Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1888, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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    4 "
The internal revenue collections yes
terday were 8804.31.
A delegation of ladles from the mis
sionary society culled at the county jail
yesterday and presented each prisoner
with n buttonholebouquot. .
Hilly Kane , the reason dethroned as
sessor from South Omnlin , wns yester
day luninil over to bis friends , xvlio will
secure medical treatment for the unfor
The Southwest PVoabvtarintiR will
hold , n hiwn fete at their church , Lonv-
enworlh and Twentieth streets , on
Tuesday evening next , mid invite their
friends to attend.
. The Infnnt daughter of John Kane , n
Union Pacific switchman , died yester
day. The funeral will bo held nt'J
"o'clock this afternoon from the hotibo
at 721 Pierce street.
Klo/.alctli , Lutey , hl wife and \V111-
luin V. and Mnry E. Benson , yuslerclny ,
in consldoratlon of 859,000 , deeded over
and transferred to Louis Bradford nine
lots in Franklin square. -
Dr. Lamar will deliver to-night the
nocond sermon in bis series of popular
BUbjects. To-nlirht ho will discuss the
perplexing question : ' 'Was Adam and
live the only pair created. "
John Kellott , the would-be pugHlst-
rol $10 for the part ho took in the free ,
for-all saloon fight Friday night. James
Hnnnon wns also fined $10 and Pat Maloney -
loney got $15.Villiam Kennedy was
The announcement was made a few
days ago that there would bo a change
of time to-aay in the arrival and do-
tKirturo of trains on the Fremont , Elk-
iiorn & Missouri Valley railway. The
trains will arrive and depart a < j usual
this morning. The change will not go
into effect until 10:85 : this evening.
General Brooke has issued a special
order sending the following noncommissioned
missioned olllcers. recently examined' '
for promotion , to their future stations :
Sergeant W. V. P. Gush to Fort Rob
inson , Nob. , Sergeant William Clar
ence Bennett to Fort Bridgcr , Wyo
ming , Sergeant Simon II. Drum to
Qum > Pilot Butte , Wyombig , and Cor-
iK > rut Fred II. Sargent to Fort Wnshu-
Ifio , Wyoming. They are allowed from
ten to thirty days delay on route.
Personal Pnrniriiplin.
IT. Bliss , of Hod Oak , la. , IB nt ttio Mlllard.
U. Kolb , of Red Oak , In. , is nl the Windsor.
Charles West , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the
H. M.Wnrlng'of Lincoln , Nch. , Is nt the
O..F. Webb , of Waucoma , la. , la at the
W. S. Fortmcr , of Waterloo , la. , Is at the
S. C. Hcslcnt , of Dos Molncs. In. , is at the
E. L. llced , of Weeping Water , Nob. , Is ut
the Puxton.
Mrs. A. W. Mears , of Albion , Neb. , is at
the Paxton.
Leo Love and wife , of York. Nob. , nro nt
the Mlllard.
Samuel A. Stoncr , of Ogalalla , Neb. , is nt
the Millard.
H. M. Hov-nrd , of David City , Neb , , Is nt
the Millard.
J. W. Blxler , of North Platte , Nob. , Is nt
the Mlllard.
Samuel A. Fisher , of ICIuiball , Neb. , is at
the Windsor.
Mrs. D.M. Williams , of Falls City , la. , is
nt the Mlllard.
George M. Carleton , of Fullerton , Neb. , is
nt the Windsor.
Hon. W. IL Steele , cx-delcgato to controls
from Wyoming , but now of Dondwood , Dak. ,
wns In the city .yesterday en route from St.
Louis , where ho attended the national demo
cratic convention.
Misi Lena Dunn , a graduate of Daughters
college , Harrodsburg , Ky.and who has boon
teaching school the past year ut Atokn. I. T. ,
m visiting her sister Mrs. .1. H. Hurrls , No.
1120 South Thirtieth struct.
Howard Pew , formerly of the Minneapolis
Press and now press agent for Patrick flil-
moro's band , is In the city making arrange
ments for the appearance of that famous or
ganization in this city nt the Grand next
Thursday afternoon and evening.
This evening Mr. John Kirk leaves for the
west. Mr. Kirk has been in the employ of
N. B. Falconer for many years iind well
trusted and worthily respected. About two
years ngo his health bocnmu impaired to such
an extent that he bought relief by change of
clime. His employer then showed his appre
ciation of his worth In a handsome donation
n * also did many of his associates and co-
workers. Mr. Kirk has again been the re
cipient of favors from the same source. Ho
lias many warm and true friends in Omaha ,
who arc sorry to have him leavo. hut the
olimuto is such that ho cannot remain.
Afraid or Him.
A suspiciously noting man has been infest
Ing Hanscoin park and trying to porsundo
hoys to go Into the ravines with him. Ho
1ms nlso frightened a number of little girls
by his advances. He Is described as a short ,
heavy sot , clean shavan man , wearing black
trousers and frock coat ami u soft felt lint.
Mr. Burnett 1ms notilled the police , mm .A.
H. Wagner , a clerk In Clark's drug store at
l0t ! ! Park avenue , Is ready to identify the
Touched ( he Top.
J. Buck , of Crete , earno in yesterday with
a train of sixteen cars of cattlu which wcro
sold ut the stock yards by Waggoner , lilrnoj1
& Co. Tlioy sold ut { 5.05 , which was 5e more
than wns over paid before on this market.
The cattle wore bred and fed by Elijah
Filtey , a heavy land owner , banker unit
feeder of Filloy , Nob. They luid a special
run and arrived at the ynrds in good slmpo ,
Swift and Hammond being thn purchasers.
In the pust Mr. Fllley has taken his ruttlo to
Chicago , going through about the time of the
convention and having the whole train pla
carded with his name , destination of the cattle
tlo , etc.
Tlirco Moil IiiHtantly Killed.
Dan Lyons , boarding with Fred Hoploy
near Cut-off lake , Wlllllam Mocck , formerly
of Kansas City , and Hobort Purcell , of Lan-
clng , la. , three laborers engaged In oxcnvat-
ing for a sash and blind factory on Sherman
uvcnuo , wcro inbtnntly killed about 0 o'clock
yesterday morning by bulug burled beneath
n heavy mnss of earth. It was fifteen min
utes before their follow Inbqrors succeeded
in oxtricatlug the unfortunate trio , mid the
bruised mid bloody bodies wcro removed to
the morgun.
Coroner Drexel was sent for and held an
InuucBt. Thujury found that the deceased
had como to their deaths by being orushfd
and burled under an embankment of earth ,
and believed that the contractor , M , W.
Markwood , should bo censured for not bav
ins' nuidu sufilclont provision against such ai
accident. _ _ _ _ _
A Tlilcl' Iii the Tolls.
Frank Wilson , arrested Friday night by
Detective Ornibby , was Ill-ought before
Mrs. Joseph CarnoQU yosterdny , but she
rouhl not identify him as the thief who stole
her dlnmondb. Thn pieces of spoons found
In Wilson's packet were examined by Mrs ,
K. F. Lulk , who Idcntillod them as part o
the silver stolen from her homo on Park
uvcnuo the other day. The prisoner is
suspected of other limits , and stands u good
chnnro of serving a term.
MIAt a Into hour last nljriit a box with four or
llvo pounds of silver was looked up in the
safe nt the central btatlon. The box was
lllled with pieces of broken spoons , mid the
name engraved In the handles had been de
faced with a blunt instrument , apparently a
chisel , The tpoons wcro mushed into more
scraps tlitit bore little rcscmbninco to their
original form. Hut the thief had
overlooked ono or two , ixnd tha in-
HcrlpUon "Jewult" could bo deciphered ,
clearly proving the' spoons to have
boon part of the silver stolen from the l.nlk
roiidoni'u. The silver was recovered through
C. A. Prootmnn , a pawnbroker on South
Tmui ! bticat. The case was worked iii | by
Ormsby , who aays hp had in.
trurto < l Freotman to buy the silver if 'of-
fercd. Wilson sold his plunder Friday night ,
nbout half an hour bc/oro the arrest. Ho
wanted $35 , but only go'H3. He hnd a pal
with him , nnd thoynpparently made divvy ,
ns only a small amount of money
was found on WlUoti when arrested.
When searched he nld the two
pieces of spoons found his | > ocket wcro relics
of the Chicago fire. When show the box full
of similar relics last night he suddenly be
came very sleepy. Frcotmnn hns Identified
Wilson M the seller of the silver. The
police nro not yet convinced that the pris
oner had no hand In the Garno.tu robbery.
Ho answers the description given by Mrs.
Oarnoau nt the time , but the lady did not ace
the thlof's face.
"ClXlinilM.IA" ATtlOTD'fl.
The production of the fnlry opera of "Cin
derella" at Hoyd's opera hotiso during Uio
week of Juno 18 will be nn ovcnt which , In
! mM [ > rtnneo In local attractions , will scarcely
bo equalled , nnd perhaps never excelled , nnd
the management feels that the public should
bo given some Information concerning its
origin mid continued SUCCORS. This enter
tainment will bo glvon under the personal
supervision of Mrs. Agnes Ucnton , of Now
York , wJio Is the originator of Juvenile opora.
Mrs. Ucnton Instructed nnd trained the first
Juvenile opera company America ever saw ,
that being Haverly's Juvenile Pinafore com
pany , which swept the United States with
such n furore and attained a success which
has liovor been approached until the author
of that popular scheme conceived the
the Idea of producing "Cinderella. " This
charming extravaganza gives the pub
lic a bettor view of fairyland- '
tlxm can bo found in dreams or
pictorial primers. It Is gorgeous and mag-
ilccnt nnd all the scenic effects necessary to
connect reality with the transcendent beau
ties of wonderland are brought Into requisi
tion. The success of thcso entertainments
hns been pnenonilnul. At no tlmo slnco they
were Instituted has- the management ever
failed to score the most Haltering success ,
and It is always duo to the merits of the on-
torlninmcnt. Much tlnio and labor Is re
quired to train from five hundred to a thou
sand childien tofporform the different roles
of the cast , but the patience and energy of
the Instructress has never failed to over
come nil obstacles , nnd those who witness
this rendition of "Cinderella" will readily
perceive that It merits all the praise that It
has over received.
iiAimrAxn FAT.
Those two inimitable Irish comedians ,
Hugh Fay nnd William Harry , appear at
Hoyd's oporn house Tuesday night in their
now play , ' McKennn's Flirtations. Barry
and Fay are well known in Omahn and they
will undoubtedly attract a largo audience.
Kobert Downing as Spartacus , the Gladi
ator , under the management of J , H. Mack ,
plays an engagement at Boyd's opera house
Wednesday nnd Thursday nights. Ho is
nbly supported by n very strong company ,
nnd the scenery used In the production was
crpccially designed nnd painted by William
Vocghtlin. It consists of llvo separate and
distinct sets , nnd Is pronounced historically
correct. All tno costumes , armors and im
plements of Roman warfare were manufac
tured by Dnzian & Eaves , of New York. Mr.
Downing has created considerable furore in
the east by his vigorous interpretation of this
strong character , the press nnd public unlni-
mously proclaiming him the legitimate suc
cessor to Edwin Forest nnd John McCul-
lougb. The piny Is sufllciently well known
in Omaha to insure n largo business.
AN r.vnxixo WITH oriuiA.
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. F. Mossey
Howard , botn great vocalists , will appear at
Hoyd's in an act from "Hohcmian Girl" nnd
"Maritann , " the performance concluding
with the comedietta , "My Eccentric
Cousin , " the cast being as follows :
Lucy Everett , a society bollc , Emma How
Cousin Charley , homo from London , F.
Massey Howard.
Factotum , u retired soldier , Charles Mc
A number of vocal selections will bo inter
spersed through the performance. Tnoro
will bo several choruses rendered comprising
fifty voices , and the piece will conclude with
nn old fashioned country dunce. Miss Fun-
no Arnold Is the directress.
TOM no vi ) .
The New York Spirit of the Times hns the
following to say nbout n well known local
manager : "Thomas F. Hoyd , of the opera
house which bears his name , deserves the
thanks of Omaha's amusement loving public
for the excellent attractions that he has pre
sented during the past season. "
Tin : i-noi-Ln's TIIIATIU. :
Another now company is announced at this
popular resort , including noted sketch and
specialty artists In the variety world , Among
the names appear Smith and Ellis , James
Flynn and Maud Walker , Marrow and Mack
and Miss Sydcll. Husides these the
regular company of the theatre , so well nnd
favorably known , will appear ut each per
Till ! KDr.N Ml'SBK.
Warm weather scorns not to abate the
crowds that daily visit the musco. The man
agemcnt of this resort uro nwuro that an orderly
dorly place of amusement constantly filled
with sterling attractions is the Itoy note to
popular favor , have spared neither effort nor
expense. In reproducing in Omaha the most
noted cclebritos of the museum world. Each
wool : now features in every department are
offered. The great attractions for this week
nro Haby Hunting and Devil Clawed Hoy.
Baby Hunting Is a Chinese horse twenty-six
inches high and thirty-six inches long.
Wherever exhibited Haby Hunting has proved
a great delight for ladies and children.The
Devil Clawed Hey is n youth with horns on
lingers and tees nearly a foot long. Sanford
and Williams' specialty company of twenty
performers will appear at each performance.
Gilmore bus been heard In Omaha before.
but never with such an aggregation of vocal
artists and novelties as ho will introduce
next Thursday. The Boston jubilee cannon
accompaniment will bo given with a battery
of six real cannon , manufactured expressly
for Mr. Gilmore to use in Jubilee work.
They are breech loading nnd capable of
twenty shots per minute from ouch gun.
Thcso will be placed somewhere outside of
the opera house and connected by wire with
an cloctrlu keyboard on the stage , from
where they are fired in exact tlmo with the
music , and with an effect dcop and stirring ,
which cannot bo attained in any other way.
When Ullmoro's bund , artists , cannon , etc. ,
are uniting In n jubilee the uudicnco becomes -
comes tremendously enthusiastic. Gilmore
also brings with him thn greatest rornctist
of the present day , Slg. Liboruti , who will
bo heard In solos both morning nnd evening.
Five first class vocal artists will also bo
heard as follows : Mine. Aunlc Louise Tanner ,
n clear high voiced soprano of remarkable
finalities ; Signonnu Carlottu , u now sweet
soprano sf splendid execution ; Mile. Heluno
Mclllnl , a rich contralto ; Mr , Charles Tur
ner , a popular English tenor ; anil Slg. Tag-
linplctrn , tha best baritone in America. Scats
will bo on sale on und after Tuesday morn
ing at the oporu house box onlco.
With Oodgo Hlrcet I'aving
Tnlk of an Injiiuutlon.
Tha contractors began hauling cedar blocks
for the paving on west Dodge stroci yester
day , and the work of laying will begin to
morrow unless cnjohtod by indignant prop
erty owners. Some of the latter Iravu founii
rotten blocks among those already dollvnri'd ,
and o'io gentleman oatinmtos the defective
material nt thirty-flvo to Jlfty per cent of the
wholo. A majority of the tax payers between
twoon Twentieth and Twenty-sixth street ?
petttlonnd for u more durable paving than
codc-r , but were told tliat the material could
not rcj-.dlly bo hud , and that the work wus
thereby In danger of being delayed another
year , It was on this' representation thai
seine of the petitioner ! * changed over to cedar
block. It was also with the understanding
that Contractor Smith would give them the
best material In his line as well as promp
service. Those property owner * fcol that
they were induced to ask for cctlar against
their better Judgment , and they arc highly
indignant at the apparent attempt to run in
blocks that are worm eaten and full of pltl
cud dry rot. There will bo an inspection-
course , but there seems to bo n feeling tha
ho will liib | ect more In the Interest of the
contractor tlmn ( ho city. The situation vru.
discussed Informally yesterduy by a nuinbc
interested property owners , and there is talk
of getting out an injunction to albpthe laying
of the cedar blocks. .
low They Fnrctl on the Itond nml In
St. Louis.
William rihull wns ono of the last to pur-
hnso his ticket for St. Louis on .Sunday
evening , nnrt was among the first to again
reach the pavements of Omahn. He was
ound by n UBB man nt the novelty works
where ho Imd just subjcclod his cyos to nn
mmonso fanning mill which had. removed
horcfrom n pint of cinders. William were
n small red ribbon marked N. L : . D. d Ho
va full of the convention And ncomcd In
irctty fair condition. But his hat had a
iparo-rib expression which suggested treat
ment from without rather than fodder from
vlthln. Explaining the anomaly "Billy"
said ;
"You sco that hat , well s'holp I must pot
.ho 'kid' to press It out. No sir , it nln't ' a
ono seventy-fiver. It cost to. .Well ,
wo wcro shouting for Cleveland. "
vo were dnncing too , nnd my lint caught
the fovcr , especially after It got struck with
ncano. There's the mark , seol Well , the
int danced around alid then gave mo the
slip nnd finally got into a pile of other plugs
of all colors nnd previous conditions of ser
vitude. I told n fellow my name wns Shull ,
nnd sura enough , 1 hnd put my name In the
inlng. But lot mo toll you when that lint
r no reached mo , I never thought I'd see
ny hat again. See that window over thorp ,
well , It went tliat far. on n lly. It was a hit
for two bags. Whore's Morrlssoyt Ha , bn ,
m. Talk about shouting. Morrlsscy right
-Thursday ( ) Is nt the corner of Fourth
nnd Ohio streets cheering nnd throwing up
lis hat. Jim Boydl Well , I didn't ' sco much
of Jim , I don't know whore ho is. Did wo
mvengoud tlmoon the train going to St.
Louis ! Well , you better bet wo did. Of
course wo showed up next uay. I know I
did anyway.
"Wore you thirsty ! "
"Thirsty with the Mississippi within roachj
No , sir : I'll uovur thirst with water so near ,
lee Tohon ! [ Hero Mr. Shull gave n Clovo-
nnd whoop , n Bill Alien roar , and end-
man's laugh. ] Joe sat In the gallery in the
rear of the speaker. When Cleveland was
lomlnuted ho took a red hat , redder a great
sight than his own blushes , and sent It Hying
through the air. It splnncd like n top , nnd
' 11 set up the chain cigars if the plug
didn't Innd right on the speakers' stand.
L'hon It was given another whirl and another
nnd another nnd fifty others , but It finally
came back to Joe. But ii then looked lllto
the lint his father never v ) re , because such
n hat was never scon before and never will
)0 seen again outside n glass case ,
because Joe Is going to put It up In a bevelled
ilato glass repository nnd bequeath It to
other generations Ilka the lire hats of the
ate lamented Barney Shannon. Here's my
: ar. "
Councilman Lowry Yes , I did haul up a
'mysterious" package from the state to the
gallery. It was a parcel from a delegate
'rom Maine. When I took the paper off I
found the parcel was empty.
Hugh Murphy returned in a cutaway ho
ind borrowed from Jim Crclghton and pres
ented n spectacle scon only in fairyland ami
seldom there , either. He hnd staked his
sack suit upon Frances' being nominated
vice president and lost. As a consequence ,
10 was sour and would vouchsafe the in
formation that ho was ladies' man first and
Jim Crolghton I didn't bring my gray
slnglo-stoppor to St. Louis , but if I had , Mr.
Cleveland would have ridden him if ho had
jccn thero.
Dr. Bear of Norfolk rushed through the
city in a brick last night on his way home.
His hat was white , his fuco was white , but
lis face wasn't it. A small portmonnaio
\vas strapped over his shoulder. It con
tained liU declination as n candidate for
marshal because he felt that Jim North was
Lho preferred mortal. The declination was
in polyglot rhyme with a picture of Dr. Kel-
loy's now asylum , after the manner of a
Dcmnolly-Shukcspoarcan cipher included.
Councilman Snydcr I visited the soap
factories In St. Louis. 1 found thorn unob
lectionablo. Smell that 'kerchief. That
was perfumed by a cake ot soap I got at ono
of the institutions.
Councilman Ford I didn't own the train.
I didn't keep the boys awake all night. It
was the guilty conscience of a prohibitionist
which was exhibited in his snores in ono end
of the cur.
Ono of the Excursionists That night on
the train wus never equalled in the experi
ence of the most thorough convcntipn-iroor.
Tae man who tried to sleep was considered a
lunatic , not because the crowd did not know
what uro the advantages of rest , but simply
because the majority of them had made up
their minds to have none of it themselves
nnd hud equally determined that no person
should do otherwise than they did. There
was everything on board to uld the objectors
in their determination , except n cannon. In
the absence of that robust-lunged instrument
an anvil had been improvised out of a pair of
iinch-pins with sundry puoplo at di
vers , notably Pat Ford acting as Cyclops.
When the anvil chorus begun , which it did at
the slightest provocation , sheol was raised
and kept in position until the martial inhab
itants tired of it , only to renew it however ,
when ttioy felt a return of their physical en
ergies. In this way wo entered the sinful
city of St. Louis und wo haven't yet recov
ered our sanctity.
Another Delegate But say , the funniest
thing of the whole convention , both in going
to und returning from the sumo , was Put
Ford's speech to the Tammany delegates.
Pat was full of enthusiasm , which moans
n great deal. Ho was also full of
the occasion , and conducted him sell
with ns much dignity as if ho had been u del-
oirabi to the monster pow-wow. Facing the
braves of Now York , ftlr. Ford said : "Gen
tlemen of Tammany Hall : I am delighted to
meet you. I was u great admirer of your
late lamented leader , John Kelly. I consid
ered him the greatest political organizer this
country over know. And , gentlemen , I um
proud to say I am the John Kelly of Omahu. "
The upplauso was deafening , but it wus too
much for me , and I hud to leave.
notlt Departments Increased Leaves
or AliHCiico for Oflluorfl.
Few matters came up for consideration by
the flro and police commissioners last night.
William Hudson nnd John C. WIzzurd wcro
nppotnted to the police force. Their salaries
will bo $60 per month , but if needed longer
than two months they will receive the regu
lar aalary of patrolmen. They are ordered
to report for duty Juno 18. Uriah Baker ,
John F. Kavasek and Friend L. Homier
wcro added to the 11 ro department nnd or
dered to rcK | > rt itt once- for duty. James
Lcoson wns appointed stableman ut police
headquarters at ? i" > per month.
Chief Galligan , of the fire department ,
was granted u leave of absence for five days
from Juno 1' ' , and D. P , Beard , captain of
No. 1 hose , was similarly fuvorod. Police
man Charles Bloom got ton days off from
Juno 10 without deduction from his salary.
Joseph Redman , Dr. T. D. Brown nnd
thlrty-oiuht other citUons living near the
intersection of Corboy street aim Sherman
say they are u milo from a fire nnd police
cart nnd offer to ort'aniza a volunteer com
pany if the commissioners will locate : i hose
cart in their neighborhood. Chief Gulligun
wus directed to investigate and rejwrt at the
next mcuting.
Chief Galligan reported that three de
partment horses were nick nnd ought to bo
sent to the country. Ho advised the pur
chase of two horses in the place of those now
hired from Jumes Stcphonboii. The com
munication wus referred to the committee on
Jerry Hennossy , H. W. Jloehe. T W.
Blackburn and Gust Anderson asked to huvo
Frank W. Solon app3intcd bpccial policeman
in the Third ward. The application was put
on Hie .
Koducod Hates ,
To all those desiring to goto St. Louis
during the North American Su'iiger-
bund , the Missouri Pfleilic railway will
bell round trip tickets ut ono faro , on
Juno llth , mh , 13th and 14th.
To Cincinnati and return on Juno
Slh , Dili , 10th nnd llth.
To Arkansas points on Juno 22nd.
To Texas points on Juno 22nd.
To Aberdeen , Artobin , Citronello ,
nirminghum , Alu. , Juckbon , Tumi. ,
Juckson , Miss. , Hammond and Baton
Hougo , La. , at ono faro for the round
trip , on Juno 19th.
If you are going to take advantage of
any of the uboyo excursions , or desire
any further information , call on or
address Tnos. F. GonntKY ,
P. & T , A. , N. 1C. Corner 13tli and Far-
nam streets , .
Read the list of entries of Fast Horses and each day's races.
2WI Tnor-runsK WOO.
Perry Brjs ? Wnyno , Nob. , enter blk a ,
Prank P. ; VTIUfotu Daily , Peru , Neb. , enter
jm , Gall M6 > t3Bon ; Hemingway & Hawk-
as , Kansas City , enter br s , Sarccnoti ; II.
II. Tolor , Wichlth , Kas. , enter b p , Marquis ;
Charles P. BeoboVahoo , Neb. , outer br m ,
Kitty 11. { Leach & Jennings , Whlto hock ,
[ Cos. , enter chs. Surprise ; E. C. Davis ,
Beatrice , Neb. , enter b m , Maud D. ; J. P.
Fisher , Sioux City , la. , b g , Mnlt Fishor.
n3:35PACE , ' ruitsK 1000 J.C.ElllottOmahri ,
enters g g Oliver K ; N.I.D.Solomon , Onmha ,
enters two-year-old g a Ed Hoscwntor ; A. J.
ilhoadcs , Norton. Kns. . enters b in lied Stars
Woods ft Allen , MoberlyMoontcrs b g Tom
) lkg Highland Lnddia ; G. B. Loonils , Pipe-
stone , Minn. , enters blk g C. W. L.
2:24 : TnoTTiNO , rt'nsR K500 D.Cnnnlngham ,
Omaha , enters b K Abel ; Johnson & Ilonrv ,
Modjeska ; Woods & Allen , Moberly , Mo. ,
enters s g Louis S. ; Perry Johnson , Color
ado Springs , enters s g Carroll.
TIIIIKK MiNUTr. TIIOTTINO , ri'nai : ? 000. W.
E. Evcrhnrt , Mnltlnnd , Mo. , bg WnltcrE ;
H. L. Heaves , AthonsGa. , s in Sttsio Heaves ;
J. S. McCoy , Omaha , b g Captain Hunt ;
Lou White , Peorln , 111. , b g Lou Whlto ;
William Duffce , St. Louis , b g Big Sain ; L.
BowersockHastlngs.blk g Prince McMnhon ;
J. T. Fisher , Sioux City , In. , s m Twilight.
2:25 : PACK , run B WOO. W. T. Brucn ,
Oakland , In. , ch R Warren Dally ; Louis
GrabcnstnHcr , Buffalo , N. Y. , cb a Hnlsora
Wllkcs ; Wudo Carey , Council Bluffs , gg
Gray Jim ; Porter & Cnldwcll , Atlantic , In. ,
s m Annie J : Nat Drawn , Omaha , gg St.
John ; Perry Johnson , Colorado Springs , b g
stolen By Carroll ( n ) , Vandyke ( l.tLoft ) on
bases St. Paul : > . Dos Moines 1. Time
1 :40. : Umpire Fossondon.
Milwaukee H , Kansas City S.
MiLWAUKun , Wis. , Juno 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BIE. : ] Kansas City commenced
its series here to-day. Milwaukee pounded
Conwny , who pitched for Kansas City , hard
In the first Inning , getting flvo hits and live
runs. After that both pitchers wcro hit
lightly. Manning played a great game nt
short for Kansas City. The whole team
played well nnd the impression here is that It
is one of the best clubs In the association.
The score :
Milwaukee . 5 S
Kansas City . 0 ! 1
Earned runs Milwaukee 1 , Kansas City 1.
Bases on balls Off Conroy 1. Struck out-
Lowe , Manning , Johnson , Comvny. Two-
base hit Cusiek. Thrco-basc hit Strauss.
Double plays Manning und Cartwrigt , Man
ning , Ardnor and Curtwright. Passed bulls
GunsonS. Umpire Powers. Time 1:15. :
Minneapolis 5 , St. Ijouis 2.
MI.VXUAI-OL.IS , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bun. ] St. Louis made its first ap
pearance in Minneapolis to-day and dropped
a five inning game to the homo club by
virtue of Tug Arundol's muff of o thrown
ball nt the pluto , which , hud ho held , would
have retired the side. Three runs wcro
scored thereafter , when n heavy rain btorm
came up , leaving the grounds in such a con
dition that further play was out of the ques
tion. The score :
Minneapolis . 1 001 3 5
St. Louis . 1 0 1 0 0 ! i
Huns earned Minneapolis 2. Two base
hits Walsh. Double plays Nicholson and
Beck Icy. liases on balls Off Nyco 1. Hit
by pitcher Hcckloy. Struck out By Hal-
strom 2 , Nyco 1. Passed balls Krcig 1.
Bases stolen By Jevono , Patton. Walsh ,
Huwcs , MeCulloin , Nicholson , Crooks. Left
on bases Minneapolis 2 , St. Louis 4. First
base on errors Minneapolis 1 , St. Louis 1.
Time 1 :10. : Umpire Brennau.
Crnnc JJros J5 I , Council Itltiffr 12.
A cyclone in the shape of Crane Bros.
struck the Council Bluffs nine yesterday and
knocked the wind out of them. They were
simply pic meat for the Cranes , notwith
standing the hitter's regular buck-stop wus
not on hand. Owing to wind and dust the
game was lull of errors. Following is the
score :
CHAXI : intos.
All. II. 11H. I'O. A. R.
Lawson , Ib
Kimcs , rf 8 ! l 0 0 1
Ueist.i 7 0 4 0 17 0
Durkco , ; ! b
Firth , If
L. Camp , c C 2 1 12 3 5
W. Camp , 2b -
Eggleson , ss 0 4 2 0 'J 1
Brandt , m
Total CH ! M 21 27 23 7
Batto , c 0 1 1 0 ! i 2
Hardln , ss
Ely , m.-
Askwith , 2b
Sadler. 3b. . . . '
Brlttan , p
Darwin , If
McKelvy , ID 5 1 2 14 1 7
Stephenson , rf
Total 46 12 11 27 18 14
Earned runs Cranes 2J , Council Bluffs 4.
Base hits Kimcs 2. Hurdin 3. Thrco-baso
hits Klines , Gcist , W. Camp , McKelvy ,
Stephenson , Firth ' - ' . Double plays Brit-
tan , McKelvy and Battc. Wild pitches
Hrittan 2. Passed balls- Camp 5 , Uutto 2.
Struck out Geist 14 , Brittun 4. Time of
game 2:80. : Umpire Hockwell.
City League Standing.
The standing of thd Omaha City league up
to nnd Including yesterday's game is us fol
Games Played. Won. Lost. Pr. ct.
J. J. Hardin 3 2 1 .COT
CranoBros 5 3 2 . ( XX )
Council Bluffs 7 4 3 .571
Jotter & Young 7 3 3 .571
MctzBros 5 2 4 .400
C. EMayno 3 0 3 .000
Society Men Play Dull nt thn Fort.
Saturday afternoon a four-in-hand con
veyed the members of the Omaha dude base
ball club to the fort to play n team picked
from among the officers of the garrison. A
largo crowd gathered around the "bus" as It
stopped at the grounds , nnd quite u number
wcro surprised to observe the little differ
ence between dudes and other kind of people
ple , A few peculiarities were noticed , how
ever ; for instance , every one of them , Held-
crs included , were gloves und chest-protect
Another peculiarity wns that they never
attempted "to slide , " of course It would bo
asking too murh to request them to perform
u fcttt of that kind , because "they ain't ' built
that way you know. " Nevertheless those
dudes played good ball , The well-wishers of
the homo team were down-hearted In the
first part of the game , but after Lieutenant
Wllkins stepped into the box the tables were
turned und it may bo truthfully stated that
the fort is indebted to him for the grand viu-
tory. The L' mo was called at the end of the
eighth inning. The dudes declared that they
wcro weully tired out , " and as the keg was
played out the ofllcsrs wcro willing to have
the gumo culled.
Uattory Wymun aud Hull lor the Dudes
and Wilkins aud Wright for the Officers.
Men hurt Dudes 7 , Oftleors 2.
Now York U , CJilc-aj ; " 8.
YOJIK , Juno 9. The game between
3nTnoTTiso. : miss $000.
M. Lovott , (3 ldo Hock , Nob. , outers b p
Coppormont ; A. Thomson , Omaha , enters b
K liny Frank ! J. S. McCoy , Onmha , outers
bgCiiptaln Hunt ; A. , T. 1'opploton , Omnhn ,
enters bm Nettle Xuln ; Ooorpo torbrook ,
Denver , enters blk R Jolly Dick ; J M. Hcnn-
berry , leorln , 111. , enters b m Nellie II : i .
Diler , Sioux city , enters b s Wolclininn.
3i29 T1IOTTIXO , H'llSK ' flVX ) .
Snm Unlril , Dunlup , lit. , enters blk m Ncllio
Sherman : F. G. Stiles , Topckn , Knn. , enters
b ni Itavlow ; Porter & Colwcll , Atlantic , In , ,
enters \ > g Tetl McMnhon ; O. R Wilson ,
Denver , enters br g l&lgowood ,
rnr.n-roit-ALi. PACK , ruiisn : fOOO.
C. K. Mnync , Onmha , enters b g Tommy
Lynn ; Perry Johnson , Colorado Springs ,
outers blk K Hilly Hunker : O. Coloniun ,
Jlastlngs , Neb. , enters it u Silvcrtnil ; C. H.
CrclRhton , Onmha , enters blk in horeno.
Westmont , the fiimous , owned by John D.
Crolghton , with the fastest record of nny
horse In the world , will Rive nn exhibition of
speed iignlnst his former records.
Full list of running- horses will be published as soon as the entries are all in-
The above list of speedy horses cannot fail to furnish an immense amount of en
joyment. It is a grand list of grand and speedy horses.
CHURCHILL PARKER , President. : - : J. H. MoSHANE , Secretary. ,
Omaha Tnkos the First of the Sorloa
at Chicago ,
DCS JUolncs WiiiH Front St. I'nul , Mil
waukee Defeats Kansas City and
Minneapolis OutplayH St.
liouls Sporting News.
Western Association Standing.
For the period of twenty four hours nc-
iurately tlmea by the clock on the tower of
, ho Commercial National bank , the veteran
.imo piece that counts the passing minutoa in
the region of the base bull bulletin boards
'or just ouo calendar day Omaha led the
Western association teams. Local onthus-
asts wcro happy in the belief that we hnd
reached the top notch and wore going to stay
, here ; DCS Moincs had boon vanquished by
the tail cnders and had started a losing
streak ; Omahahad.battled with Milwaukee
and had struck rf running gait. But the cal
culations of the aforesaid enthusiasts were
cnockod higher'than Gllderoy's kite , for
DCS Moincs i took the next two games from
the Flour City's'nnd to moro completely de
stroy the calculations ot the aforesaid en
thusiasts Oinuha dropped the two final games
to the very gbod'ball players of the brewery
town. Hut then wo end the week just
where we have ended it every week so for
Dos Moincs first- Omaha second , nnd the rest
in the order as on last Sunday. Ilignt hero
wo may nile the information that the four
northern teams are playing good ball , nnd it's
nobody's camp until the lust man is out vide
yesterday's re'sultk.
Helow will be ipuud the standing of tlie
clubs , including yesterday's games :
. Playeil Won Lost Pr Ct
DCS Moincs. . . ' . . . . . 20 17 9 .051
Omaha . - , . . . 18 13 .COO
Kansas City 8' ' ) 17 13 .507
Milwaukee 'J7 15 13 .555
St. Paul 37 1 14 .431
St. Louis fll 14 17 .451
Chicago 37 10 17 .370
Minneapolis . . :13 : 11 21 .343
Oniiilia 2 , Chicago 1.
CHICAGO , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram to
Tun UKI : . ] The noted Omaha team won
from the Maroons to-day in n pitcher's game ,
wherein Sprngue , mainly because Umpire
Hugan was deadly off in his judgment of the
directions Lamor's eccentric curves turned
directly across the plato nnd wcro called
balls. It was the ilrst exhibition of distinctly
bad upirlng that has yet been given hero in
any western association games. Tliat is say
ing a good deal for umpiring , but it is no
moro than just. Fessendon's work here , es-
l > ecially in the difllcult task of
correctly calling balls and strikes ,
has never boon excelled , and
was in refreshing contrast to the miserable
displays of league umpires. Hagan , too , has
been very good up to yesterday. The pitch
ing was too much for the hatters. Three
hits were made from Lovett , ono of which
was u scratch. Six were made from Sprague ,
two of which were scratches. Lovett was
really hit the hardest , as the Oniahas caught
seven long Held Hies , while only ono went
out td a Maroon fielder. Eight of the Oimi-
1ms went out on little popped up in-Held balls.
All. U. 111. Ml. 1-0. A. K.
Hcnglo. 2b
Long , If
Hoover , rf
Moriarity , of
Schoonock , Ib. . . . 3 0 0 0 11 0 0
Dugdalo , c 3 0 0 0 3 a 0
Sprainio , i
Totals 23 I 3 0 24 15 0
All. II. 111. 811. TO , A. K. 3 0 0 0 3 a 0
O'Connell , Ib 4 0 1 0 10 0 0
Doran , 3b
Uurdick. rf
Miller , 2b
Lovett , i
Wilson , c
Totals . - . . . 2S 2 ff 2 27 10 8
Chicago. . . . ; . , . . . ! 0000000 0 1
Omaha { . , rl.O 0 2
Double pldya Uurdick , Miller , liases on
errors Ornatmt 2. liases ' on Halls
Schoeneck , Surnguo , Coonoy (2) ( ) , Annls ,
13urus , Wilspu. , Jilt by pitched ball Hen-
glo , Annis , , Durdicic. Struck out Hy
Sprague 1 , Lovett 0. Left on basus Chicago
cage 3 , Omaha V , Passed balls Dugdalo 2 ,
Wild pitches Hpraguo 1. Time of game
1:30 : , Uuipiio Hagan.
DOM MfilnoM : t , St. Paul 1.
ST. PAUL , Junb 1) ) . ( Special Telegram to
TIIK DKK. ] About two thousand people wit
nessed the ojioiijug game in the now Athletic
pane to-day between St. Paul and DCS
Moincs. Tliu g mo was a pitcher's battle
from the start ju which Smith had a slmdo
the best of It. Neither of the two two-babo
hits credited to Dos Moincs would have been
safe had the outilold been In condition , the
mud in center and left Holds near the feuco
being ankle doeu. The new grounds are
rather small and it will bo next to impossible
to got moro thuu u two-base hit inside tlm
fence. The grand btaud Is provided with
folding opera chairs aud the appointments
for the comfort of spectators are tlrst class.
About ono hundred and fifty ladies wcro
present. The score :
St. Paul 1 0000000 0-1
Dos Moincs..0 3000000 0 3
Huns earned DCS Moincs 1. Two base
hits Alvord , Shafer of Dos Moines ,
Double plays Smith , Stearns and Alvord ,
1'lckott , Shafer and Kingo , Earlo and Hiugo.
Huscson balls-Vearb , Maruller , Stearns
and Quiun. Struck out Hy Sawders 4 , by
Smith 7 , WUd pitcllua Sawder * 1. IJases
New York und Chicago to-day resulted ns
follows :
New York 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0- ! !
Chicago 4 * 8
Pitchers Kcofo nnd Krock. llaso hits-
New York 5 , Chicago 10. Errors New
York 5 , Chicago 4. Umpire Valentino.
Hoston ( > , Detroit 1O.
BOSTON , .luno 9. The game between Uos-
ton and Detroit to-day resulted us fol
lows :
Hoston 0 02200005 0
Detroit 0 10
Pitchers Madden nnd Comvny. Unso hits
Hoston II , Detroit 13. Errors Hoston 9 ,
Detroit ( i. Umpire Lynch.
Plillntlclpliin 2. IMtt liur 1.
PniLADEU'iiiA , Juno' ! . The game between
Philadelphia and Pittsburij to-day resulted
ns follows :
Philadelphia. . . . ! 01000000 2
Pittsburg 0 0
Pitchers Gleason and Morris. Base
hits Philadelphia 0 , Pittsburg 4. Errors-
Philadelphia K ) , Pittsburg 4. Umpire-Docker.
AVnsliiiiRtou i ) . Jntllanapulla 4.
WASIIIXOTOX , Juno 0. The game between
Washington and Indianapolis to-dny resulted
ns follows :
Washington 0 30000000-3
Indianapolis 3 0200000 * 4
Pitchers Whitney nnd Healy. Uaso hits
Washington 8 , Indianapolis 10. Errors-
Washington 0 , Indianapolis 4. Umpire
Cincinnati O , St. tiotilH r > .
CINCINXAH , Juno 0. The game between
Cincinnati nnd St. Louis to day resulted
as follows :
Cincinnati 1 0
St. Louis 0 0.04 00001 5
Ijniiisvilln I" , KiuisiiH City 'I.
LOCIRVII.LR , Juno 0. The game between
Louisville und Kansas City to-day resulted as
follows :
Louisville 0 10004100
Kansas City 0 OOP 00003 3
Ilultimorc 1" , AtlilotlOH 15.
HALTI.MOIII : , Juno S. The game between
Baltimore nnd the Athletics to-day resulted
as follows :
Baltimore 1 1 13
Athletics 4 1012520 * 15
Itrooklyn 1) , Cicvclitiiil f .
HIIOOKLV.V , June 0. The game bctwcou
Brooklyn and Cleveland to-day resulted ns
follows :
Cleveland . 3 G
Brooklyn . 5 101 0002 0
liuso Hull IlrioCH.
Frank Graves , recently released by Minne
apolis , has been signed by Buffalo.
In his Ilrst game with Minneapolis , Tobeau
was injured , a grounder striking blm between -
twoen the eyes. 1'atsy is used to it.
A game of ball between Columbus and
Ulysses , at the latter place , yesterday re
sulted In u score of 23 to 27 in favor of Co
To account for the number of homo runs
made ou the Minneapolis grounds , It is stated
that the left tield fence is only 165 feet from
the homo plate.
The Chicago Referee remarks that
"Omaha is ono of the hardest losing towns In
the Western association. " And it might
have added with a great dcgrco of propriety
that it is also ono of the easiest winners
when it does win.
The cricket match yesterday afternoon
between the Itnndullltcs and Omahu cricket
clubs resulted in u victory for the latter by n
score of 01 to 82. The Handullltes did not
show up ns well as usual In their Holding nnd
u big score of extras wus run up.
St , Louis plays hero Juno 211 , 27 , 3 $ and 20 ,
followed ! > y Dus Moines and Kansas City ,
the latter club playing hero July 4. The
cable line will bo completed to the park In
time for the ilrst game with St. Louis , which
will afford bettor facilities for going to and
returning from the games.
Sorting papers throughout the country
are complaining of the umpiring in the vari
ous associations. The western has one , n
gent named Brcnnan , against whom n pro
test can bo entered with good Rra < 5c. Not
because ho is partial , but the fact of the
business is ho docs not know a foul ball from
u batting error.
The telegraphers of this city played ngamo
of ball between two picked tiinosof the West
ern Union ollk-o by the names of Pritchards
nnd Swifts , The only feature of the gnino
was the battery work of Appluman and
Hader. The score in four innings stood 10 to
.I in favor of the Swifts. Batteries Apple-
man and Hader for the Swifts , mid l-'isk mid
Pritclmrd for the Pritrlwnls. Struck out -
By Fisli 5 , by Appletnan 0.
The Clark and St. Mary's clubs played a
gnmuatTwcnty./lfth / nnd Cans streets yes
terday afternoon. It resulted in another
victory for the Chirks by n score of ' \ to 7.
The batteries were Have Young and Hey
Austin for the Clarks and Ko.v Arnold ami
Dwight Her for the St. Marys. Tliu features
of the game were n doublu play by Bert Hil
lings. homo runs by Fn-d ( Joodrich nnd Will
Search and thn-o base hits by Will Bur
roughs und lioy Arnold.
A Kn\v NotoH Concerning Sonus of the
On Tuesday the June races open at the ex
position grounds and Jrom Inalcations they
will b of inoro than Ubual Interest. Some
very iced ; animals have been listed und not u
few of the races will bo closely contested.
In the Ilrst du's races the 35 ! ! tiot prutmtics
to bo lively , Sarcanett , a ICuiibus City horse ,
being onn of the favorites. In the 2i5 ; pac
ing race Omaha presents u two-year-old ,
"Kd Kosowuti'r , " which is claimed by many
is callable of getting therein tirst-class ntylo ,
The former name of this horxi was VJIM-O ,
jr. Ills pedigree has already been published
In TIIK HII : . Another strong competitor for
this purse is Tom Allen , u brown gelding
from Mobarly , while C. W. L. , a blaeu geld
ing from Piperstouo , Minn. , is another fuv-
orito.Wostmont , the pacer , will attempt to beat
his record of 2:01 : % with u running mate on
Tuesday , June 14. This is uu Oinuhti homo
and much Interest is excited in horse circles ,
In the free-for-all rjco on Friday McLcud ,
a Nebraska bred honto who was called in the
Great Kasteni circuit laU year "Tho Ne-
* . ! - *
243TnomNO ! , ruiisit fOOO II. LHcaros ,
Athens , Ga. , enters a m Suslo Heaves ; Fred
V. Fowler , Omahn , outers blk R Pete Gftrd-
nor ; Ben Walker , Omaha , enters b ff iohn
A ; K. F. D.xvls , Beatrice , enters ch g Harry
D ; J. F. Fisher , Sioux City , outers s m Twi
light ; T. J , Ellis , Hastings , Neb. , enters
dun m Lady Sherman ; Perry Johnson ,
Colorado Springs , enters b g Forrtst
FlUK.FOn ALL TROT , rtWSK $000 11. CllflM-
berlln , Stanborry , Mo. , enters ch s MoLood ;
O. F. Wilson , Denver , enters br g Klmwood
Chief ; J. D. Sponrs , Peorla , Ills. , enter. * be
Longfellow Whip.
And probably a special purse will also ba
offered this day ,
brnska Wonder , " will compote. Elmwood
Chief Is niiothcr fine horse , nnd Longfellow
Whip , the Inttor with a very Just record nd
ono known all over the country as a hdrso
that is always ready nnd never tires or
The 2:25 : pace on Wednesday promises to
bo one of the most hotly contested races over
paced In the west. Halsorn Wilkes , df Buf
falo , N. Y. , nnd MCFnddcn , of Colorado
Springs , will In all probability couio in some
where near the front of the procession.
In the free-for-all pace are Tommy Lynn ,
C. E. Mayno's horse , with a fresh record
made at Terre Haute on Friday of UITOO
heats , 2:11 % 2:1W : and 8lOf : BIHy
Bunker , with a great record and fresh from
Ills victories at Denver and Grand Island.
Lorenc , owned by John D. Crolghton , with a
good record. This rnco will probybly bo a
close one. As the list of horses is largo it has
been found necessary to call all races at i )
Hon. Charles M. Smith , of Enrlvillc , III. ,
will act as starter during the races.
Wooil Wins the Uyclcle Race.
LONDON , Juno 0. There were sorca
starters In the twcnty-fivo-mllc byclclo rnco
for the clinnipion stakes nt Leicester to-day.
Fred Wood , of Leicester , won by six inches
in 71) ) minutes and 80 seconds. Knnpp , the
American , wus second.
Notice of Chattel AIortKiigo bno.
Notice tshorol-yjilvcn that whereas on the 1st day
of October ItKT.c. 8. HlcRliu executed Bpd doflrcrotl
to Wllllnm Wallace , a Wil of ralo orchaltel mortosso
tontcrlny lour bar hortos vrltb Uujnoss nnd oarnua
fcnoi J IlluRln' four , Inhaml team , to eourathd
payment of n iiriimlssory note In tbo ( urn of 11,000 ,
daloil October lit , 187. paraMo flf Icon dars after date
upon which them It now due and parablt tbo anm of
fl.UJO anil tuturuel tbcroon , fruiu Uio let dar ot
October the rota of tan percent par annum.
Bald Instrument wnsduljr Bled and reoonUd In Ui
( iDlce or tliu county clerk of louKlo ) ccmutrNQbr k ,
nn tlm M < lnr of Mftrcll 1W8 ; and irhcrr l tlrt Wil
liam WallHcB , for value rcoelvcd , tlierenfMr atilgned
nil his rlylit. title nnd lulcrcM In and to laid Untru-
mont and tlie property Inert-til iteccrtbed , and tbo
prombsurr note aucurou tliarebr , to the uauoralgnad ,
nnd ,
nndYimiE.43. . on the 2.1 dar of November 1SS7 , nldO.
B. lIlRiitna exixutoj nod dollrorod to Uladttone lro ) > .
AC'o. . ucbattol mortgage upon tbo property hortlu-
before mentioned , su bluet to the laid Instrument executed
ECUICU \Vinium\Vulfnco _ . .nnd upon an onua olbor
liruportr bcrulnnfler dusorlboJ , to soouro tli
mcutiiflho tollowlnr promls err note : One note
for KS0.33 , ilutocl July 2Ulh 1337. tiaynbto Augtut th ,
13371 One note for 6113 ID dated Aug. 1Mb. IMT.pajablo
Bupt. lull. 18h7 : One notn li r UH7Jb.dt d Oil. ai l,1847 ,
pnyithlB lioc. 6th 18ST : One note for S4M.t > 7 , datocl Oct.
Jlst , 1SH7 , parable Doe. 2Utb 1 W : One note lor 11.164 0
dated Nov id ibS7 , pnj able on demand , with Intercit
on nil or nalil uoie from rtiuonlthe rate of lu per
cent per annum , according to the tenor uf nald notes ,
upon H bleb mild promissory notes there la uow duo
Uio tnllowlnx numj to-nrlt :
f.MJja . ana Interest at 10 per cent from July ZSth ,
SJS.49 and Interest at 10 per cent from August IStU
18 7 *
StU.m and interest at 10 per cent from October Zlst.
J&7.M'JS. . & 7 uuil Interest at 10 I > cr cent from Octobor21 t ,
fl'.IM.W Hnd Interest tborcon at 10 per cent from
Novcmljcr'il. 1SJ7.
huld chattel inortKngo was duly nind and recorded
In the oUice of the county cli > rk ol Douulan county *
Nebraska , on the 1'ltli Uay or December leJ7 , nnd tha'.MlTi day of Uocumber , IMi , laid
U. H. lllUKlns cxoculod and ilullvured to Gltiilltdno
llros. , t to. , n second chattel mortuiigo of Bftid data
upon tbuprupurty luirolu described to KPcuro the pay
ment ol three promissory notoa aa follow * , to-irlti
Ono note lor rsll.M dated Due. UlUi. 13JT , payable on
Ono note for 1175 00 doled Deo. 2 < tli , 16S7 , payabla CO
days after date.
UNO note lor tl.000 dated Dec. 2Ub. 1687. pa ; able 00
dnjs alter date , and upon which said promissory octal
the following sum * nro now due and unpaid.
SS.I1.3S nnd interest therooii at 10 per cent per annum
from Doc. 21ln. 1H87.
llt&.UU and Intercut thorron at 10 per cent from Deo.
Zlth. ItfcT nblcu mid second chattel mortiiazo wasdoly
tiled and recorded In the ofllee vf thg county clerk Of
Ooujllau county , on the 21th day of December. US7. .
Nuv.lhorufcre , Oclnnlt biiTlnx bean made In the
payment of mlrt sums now remaining dutfaua uC
us spcglOcally abOTO set forth , OlaJntuue JJros.
rrlll sell the propuity In said bill of sale and ca
tlrncrlbod at public auction at
brick bam on the alley Immediately north of
worth street , between llln ahd If.tu atreuli In
of Omaha , DougUa county , Nebraska , on Saturday ,
the lothduy ol Juno IBM. commencing at 10 o'clock b.
m. , of raid dur , which itald property 1 deicrlbed ai
follow * , to-Hit :
One pair 01 grey her ci , about nlna year * of ago
earn , used ns night tcuin on Jllgglns' back , tofutber
with double hurncsa used on ud horses , altu > ald
linck ; ono pair of bob tailed , brown horses , eath about
ROTen years ot aico , tOKOtugr with double , harness
urrdonsuld her > s , nlso one Victoria carriage. On *
pulrof medium altPd bar horses , vacb about s rcn
yrurs of nife , to gulhcr wub double harness used uo
ulit lior p * . Hlsu one "MeiullmDer make" coupe. Ono
piilrof whllo ponlos ( boutibt In frrimont , )
netln-r K lib iloublo hurners urod on said ponies , mid
onoMcodlmbur runke Hurray nagou , One pair of larga
bay hnisort , one bortui six fears ot axe and onunlna
yi-urs ii [ uau , toifothrr with double uurnosii used on
said homes , and one lumber wngon. ld toam.har *
ness and waitun known us "lurm rig. " Ono pair of
roan borsos each nlni * yean of a o , medium stiod ,
together wltb doublu hnrnesB used on said horses.
Oiiu nurrul burio , dark , wlili whllo fare , about nlna
ycaisuf ngo. One bay borsn about eleren ytariot
ugu. One nnrdor make road nuKon. Onoroadnayen
made In Council Illutm , dark box , gear rod. One miy >
dur niuko open pole buiigy , ulugju seated. Ono non-
top hugcy , tnydur maku. One new nhatilon , Hnydor
mnke. one new castitrn make , double sealed Hurray.
Alt * * , four htiy horses , known us lltjrglns' four In baud
team , with humus * and i-ilrrluuo used with aanio.
( ilw\l > 4TONK IIUUS , & CO. ,
AmltnecsA Mortfoxces. By
J. Ij KKNNRDY , Tlmlr Attoruuy.
Oiuulm , .Neb. , May : itb , ISiU.
nl 21-tO 1-14
Acipxiipur 1'oit Omiiliii . , . , , , , $ ' { fa
Klnuiot .SuinnlcD ) anil IllmobaimliiUU
! l clfBtint lots ( 'ulifoinlu Ht. , t-'M > cash , bal-
HIIIB 1,2. a. 4 , yoitrn , cnrli . . . . . . B.OOQ
HoiiHuuml iot Culifonila m. , fl.WW rash ,
linlnnco to Knit . . . . . 'a.TOO '
mun.'ion Mth near JliiHon Bt . lav )
1'JiiHuiMt front SluilUiuld . "Jtifi
3 Honth front lots DuveniHjrtSt , In 1'onple.
ton 1'iiik , pncli. . . . , , . , . . . l.'HO
KenliniiK. . . . full lot , Hdiitli Oiualia. . . . . . . . . . 1OUO
Bouth front , nc-ur.SI.uo St. , Ileilford 1'lnre 7W )
\Vorklnmiioii , look out fur my "Ail. "
o I'll now Addition , nil onst neil but th
CriinlH ; line vii-.WH oftlie nlty , Hlluatctl
n Ntnirt illstiiiino rrniit ihn fnoturlm tit
Itoyil'H addltiiiii und liodfin-il 1'laon.
TlKiMn IOIN nl.l l > nxi8 li'f.t and
Hold fur the low tirloti ol $2riO < mch.
Tiiriiin , Hl ( . ojiHh , hnliinco $ K. i > or
inoiitli. I'lnt ofHiuno can now hnacoii
nt my ollicc.
VAN BEUREN , notiirlaiianil lthStr t .
.auw natlt
XorUnvc l Corner I'iiriiiiin ami lUlb StH.
I'nlil Up ftiplUnl . 8500,000
Siirjlii.s ) I'ltml . 100,000
HIA.NK JIMUI'll r , I'rojddont.
rU.MUKI. , 15. HOOIJitS. Ylce-1'rostdcut.
J11IN II. W'KI ( ) . CiiBlilcr.
I.UTIIl'.lt OltAICI ! , Asxltant Cashier. " :
AccountM aollctti'd and Tirompt attention flvon
to Imsltii- * * ii'.trutti" ! to lu raru.
M , It. ItlSDON ,
ik-icli.iiili' NuUuiiul ll.tuk llullilluK , Hootii J.
l.'psjali-s ,
Telejihono No. : tr > . Uinuha , Koltrattka.
rhornlx. liondon , Jlnglaiul. . . . , . V > , ' > ufH 03
rirvliirna. NewnrV , N.J . , , l.r/.l.fol 7it
( lUlj'fc r ll * . ( ilen'h I'ttlls , N. V. . 1.4W ai Cl
Glrurd. I'liUwtBlphi * . J'afliifM 10
\Veitchtster , f6lv York. K , V , . 1S4S.&W U