riOD OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JTJNE 7. 18Sa THE CITY. Tlio contract for sweeping the streets will bo let Monday , Tlio intcrnnl revenue collections ycstcrdny were $ . " ) , S61.1G. James O'Mitlloy , who rcsistctl Ofllcer Bloom and had his head laid open , was fined $16 for being drunk. The regular monthly meeting of the Omalm Volonui Fromen's association is postponed until Wednesday evening , Juno 13. Helen Smat , an insane woman , was taken from her homo on Convent street yestcrdify afternoon and locked up in the county jail. "Will Bryan , the sport , charged with seduction , "has been brought back to Omaha and turned over to the county authorities by his bondsmen. Peter Crouscr , who wanted to slay "Martin Ilcndrickson but got his own head laid open with n beer glass , was fined $0 aiui costs. IJondrlckfcon paid a similar assessment. Justice Wade yesterday performed the marriage ceremony which united Henry Lock , of Quinuvt HU aged forty- four and Mrs. Sofia McDonald , of Madi son , Wls. , aged forty. He rushed into the matrimonial ? ) iircau of Judge Shields yesterday il jrnoon and asked for a marriage //cense. Ills name ho said was Charlie \V. Ivcs , his ago twenty-two years and that ho hailed from DCS Moincs. The prospective Mrs. Ives was represented to bo on her way from Gilmore , In. , and would arrive in Omaha last night. As she had not yet reached a marriageable ago the judge refused to abide by Clmrlio's wishes , and ho loft the room sad and dejected. I'nranrnplis. J. F. Human , of North Plutto , Is nt the Puxton. G. F. Dulnnd. of Plitluviow , Is stopping nt tlio Pnxton. T. J. Hippy , of Crcaton , la. , Is In the city and at the Pnxton. N. A. Kuhn has gone on a short pleasure trip to Spirit Lake. Mr. Julius Meyer , who 1ms been spending the pnst fuw unys in ICntms City unil St. Louis , returned lioino yesterday afternoon. J. J. Kolscr , of North Bond , Neb. , is In the city on u business trip. Mr. Kclscr is one of the most prominent business men of North Bend and is a hustler. Miss Fannlo Joyce , of Pittslnirg , Pa. , ci > ent a few hours In the city yesterday , pre vious to returning homo after nn extensive western jiuint in company with a few friends. The many friends of Mr.V. . F. Ucchclwill bo pleased to know Unit that Kentlcmun js rapidly recovering from liissovcroilliiessitud will soon bo able to attend to his duties a A Mercurial Messenger. Brailstrcet's yesterday reported tlio a" > scomlitig of E. Messenger , proprietor of n billiard hall , cigar anil tobaeco store with pop attachment , in St. Edwunls , The where abouts of the young man are unknown , but bis creditors are lelt behind. Gone Uncle to Aivalt Kcsultn. The sheriff of Holt county took Scagcr , the man charged with a murderous assault upon a neighbor , back to Stuart .Yesterday. Fear ing relatives of the prisoner in Omaha might get out n writ of linbeas corpus for the pris oner , the sheria drove in a hack to Fort Omaha and boarded the curs there. limiting For Tubercles. Dr. Gerth , the state veterinarian , Tuesday examined about 450 cows la dairies around Omulia , looking for tuberculosis and other diseases. IIo reports , however , that lie did not find n single case of the dangerous dis ease. Ycsterduy the doctor , accompanied by AVilliam Furr , meat inspector , paid u visit to the dairies between this city and Uellcvue to continue his examinations under the instruc tions of the governor. Disappearance of Frank AVoodrttlT. Frank Woodruff , who has been living at 70 North Seventeenth street , is reported missing nnd hiswifois nearly distracted over his disappearance. IIo lias been working for the cable company and on Monday morning left ostensibly as if goini ; to work , but that has been the last seen of him by anybody. His wife is in a delicate condition and is loth to believe that he would willfully de- bcrt her at such n time. An Unlooked-for Itullct. George K. Wilson , a clerk in the office of Mr. Hackney , in the Union Paeilio shops , was shot Tuesday afternoon at 1U:30 : while extracting a load from u revolver at his place of business. Tlio bullet penetrated the palm of the rijjht hand and made-its exit near the wrist joint , making a bad-looking wound and indicting a palnlul and dangerous injury. The gun was of thirty-eight calibre , and , strangQ to relate , the bullet , after passing through the hand , could not l > o found. Mr. Wilson will be laid up for several days. A Ilorsetlilef Captured. A horse and phueton belonging to Dr. Tildcu was stolen from in front of his oflieo Tuesday noon. Tlio thictvus arrested yes terday morning at Millanl , Neb. , and brought back to this city. His nuino is Gcorgo Coch- rnn , Ho has been employed for some time as hostler for Dr. Tiliicn , and stated when arrested that ho had simply taken the horse to drive out In the country to look for a job. Tlio fact that he tried to Mill the horse in Eikhorn makes his story sound a little llshy. AVlll Ilo Wl7i"i Tliom. Ex-Senator Vim Wyck has accop'.o.l an la- .Yilntlga t.9 take imrUinivi _ ° ffilljcy * f.J . 'y ' observance in this city In the following terms ' : Julius Meyer , Chairman Executive Com mittee My Dear Sir : Your kind invitation received. I will bo with you July 4th with great pleasure. Please accept for yourself and convey to the Knights of Labor and trade unions my warmest thanks for the honor they have done mo. Yours , C. H. VAN \Vvnc. \ _ Mlchnnl Schmidt Was Killed. Joseph Celso , of Friend , Isob. , came to this city thoOtli ofMay in sourch of his brother- in-law , Michael Schmidt. U , Harbach , pro prietor of tlio hotel where Geiso stopped while ho was in the city , received a letter Tuesday from G. L. Humplirys , coroner of Kearney , Neb. , which stated that Schmidt had been killed at that pluco some weeks nuo. r Tim letter cm no into Mr. Hurbaeh's hands owing to tlio fact Unit his namu was sigred to an advertisement that was Inserted in the r city papers asking for information in ivgurd to Schmidt. Tito letter was for war Jed to Gelso. _ Oinalia and Chicago United. A. C. Llehtenberger , ono of the youngest nnd most capable master plumbers in Ujo" clty.lms been in Chicago bluco Saturday last. Ho is represented in his absence by his old familiar , Mlko Con way. Last night Mr. Llchtenbergcr was married to Miss Amanda Spccnt , daughter of Chris Specht.tho cornice man of this city. The bride , attended by her bridesmaids , left ono week ago , to make the. ueedjcil preparation for Iho muiimls , which took place nt tlio roidcnca of Mr. Llchtcnbertror'a parents nt 1H8 Soutli Peoria btrcet. Mr. Spccht and George , the groom's brother , lelt for Chicago Tuesday to witness the ceremony , the latter to act as groomsman , The bridal party will return in a few days and take up their resi dence In a beautiful dwelling which the Groom hits erected in Orchard Hill. Cable Line Mutter ; ) . The speed on the cable tramway's lines was yesterday increased to 7 miles and 000 feet per hour , which makes the tliuo ofj running from Casa and Twentieth street to the depot 11 minutes. The now ex tension will bo ready for u o by July ami when completed seven more trains will bo put on the Dodge street line and passengers can thus bo transferred from the depots to Luke bt root in 21 minutes , which Is very gooJ time. The ordinance provides that the trains may run. at a-tpeed of niaa miles per hour nnd it is very probable- that -when the road Is entirely completed that the speed will tijjahi bo luei cased. ' ' TJM3 LSTEHNAT10NALi. It nt Ijnst llccoKtilzcft nnd Sustains tlio Omaha llrtoklnycrV Strike. The bricklayers' strike Is not over , nnd you would not say It was If you know what I do about It. Wo have a better clmnco of winning than ever before. " Those wore the words of nn ofllccr of the Bricklayers' union a few days ago , but the party refused to ex plain them , Yosterdnv n IJcn man asccr tallied the ground upon which the assertion they made was based. Three dispositions have boon made of the striking bricklayers. Some of them have gone away , others have gone to work nt the contractors' prices , ? 4.r 0 for nine hours' work , others are still Idle , Some of the men , It Is true , went to work originally for M.fio for eight hours' work , but nearly nil of them have since been com * polled to drop down to the wages offered by the contractors , especially slnco the union allowed some of Its members to accept the latter. It now turns out that the acceptance of the contractors' offer was nn absolute necessity. Many of the bricklayers had families to support ; they had no money with which to supiwrt them. Many of the bricklayers wcro young men who hud about expended nil the reserve fund they had at tlio beginning of the strike. They had no money to take them out of town , and they had but little chance of securing employment at which they woulil work to enable them to have money either to support or enable them to go elsewhere. This condition of affairs was occasioned by the fact that the assist ance received from unions in other parts of the country was very slight and entirely unequal to the emergency. The strikers hud fondly anticipated that the union wrfJild coino to their assistance weekly with contri butions , but they were mistaken. Tlio as sistance which did come was from isolated Associations , who sent certain sums just when tticy felt able HO to do , ami in as largo sums as they felt able to contribute. The support did not amount to much. Yet it was all that could bo rolled upon when the "In ternational" refused to recognize the strike. This refusal was based upon the ground that the International had already expressed It self in fnvpr of nlno hours ns a day's work. The bricklayers wcro asking for eight. Tlio International could not therefore sustain the move. It accordingly refused to vote any money to the support of the strikers. A short time slnco tlio matter was recon sidered by the international. It was argued that while that body had declared in favor of nine hours as a day's work , it vet recog nized the right of every local organization to secure a full days wages for ns much shorter a period as possible. That , it was shown , was what the striking bricklayers in Omaha wcro doing. If they succeeded It would bo a big step toward eight hours as a day's labor , toward which the Intcrntlonal was tending , nnd the Omuha strikers should , therefore , bo sustained. The question was llnally recon sidered , nnd it was decided to support the surikcrs here , at least as much as possible. As a consequence every local union , now a member of tlio In ternational is assessed a certain amount , the latter being based on a per capita tax. This amount is forwarded weekly to the Inter national treasury and then transmitted to the members who tire still unemployed. "How much will this assistance amount to for each striker ! " asked the Uui : man. "It will run from $10 to 515 per man who is on the strike , " was the answer. "Has any of this money yet arrived ! " "Yes , the llrst installment readied hero on Saturday last. " "How much did it contain ! " "I can't tell you. I don't think it will amount to much. To do so , it should bo sufficient to support every striker. That it could not do satisfactorily. Uesides there arc now less than thirty bricklayers unemployed in the city. Those who are at work won't throw up their jobs again in n hurry. If the majority of the bricklayers are ut work , I don't see how u few unem ployed ones are going to win the light. They can't do it. Tlio union has declared its weakness In allowing some of the men to go worlc at contractors' rates. This fact has re sulted iu the cutting down of the wages of the men who wcro getting S1.50 for eight hours' work. " _ Had a billions attack and ono of these indescribable cases of constant weari ness. Took quinine and other remedies without relief. Took Dr. Jones' Clover Tonic ; am strong and well. ASA. Tiioairsox , Logan , Ohio. C. F. Good man Drug Co. Smoke Soidcnberg'd Figaro and get the best G-cent oignr in the world. Mux ' Meyer' & Co. , wholesale depot. C. Leo Staub , Architect and Supt. , ollico 1019 Howard ; 1(5 ( years' experi ence. Fine , stylish buildings u spcc- Stop at the Globe hotel. A COXKimCNClO GAM IS. He "Loans" His .Employer $50O and Gets "Security. " E. J. Stewart Is n young man of about twenty-live from Pennsylvania. Ho lived in Fremont some time aid : cnmo to Omaha a few days ago to seek employment. In look ing over the advertisements of the daily papers he noticed the following : WANTED. Sinn who can assist In ofllco. Ono that can loan his employer J3VJ can t-vcure good salary , and loan secured by real osUto. Call ut 4 new I'uxton block. Calling at room 42) last Monday Stewart found a man of about iifty , who gave his name ns W. K.Valcs , and said lie was en- paged in a real estate ami brokerage busi ness , He wanted a trusty clerk to take care of his ofllfo , and as considerable money would bo handled ho would require the as sistant to give security. For example , ho expected a WSO payment that afternoon. The brokerage busliics"s was conducted in an adjoining room. It Included a chemical for taking out ink spots and other special- tics , and agents coming and going impressed Stewart \yitli the W ? , t that a f ojisidcrablo business was being done. Wales struck Stewart ns a man without guile and void of the oiliness of a villain. The result of the conference vyas that the young man \vas . crigftsed at a salary of $1CO a month , Ho deposited a check for foOO , and was "secured" by a mortgage on the ofilco furniture and n lot in St. Joseph. The employer had a mission that needed attention at onea. A widow had commis sioned him to buy a certain kind of house at Lincoln and paid him $100 for his services , Stewart was sent to Lincoln on Tuesday to see what a house of the desired kind could bo bought for. Ho wcnl to the ofliocs yesterday morning to report , but Wales did not appear , Stewart then found that his check bail been cashed. It became evident that ho had been swindled , and ho no/tilled the police. Wales has disappeared. The ollico furniture on which Stewart ha a mortgage is sccond-haml and worth little. Tlio St. Joseph lot is probably mythical. The agents in tlio brokerage department had to nmlco deposits to secure Wales , ami seine ol them are also anxious to know of his where abouts. _ Stop at the Glebe hotel. ICallroud General manager St. Joint , of the Hock Island has issued nn order appointing Tom Herry city agent at St. Joseph , Mo. Tom has many friends in this city who will bo ghid to leara of his good fortune. "Gus L. ( nirmnn , of Chicago , commissioner of the Itock Island weighing and commission department , with headquarters In Chicago , is in the city. H. A. Johnaon assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific , has returned from Chicago , Mr. Kustis leaves for Qlilcago to-day. D. K. Thompson , of the H. .t M. , with headquarters in Lincoln , was in the citj Tuesday. ( Jcorgo W. Dickenson , superintendent o : tlio Montana Union , with headquarters a * Uutte , Is in the city. _ When you como to Omaha stop at the Glebe , tlie best located 82-a-day hotel in town. Between 13th and lUn streets on Douglas. Shetland pony for sale by Gcorgo A Koolmo' Council lUutTti. I have opened my Woodruff granite quarries and win jill.all orders of alines any dimensions ; Hock can bo seen u stone yards of YVm. Tyler , Lincoln , , NTeb' . ' . .TilOS PllICE , A 11OLD-PACKD FllAUI ) . low Some Scoundrels Ilaro Been I'McccliiR the CrMillions. A quartette of rascals who had rooms In ho Grucnlg block and represented themselves ns traveling agents for the New York Chcm- company , disappeared Tuesday night omotlmo between the two twilights , Inking vlth them n roll of money fraudulently gotten from n number of young men whom hey pretended to appoint ns their agents. When these adventurers 'first canto to Omaha a number of days ago they advertised for flf- ccn men to establish branch ofllccs In cllffcr- mt parts of the state , where by use of chem- cals old pictures were to bo reproduced. Their offei was very tempting , and in nddi- Ion to n handsome salary their agents were o have their board paid and wcro to have 23 icr cent collected oh the work done. Their ihemlcals wcro to bo furnished them free of charge. A number of young fellows saw in .his the "snap" for which they have long been waiting nnd no loss than six called at ono time and were all taken in. Cach one of them was required to put down M5 security before the scoundrels would fill out the papers. Tills they nil did nnd they were told to call ncaln when permanent ar rangements would bo made with them , Ono of the young fellows , a respectable colored nan named Thomas L. Allen , did not happen to have S15 in his pockets nntl put up an (37 gold watch ns security until ho could give hem the § 15. Yesterday ho and the other rating men were trying In vain to llml the whereabouts of tlio general agent and his clerks , but they have Down , taking w th hem the hard-earned money of their victims. Warrants have been sworn out for the arrest of the Blmrka. The ringleader gave the itimo of Dr. H. W. Monroe , Stop nt the Glebe hotel. KGPUIILICANS. Union 1'nclllc. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell throuph tickets at rate of ono faro for the round trip , from- points in Nebraska nnd Kansas , to parties desir ing to attend the National Republican Convention to bb hold in Chicago Juno 10th. Tickets good going Juno 10th to 10th , nnd returning Juno 20th to i25th inclusive , with continuous passage only in each direction. All AT I NO NUISANCES. The Ijabor Which Now Confronts the Hoard ol'Health. The hoard of health Is in a quandary. It has received complaints from Injured citi- 7cns of a couple of badly kept vaults which the neighbors pronounce nuisances. Ono of these Is located in the rear of the northwest corner of Leavenworth ami Thirteenth streets , anil has been complained of by Hooth the oyster man , The other is situated in the rear of the Golden Sheaf saloon on Thirteenth street between Farnam and Har- ney. Dr. Ralph 1ms visited both places and decided that the only way to abate the cause of the complaint is to make connection with the adjacent sewers. Ho has all along felt that it was the prov ince of the board of public works to compel such work to bo done , anil so no- tilled Chairman Ualcoinbo. The latter , however - over , denied that sueli is the case , and di rected tlio doctor to the ordinance creating and defining theduticsof the board of health. Under this authority the latter board may notify the parties responsible for the nuis ances to abate the same , and after a given time , in the event of failure to comply with the same , to have the offenders arrested and lined daily until the ordinance is complied. The responsibility is thus placed upon the board of health who , it is claimed , cannot move too rapidly in the matter , because the nuisances complained of arc a source of much annoyance to tlio adjacent property owners. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Union I'uclllc , "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell through tickets at one faro for the round trip , from points in Nebraska ami Kansas to parties desiring to attend tlio meeting of the Supreme Lodge , Knights of Pythias , to bo hold in Cin cinnati , Oliio , June 12th to IGth inclu sive. Tickets good going June 8th to 13th and returning Juno 13th to 19th in clusive , with continuous passage only in each direction. Dr. McGrow. Rectal , urinary & priv ate diseases only. Room 5 , Barker bl'k. IIOUS AS\I--K IX DAYMGHT. An Ali-Aroiim ! Thief Thought to He In Custody. Henry Wilson is in the city bastilc on the charge of stealing § 3 from the safe of the Grant ! Union Tea company , 1411 Douglas. Ho called in tlio store about 9 o'clock yester day morniiigund asked fora tea box" . Mr.Kidd kindly offered to give him ono and asked him to step with him back into the room immedi ately In tlio rear of the store whcro the boxes wcro stored. On Koi"g to the further end of that apart ment Mr. Kidil was surprised to see that Wilson was not following. After waiting for him a minute or two ho returned to sec what was tlio matter. Ho founfl Wilson leaning against the railing near the safe and looking rather Hushed in the face. Mr. Kidd saw tbo safe was open and immediately suspected something was wrong. Ho saw also that the cash box was partially pulled out and an investigation discovered that $23 was miss ing. He charged Wilson with taking the mo'noy , but lie denied it. However , MrJvidd insisted that no hud , and drugged him to an ofllccr and hud him placed behind the bars nt the central station. On being searched J.'H was found on Wilson's person. ' Three days ago ho was discharged from Hosen- mund's restaurant for stealing ? . Remember Unit the Union Pacific "Tho Overland Routo" is the onlylinc Unit will run through sleepers and coaches to Salt Lake City on Juno 0 ; WO for the round trip. AVlll Check the NiilMancc. People m tim vicinity of Hnnscom park have bson greatly bothered for some time by the discharge of firearms in that breath ing spot. The miscreants are a number of young toughs In that vicinity who are well known , and the residents near by have de termined to abutu the nuisance by bringing the culprits to justice. Accordingly a num ber of warrants were issued Tuesday , and or.o of them was served nt night on the ringleader of the gang , who Is named Henry Hers wick. Ho passed the night in the cen tral btatlon. ca TbU powder never varies. A murvel of puri ty , htrencth und u-toleMnitne 3. .More econom ical thiin the ordinary , kinds , and cannot be bold In competition with the multitude of low cot > t thort weight alum or nliobiiliuto powders. Soli1 only in cans. Koyuf tlakins J'owder ' C ° . , 1ft CALIFORNIA ! TIIE LAND OF DISCOVERIES. THE UJV.UT- QUAflAriTEED roif --jKs TARRH ABIETINEMnKoVnRflVlLLE CAL. ABIErlNEfOUuQROViitl.fAL SANTA : ABIE : AND : CAT-R-CURE For Sale by Goodman Drug Co. Tbo best and unrest Remedy for Care of all discuses caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowcli. Dyspcpila , Sick Headache , Constipation , Dillons Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the bcnoflsent influence of It is pleasant id the taste , tones up the system , restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable , and cannot roll to prove beneficial , .both to old and young. As a Blood Purifier it Is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at 81.00 a bottle. Will be attended by great dnnge to IxxJi' and limb , uut hundreds THAT of leaning players buy they find moroTmnnpt relief from strains sprains , bruises , rheumatlsm.stlir GAME iind enlarged joints , lameness , etc. , by tiMnpr HH.NSON'S PIMRTKK for sueh trouble * than any other OF extwmil remedy known to the profession. All athletes as well as those In the ordinary nvnca- BASEBALL tlons of lift ) unite with baseball pluyers In ceitlfylng to the valno uf this plaster In such accidents. AT THE H Is prompt , pleasant and pleasIng - Ing in action and never falls to secure the best results when used PARK according to printed directions. Owing to Its popularity many TO-DAY worthless substitutions art ) oller- - ed. Duyers should always ask for HKNSON'S , llnnly refusing nil oilier plasters. THEY DID IT. What ? Cured among others the following. They write : M9 CentralAvc. . Clncinnntl.O. , > . .InuiinryHh. . ! . j Atliloi'horos ' Hlln lia > cured me of lUer roinplalnt and ilj > | io | .ia. 1 m\o tru nt the 1'jlNtoa friend wliolx troubletl uith JndlKi tiou and lie II.IH IniproMtl Mori- ilcriully. r. H. HowKKAMi' . 16 Itoscttf HL.New Hn\en.Ct , 1 February loth. IWB. J Athloiilioros Pills workal wpmleni lu rny c io of dy iHla. | . KUMA U CIJUK. /.tli-Io-plip-ros Pills nre small nnd pleasant td Inlce , yet wonderfully cireetivc. Inriliiablo for kidney anil liver complaints , dyspepsia , in digestion , coiihtipatioif , Jlt'adachc. etc. They'll take nwuy that tired feeling giving new life and streiiglli. O-Send fi ceiitH for the licnutlful colored picture - . ture , " Moorikh Maiden. " THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. OR NO PAY. WILL POSITIVELY CURE All Srplilllllo Dlicnsca of rcctn1 or lonirttandlar. In from 101 to Itftcen d < y . We will RIVO written KU iauc'i > lo euro 11117 caioor refund jour oioncr. And wowo'iH nay to itioio wlio lurn cmplojcd the inoit BkUled I'bjBltlani. nurd every known ramody end have nulbecn curol.tuat you Hro lhosublctl u nrc looking tor. Vou Hint IIITO Loni lo the celo. brnted Hot tprlnn of Arkauiitand L vo loitilt bui > o of recorcry , wo ill Oure You orraaVo nocbtrpe. Our remedy It unknown to nnr- ono In the noild ounlae of our company , and It Ii tbe only remedy In I'IB world tbat will euro you. Wo nllleuroina uion obulnal ( nio In lest iban one inontb. Keven dnydn reetnt ( aioidnta tbonork. It K the old , cbonle , < lceHe | ted cuies tbat we oollcll. SVe liavo cured hundr uB wbobave V on abundonoJ by I'Lyilciaui uuJ pronounced Incurob e , and We Challenge tha World to bring ui ncuie tbattre cannot euro In leu tban ono niontb. tiliu-u tbu blitoryof medicine , a True SpeolBe for Syphilitic UrniJiluns. Vlcrri , fcoru Moutb , Acbaj been aouvbi for but nsrtr louud until Our Magic Remedy wa > dlicovcrcd , and wo are luitlflrdln Baylnv U It the only remedy In tbo world tool will poiltlroly cure , beruufo tbu luteil nieJIcul wurkt , putlithed by the be t known autbuitlBi , lay tbtn wai never a true tpeclnc before , Ourteinedy u tbe only mitdlclneln tbu world ( bat will rure wlxn efcrytblns el e bai lulled. U bu been to conceded by a lar e number of Cuiebratcd rhjralclani. IT UAg NEVEH TBT 10cunt. War wa < te jri'Ur ' llmu and money nltb patent niodlrlnta that iiorer had vlrtur , nr doctor wllli pby lclHn tbat canuot cure you , Yuu tbat baio tried uvurrtUInt olio ibuula roo.o lo UB now uuit ( e : nerinanrnt rulU-fi you never ran gel It oliewbtre. > la It what wo T : In tbo ead you tuuii lake our r medy or NKVEH terortr. Aod jrou Ibiit bare btcu afflicted but n ; Khort time iibould by all neansoouie lo uinow. M ny get belp and think tbey are free Irou Ibe dUfutc. but In une , two t r tbrce ycar aller , It appcan Haln In a raoro borrlble form. InieMlgaio our dimnrlal itandlnK Ihrcuiib the rocr- eiiitle ! aitnlc aod note tbu no arc tullr lesponil- ble'unduur written iiuarauter > are 100,1. Via ba > ea Jlwutin- prepared on purely BclunllUc I'rlncli.lci and wenlnhtu repeat lliat It NCTKurAlU 10 cum : . All Utter * lacrcaljr conUUeiiliul. THE COOK KE.MKDV CO. , Oni.ahn , Neb. Roomi 10 und 11. U. F. National Hank , Uth and Farnam Sts. Cullers take elevator on Farnam STYLE AND ECONOMY , If you have not yet bought your Summer Suit you are the gniucr. Competition and bad weather have lowered the price of the finest goods and oven the moat economically inclined if ho knows where to buycan dress well and not go beyond the amount ho feels ho can afford to spend. "We have made a deep cut in prices and you now have a chance of buying the finest Suits in our stock at one-third less than early in the season. It is a genuine and severe reduction from honest prices , and every visitor will find it so. Wo cannot mention all the Suits that are marked down and can not enumerate all the bargains wo are ofFeriug. You couldn't tell by seeing Suits advertised at so and so much whether they Jire cheaper or not. The only way is to investigate. See the Suits in our window. Como in and examine them ; they speak for themselves better than any advertisement can do. LIGHT SUMMER CLOTHING. Our slock of these goods is the largest over shown , comprising n full line of Cents nntl Vests of Pongee Silhs Mohmr , French mul Domestic Flannels mid Seersuckers. Wo nrc forcing the sile : of these goods this sdnson , awl ye make prices that no other house cnn duplicate. Our 95c Flannel Coats and Vests nre having a big run. Nothing like it was ever seen. They are in several beautiful patterns ; well made and fit elegantly. They look and will wear as good as any $5.00 garment. We also show n splendid line of Seersuckers at the same price 95c for Coat mid Vest. No cheap trash , but goal goods , which will keep color and are honestly made. Another big bargain in tho' line of Summer Clothing is The fine , genuine Moliaii Coat and \rcst we are ottering at $13.50. You could not buy that Coat and Vest anywhere else for less than § -1.00 , and we doubt if you can get it for that. Summer Neckwear is almost given away. Those of pur old customers who remember the sensation we caused last year with our 25o a dozen Scarfs , will bo pleased to hear that we have them again this season ; larger shapes and finer patterns. To new customers AVO 1 will say that they are just such Scarfs as every store sells for no less than lOc or 15o a piece. We sell you a whole dozen for 25c. Only one dozen to a customer at a time. One Price Only. No Deviation. Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , O hrJ A H A MEDICAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE , Cor. 13th & Dodgp StB B R , A. O El S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Jlest facilities , appai/itus and.remedies for sue cessful treatment of every form of disease requir Ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo dations in the wes > t. WKITB FOR CIRCUIARR on deformities and flraces , Trusses , Club lect , Cun-nture of th Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cnncer , Catarrh , Ilror.chilis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Upilepsy , Kid ney , Illadilcr , Kye , ar , SUiu and HlooJ , ard all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Worn on a Spools I'.y. BOOK ON DURAGES or WOXKM Knix. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MARINO A ei'ECIALTT OF * PRIVATE DISEASES. All Wood Diseases fiuccessfully treated. Syph ilitic Poison removed from the system withoul mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital Power. I'eisons unable to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential. Medicines or Instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to indicate contents or t-endtr. One per sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us 01 send history of your case , and \ve will send iu plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Im VPtency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicoccle , with yicstion list. Address Omaha Medical anil Surgical Instituteor DR. McftlENAMY , Cor. 13th and Dodoo Sti. . - OMAHA. NEB. DRS. S. & D. . - 3 . . * - < -t. D3 A ! IS v * , ' 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colo. Of the Mnnonm of Anntomv , Bt. Ixiiiln , Ho , Mem. bcraof UnlvurfltyCollcL-a llotnltallxnilon. M.I ) . ( ilescn. Germany and New Yoik , liavlnu devoted ttielr attention specially to tlio treutmeat of ( v Nervous , ( tonic & BIool Bisefes More especially tlioeo arl ln { > from imprudence. In- file all so Buttering to correspond without delay , Ll ) cnt-c of lul'ectloil and cunlaidoil cured eafcly nnd Ipetollly ultliout uo of danvrruus ariiRS. ratlcnls have been iioKleetod , Imrily trenteil or pronnunceil Incuralilo , should not full to write us conerriilnK tlirlr eymptouis. All letters rcctlvo Immediate - mediate attention. " ' " ' " JUST PUnLISIIED , - And will lie mailed FItlil ! to any address upon re- relpt ol' ono2-ecnt stamp. "I'mrllritl ObvurTitllon ou Nervous Di'hlllty and I'liyrlral Ksliniiitlon. " A val- uablu medical treutUo whlUi thould tu nad by all. Addrum , DRS. S. DAVIESOH . . & Df , 1742 Lawrence Street , Denver , Colo. Health is Wealth ! Dit. B. 0. Wrsr's NEtirE xsn IIRAJ.V THEAT. use of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkiifulness , Mental Depression. Boftenlnif of tue llraln. re ultlnB In Insaultv , and leading to mlnerv. decay und death. Premature Old Age , Ilarrenncn . I.onaof Power In either ser. Involuntary I.o aed nnd fipermatorha-a caused ly over-exertion or the brain , eelr-almae or over-lndulpetK . ICach box contains one month's treatment. JI.OJ a boi. or E.IX boxes or5.00. sent by mull prepaid on re ceipt of price. WK GUARANTI3K BIX HOXK8 To cure any case. With oich order received by us for tlx boxes , accompanied with H.OO , we will rend the purchaser our written nuaranteo to refund the money If the treatment does not effect u cure. Guarantees Isrtied only uy ( , . K fJOODMAN. Dnnfzlst , Sole Agent , 1110 rariiam Htreet. Omaha. Neb. . UlcGhasglvf miniver. tal eatUfaction In tbe eure til Gonorrucra and ( Jleet. I preset Ibe It snd f ct-ltate luiecointnend. tii it to all fuirerer * . , A.J.bTOMitM.D. : , 1 Oecilur , III. PRICE , 81.00. by -T11B- 0V THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Best Itouto from Oiniilia anil Council lilufb to iTHE EAST = TWO TIIAINS DAILY I1ETWKI5N OSIAIIA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. 1'aul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Rock Island , Frccport , llockrord , Clinton , Iubiiiie ) ( [ , Davenport , Elgin , Miulisnti , Jniiesvillc , Bclolt , Winoim , Lii Grosse , And all ether Important poln liast , Northeast and Bouthfust. For through tickets call on the ticket nptcnt at 1501 Farnam street , In Darker Block , or ut Union I'aciac I'ullrnan Slcciicrs and tljc Ilnrst Dining Curs In the world nru run on tbc mnln line of Iho Clilcagn , Mil wiuikuo Si bt. 1'uul Hallway- , and every nltonlon ( Is imlil to passengers by courteous employee ci U > company. U.SllLt.KK , flencral Manager. J. F. TIJCKKIt. Amlstant ( icniTfil Jianoucr. A. V. H. UAlll'ENTKn , Uuncrul 1'assoagcr nnd Ticket AKnt. GKO. K. 11HAFTOUI ) , Assistant General 1'aisenge/ and Ticket Agent. J.T.CIiAllK , General Superintendent. HAVE KOU SEEN THEM ? Will buy ono of our nobby Spring Suits in Worsted , line Casbiinero , or Scotch Clioviots , > K K m I El IB " " in all the popultir \ M k colors and styles , v R * WK Retillmrffiiins thnt cannot fail to be appreciated by the discerning' . W o are tuvaro that IN- KXPKSSIVK poods are largely adver tised this scjiFon , but all of them cannot stand the © test of close in spection. Wo ask our customers to 'examine ' our stock , mid thus satisfy themselves of its quality und our voracity. S , K , FELTON & GO , , Mr Ms ConlractoK And Manufacturers' Agents for WATER WORKS SUPPLIES , Of all descriptions. Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De tail Plans and Specifications. Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. Office , Elrang's ' BuMinE , Fourth Floor , OMAHA , NEBRASKA , XTO 1 J.A. NO.153-I H r08AI-S FOH AHMV J.1 BtippllcH Ollle e of I'uri'hablua nnd Duput Commlhtnrlfsof'Snbslvtcnce.lJ.S. Army.Oimum , Neb. , MuyMli , IWU.ealed jiropoaaU In tripli cate , bilbjert to the usuul conditions , will bo re ceived ut this olhco until 11 o'clock it. m. , central fctnndard tune , on 1'rldnr , tha bill dny < > f June , 1-t , nt whlcli tlmu nnd pin 'e they will no ojieiH'd In the presence of bidden ) , f ir lhnfur. nlfhlng and delivery utOmuliu , Neb. , the followIng - Ing uriny nupilie > B , viz : l-'rcahbeef , ut llellevuu Hula runiju : torn-nieul ; criickera : outmeHl , cooiced ; ttationery ; ollico furnlturo ; j.urculu.n toilet sets ; towe H ; red cedar burkets ; dlpperii ; Muter cooli-i-H ; cnrpets ; iiintllim ; mats ; lin oleum ; window bhades ; counter linishesj win- diw brushts ; wjndon cliuncrs ; tinHiyiis ; fcttn- cllsj bicncil brushed : nutrklnK pot ; city directory oi.d map of city. The rUht ; la ro- cdtu reject uny or nil uida. Illunk propound - ; I und Kiifulncatlutift t.ho\vlng . In detail the tirtlcleti rind rimmtltie * rciiulie < l and glvin ; : full infoimation us to condition of contract , -will le tuiiilslied on application to this ollkt' . J. \ \ . llAltlllOI-.jt , .Maj. and C. H. . V. SA _ 100 fn Cinn A MOXlTl can bo madowor * OlUU IU ( * > OUU toe fnr ui. Acenti prelfrrc-l T.lio enn furulib tb lr onn boriei und flru tliuir trho'e time to the butlueii. Hl' ro muiucut * juay Lo proCIUOly employed l o. A I" * A.tllVL" ! ! '' Cnd cltlei. Ii ; r''joiiMiON & Cii. 'WAI yilJ ttUlcU itOtO.Va. UtuUvn'.UgOciiiUitUci. . OMAHA. : .v > n. 111. 4ItO : p. in . TNorl'olk 1'iiKseiiKor . I 6:45 : p. inlU15 ; a. Ul * lully. ti.vcoit : ] Sundav. SUHUUBAX TWAINS. KunnlnR between Council UlulTH nnd Albright. Iniuldltlon to the stations mentioned , tniln.i Blonnt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourtU Mreettf , and at the tiuninilt In Omuliu. " \Vcstward. Knntwnrd. COUNCIL CIUCAUO , HOL'ICiai.ANl ) Ic 1'At li'10. ' r.euvo. Arrive. A'No.H . 4:00 : ] ) . in.'D No. 1 . 8,20pin , J ! No.2 . ( ! ; 15 p. ni'A ' No. 111. . .11:31 : } a. in. C No.B . ii:15 : it. in , ( ' Ko. 5 . : ( , " , , in , A No.4 . 9:10u. : ni.'A ' o.3 . OiWlMft. C lCi ) MoIncH ArcoinoiKitluii. t ; -l > i-s MI.IIIUH Acroinadatlou. ' A No.O . U:4fJn. : in.lA No.3 . 8:11 n.m. A No.8 . 4OJp. in. A No. " . UiJIOa.m. A No. 4 ; . U:15 : ] | A No.O. . . . UJ'Jp : , in , KANSAS C'lTV.KT. JOU i l.OUNfll. lll.UiTd A No.2 . t'ri ' a. in. I A No. 3 . fl'lia. : in. A No,4 . :10p.m.'A : ' No. 1. . : , 8JWJC Cll'V A ; 1'ACll'lC. A No. 10 . 7Win. : in.lA No. U . B:55ani. : A No.12 . 7OJ.iu.lA : | ) No.ll . 'JWpui. ) OMAHA &sr. i.oris. A No. 8 . . , .3:4Jp. : IH.IA No.7. . . . 11. 33 a. in , CHICAGO , ItUIH.INU'JuN A , g | . JNCV. 0 No. 14 . 0.Wn.miA No. 6 O'lOa.ra. A No. 4 . . . .t' ' ( Sn. in 'l ' ) No. IS U.15H. in. A No. 8 . 4 Wp. Ill 'A ' No.7 0.00 p. Jn , A No (1 ( O. " | i. in A N'J. ' ! l liOOp.ia , A dully ; II lUlly except .S t : 0 daily exrep Bun. : 1J except Mou , ; | l"a t ui-JI : LVPAK SB P * M ! " rt / fr mth f. Virtlhry Rfjbc ngr < r.ti crroutatui r- ii " lie I | 'irorl , > ll7riwajr , juit lUi'fu'll j.-ulkuUr * < kr k u tur , dc * u ( ' 'PROF. F/o'FOWLER ! t . , Moodus , Conn ,