8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , MAY 28. 1888. THE CITY. Personal PnrnRrnplio. A. Dull , of Malvcrn , In. , IB at the Mlllard. K. I. Scott , of DCS Molncs , is nt the Mil- lard. lard.W. W. H. Kcllcgnr , of Auburn , Neb. , IB nt the Pax ton. J. W. Dewccse , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt the Pnxton. W II. Brown , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is at the Mlllnrd. E. H. S. O'Dcll , of Fullcrton , Neb. , Is nt the Mlllnrd. C. MoMcncmy nnd wife , of I31nlr , Neb. , nro nt the Pnxton. E , C. Davidson nnd wife , of Kearney , Neb. , nrc nt the Pnxton. A. Clmpcllc , the representative of the Sioux Falls granite company , Is nt the Pax- ton. ton.Mrs. Mrs. .7. G. Bond , of Mitchell , Dak. , for merly of Council Bluffs , is visiting Mrs. T. Cnhlll , 1810 St. Mary's nvcnuo. Notlilnc Special Done. The brotherhood of locomotive engineers nnd llrcmcn held a protracted session at their hall nt the corner of Fourteenth nnd Douglns streets Saturday night. Nothing of Import- nncc In rclntlon to tlio Burlington troubles wns considered. The "men of the cab" cited the fact thnt the local brotherhood wns com posed wholly of Union Pnclflc employes , nnd that the nicoting wns only to transact busi ness relative to themselves. A number of Burlington ox.cniflnecrs and flrcmcii were present out of courtesy nnd fellowship. Various rumors that have been afloat for a few days past to the effect that the feeling ngainst the Burlington wns to be revived was discounted. 1'rcpnrliiR For tfie Festival. The church fcstlvnl of St. Mark's Luth eran church took place last Friday night nt tlio residence of Mr. Gross , Grace street. It wns well attended and a very enjoyable affair. The Llnneo monument committee of the Omaha Swedish population are malting a great effort to make their Fourth of July festival the muslc.il event of the season. A grand chorus of the Swedish singing socie ties of Chicago has been invited to take part in the entertainment in addition to the local participants. Also n number of soloists from neighboring cities will tnko part. The Second end regiment bund will also assist in the pro gramme. Fire nnd Police Affairs. The flro and police commissioners mot at their usual place Saturday evening. The secretary rend n communication from Major T. S. Clarkson notifying the board that a carriage for their use in tlio pat-ado on Mem orial day would call at their ofllco at 1:15 : on tlmt day. A communication was received from the chief of pollco preferring charges against Police Ofllcer C. J. Gregg. On motion it wnsjrufcrrcd to the committee on men and discipline. A communication from the chief of police requesting that each of the mounted patrol men bo furnished with a pair of hand cuffs was referred to committee on property. A communication from tlio chief of police requested that nil police ofllccrs bo permitted to wear llannel blouses and light helmets dur ing the summer months , was granted. David H. Doyle wns dismissed from the flro department. On motion the chief of pollco wns requested to Investigate and report to the board as to the personal conduct of the men on duty mid especially as to violations of rule 3J , if any. Ann ) News. First Lieutenant Fnyetto W. Roe , of the Third Infantry , has been appointed nide-de- camp of Brigadier General Brooke. First Lieutenant Solomon E , Sparrow , Twenty-first infantry , lias been detailed ns recruiting olllccr ut Fort Sidney , Neb. , vice Captain Joseph Duncan , who has been re lieved. A court martini has been ordered at Fort D. A , Kussull for the 2th ! ) of this month , nnd v.-ill consist of the following ofllccrs : Major James H. Casey , Seventeenth in fantry ; Captain Charles II. Greene , Seven teenth infantry ; Captain Thomas Sharp , Seventeenth infantry ; Captain William I' . Rogers , Seventeenth intantry ; F.rst Lieu tenant Daniel II. Brush , Seventeenth in fantry : First Lieutenant George Huhlcn , Seventeenth infantry : First Lieutenant Gcorgo II. Uonch , Seventeenth infantry ; First Lieutenant Robert y. Dowdy , Seven teenth infantry ; Second Lioutcnnnt Edward I. Gtumley , Seventeenth infantry ; Second Lieutenant John A , Lockwood , Seventeenth infantry ; Second Lieutenant Edgar S. Walker , Seventeenth Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Charles H. Muir , Seventecenth infantry ; Second Lieutenant James L. Druicn , Seventeenth infantry : First Lieu tenant James M. Burns , Seventeenth in fantry Judge advocate. Major Guy V. Henry , Ninth cavalry , inspector specter of rillo practice of tlio department , has been ordered to Forts Niobrara and Rob inson , Nebraska , on public business. Captain Charles A. Alligood , military storekeeper nt Ocdcn , Utah , has been or dered to Fort Douglas , Utah. The Sixteenth infantry is now en route from the department of Texas to Fort Doug- Ins , Utah. Unon its arrival there. Lieuten ant Colonel Alfred L. Hough , with compa nies A. , C. , F. and 1C. of tlio same regiment will nmrch to and take station nt Fort Da Chcsne , Utah. tj Stop at the Glebe hotel. TO SAI/f hAKE AND JIKTUU.V. Tlio Union Pnclflc. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell tickets from all Kansas and Nebraska points for the special ex cursion to Salt Lake City nnd return , Juno ( ith , at ono fare for the round trip. Tickets going good live days , and re- jf turning iiftoon days , extreme limit thirty davs. Stop-over privileges al lowed wltnin these limits. Parties de sirous of visiting Gut-Hold Beach , on Great Salt Lake , the famous watering place of tile west , hhould improvu the opportunity now oiTored. Smoke Soidonborg'fi Figaro nnd got the best 5-cont cigar in the world , Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot. MKMOUIAfj DAY. Organisations That Will I'urnilu and the Line of March. Major J. S. Clarkson , marshal of the me morial day exercises , has issued his orders relative to tliu divisions , positions of organi zations and these taking part in the parade ami the line of March , The procession will inovo at 1:30 : p. in , sharp in tlio following order : First Division Will form on Sixteenth street , ritiht resting an Douglas htrcet. fiieing cast. Chief of police ; battalion of police ; C , E. Burmlester , index ; band of the Second United States infantry ; the Second United States infantry. Second Division Form on Fifteenthbtrcet north of Douglas , right resting on Douglas : Frank E. Moore's , Ed. A. Piirmallee , aides ; A , O , II. band ; the EdwardCrcightoii guards : Captain C. J. Smyth commanding ns special escort of the governor nnd guests in carri ages ; Governor Tliayer , General Hiooke , Governor Sauuders , the mnjor , orator , presi dent of the day , chaplain , sUitu superintend ent Ot public Instruction , stall of tlio gov ernor , stuff of Urpitrttuent of the Platte. United States official * , judges and Btnto onlcials , tlio city ccuurll , the board of county commissioners ; the board of education ; tlio board of police and llio commissioners ; the board of public works. Third Division Form on Fourteenth street north of Douglas , right testing on Douglas , General John 11. Dennis , George M , O'Brien , Jr. , aides. The Omaha Guards'band ; drum corps ; the Omaha guards , Captain A. H. BeliacfT , commanding , us special escort ; Phil Kearney Post No. 3 , G. A. H. , Custor Post No. 7 , G. A. K. ; Omaha Post No. 110. G. A. H. ; Gato. City Post No. 2 2 , G A. U. ; dis abled veterans , In carriagvs ; Union Veteran league ; Sons of Veterans ; Junior Sons of Veterans ; confederate army veterans ; the thirty-eight states. Fourth Division Form on Thirteenth . atroct .north of Douglas , right resting on 'Douglas. A. Alice. Charles Graw , uiiles. Union Pueino band ; Canton Ezra Millard No. 1 , I. O. O. F. ; lodges No. a , 10 , s0 ! , m , 165 , I. O. O. F.j other lodges I. O. O. 17. ) the Concordla Slugitig society the Omahn Mndnlncchor ; the Swiss SingIng - Ing society ; the Omaha Letter Carriers' as sociation ; the German Military society ; the Daniih Brotherhood : the Bohemian Gym nastic society : the Omahn Clothing Clerks' Association ; the Omalm Tailors' union ; the tlnnerft'.unlon ; the plasterers'union ; Lodge No. 2220 , G. U. Order of O. F. ; the Equal Rights longue. Fifth Division Gcorgo II. Kathbun , John B. Furny , James Casey , aides ; the Musical union band ; Second regiment uniform band , K. of P. ; lodges of the Knights of Pythias : Knights of Labor , A. W. Lnvemler , grnnd secretary ; Assemblies Nos. fi.)59 ! ) , Itiil , 5,141 , 7,525 , 3,914 , 4M2 , 2.122 , 720 , 2,845. Sixth Division Form on Eleventh street , north of Douglas , right resting on Douglns. John G. Willis , nldo ; chlof , J. J. Onlllgnn ; the Omaha flro department ; the Gate City band. Societies not yet officially reported will bo named as soon ns they report. Citizens nro cordially invited to display bunting freely. All societies participating nro in vited to carry their flags nnd banners. The public school teachers nnd children nro especially Invited to meet Comrade S. S. Auchmoody , in charge nt Twentieth and Fnrimm streets , nt 1 p. m , , who will tnko perfect care of them , with strong guard , so that they can sec the procession nnd enjoy the exercises without disturbance. The" tnnr- shnl will tnko position at Fourteenth nnd Doilgo streets nt 1245 ; p , m. , where nil nldcs will report promptly for duty nt the same hour. In case of severe rain the exercises will bo held in the Grand opera house at 2:30 : p. m. A platform in high school grounds has been provided for orators , guests of the day , nnd the press , from which 15,000 people can easily BOO and hear the exercises , The route of the procession will bo Douglns to Ninth , to Fnrnnm , to Sixteenth to Cum- ing , countermarch to Cuss , to Twenty- second , to the High school grounds. All societies and organizations must bo In position ns indicated In programme by 1:15 : p. m. , ns the procession will move nt 1:30 : , ready or not ready. Stop nt the Glebe hotel. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Union Pacific , "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell through tickets at ono faro for the round trip , from points in Nebraska nncl Kansas to parties desiring to attend the mooting of the Supreme Lodge , Knights of Pythias , to bo hold in Cin cinnati , Ohio , Juno 12th to 10th inclu sive. Tickets good going Juno 8th to 13th nnd returning Juno 18th to 19th in clusive , with continuous passage only in each direction. COUNTY COMMISSlONEItS. Claims Allowed , Communications Re ferred and Committees llcport. The ilvo county commissioners were on hand at the regular meeting Saturday niter- noon , Chairman O'Kcefo ' In the chair. The proposition of F. L. Everett and G. W. Strndden to correct the numerical Indexes in the ofllco of the register of deeds was re ferred to the Judiciary committee , as was Beard & Otis' and the B. & M. railroad pro test against excessive taxation. Taxes wore canceled on United States lands owned by G. L. Sayro and S. S. Auch-Mocdy. The county treasurer gave notice that the mortgages given by James Montgomery to Douglas county on certain lands had been released , and a protest from property holders for the proposed opening of a road in the northwest part of the city in the neighbor hood of Florence was referred to the commit tee on roads. James P. Stonnr's resignation as n consta ble of Plutte Valley precinct was accented and the bond of Charles A. Hubbnrd ap proved. A communication from the city council relative to the grading of Thirty- sixth street from California to Hamilton ; Paul from Thirty-third to Pleasant niul Burl from Thirty-sixth to Pleasant , the county to bear the city's half of the cost was placed on file. Reports of Committees Approving bond of M. F. Singleton as Justice of the peace of the Eighth ward ; allowing claim of C. II. Howes , ? 10 , for work ; claims of E. T. Duke , 5bl.C > ; Raymond Bros. , $15.20 ; Jacob Pflug , ( \ \ William Van Dohrcn , $13 ; O. J. Dnumnn , $3 and James Taylor , * 10.)0 : B. O. Knight , frSlO ; Oliver Hiiney , SIKH ) ; John H. Uraack , $18 ; J. T. O'Connor , 3U)5 ; Lewis Thomas , S'JOO ; John Tonort 54 ; N E. Cjwlcs , SG5.CO. Contracts Let .1. C. Root , grading road 20 D ut Ific per yard ; constructing two bridges near Bcnnlngton to the Milwaukee bridge and iron works , ? 7-iS.C5. The peculiar purifying' and building up powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla make it the very best medicine , to take at this settbon. JIRPUBLIOANS. Union Pacific. "THE OVERLAND ROUTE , " Will sell through tickets nt rate of ono faro for the round trip , from points in Nebraska and Kniifcns , to parties desir ing to attend the National Republican Convention to he held in Chicago Juno lth. ! ) Tickets good going Juno Kith to 10th. nnd returning .luno 20th to l5th ! inclusive , with continuous passage only in each direction. When you come to Omaha stop at the Globe , the best located $2-n-day hotel in town. Between 13th and Mth streets on Douglas. Gathering ol V. M. O. A. In response to the invitation of Rev. Dr. Lamar for the members of the Y. M. C. A , to assemble at his church last night , n largo representation of tlmt body turned out , and together with the regular worshippers crowded the edifice. The platform was filled with young men , nnd the exercises were of nn Interesting character. G. C. Jenncr , secretary of the building fund of the new Y. M. C. A. building , spoke of the social and Intellectual profits to young men ol a resort of this Kind. C. A. Goss' re- manes on the physical deportment were within the keepings of tlio times , and the re ligious expressions in reference to tlio asso ciation by E. T. Dadmun , the now general bcin'Ctary , were of n nature that could not ho offensive tojiny creod. Tlioy wcio liberal and large-hearted , as were the remarks of Dr. Lamar. Shetland pony for Milo by Gcorgo A. Keelino , Council HlulTs. DH.MOCUATS. Union I'nolllo , "THE OVERLAND ROUTE. " Will sell through tickets to St. Louis , Mo. , to Din-tics debiring to attend the National Domocrntio Convention , to beheld held ut tlmt place , on Juno fith , nt ono faro for the round trip , from points in Nebraska and Kansas. Tickets going good Juno 2nd to fith , inclusive , and re turning Juno ( Ith to 11th , inclusive , good for continuous pnt > &ago only in each di rection. Stop at the Glebe hotol. Glnslieru-ilorwleli. At Gcnuanlu hall last evening , in the pres ence-of n great number of friends , occurred the nuptials of Mr. Nathan Ginsberg and Miss Fannie Harwich. The ceremony WHS performed m the orthodox ritual of the Jo ish church , by Rabbi Benson , and was very interesting. Mr. Horwieh , u orother of the bride , and Miss Levi attended as groomsman and bridesmaid. The bride was prettily at tired in white plus'a mid moire , and curried a basket on her arm. Tlio proem looked very humlsoma In the conventional suit of black. Alter the ceremony the guests repaired to a line wino supper in the basement , where the time was passed in a Jolly manner. Along programme of dances followed. Iteiut'inbcrlinr Living Heroes. Yesterday Rev F. M , Foster , pastor of the Imiuanuol Baptist church , conducted appro priate mrmoriul services in commemoration of the dpeds of valor achieved and the sacri fices experienced by tint federal soldiers dur ing the late war. Rov. Mr. Foster is himself a sou of a veteran , and .this fact , together with his appreciation of .thosufferings en dured by the soldiers during the icbellion , prompted him. to select fts appropriate the Continental Clothing House An opportunity of Special Importance for cash buyers throughout the west. Specials in Children's Suits , prices , $3 , $4 , and $5. Continuation of the sale of Sawyer Suits , Price $12.00. Continuation of the sale of Dolan Suits'Price , $8.00. Continuation of the sale of Blue Flannel Suits , Price $8.00 TO mm. OUR orders by mail nnd express for the bargain susts ndvortlsed wore larger during the past month than wo had an ticipated. Scarcely a ctty or town in the Western States that have not sunt liberal orders. This is OUR method of advertising , and wo propose to contlmto it , knowing thnt every article sent in response to thcso orders will bo a last ing ndvcrtisomoni for the CONTINEN TAL. LOT 2703. Price $3.00. WoofTorl60 Boys' Scotch Plaid Norfolk Blouse Suit at the merely nominal priceof $3.00 ; these nro in regular sizes from 4 to 13 years old , and as pretty a style and ns serviceable ns any thnt wo have been able to inako up thia season for a much higher price. LOT 2304. Price $ -1.00. This is a very ehoico lot in n neat mixed Cheviot a good serviceable color nnd cut in the same sizes for Boys' from 4 to 13 years old. A new lot which has been made up to sell for SO.00 , and wo unhesitatingly olTorthisas ono of the Best Bargains over offered this season in this depart ment. LOT 2303. Price $ o.OO. This lot is offered to these who want something in n little darker color than the other lots. This is a very neat black and brown goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding § 10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the moat satisfactory results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if the.y do not please you. OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co. NEW YORK _ DES MOINES Proprietors ; Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. CLOTHING HOUSE WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER text of a sermon adapted to the anniversary whirh tnkes place on next Wednesday. Mr. Foster delivered a very uiitcrtiiinhiK address , and nmong ether tilings hold tliut wlnle there was a throat deal tlmt was fommcmhiblo in lenicinhcritnr , hy tliu decoration of their graves , the heroes who l.nd passed away , at the same time the heroes who weio still in life should not ho forgotten. Ho favored the drawing up in line , on the IliRli school grounds , of soldior.s who had fotipht for tlio union , decorating tlieir hreasts with as line bouquets as could he secured , and then allowing to tnko part later in the decoration of the graves of their tieceascd brothers. A number of the members of post 2V2 ( , < " ! . A. U. , were present in their private capacity. Dr. McGrow. Rectal , urinary & priv ate discuses only. Koom 5 , Barker uric. I hnvo opened my Woodruff granite quarries and can fill all orders of ulinoat any dimensions. Rock can bo soon at sto'no yards of Win. Tyler , Lincoln. Nob. Tlios Puicu. 111131) . MONTMORENCY On Sunday morning , May y , A. Montmorency. Funeral services at his late residence , corner Smith and Francis streets , on Tues day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Kcmuins will ho taken to Burlington , la. , for interment. HUI3HARD On May Stth , Iuzilla H. Hub- hard , mother of Mrs. Dr. W. H. I'arsons , aged 81 years and a months. Funeral from the family residence , 2COS Dccatur street , Monday , at 3 p. m. , May S3. Friends of tlio family invited to attend with out further notice. Ijlconsctt to Weil. The following marriage licemaa wore issued Saturday hy Judge Shields : Name nnd Hobldenco. Ago. Ginsberg , Omaha A1 ! Fanny Herwlch , Omaha tit ) 1'hillfp II. Dover , Omaha 2."i Jennie Thompson , Omalm S Tblspowdtr never varies. A nmrveiofpurl- ty.Btreuzth and whoh-someness. Mora econom Icaltiwat ja ordinary kinds , and cannt beaoip Incorapotltlonvrltntlio multitude of 'o ' v cost \velBlitulmnor phosphate powders. Bold - ' ' ' V * " C ° " 2fl Blc O hni clvcn univer sal satisfaction In the euro ol Oonorrhcra and Gleet , I prescribe It and feel sale larecorataend. tuc It to all sufferers. . j. STO.M-U , B.D. , . Dscitur , III. rmcE. 81.00. - . .Sola by CrunUU , t stripe , not showy nt all but very gontcol perfect fitting nnd thoroughly made in Norfolk Blouse style , sumo sizes ns the other .lots Wo do not expect to dupli cate as good a suitns this for the money this season. The suit hns boon marked on our counter for $7.00 nnd wo know that every ono taken out of our store will give perfect satisfaction , lloinom- bor these are short pants suits only Continuation of the sale of the Fabrics. There are only two colorings left on these celebrated suiting8and wo oiler them until they arc entirely closed out at the same unapproachably low jjrico of $12. per suit. No more desira ble matcuial can bo offered for n bus iness suit than these goods are , being purely all well fabrics and goods that have stood the test for years. LOT 3521. In this lot wo hnvo about 100 suits loft in single breasted Sack Coats , in sizes from 35 to 44. The very best Sawyer Woolen Go's. , Double and Twist Spring Suitings , now light grey and brown mixture just made up in our very best manner , nnd never , during tlio twelve years that we have been sell ing this suit hns it over been placed on our counters at less than 918. Wo do not need to commend tlio cele brated Sawyer Woolen Co.of Dover , N. II. , but unhesitatingly pronounce them the best manufacturers of line all Wool Suitings in New England. No shoddy. DIAMONDS , O Omaha , Nebraska. Do not bujf any more "J'o Jfosc , " but lint your inonciIn "Spiral" Cotton Hose , cluntpcr mnl lirtlerthun the ftrvst I'Hbhcr IIOHC. JIndo on thn sumo jirlnclplii as tlio rnllor- ) Ined ho e Ubcd In I'liu DepuitineiitH , hlci ) last Tlio ( ottan duck tisc'il lu nil rulilior IIOFO draws inMiter. . wlifiover ciixii-i'il. lisa wick absorbs oil. anil lielnB conUunl liy rubber rencrntcs n milpliiirotiK KUH. iiulrklv destioyliii ? tlicbest rub ber hose , Tlio "Milrul" liosc , Imvltig no outHlde rovurlim to linprl&on tliu inolhttiro. \ \ 11,1. IIHV I.IKK ATOWIIf. . 'Ihero arc inntiitloDH .so buy only Dint \\liloli linsoiiB i d line ruuuiiiK tlironuh it , nnd wlilcli iHbrundPd " . plrnl , " pulented Murcli intli , 18- < ) . If your dealer does not Imve it In stock , let him ' ( jnniplemallctl to nny address for 0 cents BOSTON WOVEN HOSE CO. , Sole Manufacturers , 231 Devonshire Street , Doctor ) , Maes. 223 Lake Street , Chicago. FELTON & CO. S. K. . , Water Works Contractors And Manufacfurers' Atjents for WATER WORKS SUPPLIES. Of nil ilebcrlptlons. Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De tail Plans and Specifications , Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. Office , Straus's ' Building , Fourth Floor , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. FOUNTAIN OUT. AND Incomparaoly tha Bust. flooka or cotton Is used in nny of thotr fabrics. Do not forgot the price , only 512. 512.LOT LOT 351-1. Wo odor 100 of the well known Velour Cloth Finish Sawyer Woolen Go's. Suits in a very dark Oxford mixture , u small neat check pattern , ono of the most popular styles the mill IIIIH over made , suitable for either bus iness or dress purposes. Slnglo breasted. Sacks , regular sixes in Spring weight at iho same extremely low price of $12. LOT 3.12.3 Is a Slnglo Button Cuta way Frock Suit of this bark Velour Fin ish Sawyer of which wo have made up about 60 Suits , ns n largo number of our customers want n frock suit of these celebrated Sawyer goods. Wo have made up n few suits of this shade in regular sizes from 36 to 44which will bo Bold at the same extraordinarily low price as the others , $12. Wo continue the sale this week of the noted Dolan Cheviots , in rcgulttr sizes , 34 to-14 , comurising four dilTcront styles and mixtures at the wonderfully low price of $8.00 per suit. These arc strict ly nil wool goods , free from shoddy , durable and right in every respect. No buit in this lot ought over to bo retailed for lets than $12 , but wo oiler this as an attractive bargain in Men's low priced Business Suits. E yOU SEEK THEM ? " \\W11 buy ono of our nobby Spring Suits in Worsted , fine C'assimoro. or Scotch Cheviots. in all the popular colors nnd styles. Real bargains that cannot fail to be appreciated by the dibcorniiig. W o are aware thnt IX- KXi'KNsivi : goods are largely adver tised tliiy season , hut all of them , cannot stand the &test of close in spection. Wo ask our customers to examine our stock , and thus satibfy jthemt-elvcs of its quality and our veracity. A Concentrated Liquid Extract of MALT and HOPS. Aid * Dlycallon , CnrcH Dyspepsia , Sli'ciif/tJttnn ( lie System , Sound , Jtefrcnhlii/ { bleep. H to j\ ' i' ( jMotlicru , Recommended by Eminent Physicians , for Sale by nil Drum/tits andJtlch- rm/.son Druy Co , , Wholesale Dnu/- BUY LAND , Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on the Pugcl Sound National Dank Given as Security for Money Invested. To tliom rtcilrotii of burl'iR properly on time , we oner the fulluwinu : Wo irlll iillun Irum 3 months to 5 years' time , according to the land you icli'it. \Vu < hurK neither premium nur Intrrot on time ' , anil III irlv you wnimmy lU'fi ! \ \ 0 Caynu'iits at t > fi and 8 U.I that oru tilthltia radius uf ono anil u lull mllvs of the | w-C.lce ( ! Uu re quire only 10 per cent , ai an rarnvnl luontf : 'iu " will giro certmcd check for the full vniuunl of cafS mil urery subauquunt payment , Thechvcklidrawn by the I'uuet bound National bank undU Hindu [ my. abluat Blvblauil you tan drun your money at any lluio thouKh by todolnK you for /tic your rittbts to purrlmu land. Jlako your Income , no mailer how suiallt > urn nonirthlni ; . TrunxonllncutnlrullfoHdi rulitudlnjj lor benttle. and ui nulacturlnt.'l > nour' IthlBK. Uuneral commerce Is In * stale of tupttari' llol urcuretilon. The dally j.upc-u . are Ullfdwlth Accounts of new enterprises , rablo car and linrsa SEATTLE , W T. MEDICAL SURGicHAUNSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts R.A. . O HJ APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRU13ES. Beet facilities , npnaratin and remedies fur sue cessful treatment 01 every form of disease requlr ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Donrd and attendance ; best hospital accommo dations in the west. WKITH FOR CIUCUIASK on Deformities nnd Draces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , umors. Caucer , atnrri , Dronctiitib halation , Klectrlcity , rnrnlysis , Hpilensy , Kid ney , Illadder , Bye , Car , SUiu and Mood , and ull Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Spoolol'.y. UOOE OK DisiACia or WOMEN Fine. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MiKINU A 61'KCIU.TT OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All lllood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic I'oison removed from the system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital Tower. I'et sous unable to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All coratmi- locations confidential , Mcdicincsor Instruments sent by mail or express , Ftcurtly packed , no marks to indicate contents or f-cmlir One per yonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or tend history of your case , and we will tcuJ in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Im Viteiicy , Syphilis. Gleet and Varicocelc , with icstiou list. Address Omaha jletltral anil fturgieal I itltttteoi DR. McMENAMY , Cor. 13th and OodoeSU. . . ' ) V.AHA.NEB. Health is Wealth ! Da. E. 0. WEST'S NERVE AND Jlruix TREAT MENT , a guaranteed specltlc for llyeterla. Dlzzl- nesa , ConvuUlpna , I'lta , Kervoua Neuralgia , llcadttcnc. Nervous I'rostratlon. caused by the use of alcohol or tohacco. WaWefuinesg , Mental l > eprrsloD. HoftonliiK of tin IJruln , resultlnfr. In Insanity , and leadlni ; to misery , decay und death. J'rematur * Old Age. llarrenneas , LOSE of Tower In either ser. Involuntary I.oiaei and KpermRtrrturu caused by over-exertion of the brain , self abusa or ovrr-lndulgencn. Each box contains one month's treatment. 11.00 n box , or six boxes for U.OO , sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. WIS GIMUANTI2K BIX HOXKB To cure any casa. With each order received by us for Elx boxes , accompanied with ti.CO , wo will cend the purchaser our written uuarantet to refund the money if tha treatment dots not effect a cure Guarantees Issued only by 0. ] ' . (1UOUMAN , DruKKlst , Bola Agent. 1110 Farnam Ftrert. Omaha. Neb. l. KdinUfio , Po rtul. Dum " * KAtcIlT * . AToliVrr dj. ies . unnatural losses , luck of ftrenirth , yiiror or development , f f m fJSiSfi CO. , K. Y. Indigo Blue Flannel Fast Colors , Price $8,00 $ , LOT 3600 Wo offer this week 100 In digo Blue Flannel Suits , inndo in single and double breasted sacks , regular sizes from 85 to 44. The regular price of this suit hns nhvays boon 310.00. In fact , Bomo dealers have sold thorn fonts high ns $12.00 per suit , but wo offer thorn now nt this extraordinarily low price of $8.00. Send for Samples. Send for samples of these goods before ordering them. Wo will gladly send sam ples of cloth to any address , or wo would much prefer to send n sample suit , B that the manner of making nnd trim ming can bo seen. Wo would recom mend , however , that self measurement blanks bo sent for first , so thnt a sample buit may bo tent fitted to the party order ing , thus saving the trouble of returning suit to exchange it. Parties wishing Children's Suits , plcaio sand for lotnnU. ngo they wish , as wo have no samples of the short pants btiits. ttvmtt iiutiuutt U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NSB. Paid Up Capital . $2r > 0,000 Surplus . 50,000 II. W. YATKP. President. LEWIS S. KIKII. : Vice PrPHldcnt. .A. K. TOUZAU.Vad Vice President. W. H. S. HtHiiircs , Cashier. W. V. MoiiKn , JOHN S. COM.INS , II. W. VATI.S , I.KWIS S. HIKU : , A.C. TOUZAMN. HnnkliiK Ofllre THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th nnd Knrnnin Sts. A General Hanking Ituslncss Transacted. Hemarkable fpr powerful sympa thetic tone , tillable action uncl ttb- durability , i > i yenrn' record. the beat giiaYflntjtfe of tEe exeat- leuco of these InVtru m taitfl. E.T.Allen , M. D. , Homoeopathic Specialist , CVC THROAT tit AND NOSE , Spectacle * Accurately Prescribed. MAMOE BL'K. , ir. J. Surgeon and Physician , OOIce N.V Corner i4tli und lIouKlas St. Office tflmihonii , < U5 ; IteBlduncu teloplioue. 5M , f THE CHICAGO * " Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicap , Tbe onlr rend lo tske for Dos Mplnos , Murshsltoiriit rcd r Itipldn , cllutun , niiou , in. i/ll Hukj Slid all uofnti Kskt , Tu luu prouUgf Nubrotla , Ccloi rado. Wromlnjr. Utah , Irtsto , Ntrada Orenop. Wai liiflou and Callrornls , It oUVri superior udTaatarl nut posilble \ anr other line , Among a fen of Iho numerous points of saprrlorlt cnjoy cl by tlie pairuus u ! IUU ru d t > lwfon O sud ( * lilcttu. ar0 Its two trvlns a duy of COACH BH. whlcU are the fln * t ili t kuujin rt § Initeoultj can rrcalo 11. 1'AIMCK HLItliflMO C which are models r > f comfort and olftfAnc * . It ! LOU DltA\VINO ItOUM CA1U , unsurpuited If and Us widely c l braled 1'ALATIAh filNINO CA tlieequnlof which csuoot be found clsawh r , Council llluff * . lUe trslus of till Union 1'aclHo Ktfl. waycounect In union depot with tliuiu of tUeCfli. ctfoic Norcbwcitcro IT. ( In Cblcsyo tkn Irslof at tbfs line make close couuoctlon nub tacxo of all other Etsti-rn lines. lor Detroit , Culunibui , ludlsnspolli , Clnclsn . Nlasiru fruits , Huttnlo. ( 'utibury , 'loronto , Moni'fsrj Iloiloo , Nen York , I'LIUdelphla , Htlllmorc. VTllki ln too , aud all paints la tue Can. Ask lor ticket * TIC the "NORTH-WESTERN" If you with the best acconimodiitlon. All tlokel . Ocn'lManaser. ( Jtu'lFais'r Ageal/ CUIfAOO , II.Li. W. N. UAHCOCK. ( Icn'l. Wcilern Aafnt , 1) . K. KIMUAI.I-'llfket AVeut. U. K. WKbi' , City Paistacer A ( ot. 1101 Faruam Bt. , Omaha , Neb. PEERLESS DYES Are tbe BEbT.