Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1888, Image 7

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    r 1
'Advertisements under this head , 10 cents per
line for the llrst Insertion , 7 cento for.each sub
sequent Insertions nnd tlM a line per month.
No advertisement , taken for less than 85 cents
for the first insertion. Seven word * Will bo
Counted to the line ; they must runronsecutlvely
nnd must bo paid In ndvnncts. All advertise
ments must be handed in before 12:30 : o'clock p.
in. , nnd tinder no circumstances will they us
taken or Discontinued by telephone ,
rnrtlMi advertising In these columns nnd har
Ifttr the answers nddrcwd in care of the Hoe ,
will plonno nsk for n check to enable them tenet
net their letters , M none will btf delivered except
fcn presentation of check. All nnswcrs to adver
tisements should bo enclosed in envelopes
, 'All advertisements in those columns nre pub
fished In both morning nnd evening editions ot
the Hee , the clrculntlon ot which 'nKKrcirates
tnorethnn 18.000 impora dally , nnd Rlvei the nd-
Ivortlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of the Dee , wit nl&o of Council IllulTs ,
J.lucoln nnd ether cities and other cities nnd
| owns throughout this section of the country.
i AdTtrtt lniiforthe8 columns will be Ukon ,
pn the above conditions , at the following bus-
Infwrtiougei , who nro authorized ngcnta for TUB
JlKK special notices ami will quote thbsamo
fates as can bo had at the main ofllco.
OHN W , UlitiL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
Street. ,
OltABE & EDDY , Stationers nnd Pi Inters , 113
South 10th Btrcet.
II. FAHNSWOHTHI'liarmacist , S115 Cum-
ing Street.
WJ , HUGHES , 1'linrumclst , (21 ( North ICth
EO. W. 1'AHH , 1'harrnacist , 1809 Bt. Mnry's
O HOOD Danish Rlrls , can't talk Engllsh.would
& like work lu prlvnto family. Call nt Inter
national Ktnployment office , cor 15th nnd Doug-
las. Tel. 1K . 147 git
WANTED-Sltuatlon ; . druggist ; seven years
prnctltnl experience ; best city rctcrcnces.
Address 1C CP , Heo olllco. 140 SB
wanted by a married man without
out children ns nnd carJetier : under
stands propngntlng nnd growing all kinds ot
plants ; west of reference ; private plnco pre
ferred. Address ICtti. llee. 117-23 *
1/1712 want state and general malingers for our
T > goods. Our men make from M to $15 per
flay , uoods now and sell on sight. Call 422 now
yoxton lilock. _ 1K9 21
\X7 ANTED. Man to assist In and out of ofT -
T T nco. Kxporlonco nccossarv , Man that can
loanomployor J-/lcnn socuroIOO per month.
Loan secured , Call or address 422 now Paxton
block. lft)524t )
SOMR ONE wanted In every town In Nob. nnd
western In. that lias no building and lonn
association , or that has ouo and wants another.
or that has time to represent n building and
1 loan association , to write for full Information to
( Unto manager of National llulldlng , V Loan Co.
1C13 Farnam st. , Omaha , Nob. 173 21.
WANTED Man and wlfo for private family.
Mrs. Hroga. 314J4 8 15th. _ 1BH 24t
WANTED Two energetic , responsible , men
with good references as special agents for
( in old line line Insurance company. Liberal
pontractH mndo with good 111011. Apply room 403
Kow Pnxton block. _ la'i J5
\ATANTED-A contractor who will take horse
, .W and buggy as part payment for building
ftvo houses , nddr i3SK70 Doe. _ 104 27 *
ANTED A runner at Cozzons hotel. M. J.
Franckj pro. 16823 *
--CANTED FIrSf-classcook ; none but com-
- -
V V" potent need npply. 110 nnd 118 N nth st.
ANTEb-dood barbcTat llliTVnrnnm etT
141 ! 3 .
\7irANTED A young nian of nbout 18 to wrap
T T up goods ; ono who has had experience
In dry goods store preferred. Apply between 8
luid 10 a. m. nt NubrnSka Clothing Co. 13a-S3
Good colored barber. 315 S. 12th.
119-33 *
AHOREHS 125 tracklnyors wanted Immo-
. J dlately at Northwestern Labor Agency. 313
3.10th st. , rooms t ) nnd 7. U. & Al. work. John
ftliildoon & Co. no g ;
ANTED Btttto ngont for "Peerless
Clothes-reel. " Address II. G. Miller , Uox
. , C3gWlnona , Minn. 11H 87t _
JT7triVNTEDr-5 trnvoling snK'smon nt > N.
. 'yV-auu st. room 8. up stnlrn. good pny. 135-24 *
, " \XTANTED Two energetic men to soil goods ;
' TT Btcndy employment ; good inducomonts.
421 8.10th St. C30tS9-2i :
WO good 'contmakers nnd ono bushelman
wanted. Enquire of 0. J. Swanstrom , Dead-
wood. Dakota. UC7 26 *
\X7ANTED-W ) railroad graders for the west ,
. YV at Allbrlght's labor agency , 1120 Farnam
. _ . ] 827
Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
ANTED A resident salesman for Nebraska -
braska , Kansas , Colorado , Michigan and
- Indiana uiwns , who has time to show sample
nnd solicit orders for our celebrated "Spanish
PaiiL'tela" nickel cigars , with ability nnd Inrgo
acquaintance , willing to work on commission
basis. Plonno present references , enclosing
stamp for price-list , order blanks , etc , Wlrth.
? ) lckfe Jfc Co . Wholesale Clgary. Chicago. 71)0 ) 2U
t TV ANTED Man to take the agency ( travel-
TT ing or local ) of our safes ; size UbxlHxlS
inches ; weight 600 Ibs ; retail prlco 835 ; other
Blzes in proi > ortlon. A rare chance and perma-
iiont business. These safes meet a demand
' - never before supplied by other safe companies ,
ns wo nro not governed by the Safe Pool. Al-
plno Safe Co. . Cincinnati. 0. TOB J15 *
* V\7ANTED Energetic men nnd women every-
TT whore for a genteel monoy-maklug busi
ness , 800 wet'klyprollt guaranteed easier thun
tfiOmonthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position and exclusive
territory assured. f2 samples free. Write foi
particulars. Addrcss-wlta stamp , Merrill Mf'u
| L'o. . H , 63 , Chicago. 67BJ11 *
ANTED Tlirco lady canvassers for the
city. Salary or commission. Goodsnew ,
Call at olllcp , 42:1 : now Paaton block. 11)0 ) 2lt
WANTED Woman cook In city KU ; astrj
cook for KcnrneyfcJO ; 1 for Sioux City ,
MCI : I for Oontrnl City , | 2i ; iilco eirl for fnmllj
Jn the country 8-M ; ucrub girls , dlHln > n herti
Nvaltri'HHeH and 5u girls for Konornl housework ,
iu nud out of city. Mrs. Hregn , 3UJJ S. li'iih.
"VXrANTUI > Immediately , a good girl _ nt 02 !
\\7ANTKI > nirl for general lionsowork , Mrs
V T Jnmoa llnynes , HW cor-Otli nudVebstor ,
Ooort wnRoa. 107 M *
' \\TANTKl > Seamstress , pastry girl , cliamboi
TT mnld , Klrltocleanoltlce , nurse girls , din
ing-room glrlH and a for housework. Inter
national Employment otllco , cor. 10th and Doug
las hta. Toltiphouo l.Ufl. 170 it
* X SJKIKT trimmer , apprentices for dress
U.making. . Apply JC.'l Capitol ave. 173 i--Jt
WANTED flood girl for general housework
Mra.U.W. lxoiulBlUllB.athnve. ) 177
\X7x\NTED-CompetPnt second girl ; smal
Tl fnmllv ; references required. Apply ti
Mrs. W. H. McCord , B.V , cor. Ijth and Douulaa
j " 31 HI. wanted for general housework. iU ) B
13 IJthBt. ISA-Si *
WANTED-Atonre , mirso plrlllto 10year
old ; tforman preferred , Mr . Ileyii. 4UJt
C4th avu. 13ii.
* l"\7ANTi"H : A peed woman cooknt HHI Doilg
T , t. , private boarding house , good wage
) iald. li * . a ,
T ADV'ABents * 10 n day. sure ; new rubbe
.It undergarment. Mrs II. 1' , Little , Chtcnuc
Jii. kiijn *
WANTED German or American woman t
cook , wash and iron ; must bring gooi
icferi > nco.Mrs. JH. Harris , 11SO 8. iiOth. W7
TANTED A ylrl for housework , must bo
\ good cook. J. H. Dumont , 1)11 ) Park avo.
r ANTED 'o"Ung ladles who arc employe
In the city and boarding , to try the Norrl
Kuropenu HeMaurant. llefct anil rhrnpm
ladies aud ueiitlemen's restaurant In Ihoclti
811 i'3136n. 14tli6t. Opp , 1'axton Hotel.
CANADIAN Employment Oltlco-Malo and fi
male help nunt to nil parts if farn is iu
vanu-d. Hefereuco , Omaha National bank. Mr ;
Ilr gi\3U > 1B. lath. Tul. H 4. 7b5JH'
* \X7ANTEI > Men and boya out ot work to ca
f at thoCtty Intelligence office ( Urvluhto
corner llth and Dougaal bts , r > 47
IHST-CI.ASS table board fora few couth
men , nt 16U Dodge st. 17fi
To t"att rloutraTiBiCrepubllca
TI uewspaperlu a promising town in N
Tjraskior mljolnlujr state , Biuull bunns r
quired. Addroeti , with \lMcrlptioii ot town , ,
67 , cireorUoo. 181l
WANTRli Sewing In private family solicit *
ed. re ; s. mh si. _ m-ai
WANTKi ) If you havi nny lands , lots , or
housea nnd lots to sou or # xchatiKO for
other property , c H on me orvrrllo , lean find
you a customer. C. 0. Spotawood , 305M 8 , 16tn.
_ 545
' , Typewriter ! Rood second Item-
WANTK1' callcrnph. Mint bo In rood con
dition nnd cheap. Address ntonco statins price ,
1122 , Hee omce. Council lilu ITS. _ luzi
WANTED-An active Interest In ome pliy-
IUR established business ; mnnufncturlntt
or Jobbing preferred ; HOlWOtoll2UOO. Address
KCl.Heeolflce. _ 11 28 ,
ANTED Somebody to adopt n beautiful
W boy baby , Jtut born. Address E 42 , llee.
Hoard and room In private fam
ily by dingle young Rcntlemnu with Rood
habits nnd of ntrulet disposition. Address , K
00 , lire onico. H5 23 *
One or two furnished roomi for
WANTKD by pent , wlfn nnd
baby1 ! state terms nud conveniences , Address
K Of Ileo. 125-S1
G-UOOM. brick houo , with nil conveniences.
Furniture iliod three mo. 1'rico fSOOvllOtl
cash , halaiico 125 per mo. HcntJ3. Co-op. L. *
U Co , 1TON ICthat. ISt 8 >
Jll HENT Now four-room house , Hurdette
nnd 31st sts. Wallace , SH Crelghton block.
it * i-
0-UOOM house , J35 , 830 S21st St.
Tpon HKNT Itonso , 8 rooms barn , collarwell
jL ? nndAlstorn Jith nve , near I'opplcton. (35
rent , Inquire \Ym. F. Btootzel , 1C21 lirtwardi
TTIOH HENT 7 room collage with all modern
1 ? ImprovcmontH , sxtl Kranklln st. Inquire
nt room C051'axton building , l1 , J. Creedon.
107 S5
. . RENT 2 small houses , 3 and a rooms , 3
And $10. S7th nvo and Howard st.
TT10K HKNT 13-room house ; nil modern conJ -
J ? violences ; near High school. The O. F.
UavlsCo. 181-87
TjlOll HUNT Olio 7-room , liouso on SCth avo. ,
JJ H-block north of Cumins st. J. Ii. lllnck ,
room U301'nxtou block , cor. 10th and rnrnnm sts.
TEN-ROOM hoiiBo with nil modern Im
A provements for rent ; situated at M Dong-
las st. Inquire nt I'M' } Douglas st.
TJ10H HKNT n room house centrally Jocatcd ;
-U fuvnlturo for Bale , Inodorn linprovcinpiits ;
Ilenawa & Co. . 15th s t. . opp. P. O. 1)JJ ) at
T710H HUNT 8ncresnnd4 room house , fruit
JLJ and out uulUUngs cheap , licnawn & Co. ,
15th St. . opp. P. O. 000 K )
1J10U HUNT Cottage Jlvo rooms 200 foot from
-U Park nvo street car , corner B7th nnd How
ard sts. rent $30 per mo In advance. A. S. U1H-
inga. 101 3. IStli. OCt
OH RENT A house with three rooms , $10 n
month , 11KW South 18th. uonr 1'iorco st.
89524 *
A N elegant 10-roonl cottage In "tho very best
jCX location. 1'umltme for ealo. Kent $76
pcrino. Co-op. L.&L. Co , 203 N. 10th st.
[ T10H RrNT To proper parties , will rent my
U residencefurnlsliod , from Juno 1st to
September 1st ; location,30tU and Et. Mary's
> . Wnrren SwiUler. bOO
TTIOH HKNT-Ono of K. H. Ed-ion's flue homes.
J3 Ennuire 1723 Davenport st. WO 24 *
1710H HENT For the summer n furnished
Jhouso ? In the best location In the city , prlco
moderate. Addross. giving name and refer
ences , to P. 0.110X307. 851
"ITIOH HUNT 8-room houso. Inquire J. F.
J3 Ilarton , 201(1 ( Capitol nvo. 006 2IJ
for llont Ton rooms nnd barn , cen
trally located. Jnqulro T. 3. Heard , 1410
Douglas st. 785 23
TT10H RKNT Klegant 10 room house nnd 8-
J3 room cottngo 3 blocks from court house ,
cheap. O. K. Thompson , Bheelcy block. 707
"TJ10H HENT A choice I ) room honse.fenced lot ,
-13 gas , city water , furnace , bath room , cistern ,
also large well equipped barn , belnc 2513 Capitol
nvo. Inquire 2d house east of promises or room
14 Omaha Natl bank bid. U. H. ItobUon.C51
/ 10TTAOE3rooras , n small store room and
\J good barn , wltti 4 ncres of land , situated y
mile north of fort , $15.00. Apply 317 8 llth sr.COO
rosldenco Farnam st.
TOIl HENT--A flno on
It. C. Patterson , 1)18 ) 8.16th st. 650
TUN room house with yard , noar'Famam ' and
24th st. , steam heat nnd nil modern Im
provements. JOS per month. Call 207 S. 24th st.
Poll HENT Elegant 10-room Jionso , all mod
ern Improvements , on car lino. Inquire
1408 Douglas st. 1175
room house , Jack'son st. , K3.
0 room , corner house. Jackson at. , 830.
10 room houso. No. 708 8.18th st.
7 room cottage , ' 22d and I Toward sta.
Also other houses , G. B.Thompson , Room 113 ,
Sneoly block , 15th and Howard st. 33
FOH HENT Two largo cottages. 627 nnd 029
17th avenue , now In course of construction ;
ready by June 1st next. John II , F , Lehmauu.
TTIOH HKNT FJno modern residence 025
JL' Bonth 17th street , John , II. F , Lohmann.
F HENT An 8 room house , with bath , ono
- block from car line , ! 0 per month. 11.15.
Cole , room 0 , Continental block. (128 (
SOMETHING- cheap , house for rent or for
sale , furniture for sale. Including Encyclo
pedia Ilrltannlcn , now Stock plnno nnd other
furniture. Otto Holudorff , i 3 Georgia avenue.
F RENT 2n wll-room nouses , 140 , by 8 ,
T. Peterson , BO cor 15th and Douglas. 715
TTIOH RENT 8-room house. North Saundcrs
-C st. Enquire of C. W. lleall & Co. , 811) ) S.
10th. ( J98
TJIOH KENT When you want to rent n house ,
JL ? BtorootoillceBotoII. E.Colu. 662-
T710H RKN'F-A neat $20 cottage. Apply at
JL ; once. C. F. Harrison , 418 8 16th fit. to
T71URNISHEO rooms for rent wither without
board. 2015 Douglas st. 176 31 *
I 1011 RENT Furnished rooms with bnnrd , in
prlvnto family , 2iU ! Pleasant and tit.
Mar/anvo. 103 2dt
rpwo iront rooms , olognntly furnished , for
JL light housekeeping , und turnituro for sale
cheap. Room 3,607 8. Wth. Ib2 Si *
" \\TKUi furnished front nnd back parlors ,
V T Bultablo for 4. Would rent singly. Cheap to
permanent parties. Al&o small rooms $10 per
month. 700 S 17tli ave. J 3 23 *
TTtOR HENT Cheerful front rooms with board
X1 In private family , tlrat class locution , refer
ences exchanged.Kli Pleasant ht. near St. Mary'8
nvo. b74 2Ut
SM ALL couth room , nicely furnished for ono
gentleman , modern conveniences , etc. 2107
Douglas. - < 148
JT ° H HENT Furnished front room , 2 gentle-
jjajior month , Kil 8 22d st. 16123 *
JARGE furnished rront room for rent , sw
corner Ibth und California , 110 25i
TTIOH RENT-Deslrablo furnished rooms , 1721
JL ? Davenport. 130
FRONT room , board It desired ; large , shady
yard ; 'elegant summer quarters. 421 N ,
17th at tws-23 *
FURNISHED rooms J7 ahd M. 800 S 22d st.
SUITE newly furnished rooms nnd 1 single
rooui , all modern conveniences , near 2 car
] lnesboard it desired , C22 GeorjrU nve. [ Rith bt. ]
T7IOR RENT Newly furnished rooms for
-U grntleiutti by the day , week or month.
Tleasuut , well vcntllntad , free access. W/J
Howard , near Cozzuns house , 18 and if 10 per
month. _ Wlj-n
'IjlURNlSHED room for 0110 or two gentlemen ,
JJ Leslie & Leslie. IBth and Dodge sts. V >
l OR RUNT Throe elegant rooms , liuely fur-
J-1 nlshed , eitlier en suite or singly , line locU'
tlon for a physician. 621 North 10th bt. 9S5 2 It
1 > OOM8 For Rent A very desirable suite o !
l > Iront rooms ; also ouo single room In pri
vate family , with board ; all modern com en-
lencec ; half block from two street car lines :
none but llrbt-cluba need apply , U2U Georgia ave ,
B.a > tlmt. \ru \
_ _ _
Til WO nicely furnished cast front rroins , bath
-L room , with board if desired , private
family. Oil B. Georgia aye. , very reasonable ,
t'14 2S
_ _ _
TTICIHN1S11ED rooms to rent. 1701 Capitol ave ,
J3 uaiaj
_ _
YERY pleasant largo furnished" rooms ; al ]
dcfcirud conveniences : private house , board ;
1 block from postolllco , 1013 and 1C15 Capitol ave
tOI 21t
AT1CELY turult > hed rooms , bath , 7W N 19th ,
.Pi _ 2324 *
" 17)011 RENT A nicely furuUheil front loom ,
Jkutlabla for two gentlemen , Enquire at
SOU , Bt , Mary'savo. _ ju
l iflSNT Furnished rooms , with or with'
outboard. SJJVSt , Mary'b nve.Uraddy bile
'M ,
, II to ll.topcr
S.JbtUstr ot.
T710H nnNT-Furntshcd rooms in plf as nt lo-
JJ. cation ; ftll modern conveniences. 2121 Sew *
ard t. 64D25 *
T OirilENT-FTirnlshcdroom. liOSDouBlns.
TpURNISHED rooms. 113 S 20th. C20 J4 *
NlCEIA * funilshcd room , cheap. 2110 Hnthoyi
S5624 *
J" AtlQft front room , 1 W DotiBlas ,
TjlOH HENT Nic ly turnlshed ro'om , chnap.
JL' HO B. 23d St. 6. g4t
" 1300M to rent , nil modem lmprovomonts.170'J _
. , . . . RENT 3 furnlihod rooms suitable for 4
JL1 centlemcn. Inqulro Hoom C , 8d floor , 1303
Douglas. a" i
TPOR ItENT Two nicely furnishedfront
JL1 room * , witli or without board , modern con
venlenccs , tsnnd [ M per mouth , 1321 N , 18th st !
on two cnr lines. ( M
SMAMj room 'suitable lor gentleman , 1K3
Dodge street' M
T71OR RENT Furnished rooms in Grounlg blk
JL1 cor. 13th nnd Dodge sta , inquire 6t Geo. R. ,
Davis. Millar J liotol billiard room. ceo
T710R liENT Rooms furnished nnd unfurl
J 'nishod. IT-.MCap. aye , 558
TTIOIl HENT Furnlshod roomJBW Dodge.
-U .184 IB t
3 FURNISHED rooms , 1513 LvKvemvort
| " K1SSH
_ _
TTIOR HUNT 3 untiirnlslicd rooms with two
JL ? closets. 262t Cumlng st. _ 109-iU !
TJIOR RENT Hrick stdro 410 b 10th st , bet.
JU Hartley nnd Howard. B , liehmanu. 582
TIHE two corner store rooms in old city hnll
building , 10th and Fnrnnm sts. , for rent
cheap. Campbell & Harvey , 310 S. 10th St. , board
of trnde building. _ 481
TTIORHENT A store 20x50 , $30. Inquire , KISS.
JL1 I3th. Peterson. 151
I710R HENT Store room nnd cottage orO
X' rooms , good bntn , etc. , with 4 ncres land ,
situated JJ mile north of fort , ! 15 Apply 317 S.
llth st. _ _ COO
IINTON block , S. 13th. corner of Mason st. Six
J handsome now store rooms with large cel
lars underneath , llnlshed with all modern Im
provements and convoniencoSj llents moderate.
Apply to John Hatnlln , 311 S. llth st , Omaha.
T/IOU RENT Half of olllco at tia S 10th st.
JL ! Chamber ot Commerce bid , Odell Hros. & Co.
* * ' U09
TTIOR HENT Suite of olllco rooms , Bushman
JL' block , cor. Iflth nnd Douglas. > 'Nino room
house , cor. 17th nnd Dorcas , * ! H per month. In-
quIroW. M. llushman , 1311 Lenvonworth. 713
T710H HENT Iluslnoss room now occupied as
JU niy ollico on 16th st. O. F. Harrison , 418 8 15th
GATE CITY hall , 8. W. cor. 13thnnd Douglas ,
to rent Friday or Saturday nights for so
ciety purposes. Inquire 1010 Dodge , 778 23 *
STORAGE room to rent. 1113 Farnam st.
232 J3
FOR" HENT Good sale nnd llvorv barn , excel
lent location , rent reasonable , inquire of C.
W.McVlckor. room -Darner blk. 075
ri E. THOMPSON , lloom'118 ' Sh'ocly block.
. tt . .
VT. ' K .fgijj
IFYOUjyantyourUouftes rented place them
with Ilenawa i Co.13th , opposite postonico.
WANTED Houses to rent , nnd wo can rent
thorn too. II. E. Cole , N. E. 15th nnd
DoUglas. 6U3
LIST houses for rent with 11. E. Cole , N. E.
16th and Douglas. _ 66t
ItEGORY , F. L. . Hontal agent , 30d S Iflth st.
I > EH8ONAL All kinds of carpenter work
done In llrst clas order , door and Window
soreons made nnd hung. Win. Uohon , 2121
Caldwell st. 130 2S *
PERSONAL No. a is ulted , etc. Alice.
107-24 *
TJERSONAlPrlvnto homo for Indies during
JL. .conlmenitnr , strictlyconfidential.infants
adopted. Address L'42 , Hcoolllccr 833 J15 ?
TDAINLESS treatment ot pile tumors , fistula * .
J. rectal pockets , ulcers , otcc , without loss of
time or inconvenience at 317 N 10th st. Dr. Kelso
. 684 jm
"PERSONAL Go to tha Norris European Itos-
JL taurant for your meals. Everything llrst-
class , at chop house prices. 311 and 313 So.J4th
St. , opj ) . Taxton Hotel. 3s7.
LOST A diamond pin , a bar w 1th 3 stones set
across the bar. Finder will receive reward
by returning to Edholio & Akin's , opp. P. O.
Omaha. ' IBS 23
STRAYED May 20th , gray horse Bore In front ,
und bay mule , blind , light nose , knot on loft
side in Hank , A reasonable reward for return
to ilatt Mnloney , South Omaha postolllco.
UO 23 *
LOST A ladles portmonlao containing ilftean
to twenty dollars. lioavo it at 160 * Farnam
st. and bo rewarded. 1211 23
IOST 2 horses and colt , ono mare 0 years' old ,
t black color ; one2 year old , bay mare ;
strayed from South Omaha hotel. Neb. Finder
return to South Omaha hotel nnd receive re
ward , 031 23 *
0 20 REWAHD-Iost ; sorrel mare , -nelght TOO. 0
Pyears old , saddle marks , shod , single foot nn-
ndersaddle , return to A. M. Crone , 0th and Oak.
419 23 *
FOR SALE-Onepalr well broko'ponles. very
gentle , 4 years old : also phaeton and bar
ness. A. D.Morse's shoo store. 1C925
TTIOH SALE-Gentlo family hprsc , safe for n
JJ lady to drive , 617 NlOth St. . T 1W5 23 *
FOR 8ALE-A good mule. Weight J.100 Ibs
Price J100. John Nelson , ifi N 15th st
Call 8 o'clock n.m. m 2i *
TTIOR SALE Finn mare and colt. 'Jlenawa A
JU Co. , 15th St. . opp. p. O. Mil 23
TTOH SALE Top phaeton and harness , 115
JJ 1507 N 19th. 19 25T
A SIX year old horse , Imguy nnd harness for
xA-salo or trade ; apply 1301 Douglas , U./rrostler
cigar shop. IKM23 *
TTIORSALE-Or will trade for Omaha real os
X1 tate a well-bred stallion , 1 safe family
mare nnd 1 extra good driving horeo. Address
K. 48 , Hee ollico. ' 8132.5 ?
"ITIOH SALE A few shares In n prosperous
JL ? building association In cnolco part of thi
city , no bonus retmlred , Apply to F , li. Hlumor
room 18 , Ware building , b70 23
FOR SALE-TWO en tubular steel boilers 66x
14 foot , with smoke stack , steam guagos
glass water gunges. etc. . all complete ; will ne-1
cheap. Address Fred Krug , Urewor , Omaha
Nub , 6(53 (
I710R SALE-First-class billiard table. . 3 , V
JL ? Hammond , Hoom 617 , Pa tea buildlns. . .
bH823 >
PANSY and Geranium Salo-Pansfea 25o n
dozen ; geraniums , liOc , 76c find tl a dozei
for one week. Henry Ehroupfort , llorlst. 1J
B. lltlmt. 91923 *
EOH SALE Onu large bay team of horses
wagon unrt harnoss. Jmiulraot Wm. Blevor >
& Co. , B. W. cor , llitll and California st. 775
T710H BALE-Tho furniture , carpots. nxturea
JL ? and lease of a pleasantly located , nowlj
furnltthnd houije , near horse and cable cars
house heated by steam , furniture , etc. , In useless
loss than' year ; must bo sold at once. For pur
ticulars apply to Hartman < ! ; Gibson , 1G1J Far
nam bt. 497
TfilOR BALr-160O.JOeooa . building brick , do
J-1 livuroil on cars , at Peru , Neb. , at a verv low
price. II. MMeara. _ 315m Ki *
FOIt"rl K Abouta,010 tons Hluo river ice
Lanham ti Abbott , Crate , Nebraska. 658J10
OR SAI.E-Koiuo llrst class 2 < 1 mortgage
paper nt n discount. 0.0 , Spot wood , 3J3W B
16th. 643
' '
THE Omaha Ilnanclal Exchange , Hoom 15
Darker block , southwest corner ot Far
nam and 16th st .
Makes n specialty of short-tlmo collateral anc
real cstato loans.
Money always on hand In sums of tlOO and up
wards to any amount , to loan ou approved uu
Bucu'red notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Ciear real estate uud cash to exchange to
good llrst or second mortgages.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks
promptly , quietly und fairly. Hoom 15 , Harkc
block , Corbett , Manager. CM
TVf OHTGAGE notes bought und gold. E. 1
1U. Beaver , Hoom iO.Uarkur block. 476.16
iK ? Shelton 23th nnd Dodge St. , flrst-clas
family hotel , rooms and bouid at reason
able rate * ; references required. MM Whit
, proprutrcM. ( . 47U p
o tught ns nfllSn by 0 o , P. Gallon-
Harrier t.
, -rellalllo companies , II. K.
FIIlKinsuranco , and glas. 6C7
filort9Af.E-Atop cntrfqr. nearly now.C olnm
L1 bils.inakn. Also good single harness , A. H ,
UfCk. 318 8t IH'1- ' _ 140
"WfllEN youhnvcbarHJaMnroal osfnto cal
Y > onJ.F. HhluWiOnaSSr J'nxton building ,
' "Vi 878 J ire
/ lALInnd get prfcfo 'o JJlie summer pardon
\J nnd picnic cr&tmdsWJvortlsed for sale by
ks , llnrter block. UP ! 3
TCTOT1CE to real a.stnte nctmts i I hereby with-
> draw all my teal' eita frp the market In
Omnlia and South oinaha j. Karel. 110-24 *
terms on the sum-
mcr garden nnd plci logroiiuds ; for snlo by
Hcks , Datker block. _ 1V023
you nave anythlnR to trade call on or hd-
IF tlress George J. BUsrnsdorlT , ItoomO , oppo-
Blto postonico. _ 107
"nltl ! ,1.11. Mahler Htlggy Co. , opp. postolllce ,
u. liuva the nnost tine of fnmuy carriages
and phaetons aver ollereil in Omaha 'at pticos
Biilted to the tlme.ii Their sales the past three
> eckft demonstrate that Omalm people 'nppaecl-
nto their guods nnd prices. Oqnosltory iii w.
corner 15th nnd Dodge , Omaha , J. U. Swan , mali
nger. 943 23
_ i _
WANTED A Rood liomo. buggy nnd harness
In exchange for Bouth Omaha lots. George
I. Btonisdorlf , room 0 , opp postoltico. 230
TfALENTlNE'S Shorthand Institute IsTTio"
T only practical , exclusive shorthand school
n tin ) west. All its graduates are In good sit
uations Mid giving entire satisfaction. Students
cnu cuter nt any time. No summer vacation.
Bend for circulars to Valentino's Shorthand In
itltute. Now Paxton Uullding. Omaha Nob. 42020
_ _
TMIACICAOE , storage , lowest rntos , W. M
JL Hushmnn , 1311 l .ivcinvorth. _ 603
\ . COWAN has rent oil a Inrgo storeago
A\V. . 20n , 210 and 212 South 11th st. ,
where ho Is prepared to tnko in nil kinds or
goods for storage nt n reasonable rnto ! n lire-
iroot building : _ ail ji !
storage for furnlturo , stoves , mer1-
CLEAN , etc. Hut us U , Clark , 31 l-31il S 12th
street. 301 m34
E have a customer who wnnts to buy n
house nnd lot In or near Horbach's add.
Co-op. Ii. & 1. . Co , ai N 10th st. _ 185 23
ANTED A second-hand folding bed. Ad
dress P. O. box 602. 171 23 *
ANTED To buy nbout 600 feet of old fence
W in good order , J. W. Karel , 1112 WllHamS.
Good liouso and lot In doslrablo
WANTED the city ; will glvo Ilrst-class bar
gain to anyone 1C milted. Uoo. J.Stcrusdorir ,
[ loom 0 , Frenzer blk. 818
Corner lot Hi 11 anscom placo. E.
WANTED worth , room 1 , 1417'Furnam ' st.
"l/l711jlj / buy ftirnlturoof a house or Hat con-
VV trally located. Co-op , L. tc L. Co , 203 N. iota
ALPIiANALH , 'tho celebrated Ilun
ANNA Gypsy , Is a scleutillc palmist , well
knbwn as having the largest business of nny
lorttuie-toller in America , Ladles only. 1021 N.
2tth ! st. 20th and Saundcrs cars puss tno door.
Kii ) 24 *
A ItlUVnn fromCallfoniiSx Madame Winters
J-X gifted dead trance clairvoyant nnd nstrolo-
gist ; can bo consulted on nil nlTnlrs of life or
death ; reunites the separated , causes luck and
speedy marriages , show s plioto of future wlfo or
husband , locates ( IHenslik and euros them by
massage and magnetic trrntmont , nas the cele
brated Hindoo charm for luck. All those in
trouble will do well to can on this gifted seerlss
gives you a correct \vrlitun reading through
mall for J2.00 , with lookJ hair. The Madame
has taken parlora lit 1003 Jtpward St. , 3d floor ,
Parlors 2 and 3. T ° r 4S2-ZJ *
. NANNIE V. Wnrrpn , clairvoyant. Jlcd-
leal , business and tmlTnodlum. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 1J9 N. 10th
St..Rooms 2&3. Tel.044tir 670
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons , otc.
without removal or-ou collatorm security.
Huslness strictly conlldentlal , A. E. Green
wood & Co , , Room 1 , Cuimingliam block , corner
13th and Jackson. J tr W2m31
To Loan By the Undersigned , who
MONEY the only1 prbpljrly 'ofganlzod loSn
agency In Omaha. Loans of 210 to S100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , Morses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly conlldentlal. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment roduclngtho cost pro rata. Advances
mndo on flno watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they arc dealing
xrlth , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into oxlstonco. Should you need money call and
see mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wlthnoll uullding ,
16th nnd narnov. 573
HUGH PERCY loans money on horses , furni
ture and other pnrsonal property or colla
teral at reasonable rates ; all business strictly
conlldontlal ; money on hand , no delay : also
makes loans on city real cstato. Ofllco 42 i and
425 , 4th lloor. Paxton building , 101J21 *
MONEY To loan. Lowest rntos. Xo delay
J. L. Hlco & Co. , over Commercial Na
tional hank 600
OHOLCSplaces moro cans ttian anybody.
AK , IHLEY Loans , 1619 Farnam. I am prepared -
pared to take largo or small loans nn
business blocks or residence property. Good
terms and prompt work. 601
MONEY to Lonn I can place good first-class
city loans on short notice and nt lowest
rntos. 1) . V , Slioles , room 1 , llarkor block.
LOANED nt C. V. Heed & Co.'s Loan
Oftlce. on furniture , piano ? , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd U other nr-
tlclesof vnluo without removal. Ul'J 8 , IDtU.
All business strictly confidential. 671
T OANS made on good productive real estate ,
JLJ security 3 and 0 years time , optional pay
ments and favdrablo terms and ratos. Kimtiull ,
Champ If Ryan , U. B. Nafl Hank ll'ld. ! 17U J
IURCHA8R money mortgages bought.
Wright & Lasbury , 210 8 , 14tli St. , lip-stairs.
MONEY tolopnon city nnd farm property.
Geo. N. Hicks , Hoom 40 , Unrker block.
I OANS made wit Omaha city property by D
1J V. Sholos room l llnrkor blk. 688
T\/TpNEYtoloan / , c.isn on nand , no delay. J ,
1VIw. . and . U Squire , 1413 Farnam Bt. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 077
T OANS made on Improved nnd unimproved
JLJ city property nt lowest rntei of Interest ,
spoclal rates on large loans on inside property.
Odell llros. A : Co. , 313 B. IQthst. 4U3
MONEY to loan on city und , farm property.
J. F , Hammond , room 617 Paxton md'g.
, AHOE or small loans without delay by
J Sholos , room 1 , Darker block. SSI
MONEY to loan on chattels. Room 31 , Cham
ber of Commerce , 600 11127
HJ . IREV-500.000 to loan on city property
and improved farmland. 1'renzur block.
"II j ONEV to loan -on al estate , mortgages
J.1J , bought and sold.VaMace , Crelghton blk.
TXfONEV to loan on cliiiffcls. Room 31 , Cham-
I'JL ber of Commerce. Jui' . bhaw.
2.1 600 m7
MONEY to lonn on IWsos , turnituro nnd
other personal prrttt-rty. or collateral.
Hates moderate. Huulmwlronlldontlal. Olllce
K.V. . comer 15th and Douglas sts. Entrancn on
15ti ) at , ' The Talrbank Ij r stnieiit Co , au
MONEY to loan on rrtrUlture , wagons etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security ,
Huslnoss Htrtctly conlliUmtlal. A , E. Green
wood & Co. , Hoom 1 , CimiUiigham block , cor ,
13th nnd Jackson. ' , yy iM.'m'Jl
acoo to tSOUX , ) loans by | hles.
MONEY to loan on improved real estate ; no
communion clmruftl ? Leuvltt Uurnham ,
room 1 , C'rumhton block. Jo 074
rpOIOAN-On real osttite mortgage , 81.000 In
J- one sum or divided. 'O. E. Thompson , Hoom
11' ' , Shcely block. IMh and Howard hts. .WJ
LOANS mndo pn real estate nnd mortgages
bought. Lewis 6 , Heed Ic Co. , I'M t'uruain.
" ] \ 10NE Y to I.oan.Vo hnvo money on hand tn
_ LU loan on Improved and vacant property In
Omaha nnd Bouth Omaha. Tall and aeons.
\\rlght & Lasbury , 215 B. lltht. . , up-stalrs.
* "
_ _ _ _ _ *
$600,000 to loan on city nnd farm real estate.
Linanan 4 ; Mahouey , room 500 , Paxton blk.
gHOLES mates improved city loans. 833
HE. COLE loans inoaey ou Improved city or
farm property. Hoom o Continental
block. * 270
gOMU cnoico loans wanted by Suoles. 833
K5ET-l He"lf " raM-wj ljUn2ivPr ? ? ul'
U low ruts loans , Bholes. ' 3S3
rirryioftns Bhc-los , Hoom 1 , Harkcr blo ic.
1'EK CENT money to loan. Patterson A Har-
mml , 318 a 15th si. _ 70s
Tlt&NKYto Ixttn O < F. DnvlsCo. , reM estat *
jLU. nnd loan ngqnts , uxn Farunra st. 633
TYfONKY to lonn on furniture , w
_ tl.erc.wlthout removal ; or onoollaternl
Ity. Iluslnoss conadontlal. 0 U Jacobs.azo S 15th
s 110LKS , Room 1 , Darker block , for loan * .
A. WOODMAN Money to loan onroal es-
J tnU In sums to suit. 230 South 13th st.
. 687
T OAH9 made on real nstnto. Cash on hand.
JLJY. . M. Harris over EM 8. Kith at. 673
* to loan on chattels , without remoral
or miner ! llimuciixl buMncss of all kinds
transacted without publicity t money advanced
on Jewelry , notes , etc. H will pay you to sec us ,
1'eoplo'fl Financial Exchange , 0 , Houscnron ,
manager 1 U6G iUarkorbrk,15tnnndl'nninm8ts
_ ESilU * _ _
, To loan on Omaha city property at 0
$ per Cent , a , W. Day , B. K. cor. Kx. I1U1.
MONEY toloimonitirnituro. Horses , wagons ,
etc.or on any approved security , tioyr
rates. J , W. llobblns , Iflu Fnrnntu. KB
HOLKS. Iloom 1 , llarkor lllock.
T7"OUNTZE Place loans by Bholes. 883
Q UK Shales before gutting a loan.
"XTOTES bought. O. II , Jacobs , 330 S. 13th at.
loans. Bholea. 833
OPnNDID rntus on loans. Slioles. 3S3
> UlLDIN'Q loans. Llnahan He Mnhonoy.
> 812
r ADI KS and Rents with small capital for clo-
JLJ Runt money mnkliig business. 1W9 I'nrnnm
AND. 1 Mvory barn. Prlco 814,030. ( lood
location , In city. Co-op , li. & L. ( To , "a > N
10th st. - 1&523
T710USA.J'E Grocery and meat market and
-i ? Ice cruam parlor combined ; will Bull chimp ,
KOa ; part cash , balance In trade. Ill health
reiisou for soiling. 1018 N. 10th st , 10S-JJI *
WANTHU Managcr at St. I.onlsto represent
eastern house. SalaiY 81,500. Cash do-
poslto ? 500. Good refcnces. Cull personally If
possible. W. K. Grant , Ul U. S. Nut's Hank.
/jj i/ > . 1M 24t
ILL Site-Splendid mill site and water
, power on.Nenmlm river at Salem , Nob.
Town will glvo $ l,5 ( 0 lionusj for roller mill. Will
sell chonnor trade for land. Address , W. Ham-
moiis , Salem , Richardson , Co. , Neb , 150 23
FOH SALE-A 93.00J grocery stock In Hast-
Ings , Neb ; L. Morrison , Hastings , Nob.
TjlORSAIiE Drlckyard. Call on M.Hanson ,
43 2533 Pacific st. 131 28 *
FOH : Drug store , established over 17
years , J2.230 , cash ; just the cost of fixtures ,
owner going Into larger business ; parties mean
ing business please address KC3 , Bee olllco.
114 27 *
THOU SALE Job printing onico ; has been
U.1 used only n few weeks ; lover Standard
press nuxlO ; outfit Is worth $275 ; will soil nt n
bargain ; n rare chance. Address J. M. IIonder-
sou , Grand Island , Nob. 104-20 *
GOOD restaurant. In flno location , with largo
' 13 tons ) ice house nnd good stable. Have a
good business and will sell cheap for cosh ; will
not object to trade. Address K. 69 , lleo olllco.
WANTED A'llve energetic young man for
partner In a , good paying established
manufacturing business with from 42.500 to
fTi.OOO , reference exchanged , nddres K 50 , this
oflice. U042J *
BRICKYARD For Sale The only brickyard
In city of 12,000 inhabitants , making n not
* 1 profit of over iM.oufl ; will sell either part
or wholi Interest to right paity. Address A S.
Grand. Island , Neb. , P. O. box SO. 00
T710R SALE A banking business Inn proml-
Jt ? nent location with lease , fixtures , books ,
time-lock nnd good will , llox 1C 26 llee otllco.
W "ANTED An active business man with J30
to t2j ( ) to take hold of a fast selling article.
ul'U from 810 to SM per day. Hoom 4 , Crounso
block , 1 HI N 18th , 230 J 4
TJUHST class hotel for sale or exchange. H. S.
-L ? Lilly , real estate dealers , Droken How , Nob.
243 j 3
TXTE have for sale n long time lease of the best
TT location for fancy retail business m the
city. Fearon , Cole & Robertson , 310 S. 15th st.
TJ OK SALT' Asood paying business. Cigars.
JLJ stationery toys , soda water fountain ate , .
In first-class location. Stock will Invoice about
$2WW. Will tuko city real ebtato In exchange.
Enquire at Max Meyer & Co.'s. 291
TIOEXCIlANGE-Unencumboredlot In Chi
cage for Improved Omaha property , will
assume Incumhranco and pay Homo cash , nd-
dreSiTglvlhg full particulars , K OS llee olllco.
1C327 *
T7IOR EXCHANGE A good brick livery stnblo
JL1 that will accommod'ito 100 horses , fronting
on two good streets. In one of the best locations
In tliorlty , worth $14,000. 40 acres of finely Im
proved land within one mile of a good Nebraska
town , worth $1.200. 40 ucres of good Improved
land within 2 miles of snmo town , worth $1,000.
2 good houses and 4 lots in a good llvo Nebraska
town , wortli $2,500. Wanted in exchange good
city property. E. A. Leayonworth , 1417 i'nrnam
st. , Hoom 1. ' ' 103 23
ri OQD Omaha or Council Binds property to
vT exchange for farm well adapted to stock
raising. Honsoii te Cnruilchaol , 151U Farnam.
SEVEN hundred lots to trade for land , mor-
merchundjse or llvo stock , H. K. Cole ,
Iloom ( l. Continental block. 1031
WHAT haveyou to trade for 80 ncres of land
unlncutttbcraU In Junean county. Win , ,
3 miles froiri county seat. G. .1.
U , opp PostoHlco , 107
ANTBU-To exchange city lots without nny
IncMimlranrus. situated within 0 miles of
of state hougp , Boston , Mass , for good equities
on Omalm real estate. Address Lock 110x333 ,
giving description of property. Kil 27
jnoil UXCHANQU-Wolmvo n largo list of
J-1 houses ami lots , farms , otc. , for exchange ;
when you have anything to exchange como and
e us , H , E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block.
030 ill
Til AVE nrJlno form In Hand county. Dak. , 3
-L miles from Heo Heights. The sail never
Bholio on bettor land than this. What have you
to oirer1 ? G , J. Sternsdorlf , room 0 , opp post-
qlllcu. _ _ . 2-Jl
a i JfiTEHNBlJURFl < \ room 0. opposite post-
onico , lm some good land In Holt county ,
Neb. , to trade for Omaha property. Will assume
light Ineutnbralico. gU5
riOR HxqilANfJH or 8&lo-Foiir Jlno young
- lhfliws. . for good mortgage paper. A. P.
Tukey , Ifltll and Douglas sts. CO I
TjOinrRAJ5E } One G room house , ono 4 room
JL1 honsov'VlllTrftdoboth for house nnd lot
or good clear farm property. II. W. Huntress ,
1417 Farnuin , room 1. 077
T710H KXOTIANrtW-'lViim ' , wagon and harneKs
JJ t for lot , South , Omaha. W. L. Belby , 15S1
Fnrnain t.t Vt
TJ10H EXCHAN(3E-Neb. farm or two Boiith
JOmnlm'loty for span ot inares or mules , w ,
L. Selby , IKl 1'uniam bt. oaj
GRxl ! ) ? , corner-Id and Douglas sts , to Undo for
nn fight to ten-room house and lot. < i o. J.
Bteriigdorlr " room fi. oppo.ito P O. siu
IOHTY(80J ( acres ot land adjoining l.ako
Manawa , touncll , Iiluifi ) , la. This tract
will make 400 beautiful lota nnd is free from
encumbrance. What have vou to oIFor ? Oeorgo
J , Sternsdorif , room C , opp I' . O. 107
TTIoirEXCHANOE-Vncantlots clear nnd en-
J- cumbered , for farms nnd Improved city
property ; hoe our list. H , U , Cole , room I ) . Con-
tlnentalblpck. t'JI-J JL
NEW a heated carriage and now single top
buggy to tradu for long time real estate
mortgage. W. L. Selby 1521 Farnam t. WJ
BRICK Wnnte'd-lOO.OX ) bricks In exchange
for good liulde Omaha property. H. A.
Sloman , room . ' -i end aa H oilman bldg. 1B7
TpRADEH made In real estate uud personal
JL. property. See exchange book. Co-op. L.
nndL. O > ,203N. IBthbt. ? &
" ' "
Tlf 1DLAND Ouaranwe and Tnmt Co. . IMS
J.TJL Farnam atr > 4t Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real esuta < jxaralaed , pir-
t ected and etiarantned. 6'J.i
TDJENSONCAKMICHAEli furnisn complete
J- > and guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most compluto set of uultraot
books 1 if tha city. No. 1513 farnam at. 690
Abstracts South Omaha Ed. Johnson tt
Co. , Agents South Omaha Land Co. , have
the only complete sot ot abstract books in
South Ouialia. Complete abstract * furnlshtxl
ou short uotlcB. Oluc * opposlta , depot , BoutU
Omaha. in
INKST residence lots In city , Harnny corSMh
and h * t. , also 20th near Nicholas , will
oxehnngo for good clear property. Paul , 1009
yarnam. 435
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
A. UPTON ft CO. nee South 16th Strcoti
. Opposite Chamber of Commerce.
Will fell for a short time thj following :
Lots n and 10 , block 6 , Hitlptrur Springs addl *
tlon , HO feM front on Shormnn nvo , corner
10,000 ; will Bell corner , 62 feet , for W.100.
Corner on Farnam nud lx > wo atomic , J.I , GOO )
B , nnd o , front ,
Lots , block 4 , Kllby Place , 60x155 , cast front ,
S3.000 ! ca y terms.
Lot 7 , block 8 , Hnnscom I'laco , flno cast frontlet
lot , KU185 , W.1UO.
.Lot 11 , block 8 , Hillside , no , 1 , louth front ,
tome beautiful south front lots on California
street , iu Hart's sub , , cheap.
Two Gl-toot front lot sin Clark's addition , just
north of St. Mary's nve , for flitt)0 ) each.
Lots 8. U and 10. blocks , K. V. Smith's addition ,
CCxMO onch , $ ! , t > 00 each.
South nnd cast front In Smith Park on Sher
man nve , corner Hurdelto , (150 per front foot.
l/ts t nnd 2 , block 1 , Paddock Place , on Sher
man nve. , 81S5 per front foot.
( lood building sites In nil the Insldo additions
to Omaha nnd South Omaha.
Oh , myl myl but hero's n. bargain a dnndy
cast front corner on Sflth street , between Lunv-
onwoHn and 1'arnam , at n prlco 23 per cent below -
low anything 011 the atroet. Tills snap won't
"keep" long.
Itesldoncoa ,
A lovely little homo In Potter's addition , be
tween Lcnvenworth nnd Fartiam , east front , 0-
rooiu nouse , nil binds ot fruit , etc. , etc. Wo can
oltor this for a few days n.t n prlco much below
its valuo.
We haYo n number of nent cottage homos for
ealo , '
Do you want n beautiful and complete homo
on Park nvcnue , north of Lcavenworth ?
Or perhaps you would llko ouo on Park
avenue , south of Lcavcmiorth. Wo have them
May bo you are looking f6r an elegant liolno on
California st , , near Crblghton college.
Or there might bo such n thing ns your pre
ferring to go In Schull'H "d add. , where there
are so many pretty homes being built ,
Or it's just posslblb you may wish to RO on
Georgia nvo. , tbat beautiful resilience thorough-
Or you may want to avoid the hills and nmko
your resilience among the fashionables nt
Kountzo Place , where thcro is nothing but ele
gant and costly houses.
No mutter whi-ro your preference Is , wo have
thuml Wo have thorn 1 Wo have the houses and
lots. Wo have them in nil kind1) , style nnd prlco ,
from tl.nw ) to 815,000. Hut horoletus gently
whisper something in your oar. All yo that nre
wanting homfts-Mlou't you wnlt nny longer ,
thinking that you will buy cheaper thnn you can
to-day. Realty In Omaha 1. o. such us w o si-Il
ls at bed-rock now. The city Is growing rapidly
and there will bo nn Advance before tlioro Is a
decline. Don't let this fnct oacnpo your memory ,
You will muUe moupy by heeding this advice ,
While ronl cstalo matters are quiet and the
city Is fast developing into a great metropolis Is
the time to pick up n good buslnbss corner. We
have bargains to-tiny that could not bo touched
for less than i per cent moro than is now asked
should there bo iv little Hurry in realty. And
this "little Hurry" Is nearer than .most people
think. Omalm Is rlpo lor nuother advance , nn-
ether cnblo Hue , n million dollor hotel , or some
thing of the sort would start speculation in
good property ngaln. The "wild cnt" is too
dead tor anything , but insldo Omaha property
Is better than n gold mine , ns its resources are
Inoxhaustablo. M. Ai Uptou & Co , , telephone
S3i. 16328
SUMMER garden grounds for sale by Hicks ,
Harkur block. 171)23 )
SCAN carefully.
Choice homes.
03x132 south front , 4 room liouso , on Dav
enport , cash J60J , balance to suit , nil
clear . $3,600
03x132 south front , 7 room house , WOO cash ,
balance to suit , clear ,
Nine room house on Faruam , all modern ,
south front. H cash. . . 0,600
Husluess Sites.
41 feet on 10th streor , cable line , clear , nil
taxes paid , ! i cash. . . . , JM.400
B3 feet on lOthfct W.OUO
1'ull lot near 13th and Jones , payp } 12i per
mouth , llgure on it for an investment. . 17,000
E8 feet on Joues , bet. 15th andlOth streets ,
clear , J2jO front foot
13 < ) xl42i ! , corner 21th and Hurt street ,
clear , J-i cash 10,000
Residence Sites.
Corner lot , Patrick's add , blk fromSaun-
dors , ii cash 1,500
Slxtj'-foot lot , Shlnn's add , H cash 2,000
2 lots in lledford. laud3lnl. for 1,200
11 und 12 lu II. Lowe's , southeast corner ,
; . cash 0,000
East flout on 10th Bt , near Hrownell Hall ,
groatsnap , H cash . , 3,230
Corner lot , 1 In 3 , KountZo'a 4th , on llth
street , easy tornif , keep your eye on
thishtrcot : 4,500
Coruorln Hnnscom place , M cash. . . . . . . . 2coo
Lots ; > S and 3D , In 0 , Jerome park , H cash , 0,000
Lot/13 luil , on Lunvenworth in Itlchuioud ,
rash $200 - . KOO
Lotlfl Jn2 , Pottcr'aadd , i.casb . : 1,700
Lot 7 In Morsnmn park , i',000
South Omaha.
G et your eye on these lots.
Iot4in49 9 KM
Lots 2 nnd 4 In A3 , each MO
Lots 7 nnd b In 14 , for 2iuo
LotOlnb'J. onLst 1,1X0
Lots 11 nnd 12 , block 3 , LlptOn plnce , beau
tiful south and east corner on < } st , cash
J500 , only , 1,400
Splendid trading properties , wrlto. Wanted
houses for rout. Cut this out nnd como nnd
see mo. Uoorgo M. Cooper , room 60 , Darker
block. 14'J23
TT10H SALE Ortrado ; BOncrcs , Harlan conn-
JL ! ty. Nob. , Imp.
100 acres. Holt CorNob. , imp.
i20 ! ncres , Knox Co , Neb , Imp.
100 acres , Groeley Co , Neb.
40 ncres , ndjolnlng Luke Manawn.
Lots In H. & M. Park , South Omaha , clear.
2 lots , Melrose Hill , encumbered , 865(1. (
Hot , Kountzo Place , encumbered , J1.450.
( I lots , Arnold Park , encumberod. SJ.100.
1 lot , Orchard Hill , encumbered , * llU.
1 lot , Cumlng st , cor. 31st. unencumbered ,
1 lot , Farnam st , bet. 3Sth and SUth , unencum
bered. 2 , < m
1 acre , Solomon's add , encumbered , $350 ,
Fresh stock cigars , invoice (2,000.
Kpau horses , harness and delivery wagon.
1 Hall's combination safe , nearly new.
Also business and rosldenco property In nil
pnrtH of the city , for sale or trnuo for stocks of
goods , good farm property or city property.
Hellman block. Omnlia , Nob.
SUMMER garden property for salo. I will
olTor forsaloonoof the finest places suit
able for summer garden. and picnic purposes
around the city.
This land Is just outside the city limits In
west Omaha , nearly opposite Husor's hotel on
Pnrkatsmooth.lovollawn.covored with splendid
shiiilo trees and situated on two jnaln streets.
The M. P. Holt Line RV. runs through ono cor
ner , the F , , B. & JI. V , H. R. line to the stock
yards runs within three blocks nnd the Park St.
car line is within a short distance.
This property In only ton minutes ride by rail
from the business center of South Omaha and
less than twouty minutes ride from the business
center of this city. There Is no lltior place in
the west for a summer garden ami the right
kind of a man , can make a bushel of money outer
or it.
Can ofTor this property at figures that make it
a splendid bargain and will be glad to have you
cnll nnd Heo It. Geo. N. UlckH , room 40. llarkor
block , Omaha , Nob. 181 23
10 DAHOAIN Forcnsh only , two 6-room
houses with lots UOxKM each , on 2"th street ,
hot. Ornnt , and Ersklno. Price fcJ.wiO , Not for
one , hut both. Must bo Hold by 25th lust Rents
for * 12.60 each , J. Ii , Hlco & Co. 083 25
FOR BALE Two lot * cor Wlrt and 16th sts. .
Kountzo place , forsulo nt a bargain , Odull
llros , & Co. , 312 S lOtlfst , 603
FOR BALE-Exphango or loaso. best stock
farm In Neb , . Jinnies from Fremont ; cuts
1,000 tons of hay , splendid water , U houses , 3
barns , fenced fur cnttla nnd hogs , Geo. E. ( lib-
son & Co. , Omaha. Tlios. H. Gibson , Fremont.
s- 75l ! JI5
T L. H1CE & QO , IteAl Ifertate. 093
TilOR SALE At less than cost ; Nine nice ,
JJ iieut cottfigos , well Imllt , elegant lots In
elegant locution , high nnd dry , und only short
distance from llelt linodepot In Walnut Hill ,
from 80UO to $1,100. } { cash , balance 10per
month , .
These houses nro being closed out regardless
of rest and you cannot gut another such a bar
gain In a hundred yearn. Call nulct ou 1) . V.
Bholes , room 1 , Darker block. 725
AHAHH chattce , I will offer for sale the
beautiful grove nnd grounds on Park street
just outside the city Imlts in West Omalm ,
nearly oppotftu Huser's hotel , This property Is
undoubtedly the best situated for mnniner gar-
dun and plcnlo purposes of any around the city ,
nail if properly handled can bo made the grand
est summer resort around Omalm , and n llvo ,
entorprUlug mini can makci a fortune out of It.
The M. P. Holt Line Hy runs through ono cor
ner. The 1" . E. & .M. Y , R. R. Una to the block-
yards inns within threu blocks and the Park
Btreet car Hue Is within n bhort dUtauce The
property is only ten mlmite'H rldo by rail from
the business center of Bonth Omaha , and lesa
than 20 minutes' ride from the business center
of this city. Will put this property on the mar
ket this week and oiler it at llgnros that make
it ono of the best bargains in the wust for price
and terms. Address ( Juorge M , Hicks. Room
40 , Darker block , Omaha , Nebraska. 1W St
J 1 , RICH & CO. , Iloal Estate. DS8
T710R BALK or exchange ; some flrst class 1m-
J- proved South Omalm residence property ,
will take a good horse or horse and buggy us
first payment. 12. A. Leareuworth , Room 1 ,
1417 Farnam at. M
J.1 HlCE & CO. , ll aLEstate. 693
"T710R8AIE. 1'armnon longtime. Co-Onera-
JJ _ tlvo Land and Ixt Co. . M N. 18th Bt. U27
. U KICK * CO. , flea ! Kstaw. 693
\\7HYpnyrenlwhehyou can buy nice olr
T T room houKfl on easy paymcntsT Consldorl
Co-Opcrativa Lt&a A I t Ca , WJ N > Ifitb Bt.
IlIAVn arerM choice , Itnldo , full lot % upon
which I can build houses to suit purclm trA
tilHiu iholr own solpctlon ot plivn * . nnd on terms
to suit. Tills will PV to InvestlffMo. n. V.
iliolc . room 1. Harker block. 13a
JUMM15H ( rnrJen and. plemo groundi fot-dnla
by Hicks , llarkor block. H91M
BIO HAROAlN-Kor cnih only. , tw 0-room
houic with lot.Wxlooonch. on 37th strp t ,
bot. flrnntnnd.rrskluo , rrlcoN.Sft ) . Not for
one , but both. Must bo sold by aith Init. Itont
Or Sla.80 each. J. I , . Rico & Co. UC 83
IJiXTUA hnrirnln for cash-rull lot in Onk
XU Hill nililltlon , bet. IMh nnd loth sM , prlco
kTuO , worth double. J. U Rico A : Co. 000 il
ll 8AI.E ! xt ) In Klrkwoolf "orTKth"cheap. . '
Ki Heo onico. fll : El *
BIG nAHQ AIN For cash only , two frroom
hf\iscs with IMS noxiw ench , on U7th street ,
bot. Hrnntnnd Ertklno. l'rlc rafiNot ' for
ono , but both. Must be sold by IXIth lust.
Rents for I12.GO each. J. I , . Hlco & Co. PC4 )
Notice to.Coutrnctors.
nids will bo received by the Hoard ot I'ublla
t.niuls nud IHilldlnKs nt nny time before Satnr-
Iny , JIny IP , 1P8. nt2 p , m. , for work nud mate
rial to complete kltelien nnd dining room for
Dent and Dumb Institute , ntOmntm , Kobrnska ,
nccordlnir to plans nnd speclllcatlons now on
Ho with Commlsslctier of rublm Lands nnd
liulldlngs. nud filso wltu F. M. Ellis , architect ,
Oinnhn , Nflbrn kn. Contractor tn bo paid on.
monthly estimates with n ro ervn of 16 per cont.
Hy order ot the Hoard of Tublto l.aniH and
HllildlllgH , May B , 1883 , 0. L , I AWS ,
Running between Council Hlufls nnd Albright ,
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
and nt the Summit it ; Omaha.
Leave , Arrlvo.
A No,14 4:00 : p. m. D No. 1 fl:20a.m. :
11 No , 2 0:15 p. nl. A 'No. 13 11:30 : a.jii.
0 No.O (1:15 ( : a.m. 0 No. 6 545p. ! m.
A No. 4 0:40 : a. in. A No.3 0:6Ul : > .lU.
C Dos'Mollies Acconiodatloii.
O Des Molnes Accomadatlon.
A No. 0 0:40a. : m.A | No.3 8:15a. : m.
A * No,8 4 ; U ) p. in. A * No.7 :30n.m. :
A No.4 :45p.iu.A : | No.D 0:60p.m. :
A No,2 0:23 : a. ni.lA No.n 6:33n.m.
A No.4 0:10p. : ni.lA No.l . , . . . ,0:30piu.
A No. 10 7:05nm.A : | No.O 8:55ain. :
A No. W 7:00p , iii.lA No. 11 9:00p. : in.
A No. 8 : | No. 7 11:33 : a. m ,
O No. 14 0:60 : a. m. No. 6 0:10 : n.rn.
A N6. 4 U45a. ; m. D No , 15 0:45 : a.m.
No , 8 4:00 : p. la. A No , 7 ' ' ' " ' fi:00p. : m.
A No.O OslOp.m. A No ! i ) . . . . 7:00 : pirn.
A dally ; H dally except Hat.jO dally oxcon
Sun . : D except Mcin. ; | Fast mall ; Ltwltod.
Aak Qrocerg for onr Patent Harlcy ORTSTAWJk
onetr , unnyullfd Cereal Pee Jfor IlrcukfoetTcw
& DeSrert , VKiot BOW thcro , wrlto us for free e&tn-
are invaluable irasto-rcp&itlna
floors iaVyfVfalttUla.\iC.t osOtibllIty & Clill.
o bran ; mainly free from starch *
lotliing equals our IIHALTUt
circular oflcilng 4 Ibs. free.
PAllWJBMlA : llll INE8Prop3.WfttcttownN.Y
Hold b\i \ TAltlo < 0 Williams , Omaha.
R'S CINDER TONIO vlthoutdelar.
A rtav niudtUiial f omiK/uuil I Iiftt cui w * when all clo f Mfc
1 luicurnl tlio wortt caici 01 CoiiKli.Wcok I.uniti , A illuna ,
IiirilRrMlon , Inwunl 1'thit. Kiliiiullon. l v lu blo for
lU.eumatlitrii , KenmleVfaVne , and all IUUIIH and dlo-
unlcru cif llio bluinach auii Bon cU. too. at pi uggUlt.
Jrlort I'rufrnntwid Jjnunfcf J'erfumtB. tin , vrvsiufa
'I'lio Name Anicrlon.
Clovclnnd Lcndor : Ilov. Ed ward Halo
tliinlfs tlmt Dr. Marcou , a French
Bcliolar , hus clearly proved the point
which ho hns long boon laboring to
establish , and shown conclusively that
the name "America" not derived
from "Amerigo" or "Amoi'lcua" Ves-
puoius , but that the Florentine navi
gator was himself culled "Americus"
because of hift oxjilorationa in the Now
World where a tribe of Indians dwelt
and dwell to this day , known as the
" . " The is that
"Amorriquos. theory geographers
graphers slowly came to ufao the numo
to dlBtinguish the continent rather than
the islands , and that Vospuoius was
Dimply nicknamed "Atnerluus" as ono
of the Scipioa was called "Africanus. "
This is a moro suitable origin for the
name of n great continent than ono
which implies the monstrous injustice
of robbing Columbus for the glory of ft
man who merely followed him ,