Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    Kr ur
Wheat Still In Control of the Bull
Onts Quiet Hut Finn Provisions Still
Slow , With Lard nnd Short Hlbs
Lcmlltiff Cnttlc Advnnclnj ;
-Hogs Steady.
CHICAGO , Juno 1. [ Special TcleRram to
Tun BEE , ] Wheat scored nn ndvanco of
l } ct o-dny ns comjtarcd with Inst night's clos
ing prices , but only held Ic of the gain until
tlio close of the morning session. The prin
cipal buying appeared to bo by Hutclilnson
nnd by frightened shorts. All the talk was
about the July deal , nnd the theories arc nil
plainly laid out nnd clear. Thcio Is ono
trouble , however , Hint these theories of the
tlcal arc < julto numerous , and whllo each ono
by Itself looks well nnd seems reasonable no
two of them agree. Armour and I'lnnklnlon
arc much talked of ns silent but very success-
lul partners of Cmlnliy In his effort to ad-
vnnco prices. Ono fctory was that all the
"longs" had recently met together and would
hereafter net in concert. Whatever the
stories wore they were sudlcictit to cause
general nlarm among the sliorts , nnd their
efforts to cover put up prices sharply. Aside
from the talk of manipulation there wcro
circumstances calculated to encourages hold
ers of wheat. The weather was cold nnd un
seasonable In the spring wheat country ,
chinch bugs wcro reported from southern
Indiana , exporters wcro reported to bo buyIng -
Ing cash wheat In New York , and deliveries
on Juno contracts hero this morning wcro
small from 500,000 to 800,000 bushels. This
lodged with the Eggleston crowd , who evi
dently had expected a much larger amount
to bo delivered out and that the market
would bo weak in consequence , but In this
they wore disappointed. On the other hand
the Liverpool market was quoted ns "flat , "
with prices tending down for American
wheat. Exports wcro much smaller than
yesterday and receipts at primary markets
were largo. This aggregate -was largo , how
ever , only because of unusually heavy re
ceipts at Milwaukee 82,000 bushels. A dis
patch from that city said that most of this
was low grade wheat from Chicago for Mil
waukee millers , and that not more than 10-
000 bushels of It would over appear in the
visible supply. July wheat opened at 85 > c ,
sold next to 8d9 < fc , then straight up to blit ( $
80J e , fell to 85c , then , with occasional
small reactions , worked gradually up to
fcGXc , held between BOJfc and 8.IJ c for some
time , then suddenly fell to 80 > c on selling
by Ilutchlnson and Cudahy biokcrs and on a
rumor that Lenn was selling out his long
wheat. After this thcro was but ono slight
reaction , and the 1 o'clock close was at bli c.
December wheat opened at SGc , sold up to
80jJiC and closed utSOJ c. Juno wheat worked
up from } c discount from July at the
opening to but } { c discount nt the close.
The corn market developed unexpected
strength. Possibly the fact that but 0.000
bushels wcro delivered out this morning on
Juno contracts bad something to do with this
strength , but the decrease In receipts , pres
ent and prospective , wcro moro influential.
Only 72U cars arrived against an estimate of
841) cars , and of thcso receipts 407 cars were
of contract grade. The estimate is for 4115
cars for to-morrow. The local crowd had
apparently sold too much yesterday In the
belief that the bull party had lost control ,
nnd with practically no deliveries ami much
smaller receipts to-day thcro was a lively de
mand from the shorts , and the price reacted
only when the shorts were satisfied. July
com opened nt 55o , which was J c above last
night's closing , and immediately ndvnncod to
DOJ c , then gradually declined to 55 c , and
closed nt 1 o'clock at 55Jfo. September
corn opened at Co c , sold up to 60 c , and
closed at 1 o'clock at 55c.
The speculative oat inn rite t was quiet but
strong and prices ruled higher , especially for
near deliveries. July oats opened % c higher
than last night's close , at 33 e , sold up to
84)jC ( , and closed at 1 o'clock at ! i3e. Sep
tember oats advanced from 27 } ic at the
opening to 27J c at the closo.
In provisions the late dullness was con
tinued. Deliveries on June contracts were
light of short ribs some 12,000 , and upward
ot 15,000 barrels of pork. The ] ) rlc and
lard delivered wcro taken by a-couplo of
houses. In the general trade n rather strong
feeling prevailed. Pork was weakened a
little by deliveries anil offerings for June ,
nnd was quoted at 1 o'clock at a decline of 0
© lOc. Lard and short ribs , on the contrary ,
sustained an advance of 2J c.
ArTEnxoox SESSION Wheat Firm ; Juno
closed nt about blljfe ; July opened at S0 > fc.
sold at 8G ) c , up to SOUfttSGXc , closing at
SGJ4C- August closing at S4Xe bid ; September
closed at about S4&e , December closing nt
60)S@bO' ) ( < ; o. Corn Firmer ; Juno closed at
D5o ; July sold from COJi'o to f > C@35hC ; , bplit ,
closing with sellers at 65c. August closing
at 6 < io bid , September closing at oCc bid.
Outs Stronger : Juno closed nt 34jc , July at
84@3IJ c , closed at 'M ) a bid ; August closed
afJSJ/c. PorK was steady ; Juno closed al
(14.05 bid , July ut $14.07 % , August at $14.17 ! ,
and September at $14.27 } ; July sold at
1(1. ( Lard was unchanged and
closed nt t8.4.lo for June , $3.47)4 ) for July ,
. . . . _ . . for August , and t8. ! > 5 for
September and October ; quiet. Short ribs
were quiet and unchanged ; Juno closed ut
J7.50 ; July at $7.57 , August ut $7.03 , and
Soptouibcr at $7.72) ) ] .
CIIICAOO , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HEE.I UATTLC The light run and big
falling off in the supply as compared with
this time last week shows its effect in the ac
tive demand and steady advance In values ,
the sumo being 2 ! > @ 85o higher than a week
ago , most of the ndvunco taking place
'Wednesday. Thcro was scarcely a sufllclent
number of good cattle to go around to-day.
Plain nnd common natives , although not ad
vancing in the game proportion as the best ,
are substantially higher than last week , and
to day , on account of the light rnn of Texans ,
sold fairly well. Notlvo butchers' stock , os-
pcclally fat calves , sold better , tnoro on
account of the light supply of Texans than
any improvement In. the demand. Native
canning n'.o.k remains dull , prices down
to low water mark. There wcro only forty-
two loads of Texans on sale , the best ,
especially corn-fed , telling u shade Jlrmcr.
CSrnsscrs were slow and down to as low
prices us ut any time this week. Stackers
nnd feeders , quiet but steady. Vent culves
C0$75o ( lower than last week. One car of
fancy 1040-lbs beeves brought fS.f.O : forty
cars 18MK31I.OO Ibs. fS.OOQS.UO ; medium to
Rood , $4.i06M.OO ; Inferior to futr , .00@
lions Huslncbs was rather slow ut the
start and prices rather weak , especially on
common and undesirable mixed , early sales
showing about a nickel lower than the close
yesterday. Later , especially when it bccumo
known that the Allorton packing company
W.IHOII the market , values ruled steadier and
the general market became stronger but not
essentially higher. At ono time fair to good
packing and mixed sorts sold at iri.85W5.87Jf ;
best heavy mixed , ( o.40 , and best heavy ut
t.5.4tK < i&.60 , and within the above range the
bulk of stock was sold to-day. Ono or two
lots of fancy heavy sold ut i5.53 ; uiU light
cold largely ut (5.40.
NEW VOIIK , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HKK.JSTOCKS London opened weak
and sent selling orders for Louisville & Nash
ville , Heading and Liilto Shore. This rather
Intensified the bearish feeling among profes
sionals who are running the market , and a
weak feeling existed. Trading was not largo
end during the flrst hour declines of } f to } {
points wcro recorded , the largest losses beliig
Louisville & . Nashville , .St. Paul , New Eng
land And Uurllngton. There was a moderate
quantity of long stock pressed out , but most
of the sailing .apncured to be short.Ado -
fault was pi fid o on Juno Interest on Missouri ,
Kansas ft , Texas , and It dropped % , The
current posslp was that It would bo put Into
the hands of a receiver. It will require n
continuous default , however , before the bond
holders can put It there. Kichrnoml Terminal
nnd cotton oils wcro nn exception to the gen
eral Hit and advanced % whllo the others de
clined. At the meeting of directors of the
former yesterday 208,000 shares were voted
by the present board and 04,000 by the oppo
sition. The latter did not press for nn answer
to their long list ol questions , but the direct
ors Insisted on answering them. It Is said
the management has under consideration n
plan to form n connection with other roads
that will materially benefit their road. A
rumor comes from Philadelphia that the
Pennsylvania road had Issued a circular an
nouncing that 5,000 men would bo discharged
this week. This , with the continued depres
sion In the Iron trade , mndo operators In coal
stocks more bearish than over , and Induced
fair selling. But after n drop of ? @X a
sharp rally followed. There was a dccldo.lly
irregular movement after midday. Stocks
that wcro weaker during the morning became -
came stronger , nnd with a few exceptions the
whole list moved upward. The shorts wcro
tlio principal buyers , nnd closing sales wcro
mudo at nearly outside prices and recorded
gains extending to M except on Union Pacific ,
which closed Jf lower. Totnl sales wcro
1-18,1)29 ) shares , Including 23,300 Heading ,
23,000 St. Paul , 18,100 Union Pacific , 11,000
Missouri Pacific , 10,403 New Knglund , 4,300
Richmond Terminal , and 5,000 Louisville &
Nuslivlllo. Total sales yesterday were
132,502 shares ; money 1 (32 ( per cent.
GovniiNMENTs Government bonds wcro
dull nnd steady.
U. S.lsrpKlsturt-a. 12 < 1 { C. & N. W
U. S. 4s coupon. . . K7t do preferred H3
U.8. 4'srcglstred.I07 N.Y.Ontral 10.VJ
U. S 4 > is coupon. . . 107 O. ft. N Ul
I'aclflcosoritu IIS',4 I' . T K. {
CimncU Southern. . 49' 1'aclflc Mail
Jcntrnl 1'nrlllc . ! KO. ) | D. & R IH
Jhlcngo & Alton. ir : > J'ullinnnl'ulaceCailn
0. , H.AQ 112'.i ' lleaillmr 5'1'j
) . , I , . SiVf K * Itock Island . . . . lOfiJ'
D.Acll.G . 17 2fl
Krlo . ' . : do preferred . COJ !
do preferred . M C. , M. Sc St. 1'ixul . . CtlU
lllnols Central . 118'4 lo preferred. . . .IDS
I. , ll.&W . lOJi st.i'&o . a-.s
K.JsT. . WiJ do preferred . Ifflii
I.ako Shore . Ill Texas 1'aclflc . S ) N . Kl'4 Union 1'nctflc. . fi'UJ
.Michigan Central. . 78S4 W..St.L.Asl . 12J ,
Mlssourll'aclflc . . 704 ! < lo prof erred. . . . ! I
Missouri I'nclflc. . . . ! SW W. U. Telegraph. . 75.U
do preferred . f > 0
MO EV ON CALI. , Easy nt 1J to 2 per cent ,
nst loan 1J4 , closing nt 1K@2.
STEIIMS-O EXCIUXOE Quiet but steady at
.80K for sixty day bills ; fl.SS lor de
Chlcngo , Juno 1. Following are the
2:30 : closing prices :
Flour Remains firm on winter nnd easier
on patents ; rye Hour strong.
Wheat Active , unsettled nnd nervous ,
closing from l @l ? c higher than yester
day's close ; cash , bO ) c ; July , 8G ) c ; August ,
Corn Stronger within a higher range ;
opened excited and nt ? ( g c higher nnd
losed l@lMc above yesterday ; cash ,
5c ; July , 5Gc ; August , 5(5 ( MOo.
Oats Firm nnd higher ; cash , 34J c ; July ,
34 8-lOc ; August , 2SJ c.
Kyo 04e.
Barley Nominal.
Prime Timothy-$3.15.
Flax-seed $1.30.
Whisky $1.10.
Pork Less trading , bur prices steady ;
cash , $13.05 ; July. $14.10 ; August , $14.17J.
Lard Dull but steady ; cash $3.42) ) . ; July ,
$3.47J. ; August. $3.508.62X.
Dry Salted Aleuts Shoulders. $0.00520.25 ;
short clear , $ S.OO@8.03 ; short ribs , $7.50.
Butter Easy ; creamery , 14@17e ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream cheddars , 7V
@Sc ; flats , 8@8' young Americas ,
8Ke.Eggs Firm ; fresh , 13 > @l4e.
Hides Steady ; green hides
iicavy green suited , 5 o ; light green salted ,
5Jfc ; suited bull , S c ; dry Hint , Sc ; dry
; alf,8c ; deacons , 2Uc each ; dry salted , 0@
Tallow Weaker ; No. 1 , country , 4c ; No. 2 ,
; cake , 4c per Ib.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbla 25,000 21,000
Wheatbu 34,000 9,000
Corn , bu 484,000 330,000
Oats , bu 500,000 440,000
Pork , bbls 5,000 1.0JO
Barley , bbls 10,000 1,000
Now York , June 1. Wheat Receipts ,
91,000 ; exports , 32,000 ; cash , , weak ; options
ruled unsettled ; openedXc higher , after
wards weakened nnd declined JH@I ; C on
realizing , closing steady nnd @ ' < jC above
the bottom ; ungraded red , 91 > f@'J5is ; No. 1
red , nominal at 95c < - No. 2 red , Ul@'Jl c in
elevator , 92l @ ( fy2)edelivered ; June clos
ing at Ol c.
Corn Receipts , 45,000 ; exports , 06,000 ;
cash , quiet but llrm ; options opened slightly
lower , later advanced l@l ? c , closing lirm ;
ungraded , ( U@Ul > 4'c ; No. S , U3cin elevator ,
"lK@03M s delivered ; Juno closing ut 02fc. ]
Oats Receipts , 30,000 ; exports , 421 ; moro
nctivo nnd 3i@Kc higher : mixed western ,
yOSi40c ( ; whlto western , 42@48c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , llrm at $10.50 ;
options 25rf35 ( points higher , but quiet.
Sales : 53,500 bags. June , ? 14.25@14.CO ;
July , $13.80@18.C > 5 ; August , I12.45$12.70 ( ;
September , * 11.05@ll,85 ; October , * 11.80@
Petroleum United closed weak at 77 ? c.
Eegs Weak and Irregular ; western , 14 %
Pork Steady ; mess was quoted at $14.00
j@14.50 for old ; $15.2f > @l5,50 for now.
Lard Opened weak , later advanced 5@7
points and closed Jinn ; western steaui , spot ,
Butter Dull and heavy ; western , 12@
Cheese Dull and easy ; Ohio Hat ,
Cincinnati , Junol. Wheat Firmer ; No.
2 red , 'J4j ( U4Kc.
Corn In good demand and firm ; No. 2
mixed. &ic.
Oats Stronger : No. 3 mixed , 30@20 c.
Hyo Firmer ; No. 2 , C7e.
Pork-Quiet nt $ U. < WJ < .
Lard Firmer ut * 8.05.
Whisky- Steady nt$1.13.
MinncnpoUfl , Juno 1. Wheat The local
trading ruled fairly nctivo nt prices ranging
about \-fa \ over yesterday. The receipts were
130 cars , with b3 cars shipped out. Closing
in store : No. 1 hard , Juno. 84e ; July , 84 If c ;
No. 1 northern , June , 82 > ( o ; July , bSc ; No.
2 northern , Juno , 81fc ; July , 81c. On track
No. Ihurd , 85 > fu ; No. 1 northern , S4 } c ;
No. 2 northern , b'-'J e.
Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship in
sacks In carlots , 4.50@4.70 ; in barrels , $4.70
St. Louis. Juno 1. Wheat Higher ;
cash , S'Jc ; July , SSJfc.
Corn Higher ; cash , 50@51Vc ; July ,
Oats-Finn ; cash , 33 333 0 ; July ,
Whisky SI.13.
Butter Firm ; creamery , I5@27c ; dairy ,
Afternoon Board Wheat Firm ; June ,
89obid ; July , fatio ; August , 65 4'c. Corn-
Quiet ; June , 51@5U.iC bid ; July , 53 'fo ' ; Au-
Bust , f.21fo bid. Oats Dull ; June , Mo bid ;
July , Wa bid ; August , 28 o nsked.
Now Orleans , Juno 1. Corn Dull and
lower ; mixed , OSc ; yellow , CUl70c ( ; whlto
scarce at 72o.
Outs Steady ; No. 2 , 44Kc.
Corn Meal-Quiet at J3.10.
Hog Products Firm and in fair de
mand ; pork , $15.00 ; lard , refined tierce ,
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 10.50 ; long clear
and clear rib , $7.b7Jj.
Milwaukee , June 1. Wheat Strong ;
cash , bl'tc : July , 81o : August , 62Jb'c.
Corn Easier ; No. 3 , K\c. \
Oats Steady ; No. a white , 3Sc.
Rye Weak ; No. 1 , C4o.
Barley Quiets No. 2 , 05o.
Provisions Steady ; pork , Juno , $14.00.
Kansas City , Juno 1. Wheat Steady ; ( .oft , cash , bio asked.
Corn Steady No. 2 cash , 47V@l7J"c :
July , I854'c bid , 4llio ! nsked ; August , Me.
Oats-No. 2 , yjf * bid , 3i > o asked.
Ijlvcrpool , Juno 1. Wheat -Flat ; hold
ers offer freely : California No , I , Us 3d ®
fralOil per cent&l : red western , spring- ,
G * SdSCs 'Jd per cental '
Corn Weak nnd lower ; now mixed west
ern , 4s Hi ) per cental.
ClilcnRo , Juno 1. The Drovers' Journal
reports ns follows :
Cattle Receipts , C.OOOt strong nnd a
shade higher ; beeves , jM.OO@5.0 ; oow.s nnd
mixed , M.05(53.60 ( ; Btockcrd and feeders , $3.50
( § 4.10 ; Texas cnttlc. $1.PO@4.CO.
Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ! market slow nnd
about steady ; mixed , $ r .8S@5.43 ; heavy , ? 5.35
< nr.TMlight \ , $5.20 ( < i5.40 ; pigs nnd culls , W.OO
? 4.73.
National Stock Ynrtls. Rnt St.
Iritis , Juno l. Cattle Receipts , OiXT ;
shipments , 2,000 ; market was nctivo and lOc
per cwt. higher than yesterday ; choice
heavy nutivo steers , tl.40iW.OO ( : fair to good
native steers. ? 4.10@4.50 ; butchers' steers ,
medium to clioiee , 1.15(34.20 ( ; stackers nnd
feeders , fnir to good , $2.40@U.59 ; rangers ,
ordinary to good , $2.2o(74..2'i. (
Hogs Receipts , 1KX ( ) ; shipments , 1.SOO ;
market was steady ; choice heavy and butch
ers' selections , i.40 ( 5.fiO ; packing , me
dium to prime , $ . "i.S."iiio.45 ( ; light'grades ,
ordinary to good , $ , 1.10 ( 5.35.
KIUISHH City , Juno 1. Cattle Receipts ,
2,000 ; shipments , 1,500 ; good to choice fnt ,
netlvc , strong nnd 10e higher ; Imlf-fed RRISI-
crs not wanted ; good to choice corn-fed , W.40
( i ? .SO ; common to medium , 1.25 ( < 4t.20 ;
stockcrt , fJ.25@2.'JO ; fceifcrs , J3.00 ( < r3.00 ;
cows , $2 00@U.50.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 2,100 ;
market nctivo and steady to strong : com
mon to choice , $3.10@540 ; skips and pigs ,
* , ' .50@4.50.
Fridny , Juno 1,18S3.
1 ho receipts of cattle wcro very light to
day , nnd not sufficient to supply the demand.
Only twenty-nine fresh loads wcro offered
on the market. The trndo was active and 5
@Uc ) higher than on yesterday' Choice cat
tle averaging only 1210 Ibs sold ns high ns
M.CO. Everything in met with a ready snlo ,
the pens being cleared nt nn early hour.
.Eighty-four fresh loads were offered on the
market to-day as tiiriilnst ninety-seven on
yesterday. The market opened slow and ,
whllo some of the best heavy hogs sold nearly
steady , the general market was about 5o
lower. Light hogs wcio not In us good de
mand ns on yesterday , nnd the decline was
heavier on that kind. In some cuses sales
men claimed to have taken off moro than 5c.
Although not very active the hous wcro all
sold before the close.
There were no fresh receipts and the
pens wcro empty.
Cattle COO
Bogs 5,000
Prevailing Priuo < ) .
The following is a t'iblo of prices p.xld in
this market fur the grades of stock men
Pninosteers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs.$4.50 (81.03 (
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 4.130 (314.50 (
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 4.00 @ 4.25
Common to choice cows 2.00 ( d > 3.60
Common to choice bulls 2.00 @ 3..r > 0
Fair to choice light hogs 5.00 ( < 3.15
Fair to choice heavy hoga 5.20 @ 5.30
Fairtochoico mixed hogs 5.10 © 3.-0
KcprcHciitative Sales.
No. Av. Pr.
Ibull 1150 2.40
Ibull 11EO 3.00
1 bull 1750 3.00
4cows 000 3.00
OCOWB 050 3.25
Icow 1220 3.25
18 cows . - H'OL ' 3.35
Ibull 1310 3.33
2 stag and steer 1210 3.50
Ibull 1'JbO 3.(10 (
Icow 1000 3.75
Sstcers 050 4.PO
1 stag IZiO 4.01) )
53 steers 1029 4.12J.
21 steers 11U9 4.20
1 steer 13 0 4.20
11 steers 1127 4.35
SW steers llfl'J 4.3'K
21 steers 1101 4.40
10 steers 1122 4.40
10 steers 1390 4.42' , , '
0 steers 1033 4.45
0 steers 1075 4.43
23 steers 1319 4.43
SOsteers 131(5 ( 4.45
40stcors 1288 4.45
40 steers 12t6 4.45
20 steers 1200 4.45
17 stee-s 1214 4.45
42 steers 1227 4.50
17 steers 1232 4.50
21 steers 18-iO 4.50
; steers 1172 4.50
22 steers 12bO 4.521.
54 steers 1210 4.C3
15 steers 1371 4.CO
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70..203 1005.05 50..251 210 $5.10
73..211 320 5.05 71..213 200 5.10
74. . . . 184 120 5.05 (50..238 ( 120 5.10
79..200 80 5.05 73..212 280 5.10
C5..1S'J 120 5.05 74..218 5.10
00..201 100 505 74..230 100 5.12 }
30..277 40 505 73..230 1(10 ( 5.121 , '
03..203 120 5.03 f(5..250 ( 200 5.12 > tf
80..189 60 505 (13..229 ( SO 5.15
OS..200 120 5.03 70..250 100 5.15
b3..1S3 40 5.05 72..2-15 240 5.15
( IS..201 1150 5.05 (11..254 240 5.15
80..1(13 ( 120 5.07K 73..253 80 5.15
1(15..193 ( 240 5.07H < I..2')1 ) 100 fa.15
77..213 200 5.07H 57..309 320 5.15
82..103 100 5.07J < ( M..2(15 ( - 5.15
72..199 40 5,07 > < f ( K5..2.0 ! 120 5.15
70.,215 240 5.10 03. . . 243 80 5.15D
fc0..224 210 5.10 (14..239 ( ICO 5.15
75. . .211 bO 5.10 (15..2(50 ( ( 40 5.20
70..229 ICO 5.10 01..2SO 200 5.20
72-.235 200 5.10 85..21,0 , 200 5.20
75..224 80 5.10 72..23S bO 5.20 ,
70..229 120 5,10 03..271 2sO 5.203
77..227 240 5.10 (14..278 ( 120 5.20
72..219 200 5.10 59.51 120 520
CO..228 200 5.10 52..303 1(10 ( 5.20
(55..101 ( 120 5.10 05..275 240 , r 20
78..218 40 5.10 5S..253 bO 5.20
78..221 240 5.10 123..248 100 5.22f
70..225 120 5.10 12'J..2(12 ' ( 320 5.22
71.210 80 5,10 ( )3..2(15 ( 100 5 2'JJ
77..205 120 5.10 (53..283 ( 210 5.253
77..214 120 5,10 75..2CO 10) ) 5.25
00..235 1(50 ( 5.10 59..281 bO 5.25
151..249 JbO 5.10 ( W..299 2 25
73..238 200 5.10 CO..271 60 5.25
74..210 bO 5.10 00..201 120 5.30
Packer's I'tirclinNcs.
Showing the number of hogs sold to
packers and leading buyers on to-day's mar
Omaha P. Co . 1,303
Armour & C. P. Co 3,301
J. P. Squires &Co 048
G. B. Wilson & Co. . . . . . . 93
Iilvc Stock NntcH.
Hogs sell lower.
Cattle advance.
The quality of the hogs was not as good as
W. C. Grillltli , Mead , marketed a load of
hogs ut$5.25.
Average weight of lions' for the month of
May was 234 | K > unds.
Hogs averaged last week 237 pounds , and
sixty-nine head to the car.
G. M. Wright , Seward , and T. A. Moore ,
Silver Creole , came in with hogs.
J. T. Goodoll , Do Witt , was in with a load
of cattle and thrco loads of hogs.
Some cattle salesmen predict that cattle
will bell as high as $5.00 before July 1.
P. J. Roonsy & Co. , DrajtO ! ! , topped the
hog market to-day with n load of 2ll-lb ( hogs.
The top paid for hogs on this market last
month was $5 70. During the uamo month
last year the highest price was 45.05 , and in
May , IbM ) , it was 5J.OO.
Among these in with cattle wcro the fol
lowing : F. C. Bliss , Howclls ; John Britt
and J. M. Parker , Genoa ; Mr. Pollard and
Mr. Chapaian , Aurora.
H. Perkins , who was a heavy operator on
this market when the yards first opened , has
returned. He is now of the llrm of H. Per
kins & Co. , purchasing agents of live stock.
Produce , l-'rtiltfi , Nuts , I-Jtc.
Friday , June 1 ,
1'hf fdllowlmj tftiotulU/ni- ti/holcsufc /
owl iiot retail. Price * quoted on produce
nrc the rates at ichlclt round ? o/s / rcortoii {
tht market * Fruits ornt/icr / HUM of good *
m/iilrlntf CJrtrn Inbor lit iittchlny ainnot al
ways be SM ; > ; > ? | CC ? on < mt Mc orders at the
fame ) > rl vt tjiwtcd for the local trade.
Hates on flour anil Jcctl arc Jobber * ' ) > rlccs.
Price * on tinitn urc tliotc jxild fijUmnha
millers deliveredxlH'Uofullons cji ? ncr-
c/uuutfflc arc obtained frtim leading houses
and arc corrected ( Mil/ ! . Prices on crackers ,
cakes , etc. , arc those given by lending win-
. Fancy creamery roll butter. 2lc ;
with solid packed nt lGMSc ( ; cholco
country butter , 14@l5c } common grades , 11 ®
Ciir.iuiiES Pcrcnso of 1(1 ( Ibs , $2 00@3.25.
Southern cherries $3.50 jer IS ( mart case.
STHAW iir.HiiiK4 W.50iZ ( ( .25 per case. l-'ull cream , I3J14c. (
HncTS 50o per doz.
1'oTXTOES Choice homo grown , 75(3S5c ( ;
Utah nnd Colorado stock , $1.1031.25 ; low
grades , 55@C52.No
No dressed fowl In the market ;
live chickens , t-l.OOfiJ4.riO per doz ; turkeys , 9 ®
lie per Ib ; geese , $ ( TO7.50 ( ) per doz ; ducks ,
$3.00 3.25. .
Si'iNACii $1.50 per bbl.
Riii'iuuii y&2e per Ib.
ONIONS Native stock$1.23ijJ > 1.50 ; Spnnlsn ,
jicrboxofS Ibs , $1.73a2.00 ( ; California on-
ons , 3)4jHa ) per Ib.
LiMo.V3-M.76 ! ( ( 4.50 per box ; fancy , f 1.50 ®
OitANOUs California Riverside , W 75K4. 00 ;
Messina , f.'i.50@7.00 ; Los Angeles , { 3.75 ®
J 00 ; Los Angeles Nnvals , $4.00 ; Riverside
Nuvnis , < 0 00.
Asi'AH Mil's 000750 per docn bunches.
Cuci'Miuu5lo : ) per doz for choice.
Lu i Tt'ci : 303r ( > o per doz.
UKLiiitvCalifornia slock , $1.50 per doz.
U.uilbiins 30c per doz.
SritiNd HHANS $1.50 per bu.
( lUKKN PC * s-f 1.50 2.00 per bu.
TOMATOCS t3.60@i.M : ( ) per bu.
PlNi : Ari'Lns S3 33@2.50.
BANANAS Common medium , ? 2.503.00 per
bunch ; chnicc , $3.00(13.50.
Tunxifs California , 2K@3c per Ib.
DATIIS Persian , 0 } (27e ( per Ib.
CIDKH Cholco Allchlgnn elder , M.500.50
[ > cr bbl. of 32 gal.
POPCOIIX Choice rice corn Is quoted nt 3 ®
4e potIb. . ; other kinds 2 | < fg3c ( per Ib.
CAHIIOTS Now stock , 40jj45c ( per doz.
CAIUIAOIS 3@3 > fc per Ib. for California.
CAUUFLOWKII Good stock , $ J,23@2.50 per
BPANS Good stock , ? 3.CO@2.73 ; California
beans , $2.25@2.40.
Fios In layers , 13@15c ; cake , lOc per Ib.
Nurs Peanuts , raw , 0 > , ' @ ; Brazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22e ; English wal
nuts , 15@lSe ; lllbcrls , ISo ; luuian chestnuts ,
15c ; pecans , 15c.
Hoxnv 10@21C for 1 Ib frames ; canned
honey , 10@12operlb.
PAKSLEY 20 per doz.
Gur.cN ONIONS 15 ® - per doz.
Pcun M u'l.r. Svuur $1.25 per gal.
S.U.SH-Y 2 3c per bunch.
Grocer's List.
RnriNEn LAIIP Tierce , 7J < c ; 40 Ib square
cans , 75 < o ; 50-lb round , 8c ; 20-lb round , 8J/c ;
10-lb pafls , S e ; 5-lb pails , 8Kc : 3-lb pails ,
8 > < c.
c.SYHUPS Now Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
37V ( 4jC ( per gnl. ; corn syrup , 3Cc ; half bbls. ,
3Sc ; 4-gul kegs , $1.55 : sorchum , 38c.
PIIOVISIONS Hums , lOJfQllc : breakfast
bacon , 10X@10X ; bacon sides , 9@9' c ; dry
salt , SJtfCJb c ; shoulders.77Ko ; dried beef ,
PICKMS : M edium , in bbls , ? 0.00 ; do in half
bbls , W.50 ; small , in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
bbls , ? 4.00 ; gherkins , I bbls , fS.OO ; do in
half bbls , $4.50.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , W.20@3.33 ; strawberries , 2-lb , i > er case ,
* 2.GO@2.70 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , S2.00@
2.70 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
npricots , per case , $1.254.33 ; peaches , per
case , $5.150(7(5.75 ( ; white , cherries , ncrcnso ,
$5.bO.00 ! ; { jalifornia plums , per case , $1.50
@ 4.00 ; blueberries , per case , $2.00fiJ2.10 ; egg
plums , 2-lb , per case , $3.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb ,
per case , $3.20i5.75 ( ? ; 1-lb salmon , per dozen.
? l.SO@1.85 : 2-lb gooseberries , per case , $2.80
® 2.90 ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.75 ®
1.80 ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $1.00@1.C3 ;
2 Ib marrowfat peas , f 2.50(52.0' ( ) ! 2-lb early
Juno peas , per case , S2.83 ; 3-lb tomatoes ,
$2.30@2.40 ; 2-lh corn , $2.20@3.40 ; sardines ,
imported 'jf , 12@15c per box ; domestic 5C' /
( aoj-j'cv mustiird OK@9c.
Sur.Ait Granulated. OX@"c ; conf. A ,
O'ifc white extra C , 0&@OVc ; extra C ,
O'c ; yellow C , 5W5c ; cut loaf , 7 ®
7o ; powdered , X@S > fo ; Now Orleans ,
5 > fe-Wc.
Corrcu Ordinary grades , 10@l7c ; fair.
1718c ; prime , lS19Xci fancy green and
yellow , 22.'ic ; old government Java , 28 ®
3c ( ) ; interior Java , 25@iSc ; Mocha , 2S@30c ;
Arbucklc's roasted , 21' e ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 21ifo ; Dilworth's , 21c ; Red Cross ,
21c ; Alarouin , 21e.
WooiicxwAitn Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop pails , SLOT ; No. 1 tuo ,
S7.00 : No. 2 tub , $0.00 ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ;
washboards , electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern
Queen washboards , 2.75 ; assorted bowls ,
$2.75 ; No. 1 churns , J9.50 ; No. 3 churns ,
$3.50 ; No. 3 churns , * 7.50 ; butter tubs , S1.70 ;
hpruco , In nests , 70e per nest.
TOIIACCO PLUG Lonllurd's Climax , 45c ;
Splendid , 44o ; Mechanic's Delight , 44o ; LCg-
gett & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 30c ;
Drummond's Horseshoe , 45o ; J. T. , 43c ;
Sorg's Spearhead , 43c ; "Cut Rate , " 29o ;
"Oh , My , " 27c ; Piper Heidsick , 04c.
TOIIACCO SMOKINQ Catlln's Meerschaum ,
31c ; Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Sxveet Tip
Top , 33c ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Red , White and
Blue , ISc.
Juf.Ucs-30-lb $ . . .
- - palls , l.25@1.50.
SALT Per bbl in carload lots , $1.40.
Roi'E Seven-sixteenths , lOVQIOUc.
CANDY Mixed , 9@llo ; btick , OgOj c.
HOLLAND HIHIIINOS : OSt070e per keg.
MAPLE Sue Ait Bricks , 12 > tfc per Ib ; penny
cakes , 13@1 leper Ib. ; pure maple syrup , $1.25
per gal.
BHOOMS Extra , 4-tio , J2.CO ; parlor. 3-tie ,
painted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 ,
$1.75 ; heavy stable brooms , $4.00.
STAKCII Mirror gloss , SJi'o ; Graves' corn
f > ycOswego \ gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7o.
TEAS Japans , 30@55c ; Gunpowder. 20 ®
COo : Young Hyson , 32(3550 ( ; Oolong , 2005o.
POWDER AND SHOT Shot , $1.30 ; buckshot ,
$1.55 ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 : half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths. $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.35 ,
fuses , 100 ft. , 4575c.
CIIACKEIIS , CAKF.S , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5o ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda
snowilako ( in tins ) , lOo ; soda candy , 5Ke ;
soda wafers ( in tins ) 10o ; soda zephyrs , 8c ;
city oyster , OJ cj excelsior , 7c ; farina oyster ,
7c ; pom oyster , 5o ; monitor , 7e ; Omaha
oj'ster , 7c , pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5c ; snow
drop oyster , 7o ; butter 6e ; Boston , 8c ;
Omaha butter , 7c ; sawtooth butter , 0o ;
crnclter meal , 5 } c ; graham , 80 ; graham
wafers , lOe ; graham wafers In pound pack
ages , 12Ku ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , 7 o ; oat
meal , Sc ; oat meal wafers , lOc : out mcul wa
fers in pound packages , 12 > c ; animals 12o ;
Bolivcr gmgcrround,7c ( ) ; crenm,8oCornhill ; ,
lOo ; crncknolls , Kic : trontcd cream 8Je ;
ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ;
homo intwlo ginger snaps , in boxes , lc ! ) ; homemade
made ginger snaps , ( Mb cans ) per dozen ,
$2 50 ; lemon creams,8c ; preUcls.Oiaml madn ) ,
assorted cakes and Jumblcfl , ll.V c ; as-
borted fingers , 15e ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
pcrbox , $703 ; banana fingers , 14c ; butter
Jumbles , llJsc ; Brunswick , 15c : brandy
snaps , 15e ; chocolate drops ( new ) lOo : chocolate -
late wafers , 15o ; Christmas lunch , ( in tins ) ,
perdo/en , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee
cake , 12o ; Cuba Jumbles , llc ; cream puffs ,
30o ; egg Jumbles , 14g ; ginger drops , llo ;
honey Jumbles , l\ \ { a ; Jelly lingers , 15o ; Jelly
wafers , 15o ; lolly tart ( new ) . 15o ; lady fing
ers , 13o ; vanilla bar , 14o ; vanilla wafers , 14c ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box ,
l > cr dozen , $2.f/0.
All goods packed in cans Ic per Ib advance-
except snowflnko and wafer sodu , which ni e
packed only In cans , Soda In 2-lb and 3-lb
paper boxes , l o per Ib advance ; all other
goods lo per Hi udvanco. Soda in Mb paper
boxes , lc per Ib advunco Ttic 2-lb boxes uro
packed In cases holding IB in u case. The 3-
Ib boxes are packed In cases holding 13 in a
case. The Mb boxes lire packed in cases
holding 30 in a caso. Onc-lb graham and oat
meal wafers packed 2 doz In a case.
Show tops for boxes , with gluss opening to
show goods , 75c , Cans for wafer soda , $3.00 ,
not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda ,
85.00 per doz. Tin cases with glass face to
display the goods , 75o each. No charges for
packages except for cans nnd returnnblo
goods , 'Glass front tin cans nnd "snowllako"
soda cans arc returnnblo at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
Slater , 5'4c , Berlin oil , OWc ; Garner oil , C ®
7e. Pisa AND Routs Richmond. O'-Vo ; AT-
Icn , 0 > ic ; River Point , 5o ; Stcol River , Oo ;
Richmond , Oc ; Pact llo , OJffi- . INDIGO BLUE
Washington , C'ac '
T p.Q vvctf VJ \t ; Century , digo blueprints
9c ; American , lijfo , Arnold , fljtfoj Arnold B ,
Bnowj ? SnrKTixo---Atbntio A , 4-4 , toi
Atlantic H , 4-4 , T os Atlrmtlo I ) . 4-4 , 7Ko ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , , 4-4 , Oc ; Au-
rorn C , 4-4 , to' , Crown XXX , 4-4 , Hc ) Hoos-
Icr LL , 4-4. Oc ; Indlnn Hca'tl , 4-4 , 7 > < c ; Lawrence -
ronco LL , 4-4-fies Old Dominion , 4-4 , .We ;
1'cppcrcll It , 4-ll 7c ; Poppcrcll O , 4-4. tic ;
rc. '
UATTS Stnntlnnl , PP ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
s ; Bayonnc , 14c ; B , cased , < i > . . * / .
iiircT WARP Bibb , white , lOc ; colored
"DI-OK West Point , 20 In. Soz. , lOJfc ; West
Point , 29 In. 10 oz. , ISKc ; West Point , 10 in.
1302. , 15c ; West Point , 50 In. 11 or. , lOc ,
Checks-Caledonia X , Okc ; Caledonia XX ,
3 ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , Oc.
NS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
28c ; Durham , 27 } < ; e ; Hercules , 18e ; Leaming
ton. 22 > e ; Cottsworld. 2t c.
Miscr.u.\Nous Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
pluin Holland , 8)O9Kc ; Dado Holland ,
CoMFOUinits $0.00(333.00. (
Bi.ntciicti : SUEBTINO Bcrkcly cnmbrlo ,
No. 00 , 0' ' < o ; Best Yet , 4-4 , OJfo ; butter cloth ,
OO , 4Kc ; Cnbot , 7J c ; Farwell , 8 > fc ; Fruit
of Loom , ( .life : Prcono G , Oc ; Hope , 7Jfc ;
King Philip cambric , lie ; Lnnsdalc , lljfc ;
Lonsdnlc , 8J4'c ; Now York mills , 10'fc ; Pep-
pcrcll 42-in. , lie ; Peppercll , 40-ln. , 12o ; Pet-
jicrcll , 0-4 , lOc ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pcpperell ,
9-4. 3.c ; Pcpperell , 104 , 35e : Canton , 4-4 ,
8 c ; Cnnton , 4-4 , 9 > ic ; Triumph , Oc ; Wain-
sutta , lOc ; Valley 5e.
GiNdiUM Plunkett checks , 7J c ; Whlttcn-
ton , 7J o ; York , Wi Nornmndl dress , 8 ! o ;
Cnlcuttn dress , 8c ; wlilttcndon dress , 8)40 ) ;
Renfrew dress , 8 > @ 12J c.
TICKS Lewlston , 80 In , 13 0 ; Lewlston ,
32-in. , injf/o / ; York. 82-ln. , 14e ; Swift river ,
7J o ; Thorndyko , OO , 8Mc ; Thorndyko FF ,
8Mc ; Thorndlko 120. ( itfc ; Thornkiko XX ,
15u ; Cordls , No. 5 , lijfjc ; Cordls. No. 4 , lie.
DENIMS Amoskeag B , 9-oz. , lOo ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 13 > c ; HuymarketSKc ;
Jnffrcv XX. ll'tfc : JnfTrcy XXX , 13 > < c ;
Beaver Creole AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
He ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
Plaid Haftsmnn , 20c : Gascon ,
32Kc ; Clear Lake , 32Kc ; Maple City , 30 0.
White- H No. 2 , 9 , 21co C H No. 1 { ,
30c ; ( Jucchco No. 1. jtf , 42 ; Qucchtc , No. 2 ,
Stevens' A , 7 > e ; blenched. SJ c ; Stevens' P ,
8Kc ; bleached , OJ c ; Stevens' N , O. ' c ;
bleached , 10 > io ; Stevens' S R. T , V c.
General Markets.
LEATIIEU Oak soles , 35@37c ; hemlock
slaughter sole. 21@39c ; hemlock dry solo , 13
@ 25c ; hemlock kip , 00@90c : A. & B. runner
kip , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@$1.00 : A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock
upper , 10@21e ; English grain upper , 25c ;
hemlock grain upper , 21ft25e ; Tnmpico B. L.
. . . . . .
< IW.UVV < " * I J , J-'lUIIUIl 4 * IIA JIIUO , YU..V.I. UUfl JHJF
skins , bOc@$1.00 ; oak calf skins , $ i.001.55 ;
French calf skins , $1.25@2.25 ; French Uip
skins , $ I.10@1.50 ; Russitt linings. $0.00(30.50 (
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , J7.50
(29.75 ( per doz. : colored toppings , $9.00@11.00.
DituoH Acid Carbolic , crystal perlb , 50c ;
citric per Ib. COc ; tartaric , pcrlb , 50c ; sul
phuric , per lo , 4c ; ammonia , cnrb , perlb , 15c ;
nlum , per Ib , 5c : alcohol , 95 percent , per gal ,
$2.22 ; blue vitriol , per Ib , Sc ; borax rollucd ,
pcrlb , lOc ; camphor refined , 32c ; cream tar
tar , pure , per Ib. 42c : cream tartar , commer
cial , per Ib , 20c ; cloves , per Ib , 33c ; cuttlc-
llsh bone , per Ib , 30c ; dextrine , per Ib , 12c ;
glycerine , pure , per Ib , 30c ; hops , fresh , per
Ib , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per Ib , 75e ; insect
powder , per Ib , COc ; morphine , P. & W. , per
oz. , $3.00 ; opium , per Ib , $3.75 ; quinine , P.
t W. , per oz. , 5Sc : quinine , German , per oz. ,
43c ; Rochellc salts , per Ib , 85o ; saffron ,
American , porlb , 40c ; saffron , true Spanish ,
per oz. , $1.00 ; salapctre , pure per Ib. lOc ;
Sulphur , Flowers' , per Ib. , 5u. ; soda , bicarbonate -
bonate , per Ib , 5c ; silver , nitrate , perlb ,
$11.50 ; spermacetti , per Ib , 52@60c ; strych
nine , per oz , , $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib ,
55c ; wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , 35b.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon ,
150 degrees , 13c ; linseed boiled , COc ;
linseed , raw , 57c ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ;
No. 2 , $ .12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water
bleached , 85c ; llsh , bank. 85c ; ncatsfoot , ex
tra , OSc ; neatsfoot. No. 1 , 60c ; gasoline , 75
degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , 35c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ;
No. 21urd,50@5-c ; W. V. zero , 14c ; W. Va.
zero , 14c ; golden No. 1 , 40o ; golden No. 2 ,
25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha , 1 degree. 14o ; head
light , 150 degrees , lo ; headlight. 175 de
grees , 15c ; turpentine,45c ; castor , pure , $1.30
per gal. _ _ _ _ _ _
HIDES Green butchers , ' 4@4J c ; green
cured , 5@5 > < fc ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salt , Ce ;
green salted calf , 0 } < fc ; damaged hides , 2c
off ; dry salted deacons. 25c each. Tallow-
No. 1 , 3 ? e : No. 2,2 c. Grease Prime
white , 4J/c ; yellow , 3c : brown , 2c. Sheep
pelts 10c(31.00.according ( to quality. Brand
ed hides classified as damaged.
SriniTs Cologne spirits 188proof$1.14 ; do
101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , secoud quality , 101
proof , $1J5 ; do 183 prodf , $1.13 ; alcohol , 188
proof , per wine gallon , $3.12 ; redistilled
Whiskies , $1.25051.50 ; ( tinblended , $1.50@2.00 ;
Kentucky bour&ons , $2.Xi.OO ( ) ( ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2X)0@G.50 ) ; Golden
Sheaf and rye whiskies , $ .50(33.00 ( : brandies ,
imported , i5.OOO8.OOj domestic , $1.30ffi3.00 ( ;
gins , impqrtcd , $ .00HC.OO ( ; domestic , $1.25@
3.00 ; champagnes , Imported , per case , $28.00
© 33.00 ; American , per case , 810.00@17.00.
, fi.
15ft. 18ft. 0 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft.
2x4. . .17 WJM 00 21 00 23 00 22 00
2x8. . .17 D0,38 , 00 i.'l 00 1 00 SJ 00
2x8. . . .17 whiO 00 21 M & 00\ltl \ 00
4x10. . J7 6020 00121 (0 23 ( XI III 03
.18 2/i 20 ( KII21 00 24 00 21 00
JB 6010 | 56120 W23 ' OoJ3 | ; 00
Np. 1 com , s 1 h.l8.CO I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.50
No. 2 comsi B , . 17.00 I No. 4 corn , sis. . 13.50
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft , rough $19.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 19.50
No. 3 , " " 14 " 10.50
No. 2 , " " 10 " 18.00
Mnlto , 25 cents a bottle.
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness ol
Point , and Workmanship.
Ritnplca for trial of 12 different ftylos by inall.on
recoiiitof 1O cent * in Bt nji > a , Atk for card o. 8.
IVISON , BLAKEM4N & CO , , i-Ai.Heit. K. r. mrutiA.v , j. n.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Office Uocm It , Oppoilto KiclianKe Dulldlnn , union
_ btc .k Yard" , boutli Oniuha. Neb.
live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market furnlohcd free on application. Btocken and
fecacri furnlihud un Kood terrai. Hu'frcncuiOma *
ua National Hank and r-outb , Union
block Vi.rO > , boutb Uumh .
Liye Stock Commission ,
Itoom 15 , KxchanEO HulldliiK , Union Block Yardi ,
toutb Omaha , Neb.
Commision Dealers in Liye Sock ,
Uoorn ; , Opiirirltu Kirbantco llulldlii , ; , Uclon Block
ulU OuuhaNtb.
Of Oniaha , Limited ,
Join ! ' llord.8uDcrinli.-i- > - '
sQ10ko Stacks , Oollora , Eto.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Britchtfe.i , Tank > and General Ucllcr UepiUluV.
cTi'un'cH i LL"P A R K E R ,
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriigci and Ilncglra. Jonn Btrp tb twccn lhan < l'
101 b , Omaha. Nf bratka.
AgricnlturalImpleiuentsWagonsCamages , ,
Ilnpplci.Ktc.Tholtialc. . Omahn , Ntbraolia.
Wholenalo Dtalert In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
fCl , W3 , KB and OT Jonci Street. Omaha.
P. P. MAST& CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultlrators , Har llakcj. Cider Mills and Lnban Pul-
Terlier . Cor , lllh and McliulM BtrccU.
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , &Buggies
Comer llth and Nlcholan Btreeta.
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twiner
W. H. Meat ) , Manager. 1113 Lcarcnworth tt.Omaha.
Manufacturcraand Jobbora In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. lull nnJ Pacific gtrccti. Omaha , Neb.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,11CO-110S Douglas St.Omnlm ManufactorjSum
mer M. , lltstun.
( Succcstora to Itccd , Jonea A Co. )
AKcntafor Iloston Uubbcr Bhoo Co. 110J , HOi&llOO
llnriu'r HU. Omnha. Ncbraaka.
Artists' MatorlalB.
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
.Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Booksellers and Stationers.
H. M , & S. W. JONES.
Successor * to A. T. Kcnjron .V Co. , Wholesale & Retail
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flno Wedding Statlonerr. Commercial Stationer ?
1523 Douglas Direct. Omaha. Neb.
Omaha CotToo and Spice Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlaTOrini ; Kitracti. Laundrr Illue. Inks , Etc. 11U-
lllRIIarner Btrcet. Omaha , Nehra ka.
Croojkory " and CjaBavvaro.
Anent for the Manufacturer ! and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. OB cc , 317 B. 13th BU , Omaha , Nebraska.
Imoortert and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silycrwaro
Xtc. 1MI Farnam St. , New Faxton Ilulldln. .
dommlselon ondI 3torj ge.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commisiou
Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1011 North ICtb
btrect , Omaha , Neb.
Bucccnors to McStfanc A Bchrocder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Epeclultlci nutter , Eggi , Cheese , Poultry. Game ,
O/stcrs , Klc. , Etc. 112 goutb 1Mb Btrect.
Coal , Coke and
Jobbers of Hard and Son Coal ,
200 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement. Plaster , Ume ,
Drain Tile , and Bower Pipe. Office. Paxton Hold ,
Farnam bt. , Omaba , Neb. Telephone 611.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South 13th BU. Omaba. Neb.
pryQoodBjind Notions
M. ETsM.f H i CO. .
Dry Goods , Fnrnishing floods and Notions ,
11M and 1101 Douglas. Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Nob.
Importers any oolicrs in Dry Goo.sNolioDS ,
Cents' Furnishing floods. Comer llth and Uuncy
bu. . Omaha , R jri ! ka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karuam Street , Omaba. Nebraska.
Omaha , . Nebraska.
Offlco Fixtures.
Manufacturers of
Bank , dee and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantles , Sideboards , Hook Cases , Drug Future"Wall
tac , Pnrtlllnna , ItallluKCounters , Uccrand Wluo
( 'dolors. Mlrrorn.ejtc. I-actorr and oDlce , Ireland 17J2
Boutli Ulh bt. , Omuha , Telephone 1121.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TO , TOT , TO and 711 B. 10th St. , Omatfa , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
I tb nnd Ixjarenworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Kte. Agents for Howe Scales ,
and Miami Powder Co. , Omaba , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and Iluffalo Scales. Ii06 Douglai
btrcot , Omaba , Ncbraiata.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOUi and Harrier Bis. , Omaba. Neb. Western Agenti
for Austin Powder Co. , Jefferson Mitel Nails ,
Fairbanks SUndanl ticalts.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. UOJ , ll snit 1W7 Hurnrr Bt.Omaba ,
N bra ka.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Slcel ,
gprlajsYazon Kturlc. Ilarilware. Lumber , lite 1WS
aud 1811 lUniuj btrgetOmaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
"Vafroonnd Carrlaije Wood Stock. Ilutvy Hardware
Ktc. HIT and ij/ilLcaveawbrtb / bt. . UUUPM. Neb.
_ _ _ _ _ _ Hale , Caps , Eto.
W , L , PARROTTE & CO. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps aud Straw Goods ,
1107 lUrnej Street , Omaha , Neb ,
Iron Works. ,
Carter A fen , I'ropV Manufscuucru ol all klndt
Steam Boilers , Tn\s \ and Sliest Iron Wort
Worku Fouth loth and n. A M. Crolni.
and Cast Iron Building Wort , <
nelno * . HMM WorK , General Founjrr , Machine and
UUcksralth Work omio and _ Works . , U.I1. l\ \ } . i
Mil ? trcet , umih t
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Uosk IUIIVlndnir ( liinriH. Flower Stand * ,
fclnns , Etc. Ifl NortU 16th Blr
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes <
Vault , , Jail Work , Iron amiVlro FrnclnR , Slim , Eta.
. Andreen. Prop'r Cur Illband Jaokaon BU ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
nd ScrrtL1 .fOTbsnk , omre , Moro . re'lilencet. etc.
ii , I ockmnltli Machlnrrr nnd
% } f Safes , Time LocKs ,
hold fate A tack Co.'s
'i Karunm btrccl , Omaha.
und Nptlons.
; in Millinery & Mm
W. JWand a South lltb Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods !
4 1 and 405 Bculh 10thjt. . Omiiha. ]
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , .
1106 Ilnrnnr Stroct , Unmhn.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
A-lo Orea . Etc. . Omalia. A. II. HUhnn. M n rnr ;
\Yholc < nlo Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Farnam Street , Omalia , Keb.
All Kinds of BniMng Material at WMesale
16t.i8tre t. nrt Union PaclHc Track , OmU .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime. Sasji ,
Uoort.Ktc. Yards-Corner 7lh and Doiufloii Co'nai
9th und Doiielat. _
C. N. DIET2 ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Kth and California BIrecU , Omaha , Nebraska. ' |
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner h and Dou.las Sts. . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
O9lccl < 03 Farnam Street , Qmaba ,
WliolesalG Lnniber , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland Cemtnt. State
Agent tor Milwaukee UjUrAulIp Ccmeil and
Qiilncj Whlto Lima.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnifc
Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. 9th andDou.lai
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Cany n nice stock of Printing , Wrapptnp and Wrltln *
P'tr. . Bptclal attention ulren to car Uiad orders. "
Priritora Materlala.
Auxiliary PaWisners ,
Dvalcri In Type , Prp < srs and Printer * ' Suppllei. 692
South 12th Street. Omaha.
Rubber Coodo *
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goojfe
Pll Clothlne und L aiher Ileltlng. 1006 Farnam SbMt.
Steam Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Pnmns , Pipes and Engines ,
Wnolesale Pumns , Pine , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Uullldar Wind Mllli. CI3 and 920 Farnam St. , Omaha.
_ U. K , Uu l , ActlDtf aiapagcr. ft
Engines , Boilers and General Macliinery.
Gbectlron Work Blcain Pumpi , Saw XIIMi. ni liu
I/faTenworth Htreet , Qroaha. " ' "
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
OllandOUJonciHtrrrt Uiualia.
Btorogo , Forwarding A Commlealon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
Qranchhouieof the HerraeHu r Co. lluxvlei
Truoleeale and retail , 1W 1310mnll3l2 liarU Btrcut ,
Omaha. Telephone No , 710.
Offli MAW
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North Clitthtcenth Btrect. Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeani Pa&UHtlrti , Etc. lltnand 1101 Douelai Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Manufacture Galyanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpeneter. Proprietor. 0 Dodie and 10U
* North lOlhatrout. Omaha.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Not. 131T and 13I'J Uou la * Bt. , Omaha Nab.
SdBh , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV/ . CO. .
Wholesale Mann" : ctur < ri o (
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch bake , U'lb aud Itard btrtcts. Umaha , Neb ,
MannfaclorcK of Sash , Doors , Blinfls ,
Moulding , Malr Work and lutcrtur
llanl Wool Ha-
Isu. W. U. Corner bib and lA-'fticinrorlh ttfceU.
pinulia , tt\ \ > , <
Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
Afd BHoas.Turnlnit , Htalr-worH , JUank and llu
UQ.I. ajlL _ ua i'eyfltlVB Atouu .