Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1888, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Ladies' Combination Garment
lu. One Piece.
Ladies' Cotnblnntion Corset Cover
nnd Underskirt , style ns shown by cut
above , made of line Cambric mid finished
with tucks nnd embroidery , well worth
81.60 ; price Monday and during this
wookSl.OO a suit.
Combination Suits
Ladies' Combinatloa low neck Corset
Coverand Underskirt , made of line
Cambric , finished with embroidery and
tucks as shown in above cut ; special
price Monday , $1.75.
The Board Moots But the Schedules
and Papers are Qono.
BiiHlncss Failures Sport on tlio Uni
versity Campus Normal School
Commencement Kxorciscs
Olty News.
LiNcoitX , JunoO. )
It is somewhat remarkable thut after three
mouths of delays and excuses und inventions
that when the statu board- transportation
finally did moot with u quorum and had
reached the point of considering tlio reduc
tion of local ft eight rates , that all the prepared -
pared schedules nnd papers in the case hud
disappeared nnd were not found. It was a
remarkable case of now-you-sco-thcm-and-
now-you-don't. For nearly three months
they had been prepared and submitted and
considered nnd examined by different inoin-
bers of the board , but ut the day nnd the hour
when they were wanted to bouctcd upon they
wore gone. The papers had disappeared with
us much sccrocy as an obnoxious bill disap
pears from the lllos of a boodle chief clerk In
a session of u legislature when n railroad
lobby holds high carnival In the immediate
locality. The clerk of the board of transpor
tation , who practically has charge of the
room und the flies In the ofilcu , know nothing
of the whorcubouts of tlio papers save that
BO mo. time before ono of the members of the
board had taken them from the oftlco. None
of the members of the board yesterday could
give any light on the subject , und the cuso
goes over until new papers can ho prepared
und substituted for those lost. Whether the
papers have been lost willfully or carelessly ,
the fact must become apparent to the most
obtuse members of the board that busi
ness is handled in a very slipshod
way. Many of thn papers are of equal
value with court papers , yet no system of
receipts or records of their whereabouts are
kept. There are not an alarming number of
vases before thu board taken as a total , and
fc , would seem that with throe secretaries
Cu a salary und u chief olerk with u biilury ,
that u system might bo inaugurated that
would protect from loss what records the
board has und requires.
Mhe renewal of past attempts to sccurn
reduction In Irolght rates In Nebraska tit the
present lime is viewed by many with doubts
us to results. Four of the live members of
the state board of. transportation have ex *
pressed themselves unqualifiedly in favor of
reductions-in local freight rates and yet thuy
Icccp in power us 9110 ol the nonreturn ) * , Mr ,
J. H , Aycr , who is oppose J to any reductions.
This is inconsistent to say thu least. Mr.
Ay or draws his salary of tJ.OOO y"cur , und
ptoparcs long arguments to convince four of
the live members of the board thut it is not
policy to reduce lates , It is u safe pie-
euniptlon thut the other member of thu
board Is In entire harmony , with Mr. Aycr.
It U very obvious and will strike the most
obtuse as rcrouikable how four of the ttvo
members of the board favoring a reduction
pf rates , cxpict to work out plans for u re
duction through the work of u man HUe Mr ,
Aycr. In any other bUMiioM it is u safe
conclusion that an omployu who
workinl in this style of harmony
\vitu his employers would bo dismissed sum
luurlly And what applies in the board of
transportation io Secretary Agor should bo
uppllcd with equal furco to thu other secre
taries should tnoy take u like position. With
Nebraska poyiim a fouitli higher locul rat en
than Iowa and Minnesota and Dakota under
exactly similar circumstances , it will bo in-
U-rvstititf to watch tlio proceeding ! ) of the
board ut the proposed sesslou the coming
week , when thu last papers nud schedules
Will bo supplanted with now ones , und the
latest clement of delay bo removed from the
Beetle. '
Tlio doors of the LIucolu hardware com-
Ladies' ' Ready Made
This Suit , although so cheap , is nice
ly in lido of Shepherd Plnid Cambric.
Norfolk wuist , and full stylish draped
skirt , An exceptional bargain at $1.50.
Ladies' combination high square ncdc
Corset Cover aim Underskirt , made ot
finest , cambric and finished handsomely
with embroidery and tucks. Price dur
ing this bale , $12.00.
Ladies' Ready Made
Suits ,
Made of neat drab aud white striped
cambric , plain stylish bnbquo , trimmed
with two rows of white braid. Skirt ,
has long full drapery and is trimmed'
with three rows of white braid. Could
not bo reproduced for less than $8.00.
Our price Monday $5.00.
All necessary alterations made frco of
charge , and a perfect lit guaranteed.
puny were closed to-day on attachments ami
i huttcl mortgages thut kept the county clot k
and county court busily at work for BOIIIU
time. The firm have carried n largo stock
and huvo to all appearances enjoyed a Rood
business. The indebtedness of the linn , vill
not bo known for a day yet. but the estimate
is Unit the Inures will re.ich f'Ji.OOO , and the
iissuts not sufficient to cover thorn. Chattel
mortgages were Hied tills afternoon as fol
lows : LI/.ZIO S. Burk * UU70 , D. b. Mnckny
Sl.OIiO , John Muckaylr > 08 , Daniel Uhl $2,000.
John W. Uhl $1,500 , F. E. Newton
( former owner of store ) $2,010Villlnm lilair
& Co. , Chicago , $1.000 , O. A. Uudo fiil'J.
The attachments Issued were as follows ,
the first issuing from the district court , the
remainder from the county court : Horton ,
Oilmoro , McWilliams & Co. , Chicago , $1,300 ;
Culler , Woodrow & Co. , Chicago , J714.8. ) ;
Wells , Nellpor & Co. , Chicago , S11XUJ3 ; J.
W. Bookwalter & Co. , Springllold. , O. , ? 213 ;
American Scrowcompany , Chicago , $170.04 ;
Helm Manufacturing company , $17'.09 ) ; Cut
ler , Woodrough & Co. , Chicago , f71 ; Sher
man S. Jowott & Co. , Chicago , f272.ii3 ; Chicago
cage Stumping company , ? 300.
Mra. O. II. Uurhaus , who has a drug stock
la West Lincoln , was also closed to-day.
The indebtedness nnd stock uro both small ,
tlio amount of each not being krlown.
rii'.i.ii DVY AT Tim UNIVEUSITV.
To-day was Hold day at the state university
and the following was the programme of
sparts , together with the prizes oirerod.
Thcra were several hundred spectators at
the campus in addition to tlio students , and
the contests wero. exciting and hilarious.
The programme was :
I. One hundred yard dash , Canto's "In
ferno , " A. T. Loining & Co ,
3. Putting the shot , Croon's "History of
England. " Holbrook & Bonbright.
: t. Long run , half mile , athletic suit , J. C.
4. Standing broad Jump.
5. Kunninj ? broad Jump , Byron's poems ,
Cluson & Fletcher.
0. Standing high jump.
7. Running high Jump , lawn tonnls shirt ,
S. Schwab ,
8. Thrcu legged race , supper at Brown's.
0. Tug of war , glory.
10. Wrestling , heavy weights , Rnwllii's
"Ancient History , " H. W. Brown.
II. Wrestling , light weights.
12. Hurdle race , pair shoes , Yates Bros.
13. Suck race , shaving act , Lincoln Hard
ware company.
14. Egg rare.
15. Throwing slcdgo , 10 Ibs. , floral design ,
Nebraska Floral company.
10. Toad race. |
17. Running , hop , sltip pud n Jump , run.
ning shoes , B. Parker ,
IS. Class relay nice , ono mile , moro glory.
10. Long throw , hat , Mayor Bros. , Tenth
street ,
Judircs-S. L. Geisthardt , T. M. Hodgo-
man , E , C. Wigonhorn.
Prizes were wpn by the following stu
dents :
Ono hundred yard running race C. B ,
Newcomer , time 11) ) seconds ; E , Holmes
Cornell nnd Williams contested on putting
the xl < ot , Cornell winning on n distance of HI
foot.C. B. Newcomer took his second prize on
the standing broad Jump , distance cleared 8
feet 11 inches ; Holmes second.
Newcomer took his third prize in the run
ning broad Jump , distance cleared Id feet 10
In the wrestling matches the light weight
content was won by Skllcs and the heavy
weight championship by F. F , Almy.
The students were occupied until late lu
tlio day in completing their programme and
many went homo sore ana bruised from their
The commencement exercises of the No-
bruvka statu normal school will bo hold from
Juno 0 to 13 Inclusive. There uro In the
school the present year over three hundred
puplU und the school graduate * a class of
eleven , comprising the following ladies nnd
gentlemen : Charles J. Piornon , Auburn ;
Alleo Boycr , Nebraska City ; Mottle A.
Smith , Omaha ; Julia Conklinp , Dlghton ,
Kan.j Ellen M. Campbell , Spring Creek
The official programing by days Is as fol
lows :
At this season of the year ills customary for Eastct-n manufacturers nnd commission house. . * , tosnc-
rlfico what goods they have on hand rather than carry them over for a year. Our eastern buytr has
fortunately secured many attractive bargains for our different departments , but has exceeded our ex
pectations in Ladies' White Suits. To-morrow we commence our annual sale of these Suits , and invite
our patrons to examine quality , style and prices before buying elsewhere. Mall orders will receive im
mediate attention.
Above Style White Suit. Above Style White Suit. Above Style White Suit.
Ages 2 , 15 nnd 4 ,
1 ffl M
il.uU IMU1
Ages G nnd 8 ,
Made of plain
and plaid Giug-
hams ; style as
shown in cut.
Saturday. Juno 9 , 7:30 : p. m. Everett soci
ety exhibition.
Sunday , Juno 10 , 4 p. m. Baccalaureate
nddrcss , Rev. Loren T. Berry , Fremont ,
Monday , June 11 , 7:30 : p. m. Exhibition
Philomathcan society.
Tuesday , Juno 12. Public exercises ele
mentary class ; alumni meeting in the eve
Wednesday , Juno 13 , 0 a. m. Commence
ment exercises ; 8 p. in , , principal's recep
The state normal board and Governor
Thnyer will be in attendance at the com
mencement exercises.
State Superintendent Lane was engaged
yestordnp on paj roll work for the last three
months of the year for the principal nnd
teachers in the state normal school. The
amount paid out for the post three months
aggregates some $4,000. The number of in
structors und paid employees at the state
normal school , with their positions and sal
aries , are as follows : George L. Farnham ,
principal , $2,000 per year ; Eliza C. Morgan ,
preceptress , $1,100 per year ; W. Edgar
Taylor , sciences , $1.200 ; A. H. Vim Vleet ,
assistant in science , $100 ; G. W. Ellis ,
mathematics , j-1,200 ; Sara D. Jenkins ,
methods , 81,100 ; Sara N. Butler , assistant
in methods , $600 ; Florence M. Wright , in
structions in arithmetic , $1,000 ; Zllpha S.
Hubbard , geography and history , $1,00 ! ) ;
Martha Winno , grammar , $1,000 ; Anna K.
Strock , rending and elocution , 8" > 00 ; Evelyn
Blrss , A grade instructress , $900 ; E. M.
Llppltt , music , $ (100 ( ; salary of Janitor nnd
assistant $000 per of twelve months.
The loom harness manufacturers have or
Cotton workers at Blackburn , England ,
have struclc.
The textile trades are somewhat backward
this season.
The Baltimore Builders' exchange has
been organized ,
Milllngton ( Md. ) woolen mills have ro-
sumud operations.
The employes of the Joiiot ( Ill.stccl works
were grunted a 10 per cent udvunco last
The Consctt Iron company of England , has
granted a n per cent udvunco to its steal
woi kors ,
Ono hundred nrnss workers In a Now
York shop have struck against a 10 pur cent
The ship carpenters in two yards In Bath ,
Me. , hnvo struck against u reduction from
$ ) .f > 0 to $2 per day.
The iron nnd stool manufacturers of the
Muhonlng valley have formed the Iron Man
ufacturers' association.
Frnmors in Now York city get forty cents
nn hour , in Brooklyn thirty-sovcii and thirty-
four cents in Jersey City ,
Tlio workmen who make the Winchester
rilles used by the Pinkortons are compelled
to work twelve hours u day or "git. "
The national convention of the Painters
und Decorators' trade district will bo held in
Boston on the 10th of this month.
Over 1,000 000 individuals nro enrolled in
the bonu tide labor organizations ot the
United Stutos ut the present timo.
A Swedish labor editor , Axol Daniclsou ,
1ms been imprisoned four months for criti
cising the action of the court.
The shoemakers' national convention ,
which mcou at Kooliestor next week is ex
pected to bo a very lively gathering ,
Sixteen trades unions in England report a
membership of 172,000 , of winch S..Wl uru
unemployed as compared with lO.Ctb lust
The boss carpenters of Troy , N. Y. , claim
that they have all thu non-union men they
ueed to work nine hours. Thu nnion men
don't want more than eight honra.
Tim next convention of the Brotherhood of
the CariKmtcrs will take place ut Detroit the
llrst Monday In August. Delegates will be
elected by local unions the llrst mectiug in
For thrco successive years the eight hour
sVHtem bus been established in Chicago in
the building trades , although every season
the uicn in those trades ItnVu hud to fight for
Tho' bricklayers of Buffalo , will work nine
hours at day at 33X cents an hour for the
Dressing Sacques ,
2 Styles at $1.0 O.
We have 3 styles Dressing Sacques , llko above
cut , mmlo of I'lther' line : \ lilto Law u or Cambric.
Hegular prlcoJI.6 | ( ) . Now offered at $1.00. We
also have a largo assortment of liner numbers
ranging In price from up to to.X ( ) . Allot
onr ( Jacques are newest styles and perfect lu
shape , besides belqg much leer in price than
lost season. '
coming year. Fifty cents nn hour will bo
charged for overtime. The bricklayers union
has 500 members.
The total membership of the Cigarmnkcrs'
International union is 20,500. The total sum
paid in by the membership during the year
18S7 amounted to $433iSO.T3. ( After defray ,
ing the expenses of th international body
and 800 local unions , the clgarmukcrs had ,
on January 1 , a cash balance on hand of
52 7,223.24. During the year the sum of
$4 ! > ,2jl was paid to members travelling In
search Qf employment. Sick benefits were
paid to the amount of fin.DOO. ana death ben
efits tu the amount of f3B50. They ex
pended in strikes $13,871.
College Commencement.
HASTINGS , Juno 8. [ Special to Tnn BRE.J
Great preparations are being made for the
commencement exorcises next wcok of Hast
ings college , founded by the Presbyterian
church and dedicated during the mooting of
the synod of Nebraska in October , 1834 , by
Rev. Hcrrick Johnson , D. D , , LL. D. , presi
dent of the board of aid for colleges.
The graduating class this year is the first
to have passed successfully through the
course of studies at this institution aud to bo
awarded the diplomas of learning. For this
reason the event Is Invested with unusual
interest. The class is composed of six stu
dents : Francis I. Cunningham , Edith L ,
Hnyncs , Carrie L. ICImball , Alice P. Now-
Inn , Ro > ort N. Powers , Alice T. Yocum , all
of Hastings.
The number of students enrolled during
the past year was 200 , nnd the avorngo at
tendance has been about one hundred nnd
twenty , coming from various places in Ne
braska , and not a few hail from adjoining
and oven distant states in the union.
Hustings college is the leading Presby
terian educational institution of Nebraska ,
und has enjoyed from its inception a pros
perous career. Its outlook for the future is
exceedingly bright , and the intention is to
llnally convert it into 'a largo university of
learning. Hon. J. B. Hcartwell , of this city ,
U president of the ofllclal board , and Hov.
W. F. Rmglund , A. M. is at the head of a
strong und able fuculty. The beautiful college
campus consists of thirty-three aercs of
ground on ono of the highest elevations in
the city. There are two line buildings hand
somely constructed , ono three and the other
two stories , resting on largo stone wall base
ments. Ono is named MrCormick hall , in
honor of Cyrus H. McConnlck , Jr. , who do
nated the sum of fS,0H ( ) ,
The programme now being carried out is as
follows ; '
Examinations Wednesday , Thursday nnd
Friday , Juno 0 , 7 nnd 8.
Baccalaureate/lormon , Sabbath , Juno 10 ,
10:30 : u , m , , by President Ringland ,
Address before the Christian associations
Sabbath. June 10,18 p. m , , by Rev , Ooorgo E.
White , of WaVci-ly , la.
President's reception nt college buildings
nnd grouuds. Modday Juno II , 0:30 : p. in.
Address beCoro , tliu college literary socie
ties at the collcgc.chnpol , Monday , Juno II ,
8p , in. , by Huv , Qeorgo Williams , of Grand
Graduating'exercises of academy , Tuesday ,
Juno 12 , at 8 p. m , at the opera house ,
Annual mooting of thu board of trustees ,
Wednesday , Junu 18 , ut 10 a. m. , ut the col
Graduating cxwciscs of the class of 1SS-3 ,
Wednesday , Juno 13 , 8 p. m. , at the opera
Great ImprnvrmcntH.
AUROKA , Neb. , Juno 8. To the Editor of
THEBKB : Mr. HansT. Jensen , machinist ,
of this city , was before the city council last
night asking for a franchise to operate an
electric light plant In the city. Although
the ordinance , which had been prepared to
grunt him that privilege , was only read
the Jlrat time and placed on flic ,
yet the members of the council
expressed themselves us cordially endorsing
the ordinance , and would , ut the proMr |
tlrno , support aim puss the incusuro. Mr.
Jensen has been an indefatigable worker in
this matter , and Is ready to put in the plant
In n short time , if allowed to do .so. The
proupocU are certainly assuring that the city
will soou be lighted by electricity.
After u thorough canvas * of the voting
population Of the city , there it scarcely
any doubt but that the 'J3OOJ
bonds for city waterworks , io be voted on
Made of fine Scotch Imported Ging
hams , sixes 2 , 3 , 4 and 6 years. Choice
of any size , 81.60.
July 2 , will carry. Already plans and speci
fications have been called for by the city
council , and engineers will be on the ground
in u few days to formulate and submit their
plans in accord with the proposition pub
lished. Every precaution has been taken to
have everything done in u legal nnd regular
manner , so thnt when these water bonds are
voted the auditor of state will not hesitate to
order their issue. P. K. Boo.
AVhat Ilnlfimr Has Done.
NEW Yonic , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram
Tic BEE.J Blukcly Hall has in this morn
ing's Sun a long interview cabled from Lon
don with Balfour und Parnell on the Irish
question , The tory secretary thinks ho has
broken tlio power of the national league nnd
Ireland has improved under his administra
tion. Ho says ho is convinced that the
Americans no longer feel toward the Irish
as they did. Ho favors a great policy of pub
lic works to aid the unemployed. Pnrnoll
says the vitality of the league has increased ,
and points to the government's reduced ma
jority in proof of the growth of the home
rule sentiment. The general election would
restore Gladstone to power , so ho claims.
Concerning the public works scheme , Bal
four said : "It is a scheme of much Import-
unco. I propose to introduce three bills in
volving a very great outlay of public money.
I shall propose u scheme of nrtoriul drain
age. 1 hope to follow this up next year by
schemes of a similar character , 1 do not be
lieve this plan will involve the building of
piers and so on , for I am not sure
this would bo ndvlsublo , but a very
great sum of money would bo
spent. Tins would tend to relieve
Ireland. Concerning the distress of which
you speak , wo have found it west of the Ar-
rian Islands. The government has distrib
uted n largo amount of socd potatoes there ,
sufficient for the whole need of the popula
tion , No relief works have been begun on
the islands , as they are not considered neces
sary. " Purnell declared emphatically : "At
no time since the general election huvo pros
pects for homo rule appeared so bright us
they do to-day. You may suy to the renders
of the Sun with nil confidence thnt the re
sults of ovouy by-election , with the exception
of Doncuster , prove that deserting liberal
voters of former periods huvo ull returned to
tlif ir allegiance , und if nn appeal to the
country should bo made to-morrow Glad
stone would bo returned by u majority at
least equal to Unit of the present govern
ment. Everything Is moving well. If Hal-
four thinks ho has injured the National
league ho is very much mistaken , for ho Is
only really beginning his fight with that
body. Ho has attempted to suppress sovcrul
branches but has only succeeded in increas
ing their vitality. Nothing makes the tree
grow BO vigorously und rapidlv us clipping
the brunccs. To kill you should strike ut ttio
root. Hulfour pruned the National league tea
a limited extent and the results are highly
gratifying , "
Tlio 1'urilH ol'Oiir I-'attt Ago ,
Boston Journal : The strain upon a man
engaged in active businuaa to-day is
II vo , yod , ton fold moro than it was
forty or even twonty-llvo yours ago.
Wo live in nn ago of electricity , and it
is not only alone ; the wires that the fluid
is passing , but it touches so many cur
rents of thought r.nd olToctb to many
busincoo interests that a kcon , bright is teiibitivo to the nowd of the
whole world. In former times it was
the arrival of the packet/ship with thirty
duyb' later news from JCuropo ; then it
wiib the arrival of the htoamship with
six days' later intelligence ; but now the
morning paper brings the nowo which ,
according to time , is being made in all
parts of the world. It is impossible for
nn actjvo , onorgetlo man to cut his con
nection with this ovor-pulsuting agent.
A llah and ho upoiid a dispatch from n
friend in Honibay , and the tinkling bell
calls him to the tplophono to hear from
n Inibiiiesp ngont in n neighboring city.
Ho is kept at a high procure , ho ia
ut market pitch from January 1 to Do-
ccmbortil. It in no wonder that mua
who do not ofT&ol this high tension by
judicioub rcpoio bruuk down und uro
Wo will show Monday a line of Tu-
fnnts Dresses , called Throe Quarter
Dresses , on account of being shorter
than the regulation length. The one
represented by cut above is made of fine
Cambric , \Vaibt Incited back and front ,
deep hem at bottom , sash at back : nock
and sleeves trimmed with embroidery.
Price B5e each.
This } Infants Dress is similar in style
to.onoabovobuthas herring bone braiu-
ing. between cluster tuck , waist also has
two clusters of line tucks , above wide
hem nt bottom. Price $1.50.
This dress has waist of line embroid
ery insertion and tucks back and front ,
neck and sleeves neatly finished with
embroidery ; Skirt has 4 inch hem , with
2 clusters of live tucks above. Price
Buttericks patterns and Delineator for
July , now on sale.
forced to quit work. The workers of
188S do more work which is wearing in
one week than their grandfathers did in
a sixmonth. There is no danger Hint a
man wall rust out if ho has eyes and
cars. The bulletin boards of tlio news
papers furnish enough suggestive matter -
tor each day to keep the cobwebs from
the brain of the most indifferent. It is
evident , wo think , that some now sys
tem of living must be adopted , more
frequent release from the vocations
taken , if men are to retain their vigor
and not become wrecks when they
should bo in the prime of life. A citi
zen met , some months since , in the
south , a Boston merchant who had boon
in business for forty years. "I suppose
you are hero for your'hcalth , " said the
citizen. "In one sense , yes. I am in
the enjoyment of excellent health , nnd
I am trying to keep so , " was the reply
of the wise merchant. The unwise mer
chant generally waits till his doctor
suggests that ho had bettor make bin
will nnd take recreation before ho con
cludes that the mussing of great wealth
Is no equivalent for the loss of vital
Corner ll'th nnd Farnam Stieuts. Chamber o
Commerce llulldlug.
Capital Stock $100,000
Liability of Stockholders 800,000
Hvo per tent paid on deposit * , Inanx in ado on real
eiUitc and ppnounl security ! notci , wnrruuts , ioclt >
and bunds purchaicJ.
orrircns :
011N L.MII.K3 , IVcsiilcnt.
ANUKKW ItUSKWATKIl. Vlco 1'rnMdent.
DH.Vi'Kll I. . THOMAS , Crtslllor
.Inlm IJ.MHHW , Knmus Hcii'On ,
Buinucl Colmir , John 11. Kvmn.
Andruw lto i' < rntor , .Morrln Morrison ,
W. A. U < ; il > hon , lleo. 1C , llnrkor ,
( lor. Alrln haundorf , Deilor I. . Tliomiu ,
Norrann A. Kuliu , .IntncB Thompson ,
K. U.Jolmsou , Jfibn lluili ,
Nutliuii Mcrrtuui
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
HMltMAN KOUNTZK , President.
JOHN A. CUUIUHTON. Vlco ( 'resident.
IMI. DAVIS , Cashlor.
W. II..MKdQIJU'.lt. A slstHiit Cashier.
Capital Slock $150,000
Llalillit ) of .Stocklioltler * aoo.000
Five J'cr Vent Interest J'atd on De
posit * CoinjHHiiitlctl Scml-
CJIAHI.K.S I' . MANOintbON. I'recliliint ,
1. . M. HKNNHTT. Vlco IVesldent.
I1. W. V.'ESSKU.S , MnnuKln DliecUu.
JOHN K. WIUiUH , Cashier
J. .1. JlitoWN. L , ( . Ut.KNtn.-r ,
( ' . ! ' . M IMJK.KPO.V , THOS. li. KJUIJAI.L ,
IlKMlY.I'tTNIJT , li. li.8TPMi ,
I' . W. WKhsci.rji. I. K. CoMiiHJN '
AiwjsO.Moiooi4 , . N , W..WM.LS. .
s ,
p ,
Ladles' Night Gowns , as represented
by cut above , n.tulo of extra good mus
lin , nicely finished , full length and per
fect shape , advertised everywhere as n
bargain at $1,00. Our price this week ,
Style No. 1 , as shown in above cut , is
made of good muslin and finely finished.
Number 2 is Mother Ilubbard style , has
two.rows embroidery down front of
yoke , clubtcr of narrow and wide tucks
on either aide , with horring-bono band
ing between. These gowns are worth
and usually sold at 81.25. Price during
this sale , < JSc.
. .
308 S. 15TH ST. , OMAHA , NC1I.
CAPITAL , $300,000 ,
Loans Made on Real Estate ,
Seriool.County and Municipal Honds Negotiated
WSI. A. I'AXTON , President.
Wil. O. MAUI < , Vlco-I'roslacnt
H011T. li. GAUUCHS. Secretary.
AU'KEO MIUiARD. Treasurer
V'u. A. PAXTON. Ilr.Niiv T.
W. (1. ( MAUL. Jo.sKi'ii
lOKO. 15. ItAItKKlt
Paid Up Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 50,000
H. W , YATI-.B , President. 8. HIEI : > , Vlco Prosldcnt.
A. K. TOIMAMNnil Vice 1'rpildont.
W. II. H. lIumiK.i , Cashier.
W. V. MoitSK .loiiNS.
H. W. VATfcS. IiKWIB S. HtlKl ) ,
A.i.TOU/\MN. :
Hanking OIIIco-
Corner 12th and I'nrnum Hts.
A General Hanking llualucHs Transactod.
Dr. Uuiloj's New Method of Denial Sur
gery ,
Aching and decayed teeth extracted or flllod
\ \ Ithont pain or dnngur ,
Ily tlii nojv method mi ulcorntcd tooth may
be KXTKAUTKl ) , tilled anil iunlaced In the Ju\v ,
when * It becomes HelM uiitmuid iimmlnsusa-
ful to the und of llfo all without piiln.
ll tMised gumu mircchsfnlly treated.
Dr. llalley In located In the
Faxton Block , Rooms 312 and 313.
Health is Wealth !
Dll. K. C. WEST'd NKItrg AMD HnAIIf TniAT-
ue.NT , > guaranteed apeclllc for Hysteria , Ulzzl *
u&ax , ConvtiUlona , I its , Nervoutf Neuralgia ,
Ueadacnu , Nervous I'rostmtlnn. caused by tU <
Uoo of alcohol or tnbncco , Wakefulness , Mental
Depression , KoftrnlnK of the Drain , resulting | ti
Insanity , and leailluif to misery , decay ami
( loath , i'remature Old A KB , Itarronnoss. Iou of
I'ower In cither sex , Involuntary J.o e and
Bpermotorhu-a caused by over-exertion of the
brainself-abiwa or ovcr-lndulcenco. Itacliliox
roniuinn one month's treatment. . 81,00 a buz , or
lr buxefc for ViM , sent by mail prepaid on re *
colpt of price ,
To cure any cats. With each order received by
us for MX Ijorea , aurompaiilvd with ti.00 , we
will send the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money If the Ueutmeiit doeauot
eHect u cnru ( luarantnes IssuoJ only by C. 1' .
GOODMAN. nrn 2tst , BolB Agtiit. 1110 Farnam
Si rot Oinnha. N'al )
( guixx-Bsors tu Joint (1. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At thu old mand , U07 Pituum St. Order * bjr
tolutruilt ; bollrlted aud promptly.atteadtd
Tt > ltti > lioiitr to.ti'o 'a