THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JUNE 0. 1888. TWELVE PAGES. THE CITY. Tfio Intornnl revenue collection yes terday were $14,404.04. Judge Shields , yesterday granted n , permit to a derif and dumb man to get mnrricd. John Williams , n colored mnn who has been in several times , was fined $25 by JudgeHcrkn yesterday. P. II. Allen , of 310 North Twenty-sec- 6nd street , reports n Inwn mower stolen front his premises Monday night. A single harness wa stolen yesterday from the harn of H. E. Powora. at 2021 Lenvcnworth street. The bridle imd glass rosettes bearing the letter P. The total number of building permits issued during the past month amounted to 100 , and the buildings to bo erected Will cost S535,20. : ! The expenses of memorial day were 6510.60 , and at a meeting of the com- BiiUco every obligation was disposed of , there being sulllclcnt money to go around. Ella Frayzicr , a notorious colored CharacteroflowerCapital avenue , suc ceeded in robbing F. P. Clark , a white rrian from South Twentieth Street , of 80 , at her place yesterday afternoon. She was arrested. The Lombard investment company of Lincoln has come to the conclusion that Omaha is the most central place for the transaction of their business and pro pose moving hero as boon as suitable quarters can bo secured. A young tiller of the soil living in the western part of the county stopped into the ofllco of the county clerk yes terday , planked down the scalp of u wolf and received as a reward , the us ual foe of one dollar. lie killed the wolf a few months ago. Martin Hendrix , who runs a saloon at Twonth-oighth and Cumlng streetswus run in yesterday for hitting u man on the head with a beer glass and cutting nn ugly gash. The victim Imd been taken in the day before , and was regis tered at the Hotel do Scavoy as John Doe , No. 2. The slugging was the ( inalo of a quarrel. D"Elizaboth IJ. Wheaton , prison evan gelist. 'Jesus is coming soon. Prepare to moot thy God , ' " was the reading on a card presented by an aged lady , who was accompanied by two other women , to Shorill Coburn yesterday afternoon. The visitors asked permission to pray and sing to the prisoners in the jail. Their request was cheerfully complied with ; and for an hour religious services were held. Personal I'nraeraph1 ? . Wm. F. ik'chol , president of the city council , Is seriously ill nt his residence. O. S. Baldwin has returned from Kansas City , where hq 1ms been for n week in at tendance upon his daughter , Mrs. Mcrts- licinior , who has been dangerously ill but Who is now In a fair way to recover. At the Hotel Barker : L. G. Fclch , Salt Lake City : G. E. Hull , Burlington , la. ; W. Bollenccr , Cedar Haplda ; K. Palmer , Sehuy- lor , Nob. : M. M. Dunisou , K. Stowurt , George F. AVork , Hasting , Nob. ; J. Buek , Crete , Nob. ; F. Watson , Salt Lake ; Chas. J. Man ning , Utlca , N. Y. ; E. Hiso , San Francisco ; W , H. Falrehlld , Aurora. To Compete War a Prize. Ed Rothery Is organizing a hose company to go to Deadwood , Dak. , July 4 , to compete in a tournament for a $ T > 00 purse. Ho ox- pcuts to bring bauk the cash. "Where Is He ? WESTON , May SO. To the Editor of Tun BEB : Please enquire in your paper about Joseph Lemper , as I have not heard from him , since ho started with a bridge gang out of Louisville towards Plattsmouth. Plcaso answer soon. FKANK COPECKY. No More Ijiincli. The Paxton has abandoned its four-mcals- n-day system , the noon lunch being dis pensed with. Hereafter dinner will bo from 12:30 : p. in. to 2:80 : ; and supper from U to 8:80 : p. m. It is claimed the change has been mudo in response to the request of patrons. Barrett's Inquest. An inquest was held yesterday afternoon nt Drcxol & Maul's over the remains of J. W. Barrett , the man who was knocked down in the runaway on the corner of Eleventh. The verdict returned was that death ensued from injuries indicted by a party or parties to the Jury unknown. Tlmy Were Probably Stolen. Dr. Tilden loft his horse and buggy tied In front of the Granite block yesterday morning about 11 o'clock , and on returning u few minutes later ho discovered they were missing - - ing , and since then ho has been unable to ilnd any traces of them. The police are looking into the matter. A Young Folk's Banquet. At the close of the Ladles' Missionary society , of the St. Mary's avenue Congrega tional churchi Monday Juno 3 , thoyounir ladles of the society and their friends re paired to HID hospitable residence of Hev. vVillard Scott , the pastor , where a banquet was spread , covers being laid for llfty. They enjoyed themselves as only young folk can , until the time for the meeting of the Y. P. S. C. P. , when they returned to the church und spent a pleasant hour. A Double Wedding. An event which will bo memorable Intho family history of Mr. E. B. Wood occurred yes terday at his residence on North Eighteenth street. His daughter. Fannio. was married to Mr. Frank p. Tennoy , of Dakota , and his eon was nt the same tuna married to Miss Lucy Loose. Those ladies have for some time been teachers in our public schools. The bridal party loft lust evening for Minneapolis and Duluth and other cities to the north. Mr. and Mrs. Tcnny will return to their Dakota homo , und Mr. und Mrs. Wood to Omaha. Tiint Fatal Gravel IMlo. The verdict of the coroner's jury , Mon day , in the case of John Mack , who was killed In South Omaha , was a surprise to everybody. If the company had not unnec essarily allowed the gravel to lie between both tracks , the accident had not taken place , it Is claimed , and gravel was no more allowable thcru than a jilt Into which ho could have fallen would have been , The funeral of the poor follow will take place this morning at U o'clock from his Into residence on South Tenth street. It will bo under the direction of the Switchmen's union. Going to tlio Typos. Mlko Buckley , the foreman of the HEB'S stereotype room , has been elected dclegato of the Omaha Pressmen , Stcrcotopor'a and Eloctrotyjicr's union , to Uio international convention of the Typographical union , which is to bo held In Kansas City commencing on the llth inst. , and continuing probably six days. Before the assembling of the conven tion , the pressmen and btcrcotypers will hold a convention of about four days and afterwards - wards take part with their typographical brothers. Mr. liuckloy will make an excel lent representative. After the convention ho will go to Chicago and return to Omaha with a bride. A Mornlni ; Blaze. A supply house of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad , situated neat Cut-off luke , was discovered to be on fire about G o'clock yesterday morning. The building was about -lOx'M and contained a largo supply of engine , station and train sup plies , among the latter about llfty barrels of oil. The llamcs rapidly spread and sot lire to the oil and although tire companies 1 and 0 worked hard the building was burned to the ground. The structure was. an old ouo and vros not valued at moro than $500. The loss in stock was probably double that amount. Omaha' * Races. The array of fast horses for the Omaha Juno races Is rapidly gaining magnificent proportions. The races will begin Juno li led coatlnuo till Juno 15 , Among the flyers Elmwooil Chief , Edgcwood , McLcod , who was styled the Nebraska wonder in the cast last season , and a host of others. Among the entries will bo about twenty Omaha flyers , while in the slow classes thcro will bo a number without a record which nro destined to do some good work. It Is quite probable that Wcstmont , with a record of 201 Jf with run ning mate , will bo secured for nn exhibition of speed. The attractions will bo trotting , running and pacing , and tiools will bo sola on the grounds. The races will bo for a purse of r.Jooo. Union I'nclflc. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will soil through tickets at rate of ono fare for the round trip , from points in Nebraska and Kansas , to parties desir ing to attend the National Republican Convention to bo held in Chicago Juno 19th. Tickets good going Juno 10th to 10th , and returning Juno 20th to 25th inclusive , with continuous passage only in each direction. I have opened my Woodruff granite quarries and can fill all orders of almost any dimensions. Rock can bo seen at stone yards of Win. Tyler , Lincoln , Neb. Titos Piticc. Dr. McGrow. Rectal , urinary & priv ate diseases only. Room 6 , Barker bl'lc. ' AN UN K X OV N M AN. AVIio Is Pronounced Both Wealthy and a Pauper. In Hcnfcy & Hcafo.v's thcro lies dead a man whoso name is supposed to bo Frank Murray , concerning whom somebody must bo lying. Ho died nt St , Joseph's hospital on last Sunday morning. The undertakers above mentioned wore called to take charge of the body. They found present a man named O'Neill , who claimed to bo a friend of the deceased , und who stated that ho had watclicd over him for a short time. Ho said further that Murray's folks resided in Rochester , N. Y. ; that ho knew where Murray's ' trunk was ; that ho would get the trunk , open it and Ilnd the name and address of the dead man's friends. Ho said that Murray was well-to- do ; that two weeks ago Murray had paid a Dr. Smith , who runt a hl'jhly advertised of llco in ono of the buildings of this city , $200 , to bo cured of the dropsy , and that the euro had not been effected. Ho said also ho ( O'Neill ) would see Dr. Smith and get him to surrender some of the money alleged to have been paid him by Murray to aid in the burial. As a proof of O'Neill's intimacy with Murray ho paid Patrick Heafoyof the above linn , $45 in advance out of $50 of Murray's money , which ho had with him nt the time , saying at the same time ho woul d keep the remaining ? 5 for himself. O'Neill loft Heafey's ' to go to Dr. Smith's and Murray's boarding house , but has not smco been heard of by Heafey. Why has ho not returned } If Murray was well-off in life , his trunk would perhaps have some ma terial , possibly money , which it might bethought thought advisable to make away with. But in so doing the scoundrel would consign the dead man to a grave among strangers. It was hinted that O'Neill had been bought up to disappear. But whether this were well founded or not can not bo asccrtalned.bccnuso thus far no clue has been found as to where Murray boarded or removed before going to the hospital. The Doctor Smith above referred to was seen by a 13 nc mnn yesterday. Ho has resided hero three months. Ho formerly re sided hi Denver , wont thcnco to Lcadvllln , coming thcnco to Omaha. Ho said ho knew Murray as a miner , under the name of Ko- kome. in Denver ; treated and cured him of the piles ; was paid ? i > for samo. In Lead- villo Murray sought relief for another inter nal ailment. The doctor said he could only give him some mcdlcino because , ho ( the doc tor ) was about to inovo to Omaha and could not wait to cure. "ICokomo" said he thought ho would coino to Omaha too , as it was as Rood as any place. This was a strange reso lution for a miner to make. The doctor moved here. Mnrrav followed , and a couple of weeks ago , the doctor says , called on him. His bowels and liver the doctor says were in a horrible condition. Ho had no money , his landlord or landlady did not want to keep him longer. The doctor suggested that he go to the hospital and make application. Murray was admitted and the doctor sayh ho paid ยง 10 for Murray's hoard and attendance for two weeks. Murray died. The story is still in complete. Its lack of completeness suggests several qucrrics. Who is Murray 1 Did ho live In Rochester ? Was ho a miner ! If so , why did ho move to a town around which no mines are located * If Murray had no money. where did O'Neill get the $50 which ho claimed to be and gave up as Murray's ? Where did Murray board or room in Omaha I Whuro is O'Neill now ! O'Neill is described as a short , thick set man , with chin beard , dark brown and soiled clothes. It Is possi ble that some person who may read thcso lines , if ho should sen the remains , would bo able to Identify the same , or tell ] where the unfortunate boarded in life. Thcro arc some strange circumstances connected with the affair which warrant investigation. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Union Pacific , "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell through tickets at ono fare for the round trip , from points in Nebraska and Kansas to parties desiring to attend the mooting of the Supreme Lodge , Knights of Pythias , to bo held in Cin cinnati , Ohio , Juno 12th to 10th inclu sive. Tickets good going Juno 8th to 13th and returning Juno 13th to 10th in clusive , with continuous passage only in each direction. Shetland pony for sale by Gcorgo A. Koelino , Council Bluffs. THE RAILROADS. Not. so Stupendous Alter All General Items of Interest. On several different occasions the "only great" railroad organ of the city has printed leaded Items concerning a schema of the Santa Fn In obtaining a continuous route across the continent. A trafllc contract has been made , so It was asserted , by which the Erie road was to carry east bound freight from Buffalo , whllo the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern was selected as the Chi cago-Buffalo lino. First vice-president , C. W. Smith , says then ) is no truth whatever in the report , and further that the Santa Fo has no intention of extending its system east of Chicago , or of making any tralllo arrangements what ever with any other road. The report , so Air. Smith assorts , must have originated from the recent arrangements made between the Erlo and Wells , Fargo & Co.'s express , which operates over the Santa Fo system , and which has no moro interest than other companies and does business with the road on the same terms. So it will bo seen that the "stupendous scheme" mentioned Is not so stupendous after all. FOUND DI5A1) . Conductor Farrell of train 19 on the Union Pacillo found the dead body of a tramp lying bcsido the track at Ames , a point about llfty milc.s west of this citv. Thcro wore no marks on his person to indi cate that ho had been struck by a train , WILL NOT HIDE ox THE ' 'Q. ' " The following correspondence passed be tween Mr. Gcorgo K. Dunne , of the C , B. & Q. , and u principal of ouo of the schools in Chicago relntlvo to the National Teachers' association In California , in July , o. u. A Q. u. it. co. Mr. E. A. Barnes , principal Webster school , Chicago , 111 : Dear Sir I wish to see you regarding the teachers' trip to Cali fornia In July next. Kindly advit > o mo when it wlli uo most convenient for you to have mo call , und oblige , Respectfully yours , GKOUOB U. DUX.NE. The following Is Mr. Barnes1 reply : CHICAGO , III. , May Mr. Own-go n. Dunno. Dear Sir So fur as 1 know the sympathies of the public teachers arc with the Biotherhood and clecidodlyjagainst the 0. B. & Q. So long as there uro other routes to travel wo shall novcr board a "Q" passen ger train. Hespcctfully , E. A. B.UIXES. HEpunuTixn THE ACTION. A vigorous protest Is being made by several divisions of the order of Hallway Conduc tors relative to the action of the executive 'pincers in tabuing u circular which purported to give some facts concerning the-strike on the Chicago , 13urUogt < w-j. . & Quincy , but Continental Clothing House An opportunity of Special Importance for cash buyers throughout the west , Specials in Children's Suits , prices , $3 , $4 , and $5. Continuation of the sale of Sawyer Suits , Price $12.00. Continuation of the sale of Dolan Suits , Price $8.00. Continuation of the sale of Blue Flannel Suits , Price $8.00 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. OUR orders by mail and express for the bargain susts advertised were larger during the past month than wo had an ticipated. Scarcely a city or town in the Western States that Imvo not sent liberal orders. This is OUll method of advertising , and wo propose to continue ) it , knowing that every article sent in response to thcso orders will bo a lastIng - Ing advertisomoni for the CONTINEN TAL. LOT 2795. Price $3.00. Wo offer 150 Boys' Scotch Plaid Norfolk Blouse Suit at the merely nominal price of $3.00 ; these are in regular sizes from 4 to 13 years old , and as pretty a style and as serviceable as any that wo have been able to makeup this season for a much higher price. LOT 2304. Price $ -1.00. This is a very choice lot in a neat mixed Cheviot agood fcorviceablo color and cut in the biimo sizes for Boys' from 4 to 13 years old. A now lot which has boon mudo up. to sell for $0.00 , and wo unhesitatingly oiler this as ono of the Best Bargains over offered this season in this depart ment. LOT 2308. Price $5.00. This lot is olTcrcd to those who want something in a little darker color than the other lots. This is u very neat black and brown THTTTPT ? TR1PSS . OT ? TTVR ) S . We wil1 send PackaSes containing suits of clothing , furnishing goods , cloths and woolens of all kinds kep > jJi -i j-dJuu < - jnu.aJSJ K- - - jn our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , Dakota , Colorado , or Wyoming , 0. 0. D giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantpgo of seeing any article of merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining the dame before paying for them , and if not perfectly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding $10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most - satisfactory1 results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our exuense if they do not please you. OMAHA BOSTON NEW YORK DES MOINES Proprietors ; Corner * Fifteenth and Douglas Itreets , Omaha , Nebraska. wliich lire in reality alleged to bo n tissue of falsehoods. Wasutch Division 124 , in its meeting at Ogden , denounced the action and claim that an almost h-rcparable Injury hns been done the outer by their action. The Urukomcn'H Journal severely scores the executive olllccrs of the O. K. C. for im plicating the 13. H. U. , and assorts that the circular issued is "full of nauseating drivel and has Drought nothing ; but odium upon Its promulgators. " T. J. Mclntosh , chief clerk in the general passenger oftleo of the Utah Central at Salt Lultu City , was In the city yesterday. Mr. P. S. Eustis , the general passenger and ticket agent of the ChTc.igo , Burlington it Quinc-y , enters upon the duties of his ofllco on Monday next. J. F. Griftln , president of the Grlflln Car "Wheel company nf Chicago , accompanied by J. K. Culicn , of the Niles ( Mich. ) steel works , is in the city. Preparations are being made by the B. & M. folks for the Chautauqua assembly at Crete , Juno 2S to July 10. A largo attend ance is anticipated. Two washouts arc reported on the Chicago cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail road. Ono of thorn , near Emerson , caused a delay of trains for a few hours. The other is on the Hiuidolph branch , and lias temporarily stopped the running of trains. _ TO SAI/T LiAKK AND RETURN. The Union Pacific. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell tickets from all Kaubas and Nebraska points for the special ex cursion to Salt Lake City and return , Juno Oth , at ono fare for the round trip. Tickets going good live days , and re turning iifteon days , extreme limit thirty davs. Stop-over privileges al lowed within thcso limits. Parties de sirous of visiting Garfield Beach , on Great Salt Lake , the famous watering place of the west , hhould improve the opportunity now oflered. Smoke Soidonborg's Figaro and got the best 5-cont cigar in the world. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot. MOltTUAUY. ncKEitixo. The remains of Mrs. II. J. Pickering , who died at her late homo , 1214 Virginia avonua on Sunday , wcro sent to Philadelphia Monday evening for interment. JOIINbOS. The body of Mrs. J. N. Johnson , who departed - parted this life Monday morning , were sent to Harrisburg , Pa. , her old homo , where the burial will take place. T1IIUNE. The funeral of C , C. Thrano. late council man of this cHy , took place yesterday nt 10 o'clock from the residence of the deceased on South Tenth street. It was largely at tended , among these present being the Danish feoclety and Koybtono Kjxo , I. O. O. P. , of both of which organizations Mr. Thrano was n member. Tim remains wcro interred in Prospect Hill cemetery , 1)1331 OCR ATS. Union 1'aclllc , "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell through tickets to St. Louis , Mo. , to parties desiring to attend the National Democratic Convention , to beheld held at that place , on Juno 6th , at ono faro for the round trip , from points in Nebraska and Kansas , Tickets going good Juno 2nd to 6th , inclusive , and re turning Juno Cth to llthinclusivogood for continuous passage only iu ouch di rection. _ When you como to Omuha stop at the Globe , the best located $2-a-day hotel in town. Between 13th and 14th streets on Douglas. John S. Wallcor and Miss Annie Ras- nick , both of Omaha , were married last evening at the resideneo of J , E. Wright , 1416 South Sixth street. Justice A. C. Read ofliciating. * Stop at the Glebe hotel- Etripo , not showy at all but very genteel perfect fitting and thoroughly nindo In Norfolk Blouse style , same sizes as the other lota Wo do not oxpcct to dupli cate as good a suitas this for the money this season. The suit has been marked on our counter for $7.00 and wo know that every ono taken out of our store will give perfect satisfaction. Remem ber thcso nro short pants suits only Continuation of the sale of the Fabrics. There arc only two colorings left on these cclobratod sultings.and wo offer them until they arc entirely closed out at the same unapproachably low price of $12. per suit. No moro desira ble material can bo offered for a bus iness suit than thcso goods 'are , being purely all well fabrics and goods that have stood the test for years. LOT 3321. In this lot wo have about 100 suits loft in single breasted Sack Coats , in sixes from 35 to 44. The very best Sawyer Woolen Go's. , Double and Twist Spring Suitings , now light groy and brown mixture just made up in our very best manner , and never , during the twelve years that wo have been sell ing this suit has it ever been placed on our counters at loss than $18. Wo do not need to commend the cele brated Sawyer Woolen Co.of Dover , N. H. , but unhesitatingly pronounce them the best manufacturers of flno all Wool Suitings in Now England. No shoddy. BENCH AN I ) BAR. United stutc.-i Court. WANT \ NCW TUIAI , . The attorneys for the defendants in the case of Ley against Gronoweg & Schoent cn which was tried last week and a verdict rendered for the plaintiff in the sum of . 3,000 have filed a motion for a now trial in the case on the grounds that the verdict is not in accordance with the law , the evidence , the amount of evidence , the instructions of the court and that the court erred in overruling tno motion of the defendants to have him in struct the Jury that a verdict bo returned for the defendants. The motion has not been argued or passed upon. Millard Mills , the soldier under Indictment for murder , was oMondny ordered to bo turned over to the military authorities. The order was made on account of the lack of funds to procure witnesses for the trial of the case in this court. Miller Miles , hold for murder , will not bo tried this term on account of the exhaustion of the fund for witness fees , and Monday he 1ms been handed over to the authorities ut Fort " Kobinson lor safe Keeping. The creamery case of Davis against Ellis was given to the jury yesterday afternoon without argument. Thf | case of Fairbanks & Co. of St. Louis ugaiiiBt the city of Uluir , Neb. , was culled. The suit is to recover $ Hn ) W , a balance claimed to bo duo for the construction ol a system of waterworks for Hlulr. The con tract , amounting to something over S1S.OOO , was made in 18b5 and the works tendered to the city in December of that Water was obtained from driven wells. The con tract called for 800,000 gallons per day , but the works did not furnish a quarter of that amount. It is also claimed by the defendant that the pipes leaked and had to bo uncov ered and rccalkcd. The plaintiff maintained that the requited amount of water could not bo obtained from driven wells. In March , IbSO the city of Hlulr took forcible possession of the works , had the pipes rccalkcd and en gaged Joseph Hums to put clown additional wells , It is assorted that Hlair now hns u successful system of waterworks , such as It should Imvo hud under the Fairbanks con tract. H. Haldamo of Council Bluffs and \V. H. Furusworth of Ulair were admitted to prac tice before Judge Dundy yesterday. ' The Smlth-Lowy-Colo case was set down for a hearing Saturday morning. Smith and Attorney Tennev , who hud como to Omahu in the cxpcctlou that the matter would betaken taken ui > yesterday , returned to Chicago by the afternoon train. District Conrr , VAN r.TTKN'3 LAST III.OW. The cold nerve exhibited by David Vim Ktten Monday , In his appcarim. ' In the court as uti attorney in n case pending the last ruling in his case , and his departure for the state pcnltcntary to servo a year's ' non- tcnco , was too much for the Judges on the bench , and yesterday Judge Doanu an- nounccd that Mr. Van Ettcii's name hud been stricken from the list of members of the bur until the last legal decision should bo made in his case , or until such time us they saw lit to reinstate him. The announce ment wus no surprise to the members of the bar , as some such action on the part of the court was expected. 1IOI1HIITS' TI1UL. The cnso of the stuto ngulust- Joseph Rob erts , charged with criminally assaulting Anna licllimui , an olght-ycaixild child , was culled yesterday before Judge Grolf. Hoberts appeared in court : dressed in his coarse , blue llunuol shirt und rough clothes. His wife , who Is u bright-looking woman of about thirty years , occupied a seat neur him. She was neatly dressed und seemed to take u close interest In all the proceedings of the trial. Anna Hellmnu , the little child upon whom the outrage was committed , also oc cupied a seat InBido the bar rail and was ac companied by her mother. The victim of Itobert's lust Is a bright.strong-lookiim child for her years , and seemed to understand the proceedings about her ovt-n beyond her years. Her mother sat near her. waiting to answer her call us a witness in the case. The greatness of the crime for which the pris oner is to answer made the work of secur ing a Jury a very tedious one , and over twenty men were called before twelve men competent to try the case were found. The foul story of the crime as it was perpe trated was told by bho child In her direct ox- auiluution. She stated that the defendant had called U9r wto the Imru IB where she flocksor cotton is used in any of their fabrics. Do not forgot the price , only 612. ' LOT 3S14. Wo offer 100 of the well known Valour Cloth Finish Sawyer Woolen Go's. Suits in a very dark Ox ford mixture , a small neat chock pattern , ono of the most popular styles the mill has ever made , suitable for cither bus iness 01' dress purposes. Single breasted Sacks , regular sizes in Spring woightat the same extremely low prlco ot $12. LOT 352.5-Is a Single Button Cuta way Frock Suit of this Dark Valour Fin ish Sawyer of which wo have made up about 60 Suits , as a largo number of our customers want a frock suit ot thcso celebrated Sawyer goods. Wo htvvo made up a few suits of this shade in regular sizes from 35 to 4 Jwhich will bo sold at the same extraordinarily low prlco as the others , $12. Wo continue the sale this week of the noted Dolan Cheviots , in regular si/03 , 31 to 44 , comprising four different styles and mixtures at the wonderfully low price of $8.01) ) per suit. These uro sti'iet- ly all wool goods , frco from shoddy , durable and right in every respect. No suit in this lot ought ever to bo retailed for less than $12 , but wo offer this us an attractive bargain in Men's low priced Business Suits. was playing und accomplished his vile pur pose on her. Her testimony weakened very much on cross examination. The state also attempted to prove by the evidence of Mrs. Roberts , ttio wife of the defendant , that she rushed to the b.irn in response to the screams of the little child and caught her husband in his outrageous work and that she culled him a brute und told Mrs. Hcllmau what she had seen her husbind doing and what had taken place. The evidence was closed before the dinner hour and the arguments to the Jury were be gun at the opening of court. Mrs. Robeits' testimony was very much different from what it was on the preliminary hearing. The Jury went out at II o'clock and returned an hour Inter for information relatinir to the testi mony of the victim. They again retired und were not ready to report when court ud- journed until this morning. l'lHHY ; WAH IMI'OSIin UPON. Perry Laudon alleges that ho traded a piece of property In Himebaugh und Patter son's addition with Charles M , and Mary E. Waldron , receiving in exchange 100 acres of land in Pierce county , 85 acres of wliich wus represented to bo under cultivation , and having a house , ! i(0 ( trees and other improve ments upon it. Ho now Unds that the repre sentations wcro false , and ho begs of the court to have return to him his land. SWOlir. Ol'T AN" ATTACIIMKXT. All nctloti in attachment was liled yester day by Stone and S.vouo against Charles M. Clark to recover on u promissory note overdue , amounting to STM. Tin : juuv OUT. The cnso of Hurmeistor against Mungor was called before Judge Hopcwcll yesterday nfternoon. TJio suit is brought to recover $1S ( for the sale of some goods und ? SO on n promissory note. The Jury wcro deliberating on a verdict when court adjourned. III ! WAH SLANDKIIKI ) . Samuel Cohen began suit to-day against Joseph Furguson for ti,000 ! damages for slan der. Furguson used the following words about Cohen : "Ho stole n quilt from my store. " Ho also caused the following to bo published in Tun HKK the V.lth of May , IbSS : "Cohen went to Furguson's the other day to settle , and got Into a dispute about a quilt , which ho says ho purchased of Mr. Cody , ono of the chirks , but which Mr. Furguson claims ho stole from in front of his store. " It is for the nbovo utterances the plaintiff claims the 45,000. , CMPi : DISMISSED. Thocasoof Durr against the Omaha and Grunt Smelting nnd Rclining company thut was on trial all duy Monday before Judge Hopowcll was dismissed yesterday on the ground that the above mimed company wus not In cxistunco at the time plaintiff's petition states that ho was working in it and that ho never worked for the above named corporation , but hud been in the employ of the Omuha Smelt ing and Rclining company , vi.itDicT rou ri.uxTiKF , The Jury in the case of David A. Nelson against Robert E. Livcsloy that wan on trial before Judpo Donna returned a verdict yesterday for the plaintiff la the euui of W40.1KJ. buirroit POSSESSION. The case of John 1. Itodick against Ellas Russell for the possession of lot 10. ) inCussu- cly's ' addition to the city of Omuha was begun yesterday. Russell , , who 1ms been employed about Rcdlck's barn for some years , is In forcible possession of the lot and claims that ho owns it , having paid for it by his work The plaintiff claims thut ho was allowed to build u shunty on the property to live in as u matter of friendship und charity from him , County Court. DOCKET CALLED. The docket in the county court was culled yestejduy by Judge Shields and an as signment of cases made. No cases In the cull wcro ready for hearing. Al'l'I.ICATlO.V TO 1IK APPOINTED. Peter Peterson yesterday made application to bo appointed administrator of the estatu of Martin Skew , deceased , SLED o.v A riioMissoiir Norn. James Morton & Sou yesterday brought suit ngainst Cyrus Iloso to recover f 150 duo on a promissory note , with interest ut the rate 10 per cent added , JUDGMBNTS IlENDEIlEn. Judge Shields culled the Juno docket yos- torduy and rcddered the following Judgments : Oscar Hollander ot ul , I257.4S uguinsttho West Davenport Furniture company ; Rich ard Wolfshelmer , * 1OOD against Moses Levy : Midland Klcctrlc Light company , J307.1J7 against U. G. iligglns ; The American against Waddcll Police Court. When the bars were let down yesterday thirty-five sinners lllcd Into the dock to nn- swor for the misdeeds committed during the last twenty-four hours. The first of any importance was "Wilson Lindley , who ll urcd as a disturber of the bivouac of the Salvation army. His conduct had been such an to cause his ejectment from the hall. OuUido ho attempted to terrify the doughty Salvationist by his yells , but a police man soon put n stop to his antics by placing him under arrest. While waiting for the patrol wagon a comrade of Lindley's came up and insisted that ho bo released. Ho guve as h's reason for the request that ho himself' had made the disturbance , nml as ho spoke the words ho picked up a bottle and struck ono of the Salvation soldiers over the head with it , inllictinn a severe cut. Ho then turned and ran off before the ofllccrs could cc'.ch him. Lindley attempted also to get away but failed. This morning ho was lined ? l.r > and costs. Fighting Henry Jones , fl'J.BO ; Chris Davidson , $12.f,0. John Urogan , $25. Drunk Ed. Wren , $10 ; Potcr Jones. $5. Vagrants Dick Owens , fifteen days ; Harry Richards , a drunken printer , ono day. Playing piano in house of prostitution Charles Wilson , ffl ; C. M. Drcsbach , ? 0. Spilling dirt on the street Charles Thompson , $1 and costs. Slop at the Globe hotel. AVROXGPUIj Y REPRESENTED. Mr. StnrlcK Not the Wlckrd Man Ho HAH IJccii Painted. Tim BJIB bomo weeks ago stated that Fred M. Shirks , n traveling salesman , was Ille gally collecting money for the Jones & Prlmloy Drug company , of Elltlmrt , Ind. , and converting It to his own use ; that ho had "done" the Hlulmrdson Drug company out of 10 } , and was conducting dishonest methods with other druggists. Mr. Starts arrived in the city yesterday , and , according to his Ktory and the btatcmcnt of ono of the ofllccrs of the HIchardson Drug company , nn injus- tlco had unintentionally been done him by Tin : 13iu : In printing the mat ter In reference to him. Ho was in the employ of the Jones & Primley company as a salesman at $1,500 u year and traveling expenses , and on the 1'Jth of last month ho sent in his resignation to talco effect Juno 1 , as ho hud accepted an offer from another house at a bettor salary. On the 18th of that month ho collected $100 from the UlcharUbon Drug company for n bill of goods furnished for them , and forwarded a receipt for the same to lite employers in Klltlmrt. From hero ho went to Norfolk , and as thcro was some delay in the malls his house did not rccolvo the receipt and they telegraphed the authorities nt Omaha relative to Stunts' movements. Everything was explained satisfactorily , and u few clays later the Kich- ardsau company hud forwarded to them from the Jones & Primley company an acknowledgement of the payment of the f 100 , From Norfolk Sturktt sent u statement to his house of his expenses and cash account , und expressed buck his sample cuso. The foregoing uro the facts as related and substantiated by competent and reliable witnesses , and arc cheerfully printed in defense - fenso of Mr. Sturks , who Is represented to bo an honest and upright young gentleman und enjoys the esteem und confidence of the best business linns throughout the country. Rrnl Estate TrimwfcM-H. \V J Warner and \\lto to Alice Kendalllot 0. blk S , Howler Place , wd * COO Calln \Vasmtr to Chris Peteihon , Jotl , i , i. , SI , U ) . blk . ( Jrumiercy Park , w d 4,000 Win O Albright to A A ileyeio. lot 10 , blk U. oiib blk : w , Albright's Cholce.u d . . . . 600 M U Prultt to 11 Johnson , part of tax lot 81. B e 1M5-U. w d. W A li ailibontrustoo to J W Paul , lot 17 , cd 1 II Johnson und husband to V M Hammond mend , lot 17 , llurdett Court and pait tax lot i'4 in 8 e of s w of B-15-l.t , w d . . 2,500 1,1'llummonil iiiul wife to II Johnson , lota , blk I , L P llamiuoud'b add , w d. . . .1.003 Henry J Voss and lfe t It C VOKH , w ! J Iot2. blka. prattVuubdlv. wd 1,030 Henry J Voss and wife to H Ktef , mlddlu K lot 2. blk 2 , Pratt'B bub dlv. w d WO John. J nklm > iuidttlfiMo UJ Pollocke IS Fast Colors , Price $8,00 , , LOT 3500 We offer this week 109 In- dlgo Blue Flannel Suits , mtule in sluglo and double breasted sucks , regular sizes from 35 to 44. The regular price of this b'uit hns always boon $10.00. in fact , Bomo dealers have sold them for as high as $12.00 per suit , but wo oftar thorn now at this extraordinarily low prlco of , $8.00. Send for Samples. Send for samples of these goods before ordering them. Wo will gladly send sam ples of cloth to any address , or wo would much prefer to send a sample suit , s that the manner of making and trim ming can bo seen. Wo would recom mend , however , that self measurement blanks bo sent for first , so that a sample suit may bo sent fitted to the party order ing , thus saving the trouble of returning suit to exchange it. Parties wishing Children's Suits , plcaso sand for lot and ago they wish , as wo have no samples of the short pants suits. riot 30 , IlTnbnch'Hlstndil , wil r J 1'olloekto J MJciiklns , o > < , lot llornlmdi's 1st add , wd . i : V Thompson ami wife to H I.GuillcliH , sI feet of w Yi lot I anil u i led of w J j lot 12blkl5. Imp A sniulil , w J . SO Patrick to F n 1'atrlck , lot U , blk 6 , Patrick's Slid Saratoga mltl , w cl . H C ratU-rsou to J ltoue itz , lot 5 , blk 1 , Patterson's hub dlv , ir cl . It O Patcraon to J llouowltz , lot 4 , blk 1 , I'ntter on's sub tllv , w rt . W HLVmlus nndwlfetn K Major , lot t > 6 , W , North ulilo add , w ' . 0 F Harrison to II C A nn iiuboii.lot S.ulk 7 , Dckermnn's Placp , w I . A C Wakely to Chas 11 jjowey , lot 0 , blk 10 , ICountz'8 4th udcl . Wm (1 Albright and wife to Mary Atklu- bon , lot 1" , Clark Place , w d . I ) C Patterson and \vlro to S .1 KliigtilMiry , lot I. blk S. West Side add No. U. w d. . . . H Kountz and wife to 1' U Bulclen , lot 1,8 , blk 13. Kountz Plnoe , wil . 31 S.lulley and wlfu toO H llallou et til , saoreetof w J' lotyu.Heddlek's.'nduUd , wd . . Twenty-two transfers . Building Permits. , / The following permits to build were Issued Saturday by the sui > erlutcndent of buildings/ NoithSldo Dulldlng association , cottage , ' / Twenty-seventh , near Pratt streets. . . .8 1,7BV William I'ctei'ben und J. Chi 1st Inn-en , f\ double tenement , Tnenty.ninth and . * 1 ContH { 00 J. W. llnldwln , cottage , Nineteenth , : T < | Costellar ( JMf Lewis Kersguurd. cottage , Thirteenth , jjv < near Dominion , Bull Ed Bterlcker , Imrii. liilB Cupltol Iftll K. W. Slmpvon , barn , 1'oity-second and J , Cass KX ) CliurlesUtirdnerbarn , 1-W North NinoH teenth : 1 < John Shelby , baru. Park , near Hickory , . . rod Dr. 11.1' . Jensen , two brick stores and Hats. Seventeenth and I.cavcuwnitli . . . 18,0 ; John Clauson , cottage , Fourth and Dor cas Mary K. Ileatly , three cottages , Twenty- eighth and Kaliler James \ \ ' . Kami , cottage , Kim , near U ventleth J,2 j\Hlnir ( iooilell , cottage , Klk.nenr Otou. , Arthur Goodell , bum , Klk , near Utoo Fourteen permits aggregating t U , Are you restless at night , and rassed by a bad coughV Use Dr. MoLean'H Tar Wino Lung Diihn , gccuro you sound sleep , and effect it/ / prompt and radical cure , only 25 cents i bottle. I Do not allow the young trees to boar frulfc the Jirst year. The production of fruit will bo at the expense of growth. The peach will' ' often bear the second year after planting. It kept back in thut respect It will lie in buttctt condition for fruiting the next season. Thin powder never varies. A marvel of puf0 ) ty , strength and uholexomeneF * . MoreecxmomV Uul than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be fioloT In competition with the multitude of low cost/ } Bhort nclghl iiluni orpUofcphate nauderg. Sold * only In rans Itoyal lluElng Pflflder CO. , Ui Wall stmt , New Vork. ZJ'