Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1888, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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The Strange Slghia Some Fooplo
Have Soon.
lie \Vnkcu to Kind Himself Strangling
Ills IVIfc-Tlio Il3 tllpsi Miu\
Tlio lleillr s Woman
A Noisy Ghost.
A llondlcss Mnn.
About two yonrs ago a colored man by
tbo niitno of Lewis IJoll was inut-dcrcd
in Columbus , O. , nn > s the State Journiil ,
nnil the body placed oil the track ot tbo
Cincinnati & Muskingum Vnlloy ratl-
load , evidently to have the impression
RO out that ho had been run over by
the oars. Diligent search was made by
the detectives to discover the pcrpo-
of thin horrible deed , but to no
purpose. Tbo murder has almost boon
forgotlon but occasionally , in the silent
hours of tbo night , there la a reminder
of that occurrence. There are numer
ous persons , rumor has Hwho have ftccn
a headless man walking up and
down the railroad track near
the place where Ball was
I found. The crow on the niuht freight
, train on this road have often soon the
specter , and have told the story only to
bo laughed at. But a night or two ago
a most reliable citizen , chancing to bo
I near the railroad about 4 o'clock in the
F. morning , saw the headless man and fol-
II lowed it In its slow and measured jour-
| ! 11 oy up the railrord to thn street cross-
rj Ing , thence up the street , through an
t alloy , and llnally to a place very near
' the city building , -whoro it stood a few
I * minutes and then disappeared.Vhllo
f slow to believe in the oxlstonco of suoh
[ \ things , tlioro are some of our citizens
| \ who are being convinced against their
It rcubon.
Ij A Jdttlo GlioHt Story IVoin Boston.
Ij A Boston letter to the Providence
V Journal says the following is ono of the
I1 ghost stories which are floating about in
y the general revival of all things spook-
[ ish which has been upon us for a couple
( ot ivintors : The Esses are a family as
[ V well known as any going out of Boston
p to the North Shore , where they have a
I1 beautiful summer homo. Some years
l\ \ ago Mrs. Ess , a charming and cultivated
I woman dieti-at Hartford , where she had
I been staying for a short visit. On the
I day of her death her family physician
I chanced to call at the house at the soa-
I flhoro to isk for the health of the absent
I lady , as ho hat } heard of her Illness at
I Hartford. Ho was assured that she wsis
I hotter and that a letter received that
I morning pr.onouncod her out of danger
I As ho was leaving the house ho saw
Ij Mrs. Ess cross the fawn and enter the
li , house by a side door. She passed with-
I in a score of foot from him , but gave no
I' sign of bolng aware of his probonco. Ho
I returned hastily to the house but no ono
I had heard any ono enter by the side
I door , which indeed , proved upon oxami-
I nation to bo locked on the inside. The
I telegraph soon brought news of the
I death of Mrs. Ebs , which had taken
I pliico in Hartford. The story is not un-
I like many another ono which has been
I told , but it derives weight and interest
I hero from the standing of the family
I and the exactness with which the do-
I tails are vouched for.
I TIic.Hpooks of Wilmington.
I 'A ' special dispatch from Wilmington ,
It " Del. , says recently : At 12:80 : o'clock n.
I. m. the fire alarm boll in the city hall
I ; tower sounded from box 12 , in front of
K the hall. l struck twelve twice , and
me then struclc all sorts of alarms. The
I fire department turned out , and after a
vain search of half a hour went back to'
their houses.
About fifteen minutes after the alarm
I was sounded many people on the streets
were suddenly startled by a strange
light whioh appeared cast of the city on
the line with Fifth struct , and apparently -
ontly on the river. The light was of a
deep-rod color , and radiating ray.
llaslicd several times ngulnst the
horizon. The color was romnrkablo ,
and the unusual spectacle lasted three
or four minutes.
No ono beomod able to account for
the phenomenon , and with the mystery
of the fire alarm , remained unsolved.
Mr. Yo.knvltch'H Oliost.
A Wilkosbarro ( Pa. ) special to the
Philadelphia Press , of a recent date
says : Tiio ghost of Volkavitch , who
was executed April 3 , Booms to bo
wandering nrounu the corridors of tlio
jail to the great alarm of some of the
more timid and superstitious inmates
About 10o'clock last night , while Warden
don Brockway ana Deputy Smith wore
flitting in the main ollice , they were
suddenly surprised by loud cries fron :
the corridor In which the long torn :
pribonors are kept. Upon arriving in
the corridor the discovery was made
that a prisoner named John Jones was
nearly crn/.y with fright over the alleged -
loged visitation of murderer Vollca-
vitcli's ghost at the Ooor of his cell.
Not long after , Watchman McDonald
was ngain aroused by alarming cries
proceeding from Jones' now quarters.
lie wont to him and found the cold
beads of porbpirntiou standing out on
his forehead and his limbs quaking
violently. Ho assorted that Volka-
vltch's ghost appeared to him. Ho was
taken Into another cell with his brother
t who is confined in the jail. In the
K mount line his companion in the first
cell called for MoDonald. and with his
' face showing signs of alarm ho said that
ho had boon disturbed by myotorious
1 noises and the rising tip and down of
B the cover of the little table in his
quarters. Another man alKitostilled to
having soon the ghost. All the prisoners -
ors wcro more or loss excited over the
event , and but few of them .siopt after
the disturbance occurred.
B > Tlio AlyHtrry ol'ii Haunted llousn.
H Some wuukb ago the ( lev. Dr. Huron
S. Messing of tlio C'ongivalion Both
1 Israel puroluiBed tbo house 70S O'Farrol
street , between Hyde and Larlcln
! Htroots , at what ho thought was a great
' bargain , says a recent iss.uo of the San
B Francibco lixnmliuir.
Several daya after tlio hoiibo was
bought Dr. Mcbaing and his family
moved into H. The lirst night the
household , and ono member in partlcu-
1 lar , were knpt \\ulco nearly the whole
1 tlmo , TJio particular sulYorcr wat. HerB -
B iimlm Mousing , the partner of Julius
firulion of "Bier Bertha" fame , Ho is
I about tu-oiity-livo years nld. At the
brouUfiibttablo the nc.\t morning llor-
H maun related his nights o.x-
I norionco. Ho naid that ho
B had boon kept awake nearly all
I night uy an unuarlhly groaniijir. The
V following night was passei ! wiU > like
IB oxpurlonco. The young man made
many fruitless onduavorn to go to bleep.
The groiins were even louder than during -
ing the ili > t night. Ho told hisparentB
V that ho would not pass another night in
tholiouso , and that ho tlrmly bullovod
m thn pUiou was haunted. Mrs. Messing
ft ruinoiibtniU'il with her hui > bind for Imv-
ing over purchased the house ,
'NiMvo'irtt'r you Ivjiiglit it w > cheap , "
FiiM = .lio. "The plrn'o is haunted and
t1i 111:111ou : bouyht it from uunk'd to
W got fid of it , "
The i uiscs continued for several
night * . A iiviui , < ! of thi-orlno bud been
I ihutiv.i.-a hi to tt vuuau of th groana.
Dr. Messing thought that a lathe was
loose , and that the wind caused it to
croak. A carpenter was sent for , and
ho toro down n part of the colling in
Hermann's a room. On poking his
head through the hole , ho saw the
author of the groaning it was the cat.
Endeavors wcro then maito to got pussy
to como out ; milk and meat were of
fered her , but she would not como.
Once she came to the hole , but the car
penter tried * to catch her , and she
jumped back out of reach. A pole was
poked at hor. and more milk and meat
brought , The carpenter went away
and pubsy came out. Some say that it
ran around the room thrco times and
fell dead upon the walk below. However -
over , the cat died.
It appears thr-t before moving Into
the house , Dr. Messing had some re
pairs made. A carpenter , to fix a break
in tlio wall , toro away fomo plastering.
Before ho had completed his work ho
wont to lunch. It is probable that dur
ing his nbsiMico the cat crawled into
the hole and was , of course , unable to
got out when the carpenter repaired
the wall.
While slopping ono winter in a small
village about fifty miles from Cincin
nati , near the Little Miami river , wo
used to congregate in the corner store
of evenings and talk over the exploits
of the day and Imvo a good tlmo gonor-
all v , said a citizen to a Cincinnati En
quirer reporter recently.
There was ono of the number who
was always on hand , who lived a milo
and a half down the pike.
Ho would always como up early In the
evening and stay till about 10 before
starting for home.
The pike ran through a deep hollow
, bout a half milo from the village. I
ind often heard it told that a horrible
nurdor had been committed near that
lace , Mid that people had soon strange
ights and heard sounds that would
nuke their hair stand on end. I paid
10 attention to such tales , as I don't bo-
iovo in such things myself. Some of
, ho villagers were most positive that
hey had been and heard Eufllcicnt to
atisfy them , and no money would in-
luco them to go through that hollow
nftor dark.
The murder that was said to have
jooii committed was that of a woman
laving her head cut oft . Unalo Jackas
, vo called himwho lived down the pike ,
used to say ho always whistled to keep
" iis courage up. This evening U clo
nek was more sober than usual. Wo
iften would ask him during the cve-
ilng , "What is the matter ? Have you
icon the headless lady ? " But ho would
nly shako his head and say nothing.
About 8 o'clock it commenced to snow ,
xnd bv 10 It was about four inches deep.
AB it drew near tiino for Uncle Jack to
tart for homo ho would sigh and say ho
, viHhcd ho was at homo. "Come , boya ,
ionic of you go with him across the hof-
ow. Ho is afraid of the headless lady. "
o ono would go. "Como , Uncle Jack ,
' 11 go ; I am not afraid of ghosts. " As
fo got close to the hollow I began to
.vhibtlo. . Of course I wasn't afraid , you
.tnow. Uncle Jack never said a word ,
but I could hoar him sigh every few
It was still snowing as we nearcd the
lollow , which was lined on each side
with tall trees. The snow hanging to
iho limbs made it look rather gloomy.
without any ghosts addnd to it. As wo
DOgan to descend the hollow I began to
'col like I didn't weigh quite as much
as 1 did on the hill.Vhon wo got
about the middle ot the hollow Uncle
Jacic , with a groan , sank down Hat in
the snow and bald : "Lookthoro it is ! "
I turned , and , horror of horrors , there
she stood , not moro tlinn thrco yards
from us , without a head , the blood
streaming down her shoulders , her
hands covered with blood. As 1 turned
to boo where Uncle Jack was , oxpoethfg
every moment to fool the bloody hands
my arms , Uncle Jack raibed up and
d. "Where is it ? " "Thoro it is , "
but it was gone. "Como , Jack , lot's
got out of this , " mid wo did got , too.
Of course , I wasn't beared nor afraid of
ghnsts , but I wont four miles round to
ot home , you bet.
"I old " said Kimberly
say. man , Harry -
borly to his friend Jack Wainwright ,
'what a divinity she is , to bo sure. Vo
odsl Her facol Ilcrforml"
The curtain had just risen in a well-
known Now York theatre upon a ballet ,
and the "promioro danseuse , " posing
prominently in the foreground , had
called forth this exclamation.
"I must moot liar , " icpliod his com
panion , who had boon gazing raptl.v at
her , "by some means for I have dreamed
of just such a face as that often and
often , and 1 fool that bho is my fate. "
Kimberly laughed as loud as ho dared ,
then ho said :
"Oh. Wninwrightl So you are caught
in the toils of love at lastl You , the
bored , blase , wearied man of tlio world ,
bon of the pround Mine. Wainwright ,
who can date back to George the First
you in love with a ballot girl ! By
Jove it mubt go into the fashionable in
telligence column of the Times ! " and
laughed again.
Then his friend broke out hotly :
"I don't care who she is or what she
is ! I love her , and moot her I must
and shall. But lot us drop the subject. "
"Willingly , " answered Kimberly.
"But first tell mo , old man , If you should
marry thlb pretty member of the corps
do ballot what would Minn Uaomy. to
whom " vou were betrothed at her birth ,
say ? "
"Miss Itaomy I have never seen , and
it ia absurd to think of binding a follow
like that at the tender ago of three
years. And though my parents do desire -
sire this connection I will marry none
buthor whom I have soon to-night. "
"Ah , well , " and bib friend sighed ,
"go your way , but , Jack , wo have al
ways been friondH , and I have only
sought to inlluonco you for your owii
good. So forglvo mo if I June said toe
much. " '
The warm heart of WuinwriL'ht was
"No moro apologies , for I was wrong
to take ogonso so quickly. "
With this the two bop.aratod , Kimberly
borly to go back to his club and Wain
wright to haunt the stage door until his
fair inamorata should appear.
She soon came out and sprang quickly
into a hired cab which was waiting ,
Wainwright jumped into another and
ordered the driver to keep clo o bohinil
the ono ahead. To bib surprise the car
riage he was following btoppod in front
of a palatial Fifth avenue mansion ,
where a Now York banker of largo for
tune lived.
Hero the fair unknown loft her cab ,
which drove away at onco. Suddenly
she boreamed , and Wainwright ho1
time only to bee that a rufllan , attractci
by the glitter of her diamonds , was
trying to got thorn , Iwforo ho sprang to
her assistance , and dispatched the man
with a few well-aimed blows ; 'W'hon ho
turned to ask if eho were hurt slio
tremuoubly thanked him for his tiuielj
aid with tears in her beautiful eves ,
und then ran within the hou e ,
When the butler hsHlcloaOiiiho heavy
hall doors , Wnljnvrig'ut remained
standing on the pavement , rubbing his
eyes mid wondering if H were nil a
drouui. But ao ! there was ft cab wait
ing. Ho. jiald and dismissed \ho \ driver ,
and thoii turned homeward , trying to
unravel the mystery. What could the
iromlore danseuse of the thcator
> o doing nt Mr. Ilaomy's elegant man
sion ? It was too much for him and ho
gave it up.
But that night dreams of fnlMiatred ,
jluc-oycd ballot girls disturbed his rest
and lott him the next day longing for
evening to como that ho might go to
, ho theatre and see his beautiful un-
tnown again. But ho was doomed to
bitter disappointment , and It was llio
same every night that week. In place
of his enslaver was a black-hatred viva
cious French woman , who pirouetted
ibout the stngo with moro facility , it
ess grace than her predecessor.
At last he resolved to end this sits
louse , and ono night boldly pent in his
; ard to mademoiselle's dressing-room.
lo received a courteous summons to on-
, or , and was greeted in voluble French.
To asked madomosello If she could give
lim any information as to the name
ind nddresa of tho. young domosello7ho
iad taken her place ono night.
Jack Wainwright , with his sunny
lazot eyes , and close-cropped , yellow
mlr , tall and aristocratic , was very hard
o resist , and certainly this little
. renehwoman could not long withstand
the tender glances and delicate homage
which ho so well knew how to bestow ,
ind under promise of strictest secrecy
she revealed the wholo.
She had boon maid to her dear young
ady some years ago , until she learned
the fortune her feet might give her ,
vndvont on the stage. Even then she
was ft sort of companion to her former
nistress , who looked upon her as a
'rlend ' on account of her untiring dovo-
.Ion. Now her young lady had boon
way to school for botno years , and when
she got to the city went the very llrst
day lo see her. She found her almost
prostrated with a severe attack of sick
icadacho , but not daring to-forfeit her
engagement at the thcator , for aho was
so dependent upon the salary for the
support of herself and little girl.
When her young lady saw her friend
n such a condition she proposed n plan
which at first quite stunned poor mad
emoiselle by its audacity. This was to
jo to the theater in mademoiselle's
) lnco and put to some use the talent she
iad for dancing , and which mademoi
selle had cultivated thoroughly. She
; uid even taught her , as luck would
uvvo It. the very dances which were
used that night. After repeated en
treaties , during which excitement
mademoiselle's headache grow steadily
worse , she at last yielded , and the rest
wo know.
Such was the story Jack Wainwright
loard , and then ho asked "her" namo.
Was destiny , after all , at work in this ?
The name ho hoard was "Paulino
Raomy , " that of the girl whom ho had
bo distinctly said ho would not marry.
All that Aiis changed now , however ,
vnd it was with a happy heart that ho
icard , when ho reached homo , of the
dinner his mother would givo. that
light to introduce her son to his alll-
It seemed to him that she would not
como. But at last Miss Raomy was aii-
lounced , and she entered , moro bcauti-
! ul than over U > the expectant lovor. in
a black-lace dinner dross , whoso low
icck and short sleeves bhowed the pol
ished whiteness of her skin. To him
was given the honor of taking her in ,
ind oh , how little attention ho paid to
ihose delicious pates and trulllcs that
would have delighted the souls of so
many epicures.
After dinner was finished , leaving our
triend Jack moro in love than before ,
iiis mother considerately asked her son
to show Miss Raomy the conservatory.
Seated in a remote corner , by a splash
ing fountain , MlbS Raomy suddenly
broke the silence that had fallen upon
"Mr. Wainwright , " and her face was
suffused A'ith blusucs , "I have not yet
thanked you for your goodness in sav
ing me from that horrible man , and
afterward not mentioning the occur
rence bore to-night. And 1 cannot do
bo us I would. But "
"Do not bpoak of it. Pauline may I
call you that ? " And then ho could con-
tain'himsclf no longer , and ho broke
forth passionately. "Paulino , forgive
mo for speaking so soon , but 1 must toll
jou how' I love you , how I worship you ,
and oh ! 1 bog that you will not quite
icfiiso mo hope , for you are the first
woman for whom I have over cared , and
do not coiibidpr mo prcsuraptous on
our bhort acquaintance , for tolling you
how you have taKen my heart by
storm' "
IIo looked at her imploringly. Shs ,
did not raise her eyes but said :
"Oh , Mr. Wainwright , you do not
know what you tire saying , for the very
night when you saved mo I had done
bomothing for which I shall always bo
ashamed , and if you knew you could
never say
"That I love you. Ay. I could and do
say it , for I know to what you refer.
Dearest , I loved you from the moment I
saw your sweet face at that theater : as
you did not como after that , 1 at last
f-ought out her whose place you had
taken , and she told mo all. Now , will
you toll mo if I may hope a little that
some day you will like me enough to
marry mo1'
"Yes , Jack , " she whbspored , so low
that ho must needs bend his head to
hear ; and then she said shyly : "Itavill
not bo PO very hard , for I think I love
you already. "
"Bless you , my darling , for those
words ! And , plcuso God , you shall
never repent thorn. "
And ho gathered her close in his
arms , and their lips met in a kiss that
sealed their betrothal.
* * * * . # *
Throe months after all fashionable
Now York went to the wedding. And
as Mr. Harry Kimberly wont up to con
gratulate the bride , ho said :
"But it is too bad that Jack should
marry the premiere dansenso. "
F. A. Marsh In Juno Forum says : A
universal laiifiuiigo must bo n growth.
Some national language must expand
until It covers the whole world. Of Into
years the English language alone has
been much spoken of as likely to grow
"so great. Hardly any philosophic lin
guist attempts to forecast the future
without some disciibalon of the destiny
of English ; and Do Candollo calculates
that within a hundred yours English
will bo spoken by 8iO ( , < )00.000 ) men , Gor
man by 121,000,01)0 ) and French by 00-
(100,000. At probent the populations
either speaking the English language
or under tlio domination of English-
speaking peoples number more than
ai8,2JS,000 , or one-fourth of the popula
tion of the globe. The Englibh-
spcuking races occupy one-fourth
of the dry land of the earth ,
and own nearly two-thirds
of the tonnage of the ships. They live
in all regions ; they handle all articles
of trade ; they preach to all nations ;
they command ono-half of the world.'j
gold , and bilvor , und dltstributo moro
than two-thirdbof the blbls nnd testa
ments. Moro than , orfo-half of the
loiters mailed ann carried by the postal
service cl-tno world are written , mailed
umVroad by the English-speaking popu
lations. The expectation that English
will come into universal use is not based
upon anything in the nature of the
language , but rather on the character
and circumstances of the people , The
EnglUh pooula have been the great
colonizers of modern times. They have
taken possession of America , 01 Aus
tralia , of South Africa , 4he regions
Are those who know enough to know that when
Can bo bought 4. for 10 cents they need not look nny further for a luxurious smoke. Tlio
J3UFFOS are absolutely all Havana long filler , pure and sweet as a nut They are put
Tip 4 in a package , with our name on each package to &U AllD YOU AGAINST IMITA
TIONS. These goods are an instantaneous success , and are smoked by all classes. Do
not fail to try them.
Sometime ago we asked smokers of this Hemisphere to try our famous
A ten cent cigar for a nickel. Wo now beg leave to thank the millions of smokers who
have enjoyed many times many millions of our Cigarros , for their hearty support. Believing -
lioving that we have given you , in the Gil AND 11EPUBLIC CIGAItRO , positive proof
of our ABILITY and DETERMINATION to place within your reach the best for the
least mon ey , we now request you to ask your dealer for
GEQ , P , LIES & CO , , Factory 200 , 3d District New York
Council Bluffs , la , Omaha.
which are to bo the scats of now em-
; > ircs , and they control and assimilate
; ho populations which flow into them
and which grow up in them.
Faults of digestion cause disorders of
the liver , and the whole system becomes
deranged. ' ' Dr. J. H. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri
fier portents , , the process of digestion
ind assimilation , and this makes pure
blood. '
Has obtained a loputatiou wherever in
troduced for "CouuKCi STYLI ; , " "Picit-
VKCT FIT , " "CojiroiiT AND DiniA"-
ITY. " They have no superiors in Hand
Turns , Hand Welts , Gopdyenr Welts ,
and Machine Sowed. Ladies , able for the
LUDLOW" SHOE. Try thorn , and you
will buy no other.
I . , ! . . . , , , , II. . . . . . . ,
fccu ot youthful or.
_ _ _ ran. rnrijrttfny , lort
minfibod , etc. I "III wmfii vuluablr trrnlliw ( willed )
cnntnlnini full partlculara lor home cure , Irao of
'iPROF. p''ol'FOWLER ' , Moodus. Copn.
State Line.
To Ulosgoiv , Belfast , Dublin and Llrcruool
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cabin passngo J.13 atid $ TiO , according to location
of state room. Excursion $05 to $ TO.
Steerage to und fruin Uuropo at lowest rato3
G cn'l Agents , Kl Ilroad way , Ne\r York.
JOHN nLEGKN. Gen'l Western Agent ,
lot Randolph St. , Chicago.
HAHHY 12 MOOHES , Agent. Omaha.
Reduced Cabin Rates to Glasgow Exhi
Notion to Brlilen Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received at the office of the
County Clerk of Dodge County , Nebraska , until
12 o'clock m , of Juue Uth , IteS , for the rebuild
ing of the superstructlon of two 50 foot bpans
11 ftiet nldu straining beam combination brldgu
to replace the two Hpnns In the 1'latto river
bridge near North I'end. ' Also lot the lobulhl-
Ini ? of the supei structiou of beven W ) foot spans
1(1 ( feet wide straining beam combination bridge
to replace seven span In the 1'latto ilvor bridge
near Fremont , Nebraska.
lllds will also be recelvedfor all plllnc.caps and
let ! bu > akn that nmv be needed In building and
repairing said bridges to l > o computed by the
thousand feet when completed work Included.
All lumber and timber to be of oak ; the lloor
plank to bo "Sft Inches thick ; piling to bo 10
Inches nt point and II Inches at butt end. and to
be drien not It-ss than as feet
All bids to bo accompanied with a deposit of
fifty dollars , WO.OQ ) and to bo forfeited to the
County , In case the bidder or blddPis to whom
the contract or contracts are awuiileil lalls
within live dajsto enter Intocontiact & execute
a good und aulllclentbond for the faithful per
formance of s.ild contiact.
The board lesenei the right to reject any or
all bids. Uy order of the lloaid of Supervisors ,
of Dodge County , Nebraska.
Attest : O. H. 1 > . SIMVKnV.
County Clerk.
Proposals to i eceivo SeiftPil bids , for building n
Court House at CValnlla , Nebraska.
Notice Is hereby given that healed bids will bo
rerelvc at the ollice of the County Cleik at
GRftlalla , Neb. , up to the hour of I2iu. , on June
IJ ! . IRA for the purpose of building a court house
atOgalalU , Keith County , Neb. Plans and spe
cifications for the construction of said court
house will be Hied for inspoitlou at tliBOlllce of
the County Cleric at Ogululln Neb , on nnd after
thaJWth day of .May ,
The board leserves the right to reject any and
all bills.
Dated May 0,1883
J.M , SIIKUINAN Chin. , 1
HoiiACbCOM.iNS , f Co. Com ,
W. O , J.\SII ON , )
County Clerk
606 and 608 North. 16th St.
Wo offer a choice line of HARDWOOD CHAMBER SUITS
at $15 and $20.
PARLOR SUITES , at $35 to $200.
DRAPERIES , ut $3 to 825 per pulr.
Anything You Want.
1 ' 606 and 608 North 16th Street.
, ! When You Can Go to the
Where 7911 can furnish a homo of yc\r own by paying $5.00 to $10.00 clown
and froin' .OO to § 10.00 ir.onth.
Wo have the Ir-r - l stock of GENERAL HOUSEHOLD GOODS of
any house ijiGinalm. You will save 25 per cent by buying of us.
We are also agents for the OLD RELIABLE GASOLINE STOVES
We have also a largo stock of STORAGE GOODS that must bo sold to
pay charges. All goods marked in plain figures.
A child can buy as well ta a man. Give us an early call and convince
71 . 717 and 721 North 16th Street.
The Glory Crowned Giant of the Show World
Take Snuudcrj Street , Green Line or 13th Street Cars.
NOT E Tlio nrrnnnemeuti of tlio American Showmen's Tooled Luneuo will prevent any otUor
Chcus from visiting omuHii before September th a season.
iEIT 3-
Real Roman Hi
And 5-Coiitineiit Menagerie.
All of 12 iith'a Illustrious Jlld-alr and Atonl ( "h mplons , Pialrle Ileioes , Hippodrome Colobrltlos ,
Marvelous Human T henomcnn and laii"-t { X.oolog cal Tiensures Merged nnd
Mnrihalctl In a Cole sal and Unpai.illeled I'nlty.
$3,500,000 , , imM for the Mc's ' Delectation Actual Daily Expenses , $4,200 , !
Human Imagination Confounded by ill Stupendous magnitude !
PlpflidtflfliQl PninhQio nf Annie
MQUfl lilduldlUlldl UlMUdlb ( J1 Mull
60 Uiigllsh nnd Kentucky Thoroughbreds lu Soul htlrrlng Struggle * for Supremacy ! Knorruona
Knee Trui k rourTiiuos Around , Ono Mile !
Notably nnd Triumphantly Hcliifoicrd tills Season with the Ono Tow crlng , Kingly 1'lgiiroof
Wtitern Komanco ,
( t
Champion Wing Shot ot the World , AND HI8 OlTOiD BDNBI
Only I'iil.- ( i4vii I'alr of Illooil-Swcaliiif ; JElipiiopottunl on Dartli ;
"WB'VK dOT 'KM ON TI llTTl Sri"
oo i > iiiivoiiiir. : . . AKII.MC' AitTLvrs : no I > AKXLI\O A'PTM
Scotch Athletes , Arabian Meteors , Jar aneso Maivelsand a ( ilgnntlc Kuroponn Vaudovljlo Oombln *
atlon , in Daring and mailing Performance ! * on the Huge Tlleatio Uta e ,
No Hero null Yellow Ijpal1 Attrnutloimt Not n Cht-Htiiiit i > u dm I'rocrntiuiicI
50 C'AOKS orVtlA ) KiAST8-A ; "iJnlvormjJ ijtenox orsavayo ;
Iteliied. ildilcn and driven by on man and that man TUB ( JURAT O'DRbhl
Greatest. { Jiandust , Most 1'nmons nrt Host Trnlnwl Ilenlof I'.li'jihants on American Poll-ht-hid-
Inu "Uujuh , " the Cole , .l-All-o\oishadowlng Ciiitinl Klgiim of hU rnio : "bid. " the almost
jluiiiii vio\Mi l.lephant , and the Only llaby I'.lophant on the Continent , s
ris.\j ; ,158sT"i'oK'jio , HOY\TaTv IIKSI'M'.NDISNT HTUKIH. ' PA
Appearing on tne I'ublleThoroughfares ut 10 o'clock Kvcry Moinlng.
USUAL I'OPULAIt 1'UICKS 01' ADMISSION-I'ciTornmiices nl Customary Hour * ,
A magnificent display of everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
. . < DlSPENSABltSOlDBmiDRU6r ' - onillCLOSE 4f ( STAMPt )
AND TAKE. M3 OTMtH ( EC StCNATUHl wtl tVCK * BWA * i n t I itn ui MB.IW I. i mb
1C An tuiTn > WRtrrtN TpTiucniAis ADO CVIR rMwUDIES WHS HAVJ uno