1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. JUNE 7. 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS All the News About Wheat Holpa the Bulls. UNFAVORABLE CROP REPORTS. Corn Rules Lower Under Unexpected Jlccclpts Ont SoincAvlint I-'Irtncr Greater Activity In ProTlslons Cnttlc In Ll lit Supply. Tlio Crop Outlook. D cr' I CINCIXNATJ , O. , Juno 0. [ Special Tele gram to THE UF.E. ] Concerning the crop filtuntlon the PrlccCurrcnt says ; The winter xvhcnt crop , while improved in many places , Is not In n really better position In the west ern states compared with previous expecta tions. The Inte ccrrcsx | > ntlcnco from spring whcnt districts IB fnvorahle. The recent weather IB generally pronltlous. Oats , although somewhat backward , show a good nvcmno. The promise of n largo acreage of corn Is maklnir good progress now , much of the crop hclnir late , with increased complaint of damage from worms. CHICAGO l UOl'UCIS MAIUCGT. CIIICACIO , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hr.n. ] All the news was bull news for the wheat trndcrs this morning. The most important wns from Missouri to the effect thnt the stnto honrd of agriculture would report the condition of winter wheat nt , M ns ngnlnst .77 in the last reports. This , with a decline of 3 points In the Michigan hoard's report , nnd presumably reliable reports from Ohio thnt the condition there had declined during the month , nnd nn occasional telegram from Indiana about chinch bugs , was sufli ciont winter whcnt news for one day. Cold nnd unfnvorablo weather was nlso reported from the spring whcnt country. Public cables quoted spot wheat firm , nnd private ones ml vised of cold nnd wet weather in the United Kingdom. Moreover the on-passago state ment showed n decrease in the amount of wheat and flour on the way to the United Kingdom of 240,000 hushcLs or 800,000 bushels according ns Jones or Uccrbohm wcro tnken ns authority. Alto gether It looked more favorable to holders nnd there was u steady advance of almost a cent from ycsterdny's closing figures. Then cnmo some reaction , There was n dispute about the Missouri report nbovo given. Tel egrams Irom St. Louis said it was oQlcial , others said not official but on the best of authority , and still others claimed that it was n guess. The importance nttnchcd to the news wns shown by the fact that the market would vnry nearly J c according as the ofllclal nature of the report was afllrmcd or denied. Operations of the recognized bull party were not noticeable in the general trade. The buying wns by everybody , but after the first rush WIIB over it was noticed that Hutchlnson wns selling on "strong si > ots. " The process of "changing over" from July into August still continues , and it is predicted thut the trndo in the July delivery wil have fnllcn to n very small proportioi in a fortnight's time. July wheat ooened at bJie nnd advanced to S5o , then very slowly declined to 8n@S5 ( c. advanced to S5Vc , npnln fell to 83)i nnd closed at 1 o'clock nt 85J < c. December wheat opened nt 8 ( ) : fc , sold up to 87kc nnd closed at 1 o'clock ut Corn ruled n llttlo lower to-day under the weight of heavy receipts , 102 cars inoro than were looked for. Nevertheless , the mtirltct showed considerable strength nt onetime time and closed only if@3J'c ( under yesterday for July. There has been mucr talk of the market being held up by a "bill cliiiie | , " but transactions in the pit to-day die not confirm it. The buying was by loca Bpoculntors who hnvo not been identified with the bull party. Houses which have been credited with sustaining the market were sellers to-day , but there was no disastrous re sult to pricos. The cry of present buyers is that the largo receipts thcso days wcro intended to llll May contracts , but could not get here in time nnd now have to bo sold because owners were compelled to cover their May sales as best they could , This view of the case contemplates mucli smaller receipts after a few days. A good shipping demand and n fair outward move ment helps to prevent any decline. July corn opened at 51) ) 0 , sold at G4 c , then ui to G5c. down to S-lJi'c , again tip to 54e , nnt closed nt 543ijc. September corn opened a' We , sold at 5lJ c nud 55 e , und closed at 55c. 55c.Tlio Tlio largo outward movement of oats served to make the speculative market for that grain n llttlo firmer , but the trading was not largo and was without special features Juno oata sold up from 83J < c at the opening to aa'n'Qmjtfc , autl closed ut ! i3.jc. ; July oats opened at 'M\Stc , sold up to Xijfcfc , and closci nt 3e. For September oats -7 jC was bk at the opening nnd that was the closing price the only oilier price being 27e. In provisions the day's range of prices averaged higher than that of yesterday Initial sales of porlt nnd lard were niado m fie and of short ribi nt 7 } o advance on lasi night's closing , and for a time the entire market was strong , pork even improving'JXe The high prices prevailing Induced , however over , freer selling than the demand was abl to absorb and a reaction followed. From th highest HgurcH touched pork fell off lOc , Ian 7 > j@IOo and short ribs r > @ 7X < \ The 1 o'doel closings nlso stood 8K" lower on pork am 'Jtf@5o lower on lard than last nlght'H Una prices. In short ribs the day's changes allowed an actual udvanco of 2J @ "e. ArrniiNOox SESSION Wheat steady am firm ; June closed nt nbout 8. > % u ; July sold a bSX@ K' ' . closing nt 8fe ; August closci nt84jffo : September closed ut M jjc ; Deccin bnr closing nt87c. Corn firm ; Juno closing a M c : July hold ntfilK" to 54&54J/e , split and closed nt Ma\ August closed ut 54Kf ( &r > c. Oats ijuiot uut steady. Pork quiet am iinclianged ; Juno closed at if 11.07U' , July n f 14.17 ; August ut ? 14.27 > - < M and Scptcmbc atH.i7H. : Lard averaged n littlu Ilrinei Juno cloned nt ( .1)5 ) , July at $3.70 , August a fcS,75 und September and October nt fS.77 July sold nt i-S.70 ( < l8,72 > , August at $3,7 nnd September at f.77J . Short ribs wor sU-ndlly bad ; closings stood at 57.07X foi Juno , $7.70 for July , 47.77K for August and 17.65 for September , wiles moderate , CHICAGO MVIS STOCK. CHICAGO , Juno 0 , ISpeclnl Telegram to THE UEU.I--CJITTJ.K Out of 11,000 fresh re ceipts there were nearly 5,000 Texas cattle nnd calves , leaving only n moderate supply of natives , nnd ngaln sifting the natives it wns found f hero wns barely n suftlcicnt num ber of good cattle to go around , hcnco u lively - ly skirmishing on the part of buyers who had urgent brdcrs , this , in its turn , bringing about another advance on stock thut shippers and exporters could use. There were n largo number of now buyers and some orders from points that heretofore hud had all they wanted at homo , The fuel thut cut * tlo mo scarce this wcclc , at least there Is no denying. Chicago seems to hnvo the bulk of the supply of good and useful i-nttlo g.for instance , there wns a fair run in Knnsas City and St. Louis , but about nil were Texas scarcely fifty loads of peed natives , Natives , 2 cars fancy , 1500 Ibs , ? 3.UO ( iM.80 ; HO cars , I15U to 15Ulbs ) , .00 < frr.40 ; Inferior to medium , K2.M34.VO ; slop-fed uteers , fl.55K5.ai ; cows and mixed , il.K.'CJ ( J1.50 ; stockers and feeders , t3.25CJl.00 ; Texans , 4,000 nnd weaker ; bUi'rs , tJ.Co34.10 ; cows , ? 2.10@2. < 0. llotis Husincss continues nctivo with nn upturn of So all uround , best heavy making f5.75r < C.ri.8'J ; mixed , tS.d'CJ.YTO ' , and common , 5 iO di.lO. Liglit sorts mudo f 1.&U&5.GO. a few at t5.05 ; light light , * 5. 0 ( < 2 5.&U. New YOIIK , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram to THE HEK.STOCKS ] The Heading subscrip tion books that opened yesterday clewed un expectedly to-duy , the new 4s being sub scribed for four limes over. The readiness with which the bonds wcro taken wns ro- Kurded as n decidedly favorable feature to thd stock market , und wus highly gratifying to the Heading people , for although SiKuwis a low price it will give the company butllcient money to nvect all their pbligatieiis before July i and put them la good shape. Tlio placing of the bonds , however , foiled to hnvo. the effect on the stock market thnt the ma jority of operator * expected , ns itonly rallied } fc from the inside figures of the mornlnp. The talk nbout a now issue of St. Paul pre ferred continues , but no confirmation of the rumor has been made. St. Paul has issued new bonds so frequently thnt the street would not be nt nil surprised to hear of on issue of both common nnd preferred stock. A largo amount of the Tnlter hns come out from Insiders , nnd it wns hinted that the par ties who nro depressing it nro nnxious to get common down as low ns possible to buy it. London bought n little , but the market there wns ns dull ns In Wall street. Prices on the majority of the nctive list hnvo declined to n point where even the bears Imvo begun to grow cnntlout , A largo short Interest exists , nnd they fear that nny decided effort on the part of the lenders to buy will cnuse a sharp upturn. OOVBIINMENTS Government bonds were dull but steady to firm. JESTP.IUIAY'B QUOTATIONS. U. P.4s registered. 12fil5C.N.W 108K U. a. 4i coupon. . . 127'j ' tloprcferred 14.TJ U.S.4'i rcKlstrea.i07 N Y Central 105 U. 8 4MB coupon ,107 O. It. N Kl l'icilc ! sof' : > . .110 P.T Sl'.i Canada Southern 4R'i I'ncltlc Mall JM'i Central 1'nclllc. . . . no'4 O. D..VK 17U Chlrnpo & Alton. . . HI il'iillnmnl'iiliiceCnrlM C.,11. iy 112 'Heading ' W'V ' lt.l.Sc\f 12HJJ Hock Island lOfi'J D..VK.O 17 < Bt.I.3.K 2 'i Krlo Z4fl ! dopreferred . . . . tf > ! i do preferred ( ft 1C. . M. Ic St. I'ntil. Illinois Central. . . .IIWM ilo preferred 10I'/ i. . n. AC w in'iSt.p.Ao ' a.- . K.T 13 do preferred 10T , I.nkcBlioro IKH { Tcxiis 1'aclnc ! ' { I. . * N M Union I'nrinc M'i Michigan Central. . 77'J Missouri Pacific. . . 70 rtn preferred . . . ' 4 Missouri Pacific. . . . 2)t ) ! W.U. Telegraph. . 75H ilo preferred 60. ' I'llODUCIS MAIIKI3TS. Chicago , .luno 0. Following nro the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Shade easier on both patents and winters : rye , linn. Wheat Strong and nct'vc , closing Jf ( < ? lc above yesterday ; close : cash , Sojijc ; July and August , fcS e. Corn Actlvu and unsettled , fluctuations frequently being within J fc range : opened M@ > ' e lower mm closed about } o below yes- turuny ; cash , 51 , ' c ; July , C4Vc ; August , G.'c. Oats Steady and quiet , without material change ; cash , 33)c ) ; July , 33c , ; August , 28 0-lCc. Rye Dull at C3c. Barley Nominal atOSSOOc. ( Prime Timothy i2.10@'J.l5. Flax-seed $1.23. Whisky fl.10. Pork Irregular , within n narrow rangn ; closing quiet at n small advance ; cashS14.07 ; July. SH.17J4 ; August , S14.27K- Lard Qulut , easy and moderately active ; cash $3.0'J > J@b.05 ; July , * S.70 ; August , $3.75. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. $0.00(770.25 ( ; short clear , & 3.10@S.15 ; short ribs , $7.07 } . Butter Firmer ; creamery , 14@lSc ; dairy , Cheese Active ; full cream Cheddars , 7@ Hc ; Hats , 7 @Tc young Americas , 7 % @ Eggs Firm nt 13J @ 14c. Hides Unchanged ; green hides ' heavy green salted , 6 > e ; light green salted , 5c ; salted bull , HJi'c ; dry flint , 8e ; dry calf , Se ; deacons , 20c each ; dry salted , 0@ 7c. 7c.Tallow Tallow Weak ; No. 1 , country , 4e ; No. 2 , lc ; cake , 4c per lu. Receipts. Shijnncnts. Flour , bbls 37,000 21,000 Wheat bu 44,000 21,000 Corn.hu 480,000 2.M.OOO Oats , bu 280,000 (50,000 ( Hyobu 5,000 2.000 Barley , bbls 8,000 4,000 KansnH City , Juno (5. ( Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 soft , cash , S4o ; No. 2 red winter , July 75e bid , 77c asked. Corn Wc.ik ; No. 8 cash , 4Cfc bid , asked ; June , 47u. Oats July , 22c bid , 22c asked. Milwaukee , Juno 0. Wheat Excited and higher ; cash , 82c ; July , S3c. Corn Weaker ; No. 3 , 54c. Oats Steady ; No.2 white , 3 c. Il.ro Quiet ; No. 1 , 04c. Hurley Dull ; No. 2 , 02c. Provisions Steady ; pork , cash , $14.00. Minneapolis. June 0. Wheat Re ceipts , 13(5 ( cars , shipments , 53 cars. Market n shade higher. Closing quotations : m store : No. 1 hard , cash and June , 83Jfc ; July , 84 } < c ; August , K c ; on track , S5@S5J.jC ; No. 1 northern , cash mid June. S2tfc ; July , & % c ; on track , 83S4c ( ! ; No. 2 northcrncash und June , SOe ; July , 81c ; on track , 81(3 ( S2c. Flour Unchanged : patents to ship in sacks in cur lots , $4.50@4.70 ; in barrels , f 4.70 (524.90. ( St. LtoulH. Juno 0. Whcatr-Lower ; cash , 8bX@biks ; July , 84J c. Corn i ull und lower ; cash , July , Sljfc. Oats Lower ; cash , 32 c ; July , 2UJ Pork $14.50. Lard-S.OO. Whisky $1.13. Uutter Steady ; creamery 14SlCc ( ; dniry , Now Vork , Juno 0. Wheat Receipts , 2S.OJO ; exports , 57,000 ; cash firm ; options opened firm nt J6@tfc higher , afterwards declined * < : , then rallied We , closing steady nt Jife under best ; ungraded red , 8bJ-j'02 ( c ; No. 2 red , Itlhfe'JlK0 m store UIIl ( elevator , - afloat. ll ) > c f. o. b. ; July closing nt Corn Receipts , 2,000 ; exports , 257 ; casl declined J e but closed steady ; options opened hd < > c lower , later advanced J < i@i'c , closing Hteudy nt > ( , ( > ( 'fo under the top ; ungraded Ol'tfGOl-ye ; No. 2 , COJJfQOUi'e in elevator OlTtdtCiZxle delivered ; July closing utClJ c Oats Heccipts , 04KM ( ) ; exports , (114llnn ( ; mixed western , ! JS ( < f40 o ; white western , 45 Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , $10.23 ; options steady. Sales : 15S,800 bags. June , $13.70 ® IU.HO ; July , J12.03@12.SO ; August , Sll,05 ( < 11 0. . Petroleum United closed firm atSO ? c. Engs Dull but heavy ; western , 15J- 'pork Quiet but steady ; mess , $14,00@ 14.50 for old ; fl5,2."i@l5.50 for new. Lurd Higher ; western steam , spot , fS.S7T ( "nutter Firm : western , 12@l'Je. Chceso Steady ; Ohio flat , 7 ( < ? 8e. NewOrlciiiiH. JunoO. Corn Weak nnd lower ; mixed , 07@08c ; yellow.GSQGOc ; white , TlOCWc. Oats Lower ; No. 2 , 43K@ c. Corn Meal Unchanged : M.10. Hog Products Unchanged ; porlt , $1500 ; Inni , relincd tierce , 17.67K. Hulk Meats Shoulders , { 0.50 ; long clear and clear rib , $7,87 ! , IilVK STOCll. Clilci\K < > . Juno 0. The Drovers' Journal reiKrts as iollows : Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; strong : natives , M , ! > T5.tO ; cows mid mixed , $1.1K3.1KJ ) ) ptockers nnd feeders , $2.25 ( 4.00 ; Texas cattle - tlo , $2.10 ( < e4.10. Hogs Heccipts , 15,000 ; active ; 5 ( < ? 10o higher : inixml , * 5.45@ . " > .70 ; heavy , . light , $5.40 ( < i'5.on ' ; pigs and culls , H.00@5.1'0 , Sheev | Receipts , 5,000 ; mnrkul steady ; muttons , $4.0X 5 fit ) ; Toxns muttons , H.f-0 ; Texas feeders , $2.00 3.00 ; western feeders , $3.15Q3.40. KansiiB City , Juno t5. Cattle-Receipts , 2OCH ) ; Bhlpments , uono ; corn-fed btccrs 5 higher ; common to , choice corn-fed , U.25g5.00 ( ; stockcrs. 2COcJ.30j feeders , j.000/3.0U : ! ; cows , FJ.OOK.50. : ) Hogs KccoiptB. 0,000 ; shipments. 1,000 ; SC'HOo higher ; common to choice , ? 5.10S.VCO ( ; skips ml pigs , ? A5'J5.00. ( Natlonnl Stonk Ynrdx , Ensi St. I/oiiia , JunoO. Cattle Uccelpta,3,000 : ship- " ' iatlvc $3.1.V4--5 ? ; stockcrs anil feeders , fj.30 ® 3.CO ; rai.gers , $2.20@4.30. Hogs Receipts , 4,500 : shipments , 140 ; market stronger : choice heavy and butchers' selections , $5.5VS5.05 ; puckliif , M.40if5.CO ; * ' lip.ht grades , 5.25@.V45. O .MA II A MVK 8TOOIU Cattle. Wednesday , Juno 0 , 1633. The receipts of cattle were only to-day , sixty-four flesh loadh being on sao. The quality was good , however , and there were &ouio very cJiolco cattle on bale , The market was stronger und fully 5c higher. As high asfl.l'i ! > i wuspiid for one choice buucb. The demand wns good nnd although the market wni not ns nctivo ns ycstcrdny the caltlo were nil sold before the clo3c. The receipts wcro heavy , there being 103 fresh lends , ngninst 101 on yesterday , 'f fie general tnnrket wns nbout steady nt yestot- day's prices , although n llttlo more was paid for the top , The demand wns good and the ogs wcro all sold before the close. Slicj'p. . There was only one load" here anil that sold n the market. Ilcoelpts. Cattle j , 1,2.10 Hogs 7,200 Prevailing Prices. The following is n table of prices paid in tiismnrnct for the grades of stock men- toned. nmostcors , 1300to1500"lbs..t3.00 ! rtt..lO 'rime steers , 1100 to 1800 Ibs. 4.50 tfb.1.00 'at llttlo steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. 4.10 @ 4.60 Common to choice cows 2.00 ( rt.1.60 Common to choice hulls 2.00 ( S3.50 airtochoiccllghthogs 5.2(1 ( @ 5.8D Ailr to choice heavy hogs 5.40 ( $5.55 I'airto choice mixed hogs. . . . . 5.0U ( so.40 ItcprcMCiitnttvo Salos. CATTJ.E. No. Av. Pr. lOcows 1 > 12 $2.15 4 rows 10(57 ( 8.75 "bulls 1425 8.75 1'fcows Win 3.00 Ibull 1700 8.00 3 bulls I5 l 3.00 Ocows 1013 JI.OO "cows 1075 3.25 1 steer , tailings 10.10 3f > 0 3 cows. 1023 3.f,0 , ! > cows 1100 3.50 Istng 13SK ) 3.50 Icow 1200 3.M ) 1 cow 1300 3 73 3 steers , tailings 1133 3.7.1 Icow 1-120 3.00 Istag 13M ) 4.00 22stccrs MK ) 4.15 3 steers WO 4.25 2 bulls 22A-5 4.35 IS steers 1139 4.50 18 western steers 1270 4.50 Klstecrs 00 ; 4.5.1 82 steers till 4.00 83 steers 1110 4.00 10 steers 1115 4.00 41 steers 1020 4.00 ISstcers 1170 4.05 14 steers 1037 4.05 23 steers 1137 4f5 40stecrs 1037 4.70 53 steers 109S 4.75 OOstccrs 1221 4.75 1 steer 1120 4.75 15 steers 1122 4.75 104 steers Ilb3 4.81) 20 steers 1317 4.SO 28 steers 1201 4 > 0 17 steers 1158 4.M ) 15 steers 1205 4.82) ) 57 steers : 1235 4.b5 8j steers 1230 5.00 SOsteers 1327 5.00 ICstcers 1271 5.00 18 steers 13S3 5.05 ISstcers 1400 5.05 19 steers 13bS 5.07K 75stcers 1420 5.10 SOstcers 1330 5.12K IGbteers 1250 5.13 } < f 1IOOS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. bO. . .105 K50 $5.15 74. . .254 280 $5.35 71. . .183 200 5.20 70. . .240 100 5.3.1 72 .200 240 5.20 82. . .233 ro 5.35 5X ! .21U SO 5.20 70. . .247 120 5.35 71. . .210 240 7.2.1 71. . .241 80 5.35 77. . .1M5 100 74. . .230 240 5.35 CO. . .3J7 400 5'J..2VJ 100 5.35 71) ) . . 821 320 00..271 120 5.35 S3. . .22 ! 4bO 03..230 440 5.35 07. . .I'.I'J ' 80 09..229 5.35 ( . . .2.14 80 SO 5.35 84. . .191 320 OS. . .247 120 5.35 CO. . .205 100 09. . .242 1(50 ( 5.35 88. . .197 200 05. H0 ? 200 5.35 77. . .220 10J 04. 1(50 ( 5.35 92. . .Ib2 120 83. ; ! 25 SO 5.35 S3. . .20.1 120 . 79. . .215 I2J 5.85 70. . .215 210 5.27J * 05. . .22.1 1(50 ( 5.35 71. . 1(50 ( 5.27K OS. . .827 200 535 80. . Ml9 200 5 27 84. . .244 2SO 5.35 70. . .201 40 5.27K 71. . .220 80 5.35 05. . .207 40 5.27K 07. . .832 200 5.35 72. . .220 240 5.30 77. . .852 840 5.35 05. . 220 240 5.30 71. . .230 200 5.3.1 71. . .232 200 5.SO 09. . .242 80 5.35 87. . .103 200 5.30 71. . .339 800 75. . 212 100 5.30 09. . .8SU 800 5.37 > CO. . ' 80 5.30 02. . .254 2bO 5.37X 70. . .217 200 5.30 CJ. . .200 101 5.40 02. . 222 ICO .1.30 07. . .2,10 bO 5.40 09. . ! 220 80 5.30 01. . .202 40 5.40 80. . .179 100 5.30 08. . .2.10 120 5.40 73. . .237 100 530 04. . .253 fcO 5.40 81. . .240 80 5.0 ! ! CO. . .849 100 5.40 80. . .214 100 5.30 145. . .2IW 180 5.40 84. . .212 100 30 01. . .258 12J 5.40 St. . .223 SO 5.30 00. . .249 120 5.40 89. . .221 100 530 CO . .274 20J 5.42K G'l. . .217 bO 5.30 71. . .22 $ 05. . .230 SO 530 00. . .251 300 5.42)4 i5. ; . .240 5.30 74. . .251 100 5.4.1 70. . .210 120 5.30 70. . .CUi 5.4.1 00. . 2'7 200 5.30 04. . .251 240 5.45 70. . ! 227 120 5.KO 02. . .277 100 5.45 70. . .2-.0 SO 5.30 03. . .29S 80 5.45 00. . OOJ SO 5.30 05. . .2-18 SO 5.45 OS. . ' 100 5.30 01. . .27S 40 5.45 81. . .217 SO 5.32J4 05. . .270 80 5.50 71. . .215 5.32)4 ) 00. . .2S8 557)4 ) No. Av. Pr. 12icorn-fed westerns 71 $5.00 Live Stock : Sold. Showing the number of cattle , hoca and sheep sold to packers and leading buyers on to-day's market. CATTLE. Swift & Co 54 G. II , Hummond & Co. . . 202 A. Trauerman 130 W. Huinsido 2 ( W. Payne 10 S.uiinel Drcifuss 01 D. Murphy 9 : Stephens II. & Co , Omahii Packing Co J. L. Hill A. M. Crone HOG * . Hammond & Co 5S3 Omaha P. Co 1,058 Armour&C. P. Co 8,703 J. P. Squires &Co 1,349 G. H. Wilson & Co 075 J. M. Doud 315 sunn i' . Boge Packing Co. , Sioux City 102 Ijivo Stock Notes. Hogs steady. Cattle sell higher. Everything sold. P. Blaco , Hlalr , topped the hog market , Eli Decker , Phillips , was hero with a load of cattle and n load of hogs. E. Mlchlcn , n stock buyer of Milwaukee , wus among the visitors ut the yards. G , W. Hoyer , Loncoln.sold two fancy bulls , averaging 2,225 , pounds , to Swift & Co. , at Hoth members of the firm of Englo & Mus tard , Onnwn , were hero for the llrs > t time nnd marketed four loads of hogs. R , G. Carr , West Union , was In and mark eted three loads of cuttle. Two loads aver aging l,3bS pounds sold at J5.05. The following , among others , were herewith with cattle : J. P. Morden , Tekumnh ; J , G. Smith , Arlington. John Hustil , Auburn : Mr. Silver , Sutton ; G. F. Durlund. Plainvlcw ; J. Johnson , lilnir ; Mr. Hirdsull , Imogcuc , la. , und Mr. Ticknor , Hozurth. Alfred Flint , Litchfleld ; Churllo Gould , Ainsworth ; Mr. Vnn Dorcn , Loup City ; Fiemont Hey , Silver Crock ; C. F. Wuy , Ord ; Mr , Chapman , Ord ; Mr. Lnsallc , Pan ama , la , nnd F. P. ICrcglow , Edgar , wcro amont ; those who came in with hogs. OMAHA WHOIjRSAMS MAHKET. Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Ktc. Wednesday , Juno 0. The following < ; l < oalloiis ( arc wholesale and not retail. I'rlcii > quoted on produce urc the rntcif at which round lots arc sold on this tmir/ift. / rrulty or other lines of goods n < inlrlng extra labor in inching cannot nl- u'dt/s lie kuppllcd on outside orders at the Mime prices ijuotid for the local trade. Hates on Jlonr and feed urc jobber * ' prices. Prices on ( iraln are f/io c paid by Umuha nilllcra dtllrcrcd. All iniotatlonti on incr- ihundlbcarcobtaincdfrt'in leading hon&cs and are corrected dally. 1'rlces on crachcrs , calcs , etc. , are those given by leading inin- fuctnrers. IIUTIEU Fancy cieatnery roll butter. 21o ; with solid packed at 10 ( < lSa ; choice country butter , Hg15c ( ! ; common grades , 11 ® "jjcas-Strictly fresh , l2@12J < c. CiTimniES-Percnsb Of 10 Ibs , $2.00 ( < 73.25. Southern cherries * 3.M > per 24 quart case. STRAWBERRIES $3.60(84.00 ( per cose. CIIBBSB Full cream , 13(314c. ( UtETfl 50c i > er doz. . Ivo chicken * , $3.00@3.25 per doz ? sprng hlckcns , $3.00 < 33.25 ; small chickens$1 W ( ( ? i.W HPiNAcn-$1.50 per bbl. ONIONS Native stockSt.2.1@l.M ; Spanish , per box of 5 Ibs , 51.75 ( .00 ; California on- ons , 3'iW4cper ' Ib. LEMONS$3,75 ( 4.50 per box ; fancy , $1.50 ® ORANGES California Riverside , f3.75Q4.00 ; ncdiuin sweet Riversides , $4.50 per box ; .Icssinn . , $5.r > 07.00 ; Los Angeles , $2.75 ® 100 ; Los AngoTcs Nnvnls , $4.00 ; Rlversido Vavnls , 50 00. CAIIIIAIII-.S 303ifc } pcrlb. for California. CAULIFI.OW Kit Good stock , $ I.50@1.75 per < \07. \ 07.AarAiuors G0@76o per dozen hunches. Ct'ct'MnKns ' 50c per doz for choice. Lr.TTUcn 30W35c per doz. Cui.Kin California stock , $1.50 per doz. RASIIIS | | : 30c per doz , STIIINU HCAXS $1.50 per bu. GnncN PKAS $ l.M\iW.OO per bu. ToMATons $2.60VT ( > 3.K ( ) per bu. I'is-r. Ari-i.Bs-S3.255t2.60. BANANAS Common medium , $2.50@3.00 per bunch ; choice$3.00u3.50. ( Ti'HNM's California , 2l ( Vt3c pcrlb. IATIS : Persian , OJ C'f < c per Ib , Cinr.u Choice Michigan cider , $4,60(50.50 ( ) cr bbl. of 32 gal. Pol'ioitN Choice rice corn Is quoted nt 3@ 4c per Ib. ; other kinds 2 < < ( i ? > 3c per Ib. CUIHOTS New stock , 40if ( I5c per doz. Hn.vxx Good stock , $2.(50@2.75 ( ; California beans , JJ.8.1@2.40. FHIS In layers , 13@15c ; cnke , lOc per Ib. Ni'Trf Pcnnuts , raw , O.Hf@7e ; Brazil nuts , 13o ; almonds , Tarragona , a.'c : Enclish wal nuts. 15@ISe ; .filberts , ISc ; Italian chestnuts , ISc : pecans. Ifie. HONEY 10@2lc for 1 Ib frames ; canned honey , 10@l8o per Ib. PAHSI.CV 30 per doz. GKIIN : : ONIONS 15i ( ? " . > 0c per doz. Priti : MUM.I ; SvitiM1 $1.8.1 per gal. SALSIFY 85c per bunch. Groccr'H Ijlst. RurtNr.n LAUD Tierce , 7Ke ; 40 Ib square cans , 7v < o ; 50-lb round , be ; 80-lb round , 8f | e ; 10-lb pails , S > 'aij ' ; 5-lb palls , 8Kc : 3-lb pails. SYittJi's New Orleans molasses , per bbl. , 37@40c per gal. ; corn syrup , 3lc ; half bbls. , 30c ; 4-pal kegs , S1.55@1.55 : sorchum , 3 c. Pnovi toHums , 10rtllfc ; ( ) ; breulsfiist bacon , lOJ ftilOJjfe ; bacon sides , 9S9'4C ( : dry suit , SJtflgb c ; shoulders. 7@7J.fc ; dried beef , 10(11,11C. ( C\NNnn Goons Oysters , standard , per case. $320@3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $2.0 < ' @ 2.70 ; raspberries , 2-lh , per case , $2 00 ( < ? 2.i ( ) ; Cnllfornia pears , per case , $4.70@4.bO ; apricots , per case , $ l.8.1y4.3.1 ( ; peaches , per case , $5.00(7(5.75 ( ; whllu cherries , per case , $5.bO(0,00 ( ; California plums , perc.ise , $1.50 ( S4.00 ; blueberries , per case , S'J.OO < < ? 2.10 ; egg plums , 2-lb. per cnse , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , pcrcusc , $ J.20@.1.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per dozen , Sl.SOC'f 1.85 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case. $2. 0 ( W8.90 ; 8-1 b string beans , per case. $1.75 ( > i ! l.bl ) ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $1.00u ( > l.tM ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50(32.0 ( ! ) : 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , $2.b5 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.30a2.40 ( ; 211) corn , $ 0@230 ; sardines , imported 'jf , 18 ( 15c per box ; domestic } { , Q } { ( BOJ c ; mustard , ' .t f'td' o. SitOAit Granulated , 0 , ' ( iJ7e ; conf. A , 0j@ 0c white extra C , OWuO' e ; extra C , ( ! Jf ( $ ll/ifc ; yellow C , 5"W5Jjc ; ; cut loaf , % ( < i ! 8c ; powdered , 7fflSMc ( ; New Orleans , iirnii Ordinary grades , 10@17c ; fair , 7@18c ; prime , lbLM'.l ( > Ye ; fancy green and yellow , 22@J3o : old Kox'crnincnt Java. 2 30c ; interior Java , 8.1ISc ; Mocha , 250 30c ; Arbucklo's rousted , 21J c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 21 eDilwortirs ; , 21c ; Red Cross , 21c ; Alaroma , 81 German \ , 80J/C. WOODUNWAKC Two-hoop p.uls , , per doz. , 51.40 ; three-hoop pails , * 1,01 ; No. 1 ttui , S7.00 ; No. 2 tub , $0.00 ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ; washboards , electric , SI.50 ; fancy Northern Queen washboards , 42.75 ; assorted bowls , i2.75 ; No. 1 churns , t'J.f.O ' ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns. S7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , 70e ppr nest. Ton\cco-Pi.ua Lonllard's Climax , 4.1c ; Splendid , 41o ; Mechanic's Delight , -J4c ; Leg- Kelt & Meyer's Slur , 4ic ! ; Cornerstone , 3ic ! ; Drummond's Horseshoe , 45e ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 45c : "Cut Kate , " 29u ; "Qh , My , " 27c ; Piper Heidsick , Olc. To IIACCO SMOICIXO Catlln's Meerschaum , 31c ; Cutlin's Old Style , 23c ; Sweet Tip Top , 32c ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Red , White and Blue , ISc. , III.LIIS : 30-lb puns , $1.2.1@1.CO. SALT Per bbl in carload lots , $1.45. ROI-K Seven-sixteenths , 10@10 ! e. CANDY Mixed , 9 ( < i > lle ; stick , ! lU9Kc. ( PICHLIU McdiumT in bbls , $0.00 ; do in half bbls , $3 50 ; smalt , in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , S3.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.50. Hni.i.Avi ) Hcitnixas OS@70c per keg. MAI-I.H SI-OAK Bricks , 12' e per Ib ; penny cnkes , 13t 014c per Ib , ; pure maple syrup , & 1.U5 ] icr gal. 13iooMS : Extra , 4-tie , $2.00 ; parlor. 3-tie , painted handles , $2.2.1 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable brooms , $ -1.00. STAHCII Mirror gloss , r > % c ; Graves' corn 0 0 ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7c. TEAS Japans , 24rf55c ; Gunpowder. 20@ COc : Young Hyson , 28fe5.1c ; Oolong , 2i0.1c. ) POMIIEU AND Snor Shot , $1.30 ; buckshot , $1.55 ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5 00 : half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths , SI.5'J ; blasting kegs , S8.35 , fuses , 100 ft. , 45 ( < i75c. CIUIKKIIS , CAKUS , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; f > oda snowlluko ( in tins ) , Klo ; soda cundy , 5' c ; soda wafers ( in tins ) lOc ; soda zephyrs , be ; city oyster , 0' < jc ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oybtcr , 7c ; peurl oyster , 5c ; picnic1 , 5c ; snow drop oyster , 7c ; butter 5o ; Boston , 8c ; Omaha butter , 7e ; sawtooth butter , OJ e ; cracker meal , 5 } e ; grahnm , 8c ; graham wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , I' ' c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7 i'e ; oat meal. 6c ; oat meal wafers , lOc ; out maul wa- fcis in pound packages , I'J' e ; animals 12c ; Bolivcr gmgerround,7c ( ) ; creum,8cCornliill ; , lOc ; cracknclls , lOc ; frosted crenin 8Kc ; ginger snups , ' So ; ginger snups ( city ) , Oc ; homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; home mndo ginger snaps , ( Mb cnns ) pur dozen , $2.50 ; lemon crcainsScprctzclshnndinudn ; ( ) , llc ; assorted cukes und jumbles , ll > jc ; as sorted fingers , 15c ; nfternoon ten ( in tins ) , perbox , $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14o ; butter jumbles , lljtfe ; Brunswick , 15c ; brandy snaps , ISc ; chocolate drops ( new ) lOc : choco late wafers. Ific ; Christinas lunch , ( in tins ) , perdozen , $4.50 ; cocoa tally snaps , 14c ; colleo cake , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , ll } < jC ; cream puffs , 30c ; egg jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , lie ; lionoy jumbles , lljtfc ; Jelly lingers , Ifio ; Jelly wafers , lc ; lolly tart ( new ) . I5o ; lady ling ers , lu ! ) ; vanilla bar , He ; vunlllu wafers , 14u ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packugcs in a box , per dozen , $2.50. All goods packed in cans ] c per Ib advance except snowlluko and wafer sodu , which are in . in 2-lb 3-lb packed only cans. Soda - nnd - paper boxes , \o per Ib advance ; all other goods Ic per Ib advance. Soda in 1-lb paper boxes , Ic per Ib advance , Tlio 2-lb boxes arc packed in cases holding IS in n case- . The 3- Ib boxes are packed In cases holding 12 in n case. The 1-lb boxes are packed in cases holding 'M in a case. Ono-lbgruham und out- meal wafers packed 2 doz in u case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods. 75c. Cans foi wafer soda , $3.00 , not returnable. Cans for snowfluko - soda , $5.00 per doz. Tin cases witli gluss face to display the goods , 75o each. No charges for packages except for runs nnd returnable goods. Glass front tin cnns and "snowfluku" soda cans arc returnable ut prices charged. Dry GontlH. PHIXTB Soi.in Coj.ous Atlantic. Co ; Slater , 6 , ' c ; Beilin oil , o c , Gurner oil , C@ 7c. PIND AND Uoiies Richmond. O'ifo ; Al len , CJ c ; River Point , 5c ; S'eel River , Oe ; Richmond , Oc ; Pucillc , < % a , ] Niif.oBi.un Washington , ( i' o ; Century , dlgo blue prints , V c ; American , tlj o ; Arnold. O' ' o ; Arnold B , lOJ c ; Arnold A , 18e ; Arnold Gold Senl,10 } < c. Duubs CharterOuk , 5c : Ramapo,4V < c ; Lodi , 5o ; Allen , tie ; Richmond , I5c ; Windsor , 0).jc ; Eddystonc. O o ; Pacific , ( lj < c. Buow.v SlltUTlNO Atlnntio A , 4-4 , 7J c ; Atlantic H , 4-4. 7'ic ; Atlantic I ) , 4-1 , 7ko ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4 4 , Oc ; Au rora C , 4-1. 5o ; Clown XXX , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Hoosier - ier LL , 4-4 , lie ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7lio ; Luw- renco LL , 4-4 , Co ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Kc ; Popperell R , 4-41 7e ; Peppercll O , 4-4 , tic ; Pepporell , S-l , IbMc ; Pcpperoll 9-4 , 81c ; Pep- perell 1O4 , 23o ; Utii-a U , 4-4 , Oc ; Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7J o , Aurora B , 4-4 , G > $ i : ; Aurora R , 4-4 , BATTS Standard , Oc ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , 12 > fc ; Bayonne , He ; B , cased , ffiSO. CAitrtTV'Air Bibb , white , lOc , col oed "Dura-West Point , 29 in. SQZ. , lOJ o ; West olnt , CO In. 10 oz. , 12Wc ; West Point , 10 In. 2oz. , 15c ; West Point , 60 in. 11 oz. , lOc. Jhccks-Cftlcdonin X , 0 ; Caledonia XX , OUg : Economy. PC ; Otis , W. KENTTCKT JES Memorial , 15c ; Canton , ISc ; Dtiruam , 27 > < c ; Hercules , 18cs Learning- on , 22 'c ; Cottsworld. 27 } < c. MiScr.UANrous Table oil cloth , $2.Sr ; 'luln Hollnnd , SXdjP c ; Dado Holland , H'c. ' CtfMr6nTEti9- $ < 5.CO35.00. Bi.r.Ecian SiiEr.TtNo Berkcly cambric , Vo. CO , PKcj Best Yet , 4-4 , OJ c ; butter cloth , OO , 4 c ; Cabot , 7Uc ; Farwcll , SVc ; Fruit of Loom. PJfc ; Frccno G , Oc ; Hope , 7fo " 'Philip cambric , lie ; Lonsdnle , 11J4CJ . .onsdnle , We ; New York mills , lO c ; l > cp- ill 42-ln. , lie ; Peppercll , 4(5-ln. ( , 12o ; Peiv ) crcll , 0-4 , lOc ; Pcppcrell , 8-1. Sic ; Pcppcreil , -4. 23c ; Peppereil , 10-4 , We ; CnnUm , 4-4 , Uc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 } < c ; Triumph , Co ; Wnm- sutta , lOc ; Valley Be. GixniCAM Plunkett checks , 7J4c ; Whlttcn- on , 7)4c ) ; York , 7 > 4c ; Normandl dress , 8l4e ; Calcutta dress , 8 > jc : ; Whittcndon dress , 8)1,0 ) , ; Rontrcw dress , 8)4J12Kc. ( TICKS Lewistou , ! JO-lu , 12)4o ) : Lewlston , 12-ln. , 18Ko ; York. 33-ln. , 14c ; t > wlft river , . . HUH * J > flV X * 1 i ; ltlllltl l\ > V -\f 1.7 \ f Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek B13 , lie ; Heaver Creek CO , lOc. FMSXKI.S Plaid Uaftsman , 20c : Oosecn , 32'rfc ' : ClcnrLnkc , 32Kc ; Maple City , 80) < o. WhiteO II No. 2 , } { , 21eo O II No. 1 } / , J UP , 5f'J"eG ; , Jf , 35e. Ciusit Stevens' 11 , Oc : bleached , 7o ; Stevens' A , ti ; blenched , 8) ) 0 ; Stevens' P , 8)/c ) ; blenched , il'ie ; Stevens' N , 0) ) o ; bleached , 10)fc ) ; Stevens' S H. T , 12) ) c. General Markets. LiHTiir.il Oak soles , .V ( ( < ' 37c ; hemlock slaughter sole , 21j3ic ( ! ; hemlock dry sole , 13 @ 2oc ; hemlock kip , GOiU'Oc ( ' ; A. & U. runner kin , f)0 ( < i75i3 ; A. hemlock calf , fOc@Jl.00 : A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock upper , ll2lc ) ; English grain upper , 2. > c ; hemlock grnln upper , 21a20c ( ; Tnmplco U. L. Morocco. 2iSi3c ! ( ; ; Tnmplco popple , 0.1) . Mo. , 22 < 320o ; Curncon , 1) . G. Mo. , 30e : Simon O. IJ. Mo. , .2.75J3.WDangohi ( ) ; kid , 0a"ie ; X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid , 32c ; Gricscn kids , $3.00d3.75 ; French glazed kids , skins , SI.10061.50 ; Hussitt linings. SO.OOfaO.fiO per doz. ; pink cream nnd white linings , $7.50 fti9.75 per doz. : colored toppings , 50.00 ( 11.00. Ununs Acid Carbolle. crystal pcrlb , 50ij ; citric per Ib. OOo ; tarlnrlc , pcrlb , 50c ; sul phuric , per Ib , 4c ; nmmoiiia.carb , perlb , IBe ; alum , per Ib , 5o : alcohol. D.J percent , per gnl , f.22 ; blue vitriol , per 111 , 8c : borax refined , pcrlb , lOc ; camphorrpflncd , 32c ; cream tar tar , pure , per Ib. 42o ; cream tnrtnr , commer cial , per Ib , 20e ; cloves , per Ib , 33o ; cuttle- llsh bone , per Ib , 30c ; dextrine , per Ib , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 30c ; hops , fresh , per Ib , 40e ; indigo , Madras , per Ib , 75c ; insect powder , perlb , ( Ko ) : morphine. P.V. . , per oz. , $3.00 ; ouiuiu , per Ib , C-5.75 ; ciuinlnc , P. & \V. , pcroz. , 5se : ( iiilnlnc , Gcrmnn , peroz. , 4be ; Hoclicllo salts , per Ib , 3T > e ; saffron , American , pcrlb , 40c ; saffron , true Spanish , per oz. , JUKI ; salupctre , pure per Ib.'lOc ; Sulphur , Flowers' , per Ib. , 6e. ; soda , bi-cnr- bonntc , per Ib , 5e ; silver , nitrate , per Ib , 11.50 ; spermaceti ! , per Ib , 52feOOc ; strycli- nlnc , per oz , , $1 25 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib , 65c ; wax , yellow , pure , pcrlb , 3. > c. OILS Ctirbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon , 150 degrees , 13c ; linseed boiled , GOc ; linseed , raw , 57c ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $ .12 ; sperm whiilc , SI.00 ; whale water No. 2hml,5Ce ( ) ; W. V. zero , Me ; W. Va. zero , 14e : Bolclcn No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale. 20c ; nnptha , 1 degree. 14o ; head light , 150 degrees , 12c ; headlight. 175 de grees , 15c ; turpentine , 45c ; castor , pure , $1.30 per gnl. Hums Green butchers , ' 4@4) c ; green cured , 5fej > ( Je ; dry flint , 7c'dry ; salt , Oc ; green baited calf , C ) o ; damaged hides , 2o oft ; dry baited deacons. 25c each. Tnllow No. 1 , 3c , ; No. 2 , 2Jfc. Grease Prime white , 4' c ; yellow , 3iv brown , 2c. Sheep pelts 10cTl.Kiccording ( ( ) ! to quality. Brand ed hides classified ns damaged. Si'iiiiTS Cologne spirits 183 proof , $1.14 ; do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 51.15 ; do 188 proof , $1.13 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled whiskies , ? 1.2 : > @ 1.50ginblended ; , $1 50 < < i2.00 ; ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.0000.00 ; Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00 ( 0.50 : Golden Sheaf nnd rye whiskies , $ .50 ( < ? 3.00 ; brandies , imported. . * r .00 < vS.OO ; domestic , fcl.30B8.00 ( ; gins , imported , ? 5 OOfrtO.OO ; domestic , tl.2.Xi < > 3.00 ; champagnes , imported , per cnse , $28.00 @ 33.00 ; American , per case , $10.00@17.00. Lumber. DIMENSION'S ANU TIMI1EH. - , > . 15 ft. 18ft. 20ft. 22ft. 24ft. 2x4 .17 60,30 00 21 00 0022 00 L'xO . 17 HO 38 00 21 00 S3 UO 3.1 00 .17 m a ) ooai ( was oo ,17 no 20 00,21 on si o1) : ci o . Hi ST , 20 00 SI ( JO 24 00 24 0.1 . 2x1-8x3. 15 fiO IB 60 23 50 SI 00 23 00 I1OV11DS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , a 1 s. . $15.50 No. 2 com , s 1 s. . 17.00 I No. 4 com , s 1 s. . 13.50 No. 1 , 4&0nl2& ! 14 ft. rough . $10.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " . 0 10.5 No. 2. " " 14 " . 0 10.5 No. 2 , " " 10 " . 018.0 hllllNOS. A , 12 , 13 & 10 ft.$21.,0 J C , 12 , 14 & 10ft.I5.50 H , " " 20.50 f D , " " 12.50 CKII.IN'O AND 1HIITITION. 2d com % in White Pine ceiling . $34.00 " 4i " " 28 OC Clcnr % in Normay " " ! ! ! ' . ! ! ' . ! loioc 2dcomjfin " " ' . M.OO PLOOUINO. AOin White Pine . K0.50 ( i In " " . 33.50 Cllin " " . 30.03 DOin " " . 21.50 EG in " " ( Sel. Fencing ) . 10.00 0 in Drop biding 5"c per M extra. bTOCKlIOAKIIb. A12inchsls . $15.50 H 12 " . 80. C 12 " . 30.W D 12 " ' . 2.00 ; ) No. 1 com , 12 in s 1 s 12 ft . 20.50 " " " 14 ft . 19.00 " " " 10 Jt . 18.50 " " " 10 , 18,20ft . 21.50 No. 2 " " . . . . . . . . 10.00 " " " 12&14 ft . 18.50 " " " 17 ft . 17.50 12 in Grooved roofing , $1 per M , more than 12 in Stoek Hourdu same length. 10 In Grooved roofing same price as 12 in Stock Hoards. SHIP LAP. $10.00 No. 1 Plnin Snnd 10 in . No , 2 " " " . 17.50 No. 1 , OG , 8 in . 10.50 rixisiii.Nd. 1st nnd 2d. clear , 1 , IJf , insfls . $51.00 " ll " li,2 . 51.00 3d , clcur , 1 Ins2s . 41.00 " I/ ! , I'in2 . 40.00 A. select. I in s 2 s . 40.00 A , ' UIK , " in 8 2 s . 44.00 H , " Iins2s . 30.00 H. " IV , IM.ain s2s . 87.00 13 , select , nil 10 ft. $1 extra. Ceiling Clcnr Finish , 1 nnd I/ ) Inch , 2s . 20.50 Clcnr Finish , \ \ $ und 2 inch , s 2 s . 80.00 Clcnr Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch . 24. W Cleur Yellow Pine Casing and Huso. . , . 20 00 ' . H. I'Al.MCH. N 1' II1CIIMAX. J. II lU.AM'liAUU PAUMER. niCHMAN & CO. , Live Sloe ! Commission Mcrclianls , Ofllio llooni 2 ( . Opp' ) ll Kxchuniia llullclliig , Union B' jck vanli , houlli OIJIUUH , Ncl ) . McCOY live Slock CoDimission Merchants , > I rket fiirnlMied tri'O on Application. Mocker * one ! feeler * furnlalu'iioiiuuinl tcniii Hu'urtncc * Onu bn NatioiiHl lUnlt nml boutli OuioUa Kuiluuai , Uuluu Mock Y riH , f-oulli Oaialm KORIMER.WESTERFfElTplTivfALEY Live Slock Commission , lloom 15 , KxctianEo Dullilliu' . I'nloa Stock Vnrdi boutli Oujubu , Kt b , XT. EX A N D ER & F1TC iTi Commision Dealers in Live Sock , T.oOBi.i , Opposite Kubmigo llulldlni ; , Umou Block \arOi.toutli OtuHUa.StO. UNION STOCK YA R D S C Of Omalia , Umited , i lu if .K fjd. BuccrtcteaJcat. Implamenlai irpAn En , DealerinAgrlcnltnral Implements , Vapns , Corrl > ( Ci nd Bu IDlb , LININOER & METCALF CO. , AgricnltnralIniplefflentsWa2onsCarria , ) es PARUIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , \Thole le Dfnlfrsln Agricultural Implements , Wagons SBnggies n , nn , (05 nnd W7 Joncn Street , Omabiu P. P. MAST& CO. , Mannfactnrers of LMeye Drills , Seeders , CultlTtton. liny llfikM.CIilcr Mills uml I.uVnn 1'ul' Tcrlicr . Cor , llth and Nlcholut flrccli. WINONA lMPLEM NT cb. , Wholcwlp Agricnltel Impleinents , agons SBnggies Corner lllh and Klcholm glrrf tv OMAHA nttANCII. J. F. SEIBERLING & CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W.I * . Mc il , Manajcr. 1213 Lcnvenwotth t. , M OL"fN E. M I LBURN&STO DDAR Do MRiiutncturiTs mid Jobbers In fagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor/WlinnJ I'nclllc streets. Orrmtm.Nob. Artists' Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1(13 Douclan Street. Omnlm , Nebrn KB. Boots nnd Shoos. K1RKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( fcuccenjors to Hccil , Jonen A Co. ) Wholesale Mannfactnrcrs of Boots and Shoes Agents lor Iloston Uubber Plioc Co. UK , 1104 A HOC llarncr Ut. , Ouiniin. Nclirftakn. W. V. MORSE & CO. . Jokers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,1100-lllB Douglas St. Omnlm Manufactory.Sum mer su. llcslon. Booksellers and Stationers. H. M , & S-W. JONES. Successors to A. T. Kenyon A Co. , Wholesale A Hctnll Booksellers and Stationers , Kino VTciMIng Hlntlonory , Commerclnl Stntlo'ncir ll'-J Doiik'lus Street. Onmlia. Neb. Coffees , Splcoa , Etp. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Unmtiu Coffee nnd Hplco Mlll > . Teas. Coifees , Suices , Baking Powder , Crookpry ondjaiasBwaro. Agent fortlic Manufacturers anil Importcn of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cliimncys , Klo. pal cc. 317 B. 13lh J-U. Omalm , Nebraska. PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN , Imoorlors and .lubbers of Crcciery , Glaware , Lames , Silverware Etc. 1514 Farnam St. , New 1'axton C o m m I ss jo no n d St o ra KO . FREDERICK J FAIRBRASS. Wholoiale Flour , Feed , Brain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1014 NortU ICth Strcut.Onmlin , Neb. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , Successors to McShano A Schrocder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha. Nebraska. RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties Duttcr , Kpg , Cbccso , I'oultry , ( Idme , 1112 Iloward Street , Omnha. and Uimo. OMAHACOAL. coKE" & "LiME Johta of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 Soutb 13th Street , Onaba , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON 4 CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois While Lime , And shippers of Conl , CoXo , foment , Plaster , 1,1 mo , Drain Tlio , and Sewer 1'lpe. Otllre , laxton HoUl , Karnam St. , Omuba , Neb. Telephone 611. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , Sll Soulh 13th Ft. . Omaha , Neb. Dry Goods and Notions M. E SM"ITH & c Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1KB and 1101 Douglas. Cor. 1Kb St. Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Johta in Dry GooflsNolions , Gcula' Kurnlehlnd Ooodt. Corner llth uuil btaOinaba , Nebraska. Fumlturo. DEWEY * Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre , Farnaru Btrcrt , Omuba. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omnba , Nebraska. Crocorlos. PAXTON , OALLAG'HER & co. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , ' 706,707,70D and 711 S. lOtb St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , llhandJ/crrouworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cntlery , Tin Plate , Metals , Sheet lion , etc. Anenta for Hnuc Scjilen , Mlaroll'o deruudl.yman llarbedUio , ( Jmahu , HIMEBAUGH AcTAYLOR , Bnilflers1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mecbanlcs' Tools and IlutTolo Pcales , 1 < 0& Dougla fctreet , Omaha , N bra ka , RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harner M . , Onialiu , NPI. | Weitcrn Au Jor Auilli Towdi-r Co. , Juffcriicin Muol alls , Fairbanks f Unilard Hcalt'S , MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , Wholt'salo Manufacturer * ut Saddlery & Jihliers of Saddlery Hardware Ami Loither. 1IOJ , H'C nn.l H'JJ llarucr SU.Oajttha. Heavy Hardware. ' ' ' ' V/'J.'BROA'TCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs\Va/on Rte > k. Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. und J2I1 llarney btrvet.Omnha. _ _ _ _ _ Hats , Caps , Eto. _ VL. . PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods llU7UHr.-.pyfctrci. | Office Fixtures. MUo.Niia MAN-CI ACTUUI.NO'CO. Mmiuf ttiirer or Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle * S-ldeboords. Hook CJSFS. Uiug Hitures.Wal Coios , Partitions , ltalitn. , Cuunti.rs. Uctrai.il Wlup Coulers , Mirror , etc Factory and otdce , 17JU unU 17J3 Soutb. litu bl. , Oiciiha , 'I'lUptenB 1U4 , B _ _ _ Lumber. " _ OMAHA"LUMBKR CO. , All Kinds of BnildinE Material at Wlioli UU Etr tt find Union PoclBc Truck , ( LOUIS DRADFORD , Dealer in Lnralier , Latli , Lime , Sasb. IXion.Etc. Tirdi-Cornrr 7lh n < 3 IXiiuiUi ; Cornet th and IKniilti. ' C. NTDIET2 , " Dealer in All Kiiiils of Lnmlier , Ijthand CAlifcrnl * Strtets , Om h , Vf. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner fib nml Doutlm Sti. . Omaha. "TTVV. HARVEY LUMBER CO"T To Dealers Only , Office , 1103 Farnura Street Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , i * < v 111111 / viinniMi % viuvilfr * PI Ilwaiikcn Hydraulic Uctucnt do id Qiilncy While l.lnie. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumher , Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring Ptb and Uouglai Notions J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wliolcsalc Notions anfl Fnrnisliini : Goofls 4(0 ni > 405 S ( utli 10th St. , Omiitm. VINYARD& SCHNEIDER notions and Gent's ' Farnisliiiig Goofls , 1106 llnrnor Street , Omnlm. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , WholsalcRefineil and Liiuricating Oils , Ailo ( Ircnu'.Ktr. . OmMin. A. 11. lll.linn Mnn r Paints nncTOTTa. CUMMINGS & . NEILSON , Wliolo nlo Dcnicri In Paints , Oils , Window Gla s , Etc , „ lilt yimitni Street. Omalm.Neb. ' - * ii Popor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Cnrrr i nice tock of rrlntliiB , Wrapping and Writing lh er. Hpeclnl utlentlon givpn to par IPX ! order\ Printers' Mjntorlals. ' ' IJNION , Auxiliary Publishers , Dealers In Typo , Pro ' scs and rrlntfro' Supplies. CO ] outh 121 h airret. Omaha. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. . Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnhher Goods Dll Clothing nnd Leather Holtlng. 1XH ( Karnam Btrott. Stonm Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps Pipes aud Engines , , . 4i Jtcani , Water , Hallway nnd Mining Huppllei , Etc. , | oa ) , va nnd V24 Karnam Street , Omaha. ft CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Jteara and Water Sunpllei. Tlenilqiiarten for Mast , froostACo'BRoods. llll Farnam St. , Omalm. U. S. WIND ENGINE ft PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , * Ualllday Wind Mills. 018 and 050 Parnam St. , Omaha. O. l'lloss ' , Actlnir Manngrr. BROWNELL & CO. , Rnsines , Boilers and General Machinery. Blicollron Wort Btenm I'limpR , Smr MIH . 1213-lJlS lA'dVonworlli Slrept. Omuhti. . Smoke Stacks , Bollors , to _ H. K7SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks , llrltchlnus. Tanks and Ocncral Holler Hepulrlug. 1315 Dodee Street. Ouialia , Neb Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Oil and 1113 Jones Street Omaha. f Storage , Forwarding & Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Dranch houKOof the Hemii'r IlumtyCo. Hiiiwleiat wbolenalt ) und retail , U8 UlOimd 13W Uttrd Btrctt , Omaha. Telephone No.TW. Browora- STOR2& ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North Ktittbtccnth Street , Omaha. Keh. Iron Works. STEAM 'BOILER WO'RKS , Carter A hou , Prop's. .Manufacturer of all kinds Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Worlc Works Pontli ' . 'Otli ' Hiul II. A M. Cro ln | { . PAXTON A VIIMII.INO IHDN WOUK8. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Enelnes , Ilrass Work , Qoncral Foundrr , Maohlno and Ulackumltb Work , oniio and Works , U. P. Ur. und llth btreet , Omalm. OMAHA WIRE i IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk nails , window Guards , Flower Htands , Wlr Finns , Etc. IU Norlli ICth BtrmtOmaha. ' OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vaultn. Jail Work , Iron and Wire Funclnit , Hluns , Eto. O. Anilrcvn , 1'rop'r. Cor. HIM and Jackson His. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings. Guards and Hcreens , for banks , ollUri.Huro. raililenroi , etc. Improved Awnlnk's , Ixck > mlth Miulilnerj ana Hlarksmlth Works , ( ttlhoutli lull HI. JMEAOHER to LEACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks : Renora ) Agent * for Dlcbnld 8afe & Lock Co.'s VaulU and Jail Work , 1416 Karnam htrcot , Umuha. Millinery and Nptlorts. I. OBERFELDER""c61 , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions W. JlOand m Hnnth llth Hlri > et Ovornlla. CO. , Manufacturers of Oycralis , Jc&na l' iHJ , Shirt" , Ktr IKOand 1104 DoutUi tlrtet , Uunha , Mcb , Cornloo. _ _ EAGLE CORN ICE WORKS , MannfacturcGalyanized Iron and Cornice , John KjH'ueter. 1'rnprlotor. fJU Doiluo und 1(13 ( aod 101 Murlli 1Mb ttrcel , Umiljii. " Pnpor Boxos. . - . _ JOHN L. WILKIK , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , KOI. HIT ur.J UI9 Ilouglae HI. , Omaba , Neb. Eto. _ ' " " M. A.'DISBROW i. coi , Wholesale Monuf .clurtrs of Sash. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , rancl : utOco , IZth and Icard btroeti Oaiaha , Nek. BOHN MANUFAcuRcj CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , uMlorfi. M lr Work and Interior lUrit Wno.l Hrt Isb. n K Curucr eiti anj Iittf < jutrcrtb streets , Omaha , tj'tb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO , , Manafactnrers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , AcU WindsTurning. Stalr-wgrk , Dank and OSico VJU Uuit. Mb a J'ct > yletea jueuut.