Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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As Mrs. Louis Goldsmith was passing
down Fifteenth street , near Fnrnnm ,
yesterday , she stepped on n banana
peeling and fell violently , breaking two
of the bones of her hand.
Alexander Hume appeared last night
before a largo audlenco nt the Grand ,
opera house , giving a most pleasing ex
hibition of what ho called spirit power
in the light. All his experiments were
successfully performed and appreciated.
A Japanese rope dancer , who carne
hero with a small circus from St. Joseph
yesterday , \vns found to bo suffering
with the menslcs and was taken to the
central police station. During the day
a number of Chinamen dropped in , hav
ing heard it was one of their country
men , and expressed a willingness to
help him all they could. The circus
people seem to have utterly abandoned
Personal I'lirncrnplis.
.Tmlro Incgcr , of Clindron , Is In the city.
E , N. Moore , of Fremont , Is nt the Paxton.
W. H. H. Dunn , of Lincoln , Is nt the Pax-
H. JI. Robinson , of Klmball , Is nt the Pax-
John P. Allison , of Sioux City , Is nt the
Ocorco \Vcdgowood , of Lincoln , Is nt
the MilVil.
S. J. Ooodmnn , of Talrangc , Neb. , Is nt
tub Mllliml.
J. H. Ilnwloy , C. W. Moshcr and wife , nntl
3. W. Maxwell , nil of Lincoln , are nt the
Pnxton ,
Frnnk Hatton , cx-jioslmnstcr Renoral of
the United States , and n Inmous Journalist , Is
at the Paxton.
George ICcnncdy , O. E. Green , O. F. Fairchild -
child , J. A. Osborn and II. A. Klloy , of
Genoa , arc at the Paxton.
Civil Service Examination.
There was a slim attendance at the civil
service examination held at the custom house
Saturday , them being only five applicants
for positions. Mr. Waters and Mr. Fltz-
tmtrlck , respectively superintendents of the
1-cgjstry and money order departments of the
Omaha postofllcc , are assisting the commis
sioner from Washington lit the cxam'natlon. '
This la the third civil service examination
held hero slncu the era of great reform set
Cox Tnkcii lo Crcston.
The city marshal of Crcston , la. , arrived
in Omaha yesterday to taKe charge of John
Cox , who has been hold in custody hero for
several days past for a supirascd implication
In n burglary of Fuller's hardware store In
Crcston. The Roods found In Cox's posses-
felon have .been indcntillcd by Mr. Fuller ,
and It is thought that thcro is a pretty clear
case against him. Last evening the irmr-
ehnl loft with his prisoner for Creston , and
' Cox looked anything but Joyful over the pro-
'posed trip. _
I'ourth of July Demonstration.
There will bo a meeting of delegates from
all trade and labor unions and Knights of
Labor assemblies at southwest corner of
Twelfth and Farnam streets , this evening , to
hiako arrangements about a grand demon
stration on July 4. The first step toward
this matter was taken last Monday evening
by the Laud and Building association. Thcro
was not enough time to notify nil organiza
tions In time to elect regular delegates. In
View of this fiict , all ofllccrs of labor organ
izations are Invited to attend this meeting
until they have time to take official action.
The Danish Baptist Churoli.
Yesterday morning , nftcr a number of
months of patient devotion , the Danish Bap
tists of the northern part of the city , dcdi-
dated their Htvlo church on Dccatur street
between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth.
It is'amort eat little edifice , the seating ca
pacity of which is scarcely moro than a hun
dred people , It is a frame and twenty by
thirty feet in size , with a small alcove In
which Is situated the rcadlnp dcslc. The
building cost ? 7U5 , and this fund was secured
by the liberal donations of the small colony
of Danish Baptists In the vicinity. The
membership of the society is only about
thirty , though it Is expected that the num
ber will gradually bo Increased to the capac
ity of-tho church. The church Is out of debt ,
eo that with good management It
B.tartswith . a promising future. The
'society has been in existence for BOIIIQ time ,
having liold exercises "first in the Baptist
'church , Fifteenth and Davenport streets ;
next In the churches of the Latter Day
Saints on Cuss and Chirk streets. They wcro
.hold by Hev. U. A. Hlchcnbach of Council
Bluffs. Now , however , the members have a
resident pastor , the Rev. Mr. Matsou , form
erly of Dakota , who held services in the
morniug and who made a most favorable Im
pression. To supixjrt this gentleman will bo
a labor upon this little Hock , but the members
seem disposed to accept the responsibility.
The morning services were conducted in
Danish while those in the afternoon were In
English and wcro taken part In by Hev. Mr.
Chirk and Hev. Mr. Hlchcnbnch , the old pas
tor. The church Is as yet without a choir ,
but this will bo supplied ns soon as possible.
The trustees are Andrew Busk , H. P. Sorcn-
Boii and Anton Peterson. Services will beheld
held hereafter every Sunday ,
Smoho Soidonborg's Figaro anil got
'tho boat 6-cont cigar in the world. Max
.ifc Co. , wholesale depot.
The best of all spring medicines i
Tn.rrant's Seltzer Aperient.
Dr. McGrow. Rectal , urinary & priv
ate diseases only. Room Q , Barker bl'lc.
Shetland pony for sale by George A.
Koclino , CoiinciJ Bluffs.
I have opened my Woodruff granite
quarries and can 1111 all orders of almost
any dimensions. Hock can bo seen at
htono yards of Win. Tyler , Lincoln ,
\ Walnut Hill Citizen Arrested on n
Queer Cliiir ; > ( ) .
M. T iwBon , a citizen In good standing nt
Walnut Hill , was Incarcerated with the
felons at the central pollco station yesterday
en tlio rather strange charge of stealing a
burn. Nut Cahltui , a neighbor , claims pos
session of tlio building , nnd says ho merely
routed it some time Pinco to a gentleman
nuincd Waller. When the lust mimed gentle-
jnun got through using it ho sold it to Liny
ton , claiming that ho had bought it from
Uahlan , Luwson commenced moving the
structure yesterday , when u terrible row was
raised. The building was llnully transferred
to UIWSOII'K lot and Guhlau came up town In
post haste and complained to the pollco that
Luwson had stolen his barn , The officers
wcro inclined at first to ridicule the com
plaint , but when they taw that Gahlan was
Hobcr nnd in dead earnest the patrol wngon
ivus sent out on that long Jodrnoy and re
turned uu hour later with Lawbou in
Crow's Superlative flour ; bnkore want
When you come to Omaha atop at the
Globe , the best located $ ! -n-duy hotel
in town. Between liHh and 14th streets
on Douglas.
Stop at the Glebe hotel.
I. MuoU&Soii'B HolHtelu Herd.
The auction Bale at the fair grounds in
Omaha next Friday the U5th will alTord
the citizens of Omaha u rare oppor
tunity to secure what every family
Bhoufd have , n llrst class milch cow.
The herd consists of bulls , cows and
Calves all thoroughbred Holbtoins regis
tered and warranted as roorescntcd.
The HolBtoins nro noted for being the
post milkers in the world , the casiobt
Kept and to docile iii disposition that
they are regular household pets.
Catalogues of the herd can bo scon by
calling at the olllco of the'Omaha Fair
Dssociutioa , 213 South..l4th bt.
Crow's High Pa'tout Hour
Ono Moro Wook's Festivities nt
Jones' May Festival
Barnnin'fl Circus Could Not Draw
Programme or ] Glvo ftfl Much
I'lcAfliirc Tlio Lnst "Week's
Greater Crowds.
That all may enjoy the benefits of the
greatest sale of men's ' attire ever known
in the west , Jones' May'Festival will bo
continued ono wool : . The suits offered
in this salonro this season's productions
choice styles and splendid qualities. A
larco number of suits will bo added to
special lots of men's suits and if possi
ble this week's bargains will oxceccl
those of last week. The sales open this
morning with
both snck and 4-button cutaway tailor-
made , suits , elegantly trimmed , made
frotfi Llppit's silk mixed cassimores ,
fine Scotch cheviots and extra qualities
of fnricy worsteds , every suit in the line
worth from $15.00 to $20.00 , all at $10.00
n suit.
150fino all-wool business suits intulo
from silk mixed cnssimorcs , Bannock-
burn'cheviots ' , "Wendell , Fay & Co.'s"
fine indigo blue llannols and neat pat
terns of worsted and cassimcrcs , worth
from $10.00 to $15.00 per suit , all at $7.60.
Men's strictly all-wool gray and brown
cassimoro suits , blue tweed suits , and
suits made from neat cheviot patterns
in gray and brown mixtures , all at the
unprecedented price of $5.00 per suit.
Besides the astounding bargains in
clothing , nice styles in men's crush hats
at 44c.
Genuine "Now York Mills" white
shirts , all sizes , 60c.
All ever silk-faced suspenders , 2oc.
Choice patterns in men's all-wool
trousers , cheviots and cassimeros , all
colors , worth $3.60 , 82.50.
Gent's Zylonito collars , all styles , 15c.
Gentlemen's fine bleached drill draw
ers , worth 50c , at 27c.
Traveling-trunks , good lock and end
fastenings , 07c.
Men's extra fine flannel shirts , silk
embroidered , worth $2.50 , at $1.47.
Men's corduroy pants , brown and
inouso colors , worth $2.60 , at $1.59.
Boys' Norfolk suits , genuine Assabot
cloth , ages 4 to 18 , fast colors , $3.50.
Gents' full size fancy bordered cam
bric handkerchiefs , fast colors , at 4c.
Boys' stylish straw hats , black and
red bands and bound edges , lOc.
Gents' flannelette summer coats and
vests , stripes and checks , worth $2.00 ,
at ! )0c ;
Men's crinkled seersucker vests , lie.
Men's full size fancy bordered cam-
brie handkerchiefs , fast colors , worth
lOc , nt 4c.
Men's heavy seamless socks , blue
mixed , worth lOc , and men's black and
white mixed.i hose , white heels and
toes , at 5c.
Men's superfine British i hose 12Jc.
Men's finest grade superfine British i
hose , worth 35c , at lc. ! )
Gents' genuine Mackinaw braid straw
hats , wide silk bands , correct styles , all
sizes , worth $1.00 , 47c.
Men'S.goIden balbriggnn summer un
derwear ; silk embroidered , worth 75c ,
at 40c.
Gents' felt derbys , in light colors ,
correct styles and in every way a gen
tleman's hat , at $1.00.
Boy's fancy- check jacket and pants ,
suits sizes 5 to 10 , at $1.13.
These are only a few of the marvelous
attractions-of this great salo. Mail or
ders promptly filled and goods sent C.
O. D. expressage prepaid on orders
of $5.00 and upwards. All goods not
satisfactory can bo returned and money
will bo refunded. Thus are the advan
tages of this wonderful sale brought to
the door of every citizen of Nebraska.
Don't hesitate or tlelay , but attend this
sale at your earliest convenience , or , if
impossible to do this , use the mails.
1309 Farnam street , Omaha.
"Tho Ovorlnml Route"
Have arranged to run extra coaches
on suburban trains leaving Council
Bluffs at 12:45 : and 1:45 : p. m. , returning
leaving Omaha at 0:16 : and 7:15 : p. in. ,
and on trains leaving South Omaha , at
12:55 : and 1:55 : p. m. , returning leaving
Omaha at 0:03 : and 7Ki : p. m. , on Sun
day , May 20 , to accommodate those desiring -
siring to attend the base ball game
between the St , Louis and Omaha teams
in this city.
Valentino's Shorthand Institute hav
ing outgrown its former quarters has
removed to the now Paxton block. Wo
now have the largest and handsomest
schoolroom in the west , and the largest
exclusive shorthand and typewriting
school in the United State. Call and
see us. Take elevator at Fnrnam street
entrance sumo as to public library.
Stop at the Globe hotel.
Ask your grocer for Crow's High Putout -
out Hour. Best Hour in market.
Found Dead In Red.
About daybreak yesterday morning when
Peter Anderson , nil employe in Henry
Ifugcu's. bakery , 510 South Tenth street ,
went Into the back of that shop where
Chester It. Mason , another employe , Is ac
customed to Bleep , ho was startled with the
unnatural position in which Mason was
l.vluif and the deathly pallor upon his faro.
ThluUhiK the old man wasslclc ho went up to
him to render assistance , but on placing his
hand on the forehead ho found it Icy cold
and that the heart had ceased to beat. The
old man had been dead probably four or live
hours. Ho was about sixty years of ago and
had been In the employ of Mr. lliignu for
some time. The last fuw wcolis ho has bcou
in poor health ana the physicians pro
nounced Ills ailmuiit dropsy. An Inquest
was held at 0 p , in , , and a verdict of death by
diopsy of the heart rcndcicd.
The deceased was In indigent circum
stances and has no relatives in this part of
thn country. He has been heard to speak of
11 sister of his named Mrs. Paine , who re
sides at Ann Arbor , Mich. , and she has been
telegraphed concerning his death. For many
years be was a stage driver. The remains ai
present uro lying at Drcxol & Maul's.
Union 1'aclfle ,
Will sell through tickets to St. Louis ,
Mo. , to parties desiring to attend tUo
National Democratic Convention , to beheld
hold at that place , on Juno 6th , at ono
faro for the round trip , from points in
Nebraska and Kansas. Tickets going
good Juno 2nd to 5th , inclusive , and re
turning Juno Oth to llth , inclusivegood
for continuous passage only in each di
rection ,
Crow's Patent Hour takes the lead.
Stop at the Glebe hotel.
Reduced Fair For Fair School Plains
niul FcdnKouuiitJ.
County Superintendent of Schools Hruncr ,
who hits just returned from a ten ilujtf visit
to. Chicago and Cleveland ; Ohio , nt once in.
tcrcstcd himself in working up. a boom
Whereby Nebraska's teachers will bo well
An opportunity of Special Importanc6 ( for cash buyers throughout the west , Specials in Children's
Suits , prices , $3 , $4 , and $6.
Continuation of the sale of Sawyer Suits , Price $12.00.
Continuation of the sale of Dplan Suits , Price $8.00. „
Continuation of the sale of Blue Flannel Suits , Price $8.00
OUR orders by mall and express for
the bargain susts'advdrtiscd were larger
during the past month than wo had an
ticipated. Scarcely a dity or town in
the Western States that have not sent
liberal orders. This is OUR method of
advertising , and wo propose to continue
it , knowing that every article sent in
response to these orders will bo a last
ing advertisement for the CONTINEN
LOT 2705. Price $3.00. Wo offer 150
Boys' Scotch Plaid Norfolk Blouse Suit
at the merely nominal price of $3.00 ;
these are in regular sizes from 4 to 13
years old , and as pretty a style and as
serviceable as any that wo have been
able to make up this season for a much
higher price.
LOT 2304. Price 84.00. Tills is a
very choice lot in a neat mixed Cheviot
a good serviceable color and cut in the
same sizes for Boys' from 4 to 13 years
old. A now lot which has been made up
to sell for $0.00 , and wo unhesitatingly
oiler this as ono of the Best Bargains
ever offered this season in this depart
LOT 23C3. Price $5.00. This lot is
offered to those who want something in
a little darker color than the other lots.
This is a very neat black and brown
"We will send packages containing suits of clothing , furnishing goods , cloths and woolens of all kinds kep
in our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , Dakota , Colorado , or Wyoming , C. 0. D
giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of
seeing .any article of merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for them , and if not perfectly satisfactory , returning
goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding $10 may be returned at our expense.
TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfactory
results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they do not please you.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland3 Loomis & Co.
NEW YORK - . . . -
DES MOINES ; „ Proprietors :
Corner Fifteenth. ; and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
represented at the meeting of the National
Educational association to be held at San
Francisco in July next. At the last assembly
of the Nebraska teachers association it was
resolved to attend the convention if liberal
transportation rates could bo secured , and
Mr. Uruner is now prepared to announce the
following : The faro from Missouri river
points to San Francisco ami returnincluding
ccrtlllcaUi of membership of the National ed
ucational association , will be * SVJ. The 13. &
M. and the Union Pacific railways offer the
very best accommodations and on un
usually generous terms. The Denver
& Hio Grande also offer a very
liberal rate to parties , large or small , thus
giving nn opportunity to travel over the
grandest scenic railroad in the world. Thcso
offers are made to Ncbrasko teachers and
their friends , and hope to have the state well
represented at the great meeting at San
Francisco. Make up your parties , apply to
the local railway agent of either the Union
Pacific or H. & M. , and you cancuro the best
transportation mid on the very lowest terms.
For further information apply to your local
railroad agent or to Dr. George L. Farnham ,
state director national educational associa
tion. Peru , Neb. ; Hon. George I ! . Lane ,
superintendent of public Instruction , Lincoln ,
Neb. ; H. M. .Tames , superintendent of city
schools , Omaha , Neb. ; Henry N. Hiako ,
treasurer of Nebraska schoolteachers' asso
ciation , Hcatricc , Neb.
. Union I'aclflc ,
Will sell through tickets at ono faro for
the round trip , from points in Nebraska
and Kansas to parties desiring to attend
the meeting of the Supreme Lodge ,
Knights of Pythias , to bo held iii Cin
cinnati , Ohio , Juno 12th to 10th inclu
sive. Tickets good going Juno 8th to
liith and returning Juno liSth to lth ! ) in
clusive , with continuous passage- only in
each direction.
Itonl Estate TrunsforH.
Clms H TKnny ( sing ) to Minnie I , Janes.lot
1 , 4. blk 1 , South Kvolmngo Pliicr , ij r. . . $
Mlnnlo I > Janus anil Imttlmnd to Delia
I'lillllppM , lot 1 , , bile 4 , Hoilth r.xclmiiKU
l'lacew l 1,100
It II Bmlth ( Sinn ) to .las i ! Swetimm.undlv
; , of oSlft. lot 7 , blk 74 , South Umalni ,
w.l . . . . . . 1,375
Win A ( Jnnlnerct alto Albert I'Whitford ,
lot fi , blk L , fc'aunilerd' & Jllmubaugh's
ndd.Wil „ 450
Ulla K l.iitsou ( sing ) to Kamiy M I'olter , lot
M. 81. blk 4 , Luke Vlew.wtl 703
1'eter Ooos and \\ito to Julius Schliip.
lotti " and U Ilk a , ThoiniibonJcCJocs
add.wcl s 2,600
8 K Itogcrs and wife to St. I'utrli'k'a
church of Omaha , e 1 n of w 1U ft lot 4
blk 6. B K JtOKers1 add , n c 1
l.uthor Koimtzuand wlfu to llertmlco &
Can lay. lot a blk 1U , Knuntro 1'lace. wrt 2,100
J A Mlhoy single , toVI1 l.ariou , lot C
blK N ) , Lowe's Ibt add , w d 000
John Keuuelly imrt wlfti to Kute Kevbhun ,
lot 8 blk 10. H U Honors' add , w d 205
J 0 Her and wife to Dennis Cunningham ,
undlv U , lots 1 and 3. blk 1. and lots 1 , 2 ,
a and u 3-5 lot 4 , blk 7 , Uunulnglmm's
bub , nc . , . . . 6,700
Jnmos It Hlcii and wlfo to O MrUve , lots 8
R"tJ W bU ? ui ItaunJeis & Hlmobaugira
odd , W < Y , 1
Helen U Clark and hunbana to JI V lloys ,
nH lot 13,11 awe's add. wd 1,500
Martin TMurphr and wife to Katie 1'
WreenlotSfcMurphy's add , wd 400
Hans N Jensen and wife to John Lewis ,
lot 1blk4 , Artonplace , wd 4,000
Sarah J Tiittle and husband to Nancy I
Mathowu , lot a , blk 7 , Hertford place ,
wil , 1COO
G M Hitchcock and wife to A J Qulstganl
lots 8 , 4 , D. 8. 7 , 8 and V , blk 2. Hljchcook's
istadd. w \ 3,160
L1' I'ruyn and wife to Anna L MoOre ,
part lot 24 ! { . Mtllard A ; Caiawcll'u add ,
w d COO
Herman Kountze and wlfu to J H Loomis ,
lot 10 blk 15 , Konntzu place , w d 1,800
A O IiiKhram and wife to William ( Jib-
son , lot Uhlkifl. Hanscom place , wU. . . 3,603
Cliarlotteo K Twiner nnd husband to
Klla J Patterson , lot 1U blk U , Summit
pluew d 2,500
W A Hedlck aud wife to Morris Morrison ,
lot 6 blk B , s e Uogers' add , w il 8,700
T\ventytwo , transfers , aggregating W5.183
Union Pacific.
'Will soil through tjckots at rate of ono
faro for the round trip , from points in
aud Kansas , lo parties dcsli-
strtpo , not showy nt nil but rcry genteel
perfect fitting and thoroughly made in' '
Norfolk Blouse style , same sizes as the
other lots Wo do not expect to dupli
cate as good a suit us this for the money
this season. The suit 1ms been marked
on our counter .for $7.00 and wo know
that every ono taken out of our store
will give perfect satisfaction. Homotn-
bor those are short points suits only.
Continuation of the sale of the
MM GO'S. '
Fabrics. There are only two Colorings
loft on these celebrated suitiiig8and wo
offer them until they arc entirely closed
out at the same unapproachably low
price of $12. per suit. No moro desira
ble material can bo offered for a bus
iness suit than those goods arc , being
purely all well fabrics and goods that
have stood the test for years.
LOT 3521. In this lot wo have about
100 suits loft in single breasted Sack
Coats , in sizes from 35 to 44. The very
best Sawyer Woolen Go's. , Double and
Twist Spring Suitings , now light grey
and brown mixture just made up in our
very best manner , and never , during
the twelve years that wo have been sell
ing this suit has it over been placed on
our countersatlcss than $18.
Wo do not need to commend the cole-
.broted Sawyer Woolen Co.of Dover , N.
II. , but unhesitatingly pronounce them
the best manufacturers of line all Wool
Suitings in New England. No shoddy.
ing to attend the National Republican
Convention to ho hold in Chicago , Juno
10th. Tickets good going Juno 10th to
10th , and returning Juno 20th to 25th
inclusive , with continuous passage only
in each direction.
The following marriugu liR3nso3 wcro
issued Saturday by Judge Shields :
Name and Residence. Age.
( Frederick L , Chcsnoy , Abington , 111 . 2J
I Elba Sheats. Kirkwood , 111 . 1'J
William H Lewis , Council UlufTs , la. . . .US
Ophelia K. Uroiilmrd , Murohnlltown , la. . ' . ' 5
Anton Ucncsch , Omaha . ' 'h
Franziska Khiva , Omaha . " 9
I Christ Multzenburg , Omaha . 2t >
1 Louise lionhnrt , Omaha . 2 ! )
( Fritz Donkcr , Omaha . UT
I Wilhcltnto Anderson , Omaha . 'Jl
The Union I'aclHc.
Will hell tickets from all Kansas and
Nebraska points lor the special ex
cursion to Salt Lake City and return.
Juno Oth , at one fare for the round trip.
Tickets going good live days , and re
turning fifteen days , extreme limit
thirty days. Stop-over privileges al
lowed within those limits. Parties de
sirous of visiting Garfluld Beach , on
Great Salt Lake , the famous watering
place of the west , should improve the
opportunity now offered.
It is well known that graftsfrom bear
ing trees will come into fruit earlier
than trees from hced , and , on the same
principle. , gardonern secure early toma
toes by keeping root cuttings of tomatoes
over winter in greenhouses , which
causes them to bear curlier than those
from seeds when planted outside.
Thlspowder neYer varies. A marvel of purl ,
ty.strengtn and wholeHomonoss. More ecotiom
leal thanthB ordinary kinds , and cann"t oe otn
Incompetltlonwltn the multitude of low cost ,
shortwelKhtalumor pipphRte , powders. Bold
In A MON"rU can bo made wort
IU lnn for in. Agcnti rrefcrreJ
who can furnl b tlu'lr own lior ci und ulve tliolr
wUolellmotothobu luc . Hparo momenta uiaybe
jirutTtittly umplojred uUo. A K-w Turinilei In to c
undi'UIci , II. F.JOUSBOS ti Co. , luw Malu bt. . lllf u
l , Vu. Mentlou tuo Omatiu lice.
CpaROFt F/ot' FOWLER , Moocu ! . Conn ,
flocks or cotton is used in any of their
fabrics. Do not forgot the price , only
LOT 3514. Wo olTor 100 of the well
known Velour Cloth Finish Sawyer
Woolen Go's. Suits in avcrydarlc Oxford
mixtiiro , n small neat check pattern ,
one of the most popular styles the mill
has over made , suitable for cither bus
iness or dress purposes. Single breasted
Sacks , regular sizes in Spring weight at
the same extremely low price of $12.
LOT 352o Is a Single Button Cuta
way Frock Suit of this Dark Velour Fin
ish Sawyer of which wo have made up
about 60 Suits , as a largo number of our
customers want a frock .suit of these
celebrated Sawyer goods. Wo have
made up n few suits of this slmdo in
regular sizes from 35 to 44which will bo
Bold at the same extraordinarily low
price as the others , $12.
Wo continue the sale this week of the
noted Dolan Cheviots , in regular sizes.
31 to 44 , comprising four different styles
and mixtures at the wonderfully low
price of $8.00 per suit. Thcso are strict
ly all wool goods , free from shoddy ,
durable and right in every respect. No
suit in this lot ought ever to bo retailed
for less than $12 , but wo offer this ns an
attractive bargain in Men's low priced
Business Suits.
Will buy one of
our nobby Spring
SuitH in Worsted ,
line Cassimcro , or
Scotch Cheviots '
> MN ( li FJ ,
1 si ! & ! < * . * " " lc l)0Pu''ir ' '
V $8 $ V\ c ° l ° ra ulll styles.
Real bargnimTthnt
cannot fail to be
appreciated by thei
dibcerning. "Woi
are aware that ix-j
KxrjissiVM goods
nro largely adver
tised this season , ]
but all of them
cannot stand the
© test of close in
spection. Wo our customers to
examine our stock , and thurt witiBfy !
themselves of its quality and our
Vose < fc Sons
Instruments exchanged , rented and cold on
Easy Payments , below
Instruments slightly used at
Max Meyer & Bio , ,
Omaha , Neb.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic Speclullit ,
tit AND NOSE ,
Spectacle * Accurately I'f eierlbed ,
' . J.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Olllce N. W Corner ilth aud Douglas tit.
telephone. ii ; Uuatdeuca telm'lione. '
/ou neu.
weukoeu. unnatural os c . * < iVdESeretfoiu
vleor or development ,' JjAT/JSr.
xcc Mi . tto. Koluall * look i i u ? ' / " ' _ . .
_ - DRS. S. & D.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colo.
Of the Mnsenm of Anntomv , Bt. LoiilB. Mo. Mem.
bcra of Unlvi-rnlty Collcgu fiotnltal , London. M. IJ.
Ble un , Germany nnrt New York. liavttiK devoted
tliclr attention specially to the treatment o ? v
Nervous , Ctonic & Blood Diseases
More especially these arising from Imprudence , In.
jlto oil so sulli-rliiK to correspond ivlihoiit delay.
Olncnucs of infection and contoulon cored afcly ami
ipccdlly wltliout n o of dnimeram rimes. 1'ailcnl !
whono ra eu Iirivo been nmU'ctwI. liurtly treiited or
pronounced Incurable , eliould nut fall t < > wrlto us
coneernliiK tliclr symptom * . All letters rcctlvu 1m-
Biedlalc aitcntlon.
And will bo malleil FIIJ5I5 to any mldrcM upon ro.
colpt of ono 3-ccnt etimip. "rrttctlcal ( ) l > Beratlon on
Kcrvous Debility anil I'livflcal Kxlmustlon. " Aval ,
uablu inodlcul treatlso wlilcli should bo read by all
Addrcsn ,
1742 Lnwronco Street , Denver , Colo.
Union Pacific
"Tlie Ovcrlniul Route. "
Until .Inly ] , 1888 , tickets uoltl for these excur-
Bions will ba good thirty ilayw for tlio round trip
nnd cnn be used ten duys K"DK. | When purcliaH-
erHnre ready to return , these tickets will bo
Hood live days for that purpose. If purchasers
\\Mi to stop short of destination on our llnox ,
BKentH will stamp tickets food to return from
Mich point.
.7. 8.TI5HIIKTS. R. LfWAX ,
- . lT. . A.
" ( ISKll l\aiIUII \ (
Paid Up Cnpilal $2.0,000
Surplus r.0,000
J [ . \V. YATKH , 1'resldcnt.
J.KWisS. ItGKD. Vice I'roslrtont.
j15. . TOU.AMNud Vlcii 1'rpsldent.
\V. U. H. Huuur.s , Cashier.
w. V. JIOHSE , Jnn.N 8. COM.IMJ ,
II.V , V.VTKH , l.l.WIS B , llKKll ,
Hanking onico
Comer K'tli and Farnum Kts.
A General Hanking JlUHlness Trunbactcd.
jtemarkable for powerful svrapji.
tlietle tone , pliable action and ub-
bulme durability , il ) yearn' record !
tliu beat KUflranleB of the excel-
Teiii'ii of tliu'bu In
"Tlie Overland Iloiile. "
Hat so arranged Its Faintly Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M
J. Greevy , Passenger Agent , Council Hlufft
Iowa. The reservations when made are
turned overto the train conductors taking
outsuchcars , sothat passengers can now se
cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman
berth is reserved and secured.
J. B.TBnUKTB. 13 , Jfc ' ' ,9s.1 'H" '
Gen. I' , k T. Aftent , At > 't O. V , k T , A.
Fasl Colors , Price $8,00 $ ,
LOT 3500 We offer this week 100 In-
tligo Blue Flannel Suits , mnilo in single
ipid double breasted sacks , rcRtilar sizes
from 35 to 44. The regular price of this
suit has always been 610.00. in fact ,
some dealers have Bold them for as high
as $12.00 per suit , but wo offer them now
at this extraordinarily low price of
Send for Samples.
Send for samples of these goods before
ordering them. Wo will gladly send sam
ples of cloth to any address , or wo would
much prefer to send a sample suit , BO
that the manner of making and trim
ming can bo scon. Wo would recom
mend , however , that self measurement
blanks bo sent for first , so that a sample
suit may bo sent fitted to the parly order
ing , thus saving the trouble of returning
suit .to exchange it. Parties wishing
Children's Suits , please send for lot and
ago they wish , as wo have no samples ol
the short pants suits.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge 3te
BF6 A.O2BS ,
Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for guti
restful treatment of every form of disease requlr *
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard nnd attendance ; best hospital accommo
dation ! in the west.
WHITE FOR CIRCCI ARK on Deformities an ?
Prices , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of 111 *
Spine , Filet , Tumors. Cancer , Catarrh , Ilroccliltlf ,
Inhalation , Electricity , rarolysls , Knilepsy , Kid.
ney , llladtlcr , Ityc , fiir , SUlu aud UlooJ , and alt
Surgical Operations.
DIOOOBOB of Women a Specialty.
Oooic OH DiaiiEia or WOMEN Fni .
All niood DIseasei successfully treated , Syph-
Ililic I'olion remored from the syftem nltiibut
mercury , Nevr restoratlre treatment fur loss ol
Vital Toner. I'ersons unable to visit u * may be
treated at home by corresnondencc , All commu
nications cnnfidentlAl. MedicinesorlnitruiueuM
nent by mall or express , securely pocked , no.
mnrks to Indicate contentb or fender. One per
sonal interview preferred , Call and consult us of
end history of your case , aud we will tend ia
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Jm >
vitency , Syihllii , Gleet and Vnricoccle , with
d'estioa list. Addreis
Omaha SItilleal and fliirptenl Tnilttuteot
Cor. 13th and Dodat III. . OKAMA.NED.
'Tlio Ovorlnntl Itoiilc. "
The Sportsmen's ' , Tourists' and Pleasure
Seekers' Line *
Send for the Neat Little Sketch Book.
"C3-TJ3JT C luTJB 3 TJIjES , "
highly interesting and useful to Sportsmen.
It contains the American rules for trapping :
and shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association : as well as the revised game *
laws of the Western State * and Territories.
Copies sent free upon application to
Gen'ir. &T. At. ( ,
OninliB. Neb.
Tlio Urgeit , fatten anil Hunt In the world.
I'amoniior uccoiumcxlutlons uueicdlcnl.
JVeiv VorkluUliiiauwvlul.oailuiiilrrrv
TinColcbnlvil ,'it unil flni"it I'us-1 Jl'NE Htti
Mtniij hlu M.'iiKi'r pti'imier lu Jui.vlUU
crry OK uo.MKi tim worn. IAIKI. BiU
huloou IUXHKU to CIHVO * . Di'rix. Urerpool , llelfuit
orQueuiutnnii f-.lml.l iipxuMt PIT ( i.u'-tow Steamer -
or * , ( lUuiKt unwurJ * lor 1'itr of Uouit' HviouU-cluit.
l.i ) lutuni uiluixiil ri'Uuiot rati' iiiuilu avullnUla
lor iMIIirr rouU' oflurliix i > ici < r > | l < "il't tliu urlvllego
ot xcliikIlii' NcJrtli iiml houlli vl livluml. Iliu Klver *
Mer ojr aii'l | > Uluiw < | UiM'lyil < MtTlmai Ul Anitior
Jilni * dr4tt puxuliU ) In'ti ul rlihrxu. ulil ut luwcit
lult-i. Kur Lee * , ul touru , tlcXC'U ur ( urttivr lufuriuu-
tlllll H | > 1 > ! / IU
HENDERON BROS. , 72 Li alle SOhieajq , .
Or tp unr of our local aveuta.