Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1888, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered br Carrier In Any Part of the City at
Twenty Cents I'cr Week.
NKIIIT llUiToii , No. 33.
N. Y. PlumblnB Co.
New spring Roods nt Hcllcr'a.
Fremont county in to vote on the < ] UCRton !
of n new $35,001) ) court house , the election to
Inlco plnco July 10.
All who nre Interested In the securing of
the Chnutnuqim assembly nro requested to
rauct with the directors nt the board of trade
rooms Monday evening.
The delegates of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians leave for Cedar Haplds to attend
the stuto convention. They are Tim O'Hcnrn ,
Pat Sweeney , 1'nt Drlseoll , John Sullivan ,
John Fitzgerald.
There will bo n mccthiR of tbo republican
club to-morrow evening nt the new headquarters -
quarters , room 1 Masonic temple , for the
purpose of arranging for uniforms and other
details in connection witb attending the na
tional convention.
C. J. Swan has fitted up n llrst-class bafocry
nt No. 211) Main street , and will open the
name on or about Juno 13. The b.ikcr who
was employed by the firm prior to dissolution
will continue in the employ of Mr. Swnn.
Every effort will bo made to meet the wants
of tbo public.
The county clerk has issued the necessary
papers to legalize the marriages of C. H.
Ivcfl , of DCS Moincs , and Dolllo Crick , of
Humboldt county ; Plliny M. Franco , of Jef
ferson county , and Clyda Ecklcs , of McCook ,
Neb. , mid Peter Nelson and Elscna Frcde-
rlcltson , of this city.
Superintendent Cooper is busy Bending out
circulars for the coming teachers' normal in
stitutes of this county. One will be hold in
this city July 0 to ! 37 inclusive , the In
structors to bo Dr. .lames MoNnUKhton ,
Prof. A. B. Warner , Prof. W. C. Davis ,
Prof. J. W. W. Laird and Mrs. I. F. Ware.
The other institute will bo held at Avoca
July 30 to August 17.
Yesterday morning Tint 13nB mentioned
the operations of nn old man who wns trying
to sell n Hcurrllous screed against the bible
upon the street. 13o it said to the credit of
Major Hohrer that the license wns issued
without n full examination of the book , and
when its character was learned the mayor
promptly annulled the license and put nn
effectual quietus upon the old man and his
Union Abstract company , 230 Main street.
Dissolution Notice.
The public tire hereby notified Unit
Iho partnership which hna heretofore
o.xifeted between C. J. Swan anil W. S.
Robinson , proprietors of the Domestic
bakery ut No. 1)05 ) Main St. , is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. C. S. Swnn
collects all bills and assumes all firm
liabilities incurred since March 128.
C. J. SM'AN ,
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. William Sears loft yesterday for
Wnypc , Neb. , to visit her son. She will bo
absent about three weeks.
W. A. Highsmith , ynrdmnstcr of the
Union Pacific , returned yesterday from at
tending the grand masonic lodge.
, llev. F. M. Woodloy , pastor of the Sidney
Baptist church has resigned to accept the
pastorate of n church in Steele City , Nob.
F. A. Sackett has entered the employ of
Max Meyer & Uro. , of Omaha , and eaters
upon the duties of his position to-morrow.
Ho will Imvo charge of the tuning and re
pairing department of that establishment ,
but will cqntinuo his residence in the Hluffs.
J , M. Thomas , foreman of the Nonpareil
Job room , left for Kansas City yesterday
morning as a delegate from the typographi
cal union of this city to the thirty-sixth an
nual session of the International Typographi
cal union that convenes thcro to-morrow.
E. McIC. Goodwin , ono of the most ottlcicnt
instructors at the institute for the deaf and
dumb , left last evening for the cast , intend
ing to visit the Institutions of Pennsylvania
and Now York , and gain such information as
ho can there and then proceed to his homo in
Raleigh , N. B. , to spend the summer vaca
Dr. W. A. Wilcox will leave to-day for
Lcadvillc , Col. , there to continue the practice
of the dental profession. For some time ho
has'bccn ' associated with Dr. West and has
proven his ability us n dental physician. Ho
is deservedly popular among bis associates
and many friends wish him success in his
now field of labor.
Cut Hilton to Chicago.
The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
r railroad will tfivo cut rates to all who
dcsiro to attend the republican con
vention at Chicago , ono faro for the
; round trip. A special train will run
'for their accommodationbut the tickets
"will " bo good on regular trains on and
nltorJuno 10. Tickets will bo on sale
01 } Juno 14 and from the 10th to lllth in-
'olualviy. Good to return between the
0th nnd Ii5th. M. M. Marshall , general
ngcut ,
The Ktato University.
The visitors attending the commencement
of the state university of Iowa , Juno 15-20 ,
will bo returned at one-third fare , on the
certificate plan. Take receipts from each
railroad passed over in reaching Iowa City ,
U. H. Allln , Com.
* .
.8. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money.
A Now Steamboat.
' The latest addition to the Manawa squtid-
ran Is a handsome steamer with a capacity
of 150 passengers. The now vessel IB a fiat-
bottomed screw steamer , and arrived In the
city yesterday. It will require about two
weeks to put her together , and she will then
take her place among the fastest of the lake
boats. The owner is Mr. J. H. Chapman ,
conductor on the motor line , who is an old
Mississippi river steamboatman. The new
boat draws no moru water .than the C. E.
Mnyno and will navignto the lake as handily
us any of the other boats.
Motor Mno Time Tallin.
Until further notice the Manawa motor
line will leave the Hock It > land tracks nt 0,10
and 11 o'clock a. in. ; at 1 , 2. : > , 4 nnd S o'clock
p. m. and lit 7 , S , U uud 10 o'clock p. i in.
E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every dewcriptlon. Private
consulting rooms. All uuaincss strictly
coiiudontml , Oflleo f > 00 Broadway , cor
ner Main htrcet , up-slnirs.
„ The Police Uomul-Uj ) .
There wns but n trio of subjects for Judge
Aylesworth'8 consideration in pollco court
yesterday morning , and be disposed of their
cases In short order. John Skates , the one-
legged crook who was chdrgcd with com-
l 'cUy In a "ring" game , was sentenced to
Uui'ty days In the Jail , but given until 2
o'clock to sny good bye to friends about
town The time granted was not long
cnouch far ho failed to appear at the ap
pointed time. O. H. Scott wus taxed S3.10
: for drunkenness. G. Adams , theliacK-ilrrver
who wns arrested for overcharging n lady
for taking her trunk from the transfer to ihu
Broadway depot , was ordered to return 50
cents of the amount received , and wtis then
released upon paying costs.
J. G. Tipton has n fine residences lot
on Ouliluml uvonuo for sale , Anyone
desiring a site to build an elegant homo
upon should * r.o him at once.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtclo.
Ktiusnti Citv mill Omnlin.
Commimelng Juno 1 , IbSS , the 1C. C. , St. Jo
& a , H. H. U. Co. will rim tlmir trains Nos.
3 and 4lkt\vcin : ) Kansas City nnd Omaha via
Council IJlutlx and the U. p. bridge , They
Will urrivu mid depart thosauioas heretofore.
M. M. .MAUMUI.L ; .
Gcu'l Agent.
The Hotel Syndicate Roadjr to Begin
Work at Ouco.
The Prolil1)ltlonlstslinppy Too Coarse
Gravel For Pnvlng llcttcr Drives
to Mnnnwn llusy IlnrRlnrs
Personal Paragraphs.
The Grand New Hotel.
A telegram from the Chicago hotel
syndicate was received yesterday nftcrnoon
that fairly and finally settles the question of
the new palace hotel ( n this city. It was as
follows :
liaise your $ .TU,000 bonus , and wo will
select our own site. Wo want to begin
Work next week.
The telegram wns received with much
enthusiasm nt the board of trade rooms , nnd
several of the member pledged themselves to
raise the nmount. Some of the parties who
had previously subscribed , doubled their
subscription * , nnd tbo ultimate erection of
the structure was assured. At the time of
receiving tbo dispatch * J4OCO had been
raised , ono fourth of the sum having bcon
subscribed In the past four days.
In advertising their offer of n bonus , tbo
board of trade asked for a Slffl.OOO hotel , but
nfter talking over the matter the Chicago
capitalists decided that tbo sum natnod
would not build nnd furnish n hotel such us
they wanted , and decided upon ? ' 2r > 0OtX , ) as
tbo price of the structure complete. Their
offer now is to Invest n quarter of a million
dollars hero If the city gives them $30.000.
They also ngrco to begin work immediately ,
and hope to servo a grand opening dinner on
Now Year's day , lbb . The latent offer re
lieves the board of trade of the trouble of
securing n site , nnd their labors end when
they provide the $ .10,000.
The members of tbo syndicate are Messrs.
Sccrist , Wells and Craig , and the hotel when
completed Is to be run by Mr. W. W. Watson ,
n hotel man of wide experience. The out
look is very bright , and it is assumed that
it will bo but a few days nfter the site is
selected until work on the structure will
Tipton has bargains in real estate.
Where is the man who has not pro
fited by investing in property through
Tipton , "tho real estate brokeri1" Kcho
answers. "Whore ! "
Closing Saloons.
Judge Dccmcr arrived in the city yester
day morning , and the saloon cases were
taken up for consideration in the district
court. Ton cases were called and the fol
lowing seven went by default and temporary
injunctions were ordered issued against them
without bonds : S. H. Ford , Fred Letzmgcr ,
Price Gibson. G. H. & G. W. Ferguson ,
John Dunn , John Booth and Agnes Folsom.
Attorneys apiwarcd for Jacob Howartb ,
Kittle Kdwards and W. H. White , and their
cases were continued until the first of the
The situation of the saloon keepers is grow
ing desparate , and scvcri ! of them have an
nounced their readiness to close. It is very
probable that Attorney Sims will secure
either permanent or temporary Injunctions
against nearly all of the accused parties , and
that the present saloons will all be closed.
The liquor men are all verv close-mouthed
about the matter , and seem disposed to make
the best of a bad bargain. The temperance
folks arc jubilant over the prospects nnd
think Uiej now have mutters lixed in such a
manner as to make it very rocky for the
saloon men.
Mrs. Fannie Kellogg Bnehert will re
ceive a limited unmoor of scholars in
vocal culture. Apply to Mueller Miibic
Too Coarse Gravel.
Aldermen Metcalf and Lacy visited lower
Broadway yesterday to Inspect the pavinir
and see what cause there was for the com
plaints that have been made about the gravel
being so course Us to bo unfit for use. The
gravel is furnished by Keller & Parsons , and
is obtained from the HInton banks. The city
engineer claims that some of it is so coarse
that it will not drop between the blocks and
gave orders not to use it. Mr. Keller wanted
the city to take what had already been
loaded on the cars and agreed that there
should bo no further cause for complaint. H
is thought nil difficulty may bo avoided by
using smaller screens at the gravel ucd and
the city authorities so recommended.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the Now York plumbing Co.
The County Hoard.
The attention of tbo county commissioners
wns yesterday occupied in auditing bills , and
there were so many of them that they could
not complete it in ono day. A committee of
citizens waited upon them and asked them to
appropriate $1,000 for the purpose of repair
ing the bridge nnd road between this city
and Lake Manawa , Commissioners Under
wood and Waite were appointed a committee ,
with power to act , to take such steps as
necessary and expend $1,000 or nny part
thereof to put the road in proper condition
for driving.
SiicccHsful Burglars.
The discovery was made yesterday morn
ing that during the previous night burglars
had been busy ing themselves on Pearl street.
They had entered the storage and commis
sion house of J. R. Snyder , No. 14 Pearl
street , and had broken open the cash drawer
in the ofilco and also opened the safe. The
doors of the safe were simply closed , the
combination not being set , so they were not
put to tbo trouble of blowing the safe , and
Mr. Snyder will not have to bear the ex
pense of patching it up. The Iron box insldo
was forced open after the follows had whit
tled away at the wooden partitions. The
fellows only took money , securing about f80
In all , nnd carefully avoided n pair of gold
bracelets which were in the safe , and a check
which wns in the cash drawer. They appar
ently did not want anything that could bo
easily identified.
On the other sldo of the building Is D. E.
Glciison's coal office. To this they gained en
trance by cutting n hole in the door largo
enough to admit u hand , and thus reaching
the spring lock they opened It. They cut the
top of the desk and forced open the cash
drawer , taking therefrom about $5. They
loft ono silver quarter in the drawer , which
was cither overlooked or left to comfort the
The lollows made their exit by way of the
larger door in the rear , which wus found
open Just as they hud evidently left it. This
door was fastened by a padlock , a peculiar
lock which can bo unlocked by giving it a
sharp , quick jerk. As they evidently un
fastened the door in this way , without the
use of a key or breaking any of the fasten
ing , it teems that the work must have been
done by someone who had familiarised him
self with the details of the place very tlior-
ouchly. It is not clear how they gained an
entrance , one theory being that they slipped
into the building bol'oro it was closed for the
night , and hid themselves there. Another
theory Is that someone crawled through a
broken window. The presence of undis
turbed cobwebs about this windowyesterday
morning U rather agnliibt the idea
of someone having crawled through it.
There is apparently no trace left by which
the officers can follow up the thieves , The
merchant1 police are supposed to bo watch
ing the business portion ot the city , in addi
tion to the regular city force. The fre
quency of burglaries docs not udd greatly to
the reputation of either forco. The city offi
cers Imvo been put to n great disadvantage
of Into by being compelled to put on metro
politan airs in the manner of uniforms. They
uro so bedecked with bright buttons and by
other paraphernalia that they nro soon for a
loiijr distance , and can bo easily watched by
thieves. They in turn cannot "shadow" a
usplclous character , As the city lias no
special detectives or officer ? in citizens'
dress it BOCUIS that the advantage at night .fs
ullon the side oftho gang. , The bright-ubi-
fbrnis must bo as satmdctor for the thieves
us would be putUuj , ' ol ir.boll on. tno cat's-
There are hundreds .and
thousands of places where you
can spend your dimes and dollars
lars , but how few where you
can save them ?
You can save not only
DIMES , but DOLLARS , by
attending our Six Days' Un
loading sale , commencing to
Each and every department
will be full of the best bar
gains ever offered.
Grand special sale of Para
Grand special sale of Laces
and Embroideries. "
Special bargains in Hosiery ,
Gloves and Corsets.
Tremendous clearing out
Special bargain sale of Silks
and Dress Goods.
All must be sold during
this week at Half Price at
HtJS. 218 , 220 , 222 & 224
neck , by which the r.its could bo given warn
ing of her nearness. Less dress parade and
more actual service seems to bo a greatly
needed change Just now.
The engineers htriko for Durliu Bros ,
for their groceries , oSS Broadway , Ed
Lloyd will take your order. Tel. li'JO.
WaiitHd Fifth Trial.
Yesterday afternoon .ludgc Dcciner * lis
tened with evident Interest to arguments on
the motion fora new trial in the case of .lon-
nthnn Jones , who was found guilt > y of man
slaughter. The Jones case his been looked
upon for some time as a court chestnut , but
when Ids attorney , Colonel C. II. Scott , of
Omaha , yesterday outlined the case as it ap
peared to him , it seemed of striking intoicst ,
nnd appealing strongly to both justice and
sympathy. The general facts of the shoot
ing of Hoborts by Jones are familiar to most.
The chief claim on the imrt of the defense Is
that Jones wan insane nt the time , aml'ho is
surely so now. Ho strikes everyone as being
a poor demented creature , who has no ap
preciation of his situation , and whose life is
u wreck. Colonel Scott was his attorney
from the start , and although there is not a
dollar in the case , and no prospect of thcro
ever being , and although Jones IB not men
tally capable of even appreciating the ser
vice , this attorney bravely stays by poor
Jones , fighting for him ns stoutly
as though ho was getting fat fees
It cannot be for the sake of gaining a reputa
tion , as Colonel Scott has long since passed
that point in his career where ho needs to
thus net. He has nil thu opportunities which
his time and strength will allow , nnd thcro
nro many demands for his services by those
who nre ready und nblo to pay liberally. For
an attorney of his rank to thus cling to the
cause of such an unfortunate can not but cx-
cite admiration and give credit to his declar
ation that ho is making the light In what he
honestly believes to bo the cause of inno
cent suffering nnd of right. Jones has been
four times convicted , once of murder in the
second degree , and throe times of man
slaughter. The case has been to the BUpromo
court thrco times , once on u demurrer , and
twice on the merits of the case , and each de
cision has been In favor of Jones , the case
having been twice reversed. Colonel Scott
yesterday made n strong general picturing of
the peculiarities of thn case , and followed
this by a close argument of the legal points ,
and n careful , clear showing of the errors
which had crept into the lust trial , with rea
sons why u new trial should bo granted.
Executive lodge , No. 257 A. P. nnd S. M.
will hold its regular communication Monday
evening nt 7:110 : o'clock. Visiting brethren
cordially invited. 13y order of W , M.
* .
Ijald nt Host.
The funeral of Mr. L. B , Hunt took place
from the Ogden house yesterday afternoon
at U o'clock and was largely attended. A
number of the members of the board of trade
attended in u body , among the number being
Messrs. Hohror , Men-lain and McConncll ,
the committee who were chosen to make nr-
rangements for the reception that was to bo
tendered Mr , Hunt on the occasion of open
ing the hotel. The services were conducted
by Kav. Mr. Hnrsha , of Omaha , and were
very Impressive. The pall bearers were all
hotel men of this city nnd Omaha ; Gcorgo
Ferguson of the Pacific , Messrs. Jnmlcson &
ynncoy oi the Uoehtelo , Frank McDonnld of
the Millnrd nnd O. C. Hulett and J. E.
Strong. The remains were interred in
Fall-view cemetery.
The Pulpits nuil the Pows.
The following announcements are made of
services at the several churches of the city :
Children's day will bo observed at the Con
gregational church to-day. The Sunday
school has prepared n pleasant programme
und will tuko part in the exercises. Several
little ones will be baptized and the pastor
will preach n sermon to the children. There
will bo no evening services , tbo pastor still
suffering from a severe throat trouble.
The pastor of tbo First Captlst church will
preach at 10EO : a.m. and 8 p. m'Baptism m
connection with mprning service. Seats free.
All cordially welcomed.
it3-o'clock ' day
This afternoon - Children's
will be observed at'Harmony Mission chapel.
largest atoon , METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods , '
Lowest Prloes , ' , . , Hats oto.
* * * * Clothing , , Caps , (
2 *
r\ -William SlBdtmtapf ; w MUSIC .COMPA * t 3
' I&JTIA.31I ' - ' - Dt l In C < * s ' flardman , Evtrdt & Fisher <
MUTUAUUntTlNO. CO. N w York . . Main St Council niuffi. / .
No.B N.-MiJn S
1S1 < i St. M ty' A . .Om n. CU < 0
y X .X.yv vNT 4
Largest Capital and Surplus Kowr t7 >
of Any Bank in the oity. i CITIZENS STATE BANK > Patronage Is Solicited. - „ ' QO
! l
SVHT& . , ,
& .RnFoster , '
Painb.011 Glass 60. Forego ? . & Moore's Abstracts of Title
. Wholesale , '
- 'tg j Santa
Wo. 8. pearl St. ARE THE BEST.
4' '
sore. OF
Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Buggies. I always keen in stock a largo of eastern
H. F H ATTENH AUER variety
I Imvo always a full stock to select from. . ,
, make Can-luges , which 1 soli at a very low rate.
Call and examine. Prices Ixnv. Nos. a ? to ill } R'ourlli Street. I am always ready to show poods.
The exercises will bo qulto intorostinp. Mr.
U. C. Hubbunl will address tlie children.
At the liroadwny M. K. cliurch the pastor ,
W. H. W. Hoes , will preach to the youni ; nt
10iOn. : : m. Subject : "Little Things. " Hup-
tlsm of children nt the clone of sermon.
"Children's day" service in the ovcnini * nt S
o'clock. The children will have charge of
the evening service tinder the leadership of
the superintendent , Colonel L. W. Tulleys.
Uercan Baptist Church Uov. T. F.
1 hlcksUVn preaches at Overtoil mission on
Fourth avenue , near Seventeenth street nt : <
p. m. to-dny. Strangers nnd Baptists with
letters in hand will ho iiiudo specially wel
come. Subject : "Tho Transfiguration. "
Mr. Garniaa will lead the 4 o'clock meet
ing nt Y. M. C. A. rooms to-morrow. Sub
ject , : "Contrast Hctwcen the Christians nnd
the World. " Meeting for men nnd hoys. All
nro Invited.
There will bo service1) nt the new mission
to-dny nt the corner of Graham nvenue und
Tostovin street to-morrow nt 3 o'clock p. in. .
conducted by IJev. J. Fisk. Sunday school
nt ) p. in. Parents nnd children are cordinll v
invited to attend.
. St. Paul's Church Divine service to-dny
nt KliliO n. in. and S:00 : p. in. : Sunday school ,
12:15 : ; young men's bible class , l'J:15. : The
Hev. M. F. Sorensou of Oinaluii will preach.
Young men nnd stranger always cordially
welcomed to these services.
Presbyterian At 10:80 : u. hi. , the children
and others of thoftjabbntli schoM will join in
a service peculiar to Children's day. of which
singing and recitations by the children will
be n marked feature. Short address by the
pastor. The church will bo decorated with
llowers for thn occasion. In the evening n
special song service , also Adapted to Chil
dren's D.iy , with an address b s the pastor.
Let all come. Strangers specially invited.
Programme of evening scrtico :
Organ Prelude "Jerusalem ttie Golden"
. Arranged by Spark
Mr. Alleiur
"Christian , Let Your Heart bo plnd"
. I . Danks
Miss Mcrlccl , Mrs. Ward , Mrs. Trcynor.
"Tho Children's Hoar" . Cowen
Miss Merkel.
"Haric , Hark My Soul' ' . Shelley
Miss Merkel and Mrs. Ward.
Organ Response . Untistc
"Angel Voices" . Fauro
Mr. Trcynor.
"Hail , Hail , O Mighty Power" Trio
. Andcrton
"The New Kingdom" . Tours
Mrs. Ward.
"List to the Prayer" Trio . Costa
Grand Offering Organ . Wely
- -
Street Kcl'ormH.
Mayor Knhrcr proposes to put a stop to
the disgusting exhibitions of brutality that
may bo seen hourly on the streets of this
city on the part of the hackmen and bus and
express drivers. Their overworked horses
are urged along at the top of their sliced ,
nnd the drivers vie with each other in the
cracking of their whips as they actually flay
the hair olT their abused animals. It is the
oft-repeated hontiincnt of visitors that
Council Hlnffs has the toughest lot of hack
drivers of any city in the west. One draw
back to prosecuting the cases has been the
small chance of identifying the driver or
owner of the vehicles , but this will bo ob
viated after the 1st of July by an order from
the mayor , providing that the number of the
carriage must bo plainly painted on the side
of the lamps , nnd as the lamps must nil bo
lighted nfter dark , it will bo easy to identify
the vehicle whenever necessary. The matter
has been postponed until the first of next
month us all licenses expire nt that time , and
the numbers will be newly granted for the
ensuing year.
The mayor also proposes to talte some ac
tion in regard to the habit of ball playing in
the streets , that has grown soinnoying of
late , and it is probable that a stop will bo
put to it.
CJPKCIALadvcrtlsements , suchnsLost , Pound ,
C3 To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants. Hoarding
etc. , will be Inserted in thin column at the low
rate of 1'RN CBNT8 I'KH LINK for the Itret in-
eertlon unit Five CuntH Per l.lun for each
quent Insertion. I.eavo advertisements at our
ofllce. No , 12-1'earl Street , near Uroadwuy , Coun
cil llluirn Iowa.
ITIOK SAIiIJ Four-room house with kitchen
JL ; good cellar , well , cistern nnd other im
provements. J. ! ' . Peterson , l Lincoln avo.
MID KENT Dtoro room on Pearl street. Just
J , Bouth of Ileo olllco. AtU > l } ' to Horace Ever
ett , Council Illutrs , la.
FOHBAI/n Ortrnde , Rood fitnn near Heche-
town , In Harrison county. Will tuko horses
nnd cattle In part payment. Apply to Horace
FOR IlKNT Two fiu-ins In Colfnx Co. , Nob.
Hood land near railroad. Termu easy. Ad-
dresa Johnson & Van 1'atteu , Council lllutln.
T710K 8Af < K A Rood , complete. , bakery. 71S
JU Jlroadwav. Fred Auwcrda.
IWILIj buyKOodbecond-hand furniture , stoves
nnd cnrp t ; will pay full cash value. A. J.
MamU'l , : C 1 liroadwny.
. - tlrst-class cook nt thoCrcston
T710K BALE At a bargain , 40 acres near stock
JL ! yards , South Oinalm , Neb , Johnson A :
Christian , Hoom 36 , Chamber ot Comuiorco ,
i Blocks ol merchandise. Have
T T Omaha and Council Hlutrs city property ,
nlKO western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address Johnson & Christian , lloom 33 ,
Cnamber of Commerce. Omaha.
The Quick Blcnl Vnjior Steve ,
Positively the best und moat reliable
vapor stove made. "Will not leakj cns-
ily cleaned ; will last twenty years. You
can buy it just as cheap as inferior
etovoa. Is absolutely safe ; cannot ex
plode or cause an accident. Don't fail
to BOO it before buying. Also a great
reduction in prices of refrigerators for
thirty days. At Cole & Cole , 41 Main
tOQBroadVra'r Council Dlutts , Iowa. . Estaulhutd
) tKAiins : JN (
) T1IE Cr.I.KllHAV'KlK
Main S' . , Council Jlluj's.
Only Hotel lu the City with Fire Escape
anil Electric Call Bel'.s.
Accommodations First Class ,
Eates Always Reasonable
MAX 3/O//.V - rilOJ'JHKTOIt
No. 552 Broadway , Opera House Block ,
Council Blutl's. Telephones No. 1281.
D. H. McOANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
.KO and KU Main StreetCouncil IllutTsJowa.
OGDEN - : - BOILER - : - WORKS ,
CARTEIl & SOX , Prop's.
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work.
Orders by mail for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad-
drcbs Ofileu Holler Works. Council lUutrn.Iowu.
M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of Women nnd Children ,
! 307 llroa&way , Council Illull's.
A Full Assortment of Harness Goods Con
stantly on Hand.
Repairing Neatly and rrmnptly Done.
NO. 206 MAIN ST. ,
You can get it In nny nmount , on cither shorter
or longtime , on clmttul or real estate security
Has real estate of all kinds. Cull on or uddrcts
L. U. Crafts , KU IJroadway , Council
H , GHAUL , Manufacturer.
' 5 . ,
The Best Bargains Ever Offered will be given
to our trade during this week.
We shall paralyze prices and surprise the buy
ers. No matter what you want , CALL AND
SEE US. We will give you foetler values for
less money than you ever got in your lives
KSTADLilSlUCD 181' ! . INCOKl'OKAl'ED 187
CO. ,
SIZES FROM rs > pecially Adapted fen
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
- : - CUT-OPP
Ppecltlcations nnd estimates furnished for complete Btonm plants. Kcgulatlon , Durability ( iunr-
nntceil. Can Bliow letters from users where fuel Economy Is o innl with Corliss Non-Cumli-iitlng ,
cii iiousi ; , COUNCIL ISMJIWS , IO\VA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
H Hydraulic ami Sanitary Engineer. 1'lanB , Estimates ,
Specifications. Supervision of I'nhlic Work. Urown
Building , Council lihiffh , Iowa ,
CIMI CV DHDI/C * Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown HuildinL' . 115
rllNLt. ! DUni\L" " Pearl St. , Council BlnflB , lown.
IR7 Justice ol the Peace. Ofllce over American Express , No. 410
NQPMI " " Broadway , Council Blufl's , Iowa.
at Law , Practice in the State and 1-Vdera
CTr\MIT J ? . QII\/IQ \ / Attorneys
O I UINL & , OlIVIO" . Onice-Uooms Block
Courts. - 7 and 8 , Sluigart-lieno ,
Council BlufTb , Iowa.
UA7ITM Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Council
CP , nAZ.UlV" Bluffs , Iowa.
J Al I CM Architect and Superintendent. Room 2 , Opera
ALLtIN" Home Block , Council luff .
Hnoclallut In dlsflnfcpi of Hyo. jar. : Noi-o nnd
Mil . LHA VmtnLI \ VI. U. ' " 'rout- ' < : i > i''h" Accurately l-n'Strllud. Cut-
i Mi VJliniTIUL.IIL.IM ITIi Ut , , .
; nrli trwiteU by mnll niter llr-t consultation.
Ofllcncor. .Main htiOfl and Urouilwuy. KesliU'ilce , CIO lilull hi. Mourn V to H. , to5 , 7.HOtotW. ) :
Council JHuirx , I own ,
u CO
0(3W (
o M. MAH.CUS , 546 & 548 BROADWAY.