Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1888, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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You can buy first class dry goods next week at the lowest prices ever quoted in Omaha. We are overloaded -
loaded and must unload , tlie cost or % cost , is not considered during this sale.
Bought at I ess Thau
& Original Value.
Consisting of Plaids , Stripes ,
Checks , Lnco Stripes , also plnln
India Linens , all at one price
Monday ,
10e Yard.
Worth up to 4Oc.
Wo have about SB pieces of this
line , all new Just in Saturday
in Plaids , Stripes and Checks ;
worth 2Bc yard. On sale Mon
day at Cc.
U , Flouncings
1O pieces 40-inch Swiss Em
broidered Flouncings , elegant
goods , on sale Monday , 49c yard ;
worth 7Bc.
Faille Francaise ,
For one week we will offer the
greatest value in Black Faille
Francaise Silk ever thought or
heard of. Remember , one week
only. Every yard warranted.
$1.48 per yard. At this price it is
indeed a smasher.
38 pieces fancy Foullard Silks ,
also fancy Brocade Silks , all col
ors. Just for fun next week Q7\c
Boys' ' Bicycle Hose
1OO dozen Boys' fancy clouded
. ' 'em
Bicycle Hose. Can't wear
out. Only 2Bc pair.
1OO dozen Children fine ribbed
Hose , in blacks and colors , all
sizes-5 to 8i 25c pair ; worth up
to BOc.
Recollections of Some of Those
Who Best in Prospect H11L
Men niicl Women "Who Have Left Im
pressions Upon the Community
in Which They Idveil
A Talk In u Grave.
An Hour With the Drnd.
The aim was setting behind the western
hills. The cemetery on Prospect hill was nil
nglow with golden light. A few moody people
ple were threading its solemn xvcauos or
bending in deep communion with ROIIIO loved
one who hud crossed to the opposite Hhoro.
The rudlnnco seemed especially designed to
fceep buck , us long us possible , the hour for
the gathering of shinies mid the fulling of
dow , because , it Is then Unit to most people
the cemetery becomes n plnco to bo avoided.
Like Tin : BBI : man , the isolated inoutncrs
bad spent the greater part of the afternoon
Within the solemn precincts. Tlm > had been
in the Hunllght , whore , the more intense the
heat , the mote bountiful appeared the mar
bles , contrasting so favorably with the
bright green sward upon which they rested.
They had aUo brcn In the wooded precincts ,
the uvoiiues of which nro canopied with trees
of curly and bum Unit growth , mid along the
ted Jed avenues upon which light , at inter
vals only , fulls , and then through the open.
Ines in the tices , which muy bo penetrated
only by the light of lieu von. In this crypt-
like purt , however , they had lingered long
Cfit , It hccmcd more conducive to pensive
thought , Thcio waslittlo to distract utten
lion , the occasional \vhistlo of a wood bird ,
which WHS about the only sound thai ob
trudud from without , being entirely in har
mony with the tlmu and place.
Communing with the dead In not n prac
tice of general olisni'v.ineo. In lliis pui t < > (
the world , it may bu mild that thib is the
cn o , because of the distance at which ,
fioin UIORC In life , lie the remains of these
who have been ferried o'er tlm Mroiun.
Such certainly it * tlm case in the neighbor
hood of Oiuuhu. Our cemeteries uro re
moved mid ditllonlt of ( Kress , and tlm signs
of the tunes seem to preilict even greater re-
movnl In iho comli.g years. Nuvoithelcss ,
there hud boon * i voral pr-oplo on toijroumls !
Curing the day who hml nveioonm nil thu
attendant dinlcuilics. and hud ( spent u feu'
hours in unctinvcntinnal association with Ilia
deiul. One of thcsopailtonhirly struck tlm
writer's ' attention. Him was young ami
Blight , with u wealth of wavy bioivn hair ,
biucl eyes and fcMlurcs thai lud been ehls-
cled by no uncertain hand Sno was pale ,
almost cxtrenu'b so , though thu effect was
doubtless heightened by thu sombre mourn
lug in which she wu iiulml , Tliebcjaon said
8iiiAS A STiuNGuii ,
She had llif.1 dcroratrd the grave In
& well-kept lot , und then resting her-
eelf upon an iron bench In a cor
ner of the ciu'losuro , bud remained in
that position for a 'couple of hour : * . Shu
koemed oblivious of thu occasional parsing
try. und n'puKsing of the sexton und lux men ;
f ? and the subdued remarks which visitors
dropped us tlicy walked by in no way dis
turbed licr re vurio. The eyes were rimmeil
with red from weening , but them were no
sob * . Tim expression of tlm features was
that of a huly whose treat sorrow was fell
In the heart , und ic < iuiicd httluor no out
ward demonstration to ubsert the fact There
\vnsacurriagoln watting at the gate , into
which blie stopped , and without
B. word of direction wa driven
to the city. The grave over which him
bad mourned was newly made. 11 wus that
of a former rcbldeitt of Omaha , but the
mourner , who wus slid It was clearly on
affair of tlm heart , n secret not uiuotninon
In cemeteries whcie , omeUines , unbidden
loyors give pioof of devotion gieater than
that of those who hove , been slfiTol and 10-
wurucdby a return otthe master passion in
* \Ve die , " but leave ail inlluouce bcbiud
us that survives , " once exclaimed n Presby-
teiinn clergy man , who long since wus tiath-
cred to his fathers. The influence may be
for good or evilund in threading these paths
mid recalling the names of those who aie
sleeping on either side ono cannot but bo
impressed with the fact that their memory
lives , und that tlm influence they exerted in
life , in n measure at least , extends to these
who know them only in their worlcs.
These men are to bo found in almost every
jMit ot the cemetery. Their graves are
marked by almost every species of Mono
and slab , und some with shabby tablets
which arc without excuso.
T. II. ( T'MINO.
Ono of the most prominent men of his
time , and still known as the Ilrst govcnioi'Of
Nebraska , sleeps in a triangular lot at Urn
intersection of three of the avenues. A fence
encircles tlm place. The grave is in otic of
the coruoi-H of the enclosure. At its head Is
u simple marble cross , showing the effects of
nte. The inscription , among other things ,
tells that the pioneer bus been dead over
thiity.years. Tlm boughs of n largo tree
bond" over the RTIVO and in the gloom the
little mound scorns to bo seeking seclusion ,
as if to avoid llmpu/o of passers-by.
Watson 11. Smith's tragic death is called
to the mind of every passor-by in tlm tall
plain shaft with rose carvings which stands
unovo his gruvo. Hero many people stop ,
reflect , and marvel that the celebrated leader
of prohibition should hnvo met so mj sterious ,
so revolting and to painful n death.
Near the public circle in the cemetery is a
grave which has a distinguishing character
istic. It is that of a bov mimed Willie Zim
merman. Ho was buried in lfa 4. Tlm grave
is surrounded by n plain board fence. Soon
after tlm burial , a father or mother or , per
haps , brother or sister , planted a little twig ,
then doubtless moved away. The twig
thrived mid nourished and year by year grow
insensibly to those , around until to-day a
largo and healthy tree with copious branches
and fourteen years uf ago gives shadu to
many fecturound.
OINIIIAT : : , MuiciCT.ixi ) .
Adjacent is a square marlilo shaft with
timed summit , tlm mouldings on each side
hearing tlm device of three stars. This is par
tially inclosed in the embrace of the arum of
a couple of small trees , but one reads with
ease the inscription "Tlm knight's bones uro
dust end his good sword rust. His soul is with
the saints I trust. " "Fioin the O. A. H. in
Fiaternity , Charity and Loyalty. "
"A gallant soldier and n trim patriot. "
These inscriptions uro appropriately In
scribed upon as many shields , because the
blilcld upon tlm fourth sldu tells that tlm
shaft marks thu last blvouao of n soldier ,
General Sllus A. Strickland , who , It will bo
lemembcicd , died ten jours ago , Tim
writer saw the unveiling of the monument a
jcar later , and heard the panegyric deliv
ered on tlm occasion , It was on a day when
uvery soldier's grave around was decorated
with tiny national colors , and when this hero-
lain of the nation's defenders was extolled
In every hamlet In the land , Hut no patriot
deserved u greater meed of prnlso than did
thohcio whiiiU bis associates hud selected
that day to honor.
MA4oiiTiioiixr"io. ;
The grave of Major Thornbtrg arrests
tlm attention ot ono who knew' of
tlm futu of that well-known ottlcer.
It will long lei-all the story of the fatal Milk
river expedition , massacre and Meeker hor-
lor. How tlm troops were surprised , hur-
rounded , compelled to throw up brcublwoi U- ,
used their mules ns barriers between them
and tlm pitiless bullets of tlm suva e foe on
tlm surrounding bluffs ; how the survivors
were rescued by tlm coloted cavalry which
fought their way to the scene , und how ,
finally , by blow and easy stages the remains
of the leader were brought hero for inter
ment. Only a few weeks hud elapsed slnco
tlm major hud left town with all tlm r.rdor of
n man who wits prenr.icd against odds , Hut
his last battle is over and lie now rests be
yond tlm reach of criticism or ccnsuru and
lives In tlm memory oHho > o who knew him
and knew him best.
"Thorp has not been a day slnco my bey
was buried that there has not been on his
grave a bouquet of llowors , " The speaker
was C. A. Huldwin. Ho stood on the sodded
lot whljh contains the remains of his son
FraiiK. Henlud him rose thu mammoth col
umn which murka tlm resting pluco of the
dead. Tlm father was watering the llowcis
und superintending the erection of an iron
fence with spear-head jialingts. This Is cer
tainly tlm most beautiful uud lest cared for
lot in the cemetery. It u tended by the teu
tons and receives u dally visit from thu par-
1OO pieces all wool fine Dress
Goods In Serges , Fancy Striped
Nun's Veilings , Diagonals , &c. ,
4O to 46 inches wide , all colors ;
none worth less than 70c ; all at
one price Monday just to reduce
stock , 48c yard.
Toilet Baskets ,
1OOO Ladles' Toilet Baskets ,
very useful in any household ,
only Be each.
21 c.
6O dozen Ladies' Fancy Lisle
Hose , also solid colors , Monday
21c pair ; worth 4Oc.
Summer Corsets
1OO dozen Ladies'Summer Cor
sets , made of double thick net , '
and every one warranted not to _
break. Our5ale price ;
worth $1.28. ;
ents of the deceased. The turf is is ns level
as a velvet carpet and ns beautiful as a well-
kept lawn. Tlm front curbing shields n bed
of flowers , which , when seen by Tun UEE
man , consisted of seven rows of tulips , white
variegated , pink and crimson. They consti
tuted u valuable selection but Mr. Haldwin
said the ranks bud been decimated by rob
bers. "This fence I am putting up to keep
off the soul of some people hereabouts the
crime of sacrilege. They come hero nnd steal
my dear boy's fioweis , but i don't think they
will bo able to get over these picket * , do
i ou i"
Tim BEE man had his doubts , but secretly
entertained the nope that if they attempted
to do so. some morning rnicht liml them im
paled while in tlm commission of their inhu
man act.
Adjoining is the lot on which has been
erected n monument to Dan Allen. The dead
man is unknown to many Who now throng
our streets , so rapidly huvo wo grown , yet it
is but four years since ho died. The writer
saw him in his last hours , and found him ,
even when death seemed to bo scarcely
beyond tlm door , to bo a competent nnd reliable -
liable witness to a cause whicha few months
later , consigned n certain party to oblonuy
nnd the penitentiary. Two days la er a
clergyman stood over his remains nnd bore
testimony to the fact that tlm deceased had
never been known to tell u lie. And yet ho
was a gumbler. Disbarred by conventional
ity from a social life , in which ho might
otherwise have appeared , ho mingles In
death in common with those who in life con
temned his calling nnd himself. A beautiful
memorial identities his grave , and the place
is in good preservation.
Thcro is a suggestion of antiquity anil the
custom of other days and places , in the
gabled vault of the lloman family , the last
member to enter the portals of which was
the founder Henry , tlm venerable pioneer
himself. Hero also sleep the remains of Ills
wife , nnd whcro that sleep has not been dis
turbed for years. The entrance Is now
marked by a new slab with appropriate in-
Hcription , presenting an appearance sugges
tive of the fact that the vault had been
closed for all time.
Over the grave of Carrie L. , wlfo of
Graham P. llrown , stands , if not the most
artistic , certainly tlm most unique monument
in this city of the dead. It is of white mar-
bio , sculped Into a seamed rock about tbreo
feet In height , upon which stands n broken
shaft to which Is lashed , with a heavy rope ,
u lurgo rustic eros ? . Tlm enclosure is out
lined with rustic- posts in keeping with tlm
stvlo of tbo monument. Tlm idea is some
what elaborate , dlfllcult perhaps of
being understood , nevertheless such
as to attract general attention.
In n small granite tomb noted for its taste
and simplicity , O. l'Uavis sleeps , after a
long life of goodness and usefulness. Long
a resident of Omaha bo died away from homo
und his immo still survives him in tlm com
pany ho formed ns also in several humble
bimoilccs which his umn I licence has estab
Not far uwny a largo block of stone tells of
the place where Warren Samuel Vates.sonof
Hriirv" Yutes , rests , at the unlookca for close
of aproml-'ug ' young life. Thanksgiving
day brought snuPBss to his family and friends
with the nnnounci'iimrt of his perishing in
Long Island sound. Ho , Id ? , was brought
buck but n&vcr to Jill the iilnce nO nad but a
few months before vacated in tlm buoj"2'u.'y
and hope of promising manhood.
fc-o , ul&o returned K/r.i Mlllard , whose
eyes wr-repeacefully closed by strangers and
who also sleeps within sight of tlm city in
which his ill-it llmiucial ventures were
A liirgo plaster covered vault with an oval
roof. Iron iloir julnted white and lettered In
gilt if. that of the Mills family , ono of whom ,
named utter the father , fjcorgo M. Millsstill
resides in Omaha. It dates back to IbTtS ,
wh"ii Mrs , Mills was drst laid within.
Still another vault stands in this vicinity
whlchcreepiug plants huvo covered with a
dark green and luxurious foliage. In this
Mis. JohnM. Clarke has long been sleep
TSio t'rnvo of Uhncim Ucu'o isimirkctf by an
unied shaft , out in it there is little to recall
to mind tlm beauty , gentleness , amiahllity
and tulents of this young woimiu , Whose
prulfio was upon every lip. Two locu | as-
i social cuf one of wWu'huh since Lccu , unfor-
At This !
Lddlca' Stumped Aprons , already
mndo for use , 23c each ; worth 60c.
Ypsilnnti Dross Stays , 2o a dozen.
Silk Veiling , nil colors , 4c yard.
Tingel Cord , 3 balls for Ic.
Elastic End Dress Roods , 2c n set.
Corset Laces , 4 for Ic.
Doxtcr'h Knitting Cotton , Ic a ball
Needles , 3c a paper.
Snfty Pins , 2c a paper.
Silk Arascnc , 20c a dozen.
Tourist Ruching , 2c ayard.
Silk Ruching , loc yard ; worth 50c.
PINS , Ic a Eaper.
tunately , called away , paid tributes in verso
to her character , both of Which were as
beautiful as the inspiration and are still pre
served by many an ardent admirer. Nine
years ago the young lady , like the sweetest
note in a delightful composition , dropped
from among her associates and her place to
them has never been supplied.
As ono walks beneath these waving ,
shadowy trees , ho llnds tlm name of
almost every prominent family , every leading
society in Omaha. There are hero the rest
ing places of the Hitchcocks , tlm Caldwclls ,
the Hrowns. the Dotweilors , the Droxcls , the
Peabodys , the McDonnells , the Harbors , the
Hoyds , the Hedlcks , Shinns , the Goodmans ,
the KounUca tlm Grifllns and
the Lowes. There are also sites
where lie members of the army ,
Knights of Pythias , Odd Fellows and
Masons. Thcro are corners too where was
returned to earth the miserable wretch who
was called a pauper. In fact so representa
tive of everything and everybody is this
plat'Q that it strongly illustrates the verso
that ono in Omaha can scarcely find a door
whcro death's dark shadow has not passed
The sun had been down for some minutes.
Tlm cemetery was full of shadows. The
wind wus from the north. The air was
damp and chilling. Tho.leaves rustled
with a harshness unusual in the
warmth and sunlight. There was no
piping oftho birds. The living had de
parted from the ccmeteryaud the writer was
alone with the majority. Suddenly u pile of
fresh earth appeared in view on tlm eastern
declivity. It increased in slzo with shovel-
fulls at irregular intervals. A grave was
being dug. THE HEE man approached the
opening. A young man waa laboring with
his shovel in the depths , nnd moodily ex
changed greetings with the scribe. Ho was
in n hurry und perspiring freely. The grave
was for an old citizen who was to bo buried
on the morrow , nnd tlm young man was
striving to finish tlm job before dark. His
work was nearly finished , and between
shovclfulls vouchsafed n word to the
writer's queries , Tlm interview was unsat
isfactory. Half of the unswers wcro wafted
away to the sunnv south , nnd the repetition
was irksome to Mr. Uufus Pruitt , who was
playing the part of a not very loquacious
grave-digger. The north wind , too , was
chilling THE Hr.i : man , and about to compel
him to give up the talk when Mr. Pruitt
said :
"If you want to hear mo , you'll have to
Jump down hero , because I'm in a
hurry 1"
It was a delightful undertaking to inter
view u man in u grave 1
Tlm writer dropped und lauded on the bottom
tom , the biuiK of which was * ubovo his head.
Tlm north wind whistled still higher over
the mound of loose earth on ono sido. Tlm
temperature of tlm plnco wa > fifteen degrees
warmer. Hut there was tha smell of eaith ,
displaced for the Ilrst time since creation.
It was dump , dark and malodorous. There
was scarcely room to stand -without leaning
against tlm sides , and the ; sexton's shovel
kept the visitor moving from end to end.
"How long huvo youbecn-intho business ! "
nsked tlm writer.
"Fourteen years. "
"How long are you going to remain ? "
"Until I dlo or am discharged. "
"Did you over know a sexton to dioj"
"I novei did. "
"Do you know of any old sextons } "
"In Gcenwood , Now Vorlt there are sev
eral VT' ' o ; have been digging-for fifty years. "
"How ibiir Wiis GCOI-KO Mcdlock textoii. "
"Since I wus a Ji'tlo boy. "
"Did Gcorgo ever seG . * ubosU"
"I don't know. "
"Did you i"
"I don't believe in ghosts. "
"Do you like this business in summer and
"Yes "
' 'Money ' in it ? "
"Enough forme. "
" ( Jot any no\vspipc > r men buried here ! "
' No. Tlmi know fashionable funerals in
Omubu are dourer than life and life in al
ready dear enough tfl them so they go away
'and dlo in some other place. That makes
tlm undertakers mad. Several of them told
mo they'd like to bury some of yon news
paper folks. "
Hero Mr. Pruitclooked at THE BEE man
suspiciously und leaped > vith his shovel from
thu grave , which was now finished. The
! writer opined Mr Pruitt had intentions of-
Moquette Carpets , $1.2C.
Body Qrusclls Carpets$1.OO.
Tapcsty Carpets OOc , 7Bc.
Ingrain Carpets,2Oc.
A good Ingrain , 85c.
Our special sale of 85c Ingrains
Beautiful Hassocks 2Bc , worth
China Mattings ,
We are bound to close every
yard of Carpet regardless of cost
or value. Don't Fail to visit our
Curtain Sale1 next week on the 3d
Floor. Take elevator. You can
On Curtain Shades ,
Remember , we make over old
Carpets , refit them , and lay them
at Bottorr > Prices. Only expert
Carpet Layers employed. We also
employ an experienced man to
take diagrams , and tell you just
what your Carpets will cost laid.
This being our first Season we
have only
And the very latest Designs. No
old patterns to work off. Re
member the place.
accommodating some of his sober-visagod
friends ! and ho too , leaped from the unfurn
ished apartment before the sexton could
drop his first shovelful. Ho turned away
from the grave. A thousand lights were
flashing from plain nnd hillside and starting
for the city of the living with a light heart.
Tin : Bii : : man left behind him the city of
the dead.
Tn Dawson county , Gn. , n man while out
fishing caucht n six-pound trout , an ccl three
and one-half feet long , and killed a rattle
snake six feet long , having fifty-six rattles.
An old horse at Beaver Falls , Pa. , long
noted for its slowness , suddenly became re
markably lively , and now is about as frisky
us a colt. There are some who think the an
imal has gone insane.
A Georgia man has n three-legged chicken
which , it is said , when it grows tired of
walking on two legs , corkscrews itself over
nnd hops along on the third in a highly en
tertaining and original manner.
Mr. Joseph Cromwell , of Xcnla , O. , has a
Pckin duck , which on four successive days
has laid four eggs that wcro all different in
color. Ono is perfectly white , ono a pale
green , one an ash color , and the fourth ono is
entirely black.
John Jones , living near Fairburn , Ga. . has
an old family house cat that is nursing nnd
caring for a young rut , bestowing ns much
attention upon this adopted child as she docs
her own kittens , with which tno rat gets
along peaceably.
The fish commission car reached Atlanta ,
Gu. , the other day , when n singular incident
occurred. Change of water was found neces
sary , ntid artesian water was supplied , inside -
side of an hour 05,000 , young fish were dead ,
and near 11,000,000 eggs are supposed to bo
Herry Miller of Dado City , Fla. , killed an
alligator lourtecn feet long , weighing ( X)0 )
pounds. Within him was found an nlllgator
six feet long. The vcretbruj is as largo as
that of n four-year-old steer. Tlm monster
was very sausage , and fought most viciously
until killed.
A bird's nest was found recently in South
Africa in a skull , piobably that of some un
fortunate ICnfllr. One portion of ttio skull
hud already fallen away , exposing the hollow
cavity of the head , when tlm Capo wagtails ,
in search of a sheltered ana co/y place , se
lected it for their nest.
While two men were fishing In the Hudson
river at Nynck , N. Y. , on Saturday , they
found a chccscbox floating on the water. In
tlm box was t : hen setting on fifteen eggs.
They took tlm box up and carried it to the
shore. Yesterday the eggs hutcncd out , und
tlm result was thirteen pretty chickens and
two dimutivQ sea gulls.
H. Campion , postmaster of Vole , 111. ,
claims to huvo discovered n peculiar phe
nomenon in the woods in Fremont , Lake
county. As described by him , It consists of
tlm natural ingrafting of a burr oak tree
upon a white oak. Tlm burr oak leans
against tlm other from the giound up , nnd is
dead , Tlm dead trunk , however , seems to
go right through that of the living white
oak , and tlm branches of both varieties of
tree , all green and vigorous , mingle together
in about equal proportions.
The various ronorts made , to the
Methodibt linUcopiil general conference
held in Now YorU , nnd the Prcsby-
torian assemblies in Philadelphia and
Haltunoro , together with the founding
ot a great university by the Roman
Catholics at Washington , do not indi
cate that the people of this country are
crowing indifferent in respect of re
ligion. It appears from the address of
Uishop Merrill to the Methodist con
ference that , fainco the last conference -
enco .V'ls hcUl , the membership of the
church has Increased from 1.7UA31 ! ) to
iMXKl.iiaV that the church has now li !
theological honiinarios , r4 colleges and
151 academies for thu ediu-att'-'H of cnu-
didatos for the ministry. The valua of
thib school property is estimated atovnr
* UoXX,000. ) The niagnitudo of Iho mib-
bionary work done by the Methodist
church may ho inferred fium the state
ment that &li00OOH ! uro annually spoilt
upon it. There aao mi will conferences
under the control of the American
ohuroh ,
8 pieces 42-Inch very fine Swiss
Embroidered Flouncings , beauti
ful patterns , usually sold atl.OO.
Our price during this smashing
sale , 08c yard.
Oriental Lace FlooiiciDgs ,
1O pieces Orietal Lace Flounc
ings , 42 inches wide , in ecru and
white , on sale Monday , 39c yard ;
worth double.
Faille Francaise Silks ,
28 pieces all silk Faille Fran
caise in evening shades only.
You can buy them for three days
at79c yard ; would be cheap at
Satin Rhadama ,
1O pieces Black Satin Rhadmas ,
the best value ever offered in
Omaha ; for one week , 89c yard ;
cheap at $1.28.
Ho Expresses Himself About Spotters
tors in Vigorous Terras.
Ills Opinion uf an ICtcctric Ijl lit on
the High Hcliool GroiunlH The
Gripiiinn Indulges in a
1'olttlcal Talk.
"Good morning , " said the reporter a1 ? ho
sank into his accustomed scat beside the
gripman ono day last week. "O'moriiin1 , "
responded that individual in tones so gruff
that the scribe shivered.
"What's the matter with you this morn
ing ? " was asked , "Nawthin1 , only I'm hot , "
responded the cable engineer , as he let go
the cablo.
"Well , what is the matter now ? " said the
reporter. "Matter enough. Say , young man ,
do you know this 'spotter' business makes
metircdf" "Spotter business , " said tlm re
porter ; "what do you mean ! " "Just tliU , "
said the gripman. "For some time wo have
had on this line two smart Alccki In tlm cm-
ploy of tlm company , who make It their
business to count tlm passengers on another
man's train , and when oil duty get on
and ask questions such as 'How many did
you carry last trip1 ! nnd so on , and I sus
pect they report the result of their investi
gations to tlm ofllco. " "Well , " Interposed
the reporter , "you need not kick. All you
have to do is to run the train ; the conduc
tor is responsible. " "Well , " said ho , "it
makes mo tired to see a man work against
his own crowd. They know well enough
that there is not a man on the line who would
knock down a nickel and what's the use of
itl There is no chance for lobbing the com
pany now , anyway. A man would bo foolish
to try it.
"Say , " said the gripman , as ho slowed up
to let a sleepy liorso car pass , "J will
give you an item. Are you awnro
of tlm fact that a 7,000 cumllo
power electric light on the high biliool
grounds would bo a thing of beauty and a
joy forever ? I mean this , that if ono were
plaml there without any onn's knowledge ,
and then ono of thrso dark nights about 10
o'clock suddenly turned on , I would give a
dollar to bo present when the grounds were
illuminated. Oh my , " and tlm gripinun com
pletely lost control of himself and carried a
fat passenger two blocks beyond his desti
"Yes , sir , " be continued , when matters
were at lust straightened out , "That is a
fact. "
"Hut speaking of Homo reminds mo of
travelling , " continued tlm gripman , "and 1
am going to ilUcuxs politics a few moments
just for a rhango. I notice that tlm demo
crats have chosen Cleveland nnd Thunnan
for their candidates. It is a strong ticket ,
but 1 am not a democrat. Who the republi
cans will nominate I don't know , but
for that matter , I do not care , as I am not a
republican. Oh , you need not smile ; lam
not a prohibitionist , either , and although
General Clinton H. Fisk is a good man , I
shall not vote for him , Nona of the parties
seem to understand what Iho political Issue
of the hour is. It is not tarift or fico trade.
High protection will not enhance our situa
tion , nor low tariff improve our condition ,
any moro than tlm prohibition of the inanu-
facttuoofhlsky will prevent drunkenness
in Iowa or Kansas. All the politicians aio
at sea as regai ds tlm country's needs. Thcro
is nothing Iho matter with tlm tariff , pro
tection is not needed , fico trade is > absuid ,
prohibition is radically wrong. "
"Well , " uld tlm reporter , as the gripman
paused , "what Is the dilncultyi"
"Tlm currency , " was the response.
1 Hut what is the matter with tlm rur-
-tfiicyl Gold U at par , our financial s\stom ,
is one of the pest In the world , what is lee
tioubloi" , ,
"What the country needs , " responded the
gripmanis an expansive curicnry , ono
which van be adjusted to meet tlm demands
of the peopleWhiii times arc hard and UiO
gauit ) wolf of hunger howls Hi Urn thresholu ;
when tlm little ones thrust their
" 28 dozen Ladles' fine Silk Lacjl
Mitts in black and colors , 20c q
pair , worth BOc.
Ladies' ' Lisle Gloves
18c. n
CO dozen Ladies' Frame madrf
Brilliant Lisle Gloves , black and
colors , 18c pair , worth 4Oc.
Great bargain for two days
onlyMonday and Tuesday ; 1OOP |
best Opaque Curtain Shades wltnl
handsome dado , 0 , 7 , 8 and 9 feetl
long. Your choice for two days !
2Cc each , actually worth 70c to >
$1.6O each.
BO pieces fancy stripe Bouretie ]
Ginghams , never sold at whole *
sale for less than 12 c a yard. Wo
closed this little lot at a low price
on sale Monday 8tc a yard.
1O dozen Children's White
Dresses , age 1,2 , 3 years ; a beautiful - '
tiful little garment. Gretchin style ;
pleated waist at the low price Of
89c each , worth $1.OO.
2O dozen Children Chambry
Dresses in pink , light blue , navy. '
bare feet before you nnd cry for
shoes ; when the wife of your bosorn >
clamors for a now sealskin ; when'
your oldest boy wants 50 cents to pro to tho'
circus , nnd your little girl asks a quarter to
send to a foreign missionary society then , I
repeat , is tlm time when an expansive cur
rency would bo appreciated. The great pol
itical parties have ignored this question , nnd
wo are left without a hope. "
"IJuthow , " said the reporter , "aro you
going to remedy tlm difficulty you men
tion i"
"By Issuing an India rubber currency , "
responded the gripman solemnly.
"Yes ! " exclaimed the scribe , "how would
that benefit us ! "
"When you wcro in hard circumstanres a
one-dollar bill could bo stretched into ten , "
replied tlm rlpman , "but hero is your
jumping oft place ; good-by. "
A man may chin and a man may work
For the temperance cause nil day ;
But ho can't go a-llshin' and observe prohibi
tion ,
Because ho ain't built that way.
'Twas over thus slnco childhood's hour ,
My fondest hopes proved shadows thin ;
Just now I asked for whisky sour
And , blank tlm luck , he gave me gin I
Men may bo tlm lords of all creation , but
ROIIIO women beat all creation.
There Is a place In Pennsylvania which la
called Economy , but it is not a summer ro-
Mr. Chaska's paleface wife will probably
Americanize her husband by spelling his
name Chas , 1C.
A blind "fortune teller" is advertised in
ono of our exchanges , but how can a blind
man bo u good hccrt
Ono of tlm main questions of the ago In re V.
gard to some men , is not what they live enl r
but why they 11 vo on ? „
A man in Connecticut , who built a fancy
barn , stole eight tombstones from n graveyard -
yard to build his mangers ,
"Well , " said an undertaker , "I'm not
much of a fighter , but when it comes to
boxing I can easily lay out any man. "
A St. Louis gambler was trnmpl cd an&
killed by a runaway horse a few days ago.
Ills last words wcro ; "That's a horse on
mo. "
It Is when n loan has been mentioned In
tlm newspapers as "ono of on r most promin
ent citi/ons" that ho begins to stay out latq
n Ights ,
When the pompous porter of tlm nalnco
car appeared nn tbo huono. tlm little girl ex
claimed : "Oh ! ma , I d idn't know Mr. Pull
man was a colored man I"
Tim man who was kicked out by his land
lord because ho couldn't pay his lontHciys
his oxpiM'Icnco Bhows that throe remov cs are
not ono-tcnth pait as bad ns ono "Iho. "
Bachelor philosophers hnvo observed that
the first baby generally gt-ts about ninety-
onYnar cent of the pirontal discipline that
is devoted to the whole family of children.
It Is said to bo a sign of good luck to bo
followed by a do/ . Therefore , If you feel
ono of these cheerful animiln attaching him-
wirto your trous > ers , oucouraifo linn In every
possible way.
"I womleo w'lal's wrong at thp rjihlcrle's
mansion I Thebcllb are all muffled , the side
walks covered with matting , nnd the doctor
just drove iiw.iy. " Why , haven't you heard !
Their pug has pneumonia "
A coroner's jury , summoned to Imjnira
into the death of a bailer who wus thrown
from his bunlc and kdlud , reached the sago
conclusion that "tho deceased met his death ,
through an accident of berth. "
Who aavfl that advertising docs not pay !
A Chicago burglar overlooked ? SO in a bu
reau-drawer , and the papers i > o announced.
Ho returned thu next night and not only secured -
cured It , but u suit of clothes bciidea ,
An exchange says- The Important ques
tion just now is , "Will tlm coining man use
both hamUi" Tlm Important qua ltcm with
tlm youth who bus stopped beyond tli ( > regu
lar hour with his girl , when ho hears her
father dosc.Jiuling tlm stairs , is , "Will tha
coining man Ube both tout ! "
The Uooth Harrett company will play no
ono mxht stands next season , and In Boston ,
I'liiUuli Iphia and Chicago the
mil remain four weeks uach.