.
Sen leoi morning und evening. Mindny school nt 13.
lleth-lMen , I'.irk nvenuo nnil l.CJivenworth Itev.
II. I. . llouxe. Services morning und evening , hub-
bnth school at Km.
North Oinnhn , 2400 Piiundor < - Uov. V. Vf. Foster.
Services morning nnd evening. Sunday school nt
VI in.
I'arkvnloClinpcl , Twenty-ninth nnd Mnrthn Mr. T.
II. Taylor , Buperlntendcnt.bunduy school ati : o'clock.
1'1 > month Congreimtlonnt church. ICoiintro 1'lncc ;
on blnocur line. Itov. AlTortl II. I'eimlnmn punter.
Service * Ht 10.Mn. : m. iind 8 t > . in. bunilHy school lit
noon. V. r. H. C. II. nt T p. in. All cordially Invltuil.
St. Mury'H Avnnuc , St. Mury'H nnd Twenty-sixth
nvemies Itov.VIIIunl bcott. Services morning nnd
evening , buiulny school nt noon.
HcUiel Chapel , Sixteenth nnd Hickory llov. M.J.
Tiling. Sundny school nt : i o'clock.
First , Nineteenth nnd Davenport llov. A. F. Slier-
rlll , D.I ) , bcrrlccn morning nnd evening , b'unduy
school nt noon.
Free KvnnRollcnlOermnn.Twclflhnnd Dorcns llev.
F. II. W. linii'dicrt.unices niornlng und evening.
bunduy school ut * : > tO o'cloc k.
Clu-rry Hill , Central park mlilltlnn ner.J. A. Mllll-
gnu. bcrvUes morning und evening , bundny school
nt noon.
Hlllnltlc. Omnhii Vluw-Ilcv. H. O. Cnino. Services
inoriilngnnd evening , bundny school nt noon.
bnrnUun , Amo < nveniic nnd Twenty-tilth. Ilev..T.
A.MlIhgun. sundny school ut 2w : : o'clock. Services
In the evcnliu at 7 o'clock.
Pnrk I'luci1 , Culirornla find Thirteenth Hov. M. 1. .
llolf Services morning nnd evening , bunduy school
nt noon.
Swcdlxh Kvnngcllcnl Mission , DnviMiport nnd
Twcnty-thlnl Uev. J. A. Biorn-
Ing and evening , bundny school : < :4J : p. in.
Ft. I'unl MIsslon.Tiilrty-Kecond nnd Cuss-llev , .T. M.
llntcs. Services 10. . U ll. in. nniM p. in. bunduy school
3 p. m.
St..Iolm's Free. Twenty-sixth nnd Frnnklln llev.
Wlllluni Osgood. services morning nnd evening.
bundny school u.4 n. m.
Mission Hervlot'sThursdny nt 7:40 p. in. nt the resi
dence of .Mr. John Kpeneter. Itev. John wmium * .
PI. I'lilllp Frco ( colored ) 813 North Nineteenth
llev. John AVllllums , Hunduy bchool ut II p. in. Kvcn *
vong ut 4 p. m.
St. Hurnnhim Free , Nineteenth nnd Cnllfornln llov.
John Wlllluins. 1'liiln cclcbrutlon ia7aiu. : 111,1 chorut
rulclirntlon ut 11.IM u. in. ; Sundiiy school ut ! M.i u. m.J
Chornl evening song nTW : p. in.
AllFulnts' , Tnunty-slxthund llowiird llev. Ixiiln
Zuhncr , W. T. 1) . llcgulur servkcu. bniiduy school
us liJ : Ji. | m.
SeJvloe ut 4 p. m. nt the Knox Prpsbjtnrlnn church ,
corner of Nlnteenth nnd Ohio streets. Dvun ( inrdner
will iireuch.
Haimcom 1'nrk , fieorglu und Woolworthnvenuos
llev. ( i.M. Drown. Services morning nnd evening.
bundiiyschool ntJiWii. m.
First , Dnvenport between Poventcpntli nnd
Klghtecnth Iliiv , T , M. llouso. Service's morning
und evening , bunduy school ut 1M p. m.
Trinity , Sanmlers und lllnney llev. A. IT. Henry.
Pervlces morning und evening. Sundny school ut
2 : : lp. m.
South Tenth Street , Tenth nnd I'lcrco llev , C. N.
Dnwson. services morning und ovcnlng. bundny
school ut : p. ru.
Custclhir btrect. Nineteenth und Cnitcllur-Kor.
W. F. Ixiwe. services morning und evening. Sundny
school nt 10. ( U u. in.
South Oiiinlm-Uov. J. K. Kddlebult. Hcrvlces
morning nnd evening.
Crelghton Avcnuo Ml lon , rrvluhton avenue nn
Twenty-second. I'reuchlng Sunilny ut 4.UU j > . in. J. M. Chiimbcre , nuperln-
Norweglnn nnd Dnnlsh M. K. church , 2121 Suundcrs
Hov. II. DunlelHon. Borvlcos morning und evening.
Sunday school nt 12 m.
Scwnrd Street SI. K. chnrch-Ilov. Charles W.
Euvldgo. Sen Ices morning nnd evening.
Welsh. 1913 Cuinlng stroet-Ilev. W. Ilolnnd Wll-
llums. Services morning und evening. Bundny school
ut noon.
Second , Humidors- . William II. Henderson-
Services morning und evening , fiumlur vchoolut
Central United , Seventeenth between Dodge nnd
Capitol avenue Uev , John Williamson , bervlccs
morning und evening. Bunduy riiool at noon.
Southwest , Twentieth und Jjeuvenworth llev. I > . U.
Kerr. bervltvsiuornlnguud evening. Sunday school
at 12:15 : p. m.
First United. C1 North KiKUtccnth-Hev. K . II
Graham. Servlets morning ami evening. Sunduy
cboot nt noon.
1'ark Avenue United , Turk avenue and Rrunt-Itcv ,
J. A. HemlerHOn. rturvltes niunilnK und evening.
bundujr school ut noon.
Flnt Ocriiiun , Klghtecnth and Oumlng HerJ. . O.
Schulble. Services morning anil evening , bunday
school nl noon.
Cnttellar Street , Slite'eiilli nnd Cuitellnr llev. J. M.
Wilson. Services morning and uvenlug , KunJuy
school ut 1. m.
Westminster , Twenty-ninth and Mason llev. John
norilon. Services monilnv and evening , bunduy
tchoolat noon *
Hamilton Street , Hamilton nc r Ixiwo nvenuo lie v.
William J. 1'a I in Services morning and evening.
bundav school at noon.
Ambler rlace llov. n. II. Ixidge. Services at 10.10 p.
tn. bunday school ut I'.UJ m.
ITnlted I'rcsbyterlan ulsslon. Twenty-tilth and
Cuts Uev. John Williamson. Treaclilug by pastor ut
4 : ; Jp.m. bunday school ut 3:30 : p. ui.
South Oinuhu. Twenty-nftb and J-ltev. O. M.
I/idge. bcrvlcee at lUi5 : u. ui , Hunday tcliool at
Knor . l-uul Manln. Service !
mornliinand otenlng. Sunday school at noon ,
First. Dodge und Suventecnth-llev. W. J. llaifha.
Services morning and evening , bunduy school ut
noon. _ _
'Follow the rush to Utah. "
Democratic Ratification.
Next Monday afternoon there will bo a
mcctlug of the democratic state central com-
mlttco at 1:30 o'clock , nt Julius Meyer's
ofllco to tnaUo arrangements for a fraud rat
ification of the nomination of Cleveland uuil
"Follow the rush to Utuh. " .
MRS. j nnxsox.
Great Sacrillcc Sale of Novelties In
$10.50 for $7./iO. /
$7.oO for & 3.50.
$5.60 for $3.7. " > .
83.75 for $2.7o.
$2.75 for $1.7o.
A lot of children's parasol ? ) for Ifi cts.
"Wo have jnst received another lot of
that 42-in plat vnl lace at 76 cts , worth
Wo can show yon bargains in Spanish
guipure , chantilly and other lace
llouncitiRS from $1.87 upwards.
wo will soil all our dollar corsets for 76
cents , including the best summer corset
that is made.
An imported French corset worth
$2.60 for $1.76.
. A good child's waist at 38 cts.
Try our 60c royal fast dyes , and if not
perfectly satisfactory return thorn to us.
Cor16th and Harnoy , Kamgo Block.
Nebraska Coal.
PONCA , Nob. , Juno 0. [ Editor Omaha
Biu : The recent Hoods hero have sub
sided ; the dove has returned to the ark
bearing an olive branch , which shows
there is dry land upon which wo can
tread once more. Our farmers are tak
ing heart and while many of them huvo
not their corn planted yet , they hope
with nn auspicious season the balance of
the year to reap a good harvest of corn
in the fall. Small grain is doing well and
there will bo an immense yield of hay.
If the season so far has been anything
but prosperous , other things have con
spired to keep up the hopes of our people -
plo tuid lend them to believe that the
future of POUCH and Dawson county will
bo glorious. For twenty-four years
there have been rumors upon rumors
that coal in abundance was hidden iu
our hills and valleys , and from time to
time during that period many of the
energetic citizens of this place have ,
with limited means and indilTeront
machinery burrowed nnd dug , for the
mineral into the sides of cliffs and
bowels of valleys in the vicinity of
Poncn. John Slough. T. J. Welty ,
William N. Huso and others , some ton
years ago , worked in this direction and
claimed then to have found coal. At
another time our ox-county clerk , E. M.
Jjoslin , prospected for it and found
something like coalthat burned like it ,
looked like it , and was used as coal by
many of our people. In neither ease
did the parties go down deep enough
and the coal they found lay but some
seventy-five or a hundred feet beneath
the surface of the earth an upper vein
undoubtedly , indicating , many thought ,
and still continue to think , a purer und
bettor article still deeper down.
Those matters were noised abroad
and many came hero to look over the
ground for themselves , ono Massey and
ono Davenport in particular. They
bought north of Ppnca. between it and
the river , which lies amile north of the
town , two years ago about o o
thousand acres of land at very high
prices. Our people were on the qui
vivo upon this. Much speculation was
indulged in as to the object of the pur
chase. The land was poor not lit for
agricultural purposes but in a few in-
slnnccs not even good pasturage. Why
purchase so much of it : ' 1,000 acres
and pav for it such high prices from
S.0 to $100 an ucroV The public press
gave publicity and extent to these facts ,
and about a year ago a firm of practical
miners came on here Messrs Newman
and Pruit. They decided to mine for
coal and went to work with a will , em
ploying at times as many as twenty-live
men at the work. They struck a vein
of very fair looking coal , which they
dug , and sold hundreds of tons to the
people who regarded it as good as soft
coal for which they had been accus
tomed to pay $0 and $7 a ton. Newman
and Pruiv convinced themselves that
coal was hero , made overtures to our
citizens to join and aid them in the
further prosecution and development of
the matter. But for some reason or
other , and principally what they re
garded the bad management of these
gentlemen , our citizens did not tal\e
hold of the matter then. They had no
reason to doubt the representations of
Messrs Newman and Pruit that coal
was hero and a good quality and in
abundance ; so entertaining these views , .
a. number of our people hnadoil by our
popular nnd energetic mayor , bM. .
Dorsey , formed a , company known as the
Ponca Coal and Waterworks company ,
chief among whom are Mr. Doreey ,
William N. Husc.E. Daycs.S. B. Slough.
John Slough and S. K. Bittenbonder.
Tliis company has entered into a con
tract with a diamond prospecting com
pany of Chicago , who are now hero and
ut work , having the prospect hole al
ready down about 160 feet. The forma
tions through which they have piibscd
so far correspond exactly with the an-
alyyations made by Prof. Aughy , of the
drillings done hero bomo ton years ago ,
under the management of Stough Bros ,
Wilby , Huso and others , and to which I
have already referred in this letter.
Mr. Aligner claimed then that these
last parties passed in their borings ,
through a 4j foot vein of good coal at a
depth of 500 feet. If this bo true there
can bo no doubt of our being able to Und
Pronounced by Press and
Public of Omaha as absolute
ly free from anything that
could offend the most fasti
dious taste.
"No disorderly or Improper
characters admitted under any
Musee open daily from 1 to
10 p. in.
"We Strive to Please. "
For this week only , the
Bright and intelligent but with horns
on his lingers and toes nearly a foot long.
New Stereoscopic Views !
New Wax Tableaux I !
New Illusions ! ! 1
a vein of coal of that thickness at the
depth indicated.
The Coal nnd Waterworks company
intent ! to probe the matter thoroughly ,
and their contract with the Diamond
Prospecting company , already men
tioned , calls for a core at least ll inches
in diameter of every inch of hard sub
stance penetrated. Tiioy will , lloro-
fore , bo able to tell exactly the thic-
iioss of every vein of coal or rook
through which the drill may MI * . So
wo live in hope of a grnt d future for
our city and countyand for a'lof north
ern Nebraska , should wo ft ml coal in
paying quantities hero. J. J. M.
Almost Hurled Alive.
A Memphis ( Tonn. ) dispatch to the
Chicago Herald of a recent date say.s :
Ten days ago news was received horo'ol
the death in Hudson county , Tonn. , of
Mrs. Sarah Wobb. , who had been mar-
married about two years. The fatal dis
ease was bollovod to bo consumption.
Mrs. Dicio Webb , the mother-in-law
of the young woman , was very much at
tached to lior and at the old lady's
earnest request the body was shipped to
Memphis for interment. When it ar
rived Mrs. Webb , Sr. , hud the lid of the
coflln taken oil that she might once
more gaze on the features of the dead ,
and at her command all others loft the
room. Mrs. Webb was struck by the
Hfc-Hko nppenranco of the body , but no
thought of the truth entered her mind.
After looking at the still face for a
moment she leaned over nnd kissed it.
The Mesh was warm to her touch anr.
she thought the body stirred. Starting
back in affright , she saw the shrouded
form rise up in the collln nnd stretch
out its arms to her. Mrs. Webb bcreamed
at the top of her voice and sank into a
chair. The younp woman , for the dead
had returned to life , moaned slightly ,
and said in weak" , unnatural voice ,
"whore am Tf" By this time a number
of people had been attracted to the
room by the bcroams of the elder Mrs.
Webb. They found her in a fainting
condition and the
daughter-in-law mak
ing vain olTorts to crawl out of the
collln. Willing hands extricated her
from her hideous quarters and laid her
in bed. She began bilking in a nat
ural tone and Mil to those about her :
"Oh , it was awful. I remember the
occurrence of a few minutes sincewhon
they said I was dead. I tried bo hard
to speak or move , but couldn't. Then
they put mo in the collln. In the dark ,
horrible black box I was conscious all
the timo. Then I remembered looking
into mother's face , nnd then for the
first time bccamo unconscious , and what
happened I don't know. " Within an
hour afterward Mrs. Webb wont into a
lit of unconsciousness , from which she
never recovered. The body was kept
two days , and , unmistakable evidence
of death being apparent , it was buried
with the usual ceremonies. The phy
sicians who attended the young woman
here are undecided as to the explana
tion of her case.
A Chinese Paper.
NEW Yomc , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bcc. ] An illustrated Chinese weekly
paper , called Nee Yor Sinn Pee ( or the Now
York Chinese News ) , published nt 10 Chat
ham Square , by a Chinese company , with
Messrs. Wong Chin Fee and Hong Xing , Into
Chinese editors of a Hong Kong weekly , ns
joint editors , made its appearance in this
city to-day. It is the lirst pictorial Chi
nese journal over published. Illustrations
treat of American clvllb.itlon as viewed by
genuine Chinese artists. The first cartoon ,
which appears in to-day's issue , represents
tlio young emperor of China upon his throne ,
surrounded by his mandarins , sitting in
judgment upon a hand of Americanized Chi
namen , who hnvo been driven out of this
country by the recent Chinese law. The in
dignant celestial monarch insists upon their
Immediate return to the "nation of their
The Greatest of All Irish Comedians ,
In their Latest nnd Greatest Success ,
McKeima's Flirtation.
Presenting the Strongest rompany they liavo
ever had.
WKDNKSDAVANn "I mMPIQ nnil 1/ / (
THL'UBDAV KVK'S , ( JUJlL U fM. [ 'I ,
America's Great Trnpeillnu
under the mananement of Mr. Jos. A. Mack ,
In Krtwln 1'orebt and .loliu Mct'ul-
lougirs Greatest Success ,
The Gladiator.
Produced with nil tlio IIIMorlral Scenery , Cos
tiiiiua und Armors that characterised
Iti ) uieat success ut tliu Htar
Theatre , New Vork.
Beats ready Tuesday , Juno 12.
BABY BUNTING The smallest horpo in the World. 30 inches long , 28 inches
high. Nota pony hut a fully matured horo. Tlio daiiitost and hamUomoBtof thjt
equine race. The beloved of children. The delight of everyone.
20 Artlsta. 20.
Sanford & . Williams , Dutch and Iribh
Comcdiuns. Compbolland NidvoS ! eteh
Artihts. Minnie Johiibon , the
choice , the United Stntci , " and when Informed -
formed tlmt they cnnnot return , ho orders
thorn to bo flogged as renegades.
1'ostal ClmiiKc.9.
WX IIIN-OTOX , Juno 0. [ Si'cclnl Tclcpr.iin
toTiiK Hnn. ] Aj > ostonico : was established
to-dn nt Kenncboc , Monoim county , lown ,
Mnro is P. Ilnrelictt , postnuiHtcr.
Afternoon nt 2:30 : Evening nt 8.
Two Grnntl Jubilee Concerts.
TFo n d e rfti I Band !
Including the Great Cornet Virtuoso
S1G. A. MISiitATI :
nml ir > inoro nmtclilcss soloists nnd 40 others o {
the best instrumentalists in tha M orlil.
. IMmii Donna Assolutn.
Prlmu Donna Soprnno.
English Tenor.
lirst lUirllone In America.
The Gilmore Anvil Brigade ,
Battery of Six Cannons.
To reproduce the features of the great
The Grandest Jubilee In ( lie West.
Trices oOe. Tfic nnd f 1.00No extra chnrRO for
reserved seats. On sale on and after Tuesday ,
Ua , in. , iltbox oilku.
Every Saturday Evening.
Every Sunday Evening ,
Following with Ball. Admission 35o
and OOc.
SONS & MUMM. Managers.
One Yl'cvli , Comment ln ; Monday
Cvt-'iiiiiK , June 18.
Grand Spectacular Production of tlio
Jleautitul 1'nliy Oncru ,
C JNDJS n JSfj&A !
With n jilionomeiml cast at W l Ju\inllo Artistsj
under the iifrboniil fctipor * Ison of JlltS. .AON1M
JII'NTON. of New Voik. originator of Jindnllo
Opera In AniPiIrn Th IellKht of tliu Clillilrcn.
Tliu Muivol of the Adult. MiiKiilllcum Hcmiery.
( Vdrueous Cohtumes SpnrklliiB Music , etc.
' , ' ' ' " * " -
llov ollico opcnx Nitunliiy mouiliit'
t'lu s.ilu of n stsn o 1 scats.
uuoTiruns ,
America'b Great Contortionibts.
Tne Miusieal Womlur.
In Hib JJghtiiliijr Zouave Drill ,
lOc j&xlixiits to & 11. IOC