Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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No Advertisements will lie tnkcn for
'llirse columns after 12HO. : p. m. _
Tcrnm Cnsli In ndvntico.
' Advertisements under thin head. 10 eentsper
line for the first insertion , ? cents for each sub-
. tcrjunnt Inserjlon and t\M \ n line per month.
* i no advertisement. taken for less tlmn 25renti
tor thn first Insertion. Seven words will bo
! -counted to the line : they must run consecutively
end must IKS paid In ndvance. All advertise
ments mtifit l > o hnnded In before 12:30 : o'clock p.
M. , nnd under no circumstances will they b
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Turtles advertising In these columns and hav
Ing the answers nddrrfsed In cure of trie llco
'will please nsk for n check to enable them to
vect their letters , H none * 111 bcdellvercdoxcept
, on i > resontation of check. A 11 answers tondvcr
'tlscinents should be enclosed In envelope *
' All advertisements In these columns are pun
Ilshed In both morning nml evening editions ot
the Dec. the ell dilation of which aggregates
liicm than 18.0IK ) papers dallv , nnd R.WH the ad-
Arertlsers the benefit , not only of the city rlrcii-
Oatlon of tlio Ilee , put nlso of Council IllulTs ,
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns through
out this section of flio country.
1 Advertising for these columns will bo taken ,
.on the above conditions , at the following bus-
1 Incss houses , who arc authorized agents for TUB
JlEK upcclal notices and will quote thosuino
'tales as can bo had at the main olllco.
lTOliN W. " ItELL , Pharmacist. l ) South Tenth
W Street.
HASH & RUDY , Stationers nnd Pt Inters , 113
c South ICth Street.
, .O II. I'AIINSWORTH , Pharmacist. 2115 Cum-
Ing Street. _
'W J. 11UUHK8 , Pharmacist , North ICth
, Bt.
G P.O. W. PAHlt , Pharmacist , 1M St. Mary's
W ANTED" BIfii.itl6n as n. c ab driver , good
horseman. ; Inquire HRl Webster bt Ml 11 *
" \XrANTED. Employment by n steady nnd
T competent man. Is willing and hopes to
obtain a permanent place If possible. Address
M 35 Hoe olllco. 20111
WANTED Situation in n bank by a com-
notent young man , A 1 references ; ad *
flress for ono week "Dank , " 2301 Faruam st.clty.
114 14 *
WANTED-Sltuatlon at cabinet making ,
good bench hand. 2710 I'Tnnkllu st. . City.
" \\7 ANTED SltiiHtlon by younp man to work
i In olllce , good penm an , and lias knowledge
* of lookkoeplug. Address Jl 28 , lleo. 131 W !
riS7 ANTED Situation as Janltrtr In n church ,
i TT by a steady man. AddresiM 2 , Ree.
1175 Ut
WANTED A place to work mornings and
evenings for Ills board , bv a young muu
" * vho wishes to attend school during tlio day ,
Bddress M 4 lleo olllce. 7PS IQt
1 < \XTANTE1) . Young man In
TT to make himself generally useful. Must
'furnish references. Apply to Bol Itergman &
CO. . 1513-1615 Douglas at. 20011J
fXT ANTED Flrai clous butcher and meat cut-
TT ter wants a sit. Can give best of refer
ence. Address F. Wlllard , Arcndo hotel , city.
" 1X7ANTED A first class machine blacksmith ,
V T one capable of doing ongluu ami bridge
Work. Steady employment and good wages
paid , Fremont Foundry * Machine Co. , Fre-
inont. Neb. 103 12
W PANTED Good bread nnd cake baker nt
1(117 ( Clark st. 141) 10 *
Hoarding boss for trackluylng
outfit. Ship to-day. D. 0. O'Keefo , 3W (
Bo. llth st. 20210 *
\\7 ANTED Good bango player , singer nnd
TT dancer. State salary wanted. Address
J5 IJee olllce , Lincoln , Nob. 20331 *
\\rANTED-Coachmanwlth city references ,
TT (30 ; boy to wash dishes ; boy to run er-
funds , 4 laborers. 2 painters , 2 bricklayers , ros-
cook , $40. Mrs. Hregu , 3HY S. 16th.
) Salesmen everywhere to sell our
$2 silver door plates , by our now plan ot
tree u'dvottlslng , Agents clear $11) a day easy.
JVrlto for circulars , N. Y. Door Plato Co. , Al-
fcany , N. f. 130 1W
'O/ANTKD-rJ ' pastry cook , I ulirht clerk and 2
f T bell boys at Arcade hotel , 1215 Douglas st.
13'J U *
" \X7ANTED Two thoroughly competent ar-
.TT chltectural draftsmen , address wtit. ( Jray ,
tirchttuct , Lincoln , Neb. 138 lit
TT'NERGE'riC , reliable men wanted to solicit
li-foralurgomnnufncturlughouse ; nociipltnl
required ; reference necessary. Address llox
B07 , Omaha. Neb. 10J Jy7
" \X' AVJ'ED Carpenter to do the work on 0 or
( TT H-room house , nnd take house nnd lot In
South Omnlin ns pay. Apply C. C. Snotswood ,
m * S. ICth st. UU7
WANTKD A boy with n horse to carrv a
unite on the Evening Dee in the noith part
Of tow n. Thco. Williams , bet. 3 i : 5 o'clock p. m.
CANTED Men for the west. Albright's
labor agency. 1120 Farnnm nt. 51t
> OY Am. Dlst. Tol. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
, OALESMEN Wanted Five traveling salesmen.
c W3 Salary nnd expouses. No experience ne
cessary. Address with Btanip. Palmer & Co. ,
SVliiouii. Minn. 21'J J2t
' > * \\f ANTED Man to take the ngency ( travel-
i TT Ing or local ) of our safes ; size 28x18x18
iInches ; weight MX ) Ibs ; retail price 835 ; other
rfclzcH In proportion. A rare chuncn and pormn-
i pent business. These sufea meet a demand
' Kiever before supplied by other safe companion ,
Bs wt ) uro not governed by the Safe Pool. Alt -
t > j > lnn Bnfo Co. . Cincinnati. O. 708 J15 *
[ lnnW rVNTED Energetic men nnd women every
where for u genteel monoy-mnklugbusl-
, TaesH. ( CO weekly protlt guaranteed eustor than
8 < ° 0 monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
umiecessury. Permanent position uud excluslvo
tenltory usBiired. $2samples free. Wrlto for
-tu'rtlcuhirx. Address , vltn atnmp , SI iTlll Mf'g
' - t'o. . II. fi3 , Chicago. 578J11 *
A NTED A competent nnran gli 1 in private
. . . , T > tnmily who Is willing to umku herself gou-
erally useful. i'54 ' S 20th st. l 8
ANTED Girl to do general housework ;
references rouulrod. 1018 Sherman uvo.
17210 *
i \A T'ANTKD Competent glrf for general house
. VV 'work. 1018 Sherman nvo. 16510 *
T\7 : ANTED-Qlrl for general house work.
, TT ( food wnges to clnfs help. Colored
, | ) i-cforrua. Apply NW cor. 22nd und llurdetto
pt.s. im u *
WANTED-Agents for Mine. Williamson cor *
set ; s'ells readily ; fits perfectly ; good nails-
faction , liberal terms uud good territory. Wll-
1-Ilnmsou Corset & llruco Co. No 18 S Oth St. , St ,
clouU. Mo. .
_ _
A NTED Pantry nlrl , waitress and latin *
diess forDonver , Cplo.f20 ; pantry girl anil
A'nttit'aa for Grand Island ; pa-stry COOK In city ,
toO ; U glru In Htcnm laundry ; plain Ironurs ,
Vnshera nnd polishers ; women dlswnshers ; Isl
and 2nd girl for sumo family In Council HhiUs ,
IT tx ( Ti.-ek , no washing ; cook for prlvnto family
lu city , Si , no washing ; H dlulngroom gins in
fclly. 85 per week , and la girls for general house-
Irt-orlc ilr , llrepa.HH ! S.15tli. laa 10 ?
ANU'ED Ortod gli 1 for nrlvato boarding
huuse. Good waged paid. 1001 Donglus
etreot , _ _ 107-10' _
/A f > l III , for general housework for two in tilt
if Vfnmllv , mii8t bo tlrst class rock , washur ami
iniiiur. References required ; Inquiient & )1 ) N
fc'.tli st , Germmi praferrud. UU3
TANTEn-Uood Ctrl for housuxvork nt Hl'J '
8 lUth St. ITO
) A good girl for general house
work , 253 ! ) I'miilne bt. M.I 1J * _
VYi rANTID ! A wclMued nud olllcloiit young
Yi Indy i apnblo , without being shown , of do-
thu eiitlro house work for n small fnuilly ;
palmy tXI per moutli. Address 15. lleo olllro.
'VV'ANTK. ' ) IVo ladles to travel together for
t > our house. Nuuo but ladled uf stability
pud business tact need apply. J. M. French &
to. , Room 513 PUMOII lllk. KJl 13
ANTED a German or Iloheinian bakcn ,
UUB 13lll. cor Williams , EX ) 11 *
\\7 ANTED Lady agents. "A" sklitaudbus-
, TT tie combluod and II. hose suppoitors.
Sloth new. nig prollti. Secure towns for sprint ,
trade. Ladle v Supply Co. , Sii W. WnsldiiRton
- -
r ANTED A mlddle-agod woman for gener-
nl house work. Good wages , liujuira at
- ' l 13th. 413
ADV Agents 110 a uay , sure ; uow rubber
imdvrcarmuut. Mra II , F , LHtlo , _ Chlcajio ,
ANTKD-SUrst-cluss dlums-i-oom giru. a
once. Occidental hotel. 4VJ
f\ArANTKI > Geruianor American ivuiaan tc
Ti rcoV , wash and Iron ; must brlug go'X
rcfcmice. Mre. J. II. llnirts. liai 8.aith.r ) > 57n
CAN A DIA NlTptyioyiiieiit Olilco-
male-help sent to all purts If fiirft i *
% -mict-d , lUiference , Omaha XuUonu ! bank. Mn.
jJU't.1 UiIJi 8 Itlli. ' 1\1.K | , > EuJ It
WANTED Men'and boys out ot work to call
at the rtty Intollgcnce ofllce ( Crelghton
blk ) corner 15th and Douglas sts. 6)4
TTIIRST-CLASS board , 1612 Hnrney
ANTTD-Tnblo boarders , 1G15 Dodge.
"V\TANTED. Gentleman room mate In nicely
TT furnished front room , i > per montit,410
William st. , 8 minutes walk s. c. U. P. depot.
WANTED. Ncwspupr Location A first
class practical newspaperman of severnl
years ox % > orleiiro , married , who has Just sold his
newspaper In Iowa , wants to locate In some live
Nebraska town. If you MO in need of n good
live newspaper for your town address .1. W. II. ,
Dally Nonpareil oince , Omaha. IM 13
KTKWSPAPEU Wauted.-A first clnss open-
JInu for n good newspaper at Franklin ,
Franklin county. Neb. llesttownlnthorounty.
About 1,010 Inhabitants , Nothing In the way.
Addrces , llnnk of Franklin , T. S. Lninbiiru ,
Franklin. Neb. IKi 1C
ETEOTlVlIS-Wo wntit a roilnblo nnn In
every locnlltj * tonctns special prlvnto de
tective under our instructions. No membership
fee. Send 7c In stamps for partlcuhiiM. Ad
dress Mohawk Detective Ilureau , Ix > ck llox 113 ,
"VW ANTED--llooni nnd board In prlvnto fain-
TT llybyladj. AddtessLtO , llcoollicc.
127 10 $
TJiNflAOT.MKNTS to do dressmaking In fauil-
Jl-lle * solicited. .Miss Sturdy , BO ! ) 3. 23d st.
mil Jy7 *
Tlio public to make good use of
The Dee's message boxes throughout thu
city. 100
ANTED To buy or trade lor a good build
ing that can bo moved. Please call on
or address George J. Sternsdorir , roomOoppo- )
Bite P. O. SU
WANTED If you have nny lands , lots , or
houses nud lots to sell or exchange for
other property , call on mo or write. 1 cnn find
you a customer. C. C. Spotswood , 305' ' { S , lotn.
filOK RENT 7-room house , $3.1 a month. Sill )
JU California st. 107 12 *
OR RENT ( I room house , 13th and Vlnton.
John L. Hill. 170 12t
OR RENT 3 now store rooms , 1 six room
Hat , 3 ton room now houses , 1 fourteen room
now house ; all supplied , with modem conven *
enclcs ; rent reasonable to good tenant. Ficd
1. Smith. HID N. Pith bt. 170 13
FOR RENT Nice 7 room llat ; centrally lo
cated. Co-operntlvu Land & Lot Co. , 205
N. 10th. 14311
_ _
[ 710R RENT 24th and Locust sts. , 5-room
U house , llrst door west of shot tower , 131 11 *
OR RENT818 Howard St. . 0-room house.
cellar und city water. Apply A. Jlnrtln , 404
S15th. 148 1U
_ _ _ _ _
moil KENT 7-room Hat , 1007 Howard. Coch-
13 ran Uros. . 4B llurkcr block. 115 11 *
ITIOR RENT Furnished houses and Hats. Co-
U operative Land & Lot Co. . 305 N.lUth st. 143 U
IJ10R RENT One 3 or one 5-room house. Just
U flnlshed. 2020 Dorcas street. 120 10 f
FOR RENT A large elegant 3-story brick
house , every modern convenience , suitable
for a boarding house or two families. Apply at
3111 Farnam. U4U
T71OR RENT $ ! . " > a month , an elegant new 9-
JU room house , heated , with hot water nnd all
uoderu Improvements , 1127 2fltn st. , near Woolworth -
worth nve. Enquire on premises or of owner ,
Jas. Steel , 1218 S. 30th ave. KM 13 *
FOR SALE Two cottages. Enquire 1522 How
ard st , Ulms. Turner. 'JOO lit
171011 RENT 12-room house , bath gas and
LJ water , ueiir street and catlo cars , sttlSO Cap-
tel ave. Inquire A. Splglo , 1119 Farnam.
[ T1OR RENT Now D-room house , 2 blocks west
D of Lowe avenue on Cumlng Bt. Inqulro 117
N 14th of M. W. Palno. WW 13 *
FOR RENT 7-room house , all Improvements ,
S27.CO ; 8-rooui house , $35 ; Jl-room house , $10 ;
0-room house with steam heat , nnd other
louses. O.E. TJiotnpsou , Sheely block. 897
T E7THdjIPSONitoonilI2 , Sheoly block ;
vJ 7-room house , 830 ; U-room house , nil 1m-
movements , U40 ; 8-room house , 0 blocks from
lloyd's opern house , $10 ; 10-room house , steuiu
heat , ana other houses. 242
F RENT 2 Hats , 13-U nnd 1 4-room , 20th
- nnd ; Martha. Inquire on premises or at
Tlieo Olsen , room 7 , Hoard of Trade , liith and
Fnrnani. bM 10
TjlOR RENT S-room house , furniture for snlo
JJ cheap or trade for Omuha property. Inqulro
nt 2S27 Cass bt. K10 IHt
FOR RENT Splendid cottage.deslrnble neigh
borhood , nt t30 per mouth , stoves , cnrputs
nnd window curtains for sale. R. C. Patterson ,
318 S. 15th St. 838
71OR RENT NIce four-room cottage S , E. cor.
- Webster nnd S2d sts. apply I , . L. Thomas , in
shop department , Kelley , Stlger & Co.'s. 803
TfOIl RENT B room house , gus , bath , city and
soft water , $50 per month. 138 S 24th ave.
FOlt RENT Furnished house , modern con-
venlnces , large yard , $5'J ' per month , apply
at 1405 N Kith. 703
"I710R RENT 0-room llat , central location , hot
JL and cold water , bath and nil modern conven
iences , cheap rent. J. H. Parrotte , ICOfl Chicago.
0114 15
TjlOR RENT An elegant 8 room new house ,
JU plate glass windows , hot and cold water porcelain
celain bath tub , range , nleo yard , good neighbor
hood , first-class barn , near cable and street cars.
Apply to J. II. Parrotte. rental agency. 1COO Chicago
cage st. 027 13
FOR RENT 7 room cottage on 8 2ilth st.bath
room , hot wntor. heating apparatus , U stall
barn.apply _ I ) . O. McEwnn. 311) S 15th bt , 017
TT10R RENT A desirable nine-room house all
JU modern Improvements , half block from
ruble line on west Dodge st. All Improvements ,
cheap to good tenant. F. J. llothwkk,221 S llth.
(110 (
"T710R RENT P-room modern Improved house.
JL1 Apply M. Elgutter , 1001 Farnam st. K13
TTIOR RENT Furnished house , good location ,
.L1 lor particulars call at the olllco ot Thos ,
lircunau & Co. , loumU , Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT 7 room Hat , 2nd lloor , 1G03 How
ard stieot , or will rout 4 rooms arranged
for houaukeoplng. 34 U
GE. THOMPSON-Room 112 , Shoely block.
7-loom house ; too ; U-rooiu houst * . all im
provements , J40 ; 8-room house. U blocks from
Itoyd's opera house , f 10 ; 10-room house , steam
heat , and other houses. 242
I HAVE a four-room house on 10th street , two
blocks south of Ylntou. that 1 will rout to ft
good tenant for $12 per month , everything in
good repair. George J , Sterusdorir , Room 0 ,
opposite P. O. 231
IflOH RENT A choice 0 roonvnouse.fenced lot ,
gas , city water. furnncebath room , cistern ,
nlso large well equipped barn , being 2543 Cupltol
ave. Inquliu 2d housn east of premises or room
U Omaha Nntl bank bid. li. H. Robldon.
COTTAGES rooms , a small store room and
good barn , wltll 4 acres of land , situated H
mile north of fort , tlS.UO. Apply SIT B llth st.
THEN room house with yard , near Farnam and
JL2lth Ht. , stf.un und all modern im-
proTcmonts. W5 per month. Cull 207 S. 24th st.
T710R RENT An H room hoiuo , with bath , ono
JL ? block from car line , $30 per month. H. E ,
Cole , room fl , Continental block. CSS
FOR RENT S-room bouse. North Snunders
at. Enquire of C. W. ileall & Co. . ill ! ) S.
Mtll 617
T71OR RENT When you want to leutii house !
J. . htoitiof oSlce goto H. E. Cola. 51S-
T710R KKNU'-A ' neat F-W cottnge. Appljr at
JJ onco. O. F. Hanison , 418 d ifili r.t. Mi )
' "
TI 1 uitNi s HE DTooliTwr&oas.'ajud"
IjUlONT pnrlor In now llat , with largo buy win-
J- now , open grate , ens , bath , all conveuluecca ,
Miltsble furtwogoHtlcmcn , 514 S loth st. , ad
iloor. IM Hrt
EOOMERS for ne\v , elegantly furnished bed
rocuiis , thieo blocks south of Funium st. ,
C.j 17tli uvL'uuo , south. Terms moderate.
103 10 *
TTIOR RENT InvlclulFy of high school u lurge
-L front nlrovu rconi. southern uxpoxuro , mod
ern lioiwe. private fuuilly , with or without
lioard , rotei-oncca ro < iuU < id , uddresn M 27 , llco
olllce , HO l6f
FOlt KENT Furuishod sleeplnc room. F09
Ho\vurdby thedav\eokormonlht > t. VA 10J
TTIOR RENT For housekeeping. 2 fuiiilshed
-I-1 pM'tH'olthon * chlldreu. biiu
- - nnniia to pM'tH'o \ Hu\r-
ard st. VJ3 loj
"ITIOR RENT jAi-ge furnlslied room froutlut
J. east vltii cloict. 2ithnve and Howard st.
I1 IQj
rpo RENT Largo front room nicely furulnhtx
Jfor 0110 or two goutlunu'u , or fur uiuu imi
wlfo , wUH like of kuchen. Threw blocks from
city ballrufcieucca. . Address box 4GU , P. o.
BS7 1W
TTKHl RENT Rooms nnd front rooms en suite ,
J nt IKJ1 Farnam st. , near court house. V7I
ROOMS' Including Hoard In the YoungTVo-
JLV nion'B home , 1HIO Dodge st. References re
quired , tuo
OR RENT-Furnished rooms , 1818 Dodge ,
gt' 0
j ? OOMS and board at 1812 Chicago st.
FOR RFNT Nicely furnished rooms on car
line. $1 n month. 113 3. 21th st. ItO-lOt
TTIOR RENT-Furnlsned rooms , single or en
. . .
J-1 suite , atlllS. 20th st. r. „
rANTHD To rent n single room in n nice
locality by n gentleman. Not overtlO
per mo. Prlvnto family preferred. M-tJ llee.
| _ 185-10 *
LOVELY R. o. room , nlso sulto of front rooms
nnd unfurnished rooms , high , summer lo-
cation. Reference' , 25211'arnnm. fi&t JBO
TTIOR RENT Room with Ixinrd In private fam *
JHi' ! gentleman and wife preferred. 1KU ! S
27th st. 11)516 ) *
TWILL furnish most delightful rooms durlug
the .summer to respectable parties" , nnd If de
sired supper nnd brenkfnst. 14TO N. 18th st.
NIOKt.V furnished rooms , table for tuo
gentlemen , 170-t Douglas st. 151
filOUIt gentlemen cnn bs accommodated with
-L a nice sulto ot rooms nnd tlrst-clnss board nt
S.VK ) St. Mary's avo. . Oraddy block. H'5 '
"ITIOR KENT-Furnished rooms for gentlemen
JL' only , terms moderate , references required.
2125 Dodge St. 811 IQt
TT1OR RENT First class rooms , with board !
JL' Reference exchanged , 1700 Dodgw st.
M1 . HARDER. atSIS North llth st. has ono
1 front nud nlcove room silltnblo for gentle
man cr man und wife ; also other nicelv furn
ished rooms , for respectable people only.
175.10 *
TT10II ItENT Ono pleasant south front room ,
-L suitable for ouo gontlonlsn , 2212 Farnam st.
1)78 )
O NE furnished and 2 unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. H N. 32d st. 1711U
NICELY furnished rooms , 2017 Lcavenworth.
1U1,1' * +
FOR ItENT Two furnished front rooms ; ono
large one , for $15 per mo. and a small ono
for $7. No. 1517 Leavenwortlmt. 101-10 *
IT1HRN18HED rooms , with orlthout board ,
JE per woek. 504 So. 18th. 1C9 19 *
"YfERY pleasant largo furnished rooms ; all
> desired conveniences ; prlvnto house , board }
1 block from postolllce , 1013 nnd 1015 Capitol avo.
73lBj : >
FOR RENT. Furnished room 2101 Farnam
178 11 *
FOR RENT Pleasant room , south exposure ,
on Dodce street , near Sid , for rent. In-
qulro nt room 40 Darker block. 10210
T71OR RENT One ulcelv furnished front room.
JL1 Jlodcrn conveniences , 210(1 ( Faruam. 17911 *
TJIOR RENT Wanted tioarders In n quiet ,
JL1 pleasant homo ; choice , cool front rooms ,
modern conveniences. 535 Pleasant St. , near St.
Mary's nve. 153 12 *
OH ItENT Furnished rooms , 1701 Cap avc.
147 15t
FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms , 2101
Hartley. 15t 11 *
T710R RENT Furnished room , for ladles or
JL1 gentlemen , 023 N. 21st , 1 block red cnr Hue.
155 10 ?
I710R RENT Two large handsomely furnished
JL1 parlor * , separately orou suite ; modern con
veniences ; location splendid ; 1707 Dodno st.
12U 1UT
FOR RENT Sulto newly furnished rooms ,
also single room , all modern conveniences ;
board If desired ; near 2 car lines. 022 Georgia
avc (2 ( th Htl. 735 1'lt
TTIOR RENT Furnished rooms , single or in
JL1 suites , board if desired. 2102 Cor. Pleas
ant st. and St. JIary'H avo. 847 11 *
T710R KENT Two nicely furnished rooms for
JL1 gentlemen , S. W. cor. Dodge and Ibth sts.
TTIOR RENT Furnished rooms. 222 UurT
JC 1UO19 *
ROOms , with or without board , can bo had at
Mil Plea.sunt fct. Regular boarding house
next door. 10211 *
T711JRNISHEI ) front room for 2. Inquire 008 5
JU N 10th st. 110 10 *
rent , with board , second-story front room ,
delightful surroundings ; gentlemen pre
ferred. 201 S2"th avo. 188-10
F URNISHED rooms to rent , 2227 Dodge st.
! > 12 13
FURNISHED front room , cheap , 2110 Harney.
800 10 *
OR KENT Furnished room with board for
two gentlemen. 2020 St. Mary's ave. Ni7
L IARGE and small room suitable for gentle
man , with board , 1812 Dodgo. 728
FOR RENT Furnished rooms In Grounlg blk
cor. 13th nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. It. .
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 52J
A VERY desirable suit of rooms in private
family. Gentleman and wife preferred.
No. C2 Georgia ave. . S. ffllth St. 73fl
rDRNISED Rooms Very pleasant location.
Modern conveniences. No objection to
lady roomers. 2121 Seward 38'J 10 *
FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room ,
suitable for two gentlemen. Enquire at
2(111 ( , St Mary's avc. 411
1URN1SHED rooms and board , HWil Fnrnnin7
23-J J 2J ,
FOR RENT Furnished rooms , with or with
out board. 253U St. Mary's avo.Graddy blk.
FURNISHED room for ono pr two gentlemen ,
Leslie & Leslie. 10th and Dodge sts. 57
TjlURNISHED rooms. 113 S 20th. COO Jy3
JOOB1 to rent , all modern Improvements. 1700
t Dodge st. 775
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms suitable for 4
gentlemen. Inquire Room C , 3d tloor , 13th !
Douglas. uii2
171OR RENT 'f\\-o nicely furnished front
i1 rooms , with or without board , modern con
veniences , Jtf nnd JO per month. 1321 N. Ibth st ;
ou two car lines , 030
POR RENT Rooms furnished and unfur
nished , 1724Cap , avo. Wi8
AT No. HON. 13th we have good clean dry
rooms for storage of household goods win
stoves at very low rates. Wo buy furniture and
stoves. Call and got our Uguros. R , Martin.
Four(4) ( ) rooms , 1702 Webster st J2r > 00
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 1702 Webster st St ) ft )
Four (4) ( ) rooms , 415 H. inthst , 2Q 00
Eight (8) ( ) rooms. 413 H.l'Jthst 45 00
Four (4) ( ) rooms , 1704 Webster st 2500
Three (3)rooms ( ) , 41l)81HthHt ) 15 00
Three ( Jl rooms. 1027 N. 20th st 1500
Three (3) ( ) rooms In alloy , llth und Chicago , H ( X )
Three(3)rooms ( ) , 1024 N 21stst 1100
Throe(3)rooms ( ) , 1021 N20thM , 15 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1122N.2lstHt II 00
Three(3)rooms ( ) , 110087th t 11 00
Eleven (11) ( ) room houno , Uth uud Dodge , , . , 75 0)
THO(2)ollire.s ( ) , 31US. 16thst 35 Ot )
Four (4) ( ) rooms house. 408 N llth st 1800
Apply to Judge Renting Agcncv , Herald
building , S. W. corner of 15th nnd Hurnov st.
TTNFUHNISHED front room , 2007 Cass st.
U US ) 11 *
FOR RENT-Desk room in ollico No. JI17 First
National bank building , s. e. cor. Farnuui
and mil st. 750-11 *
T710K RENT Tlio htoie-room under the Wind-
JL1 ser hotel , car , lOtn uud Jucksou sts. Apply
at the hotel oltlco. 124 13
OFFICE or desk room , good location , fur-
nlshed or unfurnished ; ground lloor. F. L.
Gregory , rental agent , SM 8. lUth st. let )
FOR RENT Desirable olllces In new Sheoly
building , 15th UMU Hownrd nt.s. , 410 and up ,
nUo store room , G. E. Thompson , sole aicoiit ,
Rpom 112. 2t'i
OFFICES and stores In Bheely block. G. E.
Thompson , room S12 B'J8 '
FOR RENT Half store room , newly decor-
nted ; excellent locution. Jewelry business
preferred. The Gotbum , 118 South Eleventh st. ,
two doors from O St. , Lincoln , Nob. KW-13J.
OFFICE For Rent Ground iloor oflice. No.
320 S. 15th Bt. Apply room 411 , Ut nut.
bank building. 761
_ _ _
FOR KENT Desirable store on Farnam , for
wholesaling , etc. Lcavltt Uuruham , K. 1 ,
TT10R RENT llrlck store with basement , No
JL1 tar 8. 13th t. ; 2 olnces on second lloor No.
1509 Faiiinm St. , by I'uuUcu & . Co. , 1511 Furnuai
bt. . room 8. 431
171OK RENT Storeroom. 1003 Howard street ;
JU boat locsttou in city for grocery or furniture
1JAOR RENT Desirable olllces in new Hhcely
JU building , Uth uud Howard sts. , { 10 and up.
also store room , U. E. Thompson , solo agent ,
Koou.112. " 242
n RENT-RotilHh ? ? < lne.s < t roomonltth nt.
a P. Harrison. 4ISS. 15th st. _ 1JH
JjlOU lilJNT8tq rix > om and rottRBe or i )
JU rooms , good bimC/tc. , with 4 acres land.
situated y mile norttfoT tort , $15 Apply 317 8.
TT1OII RUNT Now'.UatDi 30x70. Enquire 117 N.
JL1 Hth M. W. - 1U
st. Pnltio.i-
_ _ _ _ _ _
TTIOirRE T NewllarllflTpertuonth. Apply
JL1 nt Field warehouse. 13tn nnd Nicholas.
- > ! / . 81213 *
IflOR RENT-Onc-half f Jinsemcnt on corner
1 of icth and Jackson , light and dry ; apply on
premises. . " 4ii
' "
RENT All 'AtaEN ' cfES- .
GE. THOMPSON , > Kt)6ml Sheely block.
IF. YOU want your homes rented place them
with Ilcnawa & Co. , lutli , opposite postoftloo.
. 624
WANTED Houses to rent , and vra can Tent
them too. H. E. Cole , N. E. 15th nud
Douglas. _ KM
LIST houses for rent with II. K. Cole , N. E.
Wtli nnd DouglM. 575
GREGORY , F. L. . Rental ngout , 309 S ICth st.
ENTLEMAN"strangorTnThe Tty wouhl llku
to mnko Hit ! ncqualutnnco of good lookliiR
, 'oung lady. Object pleasure , etc. Address
M-3-J , Hcc. 158-10 *
_ _
TDERSONAIi Lames and gentlemen desiring
JL correspondents , address. Corresponding
Club , Kansas City , Mo. , for information. In-
close stamp. 32J J 25 *
MARY DONOVAN will plenso call at 101 S.
12th street and get letter from Omaha Sav-
ngs bank. 1 " . ' 1.1 lit
ERY FRENCHY-Our French tlssuo paper ,
' you know , nil shades. Chase it Eddy , loth
bet. Douglas nnd Dodgo. _ 125 IQt
PERSONAL If the gentleman from Walnut
11 ill will call nt 2121 Caldwellst , hecan now
; ottlio tin eo months' onby , 112 H
IF you want to buy , soil , rent or oxchanga
call on or address G cargo J. Sternsdorir ,
room 0 , opx ] > slto P , O. 231
TDAINLESS treatment of pile tumors , fistulas ,
X rectal pockets , ulcers , etcc , without loss of
time or Inconvenience at 317 N Itith st. Dr. Kelso
_ _ _ _ " 84 Jilt
PERSONAL Weak undeveloped" of the
body enlarged nnd strengthened , full par
ticulars sent ( senled ) free- Erie Mcdlcnl C. , fitlf-
falo , N. Y. _ , _ IH-11L.
PERSON A I/ Private homo for Incites during
coiillucment , strictly confidential , infants
adopted. Address E 42. Boo ollico. S3J1W !
PERSONAL If you hnvo a personal Item , or
any communlcatlou , drop it In ouo of The
Uco's messngc boxes. 100
LOST A number of Sons of Veteran badges.
Reward for their return to K. J. Coates , 1304
b'urnnm. 152 lot
A black horse colt 3 years old.
STRAYED strip in his forehead ; finder will
lie lowarded by returning to P. J. Johnson. C. ,
St. P. . M. & O. freight depot , Omaha. 62 10J
LOST Ilrown water spaniel dog , answers to
name of Jack ; liberal reward to leave at 1314
St. Mary's nve. , upstairs. 9.X ) 10 *
STRAYED June 2 , 1 dark brown pony , weight
ftiO , 4 years old , branded K on left shoulder
nnd T on left thigh. 2 white hind feet. Owned
by H. SI. Slater , 120S Farnam st. Reasonable
reward will bo glvciyor his return. Oil 13t
m Alt EN UP-May 24. innro and colt ou Papil
JL lion road near crossing M. 1 * . 11. R. nnd Fre
mont & Elkhoru Y. R. llf Fred Wohlcrs.
d m20J2 101023
TAKEN UP-Spotted cow , call at Fox & Hens
man , V4 mile south of Ambler street car barn
072 lit
FOR SALE A three months scholarship In n
.shorthand school , very cheap. For partic
ulars address C. II. S , , 1513 Dodge St. , Oiiiuhu ,
, . 183-lli *
FOR SALE Elegant carriage horse , now
phaeton nnd harness. Inqulro room 40 ,
llarker block. > > _ 102-10
TEAMIIOAT for Bale' . D. Hnrratt , Springfield ,
Nob. 113 12t
TT'OR ' SALE A. line sorrel mare , 1 years old ,
JL1 weight 120 Ibs. , gentle , will work .sluulo or
double. Inquire 017 N liith st. KEI 13
A GOOD , gentle , family horse , newbutrgy and
harness for sale cheap , perfectly sate tor
nny lady. Inqulro at the Uuckly barn , lUth and
St. Mary's avo. U
TJIOR SALE 1 wish to sell my carriage horse
-jU nnd either single or double carriage and hnr-
nes.s. Guaranteed the host family hnrso in the
city ; for style or gentleness cannot bo beaten ;
ngo 7 yearn. D. V. Sboles , room 1 , llarker block.
002 _
POR SALE A number ouo pony and dog rart
Inquire of FED. Cooper , Wuluut bill , f.12
FOR SALE-One Hull's large improved lire
proof safe. Inquire room 4111st nat bank
bunding. 755
FOR SALE The lease nud furniture of the
only hotel In town ; for particulars apply
Windsor hotel , Stromsburg , Neb. J. E. Crook.
BARN to bo moved 1 hnvo n barn that will
accommodate four horses nnd Is lu good
repair thnt I will trade or sell very cheap. Ap
ply to G. liarth , proprietor Saunders street
market , between Culdwell and Hamilton.
"T710R SALE The furniture , carpets , fixtures
JJ and leuso of a pleasantly located , newly
furnished house , near horde nud cable cars ,
house heuted by steam , furniture , etc. , In use
less than a year ; must bo sold at once. For par
ticulars apply to Hartman Sc Gibson , 1013 Fur-
lutinst. 528
T710R SALE About 3,000 tons Illuo river Ice ,
Jt ? Lanham * Abbott , Crete , Nebraska. 558J10 *
TjlOR SALE Some Ilrst class 2 < 1 mortgage
JL ; paper ut u discount. C. C , Spotwood , 3J5 > i S.
ICth. 515
3AI > lES-Mall 2c stamp for Instructions how
-I to enlarge your bust ft inches bv using our
"Emma" bust developer ; warranted ; cosmetic *
are silly , base humbugs : ours gunrnutocd or
money lefquded. "Emma" Toilet lluzar , 221
1'remont st. , lloston. 1BJ 10
M 118. 13. WINTEN , professional midwife , no
corner Dorcas und Ibth. 177 lot
lli ; banjo taught as an art by Goo. i' . Gelien-
beck. bOJ Harnay st. 1U2
TJIASHIONAllLE dressmaking at eastern
J } prices , perfect lit guaranteed. Mrs. E. S ,
Mclieuth , I0i Saunders st , up Htuli-M. ! Wl 10 ;
IIOME for Destitute .Women und Children ,
2718 Hurt st. 1)10
PRESIDENTIAL Pl'ZiCLE-Somothing now.
Solicitors wanted to sell to merchants. Out
fit bv mall for live one-cent post ugo stumps , W ,
H , Whcelor , Capo GirurUeuu , Mo. Kil-11 *
and cattlii taken to pasture , apply
HOUSES Osthoir , 1513 California St. 7MJ ) > .ft
WOMAN'S Exchange. 1617 Farnnm St. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. DID
HFF Jk CO. , 117 N st. sell furniture and
stoves loss thiiu nay other tiouso In Omaha ,
f ' 230 J 23
OHFF & Co. ; at 117 Nolth Kith St. . pay the
highest prices for furniture , carpets , books
nnd stoves. > , 230 J23
GJ. 8. STERNBDOIIFF/rooin fl. opposite post-
olllcowlll trarteymiia good furm or city
pjrppjntyjf or a " liprt > , J > iiKKJy uml liarnesii. 132
rilHE Omuha"FliiiiKlRluExchuiiie ( , Room 15 ,
Jllarker block , sbutlmoM corner of Fur-
nani nnd r > th sts. f .
Mukes u Hpeclulty of short-tlmo collateral and
real estate loans. . ,
Money always ou hnjid ill sums of f 100 und up-
wurds to any amount , to'loau on approved so-
Recu'iod notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate uud e sh to exchange for
good first or He'cond mortgage * .
IAJIIUS mndo npou'laup contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , ilrlt orbocond mortgugo so-
curlty , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial bunlnossxif uy kind transacted
promptly , quietly uud fairly. Room 15 , Darker
block , Corbett , Munaapr. t > ' ? J
1 111E iusuTance , reliable companies. II. E.
JU Cole , N , E. 10th and Douglas. EW
"ITIOil SALE A top uuggy , nearly now.O oluiu
X' bus mukH , also good bUiglo harmiss. A. H.
Coiustock. 312 B. Itith st. Ml
" \317'IIKN you have bargains In leal estate cal
IT ouj. F. Hammond , 617 Puxton bulldlug.
b"8 J 18 ?
IF you nuvo anything 10 trade call on or address -
dress George J. Sternsdortf , Itoom U , oppo-
alto poatotllre. lot
" \XrANTED-A good horse , buggy and harness
T T lu exchange for South Omnliu lotu. fleorge
J. Steinsdorir , room 0 , opp postolllcB. '
rpHK Omaha Commercial collegu gives grum-
JLniar , writing and suulllng free to nil 1U
shorthand td ) tj-pewrlllna studeuts , tuition
very low , bltuatloua furulsned wheu possible.
About 140 stiululiu npw lu uttendbucu , Wrlto
Uolirboupti Ilros. for particular * . VUlt the cell -
l ge , 1114 raruam. \fTJ \ Jy7
Shorthand lustituto U the"
' only practical , exelusivo shorthand school
In UIH west. All its graduates are in good slt
nations and giving entire satisfaction. Students
can enter at nnr time. No summer vacation.
Send for circulars to Valentine's Shorthand In
stltuto. Now Paxton HulldluR , Omaha Neb. 495J23
TRACKAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. M
JL lliisliman , 1311 Lcavenworth. _ E03
\\fANTED-To buy cottage nnd lot about
> T mile from postofllcoj cnn clvo In trade
Jl.OOO ; must bo ft bargain , M 30 , lloe olllro.
\\r.\NTUD ( Jood noii o nnd lot In ilesirabls
> paitot the city ; will give first-class bar-
gnln to anyone If stilled. Gco , 0 , StorusdorfT ,
Itoom 0 , Freuzer blk , S18
riLIi buy furniture of n house or llat cen
trally located. Co-op. L. & L. Co 1J05 N. liith
IF you liavo Improved business or residence
propei ty that you wish to sell , call and fee
me. ( feorgo .1 , StcrustlorlT , room 0 , opposite
postolllco. \ awJ \
SF.VIJRATi store buildings or houses that can
bo moved. Will pay good price If suited.
lU-orgo J. Sternsilorii ; room 0 , opposite post
olllco. \IU
MADAM KCCtiK : ? , clairvoyant. Powers nre
most remarkable as Is tostllled by all who
Imvo met her ; her reputation as a cmlrvoyatit
lias long been established , and she Is ono of the
best fortune tellers In the world. Room 1 , ! ! 22 N ,
10th st. 713 l.'i *
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clnirvovant. Med
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Kotnale diseases a specialty. 119 N. 10th
Bt. . Rooms 2 & 3 Tel. 014. Ml
ARRIVED from California Madame Winters
gifted dead trunco clairvoyant nnd nstrol-
oglst ; can be consulted on nil ullalrs of Ufa or
death ; reunites the separated , causes luck mid
speedy marralgcs , show s photo of future wife or
tiusband , locates diseases and cures them by
massage and magnetic treatment , has the cole *
lirntcd Hindoo charm for luck. All those In
trouble will do well to call on this gifted soorlss
give you a correct written reading through
mall for J2.UO , with lock of hair. Tuo mndamo
has taken parlors ut 417 South llth St. , "ml floor ,
Parlor 3 audit. 4S2-11J
MONEY To Loan By the umlorslgnocl , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. l < oans of $10 to $100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly conlldontlal. Loans so made
that any part can bo puld at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns ore dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
see me. W. R. Croft , room IWlthnell tmlidlng ,
IGth and Harnov. 6T 5
$500.000 to loan ntfi par cent. Llntxlian & Ma-
honey , room f > 0i ( , Paxton block , f > 07
TXT'E will make largo or small loans on busl-
T T ness or choice residence property for the
next few days , at unusually low rates. Loans
closed promptly. Nu delays. Central Loan &
Trust Co. , 1011 Faruam st. 105 12
T O ANS made to parties desiring to build. D.
JLJV. Sholcs , room 1. llarker block. 902
OMAHA Chattel Lonn Co. Is organized for the
purpose of loaning money ror short time
on all kinds of chattel and collateral securities ,
cash always on hand anil business confidential.
Parties desiring such accommodation will do
well to got our rates. Itoom 21Omnha National
Hank Ilulldlug. 7'JOjy3t
HONEY to loan on collateral securities. E.G.
Ljlillar & Chalmers , room 22 , Darker block.
017 10 *
EASTERN money The Philadelphia Mort
gage & Trust Co. oirer unusual Inducements
to good bori ewers on improved property , city
and country. Apnlv to Geo. W. P.Coates , llcpre-
fcentativo 13 Chamber Commerce. 255J244.
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low rated. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , 1417 Farnam. 638
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
v > aeons , etc. , untlL you have seen C. It.
Jacobs , room , 410 First National bank building ,
cor 13th nnd Farnnm. 671
MONEY to loan on horses , furniture , pianos ,
land contracts , anil other personal prop-
eity. IlusliiiMs confidential. Room 3 , Omaha
Nut'l bank. Cfi2
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
HiislneSs strictly confidential. A. B. Greenwood
& Co , , It. 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 A ; Jucksou
LOAN made In all the principal additions to
Omaha , at lowest rates. U. V. Sholes , room
1 , llarker block. 902
SHORT tlmo loans made by D. E. Johnson ,
late prcs.t llauk ot Merna. Reference , 1st
Nat. bank , Omaha. R. 30 , chamber commeice.
7iH.lyJ : *
Hl'GH PERCY loans money on Horses , furni
ture and other pursonal property or colla
teral at reasonable rates ; all business strictly
confidential ; momty on baud , no delay : also
nirtkos loans on city real estate. Ofllco 12i nnd
425 , 4th Iloor..Pastonbulldlng _ , 101J21 *
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Rico 4 ; Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank r > '
MONEY to loan , cash'on liana , no delay. J.
W. and E. I. . Squire , 1219 Farnam st. Kirst
National Iluuk buildlnc. 5'M
MONEY to loan in nny amount , either for
building or otherwise , at lowest rat' s of in
terest and on Miort notice. D. V. Sholes , room
1 , IJarker block. ! HW
LOANED at C. F. Reed * Co.'s Loan
OfllcB. on rurnlture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and ill other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 S. 13th.
AH business strictly confidential. fit )
money mortgages nought.
IJUKCHASh Lasbury , 215 B. 14th st. , up-HtalM.
IOANSniadoon Improved nnd unimproved
- city propei ty at lowest rutos of Interest ,
special rates on lar o loam on iusldu property.
Odell Ilros. A : Co. , 312 S. IBth Ht. 408
M ONEY to loan. G. E. Thompson , Sheoly
block. 893
MONEY to loan on city nud farm property.
J.F. Hammond , roomCIT Paxton bld'g.
Hll. IREYroo.OOO to loan on city property
and improved farm laud. Fronzor block
_ _ | _ 541
M 'ONEY to loan on real estate , mortgages
bought and sold , Wallace , Croightou blk.
to loan on horses , lurnlturo nud
MONEY personal property , or collateral.
Rates moderate. JliislnosH conlldcntlal. Olllco
B. W. corner 15th and Douglas sts. Entrance ou
15th st. The Falrbunk Investment Co. Ml
to loan on Improved real estate ; no
MONEY charged. Leurltt Uurnham.
room 1 , Croiithlon block. 5 5
mads on real estata and mortgages
LOANS . Lewis 8. Rood & Co. , 1521 Farnam.
MONEY to Loan. Wo Have money on hand to
louiiou Improved and vucant property in
Omaha nud South Omuha. Call and sen us.
Wright Sc Lasbury , 215 B. 14th st. , up-stnlrs.
, _ _
HE. COLE loans money ou Improved city or
farm property , Roum u Continental
block. niH
( i 1'ER CENT money to loan , Patterson & liar-
l > nurd. 318 B 15th st. Mi'l
M ONEV to Loon O. F. Dnvls Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 15W Furnam st. 670
J A. WOODMAN Money to loan oureal es-
Into In sums to suit. 220 South 13th st.
TOANSmarte on real estate , Cash on hand.
JU W , M. HurrlB over 220 S. 15th st. 572
MONEV to loan ou chattels , without removal
or llllug : ( luanclul business of ull kinds
transacted without publicity ; money udvuucod
on jewelry , notes , etc. It will pay you to gee us.
People's Fluuncliil Exclusive , O. Itouscnnin.
manager , RMii llurker bl'k , lain nud F.u-ii..m . ta
522 J 10 *
CCKlO.OOO To loan on Omalia city property at fl
t > p r cant Q , W. Duy , S. K. cor , Er. HI J. .
ONEY toloanonrumiture , norses. watroni.
" " ' ' "
1\L "etc.T or on "any'upprov'od security , "Lovr
rates. J. W. Robblm , MM Farnam. 574
B UILD1NG loans. Lluahan to .MuUoney. .
"ITIOR SALE , Clear stocK of hardwire and
-I ? tinners tooU. Large bualueM already us-
tubllshed. Have other bUHlnoss lu the city. Address -
dress A. E. Kulp. South Omaha , Kub. 1B8JOJ
AN entire oil outfit , wagon , horsed , rtc . for
triidoorale on tlmo ; also n nlca rlJIug
pouy. Call or.iddre-JS V , MM I'nrnam t.
"PARTNER wanted for good bakery , mint be
J ublo to attend to the dellvfiy ; jnfeiencei
aud il 31 lleo O''lc ' <
given required. Address , ] j- ,
KIOKYAKO For Balo-'llie only brickyard
lu city of 12,000 Inhabitants , -making n ntt
annual piont of over H.OW : will sull either imrt
or whole interest to right party Address . . fa.
Oraud. Island , N.eli. , P , 0. box fa. 'W
1710K BALE Foundry nnd machine shop , llv-
- * - ' ry barn , confectionery store , comnils *
slon business , rnst iirant < i , jneftt market , cigar
store , grocery store , hardware , fruit Maud , feed
store , saloon , bakery , clothing store , boot nnd
* hoe store , fumlxhed Hats and boarding houses.
Co-operative Land Lot * Co.,205 N.lBth st. 14111
"TT1OR PALE-Small busIncssT fnilt ixtnt con *
X' fectlonery. Apply to Win , Walker , 8. W. cor *
ncr 16th and Cns % 11810 *
"II10R SAM. or trade A good paying grocery
X1 Btore , also outfit for a meat iiinrKet , Includ
ing large refrigerator ; call at 1018 N. l th st.
"ITIOR SALE A good paying cigar nnd conJ -
Jfectlonery business , soda fountain , etc. . lu
one of the best locations In the city , vnry small
stock. Address.M 2(1 ( llco olllce. HfllOt
T/10R SALE-Hotol lu the thriving town of
-L1 11 ay Springs. Neb. , at a bargain. Address
It. McNalr. Crawford. Neb. 71X110
T710R SALE .An old established grocorv busl-
JJ ness with a Inrgo established trade nnd
rlienp rent , fullest Investigation offered. Address -
dress M 12 , lleo olllco. 031 10 *
"ITIOR SAhE Saloon veil loomed nnd doing n
Jgood business , or will tr.xde for untncum *
bercd lots or fnriu. Stringer & Co. , 1518 Dodge st.
00 13
: hnvo for nlo n longtime lenso of the best
locntlou for fnncy retail business in the
city. Fcnron , Cole .t Robertson , 310 S. 15th st.
TTIOR SALE A livery burn In n flourishing
JU1 little city. For terms address M Bl.rnro lloe.
1WO 13"
A MAN of good habits with $2W ( ! ( can secure n
partial controlling Interest In nn old and
veil established real estate linn , Address M
25. HOP olllce. wu 10J
hit SALl.-U-Blt.mate retail business that
will pay from SJJJ to J-'AO per mouth clear
profit ; $ . | , : )0 ) cash , nr will tnko u little good real
estate nt fair valuation , Address M19 , lleo olllco
TJIOR SAt.i : At Kearney. Nob. , the furnlturo
-L1 nnd lease ot Grand Central hotel. The second
end best house In the city , nud the best located ,
being opposite depots. Doing a payitur busi
ness. Will bo sola at n bnrgnln. InnulroT. C.
llraluafd. Midway hotel , Kearney , Neb. U37
EXCEPTIONAL business opening at Onylord.
Knn. Storeroom 22x 0 feet , Hhclved for
dry goods , etc. , * 20 nor mouth ; only two other
dry goods stares In town. A line chnuco for the
right man. Address F. II. Orcutt , Council
lllulf.s , Im .iHl
SAM. First-class ladles' '
POR - and gouts'res
taurant , making $50per week ; good reasons
for soiling Address M 21 , lleo olllce. 7B lot
FOR SALE or trade lots or houses and lota
for grocery stock or laundry. Inquire ut
Ib07 Fnrnam st. iwi 12 *
OU SALE Mill. I will sell or trade my W ) .
barrel mill to parties w ho will put In a full
roller process and make the mill n flibt-class
ono In every particular. Am not n miller , nnd
urn more Interested in the town than the busi
ness. F. M. Dlmery , Denver Crossing , Seward
county , Nebraska. I80-13t
TTIOR SALE A valuable invention with state
JU right for Nebraska , or will trade for good
property free of Inciiuibranco ; auy energetic
man cnn make money from this in n short while.
C. H. Slomnn , 304 8 luth st. 197 IB
T710R SALE Or exchange for city real estate
Jonly a retail stock of boots and shoes doing
n good cash business. Call nt shoe storo. No.
C20S. 13tltst. R. Martin. loo-io ?
J. STERNSUORFF. room G. opposite post-
i ofllce , has some good Inud in 11 olt county ,
Neb. , to trade for Omaha property. Will assume
light incumbrance. 295
WANTED Good horse nnd piano in ex-
change for equity in lot or oil stock. Call
nt 1624 Dodge st. 1 5 10
WANTED Horso. buggv , etc. . as first pay
ment on lot in Wlie V P. add , bal four an-
mini payments. Paul , 1003 Farnam. tea
30.000 Stock hard ware , altogether or in $5,000
lots for Iowa land. II. E. Cole , roomfl. Con-
tlncntnl block. 53
WANTED City lots for some raw binds in
quarters or sections. Paul , 1009 Farnam.
WANTED 2 good horses and 1 cow In ex
change for lots in South Omuhu. II. Itch-
fold , -XflVt S. 11th st. 9OT 1OT
FARMSlu Kiiox , Cedar , Wayne and Pierce
counties. Neb. , to exchange for Hvery stock.
AV. H. Harrison. 1112 Farnam. C36U9I4 *
" \7i7IIAT have you to trade for SO acres of lana
T unlncumbered lu Juncan county. Wis , ,
.1 miles from county scut. G. .1. Sternsdorlf.rooiu
C , opp Postollico. 107
F Oil EXCHANGE--House and lot. Neb. fnrm
or South Omaha lot for vacant lot In Car
thage , Lincoln I'Inco or West Cumlng add. W.
L. Solby , 1521 Farnnm st. 018
BUSINESS lots on Cumlug , Snundcrs and irth
street.s lor reildeuco property. II. E. Col ,
room 0 , Continental block. G5.1
FOR EXCHANGE Nob. fnrm or t\vo South
Omuha lots lor spau of mures or mules. W.
L. Selliy , 1521 J'arnaui&t. 578
GGxl.t : , corner .3d nnd Douglas sts , to tnirto for
an eight to ten-room house und lot. Geo.J.
Sternsdorir room ( I. opposite P O. -JO
STOCK of clothing In good Iowa town , want
Omuha property or laud lu eastern Nebraska
II. E. Cole , room (1 ( , block. t'53
VTTHAT hnvo you to oifer for 1,230 acres of
TT timber laud in West Virginia , clear of In-
cumbrance , ncrfect tltlo. George J. Sterusdorir ,
Room 0 , opposite 1' . O. 231
I HAVE a well Improved 80 acre farm In Hnr-
Ian county. Neb. , nbout 8 mllen north of Al
ma , county sent. Any ono wanting u good small
farm will do well to let me know what they have
to otfer. George. ) . Sterusdorff , Room 0 , opp. 1 * .
WILL give t'oun good trade for un eight or
ten room house uud lot , George J , sterns-
dorff. Room fl. opposite P. O. 231
JTSTERNSDORFF , Room fl , opposite P.
O. , bus some choice furm land to trade
for city property. Will assume light Incum-
brances. Sli
EIGHTY (80) ( ) acres of land adjoining Lake
Hunuwo , Council. Rlulls , fa. This tract
will make 400boautlfijl lots and is free from
cncumbranre. What hnvo vou to olfor ? George
J. Sterusdor ! ' , room 0 , opp P. O. 1U7
NEW 2 seated cnrrlugo nnd now single top
buggv to trade for long tlmo real estate
mortgage W. L. Selby 1131 Farunm st. 678
' Wnnted-lOO.ODO bricks in exchange
BRICK' good Inside Omaha propei ty. S. A.
Sloman , room 22 nnd 23 Hullmun bldg. 570
TpRADES mndo In roiil ostnto uud personal
4 property. SOB exchange book. Go-on. U
and L. Co. 205 N. lUth Ht. 580
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 1505
Farnum street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real ostuta examined , p r-
fected and guaranteed. ml
TQBNBONfcCAR.MICHABt , furnlsn complota
JL ) and guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upoa
short notice , Tlio most coinnluto set of abstract
books lu'tlie cltj No. 1518 Furnitmgt. M3 _
bstracts South Omaha l il. .lohnsou &
Co. , ageiitH South Omaha Lund Co. , have
the only compluto set of abstract books In
South Omaha , Complete abstracts furnished
ou short notice. Olllco opposite depot , Smith
Omuha. Ml
AIIARGAIN. Two nice adjoining lots In
Oinuhu View , for J700 o.ich , 81.21H ) fnr both.
Teims , ! 4 cash , balance easy. Address box 201 ,
Mayweed , III. 1B1 11 *
. be built to Hiins-com place
will doubles the vnluonf every lot lu the ad
dition. Cull nnd nee the bargains 1 olfor. lllnks ,
room 40 , llnrkor block , ll2 ! 10
IT E. COLE , easy torias , houses and lots.Ml
, Ml
TjlOR SALE Thren J loom houses to Uo
JL' moved nt oiicu irom lot near nw cor Cupltol
nvo nnd Tenth St. Inqulie Nethtrtoullull. 210
B * 1 UUM. _ _ llfL7J" ?
5u.ABrHwnT tlio Followltirf Few LintsI
h.iu > u cciiijile of houses In Smith O.mim for
biiluutl oioii the extraordinary terms of JV )
caihandlMperindiith. Wliy puy rent ? I ) . D.
Smoatou , ilaikor illock , Onuifui. Vnu !
I tARGAIN fora few days-a 10-room house.
Jdmier lot. good locality , house m perfect
condition , ull modern Improvements : prlco
JUi > W ; | JOOU , each , balance one , tv.'O und three
) i nrs. G. L , Green , 310 B. 15th st. UJI
AHAllGAIN Nuwlioiisa , nix rooms , good
locution , easy piiyjiienU , coiiipclleil to null ,
Adlressock box Ou8 city. _
"rESI HA U Li. residence for sa ! la Council
JJlllulIs , I'l-ruom bouse , ii" ' , with i-ioderu lin-
provements. x > l Mymter utivct. 1 bloi-k
of P. O. and opeiu house , livjutio of K. Clmve ,
1)21 ) fci > *
AJPW In tlm tlran to scouru il beautiful borne ,
1 > I otter some , of thMlnest lots in Hatis-
coia place at prices and term * It will pay ynii to
in ye it I ; ; .Uo , Hicks , llnikot Murk. I& . lu
CJLTOObuys n full lot ana good 4-room cottage
I'in u g > d locution. 1) ) . V. Slioles , room 1 , liar-
UorbloT-k. Wl
Y L MOUiCO. , Real IWtat * . 631
ITIOR SALE Ix > okl Look ! CO footsonth front
JP on Hnrneyjusl wcstofanh st , Broomhotuo ,
all modern lmprovemcntsflne lot and homo , we
hnvo ciclu-lve gnle of this and cnn offer it nt a
prlco below lt real value , M. A , Upton & Co.
$ buys n full lot nnd good 4-room cottage ,
en .y terms and goml location. D. V. Sholos ,
room I , Itarkor block. SXW
DD. SM EATON , exclusively South Omaha
real estate. llargultn always on hand ,
Rarker block , Omnhn. 037 Jy 1 1
HE. COLK , easy terms , houses and lots. 054
"T"L. . RICE & CO. , Real Estate. ( M
HOUSES A lota on easy payments , 11 , E.Colo ,
_ . 051
TilORSALE. Fnrmson longtime. Co-Opera-
X1 tlvo taud nnd Ixt Co. . 21W N. 18th St. 037
HUUSKS&lota ononsypayments. H. E.Colo.
( V i
j ; I , . ItlOK Ic CO. , Iteal Estat . % CSi
\\rHVpny rent wnon you cnn buy a nice sir *
T T room house on easy payments ? Consider I
Cooperative Land & Ixjt Co. , tt N. 16th st.
J lj. H1C1UV CO. , Koal KsUto. 631
T I' . RICE & CO , Real Estato. 693
FOR SALE A cosy little homo , 8 rooms , nnd
A1 barn , only seven minutes rldn ou cable to
city , modern Improvements , M,5 ( , onlv II.BOJ
cash , bal to suit. Imiulro of owner , 3118.10th.
CIIEAI' homes , easy terms. H. E. Colo.c4
l/'OR SAM ! Exchanpo or lease , best stock
JU farm In Neb. , 2 miles from Fremont ; cuts
I.WOtonsof hay , Hplondld water , S houses , 3
barns , fenced for cattle and hogs. ( loo. U. Gib
son iV Co. . Omaha. Thos. It. Gibson , 1'romout.
7fi J1&
. . SALE Lot 40 block 1 , Armour place.
JU South Omnua ; must sell , nnd if you want
n lot Hint Avlll make you inonoy address It
23 Iloo olllco. tHO
01IKAP homos , easy tonns. II , K. Colo.
GJ. BTEHNanORKF. room 6 opposite post-
. olllco. will soil you n good 4-rootn homo
on 10th street , 2 blocks south of car line , by par-
IUR tM balance monthly payments to
t > ult. This Isa splendid opportunity for nny-
one wanting a cheap homo . 11
v v/.y-i.i OMAHA on L stI hnvo4 lots for
I Jsalo. both east and west of the proposed
viaduct and within two blocks of It , big tiiouot
in them in n short time. D. D. Sineatou. llarker
block , Omalia. C90 10
ON monthly payments , now 3 story B room
house , peed neighborhood , 2 blocks from a
horse car lines , 3 blocks from cable. Call and
let us shows you this. H. E. Cole , Room 0 , Con
tinental block. G54
I AM agent for some of the finest rosulenca
lots In llnnscom 1'laco nnd can offer them at
figures It will pay you to investigate. Hicks ,
room 40 , IlnrKcr block. 103 ID
NOW Is the time to buy South Omaha prop-
orty. and can oirersomo of the choicest lota
In th original South Omaha addition at nguroa
It. will pay to Investigate. Hick ? , room 40 , llar
ker block. 10310
17IOH SAIE Or trade : 80 acres , Harlan
JU ty. Neb. , Imp.
100 acres. Holt Co , Neb. , Imp.
8SU acres , Knox Co , Neb , Imp.
100 acres , Greoley Co , Nob.
40 acres , adjoining I < ako Manawn.
Lots In II. & M. Park , South Omaha , clear ,
2 lots. Melrasa Hill , encumbered , 8.VA
1 lot. Kountzo Waco , encumbered , $1.460.
0 lots. Arnold Park , encumbered. fci.-WO.
1 lot. Orchard Hill , encumbered , J40D.
1 lot , Citiulng st , oor. 31st. unencumbered ,
i lot. Fnrnam st , bet. T8th and 39th , unencum
bered , $2,000.
1 acre , Solomon's add. encumbered , $330.
Fresh stock cigars. Invoice $2XX ( ) .
Span horses , harness nnd delivery wagon ,
1 Hall's combination safe , nearly now.
Also business and residence property In all
parts of the city , for sale or trade for stocks of
goods , good farm property or city property.
S. A. Sloman.
Ilellmau block. Omaha , Nob.
IF ) ou uiiut a homo oratfinvcstmeiit call and
see the bargains I oiler In Hauscom place ;
now Is the time to buy before the cable line la
built. 11 iuks , room 40. IJarker block. 102 10
TTIOR HALE. Lots 13,14 and 10 , block 19. Wai-
JL1 nut Hill lit tTUOoach. * 50 down , balance 815
per month. J. AV. Feud. 103 10t
HOUSE nnd lot In South Omaha for Bale only
$ SOO , small cash payment , bnl monthly , or
terms to suit. I ) , 1) . bmeaton , room 43 , llarker
block. r.9-1
C 1HEAP homes , easy terms. H , E.Colo.
H.E. . COLE , easy terms , houses ana lots.
. 651
TJIOR SALE Three flno brick houses on Far-
JU nani St. near 2Jd ; a paying investment. Ill
quire 131(5 ( Knrunm Ht. 015
a few lots loft in II. & M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have you to olfer ?
George J. Sterusdorir. Room B , opp.P- ; . 231
A1IARGA1N Iluslness lot In South Omaha ,
on M ht. , between 2iltli and 27th Bts , , Just
west of Hoof and Horn newspaper olllce , for
sale nt n bargain If taken quick. I can otfer for
.sale several choice-corner and insldo lota near
the business center of South Omaha at prices
that make them bargains and take good mort
gage note as part payment. Goo. N. Hicks ,
room HI , llnilccr block. 1U2 10
rp\VENTY-E IG Ililots In Wise & Parmoloo's
JL add. , with or without houso. to sell on your
own terms , and will help to build house. Paul ,
1W. ) Fniuumst. 837
T710R SALE-Or exchange. Wo have some
JL' good Omaha real oatato and Nebraska
farms , which wo will sell cheap or trauo for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots iuulsliooH , groceries or hardware. Schlos-
lugur Ilros. . 014 B. 10th st.
rnillHTY-EIGHT cottage homes , many nlca
JL and well located , KJ.OUi and up , lot S valuo.
Anthony Johnson , 22U S. lllh. 703 ID *
ml ) EXCirA"NOi-SU of the best lots In the
JL original South Onmlin addition , oacli IXIZ
ir ) feet , uith an lucumbrauco of $3,7UO ; owuoia'
enulty , $5 , : X ) .
Four lots In iloyd & Sharp's addition. Just
west of and adjoining Sniffs Immense packing
bonne. InrumbruncHonlyW.COO ; owner's equity ,
u < m
Also , three nice lots In blk 11 , Brown's park- ,
only nix blocks from packing housc-s. Incum-
brunce , J230 each ; urici7W eacli ; owner's eq
uity In UICHO lots , $1,110.
The nbovo are nil lli t-class , gllt-odgcd low ,
close to the business center of the city , and will
yield , if improved , from IB to 30 per cent per on- steady Income. OHiior wants good farm
land , What have you to olfor ? Hick ) , room 40 ,
llarker block. 1KS-W
THOU SALE -A nice east front lot in Windsor
X1 place , now H room house well , cistern , ce *
montod cellar , etc. A line hntnn , only 3TOO ;
trm c-iish. JWW lu ono year , bal In three years ; wo
have the exclusive sole of this. U. A. Upton tt
Co. 7M
H OUSHS i lots on'easy payments. II. E.Oolo ,
IIIAVEsovcral choice , insldo , full lotn. upon
which I can build houses to suit purchasers
upon tliulr own soloctlon of plans , nnd on turnu )
to Hult , This will pay to Investigate , I ) . Y.
Bholea , room 1 , llarkur block. 135
THOU AiLE olio or" two new 4 room houses
J. ' on full lots * lu north putt of city. Monthly
payments. Inqulro Netiiertou Hall , 21 ! ) H llth ,
I CAN olfi'r foTn few days onoot the finest ten.
acru tru < ts around the city for garden pur
poses , luqult-H at ouco or Hlcka , room 40 , liar *
W block. 1U2-10
THUIl .SAI.Ii-roxHO. south and east front on
JL1 cor ftli and Dorcas ; an olegnnt lot with H-
room house ( new ) for WOOO ; lVX ) cash. Wo
have exclusive ( > ulo of this. M. A. Upton & Co.
This lot uiljolus ( iooilman's Jluo grouuda. 7'J7
, , .sell you a lot In II. & M. Park addition
Wlll South Omaha by paying 14) ) down , bal , $1 per mouth. TIIOHB wantliitr to make "
siniill Hit nt v 111 find it to llioir advnntagu
to ] > uuhaso ono of tlinse lots at the piosent
( lnurao J. Sterusdorir , Itoom 6 , omio *
P O.
Itiinoi Hint in CoutrutitofH.
Sealed pioposals illbu received by Tcmpla
Pruft iiKsrirlation , Aurora , Nub. , until noon ,
June 25 , for funilhl'lug nmtcrlal and construct
ing tiny parlor allot ItH lilllldlilg. Hl7o , (17x110 ( ,
J-Htovy brick , Hti-um or hot wntur heat. Plans
nnd Npocinrutlons on file In olllce of ill secie *
tary , K. J. Hatiior , Anroni , Neb.
"Tlic Ovcrliuul Hotitc , "
The SpoiUrncn's , Tourists' end I'leasitre
Seeker.1 Line.
Send for the Neat Little Sketch Book ,
highly interesting and useful to sportsmen
It contains the American rules for trapping
and shooting adopted by the National G-m
A satiation , as well an the rcviicl gnino
laws of the Wcttcrn States and Territories.
Copii'D t-tnt fi coupon application to
J , 9. TIIIJiUCTh ,
' . &T > ARCDt
OttiaUa. ,
. . , * "
r.-tfit- - - -