Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Advertisements under this heart , 10 cents per
line for the II rat Insertion , 7 cents for cnch subsequent -
sequent Insertion : ) and Jl.M a line per month.
No advertisement , taken for less than 25 cents
lor the first Insertion. Seven words will bo
counted to the line : they must rnnronsccutlvoly
and must be paid In advance. All advertise
ments must 1)8 handed In before ustl o'clock p.
jn. , will under no circumstance * will they b
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
J'nrtlcs advertising In those columns and havIng -
Ing the answer * addressed In care of the Heo ,
will please sk for a check to eniible them to
Rot their letters , as nonewlll bedclivcrcdexccpt
on jirescntotlon of check. All answers to ndver-
tlicments should be ( inclosed In envelopes
All advertisements In these columns are. pub
llshed in both morning nnd evening editions ot
the lice , the circulation of which nggregates
-more than 18.000 papers dallv , and gives the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of the llee. nut also of Council lllntrs.
Lincoln nnd other cities and other cities nnd
towns throughout this section of the country.
Advertising for these rolnmns will betaken ,
on the above conditions , at the following busIness -
' Iness houses , who are authorized agents for THE upoclal notices and will quote the same
rates as can bo had at the main olllco.
OHN wrimUj.I'hurniaclst.SJO South TeutU
HA8E i EDDY. Stationers and I'l Inters. 1U
O South ICth Street.
H. FARNSWOKTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Itig Street.
W. J. HUGHES. Pharmacist , 124 North ICth
. st.
G EO. W. PAltlt , Phaimacist , 18U3 St. Mary's
1TUDBNT at college want work at private
s :
house for board. Address 043 N.'ith st.
; i05ZJ *
WANTED Poiltlou by young man. Compe
tent bookkeeper , shipping clerk or other
otllcn work. Address L 87 , Uoo olllco.
363 28 *
WANTED Position to take care of nnd
driver of privnto team , or a situation In
n livery stable. L 24 , lloo office. 36027 *
TWO girls want situations In small privnto
families centrally located , call nt 1148 N
IBtll. 3JO 27 *
ff < "Tfi7"ANTTKD Situation-First-class baker or
? , TV pastry cook , WJycais'expel lenci1 , to take
charge or otherwise. Addtoss. stating wages ,
f H. Primrose , 1307 O St. , Lincoln , Nob. J28 S7 *
WANTED By n respectable young man iv
situation as bar trader ; good references.
1 Address IB ! South 10th nt. 20521 *
\NTED-A position ns book-keeper by n
young lady. Address L 12 , care of IJoo
Ofllcc. 257 27 *
i " \7/"ANTKD [ / Situation by n steady young man
T I with experlouco In stora and rollretlug ;
'i ' Wages no object ; try me. Address li 20 , Ileo of-
flee. 23328
K want stnto nnd general managers. Wo
will guarantee good income. We want
good men to take charge of sub-offices. Call
423 nnd 423 , now Paxtan block. 3')1 ) 2a *
WANTED Collector for city work. Party
that can deposit $500 can secure permanent
position at U1.20U pur year. Address I34 , Jlco
olllcc. 33127 *
, , "t\7ANTED. Good experienced man to take
1 TT charge of ojectilc light plant. Must bo
L competent. Call early Monday morning.
Armour Ciulahy Packing Co. , South Omaha.
, 30027
DETECTIVES We want n reliable ) man in
every locality to act as special privnto de
tective under our Instructions. No membership
fee. Send 7c in stamps for particulars. Ad
dress Molmwk Detective Ilurcuu , Lock liox 113 ,
Wichita. Kan.
WANTED A German blacksmith steady
work guaranteed , only a first class work
man need npply. Louis Schrolbor , Columbus ,
Neb. 82037
i " \XTANTED 5 trnvollngsalosmengood ; s.ilary ;
YV wanted , 100 rnllroud men ; good wuges.
E03 N 18th St. . rooms up stairs. 341 2S *
; "WANTED Two barbers at 1224 N 20th st at
VV once. 31327 *
WANTED Two bilck burners ; must be
btendy and reliable. C.ill nt yard , 30th and
H. &M. tiack. It. K. Uvesey. 2ai2b _ *
\7C7ANTED Men for the w cat. Albright's
T Y labor agency. > -27
WANTED An experienced inauto buy grain
nail operate an elevator. Apply by mall
TJOX 573. Lincoln. Nob. ffjfl 27 *
[ RANTED Two tailors ; steady work. John
> Wolfskoll , David City , Nob. 203 J3 *
WANTED. A first clasa barber. No other
need npply , nt the Pacific House bnrber
chop. I'rltz Bernhardl , Council Uluir.-i. la.
218 27
SALESMEN Wanted Vive traveling talesmen ,
balnry and expenses. No etperleuce ne
cessary. Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. ,
Wlnoua , Minn. 21i ) J24
WANTED A good pants maker nt once.
C. A. Anderbon , Grand Island , Neb.
, , 210 20T
r ANTED Two energetic , lesponslblo , men
. . with good refercntes as special agents for
an old Hue line insurance company. Liberal
contracts made with good men. Apply room 403
f New Paxton block. _ 1G5
W 'ANTED A contractor who will tike horse
. and buggy as part nivJit for building
two houses , address jr5 iieu , 104 27 *
' T .AHOKKKS 125 tracklayers wanted Imme-
1 1 * - * 'I'titoly ut Northwestern Labor Agency , 313
o. 10th st. , rooms 6 and 7. U. & M. work. .lohn
r. tluldoon ' & Co. _ 110 27 *
ANTED State agent for "Peel loss
ClothoH-rool. " Address II. U. Miller. Box
EJ9 Wlnona , Minn. 1'H 27t
( _
"I t/'ANTEO-DO railroad graders for the west ,
I , i nt Alllnlght'a labor agency , 1120 Fainam
_ K7
OYa Am. DUt. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
" \\7ANTED Man to take theogency ( tiavel-
ft Ing or local ) ot our safes ; lzo 2t > xl8xl8
( Inches ; weight MX ) Iks ; retail prlco S.55 ; other
si ? os In proportion. A rum chance and perma
nent Ini.slnej-a. Tliosu safes meet n demand
" never befoni aupplieil by other biife companlas ,
as wo nro not governed by the faafo Pool. Al-
plno Safe Co. . Cincinnati. O. _ 108 J 15 *
n * V\f ANTED Energetic men nnd women ovory-
T ? whentforivgonteol mouey-maKlinrbiibl-
( \liess. jtOweokly piolltgunrnntetrt easier than
fc ( GO monthly othenvlso. Expuilenco abiolutely
unnviesaury. Pcimuncnt position nnd < ' \clulv
( teri-itory assuied } J samples free. Wilto for
' piiitinilara. Address , wltn atcinp , Mcirlll Mf'g
Co. , II , U , Chlcairo. 67W1 *
\ class rook ; lno girl for
ii chnmbor w or . 22J4 Fainam st. 374211 *
" \\T ANTFD HouscKeeporon n stork ranch.nlso
ii good coul for Central City , ii" > ; woman
( .cook for u family In the oountiyfA ) ; lUdln-
iuif room girls for the city ; 2 for Council -Jiluns !
flfoi summer H-sojt In L'tcih.KU ; pastry cooks ,
lmm < i &n | 3 rooks for bonrdlug IUJUSIH ; 3glils
-lot-tho country , and Ml girls for genet al house-
Mis , JJivga \ Bon , 31 IH s. ysj-ss *
VV-ANTED-Lady Hgonts for t'lioJliue. Wlf-
, > llambun Coiset , Slojt ptiifect lilting In
the iniukut , uelUiuuillly. llln' terms , Apply
to U'lllliuiiaou CoiBct iV ItruLD IV.,16 S ttli t , , .St.
" \7Ji7ANTfiD-Woman ccook and dlntng-room
IT work ; nohousuwofk. Intiulii' . Guruoy i
] ) uy , Sauiidors unrt ae\uu-il , UJti 2" *
ANTED A good white female coK In
small family ; good wages ; residence 227 S
eth et , Council liluns. Apply ntiooin 13. U. 8.
National buuUbullUlr.g , Omaha , Dudley Evans.
_ 2U1 27 *
V\7-ANTED-'I enty girls forllBht woik KUI !
1 1 big wages ; also llftcen gllrls for hard
vork ana small wages , Cnll iind cous. Vou
will Und walk and wages batlafactory. Telo
pUunu t > G2. JoUunson , v Pierce , 1-W 1'Krnaiu bt
_ _ J _ SJ1 27 *
\\rANTKD-FirsUlass funuilB coloied cook :
> nouobut compctun need apply , lit ) und
118 N nth at. UliiM
1A /ANTED-GIrl for cooking , washing : and"
i I Ironing , Apply r.toiitu Ml Duugms.
276 27
NTED Sew lug In plhntu family sollrlt
ud. bZi B. IBtll bt. Ills * 'JMiner. lOl *
TO"Ultav : fill , UermajpreferrcaieiM 'tir-
JNimiii. 6 37
_ _ _
WANTED A pill for tit-neral housewotk ,
( lot man pieferrcil , Bo ( > d wusentUlb. .
2-oth. 351 a ;
_ _ _ _
ANTRO A girl to docooklns. wiishingmid
Jroning , wages M per week. 101 1 N. 18tli 1 st.
300 2 *
ANTKU ( lernicttiir Amwrtwun'wuinnn to
coot , wash and iron ; ir.utt brliitf good
Airs. J. it. HurrU , ll J S. Jitlu j57
f ' "ISTANTED Aclrl , one \ > hocan cook , wash
f V > and Iron , good wages. Gn uui preferred ;
' no ouu but ndidt class girl need upply.Mis. .
* P John ( .ir.uit , OlS Park avo. 23 _
Ts'm > " At dncoj iiuwo tirl 14 to 10 years
old ; Keriiiaii ureferrod. Mrs. Hoya. 40J S.
r IttnaVe. IJO.
T.ADY Agents 110 a nay , sure ; new rubber
JU undergarment. Mrs II. F , Llttlo , Clilcngo ,
AFKW girls for dressmaking apprentices
and Improvers. 1G21 Cnpltol nvo. Sia 27t
\ VANTEDGood girffor nenoral housework.
VV Mra.O. W. Looilils , IQUS.SOthnvo. 177
ANADIAN Employment Office Male nnd female -
male help sent to nil parts If fare Is nd-
vnnced. Hefcrcnce.OmiihaNnUonnl bank , Mrs.
Hrcga3UH 8. 15th. Tel. ( M4. _ 786.114 *
WANTKD Men and boys out of work to call
at the City Intelligence office ( Crclghton
blk ) corner r.trt nnd DougnsI Hts , 617
OOM nnd board for gontlommi and wife or
two young ladles ; opening dinner ; no other
boarders. Cottage near lilnH schnol , car.s at cor
ner ; terms reasonable. Address L Si , Bee olllco ,
. i 27 *
_ _
rilHE Shclton 25th nnd Dodge sts ; first-clans'
JL family board nud rooms , slnglo nnd en-
Hiilte , ntreasonnblo rates ; references renulicd ,
Mrs. M. Whlttnkcr. 47.1 JJ
" \\rANTED. Boanl nnd lodging In private
> i family foi wife . nnd child by Juno 1 , 1S.S8.
Kcferences given and rocjutred U. T . Nairn' ,
Opct's hotel. Lincoln. 35'J 27t
T7llilSr-CLAS3 table board for n few geutlo "
JJ men , nt 1814 Dodge Bt. _ 17H31
w ANTED. The address of n wax llower
worker. Address 1/31 , lice olllro.S'W
S'W 27 *
W ANTED 100 more houses to rent to good
tenants. Wolaliaiis & Co. 3.H ) 2U
WANTED To borrow Jl.W on improved
propel ty , worth fully * IOOJ , Private
parties preferred. Address L.15 , Ileo olllco ,
_ _ _ _ _ ! | 3' 28
WANTED. Everybody to know that wo have
the finest buggies , carriages , etc. , for
sale cheap. Armstrong , I'ettis & Co. , 1308 Ir.ard
street. 359 '
WANTED To buy or trade tor n good build
ing that can b moved. Please call ou
or address George J.SternsdorIT , room fi , opposite -
site P. O. 231
WAN'IKD If you have any lando , lots , or
houses and lots to sell or pxclrmgo for
other property , call ou mo or write. 1 cnn find
you n customer. C. C. Spotswood , 303tf S. lOtli.
fi5 !
TjlOK KENT A nice 4-room cottage. 22nd St. ,
JL' nenr Sownrd. Inquire nt Pnrhn , Oroudorf
& Martin , cor. Vth and Jouos. 354 27
FOR KENT June 1 now cottage und barn.
Vlntonst. . Ivt. 20th and 21st st. Kent $10.
Apply over 118 N. 15th st. 378 30 *
TJ10K KENT A new house of eight rooms ;
JL' city water and good cistern. Yard sodded
and green ; good neighborhood nud on line of
street oar ; rent $30.00 a month. Enquire at 413
South 13th street. ; nr > 27 *
TJ1OR RENT Nice 4-room cottage , 8.E. cert -
-t ! nor 32nd and Webster Sts. Apply to L.'L.
Thomas , lu shoe Dep't , Kelley , Stlger A Co.
FOR KENT Handsome now house , 11 rooms ;
nil conveulencies ; 2127 Dodgo. Apply to Nathan -
than Sholton. 15U5 Farnain. 3H330
" 1TIOK RENT. Principal part of house and
Jbain. . Family going east for summer. Ad
dress LjWjJlco. 3tgg7t
TTIOR KENT. Six room on N. 10th St. Kent
JC ! 425. Furniture cheap at $3511. Must bo sold
nt once. Co-op L. & L. Co. , 205 N 10th 8t. 3tO 29
FOR KENT fl room house cor 23d and Lenv-
enworta. Apply B13 S 20th st. 301 27 *
T710K KENT 5-roorn cottage , No. 3111 Ohio st.
JD Apply 83i ) South 19th st. 3'J12f > *
THEN room cottage in splendid location , best of
X all conveniences , turnlture the best in the
city , rent $75 , price 41,100 , terms easy , Co-op. L.
& L. Co. . SDi N 10th st. 330 2t )
OU KENT Five room houuo. Inquire N. W.
cor. 13th nnd Dorcas. 313 27 *
FOll KENT 7 room Hat. 2nd iloor , 1003 How-
ard street , or will rent 4 rooms arranged
for housekeeping. 3IB
Foil ItKNT One 3-11 nnd one 4-U Hat with
closetsetc , 10nnd Mil. SOtli and Mnrtlm.
Theo Olfaou , lloom 7 , Board of Trade building ,
10th and rnrnam. 317 SS
TTIOK HUNT One of . H. Kelson's line houses
JU Inquire 1723 Davenport st. 313 31 *
FOK KENT An elegant III room house 21st
and Hurt. All modem improvements , on
cable nnd horse car lines , inqulio ot Dr. Paul ,
15th and Doilgo. 31112M
HOUSE of 11 rooms , centrally located , rout
J50 , furniture only WOO. Towns easy. Co
op L. XL. Co. . 205 N llitli St. Ut02S
FOR KENT A 10 room house w ith nil modern
conveniences ; uKon5-ioom cottage ; both
convenient to sticetcurs. GfO. J.l'ox , Koom
1 , Continental block , 1UJ Douglas street.
J8ES3 307 23t
TJ10R KENT Modern house , 10 rooms. G.238 ,
J2 17th st . 3 blocks houth or court house.
John H. P. Lehmann. 305
FOR HENT 8-room house. Inquire J. F. llai-
ton,2flia Capitol nve. OU5 1 $
FOH HUNT Now 9-room house , all modern
conveniences and good barn. Applv N. O.
Bi on , 2W7 Cabs. SWJ 27 *
TJ10U KENT Eight-room house , 4W S r'll i > ? o
* - 312 2s
330 28
TT1OR UENTroom Hat. 008 N ICth st , or a
X1 suite of rooms furnished or unfurnished.
K. A. Marsh. 240
GE. THO MPSON-Itoom 112 , Bhocly block.
7-ioom house ; $30 ; li-rootn house , all im-
provementp , WO ; 8-room house , 0 blocks from
lloyd's opera house , $10 ; 10-room house , steam
heat , and other Houses. 242
I HAVE a four-room house on 10th stroot. two
blocks south of Vlntou , that I will rent to n
good tenant for $12 per month , ovorj thing in
good repair. Geoije ( J. Stornsdorff , Boom 0 ,
opposite P. O. 231
nijVE room house on ranmm , rentjlin ,
-L bUngsiuanO , furniture for bale at 81,100.
Co-op. L. If L. Co. , 205 N Itlth Mt. 330 2J
171011 KENT 2 now 7 room houses , 1 four room
4. house , well and cist BUI , nice yard , ! ! fith and
Pacific. Inquiio N. P. Ltudquht , t21 Sttith st.
TT1OK KENT ] J-room house ; nil modem con-
-L venlonces ; near High bchool. The O. F.
Davis Co. 121-27
ATEN-KOOM house with nil modern 1m-
piovoruents for runt ; sltuaiod ut2."il4 Doug
las st. Inquire at UTO Douglas st. 10J-S8 *
\7\0n \ \ UEN'l' ' Cottage live looms 2iXJ feat from
X' Park ave street car , coi iisr 37th nnd How-
aid sts , rent $ . " 0 pur ino in advance , A. S. Hill
ings , 101 S. 15th. [ Kit
[ 71OK HUNT For th summer n fuinlslied
? house In tint boit location In the cltv , pi Ion
moderate. Address , giving iiamo and lofor-
cncos , to P , O. lo.\3Q7. B'il
TrtOKHENT A choice 0 room liouho.fenced lot ,
Jt ? gas , tity water , fuinacc , bath loom , clsti'rn.
nlso liU'S'J Veil equipped baru , being 2543 Capitol
nvo. Inqulio 2d house east of premises ov loom
14 Omaha Natl bid. 1) ) . H. Koblsou.
OO'lTAlI < 3ronm , a small store room nnd
good bam , wltll 4 acres of laud , situated 44
mlle uoith uf fait , C5UO , Apply J17 B llth nt.
FOK KENT A line residence on Farnam st.
K. 0. Pnttni , < on , liH ! S , 151 at , CV )
TEN room house with yard , near Taniara and
2tth st. , steam hent and all modern Im
provements. tH pur month. Cull , ' wt S. 2Uh Nt.
TTHUl KENT Elegant 10-room house , all mod-
J. eru impiovuniontfl , ou cur line1. Inquire
H08 Douglusi bt , 07S
TjlOK KENT AH8 room IIOUMJ. with bath , ono
-L' block finni car HUP , J.M per luontli. 11.1 : .
Cole , room fl , Continental block. aw
SOMETHING clieap , house f-ir rent or for
Bale , fin nlturofor sale , iuriiullne Euryolo-
podla lliltanulca , new Mock pisuo and other
iurjilturo. Otto lleiudorlr , K3 Utorgla avenue.
K REST S now ll-room JIO-ISBS , "f tJ , by S.
T. Petoisen , so cor 15tU ami Douila < , 74 >
T710U KKNT8room house. North Eauaders
Ji > st. Euquira of 0 , W. lleill i Co. , 3UH.
10th. KM
TjlOK KKNT-i-Whun you want to rc-ut a house.
J-1 Btoroof oillcefiotoll , E.Cole. 553.
TTIOH KENT-A ueat 870 cottage. Apply at
JL ? once. O. F Harrison. 41 S ISth st. 653
TJIlTlt KENT Koom nicely twulshedroT-TorS
Jt > guntlenien ; luoaklast if ilcslred , O , 8. Ack-
eruiRu , 130J 8 IE.M bt , nearllnnscom park , 331 23 *
MTWO rooina. two cloTetsrsultablo for 2 or 3
.L per ous , J15. No. W2S IMhbt , 3fl7J. >
lUI U'Oius , sultablo for hVu !
injf , N , W. comer IMh nna Clurk bis.
_ _ _
KENT 2 JumUlnjd or amfurnlshed
room * , with or wUbout-board , 1359 N mil
' UI08 *
M"MNicely furiiislic-U south front
-.U F rntw tt. . '
. * WJ % 4 ,
FOIl HKNT-Nowly furnished room * with
board If desired in private family , modern
convenleuca. 1415 Jones st. 379 87 *
171011 KENT Very desirable southeast room
JL' with alcove nnd closet , nicely furnished , In
brick house ; nlso one Mugle room with closet
nud board. 2o2J Itarnoy HI. 370 2tt
TT10K KENT Two nicely furnished rooms with
JL1 lioAttl and nil conveniences. Kcferenco re-
quired. Imiulro 11114 rnrnam st. 3M ) g *
TJIOn UKNT.-l'urnlshed front room with or
JL1 without boaril. 421 North 17th at. 393 28 *
TTIOK KENT A small bed room , fiirnshc ! < L
JU 2.'lu Chlcngo st. 3U7 88 *
FOK KENT Large furnished room.tjood loca-
tloin 827 3.21st St. 400-23 *
17VIt KENT Cheerful front rooms with board
- * - ' In private faintly , first class location , refer
ences. 6-Ti Pleasant st. near St. SInry's ave.
B74 3Qt
"T71UHN1BED Kooms Very pleasant location.
JL1 Modern conveniences. No objection to
lady roomers , 2121 Son nrd 3b'J ! )
"IT10K KENT 2 rooms nultablo for light house-
J. : keeping. Inqulio room II1302 Douglas.
TT1UKNISHED rooms In now flat sluulo or on.
JL1 suite with gas , bath nud nil modern con-
venlencos. S14 N. ifithst..Sd lloor. 3M33 *
TJ10H KENT rurnlshod room , l"ol Caj ) . nvc.
TpUKNlSHED front room cheap. B110 Hnrnoy.
FOH KENT Larco front room , southern ox
posuns wltrt or without board , in privnto
family. AddiessL Si , Ileo onice. 31837 *
TT10K KENT A very deslrablo furnished front-
* room , nt No 111 North 17th .it near Dodge st.
331 It
TpOIt HENT-Kurnlsliod cottage , good loca-
JL1 tlon. ll.4N.2.Hli. . QUO 27 *
TJ10K KENT To gentlemen , newly furnlshoil ,
JL' cast front room w Ith nlcovo nnd bay win
dow , nlso 1 single room ; nil modern conven
iences ; boaiil If desltcd. G23 Georgia avo. , 20th
St. 30327
FOIt KENT Large , Imndsomely furnished
room on llrst lloor. 023 S 15th t , 301
"I710H KENT Furnished room in pleasant lo-
JU cation with private family. Suitable for
two gentlemen. Hoard if desired , Knqulro,1410
Dodge t. -2fcU2a *
"HlOll KENT Furnished room for two young
J..1 men ; modern convenience. 214 S. Irfth st.
20127 *
YEKY pleasant largo furnished rooms ; all
desired conveniences ; privnto house , board ;
1 block from postolliee , 1U1J nnd 1010 Cnpltol nvo.
85t 31t
I71OK KENT A furnished or unfinnlshod
-L' room In private family at 513 S. 25th avo.
243 20 *
PUKN1SHED rooms to rout. 2227 Dodge st.
TJ1URNISHED rooms for rent with or without
--1 board. 2015 Douglas st. 175 31 *
TTIUKNISHED rooms , * 1 to J1.60 per week. 504
-L1 s. ibth street. C0427T
FOIl KENT Furnished rooms w 1th board , In
iirlvato family. 2402 Pleasant and St.
Maryis ave. 103 20t
ITIOK KENT Furnished room , 17U3 Douglas.
JU 227
UKNISHKD rooms nnd board for ladles
ouly. No. 1101 Davenport street. 207 27 *
WELL furnished front nnd back parlors ,
suitable for 4. Would rent singly. Cheap to
permanent parties. Also small rooms 810 per
month. 700 8 17th nve. 1B ( 23 *
FURNISHED rooms and board. 1003 rnrnam ,
239 J 23 ,
OK UENT Fuinlslied rooms , w-lth or without -
out board. 2539 at. Mary's ave.Graddy blk.
Tmoil KENT Deslrnblo furnished rooms , 1731
JL1 Davenport. 1JO
TjlUftNISHED room for ono or tn o gentlemen ,
JL1 Leslie & Leslie. Kith nnd Dodge sts. 957
TDOOJIS For Hout A very deslrablo suite of
JLV front rooms ; also one single roomlupri-
vale family , with board ; all modern conven
iences ; half block from two street car lines ;
none but llrst-class need apply. C29 Georgia ave ,
S. aith'Bt. i"33 "
TTIOK KENT A nicely furulshcd front loom ,
JL' suitable for two gentlemen. Enquire at
2011 , St. M-try'save. 411
jfTIU UNISHBD rooms , 113 S 20th. C20 J4
T AllOB frout room , 1703 Douglns.
" 13 OOM to rent , nil modern improvements. 1703
JuV Dodge ht. 775
1710K KENT S furnished rooms suitable fot-4
-L' contleuion. Inquire Hooin C , 3d floor , 1302
Douglas. M3
T71OR KENT Two nicely furnished front
J- rooms , with or without board , modern con
veniences , S3 and 50 per month. 1J31 N. Ibth st ;
on two car lines. GJii
TmOK HENT Furnished rooms In Greunlg bli
Jcor. . liith and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. U
Davis. Mlllard hotel bllliaid room , 550
"H10K KENT Hooms f'i.nlsliod and unfur-
-U niHhotl , lW4Cap. i a , 658
TflOll IlBN3ifUnilshod rooms. 1818 Dodgo.
- : s84 jo
10K KENT 3 rooms to small family. 2bth
and Half Howard fcts. 31728 *
POK KENT 3 nice unfurnished looms at 627
So. CSilstloot. 332 27t
U 'nfurnlshed front room , 2007 Cnss st.
T71011 KENT Three unfurnished rooms , suit-
Jable for light housekeeping , situated on
second lloor , ton blocks northwest of P. O. , on
Ked car Hue , references required. Address L
3 , Ueo Olllco. 229 3D
OFUKN1SIIED rooms , 1513 Leavenworth.
1.87 2Ut
EOK KEN3' Largo front Ofllco , 310 8.nth , best
locution in city. Mrs. Hrega to faon , 314K S.
15th ,
TJ'OH KENT Storrrooin , 1603 Howard street ;
JL ? boat location in city for grocoiy or furniture.
"IjlOK KENT Doslrablo ofllces In now Shoely
J- building , 15tU nnd Hovvai d sts. , $10 and up ,
Hlsostoio room , G , E. Thompson , solo agent ,
Koom 112. 2-U
rplIE two corner store rooms In old city hall
JL building. Ihth and Karnam stn. , for lent
cheap. Campbell & llnney , 310 B. 10th Bt. , board
of tiade bulldinc. 184
IOH KENT A store20x50 , $30. Inquire. 018 S.
JTth. Potejifon. 151
I710K JHINT Store room nnd cottage or 3
-J-1 roomH , good born , etc.lth4 ncres land ,
situated h mile north of fort , fJ5 Apply 317 S.
LlNTONblock,8. IStli , corner of Mason fct. BJx
huiulHonip now store rooms with largo c l-
lars underneath , llnished with all modern im
provements and conveniences , llents moderate.
Apply to John Hainllii , 811 S. llth st , Omaha.
131J1 *
T/1OK KENT Half of onire at 312 B 10th st.
Jt ? Chamber of Commerce bid , Odoll llros. & Co.
TJAOK KENT-SuIto of ollico rooms. Ilnshmnn
JU block , cor. ICth nnd Douglas. Nine room
novue , cor. 17th and Dorrns , UHO per month , Inquire -
quire w , M. liupbmnn , 1311 Liwonworth , 71J
TK ( KENT Iluslnnss room now occupied ns
J.1 my oilico on 15th at. C. F. Hairlaon , 419 S 15th
HENT-Kasoineiit. 603 S. 13th.
3031 *
LEASE and fiirnltum for sale. All the house
holds good at IK SI Dodge , houi-p ono nntl one-
half biocss fiom P.O. , looms can bo rented at
boat prices ; moving from city nnd must sell.
Inquite at house. 2UU 31
BTOl'.AGi : loom to icnt , 1113 yainnm bt.
252 J3
F HEN'J Goocl f > ale nnd llverv barn , excel-
1 lent locution , rent reasonable , iiiciulro of U ,
W. McVickor , room 2. Uarker blk. 075
GE. THOMPSON , Kooin 11 ? Sljcely block ,
t 337
IF YOU want ) our houses rented place them
with Icnav-a & Co. , Uth , opposite postolliee.
" \\TANTKD Houses to rant , anil we can rent
T \ them too. H. E. Cole , N. K. 15th and
Douglas. CuK
TTST hcusra for rent w 1th iCE. Cole , * N. I ! .
JU isth and.Douglas. . 6
Q KEOOllY , P. J * . Kentttl tfeeut , 30 B loth s
1 for laoles ilurln- |
connucment , strictly conlirtontml. Infanta
AuMioja El-1 , liteoi ! > co.-
"PERSONAL A yoliiulXvldowowninplior own
J. homo would like to meet a gentleman of
means who will advance her a small sum of
money nnd take room and board or security on
furnlturo for the sario : ige no objection. Address -
dress for 3 days. L yrt , nd6 olllco. 3T029J
A YOUNG genllemauc from Newton. Mnss. .
would like to make the acquaintance of n
young Indy inOinaua. Address L 2 , Hoe ofHco.
373 S7t
"PERSONAL Ladlftsnllil gentlemen desiring
J. correspondents , ' nddress , Corresponding
( Hub , Kansas City , Mo , , for informntlon. In
close stamp. sxj J 25 *
IF you want to buy , sell , rent or exchange
call on or address George J. Stemsdorir ,
room C , opposite p , p. an
"PERSON AL-JI1.CO will buy ft verv pretty doc-
J- orated dinner and tea sot of 101 pieces , in
squnro shapes nnd liooths English ware.
Smaller sets of snmq ware for tn.8) . W.CO. $7.75
nndupwnrds , Those ar the best and hand
somest sots wo over sold for the money. Sots
made up In nny number ot pieces to suit cus
tomers. Illustrations and price lists mailed
upon application. Can pack no as to prevent
breakage. Cnll nnd see these sots or write for
lists nud Illustrations to Moody's Chlnn Store ,
'J2N. ' 10th Bt. . Omaha. 374 87
"pEKSONA1/-Slgn writer ( pictorial ) , first class
-L man , iwants to travel. Address L : lloo
ofllco. iifit 37t
PERSONAL-Mlss Minnie Hildlnj ? will tnko
charge of the dressmaking slicipfoimerly
owned by Mrs. Grahnm , 25th nnd N sts. , South
Omalm. 2M 27 *
PERSONAL Anyporson In Omnhn who has
the money to spare cannot secure a bettor
rate of Interest than by buying n basoburner of
C. F. Gardner , 719 N Kith Bt. Those stoves are
nil new and of the latest pattern and have all of
the latest Improvements ; previous to storing
for summer w o will Boll them at wholosilo pried
coal is high , now yoit ha\o nn opportunity to
oven up on the stove. 214 27
"PERSONAL All kinds of carpenter work
JL done iu llrst class order , door nnd window
screens made and hung. Win. JUohon. 2424
Caldwcll st. 13328 *
"PAINLESS treatment of pile tumors , fistulas ,
-L rectal i > ockots , ulcers , etco , without loss of
tlmo or Inconvenience nt 317 N 18th st. Dr. Kclso
KB4 jilt
T OST. On Mny 21 from Omnhn fair grounds a
-L * chestnut mare , star in forehead , brand of
henrtsithJ or 1C on left shoulder , slim built ,
thin neck , slro nbout llfteen builds high. A ro-
wnrd will bo paid to any person that will return
this mare to Omaha fnlrgiouuds. P. McAvoy ,
TOST Lndios'goldwntch , between 17th nnd
JLJSpruco sts nnd 18th nnd Grace sts. Liberal
reward If leturned to Dr. Amelia IJurroughs ,
1017 Dodge st. 29027 ?
OR SALE Antique , upright folding bed ,
nearly now. Address L. 7 , Deo. 21728 *
ri WO flno cherry , extra light show cases and a
JL counter for sale. Gluck & Wilkinson , 1423
Dodge St. 35327 *
THOR SALE Fresh milch cows aud cnlvos. 8.
JL1 Lovlngston , dealer in live stock,4W 8.10th
325 It
TJ10K SALE Sldo spring buckboard , nearly
Jnew , also single harness. O. I ) . Gauson ,
1403 Douglas st. , or 31th st. , lu Windsor Place.
323 27 *
TJIOR SALE Ono span of youngmules , weigh-
JL1 ing 2.400 Ibs. Inquire 101 N 10th st. 319 3U
T7IOR SALE Scotch Collie dogs , black with
X' tan points. S weeks' old. John D. Oow lo ,
44th and Chicago. 3-J7
FOR SALE Ono wagon , slnglo and double
harness , 813 Douglas st. 312
FOR SALE At half prlco a nice black walnut
chamber suit with woven who springs and
wool mattress ; all new ; wortn your while
to see them. Address L Ig Dee olllco. 310 27T
FOR SALE Or rent , furnlturo of 2 rooms for
light housekeeping , near postofflce , rent
$15 per m ; furnlturo now .soil cheap. Apply room
11 , OsthotI block , cor. California and loth.
309 28t
_ _ _ _ _
SEALED bids will bo received on the restau
rant. 3198. llth st , up1 to 3 p. m. Monday ,
2bth. At that tlmo It will be sold to the highest
bidder. Examine stock and make your bid.
272 37 *
BARN to bo moved I have a barn that will
accommodate four b6rses and la In good
repair that 1 will trade or bell very cheap. Ap
ply to G. Ilnith , proprietor Saunders street
market , between Caldvvcil hud Hamilton.
TJ'OK SAtEVurrjlture and carpets of a largo
- - hociso by the ploco-or entire , all now and class , 17J1 Dnvenport. 207
TrWR SALE , cheap , largo work team ; call 1441
A' s. 2Uth , 2C8 28 *
OR SALE Two (2) ( ) tubular steel boilers fi x
14 feet , with smo'io black , steam guages.
glass water guagos. etc. , all complete ; will leil
cheap. Address Fred Krug , lirorro * , ttaiaha ,
N ob , ctjj
FOR SALE Top phaeton and harness , $45 ,
J5S7NWth. H192W
FOll SALE One large bay team of horses ,
wagon and harness , Jnmilroof Win. Slniers
4 : Co. , S.-W. cor. 10th and California st. 775
T7IOK SALE The furniture , carpets , fixtures
J-1 and lease ot a pleasantly located , newly
furnished house , near horse and cable cars ,
house heated by steam , furnlturo. etc. . In use
less than a year ; must bo sold at once. Tor par
ticulars npply to Hartman Ss Gibson , 181J Far-
nan st. 407
TT1OR SALE A bout 3,000 tons Dluo river Ice ,
JL1 Lnuhnm & Abbott , -Crete , Nebraska. C58J10 *
TT10II BALK Some first class 2d mortgage
-L ? paper at a discount. C , G , Spotwood , 305K S.
10th. 645
M : K8. E. WINTON. professional midwife. N.
E. cor. Dorcas and 18th at. 377 27 *
MltS. M. IS. MITCHELL , line fancy work ma
terials and stamping , removed to 1619 Far-
nam .st. 335 ai
PEKSONAIj Ladlesu boautlfut hand Is made
by Prof. Hntcliason , Hnirdrcsdorand Mani-
euro , Koom USJ , Now Paxtou Blk. 3' ' 927
O UFF &CO. , 117 N Ifjth st , sell furnlturo and
fctovos loss than nny other House lu Omaha.
OlirF& Co. . nt 117 North 10th st. . pay the
highest prices for f urntturo , carpets , booka.
and stoves. 3M J23
aj. S. BTEKNSDOKFl'.ioom 0 , oppoaltopost-
olllccwlll trade you n good farm or city
property fern horse , buggy and haruuss. 133
TIHK Omaha Financial Exchange , Koom 16 ,
Baiker block , soutliwest coiner of 1'ar-
niini and 15th sts , >
Makes n specialty of short-tlmo collateral and
cenl estate loans.
Money nlw ays on hand in sums of $100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan onnppiovedau-
curlty ,
Sacui eft notes bought , &old or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to oxchaugo for
good llri > t or second mortgages.
Loans made upon land contracts , stockn ,
bonds , triint deeds , first or second moitgago &o-
curlty , w llhout publicity , delay or led tape
fc'inaneial business of nuy kind traiiS4tted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Koom 15 , Barker
block , Corbutt , Manager , ( > U5
M1 OKTOGE notes bought and bold. E. i > .
Henvor , Itoom 40Ilarker block. 47BJS
rpim Bhelton 25th anil Dodge st. , lirbt-class
J. family hotel , looms and board at lenson-
able rates ; references roqulioil. Mrs. MVUU -
taker , propi Ic-tress , , 473 J8
lllit/nnjo ; taught as'ciu ait by Goo. F. Gellon-
. bock , bOJ Harney nt , 183
"I7IIKB insurance , roljalilo companies , II. E.
J3 Cole , N. E. 15th niyl Douglas , C07
l OK SA LE A top Uugg < - , nearly uow.O olum
JU bus makn , ube tjoud slnglo harness , A , H ,
Comstock. 3128. IQtlt st. ' 140
" \7l7IIENyouIiavobarguiusinreal estate cal
Vl on J.F. Hammond , 5J7 Paxton building ,
878 J 1W
you liavo nnvthlng to trade call on or ad-
IF drebsGeorgo J Stc.n.n.fdorlr , Koom U , oppo
site poatotllce 107
\7ANTED A good llorf , buggy and harness
In nxchango for Soiitli Omalm lots , Geoigo
J , St ei iwdorir , room oopp. ; jioatoillco. 230
"VATES & Co. . BIO NprthlCth st. , store nnd In-
JL sure foodu for loit than other people charge
Storage G ivo us u call. 235
rnKACICAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. M
J. llushmnn , 1.111 Leiveiiwortli.
. tXJWAN liasienteda largo utoreago
. houne. 200 , 210 and 212 South Ilht. | .
where he U piepared to lake iu nllTclmls of
goods for Htoraga at a reasonable rate ; a fire
proof building. UH J 3
To buy a 0 room house about one
WANTED postolllce , fatringer i. Co. . 1518
Dodge . 83329
TlTANTKD-fcOO.OOObricksi for lots , houses nnd
I T come casr , . Paul , iww 1 uruam. 287
. buy furniture of ft flou&e of Uttt cen-
W1I.L loca.tud. Co op. L. it L. Co , 205 N. 18th
' ' '
1 . W .
ANTJJIJ To bny or lease small hotel In
Neb. Address It. X. , lied Cloud. Neb.
gQ8 J C *
REVEHAL store bulldlncs or houses that ran
bo moved. Will pay good price If suited.
George J. StcrnsdorIT , room 0 , opposite post-
olllce. 231
WANTED Good house and lot in deslrabln
part of thoclty ; will give first-class bar
gain to anyone if suited. Goo. J.Stornsdorff ,
HoomO.Froiizer blk. 818
WANTED Corner lot in Hanscomiilaco , E.
A. Leavonworth , room 1 , 1417 rnrnam . st.
IP you hnvo Improved business or residence
property that you wish to sell , call nnd see
me. George J. Stornsdorff , room ( I , opposite ,
AUUtVKD from Callfornla-Madnmo Winters
gifted dead trance clairvoyant and nstrolo-
81st ! can bo consulted on all alTnlrs of life or
oath ; reunites the separated , causes luck nnd
speedy marriages , shows photoof future wife or
husband , locates diseases nnd cures thorn by
massage and magnetic treatment , has the cele
brated Hindoo charm for luck. All those In
trouble will do well to cnll on this gifted sooriss
gives you a correct written reading through
rrmll for W.oo , with lock of hair. The Madame
lias taken parlors at 1003 Howard St. . 3d floor ,
I'arlors Z nnd . - *
DK. NANNIE V. Wnrren. clairvoyant.
icnl , business nnd test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 1)9 N. ICta
Bt. . Rooms 2 A 3. Tcl.S44. fi70
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons , otcj
without removal or on collateral security.
Huslncss strictly confidential. A. E. Gioen-
wood & Co , , Itoom 1 , Cunningham block , corner
I'ith and Jackson. V.ttm'.n
MONEY To Loan Hy the unclenilgned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency in Omaha , Loans of $10 to J100 inildo on
furnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid at nny time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
made on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons
ohould carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , ns mnny now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
neomo. W. II. Croft , room 4V7Uhiioll building ,
ICth and Harnev. C73
TJ1ASTEKN money The Philadelphia Mort-
JUJgage & Trust Co. offer unusual inducements
to good borrowers on Improved property , city
nnd country. Apply to Goo. W. P. Coots , Ropre-
sontttttvo , 13 Chamber Commerce. B55J2U
MONEY to loan on chattels. Room 31 , Cham
ber of Commerce. U. F. Shnw.
600 mST
MONEY to loan , casli'on hand , no delay. J.
W. and K. L. Squlro. 121 Faruam st. First
National Dank building. 677
HUGH PERCY loans money on norses , furnl
turo nud other pnrsonal mopcrty or colla
teral at reasonable rates ; nil business strictly
confidential ; money on hand , no delay ; nlso
makes loans on city real estate. Ofllco 424 nud
435. 4th lloor. Paxton building. 101J31 *
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Rico Si Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank 590
M1 to loan on real estate , mortgages
bought nnd sold. Wallace , Crelghtou blk.
TV/TONEY / loaned on furnlturo. pianos , organs ,
-TJL horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co-1417Famam. 63J
niOR low rate loons , Sholes. J83
" * _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . . . ,
TITONEY to Loan I can place good first-class
JLTJL city loans on short notice and at lowest
rates. D. V , Sholes , room 1 , Barker block.33o
Tl/TONEY / LOANED at C. V. Hoed & Co.'s Loan
iJL Office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and 3\\ other nr-
vlclosof raluo without romoval. 319 S. 13th.
All business strictly confidential. 671
LOANS made on good productive real estate ,
security 3 and 5 years time , optional pay
ments and favorable terms and rates. Kimmill ,
Champ & Itynn , U. S. Nnfl Hank U'ld. 370 JS
AK. KILEY Loans , 1610 Fnrnnm. 1 am prepared -
pared to take largo or small loans on
business blocks or residence property. Good
terms nnd prompt work. 801
I > UKCHASE money mortgages bought.
Wright & Lnbbury , 215 S. 14th St. , up-stairs.
MONEY to loon on city nnd farm property.
Geo. N. Hicks , Hooin 40 , Darker block.
. 470J8
OANS made on Omaha city property by
J V. Sholes , room.l Bnrkor blk. 688
T OANSmndoon Improved nnd unimproved
J-J city propeity at lowest rates of Interest ,
special rates on largo loans on iusido property.
Odell llros. tc Co. , 312 S. 16th St. 408
" 1ITONKY to loan on city nnd farm property.
J-TJ. J , F. Hammond , room 517 Paxton uld'g.
LARGE or small loins without delay by
Sholes , room I , Barker block. 38.1
M ( BY to loan on chattels. Koom 31 , Cham
ber of Commerce. 606 m27
Hfl. IKEY-$500,000 to loan on city propei ty
nnd improved farm laud. Fronzer block
OHOLES places more cans than anybody.
TITONEY to loan on horses , iurnlture nnd
.I'-L other personal property , or collateral.
Hates moderate. Business confidential. Olllco
S. W. corner 15th nnd Douglas sts. Entrance on
15th st. The Fairbank Investment Co. 280
$ ; 600 ' to $60UX ) loans by Sholos.
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Lcaritt Uurnham.
room 1 , Croiuhton block. 074
IOANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
J bought , Lewis 8. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnain.
671 *
MONEY to Loan. We have money on hand to
loan ou improved nnd vacant property in
Omaha and South Omaha , Call and see us.
Wright & Lasbuiy , 215 S. 14th St. , up-stairs.
d500,000 to loan on city nnd farm real estate.
P Llnahau & Mahoney , room 600 , Paxton blk.
S I10LE3 makes improved city loans. 33J
HE. COLE loans monay ou Improved city or
t farm property. Room 0 Continental
block. 270
QOME choice loans wanted by Sholns. 333
CITY loans , Sholes , Room 1 , Darker block ,
G PEK CENT money to loan , Patterson & liar-
naid , 318 S Pall St. T05
M ONEY to Loan O , F. Davis Co , real < ntate
nnd loan oirontu , VfXt Farnam st , H8- ]
MtNEY to loan on furniture , wagons ,
etc. , without removal ; or on collateral securr
ity. llusluess confidential. 0 U Jacobst.M ; S15th _
f-H , >
HOLES , Koom I , Darker block , for loanb.
T A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real * s-
u. tate In Kuma to suit. 220 South Uth &t.
T OANS made on real nstato. Cash on baud.
J-J W , M , Harris over 220 S. 15th st. 57.
TVTONEY to loan on chattels , w ithout removal
J-U. or tiling ; financial Inisinebs of all kinds
transacted without publicity : niouoy advanced
on jew olry , notou , etc. It w ill pay you to bee us.
People's Financial Exchange , O , Douscaicii ,
malinger , IIWJJ Darker bl'k,15tli nnd I'arnam sts
622 JID *
( 500,000 To loan on Omaba city property at 8
P l > * rceut G. W. Day , B. K. cor. Kx. UM.
"ONKY to loan on lur'nituro , iioriteu , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. Low
rates. J. W. Kobblns , 181 i Farnain. 'M
lioLEsiTtoom 1 , Darker lllock.
s'TXB Place loans by Sholoa. 3S3
EE Sholes before getting n loan.
VrOTEbboupht. 0. D. Jacobs , iTJ ) 8.
"OUILDING loans , Hbolos. "i
m'ENDID rates on loans , hholea. 3i !
B UILDING loans. Llnahan & Mahoney.
; 7\oirSALE-At \ Kearney , Neb. , the furniture
J und lease of Grand Central notel. The
second bsat hoiue in thu city aud thu best lo-
catod. being opposite depots. Doing n paying
business. Will be sold at w. bargain. Inqulro
T. O. Uralimrd , Midway hotel , Kenrnoy , Neb.
1DAKTNEK in n well established , jwylne bual-
J- ness ; musthavoJhOO. AUdtcwLStl , Jwtoi- ]
flCO iHiJ < < v
"IDAKTNElT\v anted wl h larwta start a steam
X laundry nqxt v eek ; location , old U. b. * uu-
lry. HthaudCa s ; Christian man iww (
preferred. Address A.Larson , P. O. ' " '
Oiuanft. ;
FOR 8ALI5 Confectionery tiustncss In best
location. Prlco J W ; rent$15 , Co-Opera-
tlve Irfind & Ixt Co. . Zft'i N < 16th t. 831S7
T7IOH SALK-DniR store , established over 17
JL' years , * JZ)0 , cash ; Just the cost of fixtures ,
owner going Into larger business ; pnrtlesmenn-
Ing business please address K 63 , Boo office.
114 27 *
WE have for sale n good paying restaurant
in nrst-clnss location. Prlco $300 : rent $75 ,
Co-Operatlvo Laud fclx > t Co. , SOu N. 16th ft.
T AD1ES nnft gents with small capital for olo-
J i gaut money making business. 1509 Farnam :
st. , room 2J. UOS *
IJHICKYAKD For Snlo-Tho only brickyard
JO In city ot 12,000 Inhabitants , making a net
annual profit of over * 4OUO ; will sell cither part
or whole Interest to right party. Address Z S.
Grand Island. Nob. . P. O. box 20. 1KB
TpOHSALK llrlckynrd. Cnll on M , Hanson ,
JL1 5531 Pacific st. m ! H *
T7KMI 8ALK Grocery , meat market nnd Ice
JL' creaju parlor combined , two. part trade or ,
much less for cnsh. Hcasoii for Kolllng ill health
1018 N lOth St. 3U 28J
171011 SALK-Ono-halt Interest in ft good pay-
X' Ing meat market. Well located In city , and
nvornco dally sales $100 ; rent J.K. This Is n
cheap. Co-operative Lnnd & J/ot Co. . 205 N.
10th st , 33023
MILL Site Splendid mill nlte nnd water
power on Nomnhn river nt Snluin. Nub.
Town will gio $1,500 bonus for roller mill. Will
sell cheap or trndo for land , Address , W. Ham-
mons , Salem , Klchnrdson , Co. , Neb , 150 27
THOIl SALE Hoarding house cheap , on easy
-L' terms ; leaving city reason for selling , 212 S
10th. 7M30J
WANTED Some good business man with
small capital to take nn interest In a pay
ing business ; Dig money to the right party. Ap
ply at room 10,2Fs S 15th st. SIB 23 *
Tnoit SALE Kostnurant , good location , every-
Athing now , good business , best of reasons
for selling. Address L. IB , Hoc olllco. 270 27t
EXCEPTIONAL business opening at Gaylord ,
Kan. Storeroom 22x80 feet , shelved for
dry goods , etc. . $20 nor month ; only two other
dry goods stores In town. A line chance for the
right man. Address I' . II. Orcutt , Council
Bluffs , la. --VO
T710H SALR-Mont market doing a llrst-class
- ! - ' cash business. A "Stephens Cooler" and
complete butcher outfit , horse aud wagon. Will
soil nt a bargain , or trade for team. Call 135H N.
17th. 258 Silo
"DAKTNEllantcd wltll $ * X ) , in confoMlonery
JL mullco cream business ; nddrcss L 14 this
omco. 25J31 *
FOK SALE Flrt class ladles nnd gents short
order restnurnnt , $ JOO a month clear. Good
icasous for selling. Address LG , Dee olllco.
220 27 *
FOK SALE A store nnd stock of furnlturo in
line glowing county seat In eastern Neb. ,
population 1,0110 ; store SJO.COO , stock $6,000 ; ad
dress box 225 , istanton. Nob. 212 27J
FOK BALE-An old and veil established Busi
ness , cheap. Host of reasons for selling.
Takes $ iOO cash. Address K 72 Ileo olllco.
202 2flt
W'ANTKD An active Interest in some pay.
lug established business ; manufacturing
or jobbing preferred ; $10,000 to $12,000. Address
L ti , lloo olllco. 11828 *
POK SALE A banking business In a promi
nent location with lease , fixtures , books ,
time-lock and good will , llox K25 Heo ofllco.
WANTED An active business man with 850
to $ TjO to take hold of n fast selling article ,
Profits from $10 to 810 par day. Koom 4. Crounso
block , ilBNICth , 200 J 4
TTUHST class hotel for sale or oxchau n. B. 8.
-L1 Lilly , real estate dealers , Broken Uow , Neb ,
WK have for ale n longtime lease of the best
location for fancy retail business in the
city. Fcaron , Cole & Kobertson , 310 S. 15th st.
TTIOR SALE A good paying business. Cigars ,
JL' stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. .
in first-class location. Stock will invoice about
S3.MW. Will take city real estate In exchange.
Enquire at Max Meyer & Co.'s. 291
Ai'IANQ , n exchange for equity In a choice
lot near Hanscom park. Welshaus S , Co. .
Exposition building. 3'JO ' 23
TO TRADK. Ladles fine gold chnln and
watch as llrbt payment on good delivery
horse. Address L2g. Deo. 381 27 *
I WILL exchange 100 acres of splendid farm
ing land , cjnly 2' , miles from Elgin. InTaUor
valley. Antelope county. Neb. , for house and lot
In Omaha ; Mho wants this bargain ? Jcsso
White , Jr. . 1B20 Davenpoit st , Omaha. 3J
WILL trndo n new 5 room house for houses
to be moved or for vacant lota. A. F.
G roves , Atty , , CI7 & CIS Now Pnxton. 337 27 *
I HAVE n well Improved 80 aero farm in Har-
Ian couuly. Neb. , nboiit B miles north of Al
ma , county seat. Any ono wanting a good smull
farm will do well to let me . .now luiat they have
to oiler. Cioorge J. SternsdorlT , Hoom 0 , opp. P.
ILL give you n good trade for an eight or
ten room house and lot. George J. fatorns-
dorff , lloom n , oppjslto P. O 231
riAO EXCHANGE Unencumbered lot In Chl-
X cagofor Improved Omaha propei ty , will
assume incumbranco and pay fonw cash , ad
dress giving full particulars , 1C CS Boo olllcc.
1GJ 27 *
w ANTED for good lots orhousos
and lots , Paul , loaa Fainam. 2b7
FOll EXCHANGE A good brick livery stable
that will accommodate 100 hoisea , frontluir
on two good streets , iu one of the best locations
in the city , worth 6H.UOO. 40 acres of llnoly Im
proved land within ono mlle of a good Nebraska
town , worth S1.200. 48 acres of good Improved
land within 2 miles of same town , worth 8I.OUO.
2 good houses and 4 lots in a good live Nebraska
town , worth Si,500. Wanted in exchange good
city moperty. 15. A. Leavenworth , 1417 rarnaui
St. . lloom 1. ion 28
WHAT have you to oirer for 1.2SO ncres ot
timber laud In West Virginia , clonr of in-
cumbrance , nerfect title. George J , Stcriisilorfl' .
Koom 0 , opjxisito P. O. 2,11
SEVEN hundred lots to trade for land , mor-
merchandl/io / or live stock , II. E. Cole ,
Itoom ( I , ConU'liiontfil blo2i : , ioa 81
WHAT have you to trade for bo acres of land
uutncumboied In Junean county , Wis , ,
3 miles from county seat. G , J ,
0 , opp Postollico. 167
WANTED To exchange city lots w ithout any
Incnt'ibrunces. situated within fl miles of
of state houFitt , llostou , Mass , for good equities
onOinnhnreal oatnto. Address Lock Dox 1J33 ,
giving duaalptlon of property. hit 27
OR KXniANGE-Wohavo a ivrgo list of
houses and lois. farms , etc , , for exchange ;
when you liavo anything to cixch xngo como anil
heo us. H , P. . Cole , loom 0 , ConUnoutal blook.
tiJU 31
1 HAVE a fmo farm in Hand countv. Hiik."j
mlloH trom Keo JI f'lit.s. The scin never
Hhone on butter land tha-i this.Vhat have you
to oiler0 , J , Storiisdoiir , room U , opp post-
olllce. . 2M
GJ. STEKNbuoltrF , room n , opposite post-
ofllce , h.iM Home jrootl laud in llolt county ,
Nel ) . , to trade for Omaha pioperty. Will assume
light liicumbrauco. 95
IJ10K liXCIIANCn or Sale-Four line young
4. lior f < , for coed morlguijc paper. A , P.
Tukey , IStli r , < l Douglas xtu. 601
PK P.XOHANdE-Team , wajjonnuilharness
for lot , South Olnaha. W , L. Rolliy. l.Vii
J'lirnuiu bt.
TTlOlTlTxcTlTNOE Nob. farm or two South
J' Oiunlt i lots for spau ot mares or mulea W. .
L BelbyJKil FainamBt. W )
OOxl'ti , corneriflifnnil Douglas sts , to tra-la for
an eight to ton-room house and lot , Goo.J ,
Btornadorir room U. opposite I' O. iii'J '
GJ.BTEKNSDOKI'lMtoom 0 , opposite P.
O. , has roiiB rholco farm land to trade
for city property. Will nsaumo light inruin-
briuicos. _ 2J ; )
E1HTYW ! ( ; arres of laud n IJolnlnj ; Lrlo
JlnniiWH , Council. IllulH , In. This tract
vlHmnUe 4Wbiiaiitirul hits and is fine from
cimiimLiancu. What have von to oiler ? ( it'orge
J , Bteuisdonr. rooiiiO , opp t' O 1H7
OK KXUIIANGE-Viiraiitlots cieai aid en-
cuinbeiod , lor farms nud Impiovod city
property ; see our list , H. E. Cole , loom 0 , linn-
UnuiitulbU > c.k. _ tJ0ll ! _
NEW 3"biiiteil carriage auilho\r sluicliTtop
huggv to truilo fin loui ; tlmu i cntato
mortgJgH. W. L. Seiby Ij21 aiimm st. _ VJ1
B1HCK Wnnted-lOO.OOO bricks n
for good lii'il'la Omalm piopurty. H. A.
Bloinan , room Si nndl ! i IIHlpmn bl'l . W
rpKADES miido In rodl wstatu nud personal
J. jiroperty. See exchange boVx. Co-op. L.
nnd L. Co , )1 ) N. Ibtli st. fAt
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trtut Co. . 15J5
Farnam etre l Coinplota abstract * fur-
uiolied , and titles to real c tat * r ltili8d. ! p r-
f ectf d aud eur.rantetd. f > 'J >
"IDKNSON iCAKMICIIAKL farnun complete
JO and fe'utr.iiueo'l ubntrncts of title to unr
real eatati In Omaha andDouKlu county upoa
short notice , The mostcoTiiulotosetof abstract
books In tha city. No , 1519 K.trnaunt. " _ _ 6j <
BouTir Omaua-B'l. "johuson nc
Co. , agents South Omaha Land Cu , have
( he ouly compluie but ot abstract book * In
BoutbOinaha , Complete abstracts fiirufshort
on short notice. . Ollica onposita dcptt , SoutU
"I7IOH SALK-Cozy cottngo , very convenient ,
J-1 onci mils from postofTlce , only KJ.WO.
Wclshans & Co. , Exposition bldg. iM ) 89
mo LEASK-llalf a lot of a mlle from post-
JL ofilcn. $100 per year ; contain * nn 8-room
house , well built , that ran be bought cheap.
Wclshan.s & Co. , Exposition building.
T 1. KICK k CO. , Heal Kstnto. 699
TfUHl SALE. 1'nrmson long tlmo. Co-Opern-
JL' tlvo Land and Lot Co. . 20. ' N. ICth St. 92T
JL. KICK ic CO. , Heal Estato. COS
"filOH SALW ,1 lots In Jotter's second addition ,
JL' smith Omaha , clienp ; Tory easy terms. A
O. Horkey , 1417 Farnam st , Kooui 11. S79 26
TTtOH SALE Nice homo near Hanscom park ,
JL1 with hard wood llnlsh house , nnd barn ,
cast front , $3,31)0. ) Welslmns & Co. , Exposition
building. 8i 38i >
LOVISLY residence near Dodge St. cable can
bo bought on very favornblo terms It taken
at once. Wulshnns & Oo. , Exposition bldg.
T710H ' SALE-Lot 4(1 ( block 1 , Armour place ,
* - South Omnhn ; must sell , nnd It you want
B lot that will make you money address I *
23 Keo olllce. 310 '
"I71OH SALE.-3 choice lots In block 19. Walnut
J- Hill at a bargain. L33. llee. j aa
MA. tn'TON k CO. 301 South 10th Street ,
Opposite Chamber of Commerce.
Will sell for a short tlmo the following ;
Lots y nnd 10 , block C , Sulphur Springs addi
tion , ] ( t ! feet front on Sherman nve , corner
tnOO ; will sell corner , 02 foot , for $ .1,100.
Corner on Farnam nud Lowe avenue , f.1,000 !
B. and o. front.
Lot 8 , block 4 , KllbyPlaco , 60x155. cast frout ,
83,0.10 : easy terms.
Lot 7 , block 8. Hnnscom Place , flno onst front
lot , roxIbS. $ .1,100.
Lot 11 , block 8. Hillside , no. 1 , south front ,
borne boautlfill south front lots on California
street , in Hart's sub. , cheap.
Two 01-foot front lots In Clark's addition. Just
north of St. Mary's ave , for 11,000 each.
Lot s 8. and li ) . block 5 , E. V , Smith's addition ,
00x140 each , $2,1100 each.
South nnd east front in Smith Park on Sher
man nvo , corner Ilurdetto , $160 per front foot.
Lots 1 iui(12 ( , block 1 , Paddock Place , ou Sher
man ave , , $12Ti per front foot ,
Gooil building sites In nil the liisldo additions
to Omaha and South Omaha ,
Oh , my I my I but hero's a bargain a dandy
cast front corner on 36th street , notwcen Leav-
cnworth and 1'arnam , nt u prlco 25 per cent below -
low anj thing on the street. This snap won't
"keep" long ,
A lovely little homo lu Potter's addition , be
tween Leavenworth nnd i'nriiam , cast front , 0-
room nouse , all kinds of fruit , etc. , etc. Wo can
offer this for a few days at a price much below
its value.
Wo lm\e a number of neat cottnga homes for
Do you w ant a beautiful nud complete homo
ou Park nvenuo , north of Lonvemvorth ?
Or perhaps you would like ono on Park
aveune , south of Leavenworth. Wo have them ,
both ways.
Maybe you are looking for an elegant homo oil
California st. , near Crelghton college.
Or there might be such a thing as your pre
ferring to go in Schull's 2d add. , whcro tliora
nro bo many pretty homes being built.
Or it's just possible you may wish to go oa
Georgia avo. , that beautiful residence thoroughfare -
faro ,
Or you may want to avoid the hills nnd make
your residence among the fashionables at
Kouutzo Place , where there Is nothing but ele
gant nud costly houses.
No matter where your preference is , we have
them I Wo have theml W o have the houses and
lots. We have them In all kinds , style nnd prlco ,
from 81,500 to $13,000. Hut here lot us gently
whisper something In your ear. All ye that ar
wanting homes don't you wult nuy longer ,
thinking tlint you will buy cheaper than you canto
tolay. . Realty in Omaha i. e. such ns wo soil
is nt bed-rock now. The city is growing rapidly
and there will bo nn advance before there is a
decline. Don't lot this fact escape your memory.
You will make money by heeding this advlco.
While real estate matters are quiet and the
city is fast developing into a great metropolis la
the time to pick up a good business corner. Wo
have bargains to-day that could not bo touched
for less than - > per cent moio than is now asked
should there bo a little tlurry iu realty. And
this "little Hurry" is nearer than most people
think. Omaha Is rlpo for another advance , another -
other cable line , a rnlllicr. duller hotel , or some
thing of the sort tfould start speculation In
good property again. The "wild cat" is too
dead lor anything , but Inside Omaha property
is better than a gold mine. as its resources ara
inexhaustablo. M. A. Upton & Co. , telephone
854. 15J28
"V\/K have some veiy cholco lots on which wo
ii will build houses to suit purchasers.
Welbhans iV Co. , Exposition building ,
300 29
FOR SALE Two lots cor Wlrt nnd IBthsta. ,
Kountzo place , for sale at a bargain. Odell
Pros. & Co. . 312 8 ICth St. SQ5
BEST fo , M lesldence In city for sale , 1 milo
S , W. court houbo , AddrebS L 10 llee ollice.
SK\l&t \
NLY a few lots left In II. A ; M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have you to offer/
George J. Storiisdorir. Room C , opp.P. ; O. 231
TTIOK SALE Or exchange. Wo have some
JL' good Omaha leal estate aud Nebraska
farms , which wo will sell cheap or trauo for
stock of clothing , f mulshing goocls , dry coeds ,
boots nndshoes , giocerles or hardware. Schloa-
iuger Jlros. , 14S. lOthBt. 03
FINEST residence lots In city , Hnrney cor 25th
nndSRth bts. nlto 2flth near Nicholas , will
exchange for good clear property. Paul. 1009
Farnam. 4 j
W'HY pay lent wnon you can buy a nice slx-
room house on easy payments ? Conslderl
Co Opciatlvo Laud & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st.
TjOK SALE Exchange or lease , best atoclc
-L' farm In Nob. , Smiles from Fremont ; cuts
1,000 tons of hay , splendid water , 2 houses , 3
barns , fenced for cattle and hogs. Geo. K. Gib
son & Co. , Omaha. Thos. It. Gibson , Fremont.
759 JIB
T L. RICE & CO , Real Estate. 693
TT1OK SALH At less tnan coat ; Nine nice , "
Jneat cottages , well Imtlt , elegant lots In
elegant loc.itlon , high and dry , nnd only short
distance trom llolt line depot In Walnut Hill ,
from $900 to $1,100. } . cash , balance $10 per
TIKSO houses aio being closed out regard Io
of cost nudyoit c.umotnot another such a bargain -
gain In a hundred years. .Call quick ou D. V.
Sholes , room 1 , Darker block , 7.J5
rpWENTY-EIOH'l lots iiiWisoA , Pnniieloo's
Jv add. , with or w Ithout house , to sell on your
ownu-nns , and will help to build homo. Paul ,
lliU ! ) Jill 11.1111 Ht. 237
j77 > THKNSuOItl'F , roomis opposite post >
. olllco , will'ell you a good 4-room house
on lilth direct , ' . ! blocks south of car line , by payIng -
Ing ? 2JO rasa , balance monthly payments to
suit. 'Jlils is a splendid opportunity for any.
one wanting a cheap homo , [ ill
B A uTOr frndo : WJuciou , linrltw couV
ty , Nob. , imp ,
IfiO aciei , Holt Co , Neb , Imp.
32H acres , ICnox Co , Neb , Imp.
lUlaues , ( Uuoliiy ( Jo , Neb.
40ncips , adjoining Lake Mannwn ,
Lots in II. & M , Park , Houtti Omalm , clear ,
2 lots. Mfhoso Hill cncumbeic'd , J.VJI.
I lot. Koimuii 1'liuo , uueitmbored. $1,450 ,
II lots , A mold 1'aik , eucuinbored , & . ' ,4i.W.
1 lot. Oi chard Hill , oncumbtjrud.gJOU.
} lot , Cumlnt ; st , cor. 31st. unencumbered ,
1 lot , Fnri'jju itt , bet. 3sth and SWth. unencutu-
berul , f..0 0.
1 u < 10 , Holoiuoii's odd , minimbeied , S380.
1'H'Sll btOCCI Iglirs , lllVC'i ( 0 f.JlX)0.
b'jiui lioi > liainerii nnd dolUery wagon.
l"H.ill' cgiiiliinatlou sir < > . nearly new.
Also Imslnus and residence moncrty In all
imrtsnf thoclty , tornulo prtraao for stooksof
liooilb , good farm pioptity or city piopotty ,
Hcllman block. Oiuuha , Neb ,
WILL w-ll y oa n lot in It. & M , Park addition
to South Omaha by paying % M clown , tml ,
> mcu $ " > pui month , Tliosu wanting to inak n
Hiiiull Invcstinont will find It to their advantage
to pmchaKo ono of thrso lots at the present
prlco. Gooiuo J. Stemsdorir , Koom 0. oppo-
blto P , O. S3t
I710K HA 1.1' or Bxctiaiigo ; sonto 111 st class 1m-
-L1 pioxed South Omalm leslclcnco property.
Mill taken good liorao or liori > o nnd buggy as
that pnjint'iu. E , A. Lenvuiurortb , Jtoom L
HJTFurnamst. i'83
I L , KICK A. CO. , Keal Estate , tad
* J
JT HAVEscver.i ) ! choice , In'ldu , full lots , upon
i which I can build liousu-s to ault purchaaera
upon their onn eelctctlou of plans , and on terms
to ult. 'Ihls will pay to InvestlBato. D. V ,
bholes , room I , Barker mock. 125
7 L.'iuCIJ if CO. , Keal listatZ 6'J9
JiOsnl Noucn.
Proposals to ruce'roHoalcd bids , for building a
Court House ntOgnltilln , Nebraska.
Notion is hereby given Unit eenled bids will be.
rt : : thed ut the olllco of the County Clerk ut
Ogcilnlla.Nub , , up to the hour of Km. , on Juno
1 ; . lK. . for I ho nurposo ot building n court house
at Ogalalla , K tut li County. Neb , Plans und epo-
clll < 4ilion for the couHtructlon of said couit
house will bo llled for inspection at the olllce of
theCouuty Clerk atOfulalla Neb. , ou aud alter
ti'o , " > th day of May.
'I hn buuul reservca the right to icjoct any and
nil bids.
l ) , tcd May 9,1888
. ) M 3mim : > AN chin. , )
HcjiiAcr.Coi.i.iNs , V Co , Com ,
\v. O. . JAJIIK.V. )
M * j-J7JWC-n County clerk