F1 * ' ' " ' ' W r ( THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. JUNE 9. 1H8&1 3 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Both Boars and Bulls Waiting For Government Report. A DECLINE IN THE CORN PIT CntificO By Henry Receipts nntl Estimates For To-morrow Onts ; Quiet I'rovlnlons Dull Cnttle Awny Up. CHICAGO PRODUCES MARKET. CiliCAdo , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram to THE Ur.B.1 The wheat market win par- llcularly dull this morning. Everybody was waiting for the government crop report which will doubtless conio to-morrow nnd Is expected to ( five the market n strong Impetus In one direction or the other. H is the un certainty as to which direction that will bo that was responsible for the dullness of the morning session. The rangoof fluctuations was fairly wide , but It was upon a small volume of business unit the changes appeared to bo caused wholly by rumors of what the government crop report would be. AH to thciio rumors there was a wldo variety , for ono of them , which , enmo by way of New York , said the report would make thonverngo condition CO as against * C last month. H wnjj sufllclciit to nut the prlco up to the highest point of the dixy , but was evidently discredited later , ns after the shorta had cov ered , the Improvement In the price was lost. Another report , upon which there was some buying , was that CO loads had been taken for export In ffew York to-day , but It was after ward discovered the message read " 0 to 0 loads. " The similarity of the figures miulo some believe that all the reports named had the same source. Another rumor coming from Washington said the government re port would show n considerable improve ment , but did not pretend to give figures. This rumor oucmcd to liavo less effect than the other. Uut these were the only influences of the day. The range of prices was gener ally lower , but nt the close of the morning session the decline established was only about # c from yesterday's close. The weakness In corn had moro effect than would have been the ciis.0 If the latter mar ket had been broader. July wheat opened nt 85 > ' c , fell Immediately to W c. then ad vanced to fcS c , declined to iMe , Improved to 85 0 again and declined to MJfc , which was the price lit the close. December wheat opened at 60 ? < fc , sold up to 8ic ( , down to 8J > Xc , and closed at 8fc. ( ! ) It was n bear day in corn. The opening was nt founder last night's close nnd after ti slight reaction there was a decline of nearly OH much more. Lame receipts for to-day and largo estimates for to-morrow seemed to be the only cause for the decline. There was no great raid made as would-bo short sellers expect that a sudden falling off in receipts might at any time prove disastrous to them. The strength shown yesterday morning , when receipts for once fell under the estimates , showed very clearly what might happen if the burden of arrivals should bo lessoned. Unfavorable foreign news added to the weakness there. July corn opened at 63Kc , sold early at 5ic. : then up to 5iJ : e , down to M poilc , advanced to 53J.Cc ami closed at 1 o'clock atKljc. September corn opened at We , advanced to M c. foil to Ixc , and closed with that price asked. The speculative oats market was ( pilot with a slightly downward tendency , Influ enced by largo receipts and by the weakness in corn. July oats opened nt 33c , sold at 23MDa'c ! , down to IWe and closed at y3Vg ( 8.1'ifc. September oats opened and closed nt SiTKc , selling down at one time to 2Tc. In provisions the late dullness was con tinued. In all branches of the tr.ido business was far from satisfactory , and ns there was BOino disposition to sell , induced by the decline in hogs , an easier feeling held con trol. Prices favored buyers , and at 1 o'clock pork showed a falling off. ns compared with last night's closlnir , of 1'J c , lard of T CU'lUc ' nnd short ribs of Sussiox Wheat opened easier but Improved some. Juno closed at b5J < i' . July opened at HSJrfc , sold to 84J < ( < $ S5c , split , up tot-She , closing at bSc ; August closing atb5J < c , December closing at 80'Hc , Septem ber closed nt SWc. Corn steady ; Juno closed at about S2if 0023c ( , .Inly sold at U3@ Kl c , early fell off liJKc , up to 5Uc , closing nt % bid , August closing at 53) ) i5c : , September closing at 53e. Oats active and lower ; July sold at 32 * ( < gj3c : and closed at 82c bid , August closed at 28/c ! bid , Sep tember closed at 27 0. Pork closed % lower , oral S13.0S for June , SU.OO for July $15.10 for August and $1 1.20 for September , July Bold nt ? 13.U5@11.02K and August al $14.00. Lard was n shade easier but quiet , Juno closed nt fS.50 , July at , ? S.57 , August nt $8.KQ9.(12) ( ) ( ) < i , and September and Octobe nt i3.05. Short ribs were quiet and steady. CHICAGO iilVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram ti Tnis Hnn.l UATrtr. Tlie market was a will one and prices were 15c higher than yester day , but it was hard to say how much tli advance wan , ns cattle since this rcccn spurt have sold 15@yOc apart for the sum kind of cattle. The top price of the year S < was readied. The market was $1 abov the low water mark. There Is danger Urn the thousands of wild telegrams sent to th country may bring In n rush of cattle to teni porarily depress prices. Good to cfiole hooves , $ r)02 ) < ! .00 ; medium , $5.00(25.25 ( ; in ferior , $4.50 ; cows and mixed , $ l.i.ri@l.r ( > 0 ; Btockcrs and feeders , S3.50 < a .15 ; 2,000 Tex' nns , firm ; steers , i2.7.r.4. . 0 ; cows , J2.00@ 2.5(1 ( ; distillery steers , f.V.'Sfefi.ttt. HOGH Trade was slow , shipping orders were light nnd Squires , the Boston packer , was not operating and that generally means a downturn of about n nickel on best mixed. During the early hours a few lots of fancy heavy and fancy light , all assorted as close IIH nn ox | > ert could perform the work , sold ns high as yesterday , mainly at $ S.bOft5.85 ( for heavy , and tf > . ( & for light , but at the close any of the above sorts could huvo uecu had ot least 5 cents lower. The big decline of the day , however , fell on packers imil mixed , the bulk hclllngnt ( r > .COi ( ( . > . < U > , thu siimobeing about lUo lower late In the day , with many Ibis In first hunds at the close. A few lots of light iimtlo $ .Y)0@r ; ) > M > , Speculator : ) , pack [ ers and shippers are figuring out a big run for next week , and say they can uffonl to wait n day or two nnd then if they have to pay higher prices well nnd good , but they ad i , vance the theory that the rain will be nulH- clontly heavy to break prices and | > oliit to the almost curtain fact that high figures dur ing part of ono week call out big country Bhipmcnttt thu next. FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hru. ] STOCKS Dullness was the most notlceaulo feature In the Block market. The opening was weak , first prices being from Jj to % per cent bclnw yesterday's closo. Hut little progress was made In the decline dur ing the first half hour , but after that time , there was a t > purt of animation accompanied by moro decided weakness and fractional ilK amounts were lost over the entire list , rang ing up to Jf per cent , Kansas , fc Texas , Lome- villo it Niisuvlllo nnd St. Paul leading. Cot ton oil was again active and strong and ad vanced Jtf per cent , though n portion of the gain was afterwards lost. St. Paul , Heading and Union PadIIo were active stocks , and the last named was very well held. The advance au vance In cotton oil is duo to the free clrcula- tlon of pointers to buy and. the gradual upward p3d ward course has Induced many who believed "ntlffs" cheap , to buy. Tlio recent belling of SI. Paul preferred is said to come from the 10a estate of Alexander Mitvhcll , who held a largo line but never had common except for oru a speculative turn. It Wits said that application ua tion would bo inndo to-day In Kansas for a receiver for the MUsourl , Kansas & Texas , and the stock dropped 1 point to 11 , A rumor was sot ( \lloat afterward that a now bull pool bad been formed to take bold of Gould stocks . .tut the market failed to show the result of their'operations. London won n seller on a modcuato scntc , bnl ns the Englishmen are merely scalping the market their operations , save for the present , tmvo no effect on the course of values. Wheeling & Lnko Erie , which has been almost lifeless for some tlmo past , awoke nnd advanced IJ { points. Noth ing transpired In the rest of the market To cnll forth special comment , nnrt at the rln n the changes were Inslcnln tnc | fiost""mv portantbehv ; „ nct gnft [ , Of > { on cottonjolls nnd ft loss ofi \ on Heading , Jf on St. Paul nnd H on New England. The total sales were 07,837 shares against 118,810 shares yesterday. About one-half of to-day's transactions were In Heading and St. Paul. The sales of Union Pacific were 0,400 , Northwestern 4,400 , Lack- awanna 5,000. * GovnitNMKNTS Government bonds were dull but sternly. VESTfclirHT'S ' QUOTATIONS. U. SMs registered. 120' ' } C.&N.W 109't II. B. 4fl coupon. . . 127i ! do preferred H1'4 ' U.8.4Hsrc lstreil.iU7 N.Y.Ccntral 105M U. 8 4Hscoupon..107 O.K. N ( Oii I'-icincOsofW./ . . . ! ! ! ! P. T 23 * Canada Southern. . 4SS Pacific Mull * CcntrM 1'nclllc : 1C ) . D..VE if'4 Chlrnpo .V Alton .133 ll'ullnmnl'nlnceCnlliil C. , II. .VQ 112 IKcndlng M\ ! > . . L.&W ! > Hock Island 1117 l.ill.O ) 17 1st. I. . * S. F ffl"J Lrlo 21'ji rtoproferred do * preferred B4 C. , MSt. . Paul. . . MU Illinois rvntrnl 118 do preferred lO.'iH I..II..VW IH'i ' St. P. & ( ) ! V > ! i K.AT. IP , < lo preferred 10 I.nko Shore Wli Texas Pncilic 1 J < i , . ft N tavt Unlnnl'acltle Mf < Mlchlgnn Ccntrnl. . 7 w. , et. i , . & P issi Jllssoiirll'aclllc. . 7I ) , ' , ilo profcrred ' . " MissouriPnclllc. . . . 23 \V. U. Telegraph. . 70 ; do preferred . Cl'J ' MONKV ON Ci.tEasy nt 1 ( SIK Pcr cent ; last loan IJtf per cent ; closed olTered at 1J per cent. PIIIMC MEUCANTII.B PAFEK 4@0 per cent. STKHUSO BXCHANOC Dull but steady nt $4.bO > f for sixty day bills ; * 4.8S > 'or de mand. Juno 8. Following nro the 2W : ! closing prices : Flour Showed no change , Wheat Quiet most of the session ; opened ? t < ! " ' ° lower and closed irregular and easy ; cash , 85Ji'c ; July , S5 c ; August , 85 'Mile. Corn Active but lower , closing irregular anil considerably below yestcruny ; wish , G3Vc ; July. r,2K ; August , Kltfc. Outs Huled easy nnd lower ; cash and July , 3JJ/e ; August , 2S ; c. Ilyc Dull at 01@G2j. ( Barley (17(5liWc. ( Prime Timothy $2.10@2.15. Flax-seed $1.30. Whisky 31.20. Pork Dull , quiet and easier ; cash , $13.95 ; July. $14.00 ; August , $14.10. Lard In light demand and castor ; cash , $8.50 ; July , $8.57 } ; August , eiOO@S.i2X. ( Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. W.00 ( < ( ) .25 ; short clear , $ S.10@8.15 ; short ribs , $7.67 . Butter Active ; creamery , 14J ( iU8c ; dairy , 10CT18C. Chceso Full cream Cheddars , 7K7c ! flats , 7rf@Sc ; young Americas , 7 Eggs Firm at Hides Unchanged ; green hides heavy green salted , 5 > e ; light green salted , 6c ; suited bull , ! ! jrc ; dry flint , So ; dry calf , So ; deacons , 20o each ; dry salted , 0(3 ( 7c. 7c.Tallow Tallow Weaker ; No. 1 , country , 4c ; No. 2 , 4J c ; cake , 4o per lu. Keceipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 13,000 5,000 Wheat bu . 20,000 38,000 Corn , bu . 345,000 140,000 Oats , bu . 273,000 I'J.OOO Hyobu . 3,000 4,000 Barley , bbls . 5,000 1,000 New york , Juno 8. Wheat Receipts. lOU.OPO ; exports , 71,000 ; options ruled dull and featureless , opening > f @ % c higher , soon sold down JtVc. then rallied , closing steady at Q'-fc under top figures ; spot lower ; ungraded red , 85 ? < @ 'Je ( ; No. 2 red , 02u925fc ( in store and elevator , OTJ lU c afloat and delivered ; 92 } c f. o. b. ; July clos ing nt U2 'o. Corn Uecelpts , 42,000 ; exports , 33,000 ; options J. @ ? M < J lower ; cash weak at > < ( > $ lo lower , closing dull ; ungraded 5U4S01c ( ; No. 2 , July closing lit file. Oats Receipts , O'.i.OOO ; exports , 000 ; market steady ; mixed western , 3b@-JOc ; white western , 4n@4ie. ! Coffco Spot , fair ; Hio easy at $10.25 ; op tions higher , closing barely steady ; sales : 03,500 bags ; June. S13.GO@13.75 ; July , $12.55 012.70 ; August , $11.50(511.75 ( ; September , $10.75(3)10.90. ( ) Petroleum United closed steady Eu'gs Firmer and in fair demand ; west- cnr , lC@l Ke. Pork Dull and easy ; mess quoted at $14.00 ( < i'14.50 ' for old ; $15.25@in,50 for new. Lard Closed heavy ; western steam , spot , $ S > 0. Butter In good demand ; western , 12 ® lijife Ihecso Stronger , with fair inquiry. St. Ixniln. Juno S. Wheat Lower ; cash , fOc ; July , 05c. Corn Lower ; cash , 4p f@50tfc ; July , O'.its Lower ; cash , 32c ; July , 2 Pork-SH.70. Lard-SS.12)a' . Whisky-Si.14. Hutter Firm ; creamery 14 ( < ? 17o ; dairy 12@14e. Afternoon Hoard Wheat Strong ant" higher ; Juno , 8'Jc bid ; July , 80J < rc ; August 67' , o. Corn Lower ; June , 48Ji" bid ; July 4ll'4c bid ; August , 49o bid. Oats Dull June , 32c bid ; July , 2SKc bid. Miiinca ] > ollH , Juno 8. Wheat Price opened at yesterday's figures , nut late sellers nmdo concessions to induce buying Closing Quotations : In store No. 1 hard cash and June , hll c ; July , 8lc ; August 85o ; No. 1 northern , cash and June , 82c July , Sic : ; No. 2 northern , cash and June MJo : July , 81c ; August , 8''c. On track No. hard , MJ c ; No. 1 northern , 8-le ; No. northern , S''c. Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship ii sacks In carlots , fl.50@4.70 ; In barrels , ? 4.7 Milwaukee , Juno S. Wheat Firm cash and July , 81J < c ; August , 82 > fc. Corn Lower ; No , ! l , 5'Jc. Oats Lower ; No. S white , 37c. live Quiut ; No. 1 , C4c. Uarlo.y-No. 3 , 2c. Provisions Steady ; pork , $14.10. KHUN. City , Juno 8. Wheat Weaker No. 2 soft , cash , 83o asked ; July. 70 > ( c No. 2 red winter , August , la c bid , "H % Corn Lower ; No. 2 cash , 48 > i ° nsked July , J7c bid , 47 o asked. Oats-No. U , yjc asked. NowOrloaiiH , JunoS. Corn Weak nn lower ; mixea , OTQtiSc ; ycllowSQO'Jc ! ; white ' OatH-Lowor ; No. 3 , 4i : @ 4-lc Corn Meal-Unchanged : W.10. Hog Products Unchanged ; pork , $15.00 laril , refined tierce , $ r.S7i . Hulk Meats Shoulders , JO.DO ; long clca and clear rib , f7.87J < . Cincinnati. Juno " . Wheat Dull ; No , 2 red , lUc. Corn-Steady ; No. 2 mixed,53 > < c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 3c. Hyo Quiet ; No2 , ti5Q7c. * ( ! Pork-Easy nt f 14.112 . Lard Firm ut fS.lS. Whisky-Firm at $1.14. Ijlverpool , Juno 8. Wheat quiet ; holders oflcr freely. Corn Dull andlowor ; now mixed western , 4b Sd ) per cental. MVK STOCK. Juno 8. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; active and 15c higher ; beeves , $4.50rfO.Oi ( ) ; cows and mixed , iu'S&tH.JVO ; stockers Slid fccdt-rt. , | 2.5Uij4,15 ( ; Hogs Kweipts , IS.OOO ; weak and fie lower ; nixed. $ . ' > .455.75 ( heavy fA.O n.iU * "vi > ' " "i v ,1 1 v " " ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . : -i. t r . irt .7 R . "i i. > .1 .t .1 BI .1 .11 o ± t iiir. tin light , $5.40 < J5.70 ; pigs and culls , $4.000 < 5.tO. Sl.t-ep UecelptH , 4,000 ; market Mcady ; native muttons , $1.0X < t5.W ) ; feeders $ a.tKK 4 3.50 ; Tcxaiib . ' .OU SltOi bprlng lambs , $1.00 ( < i4.50 per head. National Htock Yurilo , ICnst St , Ia > ul8 , Juno 8. Cattle Receipts , 300 ; shipments. l,8W ; market higher ; choice heavy native steers. S .70u5.50 ; fair to good nutivo steers , $4HiK < M.kO ; butchers * steers. fair to choice , $ a 0v < 4.30 ; stockers ami feeders , fair to good , $2.30 ( 3.05 ; rangers , ordinary to good , $2.25 3.3. * . , Hogs Receipts , 1,000 ; shliiments , 2,000 ; marlit't S' lOo higher ; choice heavy and bulchr ' selections , J5.t'5 < i5.7ft ; picking , mcQium to good. $5.45@fo.TU ; light grades , 5.30 ii.M ) . City , Juno 8. Cattlo-Heceipts , 3,1100 ; shiimieuti , lt 00j uiurket excited ; corn-fed steers lOfrfSOc hiphcr , gratsers slow nnd' weak ; good to choice corn-fed , $ .YOO@5.25 common to medium , $3.S5' 4.75 ; stocker * . $2.00'Z2.90 ; feeders , $3.00'i3.00 ; cows , $2,00 3.5(1 Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments COO ; market oiicncd 6c lower and closed 15c lower ; common to choice , * . skips and plgs n .T ; . ' OMAHA IilVB STOCIl. Cnttlc. Friday , Juno 8 , 18S3. The fresh receipts of cattle consisted of fort.v-flvo load ? . The market was active and excited , the demand being far in excess of the receipts. Prices advanced fully 85c over yesterday nnd cvcrythingofferod on the mar ket found a ready taker. Ono bunch aver aging 1321 Ibs sold at , $5.50. Hog * . The receipts of hogs were the heaviest of nny day , with ono exception , since the yards were opened. The market opened active and the early offerings , 117 lends , wcro soid be fore ID o'clock In the morning. The market was 6c higher on choice heavy hogs nnd strong on other grades. Under the Influence of the arrival of later trains , which swelled the receipts to 151 loads , nml the reported de cline in Chicago , the market cased oft and closed with the morning's advance lost. Only a few loads which cnmo in Into wcro held over. _ SIiccp. There wcro two fresh loads here , but only two pieces of loads were sold. Cattle . 900 Hogs . 10,000 Sheep . " ' . 20 ° I'revnllmsr The following is a table of prices p.itd In thismarKct for the gratlcs of stock men tioned. Primestecrs , 1300 to 1500 Ib .f5.23 ( S5.50 Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. B.OO W5.25 Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 4.10 Q5.00 Common to choice cows 2.25 ( ® 3.75 Common to choice bulls 2.25 ( S3.50 Fair to choice light hogs 5,15 M5.80 Fair to choice heavy hops 5.50 © 5.00 Fairto choice mixed hogs 5.30 Q 5.40 ItcprutuMtintivo Sales. CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. Ibull 1100 1.73 2 cows 1050 2.60 Ibull 1530 3.60 Ibull 1000 2.75 1 bull 1570 3.00 Ibull 15SO 3.00 2bulls 1000 3.00 Scows 1145 3.25 Icow 1170 a.50 2 cows 1035 3.75 10 cows 1097 3.75 Sstags 1035 8.75 2 steers 1150 4.00 18 steers 715 4.25 istccr ttJO 4.25 in steers . l'7l ' 4.00 20 grassers 1007 4.80 1 veal calf 250 5.00 1 steer. 1410 5.00 42stccrs 10114 5.00 37 steers 1105 5.00 02 steers 1200 5.20 30 steers 1143 5.20 2 steers 1475 5.25 01 steers 1100 5.25 42 steers 11(13 ( 5.25 39steers 1123 525 18 steers 1053 5.25 CO steers 1200 5.25 37 steers 1200 C.32 } $ 53 steers 1324 5.50 HOOS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 31. . . .119 ISO SI.75 04..254 120 $5.40 84. . .ISO 120 5.00 09..23S 40 5.40 100. . , .108 2tO 5.10 58..239 40 5.40 114. . . .104 300 5.10 b2..230 200 5.40 05. . . .200 500 5.15 04..233 100 5.40 80. , . .162 3.0 5.15 05..234 SO 5.40 71. . . .201 720 5.15 0(1..249 ( 200 5.40 83. , . .189 40 6.17K 72..202 120 5.40 fed. . . .200 200 5.17' * 00. . .2J3 ( 100 5.40 SO. , . .178 200 5.20 70..234 100 5.40 73. . . .198 40 5.20 72..239 40 5.40 IX ) . , . .821 bO 5.25 71..245 200 5.40 57. , . .270 80 5.25 GO..258 100 5.40 Cfl. , . .209 NX ) 5.25 57..272 100 5.40 . .181 20 5.25 74..229 200 5.40 75 . .208 200 5.25 07..240 320 5.40 07. . .22(1 ( 200 79..223 240 5.40 71. . .220 2JO CO..35-1 200 5.40 S3. 200 5.25 78..240 2CO 5.40 70. 2(0 ( 5.25 74..201 100 5.40 79. . . .303 240 5.25 75..279 120 5.45 78. . . .205 100 5.25 00..252 40 ,5.45 M. . . .197 2feO 5.25 78..23(1 ( 200 5.45 42. . . .209 120 5.2.1 71..287 100 5.45 51. . . .200 520 6.25 53..2CO 120 5.45 07. . . .105 40 5.25 71..233 120 5.45 82. . . .183 2SO fi.25 55..234 120 5.45 00. . . .100 120 8.25 71..251 0 5.45 72. . . .184 120 5.27 04..243 80 5.45 70. . . .229 80 03..274 120 5.50 74. . . .220 240 5.30 03..255 40 5.50 74. . . .210 SO 5.30 09..274 80 5.50 71. . . .252 200 ' 0.30 00..2S2 120 5.50 82. . . .235 240 5.30 128..273 80 5.50 75. . . .213 240 5.30 05..203 80 5.50 73. . . .220 120 5.30 07..2&2 80 5.50 C5. . . .234 100 5.30 50..205 240 5.CO M. . . .183 200 5.30 ( W..248 SO 5.50 59. . . .217 80 5.80 07..2S5 120 5.50 74. . . .200 120 5.30 CO..243 40 5.50 74. . . .215 5.30 08..255 80U 5.60 75. . . .219 200 5.35 O7..27 l 100 5.60 05. . ' ' 2 ° 2 200 5.35 C7..2S9 120 5.60 72. . . .224 5.35 65..3M 60 5.50 74. . " 240 5.35 01. . . . 258 5.50 08. . 242 200 5.35 07..2MI 120 5.50 02. . . 244 5.5 : 78..2J2 200 5.50 75. . . .2CO K3S ci..2 $ m s.M C4. . . .225 100 5.35 51..807 40 5.50 5(1. ( . 272 240 5.35 55..270 100 5.5'J ' 73. . ' ' 200 5.85 51..283 80 5.55 00. . . . 238 100 5.85 00..355 40 5.00 05. . . .330 80 5.87J < O2..2b7 5.00 01. . . .20'J 120 5.40 60.t02 ! 5.00 04. . 320 5.40 50..80i ) 5.00 8IICEP. No. Av. Pr. 15 sheep 144 $4.50 5 lambs 40 5.75 Uvo Stock Bold. Showing the number of cattle , hogs and sheep bold to packers and leading buyers on to-duy'a market. CATTLE. Swift & Co 301 A. M. Crone 7 G , H. Hammond & Co 2S9 2S9A A. Trnucrman ( A Samuel Drclfuss . * 155 D. Murphy 10 J. Curlin 1 Stevens , Hamilton & Co 10 11009. Hammond & Co . 4,077 , Omaha P. Co . W J. P. Squires &Co . 584 Klngan As Co. . . . , . Mil A. E. Beggs . 1,297 T. S. Tharp. . . . . 250 3. M. Doud . . . 3il Stock Stock Notes. Cattle 25e higher. A. B , Clark , Sioux City , a stockman , was at the yards. J. G. ICcyscr , Plnttbuiouth , was a visitor at the yards. George Lee , Stockham , was In and sold a load of cattle. SwarU , Silver City , came in with three loads of cattle. Fuller k Pnton , of Fullerton , sold n load of hogs ut $5.00 , Walter Wood , of the firm of Wood Bros. , is back from Chicago. Lattu & Green , Craig , sold three loads of 1107- ) cattle ut $5.155. Arthur Spearman , Springfield , was in and marketed three loads of cattlo. Thomas Price , Thaycr , marketed three loads of cattle at the top price. T. J. Stccle , of Stralmn k Stcclc , Wayne , and.markctcd two loads of hogs , , D. A. MeArthur , a well known feeder of Ord , was in looking over the market. M. MelCcnzlo , Council Bluffs was hero and marketed a loud of 303-lb hogs at $5 00. ' J. Lansing , Fulrlleld , was here with thrco 'loads of hogs and thu same- number of cattle. John Habtlo , Auburn , was at the yt-rds and marketed two car of cattle and a car of hogs. hogs.Among Among those who marketed 50o hogs was E. B. Shutt , Craig and Hnminuug Bros. , Ar lington. The receipts of hop * wore the MUIIO to-day _ , 101 car . as on May it , thu ticuv iuU iluy since the yards were opened. Mr , Jackson , of the firm of Jackson &Cook. , Corthuut. nold three loads of host. One loua cf 2S5-lb hogh otd at f 3.60. U. H. Miller , Wia id , wui iu and marketed thirty head of 1145-lb Mecrs nt $5.20 nnd nlso ton cows averaging 1097 nt $3.75. T. A Moore , SilverOcck ; M. H. Jeffrey , Osceola nnd J. Ossenkppt , Louisville w.erO nuiong those who came in w i &UKJ. Oninlm Prices Current , Western Merchant ! Tn last week's sup plcmcnt of the Merchant wo called attention to the wireless nnd slovenly manner In which Omaha wholesale markets were quoted , or rather misquoted by certain Omaha dallies. They continue , however , to furnish "chest nuts' " as n steady diet. It la hoped that the Republican may bo Induced to oralt its mar- kct page , or head It up as an advertisement , to the detriment of our city , published In the f interest of the Jobters of Chicago and Kansas City. We doubt If the market page of this paper has been revised slnco last ait- tumn. and like the World nnd Herald , thulr Commercial editors , If they possess such ap pendages , seem to think It not worthwhile to quote Omaha's financial markets nt all , but furnish Chicago and New York rates for money as though our city were but a country village of no financial standing in the eyes of the world. OMAHA WHOhESAkB MARKET. Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Ktc. Friday , Juno 8 , The following quotations arc wholesale and not retail. Prices quoted on produce arc the rates at which round lots arc sold on , this marhit. Fruits or other line * of goods requiring extra labor in jiacMng cannot al ways be supplied OH outside orders at the fame prices quoted for the local trade. Hates on flour and feed arc jobbers'1 prices. 1'rlcts on grain arc those paid by Omaha millers delivered. All quotations on mcr- cliandlsc arc obtained f mm leading houses and arc corrected dally. Prices on crackers , cakes , etc. , arc ( Jiosc given by leading man- fastnrcrs , Uurrnit Fancy creamery roll butter. 21c ; with solid packed at 10@lSc ; choice country butter , 14@15c ; common grades , 11 ® 12c. 12c.Ecios Strictly fresh , 12@12Kc. CiinuitiES Per case of 10 Ibs , $2.00(32.25. ( Southern cherries J'i.60 per 24 quart cnso. STitAwnniutiKs $3.50 ( < tl.OO per case. Cnniisc Full cream , 13@14c. UCUTB 30o per doz. POTATOES Choice homo grown , 75@S5o ; Utah nnd Colorado stock , fl.10Ql.25 ; low grades , 55a03c. ( POULTUV No dressed fowl In the market ; 11 vo chickens , $3.00@y.25 per doz ; spring chickens , $3.003.25 ; small chickensf 1.50(4) ) 2.00 2.00Sri.VAcn $1.60 per bbl. RiiuiiAiin 2t2 ( ( > c per Ib. ONIONS Nutivo stock1.25@1.50 ; Spanish , per box of 5 Ibs , $1.75@2.00 ; California on ions , 3J < j ( < f4c per Ib. LEMONS $3.754.50 per box ; fancy , $4.50 ® 5.60 5.60OIUNOES California Hivcrslde , $3.75@4.00 ; medium sweet Riversides , $4.50 per box ; Messina , $5.50@7.00 ; Los Angeles , $3.75 ® 3.00 ; LOR Angeles Navals , $4.00 ; Riverside Navnls , $6.00. CAniudES 3@3J4c Per Ib. for California. CAULIFLOWCU Good stock , 51.501.75 per dor. ASPAUAGUS C0@75c per dozen bunches. CUCUMBEKS 50o per doz for choice. LETTUCE 30ft 35c per doz. CELEHY California stock , $1.50 per doz. KADIHIIES 30c per doz. STUINO HUANS 41.50 per bu. GHEEN PEAS $1.50(32.00 ( per bu. TOMATOES * 2.60 ( < 13.00 per bu. PINE Ai'i'LE8-$2.25@2.50. BANANAS Common medium , ? 2.50@3.00 per buncti ; choice , $3.00S3.60. ( TuKNirs California. 2J ® 3c per Ib. DATES Persian , 0 } ( g7c per lii. CIDEII Choice Michigan cider , $4.50@.G.M > per bbl. of 82 gal. Poi'CoitN Choice rico corn is quoted at 3@ 4o perlb. ; other kinds 2 > l@3c perlb. CAHHOTS New stock. 40i ( 45c per doz. BEANS Good stock , $2.00@2.75 ; California beans , $2.25@2.40. Fios In layers , 13@15c ; cake , lOc per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , raw , 0jf@7c ; IJrnzil nuts , 18c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal nuts , 15@l8c ; filberts , ISc ; Italian chestnuts , 15c ; pecans. 15c. HOSBY 10(321c ( for 1 Ib frames ; canned honey , 10@12o per Ib. PAIISLCV 30 per doz. Gnr.r.N ONIONS 15@20e per doz. PUKE MAI'I.I : Svnui1 81.35 per gaU SALSIFY 25c per bunch. Grocer'H 1/lst , 40 Ib square i round , 3-lb pans ; EJTUOP.S New Orleans molasses , per bbl. , 87@46c per gal. ; corn syrup , 34c ; half bbls. , 80o ; 4-gal kega , $1.55@1.55 : sorghum , BSo , PHO bacon salt CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per case , $3.20@3.35 : strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $2.CO@2.70 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per cose , $2.60 ® 2.70 ; California pears , per case , M.7004.80 ; f5.80QiO.00 ; uulllornm plums , par cuee , ? 4.ou @ 4.(30 ( ; blueberries , per case , $2.00@2.10 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb per case , $3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per dozen $1.80@1.85 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , $2.81 @ 2.tK ) 2-lb string beans , per caso. 51.75S ( 1.60 ; 2-lb Lima beane , per case , 81.00.03 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50J2.W ( ? ( ; 2-lb early Juno pens , per case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes $2.30(22.40 ( ; 2-lb corn , ? 2.20@280 ; sardines , imported > ft 12 15cper bpx ; domestic Jf , " ' S't'olii Uranulated , 6u@ o ; conf. A , 0 ? OJ < c white extra C , 0 ? < ( ROKc ; extra C , 0 . OJ c ; yellow C , 59/rf5Ko ; cut loaf , 7) < y 8c ; powdered , 7 @ 8Mc ; New Orleans /Copriij : Ordinary grades , 10@17o ; fair , 7@18c ; prime , ! 819 > c ; fancy green anc yellow , 22@23c ; old government Java , 28 ( < j 30c ; interior Java , 25@28o ; Mochn , 2S@80o ; Arbucklo's roasted , 2i c ; McLauglilin's XXXX , 21J c ; Dilwortb's , 21o ; Red Cross 21c ; Alaroinu , 31fc ; German , 30Jfc. WOOIIENWAIIE Two-hoop iiails , per doz. $1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub $7.00 ; No. 3 tub , $0.00 ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ; washboards , electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern Queen washboards , $3.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , J9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; bpruco , in nests , 70c per nest. TOIIACCO Pi.ua Lonllard's Climax , 45o ; Splendid , 4 c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leggett - gett & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 89e ; Drummond's Horseahou , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 45o ; "Cut Rate,11 29c ; "Oh , My , " 37o ; Plpor HeldslcU , ( Me. ToDiceo SMOKINO Catlin'a Meerschaum , Blc ; Catlln's Old Style , 23o ; Sweet Tip Top , , S2c ; U. N. O. , 17cj Rod , White and Blue , 18e. JELLir.s 80-lb pans , $1.25(31.50. ( SALT Per bbl In carload lots. $1.45. ROPE Seven-sixteenths , 10@10c. CANDT Mixed , 9@llu ; stick , 0a9Kc. ( PicKLEtt-Medlum , In bbls , $ J.OO ; do in half bbls , f-'t.M ; small , In bbls , $7.00 ; do In half bblB , $4.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.09 ; do in half bbls , $4.50. HOLLAND HKURINOS CS@70c per keg. MAI-I.K St'diii Bricks , 12 > ic per Ib ; penny cakes , 13il4c ( perlb. ; pure moplo syrup , $1.25 per gal HHOOMS Extra , 4-tIc , $2.fiO ; parlor. 3-tie , painted handles , $2.25 ; No , 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable brooms , $4.00. SrAitcii Mirror gloss , BJ/o ; Graves' corn 0) < c ; Oswepo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. TitAs-Japans , 30(3550 ( ; Gunpowder , 20 ® COo : Voung Hyson , 22 ( < ? 55c ; Oolong , 20 < vifi5c. POWPEU ANI > SHOT Shot , $1.30 ; bucUpliot , $1.55 ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5 00 : half kegs , $2. < 5 ; one-fourths. $1.50 , blasting kegs , $ i 35 , fuse * , 100 ft , , 450750. CAKEM , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5o ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowflake ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda candy , 5Ke ; soda wafers ( In tins ) lOc ; soda zephyrs , 8c ; city oyster , 0 } c ; excelsior. 7c ; farina oVBter , 7e. gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c : Omaha oyetcr , 7c ; pearl oyster , , > e ; picnic , TIOJ anow- drop oyster , 7c , butter 5c ; Boston , 8c ; Omaha butter , a ; sawtooth butter , 08fo ; cracker meal. 5Xe ; graham , &c ; graham wafers , lOc ; gralium wafers in pound pack nges , 12J e , hard bread , 5o ; milk , 7l o ; oat meal. 50 ; oat meal wafers , lOiv. o.it meal wa fers in pound packages , l-'jfi animals 12o ; Boliver gm/erround,7c ) ( ) ; creamScl.'ornhill ; , lOo , craeknells , lOo ; Ironed cream SJ c ; ginger snaps , be ; singer fnaps ( city ) , Oc ; home niiulo giia-er snaps. In box < \s , ] 3c ; liotno made gincrr niiips , u-lb cuns ) jmr do/en , $2.50 ; lemon ilr'am ,8opi'i-'t/el ; , ( hamlmitl ) , 111 " 1 calrcs nnd Jumbles , ll c ; as sorted Mtgi > rs , I5c ; afternoon tc.i tin tins ) , per box , $ t 03 , banana lingers , Mu : butter jumbles , IV < c , Bnmswick , rbrandy : maps , l.V ; chocolate drops ( ue ) IBJ' tl.oco- hilts wafers , 15tf ; Ciiribiniub lunch , ( in tins ) , honey jumble * . llfc : Jolly fingers , Iftc ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; Icily tnrt ( new ) . 15c ; lady fing ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vanilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages In n. lx > f , per dozen. $ JJ.O. , . - 411 goods packed In cans lr per Ib ad vane * except snowflake nnd wafer sodn , which nro packed only In cans. Sodn In 3-lb nnd 3-lb paper boxes , Vc per Ib advance ; all other goods lo per Ib advance. Sodn In 1-lb paper boxes , Ic per Ib advance. Tno 2-lb boxes nro packed In coses holding 18 In a caso. The 3- Ib boxes nro packed In cases holding 12 In n case. The 1-lb boxes are packed in cases holding 3(1 ( In n case. One-It ) graham and oat > meal wafers packed 2 doz in n caso. Show top * for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75c. Cans foi wafer sodn , $3.00 , not returnable. Cans for snowflake sodn , $5.00 per doz. Tin cases with glass f ace to display the goods , 75c each. No charges for packages except for cans nnd returnable goods. Glass front tin cans nnd "snowllnko" soda cans are returnable nt prices charged. Dry Good * . PHINT ? Soi.in COLOIIS Atlantic. Cc ; Slater , 5Jfc ; Berlin oil , 0 } < e ; Garner oil , C ® 7c. PIND AND ROUES Richmond , OKc ; Al len , 0 > < c ; River Point , 6c ; Steel River , Oc ; Richmond , Oc ; Pacific , OXc. INIIIOO BLUE Washington , OJ/c ; Century , digo blue prints , J > c ; American , Ojfc ; Arnold. OWcj Arnold U , lOJ c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 < e. DKESS Charter Oak , 6c : Rnmapo , 4Kc' Lodl , fie ; Allen , Oc : Richmond , fie ; Windsor , OJ c ; Eitdystone. flj c ; Pacific , 0 } c. BHOW.V SiiHUTiNd Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7J o ; Atlantic H , 4-1 , 74e ? ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL. 4-t , Oc ; Au rora C , M , 60 ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 > o ; Hoosier - ier LL 4-4 ftc Indian Head 4-4 Lawrence , - , ; , - , 7Ko ; rence LL , 4-4 , fie ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6fc ; Pcppcrcll R , 4-41 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , Oc ; Pepperell , S-4,18 } < c ; Pcppcrcll 9-4. 21c ; Pep- porell 10-4 , 33c ; Utlca C , 4-4 , Go ; Wnchusctt , 4-4 , 7Uc ; Aurora 13 , 4-4 , 0 > o ; Aurora R , 4-4 , Oj/c. lUrrs Standard , 9o ; Gem , lOc : Beauty , i"i ! Hayonnc , 14e ; B , cased , $0.50. WAHP Bibb , wnlte , 19o ; col ocd C. " " "DUCK West Point , 29 In. Soz. , lO' o ; West Point , 29 In. 10 oz. , 12Kc ; West Point , 10 In. 12 oz. , 15c ; West Point , 50 In. 11 oz. , lOc. Checks Caledonia X , 0) ) c ; Caledonia XX , lOk'e ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , l > c. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c : Canton , 28c ; Durham , 27 > { c : Hercules , ISc ; Learning- ton , 22 o ; Cottsivorld , 27J c. Miscni.L Eous Table oil cloth , $2.85 ; plain Holland , SJtffp c ; Dude Holland , COM FQIITEHS $0.00(3 ( 35.00. BiEiciini : > SHEETING Bcrkcly cambric , No. 00 , 9 > < c ; BcstYot , 4-4 , OJ/c ; butter cloth , OO , 4 } c ; Cabot , 7tfc ! ; Fnrwell , 8kc ; Fruit of Loom. S ) , ' c ; Frceno G , Oo ; Hope , 7Jo KlugPhilip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , llKjo ; Lonsdalc , 8 c ; Now York mills , lOKc ; Poi > - perell 42-in. , He ; Pepperell , 4t-in. ) , 12o ; Pep perell , 0-4 , lOc ; Pcppcrcll , 8-4 , 21c ; Pepperell , 0-4. 23c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-4 , 8J c ; Canton , 4-4 , 9Kcj Triumph , Oc ; Waui- sutta , lOo ; "Valley 5c. GINOIIAM Plunkctt checks , 7J c ; Whitten- ton , 7 c ; York , 7 } c ; Normandi dress , S1 o ; Calcutta dress , 8 } < c ; Whittcndon dress , 8 > ic ; Renfrew dress , 8K@12 > fc. TICKS Lewiston , 80-in , 12Xc ; Lcwiston , 32-in. York. 32-ln. 14c fciwift - , 13Xc ; - , ; river , 7 o ; Thorndykc , OO , 8Uc ; Thorndyko FF , 8Kc ; Thorndiko 120 , Otic ; Thornklko XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , O c ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskeag B , 0-oz. , 16c ; Everett , 7-oz. , 18c ; York , 7-oz. , I3j < c ; HaymarkotB o ; Jaffrey XX. 11 0 ? Juffrcy XXX , 12' < fc ; Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc. FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c : Goscen , 32Wc ; Clear Lake , 33) < c ; Maple City , 30' c. VVliiteG H No. 2 , to , Zlco C H No. 1 X , 30c ; Qucchec No. 1 , _ Jf , 42 ; Qucchec , No. 3 , E24- J IV JL' ) S4) "I- ' * VI ) 74) l/u * CKASH Stevens' B , Gc ; bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7J c ; bleached , SKc ; Stevens' P , 8 } c ; bleached , 9Kci Stevens'- , 9 , ' c ; bleached , lO o ; Stevens' S R. T , 12' c. General ? Inrket . L-CATIIEU Oak soles' 3537c ( ; hemlock slaughter sole. 21@39c ; hemlock dry sole , 13 W25c ; hemlock kip , OOyiOOo ; A. & 13. runner Idp , 5075o ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@$1.00 : A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock upper , 10@24c ; English grain upper , 25o ; hemlock grain upper , 21@25c ; Tampico B. L. Morocco , 20@33c ; Tampico pcpplc , O. D. Mo. , 22@29c ; Curucoa. B. G. Mo. , 30c : Simon O. D. Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 80@85o ; . . nngaroo , c : mercan ca , c ; Griesen kids , $3.00@3.75 ; French glazed kids , skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Hussitt linings , $0.00@0.50 l > er doz. ; pink cream and white linings. 17.50 ( § 9.75 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.00@11.00. Dituos Acid Carbolic , crystal perlb , 50c ; citric per Ib. COo ; tartaric , perlb , 50c ; sul phuric , per Ib , 4c ; ammonia , carb , perlb , 15o ; alum , per Ib , 5c ; alcohol. 93 percent , per gal , $2.22 ; uluo vitriol , per Ib , 8e ; borax refined , perlb , lOc ; camphor refined. 32c ; cream tar tar , pure , per Ib. 42c ; cream tartar , commer cial , per Ib , 20c ; cloves , perlb , 83o ; cuttle fish bone , per Ib , 30c ; dextriue , per Ib , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 30c ; hops , fresh , per Ib , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per Ib , 75c ; insect powder , per Ib , GOc ; morphine , P. & W. , per oz. , $3.00 ; opium , per Ib , $3.75 ; quinine , P. & , W. , per oz. , 53c : quinine , German , per o . , 4Sc ; Hochcllo salts , jer ) Ib , 35c ; saffron , American , per Ib , 40c ; saffron , true Spanish , per oz. , fl.OO ; salapetre , pure per Ib. lOc ; Sulphur , Flowers' , per Ib. , 5o. ; soda , bl-car- bonato , per Ib , 5o ; silver , nitrate , perlb , $11.50 ; spermaceti ! , per Ib , 52@GOc ; Htrych- nine , perez , , $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , perlb , 55c ; wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , 35c. OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon , 150 degrees , 13c ; linseed boiled , OOc ; linseed , raw , 57c ; castor , No. 1 , ? 1.50 ! ; No. 2 , $ .12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water . zero , 14c ; W. Va. 40e ; golden No. 2 , ' > . - , i > , . , , . , . . „ . . , 1 degree. 14e ; head- ligh't , 150 degrees , 12e ; headlight. 175 de grees , 16c ; turpentine , 45o ; castor , pure , $1.30 per gal. HIDES Green butchers,1 4@4J c ; green cured , 5@5Ko ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salt , Cc ; green salted calf , 0 > c : damaged hides , 2c off ; dry salted deacons , 25c each. Tallow- No. 1 , 3o / ; No. 2 , UJfc. Grease Prime white , 4 , ' c ; yellow , 3c : brown , 2c. Sheep pelts 10c@$1.00.accordlng to quality. Brand ed hides classified as damaged. QPENGERIAN OTEEL PENS Are the Best , IN TUB JJSSENTIAI * QIUI.ITIKH OP Durability , Evenness of Point , and Workmanship. IVISON , BUKEMHN & CO , , r. 1L I'AI.\1EI1 , N I' IIICIIMAK. J. II III.ANC1IA1II ) . PALMER. niCHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Onic-e-Hoom 21 , Oppoiitii Kichunpo Itullillnn , ( Iiiloo Mock Vurili houtli Oiuntn , Nub , MoCOY B'rlOS. , live Stock Commission Merchants , Market funilrliecl frco on application FtotkPrt and fi'edurs furiiMiCMl on L'ooJ UTMII Ki'rroncr * Oma- hu Nillonl Hunk nu < i t-oulU OuiubuNulluiiai , Uulou block V..nU , outli Omnha. SORIM ER.WESTE RFI ELp"&WAiLEV Liye Stock Commission , Ilooro ti , Kjcbnnco llulldliiu. I'mou Block Vurdi , buutb ( Jiunhn , Xit [ > . AUEXANDER k FITCH. Commision Dealers in Live Sack , 'fi. Opposite I'xi haiik'o ItullUin , Lnici * Stock YarJt , KoUtU onjulio. .VCD. _ f OCK YA RDS co. ' ; Of Omaha , Limited , . CHURQHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons , Citrligei and lluggln. Jotir * Btrrct.tetwceDMhaod 10th , Ouilik , Nebtaria. LININOER & METOALF CO. , AgricnltnrallmDleientSjWagons.Carriages . PARLIN. ORENDORF & MARTIN , Wbotoalo Ilcalrrt In Agricnltnral Implements , Vagons&Bnggies ( Cl , Rtl , ! 6 anil 007 Jonct Ptrof t , Omaha. P. P. MAST& COT ; Manufactnrers of Bnckeye Drills , Seete , CultlTatori , Har Ilaken. ClJer Mlllf anrt I. t > an 1'ul- tcrlicrs. Cor , lllh and Nlcholat mrccU. WINONA IMPLEMENTCO. . Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies Comer lllh and Nlcholtn Ctrecta. OMAHA 11HANCII. J. F. SEIBERLING & CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting ] Machinery and Binder Twine , W. E. Mcs.il. Manager. K13 LfKTcnwortli St. , Onmtio. MOUNE.MILBURN&STODDARDCO Manufacturer ! dm ! Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th ami 1'acltlc Streets , Omaha , Neb. Artists' Matorlols. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douulai Street , Omaha , Nobrankn. Bootgjincl Sjioos , KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. . ( Succe 50ri to llcinl , JUQCI A Co. ) WholesaleMannfacturersofBootsandShoes lo.tn Itub eoCo UK 1104 A UUC { W. V. MORSE fc CO. . Johhers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,1103-1106 louala St.Oninha ManufactorySum mer St. . lluitun. H. M , St. S.W. JONES , Succcstorato A. T. Kcnyon A Co. , WliolrsnloAUctnll Booksellers and Stationers , Flue M'cilillng Htatloncrr. Commercial Stntloncrjr , \ya \ UouKlaoStreet.OinBhu..Neli. CoffOOB , SplCOB , JLARKE COFFEE Omaha Coffee nnd eplco Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for tbo Manufacturer ! and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. Offl co , 317 B. 13th Bt. . Omaha. Nebraska. PERKINS , CATCH & . LAUMAN. Imuorters nnd Jobbers of Greenery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Etc. 1514 Furaiirn St. , Now 1'uxton UulldlnB. CommlBBlon and Storago. FRlE'DERICK J. FAIRBRA'SS. Wholesale Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 10H North ICth streetOnmlm , Neb. CEO. SCHROECER & CO. . pucccBiors to Mcgbanu & Bcuroedcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha , Nebraska. RIDDELL & RIDDELU Storage and Commission Merchants , HpcclaltlCi Mutter , .Ergs , Cucetc , I'oultry , Game , 1112 Howard Street , Omnlm , Coal , Coke and Umo. OMAHA COAL. , COKE & . LIME CO. . Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 203 South 13lli Btroct , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON * CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , Anrt shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement. I'latter. Lima , Drain Tile , and Bower 1'lpe. Ofllcc , i'axion Hotel , Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone til. NEBRASKA FUEL. CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 111 South 13tb St. . Omaha. Neb. DryCood8 _ and Notl ri8 "M. JFSMTTH & "cb. , Dry Goods , Furnisliing Goods and Notions , 1103 and 1101 Douglas. Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Wotions . Gent ' FurnlihlnK ( leeds , Corner llth and bin. , Ouiaba , Ncbnmka. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnniitnre , Karnam Street. Omaha. Ncbraika. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Oinuha , Nebraska. CrocoroB. PAXTON , GALLACHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 706 , TOT , 709 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Nob. McCORD , BRADY 4 CO. , Wholesale Grocers , I th and IxJiTuavtcrth Streets , Omaha , Nebrmka , . _ LEE , CLARKE. ANDRElSEN HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , Sheet Iron , etc. Agmits for Ho\vo Bcales , Mlamll'ondrr nudl.ynuui liurbed wire , ( jmuhn , HIMEBAUGH fc TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Outlaid Scales. 103 Douglai Hlreot , Orualio , KcbiaiOia. ' RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lOthand Harney BU. . Omaha. Net ) , Western Asentr | pf Auiiinppwj ' r I'll Jpffen'On HtCCl Ntttlv. MARKS BROS."sAobrERY CO , Wbolesalo .MnnufHtturcrJ of Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware And leather. 1401 , ll'fi nnJ HOT llnriicr St. , Ouiubu t. Hardware. ' _ . J , BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wavoii Hlork , Hardware1 , Lumber , Ktc. 1W. uud 1/11 llsrnuy Uireut.Oinuba , Hats , CapB , Etc. W L. PARROTTE & CO.T"1 Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods llUTUttrnerSlfem. OmuhK. Neh. "btfico Fixturoa. THE /IMMONO ? MANUFACTtlHISO CO. Alaoufait irors of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Hantiei. SiJeboarrts. llook Caies , Urut Vl lur ( > . \y ll \ ie > , Parllttous. Itillliitl.Counttrk. lui rauaini3 ijooler * . Allrrors.etc r ttOfr iiidonoe , lVJU i dli BemLi5uiet.o& iii _ _ _ _ Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Bnilfling Material at Wholes IfU ? tro et and Cnlon Paclfle Trnct , Ornnba. ' LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , lloors , Etc. Yards-Corner 7lh anj IXiiwlMi Corall _ _ _ _ _ Oil ; and Domlas. Dealer in All Kind ? of Lumber , IJth and California Plreels , Omaha , NobtMks. - FRED W. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner Mb and DouclftsSH. . Omnhs- T7W. HARVEY LUMBE" " To Dealers Only , c.lKH Farnnm Street. Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported and Amertrnn I'lirtlxtid roment. 6tall Agent for Milwaukee. Hydraulic Cement and Uiilney White I.tiue. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cnrpett and Parquet Floorine Wh and DoitBtai Notions- J. T. ROBINSON Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4tt ( nml tViScitli 10th St. , Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo flrcatelite. , Omaha. A. II. lllthop , Manager , VINYARD & . SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1106 llarney ytroet. Omaha. CUMMlNdS \Vhulc5iilo Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , HIS F rnam Street. OmahaNeb. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CC. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Cnrry a nice stock of Printing. Wrapping and Writing I'UE ar. Hppclnl attention given lo car load orders. Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , Dvtlcisln Tyre. lro > ses and Printers'Supplies. C03 South isth Street. Omaha. Rubber Goods- OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods ail Clothing and Leather Melting. IQOii Knrimm SUcs Etc- A. L. STRAWS CO. . Puns , Pipes and Engines , itoarn , Water , ItnllwRr nnd Mlnlnu Supplies , Etc. _ KJUMand Wl tlinmtti Street"Omulia. . CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Supplies. TTendqimrtcm for Mast , Koost.tCo'8 goods. 1111 1'nnmm bt. , Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE i PUMP CO. . ' Steam and Water Supplies , Halllday Wind Mills. 019 and KM Famam St. , Omaus. _ G. K. lloss , Acting Marnner. _ BROWNELL & CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery Sheet Iron Work Steam Pumps , Saw MIMs. 121J-1210 Lcavonworlh Hlrcel. Omnhn. Stacks. Boilers , Etc- SAWYER Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stack ? ; . Drltcblngs , TnnkH nnd Central Holler IlepalrliiK. 1315 'C Street. Oiuaha , Nob. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. . Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 1)11 ) and lllJJonpdKtrt'ft Omnha. Storage , Forwarding A. Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS * CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission ; , Brunch house f the Hnmei ; llumijr Co. llii BldrSJ wholesale and retail , l.vw IJlOnnd 1112 Iianl titrvot. Omuba. Telephone No. 750. Browora. STOR2 & , ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1K1 North KUthteoutb. Street , Omaha. Neb. Jjon STEAM 'BOILER WORKS , Carter k son , Prop's. Manufacturers of nil kinds , Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet Iron Worlc Worksi-oiitli''Olli ' nmlll. _ A M. Crossing. ' PAATON A , VIKHI.INO 1HO.V WOltKH. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ; Knvlncs , llrats Work , General Foundry , Machine nnd lllutkpuilth Work , oitlui and Works , U. P. Ity. < nnd nth ftrcet , Omaha. OtvTAH'A'WIRE & IROrTWORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk Halls , Window Guards. Flower Ptnnds , Wlro Huns , Ktc. l l North Kth tilrvet.Omaba. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS. * CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Kcrecns , for banks , nlrUci.itori's. roildcnros , etc * Improved Awnings , Ixicksmlth Maihlnery nod lllaeksnilth Works , 4 ( Niutli lull ft. ; MEAdHER & LEACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Genera ) Agents for Dlrbold Hafe ti I < ock Co , ' Vaults od Jail Work , 1(14 Karnaui htrect , Oaiaha. _ Mllllnory and NotloriB. " * I. OBERFELDER"iCO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions H. ; KI nnd 812 Bnuth lllti Htrfft . . MANUFACTURINO co : , piiifacturers of Overalls , Jeans runts , bblrtV Ktc IlMa'rld 1104 Uouglai Htreet , Ouiulia , flcb. Cornlco. _ " " nsn EAG"LE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , JuLu Hjiencter , I'roprtclor. WO Dodire and 1UI uud 1M Nortb 1Mb Street , Omalia. Paper Boxes. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Boi Factory , No 1JI7 and UIU I > ou lis Bt. , Oaiahii , N b. Sash , Doors , Etc. _ _ ' f wTA-brsDROv//'co , , Wholcsitlo Munur.cturorsof / Sasli Boors. Blinds and Moulding , ' llmr.cli ( jfllctf , ivtii and Itard hlrectn. Oui b , Neb. " " ' BOHN MANUFACTUniNa CO. / Manufacturers of Sasli , Boors , Blinfl , MouMlni/i , HtHlr Work and Interior Hani Wood Vtat liu. N. K. C'urniT flh and l.unvunwortU atreetl , Oulabu. JjpVb. 6T5TA H AlrL A NIN Q MILL CO. . " " . Manafacturers of Moulding , Sasli , Boors , Ai.d IlhnilK. Turning , btalr-vcork. Hank end OS.cc t1b > Uius. 'JUUi itad 'ViUtttB ATCUUO.