Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    m I
She Owoo Much of Her Fame to
Governor Thayor.
Utilising Funds Tor the X. M , O. A.
. Building Items 1'Ickcd Up About
MID titato House Police
Court City Brlcfa.
1029 P STUF.BT , }
Governor Thaycr lias probably done tnoro
during Ills term to make Nebraska known
throughout tlio union thtinnnypf the execu
tives who have previously filled the position ,
JIo bollorcs Hint Nebraska Is ono of the
greatest ntatos in the union , nn.d that it
should bo known and recognized ns such. It
is In accordance with , this lda that ho 1ms
accepted an invitation to attend , with tils
Btalf , the opening of the centennial cxhlbt-
{ .Ion In commemoration of the settlement of
Iho Ohio valley nnd the northwestern states
Jn 1703 , and the adoption of the ordlnanca of
J887 forever prohibiting slavery north of the
thirty-sixth parallel ( n the northwcstom ter
ritory. All the governor * , and especially
those of the northwest , have been urgently
invited to be present , and Governor Tlmycr
desires Nebraska to bo represented as well
t\ < \ her sister states. Thu exposition will
open on the Fourth of July , 1883 , nnd close
"en the 27th of October. President Cleveland
lias signified his Intention of gracing the oc
casion with his presence , and many of the
prominent men of the country will attend
find loud their assistance to make it an affair
Of .national dignity and importance.
TUB Y. it. a. A. iiuii.iu.Na.
The Young Men's Christian association of
this city Is making a vigorous effort to rniso
tuifllolont funds to put up a substnatlal build
ing and ismaklnggood headway in this lauda
ble endeavor. A meeting was held last night
by the young men for the purpose of express
ing thing their appreciation of the gifts nl-
' ready made , ancl after a good meeting nnd
ecvoral encouraging speeches a subscription
was started among the young men oxclu-
fclvcly and 81,700 was ralscdi They hope to
rnlsu f.'i.OOO among the joung men , amlbo-
llovo tha whole amount they need can bo
raised without difficulty.
The warden of tlio penitentiary has sub
mitted to the board of public lands nnd build
ings n report of convicts whoso good tlrno
pardons are to bo passed upon nt the coming
n ctlng of the board , William Duffy , of
Lancaster county , has been guilty of a good
deal of misconduct , nnd instead of the sovcn
months of good Unto which ho might have
earned , thp warden recommends that ho bo
given but thrco days good time. Samuel
.JJlshong , of Lancaster" county , has been
pullty of no misconduct and has decreased
Ills two years' sentence .by four months good
time , John Gibbons , of Jefferson county ,
pent up for the same length of time , forfeited
nearly half his good tiina and will get only
two months and fifteen days. Howard Can
non , of Cass county , lias earned /our months
bood time in two years , and Peter Burke , of
jSallho county , has done ns well ,
Land Commissioner Scott , Treasurer Wil
lard nnd Secretary of State Laws have re
turned from a trip to Norfollr , whcro they
Inspected , the insane hospital both as to its
management and the now work going on
there. They are highly pleased with the
way in which Superintendent Kelly is man
aging the Institution. Ho has 107 patients ,
which mattes the .building very full. The
two wings which are now being built will
niako much more room. They are about
luxlf finished and will bo completed before
Several gentlemen interested In the propo
sition made the board of trade by the Mutual
Kcservo Fund Lifo association of iNewJYork
were busy in the auditor's oulco to day look
ing up Information concerning the company's
business in tlils state' .
The adjutant general of the state militia
, today snipped fifty Springfield rifles to
Omaha for the use of the Oreighton guards.
This company was not armed when organ
ized and these guns wore some which were
taken up from the othftr companies which
Jiavo been furnished with new mms.
John Ganlmm has commenced work on his
contract for adding to the beauty of tbo
landscape "bounded by the capital yard
P. Coursoy Richards was tried this morn
ing on a charge of larceny nnd was dis
charged. .Richards . .rented nnd occupied a
liouso owned by Judge Parker. When ho
moved out becnuso the rent was raised ho
took a cupboard which Judge Parker
claimed , and. licnoo tlio suit. Mrs. Richards
testified that''she ' bought the cupboard of n
third party and no contrary evidence being
prodliccd Richards Was discharged.
W. H. Miller and Thomas Miskoll were
qach flucd $1 aud costs for fighting.
On complaint of F. Janscn , a warrant was
issued for Mrs. Lynch and her daughter ,
who were charged with drunkenness , inde
cent exposure and disorderly conduct.
LUzIo Hawkins and Carrie Smith , two
colored cyprians , indulged in a "scrap" and
were fined ? 1 nnd costs each.
A largo number of prostitutes were or.
rested and given the usual fine.
. The paper mill , Jf reports bo true , has se
lected a site between the homo for the
friendless nnd the state penitentiary. The
Superintendent , Mr. Lnlly. has rented prop
crty arid become n resident of the city. *
Messrs. Hull , Roberts and Burnhnm , the
finance committee of the board of regents o
the state university , have been in session at
the university to-day.
The , committee of the board of trade wh
vffnl to Fnlrbilry yesterday returned 16-day.
They did not meet any of the Rock Island
authorities , but held a conforcnco with tin
Fairbury people , who bollovo that the roai
will bo built without doubt if Lincoln Wil
offer proper inducements to it.
W.II , Suocily. alias G. 13. McDonald , an
William C. Clayton , were arrested last ijijfh
for working the bogus check racket nt the 13.
& M. depot. They pleaded not guilty In
ujunty court thh morning nnd were com
mitted until to-morrow morning at U o'clock.
Hob MeUoynolds , of th.o Punlco Grand
Opera house and the Daron Munciiauson of
the gioat west , loft this afternoon ou a
business trip to Denver.
Miss Amelia Keller died at about 4 p. m.
yesterday of braiu fever , at her late res-
dcnco , 1318 Sherman avenue. The remains
nro to bo shipped to Cedar Hapias to-day for
interment ,
Its wverlor excellence prorcn lu millions of
for more tliau n quurtcr ot a century. It
Is u-ed by the United States Ocnornmtmt. Ru.
iloucd by the heads of tlio went universities aj
tha ironi ; 3t , inircst aiui most healthful , in- .
1'rice's C'ream liakliu : 1'owder does uot contain
ammonia , lime or alum , itoldnnlviu onus.
I'WUH HAKINfl l-OWUlill ( Hi.
N wYork. CulcaKo , Bt.
United States Court.
The arguments In the follx-Patrlck case
were continued yesterday In the United
States oourtj by tbe attorney * /or the iilaln-
tiffs. The cnso U attracting general niton-
lion among the mombcrs ot the bar , anil the
courtroom 1ms been well flllpd with an. autll.
ciico of nttornoys over slnca tha cnso begun.
Suit 1ms been begun Is this court by the
Union National bank against A. J , Honk ,
David Kaufman , Kaufman Uros. , James A.
15town and B. 1' . Davlfl , for Uic collection of
a promissory note dated January 24 , ISSS.nud
due sixty days after date , glvou br the first
named defendant aud secured by the othorv
defendants Included In the CASO.
D The prand jury convened again yesterday
nd resumed its investigations.
A rnovUAit cAsn.
Just at present there Is before the United
States district court a case of intense interest
that In subtleness of plot equals some of the
most cunning creations of the no vclist's brain ,
On the court records the case reads 'D , II ,
iralnurd versus Harriet 11. andSamuelJohn-
; on. foreclosure ot mortgage , but If the story
old concerning tlio casols true it should read
larrlot R. Johnson versus her husband ,
. amucl II. Jolmrtm and 13. H. Bralnard , for
robbery. Just four years ago Mrs. Johnson
, vua n charming country girl in Nuoknlls
: otinty , tbo bcllo of her halghborhood , and
; vas well ilxod Unnnclnlly , having property In
her own name valued at about $15-
000. It is said that the covetous
eyes of 13. II. Ilralnard and Sam-
10 ! Johnson were llxod on this prop-
rty nnd'thcy conceived the schema of rob
bing the young woman of her fortune. To
accomplish this it was decided that Johnson ,
jclng more engaging ( n manner than Hraln-
ird , should mnko love to the charming
oung woman , marry her , got hold of her
u-opcrty and then desert bor. after which
10 was to shara tha iiroflts of the speculation
with Uralnard. Johnson"commenced the at-
.aclc on the susceptible young maiden's
heart nnd sxvoro that ho had traveled the
ivldu world oqcr and never before seen bis
ideal of womanly comeliness and . .sweetness
.mill ho met her. The attack on the citadel
) f hur affection was successful nnd flho gave
o him the wealth of her love and purso.
On the 15th of June , 1S&1 , they were
married. While the raptures of the
honeymoon were nt their height , Johnson
l > reposed to his wlfo to exchange a tract of
icr land containing 430 acres for a tract on
, vhlcli they were then living containing 400
ncrcs nnd which Johnson claimed to own.
This exchange was agreed upon , nnd Airs ,
Johnson executed und delivered to her hus
band a deed to her 4bO aero tract during the
last part of Juno , 1884. Johnson Immediately
after wont to Lincoln , 111. , to his confederate ,
Bralnard. While there Ilralnard claimed to
loan him $7,000 , this loan being made July 4 ,
Brainurd at the same time preparing- certain
notes and a mortgage for Mrs. Johnson to
sign , and gave them to Johnson , The hus
band returned homo , and on July 7 ho gave
s wife a quit claim deed for the 403-ocro
.ract of land upon which they were living ,
and which ho was to give in exchange for the
430-acro tract of his wife's land. Ho then
asked her to sign the mortgage to Hratnard
on this homo farm , nnd to Induce her to do
BO , promised to deed her a section of land ad-
lOiniug which ho claimed was his , but which
n fact ho never owned , and in addition to
give her a bill of sale for $3pOO worth of
blooded stock. Ho gave the bill Of sale but
not the deed , putting her off from
time to time when she spoke of it. Sht >
signed the note and mortgage , tha same be
Ing the one Brainard } s now seeking to fo'c-
closc. Soon after this Bralnard came irom
Illinois to Johnson's house , professing to bo
a devout Christian and nieuibor of'.ho church ,
and by his deep devotion and actit of kind
ness so won her confidence that , \t his re
quest she lot him take lior bill of sa'o for the
stuck to bo kept by him for her. .ftor ho
got this into bls'posscssion ho had Johnson
execute a mortgage on some stock for 50,000 ,
which bo filed for record and subsequently
npproprlatedr Boon after this Johnson-\vho
in the meantime bud succeeded in getting all
of her other property , turned his wife 01 t of
doors , In which last action Bralnard figured
conspicuously. The theory of the defense is
that the whole matter is a conspiracy on the
part of Johnson nnd Brainard to'havo John
son marry the woman , got possession of her
property , turn her away and then share
equally in the property.
The case is being prosecuted by Hon. J.
M. Woolworth , of this city , and M. Regan ,
ofiHastings , for Brainard , while Mrs. John
son is being defended by Judge J. B. Cassna
and General A. H. Bowen , of Hastings. It
appears that Samuel Johnson mysteriously
disappeared about the time this suit was
District Court.
The announcement that Judge Wakcloy
would render his decision yestcorday in
the injunction proceedings asked for by Ed.
A. Parmalcc against the Omaha Base Ball
association , enjoining thorn from playing
games on Sunday , was.sufllcionl to attract a
largo _ crowd"at the court roOm
to hear the decision. Immonlatcly after the
reading of the minutes of yesterday's pro
ceedings the curt announced that ho wouli
give his decision in the casa as far as It had
proceeded. Although ho had reduced his
ruling to writing , ho delivered it orally to the
bar and those present in the court room al
the time. In doing so lie referred to the
principal cases that are In the books
touching upon questions of this kind ant
in which private pin-tics have been granted
injunctions nuamst public amusement places ,
that , owing to their nature , had become a
nulsanco. Thcso included the skating-rink
decision in Virginia , the fireworks case in
England , and the horse-car question In Phil
adelphia. In those cases the grievance was
dally ttud almost perpetual. He compared at
length this case with the ones cited by the
attorneys ) but wus umiblo to Hud a direct
p.n nllcl in them
The following is the full text of the de
cision and the gronuds upon which the rul
ing was tundoi
1. Tho'grounds mainly rolled ou fortho In
junction sought nro , in substance , that the
playing of thu game within the iuclosuro at
tnwts a largo crowd of Idle aud disorderly
persons on the outside , who gather in
the vicinltv and in front pf plain
tiff's dwelling house * nnd grounds ,
situated near to aud ou the opposite side ol
the ball grounds ; that they over i un his
place , climb Into his trpas to over loolt the
game , and dcpoit themselves generally In
noisy nnd disagreeable manner.
Also , that In the progress of the gamotharo
is ficqupnt applause aud much noise , and
shouting on the part of the spectators within
the enclosure , operating to disturb plulntllt
aud hit family in the dwelling , Interrupting
reading nnd conversation , distract attention
and greatly annoy , them in their domestic
pursuits , and It Is claimed that the effect of
all this Is to greatly diminish mid Impair th"
reasonable enjoyment of the pl.tmtlll und bis
family in their homo.
2. There mo many things whlo i Irnvo been
held by courts to amount to n private nui
suticc , and to Justify restraint und prohibi
tion by Injunction. Among thcso are the
ci eating of unwholhomo or noisome eflluvia
or emclU by manufacturing proccbscs in
various establishments , such as slaughter
lioiuc.s , , KUO ! factoiics , tanneries
in .cltloB or thickly scttlix
nelghboihoods { harsh , loud and dlsrotdunt
sounds from hammering or pounding lion in
the vicinity of residences ; the gathering o
largo , dlsoi dcrly or tumultuous crowds in
close proximity to dwellings , lending ncccs
sarily or probably to overrunning or invading
private grounds , blocking up or obstructing
approach thereto or Ingress nnd egress to
nml from them ; the V'olent ' or continuous
ringing of bolls at unreasonably early or lute
hours , and generally such things as operate
to materially or sensibly diminish the quiet
and cnjnymoiifcaf people in their homes ,
Cases on the subject lire nuuiVcrlcss , and
it has been found impossible by ecu its to do
fine , with precision , any rules by which to
determine what degree ot Injury , discomfort
or annoyance will constitute tt piivntoiiul
saiiao , Justifying an Injunction. Thuclr-
cumstuncos u.rlling for Judicial action in such
cases are of iulliilto variety , aud must ba
dealt with as they arise by courts nut
juries according to tliolr nature , oi
principles of common sense uiul with a duo
ivgani to the respective rights of the parties
U. The ease lias been prost'tited so fur on
Inrk'o number of unirtavits , mostly by these
Hying in the immediate vicinity of the bal
grounds. These are irrontly conflicting ns to
the rxtent and behavior of the crowds which
gather ouUUio of the enclosure ; and to
whether tucao are nUrnQted principally bj
the bull plu > Ing inside or the facilities fo
playing and Indulging } ! ! recreation outsldo pn
Ur e vacant grouuds near plulntinys premises
as to the extent pf cheer * nnd applause Inside ,
And especially R to the effect of this on people
ple living ndpr the grounds , very many of the
affidavits saving that this does not ot aU dis
turb or unpleasantly affect them or others in
the vicinity. Affidavits are much loss satis
factory than the testimony of witnesses do
livcrod in presence of court or jury at an oral
examination and crow-examination.
4. There is a manifest distinction in the
reason otho case , nnd in
the law ft deduced from authori
ties , between loud nnd disagreeable noises ,
n the late hours of night nnd early hours or
rooming dovoteJ to sldop according to uni
versal custom and which prevent or greatly
disturb the repose cssonqal to comfqrt and
oven health , and occasional shouts and dem
onstrations of applause during two
lours of the afternoon oven If these to
Homo extent disturb and annoy Iho inmates
of neighboring dwellings. Such results occur
from a multitude of other causes in cities or
mpulouB neighborhoods.
Ball plpylng of itself , In not a forbidden ,
nit it Is a much commended sport. It is not
inmoralor demoralizing. The grievances
complained of are nqt from the game itself ,
but ore mere incidents of it. Of course , It
ihould not bo practiced to the detriment or
nfringing the just rites of others , but n
easonably clear cano should bo made that It
does so to warrant a oourWn enforcing the
'ndulgonco of It , nt any particular time or
; ilacc.
5. It Is conceded , and It is the undoubted
nu'.tlmt tha Injunction Is not npropcr remedy
in preventing the commission of crimes or of-
Tenses ns such. The jurisdiction nnd punish
ment of these bclougs to a criminal jurisdic
tion of courts.
But the plaintiff complains specially against
Junday playing , not because it Is n violation
of the . statute , if such It be ,
lutbccausp , ns ho claims , it is the policy
) f tbo law , aside from the religious aspect of
Sunday legislation , to secure to the citizens a
right to n peculiar quiet and seclusion on that
day undisturbed by labor nnd sport near his
lomo. '
The argument Is not without plausibility
nnd force. It is not wholly new In the courts
tor without difficulties but I do not. find it
lecessary. or think it best now to decide
whether this may or may not bo a proper ele
ment entering Into the question.
0. Without undertaking to determine what
nay bo the ultimate rights of the plaint-
, iT ( , the preliminary injunction is
denied for two reasons ; , is not. made
sufficiently clear by the affidavits before mo
that plaintiff Is entitled to it. Upon an Issue
on the final hearing , whether before the court
or a jury , ns may bo ordered , the fuels can
bo much more satisfactorily arrived at , and ,
n the meantime , the plaintiff can not suitor
my Intolerable wroup. Second : It appears
.liat before the defendant enclosed und fitted
up itp grounds baseball had been played near
Pnrmloo's residence for some yeat s. Ho bad
abundant opportunity to know the Incidents
of the playing. When a now ground was en
closed in front of him lie made no objection
or remonstrance. The defendant expended
considerable Bums of money in improvements ,
it had contracted largo pecuniary obligations
for this season before suit was begun. Courts
linvo repeatedly held that such consiitora-
tions uro weighty in cases where It
has a discretion , and they often stop a
party from demanding the relief which ho
would otherwise bo entitled to. Under such
circumstances I think the plaintiff has no
equity to dOmand that a court shall suddenly
and without previous warning put a stop to
the ploying. Ho should at least Do requested ,
to make a clear case upon , a full hearing.
His ruling was generally commended by
these who hoard it , and will meet with gen
eral public favor.
The court- stated that as the
attorneys for the plaintiff Imd taken no stops
toward haVing the case tried again before
a jury or before the court , -with wftnbss tes
timony , that if the proceedings were begun
now tue case would hardly bo reached this
The case of Stldd against 'urkolson was
called for hearing yesterday before Judge
Doano. The plnintill claims that the defend
ant has some sheds and out buildings located
on a strip of ground about nine feet wide ,
situated on Sixth nud Pacific streets , that
belongs to him ( the plaintiff ) nnd nsks the
court to bavo the defendant remove said
buildings aud sheds and give up the posses
sion of tlio property.
xitw CASES.
Suit was begun yesterday byJWilliam B.
Cowlos and.Itobort W. Day , ' operating under
the firm name of Day & Cowlcs , against
John Lisco , asking the court to compel the
defendant to fulfill his contract with them on
a hay , deal they had with him hut summer.
The petition pets forth that under a contract
made last August they delivered him 500
tons of hay last October in Nonce county ,
that the hay was accepted , but that there is
yet $550 duo Ihcm from the defendant.
Mrs. Katie K. Smith , of Donvcr.a daughter
of S. P. Rounds , deceased , began suit yesterday -
terday in the district court to secure the
payment of a promissory note given her by
the company for $5,037.90. She farther asks ,
according to the agreement of the note , $500
to pay the cost of the legal proceedings that
she has begun to collect the noto.
Louis Schroodcr filed an action yesterday
afternoon against the Union Pacific railroad.
Ho is the administrator of the estate of
Catharine Ecko nnd asks f5ooci damages
caused by her death from'an accident on the
defendant's tracks at the Seventeenth slrcel
crossing April 8,1883.
Carl A. Jacobson commenced an action yes
terday afternoon ugainsf John A. Croighton.
Jacobson claims that ho was the authorized
agent for Crelghton In the bale of the land
on oact side of Cut-off lake to August Benson -
son for 8111,000 , and ho claims that for
making this deal ha was to receive a com
mission of 8)tf per cent. Ho further claims
that no commission lias over been paid to
liitn for his services in this sale , and nsks
judgment for f'J.sno.
1IU11OO ON TIU\I < .
At 4 o'clock yesterday aftetnoon the xaso
of Pctpr Burgo was rolled before Judge
GrolT , Burgo Is charged with attempting to
murder his wife , the circumstances of AvhicH
affair arc still fresh in the minds of the pub
lic. The only witnesses called were Dr.
IJavls , Walter Webster nnd Mrs. Burgo. Be
fore the latter had completed her testimony
the cour ) , adjourned until 9 : < ! 0 o'clock this
morning. County Attorney Simeral is rep
resenting the state and Charles Oltut ap
pears for the defense.
Henry Ulcals filed a bill yesterday nftqr-
noon against Louisa M. Arnold and others
asking for the foreclosure of n mortgage on
certain described property given us security
for three promissory notes of $ J,000 each.
The snmo plaintiffs asks for the foreclosure
of a mortgage hold against Klmor 13. Me-
Gunscy nnd Friend II. Woodbridgo nnd
given as security for two promissory notbs
aggregating $7OJO ,
Mlllard E. Anderson commenced an action
yesterday against Kaufman Brothers foi
F4GO.U7 alleged to bo duo on u bill of ox-
The Bank of Commerce in a bill filed yes
terday asks for tlio tecovery of $1,000 from
Samuel I ) , Mercer , This amount is alleged to
bo duo on n promissory note ,
Jacob Watawa filed un action yesterday
afternoon against a man named Pucknor
Ho claims ? 5,000 damages for defamation of
Milton Hendrix is the plaintiff in-nn action
commenced yesterday against James Oslani
for the recovery of the possession of certali
described property ,
County Court.
The case of , Carlton D , Hutchluson against
J , C , McGroldn on a claim of SWJ.50 coinmlh-
slon ou the sale of a lot was ou trial ycstcrdaj
morning before Judge Shields ,
JoelN , West filed , an action against Van
I'olt Bros , tor { 310 alleged to' bo duo for per
so mil services in procuring the defendants u
location for their paint works in this city.
The White Hock Mineral Spring company
commenced an action against William H
Baud & Co. yesterday for the recovery p
Hill.-ID due on a promissory note.
A. L. Bay filed a suit yesterday against C
S. Higgius for $393 alleged to bo due for gro
A Great Battle
Is continually going ou iu the human
system. The demon of impure blooi
strives to gttln victory over the consti
tution , to ruin houlth , to drag violins
to the grave. A peed , reliable medi-
oiuu UKO Ilood'a Sursapurilla is the
weapon with which to defend ono'u self
drive the desperate onoiny frpm. the
Ueld , and rcstpro peace und bed 11 }
health for many years. Try this po
cullur medicine.
Drink Mai to at soda fountain )
The fine weather had a somewhat onorvat-
ng effect ou tha moinbcra of tbo city council
Tuesday night , the onrly comers stood around
the corner admiring the spring suits of Bay-
iss , Ponno nnd Clerk Hoctor. It was 8
ofora they could toarvlhomselves sway nnd
ilungo into the darkness of the cellar whcro
, ho council meets , and where the mayor ,
ever attentive to duty , had made his way in
advance , and sat alone in the gloom , The
city lamp was still on strike , nud would not
burn , but its place was uppllod by n "scab. "
there were no prisoners In the cells to take
mrt in the debate , so.tlip couiicilmen had tha
leer to thomsolveV nnd made their
speeches to the muxlo of n
) iano In the adjoining saloon , which
itartod them off to the tune of "When
tho'Iiobini Nest Again. " It was Just 3:30 :
whoa the overture ceased , the robins
'nested , " aud Marshal McCrackcn called the
meeting to order. Clerk Hector nt once
willed the roll nnd read Uio minutes to the
dreamy strains of n Gorman waltzr Uoports
of standing committees were then called for
and tha musician quitted the piano , tuned up
a banjo , and was just getting his work In on
n solo , xvhqn on behalf of the license com
mittee Councilman Bnylls reported favorably
in spvcral applications for licenses , The po
rtion ot Puulsy and others for the opening
if nil alloy on J , between Twonty-thlrd ami
Twenty-fourth streets , was reported on
favorably , but on a vote the prayer was not
{ runted. The question of who should bo ap
pointed City Scavenger resulted Ina , ballot
jclug taken on Moses Plorco nnd J. PI Hayes ,
and Moses came out nhcad. Ho will
use the slops nnd swill col-
cctcd In feeding hogs in his now
fattening grounds nt the river
side. Nols A. Ungdron was next appointed
to the police force , but the appointment , came
nftor a debate , In which it was stated ho was
a good man ho was a Swede , and "thoy
tiolpod us this spring. " That was sufficient ,
and NcU was sworn in and told to report for
duty in the morning. Assistant City En
gineer Lawrence gave some details of the
[ iroposed viaduct on Q street , nnd the finance
; ommittoo recommended that n number of
iccouuts presented "bo placed on file , " while
Lhe banjoist played a lively break-down as
the members voted to "place" them. A re
quest that the police judge bo furnished with
proper legal blanks nt the expense of the
rlty , led to some severe criticisms ns to the
costs collected by the court , and the subject
was allowed to ale to slow music. Bfcforo It
died , a raised window fell ou City Attorney
Doud , who was endeavoring to get a breath
of fresh air , nnd ho came nearly
dying with it. Ho survived long enough ,
however , to read nn ordinance estab
lishing the curb lines on various streets ,
and it was referred to the ordinance com
mittee. A dead horse was reported near
Albright , nnd the city scavenger got his first
job to bury it , the pianist happily striking
the right vein nnd playing "See That My
Grave is Kept Green. " Under the head of
"petitions" twenty-one cjtlzous of Albright
asked to have tlio offal from tlio stock yards
diverted to the sewer instead of the open
creek as at present , and H. J. Abrams prayed
that ho be allowed two feet of an alloy for
the purpose of building a stairway to his
business block , A communication from
Warner A. Koot on behalf of the old soldiers ,
asking the city council to bo present ut the
Decoration day services , was ordered to bo
acknowledged and the council will DO pres
ent. At this point two prisoners were run
into the cells , nud at once engaged ip an ani-
inntcu conversation , but that did uot inter
rupt the proceedings aud Councilman Mc
Millan moved that S per cent bo allowed
on an unpaid claim of Pete Hanson
nnd so snvo the city fr.6fa being sued for some
f 1,200. It led to a Jongthy debate nnd the
matter was finally hold jovor for a week. A
bill of Brewer & Wilson , for putting in the
station house cells wa's ' referred to the finance
committee. Councilman O'Hourk , Smith
aud McMillan were appointed a committee
to wait on Dr. Mercer relative to the con
struction of the inQtor line ; nnd Haffetty ,
Bayliss and Fenno tp see the stock yards
company about the clty being allowed to
make u sewerage coniioction with the stook
yards sewer. The i committee on electric
street lighting rcportpd progress nud were
granted further tlmo to report some more
progress. Bids for the lumber necessary for
street crossings were'referred to the com
mittee on streets and grades , nnd a number
of bills were presented nnd placed on file.
Then the council adjourned , but as the hour
was late , the musician had departed , and the
members silently Mole away.
A. Skeleton Factory.
The Monde do la Science describes a
factory which is said to bo flourishing'
ut St. Denis , Franco. Within its walls
human skeletons are "mado" in the fol
lowing manner : The largest room of
the buildiug is filled with enormous kot-
tlcs , in which the bones of the 9orpses
are boiled till all the flesh is separated
from them. The skulls are prepared
separately and in the most careful man
ner. Ono way of preparing ; the skulls
of children aud young people is to fill
the hollow where the brains were situ
ated with PQCIS and then let the
ewoll in water , which causes even the
most delicately-joined bones to separate
without being injured. After all the
bones have been carefully washed they
are bleached cither toy chloral or toy ex
posure to the sun , and are then joined
in another department of the factory
and made lloxiblo by means of brass
wires. Most of the corpses whoso bones
are utilized are said to bo toroticht from
hospitals , prisons and dissecting rooms ,
and the latest Russo-Turkish winis
bald to have brought much "material"
lo the factory.
.AHBypl > llltlcI > l oaip5 of recent or longstanding ,
lu from ten to llftcen ( Uyi.a will tavo written
gu imutGcs to euro unr cnsoor rufuiul your nimioy.
And vro woiill noy to those who limecinplOt' < ] tlio
moit Skilled I'hynlclan i , u rd uvory known remedy
imd have nut been cuioil.iliiit ran era the huWucti no
nro lookliiK fur. You tlmt Jmvu buun to tliu cele
brated Hot b | > rlnm of .Arkansiin , anil liavo lost all
hong of recovery , wo
or make no choree. Our reined j-Ii unknown to nnr-
( mom Inn world otilnlqa nf nur ronipanjr.uiidltlii
the only remedy hi thu worl.l that will euro you. Wa
nlllure the moit iibntlniui t&ta In ion thsn onii
month , hori'n iluya In ruccnt ( u > u ilnc > tbowork II
l Ilia old , thonlc , OceiMOiitmlcucoi tint > ro solicit
\vo have rureil hunclro < l < wUo huru Loeu ubiu
l > 7 riiyjlcluni unil nrpnpnnccdlniuruute , aud
We Cliallenge tha World
to bring lea a cam that we cannot euro In less thin
onoiDuulh ,
Blnni tbo hlttoryof iiiprtlclno , a True Bpcclflc for
Briihllltlo Kruptlons , Ulut > r , bore Mouth , &o , , Uui
hveii > uuihi ; for but ucvtr luund until
Our Magic Remedy
was illunTcrod , nud wo are luitltlod In B ylni : 11 li tbo
only remedy In tbu world that nlll iioMlliuly cure ,
het-auiuthe UtoatmedUal wurku , published by tbu
VCht kuownauthontle , tay Uiero WM iiuver n true
ypecltlp bcforn. UnrrcmudrU tlie only mud cllipln
'fiaworM that will euro when uYCrythlng else ba
rulod. It lias tx-en ( u conceded by a luriO numbtr of
Celebrated I'liyiiiluni , IT HAS i > 'fcVEii VET
- U1IK. Why tta te your lime uml money with
patent modluluci that never bad virtue , ot doctor
with iiliyiUlnM that rannoj tun i > u. * im llmtWo
trlou everything cl u liouW lomo tu uinoyr and col
ticrruanrnt relief ! jou novi'r can cct It else * hero ,
ftlnrkwh&t wo y in tlio cnU you mmt tulco our
remedy.or M.vru recover. And you that lave been
nttllctca but n bert time bould byall meant como
to uinow. M ny get help unit tlilnk tllpjnro frco
from Iho ll eu o. but In one , two or tlirco yca ulur ,
It uppcars tuuln In u more horrible form.
inTciU.'ite our financial standing through the nir.
canlllo Bk'cnclcu and note ttiut no are fullloapontl -
j > ! oundour rltrii | 'iurnntci'snrpuooil. Wu limar
n ni u m IUUCAI lliat It ! * > .
ktlcr * arredly coaoaentliU
T E COOK 1IUJICDY CO , , Onmlm , Neb.
Itooiijg TO anfl n. u. S. UnnV , Kth and
J aruoju Sts. Cullers UV elevator on I'tunam
blrctt ; to * cconfl Uoor. lloom 11 lot ladleit only
The Story TolOy Mr. Jeff Reynolds Sub
stantiate ! by Facts ,
The Old Trnppor's Story Dlxcotintod ,
How Ho Snvcrt III * Intltnn Com
panion's tiife Tlio Grizzly
A faw nights slnco , wjillo the rain wjts pouring
down thick nml fast , n notable group of iiion put
in onu corner 6t HIP oinco of onA or our prom
inent hotoH. They had met by chance nnd were
renewing old acquaintances nnd tollltigthctr 03-
parlances of narrow escapes In the western
\YIKU. The group consisted oinn old trapper.
two mining prospectors and a cowboy. .Tlieyhad I :
just sottleil ( lawn after a hearty supper , aud' tlio
old trapper started Hit "It wan In the \ \ Inter of
" 78 Hint I sot off on Hnow-sliocs , accompanied by
an Imllnu , to n small Inke In uortharn pnrt of
Dakota , to fetch some Iliucauglit tlio previous
autumn , which lay frozen In n log cabin on the
plioro of the Inko some ton miles off. Wo took n
train of clogg nnd calculated ( o return before
dark. Wo lind proceeded about six mllei , when
the Indian who was In ndvauca , paused nnd
appeared to see some footprints la tlio snow ,
alter a moment's scrutiny , ho rogo nnd said ,
that n bear hart passed not long uofore , nnu
could not bo far off. and ho wanted to follow It.
t told him to follow , nnd I Mould bring the does
In his track , ns thnbonr nns going In tlio direc
tion of the Inko. Thu Indian started away with
his gun , and wn < * soon lost In the oods. For a
Qiiaitcrof an hour t plodded on , occasional- !
stopping to listen for nome sound from the In-
tllnn. At last 1 hoard tlio discharge of hU guif ,
nnd linmudlaloly attvr heard nsecouil discharge.
Then nil bortimo silent , tint ! I concluded that ho
Imd killed the boar , mid that I would noon
conio up nnd Mud him skinning It. Just then
lioHever , 1 was stuitlcd by a fierce growl ,
nnd seizing my rllle. I rtiBhod forward.
A loud roar from the bear ns ho saw
mo coming caused mo to look up , nnd as I aid ,
my snowslioo caught ntsoniL'thlng.and 1 pitched
forward , accidentally discharging my rltlo as I
foil , I sprang to my feet again , and.itn my
rlllo clubbed , -united for the coming of hH
bearshlp , % \ ho hart loft the poor Itidlnu almost
dead and was rushing to meet mo. As ho renrod
lilmkplf on his hind legH for ( v friendly embrace ,
my eyoH felt on on the Indian's nxo , that
had been dropped in tlio struggle , tjolztng
It 1 brought it down vlth nil my strengthen
on the grlzzley's hend , Iio fell on mo nnd
together > \o rolled down the hill , Itpon ox-
tilcnttng myself I found that the blow from
the uxo hail killed his bearshlp , nud that I
w as uninjured , but the poor Indlnn was terrlb'.y
torn nnd today hobbles around the fort cutting
firewood or Borne such thins. "
"Vcs. thut was a narrow oscnpo , " said ono of
the mining prospectors , n Mr. Itornolds , trho
lias i > rosK-ctod ] extensively through Colorado
and the Iflnck Hills , and Is Iho owner of several
gold nnd tin claims in the Black 11)113 ) , "but it Is
not n circumstance to n narrow cscnpe I nail
not long ago. " About ono year ngo 1 noticed
day It broke , then a Uttlo acnb formed over It ;
it bothered mo and I plcKed It off , when a larger
ono came , this I plcKed off , nnd a larger sere
was under ft : this commenced to spread , until
the \\hole end of my nose was n raw sore. I
commenced to cot
scared , then , nnd
looked around for
homo doctor. 1
wont to several
rtoctorg In t U o
lllack Hills. Some
didn't know liat
it was and tola
me It was n can
cer. I hod seen
Boino of the nd-
crtlsements In
the Omaha pa
pers of Dr. Mc
Coy's cures , nud I
inudenpmy mind
1 would go nnd
too him. I got In
March , and wont
up to Ills olltcc.
lie examined my
nose cnrof ully
n 1L U | II.L/ilUUllV > UU
HEFORR innATMENT. the disease J.npus
and said It would take very active treatment
to prevent Its spreading more. 1 told him to ao
nhtad on It If there was any hopes. Ilo made
several applications of n chemical , nnd nftcr
such treatment , the Fore place grow less until It
was healed , but It hud Uestroj ed a part of my
nose , and the doctor suggested taking a ptecu
out of mv check and putting It ou my.nose. I
nnsfmton1. and ho
took n piece out of
my right check.bilt
kept ono end of It
attached to thoMcln
to keep It allvo ,
then ho made the
flesh around tlio
war raw agaln.ana
sot the pleco in It
and stitched It to
the sides , it healed
theiowlth the ex
ception of ono Uttlo
place , but I was
satisfied with it as
It as , and didn't j
ask for any more. 1
Have read about
such diseases , and
lm\o talked about
ponoToT cgiwlu-
blong lmn been that
it was Incurable AFTCH
now you see how narrow mi * escape was , and If
it Imd gone 'til now , I bollevo It would have
paten iay out Into my cheeks. J cannot speak too
highly ot the successful vayln which the doc
tor treated mo , mid of what I hour of the
opinion of his other patloiitu his success Is
Mi. Jeff llcynoldsnow resides at ,
niut will willingly nnd cheerfully coroborate
thu above statement.
Can Catarrh bo Gurnd.
Tlio past ngo might bo called a superstitious
one. The present can more properly ba called
nmong tlio Impossibilities have uow become
everyday possibilities. Ituould bo supculuous
to enumerate them. Hut hnvo we reached the
titmobtlimit ? Ha\awo ? I'hyslclans\\lioclaim
to mnko certain ailments the human body Is
subject to n special study and claim to bo able
to biiru such ( llsoasos , tire pronounced by other
neK'natlBlled practitioner * as pri > Biimptuoti8but ;
does their saj Ing so mnko It so ? Tno man > \ho
coined the neuiu-jt to overcoming the xoumlng
impossibilities of others Is now nil the rage , nm !
well does ho or they dosono the success they
have labored so ImrU to attain. Dr. J.Cresap
McCoy or his associates < lo not make claims to
an > thing marvelous , hucli as raising the dead
and slvlnpt them now Hfoj neither < lo they claim
to give sight to the blind ; but by their now nud
scluitlllc method nf treating catarrh ( hey hiu o
cured and do euro catarrh , us well as bionchlul
and throat tioublos. They make catarrh u
specialty because It Is one of the mnst pruvalcnt
and tioublesome diseases that the people of thin
cllmnto mo heir to , Slnco Dr. McCoy and his
nshoclatos have located In thU city they liavo
treated \ \ Hh nnccoss liumlrcds of persons whom
other jihyslcluna have told their disease was
classed among the incurables. Do they not pub
lish fioin week tooelc in the dally papers tes
timonials from homo of thtir many giatcful
patients , gUlng in each cnsu the full name
and address of the person making the state
ment , that the doubting and skeptical may cqll
and Interview the said people prior to visiting
the doctor's olllces for consultinlon. Ihe people
ndertlfcod as cured nro by no means obscure or
unknown , but In the majority of cases nio cltl-
r.Ljia well known by the biikiness peopla am !
cominiinlty at largo , and It will more than repay
anyone suffering from rntnrihai utroctlonsto
visit tlioho hote htatemuuts uru ptlbllebud , or
'Coiibult with the doctor or his associates at his
LateofBellBTneHosDltalHoyrYort ,
Ifas Oinces Ko. 810 and 311
Where all curalilo cases are treated with suc
Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consump
tion , llrlulit's ( , Uyspc'iihln. ItlicuiuutUui ,
and all NKKVOUH DISHABKd. All tlUeases pn.
cullar to the coxes p. plicclalty. CATAltllll
CONSULTATION nt ofllco or by mull { I.
Many dl f aries are treated successfully by Dr.
McCoy thiough the malls , und it is
thus possible fur those unable to make tbo Jour-
ley to obtain successful ho-jpltal tieatmeut in
tJielr homes.
UltlruliourHOtoll a.m. : 2 to 4 11,111 , : VtoSn
m , SUNDAY JIOUHS FUOM 9 A. Al. 10 1 V.M
Coi roepondtni. ! ) rtcoh os prom nt wtteutlon.
Nolotterbaiisueiedunleb } ucwmiiynlad by i
cf r.ts lu st.imiix ,
Address all mall to Dr. J , C. McCoy , Itootui
310 nud oU liuuit I'Uliain. ' , OijUlia , N.oU ,
Mind Over Matter.
r > r. Smith1 who li neknonleildocl to ho the molt
powerful magnolia phrtlcun In thu cotmlrr , Is prr-
miinentlr loc lo < l In hopm * 814 ncl Ml I'nxtrm Illorlt ,
OTerMftx Merer A lro , ' fcwclrr ttoro , wliero the
lex na nniotod renr eoniult him frteot rhiinia from
V n , m. till S p m. dallr , cxoapt undnrs. It Is wonrtrr-
ful the tr ns reiulH Ir. Smith produce * br his mr * >
nrlouima nttoRIU. CV" of l > yipeptla ,
. reslrfulon. I.Ivor and Kidney Troniiloi , Ithoumi-
tltin , Uout , BoliUICA. Msurnlpli. IlimlyMi , pain In Iho
liosd and j ack , unil nil sorts of Intucnc'S. And deform *
J lies are cured limn tncrortlblo short epaeo of tlm .
llrunchltu , Asuimn , Otnrrinnd ) Coughs , Wood rill-
paso < , such as Suit Ithouin , Scrofula , I > rcharge from
I he Kara with Usmnosi. cnnrrrs , Kovor Bores and
Ulcers ot all klndi are cured without tha Inking or
tmnseittlnK tiiedlcHnes. Tumors nnd all forms of
Kcmala Complalats are cured without theuaoof In *
struniont orcauttlcs , nnd without oxnnsuro of Iho
In the treatment of Constipation , Itle * .
nd HstiilMn AnoDr. Soilth fUmtM without
nnviil. llopcrmnntntly cures every case ho under-
Ukni without the USD of the knlfn or llgaturo , nmt
nllhout detention from buMncM. Ilornlnor llupturo
3 n complaint which lm hitherto been ronelilcrort In-
ourablo br the medical iirofcsilon , lUII Dr. Nmlih
spoodlly and pcrniunontly cures averjr oaioot llernlft
: nat ho treats , and will ulvo n written guarantee lo
In trial circctlf do.'lreil. He has n method of curing
Urleturo , Vnrlcocolo , llydrocelo , and enlarged proi-
tralo Blnnil inat ha novcr failed In hi * hands to luuko
nponnnnent cure. Catarrh of the Illandor with on-
anrenicntof thoprostralo Rland K onmmon lo luon
pnit mlddlollfr , and Rives n donl of pain nndnniluty ,
icorosof unefulmrn lo o their lives nnnuallr from
.Ills dlstrcMlnR roiuplalnl * The o so unfortunate na
: o bo ailllctod with tun trouble nlll know tvhoro to KO
.o bo cured.
In addition to Ir.Smith's magnotlo Rift pf hcallnn
lints both a thoroiiKhlr cdiKitiM phyrlclun , and n
Irit-clais surqoun. llo portorunsll opi-mtloni known
toiargory. llo Is thcruforo roinpotent to dUKonrn
Tourcncasclcntlllcally. nnd toll you whether or not
roll ranbneuied. Kpllemy l another innftdlttroi-
Hive complaint that Is seldom benoutlod by ordinary
treatment. Lnitwlntorin Denver , n child wasbrotiKlit
ton block , over Alnx Meyers Jewelry store , nnd is open
tttho public from 0 n. in. until 6 p.m. l-ottera of
enquiry must contain postage.
TKDwholnhHFOI.LYiinqi :
nw TRIPLED away his TlOOIl of I1ODY ,
KflRD and MANIIOOD.caiulng eihnuitlnff
drains upon the FOUNTAINS of &IFK ,
Dr Mns. WBAKNEHB of Memory , HASII-
BTOfcNksS in NOOIBTT , riMPI , Supon
the FAOK , and all the EFFECTS Utidlnir to
TION or IHHAHITY , aliould consult at once
the CELEBRATED br. Clarke , EstabUihed
IBol. Dr. Cl rk has mtdO NERYOVS DE
BILITY. ennONTc end all Dlseosei of
Wudr. It makes KO difference WHAT you
ij v taken or WHO has failed to euro you.
* B-J-KMAIKSsUfrerlnKfromdUoa cip CU.
liar to their i z ean consult with the tusuranca
f ipeodf relief and cure , fiend 2 cents postage
tit works on your diseases. '
W6 nd 4 oonU postage for Celebrated
Works on Clironic. HCTTOUH and D ll >
cote plieoses. Conjultatlon , penonnVy or by
latter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
YbOnsatKlB cqreU. Offlccsi and pnrlora
prtTate. 43-Thoio contemplating Uarrlo > o
tend fat Dr. CInrhe' * celebrated guide
Hnle and Fcmnlo. each ISO. , both 2oc.
< Btamp ) . Befora confldlnn your case , eoniult
Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may
1MB future aufr&ringand ab4me , and add guidon
yean to life. OB-Book Life' * ( Secret ) Error -
ror , " too. feUmiw ) . Medicine and writing !
gent OTerrwher * , icoure from expoiuro.
Hours , 8to8 : Sundays , 9 toll. Address ,
F. t > . OLARKB , M. D.
i CO So. Olark St. . CHIOAOQ. ILL.
State Line.
To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin mid Liveroool
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cabin passage $35 and tuO , according to location
of state room. Kxcurstcm $03 to X ) .
Steerage to and from Ruropo at Lovroit rates
Gen'l Agents , 63 Droadway , Now York.
JOHN BLEGEN. Gen'l Western Agent ,
101 Randolph St. Chicago.
. MOOKES. Agent. Omaha.
NO. 3-1 , . A. NO. 1W. PKOPOSArS 1'OJl
Army Supplies. Headquarters Dent of
the I'latte , OOlce of Chief OommlsHnrjr ot Bnb-
Blatence. Omaha , Nob. , Slay j , 16& . Sealed
proposals , in triplicate , subject to the usual
conditions , will bo received at this ofllco until 12
o'clock in. , cinfral Stahd&rd time , and nt the
olUco of the commissary of subnlsteiico at
Cheyenne Depot , \vyo. . and the oltleesof the
acting commissarloH of Bubslstenco at Korts
Sidney , Neb , Douglas , Utah , Nlobrara , Neb. ,
Itobluson , Neb. , and McKlnnoy , Wyo. , until
11 o'clock a. m , mountain standard tlino , on
Saturday , the Klrd day of June , ! , nt wnlch
tlmo nnd jlnc ( > s they will bo opened In the
presence or bidders , for the f urnlRiiIng nnd de
livery of Hour for Issue ai n component of the
ration. The right Is reserved to tojcct any or all
bids. Blank proposals nud specifications showIng -
Ing In detail the miantltlos icqulied aud giving
full information us to condition of contracts.wlll
bu furnished on application to any ot the abovementioned -
mentioned oflicoi. J. W. llAltltianit , Mai. and
O. S. , U. S. A. , Chief C. 8.
Ill 24-25-20-33-JU-21-23
S , K , FELTON & CO , ,
And Manufacturers' Agents for
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. Do-
tall Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited ,
dee , Straus's ' Building , Foartli Floor ,
lieinnrknljlo fo rpo _ worf ul synipa-
tlietlc toni ) , pllablu nctlou'iind ab
BQlutB durability. . ' yuara'
the beat guarantou of the uxcel-
Icnco ot tlio ! > o Itiatrmiif nt .
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
llomoiopathlo Br > olallst ,
Bp ctaol a Accurately 1'rtstrlbcJ.
) ' , / . aA.Lnn.inn ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Coruur Kth upil jljilglus tit. Offlei
telephone , < ij ; Ito Wouco ( ulttpUuu9 , 509.
DIjOlia3glTnonlir ; r
> al tl ' ctlon In Iho
cure of tiouorrhcea and
- T ! ' " crlbe U and
l safe I u rccouimcnd >
„ ,0 nll , urrererl. (
J. fcTOXtll , M.D. ,
PRICE , ai.oo.
! > /
ihilrVloihrer ! ! * * " / . ' ? < * " " ; f vift
PeWliuuJ ihclr Xt
Uealth , Strength < ! noVwt Muntiord In IU
„ .yJL v j-VTi1l ? jn nivunxaxXCI 13
JJ'MTn my Kr.nth le. TiJl. JlTRilTs niV > > irn ili ,
jMtht Ki ) . J& W eU" of txi > l.8 , " 1 ho Tribunal > , mtr v
W July a , "ThttliMite du UcplUux" tt June , l&O , ryl
roll ii.niii. oaltkl.tMl.tol tn VO
r , Tit *
N ! ' Vtrt. r..j
h Cr,4Ut.MlrM
l r > ( t of roviri > l o it MARRIED MEN
MAURIb dr.1,1 , . .TO. . rT
l > U. j.4 ith lmf BrtllM truiuUilt.l . l
2 < 0 Fulton Street. N w York ,
Tha only road lo take for Des Stotnos. Marsbaltown-
Coilur IlKpldj , Clinton. Dlxon , IJUIIUKU. Mllwankoo
and all points Ka t. TO lha poopl of Nebraska , Colorado
rado , Wyoming , Utah , Iilftbo , NuraUs , Oregon , WAJt-
nglon nnd California , U offers aupcrlpr advantages
nol possible by any other line. . . . . .
Among * few of the nnmerous points of mparlorlly
enjoyed by tha patrons of this road bqlwov-ii Omuh
and Chicago , nro Us two trains n day or 1
COAC111CB , which are the flnoit that hamen brt
naonulty ca.n crnale. lt I'AI-ACKSLKBPINU 0 >
vnlch are models nf cnrofnrt and olditadce. Us 1'
1OH DHAW1NQ 11OOM OAKS , Mnsurpaf r d b
> nd Its widely celebrated 1MLAT1A1 , DINING <
onncll Dlnffs , the trains of the Union 1'nclno Itall *
. .ayconned In union depot with these of tbeOhf-
caco A Northweitern Ity. In Chicago the trains of
this line make close connection with thosa ft all
other Kaitern lines. . . . .
For Detroit , Columbus , Indlanspolli , Cincinnati.
Niagara Kails , nuffalo , 1'lttsbunr,1Toronto , Montrtil ,
Boston , N w York , I'blladolphTa , HalUmore , Waih-
Injton , uudoll points In tbe East. Ask for tlcVou VIA
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
agents cell tlckotl via tuts line.
if. IHJCllUTT , K. P. WIIjBON ,
Gon'l Manager. Gen'l i'ass'r Agent.
W. N. BABCOCK , Qen'l. W lorn A nt ,
D 1S. J IMllALUUlcket Ajtoni.
U. V. WKBl' . City Passenger Agent ,
1101 Farnam St. , OmaUa , Nob.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ry ! ,
Iho Best Route from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St : Paul , Htnnonpolls. Cedar Rapids.
Bock Island , JTrcoport , nockford ,
Clinton , Dahuquc , Davt'nport ,
Elgin , Madison. JnncsTlllc.
Ucloll , Wtuona. La Grossc ,
And all other Important points Bast , Northeast ana
_ For through tlok ts call on the tlokot onent at 1801
Farnam fusel , In barker Block , or at Union l-atiao
Depot. '
l'ullm/m Sleepers and th flneit Dining Cars lolh *
world ar * run on tbo inalr , | line 01 Iho Chicago.fill i
wRUkea & St. PanF ll < way , and every alUauonlf
paid to pastenaen by conruous employes of Ut
n.Mll.LKU , General MapdRor. . (
J. V. 'lUCKlCll. AfHiVcnt Ofnoral Manager.
A. T. II. UAUPUNTUIl , General i'asienner and
OKO. IS.iIfiAri'OIlD , Assistant Gonaral rasienget
and 'ticket Agont.
J.T. ClJtUK. Ueneral Buporlntoudcnt ,
Its main lines and branches include CUIOAOO.
and ecoroa of intermocUato eltloi. Cuoloa oi
routes to and from the Taclflo Cocst. All tranj *
f drain Union depotp. Feet trains of Vine Day
Coaches , cleffant Elnins Cora , mosnlflcent FuU <
man Folaco Oleopera , and ( botrroon OhlcoBo , at.
Joseph. Atchlton end ICanaaa City ) Keclinlng
Chair Cora , Ceata 7roo , to tioldor * of through
Srst-clua tlckcta.
Chlcngo , Kanccs & Nebraska R'y
"Croat Rook lelnnU Route. "
Extends Wcet and Uouthwcst from Koneoa Oily
ondOt. Josuph to I/EL80N. UOHTON , . BELme-
zroxcirnrsoNCAIDWELI , . and all points ta
and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of the
celthratcd Pullman manufacture. 'All eofoty ap *
pUinooo and modem ItoprovcmenU.
The Famous Albert ton Route
Is th favorlta b twoen thicneo , nock1 Tiland ,
Atchlton , Kaniaa Olty nd XflnntapolU and Bt.
Xaui. Ita Walartovrn brunch travonoi the creal
cf Korthom Iowa , Southwestern fiUnnoooto , and
Eaet Central Dakota to Watortown , Spirit Lake ,
Bloux Falls and many other town * and cltlea.
Tbo Bhoit lAna via J ncca and Kankakeo offer *
superior facllltlea to traTol to and from Indian *
opolli , OlncUuiatl mid nth6r Bou tlum polnU.
rorTlckoU. Mops , Jfuldcr * . or desired Informa
tion , npply at any Ouupin Ticket OClctjor addros *
a ca'l Uanaeer. , Oen'l Tltt. ft I'ASO , AtfU
Crab Orclirt\ \ Water Co ,
' " " ory uiLlulr. .
" . ri > i , r.rlr U. u/ , 1
tte I wi" oa lu UI lrr llt ( n iil )
'oil | > iUo-iln | Ini - iu tuiv , inn t
Moodu t