THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : lONDAY , JUNE 4 , 1888. . 1 j"T Cures Ly IN EVERY ONE A CURE. No RETURN OF PAIJ ! , * AT BRUttelSTSVlND DEALERS' . THE 6HAS'A'VOGEURJQ'BA1HI.MO ( , Enharifod Diseases. /Tn O.B wlm of dlioaio the f ct § of In. btrlttnco re molt numeroni * od arc d llr ccumul tlng. Here , ! , tliej become ter rible , f tefgl and of erwhclmlng. Ko fict ot nature U moro pregnant with awful mean ing than the fact of the Inheritance of dlteaie. U meets the pbj tcl n on Ml dallr r6undi , paral/ilng hln art and filling him with dlimarTht legend of the nnclent Orctki pictures the Furlc * a pursuing famine * from generation to generation , rendering them ileiolatc. The Furies itlll | , ly their work of terror and death , but they are not now clothed In the garb of nuperttl- tlon , but appear In the moro Intelligible but no lets awful form of hereditary dlftcaiio. Modern oclcnce , which tins Illuminated io > jnanr dark corner * of nature , ha shed new light on the ominous words of the Bcrlpturci , "Tho linn of the fathers shall ba vlilted upon the children untotlio third and fourth generation. " Imtancciof hereditary dlicaro abound. Flftj IKT cent , of ciu ° e ot consumption , that fearful destroyer of fnrnl * Urn , nf cancer and scrofula , run In families through Inheritance. Ininnltr Is hereditary In a marked degree , but , fortunately , Mice many other hereditary diseases , tends to vcar Itself out , the stock becoming extinct. A distinguished scientist truly says : "No organ or texture of the body Is exempt from tbo chnnco of being the subject of hereditary disease. " Probably moro chronlo diseases , which permanently modify the structure ml functions of the body , are moro or less liable to bo Inherited. The Important nnd far reaching practical deduction ] from such facU afTccUng so powerfully the happiness of Individuals and families nnd the collectlre welfare of the nation are obrlous to reflec ting minds , end the best means for prevent * Ing or curing these diseases Is a subject of Intense Interest to all. Fortunately nature hu prorlded rt remedy , which experience has attested as Infallible , and the remedy Is the world famous Swift's Specific , a pure vegetable compound nature's antldoto for all blood potions. To the afflicted U la a > blessing of Inestimable value An Interest ing treatise on "Blood and Skin Diseases" will I * mailed free by addrculng TUB Swirr Sncino Co. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , On. " NERVES ! NERVES ! ! What terrible visions this little word bring ! before tlic eyes of the nervous * Headache , Neuralgia , Indigestion , Sleeplessness , Nervous Prostration , All lUre them In the face. Yet nil these nervous troubles can be cured by using For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contains the best remedies for diseased con. dilior.i , of the Kidneys , Liver , and Blood , which always accompany nerve troubles. It Is a Nerve Tonic , an Alterative , a Laxative , and a Diuretic. That Is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $1.00 a Bottle. Send for full particular * . WELLS , RICHARDSON& CO. . Proprietors , BURLINGTON , VT. OR NO PAY. WILL POSITIVELY CURE ' AllEyplillHIc IMiemei. of recent or loiiz stan Jlnc , ( n from tei to fifteen dayr Wo nlll ( ire written runantees to euro any cxse or refund ycmrmqaey. And we woi'ld y to these who h io employed the most Bulled I'UTikldiii , used every known remedy and have not ueen curol.t'jai you are the subjects wo are looking for. Yuu tba * . have bo"n to tba celebrated brated Hot bprtnts of Arkansas , and have lost all tiouoof r corery , wo Will Cure You ir make no charge. Our remedy is unknown to uny- one in the world ontilan of our company , and It U tli only remedy In tie wnrlJ that will euro you. We will euro tlie most obstlntto cats In Ion than one month. Beven days In reel nt cases dots the work , It Is tbo old , cbonlr , Oep-reated casts that we .ollclt. Wo hate cured hnudreds who bare 'jeon abandoned by Physicians and pronounced lncur q e , and We Challenge the World to bring us a ease that we cannot cure In less than one moutb. blnoe the history ot medicine , a True Spec-mo for fpbllltlo ICrupiluni , Ulcers , Bore Muuth , &c. , has ten sought for but never found nntll Our Magic Remedy was discovered , and we art Justified In laylnnltlstha only rtuie y In the world last will positively cure , because tli lauil mcaleal works , uubfuhrU by Ibu best known authoritlts , ear Ihcr * was never a true specific before. Our rtmeoy Is the only medlclicln tbo world tbat will cur when ererytblnf else ba ; f ll a. It has been 10 conceded by a lar e number of Celebralcil Physicians. It DAS Ntvrn TIT rAIHI ) TO cunc. Wby wa t < your tlm and money with rsteut m alelnes tbat oevsr hs4 virtue , or doctor with pbyelclans tbat cancel ( Hire you. You Itiat have IrleJ evtry thlnf else should roue lo us now and eel toirnanent relief ; you naver tan nut It eliewkere. llaikwbalwe say : lu the end you must lake our rsraedy or KIVEII recover , Ansl you tljat bav been amietsd but K short time shoolil by all mesnscom * to us now , Many gel help and think they uro free from the dlscate. tut lu one , two cr three veirs after , It appears aialn In a more bonrlblu ( oriu. lnr ttlBi > io our nnanelal standing through tag mer- csnllie i < ucl s and not * Ibsl wa are fully reiponit- M and our written ituaraate > ar good. W * have a IUUEDV prepared on purely SclODtlne Principles and wowlsbtorepeatllalltKETl.urAlLi TO CUUE. All IttKrs sacredly contUenltaU ' REMEDY CO. Omaha Neb. 1'IIB COOK . , , . Rooms 10 and 11. U. S. National nont , l th and Farnntn fits. Corera take elevator on IVrnani titrect ; to lecond tloor. ftoom 11 for ladles ouly UNION PACIFIC "The Ovurliuul Itoulc. " Has so arranged its Family Sleeping Cai service , that berths can now be reserved upon application by any ticket agent to M J. Grcevy , Passenger Agent , Council IMufl's loiva. The reservations when made art turned over to the train conductors taking out such cars , so that pasbongers can nov secure berths ordered , the same as a Pull man berth is reserved and secured. 0. P. TBnnKTP , 13. Ij. IjOJIAX. Gen , 1' . & T. Agent. Aos't Q : P. i. T. A PEERLESS DYES FOR OUR COUNTRY COUSINS , A Column of Notoa and Commonto for the Farmer. HmvtoDcnl With Clilnoli Hues The Dairies of the AVorlil Urnpcd With Climbers Ulootlcd S Pnrin Notes. How to Dcnl with Ghlncli CoLUJtiiUS , Nob. , May 20. T otlio Editor of THE DUE : Although the chinch bug hns never done ns much dnmngo In Nebraska ns in other states inoro subject to drouth , it did secure sufficient foothold in mnny localities lust year to plVo obsorvnnt farmers serious apprehensions ns to the safety ol their crops the coming season. But thanks to the long continued , cold rnins of the early part of the month , n vast number of thcso pests wcro destroyed , yet in the more protected places enough escaped to do great damage unless killed by some other means. If farmers will go about it vigorously , I believe wo can finish up the remnants loft by the cold rains , by carefully burning every patch of old grass , stubble , loose hay or straw , and nil rubbish under which they take shelter found on the farm or roadside. Farmers should co-oporiito in this vur.v important work , nnd see that neighbor' hoods are thoroughly rid of nil their breeding plnces. The continued cool weather is greatly in our favor , but these insects are very tenacious of lifo and propagate with wonderful rapidity , under circumstances at all favorable. Hence this work should be thoroughly done , and its importance cannot bo over-esti mated. In some localities in other states when there have boon two con secutive dry seasons , the damage win fearful last year , and the injects ap peared in such numbers this spring as to almost discourage the farmers from Gutting their crop in at all. The torri- lo ravages of thcso pests when tho.\ once get a foothold , arc little known in our btiito , and like many other evils , , they will DO moro easily kept out than put out after once in. Fire has been proven an cUicicnt means in extermi nating them. Lot us follow UD our ncl- vantage by using it vigorously , nnd rid our farmers of our worst enemies. J. H. R. The Number of Dairies In tlio World. The number of cows in milk or in calf is 1,010,000 for England and Wales , 35)5- ) 000 for Scotland , nnd 1,400,000 for Ire land , whereas Denmark has nearly a million , Norway three-quarters of n mil lion , Sweden ono and n half millions , Holland one million , Franco seven nnd n quarter millions. In other words , while Great Britain has only ono cow to twelve cultivated acres , Norway has ono to four , Sweden about ono to eight , Denmark ono to six and three-quarter acres , Germany one to ten , al though bho has nearly twice as many cutivated acres as Great Britain. The factory system is preferred , chiefly as u means of encour aging the farmer to produce milk which he certainly will not do under present circumstances , if ho has to stand the risks of the trade in largo cities , or to devote most of his time and that of his family to the manufacture of butter and cheese. With a factory at hand , good prices , little trouble , and a regular monthly check , the whole thing lookb diilcrcnt. " The Various Vegetations. President Smith , of the Wisconsin Horticultural bocioty , has found noth ing better for first planting of peas than the extra early Dan O'Rourko ; and live or six bcedsmon's borts. bearing each n dillerent name , proved to bo identical with it , in growthappcaranco and qual ity. He says , further , in "Tho Farin- erb' Review : " Of the sweet or wrinkled varieties the American Wonder is u great acquisition , and is probablv about the best the farmer can raise for his main crop. In quality they nro nearly equal to Champion of England. They are about second curly. None of the wrinkled varieties should be sown until the ground has become somewhat warm , or until it is nearly fit to plant corn. Jaboz ofAn would not agree with this estimate of the Wonder ; ho once told our readers that after trying it for years ho found it quite unsatisfactory as u cropper inferior to Alpha. Presi dent Smith adds the following estimate of various other vegetables , and a hint for labor-saving in the garden : For first early beets I llnd nothing better than Egyptian , and Giobo turnip for second early and main crop. For carrots try Scarlet Horn for llrst early mid the Stump-rooted for main crop. The Long Scarlet short-top radish is about the best of any I can litul , although it is an old variety. To have rad ishes at their best , n small bed should bo bowa about every ton days , as lout ; us the family care for them. A few onion sots of some of the white varieties are best for early , nnd nothing is better than the Yellow Globe DunvcrH for main crop. The old Hollow- horn or Dutch parsnip is not yet out of date. Jersey Wakofield is best for early cabbage. The seeds for early cabbage , lettuce , toma toes , peppers and cgcpluntfahould bo started in hotbed , and from there sot Into the open ground. Still they can generally bo bought at u reasonable price , and the cost will bo but httlo compared with the comfort and ad vantage of having them. The garden should bo long , rather than round or square , and tlio seeds so planted that ns much of the labor as possible can bo performed with a horse and cultivator. Ilrapctl With Climber. "Sister Gracious" tolls "Tho Ameri can Garden" about n pofasiolo pretty ef fect with a homely basis of material as. for instance , a stump draped with climber ; or of branches of dead poach trees robed in summer beauty. Having n specimen of the latter dolefully bare in the back yard , Bhoolfectod its trans formation by n simple expedient : I had seen the name in a seed catalogo , Catliospcrmum hallcacabum , and thinking it must bo u grand climber from its imposing title , invested live cents in seeds , and was soon digging around the dead tree , where I found the soil rich and soft. Cadiospormuin. etc. , was soon above ground , and by the aid of btrlngs climbed into the branches , By July the poor dead tree looked as If covered by a beautiful green veil , Flowers came , but were so small and inslg- nilicaut that they wcro hardly worth looking for. Hut , presto I they soon changed into lovely aerial green balls , verily fairy bal loons , which hung all over the tree , and when a wandering sweet i > ca vine climbed up and mingled Its lovely blossoms with the grace ful green balls the effect was lonely , A little girl said "It was a Christmas tree in the sum mer time. " The children never tired of picking the "balloons. " They made nice rattle-boxes , and the seeds were pretty and curious. The vine lasted until late in the fall , and then wo gathered many of the green balls , tied the stems together , and fastened them to n picture frame. The color faded some , but all winter they wore pretty , and I hopu the "balloon vino" will Hud its place In the gardens of all the readers of Una r magazine. " - - ' - ' - Itcnns. No one should attempt to raise field beans on land that contains the bced of weeds or to which fresh manure has been applied , says an eastern paper. A crop is raised with the least exertion on nn inverted sod of clover or cultivated grass. When such land is used for raising beans the plowing should be done about the 15th of June , and a dcci | furrow should bo turned. The harrow should bo immediately used , nnd the beans planted before the middle of tin month. The rows should bo from two to three feet apart according to the width of the harrow or cultivator that is lo bo used in working the soil bp- w con them. The amount of seed re quired to plant nn aero will dcponil on the beans nnd the distance between the rows , It will vary from half a hushol to n bushel. What prnirio farmers call first-class corn land , rich and black soil , is not ns good for bcnnsns a poorer and lighter soil. The thin soil of Now England , New York. Pennsylvania and Canada produce good crops of bcnns , though they nro not rich enough to raise largo crops of corn or potatoes. There is considerable land in all the western states that is bettor adapted lo raising beans than any other crop. Blooded ERRS. " If you have two or three bushels of "blooded eggs" on hand awaiting some cantankerous old hen that won't sotyou should handle thorn every day to keep the yolk from settling to lower side of shell. Keep them where it is cool , and the nir is pure. Stand them on bigond. Mark every egg bcforo you go from ono yard to another. Mark with lead pen cil on little ond. What "Httlo1' end ? Because when hatching day comes you can find the mark on that end , and ten to ono if the larger end is not broken or BO destroyed as to cause it to bo impossi ble for you to read your marks. About Hunts. In nearly every litter of pigs there will bo ono or two runts , says the West ern Farmer. Now the question is asked , what shall bo done with thomV The mibwor is. use good judgement , be hu mane and Kill them. It is profitable to do to because the majority of them die before they arc six mouths old , so that all the feed consumed by them is lost nnd their nbbonco leaves your herd uni form and it will bring you more money when you como to sell them. Then you will not bo told by the hog buyer : "Take the rints out nnd I'll buy your hogs. " Neither will you have to bay : "Oil , take them along and I'll throw in the runts. " Oct Acquainted With the Cows. Thomas D. Baird in a recent ibsuo of the Now York Tribune says : A neighbor who kept two cows sold me one of themmaking his own choice , and two months later came and ottered a bonus of $10 to got her back , having learned meanwhile that ho parted with the cow which made most of the butter. This is a sample case illustrating the ignorance of most farmers as to relative merit of their milk-givers. Again , wo should know our cows that wo may bo able to feed economically , instead of giving one moro than she can profitably cat and another less. To feed the same ration irrespective of individual requirement quiroment is wasteful. After learning what ration is needed by each and what it costs , then wo should know whatoach brings in how much milksho avorilgos and how much cream or butter can bo secured from it. TlniH wo are able to keep only profitable cows. If you hap pen to have a "scrub" do not say she is a good-for-nothing thing , anyhow , but give her a thoroughbred chance. Pro vide warm , dry quarters to keep her in and btoro UD for her plenty of good hay and roots , and likely enough she will bring a surprising return , and have no occabion to look with envy at her better- favored rival. Far in Notes. Hayseed swept from the bnrn floor is a good thing to throw into chicken yards. The bird < scratch it in and when it grows up it is good for the stock. If you want to improve your flock , a cheap way to do it is to buy eggs and raise some fine chicks. Anybody can introduce now varieties of fruit by planting the seed , though the chances are that but ono variety in a thousand will bo worthy of retention. It has been asserted that a given amount of food and attention will produce as many pounds of chicken flesh as it will of hog flesh. If so , why cannot farmers make poultry- raising profitable and eat nutritious chicken meat instead of so much bacon ! A pound of fowl llesti will produce more physical strength or muscular power than a pound ot fat bacon , but there are many people who do not believe it. Beauty and ornament add to the value of a farm. A few trees around the house , may sometimes bo of moro Value than the ground. A prominent packing firm is authority for the statement that hogs fed for lean are worth 0 cents , as against (1 ( cents for fat. In Germany the demand is largely in favor of the lean hog. Ono benefit which the farmer who sur rounds his premises with artificial groves will realize and which should by no means bo lost bight of , is that such groves invite the insect destroying birds , which are the farm ers' best friends in protecting fruits or other crops from the ravages of destructive insects. Ono man in Texas claims to have 25,000 full-blood or grade Angora goats. Ho states that they arc moro profitable than sheep , be ing moro hardy and requiring less harvested food. Till lately he has derived nothing from them except from the sale of their fleeces , but ho is now selling the kids for food. food.Protect Protect the birds. Put up suitable boxes for the wrens. Prevent the shooting of fire arms in the orchards and Keep as few cats as possible. It is a fact that the cats destroy moro birds than all other causes put to gether. Clean up all piles of rubbish nud any place that makes a harbor for rats. Hats and chickens can't bo bred together. Ceroseno oil will kill all kinds of insects when used on trees , but the oil will injure the trees , A small quantity used in an emul sion may bo sprayed on opplo trees , but it will kill the peach trees , even when used on them in small quantities. The ordinary httlo hand-weeder is the best implement to use for eradicating weeds among thickly giown plants , especially where the hoc may bo detrimental. On heavy , hard soil its use is not profitable , but on light soils it permits of effective work , and at a low cost. The mechanical condition of the soil has much to do with the growth of crops Lumps , clods and crusts nro drawbacks , Tha harrow and cultivator should be used whcicvcr needed. The Connecticut Farmer mentions a man who transports buttermilk from the cream ery for his pigs , in "a largo box lined with tin , holding four barrels , and placed on wheels. " It is reported that two sorghum sugar fac tories will bo built in Kansas this season. Ono of them will bo located at Topek.t , and will require the cuno grown on three thou sand acres of ground to supply it. Where n pasture Is overrun with weeds turn in the sheep , and they will Keep down the joung weeds. An Assurance ofilcnlth. Among the assurances of health uf- jordcd us by the regular discharge of the bodily functions , none is moro im portant and reliable than that which regularity of the bowels gives us. If there is any oven a temporary inter ruption of this the liver and the stomach ach buffer conjointly with inaetivo or gans , nnd still greater mischief ensues if relief is not speedily obtained , A laxative above all cavil on the score of mineral composition or violent elTcct , is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , ap proved by the medical profession and a most important item of the family mn- toria medica of American households. It is botanic , painless in action , and if perbistcd in effectual. The stomach nnd liver , in no less degree and no less promptly and thoroughly than the bow els , uro regulated and toned by it , and it is an admirable dofeiibo against ma larial nnd rhoumatio ajlments , nnd a benign remedy for kidney complaints , nervousness and debility , ' Dr. Hamilton Warren , Magnetic Phy sician nnd surgeon , Room 3 , Crounso block , cor ICtli and Capital avo. Chronic nnd nervous diseases u specialty. Tcle- WHY ? \VIIY do I have tlite drowsy , lifeless feeling ? WHY do I liavo IJ.ickncho ? WHY Neuralgia niitl Rheumatism ? WII Y does Scrofulous Intnt nnd Eryslp- clns show Hsclf. BECAUSE your bloOd is filled with Poison , which must bo Completely Erad icated , bcforo you can regain health. You must go to the root of the matter. Put the Kidneys the great nnd only blood purifying organs in complete or der , which is complete health , nnd with Warner's ' Safe Cure AND WAJtXKIl'8 SAFK 1'ILLS Your Cure is Certain. WHY do wo know this , BECAUSE tons of thous- nnd of grnto- ful men nnd vomen in nil parts of the vorld have vol- untnrlly wri cn us to tills effect. There is no Standstill In disease. You are cither growing Bettor or Worse How is it with you. Why not to-day resort to that medi cine , which lias veritably Ourod Mil- "lons , and which will euro you if you tvill give it a chtinuo ? All of Warner's preparations are Purely Vegetable. They are made on lonor. They are time-tried. They nro No Now Discovery. Untried and Worthless ; on * the contrary , they have stood the test they have proved their superiority. They bland alone in ire-eminent merit and YOUKNOW1T. Who U 1VEAK , NERVOUN. DEBILITA- TED. who Inhln FOIJUY and lUNGilANCK DOS TRIFLED away Ills V1OOR of 1IOUY , JflNI > and MANHOOD.causing exhausting drains upon the I'OU.VI'AINI ! or LIFK. HEAT > A4KE ! , HACK ACHE , Dreadful DrSAraa. WEAKNENS of Memory. DANII. FUI.NEHS In SOCIKTV. JMm'l.ES upon the FACT , and all the EFFECTS Icadtntrto KAni/r DECAY aud perhaps CONSUMP. T10N or INNANITT. should coniult at once Iba CEIEUItATEI > Dr. Clarke , Established 1851. Cr. Clarka bai made NKUVOUH BE. I1ILITT. CHRONIC and all Dlaeascs of the UENITO imiKAmf Organs a Ufa ntndy. It makes NO difference WHAT you tare taken or WHO has failed to cure you. CB-FEMAI.E.'lsuntjrtng from diseases pecu liar to tueirnex can consult with the assurance of ipeedy rollof and cufo. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. flCfl-Cenl 4 cents postage for Celebrated WorliH on Chronic. Nervona and llelt- cato Diseases. Cououltation , personal1/ br letter , free. Consult the old Doctor. VliotiBanda en rod. OUlconnnd imrlors private. CSrl'hcea contemplating Marriage wild fur Dr. Clnrko'n celebrated guide Hale and Female , each lie. , both l c. ( stamps ) : Heroic cnnfldlng your caie , consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may Jftve future surlcriiicand shame , and cdd'gbldon jeara to life. WBook "Mfe'n ( Secret ) Kr. rora , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and.wytings Bent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 'J to 12. Addrrss , F. D. OLABKB , M. D. 186 SO , Clark St. . CHIOAOQ , Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on the Pugel Sound National Bank Given as Security lor Money Invested. prope n time , wo offer thofollowlnz : Wowlll allow from 3 months toSyeirs'tlme. Kccorijiss ts ; ; , „ | nmi yo\i tclcct. \V3Banric neither premium nor Interest on time paymmits.and will give you a warranty deed. We have lota at SSO and 8113 that are within a radluc. or ono and a Imlf inllut of tbv post-udlce. Were qulro only 10 per cent , a * an earnest money nnd wo will xlvc certified check for the full amount ot each and urery subsequent payment. ThutliFCkliidrairn by the I'lifrct Sound Natlunal bank nnd Is made pay able at sluhtnml you can draw your money at any time tnouKh by fodolntf you forfeit your richta to purchaseland. Miiko your Income , no matter how small , eurn era tbliiK. Transcontinental railroads re heHJInK for bcHUIe , and mnnnfacturlnglsriour- IsnliiK. Ucncral commerce Is In a state ol tmbttari- tliil prouroiiMon. The dully pupal ure illluil with accountiof now enterprises. Cnbln cars nrd liorMi curaclrclutJoatilc. Addreta COOIC.U MO li : , Who nave Ilia LAUO1BT PHOVKUTY MST In SEATTLE , illRestPd : of the Hncst tlns'or. A hearty O f r a Htroni ; nppctlto : a il llcnt drlnfc fortnosuusltlvo. Tlioioiii-niy tested ; nutritious : palatable ; imexcL'lli'cl In purity ; uo uupk-sibaut ufttr elfects. Hoqulros no bolllnf ; . SOLD ity W. R. BENNETT&CO. II. \VIL.KUK & SO\S , . PA. Do not bitmil / more "I'oor Rubber Jfosc , " but put i/our inoncij In "Spiral" Cotton Hose , LlyJitcr , cheaper and belter than the bcit rubber hose. Mndo on the same principle at * the rnbbcr incd lio.-o used In 1'iro Department ! * , \\hlcli las' for years. 'llio cotton iluck tibecl In all rubber hose diawa \\atrr.wlierevrr exposed , ns n wlclc absorbs oil. nnd being cimllned by rubber generates n HnlplmroiiH was. iiulckly Oet-troyliiu the best rub ber hoso. The "hplral" hose , having no outside 'nverliiK to Imprison tllo moisture. WILL imv LIKK t TOW F.I , . 'I here are Imitations ko buy only that which luiaonoml llnermmliiiMhnuiKli it. mid whir ) Is branded "Spiral. " patented March ; itli , 1B < ( I If your dealer does notliavult In block , let him Sample mailed to any addrees forG cents BOSTON WOVEN HOSE CO. , Sole Manufacturers , 231 Devonshire Street , Boston , Mass. 222 Lake Street , Chicago. 21.829,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars wcro Bhlppml during tbe past two yourn , without a clriiin uior iii curcmiiloy. Noothci house In tht > world can trutli- fully inukoBUCli a ibowltig. Ono nKOUt ( dealer only ] wanted lu ench town. SOLD BT ItADINO DRUCCIST8. R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 Slate St.Chicaao , , 6clentmerower/ul , Durably . id EQeellve. Avoid Jr.ud * , OTtralOOcur d , UtodbUm KLBOTIUO 1IE1.T8 roll . D . rVORKL UMM161. AV . . CH11UO , THE CHICAGO ANO WORTH- 1 WESTERN W RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs - " And Chicago , The cnlr roM tn take for DPS Mnlne9 , Marshaltown- Ccdur llspldv Clinton , Dlxon , CMcapo. Milwaukee nO nil point * Kasl. To the people of > ( > braiia. Colorado radoVvotnlnit , Utah , lilnho , NevadaOregon , Wash ington nnrt California , It oners tupcrlor advantages not poMlblo bv anv other line. Amonr H few of the numerotii point * of superiority enloved _ . 'n.- , _ bv _ _ the _ patrons . . of _ . this road between . Omaha - - .u > * * * KH * * * f\9 II A V l.OU DltAWlNU 11UOM CAUS , misurpnsied br any , andI 111 widely celebrated PALATIAL ( UMNO CAnH , Ilie canal of which cannot lie fonnil elsewhere , At Council muffs , the trains of the Union 1'aeltte Hall way connect In union depot with those of tbo Chicago cage \ Northwestern tty. In ChlcMRo tto trains of Ibis line make clo o connection with tbose of all other Uastern lines. . . . . . . . tor Detroit , Columbus , Indlanspolls , Clnclnnst. Niagara Kails , lluiralo , PlttsburB. Toronto , Montreal , llonton , New York , Philadelphia , llalllmoro , W.i'h- Ington , and all points In tbo Kait. Ark tor tickets Yin 1110 "NORTH-WESTERN" If yon "l h the lift accommodation. Alt ticket neenti fell tickets tla this lino. if. UUdlllTT. K. I' . WIIJ50N. . Uen'l Manager. ( Ion 11'asi'r Agent. OI1ICAOO , ILLS. W.N. 11AI1COCK , non'l. Western Agent. 1) . E. Ticket Appnl. U. \Visr , City rancnger Agent. HOI rnrnnm St. , Omalm , Neb. ( SACCUAINTtO WITH THE CCOORAPHYOF 1HC COUNTRY will OBTAIN Ml'CH INFORMATION rROM f .STUDY OF THIS HUP OF THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISU.HD& PACIFIC R1 ? Ita main lines and branchoo Include CTJJOAOO , PEOBIA , MQLIKE , HOHE ( ISI AND. DAVEN PORT. DE3 KOINES. COUNCIL BIATFFS. MTJB- OATINE , KANSAS CUT. ST. JOSEPH. LEAV- ENWOimi , AXCJUQON , CEDAR RAPID D , WATERLOO , MINNEArOIJS. end BT. PATJI and scorcB of Intermediate cities. Choice ol routes to nnd from the Pacific Coaet. All trans fers In Union depot * . Fast trains of Pine Cay Coaches , cletrant Dining Can. mncnlflcont Pull man Polaco Bloopers , nnd ( between Chicago , St. Joaopb , Atcblson and Kansas City ) Reclining Chair Cars , Benta Free , to holders of through flrst-claas tickets. Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y "Great Rock Island Route. " Extends West and Southwest from Enneaa City anil Bt. Joseph to NEI SON. UOItTON. . BELLE VILLE. TOPEKA. HEHDraTON.WICHITA , HUTCHINSON. CALDWELL. and all points In KAK8A3 AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of tha celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ap pliances and modern improvements. The Famous Albert Lon Route Is the favorite between Chicago , Rock Island , AtchlEcn , Kansas City and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Its 'Watcrtown branch traverses the great "WHEAT AND DAIRY BELT" of Northern Iowa , Bouthwoatern Minnesota , and East Central Dakota , to 'Watcrtown , Spirit Lake , Bloux Falls and many otbei towns and cities. The Short Line via denoca and Kankakoo offers apoiior facilities to travel to and from Indian apolis , Cincinnati and other Southern points. foe Tickets , Maps , Fcldore. ordoairod informa tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Offlco or addrees E. ST. JOHN , U.A.HOLBROOK , Ocn'l Manager. Oen'l Tht. & 1'aos. Agt. CHICAGO. IIO * -THE OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' The Best Route from Omaha nnd Council Bluffs to - = THE EAST = = = - TWO TUAINS DAK.V rtKnVEKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL ULUKtS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. i'uul , Minneapolis ) , Cedar Rapids Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Dafcuport , Elgin , Madison , Jaiicsville , Uelolt , IVInouu , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , Northeast and goutheaftt. For through tickets cull oiitho ticket apent at 1M1 Karnam street , In Darker Block , or at Union 1'aclOo l-'uilrDim ' Sleepers and the lined DlnlrmCarslnthe worl.l are run on tbe m | p line of the Chicago. Mil wuukco A. t Paul Hallway , and every attention Ip paid to inntenrero by courteous euiiiloyes cf Uie . H. Mll.t KH , ( lenerul Manager. J. K TUCKEU , Ainlstunt General Manager. A. V. U CAllPMNTKU , General 1'assenier and OKO. l tlBAFFOIU ) , Assistant General and'lleket Acent. . . . . J.T.CivMlK.Uoneral Superintendent. DH. E. C , WEST'S NEFIVB AND TlruiK THEAT- HKNT , a guaranteed specific for Ilytiterla , Dizzi ness , Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration , caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulnesj. Mental Depression. BoftenlnR of the Ilraln. roiultlnK In Insanity , and leading to mloerr , decay and death , I'renmtiiroOUl Age , Harrenness , Loss of Power In either sex. Involuntary Leases and Hperroatorhcca caused by over-exertion of the brain , self-abuse or ovf r-lndulnencn. Kach box contains ono month'R treatment , f 1.01 a box , or blx bates for ts 00 , nont by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. AVIS GUARANTEE BIX BOXES To cure any casa. With each order received by us for fix boxes , accompanied with 15.00TO will feml the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not effect u cure , ( luarantees Issued only by ( J , F. GOODMAN. DniBKlst , Solo Aycnt , 111U Farnam Street. Cumin. Nib f , H. J'Al.MIK. N ! IIICIIHAN. J. 11 , III.A SCIIA UD. PALMER , niCHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Mcrcbants. Office UonmKI , Opposite Kxchaneo llulldltitf , union block Yards , boiitli Oumlia.fli-tj. _ Mc coYlTnos. , live Slock Commission Merchants , Market f urnltlied f rco on application Htiirkcrs and feeder * furnished nn good terms lle'vrence * Otua- tmliatlonul Hank mid Ninth OuiuLu Nuliunui , Union block Vt-rds , buulli Omalia MALEV Live Stock Commission , Itoom 15 , Kxcbaniio Ilulldint ; , llnlou Etoek Yards boutU Omaha , Nub. ALEXANDER & FITCH. Commision Dealers in Liye Sock , ru > oai22 , Opposlto Krchango Hulldlnn , Unlou Stoci Yards , boutn OuialiuKvb. UNlON TOCrYARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , loho K llord.Biiwrlnli'- jSmoko Stacks , Bollors , Etc. "H. < T SAWYER , Mannfactnring Dealer in Smoke Stacks BrUcMui'i , T uks and Ucncral Holler Iteuuirlu . UU D&J < fctre 8OoialiaNel ( , DealerinAgricnlturallmplements , Wagons , Carrlaf ei and liucjlei. J ic Street , betweentthand IQtn , Omaha , Mebraika. LININQBR & METCALF CO. , AgricDltnralImDlementsJWagonsCarriages , Hucgles.Blc Wholesale. Omaha , Netra ka. PARLIN , ORENDORF St MARTIN , Wholesale Dealers In , Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies Ml , HO. m and fO7 Jonti Street , Omaha. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Sectors , CultlTatore , liar nakes. Cider Mill * and I'Uban 1'ul- verliers. Cor , nth and Nicholas Streets. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholesale , Agricultural Inmlements , Wagons &Buggies Corner Uth and Nicholas BIreeU. OMAHA 11HANC1I. J. P. SEIBERLING k CO. , Akron , Ulilo. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Mtad , Manager. HI3 LcaTcnworth St. . Omaha. MOLIN E M I LBURN&STODDARDCO Manufaeturcm and Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. ftli and 1'aclna streets , Omahn , Net' ' . Boots and Shoos , ' ' ' w' v. MO'R'SE .v co. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,11(0-1105 ( Douglas St , Omaha Manulnctorr , Sum mer it. , IKiton. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succc orii to Heed , Jones Lo. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes for Hojlon Artists' Materials ! A HOSPE , Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douulas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Booksellers and Stationers. H. M , & S. XV. JONES. Successors to A. T. Kvnyim & Co. , Wholesale & Retail Bookseller * and Stationers , fine Wedding Stationery , Commercial Stationery \Ki DouKlai Street. Omaha. Neb. Coffees , Sploos , cARKEcOFFEE CO. , Uraaha Coffee and ptca Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring Kitracts. Laundry llluo. Inks , Etc. UU- 1416 Hartley Street. Omaha. Nebraska. _ Crockery on " " w. L""WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Ctnniueys , Etc. OIH ce , 317 8.13th St. , Omaha , Nebraska , PERKINS , CATCH & LAUMAN. Imnorters and Jobbers of Crcciery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Ktc. 1511 Fnrnnm St. , New Tnxton lIulldlnR. _ . FREDERICK" . FAIRBRA'SS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1014 North ICth Street , Omaha , rcb. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , Successors to McEhano & Scurocdcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha , Nebraska. RIDDELL & RIDDEL.L. Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties nutter , Fugs , Chce > , Poultry , Game , Uytcr , Etc. , Ktc. 112 bouth Uth Street Coal , Coke and Ulrno- OMAHA'COAL , "coKE"a Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 20D South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois Wflite Lime , And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Platter , J.lme Drain Tile , and hewer I'lpe. Ofllce , 1'axton Hotel , Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal an Coke , 211 South 13th St. Omaha , Neb. Dry Goods and Notions " M. E SIVMTH & CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1104 Dounlas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KIUPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Cents' TurnltblnK Goods Corner 1Kb and lls-itici btn , Omana , Nebraska. Furniture. STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnilnre , Kuruaiu Street , Omaha , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Ornulm , Nebraika. Offlco Fixtures. THE SIMMONDS MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantles. Sideboards. Rook Cases , Drug FixturesWall Cased , Partitions. lUlllneiCounters , Hecrand Wlnn Coolers , Mlrrom.etc. tactory ami office , liJU und 17J2 bouth IJiu St. , Omaha. Telephone 1121. Crooorloa. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TM , TOT , 703 and 711B. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. .McCORD. BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , > In and I-efivciiwortli Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware. LEE" FRIED * CO , . Jokers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agents for HowoBcalea and Miami 1'owder Co. , Omaha , Neb. _ HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Bcales. 1 06 Douglui _ Street , Omaha , Nebrama. _ RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Hariier sis. Omaha , Neb Western Accnli lor Austin Powder Co. , Jeflerson Btcel Nails. Fairbanks tilanilard Bcales. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO. Wholesale Manufacturers of Saddlery & Jihhers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. 110) ) , lia'i an I UU7 llurncy tit. , Omaha , Ncbratka. Hardware. wnrBROATCrTT Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Waicon fitock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. jiudJZlUlarney Htreat.Omnlis. A. Wholesale Iron and Steel , 'Vscon and Carrlaiie Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware tile. 1817 anil mi ) I.eavunwurtU Bt .Uaiabu , Ntb. _ _ Hot8 , Caps , Eto. ' _ XV. Li PARROTTE & 'cb. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , UU7 llivucr btnut , Omaha , tfcb * OMMJQBBEllS'DIIfflCTOl ' } ! Iron Works. STEAM DOILEH WORKS , i Carter k ton. 1'rop's. Mamifactnrtrsof all kinds Steal Boilers , Tan\s \ and Sheet Iron Worfc Works South 20th and II. i , M. Croxlnir. PA.XTON A VlKItUSCJ 1HO.V WOUKS. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlr , Enitlnes , llram WorkQenersl Koundrr. Machine and UlacktmltU Work , onu-o and Works , U.V. Hf. anil Street , Omnba. _ OMAHA WIPE & mON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk Halls , Window DuanlK , Klowcr Rtands , Wlr n.Kto. Ill North Kth Street , Omaha , OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS. Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Fault ! ! . Jail Work , Iron and Wire Fencing , BlKn * . Kto. H. Andifcn. I'ron'r Cor , llth and JacktonBM. CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Screens , for hanks , ofnceMtore . residence * , etc. Improred AwnlnL' * , I ocksmlth Mschlnerr and lllacksmlth Works. UU South llth SU IMEAQHER ft LEACH , Fire and Bnnlar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Oeneral Aernls for DIoboM Bafe A lock Co.'s Vaults antlJall Work , 1115 Karunui blrcet , Oiuaha MUllnory nnd Nptjono. j Itiporters&Johhei'sin Millinery & Notions ] 904.210 ami 212 Bouth llth Street. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. . Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ' < 0tl and 40r > Scuth 10th Bt. . Omaha. v i NY"AR b & VclTiNTE IDER' ' Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , ! ! ( ? > llanipy Street , Omaha. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle arcane. Ktc , Omaha. A. II. Illnhnn. Mnimirxr P a In t sjind O Ms . CUMMTNGS & NEILSON , Wholc'iilo Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , HIS Farnam Street , Omaha , Nou. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , ° All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 19ti Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha , LOUIS BRADFORD , Bealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. Yards-Corner 7th nnd loufflas ) | Cornel 9th and Douglas. C. N. D1ETZ , Dealer in All Kiiiduf Lumber , 13th nnd California Streets , Omahn , Nebraska. FKED W. GRAY. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner fto and Douglas Sis. , Omaha. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , Grace , HM Farnam Street. Omnhn. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported nnil American I'ortland Temcnt. Btatt Agent for .Mllwaukcn Hrtlraullc Cement and Qulncj White I.lmc. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring , Mb nnd Douglas Pqpor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlco stock of Printing , Wrapping nnd Writing Special attention given to car load orders. Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER" Auxiliary Publishers , raer..n , . Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clotlilnn and Leather Ucltloe. 1003 Knrnatu Btroot. , Pumpo , Etc. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pipes and Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumns , Pipe , Fittings , Jleam and Water fiunulios. TToadiiuartrrs for Matt , t oost A Co's goods. 1111 lurnuiii bt. , Omalm. U. S. WIND ENGINE i PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies- , llalllday Wind Mills. tll9and92)Famara ) St. , Omaha. ( ) . r. Hess , Acting Manager. BROWNELL Si CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. Sheet Iron Work Steam I'umpn , Saw MIHs , 12M-U1I Lyavcnwortli Blret-t. Omaba. . Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL A : CO ? ' Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Sll and UlSJonesrUrfC't Otusba. StoroKQ , Forwarding & Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Branch house of the Heimcr Iluirgr Co. lluidilesal Ttbolesale and retail , 1 B UlOunil 1312 liard mruut , Omaha. Telcpuouo No. 7W. OMA MAMFAGTOIiEBg. _ Broworo- _ " STOR2&tLER , , Lager Beer Brewers , tai North Kliithteonth Street. Oiimhi. Neb. _ MANUFACTURINCi CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'auts , Shirts , Klc. llVJand 1101 Douulus Blreet , Omaha , Web. Cornlco , EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Kuonetor , Proprietor. WJ Dodvo and 1U1 and 101 North 10th Btrael.Omalia. _ Paper Boxes. - Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Kos. 1317 and 1319 ItougUs bt , , Omaha , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISCIROV/ co. , Wtiolossle Manuf xtnrers of . Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , ] llranch Offlco , 12ln and ItarJ btrceli , Omnha , Nubv BOHN MANUAC"TURTNG co. ' < Manufacturei's of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldlncs , KtalrWork and Interior llartl Wood rin- Isu. N. C. CornerKli miJ l nvuntrortU tjtrcets. OiuabH , J > 'uU. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , And lilludi , Turning , Btalr-work , liauk and Office lib tluMI. Witt ana i'vaet ! u Avenue ,