Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    i , ji pi | t ip *
The Omaha Sluggers Hit Oonway
Just a Llttlo Bit.
But tlio Gnino In AVon , Tnst tlio Snino
JCH Mollies "Wipes tlic Earth
\Vllh 1'oor Ohl SU
.Louis ,
"Western Association StntulltiR.
The following lublo shown the standing of
the Western association teams up to und In
cluding yesterday's games :
1'layca Won Lost Pr Ct
DPS Molncs 23 15 7 . ( V3J
Omntm 31 15 0 . (525
KnnsnsCity 2T 14 11 .WiO
Milwaukee 20 11 U .5,10
Bt. Panl 21 10 11 .470
Bt-Louis 20 11 IB .423
Chicago 10 7 12 .JiGS
Minneapolis . .2. > 8 17 .320
Gnmofl Scheduled For To-day.
Omaha vs Kansas City at Omaha.
Chicago vs Mlnnunpolifl at Chicago.
Dos Molnes vs St. Louis at Dos Motncs.
Milwaukee vs SU Paul at Milwaukee.
Oinnhn. 8 , Kaunas City 4.
"Kansas City , Kansas City , beware of the day
"When Omaha meets thee hi buttlo array. "
So Bang the prophet or the village at the
inoutl ) of the Kaw while the Western associ
ation ball team was boarding tlio train , and
' the old gent was right. In other words his
lioad was level.
It did not look that way In the first inning ,
Lowever , and for a titno it appeared as
though the crimson craniumcd bird of vic
tory intended to roost with both feel upon
the banner of the hustlers from Kansas City.
But ho didn't.
Omaha blanked In her half of the first.
This Is how tha runs wcro iniulo : Cart-
Vrright , of Kansas City , promenaded gaily up
to the plato and wiped tlio pig-skin fairly in
the face for what appeared to bo a homo run ,
( ind an excursion of six from Kansas City ,
who occupied a scat directly In front of the
grand stand , took off their hats and prepared
to slirlok.
But they didn't shriek.
The ball descended Into the nmplo clutches
Of Father Annis , who wound his fingers
nrouud It , gave it a hiss , and throw it in.
Dartwright retired to his bench with a pain
In his feet.
Then , oh , horror ! the only Lotctt gave
Cnmpau n base on balls and ha scampered
Wound to third llko a small boy leaving a
Echool house on Hassamor's out from Lovett
to O'Connell. Then Aidner made a hit to
left and Campau scored and the six Kansas
Citycns shrieked sure enough. Then Man
ning niado a hit and run down to second and
peered on a very loud error by Shannon , who
let Johnson's ' hit go right between his little
tootsies without stopping it. and Ardner and
fanning scored. Then Bradley wont out and
the score steedS
S toO.
And then these six little men from Kansas
City did get their work in , nnd the way they
shouted gave Lieutenant Wright , of the U.
p. A. , who sat on the mourners' bench , the
Bh Ivors.
Not a yell escaped the lips of the audience
r Jn the second inning , aa both sides wcie .shut
I put in each half.
But in the third !
Lovett led off with a hit and ran down
to second on n corker to loft by
Poran. Coonoy flapped his little wings
and flow out to Hassaniur. Annls
lilt to Manning , who threw wild to Cart-
wright , and Lovett jogged across the plate.
( Then O'Connoll pounded out n triple nnd
Poran scored. Burns went out from Man
ning to Cartwright and Miller mudo n single.
( Shannon picked out a little pine bat that be
longs to Columbus , the local mascot , nnd just
naturally hammered out n homo run , which
brought in Miller n few feet ahead of him.
SlVllson wont out at first.
Then tlio Omaha end of the crowd shouted
and shouted , and the six real cstuto men
" * Iroin Missouri put on their overcoats , re
marking as th&y did so , "It Is very cold. "
Both sides failed to score in the fourth , but
in the fifth Annls got llrst on an error of
Cartwright and ntnblod down to third on
O'Connoll's. out at second , which allowed
lJurns , who was batting , to got to first. Then
lie Btolo second nnd waited. Milh > r got a
jjaso on balls and Shannon mudo another hit ,
Annls nnd Burns scoring. Wilson Hew out.
In the sixth Manning mudo n hit and scoi cd
pn u triple by Johnson. That ended the run
Rotting , and as soon as tlio gaino was finished
tbu Kansas City visiting delegation called n
bab and droro straight to the depot.
This is the score :
Conwny , p
Totals . . . .41 27 18 t )
Omaha 0 00030000 8
Kansas City . . . .3 00001000 4
Iluna earned Omaha n , Kansas City 3.
First bnso pn balls Off Lovott 1 , off Con way
y. Struok out By Lovott 3 , by Conwiiy ! t.
Loft on bases Omaha 5 , Kansas City 0.
Two-baso hits O'CoimoU 2. Threo-baso
lilts O'Connoll ' , Cartwnght , Johnson.
Homo runs Shannon I , Double plays
Cam pun to Ardner , Passed balls Gunson
J , Wilson 1. Tlinoof gauio 1:50. : Umpire
Urenuan. _ _ _ _ _
Dos Molno _ U , St. Ijoulu 7.
DKsMoiNE * , In. , June 1 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UCK.I There wore more than
n thousand persons nt Athlctlo park to-day
when the game between St. Louis nnd the
homo team begun , but tlioro way Icsi than
liulf that number when It ended. As fast us
! ? tlioy got enough of the miserable exhibition
tlioy went homo , and It wns only curiosity to
j-i pee how bad a gauio it could bo that kept the
remainder thoro. St. Louis had a "phenom
enon" In the box , nnd how a man could don
u uniform mid know less of the sclonco of
ball playing la whcro the phenomenon patt of
it comes in. lcs Moines got 11 roil ut last of
running around the buses nnd closed the
gumo as soon us ixntslblo. Sohlldknecdt
Uiado his llrst nppoarauuo as oatuhur for the
Lome team and did excellent work , Tlio
i DCS filolucs 3 0800400 1-21
StLouls 4 00000 3 01 7
Huns earned Des Molnos 14 , St. Louis 4.
Two-baso hits Vim Dyke (3) ( , Stcitrna , Hol-
Jldoy ( S ) , Crooks. Throo-boaa hlU Sluifer ,
Morton. Struok out Uy Wells 4 , by Hoy-
nolds 1. liases on bulla By Wells 1 , by
Iloynolds S. Passed bulls Schlldknecdt 1.
" \Vlld pitches Keynolds 1. Time of game
1:50. : Umpire Powers.
Mlhvmikco U , St. 1'Aiil 1 ,
MII.WAUKUE , Juno 1. [ Speehii Toleffram
to TUB BEB. ] The Milwaukee and St. Paul
ciutra jiiaycd ono of Uie closest games played
Jioro tbis.season. Tbo locals put their now
pitchier , Struck , in the box , and contrary to
expectations tie pitched a great gaino , the
visitors Retting only three hits , one a scratch ,
Duryeo also pitched a great game for St ,
Paul , bolno hit safely only twice. Ho wns
wild m Uio fifth inning , Bending two men t
bases on ball * successively , ami both of them
erontually scored , St. Paul made its only
run by threp cpnsocutivo errors by Forater ,
Btrauss and Jloskrey , Tim score :
MlUvafikca .t ) 00080000-1
, .0 OQ100000-1
l runs Milwaukee L Bases on balls
Off Duryen 3 , Oft Struck 1. Struck out
Forstor , Wnrnor , Stnick (2) ( ) , CArroll { 0) ) ,
Voach , llclUy , ucmtnler. Passed balls
Kcmmler. Tlmo 1:80. Umnlro llogon.
Itoslon n , Itullnimpolli it ,
BOSTON , Juno 1 , The gumo between Bos
ton nnd Indianapolis to-day resulted as fol
lows :
Indlannpolls t 00100010-3
Boston 3 0310000" 5
Pitchers MofTnt nnd CUvrkson. Base hits
Boston 0 , Indianapolis' . Errors Boston
14 , Indianapolis U. Umpire Lynch.
I'lMsbiircO , New York U.
Nr.w YonK , Juno 1. The game betwtcn
New York nnd Plttsburtf to-day resulted as
follows :
New York 0 8
Pittfilmrg 0 00000000-0
Pitchers Titcomb nnd Morris. Base hits-
New York 0 , Pitlsburj ? 1 , Errors Now
York 0 , Pittsbui-K 4. Umpire Decker.
riillntlclphln 12 , Detroit 4.
Pint.Atr.i.piilA , Juno I. Thogntnobetween
Phllndolphla nnd Detroit to-day resulted as
follows :
Philadelphia..0 00010010-2
Detroit 0 00004000 4
Pitcliors C.i < oyand Gotroln , Uoso hit1 *
Philadelphia 0 , Detroit 11. Errors Philadel
phia 5 , Detroit 4. Umpire Valentino.
AVnslitnRtoul , ChloaRO to.
WASHINGTON , Juno 1. The gaino between
Washington nnd Chicago to-day resulted as
follows :
Washington 0 10000000 1
Chicago 5 0013300 * 10
Pitchers O'Day and Van Haltrcn , Base
hits Washington 0 , Chicago 12. Errors
Washington 8 , Chicago 4. Umpire Daniels.
nnltiinoro U , IjonlBvlllo 1-t.
1 BAI.TIMOHK , Juno 1. The .gome between
Batlmoro and Louisville this afternoon re
sulted as follows :
Baltlmoro 0 2
Louisville 0 4710200 * 14
Brooklyn : t , Cincinnati 1.
BKOOKMN , Juno 1. The game between
Brooklyn and Cincinnati to-day resulted as
follows :
Cincinnati. . . . . . ! 1
Brooklyn 1 1000001 8
St. Ijotils IS , Athletics 4.
PnitAUELi'itiA , Juno 1. The guino between
St. Louis nnd the Athletics to-day re
sulted as follows !
Athletics Q 20100010-4
St.Louis 0 0 0 U 00011 2
Clovulanil O , Kansas City 8.
CI.BVIIANMI : , Juno 1. The game between
Cleveland and Kansas City to-day resulted
ns follows :
Cleveland 0 10004001 0
Kansas City 2 0020103 * 8
Ijocal Sporting Mnttcrn.
The Ilnnsconi park Juniors , under the
management o Mr.V. . E. Brice , went down
to Bellevue Decoration Day to play against
the Bellevue Juniors. Both games were
close and intorc'sting , and the playing would
have dona credit to professionals. The score
of morning gumu was ns follows :
Park Juniors..0 1 1 Q 0 0 1 0 0 3
Bellevue Jumors.O 0210100 * I
Batteries' ' Park Juniors , E. Crowo and
Booes. Bollcvuo Juniors , Toy nnd Gray.
Toy's pitching was phenomenal , striking out
twenty of the opposing sido. The score of
aftornoou game was as follows :
Bellevue Juniors. . .3 1180010 3 11
Park Junior * 3 1121000 1 U
Batteries Park Juniors , E. Crowo and
Booes. Bolloyno Juniors , Toy , p. , and Gray ,
Shugart and Maddock , c ,
To-day the Boliuvuo Juniors play
against the H. II. Clarkos of Onuiha , and
Bollcvifo college will oi-oas bats with the
Fort Omaha soldiers.
' A. Qniho nt Ulysses.
Uwssns , Nob. , Juno 3. [ Special to Tin :
BEI : . ] The second game of ball between the
Ulysses and Seward clubs wns pluyod yester
day and resulted in n victory for the former
by a scoreof 0 to 7. Gallagher and Bishop , the
homo te.ams crack battery , did excellent
work , th'o former striking out 10 men. In
two games this pitcher has struck1 out 31 men
nnd never given u man iib.iso.on balls.
A Game of Cricket.
V largo and select assembly of people took
advantage of the holiday pn Wednesday to
visit the fair grounds and witness the prac
tice match of the Omulm Cricket club , first
cloven ngalnst fifteen other members. The
doomed fifteen \vern sent to the bat and went
down Ilka chuff before the wind , although In
the subsequent Holding they showed up
pretty well. "Every1 man of the crack team
inado a Hcoro , the totals being 117 to 2J. (
To-day the postponed match with
Council BlutTs is to como off nt the fair
groundn nt .2:30 sharp , and loveis of tlio
game should make a point of attending , as II
is expected to bo u close contest.
Itnccf ) at Ijutoiiln.
CINCINNATI , June 1. At Latonia the
weather was cool and clear nnd the track a
trifle slow ; attendance very largo.
For throo-ycor-oldi and upwards , BOVOII
furlongs Drumstick won , Klyton second ,
Col Owens third. Tlmo 1 : yiC' ) .
For two-year-olds , flvo furlongs Martin
Kussoll won , Winning Ways second , Juke
Miller third. Time l:03 : i.
For thrco-year-olds and upwards , nluo fur
longs Longallght won , Ascoohi second ,
Lottlo Wall third. Tlmo 1 : f.7.
For nnd upwards , ono
mile Ucaconsllold won , Sunbeam second ,
Mitinlo Himtor tlilrd. Time 1 : liljf.
For thrco-year-old llliles , ono nnd ono-
auartcr miles Lavlnia Belle won , Julia L.
bocond , Los Angeles third. Tlmo 2.12 } .
At tlio Hi. I HIH McntiiiK.
ST. Louid , Juno 1. Tlio track was fast ,
wcuthor cloudy and slight rains at times ;
attcndancu fair.
Olio nnd ono.slxtecnth miles Wheeler
won , Sayro second , Lelox third , Time
1 MTj-i' . , ' 4 of n jiucoml faster than the best re
corded tiuio for tlio distance.
Seven furlongs Fnlitto won , Alfred second
end , Lucy Johnson third. Time 1:2a/ : .
Three-year-olds and upwards , ono and ono-
fourth miles Terra Cottn won , Paragon soc-
oml , Unit third. Tlmo310'f. ' .
Ono-lialf mllu-Mackenzie won , Fan IClnir
second , Alpenn third. Timo--0:501 : .
Six Inrlongs Btinkrupt won , Little Mlnch
second , Kitty 1'caso third. Tlmo 1:10. :
HnbliiK ICv : ntn in Kn lnnd ,
LONDON , J nq 1. Searccvo won the Oaks
stakes to-day. Tlio ruea for the Acron stakes
wab won by Pantoii > lino.
A CI04U Call.
New lUvuN , Conn. , Juno 1 , [ Special
Telegram to Tun Uuis. ] The question of
abolishing athletics at Ynlo was again dis
cussed by the faculty. Willie the majority
nro in favor of such action tlio matter was
finally tabled , us the Btudunts generally
promised to preserve orden hereafter and to
do away with celebrations , U was a close
call for Vale athletics and the men will learn
u vuluablu lotion. A very strong fouling ex
ists in the faculty on account of the recent
disturbance , and any moro similar conduct
will bo followed by severe acUgn. Tim a s
sociation will bo rojuirud to hand to tno
li Ulti' C CU Un'ui ttm prOBrummo of Its pro-
poitud contests , and irumeit with professionals
may bo forbidden and the club probably re
stricted to inter-collogiato contests.
Tommy Miller Done. Up.
CINCINNATI , Juno 1. A three ounce glove
light took place in the heart of Cincinnati
to-night between Tommy Miller of Omaha ,
125 pounds , rnd Charles Bogcna of Cincin
nati , 180 pounds. Bogona beat up Miller horribly
ribly and knocked him completely out in tlio
fourth round so that ho could not come to
JIIor r < mr Acid IMioiplmte ,
A Ncrvu-Poott ami Tonic. *
T ) > e Most Effective jet discovered ,
Various High School Oommonco-
inonta Over the Stato.
Hnllrond Men Obliged to Use Their
llevoltcrs A York M nil's Mysteri
ous Dlnnppcnrnncc Street
llnllxrny Vur Itcntricc.
Coinincnociitotit nt ISxotcr.
Nch , Juno l. [ 8 | > calnl to Tnr.
niK. : ] The clnss or 1S3S of tli6 Kxotcrlilgh
school graduated last nlshtvllli ilylnc colors ,
Tlio clnss , composed of eight young Indies ,
resented tlio boil iirogrnniuio which 1ms
jccn given ntnnycointnenoein.oiitln previous
/curs , and ouch received In turn n largo num-
icr of llorn.1 trlhutcs.
Thcs prlzo of tuition for ono yenr , offered by
in lown business college , was tuvimlod to
Miss Corn Lester ns having passed the best
Commencement nt Central Oltj- . .
ORNTIIAI. Cirr , Neb. , Juno 1. { Sieclnl |
Tclogrnm to TIIK 13ni.j Cominoueoment ox
crclscs were held hero this ovciiliig anttln
consequence the Grand opera liouso was
packed , The raduutintr class consisted of
two mlssos , 1'iudonco llairtl nnd Lottlo Dono-
viin. In plueo of the usual address by n
speaker from abrond n social hour wns In-
lulRcd In , with rofrcslimcnts ns the attrac
tion. Tin-re was plenty of music ol a high
CotiimctiRotnoiit nt Ken trice.
IJnvnticK , Nob. , Juno I. [ Special Tolo-
{ jram to THIS BRR. ] The oporu house was
[ lacked to ovcrfloxving to-night to witness the
graduating exercises of tlio high school class
of 1883. The exercises throughout were
Eooit and each of the Uvcnty-threo graduates
received n profusion of ( lowers.
Northeastern Ncbrnslcn Items.
ItAxnoMMt , Nob. , May 01. [ Correspondence -
enco of Tun 13KB.J Wo are having another
downpour. Such a spell of continuous wet
weather was never known here before. The
heavy rains of Friday , Saturday and Sunday
forenoon caused a Illood on the Logan nnd
Klkhorn rivers , and railroads were made so
insecure that trains were suspended for sev
eral days this weak. The prospects nro vary
fnvorabla for nil but Rrass in tlio low bet
toms. A very considerable area of it Is
planted on tlio rolling prnirtcs , but seine is on
higher ground. The amount of now break
ing is very crcnt in Woyno , Codur and adja
cent counties. J. M. Strakon has 8,700 ncros
in cultivation near Wayne , largely in corn ,
ilo is feeding' TOO head of cattle. Z. Houyhn
of Kandolph , Cedar county , has 2.r , 00 acres
largely in corn , and ho has engaged teams to
break 1,000 acres more. His lauds nro most
ly in the upper Logan valley. Corn recently
lias sold nt 40 cents in this region. Tlio blue
grass and clover in the yards in Norfolk
show that they will do exceedingly well in
this region. Cattle nro doing well oil the
ranges. Winter rye looks splendidly and
wheat nnd outs are lino.
McCool Junction Will Oclclirato.
McCooi. JUNCTION , Nob. , Muyai. [ Special
to TUB BIIE. ] A meeting of the business
men and citizens was held on Monday even
ing to get un expression In regard to celebrat
ing the Fourth of July. IJqn. T. W , Smith ,
the democratic war-liorso pf this section ,
arose , und in his usual good-natured manner ,
expressed his viewsiustiong patriotic terms ,
in favor of celebrating tlio Fourth , nml mak
ing the old cnglo scream in such a manner ns
to remind tlio natives that wo are still living
in the "land of the free and the homo of the
bravo. " His remarks wcro loudly nppluudod
and heartily concurred in by the entire
assembly. McCool Junction is located In the
south part of York county , at the Junction of
tlio Kansas City & Omaha railway , and on
the West Blue river. It has ono of . ( ho llnest
natural groves In central Nebraska , with a
capacity largo enough to accommodate 20,000
peoplo. Everybody visiting tlio town on that
occasion will bo inado welcome. A grand
programme is being arranged , nnd no p'lins
will be spared by tbo llvo and wide-awuko
business inon to make this the grandest cele
bration over held in York1 county. Arrange
ments will bo inado to run extra trains from
Hili-bury und Falrllold In the morning and
bnok in the evening.
The Itnmonstrnnco ( sustained.
Exntnii , Nob. , Juno 1. [ Special to. THE
BEI : . ] The news comes from Geneva that
the license which was granted tp Harrigan
& Kennedy by the village board haa been re
voked by Judge Morris. The license was
granted after n three days hearing of evi
dence on a remonstrance signed by flvo free
holders of Exeter. Tlio point urged by the
icmoustrnnco wns as to the legality of ton
signers of the petition owning in joint part
nership lot 3&4 in the village of Kxotor. The
evidence proved that the grantees purchased
tlio lot with their own money , in good faith ,
for the purpose of becoming freeholders ,
nnd accordingly tlio remonstrance was disre
garded and a license issued. An appeal was
taken to the district court by the remon
strants , from whcro word was received this
morning that the remonstrance was sus
tained. Should it prove true an appeal will
undoubtedly bo tuhou to the supreme
Troubled IVItli
HANcitoi-T , Neb. , Juno 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BBC. ] A gang of drunken
tramps hoarded freight train No , 0 , Conduc
tor Holbrook , at this place to-day , and upon
bolng ordered off , tlioy attacked the train
men , who were compelled to use their revolvers
vers to defend thoinsulvos. Ono of the
tramps was shot through the log nnd severely
punished about the head. Tlio people hero
have had enough of trumps , and the next
gang that arrives will bo requested to move
on In a manner they will not bo slow to obey.
Fcnr Ilo WasJro\vuetl.
YOIIK , Neb , , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BKI : . ] Amos Miller , n farmer about
sixty joara of ago , mysteriously disappeared
from his homo eight miles southeast of this
city on Tuesday afternoon. Ho was al a
neighboring village in the afternoon and re
turned homo announcing his intention to ac
company n friend to the Masonic ledge that
evening. Ho prepared to go , and loft the
liouso at1 o'clock , walking toward tlio Blue
river and was last seen near the river before
dark. Searching parties have been out , but
hnvo failed to discover any trace of the miss
ing man. Tlio rlvor was dragged this after
noon. Ho is described us about live feet ,
eight inches , btoopcd shoulders and a heavy
lion gray beard.
Out OIT Ills Knomy'H Knr.
CHICAGO , Juno 1. John Stevens , a young
man about town , was this afternoon standing
In n cigar store under the Adams express
building writing a note when .Tamos Boll , u
young business man of Hyde I'nrK. approached
preached , lookout Ills penknife , and deliber
ately cut off Stevens' car. I'laclng It In his
rocket , ho coolly disappeared and has not
been Been since , though the police are now
looking for him. It 1s said that the act waste
to punish Stevens for his undue intimacy
with Mr . Boll.
1'rolilbltlonlHta llnlly.
NKIUIASKA Cirr , Neb. , Juno 1. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Hii : : . ] The prohibitionists
rilicitho \ nomination of Flsko and Brooks
at the opera house to-night. The meeting
wan well attended and unquallticd suppott
pltdk-cd the candidates ,
A TinrRo Iloril.
CiiEiaiiroK , Neb , , Juno 1. [ Special to TnB
BCR. ] Fourteen car loads of Texas sheep ,
2,5CO head , arrived hero to-day from Texas
by way of Chicago. It Is the largest /lock
over brought to this part of the statu and is
the property of Mr.V. . H. Buttcrliold of
Wisconsin. _
Voted tlio Franchise.
BEATHICE. Neb. , Juno 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THB BEB.I At a special city election a franchii o voted to the South
Beatrice street. railway comjiaiiy , which will
soon build about Iwoitnllcs ol track In the
south jiartof town. ' Bonds for * 12OCO wcro
also voted to pave lhvintcrsecUons of fitroots
In the Fifth street' nlxtflct and the district
west of the rlver.i lirlck for paving will
probably bo used , ' >
An Impdf'rYint Transfer.
NrnnAsicA CITT , Web. , Juno 1. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BVft ] Jncob Syclo to-day
purchased the Barmim houio property In
thl * city , from Willtnm Barnaby , of Beatrice ,
for a consideration or'$45,000. The bulldlnp
will bo Improved nWV furnished for n hoicl.
This is the largest real estate transaction
hero for a number of.'ycars ,
1'hiclicil 1lfo HemlllRht.
NitnnASKA CITV , "Neb. , Juno I. [ Special
Telegram to Tim BEK. ] Last night Oeorgo
Lncy approached J. Search , a commercial
traveler , and crabbing a diamond pin which
which sparkled on his nccktlo , started to run.
Ho wns arrested nnd this morning bound over
to the district court In COO.
Wniorworks For Aurora.
AtmoitA , Nob. , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram
to TUB ] The city council last nlglit
passed an orxllnanco calling for n special
election July 2 to vote PJ.\000 bonds for
waterworks. The proposition cnlls for the
slnudpipo and direct pressure system , with
two and ono-half miles of mams. The bonds
will cat ry.
IV111 Build nt Once.
BKVTIIICR , Nob. , Juno 1. [ Special Tolo-
grain to TUB BKB. ] Bonds for $2-J,000 for
building two now school houses In the Third
nnd Fourth wards having' unanimously car
ried , the board will commence building nt
once In order to have the building rauly for
the fall term of school.
llcformcd Presbj'terlnim Denounce
Sundiiy Papers nnd Church Fairs.
I'lTTsmnio , , funo 1. At this morning's ses
sion of the Koforined Presbyterian synod of
the United States , a resolution was passed
deprecating the publication of Sunday news
papers and instructing presbyters to prosecute -
cute by proper discipline all members who
advcrtisu in the same.
In the afternoon the committee on missions
reported In their opinion the present con
dition did not Justify un attempt to work
among the Indians on un extended scale :
adopted. The committee on presbyteries re
ported a membership of 10,007 nnd 121 con
gregations. Tlio committee on systematic
bcncflccnco denounced church fairs and en
tertainments In strong terms. Tlio report
Bald : "Tho tendency was altogether bad.
The giver satisfies his own conscience as
though hu bus bocn sacrificing to the Lord ,
when In fact howas only nerving his own
stomach. It was too much like bringing
the price of n dog or the hlro of
a harlot as an offering to God. " The com
mittee closed by recommending treasurers of
synods to refuse all money tendered as the
proceeds of Immoral methods. A lengthy and
heated discussion followed nnd the report
wns finally returned to the committee for re
vision. The following resolution was adopted ,
after which tlio synod udjournod until to
morrow morning :
Resolved , As our nation Is again entering
upon tlio intense n&tntion and excitement
incident to the olc lon of n president , wo
would timely and faithfully remind our people
plo that while wo nru' greatly encouraged in
our success for national reform , the time has
not yet como for us as n church to scccdo-
from our position or practical protest and re
fusal to Incorporate 'with a political body
since the conditions on wlilch this can bo
done are not hi the least changed.
Wanted In Chicn o an Witness In nil
Jmportniit Trial.
Pmi.AMi.i'iiiA , Jiinql. William J. Galla
gher , who was brought to this city from Chicago
cage n short time ago to answer the charge
of forgery , was admfttod this afternoon to
ball by Judge Tlnljer. District Attorney
Graham had rcp'olved letters from
A. Wygant , general 'agent of the Pacific
express company of Chicago , and Charles F.
Withrow , general solicitor for the Chicago ,
Hook Island & Pacific railroad company , in
which , it was stated , Gallagher is an Im
portant witness in tlio Schwartz and Watt
murder case pending before the supreme
couit. They were convicted of tlio murder
of Kellogg Nlckolls and robbing the express
company und wcro sentenced to Imprisonment
for life. They appealed for a new trial
which was denied and their cases went to the
supreme couit. No decision has boon
reached but should it bo favorable to them
Gallagher's testimony will bo very Important
and they felt his conviction nnd imprison
ment would impair it very much , If indeed it
were possible to secure it.
City Kntortixins
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Bnc. ] The 400 visitors from
Hastings , Nob. , were to-day shown about
the city by committees from the board of
trudo , stock exchange and Commercial club ,
treated to n ndo over the cable systems and
an informal banquet nt Chelsea park. The
day's programme concluded with u reception
at the Commercial club. It was the original
intention of tlio party to start on the return
trip to-inorrow morning , but Mayor Yocum
stated to-night that they would probably ro-
maln in the city until Sunday.
oVordiot In the Bordeaux AVrcclc.
Ciir.riiNNii , Wyo. , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram -
gram toTiio UBB.I A. coroner's investiga
tion of tlio Union Paclilo collision of May ! 50 ,
by which thrco employes were killed and six
wounded , resulted in ' n verdict exonerating
the company from nil bhimo and llxlng tlio
responsibility for the wreck upon John Hador
and Madscn , conductor and engineer of the
light engine of the passenger train. All of
the men injured in the collision are recover
_ _
Drowned In the Missouri ,
ST. Josui'ir , Mo , , Juno 1. [ Speioal Telegram -
gram to Tin : linn. ] Edward Turner , a la
borer , while boatrlding in the Missouri to
night In front of tlio city with his brother
nnd n man named George Oakes , was
drowned. The boat was caught by the strong
current near tlio shore nnd drawn under a
long sand bin go. The other two inoti were
rescued with dlfllculty.
Beware of worthless imitations of Dr.
Jones' Red Clever Tonio. The Ronulno
cures heiulueho. pllosi , dyspepsia , iifjuo ,
multirla , und is iv perfect tonic and
blood purifier. Price , 60 cents. C. fc\
Ooodiimn. , ,
Wreck on n IlnrllnKton Itond ,
KSTIIIIUVII.M : , In. , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BiiViioro : : ] was n serious
wrccK on the Burlington , Cedar Hnpids &
Northern yesterday , ij.foist across tlio Minnesota
seta line four miles icitst of ElHworth , the
rails were spread , cwjehig a freight train to
Jump the track. Thc'.c.ibooso nnd llvo curs
wcru smashed into 'kilidling ' wood , A man
by the numo ol Tuhnyfliving ut Elsworth ,
wan killed and Condu'otOr Parker and Brakeman -
man Forrest wcro horribly mangled , but will
recover. William Atwell , of Iowa Fulls , a
traveling man. had $ ie shoulder dislocated
and thrco ribs broken/
Drink Mullo it is' Umsnnt.
Shot His linuulktcr'H Soduoor.
HOUSTOX , Mo. , Juno 1. Gcorgo Brown ,
living about four miles west of this place ,
shot and killed Charles I'icrco , his son-lii-
law , this afternoon. .Pierco had sediicsa
Brown's daojrnter mm Jiud been forced to
marry her. Ho threatened to Icuvd her , nnd
that caused tlio murder.
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria ,
Wb n Baby w&s sick , we gave her Cajtoria.
When ehe tras A Child , she cried for Caetorio ,
When ( be Lwc me JlUa , sb clung to CoftorU ,
"When thetaul Children , ibe gare tbeia C _ tOri .
Juno 1. On receipt of the
nomination of General Sheridan to bo gen
eral of the army , the senate wont Into execu
tive session and confirmed the nomination ,
The senate then proceeded to consideration
of the Indian appropriation bill , A colloquy
took nlnco between Senators Plumb nnd
Bate in regard to the administration of the
ofllco of commissioner of Indian affairs , the
former asserting that the condition of tilings
In Indian Territory was worse now than it
had been for ninny years : that tboro never
wns a time when the traders so dominated
the Indian , when the Indian wns brought so
much in debt by the exactions of the trader ,
nnd when so much llmior was sold ; and that
the commissioner had no experience , wns ad
vanced In yours , and was unequal to the posl-
Ion. while. Mr. Bate defended the character ,
ability , honesty had ofllclcncy of the commis
sioner , and challenged the senator from Kan
sas to prove his assertions , which Mr. Plumb
promised to do.
The bill \vas , finally passed.
Adjourned. _
WASIIINOTOS , June 1. Mr. Splnota of Now
York renewed his effort to have passed the
sennto bill to revive the rank of general of
tlio army for tha benefit of General Shorldan ,
but Mr. ICIlgoro of Texas again objected and
It was laid over.
Under the call Of committees for reports ,
the ooraniittco on public buildings reported
bills to nuthorlro the construction of a public
building at Burlington , la , , appropriating
JIU.UOO for the completion of the public
building nt Pcoria , 111. , and Increasing the
npproprcntion for the erection of a publlo
building nt Winonn , Minn.
Mr. Mills of Texas , rising In his place ,
asked In the nnino of the confederate eol-
dlors , dead and alive , that tlio liouso consider
the Sheridan bill , but Kilgoro persisted In his
Mr. Sninola again nought to bring the bill
before- the house by asking consent to report
it buck from tlio committee on military af
fairs , ( It had been referred to that commit
tee after the preceding failure. )
Mr. Kilgoro was Induced to withdraw his
objection so fur ns to allow the report to bo
read , but Mr. Oatcs of Alabama promptly re
newed it.
The republicans , desiring to force Immedi
ate consideration of the Sheridun bill , re
sorted to dilatory tactics , nnd finally the ob
jectors gave way and the bill was taken up
anil passed.
Mr. Oatcs of Alabama went on record us
opposed to the bill.
The legislative appropriation bill was then
passed ,
The customs deficiency appropriation bill
was passed with tlio senate amendments
by the liouso committee. It now goes to the
senate once more. The house then went Into
committee of the whole on the tariff bill.
Mr. Mills of Texas moved that the house
into committee of the wnolo on the tariff
go , debate on the ilrst paragraph to bo
lluiitoll to twenty minutes.
By arrangement with Mr. McKInley , the
time for debate was extended to forty min
utes , und the motion prevailed.
The question was then put on tno Adams
amendment ( to substitute January 2 , 18SO ,
for July 1 , 1SSS , as the date of application of
the free list ) , and it was defeated yeas 81 ,
nays 118.
Mr. Buchanan of New Jersey then offered
an amendment to exclude foreign prison-
made iroods from entry.
Mr. Mills made a point of order that It was
not germane to the subject matter of the
The chairman ( Springer ) held the point of
order could only bo discussed bv unanimous
consent , inasmuch ns tlio time allowed by the
liouso. for debate and amendment on the para
graph had expired.
Mr. Heed , of Maine , gave notice ho would
appeal from the decision of the chair.
Mi- . Buchanan was mcnnwhilo permitted
to combat the point of order , but after ho
had concluded his remarks the chair decided
his amendment was out of order.
Proofs of tlio lumber business wcro then
made subject to discussion , nt tlio conclusion
of which the committee rose and pending
decision upon the Mills' motion to limit to
ten minutes further debate upon the para
graph , the house took u recess until Oo'olock ,
the evening session to bo for the considera
tion of private pension bill.
At the evening session the liouso passed
twelve private pension bills , nnd at 10:30 : ad
_ _
Gcot'go IloundB Goes There to Wed the
Choice ol' Hi * Heart.
A young lady from the vicinity of St.
Mary's ' avenue and Twcnty-llftji street , her
solicutous brother nnd a sympathetic male
companion hnunted the Union Pacific depot
and inquired with some Hhow of eagerness
as to the exact time of the arrival and de
parture of the dummy trains last night. The
woman in her excitement wns quito lo
quacious , and talked long nnd fust. She re
fused to give her name to Ofllccr Cullcn. but
the import of her icmnrks was to the olTuct
that a younger sister had eloped. It wns the
prevailing opinion that she tmd gene to the
Bluffs , nnd presumably had married
tliu man of her choice. She continued that
matrimony had been contemplated for some
time between the pair , und that they had
met with some opposition on tlio part of the
girl's family.
When tlio dummy train for the
Bluffs cnmo nlong tlio party boarded
it , nnd icturncd Inter in tbo even
ing with the Information Unit the bands
had been solemnized , und Unit their honey
moon would bo passed thoro. Then It leaked
out who the contracting parties nro. Tlioy
nro George KonmlB , son of the deceased pub
lisher and propilotor of the Republican , and
Miss Gusslo Tromiiine , of " 5U St. Mary's
nvonuo , u pretty and accomplished youug
Indy. _ _
Ripe , luciouH , sound fruit in tlio source
from which are derived VAN DUEEU'S
mlmixtui'o of chcmiculB , exquisite in
titbto , economic because highly concen
trated , pure and wliolchomo. Tlioy aroused
used widely in tlio households , hotels
and restaurant kitchens of this and
other Continents , and tlio bottles con
tain as may ho ascertained by com
parison more than tlio quantity hold
by other lluvoring extract bottles.
Nebrawka nnd lown PCIIHOIIH | ,
WASIIINOTOX , Juno 1. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Br.ii , I The following pensions wcro
granted Nobrasknns to-dny : Original In
valid John A. Uorryberry , Blm Greek , In
crease James 'Ireland , Fairbury. Ucissuo
Alphous W. IlogorH , Kearney.
Pensons for lownns : Original Invalid
Gcorgo J. Conano ( deceased ) Odobolt ; Hlcli-
ard Moore , Morrison ; Gilbert Groesbeck ,
Floyd ; Daniel Ebornolo , Winthrop ; William
Huso , Sohullor : James T. Foster , Lyons ;
Dennis Terry , Knoxvlllo. Restoration und
Increase Uobort W. Fryer , Spcnror , Increase -
crease Jacob H. Miller , Uuinoy ; Julius H.
Powers , Now Hamilton ; William J. Clark ,
Salnm ; Gcorgo H. Nichols , Dos Monies ;
Daniel Nowcomb , Trenton ; Culvm Culhinft ,
OscoQlu ; Frederick Dohrmnnn. Ljons. Mex
ican survivors Jesse Horlck , lliimeston.
The Flvo
Thcro were flvo fulp sisters and each had an
Flora would fain bo a fashionable clamo ;
Sdiolnrly Susan's selection was hooka ,
Coquettish Corn cured moro for good looks ;
Anna , ambitious , aspired after wealth ;
Sensible Sarah bought llrst for good health ,
So she took Dr , Piorco's Golden Med
ical Discovery and grow healthy and
blooding , Cora's beauty quickly faded ;
Susan's eyesight failed from over-study ;
Flora became nervous and fretful in
striving after fiu > hion , and a bickly fam
ily kept Anna's family poor. But sensi
ble Sarah grow daily moro healthy'
charming and intelligent , nnd she mar
ried rich.
i *
Drink Mallo for tlio nerves.
A U eles Theft.
Some thief sneaked Into the alloy botwocn
Douglas and Farnam streets Thursday night
where the Odorless pump outfit was lolt , und
helped himself to a guano , two bruss valves ,
a monkey Wrench and a hammer Those
article * will do the- thief but little good , but
ar wry valuable to the company.
OU , 80BM , 0 S1I IJMMM WU ftllIs
A Kmlrond
NKW YOIIK , Juno 1. Unexpected default
was mailo by the Minneapolis ft St. Louis
road , no funds being nvatlablo for the pay
ment of Intoacst on $350,000 of first mortgage
bonds on the Merrium Junction branch ,
1,015,000 llrst mortgage 7 per cents , and
$ 'V ' ! .OIX)7 per cent Southwestern extension
bonds. The Interest defaulted on amounts
to J3I.OOO. The roml was controlled by par-
tics Identified with the Uock Island directory
but they stated to-day they had severed all
connections with it.
Thirty yearn nnd moro of trial
Hhow that SOHODONT deserves
Public confidence completely ,
And its object fully nerves.
Snowy teeth , gums hard and ruddy ,
'Twill confer on everybody.
Itaft Hunt Kxplodcn.
WIXOXA , Minn. , Juno 1. The stcamor
Evniisvlllo , a raft boat , exploded u few miles
below hero this forenoon. Several wore
? C4ildod , but it is thought no fatalities will re
The Importance of purifying the blood can
not bo omoslliiiated , for without pure
blood you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly c\ery 0110 needs a
good medicine to purify , vitalize , and enrich
tlio blood , and Hood's Samparllla Isttoithy
your confidence. It Is peculiar in that it
strengthens and builds up the system , creates
an nppctltc , and tones tlio digestion , \\llllo
it eradicates disease. Give It a trial.
Hood's Bnrsiipaillla Is sold byalldnigglsts.
Prepared by C. I. Hood Ss Co. , Low ell , Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
Juilgo T. 0. MoLendon writes to tlio Bwlrt
Epccinc Co. , Allantn , On , under Unto of Feb
ruary 14,1853. "About tlirwjrear * ago , Jerry
rjr.iillcy , n colorcil men , liacl o cnnccrolin noreen
on Ms fucc , near tlio rltlit rjo. It cnusecl
him a great deal of jmln , and lie lost ( ho Eight
of the eye , but wai finally cured of the cancer
by the line of Gwlft'a SpeilQc. This cnsn li
well known In WllkviCo , Oo , wliprehft IhcJ
( near Dnnlmrj ) , mid of thli cute , I , mjiclf ,
bail personal Luowlodgc. "
Mr. I * Cor , of ArVahutla. Tate Co. , lIUi.
wrltci , Tebruary 2 < . 1SF3 " I eudcrcit a ( jrcal
deal from old ulcers for six year * . Y urr.ed >
Iclno wu rocnmmgnclcd to me , nnd after
UBliiff nix bottles , I wni completely cured. I
never daw Iti equal as n Illood rnrlOer. My
neighbors will u o no other. Your med'clns
dwjiofii more thanynuelalmforlt. I bars
known It to eurocasci which were tUouubt to
be lioiioiois. It la the best modlclno made. "
Mn. A , II. Cloldimlth , No. C74 Warren St. ,
Brooklyn , N. Y. , wrllcn , Tehruary , 16S3 i "I
comrnenctd udna B. H.8. about three yrari
igi > . I had tuffercd with a * ere throat forever
over a year , whou I coinmcuced ualnftjour
remedy , I Ufml n crcat iruny other rrnirdles
with no Rood rt'sulti. ) Iy little slrl , nl o , lintl
loreflneeni I It comtncuccd from the quick ,
anil thun ( ho ualla would como ofT. We doo-
torcd her fur oror two yc&r * , nnd when I com *
mrnced iirJni ; S. B B. I thoucl.t I wmild sea
whatlt would do furhor , I um thankful to
ay that U entirely cured her. It Is the beil
remedy I kuow of for tha blood , I rually
bellrvo It wn4 the means of navliiK my life.
The doctor told m I had n tlircmt ( Hgema
similar to Ocneral Grant's. I cheerfully
recommend U lo all suffering from ills *
ordernl blood , I use It ubw o a tonlo when.
vir I think I need It , "
11 r. II. I' , anoiRp , MIlfuM P. O. , Ellli Co ,
Texas , writes i "I had a cancarous wart or
mole on my oj 1IJ , ai largo as tha end of my
thumb , which had thn appuaraneo of cuneor ,
cauBlnK ma much jtolu and Inflammation ,
from which I suffered n lonK time , { totting
thn S , H. S , adrertl > od I commenced uiing U ,
and after tha ute of a few bottles tha ton
dropped out , my cancer was gone , nnd I wai
entirely relieved. "
Mr. O. W , r ttls , of Alkln , B. O , , writes I "I
wai A culTnrcr from * anct > r of the breast ,
and had ben under the Irealmtnl of ( lire *
physlclnnx , hut U did inu no good , It was so
bad that I had to st u wurlc. After taking
cour o of n. H. S. I was entirely cured , "
Trc tlceonll < xxl nnd ftklu DUcoms majlod
frac. Tu > Bwirr HrKcinu O ,
IJrawor 3. * tUnU , Ok.
DRS. 6. &
17'12 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colo.
Of tlio Mnnoum of Anntomv , Bt. I.ous | , Ilo. Mem.
tiers of Unlv r ltyCollciro Hospital , J , mfun , Ji. U.
ulesLii. Germany and New ynrk , Iiavlctf davotod
Uieir attention tpcclally to ttio trtul mum t < ? .
Ifore especially tliogo orlalnff from Jmprinlenofl. ln-
rlle nil BO fullVrln to lorreipomliltlioul delay ,
IHocnias of luii'Ulou and conljjlon cured eafoly oi 3
ipcullly ultliout UTO of dnngerum ilnu . I'atlruK
wlione co c8 bate been iieefi ttwi , Imrtry irentril or
pronoancecl Inrurublo , vlipuld not f > ll to wrltu ug
concerning tlirlr nyiuiitoiiu. All lettcn receive 1m-
tnodUito altrutlon.
And wtll bo m&llcil JfHUl ! fu any nrtrtre'i upon TO-
c l | > t oion 2-ccutetkmu , "rriifilful Olittirvftilini on
NtrjouJ Debility anil I'lil'vli-al r.zlmuiHlon. " A val
uable rnualcul IrcutUo wlilcli ebuulit bu read ty all.
17-12 Lawrence Slreflt , Denver , Cole ,
Ituoin 03 Traders' JIulUlIiiK ,
R0ferenccMetropollt ii National Dank.
li. U.Uua.'Cu. Ttie Urtilittcet C .
The onlv ronrt to tnk for nt.iMnlnn * . Marslmltoiru.
CeJnr llapld > , Clinton , Illion , CulcHito , Mllnnukva
and nil points Kant To the people of Nebraska , Oolo
rado , WjromlnK. Utah , IdnhiijNorada.Orocon. Wnnli-
Inatnn mid Cnllfornln , it olfcrs superior advnntagus
not poxllilo by miy other lino.
/Mnonit a few of the numoroun points of superiority
cnjojed hr the p trons of this road bctnoon Omalin
nd rhlcsgo. nre Its two trains a day of DAY
COACIIKBnlilch ara tha nnesttlml human artnml
. Its I-AliACUHl.Klil-INH
Ingenuity ean create. OAUH ,
wlilch nro models of comfort and elegance. Its I'AH-
l.OU DHAWINn ROOM CAKH. iii ] iin > fnt > ril by any ,
and It' widely eolobralod I'AI.ATIAI , IllNlNI ! GAUH ,
Ilin equal of which cnnnot bn found olsetthM * . At
Council UlulTsthn train * of the Union rivcllln Itall-
nny connect In union depot with there of U\o Chi *
capo A Northwestern Ily. In Chicago the trains of
IhU line make clone oonnccUon wltU these of all
oilier Kastern lines.
1-or Detroit , Culumhtti , Indianapolis. Cincinnati.
Niagara Kails , HuiTHIo , PHtibnrc , Toronto , Munircnl ,
lloston. New York , I'lilladelnhtn , Ilalllraorc , Wash
ington , uudnll points In tbo l.nst. Ask for tickets via
tb < >
If yea wl < h the best accnmtuodatlon. All ticket
Itcents sell llrkots vlu this lino.
11. UUUIIITT , It. V. W11.SON.
Ucn'l ilanaccr. Uen'l 1'ass'r Ajfcnt.
cnicAno , ILLS ,
W. N. I3AI1COCK , Oeti'l. Western AEont.
1) . K. KIMMAI.1.'lltket Aiiont.
U. K WKbl'.CIty I'nsKC
1101 Furuaiu St. , Omaha , Neb.
Its mnlu llnca and branches Include CHICAGO ,
POUT , cna uonrEs , COUNCIL UL-arra , vrun-
and scores of Inttinnodlnto cltloa. Choice of
routes to nnd from the raclflo Coast. All trans-
fore In Union , dopote. Faet trains of Fine Day
Conclion , clcBtuit Dlnlne Cora , ipagnUlccnt Full'
mau Palace Glccporo , and ( botvroon Chlcniio , St.
JoBopl ) , Atchlson and Hnneas City ) nccUnbm
Chair Cora , Boats Free , to holdora of through
flret-cloas tlckote.
Chicago , Kansas & NobrasUa R'y
"Croat Rock Island Douto. "
KztcndaWoBt and BouthwoBt from Knjieao City
and Ut. Joseph to KELSON. IIOIITOH , , BELLE.
zruTorrrNsoN , CALDWELL , anaaiivoiotsin
and beyond. Intlro paeoousor equipment of the
celebrated Pullman inanufQctaro. All uafoty op *
pllancos and modern Improvomonto.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
IB tha favorite betwen Ohlcniro , Itock leland ,
Atchlaon , Kansas City and Minneapolis and Bt.
Paul. Ito Wutertown branch travorsea the great
of Northern Iowa , Bouthweetern Minnesota , and
East Control Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Loko.
Elous Folio and many other town ) and cities.
The Short Line via Ooncca and Itankakoo offers
eupcrlor focllltloa to travel to and from Indian-
npolla.-Clnclnuntl and other Southern polpt > ,
ror Tickets , Ideps , Fcldors , ordoalrod Informn-
tlou , apply at any Coupm Ticket Offlco or addresa
Oou'l manager. Oen'l Tkt. & Paaa. Afit >
WIM1UU 011U111 Lliltt
Milwaukee & St Paul '
Chicago , , R'y.
Tlio Dost Hotito from Omali.i and Council
Clilrntjo , AND JlllnnnlcCe ,
SI. rniii , Minneapolis , ( /Vilnr Manilla/
Iloi'k Inland Jlockfbrd
, Prwport , ,
Clinton , Juliuiic ( | , Dnrciiport ,
Illgln , MadlMin , .InnoHvlllo ,
llololl , Ulnomi , l < n Crossp ,
And all other ftnportnril pulnti Kast , Northeuit n4
Fartlirouitli tloketi cull on ( lie ticket ient at
Knriioin etri'ft , lu iUrker llloolt , or ut Union racine
f'ullinan ' HleopcrB and tti flncit Dlnlnz I'nri In Iht
world ru run on the inuln line of tbu Chli jo. Ill/
vfniikcu It at I'aul llulltrtr , and nvcrr uttedtlpuU
imld to | > im unnori by louruoui viuplojrcn ci U )
j"K"'iTlVTHhft7AVii t ntfjmrral Mnnueor ,
A. V. It OAHI'KNTIIU , GDnerul I'luteaKer nfl
OI.O K llKAKVOltl ) , Axlitant Ooneral Tan
undllrktit AK < nt
J.T. UlM\uf : , Uenornl fiuvcrlatendcnt.
Ihl , tpteilicinrpjnccj fo
rMEKATIr * WfiKK B , llf-
ti.wlU , toothUi cuinmi of
" * , a n Bua BIIU , ifuruui nijf r jin , K.IICITIV
> -t lllnl4mlrcr f' > rfill I5.WX ) lo t L.
r * iDt < Vftr ll Cftbvr t ll . vroiil m i p r
A NKW WOIIK 'Die most ix > mplete uvor pub-
hahml.derottd to the purchase aiuUilc of ntock .
bondu , etc. Dfclbloiu of the courts ratfiinllni
Htock kales , liroltur * and bucket uliont , mnnlpu-
latlon of tlio stork iii.irkct , causes or panic , vie ,
How , when , and wliut to purchase and s U.
fiend poatpttlrt on roc-olpt of We. , l > y th
BTANIMIU ) I'UIU.lBlUNa CO. , Albany , N. Y.