-iSK THE SUNDAY BEE. MAY 272. 188a-SIXTEEN PAGES. THB SUNDAY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OW1CI2 , NO. 12 I'KAUJj STREET. Delivered by Carrier In Any Pnrt of the City at Twenty Cents I'cr Week. H.W.TH/roN. MANAGEU. TELEPHONES : HtTPiNTPS Orncr , No. < 3. .NUIIIT KUlTOII , No. SKI. M1 you MKNTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spring goods nt Roller's. Chicago only $10 , nt Bushnell's. ? 2.GO saved on over.y ticket to Chicago nnd the cast , ut Bushnell's. There Is n brand now heir nt the homo of Jaincs Tnilor , on Graham nvenuc. 1'ornilt tovcd was yesterday granted John Dcrgnno , 61 this city , und Cntlmrlno Onul , of Shelby. Colorado nnd West Virginia coal nnd host Mnrblohoad llmo nt Council Bluffs Lumber company's , 000 Main street. Tel. No. 257. Thcro will be a meeting of the republican club Monday evening at the law ofllco of Stone & Slins. All republicans are urged to bo present. William Fox , of Garner township , Is the happy father of a four-pound daughter. The cholcc-artlclo-ln-suiall-packago theory applies in this case. The Sisters of St. Bernard's hospital nro selling tickets for the raffling of n line gold Watch. The proceeds will bo devoted to fur- tilshlrg the now hospital. Ono arrest waff the sum total of yesterday's police business. The victim was a farmer , nnd ho deposited $7.00 with the jailor and was allowed to depart for homo. The $75 combination writing desk and sow ing iqachtno that was rallied off last evening nt the Manhattan was won by J. D. Johnson , superintendent of the motor line. The deed was recorded yesterday by which the Sisters of Mercy become the owners of C. Gciso's large residence , which will bo con verted Into St. Bernard's hospital. The Congregational ladies give a social Monday evening at the residence of Mrs. N. P. Dodge , she being assisted in the entertain ment by Mrs. W. II. Burns and Mrs. Van- Brunt , Colonel John Fox , of the decoration com mittee , desires all llowcrs for memorial ser vice left at the blue front store room cast of the Pacific house , on or before Tuesday morning. Chief Lucas has appointed N. E. Tyson a special policeman to prevent persons from taking a "short cut" across the grass in Bayliss park whllo the now walks are being put down. A largo and handsome easy chair at the W. C. A. hospital gives indisputable proof of the generosity and appreciation of the members of the Htato association of city marshals and chiefs of police who attended the annual meeting here. The independent hose team of Natlck , Mass. , leaves homo on the Sth of Juno for a western trip. It will attend the Clinton tour nament ana run on the free-for-all , nnd will then como to this city for u hub-and-hub race with the local team. Bids for the last contract to bo let in con nection with the construction and furnishing of the government building are now adver tised for , to bo received June 0. This calls for the placing in the building of a steam or hydraulic passenger elevator. Owing to the stormy weather the Council Bluffs ball team did not cross the river yesterday for n game with the Crane Bros , nine. To-day's game will bo on the homo grounds with the Jettcr & Young club of South Omaha. The game will bo called , at 3 o'clock. Business In police court \vas very light yesterday morning , two lonosoino looking vaxs being the only candidates for magis terial consideration. They were both re manded to the sewer to await the clearing up of the weather , when they will bo escorted to the city limits and unceremoniously "flrcd. " Archie Barrel , a compositor of this city , died yesterday morning at the Western house , of consumption. The remains will bo forwarded at 0:40 : o'clock this oven ing to Winter-set , la. , for interment , nnd friends are requested to meet at tno Western house nt 4:40. : The deceased was twenty-live years of ago. ago.If If the lady who stopped off the street car at Third avenue Friday -afternoon at 3 o'clock , and who was handed a pocket booic found on the car lloor , und accented it , think ing it was hers , will return it to W. II. Burns , superintendent of the street railway , he will ECO that it is returned to the rightful owner. The badges to bo worn by the members of the Young Men's Democrat club to the national convention at St. Louis , are of moire antique cardinal watered silk ribbon , trimmed with gold bullion tassel and fringe. In the center is n diagonal strip of corn colored satin. The whole is appropriately Inscribed and is very neat and tasty in ap pearance. Yesterday atternoon Rev. Dr. Cooley was called to the residence of Mr. Peter Norris , on Main street , to ofllciato at a quiet wed ding , in which Andrew P. Swanson , of Missouri Valley , proved the bridegroom and Miss Anne Morris the bride , the latter being a sister of Mr. Morris. The newly wedded ones loft last evening for Missouri Valley , where they will make their homo , Mr. Swan- BOH being Intlio employ of the Fremont & Elkhorn Valley railway company. Money at low rates on first-clnss inrm security. Ournham , Tulleys & Co. , Itti Main street. Tipton has bargains in real estate. TravolorsI Stop at tlio Bechtolo. Personal Paragraph ! ? . P. M. Van Pelt , district court reporter , was in the city yesterday. I. Ingram , of Silver City , was hero yester day with a shipment of cuttla. T. W. Caster and E. T. Avcry , of Under wood , wore in the city yesterday. J. B. Smith , the paving contractor , of Chicago , was in the city yesterday. Mr. 1C. D. Clark , representing Armstrong & Co. , of Omaha , was in tliu city yesterday. C. F. Robinson and II. C. Rust , representa tives of Oakland , visited the Bluffs yester day. day.Miss Miss Jessie Schrevcr. of Villlsca , is visit ing her sister , Mrs. F. II. Orcutt , of this elty.F. . F. H. Grjegs , of Charlton , travelling pas senger agent of tlio Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy , was In the city yesterday. Nick Fritz , of Pcndor , Neb , , who Is ship ping cattle into Omaha , slipped over to this side of the river to greet his many old friends. D. H. Solomon , of Glcnwood , ono of tha best known attorneys In western Iowa , was In the city yesterday for the tlrst tiuio in many months , , . Frank S. Pusoy nnd wife , Miss Annie | % Dodge and Miss Kate Pusoy , all of this city , I sailed yesterday morning at 0 o'clock from \i \ N My York on a European trip which will jf last several months. . irf Prof. H. M. Prouty. principal of the high . , ' school , Is improving all of his spare time in t making arrangements for harvesting his strawberry crop. Ho says the plants nro looking flnely with every indication of a bountiful yield. Pottawattamlo county Is the only ono in tho. state , which can afford a sheriff whoso buttons are set with brilliant. The stones are not diamonds of the ilrst water , but as f near it as an anti-prohibition city can pro- / ' duco. Sheriff O'Noil is not a mere dress- * " parade sheriff cither , but proves all right in Actual service. Union Abstract company , 30 Main street. An Opportunity. . The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy will sell tickets to St. Louis Juno U , 8 , 4 , and 5 , which will bo good /or return passage until Juno 11 , at ono fare ( $11,2-5) ) for the round trip , thus afford ing an opportunity for all who desire to attend tlio Derby races , the national convention and have a good time. The trip via the "Burlington" is a de lightful ono. Its equipments are superi- f , or.'nnd its road bed unequalled. Dent fail to lake it. Ample sleeping car accommodations can bo secured in advance by leaving your name with OA1TAIN O. M. UitowK.Ticket Agent , Corner-Pearl and Broadway. IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Inspectors and Repairers Return to Tholr Old Tracks. TO-DAY'SSERMONSANDSERVICES Tlio City Takes Possession of Cherry Street IlHofDolngq In Court The Motor Crnsslncs A Newspaper Change. Uncle nt Work. Tlio trouble between Foreman Spies and the forty men who work under hint nt the transfer ns freight car Inspectors mul re pairers has not been fully settled. An agree ment was reached yesterday by which the men went back to work , and their differ ences arc to be investigated and passed upon o little later. It Id probable that the matter will bo soon adjusted , so that the men will continue In their places. No further action will ba taken mall the hearing Is had and tha merits and demerits of both sides been looked into. Tlio Church Chimes. The following announcements nro made of services to bo hold in the several churches of the city to-day. Preaching to-day at lOifiO nt the Christian home , and at 3 p. m. at Overtoil mission on Fourth avenue near Seventh street , by Hov. T. F. Thiclwtum. Preach' by the pastor of the First Bap tist church at K ) : : ! ( > a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school at 13 m. Scats free. 'All cordially invited. The Sunday school convention of the South western Baptist association will bo held at Malvorn , Thursday and Friday , May St and Juno 1. Liberal provisions to entertain all guests liavo been mado. Hov. .T. Fislc will preach at the now mis sion at the residence of Dr. Gordon , corner of Graham avenue nnd Tostevan street , to day at 3 o'clock p. in. Sunday school at 4. Parents and chijilren nro Invited. Y. M. C. A. meeting at 4 p. m. Subject : "Our Thoughts. " Mr. Ostrom loader. All young men and strangers invited. St. Paul's church Divmo service to-day at ] 0iOam. : : nnd 8 i > . m. Morning sermon , "Tho Christian's Prayer ; " evening , "How to Become a Good Christian. " The boy choir will sing at both services , and the public and strangers arc always welcome. T. J. Mackay , rector. Presbyterian Preaching by the pastor both morning and evening. Morning theme , "Tho Supcrabounding Grace of God ; " oven- ina , "A Tribute to Our Deceased Soldiers. " Sabbath school at 1'J o'clock1 Strangers and others cordially invited. Methodist Episcopal Church Preaching at 10HO : n. in. ana 8 p. m. by the pastor , \V. II. W. Uees. Morning subject , "Tho Fulfilling of the Law ; " evening theme , "Is Christianity n Failure ! " Publio cordially invited. Services in the Congregational church to-day morning and evening. Morning sub ject. "Tho Holy Spirit ; " evening , "The Chris tian Soldier. " The Grand Army post , of this city will attend the evening service In a body. The sermon and anthems by the choir will bo appropriate to the occasion. A cordial and general invitation is extended. A Good Idea. If you nro going to attend , the Derby races or nut ion al convention at St. Louis , cither by special train or regular trains , leave your mime with Capt. O. M. Brown , as curly as possible for sleep ing car accommodations and avoid the rush euro to occur. If any ono doubts that "Cyclone" possesses speed enough to win against any horse hereabouts , the owner of this stallion would like to have him trot out his horse. The stallion is open for u race against any of the best of them. The City Tnkes Cheney Street. The contract for moving the fence on the east line of the driving pork from the center to the west line of Cheney street has been awarded to G. II. Woodman , and ho has al ready commenced work. This will bring the fence close to the outside of the track , where it was formerly. At that time Dr. McICune , who was president of the driving association , thought that thcro should be an open space outside the track BO that carriages might bo driven clear around it , and the city council was persuaded to vacate thirty feet on the west side of Cheney street for this purpose , with the understanding that the association should purchase for the city an equivalent thirty feet on the cast side of the street. This has never neen dona and the council recently ordered the fence moved backagain. Wo have a number of slightly dam aged pianos and organs , which will bo sold at a bargain. Call on Mueller Music Co. , 103 Main street. The latest styles in coatings , for spring and summer wear , also pant goods. These are elegant. A. Rcitcr , 310 Broadway. Shcufo loans money on real estate. Dry Court on n "Wet Day. Judge Deemer arrived yesterday nnd held a short session of the district court. The duskiness of the day was so great that the curtains were drawn and the gas turned on , thus making a night session in the daytime. Thcro was little to do beyond the hearing of a few motions , which contained little of pub lic interest. Among the spectators was Mr. Macy , of Shelby , who is a candidate for Judge Loof- bourow's place. Ho viewed the new court IIOUBO with apparent delight , and listened attentively to the court doings , thcro being pretty even chances that ho may ere long know how it is himself to sit under the carved canopy. Judge Dcemcr cannot bo hero but ono or two days this week , and will attend to only a few unimportant matters. The following week ho will begin in earnest on the equity cases. Tlio saloon cases are among these as signed for trial. . Grand Special Sale. To make room for other goods I will offer my entire stock of line pictures , imported china nnd glass novelties , wall pockets , fancy towel racks and all wooden uric-a-bruc , albums , brass novelties , flno statuary , etc. , regardless of cost. J. D. Crockwoll , 411 Broadway. Yankee baked beans and Boston brown bread at Mobonlo temple , on Dec oration day. The Motor Crossings. The crossings for the motor line to bo used a1 , the crossing of the Milwaukee and Uur- llngtou trucks on .Ninth street have arrived and will be put down as the contracts with these are signed , The crossings for the Hock Island tracks are ordered and will bo on hand as soon as they can bo made and shipped hero. As the motor tracks are already laid between these different cross ings , the few days necessary to put down the crossings will bo all the tiiuo required to complete the line through to liroadwuy , The Society Paper. The society Journal known as the Keflee- tor , which was established hero about six months ago by Nixon Waterman , has changed hands , and will hereafter bo con dueled by D. M. Carr , of the Des Molncs Leader , and Ed Watts , of this city. The former will have charge of the editorial de partment and the latter of the business mun- ugcmcnt. Mr. Waterman will return to his former homo at Crcston , In. , for a time , and will then take a tour of several months through Dakota and the northwest. Passing "Queer" Cash. The cuso of M. E. Doran and Dell Smith , the alleged counterfeiters , was heard last evening by Clerk Hunter , of the United States court. The uvidcnco against 'Doran was of a very superficial character , and as it was proven that ho was of a very respecta ble family in Lcavonworth , and liad hccn in ; ho city only three weeks , ho was discharged. Smith Is an old-timer , and ho refused to plead or answer any questions whatever as tie said ho was not ready for trial , and his case was continued until next Thursday. Dornn said ho obtained his money of Smith i nd was not aware that it was counterfeit , but circumstances tend to throw discredit on that part of hh story. As ho 1 little moro than n boy. It IS probable that Smith made a cats-paw of him , and ho did not fully realize the enormity of his crinio. Smith has already served two terms In the Iowa pen , ono for liorso stealing and the other for "shoving the queer" on n previous occasion. Ills pros pect for another long term Is very good In deed. Excursion to St. I/ouln Convention nml Derby Jtuccs. The Wubnsh will sell excursion tick ets to St. Louis and return at ono faro for the round trip , 311.2-5 , Dates of sale , Juno lid , fid , -1th and Cth. Tickets good returning until Juno llth , inclusive. Tlio national democratic convention meets Juno 5th. The Derby races com mence Juno 4th , Excursion tickets will bo solil for reg ular passenger trains , leaving Council BlulTs : :40 : p. in. Juno SM , 8d , 4th and fith , arriving in St. Louis at 7 o'clock the following morning. Also for a spe cial train for accommodation of Young Men's Democratic club , of Council Bluffs , nt 7:80 : p. m. Juno 8d , and arriv ing in St. Louis following morning. Secure your excursion and sleeper tick ets by applying to J. C. Mitchell , 421 Broadway. J. G. Tipton bus BOIIIO flno bargains in houses and lots. 1VIU Have Sleep. General Agent Marshall , of the "Q , " is authority for the statement that in a short tltno the sleeping car that now runs from Omaha to Kansas City via Plattsmouth , will bo changed so as to como over the Union Pa cific bridge nnd accommodate the Council Hluil's passengers. Heretofore these pas sengers have been compelled to go to Pacific Junction to board the sleeper , and the iit- tcnitant discomfort caused considerable com plaint , so that this change will bo welcomed with much satisfaction. Arrangements have been made with the Union Pacific company , and as soon as a few minor details can bo perfected the change will take effect. It is probable that the entire train that now goes from Omaha will como thiough this city , and consolidate with the ono that has been run from hero to muct it ut the Junction. Jolinson'ri Cyclopivilin , Wo have boon looking into the merits of Johnson's latest Cyclopaedia , and are surprised at its freshness nnd special adaptation to the wants of this ago. We have owned the former edition for sev eral years , and have now ordered the supplement to date , which are much IcbS expensive and moro satisfactory than the supplementary material of other works which pretend to keep abreast of the times. Wo gladly give space to the testimony of some of the leading educators in reference to its value : A. R. SpolTord , LL. D. , librarian of congress , says : "Johnson's Cyclopae dia is found to answer more qucbtions satisfactorily in the hails of congress than any other work of reference. " President Seerloy , of the Iowa State Normal , Cedar Fulls , says : "Johnson's Cyclopedia- a scholarly work , well adapted to the ollico , home and school. Books of reference are a necessity to teachers , pupils and families. Any'ono who bus Johnson's can feel that his wants are supplied. " Prof. McNaughton.Superintendent of the Council Blull's Schools "I consider Johnson's Cyclopaedia the best with which I am acquainted for use us a school reference book. " Johnson's Cyclopaedia is sold only by subscription. "W. P. Hunnicuttof Osku- loosa , la. , is representing the work at this place , ami will gladly give oppor tunity to anyone to investigate it who will express a desire to do f-o by address ing him by postal card or letter. The following persons have recently * ordered the revised edition , or supplements - ments to the former edition : Rev. Father B. P. McMenomy , Rev. Stephen Phelps , D. D. , Dr. A. P. Ilanchctt. J. J. Steauman , II. W. Tilton , Thomas Bow man , G. A. Holmes , Prof. W. S. Paul son , Dr. W. II. Chamberlain. Arc you aware that Council BlulTs is growing moro rapidly than any city in the wobtV It's u fact , and property is all the time advancing. See J. G. Tip- ton if you are wise nnd secure u bargain now and get the benefit of the advance. The $200,000 Hotel. The move for the new grand hotel is quite encouraging. Tlio Chicago visitors were very favorably impressed , and it is expected that the offer of the board of trade to give n $30.000 bonus for such a hotel will speedily bo taken. The details of the consummation of the agreement are not yet road for an nouncement , but the outlook is very favor able. The oldest firm , and largest stock of wall paper in the city. All the new shades in ingrains and valours. A few patterns in gilts at lOc per roll ut Niles , 402 Broadway. Merit Recognized. . The State Hnhnemann society , which has been in annual session the past wcok at Iowa City , has selected as its vlco president Dr. A. P. Hanchett , of this city , an honor most worthily bestowed. Ho also was honored by being selected to deliver thb address of wel come. Dr. Hanchett lias by his skill ns a physician and worth as a citizen , long since gained an enviable reputation and standing in this community , and it is gratifying that ho is receiving just recognition in the state at largo. A puppy becomes a dog , a kitten becomes a cat , a plgglo becomes u hog , a raou so bo- coincs a rat , out what makes men rear and pant is when a mortgage becomes an ele phant. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. QPECIA It advert ) sements , such as Lost , found , CJ To Loan , For Bftle. To Kent , Wonts , Hoarding etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at tlio low rate of TEN CKNTB PKU LINK for the Jlrnt In- Bertlon and Five Cents I'cr Line for each subse quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our ollico , No , 121'earl Street , near llroadway , Coun > ell IJluffs Iowa. WANTS. I WILL IrtiyKOortBecoml-haml furniture , stoves and carpets ; will pay full cash value. A. J. JIandtl , i U Jlroudwny , "IDAINTINO , graining and decorating done ; X calclmlnlne In colors ; furniture rellnlshed : prices low , F. Hurscli. Leave orders at 213 It roadway. WANTIJO Three men to work ; aUo girl for housework ; wages for girl (1. I ) . J. Smith , fruit grower , S. 1st st. nUUt BALI ; . T o acres choice land Just weft -IJ of U. I' , transfer depot. Will sell very low If eold soon. Forrest Smith , Drown building. Foil KENT.-TWO story dwelling house. 0 rooms , on Sixth avenue , one and one-half blocKu from I'earl St. Enquire of D. 0. llloomer. "II10K 8ALK Two One restJence properties. J-1 Must be bold soon. Term * to suit pur. chaser. Inquire of Johnston & Van 1'atteu. S3 Main st. SALE My residence property corner Btli . and Oth five. , consisting of two lots , each Fieudi. FOK BALE At a bargain. 10 acres near stock yards , South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson & Christian , Hoom 05 , Chamber of Commerce. Omaha. V\rANTED BtocKs ot merchandise. Have TT Omaha and Council lilulls city property , alto western land to exchange for goodi. Call on or address Johnson & Christian , Koom 35 , ( 'number ot Commerce ; Qmaaa , 1 * ° SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OP COUNCIL BLUFFS. LargoBt Stock , METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods , Lowest PHcos , , Clothing , Hats , Caps , Bto. [ Jj * , RQHRBR- Slodnntopf , * ' ' Dtaltr In t * Uardman , Everdl & Fisher , IHIMI WtM Olly&.Connty REAI STATE MUTUAUUFCIMQ. CO. Naw Tor * . Main St. IBM Council St. ninfli. cuco Largest Capital and Surplus Your Cr > CITIZENS STATE BANK Patronaga - , ' Any Bank in j , " oo' Qf the city. > /s Solicited. ' CXSft OKV. * SYH , & A.DFoBtQr , SMOKE ' COUNCIL I1LUPPS JWr&B , 1. SQUIRE'S Oil 2rGlaoo 60 Tcrcgoy & Kooro's ' ' Point , , 'Abstracts'of Title Wholesale. Santa No. 8 , Pearl St. ARE THE BEST. -5 ? ° I' ' EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. WEIR SHUGART CO. Manufacturer of Pine Can luges and Buggies. H. R H ATTENH AUER I always keep in stock a largo variety of eastern I have always a full stock to select from. . , make Carriages , whicii 1 soli ata very low rate. Call and examine. 1'rices Low. . " 7 to .114 Fourth SI reel. I am always ready to show goods. 1801. 1H 8. G"RTT'T7r ' T Dn.AI.KU IN Cleanable Refrigerators Garland Stoves and U Monitor Wrought Haimjis. CJini ter Oak Stoves. IlullclerV IFanl\vnre. Golden Star VaporIt.mgos , Tin Kooilng mid Job Work. JEWEL VAPOR STOVES 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la Kstlmutes furnished. Cash tnulo solicited , i Send for circulars. Anticipating a Big Spring Trade , We are Loaded. FROM CELLAR TO GARRET WITH EVERY DEPARTMENT IS PULL. We must unload this immense stock , and we will guarantee to cut prices by any other house. We have kept all promises to the pub lic in the past , which is a guarantee tnat we will do as we advertise. We re Bound t have our share of the trade. Cash gives you these Adoantages , The season , though late , has just commenced. 405 Broadway ; Council Bluffs , Iowa. Main Street. Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es cape. Elootrio Call Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonabh MAX MOHN , Proprietor GGDEfi - : - BOILER - : - WORKS , CAllTEIl & SON , rrop'3. Mnmifatturer-iot / / / Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work. Orders by innil for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction KUimmteea. 10th Avenue. Ad- drebs Ofdcn Holler Works. Council IJlulTs.Iowa. rcrnlclniiH Activity. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. I CO E-i CLOTHING. S HATS , CAPS , BOQTSjUHOES , FOR p , YOUTH'S ' AND BOYS. M. MARCUS , 546 & 548 BROADWAY. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WANTED-L-OCAI * AJVp TKAVULI\ AGENTS OX COMMISSION. St. Loiila Convention. The Younf , ' Men's Democratic club , of Council Blutls , has Boloetod the "Wn- bash" route for attending the national democratic convention , lioldin St.Louis June 5. ' A Bpecial train of elegant day coaches nnd Pullman palace sleeping cars will leave Council Ulutls at 7:30-p. : in. Juno 3d , arriving in St. Louis'the following morning. Parties not members of the club who wish to avail themHolves of this contract must make application at once to the transportation committee. W. H. M. PUSKY , Transportation D. A , FAIWALL , \ Committee , I. A. HKNDRIOKS , J Y. M. D. Club. Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur nishings of the Now York plumbing Co. E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business btrictly confidential. Ofllco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stalrs. For sale cheap. Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Ad dress or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110 Main street , Council Bluffs. The Woman's Exchange will servo lunch on Decoration day at 600 Broad way , from 11 o'clock until 0 o'clock , and ice cream and cake during the after noon and evening. . The C. B. & Q. will run a special train to accommodate the democrats , their friends and the general public , who desire to attend the National Demo cratic convention at St. Louis , Juno 6 , or the Derby races Juno 4. This train will leave Council BlulTs Sunday , Juno 8 , about 1 o'clock p , m. , ( exact time given later ) arriving at St. Louis in the morning for breakfast. It will bo finely equipped throughout with chair and Pullman palace cars. The rate will boone ono faro for the round trip. M. M. Marshall , general agent. The ladies of Unity Guild will give a dinner and supper on decoration day at tha Masonic tomplo. Como ono , come all. Ice cream and strawberries during the day. _ S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. THE WEATHER CAUSED IT. On account of the unfavorable weather the programme for the Germanla pic nic has boon changed. The exorcises will bo held in Bach's garden , ( the pic- nio grounds ) , 'beginnim. at 3 o'clock p. m , eharp. By order of committee. Motor Ijlne Time Tflblc. Until further nptico tno Mannwa motor line will leave tbo Jlock Island tracks at 0,10 and 11 o'clock a. m. , nt 1 , 2. 8 , 1 and 5 o'clock D. oi.'and at 7 , a , 9 and 10 o'clock p. m , R ! WE ARE CLOSING OUR STOCK OUT FAST BUT f And Every Department Must Be Cleaned Out Immediately. DURING THE SEASON YOU WILI , WANT DRY GOODS ! BUY THEM NOW WHILE THEY ARE GOING , YOU MDST HAVE CARPETS ! We Have Them For Ton and at Prices That Can't Be Duplicated. Don't Be Deceived. This is Yonr OpportTiuity. CASH DOES IT. 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , HARKNESS BRO'S BROADWAY IYIEAT MARKET , 937 IJUOAmVAV. AfcWAYB ON HANI ) A 1HO SUITIA" OF FIUST-OljASS STEER BEEF , MUTTON , VEAL AND PORK , Special Prices to Hotolw , KeHtniiranls ami Hoarding Houses. Cooked Hum nnd Corn Hoof. Stuiimgo Fresh Every Day. Fresh Fish Every Fri day. Poultry FroBli on Suturduy. Giu. : II. M , Proprietor. Formerly with the Western Suubago Fnctory , Oiimlm. " iNCOKPOIlATiaU 1 T CO. , MASSIIJ-OX , OHIO , aiANUPACTUUERS SIZES FROM KBpeclally Designed for J ILLS , ELEVATORS' 25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT HORSEPOWER POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : ENGINE. Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa , NENI ) 1' < OH OA/TAI-iOOim . . . E. C. HARRIS , Manager. . '