OMAHA DAILY BEE. . ; , MONDAY , JUNE 4. 1888. SPECIAL NOrHOE3. "Advertisements under fiiis bead , lo ceiils per line for the llrst Insertion , 7 cnts for cach , sllb- nfqnent Insertions and Sl.W a line t > * r month , No advertisement , taken for less than ai cents for the first Insertion. Seven wbfds will be counted to the line ; they must run consecutively and must be paid In advance. All advertise ments must bo handed In before 12:80 : o'clock P. n. . nnd under no circumstances will they b taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties adcrtlslntr In those columns and hav ing the answers addressed In earn of the lleo , tull plonpc nsk for a check to intiblo them to BCt their letters , nsnonewlllbcilelhcredexcept on presrntntloti of check. All answers to adver tisements Should bo enclosed m envelopes All advertisements In these columns nre pub llfdied In both morning nnd evening editions ot the HP * , the circulation of which aggregates mom than lfl.000 papers dnllv , nnd gives the ad vertisers the Ijpnetlt , not only of the city circu lation of the lice , put also of Council muffs , Lincoln and other cities nnd other cities and towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns ) will be taken , on the nbovo conditions , at the following bus iness houses , who are authorized agents for THE IlKK special notlrcs nnd will quote the same rates as can be had at the main office. * * J OHN W. UKLL , Pharmacist , K South Tenth Street. OtIABR & RUDY , Btattoners and I'lInters , 11J Bouth 16th Street. SH. FAUN8W011TH. Pharmacist , Z11BCum- Ing Street. J. HUGHES , I'liarmaclst , 034 North ICth st. / r.O. W. PAUIt , Pharmacist , 1609 St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. Situation ns engineer , portable engine. Inquire C. r. It. , 1012 Piurco st. 74Wi ! \\7"ANTBn Vy a stondy young mnn , position T > ns coachman In n private fnmily ; under stands horses thoroughly. Address Ji to , lloo olllco. 031 S * SITUATION wanted Immedtatuly vlUi n good civil engineer or Intelligent surveyor , by an energetic boy of 'M with n fair education. Ad dress ntunce , A. S. K. , Arlington house. Stuntt , Iowa. * 7038' WANTKD-HHuntton as collector , llvo man nddiessIiCSllee , 083 St Wanted by prnctlcnl tnllor nnd SITUATION experience as cutter ; will ba open for engagement July 1st. Address HI , llee. 407 * WANTED MALE HELP. AOHNTS ATTENTION Wo want 10,000 llvo agents. Outllts containing thrco fnstUHt Belling novelties o\er olTcred sent frco on re ceipt ot ,15c to pay pucklng and postage. Wo furnish goods to bo imld for when sold. Ad dress with Htnmp , Kinder llros. , 207 and 3W Main street , La Crossu , Wls. _ 733 a * 'VVTANTKl ) Man who can assist InoOlco. Oiio T that can loan his employer jaio can Fecuro good salary , nnd loan secuied by leal estuto. Call at 4U2 now 1'axton block. 7WJ-4J WANTIJD Smart colored man , with good rofetunces ; ulsojoiing unmniTlod man us trnvullng salesman. Oruenlng block , room 0. 7b04 * W ANTIU ) I'll st-class pressman on Job work ; big wages to tliu right man. Cull lit West ern Jilntlug ( .ompany , llmiigo building. 77IM I7ANTED Th roe tra\ollng salesmen atonco ; l good salary , at SOj W. luth st. , room 8. 8.77SOJ \\7ANTKD A boy bet. 10 nnd 17 jeaisold : T i $ J 50 pur w cok to comiuouce. Lo\ ell m'f'g CO. , limited. 777-4J WANTKD A few energetic men to canvass a full line of household Hpoclnltlos ; big commission. Lovell mTgco , limited. 778-5J borne onu winted In o\err town in w cstcrn low n and Nebraska to write the state agent of the National llulldlng. Loan nnd Protective union , room 200 Ehecly blk , Omnhn , stating If their town wants to organize a liulld- 4llg nnd lonn nssochitlonnndlt they would bo one of the olllcers or would like to represent us w Ithout starting nn association. 717 2 ? Good honest young man to pack VV goods nnd to make himself generally use ful. Geo. Heyn , Grnulto block. 7092 WANTKD. Partner with $50 by llrst class mnglrlan. lllg money In this. Aniwor quick. AcldiessL , 71 , lloo olllco. 0892 * \X7ANTKD-Good clothing balesmau nt017N. W loth st. 005-2 * ANTED Two Eentlemnn stenographers at once. Call on W. A , Tolles , lli ) N. 15th st. C57-2 * "XX/ANTRD Three travellns snlcsinen at once , VV at 205 N. 16th st. , room H. ( OKi * WANTED Kegi'itcrod pharmacist wants po sition , or to tuko cliurgo of drugstore. Address L. 67 , Hoe. OU wanted to sell diamond star black AGENTS Ing. I'crmnncnt tmploj molit for nctho cxnorlvncod snlesiu''u. Apply at rooms fi8 tind Ciu Tax ton block. U87 \VANTED-A ce ntlcinnn to introduce our * * now publlcatio . Cull ut Hoom 4 U new I'axton block. 012 n * "V\7ANTED 8 or 10 cojnlcemuu ; good wnges > and btcndycmplojmcul. Lincoln C'ornlco Works , Lincoln , Nub. 1' . Way. G8S-5 * 17 ANTED Men for the west. Albright's i labor agency. 11W ! I'arnaiu st. KJ7 > OYa-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. > 250 w ANTED At once.nn experienced Ice cream nuikur. Loulo < X Motzgnr , Council IlluUs. 478-4 SALESMEN \Vnnted-Flve traveling salesmen , bnlury nnd expenses. No experience no- cohsary. Address with stamp. Palmer A. Co. , Wlnoua. Minn. 349 J3t WANTED Two eucrgetlo , responsible , men with good lefercnres ns special agents for nn old line line Insurance company. Liberal contracts made with good men. Apply room 403 Now I'axton block. IK j5 WANTED Man to tuko the agency ( travel- ing or local ) of our safes ; size MX 18x18 Inches ; weight 600Ibs ; retail prleo &I5 ; other Biros In proportion A rare chunco and perma nent InialncKii. These safes meet a demand not or before supplied by other sufe companies , us woaro not goveined by the Bnfe Tool. Al- rlno Safe Co. , Cincinnati. O. 708 J15 * " \\rANTED Energetic men and women ecry - TT where for u genteel money-making busi ness , ttjfl weekly piotlt guaranteed I'ualer than 180 monthly otherwise , Experience absolutely unnecubsniy. I'ermuncnt position and oxclush o tvriitory usaured J-sanuilea free. Wilto for particulars. Address , with stamp , Mcirlll Mf'g Co. , II. ( U. Chicago. 67HJ11 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. TANTED-rirat-class girl , 1708 Douglas. 731 TVr ANTED A good girl to do houHuwork at > V IJIO Georgia avt' . Mrs , II. E. Gruy , 70131 AMTED-Olrltohelp with general lioiiho woik. Apply ISHNlUth. 07. ! a \.VANTI51)-Lady cook for lllalr , B lady cooks T T for city , dlnlng-ooui girls for In and ou of city , ! i > general housework ill i la , at Intenia- tlonal. ror. 16th and Douglas. Tel. 1033. cm it rANTED-C3irl for genvral housework , 320 S Wiothrt. ecus * _ \\7 ANTED Nut so girl with some experience Vto take care of baby thU summer. Cull a SOU Davenport t. . if6 i.7 S7ANTUD-G111 for housework , 1813 Chicago. i . COi 'Jr w ANTED A girl for Keueral housuworE good wages. J107 Cullfornla bt. 410 "IXrANTED Good girl for general housework ( ieunan invferu'il. BluHlUthst. lKS TSfANTED A reliable nurse girl , reference > > reijulred. Mrs. H. ( i 1'uttersou , iW N. Sid 070 "ITt fANTED-NurRe girl , Qerinan pruferred , T > ' _ AJJY Acents * 10 u Uay , sure ; new rubber undergunneiit Mra II , ! ' . Little. Chicago 111. knjn * i7ANTEn-Jmat-class [ dining loouiglrl * . at l Y once. Occidental hotel , 453 TSTANTED A middle-aged woiuun for BWier- Y > al housework. Good wages. Inquire at Helnuod .V Co's , too fcoiith 18th. 413 " \5irANTKD German or Anu'rlcnn woman lo it look , wabhund Irou ; must bring good reference. Mn > . J. H. Harris , U3J 8.30th. tiJ7 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. CANADIAN Emplo ) ment Oillce Male and fo , male help sent to all parts If fare is ad vauccd. Reference , Omaha National bank. Mrs Un-gft 9UK 8.16th , Tel. ftf4. 783 J14 * Men and boys out of work to cal WANTKD City Intelligence oluuj ( Ctelghtou Mk ) corner IMli unJ Dougaal ats , 547 BOARDING f I'AllLE llOAltlyi8 N. 15th st , -Table' boardeis , 1-J IXTANTEtl nootnirsfQt'hqw1. tlesnntlr fur- \r nishd bed rooms. Thrab blocks sgulh ot Farnam St. , 120 ifth avcuuo. south. Terms mod erate. . . . _ , 717-4 * WANTED-tvashlnrt and IfotilnR to take home. Faintly or rounft men's mcndlntJ done by Uzzlejifague , Jgas.lSth. 76t 4 * WANTED. Everybody to kiiop lhat wo have the flnest bii clcs. carrlaaes , etc. , for BAle cheap. Armstrong , rottlfl & , Co. , 1303 Iz rd street. 858 B AOKNTLEMAN calling upon crown In this district for a Chicago house would like nn- other commission to work with It. Addn-ss J. CHIT , 711 N.IHth St. 7125 * DhTKCTlVES want a rollaV.e tnan In every locality to net ns special prlvato do- octlvo under our Instructions. No membership fer. Bend 7c In stamps for particulars. Ad- Iruss Mohawk Dctoctivo Jlurcau , Lock llox 113 , Wichita. Kan. WANTED You to marry ; send 2c and a largo marrlnpo pipot will bo mailed free' Address box B5 , Toledo , Ohio. MJ * ' To buy ortrado for n good buildIng - Ing ttint can bo mored. Vlcasa call oil or nddross George J.SternsdorCT , room 0 , oppo- Blto I' . O. Kll W"ANTED If sou have nny lands , lots , or holmes and" lot < i to sell or exchange for other projerty , call on mo or write. I can nnd you customer. 0. C. Spots wood , 80S' i S. IBtn. KOR RENT-HOUSES. -I OOO 3 room house for rent 1 block from st. J rnr , largo lot , tlU per month. Inquire of K. Thompson at L. IlradCortl's ofllcc , 10th aud Douglas st. ' 730 2 ? I71OH UKNT Two (2) ( ) now house's , oua seven -L' rooms and ono eight , with nil modern con veniences. Apply nt comer ot Cnpltolavo nnd 24th sts. 7113 * IjoH RENT-2 five room houses In Rood ro- JJ pair. Inquire 2814 Douglas st. 6633 * "T7HMI RENT 7 room modern now hbtiso In Ji ! Denlso'H ndd.onn block from liorsontid cublo ry. . price $ .V > per month to good parties who w 111 lease , J. L. Rico Co. < f3 2 OH RENT Elegant 12 room modern now house , corner , ono block from red cur line , only 1 10 per mouth to yearly tcunat. J. L. Itlco ( Ml a FOH RENT Turnlshod house , B rooms nnd bath , luth near Cnpltol avo. Will rent for summer cheap. V. L. Gregory , itcntnl Agent , 309 8. 10th st , 781 HOOM house , now ; well , coal house , etc. S. - 17thst , I1J.0 month. Wt-lshans k Co , Expo sition bldg. 7MB F lU'NT A 10-room house on 12th St. , No. - 311 , between Davenport nnd Chicago sts. liuiulrB at No. 217 N. llth St. 7446 * FOR HUNT 8 room house , gas , bath , city and boft w nter , 850 per mouth. 4.S8 S S4th ao. . 730 FOR HKNT 7-room llat In first class location ; rent tl't. 'J years lease ; ' rooms furnished , furniture 817i > ; fi rooms vacant. Co-oporatlro Land .V Lot Co , 205 N IGth St. 7,115 FOH HUNT Several 6 and 0-room houses. Apply to H. F. Hamann , 2815 Leavcnworth. FOH IIKNT furnished house , modern con- vculuces , largo yard , $5U per mouth , apply at HOi N IGth. 700 FOH UENT Private family w 111 accommodate few boarders , first class furnished or unfur nished rooms and locality ; rcfvroncus , W5 Pleasant st , near St , Mary's ave. 73U Ct FOH lir.NT New I2-room house on Cnpltol Hill , all modem conveniences. The 0. r. DaIs Company. 095 7 "V TANTED Tour to six room house or flat , W pleasant locality , $12 to * 20 , Itoferences. L00 Hoe olllco. 773-4J "IjlOH HUNT fi-room llat , central loratlon. hot JJ and cold water , bath nud nil modern conven iences , cheap rent. J. II. Parrottc , 1G08 Chicago. C94 15 FOH HKNT 8-room house. Inquire > 1. V. llnr- totl , 2016 Capitol ao. . 005 8 * FOH UKNT An elegant 8 room new house , plate glass windows , hot nnd cold water por- coliUu bath tub , range , nlco yard , good neighbor hood , llrst-Unss bam , near coble and street cars. Apply to J. II. Parrottc , rental agency , 11)00 Chicago cage bt. 1127 13 FOH KENT 7 loom cottage on S 2ilth st.btith room , hot water , heating apparatus , ; i stall barn , apply D. O. McKwan , .list 8 st , 017 T7IOH UKNT Ail elegant 8-room now house Ju nnd barn , plate irlass window , ulco yaid , hot nnd cold water , Kplendld nulghbothoodnear raultt and lioifeo cunt. Apply to J. H. Pairotto Iteutal Agency , 1000 Chicago bt. 027 13 FOH HENT A desirable nine-loom house all modem Improvements , half block from cable line on west Dodge st. AH Improvements , cheap to good tenant. F. J. Bothn lik,221 S 14th. T710R Hl'NT n-room modem Improved house. J- Apply M. Elgutter , 1001 Furnam st. G4J TTIOlt UKNT I'urnlshed house , good location , JL1 ( orpiiitlculuis cull at the olllco of 'Ihos. Ureniutu & Co. , loom 3 , Chamber of Commerce. 4G < TjlOH HENT Two desirable cottages , 7 rooms , -L1 $25 each. Lcavltt Uurnham , 1 , Crelchton block. 418 TTIOU UENT 7 loom lint. 2nd Iloor. ICffJ How- JtJ aid street , or will rent 4 looms nrrunged tor housekeeping. illi ) GD. THOMPbON Itoom 112 , Shcely Dlock. 7-ioom house ; M ) ; tliooni house , all im provements , S10 ; 8-room liouse , 0 blocks from llojd'sopein house. $40 ; 10-ioom house , hteam heut , and other liousos. 24J I HAVE n four-room house on ICth street , two blocks south ot Vlnton , that I will rent to a good tenant for 112 per month , everything in good repair. Geoigo J. SternsdorlT , Iloom 0 , opposite P. C ) . 231 TJAOHHENT A choice 0 room house.fcnced lot , J ? gns. city water , furnace , bath room , cistern , nlso Inrgo well equipped barn , being 25IJ Cnpltol n\o. Inquire "d houba east ot promKes or room 14 Omnha Natl bank bid. II. II. UobUonU'll U'll / lOTTAGKSrooms , a small store room nnd O good barn , wlttl 4 acres of land , situated JJ mile north of tort , $15.00. Apply 317 8 llth st. " 171OH HENT A flne residence on Farnnm st. 32 H. C. Patterson , 318 S. 15th st. EM ri KN room house with ynrd , near Farnam nnd -LjMth St. , steam heat and all modern Im provements. t < 55 per mouth. Call 207 S. 24th st. H5 TTlOH HKNT Elegant 10-room house , nil mod- JU ern improvements , ou car lluu. Inquire 1408 Douglaa Bt. U7S "I7IOH UKNT An8 room house , with bath , ono JL1 block from car line , SCO per mouth. H. IS. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 628 SOMETHING cheap , house for rent or for sale , furnlturo for sale , including Encyclo pedia llrltannlcu , new Stock piano and other furniture. Otto llelndorff , KTJ Georgia avenue. | iiOO _ TTlOH RENT 2 now 11-rooni nouses. $40 , by S. J. T. 1'aterben , so cor 15th and Douglas. 745 "I7IOH HENT B-room liouse. North Saunders JL ? at. L'uquiio of C. W. lleull Jc Co. , 3138. 10th. 593 T7IOR HENT When yotf want to rent a house , JJ atoraot onice go to H. E.Cole. 653- T7IOH RENT A neat * cottage. Apply at JJ once. C. r. Harrison. 418 B 15th st. 653 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. T7U > H HENT 1 small und 1 largo furnished -L1 front room in private lamlly.bUH. IBth. 690 a * TTIOR HENT Single room with board. Apply JJ jillS ClilcagQ bt. 5'JJ a ONE newly furnished front loom , modern uiuenleucc'3luj ruruaiu. oTcJ U't OU RENT-rurnlshed rooms , 1015 Dodeo. 015 ii "TTIUHNlSIinD rooms with or without board. -I. terms seasonable , SlO-i bt. Man 'nuvc , corner 1'leas.iut. 65.1 it ! 1710H RENT-2 furnished or unfurnished -U rooms , with or w ithout board , 13.VJ N 17th fct. 370 * FOH HENT Nlco furnUhed front room with orwittinut bo rd,421N 17th st. 775 4j [ 7UJH ' HUNT 1'uinlslied looms , 1701 Capitol - * ave. 710 nf LARGE nnd small room suitable for Bentlo- man , with bourtl , Ibis Dodge , -8 rpWO nicely nilnlshed rooms with board. 1312 J Harney. 710 u TpOU HENT Furnished front room suitable -U lor two gentlemen , also single room , lefer- enco required. 2J17 California street. ( XS ) " ' RENT-Furnlshed room. 313 N , 16th st. I110K HENT Furnished rooms m Qrouulg blk Jl cor. IJth and Dodk'e ats. Inqutro of Geo. H. . Davis. Mlllnrd hotel billiard room. 559 1CELY furnished rooms at 010 8.17th ; modern - ern conveniences. 6W6" T OVELY bouthoast room , also suite of front - JrooiiiHand flout parlor bulroom.lilgh.lovely miuerlocillou. Itefurences , 2523 Earnam , 6b'aj3l ) -TTIOH RENT Nclr | furnished , south front -L rconi with board , reference rujulreU , siH I'ftroum tt. . COO c ? o find board for two or threfl feentlehien. niee locatlonroforence required , eocorftUh and Karnam. 621 Bt _ . . HRNTV-Furnlshed sleeping rooms , 83 month , ono room single bed , 15 , 809 Howard. GSSftt VERY pleasant largo furnished rooms ; all desired conveniences ! prhnto honHo. board ! 1 block from postofllcd , 1013 and 1015 Capitol nvo. | \'ERY deslrablo suit of rooms lu private family Gentleman ind Tflfe preferred , No. CBi Georgia avo. , 8. 'JOtttSt. 730 jiOH KhNT nlcorocm east front House - near pnrk ; bath , city hw.l cistern water , barn etc. , Hi month. Welshes & Co , Exposition bldg. r' ItnOMS o > er store on Cumlng st. ; city water vJand sew or connection , Wclshsns i Co , Expo- sltlon building. 750 5 " 1T1OII IIKNT Suite newly furntshod rooms , X ! also slnple room , nil modern fonvenlences : board If deslrod ; near two car lines. No. 6.J2 ( Jeorplanvc ( Stthst ) . H HUNT front chamber nnd buck parlor , newly furnished ; flno shade. Mil Douglas. 763 6 TnUHNISKI ) Hooms Very pleasant location. Ju Modern comcnlenccs. No objection to lady roomers. 2121 Sewnrd 339 101 HKNT I'urnlshed rooms , with or with out board , on 3d floor , 002 S. 13th st. 543 6 * FOH IIKNT Nlcelr furnished front room.ono gent. $ , " > per month , 4M Williams st. bBO "TflOR HKNT 3 rooms suitable for light House * Jkeeping. . Inqulro room 1) 19J3 Douglas. T7IORNISHKD and unfurnished rooms , 2311 J3 Hurt. 4C1 4 * T71U11N1SHKU rooms 0)13 ) Douglas st , JJ 481 4 * TTOU HKNT rurnlshed and unfurnished J-1 rooms , Kil 8. luth st. 4U4-4t "I710II KENT A nicely furnished front room , -L' miltablo for two gentlemen. Euqulio at ECU , St. Mary's n\o. 411 T71OU HKNT Large , handsomely filrnlshed -U room onnrstlloor. ( aiSlSthst. 301 TjlUlTNISHED rooms and board , 1903 J'nniam , J3 33U J 23 , T710H RENT I'urnlshcd rooms , with or with- Joutboard. . 35JJ St. Mary's nve.Oraddvblk. Wl F IOU llENT-Deslrablo furnished rooms , 1721 Davcupoit. 1JO T71UHN1SHED room for ono or two gentlemen , JU1 Leslie & Leslie. 10th and Dodge sts. 057 ROOMS Kor Hont A verj doslrnblo sulto of front rooms ; nlso ono single room In pri vate family , with board ; all modern conven iences ; half block from two street car lines ; none but llrst-class need apply. C23 Georgia nvo , B.S9th st. B TJ1UUNISHED rooms , 113 S 20th. C20 J4 T.AHOE front room , 1708 Douglas. " " " roa B,1 OOM to rent , nil modern Improvements. 1709 , Dodge st. 775 POH HKNT 3 furnished rooms suitable for4 oontlomen. Inquire Itoom C , 3d floor , 1302 Douglas. 302 FOH HENT Two nicely furnished front rooms , with or without board , modern con veniences , J8 nnd $0 per month. 1.K1 N. IBth st ; on two car lines. 63il F 10H HENT Hooms funilshed and unfur nished , 1724Cap. nvo. 558 TTIOU HENT Furnished rooms , 1810 Dodge. J - 334 jfl FORRENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. "TTlOH lliiNT cheap , 4 unfurnished nlco rooms , -I-1 suitable for 2022 . - - housekeeping , Harnoyst. FUUN1SHED rooms , 1513 Leavcuwoith. CS77 F our (4) ( ) rooms , 1702 Webster st 825 00 Four (4) ( ) looms , \Vebsterst 20 00 l'ourl ( ) rooms , 1701 Webster st 2"i 00 Three ( J ) rooms , 411) S lilth st H 01 Two(21 ( rooms , 1814 Howard st 10 00 Two (2) ( ) rooms. 1814 I toward st . - 1250 Throe (1) ( ) looms , lOHNSOthst 15 00 ThrooJlooms. ( ) 101fiN21st Rt 1260 'Jhree ( J ) room cottage , 21st nnd Paul St. . . . 12 50 Three (1) ( ) iooms , 70 ! > K P.iclllc st 12 50 Three ( J ) rooms , 1104 S 7th st 12 W ) ahreo(3)rooms ( ) , 1112 S 7th Ht 11 00 Apply to Judge licuting Agencv , Herald building , S. W. coinur ot 15th nud Harnoy st. CJ7 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. I71OH HKNT Fine brick storeroom nnd collar -L on paed street in most popular residence poitlon of the city. Good opening for dry poods nnd notions or hardware. Trade 'estab lished. F. r. Gregory , Rental Agent , 300 S ICth st. 702 OFFICE For Hi > nt Ground floor ollico. No. 320 8. 15th St. Apply room 411 , 1st nat. bank building. 701 T710H HKNT Desk room in the best located J-1 ollico loom lu city , janitor , vault and prlvato olllce , call at olllco of the C. E. } fayne II. JI. & Tru-a.Co. , mv cor 15th and Harney st. 0981 TjlOH HENT New store nnd dwoiling , 36th -L' nnd Lci\cnworth , line stnirtl for gracoiy or meat market. IJenewad ; Co. , oppoalto P. O. 615 POIt HKNT onico In Iron bank , ground Iloor. S , Lehman , i oem G. G58 TTlOH HENT Desirnole store on Tarnnm , for -L1 wholesaling , etc. Leavltt Utiruhnm , H. 1 , Crolghton blocK. 417 T7IOH HKNT Ililck store with basement. No. J ? JOT S. 13th St. ; 2 oflices on second floor No. 1'X)9 ) Farnnm St. , by Paulson A. Co. , 1511 Farnam ht. , room 8. 4 il " 171011 HKNT Storeroom , 1003 Howard street ; J- best location In city for grocery or furniture. T71OH UKNT Desirable oflices In now Sheoly J-1 building , 15th and Howard sts. , $10 and up , nlso store room. G. K. Thompson , sole ngcnt , Iloom 112. 243 I710H UKNT Ftoro room nnd cottage or 3 Jrooms , good barn , etc. , with 4 ncros land , situated / mile north of fort , 815 Apply 317 S. lltllKt. COO T.lN'l ON block , S. 13th , corner of Mason bt. Six J-J handsome now store rooms with large col lars underneath , finished witti all modern Im provements and conveniences. Uents moderate. Apply to John Hamlln , 311 S. llth st , Omaha. POH UKNT Business room now occupied ns uiy onice on 16th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th &GO FOR RENT MISCEI.ANEOUS. TTIOll HENT Quo-half of basement on corner J-1 of 16th and Jackson , light and dry ; apply on premises. 40 ! ) FOH HENT Good sale nnd llverv barn , excel- lent location , runt reasonable , Inquire of C. W. McVlckur. room 2 , Ilarker blk. l)7S ) RENTAL AGENCIES. " E. THOMPSON , Hoom 112 Sheoly block. 387 TP YOU want your housed rented place them J with Denuwa 4 Co. , IBth , opposite postolllce. Ml "VXTANTKD Houses to rent , anil we can rent V V them too. H. M. Colt ) , N. E. 15th and Douglaa. [ AS 1ST houses for lent with 11. U. Cole , N. E , 1Mb and Douglas. M ? UEGOIll' , F. L. . Hontal agsut , 309 S 10th st. Eiti3 PERSONAL. close stamp. _ 32U J 25 * T > KItSONAL Prh ate homo for ladies during J. coiitlnement , strictly confidential , Infanta adopted. Address K 42. flee otllco. KS3J15 * IP jou want to buy , sell , rent or exchange call on or address George J , SternsdorQ' , room 0 , opposite I1 , 0. 231 "PAINLESS treatment of pile tumors , fistulas. Jrectal pockets , ulcer * , etcc , without loss ot time or lucoin entente at 317 N lOtli bt. Dr. KcUo Sl from Omaha falrgrouu3s a J J chestnut mare , star in forehead , brand of hearts w 1th .1 or K on left shoulder , bllm built , thin neck , size about fifteen hands high. A re- w ai d v111 bo paid to any person that will return thU mare to Omaha falrgiounds. P. McAvoy. 371 St THA YKO-Or stolen ; on May 30. a dart bay horse , nine years old. weighs 1000 llu , has collar mark near the mane and 1 * fat. Any in formation lending to his dlscot ery will be fcult- ably rowauled by John D , lllalr. rea. llrown's park uear llrow u'u Park Grocery , B. OmahaNeb 75J4 Tl AKEN UP-May 24. tnare. and colt on Papil lion road near crossing M. P. H. H. and Fre mont & Elkhorn V. U. It , ( Trod Wolileru. OR _ T710H SALE-One Hall's lanja Yaipro\eirhro JL } proof safe luqntl'e room I'.l 1st aut bank building. ' . iU EOn SALE Good woflc horses , KX ) ach ; no u e for them catue r'f olllng. co-operative Lnnd nnd Lot Co , a N. 10th st , 010-2 BAHN to be moved I have n barn that will accommodate four horses and Is In good repair that I will trade or soil very cheap. Ap ply to G. Iturth. proprietor Svinders street market , between Caldwell nnd Hamilton. 231 TPOn BALE Two (2) ( ) tubular stool hollers 60x J14 foot , with smoke stack , steam guages , class water truages. etc. . all rompleto ; will sell cheap. Address Fred Kniff , Urewor , Omaha , Neb. 605 TT10U SALIC The furnltur , carpets , fixture * JU and lease of a pleasantly located , uowly furnished house , near horio and cable cars , house hoatAd by etenm , furniture , etc. , in lisa less than n year ; must bo sold at once. For par ticulars apply to llartinan & Gibson , 1613 Far nam st. 497 EOU BALK About 3,000 tons niuo river Ice , Lanham & Abbott , Crete , Nebraska. 558J10 * T7IOU SALE Home first class 2d mortgage JU paper at a discount. C. 0 , Spotwood , 3)5Vi S. ICth. 645 MISCELLANEOUS. W ANTRi ) Some business mnnwllh a cap ital of $3T > 0 to tnko nn luteicst lu n paying mcrc.iutllo business , big money to right party. Apply at Itoom 10 , No. 218 S. 15th St. 037 8 ? FOR SAtiE-Stock nnd nxtures a good locn lion at 413810th st. 443 2" JE. HOUSi : , civil engineer nnd surveyor , has removed to room 423 , 1'irst National bank ; w 111 nttend to nil business iu the line of the pro fession. 001-7 * \roriCK-HcnryEhronpfoit , the 1728811th JL > st. llorlst , sells bedding plants at reasonable rates. , TOO 7 * I > HOTO8 llnro cabinets of actresses , hill longtll. In stngo costumes : sample securely soalcd , I''c. II per doz , llox 6U , Lincoln , Neb. _ _ C35 7 * O UKF & CO. , 117 N Inth st , sell furniture nnd stovoslesTthan any ether House In Omnha. 230 J 23 117 North ICth St. , pay the highest prices for furniture , caipcts , books and utovcs , 2J3 Ji ) GJ. 8.STKUNSDOHFF , room 0 , opposite post- onicenlll trade } ou a good farm or olty property fora horse , buggy and harness. l.P rilllK Omaha Financial Exchange , Iloom 15 , JL. . Barker block , southwest corner of I'ar- nam and 15th sts. Makes a specialty of short-time collateral and real estate loans. Money nlways on hand In sums of $100 and up- waids to nny amount , to loan on approved so- Seemed notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate anil cash to exchange for good first or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Financial business ot any kind transacted promptly , quietly and falfly. Itoom 15 , Ilarkor block , Corbett , Manager.v , W5 TVfoTfTOAG E notes bought and sold. E. F. -LVL Seaor , Hoom 40llaVker block. 470js TIHJ Shelton 25th nud Dodge st. , llrst-class family hotel , rooms-nndboaid at reason able rates ; references icaultod. Mrs. M Whlt- tnker , proprietress. j { _ 473 J8 HP HE banjo taught as an drt by Geo. F. Gellau- bock , ( JOJ Harney st. ta 18J Flltr. Insurance , rcllablq companies. ( I. E. Cole , N. E. 15th and IftugUs. W > 7 FOH SALH A top Ducjy , nearly no\vC olum bus make , also goody lnglo hnuiess , A. 11. Comstock. 812 S. 10th Kt. 140 "IXniRN jou have bargains inrcal estate cal TT ou J. r. Hammond , 517 1'axton building. 31 b"8 .1 i8t IF jou nave anything call on or ad dress GeorgoJ. Stenwdorff , Hoom 0 , pp site postollice. ft 101 WANTED A good horso. buggy and harness In exchange for S < nvtxOmiumlot3. ) George J. Sternsdoi IT , room 0 , opp postotllco. W SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINGS TALENTINiT'S Shorthand instltuto Is the V only practical , exclusive shorthand school In thii west. All Its graduates are In good sit uations nud giving entire satisfaction. Students can enter at any time. No summer vacation. Send for circulars to Valentine's Shorthand In stltute , New 1'nxton Building , Omaha Neb. 405J28 STORAGE. \rATES & Co , Gift North 10th St. , store and In- X sure goods for less than ether people charge fctorago. GUcua a call. jj riUACKAGE , storage , lowest ratos. W. M Itushnmn. 1311 Loarenwoith. 563 WANTED-TO BUY. "V"\7"ANTHD To buy n stock of general mer- > > clmndlse. fiom J2.UOO to IIO.OOU , pay 'i cash , balance in wild laud and improved farms lu llodgeman county , Kansas. Address J. W. H. , lock box 60. Wymore , Nob. G33 C * ANTE D-800,000 bricks for lots , houses and some cast. . Paul , ICOU J'aruam. 287 W ILL buy furniture ota house or flat cen trally located. Co-op. L. & L. Co 205 N. 10th WANTED To buy or lease small hotel in Neb. Address H. X. , Hed Cloud. Neb. 203 JO * QEVEHAL store buildings or houses that can VJ bo moved. Will pay good pi Ice if suited. George J. StcnisdorlT , room 0 , oppoalto post- ollice. 123 WANTKD Good house nnd lot lu doslrnbl ? part of the city ; will glvo first-class bar gain to anyone if suited. Geo. J. Sternsdorff , Hoom C. Frenzer bite. 818 postolllcu. CLAIRVOYANT. TITADAM ECCLES , clairvoyant. I'owors are J.T-Lmost remarkable ns Is tostllled by all who have met her ; her reputation ns acialrvojnut has IOIIK been established , and blio la ono of the bent fortune tellers in the world. Hoom 1.1123 N. 10th st. 71.1 8 * DR. NANNIE V. Wnrron , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty. 1)9 ) N. lath Et..Hooilis 2&3 Tol. i4. 670 HH1VED from Cnllfornla-Madamo Winters gifted dead trance clairvoyant nnd nstrol- oglst ; can bo consulted on nil affairs of 11 fo or death ; reunites the separated , causes luck and speedy mnrralges , shows photo of futuio wife or husbuiul , locates diseases and cures them by inasmiijo nud magnetic treatment , has the cele brated Hindoo charm for luck. All those In trouble will do well to call on this gifted seerlss glvo you a correct written reading through mall f.irS-.OO , with lock of luUr. Tuo mudaino has taken parlors at 417 South llth st.-'nd Iloor , Parlor 2 and il. , . 4NMW MONEY TtTLoAN. MONEY tolonn utlow wtrates on good Omnha property. Welshans Co , , exposition bldg Q HOI.l'.S places moro oans than anybody. M ONI ! Y10 loan ou fitpjturo , wagons , etc. , without removal oram collateral security. Business strictlycontlileiffnil. A. II. Gieonwood i : Co , , It , 1 , Cunningham mbck , cor 1'J & Jackson . . P 711 rpo LOAN-f 1,200 on house nnd lot for 3 or 5 J- years at 8 pur centlntm'bt. Ames , 1507 1'ur- nam st.\g \ , ' MONEY to loan oircollatvrui t-ccurltlos. E.C , Millar iV Chalmers , r 6m Si. Iliirker block. \y IJI710 * MONEYIoaneclonfurnJiuris , pianos , organs , horses , etc. low rates * . J. J. Wilkinsons Co. , J417 yaritam. \ ( 6JJ OJ600 to i50UK ) loans by fcholes. SHOUT time loans made by D.E.Johnson , lute prcH.t Bank of Merna liefuinicr. 1st J\at. bank , Omulm. H. iiO , chambur comuicrru. 71)5 Jj 2' MONEY To Loan By tha unUorsiifneii , who has the only properly organuwl loan agency in Omalm. ixians pf HO to tloo made on furniture , pianos , organa. horses , wagons , ma chinery , etc. . without removal. No delays. All business strictly connduntlal. Loans so made that any part can ba paid at any time , each p y. ment reducing the cost pro ruta. Advances made on One watches und diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they ore dealing with , as many now concerns ore dally coming into exljtence. Should you nebd money call and see roe. W , i { . Croft , room irYHhnell uulldlnsf , IBth and Harney. 673 TirONRY to loan on horses , furniture , pianos , -it-Hand contracts , and otter pt-rsonal prop- ty- Business coutldeutlaL Iloom ' ) . Omaha TJIOH low rate loaua , Sholes. J83 T7 < ASTl.RN money-Tho 1'hllailelphia Morv JLyBace- Tttist Oo. offer unusual Indtieements to good borrowers pn lmpro\ property , city and cpvntry. ADPlr to Heo. W. I'.Coates , Renre- sentnlivo , 13 Chamber Commerce. S55 J2U HUOH PERCY loans money on horses , furni ture nnd other pnrsonal proportr or colla teral at roftsonnblo rates ! all business strictly confidential ; mbney on hand , no delay ; also makes loans on city real estate. Office 1.J4 and 425 , 4th floor. I'axton building , LOANS made on good productive real estate , security and 5 years time , optlontl pav- inents nnd favorable terms nnd rates. KimnalL Champ A Itynn , U. s. Nafl Hank H'ld. 370 J8 MONEY to Loan T can place good first-class city loans on short notice and nt lowest rntes. D. Y , Sholes , room 1 , Ilarkor block. \TONEY-To loan. Lowest rates. So delay J'J. J. L. Rice & Co. . ever Commercial No tional bank 630 TI1ONEY loloan , cnsh'on Ininrt , no delay. J , J.1JL Vf. and R. It. Squlro , 1219 Farnam st. Klrst National lUnk hulldlnc. 577 Tif ONEY LOANKDiafc. V. Reed * Co/iTLoan -L'JL ODlce. on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd 11 ether ar Hclesof vain9 without removal. 319 S. 13tU. All bjislnets strictly confidential. 671 A 1C. IULKY Loans , 1519 1'arnam. 1 am prepared - pared to take large or small loans on business blocks or lesldence property. Good tor ms and prompt work. 01 money mortgages bought Wright lc. Lasbury , 315 S. lith st. , upstairs. _ C4J _ ONKY tolosnon city and farm property. Goo. N. Hicks , Room 40 , Ilaikor block. _ , _ 47BJ9 LOANS mndo on Omaha city property ny n V. Sholes , room 1 IHrkor blk. R88 TOANSmndoon Improved nnd unimproved JU city property at lowest ratei of Interest , special lal on large loiuis onluatdo property , Odell - Uros. & Co. , 312 8.10th St. 403 [ "ONEY to loan on city nnd farm property. L J.r. Hammond , room 517 I'axton uld'g. bTOJIBt JAIinr or small loans without delay by Sholes , room 1. Ilarker block. 3 , < 1 HJ1. IHEY-JiWOOOto loan on city property and Improved farmland , rrenzcr block ; 603 M ONTJT ( to loan on real estate , mortgagoa bought nnd sold. Wallace , Crolghton blk. MONEY to loan on horses , lurnlturo and other personal property , or collateral. Hates moderate , lluslness confidential. Oillco 8. W. corner 15th and Douglas sts. Entrance on IBth st. The Fnirbnnk Investment Co. 3b8 TITONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no .LiJL commission charged , LearHt Uurnham , room 1 , Crelghton block. GT4 OANS made on real estate and mortgages J bought. Lewis 8. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam. 670 " ] \i | ONEY to Loan. We hnvo money on hand to JJ-1 loan on improved nnd vacant property in Omaha and South Omaha. Tall nnd see us. .Wright & Lasbury , 215 S. 14th st , up-stalrs , 044 flJBOO.OOO to lonn on city nnd farm real estato. P Llnahau is Mahouoy , room CM , Paxtou blk. B70 OHOLES maicea Improved city loans. 383 HE. COLG loans mouoy on Improved city or farm property. Boom 0 Continental block. 270 OME cholco loans wanted by Sholej. 833 / HTY loans , Sholes , Iloom 1 , Barker block. 6 PEU CENT money to loan , Patterson A. liar- nard. 318 8 15th st. 705 MONEY to Loan O. F. Davis Co , real estnto nnd loan ngonts , lf > 05 l-'urnam st. 583 MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons , etc.without removal ; securr Ity. Business confidential. 0 U Jacobs,320 S 15th f.85 S HOLES , Itoom 1 , lUiker block , for loans. .183 A. WOODMAN Money to loan oureal es tate in sums to suit. 220 South IJth st. 537 JOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand. W. M. Harris ever 2-JO S. IBth st. G72 MONKV to loan on chattels , without removal or filing ; financial business of all kinds transacted without publicity : money advanced on Jewelry , notes , etc. It will pay you to see us. People's .Munnclttl Exchange , O. llouscaron , managc-r , 11 Wi-i Darker bl'k , 15tn and Fnrunm sts 522 ] 10" C.1500,000 To lonn on Omnha city property at 8 'V per cout Q. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Did. MONEY to loan on rurnuuro , horses , wagons , etcor on any approved security. Low rates. J. W. Ilobblns , 181J Farnam. 592 S HOLES , Koom 1 , IJarkcr Block. 383 "OUNT/E 1'laco loans by Sholoa. 333 JEE Sholes before getting a loan. J 353 N1 OTESboupht. C. B. Jacobs , 320 S. 15th at. B U1LU1NG loans. Sholes. il'ENUID rates on loans. Sholes. 333 > UILDING loans. Llnahan & ilnhone y. > ' 812 BUSINESS CHANCES. A FIRST-CLASS stock ot millinery coeds for XX Balont-half its vuluu. Co operatlvo I.aud & Lot Co. , ! M > N. 16th ht. 7U 5 GOOD meat mnrkct to exchange for a team nnd w ugou , prlco 8JIW. Co-op. L. A , L. Co , 203 N 16th St. 02 U T710K SALE Elegant residence In Kountzo -C place ; easy tenns. 1805 lllnney st. G07-2 * TT OH SALE Butcher shop and grocery store -U nt n bargain. 1151 N Itith st. 74 > l 5t EESTAUHANT , Faninm st , cheap , good busl- ness. H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. b52 i I AM agent for several manufacturers o Htuple Kooils that are lu good dumand ; liuvo a well established trade but have too much other business to allow mo to give It proper attention ! will sell on easy terms or oxchungo for cholco insldo residence lots ; thu business will boar the clobest inspection. Address 1' , O. box 18S , city. 720 BIUCKVAItO For Sale Tlio only brickyard > in city of l-.UUO inhabitants , making a net annual niollt of over M.OUO ; will sell either part or whole Interest to right party. Addiess t. S. Orund JBlnud Neb. . 1' . O. box MO. 1)00 ) EXCEPTIONAL business opening nt Oaylord , Kan , Storeroom 22x80 feet , shelved for dry goods , etc. . tJO per month ; only twoothcT dry ( joods stores In town. A fine clmnco for tha right man. Address V , II , Orcutt , Council Hlulfa , la. "JO T71OH SALE A large brickyard in full opera- JL ? tlon ; capacity 6(1,000 ( per day ; within city limits ; slilo tracg to yard ; miibt be gold ut once , J-'or particulars address L 07 , this olllce. CIS 7 HOUSE HANCII-114,000.00 will buy the best hoi se ranch In cent ml Ncbia ku , Including 1JO ! head of well bred young horses und mures , building , fences , rorals , farm machinery , good supply of wutor , and 1,010 acres of land , controlling - trolling ever 5)00 ) acres offroo niugo ; weillo- nited , ohly 4 miles fiom Union 1'acltlc rullway. Thos. C. 1'atUrnon. North 1'lutta , Neb. UM 1) ) BUSINESS rhanees n specialty. Co-operatlvo Land and Lot Co. . tiOj N. ICth ht. oou-l "IT1OH SALE A good , clenn stock of hardware. JL. Or will ctxchungu for u good , mnfflUmprovtid farm near a good town. Address Lock llox 11 , 'Jlldeii. Nob. 7ltibt "TTIOH SALE (5ooa paylni ; restaurant , good X1 locution , must go cunt reasou for selling. Ad- drcBsLfil. lice olllco. M > > .1' T/IOllbAIiIl-iIlotel lu the thrhmg town ot J- Hay Springs , Neb , at a bargain. AOdro&s It. McNalr , ( 'ruw fprd , Nub 70U 10 WANTED Anactlvo btislnnss mnn with Vft to I'M to tnko hold nf a fast selling ai tide , 1'rollts fiom JIO to $10 per day. Iloom 4 , Crounso block , liN ) loth. 2..0J 4 TXfE have for sale a longtime lease of the best T > location for fancy retail business in the city , 1'eaion , Cole & Robertson , 31U S. 15th fit. FOR EXCHANCt. 0 : ! O.U Stok hardware , altueothtror in . Plots for ioun land. 11. K. Cob , roiuuii. Cou. tlncutal block. _ _ _ j.53 - liois ? lor good lota or Jioiue . 1'ju' , lU/JTuruam 'Ml 171OH KXCHANO It- Team , w ugou and harness J ? for lot , South Omaha.V. . L S lb.15Jl Farnam st. _ _ _ _ 4J4 _ T\7HAT Kave you to Undo for W acres of laud T > unlncuinborvd In Juuoan county. Wls , , n tulles from county scat U. J , 0 , opp 1'oat olllco. I PI 7 TTlOH EXCHANC3E II oTiToTn TlotTrJcb. farm - Aor botith Omulia lot for vacant lot In Car- tunge. Lincoln I'lace or N oat Uuuiin * add. W. L. faelby , 1521 ITarnam at. uis Tjl U8INESS lots on Cumlng , .Suundsra and ll > th -iJatreetn tor rrsldeuco uroynty. ll , ii. IM" , room tf , Continental block. 05J T71AHM8 lu Knox. Crfdar , W.iynT and I'lerce 4pountles. . Nt-b. , to oxrhung * fer livery stock , Vf. U. U&rrison , 1112 I'truaw. > T Wttjli exchanM 100 acres of splendid furm. Jtnit Kind , only 2)t ) mile * from Klein , In Tari- . valley , Antelope county , Nnb. , for hotif and . "I in Omnhd ; who wnnts this turgRlnf J ' ° * Wlilto , J r. . loai pSTniiDort st. Omslrn. .TO * 3 * GJ. STEUNSuOIlFr , room 0 , opnoMto post- ofBco , hss some rood land In Holt county , Nrti. , to tr de for Omaha property. Will nssums light Incumbnuico. nj Tfibll r.IcTlANOK-Neb. farm or two South X' Omaha loH for spnnofinaros or mules. W. L. Selby , im Farnam st. 9M I8xlS2"cbfnpr Z3iFamT Douglis sts , to trarte for VJ nn eight to ten-room house and lot. Oeo.J. BtDrindorlT room 8 , opposltn 1' O. 330 STOCK of clothing In good Iowa town , want Omaha property or land In eastern Nebraska 11. R. Cole , room 0. Continental block. CM WHAT have yon to offer for 1.2S ) acres of timber Innd In West Virginia , clear of In- cumbraucc , perfect tltlo. tioorce J. SternsdorlT , Hoom 0 , opposite I' . O , 331 IHAVK a well Improred 60 ncre farm in liar * Ian county. Neb. , about 8 miles north or AI * inn , county seat. Any onowanlliiR a good small farm w 111 do well to let me Vnow TV lint they lmv to ollor. George J , SterusdorfT , Iloom 0 , opp. 1' . O. &M \\71f't' Rlvo you a good trade for an right or TT ton room house and lot. Oeorgo J. atoriia- dorlT. Hoom 0 , opposite P. O. 331 GJ. STKHNSDOUrr , Hoom 8. opposite P. O. , has soma choice farm land to trade for city property. Will assume light Incum- brancos. 231 EIGHTY ( 0) ) acres of land adjoining Lake Jlnnnwfx , ( Council. ItlulTs , ta Tills trnct will make 400 beautiful lota and Is free from cucuiubranctt. What have you to olTor ? Uoorgo .1 , Stonisdorff , room 6 , opp P. O. 107 NEW S seated carrlaRO and new slnclo top buggy to trade for long tlmo real estate mortgage. W. L. Sclby 1531 Ftirnam st. P3J BHIC1C Wunted-100,000 bricks iu exchange for good Inside Omnha property. 8. A. Sloman , room 22 nnd23 llollmau bldg. U27 niHADES mndo In real ostnte nnd porsonnl .L jiroporty. , See oxchauge book. Co-op. 1 * nudL. Co.SON. 10th St. SCO ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND aunrameo nnd Trust Co. . 1WS Farnam strcot Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real cslaU examined , per fected and euarnnteod. 5'k ' > OENSONJcCAHJIICHAEL furnlsti complete JJ and guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any real ostata in Omaha and Douglas county upon short no tlco. The most complete sotot abstract books lu * the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. 500 Abstracts South Omaha Ed. Johnson is Co. , agents South Omaha Land Co. , have the only complete sot of abstract books in South Omaha. Complete abstracts tnrnlshod ou short notice. Oilice opposite depot , South Omaha. & 'J7 -REAL ESTATE. 7J10H SALE 60x123 feet south front 4-rooui JL1 house , nnd Htablo for 4 or 0 horses , well , cistern , nil fouccd , $1,8X ( ) ; easy pn > ments. Welshans A : Co. , Exposition bldg. 75U 5 FOH SALK.-3 choice lots In block 19. Walnut 11 111ntnbargain. L33 , lleo. i832 ! * OH SALE Cheap house and lot in Omaha View , call at 8181'aclllu st. E , 1'otorson. 610 U EOH SALE 40-ncro raisin ranch iu full bear- ing ; stock nnd nxtures on the place ; near San Diego , Cal. Yielded W.UOO hist year abo\ expenses. Sample box of raisins groun on pisco last year ntourolBco ; J20.000 , one-third cash. Welshans i , Co. , Exposition bldg. 750 5 " | 7Kll ) SALE Good property in Sun Diego nud JJ near Los Angeloa for snloorc'cchuugo for good property In Omnhu and Nebraska. If you w aut to trade , see us. Wo have good Nebraska farms to trndo for Omitlm prop erty. Wolshans & Co. , Exposition bldg. 760 5 TTlOH BALE Look 1 Look ! 00 foot south front -L1 onIlHrneyjustwestof2iJthst. 0 room house , all modern lmprocmcnts.tluo lot nnd homo , w o have exclusive sale of this and can offer It at a price below its real \ aluo. M. A , Upton & Co. 715 DD. SMEATON. exclusively South Omnha leal estate. Bargains always on bund. Barker block , Omnha. 037 Jy 1 J HOUSESi-lotsou E.Cole. - Cut T L HICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 698 500 DOWN and $ T n month w 111 buy a lot $ with now 4-ioom liouse , a mlle from pesto - o nlco , price J1.500,2335 Pacific st. 010 K HE. COLE , easy terms , houses and lots. 054 J.L. . JtlUK & CO. , lieal Estate. 59S ONLyrequliesSTScashtogct a lot In Dur- llngtou Center , on dood. Think ol the loca tion. D. D. bmcatou , Barker bloclc. D91 3 H OUSES A , lota oucasy payments. U.K. Cole. $1,500 will buy a good house , barn , a south front 40xl27M foot lot. Kuqulro ou premises , B < 14Decaturst. 4T7 4 * TTlOH SALE. Farms . on longtime. Co-Opcra- JL ? tire Land and Lot Co. . LUi N. iflth St. D.37 OUSESilots oneasypajments. H. E.Colo. , CM T L. HICK & CO. , Heal Estate. 593 WHYpay lent wncn you can buv a nice six- room house on easy payments/ Consider ! Co-Operath o Land & Lot Co. , a)5 ) N. 10th st. \ S40 T L , HICE Ac CO. , Heat Ustate. 593 /1HUAP homos , easy terms. II. E. Colo. i""OH SALE Exchange or lease , best stock farm In Neb , , Smiles fiom Fiomont ; cuts l.MJO tons of buy , splendid wuter , 3 houses , J barns , fenced for cattle and hogs. Geo. E. Gib- eon A , Co. , Omnha. Thos. H. Gibson , 1'ieiiioiit. "TTlOH BALK Lot 40 block 1 , Ai moiir place , JL ; South Omaha ; must sell , nnd If you want a lot that will luako you money address L SJ llee ofllce 310 /1IIEAP homes , easy terms. II. E. Colo. TTIOHSALE A number of the choicest 1m- JL1 proved residence lots on S. llth street. They are all big buigalns. All property ou S. llth street Is bound to double or three double in aluolnafuw years. It Is Homoof the finest gioumllu the whole city. Come and Bee. O. H. Nolsoil , CW S. 10th St. 723 4 HOUSE and lot lu South Omaha for sale only $800 , suiullcabh payment , bul monthly , or terms to suit. D , D. Smoaton , loom 4J , Ilarker block. 5U" T HAVE several cholco , inside , full lots , upon JL which I can build houses to suit pin chasers upon their own selection ot plans , und ou toims to suit. 'Ihis will pay to Investigate. D. V. Blioles , room I , Ilarker block. 125 GJ.STEHNSDOItl 'F , roomO opposite post- olllco. will sell you n good 4-room house on IGth street , 2 blocks south of car line , by payIng - Ing tWO casn. balance monthly payment : , to suit. Tills is a splondld opportunity for anyone - one wuntlng a cheap homo. 231 * $100 CASH. 1500 May , 1B89. JSMon longtime buys nlco south fnmt lot near licavenuorlii " blocks west of 1'urk nvo. , cohered with natural trees. HaiguUi , Wolahaua to Co. , exposition bldg. 750 B rpWO ffcbt front lots. Summit I'lace , nn31st , X near Dodge , cholco phu o for home , near Jiorso und cable curs. Wtlahuiis & Co. , exposi tion bldg. 7506 T71OH SALE Ilonutlful5room cottngafinished J-1 In ouk , east front , full lot , near park , t-l.'XW ; ensy pnyueutsVelshana & Co. , Exposition building. f 760 D 1TIOH SALE-At Iris thn'n cost : Nine nice. JL' neat cottages , well built , elegant lots In elegant location , high nnd dry. und only short distance rrom Kelt Hue depot lu Wulnut Hill , from t'JOO to 11,104. U cash , balance < 10 per jnontn , These houses are being cloaeil out rezardleas of coit and you cannot get another such bur. caln In u hundred yoarj. Call quick on I ) . Y , Bholus , room 1 , Ilarker block , T'Jo CHOICE cast front lot In Hnnsromjilare , tat.1 of paik , above grade ; bargain ; 81,050cash , WelshuiiH JL Co. , lUpoHlllon building. 7605 SI'LENDID home fl loom house , good barn , nlco nuluinl trvo-t , about 1 mllu fiom court house , lr > , WW ; very dtalrublo WcUhaus ft Co. , ExjioMtlou building. 760C 0 U KAl * Uouic'3 , ea y terms. H , E. Cole.t > S < J710H SALE-A cosj little home , 8 rooms , and J- barn , only 80 en minutes' rldo ou cable to city , modem improvement * ) , (0,601) , only I&OJ caali , bul to bult. Imjulro of ownur , 311 B. 10th. _ _ J _ _ _ J71 _ ONLY a few lot * loft in 11. Ac.M.paik addition to South Omuha. What have you to oiler ? Oeorgo J. Bternsdortf. Room 8. opp.i' ; . O. iiJl OMAHA ou L st.I have lots for Jojie. both east and w est of the proposed viaduct and within two block * of it , big money in them lu a short , timeD. . D. Smeaton. Ilarker block , Omaiui. KW 10 T7IOH SALE A new house nnd full lot. beautl- X1 mi lawn and elm shade trees , 1 mile sw court house , address L 7U Bee olllce , _ t99 4 * NEW 5 room cottage , city water etc. . In Sliull's addition , tlVOO , Welahans A. Co. , Exposltldu Imlldlng. 7605 _ HOUSES and lots all over the city for silc" rent and trade. It you have good propel ty at fair values list with us.'chUau3 \ Sc Co . Ex pobltloa building. ! WO ON monlhly payments , new 3 story o roont home , peed nplBhlKjrhooJ , 3 blocks from 3 horse car lines 8 blocks from cable. Call and let us shows you this. H. K. Cole , Room 6. Oon tlucntal block. CM rpWKNTV-Kiaill lots lnWl ok Parmelee's JL. add. , w tth or w Ithout houso. to sell on your own terms , and will help to build house. VftUl , 1GOH1 arunm st. 837 HK. COLB , easy terms , houses nud lots. 651 "lilOH 3.\tiK-Or oxchanfro. Wo hav somrf -A. Rocxl Oinahn real estate nnd XcbrMkH farms , which wo vlll sell cheap or traas for itock of clothlnc , furnishing coods. dry cooJ < , lioots niidshods , grorvrlas or iiardwnro. Bchlsa- InEerllros. . GMH. IQlli st. 800 _ $1,850 will buy a' now house , full lot , 1m Decatur st. between Will and Slst. Apply McDowell' * 111' QU-7 * - - it. CULK , easy terms , houses and lots. ATKHFECT stork farm In Shelby county , Iowa , w Ithlti two miles of two railways tlom , nnd within four nnd n half of the nourish * ing young city ot Manilla , sixty miles oatt ot Omaha , nnd ninety south of Sioux City on line O. M. * St. 1' . Iiy. Tills farm contains four hundred nnd seventy acres , has two dwelling homo * , two stables , 0110 barn , nlso two feed buildings. NWitin Hotnay cronk runs throuBU placa ; thnro Is also a never falling spring Hoar - - - - - - that furnishes abund ance of water the year round. Elrgant crovo nbout twelve acres skills creek which furnlshP9 Rtnplo fule , farm foncoil with barbed wire nndi oak posts , school house at ono corner ot tha farm , good grist mill ono mile nnd half , ono hundred nml forty-five ncrcs In corn and oats , ono hundred nnd twenty ncrcs clover nnd Mm * otuy menilow , 70 ncros wild upland meadow , balnlice blue grn < s pasture. This fann With otf wllhout ono hundred and fifty heart of cattla for sain , rortoims nnd prlco address Clias , W , Towsley , Cedar Rnplds. Iowa. 71011 HAI.K Or trade ! BOacros , HarUn coun - ty , Nob. , Imp. NX ) acres. Holt Co. Neb , Imp. ! CW ncrei , Knox Co , Neb , Imp. 1(10 ( acres , ( IreolcyCo , Nob. 40 acres , udjolnlng J iKo Mnnawa. Lots lu II. & M. 1'urk , South Omaha , clenr. 2 lots. Melrose 11111. encumbered , SMO. 1 lot , Kountzo I'lace , encumbered , I1.1S9. 0 lots , Arnold I'ark , encumbered , 91i < 30. 1 lot. Orchard Hill , encumberodfiOU. 1 lot , Cmnlng st , cor. Slst. unencumbered. 53,000. 1 lot , Farnnm st , bet. 33th and 39th , unencum bered , tWK ) . ] acre , Solomon's add , encumbered , 1330. I"resh stock cigars. Invoice tAtXX ) . Stmn horses hainess nnd delivery wagon. 1 Hall's combination safe , nearly now. Also business and residence pioporty In alt parts of the city , for sale or trade for stocks ot goods , good farm property or city property. B. A. Sloman. Ilellman block. Omaha , Neb. 807 L. KICK & CO. . lloal Estate. 19S WILD sell you a lot in n. & M. Park nddttloA to South Omaha by paying KO down , bal ; anco $ " > per month. 'I hose wanting to make n smalt liivestmo lit will H ml It to their advantage to purchnso ono of those lots at the present . Stemsdortr , Koom 0 , oppo- slto 1' O. sal A quick , permanent cur * FOR MEN ONLY for lost or tilling , mnnhood.t unnatural losses , lack of ptrenirt ] vitror or development. cMised by IndiicTeUoi excoues , etc. Valuable book tent ( Kaled ) frre. ERIE MBDICAL CO. , BUFFALO. S. Y. in CQfin A MONIH can bo made nark IU gOUU liij for us. AnonU rrofamil who can fnrnlMi their own liorscs unrt Rive th lr Trliolo tlniB to the business. Spiiru moments m f ka prolttnlilr cmiiloreil nlno. A low vacaucles In totroi iincicltlcs. n.r.Joiivsuv * Co. 1UUJlulnSt.JU ) U mond. Vu. Mention the Onmhn lire. WEAK AutTerlnjr from thft ftf- fo li of youthful fr. n udf * " - " BVH nau rors , enrly drcny , tort nmiitwoJ , etc I wlfff'tiJii ralual.lo trrMlMmltdj ( coiitnlnlnu- full virUculira for homo curt , tttt ot C1PROF. F.'cI'FOWLER , Mooduo. Conn. ' JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT Advertising has always proven successful , lioforo plactnrran/ Newspaper Advertising1 consult LORD & THOMAS , > ADVLCT181\a 1CK11S , I 4 ( ID ta audoluU blr.tU CHICAGO. PEERLESS DYES ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS Off For St. Ijoitls. Last evening at 0 o'clock the rtomocrfttlo club met ai their quarters in the city build- iiifj nnd headed by Dalby's band ni\A with banners and Hags waving , they marched to the dummy depot. From hero the regular trnm , with an extra car attached , bore the delegates and accompanying friends to tha Union Pacific transfer , where , nt 7:30 , they boarded the AVubash special , whfch was sot apart for their use , nud nmid the shouting of , enthusiastic friends , the playing of the band4 ] and general lejoiciup , they were "pulled ] out" on their way to nominate Cleveland and 'JHiuruian. An Alloficil Tlilcl'Caught. Yesterday Marshal Guanclla received a message from Wutciloo , Nob. , stating that John Hrown , the mnn who failed to return the rig ho hired nt Gilo's stable last'wcclc , had been arrested at that place undwnsin custody. The maishal loft for that plnco last cvcningand will probably return to day with his man unless ho should bo bothered with obtaining requisition pipers. This would ! only dels. . . matters n littlo. 'Iho icsult would , bo tlie same. I.oonl Hull Two games of ball were played yesterday. The Council Bluffs club and the J. J. JIar- din's , of Omaha , played at Munawa parlc. This was n walk-a-way for the Hardln'e , the score standing 10 to 0 in Uiolr favor. Tba mall cariiers and pi inters played on th4 Drivini ; park grounds. The printers wcro not used to the "sticks , " nor could they "chase" the b.ills fust enough. They wora hardly familiar with Iho "rules , " which ro * resulted in their "forms" being knocked Into pi. The score stood 15 to U in favor ot the mail cairiors. Tlio Other Ono Nnilort. [ Ca ( TUP. BEIJ leaders will remember that a tovf days ago two fellows wcro discovered near the high school grounds trying to attruc. * , tha attention of young girls. Ono of these wnsj arrested , but the other ono fled. Last ovc-1 ning ho , too , was found on the streets , plying- the same "vocation , " and OfHcor Thoinu ' promptly ran him iu. A IlCKldoiiao Uolibccl. Some time duilng Saturday night the resi dence of Mr. Husscll Morgan , No. 411 Harri son street , was entered by burglars and a gold watcli nnd $100 in cash was taken from his vest , which was lying on a chair In his Bleeping room. Another house was entered , but nothing of value was taken. Nippers were used to turn tha key fiom the outside. There is as yet no clue to the perpetrators of the robboiy. Grout Men null Great Memories. Xor.xos could cull by name every sol dier ql his iinmoiibo nnny. Cute hud such 'a wonderful memory tlmt ho thoioughly mastered the Greek lan guage ut bO yours of ago. Great mom- onob are made by l ref , Lolsotte'e mar velous system , wliloh lie tenches by cor respondence. Send for prospectus nnd testimonials to Prof. Loisutto , 237 Fifth avo. , N. Y , A revelation for you , Yesterday the mayor's order was moro nearly obeyed than nuy duv since Its issu ance. None of the gambling rooms were running and but fowof the baloons"didbusi ness. " What was iloijo was under the gicat- cst sccrusy and was entirely a buck door trudo. Those who tultc Dr. Jones'Red Clover Tonic never havedvfcpopsia , costiveness - ness , bad breath , piles , pimples , agu > j and nmlurlu. poor uppotito , low a'plntH. headache or iddnoy troubles , Price 60 cents. 0. P. Goodman. Last evening a largo class received the rltn of confirmation at St. Paul's Episcopal church. The Ulght Hov. Oeorgo Worthington - ton , L ) I ) . , bishop of Nebraska , administered the rito. A full choral service was tendered by the boys' choir and the usual soloists. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AIJIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxcm. and is an absolute cure for old sores , bums , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively euro all kinds of nihu. ABlc for the OJUQINAL AHI12T1NK OINT- MUNT , Sold by Ooodmaa Uruj ; Co. at Sj o nta per box tj' mull 30 coat * .