* " ? , ' - " " ' " r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUNE 10. ISBS.-SIX EEN PAGES. _ . ' _ _ 11 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Badly Domorallzod by Gov- mont Report Humors. EVERYBODY GETS TOO PREVIOUS. ninny Mistaken Mnclo in Kntlonvors to Antlcltmto Ilia Ofllclnl Document Corn , OntB nnil 1'rovlnlons Dull IIogH Lower. CHICAGO PIIOMUCE MAniUJT. CHICAGO , Juno P. [ Special Telegrtim to Tin : HKK. ] The only Influence in tlio whcnt mnrkct to-dny was the government crop-re- | > ort , together with n RUCKS or two us to wlmt it would be , nnd sovornl Interpretations of wlmt It actually was. Tlicso influences wcro BUfllclcnt to give us a mnrkct which lluctu- . ntcd more widely nml wildly than any seen licro for u long time. The mistakes tlmtmcn made In their haste to take ndviintngo of the curliest news furnished n strong argument for the issuing of the report at , nlRht , oral nny rate nt some other time thnn In the midst of the session. The crop report bcgnn to conic nt 11 o'clock. Up to that time the mar ket hnd fluctuated about e , with no consid erable trading and no especial tendency in cither direction. July wheat , which had opened nt & "ijc and sold at Ka and 85c , was standing at SS'fc ' , which was hist night's closing price , at the tlmo the llrst crop rumor arrived. This waste to the effect that the condition Klvcn was 78 , and immediately the price fell to84J < c. Almost immediately dispatches ciuno from New York giving the average as 0(5. ( Then July advanced In less tlmo than It tnku. to tell It to 8(5 ( , ' < c. By this tlmo the genuine press report had arrived and a hasty , glance ill It showed the average condition of winter wheat to bo 73.3. Without waiting to further investigate the report the longs began to sell and the downturn was about as rapid as the advance had boon. It was not checked until July wheat hnd sold down to 4c , u continuous decline of IJ c from 'tho top price , and all accomplished In a very few minutes. Hero buying by one strong local house stopped the decline and steadied the market giving speculators a little chance to think , closer examination of the govern ment report showed a decrease in the sprint' wheat acreage of 184,000 acres , and of winter wheat of 1,750,000 acres , and as the govern ment statistician put the per centago of re duction of acreage through the entire winter wheat region at 7.2 , it was seen that the fig- urcs which came llrst from New York Oil- were not so for out of the way with every thing taken Into consideration. The senti ment of the pit changed and an advance began which was slow nt first. but presently became quite rapid and diil not stop until July wheat touched SO igSO c. a fraction higher than It had gone on the previous bulge. This was within live minutes of the end of the session und the close was December wheat opened at SOJ.Je , sold up to " 87 ! < rc , "down to 85.J < rc , up to und closing at Large receipts of corn press upon the spec ulative market for that groin with almost ir resistible force. To bo snro receipts to-day wcro less than expected by 83 cars , and the market wus a triilo firmer nt the owning in consequence , but even these decreased re ceipts were so much Inrgcr than the corn bulls expected u week ago that they found little encouragement in the decrease. Then ciiinc nil Increased estimate for Monday's re ceipts to give confidence to the bears. July corn opened at 53c , which was } e above last night's close , and sold soon after the opening ut r > 3i c , then gradually dropped with oc casional reactions to & 2Kc , advanced to 53c ngain , then under the influence of the esti mates for Monday , fell to .VJiJ'c , advanced to r.20 , partly in sympathy with the strength in wheat , and closed at G C'tR ! " < < - ' Septem ber corn opened at 53.f c. sold nt 53i , > , down to BJJjc and closed at 5.c. The trade In oats was very light with nar row fluctuations , no special feature and but little change ) in price from yesterday's close. July oats opened and closed ut2ifc ! ! ! , ranging from 32Xc to ! 1-.JnC. September oats opened nt 27ffe and closed witti that price asked , solllni : down nt ono time to 271fic. In the provision trade the week closed with n better showing of strength than was nntic- ' ipatcd. Husiness failed to show any particu lar enlargement , but the dullness witnessed was offset by light offerings and with hold ers refusing to press their property , better prices prevailed. In pork the day's actual advance was 5c , in lard 5fi'10e ( ' , and in short ribs 2J ( tf5c. Lard led in strength nud in terest. CHICAGO hlVK STOCK. Cnicxoo , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram to Tin : lici : . I UATTLR Trade was active for Saturday and prices fnlly as high us yester day If anything a shade firmer on such as would suit the shippers and dressed beef trade. Texans were also quoted substan tially higher , and were about all sold at an early hour. Within a week we have seen nn advance in several grades of shipping cattle of SOHO."o ( , and within the last ten days n gain of 7.rC@l,00. Without any encourage ment from the British markets and with but little news of n stimulating character from the cast , the demand from first to lust was Of the sharpest kind , und from the opening of business Monday to the wind-up Friday the advance was uninterrupted. A fortnight ngo $5 was practically the top of the market nnd the bulk of sales the past four or five days were about Unit figure. Good to choice boovcs , $5,40 < Ji5.fu ; mionor to fair , $4.30@ 4.1'0 ' ; cows and mixed , $1.85(33(33.40 ( ( ; stackers nnd feeders , $2.40j3.1 ( ( ) ; Texans , $2.05(35.15. ( Hens There was n sharp downturn of Klo on choice assorted heavy nnd prime packing , while prime light sold only about 5c lower. Tim bulk of host heavy sold within u range of $5.70(1(5.75 ( and best mixed at i5.00g5.l5 ( ( with common as low as $ j.50Q5.55. Light sorts sold largely at about STUM ) . The cause of the lank of fiiltH hi the mnrkct was the universal belief nn the part , of speculation , Bhippers and packers , tit the run for Men- " liny will swamp the tunrtrct und that the run for all next weoh > > iX ) Oxceed this week by 12,000 to 15,000. Oi week ago choice hogs Wfto to ho hhd nt A.W ( < rfi.55 ; on Friday $5.80 ( rt'5.85 was pild : for no hotter quality and to day the sumo c.rojmaking fS/iO&S.T.1) . The ad vance of 2530o ( ! thut Rollers have secured was duo to nothing but the temporary short- ngo in the supply. _ _ _ FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram to TIIR BEE. ] STOCKS The stock mnrkct dur ing the past week was dull und more un interesting thun the preceding ono. The f cut u res wore Heading und St. Paul , which , like the two preceding ones , constituted about half of the dully transactions. It was expected that the freedom with which the 125,000,000 , now Heading 4s were subscribed for would give vigor to the market foi shares. Such hopes , however , proved groundless , as tlio market only failed tc show more than a temporary improvement , and afterward settled buck into its formci lethargy. St. Paul has continued to bo the conspicuously wciik spot in the market. It seems to huvo no support from any quarter , Its earnings nro no larger for thu first five mouths of the year than they wore during the same pailodof 18S3 , and its bond and stock Issues aggregate nearly fifty millions inoro thun at that tme. : It Is not possible that the company will pay dividends or common stock hereafter , or at least until the earnings show decided gains , of whicli there is at present but little prospect. Div idcnd was to-day offered on thu street 01 : 5,000 shares at 1 per cent , and the price dropped to G3J c. The trunk Hues are'stll unable to pitch up rates and reports of more or less cutting continue. The western line : arc having a hard time of lt'unj from indi cations they un likely to continue so foi some months to come. The statistical bu risau on southwestern business create In earnings on the MUsourl river' nt to per cent. A prominent ofllcial of the Alton Is authority for the statement that the tonnage has fallen off two-thirds < < nd rates 1-3 per cent. The nctlon of the Iowa rnll- rend commissioners in reducing rntcs lower than heretofore will force roads to make lower tariffs. The poor statements of iho Burlington , Atchlson nnd St. Paul have gone far toward unsettling the confidence of holders of those securities , and n good deal of long stock has been dumped. The bond statement made n satisfactory showing but had no effect on to-day's mnrkct , which was weak nnd tame. Trading was light nnd chiefly confined ( o grangers , which were sold quite freely. Out of the 81,800 shares traded In 31,200 were St. Paul , 8,000 Northwestern - western , 1WO Hock Island nnd 13,500 Head ing. Hock Island broke 2J.C nnd closed at 10. % Northwestern IV , St Paul 1 , Union Pacific/ , Western Union f , Heading" ? < , cotton oils ? . The changes for the week with few exceptions , light. St. Paul com mon is oft ty { irolnts nnd preferred Jtjjf , Northwestern Jf , Herding J , Missouri , Kansas < fe Texas % Union Pacific \i \ , Lake Shore ' / , Hock Island Vt. The advances were IX on cotton oil , ) f on Lackawanna , Jf on Western Union , \ on New England. QoVKHNMnsTS Government bonds were dull but steady. TnSTP.lltUT'S QUOTATIONS. U. fMs registered , lintjc. & N. W 10fi ! { If. 8.4s coupon. . . 127'H ilopreferred ICI U.S. 4sreglstrod.l07 ! N.V.Ccntral 105 11.8 4Hn coupon..107" j , " . K. N H Pncificosonc. . mi n > . T si ? ; Camilla Southern. . 4Sit 1'nclllc Mall IB Central Pnclllc - " . ' O. D..VI5 18 Chlcnpo .V Alton. . . 134 Pullman I'nlaccCat 150 ? ; ( , ' . , H.&Q 11B tlcncllng C > < i > 4 Hock Island l < > i > . St. I , . .VS. K C8 Erie 24' ' tloprcferrccl 84 do preferred BT > C. . M.Ac St. Paul. . . Kl.'j Illlnold Central lIH. ' do preferred 104 I..II.&W inj St. P. & ( ) ! W > < K.&T. 11JJ do preferred 10.'i I.aku Rlioro Ml ? ; Texas 1'acillc 1 N F.A ! N Kl Union Pacific. Mi Michigan Central. . 78 W. , St.I , . &P 12 Mfp.sourl 1'iiclllc. . . 7(1 ( ( loprcferred. . . . 22(4 ( Missouri I'ncitlc.31 ! \V. U. Telegraph. . 7 do preferred . M4 ) ! MONEY ON CAI.I , Easy nt t per cent ; closed offered nt lj < f per cent. PIIIMU MKHCANTII.B PAI-EII 4@0 per cent. STKIIUXO RxcitAxnn Dull hut steady nt $4.80) ) for sixty day bills ; J-I.SStf for de mand. 1'IIODUCB MARKETS. Juno 9. Following nro the 2flO ! closing prices : FlourSteady ; winter wheat , In sacks , $2.75@.1.S.ri ; lu barrels , $3.00(24.75 ( ; spring wheat , in sacks , $1.7S@4.SO ; in barrels , $3.00 @ 4.1K ) ; rye , in sacks , &S.90@3.10 ; In barrels , , Whcut Kuloct tolerably steady prior to the receipt of the government report. Various constructions placed upon it by operators caused wide nnd rapid fluctuations. The market closed 5f@ fc above yesterday. Cash , 85 Ifi-lOc ; July , 8Vo ( ! ; August , 80 t-llc. ! Corn Fairly ui-tivo hut unsettled nnd weaker , closing % ( < i > % below yesterday ; cash 51 ii-lic : ( 5'J fl-llio 5i : ! . , - ; July , - ; August , < c. Oats Quiet ; cash , 32gc ; July , UiJ c ; Au gust , 2SMc. Rye ( Hc ) : Barley 0"0t(18c. ( Prime Timothy $3.1 0@2. 15. Flax-seed ? 1 .110. Whisky $1.20. Pork Dull und easy ; cash. $ ian3a'14.00 ( ' ; July. $14.)2 ( ) > .5@14.0 : > ; August , ? 14.12 > 14.15. Lard Averaged lower early , but rallied nnd closed steady ; cash , $8.55 ; July , SS.aO ® < V 4 ; August. S-5.07' ( ( J.S.70. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. $ O.OOC0.25 ; short clear , ? S.10@S.15 ; short ribs , $7.f)5. Butter Firm ; creamery , 15lSc ; dairy , Chccso Easier : full cream Cheddars , 7(7) ( ) 7J.fc ; flats , T' feT e ; young Americas , 7f @Sc. Eggs Firm nt UU4c. } Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4) ) c ; heavy green salted , 5 } c ; "light green salted , OJ < c ; salted bull , : i fc ; dry flint , So1 dry calf , So ; deacons , 20c each ; dry salted , < i@ 7c. Tallow Weaker ; No. 1 , country , 4 ; No. 4J c ; cake , 4c per lu. Heeoipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 11,000 20,000 Wheat bu . 31 ,000 -J1,0K ( ) Corn , bu . 351,000 liiiTi.OOO Oats , bu . 204,0(10 ( a20,000 Hyebu . 5,000 1,000 Hurley , bbls . 4,000 3,000 New Vork , Juno 9. Wheat Receipts , ! i2r)00 ; exports , 42,4.10 ; cash firm and quiet ; options advanced ! ( ,4 ? ' c ul > to noon , closing strong at best ; after regular close govern ment crop report came in , showing n flu- crease of about 0 per cent , shorts were wild and covered , ad vanning prices Il4i ll o , but a more settled feeling prevailed when report was doubled , and prices lost improvement ; ungraded red. ffile ; No. 2 red , 01 6i'4) ' ) ; c de livered ; IKKo in store ; 03J { f. o. b. ; July closing at I't'c. . Corn Receipts , 104,000 ; exports , 10.40J ; cash , dull ; options ; J C'flc ' lower ; cloning heavy ; ungraded , .1StV. c ; SDJ fHCOc , deliv ered ; July closing at 5U2 < o. Oats Receipts , 03,000 ; exports , 440.000 ; shade lower ; mixed western , 85VC40c ( ! white western , 42@47c. CofTeo Spot , fair ; Rio easy at $10.00 ; op tions 30@r > ric points lower.fairly uctivojsiilcs : 5r.r)00biigs ; June , $13.80@l .nO ; July , § 12.10 @ 12.i.ri : ; August , 4 11.10 ® 11. : ! . " . . Petroleum United closed weak at 78 c. Eirgs Firm ; western , 10@10 } e. Pork Quiet but steady ; mc.ss quoted nl $14.00Ti'lt.50 ( ' for old ; $15.U5@15.riO for new. Lard Closed lower ; western steam , spot , ts.-r , . Hutter Quiet but firm ; western , 12J- @ I'J'oC. ' tfhccsn Quiet but firm ; Ohio Hut , 7@Sc. St. IioulM. Juno 0. Wheat Higher ; cash and June , S'JJ.c. Cora Easy ; cash , 4 $ @ 4'.ie ; July , 4'.lc. 4'.lc.Oats Easy : cash , 31 , e ; June , Pork-S14.00. Whisky * 1. 14. Hutter Easy ; creamery 14i17cj ( dairy , 11 ( Rile. Cincinnati , JunoO. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red , U4c. Corn Lower ; Nn. 0 mixed , 535 < Oats Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 87c. Rye-Dull ; No 2 , 0 < iitl37c. ( Pork-Quiet ut $14.50. Lard-Firm at fS.15. Whisky Firm at tt. 14. Mlnnp.iiollH | , June 0. Wheat Ship ments G',1,000 ; dull and shade lower ; closing In store No. 1 hard cash , 8 : ) } o ; July , SlJ e ; August , 85J c ; No. 1 northern , cash 80 > < jc ; July , 81'f c ; August , 82 ; on track/.Slta S2c. S2c.Flour Unclmngrd ; patents to ship in sucks in car lots , $4.50 ( 4.70 ; in barrels , M.70 ( S4.W ) . Mllwnukco , June 9. Wheat Strong cash and July , 82Jfc ; August , 63Kc. Corn-Dull ; No. : l,50c. Oats Weaker ; No. 2 white , 37c. Hyo Quiet ; No. 1 , ti2c. Hurley No. 3 , Ii2o. Provisions Steady ; pork , $14.00. KHIIHIIH City , Juno ( I. Wheat Quiet No , 2 soft , cash , H''o ; No. 2 rod winter July und August , 77onsknd. Corn Lower ; No. 2 cash , 4'c asked July , IDUu asked , -0i | > bid. Oats No , 2 , 21io bib , 22is asked. NewOrli'iuiH , .Hino'.i , Corn Weak nm lower ; unxeit , B7a8o ( ; yellowOSG09c ; white " 'i' ' ' Outs Lower ; No. 2 , 43'/44c , Corn Meul Undmngcd : W.IO. Hog I'roducts Unchanged ; pork , (15,00 lara , refined tierce , 1' Hulk Meats Shoulder fO.50 ; long clea and clear rib , * 7.b7J < . Mvt'i'pnol , Juno S. Wheat quiet ; holder oner freely. Corn Dull and lower ; new mixed western 4s Pd l > cr cental. iavis STOCK. ChlnnK < ) , Juno 0. The Drovers' Journh rcjtorts as follows : Cattlo-Rccoipts , 2,000 ; market steady bitives , fJ.BO ift.lK ) ; cows and nixed , $ l.Wift a.40 ; stocbcrs und feeders , rJ.404.lO ( ; Tex " uns , fi.lVitaH.J5. Hogs Receipts , lii,000 ; market slow am 5c lower ; mixed , f5.-0 | < g.-i.70 ; heavy , f..5.V.S 5.75 ; light , rr.ay 5.G5j pies and cuiU , fi.uoo1 4.15. 4.15.Shee | > Receipts. 5,000 ; market weak : ua lives , * 4.00Crf& . < 0 ; Texans , ri.OOUXc ) bprlnt l lambs , S1.5Kci4.5U ( per hea.1 Natiuual Stock Yards , KUHI St June l . Cattle Receipts , 1,300 shipments , POO ; market . active ; choice heavy native steers , $4.C55.50 ( : fair to good unlive steers , $4.254.80 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , $3.25(34.30 ( : stockcrs nnd feeders , fair to good , r2.40@3.50 ; rangers , ordinary to good , $2.2S4.20. Hogs Receipts , 2,000 : shipments , COO : market strong : choice heavy nnd butchers' selections , $5.C > 5@5.75 ; packing , medium to good , $ ,1.45gf3.70 ( ; light grades , C.30i35.50. KniiRn * City. Juno 0. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; market steady ; good to cholc corn-fed , $5.10 < < ? r .50 common to medium , $3.25@4.SO ; stockcrs , $2.00@ S.WK feeders. $3.50S3.00 ( ; cows , $2.00@3.50. Hogs Receipts , 10",300 ; shipments , 1.200 ; market oj > oncd 5@10c lower ; common to choice , $5.10(25.50 ; skips and pigs , t2.50g 4.70. _ _ _ _ OMAJIA LIVE STOCK. . Cattle. Saturday , June 9,18S9. Seventy fresh loads of cattle wcro on sale o-duv , which was the heaviest receipts of any day this week. The market was hardly is brisk us" yesterday , the shippers being n ittle afraid of the eastern markets , but the demand on the part of the packers wns good and the offerings wcro nil taken before the close. The general market was almost itcady , but ono drove of sixteen loads of very choice cattle sold to the local packers at $5.05. There were 117 fresh loads and cloven stnlo on the market to-day as against 151 on yes terday. The mnrkct was fairly active at a decline of f > @ 10c. The decline was the heavi est on the heavy weights , while good light hogs wcro not much lower. Everything was sold before the close. Slice i > . There wcro none hero to ma ko a mnrkct. Jlcuclpts. 3attlo 1,400 Hogs . . . . „ _ . 8,200 Pruvnilini ; Prices. The following is a table of prices paid in thtsuiarKct for the grades of stock men tioned. Pnmosteers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..f5.25 ( 5.05 Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 5.00 f < & > .50 Fut little steers , TOO to 1030 Ibs. 4.10 @ 5.K ( ) Common to choice cows 2.25 ( < J3.75 Common to choice bulls 2.2o © 3.50 Fuir to choice light hogs 5.15 ( < $ . ' > .30 Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.40 ( 5.50 Fnirto choice mixed hogs 5.30 ( | 5.40 ItcprcHcnintivo Sales. CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. Ibull 13SO 2.25 Ibull 1250 2.50 Ibull 1500 3.00 2 co ws 775 3.00 Ibull 1280 3.00 1 bull 1470 8.25 Ihclfor lilt ) 3.25 111 cows 1100 8.25 Icow 1070 3.50 leow 1000 3.50 22 cows 1001 3.155 Icow 1400 8.75 Ihcifers 700 8.75 14 heifers 095 3.80 3 co ws 1250 4.00 4 steers 1005 4.00 4bulls IfflC. 4.2,1 SOsteers SiS : 4.70 yc.stccrs 1037 4.P.1 21 steers 1017 5,00 10 steers 12(52 ( 5.10 30 steers 1197 5.15 48 steers 1320 5.2.1 20 steers 11S5 5.25 20 steers 1148 5.25 20 steers 1147 5.25 84 steers 1114 5.25 79 steers 1202 5.30 4'J steers 114'J 5.80 20stcers 1152 5.35 51 steers 1204 5.35 01 steers 1220 5.45 115 steers 1301 5.f,0 77 steers 1320 5.50 1 veal calf 2IK ) 5.00 71 steers 1347 5.(55 ( 75 steers 13t 0 5.05 08 steers 1400 5.05 73 steers 130S 5.05 Shk. Pr. ICO 5.30 8CO 5.30 1150 5.30 40 5.30 200 5.30 120 5.30 120 5.30 240 5.30 200 5.30 1(50 ( 5.30 300 ' ' 120 r > ! : ir > 16' ) 5.35 KiO 5.35 40 5.35 100 5.35 80 5.35 120 5.35 200 5.35 80 5.8.1 120 5.373i SO 5.37 120 5.40 120 5.40 120 5.40 100 5.40 1(50 ( 5.40 120 5.40 120 5.40 100 5.40 80 5.40 SO 5.40 60 5.40 SO 5.40 5.40 5.40 80 feO M2& 80 5.45 120 5.45 5.4.1 240 5.45 120 5.45 240 5.45 5.50 120 5.50 80 5.M ) 120 5.50 5.50 5.50 5,50 I-Ivc Stock Hold. Showing the number of cattle , hogs nnd she-op sold to packers and leading buyers on to-day's market. CATTLB. Swift it Co 200 G. H. Hammond & Co 1180 Stevens , Hamilton .t Co 2(1 ( Omaha Packing Co 1(5 ( A. Truuorman. 114 Samuel Drclfuss 43 T. S.Tharp ; 5 Payne 40 W. Burnsido 22 IIOQt ) . Hammond & Co 582 Omaha P. Co 1,191 Armour & C Packing Co 2,505 J.P.Sniiires & Co 1H1S A. E. Beggs 1,410 Hnlstcndit Co (545 ( Davis und Atwood 25t A. Spring. 185 J. M. Doud 807 Payne 290 Pork 1'acklnir. Special reports to the Cincinnati Price Current show the number of hogs packed from March 1 to date and latest mail dates at the undermentioned places , compared with the corresponding tlmo lost year , as follows : lilvc Block Slock Notes. Everything sold. Cattle touched the highest notch in the his tory of the yards. Adam Cook , of York , a cousin of John Yullcry , is on a visit here. , From June 1 to 7 Kansas City received 22,800 hogs and Omaha 30,713. John Shevo , Hong , n well known feeder nnd fcliip | > cr , wus in with cattle and hogs. William Menzey , of St. Louis , is here tor the imriilsc of buying hogs for several Now york limit. Hon. P. P. White , a. well known shinjKjr urn ! grain dealer of PJM smouth , was iri with & load of hops. i "i The price o ! dcnil-hog * tva reduced to-dny to } tc per Ib. , whicl fs tjib same as is pnid in Chicago nnd Kansasf Ciyv The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Volley will run n stock train Jjt-lwccn Hastings and Omaha with ten hofrra for the schedule tlmo. The Hock Island lins hauled out ns much stock during the first 11 vo > months of this year as she did ( lurng ) ten mouths of last year. i O. W. Perlcy. Ansley ; John Emcrlne , Council Uluffs ; S. W. Uurnhmn , Anslcy , George Fresh , Powell ; J. C. Wysong , Cedar llnplds nnd J , P. Frill , Pacific Junction , wcro among those who camcjn with cattle. The indicated packing in the west for the week is 205,000 hogs , ngnmst 215,000 the pe t-ceding week and 230,000 for corresponding time last year. The totnl from March 1 is about 2,190,000 hogs , ngainst 2,205,000 n year ngo. Among those who wcro in nnd marketed hogs wcro the following : A. Sutton , Chap man , J. Tucschcr , Huby : J. O. Motheson , Pllgcr : Henry Hninmcr , Mincoln ; J. H. Alli son , Silver City , In. ; F. H. Parks , Bancroft ; i Hichard Davis , IJoWltt ; John L. Dawson , Weeping Wutcr ; O. H. Uahbltt , Ashland , nnd Air. Edwnrds , Hcrlln. OMAHA WHOljKSALH JIAUKliT. Produce , 1'VultR , Nuts , Etc. * Saturday , June 9. T7ic fnllnn-tng r/iof ( tfo is rc u'/i / ! c Jc > iJ ) iol rctnll. Prices quoted on , produce arc the rtitcn nt wlilch round lota arc sotnon thin market. Fmttx or other lines of goods 7l < viMrlHj ( crtni Jior J / In i ichl > i { ; cunnot l- iriis | ; lie Hiiju'llcd ' mi imtsldc orders nt the wiinc j r/ccs / quoted for tJic local tntdc. Hates on flour und feed arc Jobbers' prices. 1'rlcca on nrnln nrc those ] mld by Umnha miners delivered. All quotations on incr- clHtndlKcnrc obtained from Icndlna honacs andarc corrected dally. Prices nn crackers , cake * , etc. , arc those uwcn bu leadtny man- factur cm. Trade wns very fair to-dny , but no special changes wcro noted. Hutter was easier nnd eggs n shade higher. Vegetables came In freely , und berries wcro in better supply , but other articles ruled as before. Wo quota : BUTTKK Fnncy creamery roll butter. 20@ 21c ; with solid packed nt 10@2Ic ; choice country butter , 18$14c ( ; common grades , 11@ "EOOS Strictly fresh , 12 > @ 13c. CiiEiiniKS Per case of 10 Ibs , $2.00@2.25. Southern cherries 53.50 per 24 quart case. STKAWIIKIIIIICS & 3.50 ( < M.OO per case. Cnncsi : Full cream , 13@14c. UIITS : 50c per doz. POTATOES Choice homo grown , 75@S5c ; Utah and Colorado stock , 90S95c ; low grades , f.5SC5c. POUI.TIIY No dressed fowl in the market ; live chickens , W.)0@'J,25 ( ) per doz ; spring chickens , $3.00@3.25 ; small chickens , S1.5i ) ( < 5 2.00 2.00HADisnns HADisnns 10@15c per doz. STIIINO HIIANS $1.50 per bu. GIIEIIN PEAS Jl.50ijr2.00 per bu. TOMATOES $3.00 per crate or$1.75 ( 2.00 per bu. bu.PINE PINE Arri.r.s-2.25Ji2.50. ( BANANAS Common medium , $2.50@3.00 per bunch ; choice , Kl.00r ( ? 3.50. TuiiN'ii'8 California , 2J @ 3c per Ib. DATES Persian , OK@7o per Ib. CIDEH Choice Michigan , cider , 84.50@0.50 per bbl. of 32 gal. SPINACH S1.50 per bbl. HnuiiAitii 2@2 > c per Ib. Osioss Native stockS1.25@1.50 ; Spanish , per box of 5 Ibs , 81.T5ait.00 ( ! ; California on ions , 3 , ' ( ( t4c per lit ? ' . > LEMONS f3.75@4.50 per box ; fancy , ? 4.50@ 5.50 r OUANOES Callfdrnla Riverside , ? 3.75@4.00 ; medium swcot Riversides , $4.50 per box ; Messina , & > .M7.00 ) ; Los Angeles , $2.75 © 300 ; Los Angeles' , Nnvnls , S4.00 ; Riverside Nnvals , $0.00. ' CAiuiAiis 3@3i c per Ib. for California. UAUi.iri.uwiu Ciood. stock , S1.50@1.75 per doz. 00@75o per dozen bunches. CuruMiiEiis iiOtfpcr doz for choice. LETTUCE SOfttSsc per doz. CELERY California stock , $1.50 per doz. PorcoiiN Choice rice corn is quoted nt3@ 4c per Ib. ; other kinds 2J < f@3c per Ib. CAHKOTS New stock , 4W j < > 4r c per doz. UCANS Good stock , ? 2.GO@2.75 ; California beans , $2.2502.40. Fios In layers , 13@15c ; cake , lOc per Ib. NI-TS Peanuts , raw , (5 ( } < ( @ 7e ; Hrazil nuts , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; English wal nuts , liu)18c ! ( ) ; filberts , ISc ; Italian chestnuts , lac ; pecans , 15c. HONEY 1021c for 1 Ib frames ; canned honey , 10@12c per Ib. PAIISI.EY 30 per doz. GUEEX OXIOXH 15'Wc per doz. Puitn MAIM.E Svuiii1 $1.25 per gal. SAI.SIIT 25c per bunch. Grocer's Iilst. Ririxnn LMID Ticrco , 7)fc ; 40 Ib squnro cans , % n50lb \ round , 8c ; 20-lb round , SJi'e ; I0-lb pails , 8o ; 5-lb palls , 8)ic ) : 3-lb palls , 'S New Orleans molasses , per bbl. , 37i ( < 4le ! per gal. ; corn syrup , 34c ; half bbls. , 3Gc ; 4-gal kegs , $1.05i ( > l,55 : sorirhum , 3Sc. PHOVISIONS Hams , 10Jfrllj c ; breakfast bacon. 1 ( ) } ( < ( ) 10c ; hncon sides , Oftlil' ' c ; dry salt , S } < ; ( a6o ; sliouldcrs , " © " 'fc ' ; dried beef , 10io lie. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per ease , $3.2003.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , ? 2.(50j ( ( < 'J.70 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $2.tlO(75 ( 2.70 ; California pears , per case , $4.70i2j4.fal ( ) ; apricots , per case , $ l.2f > ( ( t4.35 ; peaches , per case , f5.UOC(5.75 ; white cherries , per case , $5.80(5.00 ( ; California plums , per case. $4.50 ( 4.150 ; blueberries , per case , * 2.00@2.10 ; egg plums , 2-lb. per case , 2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , jier raise , f3.20iW ( > .75 ; 1-lb salmon , per dozen , $ l.SOi$1.85 ( ; 2-lb gooseberries , jiercaBO , $2.80 ( ii.2.yO ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.75@ 1.80 ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $1.00rl.o5 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50u.2.0'J ( : 2-lb early Juno pens , per case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.30@2.40 ; 2-lh corn , ? J.20fe2.30 ; sardines , imported $4 , 12 ( Lie per box ; domestic ' / , O/ ! ( aljc ( ; mustard , ! lK ( < ? 'JJfc. St'HAii Uranulutcd , < lj < @ 7e ; conf. A , t > % @ OJ < c white extra C. fi CrtOi c ; extra C , flj ( ( fi ( J c ; yellow C. 5/rf5J < c ; cut loaf , 7 ( < S 8c ; powdered , 7X < " ' 8).iO ) ; Now Orleans , Coprr.n Ordinary grades. 10@l7c ; fair. 7@18c ; prime , lB ( < lUc ; fancy green and yellow , 22@23c : old government Java , 280 3lc ( ; Interior Java , 25@2Sc ; Mochn , 2.SC'(30o ; Arbucklo's roiiBtcd , 2l o ; MuLaughlln's XXXX , 21 o ; Dilworth's , 21c ; Red Cross. 21c ; Alaroma , 21jo ! ; German , 20 c. WOOIIENWAHI : Two-hoop imils , per doz. , $1.40 ; thrco-hoop palls , jl.Ot ; No. 1 tut ) , $7.00 ; No , 2 tub , $ < ! . ( > 0 ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ; washboards , electric , $1,50 ; fancy Northern Queen washboards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $ ' .t,50 ; No. 2 churns , $8,50 ; No , 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1,70 ; spruce , in nests , 70c pnr nest , TOIIACCO Pi.ua Lorillnrd'B Climax , 45o ; Splendid , 4 c ; Mei-hiinlo's Delight , -4c ! ; Leggett - gott & Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , ! Wcj IJruminond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J , T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 4nc ; "Cut Rate , " aoe ; "Oh , My , " 2tc ; Piper Hcidsick , 04c. Toiucco SMOKING Catlin'H Meerschaum , 31c ; Cntlin's Old Style , 2'ic ; Sweet Tip Top.32c ; U. N. O. , 17cj Red , White and Hluo. 16ft .1 1:1.1.1 : is 30-lb paiw , ? SALT Per bbl in carload lots , $1.45. Roi'E Sovcn-slxtoenths , lO lOJ c. CANIIY Mixed , y@llo ; stick , ' . % 0' ' c. PICKLES Medium , in bbls , $15.00 ; do In half bbls , $3.50 ; small , in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls , $1.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , $8.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.50. HOLLAND Hinmtxqs ( tSg70o ( per keg. MAI-LI : SUOAU Hricks , 12) o per Ib ; penny cakes , 13A14 ( ( ) per Ib. ; pure maple syrup , $1.25 per gal. HICOOMS Extrn , 4-tio , $2.00 ; parlor. 3-tie , painted handles J2.2.V No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable brooms , $4.00. STAIICII Mirror glot.8 , ftjfo : Graves' corn POWIIEH AND SHOT Shot , $ ! . : ) ; buckshot , $1.55 ; Hazard iwwder. kegs , $5.00 ; half kegs , $2.7S ; ono-fourths. $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.a5 , fuses , 100 ft. , 45@75c. CKACKEUE , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5o ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snoivnako ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda candy , 5 } c ; soda wafers ( In tins ) 10o ; soda zephyrs , be ; city oyster , OJ o ; excelsior , 7o ; farina oyster , 7o ; gem oyster , 5o ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5o ; picnic. 5o ; snow drop oyster , 7c ; butter 60 ; Hoston , So ; Omaha butter , 7o ; sawtooth butter , (5Jfc ( ; cracker meal , 5 } < c { grahum , 80 ; grahum wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , 12 } < o ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , 7Xc ; out ineui. 8c ; oat meal wafers , lOo ; out meal wa fers in | K > und packages , 12H'o ; animals 12c ; UolIvergmgorrounil,7ocrcam,8ujCornhill ( ) ; , lOo ; crucknells , lSc ( ; Irosted cream 8Vc ; ginger snaps , 80 ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oo ; home made ginger snaps , In boxes , 13o ; home , inr.de tfinijer snaps , ' ( Mb cans ) per duzci ) , jumbles , lt ) < c ; Brunswick , 15c : brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( now ) lOo : choco late wafers. 15e ; Christmas lunch , ( in tins ) , perdozcn , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , ll c ; cream puffs , 30c ; egg Jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , lie ; honey Jumbles. ll&c : Jolly ringers , lf > c ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; Icily tart ( now ) . 15c ; Indy lingers - ers , 13c ; vnnllln bar. 14c ; vanilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages Inn box , per dozen , $2.50. All goods packed In cans Ic per Ib advance except snowflnko and wafer soda , which nro packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb paper boxes , i c per Ib advance ; nil other goods le per Ib advance. Soda in Mb paper boxes , 1C per Ib advance. The 2-lb boxes nro packed in cases holding 19 in n case. The 51- Ib boxes are packed In eases holding 12 in a case. The Mb boxes nro packed in cases holding 30 in n case. Ono-lb graham and oat- mcnl wafers packed 2 doz In n case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods. 75c. Cans foi wafer socfci , $3.00 , not returnable. Cans for snowllako sodn , $ .1.00 per doz , Tin cases with glass face to display the goods , 75c each. No charges for packages except for cans and returnable goods , Glass front tin cans nnd "snowflnkc" soda cans are returnable nt prices charged. Dry Goodi. PIUNTS SOLID COLOHS Atlantic , Oc ; Slater , 5 } c ; Berlin oil , OJ'c ; Garner oil , 7c. PIND AND ROUES Riclimoiul. OWc ; Al len , 0) ) < c ; River Point , Go ; Steel River , Cc ; Richmond , Oc ; Pacific , 0 } < c. INDKIO BLVII Washington , OUc ; Century , dlgo blue prints , PC ; American , 0) c ; Arnold. OVc ; Arnold B , 10J < c ; Arnold A , ISc ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 > { c. DiiEss Charter Oak , 6cRamnpo,4Kc ; ; Lodl , Cc : Allen , Oc ; Richmond , do ; Windsor , OUc ; Eddystonc. OJ < fc ; Pacific , 0 > fc. HIIOWN SiiEETiNO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7tC ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7 'c ; Atlantic D. 4-1 , 7Jc ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Oc ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 } c ; lloos- icr LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7Jtfc ; Law- rcnco LL , 4-4 , do : Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Xc ; Pepperell R , 4-4l "c ; Peppprcll O , 4-4 , Cc ; Pepperell , 8-4,18 } < c ; Pepperoll 0-4 , 21c ; Pe | > - percll 10-4 , 23o ; Utlcu C , 4-4 , Oc ; Waehusett , 4-1. 7 c ; Aurorn B , 4-4 , OJ c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , CJc.BATTS BATTS Standard , Oo ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , ! Xc ; Bnyonno , 14o ; B , cased , $0.50. CAIU-ET WAiir Bibb , white , lOc ; col ocd ftilc " " "DDCK West Point , 29 In. 8oz. , lOJ c ; West Point , 29 in. 10 oz. , 12Kc ; West Point , 10 in. 12 oz. , 15c ; West Point , 50 in. 11 oz. , lite. Checks Caledonia X , 9l c ; Caledonia XX , lO'/c ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , Oc. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c : Canton , 2Sc ; Durham , 2J e : Hercules , ISc ; Leaming ton , 2-J c ; Cottsworld. } ( o. MISCELLANEOUS Talilc oil cloth , $2.85 ; plain Holland , 8K@0/ ; Dado Holland , . CoMroiiTcns $ O.COS ( 35.00. BLEEcnnn SIIUHTINO Borkcly cambric , No. 00 , OJtfc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , OJ/c ; butter cloth , OO , 4 } c ; Cabot , 7 } c ; Farwell , 8Kc ; Fruit of Loom. 9c ; Frecno G , Oo ; Hope , 7Jfo King Philip cnmbric.'llc ; Lonsdulb , llic ; Lonsdule , 8 fc ; New York mills , 103 < c ; Pep- ] ) crell 42-in. , lie ; Pepperell , 4t5-in. , 12c ; Peii- perell , 0-4 , lOc ; Pcppcroll , 8-4 , 21c : Pepperell , y-4. 23c 10-4 25c Canton 4-4 - ; Pepperell , - , ; , , 8Cc ; Canton , 4-1 , ( l > < Jc ; Triumph , Oo ; Wam- sutta , lOc ; Valley 5c. GINHIIAM Plunkett checks , 7J c ; Whlttcn- ton , 7Kc ; York , 7J c ; Nonnandi dress , 8 0 ; Calcutta dress , 8fc ; Whittcndon dress , 8)ic ) ; Renfrew dress , 8i < @ 12J < c. TICKS Lewiston , 30-ln , 12 } o ; Lcwiston , 32-in. , litj o ; York. 32-in. , 14o ; Swift river , i\ > v uiiiir * , AIW * U } * VJ > v wiittJ ) AIVt AI > * DENIMS AmoskcugH , 0-oz. , lOc ; Everett , lie ; Heaver Creek CO , lOc. FLANNELS Plaid Huftsman , 20c : Goscen , 32J < o ; Clear Lake , 32)tfe ; Maple City , 'M o. WhiteG H No. 2 , fa 21co C II No. 1 ! , 80c ; Qucchcc No. 1 , % , 42 ; Qucchcc , No. 2 , 537'rfc ; Quechcc No. 4 , ? ( , 32Kc ; Aimwan , WKc ; Windsor , 23&c ; lied XC , 2-1-in , 15Kc ; K24-in , 21c : GO , 21-in. ISc ; II A F , Jtf , 23CJ J U F , Jf , 27c ; G , Jf , 35c. CUASII Stevens' U , Oc ; blenched , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7i c ; bleached , SJ c ; Stevens' P , Stfc ; bleached , 9Ke ; Stevens' N , 'J c ; bleached , lO c ; Stevnns' S U. T , 12 c. General Markets. LEATIIEH Oak soles , 3T37c ; hemlock slaughter sole , 21@3iic ; hemlock ury sole , 12 ( jf25c ; hemlock kip , OOOU'ltu ' : A. & H. runner kip , 5U ( 73c ; A. hemlock calf , P0c(3.$1.00 ( : A. A. hemlock calf , "hacks , " 75o ; hemlock upper , I0@24c ; English grain upper , 25c ; hemlock grain upper , 21 ( < i25c ; Tamptco U. L. Morocco , 2lSi3e ! ( : ; Tampico iepilc , O. D. Mo. , 22@20c ; Curacoa , H. G Mo. , 30c ; Simon O. V. Mo. , $2.75i3.00 ( ; Uangola kid , 30@35c ; X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid , 32c ; Gricsen kids , ? 3.00 ( < i3.75 ; French glazed kids , ? 2.50i ( < 2.75 ; French culf kids , -W.25 ; oak kip skins , bOc ( < TS1.00 ; oak calf skins , Sl.00 ( < 1.55 ; French calf skins , fl.axg2.25 ; French ki | ) skins , f l.liil.50 ( ) ; Hussitt linings. } 0.IOtr..50 ( ( per doz. ; jiink cream and white linings , $7.50 ( itO.75 per doz , : colored toppings , $9.00 ( 11.00. DHUOS Acid Carbolic , crystal per Ib , 50c ; citric per Ib. ( Xo ) ; tartnric , per Ib , ROc ; sul phuric , perlu , 4c ; ammonia , curb , pcrlb , 15c ; alum , per Ib , 5c ; alcohol , 95 percent , per gal , J2.22 ; blue vitriol , jier Ib , So ; borax refined , peril ) , lOo ; camphor refined , 82c ; cream tar tar. pure , per Ib. 42e ; cream tartar , commer cial , per Ib , 20o ; cloves , per Ib , iiiic ; cuttle fish bone , per Ib , 30c ; dextrine , per Ib , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 30c ; hops , fresh , per Ib ; 40c ; indigo , Madras , per 11) , 75c ; insect powder , per Ib , ( Xc ) ; morphine. P.V. . , ] ) er 02. , $3.00 ; opium , per Ib , J3.75 ; quinine , P. & W. , per oz. , 5Sc : ( luinino , German , per or. . , 4 0 ; llochello salts , per Ib , 35c ; saflron , American , peril ) , 40c ; saffron , true Spanish , per oz. , 51. ( K ) ; salapetre , jmro per Ib , lOc ; Sulphur , Flowers' , per Ib. , 5o. ; soda , bicarbonate - bonato , per Ib , So ; silver , nitrate , per Ib , $11.50 ; spcrmncctti , per Ib , 52 ( ( lc ; strych nine , per oz , , $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib , 55c ; wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , 35c. On.s Carbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon , 150 degrees , 18c ; linseed Moiled , ( JOc ; linseed , raw , 57c ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , f.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water bleached , 85c ; llsh | bunk. ; )5c ; neatsfoot , ex tra , 05c ; neatsfoot , No , 1 , 50o ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15o ; W. S. lard , 35c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 21ard,50@55c ; W. V. zero , 14c ; W. Va. zero , 14e : golden No. 1 , 40u ; golden No. 2 , 25o ; whale , 20c ; naptha , 1 degree. 14o ; head light , 150 degrees , 12c ; headlight. 175 de grees , 15o ; turpentine , 45o ; castor , pure , $1.30 per gal. HIIIES Green butchers , ' 4@4iC ( ; green cured , 5i$5j ( o ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salt , ( ic ; green salted calf , ( i c ; damaged hides , 2c off ; dry salted deacons. 25o each. Tallow- No. 1 , 8JH'o ; No. 2 , 2c. Grease Prime white , 4c ! ; yellow , 3c : brown , 2c. Sheep pelts 10ct$1.00accordlng to quality. Hrand- ed hides clasHifled as damaged. SrniiTfl Cologne sirlts ] 188 proof , $1.14 ; do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , sec-owl quality , 101 proof , $1.15 ; do IBS proof , f 1.18 ; alcohol , 16S proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled whiskies , $ l.25 ( < $1.50 ; gin blended , $1,50(32.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.M > < 3 < 1.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.oOd,0.50 : Golden Sheaf and rye whiskies , $ .50013.00 ; brandies , imported. ? 5.KS8.00 ( ) ( ; domestic , l.30itf8.00 , gins , imported , $5.00 ( < ( ,00 ; domestic , Si.Soti ? 8.XI ( ; champagnes , imirartcd , per case , $23.00 © 33.00 ; American , per case , $10.00 ( 17,00. DIMENSION'S AND riMllltll , JIOUIIIP. No. 1 com , s 1 s.lb.r.O I No. n com , H 1 s..f 15.50 No. 2 com , s 1 8. . 17.011 1 No. 4 com , ale. . 13.50 No. 1 , 4 & 0in 12& 14 ft , rough . fl'J.SO ' No. 1 , " " 10 " . 0 l'.i.5 ' No. 2 , " " 14 " . 010.5 No. 2 , " " 10 " . 0 1B.O . SIPINfiS. A , 12 , 13 .t JO ft.$21.,0 C , 12 , 14 & lOft.f I5..W H , " ' " 20.50 I I ) , " " 12.50 CEILINO ANIl I'AUTITIOK. 2d com % in White Pine ceiling . $34.00 Clear % in Normay " " . . . 2 < lcomin " " " . 14,00 rLOOIIINO. AOin White Pine . $ ' 20.50 HOin " . . . . -M.ru COin " " . 30.IU DOin " " . 21.W EOin " " ( So ) . Fencing ) . I9..io 0 In Drop"Siding 5 < ic per M extra. DTOUKIIOA 111)8 , A18inch8l . ' . 51fi.5 ( 1112 " . ' . . Wi.20 C12 ' " . . ; . . . . . . . . . . 30.0U D12 u , . , . . ; . . . . . . . . . . , , .23.00 No. 1 com , 12 In s 1 s. 12 ft . SO.M ) " " " 14 ft . 10.00 " " " 10ft . 18.50 41 " " 10 , 18,20 ft . 21.50 No. 2 " " . . . 1P.OO " " " 12 , t 14 ft . 18.50 " " " 17 ft . 17.50 12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than 12 In Stock Hoards same length. 10 In Grooved roofing same price as 13 in Stock Hoards. SHIP LAP , J19.00 No. 1 Plain Sand 10 in . No.3 " " " . 17.50 No. 1 , OG. Sin . ID. 50 HATTENSTI.I. . TUI11NO , VICKRTS. O G Halts , S lti . f 70 8 In well tubing , U & M and bcv. . 23.IX ) Pickets , 1) .t H flat . 1U.50 " UHsq . Hi.50 FINISHING. lot nml 9(1 , clear , 1 , 1' , In s 2 s . $ M.OO " ' " 1 > ,2 . 51.00 3d , clear , 1 In s2s . 44. ( H ) " IV , 1 In 3 . 4l.tK ! ) A. select. 1 In s 2 s . 40.00 A , ' lJflK,2lns8s . 44.00 H , " lins'Js . 80. ( X ) H , " IV , ljtf,2in s2s . 87.00 H , select , all 10 ft , $1 extra. Celling Clear Finish , 1 and IV Inch , s2u . Cfl.V ) Clear Finish , 1 < and 2 Inch , s 2 s . JIO.OO Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 Inch . 24. M ) Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Haso. . . . 20.00 SOt'THKHN YELLOW 1'ISB. Star , 4 inch Flooring . $21.00 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring . 23.00 Clear < Inch Ceiling . 20.00 Clear & inch Partition . 24.00 Clear * f inch , Partition $2 above } { inch Aurora Waking Up. AuuoiiA , Nob. , Juno 0. To tlio KiU- torofTin : HKK : The building sengon of 1888 in this city nlthough beginning later than usual will provo to bo the busiest ono wo have hail for .voars. The past thrco years have witnessed the erection of but few business houses , the growth of our city during , thut time having boon con II nod principally to the residence portion , anil t-otno very line dwellings have been erected. The Ih'St brick building to bo erected the pres ent season will bo The Temple Craft , to bo two stories high , si/.o of building 00x110. This block is being crcctud by a syndicate composed of our citizens , the organization having it , capital of $20,000. The next in order will bean an opera houso. Mr. J. H. llcll , jircsi- dent of the First national bank , will erect a two story brick , 00 feet front , which will bo a handsome structure and furnish what Aurora has long needed , a Hrst-class opera houso. Mr. G. W. Cuny will also erect a liandsomo brick building before the season closes. A now county jail will also bo erected , to bo composed of brick and stone , and will cost , when completed , $0,000 or 87,000. Other bricks tire contemplated. Aurora is just beginning to show her importance an a footling and shipping station for cattle and hogs. Scarcely n day passes without seeing from ton to twenty-five car loads of stock shipped from this point to Omaha or Chicago. Some 15,000 head of cattle and twice that number of hogs have boon fed the past winter upon Hamilton county's corn and liny crop. ANON. Automatic Fire Escapes. A novel device in thony of a fire escape was exhibited recently nt the CSrund Pacific hotel to the chiefs of the lire department and n largo number of urchileclrt , underwriters and business men , says the Chicago Mail. The de vice consists of a borics of balconies , which extend across the front of tlio building. Attached to each balcony is n ladder , which whoa not in use , lies lengthwise , along the outside of the balcony. When a lire occurs the lad ders , each turning on a steel shaft and acting automatically , assume a vertical position , connect and make a contin uous double ladder from the sidewalk to the top of the building. While tlio inmates of the building are escaping by the inside of the ladder the lirumen may bo using the outside , and between the two there is a space down which persons maybe passed. Jn connection with the ladder is a system of thermostats and electric alarms. As soon as tlio heat of the lire reaches ono of the thermostats , which are placed on the different floors of the building , and also throughout the build ing. At tlio same instance the ladders are swung into position , and when the firoinon arrive , without waiting to raise their own ladders , they can ascend to any lloor or to the roof. The ladders may also bo swung and the alarms bounded by means of levers on each floor , no more strength being required than is necessary to "pull" a llre- alarin box. Tlio inventor of the system is Mr. Alfred Moore , of Detroit , and a company of Chicago men was formed to day for tlio manufacture of the up- plianco. The Sen Captain. Sea captains have always boon sup posed to bo fearfully wicked , said a sea captain to a reporter of the San Fran cisco Chronialo recently. I don't know on what principle this theory is based , but I suppose that , away from the moral restraint of saloons and places of that kind , they are supposed to develop ab normal profanity , depravity and irrovcranco. They arc always supposed to bo warring with the powers above , and cursing them when there's no wind , or too much wind , or to oheavy a breeze , or a fog , or something. A sou captain can outswear anything in life except the chief engineer of a lire de partment at a small lire. Out sea cap tains are not all bad. They can carve a chicken ; they can tell pretty nearly about the weather ; they huvo several very rare accomplishments , but to hoar thorn swear when u squall's in progress and they're u triilo Into in shortening sail , is illiberal education. There lias alwavs boon a kind of coolness between missionaries und sou captains. Not bo- eaupo sou captains are irreverent , but mainly , 1 think , because missionaries don't object to , hut the captain wants anything except a headwind. They do suy , too--I think it is a scandal that missionaries don.'t got seasio und they eat four meals a day. A mu'c ' on board u ship who oats four meals " day in an object of loathing and con tempt , I3ut sou captains like to toll their wildest and mobt thrilling btorios to missionaries. T hey bcliovo thorn ho much inoru readily than the suspicious landbinon of other character. On the Peninsular and Oriental steamorngoing to India , whenever tlioy have mission aries on board , the captain gets some oil of cloves and oil of cinnamon from the htoward and rubs the tUitV on the halyards and Bonds down stairs for the missionaries in the middle of dinner to como up and smell the ' 'spicy brcozo1' that "blow soft from Ceylon's iulo , " and they always marvel at the uptnoss of Bishop Iliibcr's hymn , which begins with that pretty allusion. A IllKtnrlo Place. An old time Fourth ward fight took place in Printing HOUMJ square re cently , says the Now York Telogrum. It is historic ground , made famqus by the fact thut Whltoluw Kcid nnd Dana abused each other there for yours , then shook hands and proceeded arm in arm down the street one afternoon in full sight of street full of ; iht.nishcd ( spec tators. But other things have mudo the historic square famous. Old women huvo sold upnloa there binco Columbus discovered America , bo to speak. anO the .shadow of u ui-cat wU v Jloraco Greoloy once fell upon Ha pavements. Uut to return to the light in quostiotl. It recalled the days of the volunteer i'Mrc department , when people fought for the fun of the thing. The contoBtr nils yesterday were two women. It wnS nn impromptu fight. There were no gloves , no Marquis of Queonsliiiry rules , no backers or follows to deelnro time ind sKnga | oil the sluggers from time to timo. The only thing that was knocked outot the ring was science it wont to ? rnss in the first round. But the women stuck to it and would have died then nnd there in the sight of thrco Lircut newspaper offices , hnd it not been tor the fact that the lighters live by selling newspapers , nnd they hnd to stop the battle when the last edition came out and attend to business , The two women ono young and the other not so young are rivals nnd sup ply the public with literature. Ono baa nor stamping ground elose to the Frank lin sUituto ; the other , the younger girl , liangs out further on toward the bridge. The younger woman was licensed of intruding on her neighbor. Words not used in polite pociotv followed , mm for a fo\v seconds it was like a riot in a llsh market. Then the older woman touched upon the moral oharuetor of her antagonist. A rush and two shrill screams , mixed up with newspapers , followed. Blows wore struck nnd the older und slighter woman sent out a blow from tlio shoul der that shook the other's nose loose from its foundations. The younger woman didn't llinch. She caused nor antagonist to spin around like a top. Quick as .lorsoy lightning the other soi/.cd the whirling woman about the nock and sent in a do/.on heavy blows on her head , whllo she managed towrigglo out of the other's embrace and got froo. t'Yom a hair pulling and face scratch ing hcono began the rivalled Bedlam. A fierce , disgraceful hand to hand fight continued , until a boy rushed up and yelled : "Five o'clock edition Telegram , just out ! " and then the two women gathered themselves together as ono woman and mudo a boo line for their : supply of evening papers. Ton min utes later they wcro soiling pupors as usual and apparently were aa peaceful as two singed cats uftor a lire. THE MILTOlBlTTABLES , OMAHA. SUHUltUAN XltAINS. ItiinniiiK lictwocn Council IlliitTH nnd A In iiclilltlon to thu stutlons incntlonoil , tralnl : btojiiit Twentiethnnd Twenty-fouitli streutu , niul at thu Suuiiult In Omnlm. AVcHtwaril. llroad- Trims Omnlm Hoiith Al- way. fcr. Depot. Oniahu nrlght. A. M A. M. A. M. A. 31. A. M. A. M. 5:45 : 5:51 : 0:00 : fild : 0:1 : fi:55 : 0:5T. : 7:02 : 7ir. : 7:4U 7:45 : B:12 : H:25 : HtO : : 8:45 : oti5 ! 'Jw : ; 0:45 : 11:1 : ic.no in aa 11:05 : 11:12 : ii-ri 11:30 : 11 Vl 11.52 p. si. P. 31. p. si. P. M. P. M. P. M. 12:05 : 12:1. : ! iau.r. : 12:4 : : 12 :52 : 1:1 : ! . 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A No. 6 . HMO a.m. A No.4 . . . . ! l:45a : , m.il ) No , 15 . . lt45 ; a , III. A No , K . 4Hflp. : ni.'A ' N < t. 7 . . 6Wlp : , in. A No. 0 ti:40p. m. A No. 3 . 7W : p.m. A dally ; II dally oxrept Pit-iO dtlly ducep Hun. : U tsxc i > t MOIL : t l' u mnll ; M.lmltCHl. Ml ( 11 if 510 North 16th Street , Omaha , PAID IX CAPITAL $100,000 " or.O. K. HAIIKEH , Prfsldt-nt. F. II. JOHNSON , Cftthler. DJUEt'roiiS ) ' HAUUII. : It. JOHNSON GKO. it. Hun-Kit , L. . WILLIAMS , WM. tiiivin.\ : K. II , JOHNSON , A General IlinVlnx Iliulutss Trans lutcrea : Allowed on'j'lwu Utyoii : * . iSVI