6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. MAY 22. 1888. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO. 12 1'EAHIj STUEET. Delivered by farrier In Any Part of thn City nt Twenty Cents Per Week. II. YV.TH/TON JIANAQEU. TELEPHONES ! flrRiKRss OFFICE. No. 43. NIOIIT KDlTOii. No. Si. THINOn MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spring Roods nt Roller's. Itomcmber the dime concert nt St. Paul this evening. Scats for the pymnaslum exhibition Thtirs- dny evening will bo on Bale nt Uushnoll's tills morning. S. 0. Underwood yesterday shipped to Chi- cngo ninety-four hcnd of ns Hno cnttlo as this county lins produced. The dlmo concert for the benefit of St. An drew's brotherhood occurs this evening. The programme is n choice ono. The republican club meets on Thursday evening nt the ofllco of Stone &Slms to ninko nrrnngemcnt for attending the Chicago con vention. James K. Whetstone nnd Dllla Hrcssmnn , both of this county , were yesterday united in marriage nt the olllco of 'Squire Sohurz. M. McICcnzIo yesterday shipped forty-eight head of HMO cattle to Omnhu , nnd Eugcno Stupfcll. of Hnrdln township , sent over twenty-four head for J , M. Frnzier. J. U. McPhcrson , the well known dcnlcr nnd grower of vegetables nnd fruits , has n Jnrgo lot of nlco yellow Jersey nnd Snnsa- inond sweet potato plants , which ho will sell very reasonable. 'SqulroSchurzycsterdny rendered his de cision In the Hill arson case. Ho has had the matter under ndvlscmcnt for several days , nnd decided to bind the defendant over to the grand Jury in the sum of WOO. CTho work of picking up some of the rub bish nbout the court house has commenced. It is hoped that the grading and sodding will soon follow , and the grounds thus bo mode somewhat in keeping with the beauty of the building. The remains of II , S. Northrup , who died at his home , 7U7 Washington avenue , Satur day night , were taken last evening to Oska- loosn for Interment. The deceased was slxty- flvo years of ogo. The causoof his death was diabetes. John Jack filed an Information in Justice Bigg's ' court yesterday afternoon ngainst Jack Kobcrts for relieving him of $3 while nslccp. A warrant was placed in the hands of Nick O'lirien. and the latter started out to flnd the offending party and bring him before - fore the magistrate. Captain D. U. Clark has Just received the Bud news of the death of his only own nunt , Mrs. Piercy Turner , who died nt Oak Orch ard. Orleans county , N. Y. , on the 15th inst nt the rlpo old ago of ninety-four years. Her four daughters , the eldest nearly three score and ton , wcro nil In attendance at the bed side. side.C. C. K. Mitchell , who has the contract for excavating , prepnrtory to the building of the Men-lam block , will begin work this morn ing. The excavation will not bo deeper than olght fcut. It is understood Mr. Mcrriam is finding no difllculty In securing tenants for his building , oven before the foundation Is laid. It is now thought that ho will make it at least three stories In height , and there is a probability of the commercial college and the Y. M. C. A. occuping the west of the third floor. The location being so central it seems that four stories would prove a pro fitable Investment. Next Sunday the Gcrmanln society will have a great gathering , the occasion being the presentation of a flag by the ladies. The gathering will bo at Bock's garden. Several societies from other places are expected to bo hero. A programme of exercises and other details will bo ur.ado public later. Ar rangcmonts arc being made to provide for the visitors , who with the ladies , will prob ably number several hundred. The plato glass for the government build ing is arriving. Two cases , containing 1,400 pounds each , came yesterday , nnd not n light was broken. The glass is heavy plate , n quarter of nn inch thick , nnd is ns clear as crystal. Glaziers have already begun work Betting it , nnd the work will bo pushed to completion. In about ten days the windows will bo in place and the building will then as- surno n different aspect. The grounds are being sodded , and the Improvement is very noticeable. Buy your mantels , grates and hearth furnishings of the Now York plumbing company. Excursion to St. Louis Convention anil Derby Uaccs. The "Wahash will Boll excursion tick ets to St. Louis nnd return at ono fare for the round trip , $ ll.ii5. Dntcs of sale , Juno 2d. 8d , 4th and flth. Tickets good returning until Juno llth. inclusive. The national democratic convention meets Juno 5th. The lorby races com mence Juno 4th. Excursion tickets will bo sold for reg ular passenger trains , leaving Council Bluffs : ) :40 : p. in. Juno 2d , lid , 4th nnd 6Ui , arriving in St. Louis nt 7 o'clock the following morning. Also for a spe cial train for accommodation of Young Men's Democratic club , of Council Bluffs , nt 7:30 : p , m. Juno ltd , and arriv ing in St. Louis following morning. Secure your excursion nnd 8lcep.er tick- els by applying to J. C. Mitchell , 421 Broadway. Honey at low rates on Ilrst-cltif s inrm security. Burnlium , Till leys & Co. , 102 Main street , Great sale of remnants this week nt Ilarkness Brothers' closing out sale. A Hurnlar AVcops In Vnln. The burglar Murray , who was discovered while going through E. B. Bowman's resi dence Saturday night , had bis preliminary examination in 'Squire Biggs' court yester day morning. Ho repented of his sin when too late , nnd shod copious tears to prove his tiuccrity , hut it would not work , nnd he was bound over to the grand Jury in the sum of 1500. Snyder & Welsh appeared for the de fense. The bail fixed was very light , but It could not bo furnished , and the prisoner hud to go to jail. Don't forgot the great closing out enlo it Ilarkness Brothers' this week. Travelers ) Stop at the Bechtolo. IJroko an Ankle. Daniel Knvanaugh , of Mills county , arrived hero on a mixed train yesterday afternoon. Ho was in such n hurry to got up town that ho did not wait for the train to fairly stop , but lumping off took a tumble , which re sulted qulta seriously. His chief injury was to ono of his ankles. Ho was taken to Dr. Pinnoy's offlco and there cured for. E. II. Shenfc loans money on chattel eccurlty of every description. Private consulting rooms. All uubincss strictly confidential. OfHco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Tlio School Hoard. The regular monthly meeting of the school board was held lust evening , The usual routine business was transuded and bills nl- lowed. Tha resignation of Miss Manguiu was accepted , and several appointments of touchers mudo permanent. The Janitor of the Hill school was discharged and the com- niittco on Janitors instructed to fill the vacancy. The O , B. & Q. will run a special train to accominodtito llio democrats , their friends and the general public , who desire to attend the National Uouio- crnliu convention nt St. Louis , June 5 , or the Derby racoa Juno 4. This train will leave Council Bluffs Sunday , Juno 8 , about 1 o'clock p. in. , ( exact time given later ) arriving ut St. Louia in the morning ( or brpakfust. It will be iinely equipped throughout with chair and 1'uilinun palace cars. The rate will be one faro for the round trip. M. M. Marshall , goucrul ugar.t. Unl9a Abstract ccjnnasy , CW Main street. THE NEWS OF THE BLUFFS , Saloonlats Squeezed By Lawyers , the City and Prohibitionists. A PEEP AT THE RACE STABLES , A Demented Old Sinn Bowman's Burglar Goes AVccntng Behind the Bnrs-Tho I'ollcc Find n Few Offenders. the Snloons. The snloomsts arc slowly dropping into the city clerk's ofllco to pay the fine inflicted by the mayor. Thirty-two have thus far made the necessary deposit , six of them paying $50 each. Ono of these , however , was for two j months , ns the party did not wish to keep i open after 11 o'clock ' , The order In regard to closing Sunday was only partially obeyed , ns the majority of the saloons did considerable business on thnt day. The crowd that kept pouring In and out of the back doors was nbout the same that usually enters by the frontdoors , and many of the saloons wcro ns brilliantly lighted during the evening as on week days. The police reported all the places closed , but the statement was far from true. It seems to bo the Intention of the saloon men to yield n partial obedience ns fnr ns front doors nro concerned for n while nt lenst , with the hope thnt the matter will blow over In a short time , and then run as openly ns over. The tnnyor says , "Tho.v seem to bo paying up pretty well , and will probably nil como to time in n day or two. " Ho claims thnt the matter Is now out of his hands , nnd throws the responsibility of enforcing his orders on Judge Aylcsworth. Said ho yesterday. "What I am nfter is their money , nnd I must have It. If they won't ' pay it they will bo closed up after awhile , but I want to glvo thorn n chnnco. " The fact is that the mayor rather has the odds ngulnst the snloon men ns they arc doing business unlawfully , nnd ho hns inn do up his mind to follow the example of several of the lawyers and bleed them for n neat little sum each month , and they must pay It or shut up shop. "Prohibition does not prohibit , " nevertheless the road Is getting very rocky for the liquor dealers. The laywcrs say to them , "Give mo5 a month or I will lllo an information against you , and o'ut , you go. " They sadly pay it. The mayor then steps up nnd says , "Walk up to the city clerk's ofllco every month nnd deposit $25 or $50 , or I will turn loose my police force nfter you und freeze you out.i" They kick , but hnvo to comply. The tempcrnnco nllinnco folks then enter the ring nnd say , "You must shut up anyway , or wo will prosecute. " Then comes the fight , nnd by the time the snloonlst hijs bought off witnesses , dodged injunctions nnd steered clear of ono enemy ho runs slap against anew now one , nnd comes to the conclusion thnt the man who wants "snaps" nnd "picnics" must keep out of the liquor business in Council Bluffs. St. Louis Convention. The Young Men's Democratic club , of Council Bluffs , has selected the "Wa- bash" route for attending the national democrotic convention , held in St. Louis Juno 6. A special train of elegant day coaches nnd Pullman palace sleeping cars will leave Council Bluffs at 7:30 : p. m. June 3d , arriving in St. Louis the following morning. Parties not members of the club who wish to avail themselves of this contract must make application at once to the transportation committee. W. H. M. PUSKY , ) Transportation D. A. PAKKALL , > Committee , I. A. HENDIUCKS , ) Y. M. D. Club. Tipton has bargains in real estate. The oldest firm , and largest stock of wall paper in the city. All the now shades in ingrains and valours. A few patterns in gilts at lOc per roll at Niles , 402 Broadway. Picked Up By the Police. The Monday morning.grist in police court was rather light , but tills result cannot bo attributed to the closing of ihc saloons on. Sunday. There was evidently no trouble in obtaining the fiery tarantula julco and several were rounded up by the blue coated minions of the law to answer for it to the court. J. J. Klttello , a , horny-handed soil-tiller of this great prohibition state , had como to the Bluffs to surprise his stomach , and suc ceeded. Judtro Aylcsworth then got his work In , and surprised Kittellc's pocket to the tune of $3.00 for n ride in the city's public conch and n night In the bnstile. John Jnok was bled for the sumo amount for n similar experience P. C. Kissel was given n little moro time before being pulled in , nnd had improved his opportunities by spreading the carmine in very wide stripes. For his extra fun ho was held up for $10.10. Jim McAnloy , n drunk , nnd James Har- bosh , a vag , were discharged. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. An Opportunity. The Chjcago , Burlington & Quincy will sell tickets to St. Louis Juno 2 , 3 , 4 , and 6 , which will bo good for return passage until Juno 11 , at ono faro ( $11.25) ) for the round trip , thus afford ing an opportunity for all who desire to attend the Derby races , the national convention and have a good time. The trip via the "Burlington" is a de lightful ono. Its equipments is superior and its road bed unequalled. Dent fail to take it. Ample sleeping car accommodations can bo secured in advance , by leaving your name with CAI'TAIN O. M. BHOWN.Tickot Agent , Corner Pearl and Broadway. Sewer connections nnd house sewers laid by N. Y. Plumbing company. At tlin Drivinc 1'nrk. Although tlio running meeting ib over , the stables nt the driving park are by no incnns deserted. Several stables of the runners have gone , but the trotters nil remain , nnd the work of training for the July meeting has begun in good earnest. A , E. Davis nnd W. J. Weidcncr have shipped their stnblea to St. Louis , and J. P. Davis nnd W. J. Scoles will follow. E. G. Mnrlow nnd W. B. Harrlmnn have shipped homo in the north ern part of the stuto to train a little more before starting out again. J. C. Grail's and P. P. Porter's stables arc already In line con dition and will enter immediately on the season's campaign , Sonio of the horses will remain here und train for the Omaha meet ing , nnd others will soon start out to take in the Kansas circuit , and then return later to go to Chicago , Good work may now bo seen on the truck almost any morning. The entries for the July meeting close on the llth of next month , and n largo number of lively stoppers are already booked for that event. The latest styles in coatings , for spring and summer wear , also pant goods. These are elegant. A. Roiter , 310 Broadway. A Good Idea , If you are going to attend the Derby races or national convention nt St. Louis , either by bpceial train or regu- trains , leave your name with Capt. O. M. Brown , as early as possible for sleep ing car accommodations and avoid the rush faure to occur. Shcafe loans money on real estate. The City Council. The council met in adjourned session last evening. Present Mayor Uohror , Aldermen Bellinger , Lat-y , Mctculf , Weaver , Water- limn and Knephor. The bill of the Council Bluffs Wnter Works company , for tlie exten sion of mains as ordered by the council , $ JTI3.TO , was referred to the tluunco com- initteo aud city engineer. Petition of residents on North Elghfu street fpr side walk on cast pidoof street from Washington avenue to Avenue Q.-wus re ferred to committee on street * nnd alleys. Petition of P. ttriatou auil several others to grade Sixth nvcnuo from Twenty-third street to the river , referred to committee on streets nnd alleys. Petition of Huth Paul for $500 damages caused by chance of grade on Bancroft street referred to the judiciary committee. Petition of Ofllccr &Pusey nnd others for n. li. Williams to bo nllowcd to construct curbing according to specifications was grant , cd , petitioners to ilrst sign bonds. The appointments of John Unrbytc nnd O. II. Whtto ns deputy marshals were concurred in. in.Tho The report of city engineer thnt R. I < . Williams was not fulfilling specifications In regard to slzo and quality of curbing on Gra- linin avenue wns read , nnd the engineer was instructed not to furnish any further esti mates unless the work is done according to contract. Appointments of George A. Jacobs.und A. TUckman as curbing nnd paving Inspectors were approved. On motion of Alderman Mctcalf Edward Pierce was nlso appointed nn inspector. Communication of R. L. Williams asking to bo allowed to sign his bids already sub mitted , placed on fllo. Petition of thirteen residents of Bluff nnd Story streets to change grade on these streets , and n remonstrance against the same referred to n committee of the whole. Committee's reports in favor of granting petitions of J. Kklnklo and others , K. H. Shenfo and others , L. Klnnchnn and others , and II. LefTcrts and others , concurred in , Demented and Aged. In accordance with Instructions the police yesterday took In charge II. H. Anthony , nn old man who has lived In this city for the past year , and will hold him until his rela tions in Camdcn , N. J. , can come for h iin. Anthony is soincwlmt demented nnd has lived on charity during his stay here. His nephew wns hero a short tlnio ngo looking for him , but bo was not to bo found , nnd or ders wcro left to hold him if again seen here. His relatives desire to tnko care of him , and will provide for him comfortably the remainder * der of his life. "Colgate & CO.'H Toilet Soaps are unequalled In appearance , perfume and general peed quality. " tiunitttry Jfcconj , London. < * Personal Paragraphs. Henry Spctmnn , of the Kiel house , was out yesterday to the farm , experimenting with his new corn planter , which promises to be a. valuable Invention. .Mark Do Lisle , of Mills county , was at the Crcston yesterday. A. E. Kobcrts , of Panama , In. , wns at the Kiel house yesterday. C. C. Smith.of Hancock , was here yester day , tiio guest of Mr. Mulholland , who has the celebrated "Cyclone-1 here. J. S. Wheeler and wife , of Mt. Vernon , O. , have gone to Atlantic for n few day's visit , but will return to spend n week or more hero before llnally leaving for their home. Ed Johnson , a DOS Molncs detective , wns In the city yesterday. Mr. J. D. Swing , of Fifth avenue , hns been missing from his homo since last Fri day , and his relatives are very uneasy con cerning him. W. A. Bonn , the pitcher of the Council Bluffs ball club , left for his home in Wake- Held , Nob. , yesterday morning. Ho will re turn Friday. Drink Malto at soda fountain. Slotor lilno Time Table. Until further notice the Manawa motor line will leave the Hock Ihlnnd tracks nt 0,10 nnd 11 o'clock a. m. ; at 1 , 2 , ; ! , 4 and 5 o'clock p. m. and ut 7 , 8 , 0 and 10 o'clock p. m. Wo would be pleased to know of a man or woman who has never had headache or been subject to constipation. As these seem to bo universal troubles a little ad vice may seem in order. Why should persons cram their stomachs with nau seating purgative pills , etc. , which sick en and debilitate when such a pleasant and sterling remedy as Prickly Ash Bitters will act mildly and effectively on the liver , kidney- stomach and bow els , and at the same time tone up and strengthen the whole system ; causing headache , constipation and all such dis tressing evils to quickly disappear. A Cave in California. The opening to this wonderful cave or caves , says the San Francisco Call , lies about two miles from tlio road leading from Adkin to Linkvillo and southern Oregon , and some sixty miles from the former place. It is in Modoc county , and nbout fifteen miles from the famous lava beds where General Can by was so treacherously murdered by the Modoc Indians. Mr. Spalding lives some two miles from the entrance ; to the caves , and was one of the first discoverers , be ing attracted toltho spot by seeing steam arising from the opening. This was during the last winter , , Unlike the lava beds , the country here is covered with soil that produces feed for cattle , and also a straggling growth of juniper trees. The opening , as described , is in a slight depression , and presents tlio ap pearance [ of an exaggerated badger- nolo , just large enough xo admit a man. From thejoponing the descent is a grad ual incline for a number of feet , when suddenly it emerges into a wide passage or passages for a number diverge from this point , and the explorer can choose his own course , the two exploring par- tics thus far having taken different courses. Mr. Spaulding's party con sisted of three persons , and they walked in apparently one direction live hours by the watch before retracing their steps , and wore apparently as far from tlio end as when they entered. For a distance the lloor is dry , but forthor in it becomes muddy , a boft adobe clay covering thn floor , which is smooth , solid rock. The lloor of the cave scorned to bo nearly level , while the roof in many places reached far above their heads , while at other places it came so near the lloor that they were obliged to crawl on hands and knees. Much of the roof is thickly studded with stalactities. At short intervals nil along the route taken by the explorers openings fo other galleries wore been. Tlio atmosphere is oppressively warm , and not a single current of air was mot with to disturb the burning of the can dles , which are a necessity to aid in penetrating the darkness of the place. Not an instance of animal lifo was mot with , although numerous tracks were seen in the mud , some of which were large enough to have boon made by the California lion. The conclusion arrived at by the explorers was that there was perhaps a number of openings nt which the animals entered. About a half mile from the entrance a pool of water , ns clear as crystal and as cold as ice , was encountered. Near this pool evi dences of a number of camnfircs were seen , showing conclusively that the In dians ut bomo time nail visited this place. At ono place a curious pyramid al-shaped hillock was encountered , iso lated from its surrounded by an open passage around and over it. The little pyramid is about fifteen feet high and and perhaps thirty feet through at the base. Ono agreeable feature of the ex ploration of tills cave is that no drop ping of wiiinM * from the roof is met with. From the above it is evident that there underlies this wonderful section a laby rinth of caves and passages which will take time and patience to explore and which when fully explored may add much to ethnology and other sciences. Won't Hawk , 8plt , Buffer dizziness , indigestion , inllamma- tlon of the eyes , headache , lasbitudo. inability to perform mental work nnd indisposition for bodily labor , and annoy and disgust your friends and acquaint ances with your nasal twang and offensive breath und constant efforts to clean your nose and throat , when Dr. Saga's "Catarrh Remedy" will promptly relieve ypu of discomfort nnd suffering , and your friends of the disgusting and ncocllfsb inflictions of your loathsome disease ? I SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. Btoob METCALF BROTHERS. Furnishing Qood9tr- Lowest PriOQ9 , . Clothing , Hats , Caps , cto. ( , MUELLEH MUSIC .COMPA Slodontopf : ' tlr * . Dealer Inx * * * * ffa'rdman , Everdt & Fisher CHy.fc.Counl REAL ESTATE JD8 Miln SU OountU niuffi. laust. _ largest ) QfKngBanh Capital in ana the Surplus city. ' ' \ CITIZENS STATE BANK/ Your Patron > / Solicited. ages - _ - lluffs J"Wr SB I SQUIRE'S COUNCIL BLUFFS , , , . & ' * - . " . . * , rorcgoj.&Mooro's V < , -0. i Pglnb , 011 'Tilr-'v ( Abstracts of T > ttc . 5fc , Wholesale. Santa -T- . \ . . * xvV . - * < No. . 8. Pearl St. ARE THE BEST. JiMPEUE HARDWARE CO. WEIR SHUGART CO. Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Uuggics. H. F HATTENH AUER I always keep in stock a largo variety of eastern. 1 have always a full stock to select from. , , mnko Carriages , which 1 soli atn very low rate. Call and examine. Prices Low. Xo * . ! 27 In : tli Fourth Sli-col. I am always ready to show goods. "DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary. WANTED-LOCAL. AXD TKAVKLIXG AGENTS OX SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. SPECIALndvertlsements , such us Lost , Found. To Loan. For Snle , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding etc. , will bo Inserted in this column at the low rntoof TBN CUNTB I'Ull LINK for the Hrst In sertion mid Flvo Cents I'er Line for each auljai- qiient Insertion. Lenve advertisements at our ollicc. No. 12 1'earl Street , near Broadway , Connell - ell Bluffs Iowa. WANTS. T71OH SALE My residence property corner Sth Jst. . and lth nvo. , conMstlnB of two lots , encli 55x130 ft. ( cornur lot vacantcood ) ; H-roomhouse , turn , Uty water , etc. , will soil hepnrntcly or to- ccther. Jnvcitlguto boon for u bargain. S. T. trench. TTiOH UENT-IMensant furnished room , 23 J-1 First avenue. W 'ANTED A competent dining rooin , also laundry girl. Jlrs. Armour. 3 ) S uth st. WANTED Sevcnty-Ilvo pit-res of Rood , soo- ond-lmnd carpet. A. J . Mamie ! . ' X Uroad- WANTED HoiiBek'o'eper Elderly ( lermnn lady preferred. One child to euro for. Ju- quire at Jtee olllco. FOll SALK At a bargain , 40 acres near stock yards. South Omaha , Neb. . Johnson & Christian. Hoom 36 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha. TS7ANTED Stocks ot merchandise. Have T > Omaha and Council Dluirs city property , alto western land to exchange for goods. Call on or address Johnson tc Christian , Ilocm 33 , Cnamber of Commerce. Omaha. T710II SALK Two line residence properties. - * - Jlnst bo hold soon. Terms to suit pur chaser. Inqune of Johnston At I'atten.ra Main st. W ANTED Cook at the Creston houso. ACCIDENT INSURANCE , $5,000 AT DEATH ! Jlil weekly Indemnity for injury. Costs but $13 per year In the Old Reliable United States Mu tual Accident Ansoclation of New York. , General Agents. Room 3 , Opera House Block. SNYDER & SNYDER M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D. Physician and Surgeon MRS. M. B. SNYDER , SPECIALIST : Diseases of Women and Children , HOT Uroaflway , Council UlutTs. VETERINARY SURGEON. HOSPITAL AND OFFICE 45 FOUBTH-ST. Council Bluffs , la. Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty , CRESTON HOUSE , Main StreetJBouncil Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro EB- oapo. Eloctrlo Call Bolls , Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN , Proprietor NEW SPRING MILLINERY 151-1 ST. , OMAHA , NUB. BANKERS. COuucll Dluffs , Joua. THEO. BECKMANJ1 MANUfACTUUEll OK AND l > iAl , ll IN HARNESS , SADDLES , BRIDLES AND COLLARS. Full Assortment of Harness Ooods Con stantly on Hand. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. NO. 206 MAIN ST. , COUNOIJU IJLiUlfPS. : : IOWA JOHN GILBERT , l AMI ) UKALCH IN WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS. NO. 521 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL , ISLUFI'S , : : IOWA Star Stables and Mule Yards Uroadway , Council ItluHs , Opp. Dummy Depot Horses and mules constantly on hand , for sale at retail or In cur load lots. Orders promptly nlled by contract on short notice. Block sold on commission. Telephone 114. BCIILUTHK , V I10LEY. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UluOTa SPECIU TO TRAVELERS ! ' . I m.m * * A % * m m > + FIRST-CUSS III EVERY RESPECT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 711 BROADWAY. EGAN & KIMBALL , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. No. 652 Broadway , Opera Iloubo Block , Council Bluffs. Telephone No. 281. OGDEti BOILER WORKS - : - - : - , CAItTEIl & SON' , Prop's. Manufatturersot All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work. Orders by moll for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction eunrantccd. 10th Avmue. Ad- drew Ogdcn Holler Works. Council Illuffs.Iowa. Pernicious Activity. D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. * a ) and EM Main Street.Council Uluffs.Iowa. MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. HO. 33O BKOADWAT. TELEPHONE NO. 260 NATURALIST AND TAXIDERMIST. T. MOUNTS ItlllUS AMU M ANIMALS TIIUE TO NATUIIE. AL.L , WORK GUARANTEED. NO , OJO MAIN STUEET , : COUNCIL BL.UPFS . , 1A. Orders taken nt Collins' , or nt Hnrdcn'a Oun Store , Omaha , See "CTsu No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPliETK ASSORTMENT OP FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES , BOTH DOMESTIC AMI ) FOREIGN. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. & Architects and Superintendents. Room 3 > Qpera House Block , Council JJlaffs. DTDI/'TMDTMP Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer , DmiilllDlllJj , Plans , Estimates , Specifications. Su pervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs Iowa. UTTPIfE Attornoy-at-Law , Second Floor Brown DUIlJiDj Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Justice of the Peace. Office over American N. . Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffa , Iowa. Xf QTMQ Attorneys at-Law , practice in the State ( X 011110 , aud Federal Courts. Office Kooms 7 and 8 , Shugart Bono Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WftAftlUTBV JPr CflWQ Dentists. Office corner o fflUUilDUttl fflbUMO , , Pearl Stand First Avenue FINE GOLD "Womc A Dentist. Corner Main street and First C. avenue. Sur and C. E. , Ordinance Grades and m , Grading Estimates. Drafting. 501 Broadway , cor. of Main , Room 5. _ WABMflB K I T flW "AroiTitoot and Superirirendont. . YKAlUlM ALLml , Room 2 , Opera House Blocl Council Bluffs. 1H42. INCOIII'OBATKD 1878 CO. , MASSILLON , OHIO , MAXUFACTUHEHS. Ebjieclally DeMgncd for SIZES FROM MILLS , ELEVATORS 25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : ENGINE- Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa , ' . . . . bUND l-'OIl OA.TA.IjO.fjUIS. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. 11' I'OIJ HAVffi A.VV- SECOND-HAND STOVES OR FURNITURE C'ull on .31. miOJILilC'll , 5SIS Ijtromlway , wlioru yp will receive Iliu Hlylie l < ; u li Price.