Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    , ; : - , - - ; i.iJM ! : S * '
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1 1
Delivered by Carrier in Any Tart of tlio City at
Twenty Cents Per Week. . , _
Niaiii BUiTOn , No. SO.
N. V. Plumbing Co.
New spring goods at Reltcr'8.
Ilcmembcr the gymnastic exhibition this
evening nt the opera house.
The city auditor cancelled 18,2CO In city
warrants yesterday morning.
V County Auditor Hcndrlcks and his force
nro busily engaged in making up the tax
books for 1888.
The government building nnd thoworkmcn
"shot" yesterday
now employed thcro were
by the photographer's camera.
A f 1,000 building permit was issued ycstcr-
dny to P. McMendry. The new building
will bo erected in Curtis & Hnmsey's addi
tion.Tho funeral of Joseph , infant son of Mr.
nnd Mrs. James Austin , took place yesterday
afternoon from the family rcsidenco on Elli
ott street.
"Billy" Galvin has laid nsldo his police
star , and the luckless individuals who tarry
hereafter ut the city jail will bo "hcla up" by
some other "peeler. "
Preparations are being made to begin the
work of rebuilding the buttresses nt the gov
ernment building. The derrick 1ms been
placed in position and work will begin imme
At a meeting of the Daughters of Rcbcknh
the following oHlcors were chosen ! Mrs.
William Campbell , N. G. ; Mrs. Dickey. V.
G.Mrs. ; J. M. Matthews , treasurer ; Mrs.
Van Horn , secretary.
A derailed engine in the "Q" yards Tucs-
day afternoon was soon replaced on the track
nnd "everything was running smoothly"
again in n short tlmo. A scab engineer aud
nn open switch did the business.
, , A special meeting of the board of trade is
Jt called for Friday evening nt 8 o'clock. Everybody -
# body Interested In the Improvement of Lake
' ' - Manawa Is earnestly requested to bo present ,
ns that subject will come up for special con
The musical programme nt the Y. M. C. A.
gymnastic exhibition this evening will bo a
concert in itself. The Stryken Bhmslust
club will render several line sclcctlonn , and
Mrs. Wadsworth and Mrs. Treyuor never
fall to please an audience.
Council Bluffs people will have nn oppor
' tunity to see the results of a winter's work
'i in the Y. M. C. A gymnasium. The Indian
U club swinging and other drills to music will
* bo a novelty that is rarely witnessed. The
Y. M. C. A. deserve a crowded house nt this
Mho Gciso property in the eastern part of
' ; , the city will bo vacated this week , and the
Sisters of Mercy will take possession at once.
\ They have asked the council to extend the
j ' water mains so that they may huvo the advantages -
' . vantages of bctUr lire pie o.t on nnd city
' ' The resignation of Misses Ella Mangum ,
i Lizzie Donabcy and Grace Albright , teachers
in tlio city public schools , hnvo been accepted
& und their places supplied by the appointment
ri of Mrs. J. J. Stewart und Misses Alary Dun-
, v. can and May Obcrholtzcr. Mrs. Lou Graves
? > nnd Miss Mulqucen have been elected substi
The cnso of State vs Dave Thomas , a gam
bler , for the larceny of n bolt of cloth from
Peters' tailor shop was heard by Squire
Schurz Tuesday afternoon. Testimony was
introduced to prove tnat the cloth was bought
in Des Moines , and as the evidence for the
prosecution -was all circumstantial the
prisoner was discharged.
J. McLean and T. Figlov were run in last
evening for kicking up a big family row on
Sixteenth street. Figley refused to bo ar
rested without a warrant , nnd attempted to
brain the olHccr with a chair. His ardor
cooled when u 45-calibro Smith & Wesson
was poked under his nose , nnd ho submitted
to tlio inevitable without a whimper.
The Harmony mission social und concert
Tuesday evening was a grand success. The
affair was managed by Mr. and Mrs. Foxlcy
nnd Miss Moorman. A collection was taken
to purchase new Sunday school singing
books nnd $7.40 was received. The children
did remarkably well and descrvo much credit
for the pleasing manner in which the pro
gramme was rendered. *
The county supervisors have made ar
rangements to have the dirt taken from the
Mcrrlam block used in grading up the court
house grounds. It will be but a short time
until the exterior of the county property will
bo fully in keeping with the interior. The
improvement has been long delayed , but
promises to bo highly satisfactory.
Work has been begun on the now walks in
Baylies' park , the northeast corner has been
fenced off. nnd travel through that part is
suspended. Considerable of the new mater
ial is already on the ground , and the work of
excavating for tlio foundation of the walk is
under way. Mr , Lanihan has the contract ,
which amounts to about $1,500. It will require -
quire some little time to coinplo the Job.
St. Louis Convention.
The Young Men's Democratic club , of
Council Blulls , has selected the "Wa-
bnsh" route for attending the national
democratic convention , hold in St. Louis
June 6.
A special train of elegant day coaches
nnd Pullman paluco sleeping cars will
leave Council Bluffs at 7:30 : p. m. June
3d , arriving in St. Louis the following
morning. Parties not members of the
club who wish to avail themselves of this
contract must make application at once
to the transportation committee.
W. II. M. PUSEY , ) Transportation
D. A. FAJIUALL , V Committee ,
I. A. IlKNDJUCKS , J Y. M. D. Club.
Tipton has bargains in real estate.
* i
Buy your mantels , grates and hearth
furnishings of the Now York plumbing
ttornpany. _
Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtolo.
Personal Paragraphs.
W. S. Shepherd , of Columbus , O , , is vlslt-
big his son , H. L. Shepherd , in this city.
Ex-Governor Manning , wife and daughter ,
now of Denver , are visiting in the city , the
gucstb of D. J. Rockwell and family.
Charley Price , formerly In the Milwaukee
cecret service in this city , but now employed
nt Kansas City In the sauio company , is re
newing his acquaintance with friends in the
llluffs ?
Mr. and Mrs. M. Do Great have returned
from Kansas City , whcro they went to at.
tend their son Frank durlug his illness with
remittent fever. Ho is much Improved , al
though nt ono tlmo serious fears wcio enter
tained as to his recovery.
Mr. Carter lias rather unexpectedly suc
ceeded Mr. Starr as the Council Bluffs rep
resentative of Urn Omaha Republican. Mr.
Starr , during his stay , has won many friends
hero , who rcgrot to have him leave the Held ,
but his successor gives promise of being a
worthy ono.
The C. B. & Q. will run a special
train to accommodate the democrats ,
their friends and the general public ,
who desire to attend the National Demo
cratic convention at St. Louis , Juno 6 ,
or the Derby races Juno 4. This train
will leave Council Bluffs Sunday , Juno
8 , about 1 o'clock p. in. , ( o.xact time
given later ) arriving at St. Louis in the
morning for breakfast. It will bo finely
equipped throughout with chair and
Pullman puluco cars. The rate will boone
ono faro for the round trip , M. M.
Marshall , general agent.
A Good Idea.
If you are going to attend the Derby
races or national convention at St.
Louis , cither by special train or rogu-
trains , Jeavo your name with Capt. O.
M. Brown , as early as possible for sleeping -
ing car accommodations nnd avpld the
rush sure to occur.
Money at low rate * on flrst-claus larm security.
UurntiunvTulleys i. Co , ICO Jtulu street.
Union Abstract company , C3C Main btrcet.
A Suspicious Follow Again in the
Tolls for Robbery.
A Witness Innocently Gets tlio Joke
on Judge Iioofbourow A Thirsty
1'rlsoncr Gets AVlilsky In
Court Personals.
Robbed While Drunk.
In Justice Dlgga court yesterday afternoon
elm Hoborts had a hearlnR on the charge of
nving robbed John Jack of $3 while the lat
ter was sleeping oft n drunk. The evidence
that Jack had been out nil Saturday
Ight on n spree , nnd that ho had spent al
most half of the $0 with which ho started In.
lo had ? y.65vith him Sunday morning when
10 went Into Cady's barn nnd staggering to
, ho rear wont to sleep. When ho awoke ho
'ound but 05 cents In his pocket , nnd three f 1
-Ills , which had been put In another pocket ,
ivero missing. As Roberts had been with
Aim n good Men ! , suspicion fell u | on him , nnd
Ofllcer O'Brien workedtho case up , leading
o his arrest.
Chris Christiansen testified that Hobcrts
ivas In his shop later In the day and was talking
about it. Ho asked Hobcrts whatthetroublo
was , as ho had heard something of tha nlTuir ,
and Roberts said that Jack had laid down
ivullo drunk nnd gone to sleep , and some one
Jmd robbed him of his money. Christiansen
remarked that it was good enough for such a
Bellow , ho ought to lose his money , etc. Then
ilobcrts said "Pm no fool , I got his money , "
nnd showed two or three crumpled bills.
Both laughed and thought it a good Joko.
George Guanclla , who had been with the
gang n good deal , did his best to help Kobcrta ,
and testified stoutly In his behalf , but on
cross-examination admitted that Hobcrts had
given him one paper dollar on Sunday.
Ofllccr O'Hrien had a conversation with
Hobcrts nnd told him ho had better fix the
matter up with Jack , but Roberts would not
do It , and claimed that ho did not tnko the
money. A little later , when ho had made
the arrest , Roberts tried to borrow $3 to pay
Jack , but was not nblo to do It.
It wns proved nlso that Roberts was about
the barn while Jack was sleeping there , nnd
that he helped get him Into a stall , which
wns the most inviting bed the place afforded.
Justice Biggs bound Roberts over to await
the action of the grand Jury , and in default
of the required 5500 bail ho went to jnil.
Roberts is a blacksmith , but docs not work
very steadily at his trade. Ho wns under
suspicion about three years ago of having
broken into a blacksmith shop nnd stolen
some tools. A house was afterwards burg
larized , and some of the tools were found
thcro , so that it seemed that the sumo fellow
was into both scrnpcs. Roberts was ar
rested , but thcro was not suflicicnt evidence
to hold him.
excursion to St. liouls Convention and
Derby Races.
The Wabash will sell excursion tick
ets to St. Louis nnd return at ono fnro
for the round trip , $11.25. Dates of sale ,
Juno 2 < 1 , 3d , 4th nnd 6th. Tickets good
returning until Juno llth , inclusive.
The national democratic convention
meets Juno 5th. The Derby races com
mence Juno 4th.
Excursion tickets will bo sold for reg
ular passenger trains , leaving Council
Bluffs 3:40 : p. in. Juno 2d , 3d , 4th and
6th , arriving in St. Louis at 7 o'clock
the following morning. Also for a spe
cial train for accommodation of Young
Men's Democratic club , of Council
Bluffs , at 7:30 : p. m. Juno 3d , and arriv
ing in St. Louis following morning.
Secure your excursion and sleeper tick
ets by applying to J. C. Mitchell , 421
Broadway. _
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Office 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
District Court.
It wns expected that Judge Deomer would
bo here yesterday to hold court hero , but ho
did not arrive aud hcnco nothing was done.
Ho is being detained at Atlantic hearing n
prolonged and sensational divorce case. It
is not unlikely that the case will last a day
or two yet. so that the time of resumption of
business here is indefinite.
In the trial of this divorce case n very
amusing incident occurred , the Joke of whlcU
so turns on Judge Loof uourow that ho tells
it on himself now and seems to enjoy it as
heartily as anyone. Ono of tbo witnesses
called for the purpose of breaking down the
woman's character was asked if lie had seen
men going to her rooms.
"Yes , sir. Oftentimes. "
"Who were they ! "
"I don't know them all. 1 used to sco ono
man go thcro very often. "
"Do you know his nnmo ! "
"No ; I think I could tell it if I heard it ,
though. Ho was n lawyer and belonged Ir
Atlantic , n largo , line looking man. Seems
to mo his numo was Loofbourow. "
Thcro was n smile which in going the
rounds struck oven the scclato face of Judge
Dccmer. The witness being further ques
tioncd refreshed his memory and was able to
name the man , positively , at last. Ho was
greatly mistaken in the name being Loof
bourow. Ho save the name ut last , it being
Churchill , whoso visits to the lady was ex
plained that ho were her attorney at thai
time and called simply on business.
Desirable Property.
The Babbitt tract lying on Upper
Broadway , adjoining the streetcar line ,
is being platted into lots by its owners.
They are extending Washington avenue -
nuo through this tract , also widening
Broadway west of the creek , and mak
ing this the most desirable property for
nice homos in the city. Lots and acres
are only sold to those who will built
and a number of houses are under con
tract and being built on this property.
Mr. P. J. Day , the ngont who is liana-
ling the property , bays ho has more de
mand for lots and acres there than any
where else in the city.
The latest styles in coatings , for
spring and summer wear , also pant
goods. These are ologant. A. Roller
310 Broadway.
Whisky In Court.
While Roberts was having his trial in Justice
tico Riggs1 court yesterday , George Guanclla
seemed to bo very desirous of having a prl
vato talk with the prisoner. Ho made savcra
breaks to got Roberts to ono side , but did no
succeed until thcro was a httlo recess whili
waiting for a witness. Then ho und Robert
were allowed to step into the next room , am
getting behind the door , out of sight , as they
thought , George produced a well-tilled bottl
and gave his friend a long pull , the first Urn
Roberts had got a chance at for forty-oigh
hours , a long drought considering the fac
that Roberts had been drinking very freely
until arrested und locked up. Roberts ro
turned to his place In court evidently much
refreshed by the kind ministration of hi
friond. It Is evident that the prohibitory law
is not yet strictly enforced by the great stat
of Iowa.
Sheafo loans money on real estate.
A Sprinting "Peeler. "
A couple of partially intoxicated individu
als were amusing themselves last evcnlnj
trying to ride ten minute horses at a fou ;
minute gait on Broadway , when Ofllce
Thomas interfered and arrested ono of tin
parties. The ofllcer started to lead the horsi
to the police station , when the fellow win
was rjding slipped quietly from the horso'i
back und ran down the struct. Thomas tlet
the horse and started in pursuit
overhauling the fugjtivo on Sixth street
At the police station ho gave his name as P ,
O. Johnson , The horsu belongs to Potci
Miller and was borrowed for the occasion
The Other party skipped and has not'yet
been taken into custody , but as ho is known
his. arrest will take place in a short time
? ho spectators who witnessed the footrace
TO satisfied of Thomas' ability ns n sprlntct
ind think It unwise for the chief to hamper
ils movements with the long frock coat of a
cgulation uniform ,
A meeting of the general committees
G. A. K. will bo hold at Driosbach's
mil Friday evening. May 25 , at 8
j'clock. Members of nil committees are
earnestly requested to bo present and
cport progress.
E. HOMIKS , Chairman.
Coming Games.
Next Saturday the Council Bluffs ball team
vill play the CranoBros' . team on the Omaha
grounds. After that their games will bo nt
lomo for some time as follows :
May 27 South Omaha vs. Council Bluffs nt
Council Bluffs.
May 30 Mnyno vs. Council Bluffs nt
Council Bluffs.
Juno 3 Hardlns vs. Council Bluffs at
'ouncil ' Bluffs.
Juno 10 Mnyno vs. Council Bluffs nt
Council Bluffs. .
Manager Klpllngor has rccoUcd a com-
nunlcitlon from the I'lnttsmouth club , ask-
ng for n gnmo hero on DceorMI6n day , but Is
us yet unublo to give nny dcQnito answer.
The oldest firm , nnd largest stock of
vnll paper in the city. All the now
shades in ingrains and valours. A few
lattorns in gilts at lOc per roll at Nilcs ,
402 Broadway.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
The Hose Tcnm Trnck.
Alderman Lacy is in receipt of n letter
'rom Mr. James Agnew , of Dubuqtic , con-
alnlng the following In reference to the
grounds nt Clinton , where the hose rnccs
will bo run : .
The grounds arc nt Hon. W. I. Hayes'
rotting park , known ns Hlngwood , nnd can
bo made very beautiful. They nro situated
on the edges of tlio two cities of Clinton nnd
Lyons. Two amphitheaters , each 400 feet
eng , arc being constructed on cither side of
; ho track. The track will bo n very fast ono
as It is now in prime condition , and the
stretch on which the races arc to tnko place
ins a decline of five feet in yOO yards , and
should cause all records to bo broken. Some
of the teams nro in training on the grounds
already , and the people of Clinton arc in
ecstasies over the fust tlmo being made by
souio of their team.
An Opportunity.
The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
will sell tickets to St. Louis June 2 , 3 ,
4 , and 6 , which will bo good for return
passage until Juno 11 , at ono faro
| $11.25) ) for the rouivl trip , thus afford
ing an opportunity for all who desire to
attend the Derby races , the national
convention and have a good time.
The trip via the "Burlington" is a de
lightful ono. Its equipments is superior
and its road bed unequalled.
Dent fail to take it. Ample sleeping
car accommodations can bo faccured in
advance by leaving your name with
CAPTAIN O. M. BuoWN.Ticket Agent ,
Corner Pearl and Broadway.
The 1'ollce Itound-Up.
Judge Aylesworth yesterday issued the
following booze fines : T. J. Coulton , $7.CO ;
Lawrence Christeuson$7.CO ; Pat Mott , $7.00 ;
J. R , Birly , $8.10. Owen Early , vag , was dis
charged. Three boys , Harry Troup , Tom
Granshaw nnd Charles Shoemaker were ar
rested for stealing a box of cigars on Lower
Broadway. Their guilt was clearly proven ,
but the court withheld its decision , Troup's
parents want him sent to reform school.
The other two arc decidedly "tuff , " nnd have
been in the Jug before. The whole trio ought
to go to the reformatory. .
Motor Line Time Table.
Until further notice the Manawa motor
line will leiwe the Rock Iblnnd tracks at 9 , 10
and 11 o'clock a. in. ; nt 1 , 2. 3 , 4 and 5 o'clock
p. m. and at 7 , 8 , 0 and 10 o'clock p. m.
Organized For Business.
The articles of incorporation of the Ogdcn
Iron Works company hnvo baen prepared ,
and the business of the company will bo con
ducted at the Ogdcn iron works on Tcntli
avenue. The new organization is composed
of C. B. Wnite , president ; Thomas Ofllcer ,
treasurer ; F. O den , secretary and general
manager ; Judge J. R. Heed und Hon. George
F. Wright , remaining directors. The capital
stock is 50,000. This addition to the finan
cial backing of the enterprise will assure its
continuance and success.
A Square Statement by a Carpenter.
"For years I had a chest trouble
amounting to nothing short of consump
tion. I snio how others in like condi
tion had been cured by the use of Dr.
Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery , and
resolved to test its merits on my own
C AC. The results are so plane as hardly
to require a IriMock or any au jer-mon
in favor of this ymtc remedy. It doe
awl it claims ! It builds up the system
supports and strengthens where others
fail. " lie atlz : "My recovery , which
is now on a sure foundation , hinycs en
tirely on the cony (8s ( of this wonderful
Rcbtorativo , having tried other
remedies without a bit of relief. "
A Great Tidal Wave.
A Cooktown special of March 26 , to
the New Zealand , Australia , News says :
The Gorman Now Guinea fateamor
Otillio loft Finschaven on March 3 for
Now Britain , having Baron Von
Schloinitz on board , and also Mr. Von
Below , coffee planter ; Charles Hun-
stein , a naturalist , well known in North
Queensland ; sixteen kankakas and four
Malays. The governor returned to
Finschaven in the Otillio , leaving a
party to select a suitable spot to plant
colToe. On the Oth the Otillio wont to
Lioko , and on her way back to Fins-
imyen culled for the expedition at Now
Britain. On March 15 , as no ono ap
peared , the captain went ashore and
found that great destruction had been
caused. Many trees wore uprooted and
floating about the harbor. The place
was totally changed , and of the expe
dition only flvo kanakas wore found on
.shore. Nothing could bo learned from
the kanakas beyond the fact that they
had boon up the trees , and had hut
nothing to cat for three days.
It is supposed thata volcanic eruption
took place und that a tidal wave , which
by the marks on shore rose about forty
feet , followed on the 13th. As all the
building materials and stores had dis
appeared the Otillio returned to Fin
schaven on the 10th and reported the
matter , and left early on the 17th for
New Britain with an expedition o
seven gentlemen to search after the
mibsing people. While the Otillio was
there they found a suit of clothes be
longing to Mr. Von Below , and also ono
pair of boots and ono single hoot belong
ing to Mr. Ilunstoin. Several sheets o
galvanized iron , bent like paper , were
also discovered. The Otillio left the
expedition there ) and they will remain
until the Samoa goes for them. The
captain of the Otillio is of the opinion
that all have perished. At Finscnavon
on the 13th , between 0 and 7 o'clock in
the morning , a small tidal wave came
came in , about ilvo feel high. The via
duct between Madanv and the nminlum
was destroyed , und also two boats.
Drink Malta , 25 centsa bottle.
Strength or tlio British Army.
Pull Mall Gazette : The preliminary
return of the British army , prepared it
anticipation of the general annual re
turn for 1887 , shows that the average
strength of the regular army \vivs lub
year 209,574 , of which 1,301 were house
hold cavalry , 18,054 cavalry of the line
3V803 royal Horse artillery , 30,830 roya
artillery , 0,608 , royal engineers , . 6.85r
foot guards , 134,803 infantry of the Hno
2,470 colonial corpa , 2,002. comwissaria
Largest Stock , Furnishing Qoodar
Lowest Prlcoa , JVIETCALF BROTHERS. , Clothing , Hatat Caps , eta. (
Cc tfardman , Everett & FisJic
GS\s. > 6l. < tyun\f \ UEAlT STATE to - -
8 ( S M li > SU Ooundl Bluff * . T
1814 Si. Mtnr'ii At.Ofti > fc
largest Capital anti Surplus Your Patronage -
&anfi In the ofty. j CITIZENS.STATE BANKf IB Solicited. 5 *
_ SMOKE . :
COUNCIL BLUFFS / * Wt r * t. - * * " -
Point , 011 % Qlaoo Go , Forego ; Moorofa
_ --VMi- " % _ ' * !
Wholesale.- ' , Santa Rasa ; , * ' . ' . '
No. B. Pearl St. . . ARETHE BEST.
Manufacturer of Fiuo Carriages and Buggies. H. F H ATTENH AUER I always keep in stock a largo variety of custom
I have always a full stock to select from. , , make Carriages , whicli 1 sell at a very IO\Y rato.
Call ana examine. Prices Low. Not. 27 to ! tlj Four 111 SI root. I am always ready to show goods. ,
and transport , 083 ordnance store , aud
-2,010 medical &talT. The average
strength of the army was larger last
year than since 1808 , and on and over
J.OOO more than in 1880 , which had the
argcst average up to tint time. The
recruits for long service during the
year numbered 1,5-iit , and for short ser
vice , 29,082. Of the recruits who joined
during the year , 1,088 were under sov-
jnteen years of age , 12,048 under nine-
.cen , 0,307 under twenty ; the total over
' .wonty . was 11,170. The number of ro-
iruits was less by about 8,000 than in
each of the years of 1885 und 188S ( , and
lUo less than in the two prqvious years'
jut , with these exceptions , larger than
in any year since 1803. The llrst class
irmy reserves on the 1st of January of
this year" number 52,000 , the second
: hibs 5,300 , the total retcrvcs and aux
iliary military forces , including 228,038
volunteers enrolled , numoored 415.784 ,
being 48,825 lets than the establish
Without health 1lifo has no sunshine.
"Who could bo happy with dyspepsia ,
| ) iles , low spirits ) headache , ague or
diseases of the stomach , liver or kid
neys ? Dr. .Tonosl Red Clover Tonic
quickly euros the above diseases. Price
60 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Ait Exotic Blackleg Punished.
Paris dispatch to the London Daily
Telegraph : A. notorious rnstsvquouero ,
or exotic blackleg , has just been con
demned to a fortnight's imprisonment
and to expulsion from the pleasant
boulevards and the glittering cafes ,
wliero he had pursued his calling with
such impunity for a considerable time.
He _ 'hailed" from Peru , and his
specialty was to fall into conversation
with wealthy strangers , either foreigner
or provincial , whom he might meet in a
hotel or cafe , and to entrap them into
gambling dens. Ho had led an adven
turous life. In 18SO ho fought a duel in
Madrid , killing his opponent , who was
the son of a minister , and whom ho had
challenged for having insulted Queen
Isabella. Seven years after the minis
ter was Spanish ambassador in Paris ,
and meeting the man on the boule
vards ono day ho asked for and obtained
his expulsion from Franco. After that
the adventurer fought for Don Carlos ,
and was made a colonel.
Gnimiionlntr the I'ubl c.
There are innumerable ways of doing
this. Not the leastobjectionablo , is the
commendation by iri csponsiblo dealers
of tooth powders , pastes and washes
either positively injurious or utterly
ineffectual. Protect pocket nnd teeth
by purchasing wholesome SOZODONT.
IJurlod in n Well nnd Alive.
A workman named Joseph Dotilloux
has for the last six days been buried in
a well at Dourdan , not'far from Paris.
The well was being made and had boon
sunk to the depth of sixty-six motors ,
when the side fell in , carrying the man
to the bottom. It was at first feared ho
had been hilled by the lull or suffocated ,
but by boring through the fallen earth ,
and by inserting pipestho groans of the
unfortunate man were distinctly audi
ble. Ho is supposed to toe in a cavity ,
and has been supplied with food and
drink by means of the pipes. After
vain attempts to rcscuo him , in clearing
away the earth which had fallen , it was
found that to continue this would result
in a further falling in of the side of the
well ; so that to extricate the man from
the terrible position in which he is in , a
shaft is being sank at faomo Httlo dis
tance , from which a lateral pnbsago will
bo made to reach the bottom of the well.
_ _
Sl'ECIA TJ advertlBements , such as Lost , found.
To Jxmn. For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding
etc. , will bo inserted in thU column at tlio low
rate of TRN CUNTS I'Elt LINK for the Ilret in-
eertlon and Five Cents Per Mne ( or each Kubau-
quent insertion. Leave advertisements at our
olllce. No. 12 J'earl Btreet , near liroadway , Coun
cil lilutra Iowa.
WANTKD. Threo. men and three lioys to
work in garden. Also man and wife. U ,
J. Smith , South Third street.
TjlOIl BALK Two fine residence tiropcrtiea ,
JL' Must be hold soon. Terms to suit pur-
chaser. Inmilre of Johnston & Van 1'atten , 83
Main st.
FH SALE My residence property corner 8th
at. and Oth uve. , consisting of two lots , each
66x130 ft. ( corner lot vucanteood ) ; B-room house ,
barn , city water , etc. , will tell separately or to-
getlier. Investigate 0011 for a bargain. S. T ,
WANTKD Seventy-five pieces of Rood , sec
ond-hand carpet. A.J. Mandel. &a Ilroud-
way.WANTED - Housekeeper F.lderly Gorman
lady preferred , Ona child to care for , In-
quire at Ifee olllce.
POJl BALE At a bargain , iO acres near stock
yards , South Omaha. Neb. . Johnson &
Christian , Iloom 80 , Chamber of Commerce ,
Omaha ,
ANTED Stocks ot merchandise ] Have
Omaha and Council llluffs city property.
alee western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or uddreas Johnson & Christian , Itocm 35 ,
Chamber of Commerce. Omaha.
_ _
ANTKD-CooV at the Creston house.
WO Broad way Council muffs , Iowa. EsjabUihed
' '
NO. D21 MAIN ST. ,
Full Assortment of Harness Goods Con
stantly on Hand.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done.
NO. 205 MAIN ST. ,
M. B. SNYDEB , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of Women nnfl Chljdron ,
307 IlroaAwuy , Council
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es-
capo. Elootrlo Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable
MAX MOHN , Proprietor
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Uroadway , Council Illutla , Opp. Dummy Depot
norses and mules constantly on hand , for
talout retail or In carload lots.
Order . , promptly nlled by contract on snort
notice. ,
Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 111. SCHI.UTEU 4 I10M5Y.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Illuffa
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Markov Prices. Prompt
dB nd f i Main 8treet.Cou.ucll Ulucrs.lowa ,
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , low.a.
H RlTIKINRINF Hydraulicand Sanitary Enginee
! !
JJllllilllJJililJd piang ( Estimates , Specifications. StiL
pervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffi1 }
RTIRO Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown
UU111VU , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
N SflHIIRZ Justice of the Peace. Office over America
UUUU1UJ , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffaft
STONP ft RIMR Attorneys-at-Law , practice intho Stat < J t
01U11U IX gilUkJ , and Federal Courts. Office Rooms tf
and 8 , Shugart Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
DRS. WOODBORY & SONS Office corner oj.
, Pearl St. and First Avenue
or nnvi Dentist. Corner Main street and Firsf
THOS TflSTPVIN Sur and C > E < Ordinance Grades"ano ?
llllfkJi luklllllllli Grading Estimates. Drafting. 50
Broadway , cor , of Main , Room 5.
J 0 , Architect and Supermrendent.
Room 2 , Opera House Block ,
Council Bluffa
1812. INCOUl'OUATKU 1H78
SIZES FROM Especially Designed for
25 TO 250 ,
Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Call on Al , jmOJILJC'll , 5:10 : liroiulwuy , wlioro you will receive
llu ; Highest C'nuh Price.
No. 552 Broadway , Opera flouso Block ,
Couiu-il BluflB. Tuli'phono No. 281.
CAUTEU & SON , Prop's.
Manufacturers ot
All Kindt ot Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work ,
Oitlira by mall for repairs promptly attendee }
to. Satisfaction tuuruuUed. lotli Avenue. Ait *
dreis Ot'Jcn Duller Works. Council Ulutfu.Iowtt , <