Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1888, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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lMorse&Co :
Novelty Silks
Our on tire slock of high class French
Novelty Sillcs will bo placed on sale
Monday nnd during the week regardless
of cost. Many Imvo sold up to $5.00 n
yard , while none have sold under $2.75.
At $1.75 $
Wo offer choice of 25 dress patterns in
handsome Silk and Wool French Bon-
galino , no two colors or patterns alike.
Each suit contains from 10i to 20 yards.
Never before offered under $2.75. For
oao week lit $1.76 a yard.
Wo will sell 20 patterns of extremely
handsome Figured Bongnlino. These
also are made of silk and wool , and con
tain from 10i to 20 yards in each suit.
Every style sh own is exclusive nnd
cannot bo fonnd outside of Paris or Lon
don. Our price heretofore has boon
from $3.50 to $5.00 a yard. These wo
offer at $2.60.
In the above make of Silk wo offer a
special drive of 5 pieces , always sold at
$1.00. We consider It unrivalled at 75c.
See our Three Special Prices in
Black Surah Silk offered for one
week ,
President Fitzgerald Calls a Mooting
of the Executive Council.
Now Corporations In tlio State Items
From tlie Stnte IlulltllnR Test
ing Lincoln Urlck Autl
1029 P STUKET ,
LINCOLN , May 20. I
President Fitzgerald , of the Irish National
league of America , has wired each of the
members of-tho executive committee of the
league , calling n meeting of the coinmlttco nt
Cleveland , O. , Juno 13 , 1833. The following
gentlemen are members of the committee :
> lonn Fitzgerald , Lincoln , Nob. , president ;
Huch C. McCaffrey , Philadelphia , Pa. , Ilov.
Uav. U. A. McICenna , Hudson. Mass. , Patrick
Martin , Baltimore , Md. , vice presidents ;
Kov. Charles O'Ueilly ' , D.D. , Detroit , Mich ,
treasurer ; John I > . Button , Lincoln , Neb , ,
secretary ; Alabama , Kov. E. Korwin , Mo
bile ; California , Dr. M. C. O'Toolo , San
Francisco ; Colorado , Robert Morns , Denver ;
Connecticut , P. W. Wren , Bridgeport ; Dclu-
wnro , Owen J. Hessian , Wilmington ; Dis
trict of Columbia , Thomas H. Walsh , Wash-
2igton ; Florida , B. E. McMurray ; Georgia ,
John F , Armstrong , Augusta ; Illinois , Daniel
L'orlccry , Chicago ; Indiana , Marshal J , Burim ,
Indiar.npolls ; Iowa , D. Mohor , Iowa City ;
Kansas , Donnt O'Brien , Topeka ; Kentucky ,
Muthew O'Uoherty , Louisville ; Louis
iana , Timothy Maronoy , Now Orleans ;
Maryland , John Norman , Baltinjoro ;
Michigan. Dr. J.E.Scnllcn , Hnnrock ; Massa
chusetts , Hon. John J. Donovan , Lowell ;
Mississippi , Kd McGlnty. Vicksburg ; Minnesota
seta , Louis Kelly. St. Paul : Missouri , Dr.
Thomns O'Koilly , St. Louis ; Montana , D. J.
Hcnncssoy , llutto City ; Nebraska , I'atrii-li
Kgan , Lincoln ; Now Humpshir'j.Jamcs Datlv
tnnn ; Now Jersey , M. B , Holmes , Jersey
City ; Now York , IJr. Edward Mnlono.Brook
lyn ; Ohio , Wlllium J Glca'son , Cleveland ;
Oregon , M.J.OnftlnPoitlana : Pcnnsylvnnl.1 ,
M. J , Ityun , Philadelphia ; Hhodo Island ,
Hugh J. Carroll , I'uwtuckot ; Tennessee , P..J ,
Flunlgan , Nashville : Texas , General A. J ,
Malay , Calveston ; Vermont , B , F. Kelly ;
Virginia , U. F.O'Belrno , Hiuhuiond ; Wlscon.
sin , Hon. J , O , Donnely , Milwaukee ; Wash'
ington Territory , W. D. O'Toolo , Seattle ;
Onlnrio , Canada , U. B. Toofy , Toronto ; Quebec >
boc , Camilla , Charles McCarion , Quebec ;
Manitoba , Canada , H , J. Cluinu , Montreal.
Nothing is nnulo public IIH to the purpose
for which the mooting is called , and there
will doubtless bo various matters of Import-
unco biought to the attention of the commit
tee. It is probably safe to conjecture from
the widespread interest In the papal rcccrlpt
nnd the c.xtonnlvo discussion to which it has
given rlbu that It will play no unimportant
part in the deliberations of the committee.
The enterprising citizens of Sioux county
huvo organized the Hot Creek Canal com
pany , with its prinrliul oftico at section No.
U , in township No. ft. , north of range No. 5 !
west in that county. The company propose F
to construct and maintain a canal tapping
that creek in section 10 with a capacity oi
eight cubic foot of water at a point 1,000 feet
from the head pate , and running through the
north half of bcution 10 nnd the south half ol
section V. The capital stock is ? 100,000 , In
slurt s of S10 each , The canal will bo usctl
for irrigation nnd domestic uses. The luior-
poratorauro Alexander Steele , Andrew J ,
BabcocU , Kd C. Lockwood , J. G , Morris und
O. H. Andrews.
Oago county cotncs to the front with a cor
poration known as the Vulonia Chomiiul
company , organized for the manufacture and
sale of propnctiiry medicines. The principal
place of business of the company will bo at
Ueulrico , Gnjjo county. The capital stock-is
tlu.OCO. in tUmres of $100 tjucli , and 00 pet
ceut of this amount must be paUt in before
Grand Opportunity !
Monday morning wo offer an oxcop-
iionnl bargain in ilncst double-width all
wool Dross Goods for
These wo closed out from a largo 1m-
porting house at just
They being in straight'nd circumstances
deemed it TIME TO UNLOAD at this
[ * rottt sacrifice in price. Our quantity
is limited , so come early and secure a
Dress Patterns
$3,75 Each ,
In a handsome assortment of mixtures
wo offer choice of 60 new and stylish
Spring Dread Patterns. Each suit con
tains 15 yards , and at $3.75 is less than
half price.
Bunting ,
This with the above two lota wo secured -
cured from the same house for SPOT
CASH. Come in Navy , Ecru and Tan
shades only. Although wo offer this
lot at 39c , the actual value is 75o a yard.
Wo have received and offer another
now shipment of these handsome China
Silks , actual value $1.25. For one w jok
at 78c a yard.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled ,
tlio company begins business. The incorporators -
porators are C. S. Fossolman , J. H. Aldcn ,
Win. Lamb , \Vm. C. Strotim , Geo. Segelko ,
E. D. Wheolock , H. A. Fossolman , W. I ) .
Nicholls , J. L. Sohick , W. D. Hill and O. M.
A company which has several of the same
incorporators ns the Hat Crook Canal com
pany , and is doubtless co-operating with it is
the Monroe Crook Ditch company , which is
to have its principal ofllco at the War Bonnet
ranch on section No. 10 , township S3 , range
5(5 ( in Sioux county. It will take a ditch from
Monroe crook , to have n capacity of ton cubic
feet as against eight for the Hat creek ditch.
The capital stock is $100,000 and the incorporators
raters nro Charles E. Shilt , Benjamin E.
Brows tcr , Nols Anderson , Andrew J. Babcock -
cock and Ed C. Lockwood.
The Hastings Milling and Elevator com
pany has llled articles in the ofllce of the sec
retary of stato. The incorporators are H.
W. Lewis , Leopold Hahn , P. J. Benedict ,
Jacob Fisher , nnd Charles Colo. The capital
stock is 150,000.
Land Commissioner Scott and Secretary of
State Laws , who returned yesterday after
noon from n trip to the Kearney reform
school , found everything very much to their
satisfaction there. The now buildings , con
sisting of two family buildings , n bakery and
a workshop , will DO completed by about Au
gust 1.
State Superintendent Lane is sending out
circulars to the various county superintend
ents asking thorn to send to his ofllco for
copies of the institute manual and course of
study which ho has prepared and had printed.
The Live Stock Sanitary commission is
made miserable by letters charging their
agents with killing horses without exami
nation killing poor men's horses "because
they are not 'ablo to light thorn" and mak
ing all sorts of ridiculous charges. They re
ceived a letter a day or two ago from a man
who wants pay for a horse which died before
the commissioners got around to examine it
probably In the theory that if they had got
there and killed the horse thcro would huvo
been a slight Indemnity paid.
LINCOLNniucic. .
For the purpose of testing the question of
whether Lincoln clay will make as good
brick us can bo made nt other places , nnd ns
n result of the adoption of brick as a paving
material in soveraUlistricts in Lincoln , speci
mens of brick were submitted to Prof.
Nicholson of the state university a few days
ago to bo tcHteil by him. The result of the
test ns reported by him is ns follows , as to
resistance and crushing force : Hrlck No. 1 ,
manufactured , nt Gnleshurg , 111. , ! ) , ' , ' 18 Ibs. ;
brick No , ! ! , nmnufnctured nt Lincoln by L.
K. Holmes , 1,001 Ibs. ; brick No. U , manu
factured nt Beatrice , S.1M1 Ibs. ; brick No. ) ,
manufactured nt Lincoln by John Fitzgerald ,
7lii2 ! Ibs. The Galesberg brick has been
thoroughly tested for pavements , and if Lin
coln brick ia twice as durable the question of
paving material for this city may bo con
sidered settled.
The Anti-Saloon Republican league held a
meeting at the district court room last nleht.
There was n largo attendance , Including
many ladies. The mooting was called to
order by C. A. Bobbins , president of the
league , and J. L. Doty was appointed sccro-
retury pro torn. The object of the meeting
was to listen to an ndnrcs * by Judge O. 1' .
Mason , wno treated his subject hygienienlly ,
financially nnd politically , dovoiing a consid
erable pai1 of his address to an excoriation
o(4he ( prohibition party ,
Titot'm.K intnwiNG.
There nro signs of n conflict between the
mayor nnd the marshal. Tlio mayor has
inaugurated u war ngainst the frail women
of the city and has given the pollco several
lessons w ith instructions how to proceed.
Their pi ocecding In this direction calls them
from their beats i\nd the maralml , who
thinks that all thn police business ought to
bo done through him , U disposed to make
troublo. Ho is reported to have prepared
charges against the police for being absent
from their beau , but has as yet not llled
them , and last night ho invited a very quiut
looking gentleman whom ho suspected of
being a spy in the employ of the mayor to
inalco himself scarce about police lie.ulmmr-
tors. The plot grown interesting and fur
ther developments nri > expected.
CITV mums.
The Lincoln street railway will hereafter
give a twovo ) minute service on the Tenth
street nnd Seventeenth street lines , , and will
run ltd carfl until 11 o'clock.
Tlio base ball mco'.iug which was to huvo
Prom I. < fc R. Morley , Nottingham ,
England , wo have received another
largo invoice of their celebrated "Sani
tary" Black Hose , and
At 25c.
Offer Monday 60 dozen Absolutely Fast
Blnck.Ladics' IIosc. For this manufac
turer's Hose comment is unnecessary.
Wo also show a complete line of sizes
in their liner numbers of Ladies' ' 'Sani '
tary" Black Hose , which wo retail at
50c , 65c , 75c and $1 $ Pair.
At 38c.
We will sell a specially good Black
Llslo Hose for Ladies , with double heels
and toes. A bargain at 38c n pair.
Hosiery ,
Our Now York buyer sends us ono of
his recent purchases in the shape of 500
dozen Children's French Ribbed Hose ,
all sizes 0 to 81 ; retailed every whore at
40c to ( J5c a pair. Wo offer them as a
loader for Monday and during the week
at 25c a pair.
Special price * on all SHU Hoxo
for Monday and during tliu week.
Ladies' Fancy
I6ic a Pair ,
All Fancy Striped Hobo sold by us
from 20c to 30c we offer for ono week at
163c a pair. Only three pairs to each
customer and none to dealers.
Agents for Buttericks Patterns.
S P MOI P & fO
0. I. Ml/110h UL vU
bcon held at the Capital hotel last night wns
not held , as no word was received from Vender
dor Abe , of St. Louis , ns to the price which
ho proposed to put upon the Whites. Mana
ger Kent went to Leavenworth to-day to at
tend a meeting of the Western league and
expects to see and confer with Von der Aho
Piom soventy-llvo to QUO hundred Lincoln
prohibitionists will leave Lincoln on Monday
by way of the Union Pacific on special cars
to attend the national convention at Indian
Elizabeth M. Gilmer in New Orleans
Picayune : 'I have just been looking
upon the face of Mara , doud. When
those wo love pass into the silence of
death , no matter how cruelly fate has
dealt by them , wo do not say that wo
nro glad. Yet when I stood above the
cotllnod form of mv dead friend she to
whom my heart clave as David's did
Jonathan when I saw the smile upon
her still face , if I might have laid my
warm lips upon her cold mouth and
breathed Into her once more the breath
of life , if I might have laid my heart
against her heart nnd sent the subtilo
olixor of the blood coursing again
through her stilt veins , if it had been
vouchsafed mo to work some such mira
cle as this , I would have done it.
As I passed through the garden to
the house where she lay dead I plucked
a sprig of rue and rosemary and laid
thorn hidden under all the wealth of
hothouse llowors upon her heart.
"Dear , " I said so quietly , that none
might hoar it save the dead , "doarovon
in the grave thou must remember , "
All day long she lay upon her bier
with that still , uold smile like fro/.on
bUiiBhino on her faceand the people she
had known in lifo came in by one , nnd
twos to look upon her for the last timo.
"How beautiful she was , " they fciiid ,
"anil how sad for ono to die so young.
She had everything In lifo. " * * *
And they passed chattering out into the
busy street where the sun shone and
the world rushed on as if there was no
Mara lying dead behind drawn blinds.
Hut at last the night foil and I prayed
for them to leave mo alone with the
dead. In all the world only I , who had
laid the sprig and rosemary amonir the
costly funeral trappings , know the
secret of that still heart , and it scorned
to motlmt oven in eternity she niunt
know that for the last tune I watched
bc-sido her , and must bo glad.
I tool : in mine the lifeless hand , whoso
coldness did not appall mo , and laid my
cheek ngainst it. The room was very
still. I coulu hear the muflled ticking
of u clock somewhere in tbo distance ,
the night air cama in through the half
opened window , heavy with the per
fume from the garden , the moonlight
touched and glorllled the still , sweet
binllo on the dead faco. * * * W hat
was it they bad said of her ? That she
was very beautiful , nnd it was bad for
Buch as bho to dlo. * * * They
meant that she was rich ; that bho
had costly gowns and splendid
horbos and a box at tbo opera ; that her
husband gave her Una raiment and
dainty food , nnd so they brought their
'over big hottioubo rosen to lay upon her
bier and 6 > id thai it was sad ; but I , who
brought her nothing but rue and rose
mary , I know that no tours should full
upon the happy dead.
Tbo hand I held in mine was
strangely heavy , and the moon striking
, upon it showed u gleaming bund upon
her linger , a massive golduii'futtor tnut
wtis her wedding ring. I shrank as 1
saw U , as if touio QUO had struck mo.
s ,
At $1.75.
20 pairs handsome Nottingham Lace
Curtains , 31 yards long , taped edges ,
single and double borders , and worth
$3.00 a pair. Prlco for ono week $1 75 a
pair.At $3.00.
12 pairs of fine Brussels pattern Lace
Curtains , never sold under $6.00. Spe
cial price for Monday $3.00 a pair.
At $5.00.
Wo have a lot of Brussels patterns
French Guipure and Egyptian Lace
Curtains. Those consist of two and
throe pairs of a pattern , and have sold
readily from $7.50 to $10.00 a pair. To
close the lot wo offer choice at $5.00 a ,
pair.At $5.00.
Wo have 12 pairs of finest Madras
Tapestry Laco. .Curtains , two yards wide
and four yards long , only two pairs of a
pattern. T6 'bloso quickly , although
costing $12i50 to import , wo offer selec
tion at $5.00 a.pair.
At $10.00.
A few pa'irs ' of Swiss Tamboured Lace
Curtains , iri broken sets. Regular price
$15.00 a pair. For this sale only $10.00 u
pair. -I
All at once the wind blew cold and
sharp , but the hand was half shut as if ,
oven in death , Mara remembered to
guard that heavy band and keep it from
slipping from her slender hold.
Perhaps none of us are quite free
from superstition , and even our best beloved -
loved , when dead , are strange to us. I
turned and looked upon her. I had loved
her so long , and it seemed to mo that I
could read in the quiet smile , and the
fair face that no suffering could make
unlovely , nothing but the mute elo
quence of that guarded ring.
I have often wondered" how Mara
came to tell mo her story. It is such a
common ono , so many women's lives are
like hers it is scarcely worth telling ,
and yet in the deep silence of the night ,
with that dead hand In mine , the only
thing that seemed a living , breathing ,
palpitating reality was the quiet trag
edy on whose end the curtain had just
rung down.
All her life I had known Mara , but in
the wandering newspaper career 1 had
chosen there were sometimes breaks of
years in our intimacy , when I heard of
her as a school girl or a debutante , or a
society belle , and then I hoard of her
marriage , and from time to time rumors
reached mo"of the magnificence of her
entertainments , and I was vaguely con
scious that she was pursuing- the life of
a fashionable woman in ono of our great
And then fate throw us together
again at a little soaconst village , and
the old friendship renewed itself. I
think I know almost from the very first
that all was not well with Mara. She
was greatly changed , and was oven
moro beautiful than I had remembered
her , but there was that something in
hot * often see the
eyes you may expres
sion in a proud woman's eyes that tolls
plainer than any words tlio story of her
life. It is the history of the agony with
which Bho had seen her idol torn down
and trampled underfoot , doilled forever
in her sight ; it is the memory of .the
broken hopes nnd torn illusions in
which she realizes that her youth , with
nil its divine hope and faith , is gone
from her never moro to bo replaced.
Such a womall may love again , but to
her no man can bo again a god. She
has BOOH the # old with which her own
fancy gilded her idol fall from it , leav
ing it basest clay , and she believes and
hopes and trubis no moro.
I mipposq.I 7'P'l(1 ' Ibis story little by
little in Mara' * eyes in the long bummer
days wo wore pgotbor. I saw her with
her huabaiyl. . I saw that she bent her
will to his slightest law ; that she stayed
her quick bruin to keep pace with his
slow thoughtu that fabo brought her
keen wit to brighten the market reporter
or the tedious game of cards that
sooniod tbaoaly thing ho cared for , and
it angered inoj I told myself that he
was solllshuthiit ho understood nothing
of her quifjk jthrobblng life , of her
thought that W4is like a lightning ihibh ,
electric , burning , consuming. They
were made of such dilloront fiber their
lives could never bo interwoven. * *
Finally tlio bubbnnd was called away ,
and for days and days Mara and I tat
silently on the sands together or talked
in such dibjointed sentences as only
friends may , each saying the thought
that rose to the heart with the certainty
the other would answer oven the un
spoken word. On ono such day as this
the sky had boon like turquois above
us und an orange sunset wiu > otrcaking
all the west with tawny gold , the little
blnps were coming in or going out
uorobS the llaming water with all bails
set Mura and I were sitting on the
white sands together , She had been
watching. I remoniboi' , a little bout tjmt
was going from us. and her face was
turned from mo so I only saw its profile
At $10.00.
10 pairs Florentine Silk Curtains , 3 ]
yards long , suitable for either portiere
or window draperies , all now colorings ,
and of this season's importations. Sold
regularly at $18.000 a pair they ; are re
markably cheap to close at $10.00 a pair ,
At $7,50.
Wo have still a fowoad pairs of Irish
Point Lace Curtains loft from our re
cent largo purchase , and wishing to
clear out the remainder , wo offer them
at $7.50 a pair. They are good value
for $12.00.
At $8,50 ,
0 pairs all Chenille Porticr Curtains ,
3j yiirds long , in crimson only , worth
$15.00 a pair. They cannot last over
Monday when \ro ask only $8.50.
At $12,00 ,
20 pairs heavy Turcoman Curtains ,
2 yards wide and 8 } yards long. Come
in Crimson , Blue , Olive and Gold.
Itcgulnr Price , 820.00.
SALE PRICE , $12.00.
At $1,25 ,
600 yards Silk Madras stripe , very de
sirable for Draperies over lace , all new
est shades. Usual price $2.00 ; sale
price $1.25.
sharply outlined against the splendor of
the sky.
She had been silent for a long time ,
and when she spoke it was half under
her breath.
"It is like my lifo , " she said ; "all the
white things and the bright thingfa have
gone from mo. "
And then before either of us 'were
aware of it the barriers of convention
ality were down and , she was tolling mo
the story of her lifo.
I know not what words she used.
Sometimes she spoke very rapidly and
again there were long pausesnnd breaks
in her sentences , but I saw. as if she had
painted her portrait , the young girl so
cruelly ignorant of lifo , with all the ij-
lusionsand dreams of a sensitive , imagi
native nature a creature so warm
hearted and generous she clothed the
world in rainbow colors and could not
see beyond the veil her fancy wove ; I
saw her full of faith and hope and trust ,
marrying putting her all on the throw
of one great stake and losing.
Yet ho was not bad. this man. Of his
wealth he gnvo her freely , and of such
love ns ho had , but who is willing to
take base metal in exchange for gold ?
And as for the rest , ho did not under
stand. In1 his narrow brain there was
nocchoofhor boundless thoughts , bis
dull intellect could not flash back the
lightning of her wit , I could under
stand all the miserable disappointments ,
the unending weariness"When I
first realized , " Mara was saying , in u
still , level voice more pathetic than any
bob could have boon , "when _ I realized
that all the companionship of which I
had dreamed could npvor lie , that the
husband by my side in his dull sloop
was moro separated from mo than if the
grave bad yawned between us ; thnt all
my lifo , bo it long or bhort , I was tied
to what I loathed , I should have died H
God had mercifully pitied my agony ,
There wore weeks and weeks in which
I fought it out , prayed it out , wept it
out , this great relentless truth. On , do
you bollovo wo are ever punished for
our sins as cruelly ad wo arc for our
mistakes ? I wns so young and so ig
norant. I remember 'that it wns sum
mer and that a jubsaminn vine climbed
up to my window , and how its beavy
perfume filled the room. Even yet that
odor makes mo fool us if a dead hand
was laid upon my heart. "
There was a long paubO. The incom
ing tide bout heavily on the beac-h , the
dusk fell and tbo wind moaned above us
like an embodied echo of sorrow ,
Mara shuddered , and I took in mine
the hand that I hold , dead lust night ,
und that was scarcely then loss cold and
"It is so sad a thing to bo done with
the joy and light of lifo at twenty , " she
said. I suffered until at last respite
came , not beoaus-o I bad ceased to rnro ,
but because there comes a time when
the tired nerve * are numb and no
longer throb and quiver , and at hist ,
like many another woman , I suppose 1
grow indifferent and learned to inter
est myfaclf in other things. * * * Finally ,
when I said to myself that I could suf
fer no moro. when I grow accustomed
to even golden fottors" her white
hand buried itself in the loose sand
"when I learned to wear out j'eatless-
ness in constant excitement , there cama
another , anil I learned anew all that
lifo might have hold for mo and all that
I hud missed.
"I wonder if many women's lives are
like mine , " she cried , passionately , "if
they know what it is to bo heart hungry ,
to IMJ us alone in the midst of society as
if they were the only beings in created
sptico , to thirst and yearn for a com
panionship they know must always bo
denied them. Ob , It is uruti' ' cruel * * "
' After awhile aho Ji nin began spuak
Wo have just completed an enormous purchase of Lntlles' Toilet Sncqties from
the largest manufacturer of these goods in Now York. They are much superior' ,
both In style and finish to last year's production , besides being shorter thnn here
tofore and miuiy other improvements made that cannot fall to plotiso our patrons' .
The shnpcs wo consider perfect. S. P. MORSE & CO.
Dressing Sacques ,
2 Styles at $1.00.
No. 1 Dressing Sacquo , as shown by
above cut , is made of fine Lawn , two
clusters of live fine tucks down the front ,
cambric rufllo around bottom , and em
broidery" on nock and sleeve. No. 2 is
made of fine Cambric , in same style as
No. 1 , and are well worth $1.50. Wo
ofler choice of cither at $1.00. *
Dressing Sacques ,
2 Styles at $1.25.
Dressing Sacquo No. 1 is made of fine
Lawn ; front has center o ! embroidery
with cluster of very fine tucks on either
side , tucked embroidery rufilo on neck
and sleeves , 4-inch ruffle around bottom.
Dressing Sacquo No. 2 is made in same
style as described above , but of fine
Cambric , worth $1.75. Wo offer them at
buacial sale for $1.25 ,
ing : "I said there was another , and
that the time came when I know all life
might have bcon. i tasted the rapture
of a perfect companionship and sympa
thy and congeniality. I saw my light
est fancy taken up" and glorified , and
felt my heart and brain thrill nnd respond
spend to a subtler intellect than mine ,
as yonder stars grow brighter by the
interchange of their own mysterious
light. Day and night it was like a
gleaming star before mo , but whore it
led I dare not follow. Perhaps , after
all , ono only hopes and believes in love
once in a lifetime , and so I put it from
mo. Perhaps I had not the courage to
risk again the shattering of my
idols "
She ceased speaking abruptly nnd
rose to her foot , standing dimly silhou
etted against the dark sky , but the face
she turned toward mo was luminous as
a star. After a minute she turned and
walked along the sands , a ghostly figure
in the night with wind-tossed hair and
The next morning I was suddenly
summoned to a distant city , and I never
saw Mara again until last night , when
I looked upon her dead face.
Wo know not what lies beyond this
world , but for such as she it must mean
peace and rest , clso death were cruder
than life.
Dom Pcdro'H Illness Suggests a Dlts-
ciiRHioii of tlio Coming Sovorljjn.
A Washington special to the Chicago
Tribune , says : The serious illness of
Emperor Dom Pedro If. at Milan lias
led to some talk of the succession to the
throne in case of his death or abdica
tion. Even before the news of his grave
attack in Italy there had been porsibt-
ont reports of his intention to resign
the crown , but those had given way to
assurances that ho would return to Rio
Janeiro the present month. Perhaps
tlio rumor of his Intended abdication
wns received the moro easily from the
fact that his father , Dom Pedro I. , ab
dicated in 18.l ! , when the present onpe-
ror was only six years old , thus leaving
the empire under a regency for moro
than nine years , when Dom Ptidro be
gan to govern in imi'bon. The possibil
ity of an Inherited bent to throw off the
cares of reigning with the advance of
years \yns Increased in the cute of the
present emperor by his well-known pre
dilection for occasional absence from
his domains and his fondness for trav
eling , lie lias now boon absent in
Hurono for some months , and should
considerations of permanent and
aggravated ill-lumlth bo im
perative it would bo by no means sur
prising to find him giving up bib throne ,
Brazil follows Portugal in its ex
clusion of ihe Sulic law , &o that females
may occupy the throne. The oldest
child of Dom Pedro II. , nnd accordingly
the heiress presumptive , ifa Princess
Ixabel , wife of Comto , d'Eu , who is now
princess regent , having been appointed
to act in that capacity on the omporor's
departure to Europe. They have tbreo
sons , of whom the oldest , Prince Pedro ,
is a lad twelve years old , while Prince
Luiz is now ten yours old , and Prince
Antonio , not yet seven , For a long
time the Brazilians had accustomed
themselves to look for their future emperors -
perors to the children of the sister of
Princess I/nbul , Princess Leopoldina.
who was married to Prince August , of
the house of Saxo-Coburg. They had
many children , while for twelve years
none wore born to Princess Isabel , the
older of Dom Pedro' * daughters. The
oldt s.t of the children of Princess Leo-
poldina , Prince Pedro Augusto , was
born in Rio do Janeiro in March , I860 ,
while bis cousin , the heir presumptive ,
was not born till njoro than nine years
Dressing Sacpes ,
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This Sacquo is particularly desirable ;
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Subscriptions taken for "Tho Deline
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Single copies 15c each.
after , in October , 1875. Thus for some
years the former was looked upon by
Dom Pedro himself as probably the fu
ture occupant of his throne ; and his
unusually fine presence and winning
manners , with his hearty sympathy
in the intellectual purt > uitsof his grand
father , inado him a favorite alike with'
the emperor and the people , while since
the death of his mother ho has bcomed
especially dear to Dom Pedro. Perhaps
wore ho able to hand the sceptre to this-
young prince , who , having just passed
his twenty-second year , is quite capable ,
of wielding it , ho would bo tempted ta
resign the cares of the throne , which
ho has occupied for nearly half a cen
tury , exclusive of his previous reign
unuor guardianship , and devote himself ,
to travel , study , and the reparation of
his health.
However , affairs hrvo gone on quietly
during the princess regent's sway. Ono
change of ministry has occurred' and
there Imvo been business adversities ,
which , however , are not traceabloi toi
political causes. Still , with the marked
ability or ta&to for statecraft on the part *
of Princess Iv.abol , her accession to the *
throne as sovereign would give Brazil
ian politics a phase of uncertainty. The
restoration of Dom Pedro to health and
his continuance on the throne must bo
the ardent desire of the Bra/.llluim. His"
reign of more that fifty-seven years , in
cluding the period of the regency , sur
passes in length that of Queen Victoria ,
and makes him senior among the sove
reigns. From the outset lie attracted
attention by his progressive ways.
Mii < AX. May 11. The emperor of
Brazil , who in at Milan , has hud a ro-
lapbO. Uo shows symptoms of neural
gic cerebral congestion. Drs. Chariot
of Paris and Giovanna of Padua have
been summoned to attend bis majesty.
An Australian finnlco Htory.
Australian Under the Cross : In the
family of a Bottler who rohldod some
half a league from Paramotta was an
invalid daughter of an extremely nerv
ous temperament.
She was hleoping ono summer after
noon in a hammock swung between two
supporting standards in the shade 06
the pln//u , when nho wns suddenly
awakened by fooling something cold ,
and most clinging about her throat.
She put hoi * hand to the spot and' '
clasped the body of a Bimko just baclcot
the head and with a horrified cry.
wrenched with all her strength to pull
it away. This was the first Instinctiyo
notion of the moment , but so great washer -
her terror that 8ho speedily lost'all
consciousness of the situation.
Her hand , however , btlll grasped the
bunko where she hud Unit soizou upon it
and with such a convulsive force that
the creature was rendered poworloest
The cry of the torrillod girl brought
the father from within the house , who
instantly came to her relief ; but in the
fit which her fright had Induced hop
hand slowly contracted about the crea
ture's throat witli a force which Bho
could not poasibly have exerted when
awake and before her lingers wore un
clasped by the aid of a bit of htimmoolc
cord the reptile was comploUjloy
Fortunately the cicuture had not bit
ten the girl before she seized it , and
after it \ \ as unable to do so , It is said
to have bcon four foot long and of u
poibonous spciilos.
The Massachusetts cuttlo commissioners ,
after duo mvodtlg.moii , report that htot olml-
oru In that state U spread by feeding- swill
containing germs of tlio disease brought
fiom the west in fresh pork.
President McCann , of the El in Ira Farmers' '
club , has lately bcon shown potatoes at tlu )
crop raised in 1630 which were tUl fregu.
They had bcon kepi in cold storage , and presupposed
supposed to bo superior for neod.