if * " VJspS V f 6 n-IE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY. MAY 2G 1888 THE DAILY BEE OOUNOIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO. 12 PEAHLi BTUliKT. Delivered by Currier In Any Tart of the City at Twenty Cents I'erWcclr. H.W.TILTON MANAQEH. TEMJPIIONKSI XICSINBRS OFTICIE. No. 43. NIOIIT KDiioii , No. 23. MINOIl MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co ! Now spring poods nt Roller's. Additional Council Blurts nowson 5th page. The Episcopal church has located Its mls- nlon branch at Third avcnuo and Eighteenth street , near the Overton mission. There was no session of the district court yesterday , Jvulgo Uccmor not reaching here. The divorce case at Atlantic Is supposed to bo detaining him , The members of the flro department , with their wives and n few Invited friends , will enjoy a little social Fathering at the Broad way house this evening. There was n poojlly gathering last evening at the hotel Manawa , whcro the X. Y./ . girls eave a social nnd supper. The evening was delightful in all respects. The boy choir of St. Paul's church will give a concrt In the near future. The selec tions will consist of college songs and several numbers by a uialo quartette. J. G. Tlpton sold n lot In Ferry addition yesterday for J. M. Phillips to tin eastern man. The lot Is on Broadway and will bo occupied within a short time with a business block , yesterday Dr. Thomas received a telegram from Cedar Kaplds announcing the "death of his nephew , Hey Powers , son of J. 1C. Pow ers. The doctor will leave this morning for Atlantic , whcro the funeinl services will beheld held this afternoon. The butchers of the city have formed an association which they term "Tho Butchers' Union. " The objects arc mutual protection against bad debtors ; closing at 7:30 : o'clock after Juno 1 , and such other things as may conduce to the bcncllt of the trade. All the icmalnlng woodwork for llnishlng the government building has been received , three car loads arriving Thursday evening. The glass is being set as fast as possible , and In a few days all of the windows and casings will bo in position. The funeral of H. P. Ilasmusscn took place nt 1:80 : o'clock yesteiday afternoon from the residence of his parents , corner of Twenty- second avcnuo and Ninth street , and was well attended. The deceased was txvcnty- one years of age. Death resulted from In flammation of the brain. A daughter of Mr. Field , the well known liveryman , was thrown from a pony and kicked by the animal whllo riding on Sixth street Thursday evening. She was taken Into n neighboring house and cared for. Her injuries are not as severe as at Ilrst supposed , and she will have cntirely < rccovcred in a few days. Yesterday morning a sneak thief stole a watch belonging to W. J. White , a carpenter working on the new residence of Miss Kilcy , on Glen avenue. The ticker was in the pocket of a vest hanging In an adjoining room to where the owner was at work. The police were notilied , but have thus far been unable to get any clue to either the watch or the thief. Yesterday an order was received by Post master Thomas Bowman extending the mail service to the dummy depot. This carriage has been done heretofore by the Union Pa cific , but without pay from the transfer to the dummy depot. This order changes nothing In the order of things except that it gives the railroad pay for nil the Services it renders. The republican club will attend the national convention at Chicago in n body. C. M. Harl has been appointed to secure sleep ing car transportation. Walter I. Smith has resigned the presidency of the club , and the vacancy has not yet been filled. A room for the meetings of the club will bo secured in the near future , as there has been no fixed place heretofore. Judge Aylesworth yesterday decided to release - lease Tornmlo Granshuw , the last of the trio of youngsters that was arrested a few days ago for stealing cigars. The others wyro taken charge of by their parents. Toinmle promised to do better and never steal again , so the Judge told him ho could go , but if ho was caught doing anything wrong again he would send hirn to the reform school. The uniform suits toy the flro department , recently ordered through John Beno & Co. , have arrived. They are made of regulation navy blao and from measurement , so they arc the "finest in the land. " The coats are double-breasted frock , except those for the oflicers , which arc Prince Alberts. The caps and shirts make the dress complete. There are fifteen in all and cost the boys an oven J450. They will don them on Decoration day tor the first time. In the report gf the last meeting of the school board it was stated that the Janitor of the Hill school was discharged. It should have read the Hall school , as Mr. W. S. Wil- klns , the efficient Janitor at the Hill building , is discharging his duties in a most faithful manner and has given no causa for complaint. The discharged party was Mrs. Castle , who kept tno teachers In the Hall building con tinually in hot water , and was for this reason removed by tlio board. A late dispatch from Eau Claire , Wis. , states that ono Lyman Higluy , who at one tlmu owned the property on which Council Bluffs is now situated , had died at that placo. The person referred to was ono of the many original squatters , ana afterward property owners , In Kanesvillc. Ho is well remembered by many of the older citizens. Ho moved from hero long before Council Bluffs had outgrown Us border habits and life , and memory of him had nearly faded nwny , until It is recalled by this announce ment of his death. Tipton has bargains in real estate. Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtolo. The C. B. & Q. will run a special train to accommodate the democrats , their friends and the general public , who desire to attend the National Demo cratic convention at St. Louis , Juno 6 , or the Derby races Juno 4. This train will leave Council Bluffs Sunday , Juno 8 , about 1 o'clock p. m. , ( exact time given later ) arriving at St. Louis in the morning for breakfast. It will be finely equipped throughout witli chair and Pullman palace cars. The rate will boone ono faro for the round trip. M. M. Marshall , general agent. The young ladles of the Presbyterian church hold a O sociable at the homo of Dr. Phelps this evening , and cordially invite theirjrionds. The oldest flrm , and largest stock of wall paper in the city. All the now ehadcs in ingrains and valours. A few patterns in gilts at lOo pur roll at Niles , 40Broadway. . _ S. B , Wudsworth Si Co. loan money. The latest styles in coatings , for spring and summer wear , also pant goods. Those are elegant. A. Reltor , aiO Broadway. Shcafo loans money on real estate. An Opportunity. . The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy will sell tickets to St. Louis Juno 2 , a , 4 , and 5 , which will bo good for return passage until Juno 11 , at ono faro ( $11.26) ) for the round trip , thus afford ing an opportunity for all who dc&iro to nttend the Derby races , the national convention and have a good time. The trip via the "Burlington" is a de lightful ono. Its equipments are superi or and its road bed unequalled. Dent fail to take it. Ample bleeping car accommodations can bo secured in advance by leaving your name with OAf'TAlN O. M. BitowN.Ticket Agent , Corner Pearl and Broadway. Wo have a number of slightly dam- Rgod pianos and organs , which will bo told nt a bargain. Call on Mueller 103 Main street. . Union Abstract cvupany , 30 Mala street. FROM BLUFFS ASD BOTTOMS , Two Oinaha Girls Paint Themselves nnd the Town. THE SHOVERS OF BAD DOLLARS. Crnzy-QulH Opinions on the Turk Im provements CumluR Grniluntcs The New Hotel A Brute of n Husband. Those Now Wnllcn. The park commlisloncrs have been hounded a good deal to have new walks laid In Bay- lies park , and in accordance with the de mands of the people they contracted with Mr. Lanlhan for about $1,600 worth of artificial stone. The work has commenced In earnest , and there Is hardly a moment In the day but what , a group oJ citizens may bo seen and heard there. The variety of observations Is amusing , ' "that's a pretty good walk , hut It ought to bo crowned In the center , so as to have the water run off , Instead of being flat. " "It isn't flat. The middle of the walk is an inch higher than the outside. It Is crowned. The water will run off. " "Well , it is not as high ns It should bo In the middle.1 "Tho walk Is all right , except that border. If they had hunted nil over for a mean color for the border , they couldn't have got a meaner ono. " "Do you think so ? Why I rather llko that. Slio shows up well. The only trouble Is with the walk that it will bo awful slip pery. A feller will break his neck If It is nt all icy , or oven If It is rainy. " "No , you'll ' never slip on that. Don't you see they have sort of roughened it with that hammer , which leaves all those little holes 1 That will keep it from over being slippery. I tell you the walk is all right , except that it is too hlph. Folks will stub their toes in coming oft" the grass onto the walk , and on a dark night they'll walk oft and hurt themselves. " "That's nonsense I What they need Is to fill up the park us hicli as these walks , or higher oven. The walk ought to be up to the grade of the streets , about six Inches higher than It is now , nnd then fill the park up to that. That's what ought to bo done. " "No , you'd ' kill all the trees and the sod too , Why it would Just ruin the park. The park is all right as it is , nnd all in the world that was needed was to draw in some &and hero nnd Just cover the old walks. It wouldn't have cost ns much , and would have done Just as well. You could have got the walks all In good shape for ? . " 00 , and that would have left $1,000 for a fountain in the center of the park , in place of the old hand stand , which does well enough for n country town , but is a disgrace to a city like this. " "No sir , gravel walks won't do. That arti ficial stone-is the thing , if you can only bo sure of getting it put In right. Thrro should be some ono to watch , though , ami see if the contractor puts in enough cement. That's what ought to bo done. " "Why. there is a man watching. That little fellow there. Ho is hired by the park commissioners to see that the work is done right. There's a barrel of cement to be used in every block of the stone , yes , that's fixed all right. " "It's nil nonsense. The contractor don't need watching. He will do the right thing anyway , and ho has good bonds up , so that If anything goes wrong , the park commission ers arc safe , without , throwing any money away for inspectors. " The park commissioners have concluded they can't please them all. Motor Line Time Tnhlc. Until further notice the Manawa motor line will leave the Rock Island tracks at 0 , 10 and 11 o'clock a. m. ; at 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 o'clock p. in. and at 7 , 8 , 0 and 10 o'clock p. in. Excursion to St. Louis Convention and Derby llaccs. The Wabash will sell excursion tick ets to St. Louis and return at ono fare for the round trip , $11.25. Dates of sale , Juno 2d , 3d , 4th and 5th. Tickets good returning until Juno llth , inclusive. The national democratic convention meets Juno 6th. The Derby races com mence Juno 4th. Excursion tickets will be pold for reg ular pabsonger trains , leaving Council Bluffs 3:40 : p. m. Juno 2d , Ikl , 4th and 6th , arriving in St. Louis at 7 o'clock the following morning. Also for a spe cial train for accommodation of Young Men's Democratic club , of Council Bluffs , at 7:30 : p. m. Juno 3d , and arriv ing in St. Louis following morning. Secure your excursion and sleeper tick ets by applying to J. C. Mitchell , 421 Broadway. E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description ; Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Olllco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Counterfeit , nnd Poor nt Thnt. The evidence keeps accumulating against M. B. Doran and Dell Smith , the two parties arrested for "shoving the Queer. " Doran gave a genuine "Iron" dollar to Freddlo Sessions , a bootblack , to change , and promised him half of it for the service. Fred went into Mctcalf Bros. ' clothing establishment and offered the wheel to the cashier , who Immediately pronounced it bogus , and asKcd where ho got it. The boy went to the door to point out the fellow , but ho had disap peared. A description of him was given to Ofllccr Olson , who soon had him behind the bars. Later in the evening Smith was ar rested on a similar charge. Ho has served ono term in the pen for passing counterfeit money , and ho is undoubtedly at his old tricks again The preliminary examination will take place to-day before Clerk Hunter of the United States court , and Doran will have a chance to explain wiiero ho got possession ol his bogus coin , The counterfeit coin was not a dangerous one , as it was considerably "ofl color , " and its weight would condemn it in the hands of almost anyone. St. Ijoulb Convention. The Young Men's Democratic club , of Council Bluffs , has selected the "Wa- bash" route for attending the national democratic convention , held in St. Louis Juno 6. A special train of elegant day coacnot and Pullman palace sleeping cars will leave Council Bluffs at 7:30 : p. m. Juno 3d , arriving in St. Louis the following morning. Parties not members of the club who wish to avail themselves of this contract must make application at once to the transportation committee. \V. H. M. Pilsuv , ) Transportation D. A. FATUiALii , > Committee , I. A. IlKNnmoKB , ) Y. M. D. Club. Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur nishings of the Now York plumbing Co. They Will IJiiHcl. The following parties have secured permits for new buildings : E. J. Baldwin t 700 H.Austin 300 J. T. Bell 1,000 John Danforth 1,000 , John Danforth , 5,000 Chris Peterson 50 A Good Idea. If you nro going to attend the Derby races or national convention at St. Louis , cither by special train or regular trains , leave your name with Capt. O. M. Brown , ab early as possible for sleep ing car accommodations and avoid the rush sure to occur. Money at low rates on first-class tarm security liurnlmm , Tulleys X Co. , lit ! Malu-btreet. Itomly For Sheepskins , The commencement exercises of the hlgl school class of "SS" will be held at the opera house Friday evening , Juno ! U. The class numbers cloven , three young gentlemen am eight young ladies , as follows : English Margaret M. BHtton , Carrie M , Clifford Jennie Howe , Gr&co V. Heffley , Mary 12 Oliver , Lena M. Wallace. Classical-Edith Fletcher , Mary McMlllcnJ Edwin W. Mitch ell , Charles. L. Huntiiigtcm and Paul A THE ELEMENTS HAVE BEEN 4 THE Dry Goods Business ! BUT Will make such prices and give such mrgains , all this week , that no matter vhcthor it rains or shines , the people vill bo out in force. They will not bo xblo to resist the great temptation to my goods cheap. All sensible people enow that before the Fourth of July here will bo plenty of weather of the cd hot sort , and now is a good tlmo to get ready. "Special sale each and every day during this wcoic will make things lively ut our btorcs. A Sensation at Embroidery Counter. 3y the pale of our big purchase from a , eadinp Swiss manufacturer of Hamburg Sdgings nt Ic. ajc , 4c , 0c , 7jc , Sjc , lOc , 12jc and 16c a yard. Swiss edgings go at 2clc } , 5c , OJc , 7Jc , 8Jc , lOc , liije md 15c per yard. And 45-inch Swiss Skirtings at 45c , COc , COc , (15c ( , 75c , 85c , $1$1.10 , $1.25 , $1.35 , $1.60 , $1.65 , $1.75 , $1.85 and $2. This purchase is offered at not half regular prices. See special prices from the late great Underwear sale in New York in lodics , ' , children's and gent's underwear at a great reduction. Bargains in all de portments for every day of the week. A WHACK AT GALICOS , Wo will sell calicos at 2c per yard. We will sell genuine Indigo Blue Cali cos at 5c per yard ; bold every wlmve at 75c. WHOOPING UP SATEENS , This week great bargains. Elegant styles in 27-inch wide at only 7ic per yard ; regular price lOc. 32-inch wide , good styles , in blue grounds only , at 8c , regular price 12jc. Sco 32-inch wide , in all ground colors , styles unique , and the price only lOc per yard , regular price 15c. All best domestic Sateens in stock and in French Satecnb not to bo had elsewhere ; designs exclusive. Cyclone-Torn Prices on Ginghams , 10c dress styles go on at 5c per yard. We make a big deal in fine Scotch Zephyr Ginghams , closing out entire lots , and will sell them at lUJc , 15c , 18c and 20c. They are genuine articles and worth frag 20c to : ! 5c. A full line , good btyles , at 7je to lOc per yard , in this season's productions. Staple Apron Ginghams atIc per yard. Special Heavy Southern Checked Shirtings , best Vfoods , at OJo per yard , regular price lOc. Cheviots at 5c per yard. Bales of Brown Muslin Lost. Railroad freight goes cheap : 7-8 fine brown goes at 4c per yard , regular price 6c. Bales of very heavy sheeting , yard wide , goaSSc per yard , regular price Vie. 10-4 Brown Sheeting at 18c , 20o and 22Jc. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting at 20e , 22jc ana 25c. throwing to the backward season wo are gompolled to move our immense stock of goods in a shorter time than usual , and as the goods-must bo sold , our loss will bo your gain. Emdrnco tis opportunity and lay in your supply now , at . Peoples5 Store 314,316 , , 318 & 320 BROADWAY. * * " * /T SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OP COUNCIL BLUFFS. Largest Stooh , Furnishing METCALF BROTHERS. Lowest Prices , . Clothing , Hats , Caps , efo. I ffardman , Everett WUrt MtmMi.JL.lFK , IMP , obi Ny Tout Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENSSTAE of Any Banh ( n the city. STH , & A , COUNCIL BLUFFS v . { A1 tract3Vof Title . . _ „ . , < . ' * , . , . Wholesale. Saiitn Rasa * | ' A " IV > 'urMV "THE BEST. ARE No. . 8. Pearl t-4--V- % EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. WEIR SHUGART CO. OF Manufacturer of Fine Cnrriagcs and Buggies. H. F H ATTENH AUER I always keen in stock a largo variety of eastern I have always a full Block to select from. . , , make Carnages , which 1 soil at a very low rate. Call and examine. Prices Low. Xos. 27 to 8Ij Fourth Street. I am alwavs ready to show goods. Wrought and Cast FOR JJulMhiffs , Automatic CMPI&bCQ Highest Economy , Jtepulrs , yew 2dftmfE HI UIIIL W Slnnrtlcltu and Durability Nos. 1100 to 11 > 00 , Tenth Avcnuo , Council BlulTs.In. Telephone ICO. Porsonnl F. M. Oault , of the Wubash , is at Clarlnda n a business trip. He will probably return o-day. L. C. Harris , of La Moure , Dak. , is visit- ngwith the family of P. H. Hill , at 823 Third avcnuo. Kov. W. II. W. Kees has returned homo ifter a protracted but very profitable visit to 'ho cities of the cast. Mrs. J. D. Crockwell and Mrs. II. A. Olea- .011 . are visiting with relatives and friends in iVnamos.i , la. They will be absent about a month. Arclno Davcl , a Council Bluffs typo , is rery low with consumption nt the Western : iouse. Ho has lost the use of nis volco and : iia condition is very critical. J. M. Poland , ex-manager of the Council Bluffs department of the Republican , has been removed to Chicago for medical treat ment. His condition remains about the same as for some time past. William Downs , deputy of the order of the Not thwestern Legion of Honor , is in tne city 'or the purpose of building up the meniber- ihip of that organisation in the city. He is assisted in this work by T. H. Swartz , a can vasser of ability. Charles Ivcith , formerly general agent of .ho Chicago , Burlington A ; Quincy in this city , and now located at St. Louts , is here for a few day's stay. Ho has so many friends to greet that his pi ogress along the street is very slow. Messrs. i. S. Blackwelder and Thomas F. oodrich , of Chicago , manager and vice president of the western depai tment of the Niagara lire insurance company of Now Yoik , wore in the city yesterday looking after the interests ol their company. They wcic the guests of Mayor Hohrer , ami were shown abont the city by that hospitable gen tleman. Grand Special Sale. To make room for other goods I will offer my entire stock of line pictures , imported china and glass novelties , wall pockets , fancy towel racks and all wooden bric-a-brac , albums , brass novelties , fine statuary , etc. , regardless of cost. J. D. Crock well , 411 Broadway. For sale cheap. Lots near the bridge to parties who will buijd at once. Ad dress or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110 Main btrcot , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. W'ANTED ' 1 hree men to work ; al&o girl for Iious3work ; wages for girl $1. D. J. Pinitli , fruit grower , S , 1st bt. 'ITIOJI SAiTu. Two acres choice land Just west JO of U. P. transfer depot. Will sill very low- It sold soon. 1'orrostSmith , Ilro n ImlUlfng. FOH HKNT. Two utory dwelling house , 0 rooms , on Sixth iivenue , one iimlouo-half blocct ) from I'earl St. Knqulrc of U. C. Bloomer. 71OH SAM ? Two line residence properties. - Must lie sold soon. Terms to milt pur chaser. Inqult oof Johnston & Von 1'utteii , ! O Main st. TpOH SAI.i : My residence property corner 8th -L bt. nnd Uth nvo. , consisting of two lots , each fijNlSO ft. ( corner lot vacant ) ; poo.l s-room hoube , barn , cltv wilier , etc. , will bell separately or to- CPlher , Jmestlfc'ato soon for n Vmrjain. B. T. Trench. WANTED Seventy-live pieces of Rood , sec ond-hand carpet. A. J , Mumlcl"J3 llroaa- way. WANTED Housekeeper Klderly Herman lady preferred Ono child to euro for. In quire ut Jlce ollicu. FOll BAI.K At a bargain , 40 acres near stock yards , South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson & Christian , Room 33 , Chamber ot Commerce , Omaha. "T\7ANTKD Blocks ol merchandise. Have V Y Oinuha and Council llulTs ) city property. nlso western land to exChanuo for goods , Call on or address Johnsons Christian , Itocin 35 , Chamber ot Commerce , Omiihu. OFFICER & mil , BANKERS. &OOIronilway ) Council niulla , Iowa. KstablUlieJ 1857. OGDEN BOILER WORKS : - : - - - , CARTER & SON , Prop' * . Mnmifacturersot All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work. Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction ( .uaranteed. 10th Avouue. Ad * dresu Ot'den lioller M'orka. Council llluffa.Iowa. I'CMilolous Activity. Star Stables and-Mule Yards Broadway , Council Mulls. Opp. Dummy Depot Horses nd mules constantly on band , for ealo at retail or lu car load lota. Orders promptly tilled by contract on abort notice. . , Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. SCllLUrBIl 4,110M5V. Duuuay Depot , Council UlulT * GRESTON HOUSE , Main Street. Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es- copo. Elootrlo Call Bolls. Accommodations First Glass , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN , Proprietor JOHN GILBERT , PLCMIIKK AND UKALKH IN WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS. NO. 521 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , : : IOWA NEW SPRING MILLINERY 1514 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEB. & PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. No. 552 Broadway , Opera House Block , Council Bluffs. Telephone No. 284. SNYDEB & SNYDER M. B. SNYDEB , A. M. . M. D. Physician and Surgeon MBS. M. B. SNYDEB , SPECIALIST : Diseases of Women and Children , 307 Uroad-\\ay , Council llliiira. THEO. BECKMAN , MANUrACTUIlEIl Of AND DEALER IN HARNESS , SADDLES , BRIDLES AND COLLARS. Fu/V Assortment of Harness Goods Con btiintly on Hand. Repairing Neatly nntl Promptly Done. NO. 20p MAIN ST. . COUNCIL OL.UFF3 , 8 : IOWA D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market. Prices. Prompt Returns , C. 20 and 623 Mala Strcet.Countlt Blutts.Iowa. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 26O No. 2O1 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIESi BOTH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. H RTTCinNRTNF Hydraulic and Sanitary Eugineej 1 lli UlIUVlllDllYlji Plans , Estimates , Specifications. Suf' pervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs Iowa. Second Floor Browiv DfTplTD Attorney-at-Law , DURI1D , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council' ' Bluffs I _ H , f Iowa. . . . . _ T _ . . ! I ! . . . . ! ! _ " ' 1 NOflUTTp7 Justice of the Peace. Office over American' ' , OUI1UUZJ , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council BluffsS Iowa. " * ' QTHNI ? Xl QTMQ Attorneys-at-Law , practice in the Stat ) 01V11D ( X OlillOj aud Federal Courts. Office- " ' ' and 8 , Shugart Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WflOTUUTRV Dentists. Office corner"c . VYUUlJDUKl Pearl St. and First Avenu ? FINE GOLD WOUK A SPECIALTY ; Cf Dentist. Corner Main street and Firs , U. avenue. * \ TO TWVIM Sur and ° - E < > Ordinance Grades arp , lUOlJillW , Grading Estimates. Drafting. 5d Broadway , cor. of Main , Room 5. J Architect and Superinrendont . Room 2 , Opera House Council Bluffs. ESTABLISH Ep 1842. INCOIIPOKATI2D CO. , DUSSILLON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS SIZES FROM Especially Designed for ] MILLS ELEVATORS 25 TO 250 , AND ' / HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT HORSEPOWER POWER , PURPOSES , ' AUTOMATIC. : CUT-OFF : ENGIN Branch. House , Council Bluffs , Iowa , HI3N1 > FOH CATALOGUE. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. -IF YOU IIAV ANY- SECOND-HAND STOVES OR FDRNITURf Call on RI. DROIIMCII , 5M ; BroaAway , ivlioro you will receive the Highest C'nuh l rU-u , BROADWAY MEAT MARKE ; 327 UKOAmVAV. Ah WAYS ON HANI ) A UIO HUPIU/Y OP KIltST-UIjAKB STEER BEEF , MUTTON , VEAL AND PORK. Special I'riceti to Hotels , Uemaiiranta ami Hoarding Uouucs. Cooked Ham nntl Corn I3eof. Sausage Fresh Kvery Day , Fresh Fish Every F day. Poultry Fresh on Saturday. 01:0. Ji. itiis < ; invi : ; > uitr , Proprietor. Formerly with the Western Sausage Factory , Omuha.