Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    i tf wv - 7wrTA HJSVir *
The internal revenue collections yosj
torday amounted to $1,009.23.
Charley , the twelve year old son of
J. W. Gortmlcr of 3730 Hamilton street ,
has been missing since Wednesday.
There is a new-born baby and pros
pective commissioner In the homo of
Mr. Andqraon , of the county board.
Mayor Broatch says that ho" will ap
point a number of ladies to act as judges
and clerks of. the approaching school
election , if ho can find ladles who will
act in either of these positions.
Edward Weiss was yesterday
bound over to the district court in the
Bum of SCOO to answer the charge of
burglarizing the boarding bouso kept
by William Lynch , on Jackson street.
John W. Evarts , of the Western
Newspaper Union , and the Carpenter
Paper company , have Issued attach
ments on the stock and machinery of
the Truth Publishing company to se
cure the payment of bills for material
and labor.
There will bo n , mooting of tbo Eighth
ward republican club at Schrocdor's
ball , corner Twenty-fourth and Ciimlng
streets , Saturday evening at 8 o'clock.
Business of importance is to bo trans
acted , and all republicans of the ward
nro invited to attend.
The Young Mon's Democratic club
have registered the names of 240 people
who have expressed a willingness to
accompany them to St. Louis during the
national convention. This number docs
not include thirty from Sioux City and
Bovonty-flvo from Council Blulls , who
will also bo present.
A. W. Lite and Charles Logar , who
wore arrested by Officer Newman Thurs
day night , wore arraigned yesterday
afternoon before the police magistrate
and discharged. A warrant was sworn
out for Newman's arrest and he was re
lieved from duty last night pending his
trial for assault.
Officer Lewis Peterson Is In Waterloo
lee after a defaulting constable who had
an execution for $01 placed in his care ,
collected it , and bus failed to deliver It
to the proper magistrate in the thirty
days specified by law. It is thought
that it is moro a matter of procrastina
tion than intentional criminality.
JUdge Borka has no mercy on the
cowardly wretches who from time to
time are arraigned before him on the
charge of wife heating. The latest cul
prit is John May , who on Thursday
evening while intoxicated beat his wife
in a cruel manner. The judge fined
him 85 and costs and gave him thirty
da.vs In the county jail , ton on bread
and water.
Personal Paragraphs.
George L. Bowycr , of Carbondale , Is in the
Thomas C. Patterson , of North Platte , is
In the city.
N. 13. Allen , a business man of Kansas
City , Is in Omaha.
John S. West , of Lincoln , Is in the city and
is stopping at tholPuxton ,
G. W < Wattles , of Carroll , la. , Is in the
city visiting with Htchurd Berlin.
Colonel W. 11. Ashby , a prominent citizen
of Beatrice , is stopping at the Paxton.
Lieutenant $ \ W. Roe , ono of General
Brooke's arrived in the
aides-de-camp , city
yesterday , accompanied by his wifo. They
ore at the Foxton.
"William L. Parmentor nnd wife , William
M. Bunting and Henry Shepard , all promi
nent residents of Boston. Mass. , and who are
intqrestc.d in Omaha real estate , are at the
W.F. Phelan , a promising young business
jnan'of Dutoumia , la. , is In the city and will
doubtless remain hero. Ho has purchased a
fine horse and handsome buggy and pro
poses when ho sees the town to ride instead
of walk.
James II. Lynch , who has been n resident
of Omaha for twenty-four years , was yester
day appointed agent nt Platte Center for the
Union Pacific railway. Ho has been in the
employ of the company for the past ten
years , and secured his promotion by close at
tention to business and loyalty to every
trust reposed in him.
More Summer Oars.
The Omaha. Horse Railway company yestcr-
daymorning received an invoice of summer
cars from New York city , which will at
once bo put Into service.
ABuslnrss Change.
Mr. Patrick , who for some time has been
manager of the Pacific hotel business of the
Union Pacific depot , will , it Is understood ,
retire this week. His successor Is said to bo
U lady.
Nipped tlio Cnsli IJox.
: The cash box , containing some three or
1 four dollars , on horse car No. CO , red line ,
was unscrewed from its fastenings Thursday
nnd carried off. The driver left his car
standing on the switch in front of the barn ,
nnd'was only absent u moment , but when ho
returned box and cash were gone.
Another Ciunp S. of V.
Mr. P. O'Brien , of the stuff of the com
mander of the Sons of Veterans will leave
to-day for Pluttsmouth , where , as acting
mustering ofllcor of the division of Nebraska ,
ho will muster in Camp No. f > 0 of the order.
The captain of the same will probably bo II.
C. McMucltln , nnd tlio body will consist of
about twenty members.
Ho Didn't Say It.
It was announced a few days ago that
Councilman Manville hud charged the board
Df public works , through Chairman Bill-
combe , of bribery , clalinlngjtliat ho hud proofs
of the same in his pocket. Yesterday morn
ing the councilman told a Hui : reporter that
IIQ hall made no such charge , and that ho had
il'cn erroneously reported.
Will SollKliJaii Out ,
As Elijah Stoddartlmsfitcadfastly declined
) o pay his personal taxes on horses and cattle
owned by him , County Treasurer Helm has
concluded to bring the wrath of the law
down upon his head , and yesterday guvo
notice Unit ho would sell the property of the
lituuuorii Elijah in West Omaha to satisfy the
Another Stagnant Dny.
Stagnation again prevailed yesterday In
the matrimonial bureau of Judge Shields ,
nnd only ono venturesome couple took voyage
on the turbulent seas of matrimony , The
judge spoke thomagio words that made James
U. Terrell , twenty-three years of ago , and
Maggie HroBimm , aged twenty-two , man nnd
wifo. They both reside In Omuua.
to Iio Abated.
Tiio chief of police has ordered the follow
ing butchers to cease killing nt the points
designated and clean up their promises within -
in five days or suffer the consequences :
Robert Prlco , on Twenty-fourth , north of
Kllwood park ; Stcarncs & Co. , Third and
Division streets : Joe Hart , Twenty-fourth
street , south of Kllwood park , onu Christ
Boyer , near Saratoga school houso.
HoriiH Sent to Jail.
James Kerns , who was assaulted and all
but shot to death by his son-in-law , Billy
Wood's , some tlmo slnco , was released as recovered -
covered froui St. Joseph's hospital ) vesterkay
morning. lie. was brought before the police.
court , however , to appear as a witness
neiilnst his sou-in-Uuv and pick Davis anil
Woods' wife , who are charged conjoin' Iv
with conspiracy to kill Kerns , His bond
fixed ut # 150 , and In default of which ho
went to jail ,
The Ilchukati le reo.
Thodcgreoof itobekah was added to that
bf Golden Link lodge , I. O. O. R at Keystone
Inline Imll , corner of Sixth and Pierce btrccts ,
last night , n.t1 * beautiful and Impressive
ceremonies. District uC"ty Grand Master
Vlnoy presided , and installed" the uuL'C1' * ' *
dlgnlilod and solemn .manner. Theyaroi
Mr * . A. Vinoy , N. O. ; Mrs. Charles Abney ,
V. G. ; Mrs. Prank Durall , secretary ami'
Mrs , P , M. Hack , treasurer. Folio wing'thq
( ustullittion an elegant repast was tervcJ ,
and the evening- was passed In a delightful
Sent Out In Two Sections.
When the Overland flyer over the Union
Pacific was made up last night It was found
that the number of passengers to bo trans
ported greatly exceeded the capacity of the
already heavy train , and it was found neces
sary to fiend it out In two sections. As it
was both sections were crowded with Pacific
coast bound tourists , and from the wny or
ders are pouring In for transportation tbo of
ficials feel that the two-section rule will re
main Indefinitely.
Fighting Kor Possession.
Francis G. Fuller , of South Omaha , has
caused the arrest of Patrick Reardon and
two other unknown men on the charge of
breaking Into his saloon and taking forcible
possession. The cases wcro fixed for a hear
ing before Judge Anderson next Monday and
Wednesday. The trouble seems to be over
n dispute concerning the title to the property ,
which Is claimed both by Dennis Cunning
ham and George W. Duncan. Fuller held
possession under aloaso from Duncan , when
Reardon got n lease from Cunningham , ro-
plevincd the property and took possession.
Valuable Homo Stolon.
A bold thief sawed off a board In the door
of the stable of Samuel Bcrtjstrom , corner
Ninth and Hickory streets , Thursday night ,
nndstola a valuable horsonsot ; of harnossfrml
a rubber blanket. The horse is a black , hind
feet white from knee down , loft fore foot
white and buhl faco. A reward of $25 was
offered for the recovery of the animal.
Constable Jonas Fry came In from Elkhorn
last night with the horse and thief and se
cured the reward. Charles Anderson is the
name of the purlolncr of the beast , and ho
was discovered leading It through Elkhorn.
Ho was locked up In the county Jail.
County Teachers' Association.
At the ofllco of J. 13. Bruner , county super
intendent , the teachers comprising the Doug
las county institute , will hold their quarterly
session , beginning at 1:30 : p. m. to-day Fol
lowing is the programme :
Paper "Needs of Our Schools and How to
get them. " Mr. A. W. Parker.
Discussion Miss Florence Warner and
Mr. A. E. 'Ageo.
Paper "Arithmetic , " Miss Eva M. Pcr-
Discussion Miss Jessie Noycs and Mr. D.
W. Warner.
Recitation "When My Shin comes in , "
Miss Laura A. Welch.
Paper "What to do with dull pupils , " Mr.
C. E. McMonlcs.
Discussion Miss Jcnnlo Allen and Mr.
James Ellis. Jr.
Lecture "Hooks for Our Children , " Super
intendent J. B. Hruncr.
Union Pacific ,
Will sell through tickets to St. Louis ,
Mo. ; to parties desiring to attend the
National Democratic Convention , to beheld
hold at that place , on Juno 5th , at ono
faro for the round trip , from points in
Nebraska and Kansas. Tickets going
good Juno 2nd to 6th , inclusivot and re
turning Juno Oth to llth , inclusivegood
for continuous passage only in each di
Dr. McGrow. Rectal , urinary & priv
ate diseases only. RoomS , Barker bl'k.
I have opened my Woodruff granlto
quarries and can fill all orders of almost
any dimensions , . Rock can bo scon ut
stone yards of Wm. Tyler , Lincoln ,
Nob. , Tnos PUICE.
That Which Comes From Cows Af
fected With Tuberculosis.
Dr. Gcrth , state veterinarian , arrived in
town yesterday to execute a very important
commission. It is that of examining all the
cattle in the public dairies of this city and
vicinity to discover "cases of tuberculosis
which it is thought exists. A similar exam
ination has Just been concluded of the
cows whoso milk is sold in Lincoln with
the result that the disease Is now believed to
have occn eradicated. Tuberculosis is a dis
ease which may bo better undorfatoou by the
name of consumption. Its symptoms are
those peculiar to the latter disease among
humans , and besides being attended by ex
treme emaciation and diminution of milk , is
capable of so affecting the latter as to cause it
to have a dangerous effect upon consumers
especially those of tender years. This trans
mission of disease has been the subject of a
great deal of study among scientists and the
result has been the determination to attempt
to stamp it out by killing the cuttle affected.
Throughout the state there are doubtless
hundreds of cows affected with this disease.
These the state sanitary commission have de
termined if possible to discover. It will treat
them as . It has treated glandcrcd
horses , that is kill them. The com
mission has already got glanders very well
under control and fcols it may now devote
itself to the disease mentioned with regard to
cows. The great difliciilty , however , is to
examine all the milk-giving cows in the state.
Hut the commission intends to deal lirst as
above mentioned , with the cows of public
dairies. Cows belonging to private parties
will ho left till later. In this respect Dr.
Gcrth feels , and his opinion is the opinion
nlbo of the commission , that every cow-
owner should procure a permit to
keep the sumo and that n record
of such owners should bo made so tnat they
may always bo kept under inspection. Such
a permit , the doctor thinks , ought not to cost
anything. This system , ho says , obtains in
several eastern states and is found very
The doctor intends to co-opcrato with Dr.
Ralph , the city physician , and the milk Inspector
specter , and will push his investigation with
the greatest possible energy. „
Union Pacific.
Will sell through tickets at rate of ono
fare for the round trip , from points in
Nebraska , and Kansas , to parties desir
ing to attend the National Republican
Convention to bo hold in Chicago , Juno
10th. Tickets good going Juno 10th to
19th , and returning Juno 120th to SMth
inolusiveywith continuous passage only
in each direction.
Smnko Soidonborg's Figaro and got
the best 5-cent cigar in the world. Max
Meyer ( t Co , , wholesale depot.
Shetland pony for snlo by George A.
Keelino , Council Bluffu.
She Is to Ho Kduculed lit the Public
School * of Lincoln.
Little Caroline Schlcscluian , bettor known
as Lena Woehbccko , the twelve year old
sufferer in the terrible blizzard last January ,
and for whoso future support the people of
Nebraska have liberally subscribed 5,000 , Is
at present In Omaha. Fora few months she
will make her homo witli Dr. J. S. Crawford ,
the manufacturer of articlclal limbs , Oil
North Seventeenth street. Little Lena's leg
was amputated about midway between tbo
liiieo and nnklo. The left font had also been
badly frozen , but the physicians managed to
save It , although it carries some terrible
scars from the experience of that terrible
night. Dr. Crawford has fitted on an artifi
cial limb that in course of. tiuio will prove
almost as scrricvublo as a natural ono.
Owing to lack of proper medi
cal care after the amputation had
been performed , the tendons of the
knee have become contracted and at present
lie is unable to straighten that Joint. Dr.
Crawford savs she wU [ ovcrcomo this diffi
culty in time ns the knee Is nsod ! lie aim
his wife have both taken the liveliest inter
est in the little heroine and will do all they
can for her. She Is not u pretty child , and
an curly case of small pox has loft its Indeli
ble. Imprint upon her features. Hut she Is In
telligent and tins an honest sincere- look that
n iilnasing. She lias a strong , rugged body ,
gained by outdoor worU uiut exposure , sod
doubtless it it. to thU tlml slio oivcs > lCj sur
vival of the horrors of the nlri.4 , ( jf January
f3 bl.O 's ' very timid ur.bjOW8 \ { the effects
of her U S In u Cl' 'iro rural district. Al
though of a Gerutirami ! } " Il'o undersisnU ?
English , but l'dsspeaUuigitbeu 5gtraug-
era. When the reporter began n conversation
with her In Gorman she bocnino more com
municative. She comes of a very Ignorant
German family. Her stepfather owns n mag
nificent farm , but ho had put her out to
service with Mr. Woebbeoke , and she was
accustomed to all sorts of outdoor w rk.
Prof. Burkctt , the superintendent of schools
in the county where the child lived , has
evinced the liveliest Interest in her , and has
taken In hand her care and education. Ho
li having considerable trouble with the
parents , who seem anxious to got hold of the
45,000 subscribed for her and use It to their
own advantage , The parents and neighbors ,
who are German Lutherans , insist that slio
must be educated in that church , and to com
promise thcr matter she will bo sent to the
public schools of Llncon for a year and then
go to n German school for the same length of
time. After that no definite plan as yet hns
been agreed upon.but she will receive the best
of Instructions , wherever she la sent. She
will stay with Dr. Crawford and wife until
Everything which belongs to pure ,
healthy blood is imparted by Hood's
Sarsaparilla. A trial will convince you
of its merits.
When you come to Omaha stop at the
Globe , the best located g&n-clny hotel
in town. Between 13th and 14th streets
on Douglas.
Union Pnclllc ,
Will sell through tickets at ono faro for
the round trip , from points in Nebraska
and Kansas to parties desiring to attend
the meeting of the Supreme Lodge ,
Knights of Pythias , to bo held In Cin
cinnati , Ohio , Juno 12th to 10th inclu
sive. Tickets good going Juno 8th to
13th and returning Juno 13th to 10th in
clusive , with continuous passage only in
each direction.
Stop at the Glebe hotel.
The Metropolitan Cable Will Kccom-
tncnco Work In a Few Mays.
The proddllng which has lately been given
the Metropolitan cable line company , it seems
has not been without effect. The directors
met a couple of days ago in Kansas
City. Every c member of the
board was present and every share
of stock was represented. The most Im
portant action taken wns to resolve upon re
commencing work ou the line before the end
of this month. This action , however , it was
absolutely necessary to take because 0110 of
the requirements of the charter is that the
company shall build nt least ono mlle every
year until the line shall bo completed. The
llrst year of the franchise , that is , succeed
ing the date upon which worlc had to bo com
menced , will expire abqut Juno 1 , and it will
require a great deal of work to finish the
mile required before the date specified.
The company has already built about 103
yards of road. For some time it has been
thought that the Metropolitan would not , as
rapidly as was desired , attain to the perfec
tion winch its projectors claimed for it. The
feeling is not now materially changed , al
though the company recently paid its second
installment on the purchnco of
Dundee Place , which with
the cash payment and interest
amounted to $323,000. On Tuesday list
? 30COD additional wcro paid to secure cer
tain releases. The total cost was $ C15OCO. ,
These facts , together with tho. announce
ment above made , seem to show the com
pany is dealing entirely in wind.
Without health life has no sunshine.
Who could bo happy with dy&popsin ,
piles , low spirits , headache , ague or
diseases of the stomach , liver or kid
neys ? Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic
quickly cures the above diseases. Price
60 cents. Goodman Drug Co. .
Stop at the GlObe hoteh
The Union Pacific.
Will sell tickets from all Kansas and
Nebraska points for the special ex
cursion to Salt Lake City anil return ,
Juno Oth , at ono fare for the round trip.
Tickets going good five days , and re
turning fifteen days , extreme limit
thirty days. Stop-over privileges al
lowed within these limits. Parties de
sirous of visiting Garficld Beach , on
Great Salt Lake ) , the famous watering
place of the wcbt , should improve the
opportunity now olTered.
Stop at the Glebe hotel.
Drink Malto.
I'ubllo Works.
The board of public works met yesterday
afternoon nt 2:80 : o'clock. Uids were opened as
follows :
Constructing south branch of the North
Omaha sewer , thirty-six inches brick , per
lineal foot , ICclloy & Co. , * 3.SOj J. Hvan &
Co. , $4.05 ; Hugh Murphy , $5.80 : Mount &
Grifiln , $4.21 ; J. O. Corly & Co. . S4.CO ;
McIIugh & McCauley , ? 1.44.
Sewer in district 74 , cighWnch pipe , per
lineal foot , McIlugh and McCauley , § 1.23 ; J.
O. Corby , 70 cents ; C. M. O'Donovun , $1.20 ;
ICclloy & Co. , $1.50 ; Mount & Griuin , TJ
Sewer in district 73 , eight-inch pipe , per
lineal foot , Hugh Murphy , 85 cents ; C. M.
O'Donovan , 5-1.25 ; Itellfy &Co.l.fiO ; Mount
&Griflln , 7H cents ; J. O. Corby , 70 cents ;
McIIugh & McCauley , SI,28.
Hids wcro also offered on n number of
other features in the sewers , but they were
held over till Monday afternoon.
Sidewalk Inspector Allan hns ordered the
following sidewalks to be laid before the 10th
of next month :
South side Dodge streetfrom Twenty-sixth
to Thirtietn , six feet wide.
North side Maple street , from Twenty-
fourth to Twenty-sixth , six feet wido.
North side Hickory street , from Twenty-
second to Twenty-fourth , four feet wide.
West side NineteenthBtrectbetwcen Clark
and firaco , repairs.
West side Fifteenth street , between Corby
and Locust , four feet wide ,
Noi tli side Parker street from Thirtieth to
Thirty-sixth , six feet wido.
North side Decatur street , between Thirti
eth and Thirty-third , six feet wide.
West side Tenth street , beUvecn Hickory
and Center , repairs.
West side Tenth street , between Hickory
and Williams , repairs.
West side Tenth street , between Center
mid Dorcas , repairs. *
Thlspowder never varies. A Jnarvciofpurt-
ty.stren tn nud.whoJesoraensss. . Moro eoonom
IcaltUunthe ordinary kinds , and cann ° t Ocsolp
Incorapetltlonwttu tlie multltudo ot 'o\r cost.
Abort wolBhtalumor phosphate powders. Bold
" ° >
m&g fjmwwMS
OS-Sold n
Sen.cTfo7circular',4l tokttltj [ ar9.g-
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Co.
AllSytil'ltteDlc BO of recent or Ions standing ,
In from toi to mtecn rtijrj.o will civo written
guarantee * In euro nnr cnao or rolunil your money.
Aim o no"l I toso ! wbo have employed tao
most Skilled l'hyltl iii , iped oforr known reinol ?
rndnafo not bcon cutiM.t'ia * . Ton are tlie nubloets wo
are looklnj lor. You ttmt Unto bosn to tun cele
brated Hot tprlnjn of Arkanusnuil buTo lostkll
hope of recovery , wo
or make no chsree. Our remedy Is unknown to any-
on : In tb.e world otititdo at our company , and It Is
tlincnly remjdy In t'ltivorld that nut cure you. Wo
will euro ins most obumato case la loss than one
montb. Seven days In recent rae does the work. It
I * the old , chonlr , Cceixcatcdca'es Hint we tollclt.
Wo hnvo cured hundred * whohayo been abandoned
by Physicians and prcDOunccdlninrab'o , and
We Challenge the World
lo bring us a case that wo cannot euro In less tban
ono month.
Since the history of medicine , n True Specific for
Syphilitic Eruptions , iVICfrs. bora Mouth , ic. , has
ocen soueat for butnfTcr found until
Our Magic Remedy
was discoiorcil , And wo arc juttlfleil In sayln ? It Is the
only remedy In the wfirld thdt will rioMtlrcly euro ,
bC'CMiiso the Ititpst mfdlcnl works , luililUUtcl by the
best known Rutbchlleu , nay there was never a true
polllc lielcro. Our remedy Is tbo only medicine In
tlie world that will cure wiun ovcrytlilng cue hat
Inllrd. Ithni been eo conceded by a Inr ciiumbcrof
Celebrated Pnyslclans. IT HAS MCVEH
TocunE. Why wa to your tlmo aod roonoy with
Pktent medicines that never bad Tlrluc , or doctor
wltti pliyslclani tbat cannct cure you. Von ttatbavo
trlott oTcrytblnu Qlso should como to us now and RO
ncr.nancnt relief ; you never can get It cl cwuuro.
y.n k what wo say : In the end you mtmt tulce our
remedy or NuVEii recover. And you that have been
ttflllctcd but n Kbort tlmu t-boulil - by all ircitnsoonio
ta U9 now. 1,1 my ect help and think they nro trco
from tbo lineal o. but lu unc , two cr t ireu 5 ears after ,
It nppejiis iifaln In u ruoro horrible form.
liiveMlgMo our HnHiiclul standing tirough ! the ruf r-
cinllie a'cn.'les unJ note tlici no nro fully ic < pcnsl-
ii'o and our written iuunmtci > 9 uroRoofl. Wo have a
1123ICUV | JlcparcJ on purnly Belonlino Principles and
wo wish to ri-r > rat that It SEVEU FAILS TOCUHB. All
kttcis sacrrdly confl Jentlal.
THE COOK RK3IEDY CO. , Omaba , Neb.
Hooms 10 nml II. U. P. National Hunt. IZtli anil
Farnam Sts. Carers talio elevator on I'arnam
b'ticet ; to second floor. Koom 11 for ladles only
.And for this very reason tliero Is
not to-day n remedy within the
reach of the public more highly
prized for Its value In the house
hold. In the
Mmp and factory , than UUNHON'S
1'i.ASTEiias n remedy foruchei
nnd pains of every kind. In
CouKhs , ColdH , Iloarsc'iit s. I'lou-
WILL rlsy , L'liest 1'itliis , Hheiiinut sm ,
Sciatica and llacknclie , JIINMN'H : )
I'IASTIII : Is ri'COKHlzed by nhynl-
cluns ami imhlle as un external
ALWAYS remedy with out nni3Ciial. | It acts
promptly , pleasantly and effect
ually To bi'ctiro Kood results
always ask for HIINSON'S and
WIN take no oilier plaster. Many
worthless plustois nro offered on
the reputation of HKNSON'H , uut
careful buyers won't bo deceived
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Itoute from Oinnlia nnd Council
muffs to
Chlcngo , AND 31II\vniikcc ,
St. Paul , Miuncnpolls , CVilnr Itapkls ,
Kock Island , Frocport , Kockfonl ,
Clinton , DulUupic , Dineunort ,
Klgin , Madison , Jancsvlllo ,
Ilclolt , Wlnonn , La Cros > se ,
Anil all otlicr Iraportunt points Kust , Northeast nnd
rortbrnveb tlckoti call on tbo ticket nuent at 1M1
Fariiaoi trect , In llarkor Block , or at Uulon 1'ncldc
I'cillman Blcepors and tbe Huent Ululng Cars In ( Up
world sro run on lb nmln lluu of tUu Clilcigo. Mil
wnukeo li HI. Paul llalhfay , uqd every utlenllonli
lialil to ptucnvcrf 1 > J courleoua employes cf Ui
lrl.Ka. | Ofnorolilanayer.
J. V. l. A > lbtuntciifrnl M anager.
A. V. U. CAlll'KNl'KU , Ucncrul I'aitunjer nnfl
Ticket Atf nl.
(1KO. K.1IBAFFOQI ) , Astlitunt General I'lUttngc/
an J Ticket Aneiit.
J.T , CliAUK.GenciaJ Superintendent.
thoUe tone , pllablfl uctiftp unq db ?
Bolute uurabllltr. 33 yeafit' recoT37
the beat ' guarame6pfthe | eiceC
leiico'of umae liiblruiiieuta.
WEAK DlbniUtclUtnf
The great demand for tlio Ton Dollar Suits wo placed on sale last week , lias induced us
to take additional lots of finest Cassimero Suits worth from $15 to $18 , and will coiitinuo their
sale at Ton Dollais for this week ; Never before , not oven with broken sizes and odd lots at
the end of the season , have such Suits been offered for such money. You can not match them
anywhere for less than $ ] 8. Other houses wait until the season is over , to cut prices. AVu
WANT TO. SKLL Now , and in making such unusual offerings right in the heart of tho'season ,
wohavo two objects in viovr. Reduction of stock and to make a name for us , as the cheap
est Clothing House in the country. The greatest bargains that have been offered this season
will bo found during the coming week in our Boy's Department , An absolute out in pric o
in many lots and some goods will bo sold away below the cost of manufacturing them. Wo
mention particularly 2 lots of Boy's knee pants Suits ; ono a fancy striped Cheviot , the
other a fine dark grey Pincheck Cassimero Suit , both strictly all wool and free from shoddy.
These Suits are worth fully $5.00 , and could no be gotten elsewhere for less than that ; we
offer them this week at $2.75.
Many other of our choicest Boy's and Children's Suits have been marked down , and
while we can not guarantee all sizes , wo do guarantee moat surprising bargains.
Toworrow , wo shall place on sale another largo lot of those 95c blue Blouse Suits with
fine embroidered collar. The first lot didn't ' last long ; our Boy's Department is on the second
floor , entirely separate from Men's clothing ; it is the largest and best lighted Boy's Clothing
Show Eoom in the city. The elevator takes you up , and we would be pleased to have every
lady call and examine the remarkable bargain we offer , whether intending to purchase or
SPECIAL. For memorial day we offer our finest all "Wool Indigo Blue Flannel
Suits made up in the best QA. . R. style at $7.75. "We guarantee them to be in every respect
equal to any $12. Suit offered by any other iouso.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colo.
Of the Ifopcnm of Anatomy , Bt. Louis , Mo. Man.
bore of Unlvsmlty Qollciro lloBeltal , London. M. D.
aieecn. Germany afid New Yftik. having devoted
their Mlcntkm specially to the treatment of >
Nervous , Clironlc & fiboi Diseases
More especially these arising from Imprudence , In.
} lto nil BO suffering to corrcfbond without delay ,
Ul8cn es of Infection ami cent Rloft curul eaftly ftrtd
ipeollly without UBO of danccroua drtirB. refloats
nboue ca cs hnve been ncslfclcd , hndly treated or
prononnrcd Incurable , sboula not fall to write na
concerning their symptoins. AH letters rccelro 1m.
mod Into aitcutloa.
And wHl bo mailed FftEi ; to any oddrcjs noon TO.
cplpt of one 2ent stump , "Practical Oliservatlou on
Nervous IteblUty nnd ' .jxhuustfon. "
I'nyslcal . A val-
nabla modlc&l treatise wtlchiBBotold be road by all.
Address , '
1742 Lawreaco Street , Denver , Colo.
tiso of alcohol or tobacco. Wakafiiluess , Mental
Depression , Softening of the Drain , resulting In
Insanity , owl leadin ? to misery , decay nnd
ileatli , Prcmattiru Old ARCllarrenneus , Loss of
J'ower In cither BOX , Involuntary I.oeses and
Spcrmntorhoa caused by over-exertion of the
brain. Eclf-abuso or over-Jmliilpumo. IJach box
contains ono month's treatment. H.OO ft box , or
six boxes for $1.00 , sent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To euro nny cnsa. With each order received by
us for Blx boxes , accompanied with KS.OO , we
will send the puroljaser our written fruarantea
to refund the money If the treatment does not
effect H euro. Guarantees Issued only by 0. r.
GOODMAN. Druggist , Solo Asent , 1110 l-'arnam
Stieet. Omaha. Neb.
'I ho lament , rmlcut and UiifnTiTtho world
J 1'astenKor accommodations unexcelled.
I Mciv York to Glntiroiv via Louduuilprrn
KTMKIIMA . . Ji'Ni : im ! CIIIOAKKIA , Ji'\i:2T : < ]
ASrillllllA ll'NK Mil KfllNt-M/l , . .Jt'Nl.Mill
1JUVONIA. . . Jl'MMMll IflMIOI-IA .Jl'l.VitU
ThoColcliniled 11.urutKt un < l Iliio't I'us. I.IUXKHth
Moiiiiikliln hfiiKui hteimier In Ji'lYlllli
C1TVUIIIUMKI thuWorlJ. lAI'il. hill
Hilo'm imKHiisie In ill CROW , Derry , Mvorpnol , llellart
iirViiULiiiklciun , f.'Omiil iiiiwiinU pur ( JliiKiinw Monm-
em. fi/Jund uiiwarlH forl'ltr of Homo ,
> ) Hcliirn ( li'kuiN ut reihico 1 rute iiiailo nvnllubla
lorelltierrtiutuollerliiK c curtlonlFtH thii
nl iH'iilniMluiNorlli mill Hoiilli nl Irclitml , iliu lllvcra
MtTfoy ami iilcturci-'iuoCljilu. MecraKti t'il. Anchor
J.liui uriiltH imynlilv fruu nl ( Imriin. poM at Ion cut
rnteii. Kor hoou of tuura , llckcls ur lurlliur liiforma-
tltm iniply to
HENDEE01I BROS. , 72 Li Sails St. , Chicajo.
Or to uny of our lucul uk'OUU ,
State Line.
To Glasgow , Uelfitsl , Dublin nml Liverpool
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cabin passnga 15 null ? 'A nccordlnc to locution
ofbtate room , Kxcurslou W5 to too ,
Stecrago to and from Europe at Lowest ratoi
Gen'l Agents , MlUoaaway.New York.
JOHN ULKQEN , Gen'l Western Agent ,
101 Kandolnli Ht. , Clilcago.
HAlillV 13. MOOHKH. Agent. Omaha.
"The Ovorlaml Koiilo. "
Has so arranged its Family Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M
J. Greevy , Passenger Agent , Council Bluffs
Iowa. The reservations when made arc
turned over to the train conductors taking
out such cars , so that passengers can now se
cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman
berth is reserved and secured.
a.'xinui3TS. K- /
Gen P .V'f. AKent. Ass't Oi P. * T , A.
Pure , " Silver Gloss Corn Starch ,
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Elielrle Science
Gentlemen's Belt it fo'siilllfl Sclonlificall' | ' Made Bnd Practically Applied.
with Electric fledieoi ! I(5 ( < DISEASES CUBED WITHOUT MEDICINES.
JOo.l. lnpoten y , Oiurrk. Piles , El ile'ciy. Dymb 'Ao e , iHabeUi. fii'drooclo , '
y , etJL , tbeB tt > U belt U Jual
- - - - -
IwearltV 9 to part It of olectrlr.M the. r. the nttl Whole blood Can IsRui WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.
Dr.'HOME'S nr | 7 tiraperiortoallotbtn earrcntsofoleetricl.
. ELECTRO DEL I ty are strong or mild ai tbe wearer may Jo
ilrei produces a continuous current ) convoys lty through the . body . . . . on . . the nervei. It cures dlic&ioi
by ireneratlng a continuous current of cleotrlolty ( JO or 1 hours out at W ) throuRhout the human lyttom . ,
Wrtnff llnei M.nM lmm ll t lyand producInK a now clrouUtlon or Iho ifte fore the blood , tm.
rftn . , andte lth , when irotbcrtreatment failed. Thom < * of this nclen
line Helt < rvigor.itrenjtbeacriry A" b lnffrecorDUeaand ( Indorsed by thou s.nds whom U iai cured. , . .
BEFEUENCEflTi-Any b nltcoinmerclal aaenoy or wbpleialo ho.Ji * InClilcagoi wholesale drmjgUts ,
1 ITranclBoa and Chicago. LiT Bond \mpfor . .IBclgo IlluitrMfld pamphlet. .
W. Inventor aaduaoufacturor , 10 ! Wnbatb Avenue Ohtoneo.
N. W. Cor. 13th & . Oodgo StB
Best CnciUllcs , apnaralut and rcmeillcs for sue
ceuful treatment uf c\cry form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and atteudauce ; but hospital accommo
dations in the wen.
WHITE FOR CIKCDIARS on Deformities and
Ilraees , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of tin
Spine , riles , Tumors , Cancer. Catarrhliionchilis ,
Jiilialallon. Electricity , rarnlysis , lnilepsy ! , Kid.
ney , liladiler , liye , ll&r , btiu and WooJ , avd all
Surgical Operations.
Dlaoasos of Women o SpeoleKy.
BOOK ON DiiEicis or WOKEN Frits.
All Ulood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic roison removed from the eykte'm without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Toner. I'ersons unable to visit us may he
treated at home by correspondence , All commu
nications confidential. Medicines or Instruments
sent by mail or express , securely packed , no
iiinrka to Indicate contents or tender. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or
send history of your catc , and we will teud lu
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Discuses , Ini'
Valency , Hyphlhs. Gleet Mud Varicuccle , r.-ith
itiliou list. Address
U iu/iu Aftilical and Surgical Jtiitltntrot
Cor. 13th sndDodae Sit. .
- ' ' ' - - " -
\\-t\\ \ \
Will buy ono o
our nobbv Spring
Suits in Worated ,
line Ciifisimoro , or
Scotcli Choviota ,
In all tlio popular
colors nnd Htylos.
Ruiil liiirg-alns that
cannot full to bo
appreciated by the
difccorhliifi. Wo
are aware that IN-
liM'KN'blVli fJOOda
are largely nuvcr-
tlbcd Ihie Bonbon ,
but all of thorn
cannot stand the
_ _ | tcst of cloBO in-
Bpoction.'o ask our customers to
examine our Block , and thus faatlafy
thonihclvcs of its quality and our
"Tlio Overland Itoutc. "
The Sporti > iiien'i > , Tuurutfc and 1'leatura
Scckcrb' Line-
Send for the Neat Little Sketcli Hook.
highly interesting and luclul to t
It contains the American rules for trapping
ami shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association ; as well as ( he revised game
laws of the Western States andTcrritorieg.
Conies sent free upon application to
. . , .
OmaUa. Noli