Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1888, Image 1

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The Old Roman Wins His Way Into
Almost Unanimous Favor.
tJcforo the Arrivnl of J. Sterling He
"Works a Ciit-nnd-Drlcd 1'ro-
Krnimnc Through All
Itcaily For To-day.
Nchrnnlcn'H Happy Family.
ST. Louis , Juno 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HEP. ] To-night tlio city is a blaze of
democratic glory nnil the blaring of demo
cratic brass bands 1111 the air. All
day long Indlnnans hava visited the vari
ous delegations in "behalf of the
booster BOH and when permitted fired
speeches at their victims , extolling the peett-
liur lltncss of Governor Gray for the second
place * bn the ticket. Senator Voorhccs ap
peared before tlio Pennsylvania delegation
mid addressed it at some length , to which the
delegates responded by voting to support the
Old Roman of Ohio. The Tall Sicamoro re
tired In dlxgust. This will no doubt cause
Senator Ingnlls to laugh. The Ohio demo
crats have determined to present Thurman if
It appears that the democracy of the country
wants him. Several other states have
followed Pennsylvania and it is quite evident
the democracy of the country want tlio Buckeye -
eye Hainan. Every indication now is that
the work of the convention will bo pcrfunc-
toiy throughout.
The Ncbinska delegation with the
exception of Messrs. Morton and Ka-
Kan , Including the contingent , at rived hero
| i > this morning. The ? older members of the
I' } delegation arc much out of wits in consc-
| . qiicnco of the loss of sloop last night. It is
! alleged that the moro hilarious of the crowd
did not want to sleep and imagined the cu
ll tire delegation in the sumo mind and put in
I a night of it aboard the Pullman. They met
{ this afternoon nud organized for the convcn
I lion by electing Jaaies Crelghton of Omaha
I , us chairman of the delegation , James E. Boyd
I ] us member of the national committee , J , 11
l | tilicrwlu of Fremont secretary of the dclcga-
! tlon , James E. North of Coluuitnis on iho
If committee ou icsolutions , E. M. Cook of
I Beatrice on credentials , Tobias Cantor of
I' Crete on permanent organization , Thomas
' Coffer ot McCook vice piesiclcntof the con-
vcntion , John M. Uagan of Hastings assistant
1 permanent sccretaiy of the convention , and
I James E. Crawford member of the coni-
I inittco to notify President Cleveland
I of his nom in alien. At the time the
I meeting was held Messrs. Morton and Hngan
had not ai lived in the city , and , ot couiso ,
I had no voice in its piocccdings , which weio
exceedingly dry and uninteresting , every-
B thing going through without opposition , if
I , there had been one more place to lilt every
one of the tin delegates , including Morton ,
v could have given an onlcc. As it was there
H were only nine , and , of course , in a Bo > d
delegation Moiton must bo the sacriflcc. The
m latter's fi lends wcro opposed to disposing of
the loaves ami fishes until the gentlemen
from Nebraska City could bo present , but as
they were so largely in the minority with
H Hugan absent , and Jim Crelghton Inade
La ) > py by the promise of the chair-
P/ , nianship of the delegation , mid
v the other alleged Moiton men
H tampered with by tempting baits of positions ,
H the protest against proceeding at once with
H the organization was qultu fcuba and did not
I appear upon the sui fauc. Moi ton's ' friends
arc hot over the turn aftaiis have taken and
some bchova shcol will bo inaugutated upon
H bis arrival In the nioining , but just \\liat ho
H can do now does not appear to the naked ej o.
H It is hai dly probable another meeting of the
delegation will bo held ns there is nothing for
B it to do but attend the convention and have
1 Jim Creighton cash the vote of Nebraska for
B Cluvclnnd and Thurman , which seems to bo
the ticket the democracy favor at present.
H Tf another meeting of the delegation should
w. deemed necessary it is not likely it \ \ ill bo
H , his ' , as Mr.Bovd will see to it that no oppor-
f tunity occui a for smashing the sluto ho has
Hi BO adioitly constructed.
HI Mr. Boyd is master of the situation , and
Hi those democrats of Nebraska who w ant ofllco
' during the remainder of Cleveland's admin-
K i istiuitlon and expect public pap in case of his
K I re-election nad better begin now to get on
the boft sldo of Boss Boyd. A republican
H hill bo sent to congicss in pluco of Mi. Mc-
IL B anc , which now seams assured falnco lie
H declines u rcnomlnation , so that Bojd in the
H futuie will bo boss of the Nebraska demo- "
H rruts , with u big B , by icason of his national
* coinmiUeo membership. The ox-pork picker
H has played hit. cauls well from the beginning ,
H mid now what are the nntl-Bojd howlers
go ing to do about It ?
H Much noise was made as to the size of the
H row that would taUo place in the Nebraska
L delegation when it got to work in St. Louis ,
H ) which 1ms flattened out so thin
H that nothing is left of it.
H This aftcinoon Bojd had , Ex-Editor
Ht Meirltof the Hcinld named by the national
B , cbmmittco as onoof the tcmpouny assistant
HI secretaries of the national convention. This
1 action luiB tin own the Bo.\d visiting
H | Htutcsmcu fiom Nebiaska into u foundelcBs
HI rage. They me dealing in all sorts of
m threats against thrir latn boss and some even
H ] liavo gene so far as to suggest burning the
H flemoci at lo chief in eflliry. Think of Finnic
H Morrfsboy , Hugh Murphy and Pat Foul
H burning a straw man lubcllvd "Boyd" in tlio
H streets of St. LouK Yo gods , w hut u speeta-
cloforn dcmocnitio national convention to
gaze upon. Thcso gcntlcmrn might burn up
a straw man but they are the last poisons in
H the woi Id who would burn up a stiaw bond
H back of a fat contract. The idea of burning
H up a straw Uojd was ilnully
B ub.ndoued mid the visiting btiitcs-
H men coinpiomlscd by threatening
H'to start homo at once , and caily and often
pioclalm Bojd's poifidy fiom the tops of the
H liills tlmt Muiphy & Co , , hope to get the
H umti act for cutting down at pi Ices to suit.
H Mr. Hojd is disposed to favor this last sug-
H gestlon , us It will relieve him of much care
H nud expense in looking after his fellow citl-
tens. Tickets to the convention aio vciy
t dinliuH to get , and it is not certain Uut that
H Boj d \ \ ould bo willing , taking the expei lences
H of the trip down und blaco their , arrival Into
H consideration , to pny a little extra to get them
H out of town as quick as possible. If these
gentlemen represent the democracy of NeB
B , bra l a the i > .my in thut state should go into
B port for repairs at once.
j The Iowa delegation this aftei noon organ-
B hed by ra-clectlng W. H. Pusey , of Council
B Bluffs as chairman of the delegation , A. B
Morrison of Perry secretary of the dele
HI t utlon , J. J. Ulcbaidson of the Davcn
1 ) x > it Democrat member of the national
1 comuiittef , vice Ham of Dubumie , who de-
1 Ulned icelcetiou , S. S. Carruthcrs of
1 I'lMwfitlil , on the committee on credential ? ,
BV L. L..Amvvoith cl West Union ca pen-
Hl tianent oipanlMtlcc , W , II , Mc.Her.ry of
Jlr Koines , vice prctiAeut of convention , F.
H XV.Lt > iUjiA : of Dea Moires , ou resolution * , 1" !
3. Keith of Dcnnlson , assistant secretary of
; ho convention , and W. W. Ualdwln of
Burlington to notify the nominees. The
only matter of interest in this delegation
was the fight between Klchnrdson and W.
A. Wltmcr of Des Molncs , for the national
commlttccshlp. It took flvo ballots to
determine the contest , \\hcn Uichardson
won. The remainder of the proceedings
wcro merely formal lowans say that Gray
of Indiana , has made many friends In their
delegation to day , but it Is not believed any
real damage has been done to the Interests
ot the bandana statesman In that quarter.
AimiviNG Dni.i :
A Inllux of the Fnltliful Arrive nt the
Sleepy City.
ST. Louis , Juno 4. Delegates , _ alter
nates , political clubs and polltlcmns
of high and low degree arrived
th'ck ' and fast this morning , and S
Louis to day assumed the crowded con
dition that Is always usual during national
conventions. As early as" this morning the
union depot was packed and all during this
morning at Intervals of live and ten minutes
regular and special trains have been coming
In and emptying their loads of people , who
como to take part in the fray. For a blocker
or moro outside the station carriages nud ve
hicles df all descriptions are packed and
along the sldo walks and in the station arc
numerous bands and reception committees ,
waiting for delegations which they hove
been assigned to escort to their hotels.
Scenes of activity which were visible
about the hotels till after midnight were re
newed and Increased early this morning. By
8 o'clock the middle corridors of the hotels
wcro thronged with people , and In the streets
bands of martial music wcro heard on every
At about 0 o'clock the middle space of the
depot was filled with people who awaited the
jirrivul of the Now Yoikers. Trains bear
ing the county demociacy and Tammany
were late.
The Chicago county democracy an ivcct
before them and so did the Iioqnois club of
the same city. Each had a baud of miulc
and all formed in line togcthci and matched
The Wisconsin delegation came next fol
lowed by the Hendricks club fiom
Lafayette , Ind , , wearing Giny
badges. The Topeka demociats' Ham-
beaux clubs with tin helmets ar-
ilved about this moment and were soon
joined bj the Kansas City democratic club.
The feature of the mouiing piobably was the
Kansas City democratic club's entiy. Their
band was gaily nirajcd and the members
of the club woi o high white hats and yellow
linen dusters. Most of them had tied about
their necks or wrapped about their hats red
bandana handkerchiefs , showing their lean
ing towaid the Old Hainan.
The ciowd stayed about the depot until
Tammany arrived and then the St. Louis
Homliieks association , wheeling into line ,
marched nw ay with Tammany , a mob of
sight-seers trailing at their heels There
was no excitement after this and the countv
democracy on its ai i Ival soon after found
the depot nlmost deseitcd
Tlio Tammany sachems numbered 700 and
icquired a train all to tliomselves , and made
up in two sections. The crowds in the depot
g.ucd curiously at the biuves , as thev
stepped off the cais. Each woio n. red silk
badge on which was punted in silver lettcis
the name "Tammany. "
Edwaid S Stokes , Koswoll P. Flower and
a few otheisof tlurammanjitcs | boaidcd u
caniago at the depot and weic driven direct
to their hotel. It is generally supposed that
Daniel Dougheitv , tlio famous silvei-tongued
oiator'who is one of the Tamm my party ,
will present President Cleveland's name to
the coin ontion. Doughortjxprcssecl ! him
self for Thuiman There weio 3 ' 5 men In
the delegation of the New Yoi k county do
mocracy. A notublo liguio among the
county men nttincting gencial attention wns
Colonel John K Fellows. Thuiman appeals
to bo the choic c of this 01 ganization for the
vice presidency.
Colonel Fellows icmaiked : "We nro for
whoever is nominated. As yet no attempt
has been made to unite on any man. I pie-
fer Thuiman if he w ill tike it and I suppose
most of the otheis do "
Although a number of Iowa delegates nr-
uved jcstciday , the pieat mass came this
morning accompanied by the Hawkejc club.
When their cloven coaches dicw up in the
union depot over four bundled , men disem-
baikcd. _
Thurnutn in the Lend , But Meeting
ST. Louis , June 4 , The Ohio delegation
Is split in two over Thui man's
candidacy and n feeling of intense bittciness
has grown up between the Thurman and
tlioanti-Thurman membeis of the delegation.
At 4 this afternoon the entiio Ohio delega
tion held a meeting witli closed doors to
organize and take a foi mal vote on Thurman.
In connection with Thuiman's c.indldacj
the following interesting gossip emanates
fiom high authority : Thuiman was not
seiioubly thought of as a candidate until lust
week , when Secietary Whitney sounded the
president and found him favoiably disposed
toward Thurmafi. Whitney has heretofoio
been politically unfriendly to Thurman , and
was ono of the principal factors inpievent-
ing his nomination for the presidency in 1SSO.
Calvin S. Brice , of Lima , O. , a million-
niio railroad magnate , is credited with
being the ical oilgliml piomotor of the Thur
man boom. Ho heads the Ohio delegation.
The story goes that Biico has his o.vo on the
scnatoilal scat occupied bj Senator Payne.
The Pa\no people uio not fi loudly to Brieo ,
but the latter was giv en to understand by
Thurnmn's friends that ho could not i each
the senate as long as Thuiman lived , and in
order to conciliate Thui man ami help him as
a senatorial uspliant Biieo poisuaded Seeio-
tary Whltnoi to como out for Thurman , and
and thus the Old Uouian is said to have been
bi ought into the race ,
Joseph O'Donoughof Tammany hallwhilo
waiting in the depot for information of the
line of march , talked about thoprcfcicnco of
his associates foi the vice presidency.
"Thuiman Is our cry , " ho said , ' 'litst , last
hnd all the time. Ho is the man wo want , tie
will bo nominated. With that tlcltot , Cleve
land and Thuiman , wo shall win , hands
down. "
Thurman will bo nominated for vice presi
dent w Ithoul t ontest. Sunday night the sup
poiteisof Gray weio full of hope but to
night they admit to confidential fi lends that
ttio Thurman ej clone is sweeping everything
before It. The Thuiman bteezo developed
into a toinado this mouiing w hen New Yoi.t's
delegation of countj doirocraey and Tarn
many marched tinough the streets shouting
for Thurman Tlio Tammanj ites were loudly
chceicd b.v the Huongs on the sidewalks and
In the hotels , nud in 1ml Can hour the Tarn
many men weio busll.\ engaged pinning red
bandanas on the coats of the multitude. The
nomination of Thurman is conceded on nil
sides. Congressman Scott peisists in do
olarnif ; Thurman is not the administration's
ciindidutc , but adds that ho w ill lei nominated
because hu ib thu strongest candidate. Ho
admits Tlmiman is his personal choice.
The Founsj * viinla delegation held a moot-
Ind this evening , and alter adjournment the
announcement was made that tvvo-thiids of
the dolesates favored Thurmutt and that the
minority would vote for him under the unit
rule. Following this action came the in
telligence that the Maryland delegation weio
ready to suppoit him. This meant that the
two preut leaders had come to an agreement
and hud united on a ticket The fi lends of
General llluck opened headipjaiters at the
Lindell this inurniu and attempted to get up
a boom , but their efforts met with little
IJLI-I.UM There u soiucthinc auecr uVout tbu
attitude of the Ohio delegation. It has
talked for Thurman , but has not been en
thusiastic In his behalf. The matter was
discussed for an hour In the meeting of the
delegation this afternoon and the result was
the endorsement of Tlmrman , though it was
with much difficulty" that the nntl-
Thurman men wcro won over. The
majority of the delegates wanted to make
Thurmnntho Ohio candidate to bo presented
by the state. , while others opposed him out
right , Forty-four delegates voted for n reso
lution to that effect while two did not vote.
Governor Gray's managers will probably
not put their favorite's name before the con
vention The nomination of Tlmrman , which
seems n foregone conclusion , is not satisfac
tory to hundreds of delegates who have been
Impressed bv the tnlk concerning his ago and
infirmity. The cry of the Gray boomers is :
"You want Indiana In November. How are
you golnir to win without an Indiana mini on
the ticket ! " has been used with so much ef
fect that ninny delegates believe a serious
mistake Is being made in the nomination of
a man sovcnty-llvo years old from a state
generally regarded as reliably republican.
The New York delegation will vote for
Thurmnn , nlthough there are several in the
delegation who advocate General Blnck's
candidacy , and would vote for him if tney
could do so. The unit rule , however , inter
feres with their free action. Illinois is
divided and can exert but llttlo pressure for
the soldier candidate. However , they assert
they have n strong following from Colorado.
Minnesota , Dakota , Michigan , Ohio and
many from the south. Their cry is that tlio
ticket must have a soldier on it to win the
soldier Vote.
The advocates of Governor Gray are mak
ing every endeavor to stem the tide for
Thurman , but it HCCIIIS they are losing
giound , Every club and ovciy delegation
that ni rives has a voice for Thurman , al
though there are n number who don't agieo
with that sort of politics.
Iowa men who ai rived this morning were
strong In their praise of the Old Kom in and
believed their delegation would vote that
way If they cot a chance. However , there
were some who advocated other candidates
before the tide sot in for the Ohio man , and
they were reluctant to change.
Wnttcrson's friends are pushing him for
pcimnncnt chairman , and though it has been
conceded that Colonel Pat Collins had n
moi tgago on the chair , there appears to bo a
light j ct on hand for this honor.
The most Intel cstlng phase of the Thur
mnn boom is the fact that it was started by
party leaders i csldlng outside of Ohio. Con-
giessman Scott of Pennsylvania , has warmly
advocated the cause of the Old Koman fiom
the stait. Scott's support gives cuirencj to
the repoit that President Cleveland favors
Thurinan's nomimtion , and Senator Goiman
of Maryland , is authentically icportcd with
having stated this morning that ho believed
the picsidcnt had signified to Scott that
Thuiman was his choice.
'Iho Pnellic coast took n , positive stand
this aftoiiioon on tlio question of second
place on the national ticket After the meet
ing this afternoon all doubts wcro dispelled
and Califoinlu , Oregon and Nevada will go
into the convention solid for Thurmnn.
Gteat enthusiasm pi availed at the meeting.
Govcinoi White called the meeting to oiJcr
and Colonel Tiiipcv delivered a Stirling ad
dress IIo nnvocatcd the nomination ot the
Otiio judge as the onlj man who could svvcrv o
the IIo iting vote of the coast and lead the
demoeiatic bannois to victoiy.
A meeting of this delegation was called
for 7 I0 ! o'clock to night to meet the Indiana
delegation , A few moments befoio the
Hoosieis weio expected a vote was taken ic-
sultmg in the unanimous suppoit of Thur
mnn. The Indiana people weio then ad
mitted and occupied an hour in giving their
reasons why Grav should have the support of
the conv cntion. They had their saj1 but it
was useless. 'Iho Buckcjcs sivthey have
made their light and now have determined to
got in out of the lain as long as it threatens
a deluge. Major Armstrong sijs"Ohio
has no candidate to offer. , Judge 'Ihui man
is not a candidate at the solicitation of Ohio.
Ho is the candidate of the union.
A Truce ISotvvceii the Tariff Factions
Scums Accoinpllhhcd.
ST. Loui , Juno 4. Caiman's abandon
ment of Gray means moi o than the nomina
tion of Thuiman , It means a ti uco between
the two factions of the paity , which have
been skirmishing befoio each other for two
or tin co daj 3 T irse forces were led on ono
side bj1 Congiessmaii Scott repicscnting the
administration , and on the other hand bj-
Senator Goiman. Tlio latter , supported bjf
Chairman Bainum and scvcial national com
mittee men , wanted the platform of Ibbl af-
thmed without anv cndoisment of the presi
dent's message , 01 of one so moderate in tone
as not to offend the high tai iff voters of the
east. Goiman wanted to bo chaiiman of the
committee on lo-solutions , mid made an
cainest canvass for the place. His arpu
mont w as the pai ty w ould lose New Yoi k and
other castcin states if the plntfoim was
made too stiong in the direction of low-
tariff , and the platfoim that carried the
countiy in Ibb4 was good enough for Ibss
Desiring peace ubovo all things , and a little
worried ut the show of stiength which the
opposition was making , Scott to daj' con
scntcd to u uompiomlso. This compromise
is m the nature of u wholesale leairango-
nient of the business which the convention
was cillod to tiansact. Gencial Collins is to
bo pcunanent cbaiiman , Goiman to bo chair
man of the committee on icsolutions , the
tariff platform to bo a repetition of the plank
of lb 4.tho picsidcnt being endorsed as a
wise , faithful and patuotio executive in an
other section of tlio document , and Scott is
to bo chairman of tlio national committee and
manage Cleveland's campaign.
The executive committee appointed by the
Peorin waterway convention last j car , met
heio to night and piopared a request to bo
piesentcd to the committee on plat
form of the national demociatlo convention ,
Tlio icqucst sets foi th that the pioject con
templated Is to connect the great lakes witli
the Mississippi i ivcr and the Gulf of MexUo ,
so as to provide a commodious water-way for
coinmeico and for defense of the noitlioin
fiontiu in time of wai Similar action will
bo taken ut the lepubllcan national convcn
tion at Chicago ,
I'linco of MnsHauhiibcttH Fore-cabin
Koine CliuiiKcs in the Hody.
ST. Louis , May 4 While discussing
the coming meeting of the na
tional committee , which will beheld
held this aftcinoon , cx-Mnj'or Prince
of Boston , said"Thcio is going to
bo a decided change In tno compobition of the *
committee pro long. P Kelly of Minnesota ,
A. H. Blown of Indiana , B B. Imally of
Ycimont , Don M. Dickinson of Michigan ,
and I aio going out , Sctrctaij Yilns basal
leadv withdrawn to make loom foi John L ,
Mitchell Wo don't expect to do anj thing for
the ticket in Massaeluibctts Ben Butler is
agaiiibt Cleveland , but not actlvelj It does
not mutter much unywaj in Massachusetts ,
TlioonlyNcwKnglandbtatewehuvonnj show
er carrying will bo Connecticut , and if we
declare for low tai lit om chances there will
bo slim I would not waste any money in
tlio noithwest or Ohio. Indiana , Now Yoik ,
New Jeisoy and Connecticut aio Iho states
to bo watched.Vo used to spend a fortune
In Ohio every election , but that time has
passed. Indiana will bo safe with Thurmnn
orOiay. 1 believe the Old Koman will bo
nominated. Theio will bo n hot tight In
Now Yoik , and evcij nerve will have to bo
( turned to make success ceitain there , "
The national democratic com in it tea met at
noon and went into secret sessional li ! 3J.
when Chaiiman Bainum loquestcd that all
peifons not members of the committee with-
diavv. The Hist business coming before the
committee w as the selection of u tcmitorary
chaiiman for the convention. Lieutenant
Govoinor Stephen M , White of Califomu
wits nominated by National CominiUccman
Taipoy of California , and was elected with
out opjosition. Ttio repoit Of the com-
mittcoon airangomcnts was received and
adopted , approving of the apiraintmeiits of
Hit-hard J. Bright of Indiana , as sergeant-al
arms , and Daniel Abbe of Missouri , as chief
dooi Keeper ,
On motion of Sompldof Alabama , Frederick
O. I'nucu of Massachusetts , was made setre.-
larv of the convention's temporary organlza-
on The following 'assistant secret nrlcs
were appointed : Alfred Orendorft of Illi
nois , W W , Scott of Virginia , I. H. Barrett
of St. Louis , Leopold Strauss of Alabama , A.
G Hall of Minnesota , John Tripplotto of
Georgia , L. E. Howloy { of Michigan , Olncy
Newell of Colorado , T. , T. Single of Missouri ,
and I" ! L. Merritt of Nebraska. The com
mittee then selected the following reading
clerks : Thomas S. 1'ettit , chief rending
clerk of the house of representatives ; M. T.
Barrel of Now JersoyU. C Walker of Iowa.
H H. Henry of Missouri , J O Henderson of
Indiana , Joseph Cnrr of St. Louis and E D.
S Wi cr. E. U. Dickinson of New York was
elected official stenographer.
The committee then took up the question of
distributing tickets , for this purpose the
basis of distribution nt Chicago in 1SS1 was
taken The tickets wcro brought out In
boxes with badges , etc. , and delivered to the
The committee then ndjourncl until 10 n. m.
ST Lot is , Juno 4. Lieutenant Governor
StophcM Mallory White , of California , who
was made temporary chairman of the
national democratic convention , is a native
California ! ! , born in 18.11. He is named after
Stephen Malloiy , confederate sccretaiy of
the navy , to whom bo Is related through his
mother. Ho has represented Los Angolcs
county In tlio legislature , and as president of
the senate succeeded to the lieutenant gov
ernorship on the death of Governor Bartlct.
Ho presided over Iho state conventions nt
Stockton and San Francisco , and Is a picsld-
ing officer of considerable cxccutlvo ability.
Some Lively Contests Over the Dif
ferent Committee Honors.
ST. Louis , Juno 4. An Important confer
ence was held this evening nt the Colorado
hcadquartcis. The delegates fiom Tennes
see , Illinois , Ohio , Mississippi , Michigan ,
Wyoming teiritory and Colorado wcro pres
ent. They assembled to discuss the candi
dacy of General Black for vice-president.
After canvassing the situation exhaustively ,
u committee was appointed for the purpose
of learning the status of the
rival candidates with special reference
to Thurman. The committee will
tepoitatlO o'clock who'll it will bo detei-
uiincd whether General Black's name w ill go
before the convention or his suppoit thrown
toThuimnn. Thomas M. Patterson , chnii-
111 an of the caucus , in explanation of the
pi obable abandonment of the Illinois candi
date , siid : "The impression seems to bo
that the vote for Thurman will bo soovci-
w helming ns to put out of the question the
nomination of any other candidate. "
In the Kentucky caucus to day delegates -
gates wcie ninth divided in sentiment
tlio Tliiirnmn aml\ Grajfoices being
evenly bilancctl , and both arc ardent for
their eiuiditntc. Jnmps A. McKcnzie was
elected chaiiman , ; njid Henry Watterson
member of the coimnlttco on icsolutions.
U he delegates weielihablo to agieo upon a
cindidatc foi the vice incsideney. It was
determined to leave the question undecided
for the time being.
There was troubU } In the Dakota camp.
All daj was passed in fruitlcs endeavors to
effect a perm incut organization , but there
being two sets of delcjflitcs fiom that terri-
toij' , each claiming admission to the conven
tion , it was impossible to como to an agieo-
incut , and the convention will have to decide
what delegates are entitled to seats bcfoio
anj thing can be clone.
Illinois had a lively time , and % vhcn the
scummage cleared : uyny William K Morri
son was seen to be on top of the heap. W.
C. Goudy , of Chicago , hud attempted to join
foi cos with the friends-of General Black for
the double puipose of putting himself at the
head of the Illinois delegation , thus dcp.iv-
ing Morrison ot tlio chance of being a daik
hoi so for vice presfdent while correspond
ingly increasing the chances of a boom for
Black. Mori ison combined with the fucnds
of Giayand after a haid light defeated the
Goudy-Black allies. Moinson was made
ch ill man of the delegation and E M. Phelps ,
of Chicigo , a uvulof Goudy's , was elected
as the lejirescntative of Illinois , in the
national democratic committee.
A couple of fierce contests developed at the
meeting of the Minnesota delegation. Thej-
wcie over the places of national committee-
m in and member of the committee to notify
the pre'ilent of his nomination. The dclc-
( rution oiganuod bj * the election of P. B
Winston chaiiman and S C Sprmgci sccic-
tary. Two delogatos-nt-large , M.ivor Kobcrt
A Sm tb of bt Paul , and Michael Dai an , of the btato committee , were
nominated for the national committee , and
utter seventeen ballots , cveiy ono being a
t e , the election was laid Over until 0 o'clock
to-moiiow. Major Ames , of Minneapolis , and
Major , J L Ludwig , of Winona , woto
nominated for members of iho notification
committee , but another dead lock occuiicd.
This was also laid over.
In the Massachusetts caucus , Hon.
Frederick O. Pi nice , member of the national
domoc-iatie committee , was nominated to
succeed himself , but tlio chairman then
presented the following letter from Pimco :
ST Louis , Mo , Juno 4. To the Massa
chusetts Delegation : I write to saj- that
should any of mj fnonds propose mo for of
fice , or take anj- action in the matter , I am
not a candidate. After a continuous service
of twenty-eight years on the committee , it's
time for mo to retire. Youis ,
F. O. PltlNCB.
The resignation was accepted and resolu
tions adopted thanking him for his long ami
able FOI vice. Charles D. Dow is , was then
elected to take Mr. Prince's place.
National and Itcsoliitfon Committee
Moil Selected.
ST. Louis , Juno 4. The following is the
committee on icsolutions and a list of the
national committee men , that will bo 10-
poitcd to the national convention to-moirow
nfteinoon Three stnto delegations had not
jet completed tliolr organizations at mid
night to night and EQverul otlicts had not de
cided on their national committee men.
Committee on icbolutlons : Claj W. Tnj1-
lor , Callfoima ; Thomas M. Pattcison , Col
orndo ; Alficd E. Burr. Connecticut ; W. E.
Causct , Dolew-aio ; F. G. Dubigmon , Georgia ;
N. E. WoithinRton , Illinois ; David Tinpie ,
Indiana ; F W Lehman , Iowa ; U.G.Lowe ,
Kansas ; Henij' Wntterson , Kentucky. John
Djinond , Louisiana ; A. W. Madlgan , Maine ;
J W Cuninglmm , Massachusetts ; A , P Gor
man , Minjland ; Gcoigo M , Ytiplc ,
Michigan ; B , C btrlngor , Minnesota ; W II
bimms , Mississippi ; James E Noith , No
braskn , Ulclmrd Battle , Noitli Carolina ; M
B. Gauaidinn , Nevada , J. C Moore , New-
Hampsliiio ; Leon Abbott , Now Jersey ; Ed-
w aid Cooper , New York ; L. T Ncal , Ohio ;
M. S Hclman , Oregon ; William Murchler ,
Pennsylvania ; Joseph Mctcalf , Ithodo
Island. J. T , Sloan , Soutli Caiollna ;
Millaul Thompson , Tennessee ; Geo. C
Claik , Texas ; J II Senior. YmmontP ; W ,
McKcnnov , Yiipinla ; W H bcaman , Wis
consin ; Wcbley Maintain , West Viiginlu.
National committee H C1 Semplo , Aln-
banu ; M F. Tuipej- , California , C. S
Thomas , Colorado ; \V. \ H Harnum , Connco-
ticutt ; J. H , Estell , Georgia ;
E M. Phclps , Illinois ; S S , Sheiin ,
Indiana ; J J lilchurdsou , Iowa ; W. C
Blair , Kansas ; H. D McIIonry , Kentuekv ;
J. Jefliles , Louitiinu ; Aithur Sew all ,
Maine ; C 1) Lewis , Massachusetts ; O M
jwnj > , i , u , 11 uiiriciis , i\ J , ; u t > . JI.I\Y-
ban , N. C. ; C. S. Brice , Ohio , O A Neither ,
Oicgon ; O. B. Bumabeo , K. I ; F W Dawson -
son , S. C. ; P. H , Looui-y , Tcnii ; O. P. Holt ,
Tex ; H Atkins , VU ; J. H Baiborr. Vn. ; J
L. Mitchell , Was ; W M. Clements , W Vu
Womher Indications.
For Iowa Light ta southerly winds ,
warmer , fair weather , followtd by cooler
vestcrlj winds and light rains ; conditions
are favorable for fceverp local storms.
For Nebraska nn < l Dakota Warmer , fresh
to biisk southerly winds , shifting to colder
northwesterly , light ralus in Nebiasku , ram
or snow in .Dakota , whuro conditions are
favorable lev severe local storms.
Shoridan's Do nth Can Only Bo
Averted By n Mirnclo.
KcpnlillcaiiH Determined to JIn\c
Their Ilcgulnr Suspension Dny
In the House They Hrcak
the Quorum.
General Sheridan's Condition.
WASHINGTON Ucitiut ; run OMAHA BFK , )
613 FOUUTKKNTII STIUir.T ; : , }
WASHINGTON , D. C. , tuna 4. )
Juno 5 3 a. m. General Sheridan is rest
ing quietly. Dr. Pepper is expected to ar
rive from Philadelphia within half nn hour.
Colonel Blunt has just diiven down to the
train to meet him. There will probably bo
no change during the night ns
the sinking spells usually como on
in the daj time. The action of the heart is so
rapid that moro blood is forced Into the
heart than can bo acrcatcd , hcnco the con
gestion and subsequent hemorrhage. The
general's diet is confined almost exclusively
to pcptonlzcd milk , which docs not give the
strength required to combat the disease.
Mldnight- These waiting at tlio bedside of
General Sherman are expecting the spark of
life to die out at any moment. All the hope
and chccifulness which marked Sunday has
gone , and instead of hope and life , It Is des
pair and death. Mr . Sheridan , who has
been a constant attendant , beats every Indi
cation of hopelessness. The brave woman
realizes that there is no hope and that her
gallant husband is surely passing away.
When the attack came on to day ,
it came without the premonitory symp
toms which have usually manifested
themselves. It wns sudden and
it vvasby the most stienotis clToits that the
break in the tlncad of life was prevented.
The general had an hcmouhago which
showed that his lungs in e in a much worse
condition than has been admitted. Masses
of coagulated blood of a dark color \vero ex
pelled fiom the lungs and the sands of lifo
seemed fast ebbing away. In spite of iiis
weak condition and the sapping of his con
stitution by his mllltaiy excitlons ho rallied
at the last moment when the 6aso seemed
lost , and just as ilia troops weio led from
hopeless defeat in the old dajs , so did his
determination to defeat disease ovoi power
the conqueror once again. But it
was but the rally of a forlorn
hopo. Ho can not win. Ho must succumb.
To day the nurse from Baltimore , the faith
ful Sister of Clmi ity who has been constantly
at bis side , was compelled to give up , and
she was relieved by another fioin that place.
Father Chappclle , of St. Matthew's church ,
has been at ttio house all evening. He Is
still theic and ready to administer the last
rites of the church. LVciiono has given up
hope , and while all admit that previous pie-
dictions have not been boinoout those pres
ent to day say that the end is cci talnly
near , ana that nothing but a miracle can save
Theie was nn exciting two houis session of
the house to imv in which the republicans
scored telling points against the democrats
on pension legiilation. The first Monday in
each month is individual suspension day ,
when it is in order for individual mombcis to
move a suspension of the rules and set upon
their passages measures which they may call
up. The republicans in caucus seveial dajs
ago , agreed that Mr. Merrill , of Kansas , who
is a member of the committee on invalid pen
sions , should have the recognition of their
side of the house to day for the purpose of
calling up the dependent pension bill which
iccently passed the senate. When the house
met Mr. Mills was the first to bo iccognizcd
under the rule , and ho presented n
resolution pioviding special ouleis
for seven committees , a day to each one ,
when they might call tfp any measures
selected and p'aco them upon their passage.
Tlio resolution did not piovidofor any pen
sion legislation , and the icpublicans inquired
whether in the event they permitted the
passage of this icsolution a man on then-
side of the lioaso would bo recognized to call
up u bill. The democrats know who the
icpublicans wanted recognized and for what
purpose. They refusoi to commit them
selves before the consideration of the reso
lution , and the icpublicans icfuscd to bo
duiwn into the trap. They demanded
iccogiiition or a promise of it , and the chair
icfuscd to recogul/a any icpublican , even to
make mi Inquiry. It was nfiaid that after
recognizing. ! lepubllcan member ho would
call up a pension bill. It was a bleach of
courtesy which was unprecedented , and
which put the republicans on their metal.
There was instantly a dead lock , A cull of
the house was demanded and the republicans
refused to vote , le iving the house without
n quorum , when Mr Mills was compelled to
withdraw his resolution and there was an
immediate adjournment. Behind the propo
sition picsented by Mills theio is u trick and
a scheme. Two 01 three days ago it was re
ported that Mr. Kamtnll , who is a member of
the committee on mles , would vote in favor
of a resolution introduced by Johnston , of
Indiana , fixing a day for consideration of the
bill repot ted by Mutson to repoit tlio limita
tion of in carages of jmnsions net. Tlio de
sign of Mills was to make a flank movement
against any icport of this kind fiointhocom-
mittcoon rules. If lie could secuio the
passage of his resolution fixing special otdois
for the conhiOeiatioii of all impoitant demo-
ciatie measures , his paity could uflord , ho
believed , to antagonize any ic-port made by
the committee on lules , and if ho succeeded
in seeming the passugo of his lesolutlon
them would not have lemulned the slightest
chance for pension legislation in this con
gress. Keimbllcans say they do not pioposo
to permit j If they can help It , special orders
to bo made for any measure unless pensions
are provided for. Tho.v will permit the de
bate on tlio tariff bill to proceed to-morrow
and w ill delay no legislation except where
an ettoi t is made to set n day for special sub
jects The republicans have forced the dem
on ats by their proceedings today to admit
that they are opposed to all kinds of pension
An ngicement has been reached whereby n
good poition of the fcr > 00,000 piovided by the
ngucultuial appropiiution bill , which passed
the houbo last week , for the extirpation of
pleuro pneumonia is to bo applied for the
eradication of hog cholera , This information
will bo good news to thoswlno ralseis in Ne
braska , Iowa , and n few other states wlicro
hog cholera has prevailed to a moro or less
cxtentdunug the past few i ears ,
Colonel M. Y Shci ulnn has sent to Hcpre-
scnlativoDorscy a letter on behalf of the
general , thanking him In the wannest tcims
for the interest he took in the passage of the
bill lev iving the rank of gencial of the
army. Mr Doisey and General Sheridan
have been intimate friends over siiuo the
war , and tlio former bus woiked faithfully
for tno revival of the rank of general since
the letirement of General Shermanbelieving
It was due to the man w ho is now promoted.
"I harctlj think there will bo a tariff bill
presented in the houseas a substitute for the
Mills bill on behalf of the republican paily
or as tlio lepiesonfadvo measure of tlio re
publicans of the house , " said General
Browne , a republican member of the com
mittee on was and meant * , at the adjourn
ment of the house IhiH afternoon " 1 am of
the opinion , " continued the gcneiul "that
there will boa substitute prcsrnud cpinnst
the Mills- bill and thiit it mil c-o v jicd for by
ull of thu mcriucrs , but it will Lo
an individual measure , I do not say that wo
will not ngrco upon n tariff bill , for I think
wo can and will , but I bollovo the
ono which will bo presented to take
the place of the Mills bill will
bo regarded as an individual measure. It
maj bs agreed upon In caucus mid It will
have united support and jet bo nn Individual
bill offered by on individual member , re
garded as his bill and voted on as such The
debate on the Mills bill will close , in my
judgment , nt about the end of the first week
in July We may \otoon H In time to enjoy
nn tiniest rained and glorious Fourth. "
Star mall service In Iowa has boenlordered
di contlnucdns follows Gieenlleld to Macks-
bury , DCS Molncs to Elkhnrt , Crocker to
Death of n Colnrntlnnn AVho Formerly
Itnn the Omaha Ferry.
Dns-VKit , Juno 4 [ Special Telegram to
Tun UFF.J Commodore Stephen Decatur ,
one of the mysteries of the west , died nt Ho-
situ , Colo. , n small town In the Surmro do
Cresto mountains , jcstcrday at an advanced"
age. Dccntur's name was Stephen Decatur
Hross , and ho was born in Sussex county ,
Now Yoi Ic. His elder brother was Lieuten
ant Governor Bross , of Illinois , and at onetime
time manager of the Chicago Tribune. Do
cater lived for a long time in Now Jersey ,
where ho taught school. Ono day In 1844 ho
informed his wife that ho must go to New
Yoik. Ho left his homo and was never
heard from again. Ho came west , dropped
the name of Bioss and ran n ferry from
Omuha to Council Bluffs for scvcial jcais.
Ono day ho wns approached by
his brother , but denied his Identity
absolutely. Ho had dropped the Bross from
is name , and irom Now York drifted to the
frontier. Ho had enlisted in Doniphan's
regiment , and was ono of those who made
the famous inarch under ICcarnoy to Santa
Fo and Chihuahua. Ho was in Colonel Tay
lor's company and was a brave anil gallant
soldier. Ho was widely and favorably
known as a citizen , a public speaker and a
man of education with the refined instincts
of a gentleman. In Ib59 , with the throng of
pioneers who mndo their way fiom the Mis
souri to the mountains , Dncntui came to Col
01 ado. Fiom that day to this his lifo Is well
known to all pioneer citizens. Ho was a
member of the Thiid Coloordo regi
ment and a paiticlpant In the Sand
Creek light. Ho piospected and mined
for many ycais about Georgetown
In Clear Creek county and about Peru and
Monte7uma in Summit county. He rcpio
scntcd in IbG" and IMlb that district in the
tcriitorml legislature. He also edited for a
time , the Geoigetown Miner. In IbTO lie
represented Colorado at the Centennial.
Dining this time ho wns lecogni/ed several
times bv his relatives , but nl\\s\\t \ denied
his identity. A delegation of citlrcns from
his old homo called on him and established
his identity by minks on his pcison , but lie
maintained his stolid denial. Ho finally
drifted off to mining camps and died theio
vcstcrday almost penniless No explana
tion of his eccentric conduct was ev er ad
Klcven 1'crsons Perish in a IJiirnintc
RocKim.r , Tex. , Juno 4 This morning
about 4 o'clock the Mundino hotel , n tin co-
story brick building , was found to bo on Hro
Inside wcro thirteen poisons , only two of
whom escaped alive. Dr. W. A. Biooks , the
proprietor , was pulled out of the burning
building with his hair and beard singed off
aiuLqthcrjviso badly burned , leaving behind
him his wife , and fourchildicn , who polished.
Pcmbcrton Pierce , representing the Him of
Gcoige H. Seiglcr ot Philadelphia , jumped
from the bunting building und was killed ,
D M. Oldhiini of Dallas , escaped badl.v
singed. The mjstery about the thing is that
so many should h.ue perished when no ono
wns higher up than the second stoiyund
there wore galleries end exits on both sides
of the building occupied by the slccpcis. No
ono was heal d to call or set cam , .all dying
without a cry foi help , though a great ciowd
nuieklj gathered and exhausted evci \ efloi t
to afford icscue. The ictiiiins of seveial
have been lecovered from the iiilns , but
they are unrecognizable
Those known to have been lost me : Mis.
W. A. Brooks , wife of the piopnctor of the
hotel , and her sons , aged four , six , nine , and
fifteen jcais lespectively ; J O. Briscoe ,
wife and two llttlo childicn ; Isaac Ciown ,
mid a tiavelmg salenn in supposed to bo
Pembeiton Pieice , of Philadelphia. The
hotel register being burned there is nothing
with which to identify tlio remains.
Summoned to Sheridan.
PIIII-ADI I.PHIA , Juno 4. Dr. William Pep
per was again summoned to Washington to
night for consultation in General Sheridan's
case and left heie on n special tiuln at 11 HO
Tlio doctor said before leaving that ho had
been in constant telegraphic communication
with the genci ill's physicians all day and had
been infoiined that the unfavorable symplons
have recuncd to-day witli tlio lenowal of tlio
alarming fuiluie'of thp.heart's action and con-
'gcctivo condition. Fuithcr than tills ho did
not care to speak.
A Foolhardy Scheme
BurrALo , Juno 1. [ Special Telepiam to
TUB Urn ] Potts and Ha/elott , the Niagara
river whirlpool svvimmeis , woio at tlio falls
jcstcrday and gave out that ono or the other
of them would go over Horseshoe falls
next Sunday in n ban el they have bud made
especially for the pui pose. The. ) tested tlio
cui rents by bending over a baircl ballasted
with a sandbag and fieightcd with a live
gamecock. The ban el quickly shot tliiongli
the itiplds and went gliding over the falls It
was picked up In the eddy below Tablo-iouk
in good condition. Tlio chicken was dead
and bulled in tlio sand.
.7 > ir Davis' ttluhtfcth Illrtlidny.
Ni.w OKUVNS : , Juno 1 [ Special Tclegiam
to Tin : Hi i.-Jolt ] Davis celebrated his
eightieth birthday at Boauvolr yostciday
Suudiy boxes and packages tebtilled substun
tial icmembinnces , while by mail came large
numbers of letteis of coiifriatulationfiom old
fi lends. Davis is in better health than lie
has been for some time' . Ho is gi eatlv inter
ested In curi cut events1 , political and social
Ho is concoined in the outcome of the Ht
Louis convention , and leads nil newspaper
gossip with the aulor of a young politician ,
Iron and Steel Workers.
PlTTSHUHO , Juno 1. The annual convcn
tlon of tlio lion and Steel Woikeis' National
Assembly , Knights of Labor , assembled in
this city at 10 o'clock this morning. Sixty
delegates , leprcscntirig 7,000 members cm
ployed in the various mills throughout the
country , aio in attendance. The principal
business will bo the drawing up of a sculo
goveining workers in iron and steel mills and
ftu nates ; also the le vision of the consti
AVIII I'xamliit ! Piittknmcr'H Hcply.
Bi'iti.iN June -Tlio
, - empeior will ex-
nmino Minister Yon Putthaiuei's icply to
the letter eoncouiing tlio freedom of
elections before publishing the quinquennial
bill , and will then decide whether his latter
to the minister shall bo published with the
bill ,
Brll'.ist I'loclalmed.
Bui-msr , Juno 4 The government has
pioclalmed Belfast under sections 3 and 4 of
the crimes act This will enable the court to
giant a cnangoof vcnuti In the tiiul of the
pci sons arrested for defrauding the Kquitu
bio Lifo Insurance company uf New York.
Klei'tilcity Hoi caller.
AIIIANI , N. Y , Juno 4 - Governor Hill to-
daj signed the bill abolishing hanging for al
murt'ers committed after January 1 , ISbO ,
and xuAlUuUiir ! | ileath by eluctiicity * hcro-
Tom Platt , of Now York , Consults
With the Ohio Man.
Deb lugtrfioll AVIII Not Nominate
Qrcfllinin nt Chicago , Although
FnvotuiR.tlio Imminent Jur
ist's Selection.
Hlicrmnn Confident of Success.
WASHINOTON , Juno 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bm.l HvSenator Tom Platt , ot
New York , has been In Washington two or
three days in conference with prominent re
publicans on the piesldentlal outlook. I'm
has conferred with not only nil of the known
picaldentlal aspirants in the city , but their
principal managers. Ho denies that ho is
working In the Interest of anyone , or that ho
Is , in fact , working in politics at all , Ho
pretends to bo simply gathering the opinions
of the masses. It is probable that Mr. Platt
Is casting his anchor to the windward tryIng -
Ing to find out which way the current is run
ning so that he i'an got on the safe side.
IIo had a talk with Senator Sherman Into
this afternoon. The Ohloan is confident of
the nomination. In convorvation with n
friend this aftei noon Senator Sherman said
that If ho could secure the Now York dele
gation ho would bo nominated beyond a
question of doubt , and that the reports
made by Mr. Platt were very encourag
ing. Senator Sherman states that bo will
receive on the first or second ballot enough
votes to nominate him if ho had the Now
York support. It Is stated that Mr. Platt is
especially sounding the Sherman depth with
n view to ascci tabling whether the New
York delegation would ho s'lnielcnt to give
him the nomination , mid it is believed that If
ho is ceitain that New York holds the key to
the situation ho will tiy and tuin it over to
the Ohoin. SemUois Quay and Cameron of
Pennsjlviinla ha\o just leturned to Wash
ington fiom tliolr state and say it will go
solidly for Slici man now that Dlaiiio is out
of the way. They openly predict Shei man's
nomination. They weiu to dnv busilv en
gaged In making inquiries about the delega
tions from Nebraska , Colouuto , Kansas and
one or two other states with a view to ascer
taining whet Her tihcinmn has n good deal of
strength in those localities. Theio is to bo a
confeienco of the Sheumin men within two
weeks when an 01 ganization is to be nftoctod
mid n canvass made of his stiength , Senator
Sherman sajs ho will have double the
bticngth of any other candidate on the first
ballot , and is confident of the nomination.
IJol ) IiiKciMill Won't Nomli n'i .
Nnw YOIIK , Juno 'J [ Special Telegram
toTin : BI.E JA repoit having been pub
lished In seveial ncwspapcis that Colonel
Ingcrsoll bad been invited by the Illinois
delegation to th" national icpublican con-
vcntion to picscnt in nomination the name of
Walter Q. Gieslmm , a repoitei called upon
the colonel to asccitain if such was the fact.
Colonel Ingeiboll smiled at the question and
said : " 1 have made no airaiigcmcnts to present -
sent the name of Gicshain. i am not n mem
ber of HIP convention , but I am in favor of
the nomination of Judge Giesbam , and if ho
is nominated he will , in my Judgment , bo
elected. "
"What doou think of the Uea of putting
Thurman on the ticket with Clcv eland i"
' Judge Ihuiinin is undoubtedly n man
of ability. He is advaicol In yeais.
Ho ccitiiilv has puss'd i'io ' heyday
of the ulood I do not see why 1 o
si out 1 accept the nomination. Four ycuis
ago he wab not thought woithy of bomg in
CM eland's cabinet. A man unfit for a
cabinet position ought not to bo asked now to
take a second pluco on the ticket to help th'o
\ei.\ man who held him in such light esteem.
Itlmidh seems piobahle , when wo take into
considclation tlio gi cat populmity of Cleve
land , that Thuiman could help him , lie beintr
so neat Ij the opposite of the picsidcnt. Pcr-
bonally , I bnvo lespect for Judge
Thiumin , and I hardly think it fun * for the
( K'liKx i atic. paity now to put him in tlio un-
digmlied position of a booster. "
Against Gray.
INDUV vi'oi is , ina , Juno 4 [ Special
Telegram to Tiir Bru.J A clmigo was pub
lished heio ycstoiduy that Goveinor ( .ray m
illiteiatound Incapable of writing his own
speeches mid messages. The charge was
suppoitcdbj icceipts showing that ho had ,
paid Colonel J. S. Ma\nurd , editor of the
Sentinel , for siuh woi k. It created a great
sensation and was usoJ by his opponents to
hib disadvantage. Tlio govcinor makes no
direct denial of the charges , but intimates
that the ciicumstances under which ho paid
foi tlio wilting of his speeches wcro disci editable -
itablo to Colonel Mu.vnard. Tlio story of
Mnynard , however , is we'll substantiated ,
with documents and it is expected it will
have sulllcicnt foico to defeat the governor
in the St. Louis convention.
Still They Come.
Nnw YOIIK , Juno 4. [ Special Tclcgia-n to
TinBi K.J It Is stated lieio to-day that a
definite movement is on foot to push Don.
Dickinson for the vice piesidentlnl nomina
tion in case the Thuiman boom subsides
bomowliat before to-inoirow.
A Side Show
Lin in KOCK , Juno 4 , Tlio democrat'o
state platform congiattf lutes the countiy on
the gioat succesb of President Cleveland's
administration , hcaitilj cmloiscs his tnrift
messages and utges the passage of the Mill *
tariff bill.
_ _
I'cpnMloaiiH Can v Oregon.
I'oiiTi.iNi ) , Ore , Juno 4 Tlio republicans
confidently claim the election of Hermann
foi congrcbs by not less than 1,5 0 majority.
The legislature Is claimed b.v the republicans
on Joint ballot. The count is proceeding very
slowly , and the tesult will not bo known till
The IllliiolH Klcolfnn.
Cuiio , Ills , Juno 4 Tlio election f9r
Judge of the supiemo court in this diBtiict
passed off quietly. Judge Baker's uia'rr'ty
ovci Conger In this city is 'Jlil , with the out
side piccincts not yet hcaid fiom.
Kitr-Cnltcr Hell Hound Over.
CHICAGO , Juno 4 [ Special Tclegiam to
THU Bri : | George II Boll was urraignerl
in the A i moi y police station this morniny ,
charged witli inajhcm in having eut on" the
left ear of George B. Munay The examina
tion developed sonto sensational circum
stances and resulted HI Bell being bound to
tlio criminal couit in the hum of $3,000.
Ttlurray told his story over again and denied
any wiong domi ; Bell and h. 8 attorney stt
up their chum and wanted to pioduco a wrijL-
tcn confession by Bell's wife , but the Justice
ruled this out and held tbopiisoncraB above ,
. . . - /
An Amciicun Crcvv Ai rested.
HAUIA.X , N. S , Juno 4 , Consul Gcnrgl
Phelan to night icceived a dispatch stating
that the fishing schooner Amhioso H , Knight ,
of Booth Day , Mo , Captain Die/ins , had
been seucAut St Johns , N. F , and her trw
ui tested for selling bait at St. Pierre ,
Miquclon Thu captain gave bond and ho
ami the crow , it is believed , were theic'.iicn )
released with theii vessel
htntuunrllju'.ili ( ,
Nen YOIIK , June 4.- The maugu.illoa ot'
the statue of Garibaldi , created in V. ashing
tja square by 'the Italian residents of this
city , took place to JaMuyo Hewitt ac
cepted the statue cu LchuU ot the city.