Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    "V B
Iibcrntcly adopted. When you nominate
your vice president yea cannot hold this con
vention. Wo have violated the ordinary
rules of proceedings In the Interest of senti
ment , Let us go no farther. Let us ndjourn
tintll to-morrow morning nnd settle tlio plat
form cnltnly , ilellbcratcly nnd In accord
ance ivlth Qrovcr Cleveland's views.
Mr. Throckmorton of Texas If Grover
Cleveland can bo nominated without a plat
form , Allen G. Thurmnn can bo nominated
without n platform.
The clerk proceeded with the roll call
nmld confusion , nnd Mr. English of Califor
nia madp a motion to dispense with the roll
call.Mr. . Tarpv of California moved that the
roll call bo dispensed with and that tlio chnlr
declare the body adjourned until 10 o'clock
The clmlr put the motion nnd declared the
convention ndjourncd.
A NlglitScfiHlon Without Accomplish
ing Anything.
ST. Louis , Juno 0. The committee on res-
lutlons had a very long nnd at times , stormj
scftslon last night nnd did not ndjourn until
2IW : this morning. All sorth of rumors , re
parding the action of the committee were
floating about the corridors of the
Southern but none of them could be
authentically located. The Republic
reporter , however , finally found
George L Yaplo , ox-congressmnn nnd mem
ber of the committee from Michigan , who ,
nftcr a Rood deal of urging , tnado the follow
ing statement ; "Notwithstanding the fat
that numerous Important papers all over the
country have announced to the contrary , . !
think I can safely say without violation of
cnnlldcnco thnt not only the
president's mcssaeo , but also the entire -
tire Mills bill also will bo
unciuallflcdly endorsed by the committee. "
It was 1 o'clock this morning when
Gorman , In the suh-commlttco on plat
form , addressed the committee relating
to the tariff plank , advocating substantially
the reiteration of a reverse reduction clause
on the platform of 1831 , nnd favoring reduc
tion by Internal revenue tuxntion.
Wntterson replied , appealing o for explicit
enunciation of the party's position on the
tariff , upon which It could go to the polls free
from the stigma of an attempt to straddle
this great Issue which , no said , had been
Justly charged to the platform of 1S84. On
motion of Senator Gorman , without action
the sub-committee , at 2 a. m. adjourned to
8 iilO o'clock.
The committee on resolutions resumed Its
session at 10 o'clock this morning. Tno sub
committee appointed to draft a platform on-
torcd soon afterwards nnd roportou their in
ability to ntjrcc , the point at issue being the
question of realllrmlng the tariff plank in the
platform of 1SS4. Gorman opposed realllrmn-
tlon of the tariff plunk of 18S4 nnd a general
endorsement of the policy of reduction as In
dicated In the president's tariff message.
Wntterson opposed any allusion to the plat
form which li * deemed equivocal and indi
rect. Gorman addressed the committee
for an hour. Whllo ho considered
the prospects of democratic success
in Now York much better than- they were
four years ago ho regarded Indiana , Now
Jersey nnd Connecticut as doubtful , nnd he
would have no hope of his party carrying
them upon a tai iff for revenue only platform.
He argued that the platform of 1SS4 was the
one upon which Mr. Cleveland was elected ,
that ho accepted the nomination and lias
boon content to administer the executive
ofllco In accordance with its principles.
Wattcrson responded in n long address ,
"The platform of four years ago , " ho said ,
was a straddle mid so accepted by the com
mittee on resolutions in the convention oi
1834. The Issue of thut election , " Haiti
Wattcrson , "did not prove the wisdom of an
equivocal policy. It wiisnotn policy pleas
ing to our peculiar manhood. It was a
Etraddlo nnd thcro was nn odium
attached to it from which it
could not bo freed. The campaign ,
fortunately for the democratic party by the
nomination of Mr. LSlaine , had become onool
personalities nnd Mr. Cleveland was elected.
The result did not prove the strength of the
platform nnd did not Justify the faith of the
advocates of a straddling policy. It would , "
ho thought , "bo wise to take an aggressive
stand , as the democratic party had been irre
vocably committed to the policy of horizontal
reduction by Cleveland's last message nnd bj
" the utterances of amnjorityof tlio democratic
party in the house of representatives. Out
position is clearly announced ; it is known tn
our opponents end the people. " He believed ,
moreover , that tlio bold , manly tone of Cleve
land's message had a very happy effect.
The utmost candor of expression charac
terized the remarks of both Wattorson and
Gorman , nnd perfect , gootl feeling was main
tained throughout. But It wns soon evident
that their relative positions on the points at
issue would bo maintained , nnd it became
quito clear that a majority of the committee
jiad been impressed with Gorman's candid
statement of the political expediency in
At noon general debate was begun uix > r
the question ot reulllrmlng the platform ol
3SS4 , ton minutes to bo allowed each state ;
and a vote to bo had at 1:80. : The debate ,
however , was prolonged until three o'clock.
'Jly n vote of i5 ! to 2J the committed nerml
to Senator Gorman's proposition to endorse
nnd reitcrato the tariff platform of Ib84. It is
understood there will bo no serious division
upon the other planks in the platform , The
committee rensbcmbled to-night at 7 o'clock
for consideration of the platform in sections ,
As tlio evening session of the committee 01 :
resolutions was about to bo begun , it was
Stated there was to bo an additional para
craph added to the roafllnnation of the Ib3l
JLariff plank , explaining more fully its scope
nnd relieving it of that ambiguity whicl
( Wattorson hud characterised ns a straddle
nnd making it conform to the principles a :
fft fcnunciatcd in the president's message. Gor
ft tnan and Scott had Just held long a confer
bnca upon this subject m
It was stated that additlonu
light wua received to-day from Washington
Chairman Uarnuiu Favors Don BI
Dlckinnon of Michigan.
ST. Loots , Juno 0 , The Uepubllo wll
print tbo following to-morrow ; "Chairmni
iW. II. Barnum was in a very benign am
talkative mood yesterday. Ho said , 'AI.
pholco is Don M. Dickinson for vico-presl
flcnt. ire is by far the brightest man in th
ji- Cabinet. It is probably too Into to do any
thing towards nominating him , but I wish i
might bo done both for the gooi
tof the American people and th
'benefit ot the democratic party
In my opinion it's not good policy nor for tin
( best- interests of our party and country tha
% Cither Thurman or Gruy should bo noml
> aiatod. The former becuuso of ills great ngi
pnd the luttor because of his inability to HI
T the position satisfactorily. "
A meeting of the Ohio delegation nt i
Jato. hour to-night , indicates thai thoThur
knan mon are fully cognizant of newly do
velopcd opposition to their candidate und at
iach to it HufUVlcnt tmpoitnnco to require im
tncdiato consideration of measures to offse
The Indiana delegation met nt their head
Quarters and unanimously ngrccd to ttuppm-
'Mm and his name will doubtless bo placed i :
fiommntlon to-morrow.
{ Sympathy For the Nv Vorkers In tin
Loss of Their Hull.
BT. Louis , Juuo 0. Thu news of the burn
} ag of Tammany hall spread like wild ilr
throughout the city nnd was the unlvcrun
topic of conversation , entirely suspend ing fo
the tlmo all discussion of the political situii
.Ion. It was evident that in splto of th
Hostility felt by many toward thn Tammnn ,
organization that its misfortno culled fortl
general symVathy and that tlio destruction o
.ho well known headquarters occasioned un
yeral regret.
peraocrntio Coons to Have an Organ
ST. LOOIB , Juna 6 , Nearly a hundred rep
eseatatives of colored democrats from mon
i .hau a dozan states , but chiefly from th <
jqrtb , hqld a meeting here yesterday after
icon and organized a negro national demo
: ratlc league. James M. Vena of St. Louis
ras elected chairman ; A. T. Brown o
Springfield , Mo. , secretary , nnd Her
; eit A. Clfcrk of Cincinnati , chair
IUB . of tha executive comuilttc
o bt eota'pmd ot qne member from carl
.Ute , A commutes was appointed to rpprc
enl Ihq league at tbo fcenarcl.Deuiocrut'li
league to bo held in Baltimore. July 4. lies-
olutlons were adopted endorsing the admin
istration of President Cleveland , and the
league ndjourncd lo moot In Chicago nt the
call of the chairman. The plan of organiza
tion nnd purpose of the league Is the same aa
other similar leagues of tlio great parties ,
O HAY'S Fit ! I3N DS.
They Consider To-day's Adjournment
iVictory. .
Sr. Lomi , Juno 0. Governor Gray' . *
friends have displayed some of the spirit ol
the Grant 800 in 1SSO nnd have beer
fighting with great persistence. The }
have been doing everything , hoping to create
n change in sentiment botoro the ballollnp
for vice president occurs. It is well known
that the matter has been forced
to nn Issue. This afternoon Gray'f
name would not have been presented ,
The efforts of the Indlnnlnn.i to make It ap
pear that an adjournment wiw a Gray vlctori
were only partly sucressful , but tbojnt ; once
proceeded to make the most of it. Promptly
sending thnlr men out through the hotels ,
they claimed the unexpected delay of two
hours was a victory for the opiwsltion , ami
that the state would yet bo broken. They
renewed their visits to other delegations ,
and reported their now well worn argument'
of Carlisle or some other now candidate ,
They sent tholr workers nnd shoutcrs
through the streets hurrahing for Gray.
Sympathy was felt by the , Thurmnn'e
when It bccatno known that another meeting
of the Ohio delegation was called for this
evening. A number of the Ohio delegate ?
are still opposed to Thurman's nomination
and fears nro expressed they would try tt
revoke the action by which Ohio had agreed
to stand by the ex-senator. No such action
was taken and the innttcr ? was not brought
up nt nil , although In case Thurnm
should fall to receive the necessary two-thirds
on the llrst ballot , Ohio would probably be
one of the first states to lead a break to some
other candidate.
Ho ExplnliiB the Suh-Comiulttoo'i-
Platform Compromise.
ST. Louis , Juno 0. Hofcrrlng to the details -
tails of the platform to bo presented , Mr ,
Wattcrson said to-night : "Tho substance Is
this that wo renew our fidelity to demo
cratic principles and roafllrm the platform ol
1894 and endorse the last annual message ol
the president and declare It a correct Inter
pretation of the platform , and ap
rove the efforts of our demo
cratic representatives in congress to secure -
cure reduced taxation. In a separate
resolution to bo offered to the convention to
morrow wo commend the Mills bill , urging
its passage at an early day. My ideas origin
ally were opposed to any recurrence to the
platform of 1884 , and when that course was
suggested opposed it , because It had been
subjected to a double construction. Never
theless the situation Is this , that the platform
of 1834 , when coupled with the endorsement
of President Cleveland's message as the true
interpretation , nnd a commendation of the
Mills bill , moots my most hearty approval. "
Gossip About State Delegates and
Mr. Wattorson said this morning thai
everything in the platform was agreed
to except the preamble. Wattorson
wishes to endorse the president's messuage
and the platform of 1SS1. Ho says ho thinks
the platform will bo ready this afternoon ,
but expects a light on it in the convention.
When Missouri was called continued cries
for Vest were heard from the members ol
the convention. Ho did not respond. There
were cries for Fellows when New York was
reached but ho shook his liciul no.
The adjournment was carried at the re
quest of the Indiana delegation thnt it might
confer with Governor Gray by telegraph.
Governor Gray's friends in the delegation snj
his name will probably bo withdrawn.
Mr.VnttcrbOn received the following tele
gram to-day from Congressman W. O. Brook-
enrldgc : "Failure to endorse the Mill ; bill
may defeat it. "
Twenty hours Is the tlmo ittook to prepare
a tariff plank that could bo agreed upon foi
the campaign of 1833. The result is a roaftlr-
mation of the plank of 1831 as suggested b.\
Senator Gorman , but amended and umplittcc
so as to suit Henry Wattorson.
He Shoots His Wife and Then Blows
Out IIlH Own IlrnlnH.
EAuCrAinK , Wis. . Juno 0. [ Special Tclo
gram to TIIE BUK. ] The wife of George
Herkimor of this city , proprietor of n knil
goods factory , left her husband last Wcdnes
day nnd went to Fairchild , n village thirtj
miles from Eau Claire , taking her baby will :
her. She claimed her husband did not pro
vide for her alid the child , nnd she tooli
refuge with her sister , Mrs. Thompson , a (
Full-child. Herklmer , who remained here
till to-day , was observed to bo In an cxcitetl
conditionHo left on the noon train for Fail-
child. Arriving there ho went to Thompson'.1-
house and insisted oa seeing Mrs. Horitimcr ,
who linally consented to talk with Ilurkimei
ill the ttitehen. No sooner had tin
kitchen door been closed than Hcrkiinei
pulled a revolver , shot his wife In the lireas !
and immediately shot himself in the righl
tumplo. The occupants of the liouso rusho (
into the kiu-hcn and found Herklmcr stem
dead and Mrs. Hcrkunnr lying ou the floor it
a pool of blood. She was still alive. Her
kimer had suld before ho left here that hi :
Wife's departure would drive him to des
peraticm. He Is bellovcd to have boon Insam
for some time. Mrs. Herkimer's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Sarauol Lee , of Nottingham
F.ngland , have Just como to America , am
were at the Thompson residence when tu <
shooting occurred. Mr. Leo at llrst rofusei
Horkimer admittance , but was overruled h ;
the others , llorkimcr was a middled agei
man. Ills wife is several years yountre
than ho. Hcrkimur'B body Is to bo brough
hero to-iilght. Mrs. Hurklmcr may recover
A FallliiK Off For tlio Week us Com
pnred With Last Ycnr.
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 0 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKE. ] The indicated packin ,
In the west for the week is 20,550 hogs
against 21r > 00 the preceding week and 23,00
forthocorrcspondiiig tlmo last year. Thototii
from March 1 is about 2HX,000 ) hogs , aguins
2,205,000 iv year ago. At Chicago the receipts
ceipts since March 1 have been IW.OCO grcato
than for the corresponding tlmo lost year
and the shipments 145,000 to 150,000 greate
than last yoar. This increase Is understooi
to bo duo more tp the demand for fresh pro
duct than to enlargement In curing opera
lions. The per cent of hogs received wa
moderate during the week , closing with a recovery
covory of thn ili.-clino. Some markets brmi
a little higher prices than a week ago. Th
provision trade has been confined to an ordl
nary course of affairs , with perhaps som
improvement in the call for mcatn for th
south. If the stocks of lard uro correctly re
ported for this and last month , nnd the move
inent for the month correctly stated , the ;
were equivalent to 10,000 tlcrcos added to th
lard supply.
Annual rinllrond Mcrtin H.
CHICAGO , Juno fi. The annual meeting o
the stockholders of tlio Chicago , Hock Islan
& Pacitlo r.vilway company was hold to-daj
The flvo directors whoso terms had expire
were rc-cU ; ted , leaving the personnel of th
boai-d unchanged. The directors subsc
qucntly re-cloetnd the old nflleors , The repot
of the board of directors for the year end in
March 81 showa : Gross earnings , $18r W
727,17 ; operating expenses ami taxes , fS,742
O5'v'3i ' ' net earnings including laud sales an
interest from proprietary roads , $0,024 , )7.71
From this has been paid , the divldond , Inter
est on the bonded debt , etc. , $ , - > ,4a'JOS4.15
leaving a surplus for tha year o ( (
The annual mooting of the Chicago & Eastern
orn Illinois ami Chicago & Iiidl&nuiMlis rail
way companies was held to-day. No change
was made in directors. The Chicago & Kas
ern Illinois statement for the six month
ending December SI , 1SS7 , showa net eari :
ings of f487'J15 ; the statement of IhoChlcag
& Indianapolis railway showed not earning
pf tai.OKt.
Four Men Killed.
ST. PAUL'Jun 6. An explosion of a-steal
engine at the Fifth street crossing , of th
New Phalen creek sewer this eVenlng fou
men wvre Instantly killed and two or thre
others seriously hurt.
The Loup Oily Mnn's Debts Will
Foot Up $15.000.
Wlinlloltl IHi Worthies * Notes The
Nebraska Southern Again In Mo-
lion Morn Damage Ry Storm
Van "VVycknt North Uciul.
The TownsemI Failure.
Lour CITV , Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special Tclo
gram to Tun UEK. ] The Townsehd failure
nt Hockvillo is stirring up quite n commotion
in this vicinity. Quito a number of attach
ments have been served on what property lit
had In his possession before ho skipped
Other creditors arc coming to the surface
dally. Aultmun , Miller & Co. have n claim
for400 ; the Wolf Plow Co , , ? l,400 ; Deere ,
Wills & Co. , $020 ; F. W. McCargor , fCOOj
Trcflln , ? 700 ; Wolr , Shugart & Co. , $ T50 ;
First National bank , Loup City , $129. One
farmer holds his note for ? COJ , another for
$730 , and several other farmers hold his
note for smaller amounts , ou which ho waste
to pay them 2 per cent Interest. On the
ninety-eight head of cattle which ho was
feeding tnoro appears to bo a mortgage to the
amount of about f5OOU while the cattle arc
hardly worth $30 per head. The flrst uiort-
gage on a part of those wns closed to-day. He
had sold his elevator , mortgaged his homo at
Hockvillo and dis | > oscd of his business at
Ashton , and'hls stock of Implements at Hock
vlllo bailiff mostly commission goods , there
scums to bo but little left to satisfy his mmi.\
creditors. It is now estimated thnt his llahil
itioa will reach flS.COJ while his assuts wll
not reach $5,000. It appears to have been t
premeditated steal and It Is rumored that 11
is not his first oxporlonco In such a giuno
Although his whereabouts Is at present
known parties nro ou his trail and ho will un
doubtedly bo overtaken soon.
. A Violent Storm at Onkdnlo.
OAKDAI.K , Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special to Tin
Bnn. ] The most violent storm of rnln , linll
wind , thunder and lightning of the season ha i
Just completed its unwelcome visit to oui
people. Windows were broken , collars filled ,
sidewalks washed away and streets made
navigable. As the water went up pork and
poultry wont down the streets. The Ellc-
horn Is again on a bender mid runneth where
It llstcth. Cedar creek , which has received
its damming so long and so patiently , refused
longer to be dammed , and lias uocomo pro
gressive In its character , traveling outsldo oi
old ruts jind channels.
The Nl > ranka Southern.
Summon , Nob. , Juno -Special Tele
gram to TUB Unu.j Tlio engineer corps ol
the Nebraska Southern railway company Is
outfitting hero for the purpose of locating
the line northwest from Hod Cloud. Whethei
Mindcn and Kearney , or Holdregc nnd Plun :
Creek is the route to bo chosen Is not known
It is stated that n proposition has been made
by the company to Mlndcii and ICearnoy , bui
the ofliuials nro reticent and will not make
their intentions public. Elthor route will
suit Superior , slnco either will put us iu cou
noctioii with the Union Pacitlo road.
Suttoii Hlch School Commencement
SUTTOX , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special Tolegrnti
to Tun Hr.n. ] The high school graduating
exercises were held hero this morning in the
opera houso. The house was taxed to its ut
most. Miss Minnie Howe and Calvin Bent ;
delivered orations that are much compli
inentod. After the graduating exercise !
Governor Tlmycr delivered nn address 01
Christianity and Education. The governor
will return to Lincoln to-morrow.
Robbed Three Tfinefl.
SIITTON , Neb. , JttneO. [ Special Tolegratr
to THK HUE. ] IJurglars entered the hard
ware store of F. J. Hocrgor last night by n
roar window and robbed the stores of & 25C
worth of hardware. This is the third time
Mr. HooBcr has bean robbed in his hard
ware store. He now offers f 100 for the cap
ture of the thieves.
Vnn AVyck t\t North Ilcml.
NOUTH UBSU , Neb. , Juno -Special [ To
cgnim to THE lir.c.J Ex-Senator Vau W.vcl
will speak here Juno 10 during the day. Hi
was invited by the directors of the elevatoi
company. There will bo a tnides processioi
nud the country will turn loose.
CIIEIOIITOX , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram
gram to THK BIB. : ] The clito of Crelghtoi
crowded the Congregational church to over
flowing last evening. The occasion was the
marriage of Mr. H. It. Hlalr , of Hastings
formerly of Crelghton , and Miss Llzzii
2row of this place , Mr. and Mrs. 131alr wil
reside in Hastings.
A Ticptiullcaii Cluli Orgimlzcd.
NKDIUSK.V CITY , Nob. , Juuo 0. [ Specla
relegram toTim Hun. ] The Nebraska CItj
republican club perfected its organizatioi
last night by adopting a constitution and by
laws. A young men's drill squad was alsi
organized'starting out with n good member
ship. Committees were appointed to perfec
plans for nn active campaign , TUo club I
gaining rapidly in membership.
Cropn Damnectl Ily Storm. , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special Telegran
to TUB Hri ! . ] A heavy raiii and hall stern
this morning did considerable damage t
crops. A cellar prepared for the erection o
thu First National bank was filled will
water , endangering the foundation of th
now brick adjoining. A washout on th
Hock Island two miles from hero will prevent
vent their train ui-riving this evening.
Grant Una Horn III o worn.
GIIANT , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special Telcgrar
to Tun HUB. ] Surveyor Howctt to-day coin
pletcd the survey of ono addition to thl
plnco , including a park and ornament"
ground * . To-night the organization of th
Grant Cornet band was completed with J.
Heard , president ; F.V. . Jacques , secretary
H. E. Goodall , treasurer , and E. P. Phil
Attached ForJ2OOO.
NOIITJI PI.ATTB , Neb. , Juno ( ) . [ Specia
Telegram to TUB HBK.I The stock of Laun
A. Molivoy , Jeweller , was attached to-day oi
the suit of Max Meyer & Co. of Omaha foi
a claim of $12,000.
CrookH Cleverly Captured ,
DES MOINKS , In. , Juno 0. [ Special Toll
gram to Tun HER. ] Chief Jarvis and Dotei
live Johnson returned this afternoon froi
Denver , having in charge two burglars wh
a shart tlmo ago committed ono of the bole
est thefts ever made In this city. On the Tit
of May the homo of Mr. Molschink , on Hig
street , was entered by unknown burglars an
$000 worth of Jewelry taken , Mr. W. trai
olcd for a Jewelry house of this city and ha
a lot of stun pics nt the house that night a
though ho was away himself. It was learne
thut the supposed burglars left for the wci
that night but no other clue was obtuiuabli
The owner of the samples , Mi
Joseph , had a full list of thei
with private marks by which the
could bo detected. This list was sent ou
and attracted the attention of the Dpuve
police. Some days ugo they arrested u toco
burglar and found BOIUO Jewelry on nhr
Ho suggested to tbo police that there \vor
others In the city doing the same business
nnd put them ou the track 6f two men. Thu
worn captured , and on their imrsous wer
found some of the watchoa which were stole
in Dos Moines. Chlof of > 'phco Jarvis wa
eent for and ho wont to Denver. Tlio lora
authorities sot a trap for the burglars b
arranging them and then discharging their
As boon us discharged the burglars clalnio
the Jewelry , found on tholr nor&ous iucludiu
the 'stolen watches , Tbo articles wet
handed to tnem and. lmmcdIatoly. the.Dc
Molnos oftlccrs stopped .forward and ' arregtc
. thdra. The victims were completely'darzle < J
but came back quietly. One is Jamo.i
Kennedy , a Dos Moines boy , nnd the other r
noted crook named Uoiul well known to the
police of Omaha , Ktvms City and other
County leathers
MASON CITT , In. , 'Juno 0. [ Special Telo
cram to Tun URBtTho board of super
visors is In n disgraceful muss. Motnlwrs E
Lloyd and H. J. Wills got Into an altercation
over placing a bridge pontractwhlch resulted
In the former stnkJnir n ilorco blow In the
face of the latter. Wills demands nn niwlogj
before proceeding to further business , but nc
apology Is made nnd the board meets nnd ad
Journs without tranfyujtlug any business.
The Kcokulc. & DCS Molncs.
DBS MOIXKS , la. , Juno 0. Tlio annun' '
stockholders meeting of the Keokuk ft Do ;
Molncs railroad , now operated by the Hod
Island was held hero to-day. Hcnjamir
Urowster , Thomas Oilman nnd James 11
Corning , all of New York , were ro-olectoi
directors for three years. The number ol
votes cast was 2ttl3.
WASHINGTON , Juno 0. After reading the
Journal the sonata proceeded to executive
business. When the doors opened the presiding
siding officer laid before the senate n message
from tlio president vetoing the private pou
sion bill.
The senate then resumed consideration ol
the diplomatic and consular approprlnttor
bill. After amendment the bill passed ,
The senate then proceeded the business ot
the callendar , resuming consideration of the
house bill to prevent the employment ol
alien labor on public buildings or other pub.
lie work and In the various departments ol
the government , the question being on tin
amendment offered Monday by Mr. Toller.
Mr. Ulalr objected to the amendment a :
calculated to retard the passage of tlio act.
Mr. Vance objected to further consldcrn
tion of the bill and it was laid over.
On motion of Mr. Morrll the senate bll
authorising the purchase of a slto for the no
commodatlou of the supreme court of the
United States passed ,
Ou motion ot Mr. Cameron the senate bil
in relation to cadets at tlio naval ncudemj
The bill providing for two additional asso
clato Justices of the supreme court of Dakott
was taken from the calendar and passed
Also the house bill authorizing the construe
tlon of n bridge across the Missouri river a
Omiioa ( with an amendment ) .
Adjourned. _
WASHINGTON , Juno 0. After the transao
tlon of some unimportant business the house
wont into committee of the whole on tin
tariff bill , the paragraph under consldoratlor
being that in pickets nnd palings which Me
Kinley moved to strike out. After some debate
bate the motion was rejected and that para
graph passed ever as well ns the next. 13u
chanan inovtd to strike out In the ulnctccntl
line the word "shingles" and insert "shitigli
bolts. " Rejected. With little delay the ro
maimng paragraphs on clap ooards , pine 01
spruce , and logs worp passed over , down ti
the provision that existing duties bo lovlci
upon articles on lumber schedules whore ex
port duties are imposed by the country fron
which they are imported.
Mr. Dlngloy of Matte , proposed an amend
meiit continuing tht > existing duties ou luni
ber schedules whcrfll'or the exporting coun
try dented our vessels the right to touch
trade or take bail , i n
Mr. Cox of New Vorlc created n dlvorsior
by having read n-ilispatoh from St. Louis
niinouncing Clovolaiid's ' nomination by nccla
mation. The democrats burst Into applause
Mr. Tarnsoy , who huil- the floor , waved hi
bnndaua rapturously. 'There was n moment's
silence on the republican side , followed by i
storm of cheers nnd hand chipping to uuswci
the other side. <
Mr. Hrcckonridgd&f Kentucky offered m
amendment to Diiigloy's amendment , flbu
without action ontthe amendments the committee
mitteo rose and tho'liouso immediately wen
again into couunlUcu > iof the whole on tin
senate amendments to > the Indian nppropria
tion bills. Tlicso were pcncrally non-con
curred in. The committee then rose and tin
bill was sent to the conference. Adjourned
"Weather Indication ! ) .
For Iowa Light to fresh northeastorl ;
winds , warmer , local ralus.
. For Nebraska and Dakota Light to frcsl
easterly winds , warmer , local rains.
Installation nnd liamiuct Persona
Kxporlcuces of General Demits.
The new officers of the Nebraska coin
mandary of the Loyal Legion were insttillci
at n meeting ut the Millard last night , am
after the exercises the members adjourned t
the dining room to cat , drink and male
merry , which they did with soldierly real
General Hrookc , U. S. A. , was un honorei
guest , and the other visitors were Lleutcnan
Kiiuie and Captain Simpson of Fort Omalni
Charles IJurmeistcr and Hevel Franco of tin
city. The members of the order from out o
the city were Major Franklin , Lieutenant
West nnd Dudley and William Ivelloy , nil o
Lincoln ; Captain Humphrey of Pawne
and Lieutenant Wilson of Nebraska City.
Captain Humphrey , the now commander
presided at the banquet , and In opening tin
' 'subsequent proceedings" said ho foil llki
the prisoner who asked tlio court to con
sider the youth of his attorney und bo lenient
General Dennis read nn Interesting pnpo
giving personal recollections of the march o
the Sixth Massachusetts through the street !
of Ualtlmoro. The general was given n voti
of thanks , and his paper was ordered printed
Commander Humphrey paid n brief but ai
eloquent nnd tender tribute to General Sheridan
idan , and called ou Major Clarksou for a ro
sponso. With a few preparatory remarks , al
ternately witty and p-ithctie , the major re
cited "Sheridan's Hldo to Winchester , " am
was roundly applauded.
The proceedlntrs for the remainder of th
evening were entirely impromptu. Speeches
songs and repartee followed in quick succo ;
sloti , and the merry-makers had only such
reunion as old urmy comrades can havo.
Nat Ncedor Hocclvos Injuries Tha
May Provo Fatal.
The patrol wagon was called to the roflr
ing works of Fairbanks lost night by a tele
phone message , announcing that a man ha
boon Injured. Upon the arrival of tlio wage :
at that point it wns learned that n I ) . & M
switchman by the name of Necder had bee
injured In the discharge of his duty. A flj
ing switch was bcittgtmado , and not observing
ing a car coming towards him , ho was struc'
on the back of the ] i\ad and thrown to th
tracks. His skull , \v s badly shattered an
the wheels passed -over hia lower cxtrcm
ties , inflicting Bouib , , ugly cuts. The ful
name of the unfortunate is Nut Nocder , an
ho was stretched out in the patrol wagon am
taken to the centra } station. From there h
was convoyed to St , Joseph's hospital , whor
ho was attendnd by tbn physician of the Uui
lington , Dr. Leo , ami late accounts are t
the effect thut Neoijc nay die ,
to Wod.
The following marrinijo luen oj were
issued yesterday byufiidgo Shields s
Name nnd Ilosidoncc. " " Age
j Charles M. Nettlelon , Omaha 2
| KosoL. BechteJ , Omaha , . . ]
t Stunl&lav Bornuk , Omaha 2
1 Carolina Bastnl , Brooklyn , N. V 2
j Henry Lock , Quincy , 111 -i
1 Solla McDonuh , Muellson , Wis 4
( Casslus M. Baker , Omaha 2
1 KitoE. Qunm. Omaha 'i
i Jim l rochookn , South Omaha 2
I Toney ProvonkySouth Omaha , , .2
A Circus Coining.
Sells' Bros , advertising car arrived in tin
city yostorduy morning and already Bll
Poster Mulvihtll is engaged In pasting uj
the colored lithographs of the ypung lad ;
with ouo foot at 0 o'clock and tha other a
high noon. All the small boys in the oil
are rustling for scrap iron preparatory t
purchasing a ticket. Juuo 20 is thu day o. .
which , the rod lemonade Bead will get in hi
D rlul < HnUQ it is pleasant , '
Both Pltchoro oil Their Mettle But
Milwaukee Wins.
Dos Monies Defeats Minneapolis , St.
Louis AVnllops St. Paul nnd Kan
sas Downs the Maroons
Other Sports.
Milwaukee .1 , Otnalin 2.
Mu.WAVKr.K , Juno 0. iSju'clal Tologrnm
to TUB Bur . ] Milwaukee and Omaha played
the second pnmo to-day. Both clubs were
on their mettle nnd played to win. Both bat
teries worked well and up to the fourth in
ning each had been lilt only four times safely ,
Omnha made the first run of the prune. In the
third inning. Lovett started the InnliiRWitJi
a hit nnd went to second nnd third on tw'c
wild pitches and scored on n hit by Annls.
Omaha mudo the second run of the game In
the sixth Inning. O'Connoll made n hit ,
went to second on n sacrifice , third on nu-
other sacrlllce , and scored on Shannon's hit
Up to tin eighth inning Milwaukee had
scored nothing. In this Inning they hit
Clarke for two singles and n double whicl ;
netted two runs , aud tied the game. In. the
ninth Milwaukee made the third and wlu'uiiip
run on a timely hit by Mills nud Forstcr. It
was the most exciting and best played gauu
of the season. Two men were ejected from
the grounds for sneaking to Lovett In an in
suiting manner. The score :
All. II. 111. 811. fO. A. B
Forstor , ss
Lowe , If
Strauss , 3b
Cusick , Ib
Maskrey , rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 (
Petteo , 2b
Mills , cf
Bonier , p
Warner , o. ,
Totals 35 3 9 4 27 10 t
All. H. In. Sll. I'O. A. H ,
Lovott , rf 4 1 2 0 0 0 (
O'Connoll , Ib 4 1 1 0 13 0 (
Burns , If 4 0 0 0 0 0 t
Derail , Sib 4 0 0 0' 1 2 I
Shannon , 2b 4 0 2 1 3 a 1
Wilson , c 3 0 0 0 n 2 1
Miller , ss 4 0 0 0 II 2 ]
Clarke , p 3 0 0 0 0 3 S
Totals 31 2 0 1 27 13 I
sconi : nr INNINGS.
Milwaukee 0 0000002 1 ;
Omaha 0 0100100 0 i
Earned runs Milwaukee 3 , Omaha 1
Bnso on balls Off Horner I , off Clarke 2
Struck out Maskroy (2) ( ) , Warner , Lovett
Annis. O'Conncll , tMlller , Clarko. Three
base lilt Strauss. Double plays Strauss
Petteo and Cusick , Annis mid O'Conncli
Passed ball Wilson 1. Wild pitches Her
ncr 2. Umpire Powers.
St. Louis H , St. Paul 2.
ST. PAUL , Juno 0. Special Telegram te
Tnr. Bun. ] St. Louis turned the tables 01
St. Paul to-day and won the game by bunch
ing its hits in the same Inning that St. Pau !
did the errors. Nyco and Anderson wen
both wild , but the former's support was wel
nigh fuuticss , while the hitter's was dishcnrt
ening. St. Paul also got the worst of tin
very bad decisions by the umpire. The score
St. Paul 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
St. Louis 0 20005100 5
Bnso hits St. Paul 7 , St. Louis 7. Errors-
St. Paul 0 , St. Louis 0. Huns earned St. .
Paul 2 , St. Louis 2. Two-baso hits Murphy
Home runs Nyco. Double plays Bureh te
Crooks , Becklcy to Nyco , Hcrr to Arundol ,
Nyco to Nicholson. Bases on balls Oil An
derson 4 , elf Nyco 3. Struck out By Ander
son 2 , Nyco 3. Passed balls Kcuimlor 1
Arundcl 1. Wild pitches Anderson 2. Bases
stolen By Murphy (2) ( ) , Voach (2) ( ) , Bccklo.y
(2) ( ) , Crooks (2) ( ) , Hcrr , Cnutz. Left ou bases
St. Paul 8 , St. Louis 7. l irst bnso on errors
St. Louis 4. Time 1:50. Umpire Fes
Kansas City I ) , Chicnuo 7.
CIIIC\GO , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram te
Tin : Bnn. ] The game to-day with the Ma
roons was sharply played , although the bat
ting was heavy. The Maroons made n dcs
pcrate attempt to pull ui > to the cowboys , bui
the latter seemed to bo in luck. Dwycr com
plained of a lame arm before going into tin
box and the umpire made hin
split the plate with the ball , while every close
decision nils in favor of the visitors. Al
though eighteen hits wore mndo olT McCarthy ,
the twlrlnr who shut out the Kansas City as
soeintion team , Mortons hoys couldn't buncli
them quito enough. The score :
Chicago Maroons 1 01011102 1
Kansas City 4 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 * i
Pitchers McCarthy and Dwycr. Bnso hits
Kansas City 11 , Maroons IS. Errors Kun
sus , City 4 , Maroons 3. Umpire Hagan.
DCS Moines lit , Minneapolis n.
MINNEAPOLIS , Juno (5. ( [ Special Telegram
to Tin : DEI : . ] Klopf , who is suffering from
n lame arm , essayed to pitch to-day but he
only lasted two innings , when ho was re
lieved by Hawcs. The latter withstood the
fusillade for three Innings , when ho in tun :
was replaced by Pulton , who pitched the re
mainder of the game. The Holding of Wulsli
and Toboau was decidedly clover. The
score :
Minneapolis 0 00100200 . '
DCS Moines 4 1003050 1 !
Huns earned Minneapolis 3 , Des Moines
5. Two base hits Shafer , Vandyke , Hnwes
Morton , Wulsli , Traflloy , Toboau , McCullom
Homo runs Stearns , Toucan , Double plays
Stearns ( unassisted ) , Tobcau , lirnsnai
and Klopf , llawes , Walsh and Klopf. Bases
on balls Off Klopf 3 , off Pntton 3 , off Hawus
3 , off Cushman 1. Struck out By Cushtnui
I , by Hawcs 1. by Klopf 1 , by Patton 1
Passed balls Kroig 1 , Bases stolen Hawos
Brnsnan , Klopf (2) ( ) , Holllday. Loft on base :
Minneapolis 0 , DCS Moines 7. First base
on errors Minneapolis 1 , DCS Moines 5
Time 2:00. Umpire Bronnan.
Detroit , AVnshliiKton 2.
WASiiiNOTeiN , Juno 0. The gumo bctweei
Washington nnd Detroit to-day resulted ai
follows :
Washington 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 !
Detroit 0 1 I 1 0 0 1 0 *
Pitchers O'Day and Grubcr. Base hlts-
Wushlngtoii 4 , Detroit 7. Errors Wash
ington 11 , Detroit 3. Umpire Daniels.
Now York ii , Indianapolis 5.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 0. The game botweci
Now York and Indianapolis to-day resulted ui
follows ;
New York 1 !
Indianapolis 1 ' )
Pitchers Crane nnd Boyle. Base hits-
New York 8 , Indianapolis 8. Errors Nov
York 9 , Indianapolis 8. Umpire Valentino
Philadelphia. ! , Chicago 0
PHILADELPHIA , Juno 0. The game betweci
Philadelphia and Chicago to-day resulted a ;
follows :
Philadelphia..1 !
Chicago 0 * !
Pitchers Sanders and Krock. Base hiti
Philadelphia , Chicago 12. Errors Phila
dolphla5 , Chicago 4. Umpire Decker.
Boston , PlltHlmrK O.
BOSTON , Juno O. The game botwcon Boston
resulted as follows
ton und Pittsburg to-day
lows :
Boston 3 2- ;
PltUburg 0 * - !
PiUihors-Madden and Morris. Base hits
Boston 9 , Pittaburg 10. Errora-Uoitot
II , PittsburgS. Umpire Lynch.
Cln.ClnniiU 4 , Athletics 7.
, Juno 0. TUo game betwcct
St. Louis ami the Athletics to-day re
sult oil as follows :
Athletics . 7
Cinclnnntl.l 4
Eleven innings.
Ualtlmoro O , Kansas City .
BALTIMOIU : , Juno O. The game between
Ualtlmoro and Kansas City to-day resulted
as follows ! ' .
Baltimore . 0 00000000 a
KansasCity . 0 8000100 * 4
Cleveland Ui : , Iionlsvlllo 10.
Gi.nvr.tANn , Juno O. The gnmo between
Cleveland nnd Loulsvlllo to-day resulted as
follows !
Cleveland . 3 4 0 2 0 R r 3 3 23
Loulsvlllo . 0 3202454 0-10
Brooklyn 7 , St. Lou 1 4 U.
BnooKi.YK , Juno O. The game between
Brooklyn nnd St. Louis to-day resulted as
follows :
St. Louis . 1 00100000 2
Brooklyn . ( I 0010411" 7
Kntrlcs ft nud " " the
> r To-day "Tips" on
Tlio entries in the running races posted nt
the Diamond for Juno 7 are :
First race , seven and one-half furlongs
Delia , Cams , Lepnnto , Cora L. , Pnt Donovan
van , Kcnnlsso , Klnsmgton.
Second race , four and one-halt furlongs ,
two-year-olds Onnolta , Lady Ilcmphlll ,
Vesper Belle , Bennie Bonnu , Alnho , Alcnlrn ,
Miss Boyle , May Ban , Injro , Klecho , Knoxville -
ville , Sportsman , Metal , Jake Miller , Juhal ,
Gladiator , Kniitn , Teresa.
Third race , one-fourth milo Soiling ,
Arundcl , Glcannr , Boot Jack , Ucbollion ,
Mnrchma , Aiidra , Billy Gllmorc , Lilly Vir
gil , Estrella , .limbert , May Buokmiwtcr ,
Maori , Checnoy , Tnmbouretto , O. B. , Glen-
Fortune , Briggonoto , Helen Brooks. Cams ,
Luln L , Hnromii ! , Business , Marshall Luke.
Fourth race , ono and one-sixteenth miles
Hnplne , Nielt Finzcr , Mnrchmn , Ten
Broock , Jr. , Dad , Sour-Mnsh , Tenacity ,
Lepanto , Glen Fortune , Insolcnco.
Fifth rneo , one-eighth mllca Hector , Ben
edict , Gulltfclt , Lovelaiid , Prince Fortuuntus ,
Tips : First race Kermesso first , Cora L
second. Second race Jake Mlllor ili-st ,
Knnta second. Third race llebollioii llrst ,
Business second. Fourth race Sour Mash
first. Dad second. Fifth moo GnlHfot
first , White second.
The Grnnel Island Knees.
GIIAND ISIAKH , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special
Telegrai" to TUB Bui : . ] The races were con
tinued to-day with n heavy track caused by n
hard rain this morning , which cleared up
about 11 o'clock. Tno rest of the day was
bright nnd fair , and permitted n tuuoli larger
attendance than was looked for.
The first on the programme to-day wns the
2:33 : class trotting races. There were seven
horses entered : Matt Fisher. Logan B. ,
Marquis Billy , Maud D. . Jolly Dick and
Frank P. Tno purse 11)0 ) was won by
Jolly Dick , Maud D. second , Matt Fisher
third. Time 2:3 : % 5ll : ! ( , 2:40 : and 2-iO : >
In the running race , half mile , purse $100 ,
thcro were Hvo entries : Fiiunio Gcil , Enmm ,
Boclters , Kokoino , Belle , Nick Baker. The
race was won by Kokonio Belle , Emma second
end , Nick Baker third. Time I52jf. 5I } ,
5yj ; Bockes nnd Fanny Cell distanced.
Pacing race , frco-for-ull , purse f300
Five entries nnd Tfour starters :
Jaybird , Sllvertnil , Billy Bunker ,
Warren Daily. Black Diamond was
drawn and Jaybird distanced for foul driv
ing. The rneo was not llnlshcrt owing to the
lateness of the hour , and will ho continued
to-morrow. The llrst two heats were won by
Billy Bunker , Silvertail second. The driver
of Sllvertnil was protested nnd changed on
the third heat. Charlie. Wilson wns put be
hind her and she won the third heat. Time
2 : ! ! 0 , 2U : ! , 2:23Jf. : This race will be very
Interesting on the llnlsh.
The gentlemen's race wns won by George
Alter , Frank Boy second. The purse $50
goes to the Baptist nnd Episcopal churches
as a donation. The weather looks favorable
for to-morrow nnd will conclude the races.
The trotting association has spared no effort
to make them u grand success.
The Lntonin Uncos.
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 0. At L.atonin the
weather was hot and sultry , the truck excel
First race , for three-year-olds , seven and
one-half furlongs Trust won , Ernest Unco
second. Drumstick third. Time 1:17.
Second rneo , for two-year-olds , flvo fur
longs Wheel of Fortune won , Santa Cruz
second , Kasson third. Time l.Ol.
Third race , for thrco-yonr-olds nnd up
wards , six furlongs- Cousin .Teems won ,
Elyton second , Keynote third. Time 1:10'y. : '
Fourth nice , for tln-po-ycar-olds and up-
wnrds , seven furlongs Unio B won , Eflle
Hardey secondLucky Jim third. Time 1:30. :
Fifth nicefoi-tlireo-ycu--olds : and upwards ,
ono mile Bonlta won , Valuable second ,
Grimaldl third. Time lll : # .
Kvottts nt 81. LonM.
ST. Lnris , JunoO. Tifu weather was fine ,
the track dusty.
Ono milo Aristl first , Prathcr second ,
Liz7io B third. Time 1:1 : %
Nine furlongs , for nil ages Lucky John
son won , Irish Pat second , Elgin third. Time
Three-fourth milo Iloron won.Chainpagno
Chin-ley second , Uutrluvo third. Time-
Olio mile nnd 101 yards Little Minch won ,
Sayro second. Wary third. Time 1:13. :
Ono milo Barrister won , Persimmons second
end , Jack Cocks third. Time 1:13. :
Toronto Park KvontH.
JnuoME PAHK , Juno 0. The weather wns
hot nnd the track good.
Fourteen hundred ynrds Smn Harper
won , Choctaw secund , Laredo third. Time
1:2i. : :
1:2i.One milo and furlong Ordw.iy won , Ban
ner nearer second , Kichmond third. Time
I sfi'J.
Three-year-old fillies , milo and a quarter
Bell B won , Golden Keel second , Jiniiiior-
more , ( filly ) , third. Timo-2H' : ; .
Three-year-olds , ono milo Mnxim , ( filly ) ,
won , Donald sccnnd , Kentm-ky Bun third.
Tlmo-1:47M. :
Maidens , two-year-olds , half milo Soften
won , Blanche Bt-cond , Viouto third. Time
0:50. :
0:50.Milo nnd n sixteenth Amalgam won , P
Thomas t > ocond , Ernuat third. Time 1:0''K. :
Mii.WAi'KKK , Juno ( i. Nolllo B won the
free-for-all pacing racr > , with Fred V second ,
nnd White Cloud distanced for running.
Timo-2 ! ' , ' : ! .
The threo-mlnuto trot was won by Dick
Leo. Lady Mack .second , David P und Gor-
trudu distanced. Tmio ! )
Tim QiioHtlon Anuwercd.
NOIITU'BINI > , Nob. , Juno C. To the Sport
ing Editor of TUB Biu : To settle a dispute
I will ask you to answer this question : Jn
playing ball there is n base-runnor holding
first base and a fair ball is batted to the In
field and thrown to lirst base , putting the
batter out. The ball was then thrown to
second base and the runner wns doclurd
out. Jlo wns not touched with the ball. Tlio
question Is , did lie not huvo u right tn rot urn
lollrst base after the batter was declared
out !
If you will bo kind enough to answer this
through TIIK BKK or to mo , you will grenly
oblico yours very truly , J. B. Four.
The base-runner is not out under the cir
cumstances mentioned. Ho had a perfect
right to return to lirbt base , provided ho
could got thcro without being put out by ono
of the opposing trum. But in an instance of
this kind ho must bo toucftuil with the bull ,
unless the batsman mentioned had liU a lly
which was caught , in which uaso the baso-
runner could bo dot-lured out without bomg
touched with tlio ball providing it was
thrown to Ural huso.
Ktop It.
A paper. Is being circulated among thcmer
chants on South Ninth street and is being extensively -
tonsivoly signed , the purpose of whiuh is to
try and discontinue the practice of displaying
goods on Sunday. There is consldorablo in-
torcst manifested aud thn mutter will proba
bly bo carried. _
For heauty , for comfort , for Improve
ment of the complexion , usu only Poz-
zoni'u Powder : there ia nothing oqtml
Byiiuin Plnylng Prophet on the
Vice Presidency ,
Clnrkson Soys the Hopuhllcntt Situ-
ntlou In Not n Boom Ono nud
linn Hopes For Allison-
General Political.
Thurmnn May Not Be the Man ,
WASHINGTON , Jnno 0. [ Special Telegram
to Tnu BI-.K. ] "Wo nro moving too fast to
atop and take up dead bodies , " said Mr. By-
mini , nn Indiana democratic member of the
house1 , who Is ono of Governor Gray's ' most
ardent advocates , in discussing to-night the
'vico presidential situation at St. Louis. "I
do not think Gray will bo nominated , " ho
continued , "and I may add that I do not be
lieve Judge Thurmnn will bo nominated.
When the convention ndjourncd to-day it was
n victory for the nntl-Tliurman men. All of
the friends of Governor Gray in the conven
tion nro opposed to Thurmnn nnd there are
ninny who nro classed ns the friends of
Thurmnn who will gladly drop him and go to
anew man whenever ho is suggested. Gray's
know-nothing record scared the party at
largo , nud then the interference ! on the part
of the administration sealed his dofcat. "
"Then thcro will bo noino ether man
than Gray or Thui-nmn brought
Into the convention to-morrow for
the vice presidency 1" I Inquired.
"Yes , " replied the hooslor , " 1 think Thur-
nlan's defeat will bo worlced in the caucus of
the Gray men nt St. Louis to-night. The
Indiana democrats will not sleep much dur
ing the next twelve-hours. I do not oppose
Judge Thurmnn on personnl grounds and the
Indiana democrats nro not opposed to him
for nnythmg that ho has done , but ho is too
old. Ho Is but n tradition. Bo would glvo
no strength to the party anywhere. Thou
the Gray men Intend to rebuke those who
brought Thin-man out to defeat them nud
they also intend to teach the administration
and Its friends a lesson for their meddling
with Gray's canvass. "
"Who do you tliink will bo the now man
sprung upon the convention to-morrow ! "
"Probably William It. Morrison of Illinois.
Morrison Is an ardent ndvocnto of the nomi
nation of Grnynnd nntiirnllv Gray's following -
ing would go to him. General Stevoilson of
Illinois , has been mentioned and ho would bo
n strong man on the ticket. Ho is probably
a more brainy man than Morrison but he has
done nothing to give him fume or prestige
other than to dismiss by wholesale fourth-
class postmasters. Morrison has a national
character. "
Not a Boom Situation.
CHICAGO , Juno ( J. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bii.l : J. S. Clnrkson , who has just re
turned from another eastern trip , said that
during ills absence lie liiul inquired of repub
lican leaders nnd delegates tholr preferences.
He had learned among other things thut
Senator Hawley's name will bo presented
for the presidency from Connecticut and thnt
the Now Jersey delegation will present Wil-
limn Walter Phelps. "This intelligence , "
said Clnrkson , "I received in ono case from
the chairman of the delegation nnd in the
other from a lending delegate. The promt-
ncnt eastern delegates had many confer
ences together nnd hnvo discussed tlio
various mon proposed. The lead
ing men of the Now York delegation
have told me in the last day or two that the
conclusion reached was n general ono not to
pledge themselves to tiny one , but rnthor nn
agreement to keep unpledged and so como to
Chicago. When hero they will confer with
delegates from all quarters , and by seeking
the level of opinion 11 ml mm nominate the
strongest possible man for the polls. I think
this Is the view of nearly nil the eastern dole
gates. All reali/e that we need to go with
great caution , The party situation Is not n
'boom' situation. No candidate will bo
'br/omed' Into the nomination this yonr.
The man .selected will bo chosen nfler
thorough deliberation and chosen purely for
the party's ' sake. I believe It true that fiOO ,
and perhaps COO of the members of the con
vention will e-omo hero either uncommitted
or clso willing to leave any personal cholco
If they can bo shown n stronger candidate
for the party. The llrst ballot tables nro
mcro 'bluffs. ' " Clnrkson still has hopes for
Senator Allison.
Trylntr to Heal tlio Split.
WASHINGTON. Juno 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bir..J : Senator Sherman to-day mot
u number of prominent republicans from Vir
ginia nnd had a brief talk in respect to the
divisions In the party in thnt state , especially
ns they relate to the choice for the presi
dential nomination. It was agreed , I mil In
formed , between the Mnhnne , Sherman , Hid-
dleberger and other fai-tions thnt Hvo men
shall bo Balloted by the friends of Senator
Sherman to near the complaints of all the
pin-ties Interested and dntormlno upon n basin
of compromise. Senator Sherman's friond.s
say that this means n solid delegation for the
Ohloan Iu the Chicago convention.
The Death of Jamie-son u Matter of
International Interest.
M. B. .Tiimlesoii , u brother of A. f ! Jamlo-
son , the young newspaper man who recently
died nfter receiving injuries in a tussle with
Ofllccr Bloom , cnmo clear from Australia lo
investigate the ruse. Ho Is now fully armed
with nil the facts in the case nnd returned to
the old country last evening to lay the case
before the English government , which In turn
will notify the English consul In Now York
city to investigate the mutter nnd sco If the
testimony presented by .hunieson is correct.
This complicated action Is nei-ossary as the
deceased was n citizen of England. Tlio cnso
1ms thus grown into ono of Intm-imtionnl Im
portance. M. B. Jninlewai l.s thoroughly dis
gusted with what ho dfums thu ono-Hlded mid
prejudiced testimony of Dr. Knlph in the
t-aso. which was almost In dlroet contradic
tion to that of the ether physicians In the
cast ) , who represent the bent skill in iha
state. Jamie-son is disposed to work the Case
quietly , but some Intiirostlng development
are expected when the English authorities
make tholr Investigation of the nlfair.
Only Tuesday evening thu BIUIIO Ofllccr
Bloom inlllctcd un ugly cut un the head of a
prisoner whom ho clubbed. Jnmletson says
that Hiieh brutality on iho part of police of-
I leer * IN unknown In England und hold to ho
A Clam Dnlco Calamity ,
By nn tin fortunate delay on the. part of the
Burlington the clum-bako at Shpgo
Uland , noui- Mil ford , In this state , which waste
to have tukon place on last Friday was un
avoidably postponed. The road did not itc-
liver the olums until some of the moinbora of
the club had arrived on the ground witli ap
petites sharp enough to huvo donp Justice
oven to n less promising feast. Tlio imuiagc-
meint refused tn accent tlio cl inn , the lobs ,
tors , the blueitlxh and the turtles which hud
boon ordered long bufore , nud the road as u
e-oiibcqmmco was compelled to dibposo of thn
Biunn as bust it could , onei of the turtles and
n number of the oliims coming to Ed. Mntirer
in this city. It Is not known that another
"buko" will bo attempted thu season.
Two Lahoi-oi'H Killed ,
New YOIIK , Juno. (1. ( This inoruincn south
bound train on the Now York & Northern
railroad ran Into n gang of seven laborer * ,
killing two and wounding the othurg.
General Hhurldnn'H Condition ,
WASHINGTON , Juno 7. U a. m. General
Sheridan does not scorn so well ns earlier ID
the day. Ills rest has boon frequently dls-
turbud by attack * of coughing , which increased -
creased iu frequency as the night were on.
Trouble Wtlh the Turk.
LONDON , Juno -Advices from Zanzibar
state that the Italian consul at that place has
hauled down the Italian flag and suspended
relations witli the sultan , An Itallam roan-
of-war i expected to arrive shortly ,
Drink Malta for the nci'Vcs.