1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , JUNE 3. 188S.--SIXTEEN PAGES. AT 2:00 F. M. , MONDAY , Jo-Morrow Store Will throw open its doors in Omaba , for the first time. This store is a branch of Turpin & Go's Great Syndicate , having stores in the leading cities of theiUnion and positively the largest retail traders in these distinctive goods in America. The stock consists of a multiplicity of articles , embracing such goods as G-lassware fall kinds , ) , Tinware , Crockery , Woodenware , Jewelry , Notions , Hosiery , Toys , Stationery , Perfumery , Brushes , Cutlery and Dry Goods. Indeed , to sum up the whole thing , something of everything. It would be superflous to give a list o ± prices. Indeed these r > rice lists are frequently misleading and exasperating. We prefer giying you a hearty invitation to visit our store. STou can't make a mistake. The store is painted red , and is the 4fch house from the corner of Farnam and 15th Sty We will not bother or worry you to buy , haying long since found out that this does not pay. Again inviting you to drop in and see us on Monday o r as soon as you can. We are Yours , Respectfully , GREAT 5c , 10c TURPIN & COMPANY 1509 Farnam Street , Omalia , Nebreska. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS A Declining Dny In Wheat July Suffering Most. CORN DULLAND UNINTERESTING A Ijlglit BuBlnesH ln.OntHVleIi . I-'luc- tiintlonn Following Com Provi sions ( jnlci Cnttlo nntl HOKH Strong General Quotations. CHICAGO moi > UCE MAUKET. CniCAOo , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hr.K. ] As compared with the closing prices of last night July wheat lost % , Au- pist wheat Jfe , and December wheat J c. As will ho seen the ilcclino In the July future was out of all proportion to the others. This disproportionate decline , however , was only n readjustment of the relative prices of dif ferent futures which had , through a combin ation of circumstances , hccomo greatly dis- turhed. At one time yesterday July wheat was at n premium of nearly ' 'o over August , mid even n slight premium over December. It was this , more than anything else , which gave rise to all the talk of a July corner , which the course of the market to-day seems to prove to have been without foundation in fact. An explanation which docs not involve manipulation may very readily bo found for tills peculiar condition uf things. An enor mous amount of short wheat had been sold for July , and much of It txt prices which did not permit sellers to get out even within the past few weeks. Much of tills wus , of course , covered outright by purchases of July , but much wove of it , and in this description maybe bo included nearly all foreign short wheat , was transferred to later months. The effect , of course , was to advance the July delivery mid depress later deliveries. To-day there was a largo amount of Belling of July and nnd buying of August by traders who saw that prices must sometime bo equalized and that there would then bo a profit in the trans action. Among these traders were the brokers of Cudaliy and Linn , the lead ers of the bu 11 party , although it was thought , that they sold much more than they nought. Keam and Hutchinson were large sellers and Jones , Konnctt & Hopkins were probably llm largest sellers of all. The market showed ; omo strength and advanced n llttlo early in the session , but from the time that the crowd saw that the bull leaders were really selling large quantities of grain and were simply offering it for effect , the market became weak and declined by spurts , dropping u little lower after each reaction. July wheat opened at , fcO e , sold up early to brtjfe , then dropped with frequent reactions ol JiC to W e , advanced to 8 : > c , fell to 84J < c again and closed at h4 * c. December wheat opened ( itSGJi'e ; , sold to SfiiC , then down to Sfi' e and closed at S-T c. Not much news was received and the little that was , was ap parently without effect upon the market. The most interesting was a report of the re cent destroyers of wheat in southern In diana. There wnsbutliltloof interest in thospecu- latlvo corn market. Fluctuations wore within n range of % e , the opening being at near the highest and the close ut the lowest price of the day. Trade was not large , and was chielly local. Hutchinson was the only con siderable seller , but the wheat market was closely watched by corn traders , and the weakness In wheat had its influence in the corn-pit. The receipts were sixty cars under tlio estimate , but the estimate for Monday was thought to bo liberal , and did not en courage buying. July corn opened at 50 } < , e , sold up early to fiO' e , declined to 55 % ( < 8 f > 53fc , advanced to 50e , declined to and closed at fi5Xo. September corn opened at COlfr , sold at 500c ' , down to 5555.JiJc , and closed at 55J < e. Tliero was light business in the specu lative oat market , with fluctuations following the course of prices. Corn strong early , bu t declining later in the session. July oats opened utilise , sold at aic , down to nnd closing at JtyjiJc ; Juno oats sold down from 34 fo to X\Mc \ , August oats from 2'Jo ' to 2jc { and September oats sold nt 27Jf ' In provisions the week closed in a quiet manner. The dullness lately prevailing was evoa muro than continued to-day , nnd in the Kcncral trade a featureless , ns well as char acterless , condition of affairs existed. The product , however , was well supported , nnd for lurd prices were advanced fully 5c. 1'ork was unchanged , while short ribs were un changed to ! ; > jc lower. CHICAGO IjIVK STOCK. CIIICACIO , Juno 2. ( Special Telegram to Tun HUB.I UATTJ.C Only n few native beef rattle were on the market to-day , and they sold at fully former rates. Values wcro nominally strong. Perhaps the late ndvaaco will induce heavy receipts next week , but the demand is good , and the market this week has advanced 230 lOo ; beeves , good to choice J4.fi5(35lK > j common to fair , $4.10@l.50 ; cows and mixed , tl.t > l'g3.il5 ' ( ; stocUers and feeders $2.50 ( < } 4.10 ; Toxnn steers , $2.H > \4,00 ; cows $2.25 ( < j2.iO ! ; bulls , (2 ( 00@2.25. lloiitl Hustings is hotter with an up tun of about u nlcltel all around. KINANCIAIj. NEW Yoiiu , Juno 2.--Special ( Telegram to TUB HKU.J STOCKS-A duller or moro un Inti'iviitmg week than the one Just closed has seldom been witnessed in the stock market Transactions were below the average am con lined chiefly to live properties , Heading St. I'aul , Missouri Padllc , Union Pacific am New ICngland , the transactions in whicl constituted over three-quarters of tno tola business , London cut less figure In the market than for some weeks past , and trans actions for foreign accounts were mainly o of an arbitrary character. The feeling among the majority of room traders who controlled thu market was bearish , and the small quantity uf news that came in from the outside favored that side , ill-ports o reduced rates in the west and the difficulty that 1ms beset the granger roads in their un delivers to maintain wen fair living rates tended to create distrust and at times brought out considerable long stock held b.\ weak and disgusted holders. Hut despite al discouraging features the declines wcro Email , slightly exceeding 3 points. There appear * to be a" general equalization in values going on In many securities that has been more noticablo than nt any tinio in months. Stocks that have paid C nnd T per cent for years , but whoso earnings have for months past been on the rctrogado nt such u rate that made It almost Impossible for them to continue paying fair dividends , and In some instrauces , particularly St. Paul nnd Hock Island stock , was sold down on rumors that dividends would bo reduced. St. Paul com mon has paid 5 per cent for years , and preferred 7. The latter sells at 10S and the former at GO. Northwestern common pays 0 and sells nt lOSJff , or Jjf above St. Paul preferred , which pays 1 per cent moro nnd 43 points nbovo St. Paul common , when the difference in dividends is only 1 per cent. Tliis irroguality isonly explainable by the fact that St. Paul has built u largo amount of new rend within n year past and issued new bonds so freely that its tlxcd charges have increased faster than its earning capacity. Much disappointment is expressed by Head ing stockholders in the issuance of 5 percent income bonds , which increases the fixed charges ahead of the stock to an amount which renders it almost certain that the company will not bo able to earn a dividend on the stock. The fixed charges , Including interest on three classes of 5 per cent bonds , amount to $11-100,000 , and the most sanguine estimates place the net earnings this year at but little over $11,000,000 , and this estimate , It Is not probable , will bo rcnlircd , for the condition of nil branches of trade , especially and necessarily coal , isgiowing worse rather than bettor. The stock of the company , therefore , has lost many friends. The market to-day was dull , total sales being only D1',2S1 shares , including 11,400 Union Pacific , 0,000 shares Heading , ( ( ,700 Lake Shore , 4,000 Missouri Pacific , U.OOO New England. The feature of trading was the life and strength in Union Pacific , which advanced 1'fc'c on a reported increase of April earnings of 811)7,060. ) The bears made an attempt to force prices down on reports that Gould was too seriously ill to continue his western trip. The reports wcro too conflicting. , however , for the majority of traders to believe , and it had little effect , and the stock advanced } i' , jut later broke Jjfc The strength in Union 'acltlc helped the rest of the market and slight advances were recorded , but at the close the changes from yesterday wcro un- mportant. The bank statement showed si lecrcaso in the reserve of $2,573,875 , an in crease deposits of $3,720,500. It had no effect on the market , however. The changes for the week are , with a few cxccptions.l nslnill cant , the most important being the loss of 83 on Missouri Pacific , IX on New England , % Rock Island , 1 on St. Paul , and 7'j , ' on Head- Ing. The gains wcro lc on cotton oils , yf on Northwestern , ? H on Union Pacific. GoviuNMr.x-rs : Government bonds were dull and steady. YCbTKIllUY'S QUOTATION'S- - U. S.4s registered. 12ii ) 0. A.-N. W 10SX II. . 4s coupon. . . 125 ? , do preferred nil U.S. I'isreglstred.lUT N.V.Central 105 IJ.8 4Ms coupon..1117 0.11. N tM'/4 Pacific fti of'U5 1184 I' . T Soutliorn.riti'ji'hclilc ' Mail. . . . . . . . ! B'/i ' Central Pacific 30 ! * I ) . D.fcU 17H Chicago i Alton. . . in : Pullman PalacvCar 14 C..11..1SQ ll-Ti ftenillng f..i'J I ) . , I\V Ii8 flock Island WM I ) . .VII. a 17 St. I , . AS. K 2HV4 lrlu 23 do preferred 054 do profem-il It C. . if. & St. Paul. . . ! ! i Illinois Central US do prufurred Will I..H.&W HI" St. i' . O : ! > > , K.AtT 13-4 do preferred 103V. Ialce Hhoro Wi Texas Pacific 1U > 5 l.AtN Kl Union Pacific fil'i Michigan Central. , 'tiV. . . Bt. I , . Missouri Pacltlc. . . 70 do preferred.V \ \ Missouri Pacific. . . . 22 W. U. Telegraph. . 7DJ ! do preferred 2Ui { MONEY ON CAM. Easy nt 1 toyt per cent , last loan I , closing at Itil'-i. Pmue MUIICANTII.R PAI-EK 4G per cent. STCIIU.NO EXCHANGE Dull but steady at M.bOJf for sixty day bills ; fl.SSJi' for de mand. I'ltODUCH BIAKKKT3. Chicago. Juno 2. Following are the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Hninmns firm on winter and easier on patents ; rye flour strong. Wheat Unsettled , fluctuations being rapid and severe , openrd firm and closed ? fe below yesterday ; cash , & 4c ; July , Sl c ; August , SP c. -Moderately active , fluctuations being within I-i ( ' ' > 56 range ; opening sales wort' ! 0o better nnd closing 4'is better than yesterday's close ; cash , 55 y-10o : July , .ViSfc ; August , V > U-lKc. Oats June delivery considerably weaker , closing % o lower ; other futures did nut change materially ; cash , 33c ; July , ! < 4c ; August , ' . ' 8 , 'c. Hyo-Dull , Ma , llarloy Nominal , Prime Timothy -f2,15. Flax-seed tl.8'@l.lO. ' Whisk.v-fl.iy. PoilcDull but steady , with slight changes ; cash , ? i : i.Vfni.l : > 7 > , ' ; July. * 14.07K@14.1U ; August , $ H.UK@14.2l > . Lard Steady , without material change ; cash fS.4S@S.47H ; July , f .50S.5'J ; August , $ < . Vi ( NS.fi7H- Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , $ H.OO ( fi.2r. ; short clear , JS.OO s.ltt ; short ribs , < 7.r.H. Hatter Dull ; creamery , U&ClUKi'l dairy , Cheese Dull ; full cream Cheddars , "V Sc ; flats , fdiS.'j young Americas , ' - Eggs Firm ; fresh , 13 > 4'(3Hc. ( Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4) c ; heavy green salted , 51.o ; light green salted , r.o ; salted bull , HJ e ; dry flint , Sc ; dry raff , be ; deacons , 20o each ; dry salted , 0@ 7c. Tallow-Weak ; No. 1 , country , 4o ; No. 2 , 4 | c ; cake , 4c per lu. Hccoiptn. Shipments. Flour , bbls . . . I'J.OOO lflIH)0 ) Wheat bu . U',000 ' 17,000 Corn , bu . 30:1,000 : 2.5XIO Oats , bu . 440,0(10 340,000 Hyobu . . . . . S.OOO lWO IJarlcy , bbls . 6,000 11,000 Miiincai > olln , Juno 2. Wheat The re- receipts were lij cars , shipments Ott cars. A fair amount of trading was done but tit prices ranging 1 to l" " < c lower than yester day's closing ; in store : No. 1 hard , cash and June , 83'i < j ; July , Sajjc ; August , Sljf ; No. 1 northern , cash and Juno , b2i4e ; July , 625 0 ; August , 63 > f : No.2 northern , cash and June , Ku ; July , bOJic ; August 81J . On track- No , 1 hard , 84J < o ; No. 1 northern , No. northern , bO@slc ; Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship in sacks in car lots , f4.50a4.70 ( ; ; In barrels , 84.70 C < 4..H ) . St. TiotilR. Juno 1. Wheat Lower ; cash , 8'JJf@snj c ; July , S5c. Corn Dull ; casli and June , 5Ie ; Oats Quiet ; cash , S3 c\ \ July , 20 > { c. Pork SU.fiO. Lard fS.OO. Whisky $1.13. Butter Steady ; creamery , 15@17e ; dairy , ll@15c. New Orleans. Juno 2. Corn Dull nnd lower ; mixed , OSc ; yellow , 0'Ji ( 70e ; white scarce at 72c. Oats Steady ; No.2 , 4l } . c. Corn Meal Quiet at $ . ' 1.10. Hog Products Firm nnd in fair de mand ; pork , $15.00 ; lard , refined tierce , 57.87K. llullc Meats Shoulders , $0.50 ; long clear and clear rib , ? 7.S7J . Milwaukee , June 2. Wheat Irregular ; cash nnd July , JrOXe. Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 5t c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 3So. Hyo Weak ; No. 1 , 04e. Harloy-Quiet ; No. 2 , ( MC. Provisions Quiet ; pork , June , $13.00. KniiBnx City , Juno 2. Wheat- Steady ; No. 2 soft , cash , SS 'c : No. 2 red winter , July 75 > c Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 4S } asked. July , 4Sc bid , 4'JJe ; asked ; No. 2 , wliltecash , 50 jc asked. Oats No. 2 , 30c asked. Ijlvorpool , June 2. Wheat Flat ; hold ers offer freely ; California No. 1 , Us 3d@ Os lOd per cental ; red western , spring , Us 8d ( 03 ( Id per cental. Corn Weak and lower ; now mixed west ern , 4s 110 percental. New 1'ork , Juno 2. Wheat Receipts , 20.000 ; exports , .12,300 ; cash , quiet and toady ; options ruled feverish nnd specula- ions moderate ; opened @ : , ' c higher , on early month , and later declined 2f@ ' < c , clos- in at about the bottom ; ungraded red , ' .iO > f@ P4J c ; No. 2 red , l(7lc ( ) in elevator , 'J''feS Oil > -"ije afloat , OIJ < : @ 'Jli 1" . o. b. ; June closing at l)0 ) > 4c. Corn Hcceipts , 32,000 ; exports , 10,000 ; cash , firm and quiet ; options opened 3&.l4'c. better and later ruled easy and dropped ) , ( $ % c , closing steady ; ungraded , ( i2@i ( : < } c ; No. 2 , G2J < f@ ( > 3c in elevator and afloat ; June clos ing at 0'ic. Oats Hcceipts , 411,000 ; exports , 22,000 ; moderately active and firm ; mixed western , 3G5Mlic ; white western , 42@ISc. Coffee Spot , fair ; Hio , firm at 510. CO ; options unsettled nnd lower. Sales : .W.JiOO bags. June. ? 14.a-@U.50 ; July , S1.1.30Q13.50 ; August , $12.25@12.4o ; September , jll.20 © 11. CM. Petroleum United closed strong at 7J ! ) e. Eirgs Dull and weak ; western , 14 ( < Sl."ic. Pork Unchanged ; mess was quoted at $ I4.00@14.50 for old ; $ l5.2.'j@15.50 for new. Lard Nominal ; western strain , spot , quoted at SS.70. Hutter Dull and declining ; western , 12@ JijC. Cheese Steady and quiet ; Ohio flat , 7 Cincinnati , Juno2. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red. 94J < fi ! . Corn Uulet and lower ; No. 2 mixed , Oats Quiet hut firm ; No. 2 mixed , Hye Nominal ; No. 2 , 07c. Pork Easy at ? 14.02K@11.15. I ard Quiet. Whisky Firm and advanced le ; $1.14. lil\'R STOUIi. Chicago , June 2. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Heceipts , 19,000 ; strong ; bccvrs , S4.10iVJ5.00 : cows and mixed , Sl.SOCi l.tW ; stockers nnd feeders , * 2.50@4.1U ; Texas cattle , f2.2S@4.00. Hogs Hcceipts , 10,000 ; market steady and strong ; mixed , K.'i ! > < jJi ) A \ heavy , tS.41) ) O'tfi.45 ; light , $5.25Qij.42K ; I'ifjs ' and culls , Vl.7bijtj.0i ) . Sheep Hcceipts , 2,000 ; market slow ; natives , tH.Ou045.23 ; Tcxans , shorn , fJ.OO OJ8.HO ; corn-fed westerns , $4.00@5.00. Nntlounl Stock YurilH , KHHI St. lyouin , June 2. Cattle HeceiptH , 700 ; shipments , 300 ; market was strong at yester day's figures ; choice heavy native steers , $ l.40GJ.r > .l > ( ) ; fair to good native steers , $4.10 @l..r.O ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , .15 ( 4.20 ; stockers and feeders , fair to good , f2.40 ( < i.i.5'J : ; rangers , ordinary to good , Hogs Hccnipts , 000 ; shipments , 1,700 ; market was firm ; Choice heavy nnd butch ers' selections , f. > .40(5.f)0 ( ; packing , mo- tlmm to prime , $ .r > .25$5.40 ; light grades , ordinary to best , fA.lUM&.K ) . KIIIIKIIH City , June 2. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; market firm and 10i ; higher ; h'llf-fcd grasscrs not wanted ; good to choice corn-fed , f I.40$4.s0 ; common to medium , $ . < ) .2. ' > ( ( tl.20 ; stookcrs , $2.'iiJ ( > i.l 0 ; feeders , # 3.00@3tM ) ; cows , ? 2.00itj.)0. ( ; ' Hogs--Hcioipts ! , 2SOOj market firm and lOo higher ; common to choice , $ j.lO ( < (5.40 ; skips and pigs , 2.53 ( . ' l. ! > 0. O.MAI1A IjIVlC STOCK. Cattle. Saturday , Juno 1 , 1889. There wcro fifty fresh loads of cattle at the yards to-day. The market opened nctivu witti choice fat beeves In demand and about all thu otVorings wcro taken before the close. Prices advanced about fie on tidy fat cattle. Cattle weighed between 1,000 and 1,500 pounds sold as high as $4.40 but they wcro choice. The market has been in very good condition all the week , thu demand has been moro than equal to the receipts and the general tendency has been higher. Hogg. The market opened stronger and more ac tive with Hixty-tlircu fresh loads on sale. The general market was u tluulo stronger. In some instance : ) hogs brought 5o moro while so mo solil ut steady prices. The market closed early with all sold. Slicop. There were no fresh receipts and the pens wcro empty. ltuuei | > tj , Cattle. . ' . 7. . 1,000 Hogs . , . 4,400 Pruvniliiii ; The following is a table of prlco * palil in this market for the grades of stock mou- tinned. Primosteer * . 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $1.50 O4.G5 Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 4.30 ( $4.55 Fat little steers , WO to 1050 Iba. 4.10 @ 4.40 Common to choice cows . 2.00 (33.50 ( Common to choice bulls . 2.00 ( 3.50 Falrtochoiecliphthogs . 5.00 f < } 5.l5 Fair tq rhoico heavy hops . 5.20 05.80 Fair to chpico mixed hogs . 5.10 ( ifJ.'JS IteprcHCiitntivo Snlcs. CATfl.1 ! . No , Av. Pr. 1 bull 1150 2.40 1 stag 050 3.00 1 cow 000 8.35 1 cow 1020 3.50 8 steers 1075 3.75 21 steers ll'.lS 4.35 3 steers 1000 4.00 24 heifers 022 4.10 3 steers 105(5 ( 4.15 18 steers till 4.25 8 steers 1243 4,40 39 western dehorned 10i4 ! 4.40 42 steers 1142 4.40 15 steers 1340 4.50 82stecrs 1225 4.50 1'J steers ll 5 4.50 117 steers 1203 4.55 32 steers 11112 4.53 G9 steers 1251 4.55 53 steers. 1305 4.55 32 steers 1407 4.03 18 steers 1241 4.00 23steers 13SS 4.00 23 steers 1247 4.00 47 steers 12'J3 4.00 10 steers 1200 4.02 noi's. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk , . . .ISO 40 $4.)0 ) 70. . .230 2-10 240 5.00 .233 100 5.05 2SO 5.05 320 5.05 5.10 5,10 5,10 5HO 5.10 nno 510 ? 5,10 .251) ) .253 .2S4 .255 .250 .209 .218 .23 02..245 Tjivo Stock Sold. Showing the number of cattle , hoes nnd sheep sold to packers and leading buyers on to-day's market. CATTLE. S. Dreifuss 21 A. M. Crone 42 Stevens II & Co 20 S wi f t & Co 337 G. II. Hammond & Co 118 T. D. Gore 51 D. Murphy CO HOGS. Hammond & Co 521 Omaha P. Co .145 Armour & C. P. Co 1/JS7 J. P. Squires &Co. Oil 'G. H. Wilson ft Co. 262 Halstcad & Co , 009 J. M..Doud . 353 The MoiitliV The following is the number of cattle , hogs shcpp sold and weighed during the month of May 18SS , together with the average weight. CATTI.H. Date. Drafts No Cattle. Av. 1st week . 420 O..KiS 1,103 2nd " 401 ' % . ' . 8,0'.9 1,15'J 3rd " . 423 7,518 1,158 4tli " . 517 8,480 1,101 Speculators . 170 980 Total . 1,832 31,244 1,157 IlOliS. Date. Drafts. No Cattle. Av. 1st week 545 80,002 231 2nd " 704 42,980 232 3rd " 529 2S.9IW 234 4th ; 941 52,7410 237 Speculators 2,889 223 Total 2779 158,5'JO , : sr BNHF.r. Drafts. No. Sheep. Av. 1st week 11 (181 70 2nd " 9 839 102 3rd " 2 3 < 0 101 4th " 9 1,105 80 Total 31 3,3(58 ( yo ItllHlllOHH. The following is the number of hogs.bought . by the buyers In tills market during the month of May : G. II. Hammond .t Co 12522 Omaha P. Co 20SS3 Armour & C. P. Co 01732 Swilft&Co 793 Harris &F , 215 .T. P. Squires & Co l'J071 Kingnn&Co 8170 E. A. Mlai'kshcro & Co IW > Hnlstend & Co 8154 a. H. Wilson .t Co 052 ( > E.L.Lambert. . . , 4355 Gibhs&Whlto-- 1012 Davis & Atwood 70(1 ( Speculators . . .M 40cl ; Local butchers. . . . , , . ' . 51 Total 15S590 Incroiito from April , 1S 8 52S70 Increase from May , lbS7 723U8 Pork Packing. Special reports to the Cincinnati Prlco Current show the number of hogs packed from March 1 to date and latest mall dates at the undermentioned places , compared with thucorrcsjiondiiig'tiino ' last year , as follows : Miirciri to .Muy 'fi. * ' I U .vC Chicago. . . " . . . . .7.71 Kunsni City , Omaha St. Louis Indlunupollij Cincinnati Mlhvankco Ccdur ttapld * Cleveland Otnmwii Manx Oitj- Nebraska City. Neb R. .lost-pli. Md Kt. 1'iuil. Minn llutrhliuon , Kas Mvo .Stock Notes. Cattle high. Hogs stronger. Everything sold. Good receipts for Saturday. Farwell was represented by John Charles , who came in with n loud of hogs. Thomas Powerst SuUon , was hero with six loads of cattle and four loads of Logs. ' O. Irvine , Farwc ) ! , Neb. ; J. M. Bennett nnd Henry Dlckman , Hong , wcro among the number who came in witn cattle. J. M. Hartwcll , general freight agent of the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs , was looking over the yards to-day. J. J. Coleman , Northwestern freight agent for Motion route with headquarters nt Mil waukee , was among the visitors nt the yards. L. M. Gallup , Stunbury , Mo. , marketed 39 head of dehorned westerns of ills own feed ing. They averaged 1,034 Ibs nnd sold ut $4.40. Since March 1 Chicago hos pained 10,000 in the number of hogs packed over last year , and Omaha 45,000. During the same time Kansas City has lost 50,000. OMAHA WIIOIjIiSAIiE MAUKET. Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc. Friday , Juno 1. 37ic following quotations ( ire wholesale anil not rehill. Prices qnutcil on produce nrc the rates at which round lots arcsotiton this market. Fruits or other lines of utioils rwulrlng extra labor in packing cannot al- iciiys lie supplied on uut lile orders at the same jirtccs ijuotcd for the local trade. nates on four and. feed arc Jobbers' prices. Prices on ( train are those paid by Omaha millers delivered. All quotations on mcr- chandtse arc obtained from leadtnij nausea andarc corrected dully. 1'rlccs on cracler.i , cakes , etc. , arc those inven by leading man ufacturers. HuTTHit Fancy creamery roll butter , 21c ; with solid packed nt 10 ( < ? 18e ; choice country butter , 14 ( < 815c ; common grades , 110J 12c. 12c.Enos Enos Strictly fresh , 12@12Uc. Cnr.uuius Per case of 10 Ibs , $2.00072.25. Southern cherries 3.50 per 24 quart case. STIIAWIIUIIKIUS M.50iM.i5 ( per case. CIIIBSI : : Full cream , 13@14c. UCETS 50e ] > er doz. POTATOES Choice home grown , 75S3c ; Utah and Colorado stock , fl 10 ® 1.25 ; low grades , 55 ( < (05c. Poui.Tiiy No dressed fowl in the market ; live chickens , &l.OOf'J.25 ( per doz ; spring chickens , ? 3.00@3.25 ; small chickens , $1.50(8 ( 2.00 Si'iN-Acn $1.50 per bbl. KiiviiAim 2i2 > < u. per ib. O.NMOSS Native stock$1.25@1.50 ; Spanish , per box of 5 Ibs , S1.750J2.00 ; California on ions , 'I Mc per Ib. LIIMONS $3.73i,4.50 ( per box ; fancy , ? 4.50@ 5.50 5.50OIIANOKS OIIANOKS California Hivcrside$3.73@4.00 ; medium sweet Hiversidcs , f4.5l ) per box ; Jlessina , $5.5l@7.00 ( ; Los Angeles , $2.75@ 3.00 ; Los Angeles Nuvals , $4.00 ; Hiversido Navals , fC.OO. CAIIIIAIIUS 3073) < fc peril ) , for California. CAUurunviiK Uood stock , ? 1.50i ( 1.75 per iloz. AsrAiuni's 00@75o per dozen bunches. Cuct'MiiKiis 50c per doz for choice. LBTTUCK 30t33c ( per doz. Cni.riiv California stock , $1.50 per doz. HADISIIKS 30c per doz. STiciNi ! HPANS $1.50 per bu. Gltuii.s i'KAs * 1.502.00 ( per bu. TOMATOES $2.50fS3.00 per bu. PIXI : An'us.25C < ? 2.50. BANANAS Common medium , $2.50023.00 per bunch ; choice , 3.000(3.50. Tunxii's California , 2V ( tf3c per Ib. DATI : Persian , O OWe per Ib. CIIIKU Choice iNlicliigan cider , $ i.50@0.50 per bbl. of 32 gal. Poi'i.'OHN Choice rice corn is quoted nt 3@ 4e per Ib. ; other kinds 2a'0j3c } per Ib. CAKUOTS New stock , 4lC'(45t ( > per doz. Hi\xs Good stock , f2.X2.75 ( ) ; California beans , 52.25042.40. FIIIB In layers , 13i15c ( ; cake , lOc per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , raw , 0 } OJ7c ; Brazil nuts , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22es English wal nuts , 15iflSe ( ; filberts , ISc ; Italian chestnuts , 15c ; pecans , 15o. Hoxiv 10@21c for 1 Ib frames ; canned honey , 10@12u per Ib. PAHSI.KV 30 per doz. GKIIN' : ONIONS I520c per doz. Punt ; MAi'i.i : Svitci1.23 per gal. SALsirr 25c per bunch. Grocer's List. Rnrixi'.t ) LAUD Tierce , 7Kc ; 40 Ib square cans , 79jo ? ; 50-lb round , tfc ; 20-lb round , s/c ; ; 10-lb pails , 8 > o ; 5-lb pails , 8Kolb : pails , New Orleans molasses , per bbl. , 37 ( < | 40c per gal. ; corn syrup , 30c ; lialf bbls. , 38c ; 4-gal kegs , $1.55 : sorghum , 3Sc. I'novisiosH Hams , 10He ; breakfast bacon , Kll OflO u ; bacon Hides , 9S-9 ( 'e ; dry salt , SJiOfbiife ; shoulders , 7@7jx'o ; dried beef , 10 ( ; lie. PICKMIH Medium , in bbls , $0.00 ; do In lialf bbU , ) .5II ; small , in bbls , $7.00 ; do in lialf bbls , $1.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , $8.00 ; do in half bbls , fl.ftO. CANNKD Goons Oysters , standard , per case , $3.200(3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per casu , f..00i/2. ( ! < 0 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , f2.000f ? 2.70 ; California pears , per case , M.700l.hl ( ; nprlootH , ] ) cr case , $ l.250'4.35 ; peaches , jier case , $5.'iOii5.75 ( ; white cherries , per case , f5.Mitil.OO ) ( ; California plums , per case , 1.50 04.iW ; blueberries , per case , $2.00 ( < W.ll ( ; egg plums , 'Mb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , $ ; i200J5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , jier dozen , II. bc ( ) < n.b5 : 2-lb gooseberries , per case , $2.M ) ( > < < 2.0U ; 2-11) string beans , per cusii , S1.75d l.bl ) ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , Cl.riOOJl.O1) ; 2-11) marrowfat peas , $2.500 < 2.fl'J ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per cnsi ; , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.300(2.40 ; 2 11) corn , ? . ' .20 ( < 3.40 ; sardines , imported )4 ) , 12 ( < 15e per box ; domestic ) > 4 , 0 > | ( 0jC ! ; mustard , H. ' f'tW" . SIKIAH Griinulatcd , < w (7c ( ; conf. A , OT e white extra C , 0M ( 0 > c ; extra C , 0e ; yellow C , 5 > J'fi(5 ! i > i cut loaf , 7Ke ; powdered , 7b'i ( 8 t ! ; Now Orleans , Corn : ! ! Ordinary grades , 10017o ; fair , 170flbc ; prime , IhO/lH.Vc ; fancy greet ; and yellow , 2''fCj.iu ; old uovernment Java , 2-X < $ 30o ; interior , lava , 2riij ( > i < c ; Mocha , SSC't.'IOc ; Arbucklo's roasted , 21'j'c ' ; McLuughlin's XXX.X , 2U4'c ; Dilwurth'H , 21c ; Hed Cross , tile ; Aluroitm , 21'jC. WoonuNWAiti : Two-hoop pails , per do/ . , $1.40 ; tlirco-hooii pails , $ l.fi" ) ; No. 1 till ) , $7.00 ; No. 2 tub , $0.00 ; No. 3 tubs , f-S.OU ; washboards , electric , ? l.5'l ; fancy Northern Queen washboards , (2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $950 ; No. 2 churns , fS.50 ; No. 3 churns. $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , 7tlc per nest. ToiiAico Pi.ru Lorillani'B Climax , 45c ; Splendid , 4lc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41o ; Lcg- gett & Meyer's Star , 4Jcj ! ; Cornerstone , 3'Jn ; Drumuioad's Horscshoo , 45c ; J. T. , 43o ; Sorg's .Spearhead , 4" > c ; "Cut itate , " aye ; "Oh , My , " 27o ; Piper Hcidsick , 04c. Toiuwo SMOKINU Catlin'sMcurschanin , 3lc ; Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Sweet Tip Top , JKIoj U. N. O. , 17c ; Hcd , White and Hluo , ISc. JKI.LIBS ; iO-lb pails , $1.25@1.50. SALT Per bbl in carload lots. $1.40. -Seven-sixteenths , lOtfcVilOijc. CANDY - Mixed , 9iillc ( ; stick , 9W9 ! < c. HOLLAND HCIIKINOS iM770c per kej ; . MAI-LI ; SUOAHliruKH , I2' 'c perlb ; ptriny cakes , I3o 14c per Ib. ; pure HMjil'j syrup' , ll.W per gal. . HUOOMS Extra , 4-tic , $2.00 ; parlor. 3-tio. painted handlCB. $2.2Ti ; No. 1. $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.76 ; heavy stable brooms , $4.00. STAIICH Mirror gloss , 5Jf ' ! Graves' c orn POWDRK ANII SHOT Shot , $1.30 ; buckshot , $1.55 ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 : half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths , J1.50 ; Vlnstlng kegs , $2.35 , fuses , 100 ft. , 45(7i75c. ( } CiiACKUiis , CAi < iy : , KTC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowllako ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda candy , 5 } c ; soda wafers ( In tins ) Hitsoda ; zephyrs , So ; city oyster , OV c ; excelsior , 7e ; farina oyster , 7c ; pern oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5e ; snow drop oyster , 7c ; butter 5e ; Hoston , 8c ; Omnhii butter , 7o ; sawtootli butter , ( Bfe ; cracker meal , 5 } c ; Kraham , Sc ; graham wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , 12J c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7'tfc ; oat meal. Sc ; oat meal wafers , lOc : oat meal wa fers In pound packages , 12l < e ; animals 12o ; Holiver gmgerrouml,7c ( ) ; cream,8cCornhlll ; , lOc ; crnckni'lls. lOc ; trostcd cream SJ e ; ginger snaps , Sc ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Ue ; home made Bi"Ber snaps , in boxes , 13e ; liomo made ginger snaps , ( l-lb cans ) per do/en , $2.50 ; lemon crcatnsSe ; pretzels , ( hand madn ) , llKc ; assorted cakes and jumbles , 11'ife ; as sorted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) , per box , $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; butter jumbles , llKc ; Hrunswick , Vie : brandy snaps , 15c ; nliocolato drops ( new ) lOo : choco late wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch , ( in tins ) , pcrdozen , $4.50 ; cocoa tally snaps , 14c ; coffco cake , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , in.e ; cream pulTs , 30c ; egg jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , ll ) c : Jelly lingers , 15c ; jelly wafers , 15o ; Icily tart ( new ) . 15c ; lady ling ers , 13c ; vnnillu bar , 14e ; vanilla wafers , Me ; Vienna wafers. 1 dozen packages in a box , per dozen , $2.50. All goods packed in cans le per Ib advance except snowflake nnd wafer soda , which are packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb paper boxes , KD Per Ib advance ; all other goods lo per Ib advance. Koda in l-lb paper boxes , le per Ib advance. Tne 2-lb boxes are packed in cases holding IS in a case. The 3- Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a case. The l-lb boxes are packed in cases holding 30 In n case. Ono-lb graham and oat meal wafers packed , 2 doz in a case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $3.00 , not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda , $3.00 per doz. Tin cases with glass lace to display the goods , 75e each. No charges for packages except for cans nnd returnable goods. Glass front tin cans and "snowllako" soda cans are returnable at prices charged. Dry Goods. PIIIXTS SOLID COLORS Atlantic , Cc ; Slater , 5 ! c ; Berlin oil , fij c ; Garner oil , G © 7c. PIXII AND HOMES Richmond , OJ < c ; Al len , GKc ; Hiver Point , 5c ; Steel Hiver , Gc ; Hlchmond , Oc ; Pacific , O fc. Ixmao Hi.uc Washington , O. 'c ; Century , digo blue prints , 9c ; Ainpriciui , ii > { c ; Arnold. OWc ; Arnold 15 , 10 , e ; Arnold A , 12e ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10' < fc. DIIKSS Charter Oak , 5c ; Hamupo , 4J c ; Lodi , 5c ; Alien , Oc ; Hiclunond , Oc ; Windsor , O'- ' Eildystone , 0 > o ; Pacific , O' c. UIIOWN Snr.r.Ti.vo Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7J c ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7jc ! : ; Atlantic ! D , 4-1 , 7'tfc ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , ( le ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 5u ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 } < ; o ; Hoos- lor LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7J c ; Law rence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 c ; Pcpperoll n , 4-11 7e ; Peppcrcll O , 4-4 , Oc ; Peppercll , 8-4 , 18Kc ; Pepperell ! ) , 21c ; Pep- ] ) ercll 10-4 , 23c- ; Utica C. 4-4 , Oc ; Wachusctt , 4-4 , yto\ \ Aurora U , 4-4 , CX ; Aurora H , 4-4 , 'lUrrs Standard , ( le ; Gem , lOc ; Ueauty , 12J u ; Ilayonnc , 14c ; U , cased , $ J.50. l/AiircT WAitr I3ibb , wtiite , 1'Jc ; colored 22c. 22c.UUCK UUCK West Point , 20 in. 8oz. , 10' c ; West Point , 20 in , 10 oz. . 12Kcj West Point , 10 in. 12 oz. , 15c ; West Point , 50 In. 11 oz. , lOc. Checks Caledonia X , U > ic ; Caledonia XX , lOKc ; Economy , tic ; Otis , ( ic. Ku.NTL'cicy Jitxs : Memorial , 15c : Canton , 28c ; Durham , 2 ? } i" Hercules , Ibe ; Leaming ton , "iytaCotthworld. \ . 27) c. MIHCIIMAXKOUS Tame oil cloth , $2.85 ; plain Holland , 8Xt",9J o ; Dado Holland , 'cosiroiiTKlts $ ( i.00(535.00. ( li.iicni'.D { : Simr.TiNd Uerltcly cambric , No. 00 , 8t < c ; HoHt Yet , 4-4 , O c ; butter cloth , OO , 4&e ; Cabot , 7 } c ; Farwell , b c ; Fruit of Loom , Ojfc ; Frccno G , Oc ; Hope , 7i'c ? ; KiiiR Philip cambric , lie ; LoiiHilalo , llijc ; Lonsdalo. So ; New York mills , 10K" ; Pop- pcrell 42-in. , lie ; Pcpperoll , 4G-ln. , 12c ; Pep- perell , 0-4 , lOu ; Pcpnurull , 8-4 , 21c ; Popporoll , D-4. 23c ; Pcpperoll , 10-4 , 25e ; Canton , 4-4 , SJ c ; Canton , 4-1 , < Jc ; Triumph , Oo ; Wain- Biitta , lOc ; Valley 5c. GIXIIIIAM Plunkett checks , 7 , ' c ; Wlilttcn- ton , 7) < fc ; York , 7 > jc ; Norinundi dress , 8 ! < , 'u ; Calcutta dre.ss , s , jc ; Whittenilon dress ) , S c ; Ucntrew dress , 6 < i\ ' a , TICKB Lewiston , ilO-ln , 12jjo ; Lowlston , : t2-in. , 13Ke ; York , 32-In. , 14i > ; hwlfl river , 7' c ; Thorndyke. OO , SUe ; Tliorndyko FF , 8V.u ; Tliorndiko 120 , lAi ) 'i Tliornkilto XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , 'J c ; ( Jordis , No. 4 , lie. DUSIMS Amoskoa/ / , O-OA , lOc ; Even-It , 7olife ; York , 7-oz. , l.'l ft' ; Ha.vmarketb'k'c ; .laffrov XX. llJic ; Jaffroy XXX , 12J < ; o ; Ucaver Creek AA , 12c ; Jloaver Creek liU , lie ; JJeaver Creole CC , ion. KIMSSCI.S Plaid UaftKtmin , 20o : Gosccn , ! 12i } ; ClcarLaUc32ic ; Maple City , 0l-c. U'hitoG U No. 2 , | f , 21co C H No. 1 J/ , ! M ) < : ; OnechocNo. 1 , % , 42 ; Qiu-chfc , No. 2 , Jf , 37-ffo " ; Queulici.1 No. 4 , % . iKi'jo ' ; Amiwan , iKc\Vimlsor.2y.o : ! ; ; ; l-il ( XC , 2-l-in , 15ao ; E2l-in , 2ic ; GCi , 24-in , Hi. . : ; H A F , % , 25o ; .1 HF , JC , 27cJ ; , % , 35u. Ciubii Su.'vens' It , liu : bhmchcd , 7o ; Stovens' A , 7J c ; hlrachcd , Sv : Htovi'lis' P , 8 } < ; c ; bleached , li' ' < Jc ; Ktovcns' N , 'Jkc ; bleached , 10 > ; c ; Stevens' S 1C. 'J' , lUjc. r.L'111'ral LKITIIUU Oak soles , 350 < 37c ; hemlock slaughter bole , 21039ii ; hitmlock dry sole , 12 fif25c ; hemlock kip , GOorKhA. ; . & 11. runner kip , S0frt75c ; hemlock calf , JiOcOfil.OO ; A. A. hemlook calf , "baclis , " 75c ; hemlnck upper , 10-J2lc ( ; ICtiglisli grain upper , 25c ; Iicmlock giMin upp'ir , U1K , - . " ; Tampico II. L. Morocco , 2tift3 > Jc ; Tampico pcjijili ! , O. D. Mo. , 226j29c ! ; Curacoa , B , li Mo. , "Oc ; Simon O. D. Mo. , i2.75ii3.00 ( ; Dangola kid , 300735 * : ; X. M. kangaroo , 40L- ; American calf kid , ! i-c ; Grli'scn kills , $ -'J.OO' < i3.75j French gla/.cd kids , t2.SOyta.7.'n French calf kids , $3.25 ; oak kip skins , .SDcOili OH ; oak calf skins , $1.000 1.55 ; French calf skins , $1.2.X'25 ; French Kip skins , $ l.1Uo 1.5(1 ( ; Huesitt linings , tf .Wa.M ( ( ] per iloi. ; piiiK cream and wluto liuinps , $7.50 fejO.iS per do * . ; colored topjiingH , 40.000ill.uu. Diifus Acid Carbolic , crystal purlb , 6Uo ; citric jier Ib. OOc ; tartarlc , jiur Ib , 50c ; sul phuric , per Ib , 4u ; ammonia , carb , perlb , I5 < > ; aium , p r Ib , 5c ; alcohol. 93 per con t , per gal , $ j.22 ; blue vitriol , per lb.Sc ; borax refined , PIT Ib. lOc ; camphor rollncd , 32o ; cream tar tar , purn , per Hi. 42c ; cream tartar , conimcr- cial , jier Ib , 5WK- ; cloves , per Ib , 33u ; cuttle fish bom > , iier Ib , 30o ; dextrine , per Ib , 12c ; glycerine , jiure , per Ib , Mo ; hoiis , fresh , per IK 4 c ; indigo , Madras , per Ib , 75o ; insect powder , porlb , COg ; morphine , P. ftV.t per oz. . $3.00 ; opium , per Ib , $3.75 ; quinine , P. itV. . , peroz. , 6So : iiulninc , Gcrnmii , per oz , * , 4bc ; Hochello salts , per Ib , 35o ; safTron , American , perlb , 40e ; naffron , true Spanlsb , per or . , $1.1X1 ; salapctrc , pure per Ib. lOo ; Sulphur , Flowers' , per Ib. , tie. ; soda , bicarbonate bonato , per Ib , Be ; sliver , nitrate , per Ib , $11.50 ; spermacottl , per Ib , 62@lKc ) ; strych nine , per oz , , $1.25 ; wax , whito. pure , per Ib , B3c ; wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , ilflc. OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , 13e ; carbon , 150 degrees , 13o ; Unseed boiled , OOo ; linseed , raw , 57e ; castor , No. 1 , $1,20 ; No. 2 , $ .12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water bleached , 85c ; fish , bank , 35u ; ncatsfoot , ex tra , 05e ; noatsfoot , No. 1 , 50o ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15e ; W. S. lard , 35c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 21ard,50@55c ; W. V. zero , I4c ; W. Vn. zero , 14c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. SJ , 25c ; whale. "Oo ; nnptha , 1 degree. I4o ; head light , 150 degrees , ISo ; headlight. 175 do- Krccs , 15c ; turpentine , 45c ; castor , pure , $1,30 per gal. Hums Green butchers , ' 4@4J c ; green cured , 5@5Xc ; dry flint , 7o ; dry salt , Oc ; green salted calf , 0 > e : damaged hides , 2u off ; dry salted deacons , 25o each. Tallow No. 1 , 3V ; No. , 2 fc. Grcaso-Prima white , 4' e ; yellow , 3c ; brown. 2c. Sheen pelts 10c01$1.00.according to quality. Brund\ eel hides classified as damaged. . SriuiTs Cologne spirits 1SS proof , $1.14 ; da 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , f 1.15 ; do 188 proof , $1.13 ; alcohol , 18 proof , per wines gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled whiskies , $1.2501.60 ; gin blended , $1.50022.00 ; ' Kentucky bourbons , $2. ( > 0@0.0 ( ) ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , ? 2,00 ( ; 0.50 : Golden' Sheaf and rye whiskies , $ .50 ( < ft.0l ! ) ; brandies , imported , $3.000S.tH ) ; domestic , $ l.300T3.00r gins , imported , $5.0t ) ( > (0.on ; domestic , $1.2301) ) 3.K ( ) ; champagnes , Imported , pin- case , $28.00 OJ33.00 ; American , per case , $10.00@I7.00. Iniinbor. DIMCNSIOXS AND TIMIIEll. I1OA11DH. No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.fiO I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.50 No. 2comsis. . 17.00 ( No. 4 com , s 1 s. . 13.50 FI'.XCINO. No. 1 , 4&0in 12&14 ft , rough J19.50 No. i , " ' 10 " 19.50 No.2 , " " 14 " 10.50 No.2 " " " , 10 18.00 " Walking Out " T London News : A breach of promise ciso. : just reported , throws BOIDO li ht upon the etiquette of courtship in that class of life in which "walking out to- pothor" SB the rocogniy.od niodo of mak ing acquaintance. The defendant said that ho hurt never intcndud to marry the plaintilT , whoso counsel immedi ately protested njraiiiKt this statement by remarking : "Hut .you walked her out. " This was mot by tlio defendant with the reply : "It would bo a fine job if a man hurt to marry every girl lie ' ' walked out with. " It'is to 'bo feared that this gentleman was inconstant , and , in fact , the jury took that view. Walking out with a girl , if the prome nades are Bulliciently frequent , is re garded in much Hip paine light as "ask ing pujjii" is in social circles of asomo- wlmt higher range. Some months ago , in a case of domination of character , the young woman who had been libollcct said in evidence that she had walked out with the young Frenchman who wna defendant in thu action , but that she had only done BO to try if she liked him , and Uncling that slio did not , she gave him up. It is 11 nice question of etiquette how many walks would be allowed on either side for the probationary stage , and whether a greater number would bo permitted to tlio walking lady , asboing more dillicult of choice. EtiquettO books are silent on the subject. They lly too high to touch these humble walks of life , and always scorn to bo written for these classes which ought not to need them. Tlio unwritten law would scum to bo that after a tenta tive walk or two , if tlio couple still por- fiovciro in Folocting each other's com panionship , the all'air may be regarded as an engagement. An Ailvnnliirt ) In u Subway , . London Times : .Recently , having some business lo trniiMict in 13crmond- poy , I entered the Tower subway about 1 o'clock , wearing a valuable gold watch and chain. AH 1 walked through llm dismal , nasty little tunnel , I noticed that there was coiiHidcrahlotralllc going on there , and J thought that itwaiin very unlikely place for the perpetration of robbery or a murder. I was followed by three young men , apparently ro- bpcctable , and when I arrived tit the bottom of the stairs at the Hcrmondtioy terminus 1 stood on one aide and allowed tlio young men to pass mo , as I fultnuro that they would ascend tlio ninety-six stops of tlio circular btaircaKO moro nimbly than an old gentleman In Ilia bovontieth y < wr would be disposed to do , especially as I wjui burdened with a well filled black bag. Tlio young men readily availed themselves of the precedence i granted them'but hoforo 1 had mounted twenty steps one of tha voung nion How buddenly at my throat , hurled me backward down tlio stairs , bci/.cd my watcli and chain , both ol which lie mutinied to eeciire , and then ail three culprits Hindu oil with the greatebt celerity. The whole biiKinetg did not occupy more than five seconds. At the fiamo time that I was attacked I observed that ono of the party slipped behind me and descended a nliort dis tance , evidently with the purpose ol hustling and impeding anyone who might ho ascending , while another of tiie gang hurried up Die stairs , doubtless - less on ttie same duiliocs errand of keeping tlio coast clear while the rob bery ; was being perpetrated. I screamed for help unavailingly. No succor was at hand , and no policeman could be found within half a mile of tlio spot. It was a providential mercy that 1 was not killed or seriously injured when I was thrown backward down the btairs.