Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The Irish Nationalist Comoa Dack
at the Oatholio Prolato.
frho Itock island Cotnmtttco Incronnod
and Warned to bo Hendy fbr a
Trip lo Pftlrburr Now Oorpor-
' ntlonn AB. .VM. Clinngo.
Bt'nEAU ttr Trtu OMAHA. UBK , )
1039 P SrnisRT , }
LINCOI.KJ May 25. )
Nothing moro Interesting hns occurred for
ft long tlmo In the oflieca of the Catholic
Chufcli or the Irish National loairuQ than the
bonlrovcrsy which has nrlion out of the
"boycotting" of 1'ntrlok Kgnn by Itinliop
Uonncum , of this city. It will bo rcmom-
JwroJ ttiat on Tuesday Itisl a letter , written
by nutliorlty of tbo bishop , was printed lu
the Lincoln papers , explaining that the rea
son1 the blah6p rofusdd to admit Egali to his
presence was bccaufto ho declined to retract
WOJ-ds which the bishop construed ns being
lu derision of the supreme pontiff , the ol >
icctlonnl remarks having reference to the
papal rescript touching the "plan of cam *
ititlgtii" This morning Mr. Etfan published a
Boitiowhnt long letter , In which ho opens up
on tlio bishop nil nloug the line and explains
All the circumstances which led to the
bishop's nctlon and the card. Mr. Egtm
states that he nt first considered the card as
h hoax , nnd did not boltovo that It wiw pub
lished with the bishop's sanction , but that as.
the bishop had published no denial after ho
Imd boon sent n marked copy of the paper
containing the card , it was evidently an
tiuthoritatlvo publication. Mr. Kgan criticises
the bishop for allowing the card to bo pub-
llshcd over n pseudonym Instead of attach
ing Ills own name , or nt least having that of
Ills secretary subscribed to it , and Intimates
btrongly that the entlro production Is devoid
of decent feeling and Christian charltv. Ho
then quotes the following letter , which ho
addressed to the bishop :
LI.NCOLX , Noh. . May 8 , 1SS3. Most Rever
end Sir : I called upon you on yesterday in
fitscharKO of what I deemed my duty , accom
panied by Mr. Button , to bring before you n
nuittar of considerable importance. It was
> vlth no little surprise I received your nu's-
flago declining to RCO us in other words , do-
blnrlng against Mr. Sutton and myself a
Bpccloaof boycott. The object of my visit
* was to nsk you to hear , in the presence of
flov. Mr. Dunphoy , n statement in regard to
, ho attack which that Kontlomnn publicly
ado upon mo at the mooting of the Irish
atlonal league on Sunday last. I claim that
hat attack was unjust nnd unwarrantable ;
hat It amounted to public scandal , and In the
ntarcstof religion , in the Interest of the
Irish National league movement , nnd of the
pence and harmony which should obtain
amongst our.pcoplo. I most respectfully but
firmly demand ut your hands an impartial
Investigation into all the circumstances con
nected With that attack. With profound res
pect , I remain , your obedient servant ,
Most Rev. Thomas lionacum , bishop of
, The bishop vouchsafed no reply to this let-
Jtor. Mr. Egan declares that if the bishop
will Investigate ho will find that ho has been
noting ou entirely false Information nnd that
'ho U simply allowing himself to bo used by
h few men , seine of thorn silly and some of
Shorn designing. " Ho closes his letter as fol
lows :
. "For my own part I nsk no favor. I
Jrnow iny rights as a citizen of the United
States , as'nn Irish nationalist , as n man nnd
n.s n Catholic , and I am determined and pre
pared to defend them from whatever quarter
they may1 bo assailed. "
In order tbat'tho committee may not have
its. trouble for Its pains the next time it visits
* % lrbury to look nftcr the Rook Island road ,
President MelJrido , of the board of trade ,
ion mode arrangements byvhioh ho will be
lotliloa when the offlolnls of the rend can bo
not a Fnirbury. Ho Has also Increased the
ctnmtttco's nnmbars and requests that the
bllowing gentlemen hold themselves in
oadlhdss to go to Fall-bury whenever they
ihnll bo notified : J. Y. Wright , R A. Perry ,
lohn Fitzgerald , E. E. Browne , H. J. Cos-
rrovo , J. H. MoMurty , Patrick Egan , O. A.
Atkinson , J. J. Imholf , A. J. Cropsoy. J , II.
Vmes , J. C. McI3rlde , John U. Utt , Mason.
3rcgg , J. H. Harley , John Zchring , E. P.
ioggon , ( Xir. Willard , a L. Hull , R. N.
Daliley , GrauJinsign , G. M. Lambcrtson , C.
3. Rurr nnd T. P. Konnnrd. If this commit-
fro cnunot not what tliey go nftcr there is no
use for anybody else to try.
The Nebraska mortgage and investment
Company of Fremont has been incorporated
by Oeorgo W. Dorsoy , C. H. Toucray , F. B.
llnrrlson , W. U. Matthews , William H. Harrison
risen , William E. Smalls , nnd C. F. Dodge.
U'ho company will negotiuto loans on real es
tate or other security , purchase and sell notes.
Blocks , bonds , mortgages , real estate , and
jtlier securities , write Insurance and truns-
ict such other business us shall bo desirable
'or its own use or prollts , or necessary for
.ho collection or security of any debts or
claims owing to the corporation in which it
nny have an interest. The authorized stock
.s $ . .00,000. but when ? 50,003 shall have been
subscribed for nnd paid in , the board of di
rectors Is given authority to begin business.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Pmaha railroad company , has filed In the of-
lice of the secretary of state a copy of reso
lutions passed by the board of directors of
Ihu company , authorizing the company to
purchase the Northeastern Nebraska rail-
roue. The copy of the resolution is accom
panied by a very voluminous document which
Js the charter of thu Chicago , St. Paul , Min
neapolis & Oinnlm , nnd the charter of the
Northeastern Nebraska. The resolutions lire
nttcstod by O. E. Woodman , secretary of the
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha.
The Tocumsch Electric Ught company has
Incori > ornted for the pwiwso of lighting thu
etreotsof Tccuniboh and the suburbs of that
blty. The capital block Is $10,000 in shnrcs
cf $100 nach , but mny be increased to JliS.COl )
Ijy u vote of a majority of the stock. The ar
ticles nro signed by A. M. Applegot , Charles
Leach , G. C. Xutavean dud diaries M. Hond-
ylck , each of whom subscribed for twenty-
live shares of stock.
The Chadron Hotel company filed articles
pf Incorporation in the oflleo of the secretary
bf state to-day. The capital stock is ? 2 J.OUO
nnd the incorporntorfl are Walter Brown ,
U'liomiva Moore uuil nlMUt a dozen others ,
The supply department of the B. & M. rail
f oad , which has heretofore had charge of tha
ifuel supply , 1ms been for a long time asking
that it bu separated from tha other business
pf tholr department and put into a dejinrt-
immt by Itself , This has at last been douu.
The fuel department of the road has taken
its place as u permanency and C. G , Codman
lias been placed in charge of it. Ho will
Lave a force of Jlvo clerks and will have
headquarters at Lincoln. The department
for the present will occupy the rooms that
liavo been occupied by the car accountant's
force , which hn moved up another tloor ,
Yesterday's real estate transfers amounted
The retail grocers held a meeting last night
nt whlcti it was decided to close all the
grocery stores of the city at noon on Mom-
prial day und keep them closed until the fol
lowing morning ,
The city Is dotted over with picturesque
llttlo lakes that give line variety to the
scenery of the city. After the ditches ug
for the sewer , water aud gas pipes have bceu
laid a section of the street is banked up and
water turned in aud allowed to ecttlu the dirt
for u day or two ,
Dr. W. L > . Dayton , who has been absent in
ICuropo since last October , returned homo
Yesterday , Duringbm absence Dr. Dayton
Htcnt two months in Berlin , two months in
Vienna , four weeks in Paris and two weeks
nt Hollo. The time was spent in the best
l > osHtus | ! of Europe and under the best in
Thcro no "university address" at
the commencement exercises of tha univers
ity this year. The address was to have boon
delivered by Dr. F , J. Touipkins , of London ,
but Chancellor Mauutt received a cablegram
from the doctor this morning stating that ho
\vas detained and would not bo able to bo
A small boy with a largo fish attached to
Ills hook. operating .mono of the flooded
Streets this afternoon , attracted a good deal
Of attention 0114 created a great deal of
amusement. The paving Is progressing rap-
illy , notwithstanding the fun had nt the ex-
iwnso of the city dads and the contractors.
The proceedings in district court to-dny
were confined to nn uninteresting suit in
which C. E , Burr sites Henry Bruegman for
| si75 on promissory notes given for rent.
Uruegmnn resists payment on the ground
that by negligenoo ou tlicvimrtof the land-
lard ho had goods damaged to the amount cf
The material decided upon by the commis
sioner * for the court house is Colorado sand
stone. The contract will bo signed at once
roxulrlng the contractor to complato the
liulldlng by September 1 , 1889. He says ,
nowovcr , that ho will get the edifice enclosed
this season.
Tbo Ktpcnonco of Mrs. Pctora.
Mrs. Peters had Ilia ,
Mrs. Peters Imd chills ,
Mrs , Peters was sure slid was going to dlo ;
They dosed her With pills ,
With powders and squills ,
With remedies wet , and with remedies dry.
Many remedies lured her ,
But none of them cured her.
Tholr names and their number nobody could
tell ;
And she soon might have died.
But some "Pellets" were tried ,
That acted like magic , nnd then nho got , well.
The huigio ' 'Pillots" were Dr. Piorco'n
Pleasant 1'urffatlvo Pellets ( the original
LUtlo Liver PilU ) . They cured Mrs.
Pctora , anil now she wouldn't bo with
out thorn.
Drink Malta it is pleasant.
United States Court.
Judge Dundy was still occupied yesterday
[ n calling the docket to arrange for the
hearing of some cases. Thcro nro several
cases ready for trial and the attorneys in
them nro nnxlous to have thorn come on , but
owing to the fact that the witness foe money
is about nil exhausted they cannot be heard
at this term of court.
Indictments wcro returned by the grand
Jury against Albert B , Cisco for passing
counterfeit money , nnd against n man named
Livingstone for sending obscene literature
through the malls.
Biillm Culbcrtson hns resigned his position
nnd gone to Lincoln to resume his position
in the employ of the Burlington & Missouri
railroad company.
The case of Lodge against the Chicago ,
Burlington & Qulncy railway company for
$10.000 damages for personal Injury was
called for honrlng in the afternoon.
The case of Sherwood against Moolleo , on
a motion for the rehearing of n case lo quiet
the title to certain real estate , was bolng
nrgjiod in chancery during the early part of
the afternoon.
_ _
District Court.
The Jury In tliQ case of Russell against
Hill nnd others , the saloon keeper and his
bondsmen , whom the plaintiff claimed had
sold her son liquors- that caused his ruin nnd
imprisonment , and for which the plnlntifC
claimed $5,000 damages , returned a vordiot
yesterday for the plaintiff in the sum of
Judge Hopcwoll handed down his decision
yesterday in the case of David .Foss
against Lyman H. Tower , in which the
plaintiff asked for $1,200 , Iho amount which'
the defendant realized from the sulo of n
farm that ho hnd taken from the plaintiff on
a mortgage. The ground upon which the
plaintiff brought bis suit was that Dent , an
agent for Tower , agreed thnt if ho would
deed the fnrm .to Tower the sale would bo
made , and that all that was realized from
said sale over and above the interest nnd
mortgage principal would bo returned to him.
Defendant claimed that ho had never author
ized Dent to make any such ngrcement
with Foss to procure the deed , nnd did
not. know thnt it had boon made
until after the suit was begun. The court
hold , that inasmuch as the deed was trans
ferred to the defendant under tbo agreement
with Dent , and the defendant had re
covered nil the principal and interest on his
lean that ho must refund the difference
realized by tbo snlo of the land to the
plaintiff. The land in question was located in
Webster county. The loan of SSOO was made
on it In 1880 nnd the final sale made in 1834.
The case of Kolar against Bmdy was called
yesterday for trial. Brady was on thu
police force .in December 18SO and
while nttomptlng to arrest Kolar
in the National ball , where ho was
creating a disturbance , shot him through the
hand. Ho asks the court for $1,500 damages
from Brady.ICE
The equity case of Haverly against M. J.
Elliott was heard by Judge Wakeley. The
defendant claims that -ho furnished the
money for the lilting up of an ice cream par
lor in 1884 , that was lo bo operated by the
defendant ; that great profits were realized
from the business , and that defendant re
fused to give him his share of the profits.
The partnership was dissolved some tlmo
ago , and ho asks the court to compel the de
fendant to make a settlement of the business
and pay him his share of Iho profits
which , under Iho Iho conlract , was to have
boon one-third of tha not earnings.
Judge Doano Issued 11 temporary writ of
injunction yesterday , nakedfor by James H.
Deland und Ellen Dcland against John Doro ,
city marshal of Florence , restraining him
from breaking down their fences and tres
passing on tnclr property.
BUiiao coxvicTEn.
At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon Judge
Groff began the reading of his charge to the
jury in the Burgo case , and twelve minutes
lalor the Jury lllod out to the deliberating
room. Ono ballot was all thnt was required
to settle the fate of the prisoner , and the
unanimous verdict of the twelve men was
"guilty of assault with intent to kill. " By
3'J5thojury : were bock in the courtroom
nnd made known the verdict , the punishment ;
for which is from one to twenty years in tha
penitentiary , Burgo showed hut little con
cern over the result and walked from the
courtroom with n firm and steady stop back
to the Jail lu the custody of Deputy Sheriff
Grebe. Mrs. Burgo nnd the sister of the
prisoner , together with u number of lady ac
quaintances , wbru present nnd received the
news with exchanges of satisfied glances ,
JamosII.nnd Ellen Delaud succeeded in get
ting n temporary injunction at the luinds of
Judge Doano yesterday usjalnst the marshal
of Florence from interfering with their lands
or crops. The merits of the case will bo
nrgucd on Saturday , Juno 0 ,
AITUES roil A ou Ann i AX.
Jacob Jncobscn yesterday upplled to the
court to have a guardian appointed for
Dwight G. Phelps , ix minor , and afford him
thu enjoyment of certain property cited in
thu will of his deceased father , und which ho
( Juccbsen ) in turn finds ho Is entitled to ,
John M. Wolfe says ho took as security
from Henry D. and Clara E , Eastorbrook for
thu payment of promissory notes amoupting
tol-153tlireo lota in Exchange Place , As Die
notes remain unadjusted , he nska the couri
to give him power to dispose of the loud that
ho may bo recompensed.
' County Court.
The casd of Era F , Ringer against Wll
liam Hamilton wns triedboforoJudgoShields
yesterday. It Is a suit of ejectment. Plaintlil
employed the defendant to work his market
garden and gave him a house to live in , Af
ter ho hud been nt work some tluiohls way of
managing the garden became too extravagant
for Ringer nnd ha concluded to discharge
him. Hamilton refuses to give up possession
of his housu und holds that he is employed
for the Benson.
The Jury brought in a verdict for the
ruoMissonv NOTE SUIT.
Obcrnc , JInsiek & Co. want a judgment in
the sum of $150 ngjiiuat J. C. M. lleln und D ,
Holu , it bolng alleged that Is the sum duo ou
two unpaid promissory notes.
Samuel J , Miller , a carpet sweeper , began
suit against Edward Alnscow in which ho
asks tl,000 from the defendant for spreading
reports among his patrons that ho ( Miller )
has quit the business , nnd soliciting his cui *
tomera , thus almost ruining his business ,
11ELLK A , rOLAC'U Sl-gU.
Action was brought yesterday by the Onto
City Land company to collect fiom Belle A ,
Polaok the sum of fJO.G7 , with interest , duo
ou n promissory note.
Geriuun D. Wyatt represents that Fred.
Austin is indebted to him in the sum ol
tfl'J.OJ for building materials , and ho asks for
a judgment 4u that amount.
Drink Multo , a'contsu bottle.
Tlio Victims of Booro.
Owing to the failure of several parties to
appear nt police court yesterday morning ,
Judge Aylcsworth did n bettor paying busi
ness than if the absentees hnd shown up.
May Morgan , alla Ircno Washington , an
Omaha cyprinn , was first called forbutthcro
was no response. Irene came over on the
1 iOO dummy Thursday afternoon with Alice
Wallace , another Nebraska female of uncer
tain vltiuo , and Fred Cox. The trio started
> ut to see the city and sample prohibition
bug-Juice. The found so many kinds to
sample that by the tlmo they arrived nt Dolly
Collins1 ranch , ICO "Rotten Row. " they were
cotting quite ruolloiv. It seems that the frail
Irene has a 'Jfrlcnd" who Is a would-bo
fl port of great pretentious but very limited
capital , known" "Doo" MIddloton , who fre
quents the Broadway gambling houses. Irene
started out to find him. Proceeding to the
"Mint" she kicked In the door nnd otherwise
nrnusod herself until Officer Thomni gath
ered her in. Mlddlcton Immediately wont to
the iiolico station nnd deposited $0.150
for her appearance yesterday . morn
ing , and the pair proceeded to No. 100 ,
There was too much booze in , the crowd to
nllow peace to reign for n great while , nnd
wnon Irene nccusod "DOo" of having nnothor
ho resented it by "smashing" her n couple of
times In the eye , llor screams quickly
brought Onicer Cuolck to the spot. As Mld-
dleton rushed out of the door ho ran plump
ngainst the waiting oHlcor , who cautioned
him to "go nlsy now. " The whole house wiw
pulled , nnd the four above named , being the
only Inmates nt the time , wcro taken to the
station ,
Dan Corrlgg went security for "Doo" nnd
Ircno in the sum of $10 ench , nnd the pair
wcro ngaiu released. As she carefully nursed
her colored optics. Irene vowed nho would
never again visit tlio Bluffs , nnd she has thus
far kept her word , for the $10,50 was for
feited yesterday morning fornon-appcnranco.
If she adheres to her determination she will
not be troubled by "Doo , " who Is known in
of Omnhn ns Billy Morgan , ns ho was run out
that city by the police on the occasion of his
last visit , uiut warned not to return.
William Cameron , n Mills county farmer ,
wa also arraigned for succumbing to "tan
glefoot. During his inebriated purgriuations
ho had become possessed of n canvas 1mm ,
stuffed with sawdust , hung out ns n sign nt
Robert Mullla' store. H pleaded guilty to
the drunk nnd was assessed J7.CO therefor ,
but when the court preferred the other
charge , larceny of u ham , his astonishment
know no bounds , nnd thu court nnd specta
tors had tholr laugh nnd the charge wns din-
missed. AR William wns short of cash ho
was remanded to tlio cooler.
Tlio Now Omlcn.
The handsome cherry cage of the Ogden
house elevator hns been placed in position
and is now In running order. It hns heavy
nickel trimmings , und much fine carved
work , claimed by Mr. Porter , the fore
man of Crane Bros.1 works , where It was
built , to bo the finest ono In either this city
or Omaha. A beautiful mirror adorns the
rear of Iho capo , nnd the upper part of the
sides nro of heavy pinto glass. The now
rnngo in the kitchen Is in position , and the
ropapering und painting of the dining room
Is completed. All of the finishing work can
bo comulotod in two days , nnd this finely
equipped and elegantly furnished hotel will
bo ready to open to the public.
Shouldn't bo Chowa-crn.
James Ross is the name of n colored indi
vidual who is boarding out a fine of $15 nt
the city jail. Ycttorduy his wife thought she
would tnko him some tobacco to console him
during his confinement. She bought some
chewing tobacco nnd repaired to the cooler.
It so happened thnt Ross was wanting a
smoke , ana when ho saw what was brought ,
ho began to curse and abuse the woman until
the Jailor interfered. The woman started out
to get what her lord demanded , and the ugly
brute threaloned dreadful consequences if
she failed lo got what ho wished. Her devo-
votlon to her husband , who is lltllo less than
a fiend incarnate , is rather surprising. When
hn is released she will without any doubt re
ceive n tcrribe beating for her llttlo mistake.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Alien & Boll is hereby
dissolved by mutual consent. J. W.
Allen assumes all liabilities on thp firm
account. Debts owing to the firm maybe
bo paid to either of us. Mr. Alton will
continue the business at the same ollico.
Dated May 20 , 1888.
J. W. ALT.KK ,
I will buy good second-hand furniture ,
stoves and cat-pots ; will pay full cash
value. A. J. Maudol , 3U3 Broadway.
To Protect Luke Mnunwa.
A meeting of citizens wns held at the board
of trade rooms lost evening for the purpose
of taking such measures as shall properly
protect Lake Manawa.
F. J. Day was made chairman and E. H.
Odell secretary.
On motion the following committees were
appointed : Finance S. P. MacConnell , E.
H. Odell , William Moore , M. F. Rohrer , A.
B. Walker , Pat Lacy. Executive committee
Bon. Marks , F. E. Reed , S. P. MacCon-
noll. Vic Keller , A. Louie , A. W. Dudley ,
William Wray. Tlio finance couimittoo will
immediately begin active operations in solici
ting , At least $1,000 is necessary to do thu
necessary work ,
Cricket In tlio Hluflft.
A few of the English citizens of the Bluffa
nro trying to create tin Interest in cricket
hero , and hnvo organized nn eleven for the
purpose of drawing Iho attention of the pub
llo to the matter. The now team is to bo
known ns the Council Bluffs Nondcscipts nnd
will piny > ts first game this afternoon with
thu Omulm cloven at the Omaha driving
park. It is composed of lhafollowing players ;
Captain Richard Green. F. W. Hilditch ,
Jom ) Hilditch. William Hilditch , Daniel Ash-
ton , Ernest Thortou , Richard Howell , F. W.
Froon , Albert Judges , George Mullinc , W.
G. Grace.
The game Is nn interesting ono , nnd there
is no reason why the newly organized loam
would not receive liberal patronage if n
scries of games arranged and suit
able grounds provided.
Last evening Mrs. Frank Mclfcnzlo ar
rived homo from Australia. She was nccom
panlcd by her husband's brother , James Me-
JCcuzlc , who resides at Utica , N. Y. Ho will
remain in the city a day before leaving for
The old , reliable firm of Schultcr & Boloy
are surely doing their share of the business
in their lino. Yesterday they sold a car load
of mules to n B. & M. contractor. They were
shipped to Rule , Neb. Bofuro leaving , the
same man left nn order for n second cur load
which will bo shipped at once.
In superior excellence proven In millions of
homes for more than a quarter of a century. It
Is uiad by the I'ulted Statua Government. En
dorsed by the heads of the great universities us
tha atrou ebt , pur at and moat healthful. Dr.
1'rlce's Cream ilaUiiK I'owder does not contain
Ainrnonln. lime or alum. Sold only lu cans. -
Kcw York. ChlcaKO. St. Loula.
2o attain the standard of business thnt a incrclitint strive * Iqgaln , he must first obtutnt he implicit confidence of tltopitbllc. It U nocasil
( us till business men are awarcj to accomplish this tlifllcult tusK , and itin nn- Isolated ctisc where it occurs , liy doing a
Strictly Honorable Business ,
l > jjl obtaining for the vnWc somcthhifj which greatly ucncflttcd their poclectbooks and bavtis , the MISIUT ULOTHIXQ rAJlLOJtS , } 11 JO
Farnam street , have become very } > o ; > i < ir < r , and have not onlivtilncd the confluence of the Omaha public but have also received their thanJc * . fF < l
Htrlvcat all times to please on rvtttron * , our nonttlarttu in convincing proof of our success. The dullness of trade , coupled with the fact thattlio
tailors had a great quantity of goods left OH their hands , has lent considerable towards our opportunity to purchase their
At a vcrjj nominal figure , and below we quote prices for these goods which will induce the most Inveterate l > arguln sockcr to Investigate *
l Oomjt Si
$ 9.5O buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $20.
11,50 buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22.
13.75 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was-made to order for $28.
16.OO buys' a Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to order for $3O.
2.O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $4O.
24.00 buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $50.
28.50 buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was made to order for $60.
SO.OObuys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp. ) 4-Button Cutawaywhichwas made to order for $65.
$18.00 Buys a Cassimere Prince Albert Suit which was made to order for $37.
$22.50 Buys a Cheviot Prince Albert Suit , which was made to order for $45.
$25.50 'Buys a Corkscrew Prince. Albart Suit , which was made to order for $50.
H30.OO Buys a Hobby Piu Check , light color , which was made to order for $6O.
$35.00 Buys an Imported Worsted , satin lined , which was made to order for $7O.
. 00 Buys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was made to order for $8O.
A Hobby and Complete line of Pantaloons from $2.78 to $1O. All alterations to Improve a fit done free of charge.
1119 FARNAM STREET. 1119.
Three Doors East of I2th Street
Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated l > r tha Lijslslaturo In 1808. forKduca
tlonnl nnd ( linrltable purpose * , und Us franchln
luado tv pnrl of tbe present Bustu Couslltutloii , In 1STJ
bjr nn ovorwlielmlnu poplilnr vote ,
Its < : raml Slnclo Number Dmwlnei tnko plna
month ! ) ' , and tue Urand Oqnrtorly
I r every tlirco uiontlis ( Murch ,
December. )
" \Vo do hereby certify tbnt we nuperylso thonr
rnnKcnuMit for all the monthly and quarterly Draw *
I IIKJ of Tbo Louisiana State Ixrttory Company , and In
person uiuuHL'o and control tlio drawlnini themselves.
nnd tbnt tlio fame nre conducted with honesty , fair-
1109H nnd In Rood fulth toward nil pnrtlpn , nod wo
niithorlto the Company to use tbli cortldcato with
fuc similes of our ( Igmiture attuclioil , In Its nJrertiJO-
menls. "
Wo , the undersigned Il.inUsand IlanUcrawlllpaynll
I'rlzca drawn lu the Louisiana Slate IxjUurlcs which
may bu prrrentod at our counter * .
II. M. WAUISLKVi 1'rei. 1/oulslmm National llanlc.
riKUUK l.ANAUJC , Proi. Slate National Hank.
A. IIAIjUWlN'i 1'i-os. Now Orleans National Dink.
CAUL KOII.V , 1'rcs. Union National Iluuk.
In ilie Aomlemjr of Music , Now Or
leans , TtJCHdnyi Juno 1U , 1888.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Ticl'ots nt Twenty Dollars each ,
Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ;
Moths $1.
pni/n OP r-uwu i .
ritl/.K OK JOJ.OUI Is .
IMIIZI : OK CO , < M U .
- I'UI/KH OK 10Jti ( ) ro . -M.Hl (
6 I'HI/KS Olf 6.UU ) aru . V > fU )
16 1'HIZKS OK J.OU ) uro . % , ! > > )
HO I'iU/.IM OK JD mo . , . Mi.Kl )
Jil TIllXK.S OK M are . )
M ) rillZKd OK 'JuOaru . UJUtUJ
100 I'rlzc * of Ml approrlniatlni ; to
rmu.ail I'rlio are . W.TO
100 1'rlu'H nf SJIU approximating to
flUU.UXI I'rtio are . W/m
1001'rlroofFJiUupproxluiutliiK to
KO.UUU'ilzo aru . , . 20,010
TKUMINAL rmnn. :
IU0rrlietorilUUdcUdedby.i..VUUOO )
frtiunro . . . . „ . . . , . 100,000
1,000 1'rlzea ot ! IOO decided ! JOiJO
1'rliuuro. . , r . , . , , . lOO.ou )
amounting to . II.UAOOO
For club rutc > , or any f urthur Information apply to
the undernlKncd , Your hunuwrttlmi must ha distinct
nnd l nutiirunliilif , ere rapid return mall delivery
will bo umuriiil by your linclOiliiK uncnvoloiio beurhu
your lull nildri'Bi.
bend 1'OSTAlj NOTC3 , oxprasi manor ordori. or
New Vork Uxcbanira la ordlniry letter Currency by
express ( at ourexpouto ) udilr Med l < >
OrM , A. .
Address Eogitstoroi Letters t :
NKW OULliAN3 , 1.A.
REMEMBER That ; the presonee of Generals -
erals lleaurtjard ana
Early who are ID chawe u tha drawmiis , is a Kuir-
nice of ub nluto farne ! and Integrity , that the
chaucua are all equal , und that no unu can uoxlbly
dUlTio wlmt number will draw a I'rlio.
RKMKMI1ICU thU the payment of all prim * It
auiUiNTKti ) 11 r rouu NATIDMAI. BANKS' ov New
ouLIAN * , r > J tha tickets are elgned br the prciluoiit
of an institution whote Lhartored rltiuts ure recog
nized In the uli'heit courts ; therefore , beware ot any
Imitations or anonymous scheme' .
Adrurtiiluer hu always proven
successful. Jlcfom placlntf nny
No\v pnpor Advcrtlelng coaauK
iUTEJnlSl.XU AUtftTt ) ,
41 U 15 tUnOolth , CHICAGO.
fn < ! Tnn A MONTH cau bo uiadoworlt
IU OpUUinjj for us. Agents preferred
. can fumlih llislr own hones und give their
nholu time to the business. Biiatu uomeals m y t.o .
praatably cmplorod alio. A few vacancies In towns
ana cities. li.r.JoiiNrfuy & ( > . . 1WJ Mulu bu , lllch
Mtatleo ui Omaha U o.
Corsets of Eur
ope and
O v o r
2,000,0000 ,
Bold last
yenr In
this coun
try olono.
eons are :
they are
the best
fitting1 ,
moat com
fortable ,
most dur
able and .
er made.
Avoid worthless Imitations. Caroline
Is used In no Corsets except those
made by us. None are genuine unless
od on Insldo of stool cover. For Bale
by all loading merchants-
* J. A. MINER , Manager.
Unformcntcd aiu } not
intoxicating. Acts like
I a cliarm in all cases of Diar
rhoea nnd Dysentery and all
stomach nnd bowel troubles.
Grateful nliko to women , chil
dren nnd convalescents. Givea
n delicious flavor to ice-water ,
lemonade or soda-water.
Imported and bottled by
Cincinnati , 0. For ealo by
till ) follow Inn dealer * HIchuidDon DniK Co. , Iltnko ,
llriito iV Cn. , Adlcri Holler , lihidstonu llros. \ Co. ,
Kriink Dclliuio A Co. , It. It. ( Jnitto , und nil wholesale
and rctull drueKlatu , liquor dculors and irlno iiier-
chau everywhere.
s for onr Patent lUrloy CRYSTAT.S ,
ftl Corcnl Foadfor lircaltfaUTeaf
lu ttiero , wrilo us for f rco eam-
nro Invaluable Taste-renal ring
lo bran ; mainly free from starch.
DBCaVothlnc equals our IIKALTH
circular offering 4 Iba. frcx : .
, Frops.NYfttertownN.Y
Sold by Llttlo < C U'iUtain * , Omaha.
Thoroughbred Short Horn Cattle
At Walnut Parknear Lincoln ,
TIIUICSDAY , MAY ill , 1888 ,
rorty-flve head of Hates and Hates Topped ,
Crulckalmnk aud ( . 'rnlcksuuuk Topped Cuttle u
raru opportunity for tliose wntitlng bulls or
females for a foundation of a ( 'ood herd. All are
earnestly solicited to send for catalogue and at
tend thu bale. ISAAC1 JOHNSON , 1'ropr.
COL. F. M. WOODS. Auctioneer.
Blcirtlon tlio Omulm lleo.
lYUnrl ftfi Li * &l 'UflVrlnir from tlia tt- .
Hi njfKti of youlbful rr.
4 , itc. 1 win ftviuHi Taluabf trfAtlM ( w Ud }
ni full luitlculan fur tici . cure , rue at
. FtNc'FOWLeR ! , Moodtis , Conn.
ttt Con.
Warranted absolutely pure
Cocoa , from which the exccsa of
Oil has been removed. It lias thnt
llmti'the itrenylh'ot Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
nnd la therefore far moro economi
cal , catting leu than mt cent a
cup. U U delicious , nouiinhlng ,
Btrengthcnlng. easily digested , and
admirably adapted for luralldi aa
well as for persons In health.
Sold 6y Orocorii CTerjnlierB.
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass ,
( Successors to John G. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old Bland , U07 Farnnm fit. Ordora by
telegraph solicited and promptly attended
Telephone to.No. S.
A N1JW WOHK The most complete ever pul-
hshod.devoted to the inirchase nnd ale of Blocks ,
bonds , etc. Decision' ] of the courts regarding
stock sales , brokers and bucket shops , manipu
lation of Ihe stock niarket , caucus or panic , etc.
How , when , and > Umt to purchase and soil.
Send postpaid on receipt ot 5Uc. , by tlio
STANJDAHI ) PUnUSItTNG c6. . AlbanyrN. Y.
E.T.Allen , M. D.f
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Spectacles Accurately Prescribed.
. , ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
Offlco N. W Corner nth nnd Ijonglas at. Oraco
telephone , < 63 ; Hosldence telephone , 603.
Or the Liquor Habit , Posltlrcljr Cured bj
AdmiulstorlugDr. llaiuea' Gulden
. Specific.
It can bo nlvcra In a cup of coffee or ten with ,
pui the Knottledgo ot the person taking it ; abla-
lutoly harmless , nnd will effect a permanent and
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. U'bouBunds of
drunkards have been inado temperate men who
have token Oolden SceclflO In their coffee with
out their knowledge and to day bellave th y
quit drinking of their own fr o will , u never
falli. Thenysiam onca impregnated With tbo
Specltlp , It becomes on utter Unvosslblllty for
sa8 ,1ffi8i'Ja&s !
MfeiSSSS 1 Al vl * M ° -
Wliere Shapellnen , Comfort and
Health aru tli-slrei ! It la liiUlgpenii-
iible. Corpulent Ili-'iiros reduced
und niadu tlnipcly In throe Loelx
inunthi. Worm u need no l
eulTur from eaknc a of tholreex
by wenrlnK this supporter. On sulo
by leadlnu merchants. Or for clr-
tulursuuJ luformutlon uddrc > 3
SGOStnto St. , Otli Floor.
Perfett Hiding Buggies.
Breaking Carts.
_ Jtoaionabl'o I'rlce * .
" ' ' * '
Bchanon Carrlaga Go.j "ctf'cAco.
S. K. FELTON & GO. ,
0 And Manufacturers' Acronta for
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys.
tall Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Dice , Straus's ' Building , Fourth Floor ,
Epps's Cocoa ,
"By A thorough knqwlodio of tba natural lawa
whlou govern the pperntloli of dlpostlon ana autrfij
tlpn , and by careful application ot tha ttno properties 1
pf welUeUcttd CCopa , Mr. Bpp bin prqrlded o.U
breakfMt With a delicately Unvoroi beterlga
which inuyiavouB many heary doctors tills. JtW
b7 l.h.lJP"IOUB } : ° fa of " , UC1J " "Id" of "let tbjil a i
may bo nroaually built up until itrong
onfrnsh to rcalit overt tendency to dljoujg. Uun" I
ariifliof ubtlemaludlvaaru flootluL-nronnJ nsroaflT.j
to attack nhercrur there It a weai point. Wo taai I
O munTn fatal Bhaftty keeping ounnlvqi wort I
a M"lf nou'ulloli
i * ioa ° 'n ' > l'ly with bolllnir water or milk. Bold onlr
In finir pound Uni by Urocoro labeled thus : i
TAMPS PPP53 & Pfl nomocppathlo CliomUts
Grab Orcliaril
A. r-ooiTrvja ovsiz : z-ozs
Dyspepsia , Sick-Headache , ConstipatioD ,
Orab Orchard Water Co. Louisville , Ky.
UiuUlli. Rlrmjth and Jtobmt
Mtntiood In ib
H S ftSjsl&SSlw/ /
a toB a
.v1' " " t 'ftl\ l k't" ' i > t
lire . orb r.11Vie. . r rcuci.uc. I . . . W..KLlaJsSniSifliJ' , , ; ;
H. lrN , . , . . .
rto.BiUiu. o4Ui.l .a d lofrftl.d in l7l'a..V. !
lid Fulton Street , New
ud t' t"Cll nl dlur.
dor. cured uftAouifitoiatch Vt4lclo f.