Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1888, Part II, Image 9

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N. B. Falconer.
"White Goods.
Another grand bargain in White
goods forMomUy ; Canvas Checks in
white at 8 jc , reduced from 15c.
Lace stripes at Hie , reduced from
v . .
Cream Lace Batiste at lOc , worth
Cream Springtide Checks at I5c ,
reduced from 25c.
Victoria Lawns at 10 c , worth loc.
N. B. Falconer.
Wash Dress G9ods.
Crinkle Secisuckers in a large
line of stripes , at 5c ; regular price ,
Batiste in nil the new figures nnd
colorings , at S c , regular price , 12Jc.
Zanzatar and Puritan Suitings in a
"beautiful line of stripes , 12ic , worth
Striped Scei suckers new stripes 6c ,
worth 12ic.
Dress Ginghams 5c , worth lOc.
N. B . Falconer.
All sizes in fine summer Corsets at
C9c , regular price 81.00 ; and French
woven Cornets at G9c ; all the other
j stores sell them at 81.00.
N. B. Falconer.
Inhabited by Beings in all Conditions
of Squalid Distress.
A Stroll Through its Unsavory Pre
cincts by Daylight Its Sights ,
Sounds nnd BccntB Some
of its
Dngo Alloy.
A spot ns such not laid down in the city's
plan , neither are its ncoplo mentioned in the
city's directory. Yet for all that , the alloy
has long been a festering sere right In the
heart of the city , and its arid wastes nro
within rillo shot of the Paxton. Geograph
ically defined by metes and bounds , its terri
tory is bolted by Thirteenth and Fourteenth
and Jones and Lcavcnworth streets. It is a
gulfy stream of vlco and wickedness , and
the wrecks along Its shores are the hulks of
fallen humanity. It is a bad place after
nightfall for the stranger , for the universal
command , "Lot there bo light , " was never
intended broad enough to Illumlno the alley
after dark , and the stranger must trust to
the bulls' eye of the saloons , opening on
cither end of It , for guiding stars. Tlio sun
glares fiercely on the alloy by day , as though
it would llko to Htriko all men and women
in it at once , and then as
if In revenge for the existence of
the place , contents itself with oxhallug
deadly miasma from the vegetable refuse
strewn about in dumps and scattering It in
dUcaso throughout the air. I.ittlo stagnant
pools Ho in slliry stillness on cvory side , and
the only tlmo their turgid rent is broken is
when fresh lofuso is added , or a rain shower
gives them lifo and motion. Under ono di
lapidated shanty there Is a crss-pool of tilth
enough to breed Aslatlo cholera , and the
policeman who acted as my guide , said , it la
tradition that tlio pool la bottomless , which
accounts for its continuance battling the of-
foitsof the health authorities to abate the
And the mansions of Dairo alloy ? Well ,
there Is n painful architectural symmetry ant
likeness In thorn all. They have nn uncertain
tain way of standing , lilco u man rceovpriiif
from a protracted spree , and glass for the
most p.irt Is wanting la the windows , the
gaps being filled with cast olt clothing , Nol
that the pcoplo ncod tha filling In Hinnnicr.foi
tlio spuco loft In the shattered window frame :
afford * ventilation , but in winter the cold
must bo kept out somu way that the people
may llvo.
And the people who llvo In Dago Alloy.
what of them ! They nro a vicious set am !
claim the pluco as their own by right ol pro
cmptlon and graduation in crime and nils-
fortune. . A resilience in tha alloy is the last
jumping off place in iho wretched run of n
miserable cxlstenco. Negroes with razors
nnd Italians as dark , with stilettoes , lit
about the open doorways and umuso them
selves in sleep , or the harmless diversion ol
beating the mioearnblo women who cling to
them and seem to thrive on their blows ; or
if pcrchanco the claims of hunger deimim
food , with nothing in Bight to steal , the
negro aallios foi th m search of chores and
the Italian roams about with plaster images ,
Ono of the Italians was arrested on my visil
to the alley a swarthy , muscular man , will :
n red handkerchief ubout his forehead am'
brus pendants in his cars , anil whllo tlu
fellow protested his innocence- with mud
gesticulation at the station , a dirk a foot lou (
was taken from him.
"Mo peed cuetccxm ; mo no anything bad
sell do nice poppy corn and do bigbniuin,1 hi
said in mponsa to tlio usual Inquiry regard
ing his occupation.
'Then what ycr doln' with the ereat bit
checsocorvoH" usked the Jailer.
"Why use , him to cut dobig biumn , see1 !
the follow ansTicrcd.
weu of every nationality arc
N. 13. Falconer.
Inco Flouncings.
Wo Imvo always nintlo n great
Specialty o black Lace Flouncings ,
nml we will "open Monday n lot of
goods that we know are cheap ; the
patterns nro choice and new ; the
black Spanish Guipure Flouncingg , nt
51.10 , § 1.50 , 81.G5 , § 1.75 and 51.85 ;
we know arc worth at least 2 ? per
cent more than wo ask for them.
The black Chantilly Flouncing at
05c , § 1.25 , § 1.50 , ? 1.75 and $2.25 , are
just as cheap as the Spanish Guipure ;
These goods we have just bought at
special sale and much below the mar
ket value. N. B. Falconer.
Wool Dress Goods.
We make special inducements on
colored Wool Dress Goods for Mon
A lot of 24-incli Dress Goods nt
Tie , regular price 15c.
A big lot of Checks , Plaids and
Brocades at 12Ac , regular price 20c.
40inchOuling Flannels at 29creg-
ular price 45c.
42 inch French Novelty Dress
oods with plain to match at 89c , re
duced from § 1.35.
42 inch Cashmere Serges in all the
new colors at G5c , worth 85c.
N. B. Falconer.
there , who respect the law as they do each
other , and value human lifo only at the worth
of the contents of a victim's pockets. Just
the men nro they , found In every largo city ,
to follow a leader and join in the mob. "Wo
don't have any trouble to speak of now with
the alley , " said the policeman , "for wa'vo
got it pretty well under control , but there
was a time when there was hell and robbery
in the alley every night , and then wo had
our hands full. "
"How did you manage to obtain the system
of order prevailing ! " I asked.
"Clubbed 'em , " replied the policeman
laconically. "Them fellows is afraid of a
clubbin' , and ycr got to treat 'cm like yci
would a wild beabt. " And the policeman in
other words simply announced Napoleon's
axiom : "Kill the mob lirta ; lead the riot
act after. "
The women of Dago alley are the cast
aways of a lifo for which disease hasunfUtcd
them. I grow interested in the story of ono
of them , as she told mo of her former life ,
over the drippings of stale beer sent her
from a neighboring dive. She was not old ,
save In Bin. and in her features , as much us
was loft in their regularity fiommunya
beating , ono might trace the lines of former
beauty. She had been In her day of the
"scarlet sisterhood , " and worn diamonds ,
nnd she contrasted her present day of castoff -
off beer drinking and poverty with thai
other day of champagne cork-popping
and jewels and caresses. Step by stcj
her downward career was swift and sudaci
and with scarcely breathing tlmo , to realize
the transition nnd the rounding of her lifo
Is the inevitable story in the end of the exist
ence of the "siren wno lures men's souls to
tioll. " Poverty nnd diseases , with a brutal
Hill Sykcs for a protector and n shamble In
Dago alley , then Potter's field nml the dis
secting table , the last records of the \vomat ;
of the town who survives her youth ani
Children sometimes play In the alloy with
ash heaps us a play ground , little wcazonci
things whoso very lifo will provetholr future
disgrace in tha sins of their parents and ono
looking at their diseased-racked frames am
blear , expressionless eyes could wish in liu
man kindness that an early death m'.glit end
their lives of misery.
A romance came upon the alloy n few
months ago in the tthapo of n suicide. There
Is ono IIOUKO along its wastes moro gaudil.\
furnished than the rest , in that showy rci
curtains hang at its windows like the splen
doitt of the cabin of n canal boat. And seek
ing the ( shelter of this don , cauio a young glr
whoso lifo for years had known no purer at
mosphcro than the air of n dive , no kinder
words than the curses of a lover. She came
with her sins fresh upon her In the very las
stage of destitution , for she hud been cast off
and spurned by her protector. She coula
bear his reproaches and his blows but not hi
neglect , for in it the woman's prldo , lost
though she was , asserted itself in the re
membrance of her sacrifices and what she
culled her love. With no eye to wiitch her
no word loft to tell of her contri
tion she drunk laudanum in a roon
in the rcd-cui taincd IIOUKO in the alloy nt tlu
dead of night and in the morning was foum
with her wido-open eyes staring wildly nt the
unpitylng sunlight and the gaping crowd
staring wildly at her. Decent pcoplo
relatives of the girl , came down to the allo >
and gave her chrlutian burial , for In th
purity of death they could touch hor. Am
bo pass the days and nights , the sin am
misery , the wretchedness and poverty , the
merry-go-round of disease and despair one
dentil in Dago alloy. Hut civilization Is com
ing to obliterate all vcctljies of the place it
the brick aud mortar of tha great building
in contemplation upon its situ and soon tht.
alley will bo but a memory recalled by the
Boy nurglnrg In 'Frisco.
Youthful depravity is causing the detective
toctivo brunch of the city police force
moro trouble of late than any otho
causes of crime , says the San Francisco
Examiner , and the art of catching bo ;
burglars ami brinuin them to justic'
is , by practice , malting fcoveral of Cap
tain Lcoa'detectives particularly skill
ful. Nearly every week for the pus
two months.nn organized , ( jang of boy
criminals have been arrcbtcd , aud lab
N. B. Falconer.
Torchon Laces.
Three special lots of hand made
[ "orchon " Laces will be placed on sale
Monday ; the pricesare _ lOc , 12 c nntl
.5c. These laces will be found n lit-
* *
le dirty , but they are all perfect with
liat exception , nnd nrc worth double
whnt we ask for them.
We also show n lot cf Cream Lace
ileinnants at wonderful prices.
N. B. I'nlconer.
Penrl Buttons.
We imported an immense quant ity
of Pcnrl Buttons , and can in consequence
quence sell them cheaper than they
can be bought wholesale.
Pearl Buttons lOc a card ; 2 dozen
on each card , nnd nil sizes.
Fine Pearl Buttons 15c a card , of 2
dozen , all si/es.
Super Pearl Buttons all sizes nt
20c per yard , of 2 dozen ,
N. B. Falconer.
Hammocks ! Hammocks !
1 bale Children's Hammocks at 40o
worth 65c ,
1 bale full sized Hammocks at 81.
regular 81,50 quality.
1 bale full sized Hammocks nt $1.35
worth $2 ,
N. B. Falconer.
night four more youthful robbers wore
placed behind the burs at the city
The last gang , like the others , is the
result of reading cheap and vicious lit
erature and Bmokinpr cigarettes. The
boys are thoroughly hardened and de
praved , and the youngest , a lad of
twelve years , is the worst ono of the lot.
They all live with their parents in the
Potrcro , but never go to school , and
load an idle , vagabond lifo. which
finally leads them to steal. They con
fessed to several reporters last night
that they had been stealing things for
some time and dividing the booty. The
charge the police have against them is
burglary , and each of'the boys has two
charges to answer to.
Living n Useful Ijlfo nt Her Quiet
Home in New York State.
From time to timCji-oports creep into
the newspapers that Miss Gabrielle
Greoloy is to take up ono caubo or an
other and plead it in a public way be
fore Now York audiences , says the Now
York Press. Such n report may bo true ,
because Miss Greeloy is a young woman
of great intelligence and with decided
opinions on the prominent questions of
the day , although she has not made a
study of them. It might bo expected ,
too , that the daughter and only surviv
ing child of Horace Grcoley would
fancy holding a , prominent position in
society , and ono which it would bo so
easy for her to attain ; but such a report
is not true , because she has chosen
other duties and a vocation that docs
not in any way place her before the
general public.
To have known Mr. Grooloy was at
least to have heard of his country homo
at Chappuqua , and to find mention of
that simple little village nestled among
the hills is to hear now of Miss Greoloy ,
the great man's daughter. Ask the
very cows in the Holds or flowers along
the roadside nnd they will have some
thing to tell you of the loving kindness
of this gentle woman. Without a dis
senting voice her face is called beatlful.
Her features in repose are classic , and
when animated the eyes glancing
beams of sunlight , the mouth opening
over teeth of dazzling whiteness they
produce an imprint on the mind of the
beholder that is not easily effaced. No
bangs or wavy locks of hair are needed
to enhance nature. The brown tresses
are drawn back in the simplest manner
and form a knot just behind the earn.
This is the sort of face that a wido-
brlmmod Gainsborough hat with lloat-
ing plumes becomes so well , and Miss
Greoloy wears ono sometimes. Hoi
garb in the country is plain and com
fortable , but everything shows to ad-
vantngo on this well developed and
strongly built young woman.
Tlio Grooloy farm is only a brisk five
minutes walk away from the village
and its land borders the high road.
The house , which is merely a spacious
cottage ; was built for a farm house , bui
has been uecd as the family dwelling
since the original homo was burned , an
event which took place several years
ago , The happiness being deprived
Miss Greeloy of sharing her homo with
her Bister's three children they hav
ing been entered as pupils at the con
vent of the Sacred Heart she anil
three other ladies llvo together in the
utmost peace and harmony. Each cnr-
ries on her own pursuit , sharing cqua :
and sharing alike the burdens and joys
of housekeeping. There is a shoo fac
tory at Chavpaqua which employs 8CK
hands , and these people live in ani
'about the village. A settlement of
.Quakers in the vicinity-adds to the pop-
N , B. Falconer.
Surah Silks.
Surah Silks in btripes and checks
at 50c , werth 95c.
Changeable Surah Silks at 89c , reg
ular price § 1.25.
Plaid Surah Silks heavy weight at
$1.00 , reduced from $1.50. *
Black and white striped Surahs ,
also Shcppard checks at 95c , would
be good value at $1.25.
Black beaded Grenadine at $1.50 ,
reduced from $2.50.
Black beaded Grenadine at 82.50 ;
reduced from $3.00.
Black beaded Grenadine at $3.50 ,
worth $4.75.
Black beaded Grenadine $5. worth
Black beaded Grenadine $6.25 , an
elegant design , covered with bcade'd
drops , worth $10.
N. B. Falconer.
- Embroidery Department.
To reduce a stock of Embroideries
that we find larger than we want at
this season , we ! make special prices
for Monday jtheFO'pric 2s will be found
lower than any yet made at any
special sale. At 5o we will sell a lot
of "embroideries that are really worth
12ic. At 8 c , the lot we show
would be a big bargain at 15c.
Atlljc you will find some elegant
goods that would sell readily at 20c.
At 19c , in this lot you will find bar
gains which will be a surprise to all ;
we only sell theni at 19c to reduce
stock. They arc worth from 30c to 35c
At 27 c. This is one of the largest
lots we have , nntHo sell them fastwe ,
make this ridiculous price ; many of
them are worth 50c.
N. B. Falconer. "
illation another and quaint species of
mankind. The country isbrorul enough
to admit of more than one creed , and so
tiiero is room for the pretty little
church with ritualistic services , which
hns helped much toward providing for
Miss Greeley her vocation.
In her own words it is "higher than
the Roman church , " which might mean
that it was more full of symbols and ob
servances than the other , or that it led
to a higher nnd strnighter road to
heaven. Certainly those who come in
daily contact with Mibs Greoly , unite in
thinking that any road that she might
choose to take must naturally lead to
heaven. She is a kind of high priestess
or bishop in this church work , and it is
mainly through her endeavors and the
co-operation of her friends , with the
assistance of the clergyman , that the
little edifice stands free of debt , and
that the seats are open absolutely free to
the congregation. It would bo trespass
ing on sacred "ground to give a more
detailed account of the good
she is constantly doing , the heart full of
sympathy that she gives out to all
claimants , whether men , women or chil
dren , and the good seed that is being
scattered by her in every direction. If
fiho lived in Now York her sphere would
bo broader , and she would undoubtedly
bo a loader in some of the advanced
movements of the day. She loves her
country homo and her retired though
busy lifo , and finds little reason for
btudying the rights of protection or the
wrongs of frco trade , except that she
lovingly leans a little more perceptibly
toward the trco her father helped to
foster , and she has a womanly and in
stinctive sympathy with the claims of
women working women most of all
who desire to better their own condi
English mechanical engineers arc devoting -
voting much study to the thermody
namics of the gas engine , and rndical
improvements in the present types of
such engines seem probable as the re
sult. Mr. II. Guthdo recently exhibited
at a meeting of the Manchester Associa
tion of Engineers a model and diagrams
of an engine intended to dispense with
the water-jacket and to regulate the
cut-olT and power without cutting out
whole strokes two features in the
"Otto" engine which , it is claimed ,
ciuifco a loss of 60 per cent in the
ollicioncy and create , Unsteadiness in the
work. Mr. Cuthrio claims "to save
half the present JPS.S caused by water
jackotfng nnd to got put of the cylinder
of a given size just about three times
the power of the ordinary Otto-typo
engine. " His model is designed for the
use of the ordinary oity gas supply but
is claimed to bo equally well adapted to
the self-containing typo ( the so-called
"Caloric" ) by attaching to it a gas-gen-
orator. By this means ono would not
only bo freed from the monopoly of the
gab companies and "trusts , " but the en
gine would have a much wider field of
usefulness. A generator no larger than
an ordinary vertical boiler would con
tain fuel enough for a whole day's work
without recharging. For street mil-
way ube such a self-contained gas en
gine would pososs the advantages of be
ing practically noiseless , of emitting no
bteuin. of making- smoke , and of put
ting into the atmosphere only one-
fourth the noxious vapors par honso-
power now sent from the present steam
ongiiio furnaces ,
An English authority lias computed that in
the last three or four years more ) ) Igs tmvo
died .in the United States from cholera .than
uavo been raised in the BrttUu Isles. . .
N. B. Falconer.
Ladies1 Hosiery.
We have a few odd dozen of Ladies'
Silk Plaited Hose in colors that
have been sold at $1.25 ; on Monday to
close out the lot we make the price
59o n pair.
Another lot at 79o with white
split feet comes in tans , navy blue ,
brown , wine nnd cream ; 81.75 is'the
regular price , but to close out this lot
we sell thpm Monday at 79a
N. B. Falconer.
Opera Hose.
Ladies' Silk Plaited Opera Hose in
cream , pink , blue and blacks that are
worth $3.50 ; Monday's price is $1.
N. B. Falconer.
Black Silk Phiited Hose.
At one dollar. We will sell Mondny
an elegant black Silk Plaited Hose
that is worth Si.75.
N..B. Falconer.
Black Lisle Thread Hosiery.
Ladies' black Brilliant Liile Hose
at 42c , would be good value at G5c.
Ladies' black fancy ribbed Lisle
Hose at 49c , they would be a bar
gain at 95c.
At 33c a pair we will close out a
lot of colored Brilliant Lisle Hose.
N. B. Falconer.
Fancy Lisle Hose.
Odd lots of Ladies' fancy lisle
Hose that have been selling from
$1.25 to $2.50 , we close out the lot at
at 6Sc.
N. B. Falconer.
Ho Goes From Placeto Place in
_ Search of It.
Scraping the Floors of Jewelry Kstnl-
llslimcntfl , Dlculnt : into Crevices ,
Displacing Hoards nnd
Buying Workmen's
A Ijiicrntlvo
A Bnn reporter strolled through the corridor
rider of the Millard ono evening last week ,
taking in the personnel of the guests and ob
serving the sights and scones BO invariably
Heeling and pleasing in this busy hostelry.
Meeting on acquaintance , and lighting a cigar
apiece , the reporter nnd his friend dropped
down into the comfortable rockers to test the
quality and quantity of their weeds , and put
a final quietness on the vexed problem as to
who shall bo named the republican standard
bearer at the convention to shortly convene
in Chicago. About this tlmo a well-dressed ,
well-fed , dignified gentleman strutted npast
and nodded politely , to which there was n response -
sponso from the friend of the reporter.
The Inqulsitivcncss of the latter
prompted the question as to who the
stranger was , and received In reply , "That
man Is in a business I never hoard of before ,
and I doubt If you over havo. " No objections
being raised to the queer assertion , the gen
tleman continued :
"I came in to-night with him from Minne
apolis , and ho is n jovial , hall follow , well
met. Wo boarded the train together at Min
neapolis , nnd in the course of the trip wo
struck up an acquaintance. Ho smoked my
cigars , and I quaffed with him , when it was
necessary to cut the dust in our throats.
Ifrom social talk wo drifted Into the charac
ter of our respective pursuits , and I told him
I sold lumber. Ho laughed , and jokingly remarked -
marked : 'I raise lumber sometimes,1 His
reply puzzled me , and when I pushed him
for an explanation ho told mo that ho bought
the floois of jewelry manufacturers
for the scraps nnd refuse of
gold nnd silver that finds its
way into crevices in the Jloor and becomes
Imbedded in the boards. Hut hero ho comes
himself , I'll introduce him to you and you
can hear from his own lips. "
Mr. Grotlonschcn , was the nnmo of the
gentleman cited as being in n curious busi
ness , and while ho was polite , nffablo nnd
jolly , ho was not much inclined to speak on
the subject. Nevertheless ho answered
questions whrn they wcro advanced. Ho
said ho represented a Now York linn that
had made n discovery by which they could
work the dust and scraps from gold and sil
ver manufacturing establishments , the refuse
fuse of such places , the aprons worn by the
workmen , the water in which they washed
their hands and the crucibles used for melt
ing the inctal into bars and cukes of the
precious stuff and icsoll them at a largo profit
to bo again worked over Into Jewelry. The
works arc situated somewhere in New Jer
sey , nnd huvo made a mint of money for the
"I am continually on the road buying the
floors nnd uppurtenences to jewelry manu
facturing houses , " continued Mr. Grotlun-
schen."and I have just coma from Min
neapolis and St. I'aul , where I bought two
floors and the washings fioin the hands of
employes. I paid in the main nearly 5,000 ,
for the two outfits , and I think I huvo se
cured a most excellent bargain , The refuse
is of long years standing , anil the older the
premises the wore valuable the prjzo. I amen
on my way to Kansas City from here , where
I have In view a very promising plant , and
from there 1 will Journey through the boutb. "
In response to a Question if his mlb&ton to
the city was to make a purchase of n like
description ho. answered that it Was. ana bo
said that ho had just closed a bargain with
N. B. Falconer.
Curtain Department.
Fancy Colored Scrim Curtains.
On Monday we offer 50 pairs of
fancy coloied Scrim Curtains at the
ridiculous price of $1.35 pair. These
goods are shown in two colors and arc
very desirable as n cheap summer
drapery. Remember the price on
Monday , 51.35.
Nottingham Lace Curtains.
The finest line of medium priced
Lace Curtains at S3 , SI , and 85 , ever
brought here.
Also for Monday 50 pair full taped
edge Nottingham Curtains at S5c
per pair.
Madras Curtains. .
51.57. 3G pairs Madras Curtains at
31.57 per pair , worth 53.00.
N. B. Falconer.
White Lawn Suits.
We make special mention of two
numbers of Ladies' White Lawn Suits
for Monday ; we have the finest stock
and the lowest prices of these goods
ever shown here. The prices are $3.75
and $6.75.
53.75. Ladies' White lawn Suits
pleated Blouse waist , full tucked
Skirt at 33.75.
SG.75. Ladies' White lawn Suits ,
Basque waist , full trimmed Skirts at
$6.75 ,
These are two of the greatest bar
gains ever offered at the prices quoted.
N. B. Falconer.
Max Meyer & Brother for the floor of their
lately vacated jewelry establishment at the
corner of Eleventh and Farnam streets.
What was the price he paid for
the floor , or how much gold and silver ho ex
pected to harvest from the plant ho refused
to state , desiring to leave it to the firm to
tell themselves. Next day the reporter
called upon Messrs. Max nnd Moritz Meyer
at their now store , and the gentlemen stated
that they had not sold the floor , but only the
scrapings therefrom , nnd the fillings in the
rrevices. For this the firm had rcceivcil
nearly JIM , and Mr. Max Meyer volunteered
the information" tbit ; during the short time
they had been In thananufacturing of jew
elry they had received the saBHttlo ? sum of
over $4,000 for the refuse from ttiulr estab
"No , wo didn't sell the floor outright , "
claimed Mr. Moritz Meyer , ' 'for the reason
that wo were not prepared to take it up.
There is , without doubt , a mine of gold and
silver dust beneath it , and it will some day
bring in a great deal of money. Wo consume
n largo quantity of gold and silver in our
business , and at the end of the year box up
the refuse and soil it. "
"How do you save it ! " quired the reporter.
"In various ways , " was the reply. ' 'First
of all Uio floors are carefully anil thoroughly
scraped betimes , and the scrapings are
dumped into barrels. Then thuro are the
hands of the workmen. "
"What of them ! "
' Before leaving their benches and tools
they thoroughly wash their hands and clean
their finger nails. While they nro at work a
certain amount of the gold and silver adhcro
to the flesh and finds its way under the finger
nails. The wash water is saved and after a
night's stand the metal sinks ' .o the bottom
of the dishes and in the morning the water is
drained off and the sediments thrown into
tha waste barrel , which in time is sold to the
men who deal in it. "
"What else Is there that is valuable ! "
"Many things. The aprons and caps worn
by the men find a ready sale , as do the cru
cibles in which wo melt the metal. The lat
ter wo novcr use but once , then break them
up and throw thorn into the refuse barrel.
A largo amount of gold sticks to them , nnd
Uioy bring n largo price. "
The working benches and chairs of the
workmen bring sometimes largo sums of
money , and in nil probability when the
Meyer's get ready to tear up the floor of their
discarded building a neat little bonanza will
bo brought to them.
The Old Curiosity Shop.
In a current number the London Tom-
pie Bar will say : Ono of the most amus
ing characters in the "Old Curiosity
Shop" is Unit of the small slipshod girl
who wore a "dirty ronn > o apron nnd bib ,
which loft nothing vifaiblo but her face
and her feet , " and who was called "The
Marchioness" by that choice spirit Mr.
Richard Swivellcr , in order "to make it
scoin moro real and pleasant. " The
novelist took his first impression of this
domestic young person from a maid-of-
nll-work possessed by the Dickens fam
ily when living in Bayhum-btroot , Camden -
don Town , She was nn orphan from
the Chatham workhouse and continued
to wait upon her employers * during their
incarceration in the Murelmligen. Like
young Charles Dickens , she had a
lodging in the neighborhood of
the prison , that she might bo
early on the sccno of her duties ;
and when Charles mot her , us lie would
do occasionally , in hit , lounging place
by London bridge ho would occupy the
time before the gates opened by tolling
her most astonishing fictions about the
wharves and the tower. "But I hope I
believe them myself , " heould say.
The room wnich young Dickens then
occupied was aback attic in the house
of an insolvent court agent in Lunt
street. Borough , where Bob Sawyer
lodged many years afterward. His
landlord was "a fat , good-natured , kind
old gentleman. Ho was lame , and had
a quiet old wife ; and ho.hud a very in
nocent gro'wn-up son , who u as fume ,
too."a The elderly -cou'plo nnd their
N. B. Falconer.
Linen Department ,
25 Turkish Dusters ( slightly
soiled ) at 35o per dozen ; worth $1.00. impoitsd Turkish Wash
Cloths , ( bought at auction ) at 55o per
dozen , worth Too.
50 dozen large Turkish Bath Towels
at5c , regular price 25c.
05 dozen Fancy Turkish Tovrols at
25c , worth 40c.
25 dozen extra large white Turkibh
Towels at35c , worth 50 : .
100 dozen elegant Damask and
Uncle Towels at 25c , ( Brochc Borders )
worth 35c.
$1.00 Per Dozen For Monday's Sale.
50 dozen red bordered Damask
Doylies at $1. worth 81.37i per dozen ,
Lap Ropes ! Lap Ilobcs !
We will continue our sale of linen
Lap Robes on Monday at the same
prices quoted for Saturday's Bale ;
these goods were bought at less than ,
cost to manufacture and are almost
worth double wlat we ask.
Linen Lap Robes , 42c , woith 75c.
" " tl 75c , " 81.25.
" " " 85c , " 81.35.
" " " $1.00 , ' $2.00 , '
Odd Lots Bed Spreads.
We will sell all our odd Bed Spreads
at special prices on Mondny to clean
up the s tock. There will be bargains
amongst them.
N. B. Falconer.
only son were dead when these pnrticu-
lars wore related by Dickens to his bio
grapher , v ho informs us that they lived
still very pleasantly , in another form ,
as the Garland family in the "Old
Curiosity Shop. " Turning to a minor
character in the story , it is said that
the first study for the poet of Mrs. Jar-
ley's wax-works was made from ono ol
the rhymesters regularly employed by
Robert Warren , the blacking manufac
turer , whom Dickens remembered BO
Telegraphic Communication Between
China nnd Knropc.
JJew York Commercial Bulletin : The
con ventiOH recently concluded at Chefoo
between the roprcSSlUativcs of the two
telegraph , companies hnVISg cables
landed in China and the CliinOso t < ? lo-
graph administration has created some
alarm among the foreign mercantile
communities in China , and it 1ms not
yet been ratified by the Chinese govern
ment , although the agents of the cable
companies concerned spent the winter
in Pokin for the purpose. The Great
Northern Telegraph company of Copen
hagen nnd the Eastern Kxtcnwion com
pany of London , it will bo remembered ,
have divided the territory in China.
The lines of the former run north
through Japan to Vladivostock and
Eastern Siberia , while the English
company's lines run south through
Singapore and India. Telegraphing to
and from the interior is done over the
Chinese lines , nnd , under arrangements
hitherto existing , the Chinese tele
graph administration received fiOc per
word for messages sent abroad from the
interior. Under the arrangement pro
posed by the convention the Chinese
would receive 70c. The companion ,
says the minister , charge cable rates ,
although most of the service is by land.
A MyfitorlntiH French lllfln.
Paris Correspondence London Tele
graph : \Vo Imvc had abundant evidence -
donco during the past few months ol
the pains taken by the authorities to
prevent the secret of the "Lobol rillo"
and its cartridges from falling into for
eign hands. Arrests have boon made
from time to time on the faintest sus
picion of foul play , nnd it is nlUrmert
that oincorsihava boon BO careful that
not u single French soldier knows the
color of the powder which ho is using.
The number of rifles and
cartridges supplied to the different
regiments has boon accurately noted
down and not a day passes without a
scrupulous examination of the stores.
At intervals during the twenty-four
hours the rilles are counted to ascer
tain that none nro missing. Lists are
made of the cartridges dealt out to
each company ; of thoiio fired oil and of
those returned to the commanding of-
( iccr after the day's work , In short , if
each cartridge wore a prlcnlcss diamond
mend it could not bo kept with greater
solicitude , while as for the rilles , ono
would almost imagine that the fate of
an empire depended on their retention
within the walla of the barracks.
Frenchman still maintain that what
ever the mlahaps which may have be
fallen other inventions , no foreign gov
ernment 1ms yet succeeded in prying
into the mybtorios of Colcinol LobcJ H
masterpiece. Tnoy consider their now
rillo second to none in the world.
There U no quicker of handier way of dis
posing of icf uses , soda , muck , weeds , etc. ,
than to rot them down In a compost heap ,
Surely dead ntiimuU are best disposed of in
tint way. Tha most common fermenting
agents used in the compost lira ) ) arc
manure and ujght/eoil. .