Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Cohool Conous Figures As Returned
By the Oountlos.
A Stone Qimrrrninn Fllca n Complaint
Against the U. & ! > ! . A Uluutotl
Nebraska I niullor < l State
Ifotino Items.
tu or THE OMAHA. BKR , )
10-JJ V SrnmiT }
LINCOLN , May 31. J
The now census of the school population in
Nebraska , as taken 'annually , is nearly ro-
cclvotl complete at the ofllco of tlio stnto sup-
crltitcmlcnt. Tha tlmo for receiving1 returns
is past , but there yet remain the counties of
Box Uuttc , Cedar , , Dixon and Wliooler to
make reports. If tlicso counties do not re
port In a few days the loss will bo tholr own ,
for the apportionment of utata funds will bo
made nJuno 1 , In round numbers the school
population in the stuto shows nn Increase for
the last year of about thirty thousand. The
largest Increase ) h made by Douglas1 countyi
Lancaster shown an increase of 1,000. The
following are the returns by counties :
Adams DUl.lohnsou ( ! II.UIT
Antelope 4OI3Koith Olf.
Huftulo. . 0.423 Kcnrnoy aK , ( > 7
Jllnlno ICcyu Palm . 1,71X3
Hoono ; ! u. ; ( . ) ICiiox . ! ) , ia. )
Hrown. _ 2.II15 Lancaster . lfi.432
Hurt . 3.09 Lincoln . 3.45S
Uutlor . C.iai'Loui ) . 533
Cuss. . . . . . . . . . . 7,470 Logan . 34,1
Choyenno. . 8,01.1 Madison . 4,34 !
Cherry . 1.27 ( Mcrrluk
Cbuso . 1,101 Nnnco. . 1,451
Cloy. . * 5bCll , Nomahn 4,550
Colfux 4,1-15 Nuckolls
Uumiiig . 3.VJ Otoo . 7.S03
Custor . 0,438 I'awnco . 3,05)0 )
Da\vson . 2,1118 Perkins . 1,218
Dinrcs . . . . . . 2,241 Philips
Dakota 1,1)29 ) Plcrco lri7I (
Dodge 5.WKI Plntto 5,157
Douglas 23,121) ) Polk 3,051
Dundy l,032Ilrd Willow. . . . 2,802
Fillmore 5,523 Richardson 0,721
Franklin 2.KW Saline 7ill ; (
Frontier 2,311 Sarpy 2,123
Furnas 0,42s Sauuders 7,703
Giigo 11,010 Sioux 433
Garflold fi2o Seward DG52
Greelcy 1,023 Sherman 2,25'J
Gospcr. lr > 00Shcridnn | 1,885
Hull 5'J40jStanton 1,403
Hamilton 4,727 Thayer 4,150
Harluu 3,00-1 Thomas 37
Hayes l,020VmIoy 3,333
Hitchcock Ib87 Washington. . . . 4,417
Holt 0,45)1 ) Wnyno 1,108
Howard ,2t)0 ) Webster 3,8M
Jefferson 4.5K ) . * ) York- . ( ! 54
In the continuous struggle for figures to
provo which is the third city In the state the
school population of a number of the cities
will not bo passed by. It will be remem
bered that this population fs by the school
districts of the city which sometimes extend
Ijcyond the city limits , therefore the record
is not an" infallible test. The school popula
tion of the following places is returned as
follows : Nebraska City 8,113 , Hastings
2,063 , Grand Island 2,025 , Plattsmouth 1,893 ,
Kearney 1877 , Fremont 1,030. The figures
for the school district of the city of Beatrice
were not compiled by themselves , so the
school population of that place is not re
Wm. A. Gwycr , of Omaha , has filed a com
plaint against the B , & M. with the state
board of transportation. Mr. Gwyor recites
Unit ho Is the owner of extensive stone
quarries ono and a half miles up the Platte
river from the town of La Platte , ' in Sarpy
county. It will bo remembered that years
ugo , when the B. & M. from the Platte river
to Omaha was the Omaha & Southwestern ,
thut when It reached the Platte river it ran
for six miles up the river on the north bank
to Cedar Island , wliero for a tlmo n ferry
was in use. After the B. & M. took posses
sion of the road this six miles of
track was taken up and the crossing
iniulo at Oreapolis. Mr. Gwyer states
that when this line of road was in operation
that a largo amount of money was oxiended
iiLOpenlng and working the quarries , and
tlmt owing to the 13. & M. taking up the
track his quarry lias been greatly Injured ,
rendering it very uxponslvoto nhip from it.
In Ills complaint Mr. Gwyer says of the B. < fc
M. that "Thoy have frcqucnty boon impor
tuned to restore tba track , and a vast amount
of iinnual business 1ms been promised them ,
und yet they utterly refuse to do so , being
either Instigated by the devil or some other
occult reason , " Continuing , Mr. Gwyer
says : "I can readily surmlso that some of
tlio ofllclals of the road are Interested in some
other quarry , mid hence their private inter
ests override their ofllclal duty. " For these
reasons ho asks that Uie board assist him in
getting Justice.
Yesterday Colonel Joseph Alex Connor of
Plattsmouth was in the city on route homo
from a visit to bis lauded possessions in
Btnnton county. The colonel lias n tract oi
between live and six thousand acres in that
county , and ho has embarked in a series of
Itnprovunts this year. Ho has at present
some seventy-live teams on the land engaged
in the work of breaking up 2,500 acres of the
ground preparatory to having a little corn
Hold of his own. Ho has hud 800 acres pre
pared heretofore , which , with liis new
ground will give him n Held of 800 , ! ! ncrcs.
He will build houses for tenants nnd will bo
inado a baronet ut an early day.
Governor Thayer wns at homo yesterday
fjuslly engaged in his ofllco after his visit to
Captain J. E. Hill , prlvatn secretary to the
governor , goes to his homo nt Bcatrico to-day
to attend the high Hchool commencement.
The board of public lands and buildings
will go to Nebraska City to-morrow to puss
ilium nnd accept the now building at the
liliml asylum.
To-day was ono of the meeting days for the
3'crStarIcs of the board of transportation
Secretary Mungcr cuuio from Fremont in the
morning , and tlio others being absent , ho returned
turned in the afternoon.
General A. V. Cole , of the adjutant gpii-
cral's ofllco , mis gone to his homo at Junlata
to remain until niter Sunday.
K. T , Gurland , Arcadia. Vulloy county ; F.
\V. Lyuinn , Fremont , Djdgo county ; Wllllan
Q. Gramley , Muntaskct , Buffalo county ;
Joseph Parker , Bralnard , Butler county , anc
Alboi t Wllllngoring , Newport , Brown county
were I'ommlsuloned as notaries public by tlu
governor to day.
The Overtoil Building association of Over
ton , Dawson county , liled articles of Incor
Iteration to-dny with the feiirotary of btato.
The capital stock is 13,000 , in bhares of & > 00
each , and the iiicorporutors ure W. II. Humll
ton and ten othori.
General Manager Holdrcgo , of the B , &M , .
has answered the complaint of II. J. Youson ,
of Lowell , Ifvarnoy county , that was illeil
with the board of tranxportation. Mr. Hoi
drcge says tlmt the company will put m n
dike to turn the water through the bridge
which will prevent any ovorJlow of the com
plitluont'tt lund in the future.
A special Missouri i'acillo tr.iln pulled into
1 Jncolti this morning bringing Juy Gould , S
H. 11. Clark aud other Missouri Pacilio
oftlclulH , distinguished visitors put In an
hour and a luilf of time in the vicinity of tha
station looking over the company's yards
nnd grounds in n desultory way. A number
of citizens visited tbo magnates , but extracted
little Information concerning present or
future movements. Tim stereotyped reply
to all who communicated with them was that
it wns simply tire annual tour of the ofllclals
over the road , with no particular blgiiillcancu.
There is a cone nil opinion hero thut the link
between this city and the Crete line , nine
miles south , will bo built thin bousoii , but no
dotluito information on Unit question was
gleaned from the visitors.
Tlmt Tired Kocllnjj
Allllcta nearly uyory one in the spring
The systum having become accustunuu
to the bracing ui. * of winter , is weakened
oned by the warm ilu.ys of the changing
season , and rcudily yields to attacks o
dioouso. Hood's Sarsapurilhi is just the
medicine needed. It tones and build
up every part of the body. , and also ax
mils all impuriUcd from the blood. Tr ,
It this
United States Court.
The case of Darst against Hoggs St Hill ,
VM hoard before Judge Dundy yesterday
and given to the Jury at noon. The case in
volves the tltlo to lot 3 , In block 81. The
> laintlll claims the ttUo to the lot by direct
deed tltlo from the United States , whllo the
defendant claims n deed through , the same
tax deeds that were quieted by n suit previ
ously brought in the district court , the stat
ute of limitation and the maintaining of open ,
exclusive , absolute and adverse poswMlon of
Improperly for over ten years under this
tax title.
MAir.ixo AH ontcr.NE MTTBIU
James Stewart , charged with sending ob-
icono literature through the malts , was tried
joforo Judge Dundy yesterday afternoon.
Stewart had sent a letter to the postmaster
at Cheney , Nob. , which began : "Sir , I wish
to inform you of the. kind of blood of your
neighbors , " The letter then gnvo what pur
ported to be soma of the family and personal
History of said neighbors when they lived at
Cambridge , In. The language was most
disgustingly filthy , nnd made out the Cam
bridge family n set of creatures with whom
the beasts of the field would bo
nihamed. to associate. Tlio letter charged
Lho object of its attack with many evidences
] f moral leprosy. It mentioned fourteen
illegitimate children and placed their patern
ity in the members of two families. In ox-
[ ilnnation of his conduct Stewart said ho had
writtch the latter as an act of defense
against the narrating nbuso nnd.vlllillatlon
of the persons ho wrote about , or , in other
words , "to got oven. " Judge Dundy let him
oft with a line of $100 and costs , because of
the family dependent uj > on him for supirart.
In passing scntnnco the court said : "If all
the citizens were like those you have de
scribed you bad bolter not twit them of it
through the mail. Tlio lightest imprison
ment of .thli crime is for ono year , but
that might punish your family more than
you. you are lined $100 nnd costs of prose
cution. Lot this bo a lesson to you.
Tlio case of Karl Ley against William
Groncwcg * , vus taken up. Ley was n grocer
at Stanton , this state , but lie failed. Ho
was taken to Council Bluffs and indicted for
obtaining goods under false pretenses of the
wholesale tlrm otGronowog & Schoentgcn ,
but the Jury acquitted him. Ley now sues
Gronowcg for false Imprisonment , nnd iisks
for damages in the sum of $12,000.
District Court ,
The preliminary work of securing a Jury
in the case of the state against Ryan , for the
murder of Mrs. Helen Howard , was con
cluded Tuesday evening- and the work of try
ing the case was begun yesterday morning.
There were about ono hundred people pres
ent in the court room when the court or
dered the state to call their first witness.
Among the spectators wore only three
women. Mrs. Scott and her daughter , the
mother and sister of the deceased , did not
make theln appearance in the court but re
mained in a moro secluded part of the build
ing. Mrs. Scott is a delicate woman about
sixty years old and was dressed in deep
mourning. The sister of the deceased is a
pleasant looking girl of about eighteen and
was dressed in half mourning.
Itynn appeared in the same ministerial
garb ho were Tuesday and was as neatly
trimmed and linishcd in his dress as if ho
were appearing on his wedding-day , rather
than as u criminal to bo tried , for murder ,
Ryan's brother occupied n scat inside of the
bar , nnd took u close interest in all the pro
Before the first witness was called , Dennis
Cunningham , one of the Jurors , stated to the
court that ho was mistaken in his answer
when being examined for the Jury , and on
the statement of tlio fact that ho was ac
quainted with the deceased , ho was excused
from service on the Jury , and a special
venire of ten men was ordered by the court
from which to select .the twelfth Juror. The
jury wns filled at 10:40 : by the swearing in of
James Doyle and Mr. Conover , nnd
the case was presented to the
Jury for the state nnd defense. The attorney
for the state reviwed bricily the history of
the relation of the defendant to tlio Scott
familyand the deceased , and his associations
with them , and the history of the case. The
attorney for the defendant in presenting his
side of the case spoke of the family of his
client , his associations with the deceased , ex
plained the law and what constitutes murder ,
dwelt nt length on the character of the de
ceased as being a woman who was accus
tomed to making appointments to meet men
nt wine rooms nnd Unit from tlio facts in the
case itself they would endeavor to provo
their client's innocence.
Dr. George B. Ayers was the first witness
called for the state. On direct examination
lie testified that he is a physician in this city
and made the post mortem examination of
the deceased tlio next day after the shooting
occurred. Ho stated that the ball entered
the , left breast through the cartiicgo of the
sixth rib and passed in a slightly 'upward
course through the heart and lodged in the
back. This examination was made at Droxcl
& Maul's ofllco.
There word no now facts brought out in the
Henry Doty was the next witness called.
Ho stated that ho was n member of the linn
of Doty & Darst and wns acquainted with
Ryan , the defendant in this case. Ho was in
the saloon when the shot wns ilred and saw
the defendant soon after. Ryan stated there
and then "I shot her , but I did it accidental
ly. " "I heard n scream come from the back
part.of the house , " continued the witness ;
"soon after I heard the pistol shot. They
were in wine room No. 't. I had further
conversation with Ryan j ho walked up and
down the saloon until an olllcor came and
took him away. "
The witness was shown n diagram of his
saloon and wine rooms by which ho explained
to the Jury the outline and arrangement of
the saloon mid wine rooms. "Tho iirst inti
mation I had that anyone wns in the wine
room , " he wild , "WIIH when I hoard the pistol
shot. The llrstono 1 saw iwas Mrs. Howard ,
who was standing in the wine-room door. I
heard her ) say. i'Tm ' shot1 ! It was then
that Ryan said ho hliot her , but did not in
tend to. ' " Ho stated that ho hud seen Ryan
and Mrs. Howard in his wine rooms at least
half a dozen times , and the most friendly
relations always existed between them.
Joseph Ulaelnvell , the porter in the saloon ,
was then called. He tcstilied that ho was in
the saloon the night the shooting took place
and when ho heard the pistol bbot rushed to
the room. Mrs , Howard opened the door
Just us he-reached it and exclaimed that she
was shot. Ryan handed mo n pistol that I
think U the same one you show mo.
There were no now facts developed In the
cross examination of the witness and the
court adjourned until after dinner.
DAt the opening of court in the afternoon
there was a larger crowd present than in the
morning , and several moro indies were in at
tendance. A youui : man by the numo of
Luck , who occupied wmo room No.
0 thn night tha shooting took
place , was the Iirst witness put on the stand.
He tcstillud that ho was in the wine room
drinking a glass of beer when the shooting
took place , nnd that prior to the shooting ho
heard no noise in No. 3 , not oven the sound
of voice
Thorn s "Ross was the next witness. Ho
was in the MI loon when the shot was Ilred.
Ho tea tilled that when the shot was 11 red he
rushed to the wine room door anil fnund.Mrs.
Howard standing in the wine room door and
Ryan was standing inside of the room. "I
heard her any'I'm bhot.1 I then saw Ryan
step out of the room past her and
warn into the front of the saloon.
1 saw Mrs. Howard begin to fall and caught
her on my arm and placed her on a chulr In
the room. She full from the chair to the
lloor , and wo placed her on it again , but she
was so limp that she could not remain on it.
and fell to the lloor again.
There were no now fucti brought out In
his cross examination and Mrs. Scott , the
mother of the deceased , was put on the
stand , She testified to Ryan's coming to
her house us u roomer and boarder. She
atatcd that Ryan was a soldier when lie
catne to her house nnd that her daughter ,
Mrs , Howard , was not at homo at the time.
"I never knew them to bo together , " she
said , "only the day before she wns killed.
She was then talking of gohig awiiy , and
was arranging to leave , When she. told him
she was going away , ho said , l If you go , you
will go u corpse,1 Ho had n pistol in hU
hand then. That U the ilrst time I over
heard him threaten her. She was going
nway the next day or Monday. Helen
worked hard all day , and loft the house in
the evening to go down to her uncle's. "
On cross-examination , Mrs. Scott testified
that she and her daughter went out fre
quently with Mi1 , Ryan , and that her daugh
ter twas out n uunibur of liim-s alone ,
whcu she did not know where she was.
Willie Scott , Winsome uud pretty , a half
sister of the deceased , next took the stand
nnd related the same story of the episodes
previous to the tragedy heretofore , told in
THE BCB. Yesterday Willie was moro ner
vous than on previous occasions when she
had been on the stand , and became agitated
nnd mlxod up under the close questioning of
Attorney Offut.
Mr * . Josephine Hasklns followed , and gave
an intcrestingnndgrnphlcdcscrlption of what
she know about the shooting. According to
her story she was prompted by female In-
quisitlvonoss to follow Ryan nnd Mrs. Howard
Into Doty & Darst's on the memorable night.
She took n seat In the room adjoining them ,
and heard thorn kiss each other and Bponk
endearing words. She heard Mrs. Howard
ask Ryan , "How longit would bo before
they would bo hniipy together , " and appeal
to him for money. To this Ryan replied.
"It will not bo longmy darling , nnd I will
litivo some money for you in a few days as I
expect some from homo. Then , " continued the
witness , this premise was sealed with n kl s ,
and I looked through a crock In the partition
through which I could plainly sea Mrs. How
ard nnd Ryan. The latter came toward Mrs.
Howard , who turned her head and rcmarkedi
'what's that ! ' Thinking , " continued Mrs.
Hawkins , "that I had been discovered , I
stepped back and then heard the report of
the pistol. I was frightened and made my
way out into the hall , and mot ono of the pro
prietors of the place whom I told an accident
had occurred. Just then the door to the room
in * which Itynn and Mrs , Howard were was
opened , nnd the Utter cried 'I'm shot,1 and
fell to tno Hoer dead. Ryan still held in Ills
hand the smokihg pistol , which ho turned
over to the proprietor of the saloon * " Mrs.
Haskins acknowledged that she had pre
viously frequented these wine rooms , was
living apart from her husband , and had be
fore seen Ryan and Mrs. Howard there.
Dr. Webber nnd W. Scott , the stcp'-father
of the deceased , next gave their testimony.
Nothing now was disclosed by them.
At 0 o'clock the prosecution rested and at
0:1)0 ) this morning the defense will take up
their side of the caso. In the meantime the
Jury ia under the surveillance of Deputy
Sheriff Grebe , and are fed nnd lodged away
from public ga2o and influence. When the
Jurymen were notified that they were to be
Kept In confinement they were astonished ,
nnd everybody in the court was surprised.
The only explanation for this unusual move
Is that the lawyers and court deemed it best
for nil concerned.
Charles Wheeler gives as his cause for
wanting the marriage vows existing between
himself mid his wife Ella dissolved , that In
18SO at Mcndota , 111. , she took liberties with
a man contrary to the commandments and
laws of morality. When Charles discovered
that Ella was untrue to him he packed up
his effects and has lived apart from her ever
Edward C. Thicsing wishes the bonds of
matrimony existing between him and his
wife Aloxina annulled , as she dcscrtcd'hlm
two years ago and continues to insist on re
maining away from his bed and board.
Aaron Goldman yesterday brought suit
against Constable Sullivan to recover a stock
of groceries in tlio store at the corner of Six
teenth and Grace streets reuleviuod by the
Amelia Michcls sets forth that her hus
band , Conrad , was cruel to her and hurled
vile epithets at her at the same time. She
deems these sunlciont grounds for a divorce ,
which she demands , together for full posses
sion of her two children , Georgiana , aged
seventeen years , nnd Dorothea , twelve
years old. They were married April 3 , 1870 ,
in the city of Now York.
DKFoiti ; junac DOANH.
The case of Patrick against the Omaha
Horse Railway company was rtillon trial
The assignment bpforo his honor to-day
is the case of Moore against Berka : Burn-
stein against Mungcr ; Patterson against
The case of Gallagher against Schroder
will bo. concluded this morning before Judge
County Court.
The Jury in the case of Jacob E. House
against George R. and others re
turned n scaled verdict Tuesday night that
was opened yesterday morning. It gives the
plaintiff $200.
A claim was tiled before Judge Shields
asking the court to liuvo Lewis S. Reed ,
guardian of Bessie Maun , furnish suBlciout
money from the estate belonging to her for
her cducation-und care.
Max Meyer was yesterday appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of William A.
Evans , deceased.
Louis Bradford complains that L. Mc-
Greer & Co. ewe him $295.35 on a promissory
note , in which sum ho asks Judgment
against them.
A Well-Known Physician
has said : "Tho best and. purest toilet
soaps are tnaclo by Americana. " Cashmere -
moro Bouquet an American &oap.
The internal revenue collections yes
terday amounted to $9,403.01.
Its superior excellence proven In millions of
homc-3 for moro than n quarter of a century. It
Is used by tlio United States ( iovomnu-nt. Ku-
donwl by the heads of the great universities an
tha Ktrangeftt , purest aud healthful. Jr )
Price's Cream lluktiiK Powder does not contain
nmmonlu , llmo or alum. Sold only in cans ,
New Vort. Chicago. St. Louis ,
Paxton Block Rooms 314 S315
The following CHSM are ft few out of the muny
tlftit have boon succ * * * fully treated by Dr. Smith
since ho c mo to Omahi } ,
Jim. I ) , aged 47 years ; d.irtlmlr ami eye ? . '
applied to Dr. Smith -May 10 : cnmplnlncd ot tno
Hollowing irmptomfl : T U wonk nml languid ;
vpmltctl mucous minified wHh dark masses
mmllar to codes groundft. On making A close
examination , two hard knots were discovered
near the pit of the stomach. She complained
ot much hjrst , and for several months had vom
ited ImmWlMoly after eating or drinking. Skin
yellow and dry : body very much emaciated.
IUgno < l8 , cancer of the stomach. Treatment
was commenced on May 10 , three days later the
rnnutlng Inul entirely ceased and It has not re
turned. Patient hoa been improving from the
lint and will recover.
John 1C ft I years old ; dark hair , gray crest
Had sufforca from constipation since n child ;
stools dry , sometimes bloody and oftentimes
they were In round , hardball ! ; dry hard stool ,
toolarjje. For the past four years hod sutTorca
from piles ; complained of a uull headache , Irri-
tnhlo , sleepy after pating , did not sleep well at
night : dysireptic. Tills boy applied , to Ir. Smith
and was cured.
Miss 1'Iant aged 10 years , has suffered for the
past three years from chlorosis ; she waspalo
nnd bloodless ; hail no color in her llpioroars ;
was always cold , no matter how warm the
weather might be ; she was always tired and
languid ; she would got up In the morning foolIng -
Ing worse tlinn when she wont to bed the night
before : Mio had a bad tnsto In her mouth ; felt
better In the open air : could not bear to bo In
a warm room ; her nppetlto was capricious ;
longed Tor alato pencils and chalk ; ho was be-
couilug dropsical ; her face and hands were
swollenin the morning : hcrmcustmal functions
were Irregular : suffered from noso-bleed period
ically. . Miss Plant applied to Ur. Smith when
liu llrst came to Omaha , aud is now convales
The Doctor Is performing many very remarkable -
able cures , and the sick and the allllctcd will not
bo elicited or defrauded out oC n cent. Dr.
Smith has done mnro for poor sick people tlian
any physician In this state. Consultations frco
fro.n 0 n. , m till 5 p. m. dally , except Sundays.
Go and nuvu your health. IIUSTOUKO while you
have an opportunity. . . . ,
People Who are tioor and destitute will bo
treated ff ee of charge every morning from 8 to
0 o'clok.
.AHSrplillltlcDIioasen , of recent or long standing.
In from ton to fifteen daya.Vo will Rive written
guarantees to euro nnr CDS o or rofuml jrour mqncr.
Ana wo would > a7 to tbosa who hayo employed tno
most Skilled Physician ! , used ovorr known ramgdy
and hnvo not been euroJ.tbat Ton are the sabloots wo
are looking for. You that have boon to the oolo-
brated Uot Spring ! of Arluniia , and have lost ail
bopo of rocoTorj , no
orrcfiko no cbnrgo. Our romeflr Is unknown to anyone
ono In the world ontslaa of our company , and Ilia
tba only remedy In tlio world that will euro you. Wa
will euro the most obttlnate euro In losa ( ban onu
month. Sorcn days in roeint cum does tbo work. It
Is the old , chonle , dcop-teated oatos that we solicit.
We bare cured hunOrcilJ who hare teen abandoned
by Physician j and pronounced Inoumblo , and
We Challenge the World
to brine us acaiothatwa cannot euro In less than
ono month.
Since tba history ot medicine , a True Bpeclnc for
Syphilitic Eruptions , Ulcers , gore Mouth , &c. , ba >
been sought lor but narcr found nntll
Our Magic Remedy
was discovered , nnd wo are lustlflod In saying It Is tbo
only remedy In tbo world tnat wilt posltlTely cure ,
Iiocuusotho latest medical works , published by tbe
bctl known authorities. Bur there was never a true
specific before. Oar remedy Is the only medicine In
tun world tbat will cure wnrn everything else hat
failed , it has. bein BO conceded by a largo number of
Celebrated I'byslclans. IT HAa NEVER YET
TOCUKK. Why waste your tlmo nnd money wltb
patent inrdlclnei tbat neror had virtue , or doctor
with physicians that cannot euro you. You tbat bare
tried everything olio should ooroo to us now and got
permanent relief : you never can got It elsowhern.
Mark what wo Buy : In the end you must Uko our
remedy or NCVEH recover. And > ou that have been
iifnictud but n short time should by all means corn *
to us now. Many get help and think they uro free
from tbe dlseaeo , but In one , two or three years after ,
It uppoais again in a moro horrible form.
Investigate our financial standing through the mer
cantile agencies and note tbat wa are fully topensl-
bio and our nrltun guarantees are pood. We have a
HEUEUY prepared on purely Bclontlda Principles and
wo wish to repeat that It NXVKU. VAILS TO CUBE. All
letters aacredly cousacntl&J.
Rooms 10 and 11 , TJ. S. National Dnai , IZth and
1'uruam Sts. Callers take el orator on Fnruam
Street ; to second floor. Koom 11 for ludlcs only
01 * THK
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio Best Ilouto from Omaha and Council
Blulft to
- = = THE EAST = = = -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Fnul , Minneapolis , Cedar Kapids ,
Ruck Island , Frccport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , JanesTille ,
Uclolt , Wlnuna , La Crosse ,
And oil other Important points Kast , Northeast and
For through tickets call on the ticket agent at 1S01
Kariiam struct , In Darker Illock , or at Union 1'aclUo
llillmnn Bleopon itnd the finest DiningCL _ .
world ro run on tbe muln line ot the Chicago , Mil
vruukco & at. 1'uul Uallwajr , and uvcry nttentlon Is
lialit to iiasaeniiorj by courteous vuiplojrcs cl Ui
" ll.'Miri.KU.Gonoral .
' ' _ Manager.
, . 'V. 'i'u'cKKHrAVsiit'linfOcnoral Slnuisor.
A. V. U. UAIU'lINTEH , tioucrul I'tuteaaei and
Ticket AKvnt.
OKO , K. IIICAKFOIU ) , A Jl tunt General . "
* J.T , CJlt& ° &e'noral Superintendent.
in MONTH cun bo made work
ID IIIK for in. Agent * proforro'l
who cun furnish their turn horse * imd glvu Uiulr
whole tlmu to thu hiibtnoiu. pnru momenta miiy bo
proirtably employed iilsii. A low vauincltn In towns
ami rlllot , II. K Jdiivmis. * Ui ) . , lll/JSluln St. , UlcU
rnontl , Vu. Mention the Ouiuhu Deo.
contains Mr. George Kennan's paper on "The
Plains and Prisons of Western Siberia , " in which
the writer describes his visit to the forwarding
prison at Tiumen , where , in accommodations for
800 , he found nearly 1800 prisoners. The illus
trations are from sketches and photographs by
Mr. Frost , who accompanied Mr. Kcnnan in his
Siberian trip. These articles on
are attracting the attention of the civilized world.
They are being translated into foreign languages
and are appearing serially in European and
Asiatic newspapers , among others the organ of
the Russian liberals , published at Geneva. The
June CENTURY includes the following among its
A richly illustrated paper , "A Printer's Para A tfuJJy KoaJirt Sttiria.
dise , " by Theodore L. Do Vinne , describing the Front tkt Frontiipitct tf tkt
Plantin-Morctus Museum at Antwerp j "The Philosophy - Juui CENTURY. < ,
losophy of Courage , " an interesting paper by General Horace Poiter ; "What
We Should Eat , " a suggestive article by Prof , W. O. Atwater ; " Matthew 1
Arnold's Criticism , " by John Burroughs ; two capital short itories by Grace
Dcnio Litchfield and Hrander Matthews ; "The Ranchman's Rifle on Crag
and Prairie , " by Theodore Roosevelt , illustrated by Remington ; etc. , etc. In
the Lincoln History the reception of the news of the battle of Wall Run by
President Lincoln is graphically described by Messrs. Nicolay and Hay. e
All dealers sell THE CENTURY. Ready everywhere on the first day of the month.
Price * 35 cents. Published Uy TJIB CENTURY Co. 33 East ith Street , Ncw-Yoilc ,
If you have not yet bought your Summer Suit you are the gaiuor. Competition and
bad weather have lowered the price of Iho finest goods and oven the moat economically
inclined if ho knows where to buy.can dress well and not go beyond the amount ho fools
ho can afford to spend.
Wo have made a deep cut in prices and you now have a chance of buying the finest
Suits in our stock at ono third less than early in the season. It is a genuine and severe
reduction from honest prices , and every visitor will find it so. Wo cannot mention all
the Suits that are marked down and can not enumerate all the bargains wo are offoring.
You couldn't tell by seeing Suits advertised at so and so much whether they are cheaper
or not. The only way is to investigate. See the Suits in our window. Como in and
examine them ; they speak for themselves bettor than any advertisement can do.
TV f" 1 *
we inuko prices thab no other house ctiu duplicate. Our 95o Flannel Conb and Vests nre having a hia run. Nothing
like it was ever scon. They ore in beautiful piittarna ; well made nnd lit elegantly. They look nnd will wear
as good as any J5.00 garment. Wo also show a splendid line of. Seersuckers at the same price 9oc for Coat nnd
Vest. No cheap trash , hut gro I goods , which will keep color and are honestly made. Another hig bargain in the
line of Summer Clothing is tliH fine , genuine Mohait Coat and Vest we ave oilering nt $2.50. You could not buy
that Coat and Vest anywhere else for less than $ -1.00 , and we doubt if you can get it for that.
Summer Neckwear is almost given away. Those of our old customers who remember
the sensation we caused last year with our 25c a dozen Scarfs , will be pleased to hear that
we have them again this season ; larger shapes and finer patterns. To now customers wo
will say that they are just such Scarfs as every store sells for no less than lOc or 15c a piece.
Wo sell you a whole dozen for 25c. Only one dozen to a customer at a time.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
The largest , fastest and HncYt In the world
Passencar accommodations unexcelled.
New Torb lo Olunironr vluXondonclFrnr
DKVONIA. . JUNK loth ETHIOPIA , . . lirr.YItU
Tbo Calobratad I Largest ami finest lasJUMBUth |
Steamship sensor Steamer In Jur.TUth
CITY Ol' HOMB | tbo World. I Ann. 6th
Baleen passage to fllasgotr , Dcrry. Liverpool. Uolfiut
or Quotmstown.SoO ami upwards per Ulft'jjow faujnm-
ore. &U and upwards for Cltv of llomo. Second-clnsj
KM. Heturn tickets ut reduced rates made arnllnblu
torolthor route , ottering oxrurslonlsta the Drlvllcgo
of seeing the North and South of Irulund. tbo Hirers.
Mor.toy und picturesque Clyde. btecr.tKU ? 3J. Anchor
Line drafts paynhlo Iron of cliiirgo. aold at lowoit
rates. Kor boor ot lours , tickets or further Informa
tion apply to
HENDEEON BROS. , 72 Li Sallo St. , Chicago.
Or to any of our local asoiitt.
Do not buj/ any more "JPooiItnbbcr
IIosc , " butpnt I/out' money In
"Spiral" Cotton Hose ,
Holder , cheaper and better than tJia
bcstrnbber hose.
Made on the same principle a the rnblier-
Inod hose used In Plro Departments , which last
The cotton duck used In all rubber hose draw s
In wati'r. wherever exposed , as a wick absorbs
oil , and being conllned by rubber generates a
sulphurous cas , nulcklv destroying the best rnl > -
her lioso. TUP "Spiral" hose , having no outside
rorerlnK to Imprison the moisture. IVIM , unv
There are Imitations so buy only that which
has one red line ruiuiUirc throufsu It , nud which
Is branded "Spiral , " patented March : Hth , IS0. .
If your dealer does not have It lu stock , lot him
Isaniple mailed to any address for 0 cents.
Sole Manufacturers ,
234 Devonshire Street , Boston , Mass.
222 Lake Street , Chicago ,
Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on the
Puget Sound National Bank Given as
Security for Money Invested ,
To those desirous of LUJ-IJIK property on time , wo
lTi'r Iho followlni ? ! Vt'o will nllow from il months
tniycarV time , according to tbo I nnd you i-clcct.
We charge neither premium nor Interest on tlino
rmrnmritH , ami will itlvo yon n warrnntr ilvrd.Vo
Imvulotiat noand 14(1. % tlmt iiro within n radlu *
bfonuanil a hulf mlleri or the po tH > nice , \Vo rt
quire only 10 percent. H > an tmrnt'Rt money anil wo
\rlllKlrafertllli-a check for the lull nuiountol I'ucii
aud uvory eubtwqtKmt payment. Thocliucklgtirawii
by the ruv-ut Sound National bank uiulls niiirtu puy
ubtoat Blunt and you can draw > our money ntuiiy
tlmu thouub by Biidoliitf you forfeit jour ritlils ID
purchase land , .Mako your Incomr , n/i matter hour
email , earn pomothtntf , 'rranpcnntlncntitlntllnmda
are heading for hi'atile , and mumiliitturliinlstlnur.
Willie ( iunpral cmiuuorrn H In a Jtutool riiliptnn.
tlnl prnuruMlon. Tlui dally papui-a oru tilled with
BcoouutHof now ontorprlaoa , rahlp rarn and bnrru
carnclrcloMraltlu. Aililrioa COO 1C. V MlnUtii ,
wuu IIUTO tlio l.AHlili.-iT I'UUl-UUTY l.lbT In
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
Alila Digestion ,
Citrea Dyspepsia ,
Streiiytlicns the fiuatcm ,
Jlcbtorea Mound , Jlcfrcuhlnu
Priceless to Rurstiifj Mothers ,
liy EffliiiBBt Physicians ,
For Sulfi all
ardaon Drug Co. , Wholesale Dnuj-
A , permanent euro
rnn earn nillU QUICK
rim mrfi lINIl tar i" " * . or * >
t Ull llll.II UHLIi luunbood.Dcrvoutncx ,
weakness , uunaturul loteen , lack of itreuiftli ,
viuor or uevelOinienti cauftod by maitcretloui
Are Ibu HEAT.
TED , who In hli FOLLY and IGNOKANCB
hai TRIFLED away his VIGOR of BOOT ,
KIND and II A.NIIOOD , calming exhautllng
Orolnj upon tha FOUNTAINS of LIFE ,
Dreams , VEAKNEaH of Memory. DASII-
rUI.NESHln 8OCIETV. 1'IMl't.ES upon
the FACE , and all tbe EFFECTH leading to
EA.HI/r DEOAT and parbnp. CO.NSCMP.
TIOM or INHANITV , ihould ooniult at once
the CELEJJHATED Dr. Clarke , Ettahlhticd
1851. Er. Clarke htf made NERVOUS DE
BILITY , CHRONIC and all Diseaici of
the OENITO UIUKAKY Organs a Ufa
fltndjr. It makea HO dlffbrenco WJJAT you
fcfcvo taken or WHO bas failed to euro you.
liar to their > ox can consult with the assurance
of ipeady relief and cure. Send 2 cents postugo
for works on your diseases.
flS-Dond 4 cents postage for Golebralod
WorkH on Chronic , Nervous and Dell >
rote Dlioosei. Consultation , personally or by
tatter , Iron. Consult tha old Doctor.
VlioitnnndD cured. OCIcei and parlors
private. JTfThcao conteniplatin Marriaec
tend for Dr. CInrko'i celebrated guide
Hnle and Fcmnlo. enoh 16 < j. , both 2Sc.
( stamps ) . Hefoio confining your caio , consult
Dr. OLAIlllE. A Mindly letter or call may
lave future suffering and shame , and add golden
years to HfoVBooV "Llfc'o ( Secret ) Er-
roro , " COo. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
t nt everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 3 ; Sundnyi , 0 to 12. Address ,
P. > . OLABK l , M. D.
108 S3. Claris St. ' CHICAGO , ILL.
great Medical Work of tbo
oga on IJanhood , Nervous and
FhTslcol Debility , Frcmaturo
Decline , Errors ot Youth , and"
thcroon , SCO pages 8vo , 123
proscriptions for all diseases.
Cloth , full tlit , only $1.00 , bj
mall , coaled. Illustrative sarnplo tree to all young
and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and
Jewelled Modal awarded to Uie author by tbo Na
tional Medical Association. Address 1' . O. box
1S95 , Boston , Mass. , or Dr. W. 1L I'ARKKt. grad
uatoof Harvard Medical Colic EC , 23 years'practice
In Doaton , who may b rconsulted confidentially
Specialty , Diseases of JIau. Offlco No. 4 CulfluLh st.
"The Overland Route. "
The Sportsmen's , Tourist * . ' and Pleasure
Seekeri1 Line.
Send for the Neat Little Sketch Book.
highly interesting and useful to sportsmen
It contains the American rules for trapping
and shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association , nsvcll as the revised game
laws of the Western States and Territories.
Copies sent ficeupon application to
Ucll'll * . &T. AROiit
Oiiinlui , Nel ) .
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Ilouiijuopatblc Specialist ,
Epectaclea Accurately Prescribed.
S.AMQIS ItL'K. , Oil All A\ \
IK. j. a.iLnit.uTii ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
OlDce N. W Comer litli ntJ lioii laa St. Onico
telephone , WJ ; HualUoucu tttlcphuuu , G ( &
"Tlio Overland Itoulu. "
Has so arranged its Family Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M.
J. Grcevy , Passenger Agent , Council Bluu" ,
Iowa. The reservations when madu arc
turned over to the train conductors taking
out such care , so that passengers can now
fecure berths ordered , the same as a Pull
man berth is reserved and secured ,
J. R. TKflltKTti , 12. It IjUM IX.
Gen. I' . & T. Agent. Ass't U. V. ic T. A.
TansilPs Punch Cigars
were elilppod durinz the runt
twu jours , without a drummer -
mor m oureuiplo ) ; No other
IIUUBO in tLo worlil cun trutli-
lully make luch a gliowiuc.
( Juu Buout idoukr only )
wautod lu ciucli luwu.
.R.W.TANSILLiCO.,55 Stale SLCIilcaao-
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O- .