Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1888, Page 2, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ff&TDAY , JUKE 8 : 1883.
law in pcaco ; Snmucl J. Tildon.
the loader and able exponent of
the Immortal principles of Jefferson :
Horatio Seymour , the ciftcd orator nnd
matchless leader of men ; Oc'orRO 13 , McClcl-
Ian , the brilliant organlcr of the armies of
the union , as Round in his political principles
nsi he vras faithful In the performance of ofll-
d I duly.
The resolution wns adopted.
Mr. Itunlor.-of VirBinia Mr. Chairman. I
Inovo that Uio tUnnlfs of this convention bo
tendered to the pcoplo and commlttccmen of
tlid < | ity of St. Louis for the hospitable repetition -
petition \\Mch they Imvo extended to the
delccatcs "of thoconvention. .
Dawson of Sotith Carolina Mr. Chairman ,
J move the thfinlis of the convention bo ten *
derod to tlio temporary chairman , Governor
"VVhito of California , for the nblo. manner In
Ivlilch he discharged the duties of the ofllcoi
Adopted ,
On motion ot Mr. Dawson the thanks of
the convention oxtcndctl , to the officers of
tHcjjpnnanont orKnnl/atlon , to Klehard J.
Cretan , sorgpanUaUarms , nnd IJnuiol Ablc
chief door-ke per , for the faithful and satis
factory manner la which they performed
their duties ,
On-iiiotion of Governor Ablxitt of Mary
land * the convention than nd6urncdi ]
Ciovcr Clcvclniul , ( lie * Noinlnoo For
Stephen Grover Cleveland was born at
Cnhhvcll , tin obscure Now Jersey town , in
1633. His father wna n Prcsb.ytcrlan inin-
Istor. The family mndo sovcral removals to
Now York towns , and wcro at Holland
Putt-tit , fifteen miles north of Utlca , when
the father died. As a boy Grover "tended1'
tttorc nnd taught school , but ho tired of the
latter and started out to maku his fortune
His first Idea \vnn to go to Cleveland , but an
uncle , a noted stock breeder at Duffalo , per-
Buadcd him to stop there and compile a herd
book , tclllnc him ho could "look round. "
Ho decided to bo a lawyer , and was
( riven a place by HogerH , IJoweu
fn. Kogers ns oftk'o boy. At the
cud of four years huva inado man-
nKiiiff clerk. In 1S03 , throiiRh Uie Inlltieiu'o
ot these In the oftlco , ho was m.pointcd as
sistant district attorney. HQ was drafted
while in this oillce. but sent a substitute. In
18(15 ( ho ran for district attorney on the demo
cratic. ticket , but was . defeated. Ho then
entered upon thu practica of law and had
various paitnur.s ut different times when not
in oQIco. Ho was elected sheriff of Erie
county in 1SC9. His election as mayor of
Buffalo in 1&81 on a democratic reform ticket
gave him a stnto prominence , nnd the tidal
IVUVQ of ISfe'J swcipt him into the goruruor's '
chair by a majority of 102,85-1.
O. TInirjiian.
Alton G. Thurmnn was born of revolution
ary stock at Lynchburg1 , Va. , in 1813. Tlio
family moved to Ohio when ho wn six ycara
old. Ho had only a grammar school educa
tion , but took up law as a calliut ? . Ho was
nominated for the Twenty-ninth congress
ttgulnst his protest , and overcame the UOO re
publican majority in his district. Ho was
put on the judiciary committee of the house
und became distinguished ns n great lawyer.
HQ declined ro-clooUou at the close of his
term and retired , ns ho thought , to private
Jlfo for good nnd nil. But in 1851 , when the
new constitution of Ohio wns adopted , ho
was pressed into the race for a supreme court
judgcship and was elected , leading the ticket
by over " , OOU votes. Ho sat upon the
bench four years , the last two
years serving as chief justice. In
ISO" , after a season of rebt , ho was nomi
nated for governor against Ihitherford B.
Hayes. The republican majority the year
) ) oforo had been -M.OOO , but Thurman was
defeated by only aKh , ( ) . Tlio democrats cap
tured the legislature and Judge Thurnmn
was elected to the United States senate in
1809 in the place of Ben Wade. Ho became
the leader of his party in the senate , and a
re-election kept him there until Ibbl. Ho
then decided to retire from .public life , but
within a week President Garllcld appointed
him a delegate to the international congress
to bo held that year at Paris to consider the
pilverquestiom - Having had a desire to visit
Jiurope , ho improved this opportunity and
inado an extondqd trip. Since then ho has
Jiaa been in private life , practicing law. His
candidacy fdr the presidential nomlnatiotf in
1831,18 fresh in mirfd.
Senator Thuruian is one of the most thor-
piigh scholars in public llfo In this country.
Always a student , ho bcc.imc early In life a
great lawyer , and since then has devoted
much tlmo to lighter study. Ho is n line
ic"uchschplnrand his favorite books are the
works of tiio e.irller French dramatists ,
whiph ho roads in the original. Hu has an
unusually largo and well selected library ,
nud.Uiorc are few books in the r.mgoof pollto
literature that ho is not familiar with. He
Jias n Kcnioiis for mathematics , and frequently
Decuple's himself in working out the most ab-
Ftniho aiid intricate problems. Ho says that
lie is prouder of his knowledge of maiho-
luatica tban ho is of anything else.
The New York Sun llldletilcs tlio
Nnw YOIIK , Juno 7. The Sun will say :
"In respect of its contents the St. Louis
itlatform evinces the benefit resulting from
the watchful chastening , which v.'S linvc rx > p. *
tInualLvbnstj VOi ypouno free-traders of
till ranks in congress and out. As a matter
Of composition it Is a clumsy and Incongruous
iloco of work , and ns for principles
hu whole of it is contained in the
irst twelve liars. Tlio conven-
lou and Mr , Cleveland have alike- put
.heir love of free trade out to roost and
nay its sleep bo successful aud uudisturbod.
t might have beou mudo a good deal clearer ,
but wo guess the tiling will work. "
CIIIOAIIO , June 7 , Tliu Tribune will say
rditorinlly to-morrow ; "Tho nomination of
the Old liomun is of very doubttut expedi
ency. Thousands of democrats who would
vote for Thurunin for presiaont will
liot vote for him for vice pres
ident associated with Cleveland. The
ilemocratlo. friends of Gray in Indiana
JyJll not likely ratify a programme which was
forced through the convention at the expense
Bf their own candidate. "
' The Inter Ocean will say : "Hon. Allen
C , Thurman , candidate for vice president , Is
line of the ablest and best known of the eld
style democrats in the Unltpd States , lip is
tut on the ticket with the hope of calling to
.hasupport of Cleveland the bourbon demo-
: rul6 of the , His nomination'will
Irlve away from Cleveland many democrats
vho hate the nnn.o of copperhead , "
UTlioTiim-B will say : "L'loveland nnd tax ro-
YD in will'i'ntor the oaiivns with well ground
itsUrnnccs of success , Monopoly will oppose
he man and the plan. The btinulloi'iries of n
system which taxes everybody for the bcneilt
> f somebody will enter the campaign deter-
iliuod.tq breakdown the champions of ro-
fonnlmt , truth and the people are mighty , "
The Daily-News will Hay : "Noei'ssity ami
fcontimcnt wore the parents of the democratic
tiuket completed atSULouis. About the polit-
leal wisdom of nomlimtlng Tlinrnmn for vice
president opinions may differ. His ago can
pa urged against him , but bin mind is htill
BtrpDKi and his ixiurago and convictions as
true and fearless att evur. His name brings
to the ticket u popularity with the people
| , hrouKput the nniQii that none other could. "
lNiUNAi'Oi.lsJiiio7 ( The Journal will say
tomorrow"Tliu nomination of Mr , Thur-
binn will not help citrry and state , nnd wo
rniBtakdJtlf bofuro thecampalgu has ended
{ they do not become disgusted with the
kclieiao of sulf-beeklug and fatso pretenses
jroi ontd by his nomination , "
.LQUISVIU.R , June * , Thu Coui'icr-.Iournal
\vlll say to-morrow : "For vice president ,
he people speaking In tout's that , could not
je misunderstood culled from his retirement
Aihui G , Thurinan of Ohio. It is an honor
riot of his seeking but is u cull to continued
iorvioo by n party whluh through
i long llfo ho has counselled
und led , In the platform wo have
n words BO plain that ho who
runneth may read the facts of the demo-
: ralio party declared , It touches every pub
ic question foarlesbly , intelligently , conbUt-
? u1ly. The democrats no longer hide in the
larluicsi. It htanila forth bravely in that
Ueroo light that beats upon a puvty commit
ted to hluh purposes , and contending in
pcasou and out of season for the fuith oueu
Delivered to the saints. "
NKW , Yo ) w Juno 7.'Jho Herald will say.
o.womnvi llltia oagoud uiilatfociu us was
n-er aaoptotVVy aconventloji clour , stralght-
'orward , without quibble or doublo-doallut , ' . . docluroa concerning premises ro-
locmodiatrue ; whulUlu-omisud tuo ticket
; yarwiteea. "
, Juno 7. The Sou line J will
Uia jtflaUprmj "THu uiOMt
tariff reforrtler could not have
a more clear , osnllclt or cmphntlo definition
of the principles aud policy of the party. It
voices the conviction" of the democratic
masses of the country upon the supreme
issue of the hour in unmistakable language. "
Of the vlcp presidential nominee the Senti
nel will say ! "Never was nn honor moro
worthilyjbestowcd. Allen .O. Thurmnn is a
man of grand intellect. His public record is
without blemish , hli private life without
stain. Ho is the exponent of all the best
tendencies m our politics.
Tlio Governor ICnllH to Son Any , Spec
ial KtrciiKlli tl - Tluiriuan.
Cor.UMtiUs , O. , Juno 7. In nn Intorvicw
with Governor Foraker relative to the.
nomination nf Thurman ho says : "I don't
think his nomination will add nny strength
to the democratic ticket In this state , and I
don't know why It should * In any state. Ha
never was any stronger than his party , in
fact not ( luito so strong. The only tlmo
slnco the war that he has been n candidate
before the people wns when Hayes defeated
him for the governorship In 1807. Ho then
ran behind his ticket. Ho never bad any
special strength , aud at this time he bus
less than over before.
A Mcotltij ; Devoted to Votes of
TlmiiltH ,
ST. Louis , Juno 7. The national demo.
cratio committee of 1833 met at 4 p. m. On
motion ot Senator Gorman , Mr. Bnrnuin was
elected temoorury chairman. On motion of
M. C. Henry of Kentucky , Mr. Samuel Pasco
of Florida was elected temporary secretary ,
and Edward B. Dickinson of Now York ofll-
clul stenographer. A vote of thanks
was given to Mr. Uarnum , chair
man ; Mr. Prince , secretary ; Mr
Dickinson , stenographer , and C. J. Caiida ,
treasurer , for faithful services prior to anil
during the convention. On motion of Sen
ator Gorman it was resolved that the thanks
of the national committee nro duo , and they
nro hereby given , to Ferdinand and Charles
J. Cumin for the effective , intelligent and
satisfactory manner In which they have dis
charged the dpties entrusted to them. A
vote of thanks was nlbo given to Colonel H ,
J. Bright , , and Captain
Able , chief doorkeeper , for the faithful dis
charge of their respective duties. Tlio com
mittee adjourned to meet iu Washington
Juno i0. !
Tlmrmnn'H Nomination nt ironic.
Cotuiiiius , O. , June 7. The news of Thur-
man's nomination was quietly received by
about one hundred people assembled In
front of the Western Union ofllce. No com
ment of any kind was made by the crowd.
The news of the nomination had been dis
counted heio for several days and was re
garded to-day as a matter of course.
Gfcslmrii AiiMWet-s tlio Boys.
PiTTSiiuna , Juno 7. At a special meeting
of the Conkling republican club a letter was
road from Judge Grcsham in answer to a
letter sent him last week , notifying him that
the club had endorsed him for the presi
dency. In acknowledging the honor ho said :
"I have done nothing to influence the action
of the convention , nnd shall not bo disap
pointed whatever the result may be. "
Gotn a Renonilnntlon.
ROCK Isi.ANn , 111. , Junp 7. The republican
convention of the Eleventh district nominated
William H. Cost for congress , nud named
Henry Crnskc of Schnyler for member of
the state board of equalization.
WASHINGTON , Juno 7. In the senate Mr.
Morgan asked leave to offer a preamble and
resolutions setting forth that the report of
the committee on foreign relations on the
fisheries treaty questioned its legality and
declaring it valid and lawful.
Mr. "Vanco moved to refer it to the comurit-
tco on foreign relations.
Mr. Sherman objected to this introduction.
Mr. Morgan demanded the right to speak
on the motion to refer.
The chair held he could not bo permitted to
speak until unanimous consent for the intro
duction of the resolutions was given.
Despite the ruling of the chair against- him
Mr. Morgan , maintained his ground and read
the address delivered by him on
the subject in executive session. Ono
01 the sentences of" the speech was :
"Tho senate may makO'wnr necessary , as
I am very much afraid wo are doing hero to
day. " The action of the representative sen
ate , lie said , was doubtless with a view of
exciting the antagonism of the Irish voters
to the president because of his alleged sub
serving to British inlluencos. That charge ,
ranked with the injustice of congress , lie
said , had given the president the power
which all the presidents posscsst-d hinco
1S50 , to wrtge a paper war on British com
merce. If the president had pushed it to the
point of real war the country would have
cried out for his impeachment , but having
failed to do BO lie was charged in the report
of the majority of the committee on foieiirn
relations with usurpation aud abusi . oj j110
'i'h6 resolutions wont over without action.
After routine business the senate ad
journed till Monday.
WASHINGTON , Juno 7. TJio house went into
committee of the whole this morning on the
tariff bill , Mr. Dingloy of Maine , speaking in
opposition to Mr , Breckenridgo's amendment
to the provision attached to the luuiborselied-
ulcs of the free , list , which proposes to admit
Canadian llsh free of duty upon allowance by
that country of commercial rights to our ves
sels aud also for reciprocity.
A protracted debate ; followed , but finally
the lumber schedule was completed without
Mr , Weaver read a bulletin announcing the
approval of the Mills bill by the convention ,
nnd to nil appearances the republicans took
as much comfoit us the democrats in the an
Mr , ( Jox-Hent up nud hadread thoannouncc-
inent nf Mr. Thunmin's nomination. A
scene of wild ronfiibion followed. Nearly
every democrat was on his feet shouting ,
cheering , and hamlanus appeared in every
hand , and a portrait of Thurman appeared ,
Mr. Higg-s of California said ho had wprked
thirty years to see Thurmun nominated ,
Mr , CUmvpnor of Ohio , in cxplunutlop , as
ho uUl , of the action of the domocratle con.
vent ion in omitting all mention of the Mills
bill from the platform and patching it > up in
subsequent , resolutions , had read two tele
grams , ono sent by Breckcijridgo of Ken
tucky to Watterson , buying failure to eu-
doi-bo the Mills hill might defeat it , the other
from McMillan ot Tennessee to Governor
Brown , making the sumo statement.
Mr. IColly. tropically inquired if the con
vention had U.ved thp duty for which the
Mills bill Mioultl go into ctTrct ,
The sattsuhcdulo having been reached , the
committee rose and the house adjourned ,
.V DIsaHtroiiK Stoi'in ,
OTTAWA , .limp 7 , Tim destruction caused
by yesterday's storm la terribly wide pioad.
Hundred's of burns are demolished and out
buildings in bcores wcro blown away. The
lobs can't fall short of $300 , < X > 0. Three pur-
boiiH are reported killed ,
An Absolute Ouro.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped ban Is , and all skin rrii | > -
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 'Jo
cents per box by mall iiO ocnU.
Wont her Indications.
For Nebraska and Dakota Fresh to brisk
southerly winds , warmer , fair weather , fol
lowed by light rains , conditions favorable for
severe local storms.
For lowar-Frosh to brish southerly winds ,
warmer fair weather , followed by light rains.
Ho ate green cucumbers ;
They made him quite sick ;
But ho took n few -'Pellets"
That cured him right quick.
An raster Physic
You never will find
Than Plerco's small "Pellets , "
The Purgative kind.
Small but urocinua. 5 coiits uor vial ,
Morrlclc County's Tronsuror Found
to Bo a. Defaulter.
Full Particulars of tlio Sttmlor of
Itariitcr Hunter A 1'ronclior's Slan
der Sulf-DcinoQrnttc Hnthugl *
nsiu Other State Natvs.
A Heavy Sliortnso.
CITV , Nob. , .Tuna 7. [ Special
Tolograin to Tun Bni : . ] Tlus county com
missioners tnot to-day mul rccoivod the re-
l > ort of exports who Imvo boon working on
the books of the county treasurer * The re
port showed n shortage In the accounts of
Colouol W. II. Webster , Into county treasu
rer , of nearly fyo,000. It Is reported thatMr.
Webster will turn over everything lie has ,
amounting to about § 20,000. The roi > ort also
shows a shortage of $1,000 , In tlio account of
Otto Foster , deputy for Treasurer Wobstcr.
Mr. Webster's ' bondsmen arc among the very
best In the county , and the shortairo will
probably bo miulo good by them. No ono know whore the money wont to , but
the boohs wcro kept in such bud shape that
'It was hard work , to gcttthorn straightened.
'J'ho expert work was done by Mr. O. E.
Dean of Omaha , and ho lias given satisfac
Tlio Murder of Karnior Hull.
CUMIBKTSON , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special to
Tins Dm : . ] The murder of farmer Hull by
the Hunters was the most cold-blooded and
most atrocious crime over committed in this
section of the stato. The Hunters Gallant
V. Hunter and his son John have always
boon regarded as bad characters and they
have succeeded in terrorizing the pcoplo
hero to such an extent that they Imvo boon
allowed to have pretty much their own way
in everything that they Imvo attempted to
do. The old man Hunter , it Is said , wag n
member of the infamous Quantroll gang of
cut-throats that infested Missouri during the
days of tlio rebellion and it appears that his
life slnco has been stained by the blood of
his follow man. John Hunter 1ms boon engaged -
gaged in the hardwura business hero for sev
eral years but lias not mot with any success
owing , no doubt , to the well
known disposition of the Hunters.
Mr. Hull , the murdered man , lived
about two miles cast of town on a farm adJoining - -
Joining ono owned by the Hunters. Hunter
seemed to take particular pains to annoy his
neighbor in diveis ways more particularly by
permitting his cattle to run at largo on his
grain Holds to the serious danmgaofMr.
Hull. Hull ihmlly took a mule belonging to
Hunter and held him for damages. It- was
over the demand for the return of the mule
that the shooting took place. At the eoronor'a
inuuest and at the preliminary hearing the
following facts relative to the shooting wcro
developed : Mr. Hull was in Manwarron's
billiard hall between the hours of 10 and 11
o'clock a. m. on the 5th of Juno , talking with
Mr. Mauwarren , the proprietor of tne estab
lishment , when John Huntorcamo in and de
manded that Hull give up the mulo. Mr.
Hull wanted to know whether ho ( John ) rep
resented his father in the matter and if not
ho did not want him to monkey with him.
After a short conversation , during which
Hull stated that they could have the mule by
paying the damages , John Hunter
loft the room. The witnesses stated
that after llftcen minutes after this
the old man Hunter and John were ween
coming across the street ahd when they
reached the billiard hall stepped in. while
John remained on the outside. The old man
then stepped up to Mr. Hull and said : "Do
you want anybody to monkey with you , "
Mr. Hull replied : "No , sir ; I don't know as
I do. " Hunter then said , "Well by , I
heard that you did. and if you do I can mon
key with you , " and at the same tiino said
that ho could whip him ( Hull ) . Hull replied
that if they wanted to they could. Ilxmter
then asked Hull to lay down the billiard cue
which ho held in his hand. Hull refused to
do this whereupon Hunter started , in the di
rection of the cue rack ostensibly for the pur
pose of arming Himself with a cue. Hull fol
lowed him up and just as Hunter reached for
a cue Hall struck Hunter on the head with
the cue in his hand. At this juncture ,
says a witness , John rushed into the
hall and ran up to his father
and grabbed him by the shoulder at the
same time baying 'vLook out old man , " and
instantly llrcd two shots with a revolver at
Hull , the mu7zlo of the weapon being within
six or eight inches of his victim's head. Tlio
Jlrst shot passed through the rim of Hull's
hut and lodged in the ceiling overhe.ul , trie
second b.ill entering the head a little above
and back of the right ear. Hull dropped to
the floor and expired within twenty minutes.
The Hunters walked deliberately out of the
hall , across the way and into their Imnlwaro
store , where they were shortly alter taken
into custody by the sheriff of the county.
The excitement continues intense. John
Hunter has been taken to the Lancaster
county jail where he will await his trial in
rvuvcmbor. Tilfi old man , by many , is con
sidered just as responsible for the shooting
as the son.
Plattsmoutli Democrats Enthuse.
Pi , VTTSMOUI ii , No'o. , Juno -Special [ Tele
gram to Tun BKLI Uandanas are all the
rage. After the news of Thuramn's nomi-
tion was received the streets were llllod with
men wearing or waving rod bandanas. Tlio
democrats are universally satisfied with the
nominations. The young men's democratic
club met at their club rooms this evening
and endorsed the conventions choice. En
thusiastic bpccehcs wore made amid
cheering. Pyrotechnic- displays wcru made
by several merchants in honor of the candi
Ijliicolu Ululi School Commencement.
LIXCOI.N , Neb. , June 7. [ Special Telegram
to Tim' Dm : . ] The largest class that has
over graduated from the Lincoln high school ,
consisting of thirty mcmours , held its coin-
nicneemont exermcs ut the opera liousu to-
night. Twelve members of the class ap
peared on tlio programme , which was an ex
cellent ono in every respect ,
A Now Investment Comimiiy.
Ajxsnoimi , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special to
Tin ; Hii.l : The Nebraska Investment and
Savings corporation , organized with 5100,000
paid up capital to-day and lllcd articles
with the county clerk. President , Alexander
Altschulor ; treasurer , O. H. Uipppy , rtifd F.
E , Hood , vice-president und secretary , The
company embraces leading capitalists , has an
established business and will operate with
headhunt tcn > ut Ainsworth.
An Oratorical Contest.
FIIKMONT , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special to Tn
Bin.J : A declamatory contest was held at
the normal college lust evening uud was well
attended. There worn ulovun contestants ,
The wlnncrri were : First nriio , Miss Lawson -
son ; second prize , Miss Hoy.
Seriously Huriiltil.
FIIKMOXT , Neb , , Juno 7. [ Special to TUB
Hiij : Mrs. Byron Curtis wasbuincdiun
very serious munncr about the face and nock
and ona hand this morning by tlip explosion
of a gasoline stove while lighting it. Al
though Muttering intensely from her bums it
ib not anticipated that they will piovo fatal ,
Artificial Ki
Fnr.MO.NT , Neb. , Juno 7. [ Special to Tin :
Uii.J : Cleveland's nomination was re
ceived in Fremont by some demonstration of
enthusiasm by Muy Bros. , who own n cannon.
Ii was brought out last night and tired alt
several times , after which thoio was a. pyro.
tcchnio display. The democrats in general
hereabouts uru not onthusiu&tiit. Tliuy ue-
uepttho nomination inoro with the hopu that
Cleveland's proverbial luck will carry him
ihiaugh than with a belief that ho is a states
man ,
l 'lro ut Kournoy.
IvKiitKiiv , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tn BEE. ! At about 7:80 : o'clock
this morning J. W. Lalono's paiut and wall
paper t > toro was found a shoot of flumes on
the inside , The fire boys prlvouted tiio lira
from spreading , but could not save the stock
of foods , Mr. Lahjno hail lust ouuoed UP.
about three weeks ato1 , and his stock wns all
new nnd lino. ThA. vnlUo ol the stock wn
about $3,000 , and IJrnhnOst totally lost. The
Insurance wns ftj , 000 Jh the Farmer's Union.
The tire was purely accidental , but reaching
some of the oils spread so rapidly that the
goods burned before the department could
get out. '
: i f
Hotl Cloml'b Advantages.
RED Cioun , Nob" Suno 7. { Correspond
ence of Tun DF.B. ] jils section was visited
by n henry rain nmrhfell storm casly yester
day morning. Reports of damage to crops
have not begun to < wmo In , but doubtless the
loss will bo consfiltrablo , Prospects for
abundant crops wajcjftovor bolter , notwith
standing occasional ji ll storms , The diun
across the Republican river at this point ,
which was carried out by high water some
tlmo ago , 1ms now been replaced , and our
roller mills nnd electric light plant again
have abundant power. After considerable
delay the street railway company has com
menced running cars with every indication
of success. Thlslndustry is the result of the
usual enterprise of our citizens.
The now flro bell has arrived nnd has boon
put In place. Our nro department Is now
thoroughly equipped and for the short time
of their orgnnlratlon they will compare fav
orably with nny volunteer company in this
part of Urn west. Lota have boon purchased
by Buffalo parties for the erection of n car
riage nnd wnpon manufactory here. There
13 room hero for many enterprises requiring
first-class water power , nud nil such would
receive substantial support. This city nlso
offers to n creamery , clieeso factory or can
ning factory , the very finest opportunities
for the investment of capital. Parties sock
ing location or information regarding Red
Cloud and its tributary country should ad
dress the secretary of the board of trndo.
A Prohibition Demonstration ,
NRIIIUSKA. Cirr , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bin : , ] A. G. Wolfcnborgor
addressed the prohibitionists at the opera
house last evening. Tlio house wns crowded.
Tlio speaker abused the republican nnd dem
ocratic parties and made charges which ho
tailed to prove. At the close of the meeting
Brother Wolfcnbergqr jingled -SIS in his
pantaloon pocket for his services.
For Boyd.
NcmusiCA. CITV , Neb. , Juno 7. [ Special
Telegram to THH Bnu. ] The democrats will
ratify Saturday night unless the enthusiasm
cools. Morton's friends hero arc very ludigr
nnnt over the action of the Nebraska dele
gation , many saying the one democrat In the
delegation worthy of notice was snubbed.
They will remember thia when they got a
whack at Boj d.
Said to Have Absconded.
Aixswonrn , Neb. , Juno 7. [ Special to
THU Bm : . ] Well substantiated reports como
from Johnstown , ten miles west of this place ,
to-day that Morrick Wntkius , editor of the
Johnstown Chronicle , has left for parts un
known , leaving citizens of that town to
mourn his departure to the tune of from { -COO
to SSOO. _
"Won't IStilUl the Jnil.
PAPII.MON , Neb. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnc. } The election on tlio
proposition to bond llnpillion village to build
a Jail , after a very olofco canvass , was lost
to-day by ten votes , rt o
A Storm 'at ' Inland.
IKI.IXD , Neb. , Junj | * 7. f Sprcial to Tun
Bnc. ] A severe h ll and rain storm oc
curred hero ycstcrduyT morning. It lasted
only a short time , buti did considerable dam-
ag * west of horo. >
NnciusicA. CITT , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKU. ] Charles Copc-n-
havro , TUB Bm : representative In this city ,
wns married ycstcrdiyut ( * ICeyuort , N. J. , to
Miss Cora A. Schu'llz , daughter of J. M.
Schultz , head of the American Union tea
company of Now York. After the ceremony
the young people loftfo .Nebraska City via
New York and Niagara Falls ,
A Preacher's Suit 'For Slamler.
OAKI XD , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BIE. : ] Rev. W. D. Luther , n
Methodist minister of Herman , has com
menced suit in tlio district court against
Addison Farnsworth and A. P. Job , both of
this county , for slander , suing them for $ ! 5,000
each. Farnsworth and Job are both highly
respected farmers.
A Political Conflict.
GIIA D Isr.AKn , Neb. , Juno 7. [ Special to
Tun BIK. : ] The first election fight of the
season at Grand Island occurred .vosterday
on Third street , between A. C. Lcderman , n
republican , and A. Brown , a democrat. It
was the outcome of n dispute in regard to
some election bulletins of the St. Louis con
vention that Lcdcrmnn had posted , and re
sulted in a knock down in favor of Brown.
This is one count for the democrat 'cut ,
we'll do them later on. * '
G V Himself Up.
COitnoX , Neb. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Bnc. ] RoDinson , who killed
Sheldon near ICoitli Ranch , Cherry county ,
on tlio 29th of May , c.imo into town to-day
and gave himself up to Sheriff Little , of that
county , wno was here in search of him.
The Oraiul Ijoilyo Adjourns.
CEDAK Rvi'iDS , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ur.i : . ] Tlio grand lodge of Iowa
Masons closed their communication this after
noon. During the day n now code was
adopted. It was amended BO as to provide
for the oflico of grand treasurer at a salary
of1,200. . Sioux City was named ns the next
place of meeting , Edwin E. Blackmar , Bur
lington , was ro-qlectod grand master ; J. W.
Ilarwood , Carroll , senior crand warden : L.
13. Fellows , Lansing , junior grand warden ;
T. S. Pnrvin , Codnr Rapids , ( ro-clocted )
grand secretary ; F. H. Loriug , Oslculoosn ,
grand treasurer. Grand Master Blackmar
appointed the following ofllccrg ; Grand
chaplain , Rev. Wilmot Whitflold , Sioux City ;
deputy grand mtibtor , 0. L. Osborue , Glen-
wood ; grand marshal , C. E. Frost , Rhodes ;
senior gr.ind deacon , II. II. Jones , Lima
Springs ; junior grand deacon , A. A , Pier-
pont , Lyons ; senior grand steward , W. J ,
Rosecruiu , Belmont ; grand tyler , Theodora
Schrelucr , Mt. Pleasant. Grand ISecretary
Parvin given as a testimonial by the
members of tlio order n pursa of $1,000 , nnd
his salary was raised from ? 1,500 to § 2,000.
Knprdmo Coma Jielslonn. ;
DiisMoiNKs , In. , Juno tf \ Special Telegram
to Tim BIK. : | The § ufjremo court filed tlio
following decisions hereto-day :
State VB John PprtoivJappellant , Webster
district , dofondnn't JOijVictcd of murder in
the first degree , opinion by Seovora. Re
versed , >
State vs Frank llltfnchard , appellant ,
Mitchell district , do efldant convicted of
forgery , opinion by Req4i Afllrmed.
P. W. Uonoll vs J. U.Jondert > on , cerllo ,
rari proceeding , Moiunb district , opinion by
Rothrock. Dlsnussedf * .
State , appellant , v.TTv WnJU , Muscatino
district , defendant indiotnd for keeping liq
uor nuisance. opinion lli"Ucuk. Reversed.
Robert Bloomlluld vs Burlington & West.
ern railroad company , ' 'appellant , Mnhiiska
district , action for poi'fcrikml injuries , opinion
by Rothrock. Rovor'bOd ?
State vs S. W. Davidson , appellant , Shelby
district , cheating by false promibes , opinion
by Seovers. Alllrmod.
State vs A. Wombold , appellant , Mont
gomery district , liquor nuisanoa , opinion by
Uoblubou. Anlrmud.
Director ? .
DCS MOI.VKS , la. , Juno 7. At the annual
stockholders mooting of the Des Moinet ) &
Fort Dodge railway hold here to-day , thq
following wcru elected directors for three
years : W. G. Purdy , A. S , Hollister , 0. N.
Gilnioro and Thomas S , Wright.
Duhiuino Saloon * la Trouhlo.
Duni'QUK , la. , Jung 7 , [ Special Telegram
to TJIK BED. ] Tito district court has tinally
got down to business in the saloon case * . During -
ing the past two days ten injunction cases
_ wcro presented for trial anil evidence taken ,
At this iu'.u it would-icquao only u UQ.ntU to
, . . . . The Burlington lakes Hie lead.
" , * It w.ia in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining car
t . service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines hi giving the people of
Omaha and the west a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the east into Omaha proper.
It was iu advance of all lines in reducing the time of
: passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance and is the only line by which you can
leave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening - >
ing of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
" " It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone O'
Depot on Tenth Street. ' " H _
dispose of nil the saloons in the city. The
defendants , however , manage to keep their
heads above water by appeals and other
methods and the saloons continue right
along. Several now ones ore being opened
up this week.
An Attempted Oiitra o.
Sioux CITT , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Trm BUE. ] Ono of tno most
dastardly affairs that over took place iu
Sioux City occurred this morningnbout 11:30. :
In the rear of the planing mills near Prospect
hill , Dolly B. Hatter , the four-year-old
daughter of Jatncs B. Hatter who lives close
by , was playing with children , when
n tramp camu along nnd calling her to ono
side took her to the rear of the shed where
ho attempted to outrage her , but was prevented -
vented by the arrival of her father. The
tramp escaped , and the oflicorsaro now hunt
ing lor him. _
Mason County Crops.
MASOX CITV , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bun. ] Crops , especially small
grains , are looking excellent. Wheat and
oats linvo a big growth , a good stool and a
good color. Corn ia backward but is grow
ing rapidly and there is every prospect of a
good yield. _
Playlnc AVIt'h Dynamite.
Sioux CITV , la. , June 7. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEK/I Some little boys the
other day discQvcrcd a lot of dynamite , which
a grading contractor had stored away , and
stele a number of packages. They have been
playing with them and trying to sell thorn for
soverol days. To-day one of the. packages
was found under a side walk in front of a
house. Tlio result of the discovery is almost
a panic , ns a largo number of packages nro
lying loose around town. In ono cnsa chil
dren tore a package to pieces and scattered
the contents.
General SherM - Condition.
TOX , .fu'nc 7.Gcneral Sheridan's
condition is again exceedingly precarious.
Congestion of the lungs has again become.
very severe , and is perhaps more to bo
feared than the heart trouble. The gen
eral's respiration is higher to-night than at
nny previous time. Dr. Pepper has
been summoned and will bo hereabout
about half past 3 o'clock. and
will , with the other physicians and Dr. Lin
coln , who has ale been culled in , hold an
other consultation.
1 a. m , General Shoridwi has become
moro tranquil in his mind than at 1) ) o'clock ,
About 1 o'clock his rest , was disturbed by
several coughing spells and lib breathing
seems to bo rather stoitorious.
"Tho best on earth" can truly bo
said of Grigg's Glycerine salvo , a buocily
euro for cuts , bruises , scalds , burns ,
sores , piles , totter and all skin erup
tions. Try this wonder healer , lie
conts. Guaranteed. C. P. Goodman
Drug Co. . _
' They Kloped.
LoumiLta , Juno 7 , [ Special Tolograin to
TUB BiuJ : Society is stirred up over the
elopement of ono of its qaypst and prettiest
girls with John Murphy , the twpnty-ono-
year-old son of Franois Murphy , the noted
temperance advocate. Tlio lady Is Miss Lucy
Richardson , the second daughter of Mr ,
Lawrence Richardson , president of the old
Kentucky woolen injlls , ono of Louisville's
wealthiest citizens. Sim is nineteen year.s
old , and has been nonwiluted with Murphy
but a mijiith. When Puna Richardson hoard
of thaceapado ho bad tlio young folks como
home , pet married pneo again by the pastor
of his plju.rcli.mnl sent them east yesterday
on a wedding trip , Franrw Murphy was
angry. Hq WAS opposed to the inal-riiigq bo-
cuus o the. yotiug inlin Is in no sottlud busi
ness ,
The Northwostcrn'B Annual
nnd Statement.
CHICAGO , Juno 7. The annual meeting of
the stockholders of the Northwestern rail
way was hold hero to-day. Over J 12,000,003
of the capital stock was represented in the
election of directors. The result shows no
change in directors , the directors whoso
terms expired ail being re-elected. The
board elected the following ofllcors : Chair
man of tlio board of directors , Albert Keen
president , Martin Hughitt ; vice president ,
treasurer and secretary , M' L. Sykes ; as
sistant srcrctary and assistant treasurer in
Chicago , J. B. Redllold , in Now York S. O.
Howe ; executive committee , Albert Keep ,
Marvin Ilughitt , W. L. Scott , A. G. Dull-
man , C. ill. Dcpow , II. Mck. Twombloy ,
Samuel P. Burger and David P. Kimball.
Directors and ofllcers wore also
elected for the various proprietary lines of
tlio company , Mr. Hughitt being miido presi
dent of all. The llnancial statement for the
year ending May 31 ( May being part'y esti
mated ) shows gioss earnings fi,097,10. ! ! i. 11 ,
operating oxpensSesv and , taxes 'S10,7i'Hl:0.7. ! ) ,
net earnings ! tM2,02l.bO-slnking ( funds and
interest on bonds and interest aggregated
$ r , : i02,433.0l , leaving the net receipts § 4,010-
190.0- , from which is deducted a dividend
amounting to fH-lll.504 , leaving a surplus of
* 1,1S3OS .02. The surplus of lines west of
the Missouri river and not receipts train
land grants and town lot sales swells this
totaltolSi5,7l)007. : )
gjTho central truffle managers , at tliciises'
sion to-day , took no important action. The
question of divisions of percentages on
through rates was discussed and referred
back to Messrs , IJhuichttrd , Mldgeloy and
Fnlthorn for further consideration. On the
question of dressed beef it ivns decided to
allow differential lines to apply differential
rates on business from y. ' i.tirirpolnS"wlien [
" " "
Snipped vfft UnleftuSr"
At the meeting of the managers 9 ! < ho coal
roads in Ohio , Indiana and IJllv.ois to-day , it
was resolved to malca IK ) advance in coal
rates September 1.
WASHINGTON , Juno 7. [ Special Tolocram
to Tin : Bm : . ] Postofllucs wcro established
at Glen Ellen , Woodbury county , Iowa ,
Thos. S. Laricins , postmaster ; Biiighain ,
Sheridan county , Nebraska , Mrs. Morilla S.
Wood , postmistress ; Boulwarc , Cherry
county , Maynard Jones postmaster.
The postoulco at Grace , Brown county ,
will bo discontinued from Juno " 0.
Ttio following Iowa postmasters wore ap
pointed to-day : Alexander B. Case , Nood-
more , Harrison county , vice George Slier-
wood , resigned ; Gporgo J , MciCibbon ,
Keasauqua , Van Burcn county , vice Charles
Baldwin , resigned ; Hans Uarqucrien , Kim.
ballton , Aiidnhan county , vice H. J , Johnson ,
removed ; Jesse G. Roberts , Olive , Mawsku |
county , vice William H. Sumimr , reuifriii'd ;
William Garrett , Price , Auilubon county ,
vice Charles Fry , resigned ,
CoilHIlloi-rt Jlilll Si I'O ! ) tf ,
Ciuc.ioo , Juno 7. Tlio Herald ilndopond
ont democratic ) ) will-say to-morrow concern *
ingThunnaii's noinination : "That the muna
of Thurman wjll'btrcnglhci Uici national
ticket will not bo denied by his mo t con-
llnniid partisan opponents. Hwry votn that
the revengeful , monopolists will- throw
against him will brmg a tluiihaiul hulli-agcs
that no leaser candidate coud } havu com
manded. "
Hui-ncMl Durlrif- the Convention.
ST. Lot is , Juno 7. A tire this morning in
the Park Hour nulls des > tr < > i'd two four-htory
buildings aiid the jnaijimnry , causing u loss
of 00,000 , A Unman was futull.v .injured by
the breaking of u laUiltr It m thought that
the llro originated fruiw thoUru wurlisdibplay
of last night.
A tliidfrn Promoted.
CHICAGO , Juno 7. Judge GwynnoGarnott ,
of the superior court of Chiago , has boon ap
pointed by the supreme court to bo a mombcr
of the appellate court , In nlnoo of Judge
Bailey , who has been elected a member of
the state's highest Judicial tribunal.
( ures
11 Srplillltlo Dlioniei of roe ni or lone atnnllnn.
In Irom ton tu Illtotm iluyi. Uo will mvu written
( lU'irautuoH to euro nny rasper roluntl yourniomiy.
Aii < l iiwn < llnay to iliosu who ha\e cmploynl the
nio < t Hklllort l'li > a | . lam , used every known rpinody
unulmvo not been euro l.tlint you nro tlio subjects wo
i\rn louLlntf lui * Vou llmt have bocn tu the celo.
biutcil Hut prlius of ArLauaas , and Lara loitull
liopo of rot.o > en , wo
or rani o no clinrcc Our remedy isunknonn to nny *
uunn thfl uuria ontula ? ns our company , nnd It In
tin" only remedy In tliu world Unit will curu you. Wo
IH 1 1110 I tiu inoit ( ib.vlliiiitn cnio In 1090 ( ban ono
iiiuntli. hevcn ilnj j In roi'tnt injes rtof B thuvtork , U
lotlionlcl , Lhnnlc , tlrrp-ioitod cacei that wo solicit.
V.'u havu din il Uii ndreLl ! * who huvu 'JQOU nbuu
by riiytk-Una and pronouucoUlncurub'e , and
We Ci'iallengQ ' the World
tobrlnu- acaso Dmt wo cnnnot cure In losi tbnn
nro inunth.
biiim Uni history of medicine , n True HpcclHofpr
> > l > lillltlv Criiiiiluni , l.lccra , t oru Mouth , ic. , bus
bueu uutlit tor but navcr ItiunU until
Our Magic Remedy
ttusdlsoovpn-il.nnil iTonteJuntltledln Biylnir Itlatho
only reiuody In 111" norlU t/iut will iiolilnly cuiw.
hi'uiuMi thu lulvtt inoiiicnl wurKi , i < ublllind by tlio
IwH kiiutut uulhcniU'H , ay lln ro mi * unvcr n trim
ppLilMi' liolnrc. Oui remedy 1 the only mccllclnoln
ino world tl'nt will < nro whin iirorrUilDK o ) o hut
inilfd , 1 1 IIUH lieon focDiHOiii'U liy H ( rin nurutjoruf'ljrntcdlMjtiirUiii ) . IT IIM Nlivrii Yr.r PAitvo
ruiditr. Why nnitu your tlmo uud money wllti
Mituit iiiedu'liifH that niiTQr hud vlrtuuor doctor
with | ih > klnii.i llml cunnot euro you. Ton that IIKTO
( il ( > . .l .nnryllilrnf iilsp HiinUil como tu in now und got
iMTrunlK'nl ri'llvfi jou unver < 1111 Kilt U olinnhor * .
MA kvlmtwii suy in thu und you must luke our
nmu'ily nr NJ' Kl rn n > ( r. Anil yiiu Unit havu. been
nlillfifil hut H rLori llnui nhoiild liyiill nioomoomo
to imiiDn. Many nut hnl | > and think they am ir a
Ironi Uni ill tuf o. lull In onn , two or Uiruu your * after ,
it iippi'u > i ii.'itln In u moro hnrrJMu form.
Inrri 'MID nur flnumlitl ulnn llntf tlirniiah tlio nier-
omllle uxi lulr luul nulii ( hut wo iiru Ililly ro.ponnl-
i'u ! iinrt our nrltli'n Kuurnnlcci nre yno < l. We huvo it
H MK1Y prt'uurcd on purely Scli'Dlltlu IVliiclpli'9 unit
wii i h tu repeat tiiHt lv - < m it VAII.S TOCUIIE , All
tcttpr eacrudly conUtlcnllul.
TJIJJ COOK KI-.lljiV ; ; ) CO , , Omulm , Neb.
Hooms 10 nnil II. IB. . Kiitlonal Hank , 12th and
Turnum Pts. Cullent take elevator on Knrnnm
Btiuut ; tusDcuml iluor , Ituum 11 1'or Latlleaouly
JJo tint Iftiji ax i/ "J'ofn"
Jhiac , " hut i > nt
"Spiral" Cotton Hose ,
Milliter , clicapcv tnnl bcllci' lluin lite
lictit 1'iihber Jtnuc.
Mmlo on ti ) samu prim iple as tlio nilihcr-
mi'il lnuntd lit 1 iio Department ) , which last
for yean
'J'ho cotton duck used In all rubber host ) draws
, iviT L-xpuioil , us a wick ab3orb *
oil , und being cuullnril by rubber Kcncr/'tcs a
xulpliiuouH ( TUB , iinleklv ( lubtioylng thubi ot rub
ber 1100 , 'J he ' 'Spiral hoti. . liavliif no oiitMde
< wring to linprlion the molitnro. flji/t , unr
'J line are Imitations so buy only tlmt ubtch
h.isoiiBiutl line i inmlue throueliit. itntlvhtrh
is branded "Spiral. " pivFuntedMnrch HOtb , 18W ) .
I f your dculur doe * not liuvo It in Block. lut , him
get it ,
tjmuplo mailed to any address forfl cents.
So ] ? Manufacturers ,
831 Devonshire Street , Doston ,
22 ? Lake Sticet , Chicago.