Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1888, Image 1

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    HE ILY
The Domocrnta Indulge In Some
Preliminary Practice.
The Programme an PrcnrrnnRcd Car
ried Out Tlic Sorry Figure Nc-
brnska's Delegation Is
Cnttlnu Notes.
Ncbrnslca'n Democratic Infelicity.
ST. Louts , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram to
I'm ! UEE. ] Quito unexpectedly Urn Ne
braska delegation held n meeting to-day nt
which Mr. Boyd was consilcuously ) absent.
"What this meeting was hold for docs not ni > -
pcnr , unless it was for the purpose of giving
Mr. Morton and Mr. Ilagan , who arrived this
morning , an opportunity to nlr their grlov-
nnpcH mid Jim. ] oyd n chance not to hear
them. At this meeting n vote was taken for
vlco president , but nothing came of It inoro
than to show that Tliurmmi led all the otlicr
candidates. A resolution offered by Mr ,
Morton , declaring It the rule of the delega
tion that hereafter the members of the
national committee from Nebraska ba
elected by the democracy of the \vliolo state
was adopted. Tills action was tnkcn to pre
vent the packing of delegations , as had been
done this year for the election of Boyd. Jim
Crclghton did not like the Idea , but It was
agreed to for all that and ho was compelled
to like It.
Mortqn and Uagan do not take kindly to
the action of the lloyd end of the delegation
In rushing matters through on yesterday.
Boyd calmly looks on and wonders what they
are going to do about It.
Mr. Uagan refuses to accept the
position of assistant secretary of the conven
tion given nlm , or to recognize in any man
ner the action of the delegation , whllo Gov
ernor Morton is Indignant but refuses to
talk. The democracy of Nebraska , through
the machinations of factions of this charac
ter , are doing well. The Indecent snub given
Morton , the only democrat In the state of
any national reputation and standing , by
placing other obscure men m all Oppositions
ut the disposal of the convention , Is creating
much comment among that gentleman's
friends from other parts of the country.
Many democratic Ncbrasknns hero who do
not train with the Uoyd rrowd are
much disgusted with the presentation
the democracy of. that state makes
In the national convention. They claim that
the B. & M. is responsible to o great extent
for this condition of affairs , as it is undoubt
edly the crafty handiwork of Attorney Mar-
iiuette , who proposes to hold the democracy
of the stale In n minority by fomenting in
ternal strifes in the party. It Is charged that
Castor , the 13. & M. right-of-way man and
Cook , the rond'H attorney at Beatrice , were
furnished passes not only for themselves but
everybody clso who would stick a knife Into
Morton and his friends. It seems that the
two great railroads of the state
the Union Pacific and the 13. & M.
propose to keep allvo the factional lights in
the democratic party which have existed for
years , and thus prevent it from gaining the
ascendancy , the roads believing that should
it got into power it might retain the same and
pass strong railroad regulation laws.
To-day an Indlanian created considerable
commotion at the Nebraska headquarters by
Inquiring "why that old and true dimmy-
krat , Morton , had been loft off of every
thing. " Not receiving n satisfactory reply ,
ho declared that they had left oft one of the
ablest and best democrats in the country ,
for ho believed Morton to bo ns able
n democrat as there was In any of the west
ern states. This announcement surprised
those present , who quietly slipped out of the
room , leaving Morton's admiring hcosicrs
holding the fort almost alono. It Is believed
if Morton had arrived in time ho might have
been given the position of dorrkeepcr for the
Nebraska headquarters , but ho did not , and
so Jim Boyd was the boss of the Nebraska
democracy without n doorkeeper. The Ne
braska democratic brothers are doing splen
didly and there is much good fun in store for
the republicans of that state between now
and the election. Of course the republicans
will not object.
To'-nlght a monster parade of visiting and
local democratic clubs , including the St. Louis
flro department , took place , The streets
* along the line of march were a mass of human
beings. The Nebraska club that came over
with I3oyd seems to have got lost In the shuf-
llc and cuunot bo found. Nothing has been
seen of the Morrlssoy braves since their ar
rival. The question is what has become of
them. It Is not known whether they went
homo as threatened last night because
Merritt wns made assistant secretary of the
convention or not. Ills sure Mr. Boyd has
not been burned In cfllgy and will not be.
They are afraid to light the lire. These fol
lows would like to burn tip both Boyd and
There was quite a contest In the committee
teeon resolution ! ! between Henry Wattcrson
mill Senator Gorman for the chairmanship
thin evening. Wattcrson was elected. This
IB deemed a victory for the revenue
reformers , as it is alleged German was put
up by these who proposed to straddle the
tariff question , of which Chairman Uunuim
of the national committee Is the leader.
The weather has been quito hot to-day.
On to-morrow the work of the convention
will bo rapidly disposed of by the nomlnatior
of Cleveland und Thunnan , All opposition
to the latter is about smashed and now it
seems that nothing will prevent the unanl
moils nomination of the above ticket. Thin
will close the convention by to-morrow
Preliminary Work Completed Ad
.Inurnment Until To-dny.
ST , Louis , Juno 5. At 14 : ! W p. m. , ex
Senator Burnum chalnnan of the domocratli
national commltteo called the convention ti
order. The various bands which were dls
e-ourslng music in the hall censed , and tin
great assemblage subsided Into cemparativi
The chairman then announced tha
Bishop J. C. Cranberry , of St. Louts\\ouli
open the proceedings with prayer.
Bishop Cranberry came forward and ad
dressed the throne of grace ue follows :
J "Almighty God , Our Heuvi-nly Father
Who art lifted far nbovo all this turmoil , am
yet dost stobp to us in answer to our prayer
wo adore Thee. Wo praise Thee , wo givi
Thenthanks for Thy great goodness to thi
sons of men. Thou art God , and wo nro thi
people of Thy providence und the work o
Thy baud. We thank Theo for thi
great country , which Thou has
given us for the Increase ) of our populatloi
nnd our wealth and our | x > wcr ; for thi
diffusion of knowledge , for Thy word whlcl
glveth light for the church and for ul
Christian Institutions , Forgive us our In
gratitudes , our forgctfuluess of Thee , uu
\i ! obedieucc , according to the } multitude o
Thy favors In Christ. Oh , Lord , save us
from pestilence , famine and war , from
sectional strlfo and anarchy and disorder ,
from the reign of vlco and crime and Impiety.
May the foundations of our prosperity bo
laid In faith and reverence and righteous
ness and love , and mav the favor of our
God be our defense and our gloty. Wo be
seech Thee , Almighty God , that Thou wilt
bless the president of the United States
nnd all that are in authority , and
do Thou provide for us nblo
men who fear God , men of truth
nnd righteousness , and may our people bo
led on by Thy wisdom and Thy power and
goodness from height to height of material
and intellectual nnd moral development.
May these blessings bo transmitted from
generation to generation ana extend to all
nations , that all the earth may sec the glory
of our God. These prayers wo offer In the
name of Thy Son. Jesus Christ , Amen. "
At the conclusion of the prayer , Mr.
Unrnum said :
"Gentlemen of the Convention : I3y un
animous vote of the national committee the
chair 1ms been directed to present to this
convention as a list of temporary ofllcers
the following which the secretary \vlllread. "
Mr. Prince then read the list ns follows :
Stephen M. White of California , for chair
man ,
Temporary Secretary Fred O. Prince of
Assistant Secretaries A. Trod Orcndorf
of Illinois , W. L. Scott of Virginia , T. O.
Hnrrett of St. Louis , Leopold Strauss of Ala
bama , O. M. Hall of Minnesota , John Trlp-
lett of Georgia , L. 13. Howley of Michigan ,
Oliver Newell of Colorado , T. J. Linglo of
Missouri , E. L. Merrill of Nebraska.
Reading Secretary Hon. Thomas Pottlt ,
house of representatives.
Assistant Heading Clerks L. L. Scott of
Virginia , T. E. Beckttt of New Jersey , T. O.
Walker of Iowa , H. H. Henry of Mississippi ,
John W. Kern of Indiana , J. P. Carr of Mis
souri , E. D. Sawyer of Ohio , W. A. 13cntly
of Missouri.
Ofllclal Stenographer Edward B. Uiekson
Of Now York.
Richard J. .
Sergcant-at-nrms Bright.
Chief Door-keeper Daniel Able , St. Louis.
The Chair Gentlemen of the convention :
As many of you as afllrm the nctioa of the
national committee say aye
The convention unanimously adopted the
1st as read , after which Mr. White was
escorted to the platform and introduced by
Mr. Barnum in the following words : Gen
tlemen of the convention ; I have the
pleasure and honor to present to this con
vention Hon. Stephen M. White of
Mr. White said : "Gentlemen of the Con
vention : Profoundly grateful for the distinc
tion just conferred upon me , I am nevertheless
conscious that 1 have been chosen for this
position because of your appreciation of that
important section of our common country
from whence I como. California was ac
quired under democratic rule. It became a
commonwealth under democratic auspices.
It is therefore lltting that the bestowal of
this favor should emanate from
an organi/atlon whoso patriotism and
courage gave her to the American union and
that party should bo llrst to press forward ,
with parental fondness , the children of
those who knocked and did not knock in
vain for admission to the privileges of state
hood. For the llrst time for a period cover-
in ? more than a quarter of a ccntu-y a dem
ocratic national convention is held while the
affairs of government are conducted by a
democratic administration. Up to the late
presidential election the republican party de
clared that democratic success meant nation
al ruin , nnd that whatever might bo
said of the crimes and tran
sactions of those then in authority
yet , to no other keeping could the Welfare of
the United States bo safely confided. Tills
doctrine was repudiated ut the polls , and the
experience of almost four years has demon
strated that thcso assertions and charges
were unwarranted and that the people were
richt in demanding and compelling a change.
The platform of principles adopted nt our
last national convention prescribed with ac
curacy the rules of conduct which should
control governmental action. Grover Cleve
land was selected by that convention as n
man whoso lirmness , ability , integrity and
statesmanlike qualities eminently titled him
to undertake the task of carrying
out the great reforms thus suggested by
the organization to whose tenets ho had ever
been ready to yield his compliance. For years
it bus been generally conceded that it wns
necessary to reform the tariff. The existing
law on the subject had been called into being
during the excitement nnd because of the
exigencies of the war. The republican
paity , whllo not denying the necessity for re
form , has ever failed to suggest any remedy
and has universally thwarted the efforts of
the democracy to afford needed relief. The
present administration has realized the
promises inndo by the demo
cratic convention of 18S4. In other
words , the democratic admlstrntion
has set Its utmost endeavors to curry out the
platform on which our great reform victory
was achieved. If the tariff lias not been
modified it is because of republican obstruc
tion. The existence of an enormous surplus
in the treasury threatens the industries of
the country , a constant source of injury to
consumers und men of moderate means who
ilnd it dlftlcult to obtain monetary assistance ,
because of the withdrawal ot u largo portion
of the circulating medium , "
The speaker went on to say that this un
fortunate situation was directly attributable.
to the policy of Uin republican party , whoso
aim has ever been , to encourage and enrich
monopolies , and to ignore the interests of the
masses. Ho spoke of the many millions
of acres of public domain which passed Into
the hands of corporate ami foreign syndi
cates during republican administrations to
the detriment of the real settlers. The
Hpcaker said : "In conformity with the views
of the president , a statute has been enacted
preventing the acquisition of lands by those
not citizens of the United States , and re
stricting the power of corporations to obtain
title to realty In the territories. "
Ueferring to the Chinese question , the
speaker said that after repeated failures
by the republicans to bring about a success
ful settlement of that question , the demo
cratic administration lnui entered Into a treaty
With the Chlnesi ) empiio which must
result In excluding Mongolians from our
short's , and make it possible to prevent the
perpetration of frauds upon our Immigration
lawn by that race:11 :
Ho continued to point out the benefits
which have accrued to nil from the wisdom
and prudence of our chief executive. "Suf-
lire to say that the re-election of Grover
Cleveland is demanded by the patriotic sen
timent of the land , and the coming contest
will result in the triumph of democracy.
The nominees of this convention will ho tha
chosen of the pcoplo , and if WH do our duti
the republicans will honcolorwardcbo unable
to retard the progress of the country. "
After the applause following White' *
speech , Governor Green of Now Jersey pro.
seated the following resolution :
ItVsolvod , Tnat the rules of the last dome
cratlo convention govern this bodv until
otherwise ordered , subject to the following
modification : That in voting for candidates
for president anil vice president , no state
Khali bo allowed to chunKo its vote until thi
roll of states 1ms been culled uiid every stall
has cast its votes.
If Showalter of Missouri 1 rise to n point ol
order that the resolution nt tlil-i time if
out of order , for wo don't know until the
report of the committee on credentials win.
composes the convention ,
The Chairman- point of order is nol
sustained , for the reason that wo meet hen
us a deliberative body , and 1 suppose for per.
Bonal purposes wo can adopt uny rules we
wish. These rules would not. obtain , ol
course , if they wore not adopted by the con
vention after the report of the committee on
credentials. I will say , however , that I don't
BCO that they can bo made upnlii-ablo at this
tluio , since the subject matter to which thoj
uro directed will not como before this bodv
uuiil that Jtiuie. 1 nugget , governor , that
although I Ihlnk the resolution In ordcr , | it
night bo well to let It stand over.
Governor Greene I think It has always
> ccn customary to adopt them.
The Chairman The house will then vote
on the question of their adoption.
The vote was almost unanimous In favor of
ho resolution ,
Patterson of Colorado In behalf of the
Colorado democracy , I crave the Indulgence
of this convention to present to it for use by
Is chairman a solid silver gavel. Contlnu-
ng ho said : It was wrought from
Colorado mines and fashioned by
Colorado artisans , nnd Is a modest offering
of the youngest member of the federal union
to that party that restored silver to Its
monetary plane , from which It wns degraded
through the republican congressional con
spiracy ot 1873 , and that has over since re
mained Its consistent champion. May the
innounccmcnt bo made to the civilized world
.hrough its silvery tones of the second unani
mous nomination of the people's choice far
ircsldcnt/ Grover Cleveland.
The Chairman Gentlemen of the Conven
tion : Ifthcro is no objection this present
will bo deemed accented. It Is solid silver ,
nnd ns far ns a pavel can do It , you will have
to be ruled by silver. [ Great applause. ]
Senator Gorman passed up iho followli
resolution nnd moved its adoption :
Resolved , That the rolls of states nnd
territories bo now called ; and that each
delegation name one member to act as a
member of the committee on credentials , ono
member on the committee on permanent
organization , and ono member of the com
mittee on resolutions , nnd that nil resolu
tions In relation to the platform of the
democratic party bo referred to said com
mittee without debate.
The resolution was adopted.
The secretary called the rolls of states ,
and as each slate was called the chairman ot
the delegation responded with the names of
the members of thocommlllcoon resolutions ,
permanent organization , nnd credentials , as
decided upon by the various stales before
the convention.
When Kentucky was called and the mem
ber on resolutions wns announced lo bo
Henry Waltcrson a storm of applause swept
through the hall which did not cease for
some minutes. There was also much ap
plause when Texas reported its member of
the platform committee Gcorgo Clark.
Dakota's name being reached , O'Brien of
Minnesota spoke up , saying : "There are two
delegations from Dakota attending this con
vention. No delegates from Dakota should
participate In the proceedings of the conven
tion until the contest is decided. " He moved
that all parties claiming to bo delegates from
Dakota bo excluded until the report of the
commiUeo on credentials is made. The mo
tion was adopted.
The roll call was now at an end nnd the
chairman announced that Iho thrco commit
tees platform , permanent organization and
credentials would meet at 5 p. m.
The Chairman Is there any other business
to come before this convention ?
Mr. Pusey of Iowa Mr. Chairman , I am
instructed by my delegation to offer the fol
lowing resolution and ask for its adoption.
At this point a delegate arose and made
frantic efforts to bo heard.
The chairman again asked for the name.
When the delegate said McGinnis of Mon
tana everybody laughed ,
McGinnis said : "Mr. Speaker , on behalf
of the associalionof territorial delegates. I
am requested to offer the following resolu
tion. "
The chair Will you please wait until the
resolution from Iowa is read nnd disposed of J
The secretary then read the resolution of
fered by Mr. Pusey us follows :
Kesolvcd , That during the recess of this
convention , this hull bo opened for the in
spection of visiting clubs. [ Cheers ] .
Mr. Baker of Ohio I move to amend the
resolution by instructing the scrficant-at-
iirins to invite and find scats for every uni
formed democratic club coining from other
states. [ Applause ] .
Mr. Pusey My resolution embodies that
very thing. It says all visiting clubs.
The Chair I desire the gentlemen to have
the amendment here before we proceed fur
ther.Bakers' amendment was passed up and
Mr. Terry of Arkansas Mr. Chairman , I
understand , sir. that this hall is already lilted
to its full seating capacity ( and I move that
the matter bo referred to the committee on
arrangements. [ Cheers ] ,
The Chairman There's no such committee
as that belonging to the convention. It should
bo scut to the national committee.
Mr. Terry I move that it bo referred to
the national commitlco in charge of this
The Chairman The mellon of Mr.Tcrrv Isle
lo send this resolution to the notional com
Mr. Baker There arc , I understand , uni
formed democratic clubs hero from ten or
twelve states , and I think those clubs ought
to bo permitted to have seats in this con
vention during the deliberations of this body
[ loud cheering ] , I understand that yeslcrday
4.000 tickets were distributed to members of
the chamber of commerce of this city ;
they ought to have been distributed to
the democratic clubs who nro hero
from Chicago , from Cincinnati and New
York. I therefore Insist , Mr. Chairman , that
wo owe it to those democratic clubs to extend -
tend to them the courtesy of this conven
tion.The Chairman The question is upon the
Pickclt of Connecticut I second the
Wilson of Missouri I am requested , Mr.
President , to say , by some of the members of
the national committee , that there has al
ready been .2,000 tickets distributed to those
uniformed companies , and the capacity ol
the hall is already taxed to the utmost , and
the resolution of the gentleman who has n
seal at my right is absolutely impracticable ,
physically , for the buildlnir.
Mr. Showallerof Missouri I rise to apoinl
of order that until the report of the commit
tea on credentials is made , what right have
we to scat or to say who clso shall navou scat
in this convention I
Mr. Wilson of Missouri I move that the
convention now adjourn.
The Chairman No , sir. The pointof ordci
made by thogcnllcman from Missouri IB over
ruled , because the convention , or whatevci
it Is , is the possessor of the smallest motion ! '
made. The question is upon the substitute ol
the gentleman from Arkansas.
Governor Abbott of Now Jersey I cannot
see any difference between uniformed demo
crats and democrats that have came
from all portions of the Ul' d Stales ;
and as to the further dU.butlon of
tickets , they have already been made ,
If there in an attempt now to make the
scrgeant-at-urms superior to the natlotm
committee , I will amend to say that the
whole democracy come into this hall and be
seated , The national commitlco is the representative
resentativo of the states of the union und wo
can trust to their judgment to make this hal
as wide and as lofty as possible 10 put all the
democrats hero that can get in it.
Mr. Pusoy of Iowa There are many club1
here who would expect to go olT on the morn
Ing train. They are good dem
ocrats nnd do not want te
interfere with the business Interests of } uli
convention. My resolution contemplate8
that they slmll have the use of this hall onlj
during the recess of this convention , anet J
hope the substitute will bo voted down.
The Chairman 1 am authorized by tin
chairman of the national committee to saj
there has been no such extensive dUtribu
lion of tickets as stated by the gcntlemnt
from Ohio , The question is u [ > on the sub
stitute. [ Cries of question. ] The cubsti
tulo was adopted.
Thn following resolution , offered by HOR
well P. Flower of New York was then read
Hesolved. That when this convention ad
Jotirns it adjourns until lo-morrow at noon.
Governor Abbott of New Jersey I movi
to amend by making it 10 o'clock to-morrow
I want to se > u the deuiocratlctlckctnouilnatct
an to-morrow and not on the third day ol
tills convention ,
The Chairman Governor Abbott- New
Jersey offers an amendment to the motion o
Mr. Flower of New York.
Mr , Flower I accept the amendment.
The Chairman The question Is upon th <
adoption of the resolution that when the con
vention takcs.a recess it will be till to-morrov
at 10 u. m.
Hunna of Massachusetts- move to amem
by 'nalcing the hour | 1 o'clock , [ Cries of no
no.lTuo ChaJnniwThe Question then Is upoi
ho adoption of n rc elution that when wo nil-
ourn It bo until 10 o'clock to-morrow.
The resolution was unanimously carried.
The Chairman There Is n change In the.
member of the committee on permanent or-
ranizatlon for New Mexico. In place ot W.
3 , Holders is substituted Ilaphnol Romero.
Park-hurst of Michigan I now move that
vo adjourn ,
At this supgcstlort Of many the members
began to leave , :
Mr. Flower of New York t now move wo
adjourn. \
The Chairman The committee will nr-
ango so that the cfubs may visit this hall.
Cries ot question ! question , ] Chairman
iVhito put the question on adjournment until
o-morrow nt 10 n. in. and about nine-tenths
) f the convention Responded In the nfllrma-
: Ivo. and the convcation was declared ad-
ourncd until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.
IN Till } . MOUSING.
A. Vlow oC the Convention Hnll and
the Crowd.
ST. Louis , Jtjne G. The democratic
national convention began to gather in
the early hours 'of ' morning although
the gavel of Chairman Barnum of
the national committee , did not announce Its
opening until noon. The stream of humanity
which began to run Into the big exposition
tnilldlng as early us 8 o'clock had grown to a
torrent which surged and filled the great nave
of the hall toovcrllowlng.andlongboforc noon
10,000 human faces givzcd upon the high desk
reserved for the presiding ofllccr of the con
vention. The noble proportions of the hall
strlko ono at once with admiration. It Is ob
long In shape , relieved on cither
sldo by balconies reaching back 1200
feet , above * which , stretching entirely
around the auditorium. Is spread the
overhanging gallery. The ample stage
reaches from the rear of the chairman's
platform fifty feet to the cast wall of the
hall and accommodates 440 of the
gathered leaders of the national
democracy , who thus are enabled
to overlook the ofllcers , delegates and spec
tators. The decorations nro simple but effec
tive. The stage Is hung with red , white and
blue bunting , relieved fay festoons nnd bor
ders of evergreens. Upon a pedestal on the
right of the entrance of the stage stands a
bust of the president nnd suspended upon
the face of the gallery above the stage heav
ily framed In gilt is n largo portrait of the
president in oil. On either side nrc similar
portraits of Cleveland , Hancock ,
Hondrlcks nnd ex-Governor Mnrmaduko of
Missouri. The balcony nnd gallery pillars
nnd the face of the long winding galleries
and the fronts of the balconies are
profusely decorated with American Hags in
alternate long and short festoons , caughtup
with largo red , white and blue rosettes.
Festoons of American lings and rcdwhilo and
blue bunting are hung from the open wood
work supports of the roof , and the high ,
graceful pillars which support the rafters
tire bound with encircling garlands
and roses of evergreens. Bending
gracefully from the capitola of
the columns which uphold the gallery
are drooping branches of cedar and pine ,
nnd upon the faces ot the columns nbovo
heavy bannerettes bearing the arms of the
states of the union. In the background of
the long hall is a more elaborate attempt at
decoration. A heroic statue of Washington
on horseback is framed in festoons of largo
American flags , which uro caught in the cen
ter of the frame ubovo the head of the statue
by an American shield , surmounted by the
American eagle with wide spread pinions ,
grasping in hid talons a sheaf of green
wheat , The statue , which had the ap
pearance of marble , was highly rcliovcd by
a background ot rich brown plush silk-
draped curtains. The hall is amply lighled
in the daytime by n Jong skylight in the roof ,
and in the night by 4tOHeislerand 300 Edison
incandescent electric lamps. A very striking
effect Is nrodueedmthe gallery nbovo the
stage , in full sight ofgtbo delegates and spectators - *
tators , by an caonnolis shaded drawing of
Iho capital nt Washington upon a background
of . Potted
ground sky-bluo canvas.
ted plants and green shrubbery are
ingeniously arranged about the base of the
picture , so as to give the effect of a terraced
park such as leads up to th6 capitol at Wash
ington from the east. The illusion is about
perfect and striking. The picture Is sixty
feet long and twenty-eight feet from the
base to the cap of the Goddess of Liberty at
the summit of the domo. It is
the crowning feature of the decora
tion of the hall. The delegates' seats
are arranged entirely across the nave of the
hall and stretched ninety feet In front of the
platform. They arcs arranged with two
aisles , and in alphabetical order beginning
with the Alabama delegation nt the extreme
right front nnd ending with the Wisconsin
delegation at the extreme loft front. The
larco New York delegation is nearly in the
center and the Pcanslyvanln delegation two-
thirds of the distance back on the left hand
row of seats. Tho'Ohio delegation is in the
extreme southwest corner.
The Men AVho Will Serve on the DIP-
Cerent Committees.
ST. Louis , Juno 5. The following is the
organization of the delegations as reported
to the convention to-day of the northwestern
stales :
Illinois Chairman. William U. Morrison ;
secrclary , Francis A.Hoffman , jr. : rcsolu-
Uons , N. E. Worthlngton ; credentials ,
James W. Patlen ; ' organization , Thomas M.
Thornton ; conmiittccinan , E. M. Pholps.
Iowa Chairman , W. H. M. Pusoy ; secre
tary , A. E. Morrison ; resolutions , F. W.
Lchmann ; credentials , S. S. Coruthcrs ; or
ganization , L. L. Ainsworthcommittccman ; ,
J. J. Hichardson.
Minnesota Chairman , P. B. Winslon ;
secretary , E. C. Stringer ; re-solutions , E. C.
Stringer ; credentials , D , W. Mayo ; organi
zation , T. T. Hudson. Couimitlccman to bo
selected to-morrow.
Nebraska Chairman , James A. Crcighton ;
secretary , John Ucagan ; resolutions , James
E. North ; credentials , D. W. Cook ; organi
sation , Tobias Carter ; committecman , James
E. Boyd.
Wisconsin Chairman , G , M. Woodward ;
secretary , F , W. Frawloy ; Resolutions , W.
H. Seaman ; credentials , S. V. Dickinson ;
organization , S. W. Lameroux ; committeeman -
man , J , L. Mitchell. '
Our "Clmlllc" ; Of-dmi , iho Lending
Sport nt tlio Convention.
ST. Louis , Juncj fi. The democratic na
tional league of clubs Is represented nt the
convention by Ei 13 , Whitney , temporary
secretary of the club. F. Kingsburg , Curtis
nnd U. G. Monroe of Now York , Charles
Ogelen of Omaha , Bradley G , Schley of Mil
waukee , Lewis T. Vandegreffof Wilmlnglon ,
Delaware , and Congressman Hush of Haiti-
more , They have established headquarters
nttho Laclcdo hotel tvlth the object of rep.
resenting to tha visiting democrats the aline
of thoorganl/ation and the object of the con
vention at Baltimore , July 4. Thcro are nou
about 2,000 members of iho league in the city
The committee were given u hearing before
the national committee this morning on mo
tion of Senator Oorinun. Charles Ogdcn ol
Omaha , chairman ol the league committee ,
made n short statement of Iho objects of the
club and what it expected to accomplish. The
object In visiting tna national committee waste
to present to each'stole and territory an m-
viuition to the Baltimore cou vention and to
induce these gentlemen to take an interest In
organizing clubs In their stales and hove
them represented in Baltimore , The com
mittee had added .clubs from several stales
since Iho establishment of their headquar
ters here. The clubs of Kansas have a state
meeting at Topcln on July 4 to organize u
state league. Ittilegates from clubs will
also bo snt to tiie Baltimore convention
The clubs of Illinois will meet at Springileld
June 11 for organization und will appoint
n slalo de-legation to visit Baltimore.
The stale of Michigan has a very complete
organization of lxi ( clubs , having signified
their intention of 'sending delegates to Balti
more. Nebraska , likewise , has an excellent
organization and f will have a largo repre
sentation at the eijuvention. Ohio will send
over ones huiidro'l delegates to the confer
ence.Vreconsli , reporti * as many. The
Arnpahoo nnd Groystone clubs of Denver
iav-0 already Joined the league nnd signified
their Intention of spreading the club orga
nization through the state nnd adjoining ter
ritories. Wnst virplnlaond Indiana have bern
admitted and promise n general organization
throughout these states. The , committee
wcro Informed that Florida had already
elected delegates and would send them lo the
convention. In Tennessee the democrats nro
taking the scheme under , advisement and are
organizing clubs. L. M. Heddlngton has
organized a club nt Kutlaud , Vt. , and reports
Ihey nro now spreading the work all through
Iho states on basis of the national league
representation. The Iroquols club of San
Francisco , have nfllllntcel clubs nil over the
Btato nnd are Informed that the state will
send n largo delegation to the convention.
The Delegation Mny Divide Its Sup
port Between Four Nominees.
Ss. Louis , Juno 5. Ono of the main sub
jects of discussion this morning before the
convention , met was the action of the Now
York delegation's caucus last night. The
delegation was overwhelmingly Thurman
but the Indiana pcoplo hod shown them-
gclvcs so thoroughly earnest in their op
position to the Old Homan , or rnthcr In their
[ ulvpcacy ; of Gray , that It placed Now York
In n delicate position. If the weight of Its
influence was thrown against Gray his
chances would bo slim Indeed , nnd In this
way Now York would not only secure the
presidency but dccido who should have the
second place. Not caring to nnlagonizo
Gray's friends the delegation finally
concluded , after an exhaustive debate ,
to leave the choice of vlco president to the
other slates , nnd the following resolution ,
Introduced by D. Cfcdy Hcrrlck , wns , after
numerous amendments and substitutes had
been offered , discussed nnd withdrawn ,
unanimously passed :
Kcsolvcd , That when New York Is reached
upon the roll call for the vice presidency the
chairman ask that New York bo passed ;
that If permission Is refused the delegation
then request leave to rellro for consullnlion.
In this way Now York was to avoid voting
until every other stale in the union should
huvo announced its preference. In the debate
upon the motion it was decided that the del
egation wns conlrolled by the unit rule the
instructions of the state convention and
that the unit rule meant such action as the
majority might choose to order. That Is to
say , the delegation might divide its vote
between four candidates as was contemplated
in the amendment offered and yet preserve
the spirit of the instructions. This novel
proposition seemed to receive the assent of
the delegation.
The Democratic Delegates Apply to
the Wroi u I'nrty.
ST. Louis , Juno S. At a meeting of the
delegates from the territories and the Dis
trict of Columbia held to-day , on motion of
Mr. Dickson of the District of Columbia , the
following resolution was adopted for submis
sion to the committee on rcsolulons :
UcBolved , That wo respectfully urge on
the committee on resolutions to incorporate
in the platform of principles to bo submitted
to the national convention , resolutions sub
stantially as follows :
1. That a great and liberal policy should be
pursued in reference to the terrilorics , Hint
the right of self government is inherent in
the pcoplo and guaranteed under the consti
tution , that that all federal officers appointed
to positions of honor nnd trust in the terri
tories and Dislrlct of Columbia should bo
selected from the citizens of the communities
where they are lo serve.
3. That the territories ot Washington , Da
kota , Monlann nnd Now Mexico nro by
Virtue of population and development now
entitled to admission into the union , nnd wo
unqualilledlj condemn the course of the re
publican paity in refusing statehood nnd
self government to them.
Ho Refused to Ho Controlled By the
Unit Uulc.
ST. Louis , Juno 5. Notwithstanding the
fact that the Ohio delegation received the
Indiana men last night with open arms but
with the cold consolation that Judge Thur
man must and would receive the fortj'jslx
votes of the Buckeye state as a unit , it was
anybody's fight this morning. The delega
tion went into a prolonged session during the
afternoon and passed resolution after
resolution of endorsement , but still Ihero
wore members who would not fall into line.
Robert B. Lee held back a long time and it
required the adoption of the unit rule to lead
him from his opj > osllon. !
John Brady said : "Gentlemen , you may
adopt any rule you like but I came from Cin
cinnati te oppose the nomination of Thur
man. You may throw me > out of this CAUCUS ,
or intimate that my presence is not desired ,
nnd I will stay out , but. nevertheless , t will
go to the convention und lake my seat as n
delegate , und when the slate is called I will
vote airalnst Thurman , "
This determination caused confusion and
there were dire threats made , but to no pur
pose. Finally a resolution was adopted re
leasing Brady from the binding unit rule ,
and ho will act independently. Ho said : "I
will elo my iYghting in the convention , but
when I cannot win there I will go homo nnd
light just as hard for the democracy as evci
before. " Brady is ono of the staunchesl ad-
hcrcnls of the Payne-McLean faction.
Scott Nnrrowly lOsc-iipes Defeat Jor the
AdiniiilHt ration.
ST. Louis , June C. To-night the only feature
turo of genuine interest is the deliberation !
of the committee on resolutions. More rca
political effort has been put forth on the
composition of this commiUeo lhan for Uu
vice residency itself , or , indeed ,
uny other work before the con
vention , .Senator Gorman and Congressman
Scolt had arranged to rcafllrn
the tariff clause of 1884 add a moderate endorsement
dorsoment of the president's lariff messairi
with a long paragraph explanatory of lh <
democratic party's position on the tariff
Scott had also consented to let Gorman huvi
iho honor of the chairmanship ot the plat
form committee. Congressman Scott yieldei
to n compromise In behalf of harmony. Hu
to-day the truce was declared off. Gorman
Barnum and their high tariff sympathizer :
were inoro aclivo In visiting ihe inllucntia
men of iho various delegations limn wai
relished by Scoll. There were signs that lh <
high tarift men wore preparing lo steal t
march on the other wings of tin
party. Scolt was particularly inconsci
ut the selection of ex-Mayor Cooper , a slrnni
protectionist , as the New York rcposenta
live on the committee. From the other sidi
Scotl was subjected to great pressure , com
mlssioner Morrison und Henry Wattcrsoi
calling on him and insisting that no com
promise ) however small should be made
Watterson was put forward as n candidate
of the tariff reform people for chairman o :
the platform committee and chosen by r
close vote of2 to 'M. A change e > f ono voti
would have given the vu-toiy to the opponent
of the administration's policy.
Til 10 1'LATFOUM.
Henry AValUirhon Selected uu Chair
man on { { ( 'solutions.
ST. Lot in , Juno n. The committee on r s
olutions is in secret session this afternoon litho
the parlors of the imtiunul democratic com
niillce. The committee was culled to ordc
by Edward Cooper eif Now York. The name
of Henry M. Wattcrton of Kentucky am
Senator A. P. Gorman ofMaryland WIT
put in nomination for the chairmanship am
the result was thec-lccllon of the former 01
the tlrst ballot by u vote of U4 to SJ four
members not voting. At the suggestion o
Senator Gorman , Mr. WuUcrson's nomina
tion was made unanimous , and on taking tli )
chair the lallcr lemurkcd that had Iho com
mittco known how nearly in harmony wen
the two candidates the election Would prob
ably not have boon donned necessary. The
ollowing was the vote Vy states and tcrrl-
orlcs : <
Wattcrson Alabama , Colorado , Georgia
lllnois , Indiana. Iowa , Kanius , Mnryluml ,
Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Missis
sippi , New Yoik , Oregon , Hhodo Island ,
5outh Carolina , Tennessee , Texas , Wlscon-
cln , New Mexico , Utah 23.
Gorman Arkansas , California , Coiincctl-
ut , Kentucky , Louisiana , Maine , Missouri ,
Nebraska , New Hampshire , Now York ,
s'orth Carolina , Ohio , Pennsylvania , Ver-
nonl , Virginia , Won Virginia. Ariirona ,
District of Columbia , Wyoming , Idnlio SO.
The committees from Florida , Nebraska ,
Montana and Washington Territory wore
lot presenter refrained from voting.
On motion of Gorman n committee of nine
, vns npjtolutcd to draft resolutions and report
.o the full committee at a meeting to-morrow
norning , the following states to bo rep
resented upon this sub-committee : Con-
lectlctit , New York , New Jersey , Kentucky ,
Michigan , Oregon , Maryland nnd Mississippi.
At Watlerson's suggcsllon this was subse
quently enlarged to eleven by the addition of
representatives from Colorado and Louisi
Ait All Nlfht Hesslon to Prepare n
ST. Louis , June B. The sub-committee of
cloven having in chnrue the drafting of n
) latform in secret session met at 7 : HO p. m.
ind organized by the election of Henry
Wnttcrson ns chairman and Governor Sims
of Mississippi , secretary. The committee
consists of the following : Wiittcrson of Ken-
lucky , Abbott of New Jersey , Gorman of
Maryland , Cooper of New York , Turpio of
Indiana , Sims of Mississippi , Patterson of
Colorado , Yaple of Michigan , Hell-
man of Oregon , Dymont of Louisiana ,
Burr of Connecticut. About an "hour was
devoted lo receiving resolutions nnd hearing
lHcf arguments. Ex-Mayor O'Brien of St.
Paul presented the following resolution and
spoke earnestly In its support :
Kcsolvcd , That just consideration of the
interests of our foreign born citizens requires
that the pending extradition ticaty between
the United States and Great Britain
DO carefully revised , so as to
provide for the surrender only of
persons chur e'l with the crimes
expressly named in such treaty , and that the
provisions of the same shall in no wise ex
tend to political or agrarian offenses.
Clark of Texas addressed the commlttlco
at considerable length , urging the insertion
of a pacific declaration in the platform on the
question of prohibition. Ho said that al
though the recent prohibition movement in
that state was defcatcil by a inajorily of
95,000 , yet tbo issue was not dead
and would bo productive of serious disaffec
tion from the ranks of the democratic p.irty
unless such n clause was Inserted as would
indicate clearly the opposition of the party to
prohibitive legislation.
Hurt of Nevada , presented resolutions fav
oring the unlimited coinage of American
silver and the issue of certificates for silver
deposited in Ihc national treasury.
Dymont of Louisanna , presented a resolu-
lion favoring lolal or partial reduction of in
ternal revenue taxation nnelTurpio of Indiana
presented a resolution favoring an amendment
of the civil service laws so that worthy and
well qualified applicants from the victorious
party bo selected for qlllce. The committee
then went into executive session for the con
sideration of the platform. Watterson says
the committee will eloubtlcss sit all night , and
the opinion of the members nt this hour is
only their utmost exertions can enable them
to report Iho platform to a meeting of the
full committee nt 0 o'clock to-morrow morn
ing. Nol a clause of it has yet been formally
read or discussed by the sub-couimlitcc.
Pat Collins of Boston IViH Wield the
Silver Gavel.
ST. Louis , Juno 5. The rumors that n for
midable opposition would bo made to the ap
pointment of General P. A , Collins of Boston
as permanent chairman ot .tho convention
were quickly dispelled this evening when the
committee on organization assembled for the
first time. It had been reported that Henry
Watterson would bo pushed for the place.
The committee proceeded with its own or-
gani/.ation before Inking up that of the con
vention's. L. B. Cassady of Pennsylvania
was made chairman of the com
miUeo and a Kcntuckian. , John
B. Castlcman , obtained the post
of secretary. The nomination of Collins was
made by Ham-alum of Vermont. Castleman
of Kentucky seconded Collins' name and ho
was selected unanimously for recommenda
tion lo the convention. H. H. Ingcrsoll was
selected ns the committee's choice for the
convention's permanent secretary. Mr.
Prince , the temporary secretary , and all his
associates wcro retained for the permanent
organisation us Mr , Ingei-soll's helpers. The
next in order was the adoption of rules to
govern the convention. After some discus
sion the suggestion made to-day in Iho con
vention by Governor Greene was acquiesced
in. This was lo adopt the rules of llio last
democratic convention with Ihouddilion that
during roll call no state having once voted
shall bo allowed to change Iior vote until the
other states shall have voted. The com
mittee will hold another meeting to-morrow
morning early.
The Church DolcKUtlon Secured the
Disputed ScntH.
ST. Lot'is , Juno 5. The only contest to bo
adjudicated by the convention Is the Dakota
dispute. The factions are led by National
Committecman M. H , Day nnd Govornoi
Church , The Church men uro confident the.\
will win and that Day will bo permanently
shelved. The trouble nroso far back when
the territorial governorship question was
pending before the president. Committeeman -
man Day was a candidate but Church se
cured the place and since that there lias been
considerable feeling among the followers
of thcso leaders. Day's oppoiipntn
nro giving out that ho is lighting
the administration nnd that on n recent
visit to Washington , during the interview
with the president , Committrcnmu Day ex
pressed his intention of wagini : on the
presidential appointees to go in the terri
tory.U took nearly four hours this evening for
the committed on credentials to settle the
faction light in 1 lakota between the followers
of Governor Church and these of the Dakota
member of the national committee , M. H.
Day. Church won. This action , it is under
stood , means the dcposal of Day as the
Dakota member of the national committee
and the appointment of Church uu his a an
Twenty Thousand KnthiiHliiHtH Trnmi
r Through the StrcetH.
ST. Louis , Juno 5. A gorgeous parade o
fully twenty thousand uniformed democrat ) .
was witnessed to-night. The proe-essloi
started at un early hour and was still moving
at 10:40. : Before the march begun Olivi
street , the thoroughfare le-adiug te the
vention hall , wus jammed for over half i
mile with such u solid must ) of human beingr
as perhaps never before gathered in anj
American city. At short intervals the en
tire district great arches of Hume lit up the
scene * , marked by a long vista , u spectacle o
surpassing briiliatu-y. Wild enthusiasm wiifc
evoked everywhere by the display ol
Thurman bandanas among the marchers
First In line came Grand Marshal ( Jolone
John I. Martin nnd staff , followed by tho/irst /
battalion of the Missouri National guards
and the Marmadiiko guards of Kan
sas City. A great host of local semi
fraternal associations next appeared , while
the succeeding division contained politica
marching organizations by the score , mclud
ing Tammauy. Hcndrick's association of St
Louis , . Cleveland clubs of Ohio , Knndal
clubs of Pennsylvania , Duckworth club'of
Cincinnati , Cook County (111. ) tlem
crn'lc club , Iroquols club of
Jhlcnpo nnd the Hnwkoye club of Hurling *
on. The next division contained a number ,
if similar organlratlotiA , particnlaily tha j *
Causa * City democratic club , 1,000 Mi-ens' ,
nnd the Topeku Flambeau club of Kansas.
More marching clubs , each wl'h n band oC
iiitaic , but nearly all local St , LOUM ! IISBO-
ciatlons , formed the bulk of the fifth dl-
vision , whllo the si.Mhcontnineda largo f tree
of veteran union soldiers. The magnificent
llsplny by the St. Louis ilro department
wound up the parade.
When the parade disbanded the Tammany
organisation headed by its band , marched to
ho Southern hotel , playing nnd singing tua
'Kcd , White and Bluo" with the Tamnmny
mil accompaniment. . In five minutes ev > ry-
> odv In the hotel nnd the thousands Rtrotonil ;
ng away for blocks took up the song , mul J
iwelled the chorus to a wonderful volume ,
n the midst of the excitement somebody
aised a large national Hat ; in the southern
otiindu. Instantly the crowd went wild mid
'Old Glory" received such n reception as
only a crowd of democrats could give. It
vas nearly midnight before the excitement
calmed down and the singing ceased.
Small ItcniH Auont Delegates mill
ST. Louis , Juno G. All Interest about thd
Ladcdo hotel to-day centered In the incctlnir
) f the Missouri delegation and the row over
.he national coiniulttcemen between , ! , Grlf
Pathor and Morrison Man ford. After much
tlsensslon a ballot was taken , resulting Iri
the choice of Pather by a vote of 20 to U.
Michael Doran of Minnesota , came out vie-
.or to-day in the struggle that has boon made
o deprive him of t tie honor ot being the mem-
jcr of the notional democratic committee.
1 { . A. Smith , who had the support of Mayor
Ames of Minneapolis , was the eihlof candi
date against Doran. On the fifth ballot the
vote stood S for Doran and 7 aualnst him.
The Barrett Brother * * to Swing From
the Same HcnfTold.
MiXNn.vrous , Juno 5. [ Special Telegram
Lo THE Bun , ] As the time approaches for
their death the Barrett boys have become nn
object of unusual Interest to the public.
Every day on which the visitors are pcr-
mittcel to visit the prisoners the jail la
crowded with eager curiosity-seekers , who
are anxious to see the two brothers who inur
dcrcd Car Driver Tollefson. YcRterdaj/
Governor McGill signed Pete's death waN
rant , nnd now it Is settled that the brothers
will bo partners In death as they were asso
ciates in crime. Both will hang on Friday ,
July 14.
When Pete Barrett learned his acntenco
to-day he was very little disturbed. Ho had
been expecting it. But ho still has great
faith in Bill Erwin and the Riiprcmo court , anil
after all this has failed there in tha
governor's pardon , and Pete is growing fat
in the conildenco that his youth will still
save him at least from the gallows. Mean
while preparations are being made to givd
the boys separate cells and furnish them , ,
with n separate guard to watch over them
night and day. It Is necessary to do this for
several reasons. It is naturally feared that }
as soon as the boys are convinced that thcro
is no hope they will attempt to destroy them
selves. They are desperate men , nnd they
have desperate friends who would assist
them in any plot to cheat the gallows.
also thought that they should be left alouo
apart from the other prisoners In order that
they may bettor prepare to meet their God.
Yesterday afternoon the county commission
ers impowercd the committee on publio
grounds and buildings to make the necessary
alterations und arrangements in the county
jail for securing separate cells for the Bar-
rett brothers apart from the other prisoners.
The Twelfth Juryman Scctiroel mill
Trinl Commenced.
NEW Youif , June 5. [ Special Telegram to
THE Bin : . ] The twelfth Juror in the case
against General Dis Do Burr for robbing1
Luther K. Marsh , the attorno.v , of a valuable
house and lot , was secured to-day. After
the district attorney stated ho expected to
prove a complete conspiracy , that , oven
yet , Marsh , the victim of it , bohcvcd in these
two frauds , Mrs. Diss Do Barr
was called .te the st.ind. A great
sensation was produced when in response
a thin , elderly lady , very plainly dressed ,
came forward. She said her name was
Amelia Diss Do Barr. She lived in Phila
delphia and had thrco children living. Stio
identified the accused Diss Do Barr as her
husband. She was the real wife from whom
Diss Do Barr was not divorced. Townsend
objected to the witness testimony until aftep
Marsh hud testified , but she was
allowed to proceed. She swore
she was not divorced from Diss Do
Han- and glared at him und the Hj > ook prin
cess until their four eyes sought the floor.
Then Luther K. Marsh wns sworn. Ho sftidi
ho had Known Diss DcBarr's four years and !
ho flrrulj believed the big picture of the Em-
neror Claudius exhibited in the court room
came by spirits. The other pictures came in ]
the same way. The witness snictf
ho paid Miss Diss Do Hart
"for her time and the cxpcnditura"
her nervous energies. " He was earnest and
precise in his explanations and showed
plainly ho still clings tenaciously to his spir
itual faith In the pictures of ghostly origin.
Marsh ( stated.lie had mislaid all the spirit
communications except the letter from St.
Peter. The last messages cnino from
the witness' wife from St. Au-
Kustlnc , from Adelaide Nlllson , from ,
Raphael and from many others. Ht.
Peter's message was written In a Gaskoll'a
compendium business hand , the letters being
very nicely shaded In the down strokes.
Some smaller palntlinrs were passed around
among the Jurymen , They examined them
minutely with great interest. The picture ;
of Marsh's father In-law they not oi.Jy
examined , hut smelted as well , They did
not seem pleased with the odor. It smollcd
like putty. Finally , after Marsh said that
he could not remember how much money ho
hud from tinio to time paid the princess , the
court adjourned.
Gent-nil Kliorldiui'n Condition.
WAsiiixntox , Juno fi. Midnight General
Sheridan's condition has not changed ma
terially since the last report. His rosjilrn- ,
tion continues regular and his pulse is good
In quality , runp-ing from lO.'i to 108. Ills
sleep during the entire evening has been
Dr. Pejilici-'J'/ilkH.
Piiu.Aiini.iMiM , Juno 5 , Dr. Pcppor has
returned from Washington , where ho hod
been in consultation witli General Sheridan's
physician. To a reporter of the Associated
press ho said : "I spent last night at Gen *
oral .Sheridan's bcdsldo in consultation wltq ;
the attending physicians. The bulletin la-
sued this morning explains the cause of tha
alarming condition which developed yeHtcr-
claj afternoon. The hcmorrhugo was con- '
fciderable1 and the shock caused by it very
profound. It is Impossible to assert that
there may not bo a recurrence of this hemor
rhage , and such un event or the return of tha
severe heart failure wuuld placet his life in
urgent danger. On the other hand , there la
shown in the bulletin of tins morning , sev
eral favorable features ut the present con-
elitien of the case. Shci Idun's courage is undiminished -
diminished and his confidence in his attend-
) ' } , ' physicians and the willingness with ,
which ho undergoes all the necessary treat
ment are ) so absolute thai it materially a -
slats the devoted efforts which nro being
made to bring the disease under control , "
Henry Villnrd'H Expedition.
LO.MIOX , Juno 4.- Henry Yillard writes
confirming the statement that , ho is uboct to
undertake un expedition to the South Pole.
Dr. Netwmary , director of the Daulscba
Seewartii of Huinburfe' , will co-operate wittf