TUB OMAIIA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , .JUNE 4 , 1888. THE CITY. ! The funeral of tlio Into C. C. Thrano will tnko place from his residence , corner Tenth find Centre streets , at 2 p. m. Tuesday. J. J. Quinn , nrrestfctl In this city some days nco on the charge of stealing n. watch from n woman in Lincoln , was yesterday taken to that place for trial. The flro at 0 o'clock last night was at 1007 Capitol avenue , occupied by Uattic Anderson and owned by Thomas Cotter. A lamp 'exploded , and $100 will cover the loss. Edward Spollaborg , whoso cabinet sliop and tools were burned with the Mnyno paint works , saved iv beautiful plebe of inlaid work. It is a desk with a lid of walnut , brought from the old country. The walnut is inlaid with branches of osage orange and pieces of n prune trco planted by Mr. Spollaberg a mother. It was reported on the streets last evening that J. E. Hjloy , the well- known contractor , had been thrown from his carriage and killed. In answer to a telephone call , Mrs. Rlloy cheerfully reported her husband well and sound , and somewhat later in the evening Mr. Roily himself was seen on the street on his way to Kansas City : Personal ParaijrnpliH. E. nroug , of Crete , .Neb. , is at the Pnxton. W. Gnrnioiiy , of Shelby , la. , Is at the Mil- hinl. Joe Ucatty , Chndron , Nub. , is at the Mil- lard. lard.W. W. H. Dunn , of Lincoln. Neb. , Is nt the Paxton. P. Touhy. of Grand Island , Neb. , is at. the Mlllnrd. W. E. Swcntzcl , of Sioux City , In. , Is nttho Mlllnrd. G. H. Wilson , of Wlntcrsct , In. , Is nt the Paxton. C P. J. Dulnnoy , of Lincoln , Neb , , Is at the Windsor. N. C. Drown , of Cellar Unpids , Neb. , is nt the Windsor. W. It. Harwood , of Dca Moines , In. , is nt the Paxton. George Hogart , of Shcnnndonh , In. , Is nt the Pnxton. W. 11. Jones , of Missouri. Valley , In. , Is at the Pnxton. E. A. Dcclter , of Sioux Falls , Dak. , is nt the Windsor. L. .T. Mnccdens nnd wife , of Lincoln , Neb. , nro nt thu Pnxton. J. F. Culllnnn , wlfo nnd family , of Sioux City , In. , nro nt the Windsor. 13. H. Tcbault , of Beatrice , v/tw in the city ycstDidny on his wny to Mississippi to plant the Btnla-s for the nuw iron town to rlvnl Birmingham. She Caino More Tlinii Ilnlf AVny. But ono marriage license was issued Satur- dny. The parties wore Henry C. Venn , ot liollhiR , Wyo. . aged M. and Mrs. J. A. Graft , of Glunwood , Pa. , tiged 31. DriinkcnncHs unit Wlfo Ellen O'Neill lllcd n petition la the distitct court Saturday nslcing for n divorce from Jcffuisnn W. O'Neill. The husband is lic ensed of maltreating his wife and of being n habitual drunkard. Ho is also branded us being unlit to have the custody of his chil dren. _ To Sell tlicoTrutli. The Truth newspaper concern hns been advertised to bo sold at auction Juno Hi at 10 n. in. , on the corner of Thirteenth and Dong- Ins street. The order of sale is given by Judge Anderson in favor of J. W. Evnrts , former editor of the paper , the Carpenter paper company and the western Newspaper Union , plaintiffs in several attachment suits. Insulting Women. There is n class of Idlers upon the street who have been accustomed to imd > o obscene rcmnrkb to abandoned women with impunity. Some of them huvo become reckless and in- disurlr.lnnto , with the result of insulting rctpcctublo women. Judge Berlin , had four such ca&PH before him Saturday and lined them from J5 to ? 15 and costs. Wanted l > y JH ! Hondsmnn. John Dinginnn has gone to DCS Moincs in Bcareh of Will Bryan , who is reported to bo charged with seduction. A real estate dealer named Foster went on his bail bond for $1,203 , and wants to turn him over to the au tuoritlcH. Bryan was manager of the JJes Moine's hall twim the foropartoi last reason , and Is otherwise known to the sporting fra- tuinity as a sprint runner of sumo local fume. Tlio girl m the case is named.Stack. . . Tlio Crete Assembly. Considerable- interest has been manifested during the pubt week In the meeting of the ClmutniKjuii assembly nt Crete on the 'JSth of this month , and many prominent citizens liuvo taken stock in this institution and are arranging to nttoml this year. The programme publihhcd in last Sunday's Bin : sparkles with the best talent in tlio world. The following gentlemen have taken stock the past week : Governor Saunders , Henry Yules , Joseph Millard , John M. Tliurston , J. L. Hicc , L. O. Jones , Dr. A. B. Seniors , ( Jhnrlcs W. Hig- piim , Hev. Charles W. Savldge , Wing B. Allen. George Joi > lin , James Homier und Lu 13. CaW J _ In the Nidk of Time. A few minutes after 1 o'clook Sumln.t tnorning OHlcertt Ormsby and Demisoj ) noticed smoke issuing from the saloon ol Montgomery & Adams at Dodge nnd Four teenth streets. They found the side door . wide ojien , nnd alter groping ubout in tlio , Binoko located the llro in tjio collar. With the help of the block wntchmiin they carried water nnd extinguished the blnzo. The lire \VIIH In a heap ot rubbish , and the circuin stances point to incendiarism , The owners uero called but did not discover anything stolen. They had closed up nt 12 o'clock. A Traditional Stepmother. * Isaac Williams upent the night in the con trnl station on the charge of wlfo beating. An ofllccr who knows him well nays Willlruns Is a bobcr , industrious and woll-bohavod car penter. Mr. Williams was n widower and his wlfo n widow when tnoy married. The woman led her first husband a lively dnncj , nnd married within a month of his death Willitlms has n daughter by his llrst wifu anil her stepmother has driven her from homo. Bho iilbo objects to her father hiipportlng hei among frlcmU , nnd It Is posslblo the ijuurro' led to blows. It Is intimated that the art ci was nmdo at the instance of u man rooming in thu house. PropnrntloiiH I-\ir Cclt < lratiiiK. Arrangements for the coming Fourth o July celebration , by the various labor organ nations of the city , nro being rapidly per fcctcd. The sub-commlttco on finance , whlcl ivus appointed last 'I'uosJny evening to gnthcr funds from the various corporation and merchants , has been meeting with fair success , over foOO having nlrcndy been col Iccted , The railroads have nil agreed to give greatly reduced rates , whllo the use of tin fair grounds has Lecn donated for the occn slew by Its managers. Among the interest ing dUplnya ut thu grounds on that day wil bo chariot and hort > o racing , us well as bul loon ascensions. In the evening n pyrotech lite display will cither bo given on the hlgl school campus or in Jefferson bijuaro. The speaker of the occasion will btl cx-Unitei States Senator Van Wyck , who 1ms kindly consented to deliver nn oration. Put lo HeU $10 Worth. It is a dangerous practice for lowans to como over to Omaha to do their lushing They can't keep pace with the town. For example , Frank M , Jones , having an indell nlto residence in the prohibition state , put in Saturday getting full. When ho rolled into the Metropolitan hotel > it night ho was In th tow of a man who registered ns Franl Backer. The night clerk flidu't like the looks of Backer , who was fgnorunt of his companion's name , but ns thu strangers in sUted on haying u ropra tojfctiicr they xvera accommodated. An hour later the clerl heard bomo ono leave the houf e. Susrcctini it to bo Backer , ho went upjto the room uui touuu tie fvllOw gone. Jencs was -iu to icnvy ft stupor to bo aroused. In the morn- ng ho reported that ho Imd been robbed of a tockctbook nnd 140 , Jones scoured the city md got track of the man , but that is all. Wnnt Tliclr Clothes Dnck. The senior member of the firm of Nelson k Wcsbcrg , tailors nt Boone , In. , arrived In he city yesterday in scnrch of the burglnrs vho robbed their store Thursday night of ' fiOO worth ol made-up clothes. The thieves took out the sash of the front window and carried awny nlno conts.sevcn vests nnd flf- ccn pnlrs of trousers. The tramps , for such hey evidently were , went to a Chlcnpo & Northwestern railway box car nnd rlggeil themselves out In now suits , leaving their old duds In the car. The1 also left two of the new vests. A Serious Charge. Frank Murray died of dropsy nt St. Jo seph's hospital yesterday. Ho was about hlrty-clght years old nnd leaves a wlfo nnd 'nmlly nt Hoshcster , N. Y. A man named ) 'Nelll , who attended Murray whllo nt their loardlng house , reported that the deceased md given n Dr. Smith t-200 on a guarantee lint lie would be cured , but that the doctor scat the patient to the hospital after a WCCK'S treatment. The only Dr. Smith In the di rectory could not bo found last night nt the nddrcss given and O'Neill's residence could not bo learned. What is more attractive than a pretty 'ace with a frcih. bripht complexion r "or it use Pozxoni's Powder. Shetland pony for wtlo by George A. Kcolino , Council BlufTH. Smoke Soltlouborg's Figaro and got , ho besto-cont cigar in tlio world. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale dopot. TO SA1/T li\KK AND KGTUH.V. The Union Pacific. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will soil tickets from all Kansas and Nebraska points for the special ex cursion to Salt Lake City and return , Juno Oth , nt ono fare for tlio round trip. Tickets going good live days , and rc- Lurning liftecn dayfe , extreme limit Lhirty days. Stop-over privileges al lowed within those limits. Parties de sirous of visiting Garliold Beach , on Great Salt Lake , the famous watering place of the west , should improve the opportunity now ottered. t. GKUTIt The State Veterinarian Ordered by the Governor to ICoot It Out. The following order has been issued to Dr. crth , state veterinarian , by Governor Thnyer , und will bo readily understood by everybody , especially dairy mon In this vicin- ty. It emphasizes the governor's apprccia- , ion of pure milk , as referred to in Tin : Bnn of yesterday , ni nlso the active measures necessary to bo resorted to in order to attain that result. STATU or NEIIUASKA , Executive Depart ment. Lincoln , Neb. , June , 1 ! > 8S. Dr. J. north , State Veterinarian. Dear Sir : Hav ing completed your labors at Button you will please return without delay to Omaha and resume the examination of all the dairy herds which supply Omaha with milk ; and you will continue this investigation without interrup tion , us 1 will not call you away for duty at any other point until your labors around Omaha are completed. I trust your investigations will bo of the most thorough and searching character , and on the slightest sign of tuberculosis m any animal of the herds , you will require the owner to separate her entirely , giving the most stringent orders to that effect ; and also lay upon them the most rigid prohibition of their use of the milk from any such animal. Inform them that nny disregard of your orders in these respects will bo followed up by the severest penalties the law can inllict. 1 trust , however , that every owner of such cattle would bo ready nnd willing to comply w ith your orders literally. When your labors there are concluded , I shall nwnit your report with n great deal of interest. The live stock agents are ready to render you every assistance at nil times Very truly yours. Jonx W. THAVVJK. P. S. If there should bo any disregard of your orders you will at once lay the matter before the prosecuting attorney of Douglas county , DEMOCRATS. Union Pacific , * * "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell through tickets to St. Louis , Mo. , to parties desiring to attend the National Democratic Convention , to beheld held at that place , on Juno Sth , at ono faro for tlio round trip , from points in Nebraska nnd Ktuibus. Tickets going good Juno iind to 5th , inclusive , and re turning Juno Cth to llth , inclusivegood for continuous pas&ago only in eacli di rection. Stop at the Globe hotel. I have opened my Woodruff granite quarries and can fill all orders of almost any dimensions. Rock can bo seen at stone yards ) of Win. Tyler , Lincoln , Neb. TIIOS PUICI ; . A IlIC IUjA/E. The I'aintVorlcs Mayno Entirely Io- Htroyril. Yesterday forenoon ubout 11 o'clock the Mayno paint manufactory wns discovered to bo on fire , nnd notwithstanding the fnct that the department , was on hand in n very short tinio after the alarm was sounded , the llamcs hud acquired a romurkublo headway owing to the largo amount of combustibles inside the building. The stable belonging to the American District telegraph company , a laundry building nnd two dwellings next the paint works were badly burned , the former being almost a total wreck. The paint works were completely destroyed , ab were the entire - tire contents. The loss is estimatednt$7,000 , which Is nearly covered by insurance. The ciuso of the llro is unknown , but it is supposed to have originated from the care lessness of some little boys who were play ing in the rear of the paint works nearly all the forenoon , and it Is believed the littln fel lows hud matches with them , which were lit , und upon being dropped cnused the t > hi70. There should bo some place for the key to the llro alarm box at that point. Yesterday it was hanging in the ofllco of the Wyeth lumber yard , and the buildinir being locked , the man w ho discovered the llro burst In the door , much to thu ditgust of the gentle man in charge of the building , who was highly Indignant. Had the lumber yard been ablaze it might have been different. KNIGHTS OK I'VTHIAS. Union Pacific , "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell through tickets at ono faro for the round trip , from points in Nebraska ami Kansas to parties desiring to attend the meeting of the Supreme Lodge , Knights of Pythias , to bo held in Cin cinnati , Ohio , Juno lUth to 10th inclu sive. Tickets good going.Tuno Stli to 13th and returning Juno lilth to 10th inclusive - clusivo , with continuous passage only in each direction. When you como to Omaha stop at the Glebe , the butt located &I-a-day hotel in town. Between 13th and 14thstreets on Douglas. Stop at the Globe hotel. OP I-1 KOU ST. ixnus. Departure of the Nebraska Delega tions for the Convention. Attired in sleek clothes , wearing white plug hats , silk badges on the lapels of their coats , and carrying canes , ubout soventj-flvo democrats from Omaha and various parts ol the state gtcpjicd proudly from the I'axton nt 00 : hist evening to the inspiring strains ol the People's tlicatro bauU , nail marched down Furnam fctr.cct and Tenth to the Union depot , where they boarded three Pullman cur ; overtho Wabaalf rt.Uioad and started for tne convention of dfmpcruts ut ti\ . Louis , House " * M * " An opportunity of Special Importance for cash buyers throughout the west. Specials in Children's Suits , prices , $3 , $4 , and $5. Continuation of the sale of Sawyer Suits , Price $12.00. Continuation of the sale of Dplan Suits , Price $8.00. Continuation of the sale of Blue Flannel Suits , Price $8.00 IT PAYS TO mm OUR orders by mail and express for the bargain susts advertised worolarger during the past month than wo had an ticipated. Scarcely a city or town in the Western States that have not sent liberal orders. This is OUR method of advertising , ami wo propose to continue it , knowing that every article sent in response to these orders will bo a lastIng - Ing advortisomoni for the CONTINEN TAL. LOT 2795. Price $3.00. We offer 150 Boys' Scotch Plnid.Norfolk Blouse Suit nttho motoly nominal price of $3.00 ; these are in regular sizes from 4 to 13 years old , ami as pretty a style and ns serviceable as any that wo have been nblo to make up this season for n much higher price. LOT 2304. Price $4.00. This is a. very choice lot in n neat mixed Cheviot ngood serviceable color and cut in the same sizes for Boys' from 4 to 13 years old. A now lot which lias been made up to sell for $0.00 , and wo unhesitatingly offer this as ono of tlio Best Bargains over offered this season in this depart ment. LOT 2308. Price $ -5.00. This lot is offered to those who want something in a little darker color than the other lots. This is a very neat black nnd brown stripe , not aliowy at all Tjut very gontcol perfect fitting and thoroughly made in Norfolk Blouse style , same sizes as tiio other lots Wo do not expect to dupli cate ns good n suitas this for tlio money this season. Tlio suit hns been marked on our counter for $7.00 and wo know that every ono taken out of our store will give perfect satisfaction , Remem ber these nro short pants suits only Contlntmtion of the stile of the Fabrics. There are only two colorings loft on thcso celebrated suitingsnnd , wo offer them until they arc entirely closed out at the same unapproachably low price of $12. per suit. No more domrn- blo material can bo offered for a bus iness suit than these goods nro , being purely all well fabrics and goods that have stood the test for years. LOT 3521. In this lot wo have about 100 suits left in single breasted Sack Coats , in sizes from 35 to 41. The very best Sawyer Woolen Go's. , Double and Twist Spring Suitings , now light grey and brown mixture just made up in our' very best manner , and never , during the twelve years that wo have been sell ing this suit has it over boon placed on our counters at less than $18. Wo do not need to commend the celo- broted Sawyer Woolen Co.of Dover , N. II. , but unhesitatingly pronounce them the best manufacturers of line all Wool Suitings in Now England. No shoddy. flocks or cotton is used in any of their fabrics. Do not forgot the price , only $12. $12.LOT LOT .3514. Wo offer 100 of the well known Velour Cloth Finish Sawyer Woolen Go's. Suits in n very dark Oxford mixture , n small neat check pattern , ono of the most popular styles the mill has over made , suitable for either bus iness or dress purposes. Single brcnstcil Sacks , regular sizes in Spring weight at the same extremely low price of $12. LOT 3525 Is n Single Button Cuta way Frock Suit of this Dark Velour Fin ish Sawyer of which wo have made up about 50 Suits , as u Inrgo number of our customers want n frock suit of thcso celebrated Sawyer goods. Wo have made up n few suits of this shade in regular sizes from 35 to 41which will bo sold nt the same extraordinarily low price ns the others , $12. Wo continue tlic sale this week of the noted Dolan Cheviots , in regular sizes , 34 to 4 J , comprising four different stylo's nntl mixtures at tlio wonderfully low price of $8.00 per suit. Those are strict ly all wool goods , free from shoddy , durable nnd right in every respect. No suit in this lot ought over to bo retailed for less than $12 , but wo offer this ns an attractive bargain in Men's low priced Business Suits. wil1 seml packages containing suits of clothing.furnishing goods , cloths and -woolens of all kinds kop jn our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , loAva , Kansas , Dakota , Colorado , or Wyoming , 0. O. B giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article of merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for them , and if not perfectly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding § 10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we have sent goods all over the United Stales in this manner by express with the' most satisfactory .esults. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they do not please you. ° * MBO TON * " < e ; ? i a.O.ULg ( JUUUJLJLLU9 Ot V/ NEW YORK _ , . , DES MOINES Proprietors : Corner Fifteenth , and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE WEST OF THE RfSISSISSIPPI RSVER where they expect to arrive this morning. John Uoytl was the standard bcnrbr , letec- ) tivo Moynilmn , Chief Marshal , and Mess > rs. Joe Tchon nnd "Jen" Mcfiesith aides. Room No. 4S in the P.ixton was open dur ing the day for the accommodation of the del egation and their guest ? from out of the city. The room was thrown oncn nt 11 u. m. , and from that time to the hour of departure there were numerous callers , who were regaled with punch and imported cigars. A canvas of the delegates showed that they were unan imous to a man for Cleveland for president mid Thurman for vice president , lirst , last and all of the time. The headquarters of the Nebraska delegation while in St. Louis will bo at the Planters hotel. Following are the names of those who wont on the trip : Put Desmond. T. E. Folcy , J. A. Kehoo of Platte Center , T. II. Egbert of Norfolk , ' ! ' . C. Emerson , Dr. Hear of Norfolk , John O'Conncll , Frank Morrtsey , P.it Ford , Joe Tculion , Adam Snydcr , C. A' . Gallagher , Charles Ogdcn , John Dougherty , M. V. Gannon , F. J. Murray , T. J. Donney , II. D. Shuull , F. II. Hichards , C. E. Fanning , George N. Crawford of Colorado , D.RDavis , of Columbus , J. E. North of Columbus , J. C. Crawford. D. W. Clacy , John Power , T. M. Frassc , Charles Urandt.Otto Haiiman , J. Meyer 'of West Point , Detective Moyn- ihan , O. E. Green. John Hoyd , Hon. James 13. Hoyd , D. A. Willard , M. D. Kochc , E. P. Mullen , John J. Mahoncy , Thomas Hllcy , Milt G. Wilder , William 13. Cross of North Platte , J. J. Points , James Tlmmens , J. H. Hunter , Horace Newman , Dr , Dunn , of Lin coln , M. A. Mills of Osccola.Gcorgo Holmes , jr. , John F. Murphy , Ed Urcnimn , and John Mulviuill. Attention , Odd Fellows. All members of Keystone lodge , No. lee , will moot at tlioir hall , corner Sixth and Pierce , nt 1 o'clock sharp , Tuesday , Juno 6 , to attend tlio funeral of our late brother , C. C. Thrnnc. All members of other lodges are invited , also sojourn ing brothers. A. VINUV , N. G. Attention , Danish Society. All members of tlio Danish society nro requested to meet at Met/ ' hull , Tuesday , nt 1 p. m. , to nttcnd the funeral of tlio Into C. G. 'JJlirnno. ItKl'UnMOAXS. Unhm I'aclflo. "TIIK OVK11LAN1) ROUTE , " Will Boll through tickets at rate of ono faro for the rouiul trip , from points in Nebraska and Knnsns , to parties desir ing to attend tlio National Republican Convention to bo hold in Chicago Juno 19th. Tickets good going Juno 10th to 10th , nnd returning Juno 20th to i5th inclusive , witii continuous passage only in each direction. Dr. McGrew. Rectal , urinary & priv ate diseases only. Room 6 , Barker bl'k. Stop nt the Glebe hotel. HIS STOUY. The Mulatto Is Hcndy to Marry tlio Willie Girl. Cyrus Terrill , the mulatto accused of be- trayiug the Norwegian girl , Magglo Nelson , was found in his restaurant last evening busily serving customers as though nothing had occurred to disturb the oven How of his life. The restaurant is on Dodge street , near Twelfth , and receives its patronage from the colored and "sporting" population so numerous in its immediate neighborhood , The girl's story was given in a dispatch from St. Paul in yesterday's Ilex , Tcrnll denies that ho used his position as her cm- ploj er to overcome her scruples , nnd says there Is no truth in the statement that ho showed her u paper purporting to bo a mar riage certificate. Ho suys they hod been ac quainted and intimate for several months bc- forci'ho engaged in the 'restaurant busi ness , and t > ho hud frequently dc- frajcd the eapcnbes of their coointr. They were both cooks at too Cojvuns UpiUe about" * year .ago , The girl bad co we there in company with a white cook from Atlantic , la. , under promise of marriage. The latter then secured $ -U of her money and disap peared. Terrell sent the girl to St. Paul , as stated by her. He savs ho expected to follow and open u restaurant in that city , but his part ner hero failed to put up the cash necessary to buy up the Omaha business. Terrell claims that ho then wanted to send for the girl to come back , but could not Ic.irn of her whereabouts. When notilied of her condi tion by a telegram from the city physician of St. Paul , ho wired bacic to give her all needed attention and scnd-her to Omaha as soon as possible. "I don't think it Just the thing for white people to marry colored , " said Terrell , "but I'll do anything the girl says. If she says 'marry me , " I'll do it. The best way out of the trouble is the best way. I want to do what's right by her. As long as I have a nickel slio's welcome to It. " The girl returned from St. Paul yesterday morning. She reported nt the homo of Ter rell's partner , J. T. Hlcc , but left immedi ately without calling on Terrell. The latter made a search for her , but up to last night her whereabouts remained a secret. This powder never varied. A marvel of puri ty , btrength und wholrhoinenoKs. Moreucononi- kal than the ordinary klmlH , nml runnnt bu sold. In competition with thu multltmluof lowro'-t. abort wulcht alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In runs , Hoyal Making J'owilcr Co. , I'M Wall btreet. New Vork. PIANOS CHICKERING , KNABE Vose & Sons , Instriime-its ovdmif d , ronlcil aiultolil on ltisj ] I'ajmi'iits , below FACTORY PRICES. Instium nts slightly mod at GREAT BARG-AINS. Max Meyer Omaha , Neb. NOW'S THE TIME To have your filcmls como to KAXSAS AM > ftSMiKASKA As. Knbtcrn lines will ( .ell tickets nml run SEMI-MONTHLY LAND EXCURSIONS OViniTHC Union Pacific "The Overland ICoiitc. " Tutu July 1.1CS . tickets sold for these excur sions will ho peed thirty days lor tlio lounil trip nml can be lined ten diiys Kolnn. When jmr- clmsers nro ready to return , thf&e tickets will l > o Koocl live dnys for that purpose. H purchasers wish to btop short of di-stlnutlnn on our lines , dKcnts will stamp tickets good to return from mich point. J.S. TKllIlirrS. Oon. I . & T. AKont. k L. I.OM.AX. Ass't 0. V. & T. A. OMAHA , NKH. S , K , FEITON & CO , ( Anil Manufacturers' Agents for WATER WORKS SUPPLIES. Of all descriptions. Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De tail Plans and Specifications. Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. Office. Strain's ' Building , Fourlh Floor , OMAIIA , NEBRASKA , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , USB. raid Up Capllal . $250,000 50,000 II.V. . YjiTn > . 1'resldeiit. Luwm.S. KIIKII. Vice President. A. 13. TOIUAMNlid Vlcn President. U. H 8 IIUOIILH , Cubhlcr. IJIItKCTOHH : W. V. MOIISK JOHN S. Cor.r.iNS , II.V. . Y.\THf , I/KW1S S. ItlJED , A.i : . TOUZAMN. Uanklng OlMco- THE IRON BANK , Coiner l"th and Fiirnum StH. A General liatiUui : UualucssTiiintuctcd. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rr ITE SCIENCE OK LIFE , the --great Jleillcal Work of tlio Bg op Mauhood. Nervous and < Physical DiulHIy , Premature' Decline , Errors ot Youtb , and tliountold miseries consequent thereon , COO pages Bvo , 1.3 Ijirscrlptlong for all dlfcases. . Cloth , full e t ( only $1.00 , be rnall , se l d. llliulratltosample free toallouni { nnd middle ged men. Bend now. TnoOoldoml Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by tuo Na tional Medical Astoclatlon. Address I' . 0. box 1SW. Uostou , Mas * . , or Dr. W. JI. 1'AHKEll , grad uateof Han ard lledlcal Collegers years' jiractlce In Boston , who may bo consulted confidentially Socially , Disease * of Man. Ofllce No. 1 L'ulHucti sU E.T.Allen , M. D. , THROAT AND NOSE , fipecuclea Acc rat ly Pristrlted H' . J. Surgeon and Physician , Office N. W Coiner j4tu und Iouijl St. Offleo Mepfcvue , ISS ; ItyslUeaw teleplwue , Wi , A Concentrated Liquid Extract of MALT and HOPS. Aids Dif/cstlon , Cures Dyspepsia , Slrcni/tlicns the System , Jcsto > 'cs Sound , JlcJ'reshlna bleep. Priceless to Hni'slny Molhers. HccoiMileOyEfflincnt Physicians , Sale l > ji all Driii/dlils and Itich- JDi'iKj Co , , Wholesale JJrnu- DRS. S. & D. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colo. Of tbo Jtnwnm of Anntomy. Bt. Ixjnls , Mo. Mem. hcrsof L'nh' niltyColli'L'u Hospital , Jomlii. jr. j > . ( ilcHcn , Germany and New Ymk , ImMuu devoted tuelr attention tpcclully to the triutmcat ut Nervous , Ctanic & Blooi Diseases More especially these nrlflng- from Imprudence , In. tltu all fo oultcrlni ; to i orrcupund without delay , Il3cnfu3 of InltUlon and contagion rnrnl mfcly nnd Ipctilllyltliout nso of i\iaiuerna \ ( Inics. I'utlmlg Rhone raers liuvo belli nrgli m-d , huilly trcuti'il or nrunouncrd Incurable , Khimld tint full to urlto in , hrlr uj wiitontt. All littira receive 1m. Dicdlutu attention. JL'ST PUPLISIIKD , And will bo mulled Vltl'l' to any ri'Mrcpo upon ro. relpt of onu Sn'cnt Htiunp.fl'raf tl ( nl ( ) li * > t n utlon on Nervous Juhlllly and Divflral Dximuxlloii. " A vnl- liable inocllcul trcatjbu whlcli bliuuld bu read byalL Adilrcbn , DRS. S. & D. DAVIESOU , 1742 Lawrence Street , Denver , Colo. Tliu Overland Koutc. " The Spoilsmen's , Tourists' and Pleasure Seeker1 Line. Send for the Neat Little Sketch Book. "GIJ.V CI.UII KUMSS , " highly interesting anil useful to sportsmen It contains the American rules for trapping and shooting adopted hy the National Gun Association , as well at. the revised game Inws of the Western States and Territories , Copies sent free upon application to J. H , TKIIHKTB , Genii' . k'iApent Omaha , Ncl ) . Jtemarknljle for powcrful _ ymp - tlieticlone. piTaUle actlonuuii _ ab solute durability , an years7recc.'rd. thajjeet guarantee ot tlio excel- Trace of tne < f Instriimf ills. FOUMTAIW CUT AND PLUG - Incomparably the Oast. Fast Colors , Price $8,00 , LOT 3500 We offer this woolt 100 In digo 131uo Flannel Suits , made in single nnd double breasted Backs , regular sizes from 35 to 41. Tlio regular price of this suit has always been $10.00. in fnol , some dealers have sold them for as high ns $12.00 per suit , but wo offer them now nt tills extraordinarily low price of 8.00. J Send for Samples. Send for samples of thcso goods befora ordering them. Wo will gladly send sam ples of cloth to any address , or wo would much prefer to send a sample suit , B that the manner of making and trimming - 4 ming can bo BOOH. Wo would recom mend , however , that self measurement blanks be sent for first , so that a sample suit may bo sent fitted to the party order ing , thus saving the trouble of returning suit to oxehaugo it. Parties wishing Children's Suits , plcaso scud for lot and ago they wish , as wo have no samples of the ahorl pants suits. 0 IV3 A H A MEDICAL $ SURGICAL INSTITUTE. N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge StB B R , .A. O EJ S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. 31cst facilities , appnratua anil remedies for sue rcsslul treatment of every form of disease requlr * ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIEHTp , Hoard nml attendance ; beet hospital nccouirno dations in the west. WRITB FOR CIKCUIARB on Deformities pml Draces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of ( Be Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilro&cliltlf , Inhalation , Klectrlclty , rernlysis , lipllcpsy , JUrfU ney , IllailUer , Uye , ar , SUiu aud Ulood , and all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women o Specialty. BOOK OK DIBEAEBK or WOMEN Kinr. ONLY RELIABLE MEDIOALINSTITUIB HAKINO A Ol'ECULTT Or PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illond Ii < rai nuccettfully treated , 8ypti ilitic l'ol on removed from the pyBtem without mercury New restorative treatment for lot * cl Vilnl Tower. I'eisoim unable ( o visit us may bo It rated at home by correspondence AU commu nications confidential Medicines or iiiitruraenUi cut by mail or express , Kecurely packed , nr. marks to indicate contents or tendtr One pef- Fonnl interview preferred. Call and ca'isult us or xcnd history of your case , and \vc will &eud in pUiu urapptr , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diaeares , Im yiteiicy , Syphilis. Gleet utid Vuricoccle , with yeMiunlist. Address Omn/iu MeJIral anil fiitrottal Initltuteot DR. McMENAMY , Cor. I3th nd DodcaStl. . 'JKAHA.NEB. E YOU SEEN THEM ? Will buy ono of our nobby Siirlne Suits in Worsted , line Casslinoro , or Scotch Clioviota , in all tlio popular colors nnd stylos. Real bargains that cannot fail to bd appreciated by the ) dtbcorning. "We ( ' JIH are aware that HXl'KNblVK gOOdfl are largely adver"- tibcd this season , but all of them cannot fit and the tent of close in- spcction. Wo aslc our customers to oxiuuino our block , and thus witlsfy themselves of its quality und our voracity. PEERLESS DYES